BAPC 2012: The 2012 Benelux Algorithm Programming Contest

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BAPC 2012

The 2012 Benelux Algorithm Programming Contest

The Problem Set

A Another Dice Game
B Black Out
C Chess Competition
D Digit Sum
E Encoded Message
F Fire
G Good Coalition
H Hot Dogs in Manhattan
I Integer Lists
J John’s Book Stack
These problem texts are copyright by the BAPC 2012 jury. They are licensed under the Cre-
ative Commons Attribution-Share Alike license version 3.0; The complete license text can be
found at:
Problem A: Another Dice Game 1

A Another Dice Game

In the game Pickomino1 one has to throw 8 dice to reach at least a certain target score. The
rules are as follows:

• The dice contain the values 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and worm. The dice are fair, so all outcomes are
equally likely.

• The game is started by throwing all dice.

• After a throw, the player must pick one of the six possible values and put all dice with
this value aside. There must be at least one die with this value.

• After putting some dice aside, the player may choose to either throw the remaining dice
again or stop. The player may only stop after at least one worm has been put aside.

• Each possible value may only be chosen once during the game.

• When the player stops, his total score is the sum of the values of the dice that were put
aside. A worm is worth 5 points.

• The player can get stuck by throwing only values that were already put aside, by having
put all dice aside but not having a worm or by not having reached the target score.

• If the player is stuck he scores 0 points and the game is ended.

Jan is playing Pickomino and wants to score at least n points. When Jan uses an optimal
strategy, what is the probability that he reaches this target?

On the first line one positive number: the number of test cases, at most 100. After that per test

• one line with the integer n (1 ≤ n ≤ 40): the target value.

Per test case:

• one line with a floating point number: the probability that you score at least n points
when using an optimal strategy.

This number should be accurate up to 10−6 relative or absolute precision.

Dutch people may know this game as Regenwormen
2 Problem A: Another Dice Game

Sample in- and output

Input Output
3 0.9934260978934218
5 0.8930267371507457
21 0.0001461079070016448

To reach 5 points it is enough to throw at least one worm. The optimal strategy in this case is
therefore to stop as soon as you have a worm. If you did not throw a worm, you should put
aside as few dice as possible to maximize the chance of throwing a worm in a later throw.
Problem B: Black Out 3

B Black Out
When you’ve finished solving all problems in this contest, there’s no need to get bored, be-
cause we introduce a new and fun game called Black Out! Grab a piece of paper and draw a
table of 5 by 6 squares. Next, choose your favorite teammate to play against. Each player in
turn selects one or more squares that are adjacent and in the same row or column, and colors
them all black. Some of these squares may be black already, but at least one of them must not
be. The winner is the player to color the last square(s) black.
Once you got the hang of it, you might want to try and write your own AI player. You can
then submit it and let it play a few games against our (= the jury’s) player!
After a lengthy analysis, we have managed to prove that the game is theoretically won by
the player who starts, so we’ll gracefully let your player have the first move every time. If
you manage to beat our player in every game, you’ll be awarded another point in this contest.
But be careful: the jury’s player is not to be underestimated and will surely grab any chance
it is offered! If you lose, you’ll get a Wrong Answer. Also note that we are not that patient, so
make sure your player is quick to move.

1 2 3 4 5 6

The move 2 6 5 6 as given in the sample makes all squares from (2,6) to (5,6) black. The squares (3,6)
and (4,6) were black already.

Input and output

This is a problem with dynamic input and output, read the following description very

The first line of the input contains one positive number: the number of games, at most 100.
Then, for each game:

• Your program writes a move on a single line to standard output. A move consists of four
space-separated integers r1 , c1 , r2 and c2 (1 ≤ r1 ≤ r2 ≤ 5 and 1 ≤ c1 ≤ c2 ≤ 6; also,
r1 = r2 and/or c1 = c2 ) on a single line: the row and column number of the two squares
between which all squares are colored black (including the two indicated squares). In
case only one square is colored black, r1 = r2 and c1 = c2 .

• After each move, our program writes one of the following two responses on a single
line to standard input:
4 Problem B: Black Out

– The word “MOVE”, followed by a single space, followed by four space-separated

integers, representing the response of our program. Your program must now make
another move.
– The word “GAME”, indicating that the game has ended: either your program has
won, or our program intends to make a move that ends the game in its favor.

These are the possible causes for some of the possible results of your submission:

CORRECT Your program has won all games. Congratulations!

RUN-ERROR There was an error during the execution of your program, or your program’s
output did not adhere to the specified format and constraints, or all the squares that you
wanted colored black were black already (invalid move).

TIMELIMIT Your program was too slow or it did not respond.

WRONG-ANSWER Your program has successfully completed all games, but it has not won
all of them.

• Make sure to print a newline after your move.

C users:
• Do setlinebuf(stdout); at the start of your program to make sure output is flushed

• If you use scanf to read the moves (which we recommend), then do not read the new-
line character at the end. So, to read the input with scanf, use scanf("%s",s) and
scanf("%d %d %d %d", &r1, &c1, &r2, &c2);.
Also, do not use scanf("MOVE") or scanf("GAME").

C++ users:
• Recommendation: use std::cin and std::cout to read input and write output. This
will ensure output is flushed correctly.

Java/C# users:
• Do not use buffered output; either System.out.println
or System.Console.WriteLine will do fine.

Haskell users:
• Do hSetBuffering stdout LineBuffering at the beginning of main.
Problem B: Black Out 5

Sample in- and output


• This example is merely to illustrate the communication between your program and the
jury’s program; it does not demonstrate an example of optimal play for either player.

• The extra newlines in the example below are for clarity only, to demonstrate the order
of events; you should print exactly one newline character after each move, and the input
contains no blank lines either.
Input Output
2 1 2 4
MOVE 3 6 3 6
1 3 5 3
MOVE 4 2 4 6
4 1 4 6
MOVE 2 6 5 6
1 1 1 6
MOVE 3 1 5 1
3 2 3 5
MOVE 5 2 5 5
2 5 2 5
Almost blank page
Problem C: Chess Competition 7

C Chess Competition
In a chess competition, every player plays one game against every other player. The winner
receives one point, the loser none. In case of a draw, both players receive half a point. When
all games have been played, whoever scored the most points wins the competition. If mul-
tiple competitors are tied for the highest score, they will play a series of tie-break games to
determine the winner.
For this problem we consider a competition where the games are played in arbitrary order.
Based on the outcome of the games that have been played so far (which could be all, or none,
or anything in between) the organizers want to determine which players can still win the

On the first line one positive number: the number of test cases, at most 100. After that per test

• one line with an integer n (2 ≤ n ≤ 30): the number of players.

• n lines with n characters each, describing the intermediate results. The j-th character on
the i-th line gives the result of the i-th player against the j-th player:

– ’1’ for a win,

– ’0’ for a loss,
– ’d’ for a draw,
– ’.’ if this game has not been played yet,
– ’x’ when i = j (since competitors do not play against themselves).

The intermediate results are guaranteed to be internally consistent. More formally, if the j-th
character on the i-th line is a digit (’0’ or ’1’) then the i-th character on the j-th line will be the
other digit. In all other cases, the j-th character on the i-th line equals the i-th character on
the j-th line.

Per test case:

• one line with the 1-based indices of all the players that can possibly win the competition,
in increasing order, separated by spaces.
8 Problem C: Chess Competition

Sample in- and output

Input Output
3 1 2
5 1 2 3 5 6 7
x.11d 4
Problem D: Digit Sum 9

D Digit Sum
For a pair of integers a and b, the digit sum of the interval [a, b] is defined as the sum of all
digits occurring in all numbers between (and including) a and b. For example, the digit sum
of [28, 31] can be calculated as:

2+8 + 2+9 + 3+0 + 3+1 = 28

Given the numbers a and b, calculate the digit sum of [a, b].

On the first line one positive number: the number of test cases, at most 100. After that per test

• one line with two space-separated integers, a and b (0 ≤ a ≤ b ≤ 1015 ).

Per test case:

• one line with an integer: the digit sum of [a, b].

Sample in- and output

Input Output
3 46
0 10 28
28 31 1128600
1234 56789
Almost blank page
Problem E: Encoded Message 11

E Encoded Message
Alex wants to send a love poem to his girlfriend Bridget. Unfortunately, she has a nosy friend,
Ellen, who might intercept his message and invade their privacy.
To prevent this, Alex has invented a scheme to make his missives indecipherable to Ellen.
He arranges the letters into a square, which is rotated a quarter-turn clockwise, and then
he puts the resulting letters on a single line again. (For simplicity’s sake, Alex doesn’t use
whitespace or punctuation in his poems.)
For example, the text “RosesAreRedVioletsAreBlue” would be encoded as
“eedARBtVrolsiesuAoReerles” using the following intermediate steps:

R o s e s e e d A R
A r e R e B t V r o
d V i o l ⇒ l s i e s
e t s A r u A o R e
e B l u e e r l e s

Ellen has intercepted some of Alex’s messages but they make no sense to her. Can you
write a program to help her decode them?

On the first line one positive number: the number of test cases, at most 100. After that per test

• one line with an encoded message: a string consisting of upper-case and lower-case
letters only. The length of the message is a square between 1 and 10 000 characters.

Per test case:

• one line with the original message.

Sample in- and output

Input Output
RSTEEOTCP RosesAreRedVioletsAreBlue
eedARBtVrolsiesuAoReerles SquaresMayBeEven
Almost blank page
Problem F: Fire 13

F Fire
You are trapped in a building consisting of open spaces and walls. Some places are on fire
and you have to run for the exit. Will you make it?
At each second, the fire will spread to all open spaces directly connected to the North,
South, East or West side of it. Fortunately, walls will never catch fire and will keep the fire
inside the building, so as soon as you are out of the building you will be safe. To run to any of
the four open spaces adjacent to you takes you exactly one second. You cannot run through
a wall or into an open space that is on fire or is just catching fire, but you can run out of an
open space at the same moment it catches fire.
Given a map of the building, decide how fast you can exit the building.

On the first line one positive number: the number of test cases, at most 100. After that per test

• one line with two space-separated integers w and h (1 ≤ w, h ≤ 1 000): the width and
height of the map of the building, respectively.

• h lines with w characters each: the map of the building, consisting of

– ‘.’: a room,
– ‘#’: a wall,
– ‘@’: your starting location,
– ‘*’: fire.

There will be exactly one ‘@’ in the map.

Per test case:

• one line with a single integer which is the minimal number of seconds that you need to
exit the building or the string “IMPOSSIBLE” when this is not possible.
14 Problem F: Fire

Sample in- and output

Input Output
5 2
4 3 5
7 6
7 4
5 5
3 3
Problem G: Good Coalition 15

G Good Coalition
The Dutch political system is in turmoil. There have been six coalition governments in the
past fourteen years, all of which have fallen before completing their term in office. Recently
there have been elections (again), the outcome of which has been described as “impossible”
by several political commentators. The only bright spot in this bleak situation is that they
have appointed you as the “informateur”. As the informateur it is your task to find a suitable
Being the rational person you are, you have decided the first negotiation attempt should
be started between the parties forming the most stable coalition. A coalition is formed by a set
of parties having won a strict majority of seats in the election (i.e. at least 76 seats out of a
total of 150). The most stable coalition is one that has the highest chance of completing its
term in office. A coalition falls (and new elections must be held) if a single party leaves the
coalition. The probability of a coalition completing their term is estimated by the product of
the probabilities of each party in the coalition completing their term. This probability is in
turn based on historical data.
Find the best coalition and save the Netherlands from becoming a banana republic!

On the first line one positive number: the number of test cases, at most 100. After that per test
• one line with an integer n (1 ≤ n ≤ 150), the number of political parties that have won
at least one seat in the election.
• n lines, each with two space-separated integers si and pi (1 ≤ si ≤ 150 and 1 ≤ pi ≤
100): the number of seats won by the i-th party and the probability (expressed as a
percentage) that the i-th party will complete its term in office, respectively.
Note that there are exactly 150 seats divided among all parties si = 150 .

Per test case:
• one line with a floating point number: the probability (expressed as a percentage) of the
most stable coalition sitting out their term in office.
This number should be accurate up to 10−6 relative or absolute precision.

Sample in- and output

Input Output
1 54.0
35 80
25 70
60 60
30 90
Almost blank page
Problem H: Hot Dogs in Manhattan 17

H Hot Dogs in Manhattan

The two friends Barack and Mitt have both decided to set up their own hot dog stand in
Manhattan. They wish to find the two optimal locations for their stands.
First of all, they both want to put their stand at an intersection, since that gives them
maximum exposure. Also, this being Manhattan, there are already quite a few stands in the
city, also at intersections. If they put up a stand close to another (or each other’s) stand, they
might not get that many customers. They would therefore like to put their stands as far from
other stands as possible.
We model Manhattan as a finite square grid, consisting of w vertical streets and h horizon-
tal streets. The vertical streets run from x = 0 to x = w − 1, while horizontal streets run from
y = 0 to y = h − 1. All pairs of consecutive parallel streets are separated by the same distance,
which we set as the unit distance. The distance between two intersections (x1 , y1 ) and (x2 , y2 )
is then given by |x1 − x2 | + |y1 − y2 |.
We indicate an intersection’s suitability by its privacy, which is the minimum of all dis-
tances from this intersection to all other hot dog stands. Barack and Mitt would like to find
two intersections with the maximum amount of privacy, i.e. such that the smallest of the two
privacies is as large as possible. Note that the privacy of Barack’s location can be determined
by the distance to Mitt’s location and vice versa.

On the first line one positive number: the number of test cases, at most 100. After that per test

• one line with three space-separated integers n, w and h (0 ≤ n ≤ 1 000 and 2 ≤ w, h ≤

1 000): the number of hot dog stands already in place and the number of vertical and
horizontal streets, respectively.

• n lines, each with two space-separated integers xi and yi (0 ≤ xi < w and 0 ≤ yi < h):
the intersection where the i-th hot dog stand is located.

All hot dog stands are at different intersections. At least two intersections do not contain a

Per test case:

• one line with one integer: the maximum privacy that Barack and Mitt can both obtain.
18 Problem H: Hot Dogs in Manhattan

Sample in- and output

Input Output
3 4
1 4 4 5
0 1 3
6 6 6
0 0
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
2 8 3
0 0
7 0
These sample cases are illustrated below. Only for the first case, the optimal placement of the
two new stands is given (indicated by the dashed outlines).

x x
y 0 1 2 3 y 0 1 2 3 4 5

0 0

1 1

2 2

3 3

y 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Problem I: Integer Lists 19

I Integer Lists
The programming language Better And Portable Code (BAPC) is a language for working with
lists of integers. The language has two built-in functions: ‘R’ (reverse) and ‘D’ (drop).
The function ‘R’ reverses its input list, and ’D’ drops the first element of its input and
returns the rest, or gives an error in case its input is an empty list. To get more advanced
behavior, functions can be composed: “AB” is the function that first applies ‘A’ to its input
and then ‘B’ to the resulting list. For example, “RDD” is a function that reverses a list and then
drops the first two elements.
Unfortunately, our BAPC interpreter has bit rotted, so we ask you to write a new one.
Given a BAPC program and its input, return its output or “error” in case ‘D’ is applied to
an empty list. Lists are represented as the character ‘[’ followed by a comma-separated list
of integers followed by the character ‘]’. Notice that the input and output lists can be quite

On the first line one positive number: the number of test cases, at most 100. After that per test

• one line with a string p (1 ≤ length(p) ≤ 100 000): a BAPC program, consisting of the
characters ‘R’ and ‘D’.

• one line with an integer n (0 ≤ n ≤ 100 000): the number of elements in the input.

• one line with a list of n integers in the form [x1 , . . . , xn ] (1 ≤ xi ≤ 100): the input list.

Per test case:
• one line with the resulting integer list or “error” in case of an error.

Sample in- and output

Input Output
4 [2,1]
RDD error
4 [1,2,3,5,8]
[1,2,3,4] error
Almost blank page
Problem J: John’s Book Stack 21

J John’s Book Stack

John has a big stack of books of various sizes. Such a stack is stable if the books have non-
decreasing sizes (viewed from top to bottom); otherwise, it is unstable, and likely to fall over.
To prevent this, John wants to sort the books in the stack by size. He does so by pulling
out a book from somewhere in the middle (or bottom) of the stack and then putting it back
on top. However, he can only pull out a book safely if the books on top of it already form a
stable stack.
For example, if John has a stack of four books with sizes 3, 4, 1 and 2 (from top to bottom)
then he can sort them as follows:

Your task is to determine how many steps are required to sort a given stack of books. In
the example above, which corresponds to the first sample case, the answer is 3.

On the first line one positive number: the number of test cases, at most 100. After that per test
• one line with an integer n (1 ≤ n ≤ 50): the number of books.
• one line containing n space-separated integers si (1 ≤ si ≤ 1 000 for 1 ≤ i ≤ n): the sizes
of the books, as they appear in the initial stack from top to bottom.

Per test case:
• one line with an integer: the minimum number of steps required to sort the stack using
the algorithm described above.

Sample in- and output

Input Output
4 3
4 53
3 4 1 2 0
8 1234567
3 1 4 1 5 9 2 6
1 42 42 42 1000
4 1 2 5 6 7 9 10 3 13 17 11 12 14 19 20 22 8 15 16 18 21
Almost blank page

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