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Hypex Electronics BV

Kattegat 8
9723 JP Groningen, The Netherlands
+31 50 526 4993

Ncore Technology White Paper

25/02/2011 Version 0.0 Bruno Putzeys

Ncore® is the trade name for the first significant step in power amplifier performance in a decade.
Building on the stong heritage of UcD, Ncore takes the things UcD does well and does them ten times
better. Literally. Following nearly two years of sporadic unofficial demonstrations Hypex is ready to
announce this ground-breaking technology to the world.

Of course, this being audio, people will not only want to know how well it performs, but how it works. Here’s the

THD and their manufacturers are making much of

1 Synopsis that fact. High time to move onwards and upwards.
Ncore technology combines the stability of UcD
with improved load-independence, lower distortion 3 From practice…
and lower output impedance. The approach is mul-
UcD’s technical success is particularly remarkable
considering the crude theoretical tools available at
 A mathematically exact understanding of self- the time. The original AES paper made greatly sim-
oscillation. This allows optimization of large- plified assumptions about how self-oscillating cir-
signal performance. cuits work. No apologies are made for this: even
today, most literature artificially divides self-
 Improved comparator circuitry insures that
oscillating modulators into hysteretic and phase-
actual behaviour matches the theoretical model
shift types depending on which approximate analy-
as closely as possible.
sis works best, where the same method of the UcD
 New gate drive circuitry improves open-loop paper is still used to deal with phase-shift control-
distortion at moderate signal levels while signi- led modulators. The limitations are well known but
ficantly reducing idle losses. get downplayed as practical or secondary matters.
Most importantly, self-oscillating control loops
 A new control loop ups loop gain by 20dB across
have a non-linear DC transfer function that was
the full audio range without sacrificing stability.
largely unpredictable other than through trial and
Amplifiers using all four of the above will be mar- error. A thoughtlessly designed controller could
keted under the name Ncore. Amplifiers using only easily cause more distortion than the power stage,
the first three will still be sold under the UcD brand at least near the clipping point.
even though their internals no longer resemble that
Louis Pasteur once quipped “serendipity favours
of the well-known 2001 circuit and their perfor-
only the prepared mind”. Well, when the time came
mance is already a clear step up.
to give UcD an overhaul, we were going to get very
prepared indeed.
2 The back story
When the UcD circuit was developed in 2001 the
4 …to theory…
aim was to build, in a minimum of time, a simple
Self-oscillating controllers combine two functions:
circuit addressing the shortcomings of contempo-
to provide loop gain and to turn the error signal
rary class D solutions sufficiently to make it a
into a pulse-width modulated signal. Also called
drop-in replacement for linear amplifiers in cheap
sliding mode control, they are usually credited with
consumer goods. It’s fair to say that the result
three benefits:
quite overshot the target. 10 years on there are still
no competing technologies able to match its com-  Simplicity. There’s no oscillator and yet no extra
bined output impedance, high-frequency THD per- parts are needed in compensation. What chan-
formance and sheer sound quality. However, some ges is how the poles and zeros are placed.
competing products have now come round the cor-
ner that approach regular UcD amplifiers’ midrange
Technology White Paper

 Loop bandwidth. Self-oscillating loops are said Remarkably, an exact oscillation criterium for
to have a wider usable bandwidth/switching square wave oscillators can be derived on the back
frequency ratio. of an envelope . By adding in extra terms for the
harmonics of the square wave it predicts not only
 Robustness. Loop dynamics remain largely
the exact idling frequency, but also the switching
unaffected by significant changes in operating
frequency at arbitrary duty cycles.
conditions such as load changes and compo-
nent tolerances. 
arg  lim− ∑

( )(
1 − e −2 i⋅π⋅n⋅h ⋅ 1 − e 2 i⋅π⋅n⋅h) 
⋅ H (2i ⋅ π ⋅ f ⋅ n) ⋅ e i⋅ f ⋅t  = 0
 t →0
n =1 2 ⋅ n 
The first and last are very real, the middle one is
only true for standard triangle wave based imple-
mentations. Ripple-compensated modulators do A graph of the solutions with H being the loop func-
not suffer from this limitation but they are signifi- tion of a UcD style amplifier shows that the switch-
cantly more complicated. ing frequency follows a roughly elliptical trajectory:

The main drawbacks are:

 Potential demodulation of one amplifier’s carrier

by a neighboring one.

 Significantly non-linear DC transfer.

The former is of a practical nature. It has been suc-
cessfully mitigated in the circuit layout of Hypex
UcD modules ever since their commercial release.
Gratifyingly, other manufacturers of self-oscillating
circuits are still struggling. Of course, once you’ve got the precise switching
frequency corresponding with all values of duty
The latter is the more fundamental one. The classi-
cycle, it’s trivial to work out what the DC compo-
cal analysis of phase-shift controllers has been
nent of the comparator voltage is. Having found DC
extremely unhelpful in this regard. It predicts
input as a function of duty cycle, the DC transfer
small-signal behaviour with passable accuracy but
function of the self-oscillating loop is the inverse of
makes no meaningful predictions of large-signal
that. Here’s the graph for two different sets of com-
behaviour. It consists of first determining the fre-
ponent values:
quency where the loop phase transitions 360°:

arg ( H (2i ⋅ π ⋅ f )) = 0
Next, the nearly sinusoidal waveform at the compa-
rator is treated as an external carrier and small-
signal DC gain derived on the basis of the slope. It
took a while to realise that the classical analysis
was wrong in every way: firstly, only pure sine wave
oscillators run at the 360° phase point. A class D
amplifier is a square wave oscillator. Secondly the
resulting “carrier” waveform at the comparator
input responds immediately to the signal so it can’t This is a very significant result. Switching fre-
be treated as though it were independent. quency may be all over the place but linearity can
be optimized to near perfection. It certainly can be

“Globally Modulated Self-Oscillating Amplifier with Improved
Linearity”, presented at the 37th AES conference, 2009.

1 3
WO2009131440, “Method and control circuit for controlling One of those large brown ones that tend to contain mail-order
pulse width modulation” catalogues.

Technology White Paper

made better than the open-loop linearity of the in the past that it’s understandable how this myth
power stage. That wasn’t obvious from either past arose in the first place.
theory or practice. Being able to optimize linearity
UcD amplifiers are designed to have essentially
removes the single biggest obstacle posed by self-
frequency-independent distortion for psychoacous-
oscillating control.
tic reasons. They typically have a loop gain of 32dB
from DC to 20kHz and open loop THD in the order
5 …and back of 1% (or much lower at low power levels) resulting
5.1 Making practice match theory in in-band distortion products hovering around the
The original UcD circuit has a remarkably simple 0.03% mark for all audio frequencies. Given UcD’s
comparator circuit consisting of six transistors and success on the audiophile front a successor would
two diodes. This is fine until one wants to design have to follow the same spirit. Simply shifting one
optimized modulators and expects the circuit to of UcD’s two real poles to DC would have made the
behave accordingly. At that point a much more numbers look nicer, but would not have yielded a
“ideal” comparator is in order. The final design better amp. Instead, another pole was added to
contains ten transistors, which is nothing compa- obtain a total of 5 poles: one real and two complex
ted to the benefit. The new comparator circuit is a pairs (one pair being the output filter).
lot faster and handles much smaller signals. The The loop gain plot bears closer resemblance to that
match between predicted and actual distortion of a sigma-delta modulator than to that of an am-
performance is now almost exact, resulting in low plifier:
distortion right until the onset of clipping.

5.2 A more muscular control loop.

Early class D prophets foresaw that future amplifier
generations would be running at much higher swit-
ching frequencies and switch very fast. They were
good prophets because as such people always do,
they got it totally wrong. Power FET performance
improves only gradually and any speed benefits
offered by new devices is immediately turned into
Across the audio band, loop gain never drops below
increasing output power and efficiency but never
53dB. Compare this to linear amplifiers that may
raising switching frequency if it can be helped.
have much more at 10Hz, but rarely better than
Switching exceedingly fast is never a good idea
25dB at the end of the audio range. In fact, most
from a reliability and EMI point of view so that isn’t
likely you have indeed never heard an amplifier
happening either. We may expect gain bandwidth
with “a lot of feedback”, although you may have
and open-loop distortion to remain relatively con-
certain ideas about feedback based on hearing
stant for the foreseeable future. Any substantial
amplifiers that you thought had a lot of feedback.
performance improvement will have to come from
Time to try and to be very surprised what it sounds
higher order control loops.
Now I know that error control (“negative feedback”)
5.3 Active stabilization
gets bad rap in some circles. Why this is so is ex-
4 The exact oscillation criterium has a second functi-
plained elsewhere and I won’t repeat the argu-
on: to point out whether there are any unwanted
ments, suffice to say that contrary to myth, a truly
solutions i.e. if the amplifier isn’t liable to “go unst-
large amount of feedback vastly improves percei-
able” that is, operate at another frequency. This
ved sound quality as well as measured performan-
happens when the amplifier clips. If near clipping
ce. If it doesn’t there’s something wrong with the
more than one solution exists, the amp may restart
implementation, not with error control itself. Feed-
at the wrong solution. This may be the right mo-
back has been so badly executed in some amplifiers
ment to insert a plot of the exact oscillation criteri-
um of such an amplifier (an NC1200 prototype).
Different curves belong to different duty cycles, and
“The F-Word” , Linear Audio, vol. 1, April 2011

Technology White Paper

solutions appear as downward zero crossings. The- stated immediately after clip) insures that no noi-
re are two, one at 500kHz and one at 26kHz. ses other than regular clipping distortion remain
inside the audio band.

5.4 Improved MOSFET gate drive

The power stage has to fulfil conflicting require-
ments. Best open-loop distortion is obtained by
minimizing dead time and switching very fast. Best
EMI is obtained by switching slowly. Diode recovery
takes time and turning on the opposing FET gently
helps reduce the recovery spike but increases con-
duction losses after recovery. Lowest idling losses
We have three lines of attack. Firstly no unwanted are to be had with a longish dead time which gives
solutions might exist. This is how UcD works. Even the inductor the time to recycle energy stored in
with no load, there was only one viable switching parasitic capacitances. A rule of thumb is that id-
frequency. ling losses of an amplifier optimized for efficiency
Secondly the unwanted solution(s) may be unre- are about 1% of maximum output power while 2%
achable. This is the case in the example above. As is the more realistic figure for amplifiers optimized
the duty cycle approaches 100%, the graph dips for audio performance. UcD falls into the second
below zero less and less until it no longer crosses category. Along with the new comparator circuit a
zero at all right before clip. The unwanted solution new driver circuit was designed that significantly
doesn’t exist near clipping so there’s no way for the reduces idling losses while actually improving
amp to hop from 500kHz to 26kHz. crossover distortion. Idling losses of amplifiers
using the new gate drive circuit are below 1%.
Thirdly, if nothing else helps, some arrangement in
the modulator may detect clipping and simply
6 Technical Results
remove a few poles from the loop until the coast is
clear. Although a full data sheet is available elsewhere, a
few graphs from a typical Ncore amplifier are
I must admit that making any unwanted solutions shown here. It is the NC1200 module, named after
unreachable is very geeky but in the end the active the fact that it puts out 1.2kW into 2 ohms.
stabilizer won the plot.

Keeping higher order loops stable is a perennial 1

issue in industrial control. In the case of amplifiers, 0.5

previous attempts centered either on detecting clip 0.2

and holding all integrators in reset, or on letting the
integrators clip intentionally near maximum modu-
% 0.02
lation. The former has the advantage of being very
clean and responding only when needed. The latter 0.005

is very simple, but recovers quite noisily and is 0.002

liable to be triggered by fast-slewing signals wit- 0.001

hout being anywhere near clipping. 0.0006

10m 20m 50m 100m 500m 1 2 5 10 20 50 100 200 500 1k 2k
It’s unnecessary to go too deeply into the method
THD into 4 ohms at 100Hz (blue), 1kHz (green) and 6kHz
used to control Ncore as savvy readers will undoub-
tably know where to find the patent. Basically, it is
a half-way house between the two where the onset
of clipping is detected not at the output but inside
the loop itself, and the response is to knock out two
poles while the remaining three keep the amplifier
running normally. Recovery from clip is fast and
the noise-shaping action of the loop (which is rein-

Technology White Paper

1 +1
0.5 -0

0.05 d
B -4
% 0.02 r
0.01 A

0.002 -8

0.001 -9
20 50 100 200 500 1k 2k 5k 10k 20k 20 50 100 200 500 1k 2k 5k 10k 20k 50k 100k
Hz Hz

THD into 4 ohms at 500W (blue), 100W (green), 10W (red). Frequency response at 8, 4 and 2 ohms.

7 Sound
Not so long ago a reviewer, having to test “yet ano-
ther Hypex UcD based amplifier”, yammered that it
really was no fun writing about these things as
“they just sound clean and neutral and do what
they’re asked to do”.

Shouldn’t that be the point of high fidelity? I under-

stand that one of the joys of audio writing is gene-
rating baroque prose to describe the sonic vagaries
(or pleasancies) of products designed expressly so
that reviewers can have something interesting to
HF IMD at 200W, 4 ohms. The IMD of the instrument alone is
write about them, but as an engineer I can’t help
shown in grey.
preferring doing a good job.
The IMD graph shows that the feedback loop is
Reviewers, prepare yourselves: Ncore continues
equally capable of handling IMD products. If I didn’t
along the path set out by UcD and the step forward
include this graph people would say that “feedback
is quite big. If you want to wax lyrically about all
is only good for harmonic distortion but not for IMD
the different sonic colours and textures amplifiers
and stuff with high slew rates”. Of course, including
can add to the listening experience, there’s not
this graph won’t stop them but at least it makes
much to say. If you want to forget completely that
them look silly.
you’re listening to an amplifier, how it’s made and
how it works and instead you just want to get
sucked into the music, this amp is for you.

8 Conclusion
A new class D amplifier was presented that delivers
audio performance and sound quality well excee-
ding that of the best linear designs without trading
in any of the classical benefits of switching amplifi-

Bruno Putzeys & The Hypex Crew

Output impedance.

This measurement was quite hard to make. Output

impedance is lower than the resistance of three feet
of 4 gauge loudspeaker cable. At high frequencies
the inductance of even a few inches will dominate.


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