Management System For Online Book Shoping System: Idowu-Agida, Ebenezer O., Biya Emmanuel B. and Onalaja Olabisi O

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science (IJRIAS) | Volume IV, Issue VIII, August 2019|ISSN 2454-6194

Management System for Online Book Shoping

Idowu-Agida*, Ebenezer O., Biya Emmanuel B. and Onalaja Olabisi O.
Computer Science Department, Gateway Polytechnic Saapade, P.M.B 2004 Ode Remo, Nigeria
*Corresponding author

Abstract: - The project design and implementation of Gaposa sort of books that might be needed by the students are sold,
Bookshop is an attempt towards computerizing the operations there. Some of the books where initially sold by Lecturers
(transactions) taking place in the school bookshop. The rapid through the Head of Class overtime before the advancement
pace of technological changes in business motivated the of selling all this books in the school bookshop.The main
researcher to develop a web application that improves manual
problem of the school bookshop is over-crowding. Due to the
operations of the transactions which are naturally prone to
errors and time wastage. This system is called Bookshop small space use for bookshop, the problem of over-crowding
Management System and it is developed using MYSQL as the and students queuing before they can purchase a book has
database language and LARAVEL a powerful PHP framework. become part and parcel of the bookshop and the problem
It is possible to request, pay and get books through this software. persist. Although not limited to this problem alone, other
The researcher conducted the research and captured the data problem of the current of the school bookshop and method of
through primary and secondary sources. The data obtained were transaction are listed below;Therefore, students have to queue
then used for the analysis of the previous method of operation outside the bookshop under the harsh sun, before the can be
and transaction on one hand and then for designing an online attended to
method of purchase on the other hand.
Keywords: Bookshop, Computerized, Transaction, Laravel,  Time wastage in searching for desired books
Mysql  Time wastage in attending to students
 Conflicting, confusing and inadequate record
I. INTRODUCTION keeping of daily transactions

S hopping which is one of the essential parts of the real  Over-crowding at the bookshop
world activities has made its mark and found its way into The purpose of the study is to identify the problems
the internet. It is commonly referred to as E-shopping which inhibiting the bookshop growth and recommend practical
means electronic shopping. On-line Book shopping entails solutions, analyzing the existing problems or systems of
buying and selling of books of all sorts with the buyer still transaction and complete mode of operation.Therefore, to
making his choice and making the payment through the change the problematic existing system it is by designing an
internet or through any other computer network. This pattern effective, user friendly or on-line transaction for students and
of trade conducted through the internet has grown booksellers anywhere they may be and projecting it for
extraordinarily simultaneously with wide spread use of the implementation. The difficulties faced in obtaining facts and
internet. This new trend in fact has contributed immensely to vital information about the existing system and mode of
the growth of E-business and particularly in E-education. The operation of transaction from unsteady sales manager and
number of transactions grows every day, spurring and drawing rude students.It also includes the possibility of getting
innovations in the E-Library System and E-Commerce, information from other sources such as journals, books and
Electronic Fund Transfer, Tupply Chain Management, On- the internet which is very high. The involvement of the
line Transactions Processing and Internet Marketing.On-line manager i.e. the shop keeper, some materials, programming
Bookshop normally makes use of the World Wide Web language, the efforts involved in developing the new and
(www) to an extent in the transaction life cycle; it also better Bookshop On-Line transaction were so tedious and
involves shopping of the physical items requested on-line.the herculean as a task.
significance of the study and the limitations, it also goes as far
as exposing and expounding the secrets and fortunes locked II. METHODOLOGY
up in an online book shopping. Research methodology is a collective term for the
In this school is cited the school bookshop located in structured process of conducting research. There are many
between the School Library and School Market. It was different methodologies used in various types of research and
established not only for the precipitate need of investment or the term is usually considered to include research design, data
source of revenue for the school. It was built to aid students in gathering and data analysis.Research methodologies can be
their learning by providing needed books for them at a quantitative (for example, measuring the number of times
cheaper rate with less compulsion. Practical Manuals and all someone does something under certain conditions) or Page 1
International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science (IJRIAS) | Volume IV, Issue VIII, August 2019|ISSN 2454-6194

qualitative (for example, asking people how they feel about a Table 1: Users table arrangements
certain situation). Ideally, comprehensive research should try NAME TYPE FIELD SIZE EXTRA
to incorporate both qualitative and quantitative methodologies
Id INT 10 Auto_increment
but this is not always possible, usually due to time and
financial constraints. Name Varchar 191
Departmental_id Varchar 191
Research methodologies are generally used in academic Matric_no Varchar 191
research to test hypotheses or theories. A good design should
Password Varchar 191
ensure the research is valid, i.e. it clearly tests the hypothesis
Created_at Timestamp Null
and not extraneous variables, and that the research is reliable,
i.e. it yields consistent results every time. The approach used Updated_at Timestamp Null
here is SSADM. Structured Systems Analysis and Design
Method (SSADM) is a systems approach to the analysis and Table 2: Bookshop book indexing
design of information systems. NAME TYPE FIELD SIZE EXTRA
Analysis of Case Study Id INT 10 Auto_increment
Book_number INT 10
The Gateway ICT Polytechnic Bookshop is a
bookshop like other shops established with the aim of Book_name Varchar 191
generating some worthwhile revenue through the sale of Book_image Varchar 191
textbooks and other learning materials to customers, the Description Text 191
students precisely. Initially, sales of text books, practical Course_code Varchar 191
manuals are done by the HOC (Head of Class), before the Book_type Varchar 191
advancement of having a store within the school premises Price INT 10
where books are sold. The bookshop is located in between the
Level Varchar 191
library and the school market. Its missions are to provide
Lecturer Varchar 191
students with quality and edifying books for their use with
ease at affordable prices. Quantity INT 10
Created_at Timestamp Null
Sources of Data Updated_at Timestamp Null
The data that were collected in this research were from
Table 3: Book_users
the primary sources. Observations were made during the visit
to the bookshop. The sales manager was extensively NAME TYPE FIELD SIZE EXTRA
interviewed for first-hand information. Other sources of data Id INT 10 Auto_increment
were of the secondary source, which includes gathering Book_number INT 10
information from textbooks, journals and magazines, Department_id INT 10
materials from internet, Microsoft Encarta premium, seminars,
Created_at Timestamp Null
lectures and personal researches.
Updated_at Timestamp Null
New System Design
Table 4: Departments
In the process of evaluating the solution and the
specifications of a detailed on-line based solution, there is NAME TYPE FIELD SIZE EXTRA
need for the system design. In designing the new system, the Id INT 10 Auto_increment
software and hardware aspects were taken into considerations Department Varchar 191
in order to produce a workable website that will allow Created_at Timestamp Null
effective and efficient communication between the customer, Updated_at Timestamp Null
the merchant and the acquirer.Also the customer can make an
order, make payments for the goods ordered, and can then Table 5: Sales
proceed to the bookshop anytime for collection. NAME TYPE FIELD SIZE EXTRA
Database Design Id INT 10 Auto_increment
User_id INT 10
This involves the choice of data structure and
Book_id INT 10
database. The website uses MYSQL server as the database.
This sophisticated database allows the administrator to Department_id INT 10
monitor effectively and run some query language in the Status Varchar 10
server. It is equipped with maximum security to prevent Created_at Timestamp Null
hacking. Updated_at Timestamp Null Page 2
International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science (IJRIAS) | Volume IV, Issue VIII, August 2019|ISSN 2454-6194

User interface design: It is a system that permits the Procedural Design: This involves the design of an efficient
interaction between human beings and the computer. The algorithm that will satisfy the functional description of the
project has a user interface design because of the level of various sub systems of on-line
line bookshopping.
interaction the buyer or credit or master card wants.
Flow Control / System Architecture

Figure 1: The System Architecture of the Proposed System

Figure 2: The System Flowchart of The Proposed System Page 3
International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science (IJRIAS) | Volume IV, Issue VIII, August 2019|ISSN 2454-6194

III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION spoken by human beings. The computer has a set of symbols,
digits and instructions written in sequence known as
This is the stage in which the developed system is
programming language which the computer operator used to
tested and it is expected that the system will perform the
communicate with the computer. Here among the
required task as to meet the need of the end-user. System
programming languages the one considered most suitable by
implementation involves activities such as:
the system developer/programmer and used to write the
1. Training end-users, source program and the code was PHP/Hypertext Pre-
2. Setting up implementation environment, processor). It was used due to its user friendliness and
3. Performing the conversion or change over. worthwhile.
This is the first among the three testing steps wherein The computer hardware is the physical components
the proponents will have to check all the errors on the users’ of the computer system. The hardware requirements of this
aspect. The output in these tests must reflect to the program website are as follows
design.The proponents will have to check each part of the
Hardware Requirement
system and integrate it as a whole to check if unit of system is
working altogether. The proponents will test how the actual Processor : Intel Core Duo 2.0 GHz or more
system works. In this we would have to reflect on everything
RAM : 1 GB or More
that we have done in the system design. In this phase, the
functionality of the system will be checked by the proponents. Hard disk : 80GB or more
The proponents will also check any error occurring in the
system. Monitor : 15” CRT or LCD monitor
Keyboard : Normal or Multimedia
This is the last part of the testing processes. Through
acceptance testing the proponents will make sure that all the Mouse : Compatible mouse
requirements that had been given in the requirements analysis
will be totally met. They also have to make sure that it is not Software Requirement
only complete, but also produces the same output as what was Front End : HTML, Bootstrap, Javascript
originally want to be.The proponents will make sure that all
the requirements are fulfilled and that the system properly Back End : Mysql, PHP (Laravel)
addresses to the needs of the company. Operation System : Windows XP with server pack 2or
Here comes the implementation of the new system. Windows Vista
However, the development not only ends with implementation
because it needs to be consistently monitored and maintained. Documentation is actually the last step in system
In this phase, whenever errors occurred in the system, the implementation phase. It is the process of collecting,
proponents shall correct the errors and ensure that the system organizing, sorting and otherwise maintaining on paper or on
will work properly. Also, further enhancements will be made some relative medium for reference purposes. A completion
by the proponents. of document of the system marks its changes in status from
project under development to a functioning body capable of
This is the home page of the website that has been operating without guidance and controls of its designers. It
developed. The home page of any website is the first page that can now be understood, operated and modified by others as
appears whenever you open a website. It contains the name of the need arises.
the site, logo as the case may be and other icons known as
hyper links that will help you navigate to other areas. Here the Gaposa Bookshop management system is an E-
home page of the school bookshop contains the name of the commerce like website that will synthesize and increase the
bookshop, some pictures, images, the hyperlinks such as functionality of book sales. Although a lot of websites have
engineering books, science books, business books, been designed and hosted to achieve a lot of goals in different
environmental design books etc. it also contains other businesses. But this one exclusively designed for Gateway
hyperlinks made for free and easy access and use by even ICT Polytechnic, will go a long way in boosting and unveiling
those that are not programmers. These hyperlinks can also be the fortunes of the Polytechnic and their method of operation
called web pages, when clicked links user to other resources. which has not yielded sufficient profit as expected. This web
designer/developer noticed and took up as a topic. All the
Web as it is known is always associated with the steps starting from the first chapter are all designed to make
spider. It is an intermingling of things, wires, ropes etc. the website project come through. For future references and
Technologically, it is multiples of network connections, or modifications, the source code is also included showing the
network. The web was developed with the name of the firm, language steps used to design the website.
the reason for the website and other additions such as the
functions of the firm. All these contributed to the development \
of this web. The language here in question is not the language Page 4
International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science (IJRIAS) | Volume IV, Issue VIII, August 2019|ISSN 2454-6194


electronicshopping:where are the consumers?Microsoft Encarta
The successful implementation of this research work, 2009 Edition
has the following suggested by the programmer aimed at SOURCE CODE
improving and eliminating the problems encountered each day
by both students and the management. The measures are as <?php
Route::get('/', function () {
 The server should be managed by a database return view('welcome'); });
administrator who has undergone training on using
MYSQL database. Auth::routes();
 A merchant account should be obtained from any of // User Routes are defined here
the financial institutions.
 There should be a regular update of the website so as Route::get('/admin/dashboard', 'AdminController@index')-
to compete and give round the clock service to the >name('admin');
people. Route::resource('admin/books', 'BookController', ['names'=>[
 There should be no hesitation in attending to the
needs of the new system designed. 'index'=>'',
V. CONCLUSION 'create'=>'',
In conclusion, this is a user friendly website designed for 'store'=>'new-book',
gateway polytechnic. It is a site that inculcates the new web 'edit'=>'',
technology in its full design. When this is fully implemented
it will promote and improve the standard of operations of the 'update'=>'',
bookshop which is entirely manual. Furthermore, as the whole 'destroy'=>'',
wide world walk towards living in a global community, the
school Bookshop and the entire Gaposa community, will now ]]);
be recognized. The inconveniences faced by our students and Route::resource('admin/department', 'DepartmentController',
unsatisfactory turnover will now be history. ['names'=>[
REFERENCES 'index'=>'admin.department.index',
[1]. Christopher M. H and Chris F. K., (Sept. 1994). MIS Quarterly,
Computerized Loan Organization Systems; An Industry Ease 'create'=>'admin.department.create',
Study of the Electronic Markets Hypothesis. vol. 18 n.3, p-251 –
275 'store'=>'new-department',
[2]. Duncan D. J. and Whetstone J. (1996). Is On-Line Bookshopping
Ready for the Internet? Information Systems Management.p. 25-
36 'update'=>'admin.department.update',
[3]. Guisbery M.J. (1981) Diagnosis of MIS Implementation Failures;
Promising Results & Unanswered Questions, Management 'destroy'=>'admin.department.delete',
Science.p. 459-478
[4]. Han. K.S., and Noh, M.H. (1998).An Analysis of Major Failure ]]);
Factors to Reduce the Dysfunction of On-line Shopping.Journal of
MIS Researchp. 103-124. Route::resource('admin/book_users', 'BookUsersController',
[5]. Ives B., and Olson M. (1984), User Involvement and MIS Success. ['names'=>[
A Review of Research Management Science 30, 586-603.
[6]. Kalokota R. andWhinston A.B. (1996), Using Client Server 'index'=>'admin.book_users.index',
Broker Architecture For Intranet Decision Support p. 171-192
[7]. Kiely T., (1997), The Internet”; Fear & Shopping 'create'=>'admin.book_users.create',
Cyberspace.Harvar Business Review p.13-14
[8]. Ravo K., &Andraw B.W. (1997), E-commerce, A Manager’s 'store'=>'new-book_users',
Guide, Addition-Wesley Longman Publishing Co, Inc., Boston
M.A. 'edit'=>'admin.book_users.edit',
[9]. Tiny P.L. (1986), Critical Success Factors of Decision Support
Systems, An Experimental Study, ACM SCGMIS Database, V. 17 'update'=>'admin.book_users.update',
n 2, 3-16 Winter.
[10]. Batty J. B. and Lee M. C. (1995).http://www.lit-edu/-peacjen/e- 'destroy'=>'admin.book_users.delete',
commerce/ background.htm.
[11]. ]]);
[12]. Electronic Book shopping bookshop Route::get('/admin/sales','SaleController@index')-
and Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) >name('sale'); Page 5
International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science (IJRIAS) | Volume IV, Issue VIII, August 2019|ISSN 2454-6194

Route::get('/admin/{id}/confirm', 'SaleController@confirm')- <meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html;

>name('confirm'); charset=utf-8" />
Route::get('/admin/{id}/cancel', 'SaleController@cancel')- <link rel="shortcut icon" href="{{
>name('cancel'); asset('bs/css/images/favicon.ico') }}" />
Route::get('/admin/sales/sold', 'SaleController@sold')- <link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ asset('bs/css/style.css') }}"
>name('sold'); type="text/css" media="all" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="{{ asset('bs/js/jquery-
1.6.2.min.js') }}"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="{{
Route::get('/admin/book/buyers', 'BookController@buyers')-
asset('bs/js/jquery.jcarousel.min.js') }}"></script>
<!--[if IE 6]>
'BookController@fetch')->name('buyer-fetch'); <script type="text/javascript" src="js/png-fix.js"></script>
Route::get('/admin/book/create', 'BookController@create')- <![endif]-->
<script type="text/javascript" src="{{
Route::post('/admin/book/store', 'BookController@store')- asset('bs/js/functions.js') }}"></script>
<!-- Header -->
'BookController@pending')->name('book-pending'); <div id="header" class="shell">
*/ <div id="logo1"><h1 style="font-family: cursive; font-size:
3em"><a href="#">GaposaBookShop</a></h1><span><a
// User Routes are defined here
<!-- Navigation -->
<div id="navigation">
Route::get('/users/dashboard', 'UsersController@index')-
Route::get('/users/history', 'UsersController@history')-
>name('history'); <li><a href="{{ route('login') }}">Login</a></li>
Route::get('/users/payment/{id}', <li><a href="{{ route('register') }}">Register</a></li>
Route::post('/users/payment/post', 'UsersController@store')-
<!-- End Navigation -->
Route::get('/users/receipt', 'UsersController@receipt')-
>name('receipt'); <div class="cl">&nbsp;</div>
<!-- Login-details -->

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<p class="description">Loremipsum dolor sit amet, <li><a href="#">Nullaegestas</a></li>
consecteturadipiscingelit. Praesent id odio in tortorscelerisque
dictum.Phasellusvariussem sit <li><a href="#">Curabiturvenenatis</a></li>
ametmetusvolutpatvelvehiculanunclacinia.</p> <li><a href="#">Ut dictum purus</a></li>
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