Mini Project 21-002

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Pratham Bhavinbhai Desai


Under the guidance of

Prof. Bakim Joshi
Assistant Professor
Civil Engineering Department,
S.N.P.I.T. & R. C, Umrakh, Bardoli

June 2022

S.N. Patel Institute of Technology and Research Centre,

Umrakh, Bardoli
(A Vidhyabharti Trust Institution)

210490714002 Page 1
This is to certify that research work embodied in this mini project titled “Design of
Pavement Using Reinforced Soil” was carried out by Pratham Bhavinbhai Desai
(210490714002) at S. N. Patel Institute of Technology and Research Centre,
Umrakh (049) for partial fulfillment of Master of Engineering degree in
Construction Engineering and Management to be awarded by Gujarat Technological
University. This research work has been carried out under my guidance and
supervision and it is up to my satisfaction.


Place: SNPIT & RC, Umrakh

Signature of Guide

Prof. Bakim Joshi

Assistant Professor
S.N.P.I.T& R.C, Umrakh

210490714002 Page 2
As on the soil map of India, the Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, and Maharashtra has high amount of
black cotton soil. In black cotton soil the road are not give the desired results due to poor CBR
value. Road in this soil have mostly the problems like the formation of the patholes, ruts, cracks
and localized depression and settlement, especially during rainy season. These are mainly due to
the insufficient bearing capacity of the subgrade soil in water saturated condition. The subgrade
soil has mostly low CBR 2-5%. In the CBR method of pavement design (IRC:37-2012) the total
thickness of pavement increase exponentially with a decrease in the CBR value of subgrade soil
which is turn increase the cost of construction. So, it has been try to use the geogrid material as
reinforcement in pavement. In our investigation we analyzed the actual work at Bhatia-Kharwasa
road which is under R&B department. We collect the information from the R&B department
about that road. We collect the soil sample from that road at different location. The subgrade soil
has already stabilized by GBFS. the laboratory test (grain size analysis, atterberg‟s limit, free
swell index, heavy compaction test etc.) and CBR tests are conducted on soil samples. We
collect the traffic data from the R&B department. As per IRC:37-2012, pavement design is
performed from the data of CBR and traffic. With the use of geogrids as reinforcement, the
thickness has to be defined with one of the available methods such as AASHTO method and
federal highway administration (FHA) Geosynthetic design and construction guidelines. We also
refer the Indian Geotechnical Journal Dec-2015, volume-45, issue-4, pp 458-471 “design of
geogrids for road base stabilization”. It should be prove that from the alternate methods, by
provision of geogrids reinforcement there will be considerably reduction in pavement layer
thickness without reducing strength of pavement. This study will have positive impact on cost as
it will reduce the project as well as maintenance cost of the road. Our project is discuss in detail
process and its successful application.

210490714002 Page 3
1.1 Problem Summary And Introduction 7
1.2 Mechanism and concept of Flexible Pavement 8
1.3 Geosynthetics and its Type 9
1.3.1 Application of geosynthetics 13
1.4 Geogrids and its Type and Function 15
1.4.1 function and working of geogrids 16
1.4.2 Types of Geogrides 18
1.4.3 Application of geogrid in road pavement 19
1.4.4 Advantages of geogrid in construction 19
1.5 Objective of the project 20
1.6 Problem Specification 20
2.1 Literature review 1 22
2.2 Literature review 2 23
2.3 Literature review 3 24
2.4 Literature review 4 25
2.5 Literature review 5 26
2.6 Literature review 6 27
2.7 Literature review 7 28
2.8 Literature review 8 29
2.9 Literature review 9 30
2.10 Literature review 10 31
3.3 Standard procedure for light and heavy
3.4 Standard procedure for moisture content 34
3.5 Standard procedure for free swell index test 36
4.1 To Determine Grain Size Distribution For
Given Soil Sample.
4.2 To Determine Liquid And Plastic Limit For
Given Soil Sample.
To Determine Maximum Dry Density And 42
Optimum Moisture Content Of Soil.
4.4 To Determine Free Swell index of soil 45
4.5 To determine CBR Test on soil sample 46
4.6 Summary of test result 49
4.7 Geogrid 50
4.8.1 Design of pavement as per IRC:37-2012 50

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4.8.2 Methods for reducing the required base course
thickness by using geogrid reinforcement

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Fig No Discription of Figure Page No

1.1 Typical layer of flexible pavement 8
1.2 Load Transfer in Granual Structure 8
1.3 Separation of Pavement 9
1.4 Geotextile Woven And Non Woven 11
1.5 Geogrid 11
1.6 Geonets 11
1.7 Geomembrane 12
1.8 Geocomposites 12
1.9 Geostrips 12
1.10 Geowebs or Geocell 13
1.11 Basic mechanism involved in separation fuction 13
1.12 Basic mechanism involved in reinforcement function 14
1.13 Reinforcement Placements 14
Basic mechanism involved in filteration fuction
1.14 15
1.15 Drainage Function of Geotextiles 15
Geogrids Rib Formation In Machine And Cross Machine
1.16 16
Directions of Manufacturing Process
1.17 Representation of Geogrid Confining The Aggregates 16
1.18 Tension Membrane Effect 17
1.19 Mechanism to Improve Bearing Capacity 17
1.20 Lateral Restraint Capability 18
Uniaxial And Biaxial Geogrid Manufactured By The Method
1.21 18
of Extrusion
Granular Fill Thickness Reduction Achieved Through A
1.22 19
Biaxial Geogrids Layer
3.1 Compaction test results 33
4.1 Grain Size Analysis For Sample 1 39
4.2 Grain Size Analysis For Sample 2 40
4.3 Moisture Content Vs Dry Density For Sample 1 44
4.4 Moisture Content Vs Dry Density For Sample 2 45
4.5 Plate-1 (IRC:37-2012) Pavement Design Catalogues 52
4.6 CBR% VS Structural Number with msa 1 to 10 52
4.7 CBR Vs Layer Co-efficient Ratio 55
4.8 CBR Vs Layer Co-efficient Ratio 56

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3.1 Compaction test results 32

4.1 Observation Table For Grain Size Analysis for sample 1 38

4.2 Observation Table For Grain Size Analysis for sample 2 49

4.3 Observation Table For Plasticity index value for sample 1 41

4.4 Observation Table For Plasticity index value for sample 2 42

4.5 Observation Table For MDD Density for sample 1 43

4.6 Observation Table For OMC Moisture Content for sample 1 43

4.7 Observation Table For MDD Density for sample 2 44

4.8 Observation Table For OMC Moisture Content for sample 2 45

4.9 Table For Free swell Index 46

4.10 Observation Table For CBR for sample 1 47

4.11 Observation Table For CBR for sample 2 48

4.12 Observation Table For Result Summary 49

4.13 Traffic data 50

4.14 Pavement thickness without or with geogrid 59

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1.1 Introduction
Roads and highway are the backbone of any country in the world for development. India has the
second largest road network and fastest growing airport infrastructures. Indian railway has a
network of 63,465 route kilometers. Rut formation under heavy vehicle loads is a major concern
for unpaved roads over soft sub-grade. It is required to minimize the rut formation to prevent
local shear failure. It can be achieved by increasing the thickness of the base layer with good
quality of fill materials. In that case, the ground pressure on sub-grade gets reduced due to wider
load distribution. However, it will increase the cost of construction. The sub-grade soil can also
be improved by stabilization systems using lime, cement and chemicals. This will also lead to a
higher construction cost.
As the service life and performance of the pavement depends to a large extent on the strength
and stiffness characteristic of sub-grade, there is need to pay attention on the quality of the sub-
grade. The California bearing ratio (CBR) is one of the indicator of strength of soil. In pavement
layers soil sub-grade is most important layer. Soils are composed of a variety of materials, most
of which do not expand in the presence of moisture. However, a number of clay minerals are
expansive such as Smectite, Bentonite, Chlorite, Beidellite, Vermiculite, Montmorillonite.
Black cotton soils are inorganic clays of medium to high compressibility and form a major soil
group in India. They are characterized by high shrinkage and swelling properties. This Black
cotton soils occurs mostly in the central and western parts and covers approximately 20% of the
total area of India. Because of its high swelling and shrinkage characteristics, the Black cotton
soils (BC soils) has been a challenge to the highway engineers. The Black cotton soils is very
hard when dry, but loses its strength completely when in wet condition.
In the process of development of a country, governments continuously plan to improve road
networks by connecting different places in the shortest path. In this process the pavements are to
be laid through different sub-grade soils. As it is imperative to lay pavement over clay sub-
grades, there is need for a design methodology which ensures safety of pavements over clay sub
grades, with possible reduction in pavement thickness. Pavements are of two types, namely
Flexible and Rigid pavements. Generally flexible pavements are preferred to rigid pavements
due to their low initial cost, smooth riding surface and easy maintenance. Pavement failures are
often noticed in flexible pavements constructed over clay sub-grades despite building pavements
with large thickness. Low traffic roads are affected by swelling of sub-grade whereas the heavy
traffic roads are affected by the excessive settlements or shear failures in the edge regions due to
softened sub-grade during rainy season. The Pavements offer poor riding surface due to volume
instability of the sub-grade and demand for periodic maintenance after every rainy season.
Hence, there is need for evolving pavement design over clay subgrades which reduces pavement
thickness besides improving performance by avoiding overstressing of sub-grade in excess of
permissible bearing capacity and also controlling swelling. So far geosynthetics are in use to
improve the performance of pavements in the form of separators, moisture barriers and capillary
cut-offs. The reinforcing action of geosynthetics, particularly geotextiles and geogrids is not
much explored. Hence, in the present study, it is intended to formulate design methodologies for
reinforced flexible pavements over expansive soil by usage of geogrids reinforcement.
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The reinforced earth consist of a combination of earth and reinforcing elements. The
reinforcement is often a linear element of a layer placed between the soil layers to enables them
to withstand higher stress and to improve the basic properties of the foundation material. The soil
exhibit low tensile strength tending to a negligible value in the case of black cotton soil. In soils
the internal stress developed due to load application generates the frictional forces between the
soil and the reinforcing material and transfers the stresses to reinforcing elements due to friction
between the two materials.

1.2 Mechanism and concept of Flexible Pavement

Typical layers of a flexible pavement

Typical layers of a conventional flexible pavement includes seal coat, surface course, tack coat,
binder course, prime coat, base course, sub-base course, compacted sub-grade, and natural sub-

Fig.1.1 Typical Layer of Flexible Pavement

Flexible pavements will transmit wheel load stresses to the lower layers by grain-to-grain
transfer through the points of contact in the granular structure (see Figure 1).

Fig. 1.2 Load transfer in granular structure

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● Due to the wheel load Stone aggregates enter into the fine subgrade soil and loose its
● Soil pumps up into the voids of stone aggregates causing the stone aggregate to loose it
drainage capacity.

● Separation Mechanism:-
Geosynthetics prevent granular materials from penetrating into the soft underlying subgrade as
well as prevent fine grained subgrade soil from being pumped up into permeable. The
geosynthetics may tear off due to sharp edged grains of the Subgrade under the dynamic loads of

Fig1.3. separation of pavement

● Mechanism of Reinforcement
Soil:- Good in Compression And Poor in Tension
Geosynthetics:- Good in Tension And Poor in Compression
Combination of geosynthetic and soil ensures an excellent bond and form a composite material.

1.3 Geosynthetics and its Type:-

Geosynthetics with high tensile strength used in combination with soil of high compressive
strength have been found to be effective in the design of many civil engineering applications.
The application of Geosynthetics in the field of geotechnical, transportation, hydraulics, and geo-
environmental engineering has been explained by many researchers.

210490714002 Page 10
„GEO‟ touching on Associate in Nursing finish use related to rising the performance of applied
science works involving earth/ground/soil. „SYNTHETICS‟ touching on the very fact that the
materials square measure virtually solely from artificial merchandise

⮚ Types of geosynthetics
In the words of professor Robert M.Koemer(1990), geo-synthesic is defined as “ An existing
new concept in engineered materials has emerged for the civil engineering community and the
rapidity at which the related products are being developed and used is nothing short of amazing.

They can be rapidly installed.

● They are sometimes, the only means of construction.
● They are being aggressively marketed.
● They can revitalize the textile industry.
● They are good alternatives to conventional designs.
● They generally replace scarce raw material resources like steel and cement.
● Their timing is very appropriate.
● They are indeed needed.

⮚ The principal types of geo synthetics are:

1. Geo textiles
2. Geo grids
3. Geo nets
4. Geo membranes
5. Geo composites
6. Geo strips
7. Geocells/ Geowebs

1. Geo textiles:
They form the largest group of geo synthetics. They are textiles in the traditional sense, but
consist of synthetic fibers rather than natural fibers such as cotton, wool or silk. Geo textiles are
mainly of two types, namely woven and non-woven.Woven Geo textiles are:
● Monofilament
● Multifilament
● Tape threade

210490714002 Page 11
Fig. 1.4 Geotextiles woven and Non woven

2. Geogrids:

This is a small but rapidly growing segment of geosynthetics

area. They are manufactured from selected polymers by
extension or by aligning molecular chains of polymers. A
geogrid is a synthetic planar structure formed by a regular
network of tensile elements with aperture of sufficient size to
allow interlocking with surrounding soil, rock, earth or any
other geotechnical material, and is characterized by high
dimensional stability and high tensile modulus of elongation.
The main functions of geogrids are separation and
Fig1.5 Geogrid

3. Geonets:

They are usually formed by a continuous extrusion of

polymeric ribs at acuteangles to one another. When the ribs
are opened, relatively large apertures are formed in a netlike
configuration. Their design function is completely within the
drainage area where they have been used to convey fluids of
all types.

1.6 Geonet

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4. Geomembrane:

Geomembranes represent the second largest group of

geosynthetics . The materials are “impervious” thin sheets
of rubber or plastic material used primarily for linings and
covers of liquid or solid storage facilities. Thus the
primary function is always as a liquid or vapour barrier.

Fig 1.7 Geomembrane

5. Geocomposites:

A geocomposite consists of a combination of geotextile

and geogrid, or geogrids and geomembrane or
geotextile, geogrid and geomembrane or any one of
these three materials with another material like
deformed plastic sheets, steel cables or steel anchors.
The major function encompasses the entire range of
functions listed for geosynthetics like separation,
reinforcement, drainage, filtration and moisture barrier.
The application areas are many and growing steadily.
Fig 1.8 Geocomposites

6. Geostrips:

Geo strips are used as soil reinforcement in the form of

cut fabric or long strips. They are generally produced
from polypropylene and high density polyethylene.
They can be connected with the anchors at the ends.
The anchors may be in the form of loops, rings, or
spirals, which may help in confining soil elements.

Fig 1.9 Geostrip

7. Grovels/Geowebs:

Geocells are made from prefabricated polymeric system. These systems are made from thick
HDPE strips, stitched or welded together at regular intervals. The hexagonal or rhomboidal cells
can be made of geosynthetics honeycomb design. They can be transported to the job site in
210490714002 Page 13
folded configuration and are unfolded and placed
directly on the soil and then filled with soil or concrete
materials. The material is compacted inside the cells,
when filled with soil, they can be sprayed with
emulsified asphalt When filled with concrete, they do
not need any other treatment except compaction. These
geocells are used for foundation, roads and canal lining.

1.3.1 Application of geosynthetics:

Four of the most general applications of geosynthetics
are as follows:-
Fig 1.10 Geoweb or Geocell
1. Sepration:-

A geosynthetics act a separator when place between fine soil and coarse material such as gravel
or stone ballast. It prevents fine soil from inter-mixing under the action of repeated applied load.
Geosynthetics layer prevents intermixing soil and granular fills thereby keeping structural
integrity and functioning of both materials intact.

Fig. 1.11 Basic mechanism involved in separation fuction

2. Reinforcement:-

A geosynthetics performs reinforcement function by improving the mechanical properties of soil

as a result of its inclusion. When the soil and geosynthetics reinforcement are combined, a
composite material „reinforced earth‟ is produced that posses high compressive and tensile
strength. The geosynthetics act as a tension member coupled to soil material by friction,
adhesion, interlocking or confinement and thus maintain the stability of soil mass.

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Fig. 1.12 Basic mechanism involved in reinforcement function

The reinforcement of geosynthetics function can be divided into two categories.

1) A tension member, with support a planer load
2) A tension member, which support a planer load as well as normal load

Fig. 1.13 reinforcement placements

Koener consider three mechanism of soil reinforcement:

a) Shear or sliding:-the geosynthetics support a planer load due to sliding of soli over it.
b) Anchorage or pullout:-the geosynthetics support a planer load due to its pullout from
the soil.
c) Membrane:-the geosynthetics perform a planer load and normal load when placed on
deformable soil.

3. Filtration:-
A geosynthetics act as a filter when it allows liquid to pass normal to its own place while
preventing most soil particles from being carried away by liquid current. Geosynthetics allowing
passage of water from soil mass while preventing the migration of soil particles.

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Fig. 1.14 Basic mechanism involved in filteration fuction

Two cases may bee considered:-

● A geotextile placed across a flow of liquid carry fine soil particles, stops most of the
● A geotextile placed in contact with soil, allowing water from soil to pass through, while
preventing and movement of soil particle. Two important properties are require in
geotextile to work as a filter permeability across its own plane and porometry.

4. Drainage:-

If geotextile provides a fluid transmission within its own plane towards an outlet, it is said to
perform a function of drainage. Water may be conveyed vertically or horizontally. Drainage is
related to role of filteration and function of geotextile and its pore opening size.

Fig. 1.15 Drainage function of geotextiles

1.4 Geogrids and its Type and Function:-

The geogrids are polymeric products which are formed by means of intersecting grids. The
polymeric materials like polyester, high density polyethylene and polypropylene are the main
composition of geogrids.

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These geogrids are formed by material ribs that are intersected by their manufacture in two
direction. One in machine direction, which is conducted in the direction of the manufacturing
process. The other direction will be perpendicular to the machine direction ribs, which are called
as the cross-machine direction.
These materials form matrix structured materials. The open space, as shown in above figure, due
to the intersection of perpendicular ribs are called as the apertures. This aperture varies from 2.5
to 15cm based on the longitudinal and transverse arrangement of the ribs. Among different types
of geosynthetics, geogrids are considered stiffer. In the case of geogrids the strength at the
junction is considered as more important because the load are transmitted from adjacent ribs
through these junctions.

Fig. 1.16 geogrids rib formation in machine and cross machine directions of manufacturing process

1.4.1 function and working of geogrids:-

the geogrids serve the function of holding or capturing the aggregates together. This method of
interlocking the aggregates would help in an earthwork that is stabilized mechanically. The
apertures in geogrids help in interlocking the aggregates or the soil that are placed over them. A
representation of this concept is shown in below.

Fig. 1.17 representation of geogrid confining the aggregates

The geogrids as mentioned above helps in redistribution of load over a wider area. This function
has made the pavement construction more stabilized and strong.

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It has the following functional mechanism when applied for pavement construction:
a) Tension membrane effect:

This mechanism is based on the concept of vertical stress distribution. This vertical stress is from
the deformed shape of the membrane as shown in figure below. This mechanism was initially
considered as the primary mechanism. But later studies proved the lateral retaining mechanism is
the major criteria that must be taken into consideration.

Fig. 1.18 tension membrane effect

b) Improvement of bearing capacity:

Fig.1.19 mechanism to improve bearing capacity

One of the main mechanism happened after geogrids installation in pavement is the reduction in
lateral movement of the aggregate. This would result in the elimination of stresses; that if exists
would have moved to subgrade.
The geogrids layer possesses sufficient frictional resistance that opposes subgrade lateral
movement. This mechanism hence improves the bearing capacity of the layer. Reduction of

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outward stresses means inward stresses are formed, which is the reason behind the increase in
bearing capacity.
c) Lateral restraining capability:-

The stresses produced by means of the wheel loading coming over the pavement results in the
lateral movement of the aggregates. Which in turn affects the stability of the whole pavement
arrangement. The geogrids act a restraint against this lateral movement.

Fig. 1.20 lateral restraint capability

1.4.2 Types of Geogrids

Based on the manufacturing process involved in geogrids it can be of three types:
1) Extruded geogrid
2) Woven geogrid
3) Bonded geogrid
Based on which direction the stretching is done during manufacture, geogrids are classified as,
1) Uniaxial geogrid
2) Biaxial geogrid
3) Triaxial geogrids

● Uniaxial geogrid
These geogrids are formed by the stretching of ribs in
the longitudinal direction. So, in this case, the material
possesses high tensile strength in the longitudinal
direction than on the transverse direction.

Fig. 1.21Uniaxial Geogrid

● Biaxial geogrid

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Here during the punching of polymer sheet, the stretching is done in both directions. Hence
the function of tensile strength is equally given to both transverse and longitudinal direction.

Fig. 1.21 Uniaxial and biaxial geogrid manufactured by the method of extrusion

1.4.3 Application of geogrid in road pavement

The geogrid construction in pavement construction have following features:
● Improvement of subgrade: the subgrade, which is most important load bearing strata, is
made solid and strong by the geogrids. The problem of soft subgrade can be solved by
this method.
● Reinforcement of pavement base: the thickness of base if increased would increase the
stiffness of base. But increasing thickness enormously is not economical. The
reinforcement to a given base layer would give adequate stiffening that helps in reduction
of thickness and time of construction. This also helps in increasing the life of the

Fig. 1.22 granular fill thickness reduction achieved through a biaxial geogrids layer
1.4.4 Advantages of geogrid in construction
● Ease of construction: the geogrid can be installed in any weather condition. This makes it
more demanding.
● Geogrid promotes soil stabilization
● A higher strength soil mass is obtained

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● Higher load bearing capacity
● It is a good remedy to retain soil from erosion
● No difficulty in material availability
● Geogrids are flexible in nature
● Geogrids have high durability reducing maintenance cost. They are highly resistant
against environmental influences.

1.5 Objective of The Project:-

● To reduce the settlement of structures.
● To reduce vertical and lateral deformation.
● To reduce thickness of pavement
● To reduce construction and operational costs.
● To increase the bearing capacity of soft soil.
● To increase lifetime of the road.
● Better drainage Rapid consolidation.
● Less periodical maintenance.
● To design pavement based on MSA traffic and CBR as per IRC:37-2012

1.6 Problem Specification:-

● Expansive soil or black cotton soil having swelled and shrink properties.
● Soil is swelling and become sticky when wet.
● During dry season this soil develop wide cracks.
● Shrink swell properties of soil causes the foundation problems and slope failure.
● Expansive soil will collapse and can result in building settlement.
● Foundations, retaining wall, pavements, airports, side walls etc. are adversely affected.

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There are some literature view, which shows summary, describe, summarize, objectively
evaluate and clarify the previous research .

Title Usage of Geogrids In Flexible Pavement Design
Author name Paketi Madhu,Ganesh Yadav
Conference Ganesh Peketi Jawahar Lal Nehru technical University
As on 31st March 2018, estimates the total road length in India 6,603,293km
(4,103,096 mi) making the Indian road network, the second largest road network
in the world after the united states. But the roads are not giving the desired result
due to poor CBR value.
Roads in India have mostly the problems like the formation of potholes, ruts,
cracks and localized depression and settlement, especially during rainy season.
These are mainly due to the insufficient bearing capacity of the subgrade in
water saturated condition. The subgrade soil mostly yields low CBR value 2-
5%. In the CBR method of pavement design (IRC:37-2012) the total thickness
of pavement increases exponentially with a decrease in the CBR value of
subgrade soil which in turn increases the cost of construction. So, it has been
tried to use the geogrid material for increasing the bearing capacity of the
subgrade. Laboratory and simulated field CBR tests are conducted on soil
samples with and without the inclusion of geogrid layer and also by varying the
position of it in the mould. Use of geogrid increases the CBR value of the
subgrade and thereby reduces the pavement thickness considerably up to 40%.
This study will have a positive impact on cost as it will reduce the Project as
well as maintenance cost of the road. Our project will discuss in detail the
process and its successful applications.

Conclusion The positive effects of geogrid reinforced subgrade courses can economically
and ecologically be utilized to reduce aggregate thickness. And it can also
increase the life of the pavement and can also decrease the overall cost of the
pavement construction with an increased lifetime.

210490714002 Page 22
Title Stabilization of Expansive Subgrade of Pavement By Usage of Vitrified Polish
Waste And Geogrid Provision
Author name M. T. S. Lakshmayya, V. Raghudeep
Conference International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET)
Abstract Black cotton soils or expansive soils which are vastly found in India are known
for their susceptibility to varying moisture condition. This causes severe
problem for pavement construction in areas where black cotton soils are
predominantly present. To cope up with this problem in many sites, soil
replacement technique is adapted which is very costly. In present investigation
a study area from Samalkot to Uppada in Andhra Pradesh, India is selected
having similar problem. Experiments are carried out to stabilize the soil with
Vitrified Polish Waste (VPW) as an admixture and geogrid provision. The
VPW is mixed in proportions of 5%, 10%, 15%, 20% to virgin soil and the
engineering and index properties of soil are evaluated after stabilization. The
subgrade soil is also tested for simulated traffic loading condition by providing
geogrid membrane in the laboratory and result analysis proved that VPW has a
good potential to be used as an additive for black cotton soil stabilization.

● The design traffic of Samalkot - Uppada road is 50 msa and 150 msa
respectively for 5 and 10 years.
● It can be concluded from moisture content test that there is a decrease in
moisture content with increase in proportion of VPW content, with
increase in number of days this reduction in moisture content increases
even more, this is mainly because of water absorbing nature of VPW, the
moisture content decreases by 25.8% for 15% replacement of VPW when
compared with ordinary clayey soil on 28th day.
● From free swell index test it can be concluded that the expansion of black
cotton soil is moderate and it is further reduced because of the addition of
VPW, hence there is a considerable decrease in soil swelling because of
VPW addition and hence VPW can be considered as good stabilizer to
reduce swelling and effective at 15% addition.
● Soaked CBR value increased by 5 times for treated soil when compared to
untreated soil.
● The thickness of the pavement is reduced by 340 mm i.e., from 925 mm for
untreated soil to 585mm for treated soil at a design traffic of 50 msa and
the thickness of the pavement is reduced by 350 mm i.e., from 975 mm for
untreated soil to 625 mm for treated soil at a design traffic of 150 msa.

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Title Laboratory Evaluation of Geogrids Used For Stabilizing Soft Subgrades
Author name Magdi M. E. Zumrawi, Nehla Mansour
Conference University of Khartoum
This paper aims to assess the efficiency of using geogrid reinforcement for
subgrade stabilization. The literature of applying geogrid reinforcement
technique for pavements built on soft subgrades and the previous experiences
were reviewed. Laboratory tests were conducted on soil reinforced with
geogrids in one or several layers. The soil specimens were compacted in four
layers with or without geogrid sheets. The California Bearing Ratio (CBR) test,
in soaking condition, was performed on natural soil and soil- geogrid
specimens. The test results revealed that the CBR value is much affected by the
geogrid sheet location and the number of sheets used in the soil specimen.
When a geogrid sheet was placed at the 1 layer of the soil, there was an
increment of 26% in the CBR value. Moreover, the CBR value was
significantly increased by 62% when geogrid sheets were placed at all four
layers. The high CBR value is attributed to interface friction and interlock
involved in the geogrid/ soil interactions. It could be concluded that geogrid
reinforcement is successful and more economical technique.
Conclusion ● The geogrid sheet location and number used in the soil layers are
significantly influence the CBR value. Inclusion of geogrid at 1 layer
increased the CBR value by 26% compared to natural soil. Also, the CBR
value greatly increased by 62% when the geogrid sheets were placed at all
four layers.
● Geogrid reinforcement placed between the subbase and subgrade layers
improves the performance of the pavement by reducing subgrade
deformation and subbase rutting.
● Subgrade stabilization by geogrid reinforcement provides benefit through
better distribution of applied loads and increased bearing capacity. Thus,
improves the service life of pavement with reduced the thickness of the
pavement structure.
● Subgrade stabilization is much affected by the geogrid properties and the
interface efficiency of the geogrid reinforcement.

210490714002 Page 24
Title Design and construction of a geosynthetics reinforced pavement on weak
Author name Sam Bhat & Jimmy Thomas
Conference Titan Environmental Containment Ltd., Ile des Chenes, Manitoba,
Abstract This paper describes the salient features of the design and construction of a
geosynthetics reinforced pavement and presents initial assessment of the
performance. The project involved rehabilitation of old and damaged roads in
the City of Calgary in Canada. At many locations the existing pavement was a
full-depth asphalt pavement which was up to 20 years old and was in a
distressed state. Poor sub-grade conditions were indicated to be one of the
major causes for the distress in the pavement. As part of the city roads
rehabilitation program, it was required to reconstruct the pavement as a pilot
project. The proposed solution required replacement of the existing distressed
pavement with a design comprising asphaltic concrete, granular base and
granular sub-base. This required excavations to accommodate the designed
pavement thickness. To minimize the disruptions and inconvenience to the road
users, it was desirable to minimize the depth of excavation. Therefore it was
necessary to minimize the pavement thickness as far as possible. It is known
that reinforcement of the pavement with geosynthetics enhances the strength
and stiffness of the pavement and also contributes to the fatigue life of the
overlay and hence a reinforced pavement of lower thickness can give the same
level of performance as an unreinforced pavement. Alternatives with different
types and combinations of geosynthetics were evaluated. A design in which a
bitumen coated fiberglass grid was incorporated at the of the asphalt concrete
layer and a biaxial geogrid composite comprising of a stiff polypropylene
biaxial geogrid bonded to a nonwoven geotextile was incorporated at the
bottom of granular sub base was finally adopted for one section and only
bitumen coated fiberglass grid was incorporated for the other section. The
pavement was constructed without any significant issues and the initial
assessment of the performance seems to be quite encouraging.
Conclusion The combination of a biaxial geogrid – geotextiles composite installed at the
top of subgrade and a bituminous coated fiberglass grid placed within the
asphalt concrete layer was evaluated as the optimum reinforcement solution for
the reconstruction of an asphalt pavement in poor condition. With the
incorporation of geosynthetic reinforcement, significant reduction in pavement
thickness could be achieved. This reduced the required depth of excavation and
thus minimized the problems during construction. Monitoring of the pilot
sections would give valuable data for a realistic and reliable assessment of the
benefits of geosynthetics reinforcement in pavements.

210490714002 Page 25
Title CBR Improvement of Clayey Soil With Geo-Grid Reinforcement
Author name Pardeep Singh, K.S.Gill
Conference International Journal of Engineering Technology Science and Research
The quality and life of pavement is greatly affected by the type of sub-grade,
sub base and base course material. The most important of these are the type
and quality of sub-grade soil. But in India most of the flexible pavements are
need to be constructed over weak and problematic sub-grade. The California
bearing ratio(CBR) of these sub-grade have very low, it needs to more
thickness of pavement. Decrease in the availability of suitable sub base and
base materials for pavement construction have leads to a search for economic
method of converting locally available problematic soil to suitable construction
materials The present research have to study the effect of geo-grid
reinforcement on maximum dry density (MDD), Optimum Moisture Content
(OMC), California Bearing Ratio (CBR) and E-Value of sub-grade soil. The
clayey type of soil and one type of geo--grid were selected for this study. From
the study it is clear that there is considerable improvement in California
Bearing Ratio(CBR) of sub-grade due to geo-grid reinforcement. In case of
without reinforcement (Geo-grid) the soaked CBR value was 2.9% and when
geo-grid was placed at 0.2H from the top of the specimen the CBR increases to

Conclusion In the present study, reinforced benefits of different layers of a flexible

pavement are evaluated in terms of their strength parameters like, CBR and E-
value and the important findings of this research are summarized below:
1) The CBR of a soil increases by 50-100% when it is reinforced with a single
layer of geogrid. The amount of improvement depends upon the type of
soil and position of geo-grid.
2) CBR of sub-grade soil is 3.6% without reinforcement and when geo-grid
was placed at 0.2H from the top, The CBR value increased to 8.7%

210490714002 Page 26
Title Role of Geo-Grid in Enhancing the Bearing Capacity of Soil.
Author name Ali Murtuza. H, Shivkumar. R.H
Conference S T J Institute of Technology, Ranebennur, Karnataka, India
Abstract This paper determines the bearing capacity of four different types of soil and
placing geo-grids at different depths. Soil is one of the main basic materials in
design and construction in civil engineering works, due to the high demand on
the maintenance and development of efficient infrastructure (railways, roads
and buildings). This paper investigates basic property of different types of soils,
such as Red soil (RS), Black cotton soil (BC), Laterite soil (LS) and Alluvial
soil (AS) and increase the bearing capacity by using Bi-axial geo-grid. The soil
samples were taken to the laboratory for experiments to determine Grain size,
Specific gravity, Atterberg -limits, Compaction test (MDD & OMC), Direct
shear test, unconfined compression test and California Bearing Ratio (CBR) by
laying the geogrid at different layers like Top, Bottom, Middle and 1/3rd&
2/3rdfrom the base of the mould to determine the strength of soils. The bearing
capacity of Laterite soil, Black cotton soil and Alluvial soil is increases when
the geogrid is placed at the top and bearing capacity of Red soil is increases
when the geogrid is placed at middle

Conclusion This study determines the application of geogrid on the different type of soil.
The geogrid increases the bearing capacity of soils, which shows in the higher
CBR value. The investigation shows that increase the bearing capacity of the
different soils by placing of geogrid at different depth. It was shows that the
maximum bearing capacity is obtained when geogrid is place at top of the
mould in Laterite soil, Alluvial soil and Black cotton soil and geogrid is placed
at middle of the mould in Red soil. There is continuously an increase in the
performance of the soils in the dry condition. Use of geogrid as reinforcement
to the poor soils to increase the maximum load carrying capacity. It is un-
combustible and durable, it also increase the service life soil in construction.
Reduces lateral spreading of the base course also increases confinement leading
to the stiffer base. In road and rail geogrid reduces section thickness. The use of
geogrid will allow forces to transfer throughout a much lar

210490714002 Page 27
Title CBR Characteristics of Soils Stabilised with Geogrid
Author name George J Maliyakal, Dhanya Josh
Conference International Journal of Civil Engineering
Abstract Soil Reinforcement is an effective and reliable technique for improving the
strength and stability of soil. Geo-grids are used to stabilize and improve the
strength and characteristics of soil. Black cotton soil, marine clay soil and
Kuttanadan clay soil are the different types of soil involved in this paper. These
soils are not used for any construction purposes. The implementation of geo-
grids will enable the usage of these soils in construction. tests were conducted
on soil specimen with geo-grids in one or more layers. Strength tests are to be
conducted on the above mentioned soils. This paper focuses on the variation of
strength of three
Conclusion This project is the outcome of the extensive laboratory research work carried
out to explore the possibility of utilizing H2M9Geogrid, a natural eco-friendly
material. Experiments were done to study the CBR characteristics of soils
stabilized with H2M9Geogrid. This was accomplished by performing elaborate
laboratory investigations in different aspects. The main focus was to conduct
systematic work on the use of H2M9 Geogrid, a coir product, so that new
methods of application can be evolved which will pave way for the growth of
traditional coir industry
⮚ The CBR value of soil is found to increase with the inclusion of
⮚ The highest increase in the CBR value was achieved when geo-grid was
placed at 20% depth from the top of the specimen.
⮚ The CBR of soil increases by 50-200% when it is reinforced with
Geogrid. The amount of improvement depends upon the type of soil and
position of geo-grid.
Hence it can be concluded that Geogrid stabilized soils are structurally strong
compare to unreinforced soils.

210490714002 Page 28
Title Improvement Of Flexible Pavement With Use of Geo-grid.
Author name S.S.Valunjakar
Conference Grad. Student, Master of Engineering, (Civil - Soil)Government College of
Engineering, Aurangabad (M.S), India
Abstract Weaker soils are generally clayey and expansive in nature which are having
lesser strength characteristics. Technique of improving the soil with geogrid
increase the stiffness and load carrying capacity of the soil through fractional
interaction between the soil and geogrid material improving black cotton soil.
The load coming on the road crust is transferred to the underlying soil. If the
soil supporting the road crust is weaker, the crust thickness of road increases,
which leads to the more cost of construction. To achieve the economy and for
proper performance of road, it is necessary to improve the soil. In the present
work locally available sub-grade soil of the road is modified by addition of geo-
textile material in different percentage i.e.1%, 2% and 2.5% and 3%
respectively. Similarly geogrid is been used for improvement in properties of
soft murum has also been studied. Also geogrid is used in mix of soil and 2%
cement in different proportion to study its effects. With these attempts it will be
possible to find out optimum mixes which are to be used for further
construction to achieve desired stability and economy in construction
Conclusion The results of the test are discussed here with. The attempt is made to know the
causes for the change in different characteristics of soil due to addition of
varying percentages of geogrid in the soil. The properties of soil with and
without reinforcement are given below.
 The optimum moisture content (OMC) of the soil is25 and that of murum is
14.5. The maximum dry density of soil is 1.6 and that of murum is 1.72.
The customary dry density versus water content Figures are plotted to
obtain these values.
 The Figures between geogrid content and CBR values are given in Figs. 3
to 8. From the results it can be seen that the CBR values increase with the
addition of geo-textile when compacted for constant density. The purpose
of compaction is to improve the quality of the soil used as a sub-grade
material for roads. The important properties are high shear strength, low
permeability and little tendency to settle under repeated loading. The
maximum compaction is possible at the OMC and MDD of the soil.
Therefore, test of OMC and MDD serve as guide and basis to get the
maximum compaction in the field.

210490714002 Page 29
Title Laboratory Evaluation of Geo-Grid Used For Stabilizing Soft-Sub grade.
Author name Magdi M.E. Zumrawi, Nehla Mansour
Conference See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication
Abstract The paper aim to access efficiency for using geogrid reinforcement for geogrid
Stabilization. The literature applying for geo grid reinforcement technique for
pavement built on soft sub-grade and pervious experiment for
reviewed.laboratry test was conducted on soil reinforced with geogrid in one or
several layer. The soil specimen was compacted in soil layer with or without
geo-grid sheet. The CBR Test in Soaking Condition natural soil and soil
geogrid specimen. It could be concluded that geogrid reinforcement is
successful and more economical technique.
Conclusion The result obtain in study show that inclusion of geogrid in cohesive soil has a
considerable effect on bearing strength. The following conclusion can be
● The geogrid reinforcement placed between sub-grade and sub-base layer
improve the performance of pavement by reducing sub grade deformation
and sub-base rutting.
● Sub-grade stabilization is much affected by geogrid properties and the
interface efficiency of the geo-grid reinforcement.

210490714002 Page 30
Title Geosynthetic Application for Subgrade Stabilization
Author name Thitibhorn Phantachang , Bupavech Phansri , Noppakorn Nopphan ,Sittinut
Chunuan , Thornthiti Wongchinda
Conference Anniversary Thai-German Tecnical Institute Khonkae
Abstract The present study investigates the improvement in the bearing capacity and
shear strength of well-graded silty sand with the soil layer on top and placing
geotextiles at different depths at L/2, 3L/4 and L/4 were performed. Laboratory
test are conducted on the unreinforced and reinforced compacted soil samples.
The two types of silty sand soil samples were collected from road construction
project (national highway no. 118, Chiang Mai to Chiang Rai Province).
The laboratory tests include basic and engineering properties. Soaked and
unsoaked California bearing ratio (CBR) test and unconfined compression test

max were 2.01 t/m3and 2.05 t/m3 and OMC of the silty soil are 10.08% and
9.23% respectively.
The results demonstrated that bearing capacity of increases significantly with
the geotextile reinforcement. From the CBR test results, unsoaked CBR for
unreinforced are 5.13% and the CBR value are found to increase in geotextile
reinforced soil samples by 27%, 30% and 27% (Soil 1) and unsoaked CBR of
soil 2 are 12.00% which increase by 27%, 77% and 67%respectively. Therefore
performance of soil in CBR can be improve using geotextile reinforced.
Finding of this research work may be useful to improve the bearing capacity of
soil for pavement design and shall foundation and for similar type of soil
Conclusion 1. The performance of CBR values in unsoaked and soaked condition can be
enhance by using geotextile reinforcement. The experimental results for both
soil samples were increased with geotextile reinforced layer.
2. The effective position of the geotextile layer was the middle of the sample
height (at L/2).
3. Testing results shown that, geotextile reinforced can be decrease the swelling
percentage when the position was in the middle height of specimen.
4. Finding of this research work may be useful to improve the bearing capacity
of soil for pavement design and shall foundation and for similar type of soil

210490714002 Page 31
There are some methodology ,which are system of practices, techniques, procedures, and
rules used by those who work in a discipline.

1. To Determine The Minimum Density And Maximum Density Of Expansive

The maximum dry density and the optimum water content of the untreated MSW samples
with particles smaller than 9 mm were measured with the application of 596 KJ/m3 energy
(Standards Australia, 2008). Then, the treated MSW samples were prepared by mixing MSW
materials and fly ash–quicklime in various ranges. Again, the optimum water content and the
maximum dry density of the treated MSW samples were determined. Based on the fact that
MSW material in landfills is less compacted than normal soil layers, a series of revised
compaction tests with the application of 357 KJ/m3 energy (15 blows instead 25 blows per
layer) were performed, and the revised maximum dry density values were used in sample
preparation. Furthermore, by comparing the results of standard and revised compaction tests,
the effect of the number of blows on the maximum dry density and the optimum moisture
content could be observed. Table 8.6 demonstrates the compaction test results for untreated
and treated MSW samples with various fly ash–quicklime content. Each test was repeated
three times, and the average data were reported in this table. Note that all the prepared
samples for this study were also compacted to achieve the revised maximum dry density.
Referring to Table 8.6, with regard to the revised compaction tests, by mixing MSW samples
with 26.7% fly ash–quicklime, the maximum dry density increased from 1132 kg/m3 to 1182
kg/m3 and the optimum moisture content decreased from 15.7% to 13.3%. Note that the
increase in the unit weight and the reduction in the moisture content are two important
factors in stabilization of the closed landfill sites.

Table 3.1. Compaction test results

MSW Fly ash Quicklime OMC MDD OMC MDD
mix No. (%) (%) (%)a (kg/m3)a (%) (kg/m3)
1 0 0 17.5 1132 15.7 1243
2 5 1.7 16.2 1151 14.5 1264
3 10 3.4 15.7 1167 14 1276
4 15 5 15.2 1175 13.6 1287
5 20 6.7 14.8 1182 13.3 1295

210490714002 Page 32
800 Series1
600 Series2
400 Series3
200 Series4
0 Series5

mix No.




MSW Fly ashQuicklime OMC MDD OMC MDD

Determination of the maximum dry density and the optimum moisture content of a soil by
Standard Proctor Test.
IS 2720 (Part 7) – 1986(Light Compaction) & IS 2720 (Part 8) – 1986(Heavy Compaction)
Room Temperature
1. Take air dried soil material and of sufficient quantity such that 6 kg of material passing
through 20 mm IS sieve for soils not susceptible to crushing during compaction, or 15 kg of
material passing through 19-mm IS sieve for soils susceptible to crushing during compaction.
2. Sieve the 15 kg sample through 19-mm IS sieve and broken down sample so that, it will
sieved through 4.75-mm sieve.
3. Take five samples each of 2.5 kg and mixed each sample thoroughly with a suitable
amount of water i.e. for sandy and gravelly soil, moisture content 4 to 6 % and for cohesive
soil, moisture content less than 8 to 10 % below plastic limit are required.
4. Keep the soil samples in desiccators for minimum16 hrs such that water is distributed
uniformly for high plastic soil.
5. Weight the empty mould with base plate which is m1 and measure the volume of the
mould (V). “Project-II(180605)” 2016 30
6. Place the mould in solid place and use oil or grease in mould, collar and rammer so that
soil will not attached in mould. Fill the mould with soil sample prepared in three layers and
each layer is given 25blows from 2.6 kg rammer and from height 310mm above soil. After
each layer compaction, scrub surface of soil with spatula so that another layer bond together
then keep another layer and give 25 blows.
7. In Heavy Compaction 10cm Dia. And 4.9 kg Rammer used and 25 blows and 5 Layer.(In
Case of Material Particle Size 37.5mm Large Size Mould(15cm Dia.) use 30 kg sample taken
passing 37.5mm Sieve, Five layer and 55 blows)
8. Remove the collar and remove the extended soil and leveled the compacted soil by using
straightedge. 9. Weight the mould with base plate and soil sample (m2).
10. Then remove the soil specimen from mould and take the soil of different three layers for
determination water content (w).
11. Repeat the test for at least five times such that maximum dry density will occur at range
of water content.

210490714002 Page 33
2. Moisture Content
xcessive or deficient moisture content of a substance can adversely impact the physical
properties of a material. Weight, thermal expansion, amalgamation and electrical
conductivity are only a partial example of the properties that can be altered by even a minute
presence, or conversely an abundance of moisture.

The presence of moisture in a processing environment is unavoidable, and usually necessary

for successful processing, however control parameters must be in place. Understanding and
maintaining the correct moisture content of a material is essential for manufacturing
processors and testing laboratories.

210490714002 Page 34
A processed material's moisture content will define, for example, the shelf life of processed
foods and provisions, the reactivity of chemical compounds in inventory, or the binding
properties of bulk materials. As a result, the ability to accurately identify and control
moisture content levels during processing procedures is paramount to the success of
countless commercial scientific operations.

Similarly, the identification and efficient operation of reliable moisture analysis equipment is
an essential component of any production or laboratory environment. The thermogravimetric
method is universally recognised as an efficient, reliable and cost-effective method for
determining moisture content, and can be utilised in virtually any such environment.

To determine Weter content of soil by Oven drying method

IS:2720 (part 2) – 1973

Room temperature
1. Take the container, dry it and weight it(w1)
2. Take the required quantity of the wet soil specimen in the container and weight it (w2)
3. Place the container, with its removed, in the oven till its weight becomes constant (Normally
for 24 hrs.)
4. When the soil has dried, remove the container from the oven place the container into
Desiccators at least for 30 minute.
5. Find the weight (w3) of the container with the dry soil sample.

The percent of the water content shall bE calculated as follows:

W= Water Content percent
W2=Mass of container + wet soil in gm
W3= Mass of container + dry soil in gm,
W1= Mass of Container with lid with in gm

210490714002 Page 35
3. Free Swell Index Test of Soil
Determination of free swell index of soil.

IS: 2720(Part 40)-1985- Methods of test for soils

The soil passing 425 micron sieve is used in this test.

 Process
Free swell is the increase in volume of soil, Without any external constraints on submergence
in water. The possibility of damage to structures due to swelling of expansive clay need be
identified by an investigation of those soil likely to possess undesirable expensive
characteristics. This testing is provided to reflect the potential of the soil to swell under
different simulated conditions. For the given clay the free swell index in percent can be
calculated as follows:

Free swell index (%) = (Vd – Vk/ Vk) x 100

Where, Vd = The volume of soil specimen read from the graduated cylinder containing
distilled water, ml

Vk = The volume of soil specimen read from the graduated cylinder containing kerosene, ml.

210490714002 Page 36
210490714002 Page 37
The test procedure was conducted on black cotton soil which is stabilized with granulated blast
furnace slag (GBFS). The soil sample was collected from Bhatia-kharwasa road site which is
maintained under R&B department.

4.1 To Determine GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION for Given Soil sample.

(Sieve Analysis).
Observation Table: Weight of Soil Taken =500gm.

For sample 1.
Table 4.1 Observation Table For Grain Size Analysis

Weight Retained Soil Passing As

IS Sieve
Individual Cumulative Cumulative % %of soil taken

4.75mm 6.02 6.02 1.204 98.796

2.36mm 3.06 9.08 1.816 98.184
1.18mm 2.01 11.09 2.218 97.782
600µ 2.50 13.59 2.718 97.282
300µ 2.92 16.51 3.302 96.698
150µ 47.28 63.79 12.758 87.242
75µ 60.01 123.8 24.76 75.24
PAN 376.20 500


D10= D30= D60=

Cu=( D60/ D10)=

Cc=( D30)2/( D60* D10)=

Gravel 1.2 D10

Sand 24.76 D30
Silt + Clay 75.24 D60

210490714002 Page 38
Graph 4.1 Grain Size Analysis For Sample 1

For sample 2.
Table 4.2 Observation Table For Grain Size Analysis

Weight Retained Soil Passing As

IS Sieve
Individual Cumulative Cumulative % %of soil taken

4.75mm 5.01 5.01 1.002 98.998

2.36mm 2.04 7.05 1.41 98.59
1.18mm 3.03 10.08 2.016 97.98
600µ 3.40 13.48 2.696 97.30
300µ 3.85 17.33 3.466 96.53
150µ 45.26 62.59 12.518 87.48
75µ 65.33 127.92 25.584 74.416
PAN 370.38 498.3 99.66 0.340

D10= D30= D60=

Cu=( D60/ D10)=

Cc=( D30)2/( D60* D10)=

210490714002 Page 39
Gravel 1 D10
Sand 25.584 D30
Silt + Clay 74.416 D60

Graph 4.2 grain size analysis for sample 2

4.2 Determine The LIQUID And PLASTIC LIMIT For Given Soil Sample.

For sample 1.

210490714002 Page 40
Table 4.3 Observation Table For plasticity index value

Liquid Limit Plastic Limit

Particulars 1 2 1 2
Penetration depth in mm 21.56

Container no. G1 G2 G3 G4

Wt. of Container + Wt. of wet soil in 73.750 65.50 35.92 32.87

Wt. of Container + Wt. of dry soil in 54.38 48.27 33.37 30.98

Wt. of water in gm 19.37 17.29 2.55 1.89

Wt. of Container in gm 23.750 23.500 23.920 23.870

Wt. of oven dry soil in gm 30.63 24.71 19.45 6.11

Moisture content % 69.23 69.97 26.98 30.93

Average percent 66.96 28.95

WL = WN / (0.65+0.0175 D) or WL = WN / 0.77 log D
= 66.69/0.77 log 21.56
= 65.20

Liquid Limit Plastic Limit Plasticity Index(PI)=(WL-WP)
65.20 26.19 39.01

For sample 2.

210490714002 Page 41
Table 4.4 Observation Table For plasticity index value

Liquid Limit Plastic Limit

Particulars 1 2 1 2
Penetration depth in mm 22.50

Container no. P4 P6 P5 P7

Wt. of Container + Wt. of wet soil in 73.65 74.70 36.43 36.66

Wt. of Container + Wt. of dry soil in 51.80 53.44 34.11 33.77

Wt. of water in gm 20.85 21.26 2.32 2.89

Wt. of Container in gm 24.250 24.305 24.220 24.106

Wt. of oven dry soil in gm 28.85 29.135 9.89 9.67

Moisture content % 72.27 72.97 23.45 29.88

Average percent 72.62 26.66

WL = WN / (0.65+0.0175 D) or WL = WN / 0.77 log D
= 72.62/ 0.77 log 22.50
= 69.74

Liquid Limit Plastic Limit Plasticity Index(PI)=(WL-WP)
69.74 26.66 43.08


MOISTURE CONTENT of given soil sample

Type: Light / Heavy

Wt. of Rammer: 4.9 Kg
Fall of Rammer: 450 mm
Volume of Mould (Vm) in cc: 1000
For sample 1.

210490714002 Page 42
Table 4.5 Observation Table for MDD


Particulars 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 Wt. of mould + Compacted Soil (W) gm 5387 5385 5685 5734 5708.3 5740
2 Wt. of mould ( Wm ) gm 3783.8 3709.4 3783.2 3709.1 3782.3 3628
3 Wt. of compacted soil gm = (1)-(2) 1603.2 1675.6 1901.8 2024.9 1926 1842
4 Water added % 8 11 14 17 20 23
5 Wet Density (m) gm/cc= (3)/ (Vm) 1.603 1.676 1.902 2.025 1.926 1.842
6 Moisture Content (M) % 10.243 12.777 16.323 18.709 21.655 24.522
7 Dry Density (d) gm/cc 1.45 1.49 1.63 1.71 1.58 1.48

Table 4.6 Observation Table for OMC

Moisture Content

Particulars 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 Container No. P1 P2 P3 P6 P8 P4
2 Wt. of Container + Wt. of wet soil (gm) 61.10 61.00 58.67 54.64 57.23 55.88
3 Wt. of Container + Wt. of dry soil (gm) 56.70 55.90 52.73 48.03 50.42 47.67
4 Wt. of water (gm) = (2)-(3) 4.4 5.1 5.94 6.61 6.80 8.21
5 Wt. of Container (gm) 13.85 16.16 16.34 12.70 16.50 14.19
6 Wt. of oven dry soil (gm) = (3)-(5) 42.85 39.74 36.39 35.33 33.92 33.48
7 Moisture Content (M) % 10.26 12.83 16.32 18.70 20.07 54.52

210490714002 Page 43
Graph 4.3 Moisture Content Vs Dry Density For Sample 1

For sample 2.
Table 4.7 Observation Table for MDD
Particulars 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 Wt. of mould + Compacted Soil (W) gm 5098 5248 5585 5685 5614 5285
2 Wt. of mould ( Wm ) gm 3783.3 3709.4 3783.2 3709.1 3782.3 3628
3 Wt. of compacted soil gm = (1)-(2) 1314.2 1583.6 1801.8 1975.9 1831.7 1657
4 Water added % 8 11 14 17 20 23
5 Wet Density (m) gm/cc= (3)/ (Vm) 1.314 1.539 1.802 1.976 1.832 1.657
6 Moisture Content (M) % 10.012 12.976 16.355 19.402 23.755 26.180
7 Dry Density (d) gm/cc 1.19 1.36 1.55 1.65 1.18 1.31

210490714002 Page 44
Table 4.8 Observation Table for OMC

Moisture Content
Particulars 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 Wt. of mould + Compacted Soil (W) gm G2 G7 G3 G6 G8 G9
2 Wt. of mould ( Wm ) gm 61.10 61.00 58.67 54.61 57.24 55.88
3 Wt. of compacted soil gm = (1)-(2) 56.80 55.85 52.72 47.80 49.42 47.23
4 Water added % 4.3 5.15 5.95 6.81 7.82 8.65
5 Wet Density (m) gm/cc= (3)/ (Vm) 13.85 16.16 16.34 12.70 16.50 14.19
6 Moisture Content (M) % 42.95 36.96 36.38 35.1 32.92 33.04
7 Dry Density (d) gm/cc 10.01 12.97 16.35 19.40 23.75 26.18

Graph 4.4 Moisture Content Vs Dry Density For Sample 2

4.4 Free Swell Index

For sample 1.
Free swell index, percentage = (Vd-Vk)/Vk*100
= ( 13.33 – 10)/10*100

210490714002 Page 45
= 33.33%

For sample 2.
Free swell index, percentage = (Vd-Vk)/Vk*100
= (16.50 – 10)/10*100
= 65%

Vd = volume of soil specimen read from the graduated cylinder containing
distilled water.
Vk = volume of soil specimen read from the graduated cylinder containing

Table 4.9 Table For Free swell index

Free Swell Degree of

Index expansiveness
<20 Low 0.50 0-35% >17%
20-35 Moderate 40-60% 25-50% 8-18%
35-50 High 50-75% 35-65% 6-12%
>50 Very high >60% >45% <10%

4.5 To determine CALIFORNIA BEARING RATIO for given soil sample

Volume of CBR Mould = 2250cm3 (Dia. 150 mm × 127.33 mm height)

Calibration Factor of Proving Ring =1.093 kg/div.
Method Compaction = Dynamic
For sample 1.
210490714002 Page 46
Table 4.10 observation table for california bearing ratio test
Proving Proving ring Total
Penetration in ring reading in Standard
mm readings division load
(C2) (C3=C2*5) (kg)
0.0 0 0 0
0.5 5 25 1.99
1.0 8 40 3.19
1.5 13.1 66 5.26
2.0 16.3 83 6.62
2.5 19.4 99 7.80 1370
3.0 20.4 104 5.53
3.5 21.4 109 5.80
4.0 22.4 114 6.06
4.5 23.3 118 6.28
5.0 25.0 125 6.64 2055
5.5 25.4 129 5.36
6.0 26.4 134 5.56
6.5 27.3 138 5.73
7.0 28.1 141 5.85
7.5 29.2 147 6.10 2630
8.0 30.2 152 5.22
8.5 31.2 157 5.39
9.0 32.3 163 5.60
9.5 32.4 164 5.64
10.0 33.4 169 5.81 3180
10.5 34.3 173 5.25
11.0 35.4 179 5.44
11.5 36.4 184 5.59
12.0 37.1 186 5.65
12.5 38.3 193 5.86 3600
CBR at 2.5mm Penetration 7.8

CBR at 5.0 mm penetration 6.64

Final CBR% 7.8

210490714002 Page 47
For sample 2.
Table 4.11 observation table for california bearing ratio test
Proving Proving ring Total
Penetration in ring reading in Standard
mm readings division load
(C2) (C3=C2*5) (kg)
0.0 0 0 0
0.5 4 20 1.60
1.0 10.0 50 3.99
1.5 14.2 72 5.75
2.0 17.3 88 7.02
2.5 19.1 96 7.60 1370
3.0 20.0 100 5.31
3.5 20.2 102 5.42
4.0 20.4 104 5.53
4.5 21.4 109 5.80
5.0 22.4 114 6.06 2055
5.5 23.0 115 4.80
6.0 23.2 117 4.86
6.5 24.1 121 5.03
7.0 24.4 124 5.15
7.5 25.4 129 5.36 2630
8.0 26.3 133 4.58
8.5 27.1 136 4.67
9.0 28.0 140 4.81
9.5 28.4 144 5.09
10.0 29.4 149 5.12 3180
10.5 30.2 152 4.61
11.0 31.2 157 4.77
11.5 32.3 163 4.95
12.0 33.4 169 5.14
12.5 34.0 170 5.16 3600

210490714002 Page 48
CBR at 2.5mm Penetration 7.60

CBR at 5.0 mm penetration 6.06

Final CBR% 7.60

4.6 Summary of Test Result

Table 4.12 Summary of test result
Soil Grain size analysis Atterberg‟s limit
FSI compaction test CBR
Gravel Sand Silt+clay LL PL PI (%) MDD OMC (%)
(%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (gm/cc) (%)
1 1 25.58 74.42 69.74 26.66 45.23 33.3 1.72 19.42 7.80

210490714002 Page 49
2 0 26.38 73.62 68.35 34.46 33.89 63.06 1.65 19.60 8.69
3 0 20.26 79.74 68.82 35.53 33.28 50.5 1.68 20.55 8.29
4 0 6.44 93.56 57.98 31.76 26.22 40 1.70 21.30 7.70
5 1.2 24.76 75.24 64.85 28.19 36.66 65 1.60 18.85 7.60

4.7 Geogrids :
● The CTMGGB has tensile strength 60kN geogrid was used in Bhatia-Kharwasa road
● The geogrid has the aperture opening size 20mm × 20mm and the geogrids thickness is
● The tensile strength of geogrid in machine direction is 60 kN/m and in Cross machine
direction is 60 kN/m.

4.8.1 Design of pavement as per IRC:37-2012
In this thesis we analyze Bhatia-kharwasa road pavement design, therefore we collect the
necessary information about that road from R&B department.

1) Design Traffic:

Below mention traffic data report is collected from R&B department for the Bhatia-kharwasa road.

Table 4.13 Traffic data

Timing HCV MCV LCV Two wheelers Cycles Total
1 8:00am – 9:00 am 5 22 234 412 15 688
2 9:00am – 10:00 am 8 25 179 351 20 560

210490714002 Page 50
3 10:00am – 11:00 am 0 25 193 318 10 546
4 11:00am – 12:00 pm 3 20 165 289 5 482
5 12:00pm – 1:00 pm 4 35 123 312 9 483
6 1:00pm – 2:00 pm 2 16 116 156 11 301
7 2:00pm – 3:00 pm 9 23 162 189 12 395
8 3:00pm – 4:00 pm 8 33 194 265 6 506
9 4:00pm – 5:00 pm 6 35 186 298 5 530
10 5:00pm – 6:00 pm 11 40 194 365 12 622
11 6:00pm – 7:00 pm 13 42 124 311 0 490
12 7:00pm – 8:00 pm 15 50 142 356 0 563
84 331 2013 3622 105 5824
= 84+331+2013
The design traffic in terms of the cumulative number of standard axles to be carried during the
design life of the road should be computed using the following equation:

( )

N = Cumulative number of standard axles to be catered for in the design in terms of msa.
A = Initial traffic in the year of completion of construction in terms of the number of
Commercial Vehicles Per Day (CVPD).
D = Lane distribution factor = 0.5 [clause no. 4.5.1 (ii) ]
F = Vehicle Damage Factor (VDF) = 3.5 [clause no. 4.4.6 , Table-4.2)]
n = Design life in years = 15 [clause no. 4.3.2]
r = Annual growth rate of commercial vehicles in decimal (e.g., for 5 per cent annual growth
rate, r = 0.05) =7.5 % [clause no. 4.4.2]

The traffic in the year of completion is estimated using the following formula:
A = P (1 + r)X
= 2428(1+0.075)1
P = Number of commercial vehicles as per last count = 2428
x = Number of years between the last count and the year of completion of construction=1 year
by substituting value from equation,
( )

= 43.55 msa (million standard axle)

Recommendation for Curst Thickness:

210490714002 Page 51
As per IRC:37-2012, These Guidelines provide a Design catalogue giving pavement compositions
for various combinations of traffic, layer configuration and assumed material properties.

For flexible pavement design we use first combination as granular base and granular sub-base
(clause no. 10.1)

Granular base and Granular sub-base:

Fig. 4.5 Bituminous surfacing with granular base and granular sub-base

Design traffic = 43.55

Form the results adopt CBR value = 8%
The CBR value is 8% therefore use plate 6 for pavement thickness

Graph-4.6 Plate-1 (IRC:37-2012) Pavement Design Catalogues

210490714002 Page 52
From the graph: CBR-8%, N-43.55
i.e., the thickness of GSB:200mm, G. Base:250mm, DBM:100mm, BC/SDBC:40mm
GSB: Granular sub-base, G. base: Granular Base(WMM), DBM: Dense Bituminous Macadam,
BC: Bituminous Concrete, SDBC: Semi-Dense Bituminous Concrete.

4.8.2 Methods for Reduce the required base course thickness by using geogrid
reinforcement as follows.
Alternate 1 As per Modified AASHTO method for geogrids reinforced pavement layer
Design of pavement as per AASHTO, 1993
Flexible pavement design for Bhatia-Kharwasa road (2-lane road each direction) needs to be
design for 15 year with 4% growth rate
Design inputs:
Average subgrade CBR = 8 %
Expected traffic = 18 kip (80kn axle load) with growth rate 4%
Initial serviceability = 4.2
Terminal serviceability = 2.0
Standard deviation So = 0.35
Step-1 determination of W18 :-
w18 = Predicted Number of 18000 lb equivalent single axle load application
A) For 18 kips, pt = 2.0 and assumed SN = 5.0 the axle equivalency factor = 1 (from
AASHTO, 1993, table D.1, Page-D-3, appendix-D)
Hence , first year traffic eastimate
= Expected traffic × axle load equivalency factor
= 150000 × 1
= 150000

B) For analysis period of 15 years and 4% growth factor

(from AASHTO,1993, Table D.20, Page-D-24, Appendix-D)
w‟18 = Traffic growth factor × First year traffic eastimate
= 20.02 × 150000
= 3003000

C) Find w18
W18 = DD×DL×W‟18
Where, DD = direction distribution factor = 0.5 ( as per AASHTO,1993 clause 2.1.2, Page II-9)
DL = lane distribution factor (there are two numbers of lane on each direction)
= 90% (form AASHTO,1993, Page-II-9)
Hence, W18 = 0.50 × 0.90 × 3003000

D) Find W18
210490714002 Page 53
Form the table 2.2, the suggested levels of reliability for various functional classification
The Bhatia-kharwasa road is principal arterials road so, that the recommended level of reliability
for rural area is 75 to 95%
Therefore, R = 95%
Here the reliability is 95% therefore the value of standard normal deviate (ZR) is obtain from
table 4.1, Page I-62, AASHTO,1993)
ZR = -1.645
Therefore, FR = 10(-ZR× SO)
= 10(-1.645×0.35)
= 3.764

Finally the W18 = w18 × FR

= 1351350 × 3.764
= 5086481
= 5.08 msa (million standard axle)
Step 2 determination of serviceability
Given pt = 2.0 and po = 4.2
Therefore, ΔPSI = po - pt
= 4.2 – 2.0
= 2.2
Step 3 determination of subgrade resilient modulus (MR)
MR(psi) = 1500 × CBR
= 1500 × 8
= 12000 psi
MR(kPa) = 6.89 × 12000
= 82680 kPa
Step 4 determination of standard number (SN)
Basic empirical equation for design of flexible pavement design by American Association of
State Highway and Transportation (AASHTO, 1993) as Follows:

) ( ) ( )
( )

Determine structural Number (SN) by trial and error method from above equation or use of
design chart given,
Therefore, SN = 3.80

210490714002 Page 54
At CBR 8% and 5.08
mas the SN value is 3.80

Graph 4.7 CBR% VS Structural Number with msa 1 to 10

Step 5 estimation of pavement thickness
As per AASHTO Structural number equation
SN = a1d1 + a2d2m2 + a3d3m3
a1, a2, ….are layer coefficient
d1, d2……are depth of pavement layer
m3, m4…..are drainage Co-efficient
the layer co-efficient value is obtain form AASHTO,1993
a1 = Asphalt concrete surface course = 0.40-0.44 =0.42 for BC and 0.40 for DBM
a2 = Crushed stone base course = 0.10-0.14, and = 0.14
a3 = Granular sub-base = 0.060-0.11 = 0.09
As the drainage condition is “Good” and pavement is exposed to saturation moisture more
than 25% of the time, m2 = 1.0 and m3 = 1.0 ( form AASHTO,1993, Page-II-26, Table-2.5)

In our case we take the pavement layer thickness that we find as per IRC:37-2012
D1=1.57 in. (Bituminous Concrete = 40mm)
D2=3.93 in. (dense Bituminous Concrete = 100mm)
D3=9.84 in. (Wet Mix Macadam = 250mm)
D4=7.87 in. (Granular sub-base = 200mm)
SN = (0.42×1.57) + (0.40×3.93) + (0.14×9.84×1) + (0.09×7.87×1)
= 4.32 ˃ 3.80 as find as per AASHTO, 1993

Step 6 design for reinforced case

As per Modified AASHTO Design method for Geogrid reinforced flexible Pavement
SN = a1d1 + (LCR)a2d2m2 + a3d3m3
210490714002 Page 55
LCR = layer coefficient ratio

The layer Co-efficient ratio is presented as a function of subgrade CBR value in graph and
show the lower the Subgrade CBR, the Greater the Layer Co-efficient Ratio.

LCR is also fin d by the following equation,

Where, SNr and SNu are the structural number for reinforced and unreinforced pavement system
In our case the structural number for reinforced is unknown therefore we used the CBR Vs layer
co-efficient graph shown below,


Graph 4.7 CBR Vs Layer Co-efficient Ratio

For CBR value 8%
The value of LCR = 1.44

In our case we used the geogrid reinforcement between WMM and GSB layer
The value of SN is taken 4.32 as we calculated
SN = a1d1 + a2d2 + (LCR)a3d3m3 + a4d4m4
4.32 = (0.42×1.57) + (0.40×3.93) + (0.14×1.44×d3×1) + (0.09×7.87×1)
4.32 = 0.66 + 1.578 + 0.20 d3 + 0.70
1.388 = 0.20 d3
d3 = 175.26 mm
≈ 180 mm

Step 7 Saving of base course material (%)

210490714002 Page 56
Alternate 2 As per Indian geotechnical Journal [Dec 2015, volume 45, pp 458-471]
The research work on “design of geogrids for road base stabilization” Minimol korulla
developed new design method which includes the design of geogrids for road base stabilization,
based on 4 layer model: asphalt(binder and wearing course), base , subbase and subgrade.
By use of geogrids there is considerably reduction in pavement layer thickness.

Alternate 3 Empirical Design Method from AASHTO PP 46-01 (2001).

The equivalent geogrid structural number is calculated based on TII, reinf = 4,400,000 ESALs,
which provides a structural number of 4.45 Based on the AASHTO, 1993 equation. Thus, an
equivalent SN ≈ 0.7 is estimated for the geogrid. This value must be confirmed through a field
evaluation program and the 1.6 km (1 mile) initial test section affords the opportunity to do so.

Layer Drainage Structural

Layer Material Type coefficient, coefficient, number
t (mm)
ai mi (t x ai x mi)
1 Asphalt wearing course 25.4 0.42 N/A 0.42
2 Asphalt binder 63.5 0.40 N/A 1.0
3 Aggregate base course 177.8 0.14 1.2 1.18
4 Geogrid* Equivalent SN for TBR = 4 0.7
5 Subbase course 152.4 0.10 0.7 0.42

The calculated traffic for the geogrid-reinforced section, based on the AASHTO, 1993 equation
again is 1,100,000 ESALs. The calculated traffic of 1,100,000 ESALs exceeds the design traffic
of 1,000,000 ESALs and the calculated traffic of the unreinforced section and meets the design
requirements. The geogrid reinforcement reduced the thickness of the base course by 4.0 in. and
increased the allowable traffic capacity with approximately 10%.

Alternate 4 As per FHA

210490714002 Page 57
As per the federal highway administration (FHA) Geosynthetics design and construction
guidelines, there is some evidence, however, that suggests a geogrid placed at the bottom of the
aggregate base may permit a 10 to 20% base thickness reduction.

From the above mention alternatives for reduction in pavement layer thickness we reduce the
thickness of wet mix macadam, which actual thickness as per IRC 37-2012 is 250mm but after
the provision of geogrid between granular sub-base and WMM the thickness reduced to 180mm.

The thickness of pavement required after applying above alternate methods

Table 4.14 Pavement thickness

Thickness (mm) without
Thickness (mm) with
Name of layer reinforcement
geogrid reinforcement
as per IRC: 37-2012
Granular sub-base (GSB) 200 200
Wet mix macadam (WMM) 250 180*
Dense bituminous macadam(DBM) 100 100
Bituminous concrete (BC) 40 40
Total thickness 590 520
*calculated as per AASHTO guideline and Korull et. al.(2015) “design of geogrids for road base
stabilization.” Indian geotechnical Journal, DOI10.1007/s40098-15-0165-3.

210490714002 Page 58

The positive effects of geogrids reinforced subgrade courses can economically and ecologically
be utilized to reduce aggregate thickness. It is also increase the life of the pavement and can also
decrease the overall cost of the pavement construction with an increased life time.The study
investigated the application of geogrid between GSB and WMM material as a form of
reinforcement to road construction.
The inclusion of geogrids considerably reduces the thickness of pavement layer as per the
AASHTO method, and as per the Indian Geotechnical Journal Volume 45, Issue 4.
It was observed that, the thick WMM layer of unreinforced section can be reduce by 28% when
reinforced with biaxial geogrids. In our case the WMM thickness of 250mm is reduced to
180mm without affecting strength of pavement.

210490714002 Page 59

1. Design of pavement as per IRC: 37-2012.

2. Design of pavement with geogrids as per AASHTO PP 46 01 (2001).
3. AASHTO Guideline 1993.
4. PAKETI MADHU,GANESH YADAV- Usage of Geogrids In Flexible Pavement Design.
5. M. T. S. LAKSHMAYYA, V. RAGHUDEEP: Stabilization of Expansive Subgrade of
Pavement By Usage of Vitrified Polish Waste And Geogrid Provision.
6. MAGDI M. E. ZUMRAWI, NEHLA MANSOUR: Laboratory Evaluation of Geogrids Used
For Stabilizing Soft Subgrades.
7. SAM BHAT & JIMMY THOMAS - Design and construction of a geosynthetics reinforced
pavement on weak subgrad.
8. PARDEEP SINGH, K.S.Gill – “Cbr Improvement Of Clayey Soil With Geo-Grid
9. ALI MURTUZA. H, SHIVKUMAR. R.H –“Role of Geo-Grid in Enhancing the Bearing
Capacity of Soil”
10. GEORGE J MALIYAKAL, DHANYA JOSH – “CBR Characteristics of Soils Stabilised
with Geogrid”
11. S.S.VALUNJAKAR- “Improvement Of Flexible Pavement With Use of Geo-grid.”
12. MAGDI M.E. ZUMRAWI, NEHLA MANSOUR- “Laboratory Evaluation Of Geo-Grid
Used For Stabilizing Soft-Sub grade.”
14. Nevada Department of Transportation- Use of GEOGRID for Strengthening and Reducing
the Roadway Structural Sections
15. FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATION (FHA) - Geosynthetic design and
construction guidelines
16. U.S. Department of Transportation Publication No. FHWA NHI-07-092 Federal Highway
Administration August 2008: (NHI Course No. 132013)Geosynthetic Design &
Construction Guidelines Reference Manual.
17. BY AIGEN ZHAO AND PAUL T. FOXWORTHY - Technical Reference GRID-DE-6 -
Geogrid Reinforcement of Flexible Pavements: A Practical Perspective.

Text reference:-
● “Modern geotechnical engineering” by Alam Singh
● “Soil mechanics and foundations” by B C Punamiya

Web reference :-

210490714002 Page 60

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