BS 2874-1986 - (2021-05-03 - 09-38-52 Am)

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Specification for

Copper and copper

alloy rods and sections
(other than forging

UDC 669.3-42
BS 2874:1986

Committees responsible for this

British Standard

The preparation of this British Standard was entrusted by the Non-ferrous

Metals Standards Committee (NFM/-) to Technical Committee NFM/34 upon
which the following bodies were represented:

British Non-ferrous Metals Federation

Copper Development Association
London Metal Exchange
Non-ferrous Metal Stockists
Society of British Aerospace Companies Limited
Coopted members

The following bodies were also represented in the drafting of the standard,
through subcommittees and panels:

British Malleable Tube Fittings Association

British Telecommunications plc
Copper Smelters’ and Refiners’ Association
Electronic Engineering Association
Fasteners and Turned Parts Institute
Spring Research and Manufacturers’ Association
Telecommunication Engineering and Manufacturing Association (TEAMA)

This British Standard, having

been prepared under the
direction of the Non-ferrous
Metals Standards Committee,
was published under the
authority of the Board of BSI
and comes into effect on
31 December 1986

© BSI 11-1998 Amendments issued since publication

First published May 1962
First revision March 1969 Amd. No. Date of issue Comments
Second revision December 1986.

The following BSI references

relate to the work on this
Committee reference NFM/34
Draft for comment 84/41834 DC

ISBN 0 580 15214 6

BS 2874:1986


Committees responsible Inside front cover
Foreword iii
1 Scope 1
2 Definitions 1
3 Designations for material conditions 1
4 Information to be supplied by the purchaser 1
5 Chemical composition 1
6 Tensile properties 1
7 Residual stress level 2
8 Resistance to dezincification (applicable to alloy CZ 132 only) 2
9 Freedom from hydrogen embrittlement (applicable to
copper C 103 only) 2
10 Tolerances on dimensions for rods 2
11 Selection of test samples 2
12 Expression of results 3
13 Retests 3
Appendix A Designations, nominal compositions and product forms
specified for alloys in the BS 2870 to BS 2875 series 12
Appendix B Conversion of stress units 15
Appendix C The rounding of numbers rule 15
Appendix D Cross-references between the wrought copper
designations in this standard and the raw material designations for
copper refinery shapes in BS 6017 16
Appendix E Methods for the determination of tensile properties 16
Appendix F Method for the detection of residual stress in copper
alloys by the mercurous nitrate test 16
Appendix G Method of test to establish dezincification resistance of
material designated CZ 132 17
Figure 1 — Illustration of dezincification resistance test 18
Table 1 — Chemical composition, tolerance group and
mechanical properties of coppers 4
Table 2 — Chemical composition, tolerance group and
mechanical properties of alloyed coppers 5
Table 3 — Chemical composition, tolerance group and
mechanical properties of brasses 6
Table 4 — Chemical composition, tolerance group and
mechanical properties of bronzes and copper nickel alloys 9
Table 5 — Dimensional tolerances for round rod in material
groups I and II 10
Table 6 — Dimensional tolerances for square rod in material
groups I and II 10
Table 7 — Dimensional tolerances for hexagonal rod in material
groups I and II 10
Table 8 — Dimensional tolerances for rectangular bar in material
groups I and II 10
Table 9 — Dimensional tolerances for rods in material group III 11
Table 10 — Nominal batch sizes (masses) for sampling of rods
and sections 11
Table 11 — Designations, nominal compositions and product forms
specified for alloys in the BS 2870 to BS 2875 series 12

© BSI 11-1998 i
BS 2874:1986

Table 12 — Conversion of stress in N/mm2 to kgf/mm2, tonf/in2
and lbf/in2 15
Table 13 — Designation cross-references between this standard
and BS 6017 16
List of references Inside back cover

ii © BSI 11-1998
BS 2874:1986


This British Standard has been prepared under the direction of the Non-ferrous
Metals Standards Committee. It is the second metric revision of BS 2874, which
was originally published in 1962 and subsequently revised in 1969 and it
supersedes the 1969 edition, which is withdrawn. It is one in a series of standards
for copper and copper alloys in various wrought forms, intended for general
engineering purposes. The others in the series are:
BS 2870, Specification for rolled copper and copper alloys: sheet, strip and foil.
BS 2871, Copper and copper alloys. Tubes.
BS 2872, Copper and copper alloys. Forging stock and forgings.
BS 2873, Copper and copper alloys. Wire.
BS 2875, Copper and copper alloys. Plate.
In this revision, due regard has been given to the work of the International
Organization for Standardization (ISO) and in particular to Technical Committee
ISO/TC 26, Copper and copper alloys, in respect of chemical compositions, testing
requirements, properties and dimensional tolerances. Whenever possible and
appropriate, the requirements of this standard have been aligned with those of
corresponding international standards.
Certain alloys that are considered to be in sufficient demand to warrant inclusion
have been added. The additions are:
C 112, copper-cobalt-beryllium.
C 113, copper-nickel-phosphorus.
CA 107, 6 % aluminium-silicon bronze.
CC 101, copper-chromium.
CC 102, copper-chromium-zirconium.
CN 102, 90/10 copper-nickel-iron.
CN 107, 70/30 copper-nickel.
CZ 133, naval brass, uninhibited (a modified version of CZ 113, now withdrawn).
CZ 134, naval brass, high leaded.
CZ 135, high tensile brass, with silicon.
CZ 136, manganese brass.
PB 104, 8 % phosphor bronze.
The alloy previously known as CZ 123 in BS 2874 has been redesignated CZ 137
to avoid confusion with the similar but purer alloy CZ 123 which is included in
BS 2870 and BS 2875.
The demand for nine of the alloys included in the last edition of this standard is
considered to be insufficient to warrant their retention and they have
consequently been withdrawn. The alloys withdrawn are CA 103, CA 106,
CZ 103, CZ 106, CZ 113, NS 102, NS 111, NS 112 and NS 113.
In this revision, and for the purposes of this standard only, each of the alloys has
been placed in one of three material groups, designated I, II and III, used to
specify the dimensional tolerances in Table 5 to Table 9. The tolerances specified
have been reviewed in the light of current demand and practice. Account has been
taken of ISO work when revising the tolerances and the break-points.
All mechanical properties have been reviewed and revised where appropriate. All
bend test requirements have been deleted.
In previous editions of this standard, clauses have been included entitled
“Inspection” and “Facilities for testing”. As these clauses are contractual and not
relevant to the standard for the product, they have been omitted from this

© BSI 11-1998 iii

BS 2874:1986

A British Standard does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a
contract. Users of British Standards are responsible for their correct application.
Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity
from legal obligations.

Summary of pages
This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, pages i to iv,
pages 1 to 18, an inside back cover and a back cover.
This standard has been updated (see copyright date) and may have had
amendments incorporated. This will be indicated in the amendment table on
the inside front cover.

iv © BSI 11-1998
BS 2874:1986

1 Scope 4 Information to be supplied by the

This British Standard specifies requirements for purchaser
copper and copper alloy rods and sections intended The following information shall be supplied by the
for machining and general engineering purposes purchaser at the time of the enquiry and order:
(other than forging) having a diameter or thickness a) the designation of the material required
greater than 1.6 mm. It applies to rods and sections (see Table 1 to Table 4);
supplied in the coppers and copper alloys listed and
in the material conditions given in Table 1 b) the material condition required (see clause 3
to Table 4. and Table 1 to Table 4);
NOTE 1 Table 11 in appendix A indicates the alloys included in c) the nominal dimensions and quantity of
the whole series of copper and copper alloy standards, BS 2870 to material required;
BS 2875. This gives nominal compositions, product forms
specified and related ISO designations. d) for sections, the required dimensional
NOTE 2 For the convenience of users of this standard, Table 12 tolerances (or a toleranced drawing).
in appendix B gives conversion factors for stress values in SI and NOTE 1 The purchaser should also be aware of the importance
imperial units. Throughout this standard, values for the tensile of including in the enquiry and order the following information,
strength and proof stress requirements are stated in newtons per as appropriate:
square millimetre (N/mm2), this unit now being in common use a) for rod within the size ranges given in Table 5 to Table 7
in the industry. and Table 9, whether closer than normal tolerances are
NOTE 3 The titles of the publications referred to in this required, and for rod outside the size ranges given in Table 5
standard are listed on the inside back cover. to Table 9, the tolerances agreed between the purchaser and
the supplier (see clause 10 and Table 5 to Table 9);
2 Definitions b) whether the material is required to pass the mercurous
nitrate test for the detection of residual (internal) stress
For the purposes of this British Standard the (see clause 7);
following definitions apply. c) whether tensile tests are required (see clause 6);
d) whether special tests are required (see clauses 7, 8 and 9)
2.1 and, if hydrogen embrittlement testing of C 103 or testing for
rod dezincification resistance of CZ 132 is required, the batch size,
the method of selection of samples and the provisions for
a solid product of round, square, rectangular or retests for these tests;
regular polygonal cross section, uniform throughout e) whether a statement of compliance, or a certificate of
its length, usually supplied in straight lengths, and conformity of the material, to the requirements of the
standard is required (see note 2).
which if rectangular in cross section has a thickness NOTE 2 In normal commercial practice, two levels of
that exceeds one tenth of the width certification of the quality of the product are available at the
request of the purchaser, as follows.
2.2 a) Statement of compliance. This is usually available from
section the supplier when traceability of the product is not a
requirement. The goods will have been manufactured to
a product of uniform cross section along its whole comply with the conditions and requirements of the purchaser
length (other than round, square, rectangular or in accordance with the supplier’s quality control procedures.
regular polygonal), usually supplied in straight The goods may not themselves have been tested before
lengths delivery.
b) Certificate of conformity. This is normally supplied with
NOTE 1 The term “profile” is synonymous with “section”. material for which the purchaser has requested traceability to
NOTE 2 The term “bar” is often used to denote a rod of a manufacturing batch. The certificate is issued on the basis
comparatively large cross section and especially heavy of tests, requested by the purchaser, having been carried out
rectangular cross section. on the manufacturing batch from which the material supplied
has been taken.

3 Designations for material conditions 5 Chemical composition

For the purposes of this British Standard, the The chemical composition of the rods and sections
following designations apply for the material shall be as given for the appropriate material
conditions: in Table 1 to Table 4.
NOTE Table 13 in appendix D gives cross-references for the
M as manufactured wrought copper designations in both this standard and BS 1433
O annealed (soft) to the equivalent raw material designations in BS 6017 for
copper refinery shapes.
½H cold worked (half-hard)
H cold worked (hard) 6 Tensile properties
HS cold worked (hard) and stress relieved The tensile properties of the rods and sections shall
TH solution treated, cold worked and be as given in Table 1 to Table 4 when tested in
precipitation hardened at an elevated accordance with appendix E.

© BSI 11-1998 1
BS 2874:1986

NOTE Rods and sections in the copper alloys C 112, C 113, 9 Freedom from hydrogen
CC 101 and CC 102 are supplied in the TH condition only. To
achieve the properties given in Table 2, the rods and sections are embrittlement (applicable to copper
normally cold worked after solution treatment and before C 103 only)
precipitation hardening. The cold working may exceptionally
follow the precipitation hardening or may even be omitted, at the When tested in accordance with BS 5899, rods and
discretion of the manufacturer. sections in copper C 103 shall show no evidence of
During subsequent processing operations, including final
assembly of finished components, the purchaser should avoid
cracking when the stressed surface is examined
heating these rods and sections above the following with the unaided eye, corrected for normal vision if
temperatures: necessary, thus indicating freedom from hydrogen
C 112 copper-cobalt-beryllium 500 °C
C 113 copper-nickel-phosphorus 475 °C
The test pieces shall be of a convenient length and of
either the full cross section of the material or a
CC 101 copper-chromium 500 °C
convenient thickness or diameter not greater
CC 102 copper-chromium-zirconium 525 °C.
than 12 mm. Any edges shall be rounded or
These temperature maxima are given for information only; they
are based on the lowest temperature that, if maintained for 2 h, smoothed. Test pieces not of the full cross section
would give a reduction in hardness equivalent to 20 % of the shall contain part of the original surface of the
difference between the hardest condition, as received, and the material.
softest possible condition of the alloy.
At the conclusion of the hydrogen embrittlement
7 Residual stress level test the sample(s) shall be subjected to the close
bend test described in BS 5899.
The rods and sections shall be supplied as either a)
or b) as follows. 10 Tolerances on dimensions for rods
a) Specially processed to achieve a residual
The diameter, width across flats and thickness for
(internal) stress level which is sufficiently low to
rods shall be within the tolerances given in Table 5
pass the mercurous nitrate test (see appendix F).
to Table 9 for the appropriate material group, size
When samples of such rods or sections are tested
and shape. The “normal” tolerances shall apply,
in accordance with appendix F they shall show no
unless the purchaser has expressed an option for
evidence of cracking upon immediate
“close” tolerance material in the order (see a) of
examination with the unaided eye, corrected for
note 1 to clause 4).
normal vision if necessary.
NOTE The dimensional tolerances for rods larger than the size
b) Not specially processed or tested as in a). ranges given in Table 5 to Table 9 should be agreed between the
If no option is expressed by the purchaser, material supplier and the purchaser.
of type b) shall be supplied.
11 Selection of test samples
NOTE 1 When material of type a) is required, this should be
clearly stated in the enquiry and order (see b) of note 1 to 11.1 General
clause 4).
NOTE 2 Care should be taken that subsequent fabrication When tests are required to be carried out to verify
operations carried out in producing components, or assemblies, that a batch of rods or sections complies with this
from material that has passed this test do not introduce levels of standard (see b), c) and d) of note 1 to clause 4),
internal stress which could cause failure.
samples for analysis, tensile and mercurous nitrate
8 Resistance to dezincification tests shall be taken in accordance with 11.2.
NOTE No sampling requirements are specified in this standard
(applicable to alloy CZ 132 only) for the hydrogen embrittlement test (copper C 103 only) or the
When tested in accordance with appendix G, the dezincification resistance test (alloy CZ 132 only). When the
purchaser requires either of these tests to be carried out, the
maximum depth of dezincification of CZ 132 brass sampling requirements, including provisions for retests, should
rod and section in the M or O condition shall be agreed with the supplier at the time of the enquiry and order
be 100 µm in the direction perpendicular to the (see d) of note 1 to clause 4).
extrusion or rolling direction and 200 µm in the 11.2 Samples for analysis, tensile and
direction parallel to the extrusion or rolling mercurous nitrate tests
For sampling, the rods or sections shall be grouped
NOTE Rods and sections of brass CZ 132 supplied in the M or O into the batch sizes (masses) given in Table 10.
condition are subjected to heat treatment in the range 450 °C
to 550 °C during manufacture. Should the user need to heat the For each test (i.e. analysis, tensile or mercurous
rods or sections to a temperature exceeding 525 °C during nitrate) one sample shall be taken at random from
subsequent processing operations, including final assembly of
finished components, advice should be sought from the supplier.
each batch and from any remaining part of a batch.
The samples shall be cut off cold and shall not be
subjected to any further treatment (other than
machining, as necessary) before testing.

2 © BSI 11-1998
BS 2874:1986

12 Expression of results Should all of the further samples pass the test, the
stress relieved batch shall be deemed to comply with
The results obtained from analysis and tensile tests
the requirements of this standard for freedom from
shall be rounded to the last place of figures specified
residual stress and shall then be subjected to all the
as limits by the application of the rounding rule in
mechanical tests called for on the purchase order.
accordance with BS 1957 (see appendix C). Should any one of the further samples fail the test,
the stress relieved batch shall be deemed not to
13 Retests comply with this standard.
13.1 Tensile test 13.3 Dezincification resistance test
Should any one of the test pieces fail the tensile test Should any of the test pieces fail the dezincification
(see appendix E), two further samples from the resistance test (see appendix G), two further
same batch shall be permitted to be selected for samples from the same batch shall be selected for
testing. One of these samples shall be taken from testing. One of these further samples shall be from
the same length of rod or section as that from which the same length of rod, or section, as that from
the original failed test sample was taken, unless which the original failed test sample was taken,
that length had been withdrawn by the supplier. unless that length of rod or section has been
Should both of the further samples pass the tensile withdrawn by the supplier.
test, the batch represented shall be deemed to Should both the further samples pass the
comply with the tensile property requirements of dezincification resistance test, the batch
this standard. Should either of the further samples represented shall be deemed to comply with the
fail the tensile test, the batch represented shall be dezincification resistance requirements of this
deemed not to comply with this standard. standard. Should either of the further samples fail
NOTE If a batch of rods or sections in copper or copper the test, the batch represented shall be deemed not
alloy C 112, C 113, CC 101, CC 102 or CZ 132 O condition fails
the tensile test when retested, the supplier has the option to
to comply with this standard.
further heat treat the whole batch and resubmit the batch for all NOTE If a batch of rods or sections or CZ 132 O condition fails
the tests called for on the order. the dezincification resistance test when retested, the supplier has
the option to further heat treat the whole batch and resubmit the
13.2 Mercurous nitrate test batch for all the tests called for on the order.
Should any one of the test pieces fail the mercurous
nitrate test (see appendix F), the batch of rods or
sections represented by the failed test piece shall be
permitted to be retested after the whole batch has
been subjected to a stress relieving treatment.
Further samples shall be selected from the stress
relieved batch in accordance with 11.2.

© BSI 11-1998 3
Table 1 — Chemical composition, tolerance group and mechanical properties of coppers

BS 2874:1986
Material group for tolerances
BS Material Chemical composition Mechanical properties Nearest
designation ISO
Cu Sn Pb Fe Ni As Sb S P Se Te Bi Total Size Tensile strength Elongation on 5.65ÖSo designation
Over Up Round Square and Rectangular Round Square and Rectangular
to hexagonal hexagonal


min. max. min. max. min. max. min. min. min.

% % % % % % % % % % % % % mm mm N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2 % % %

C 101 Electrolytic I 99.90 — 0.005 — — — — — — — — 0.0010 0.03 (excl.

üì 0 4 6.3 — 260 — — — — 32 — — Cu-ETP
tough pitch min. O and Ag)
high (incl. ïï 6.3 10 — 250 — — — — 32 — —
conductivity Ag) ïï
copper ïï 10 12 — 240 — 240 — 240 40 40 40
ïï 12 50 — 230 — 230 — 230 45 45 45
ïï 50 80 — 230 — 230 — — 45 45 —
C 102 Fire refined I 99.90 — 0.005 — — — — — — — — 0.0025 0.04 (excl. ïï½H 4 6.3 290 — — — — — 4 — — Cu-FRHC
high min. O and Ag) ïï 6.3 10 280 — — — — — 8 — —
ïï 10 12 260 — 260 — 250 — 12 12 12
ïï 12 25 250 — 250 — 230 — 18 18 18
ïï 25 50 230 — 230 — 230 — 22 22 18
ïï 50 80 230 — 230 — — — 22 22 —
C 103 Oxygen free I 99.95 — 0.005 — — — — — — — — 0.0010 0.03 (excl. ïï H 4 6.3 350 — — — — — — — — Cu-OF
O and Ag) ïï 6.3 10 350 — — — — — — — —
copper Ag)
þî 10 12 320 — 310 — 270 — 6 6 6
12 25 290 — 280 — 260 — 8 8 8

25 50 260 — 250 — 250 — 12 12 10

C 106 Phosphorus I 99.85 0.01 0.010 0.030 0.10 0.05 0.01 — 0.013- Se+Te0.020 0.0030 0.06 (excl. O 6 — 210 min. 33 Cu-DHP
deoxidized min. 0.050 0.010 Ag, As Ni
non- (incl. and P)
arsenical Ag) M 6 — 230 min. 13

NOTE For essential alloying elements, limits are in bold type. Unless otherwise stated, figures in the total impurities column include those that are not in bold type. Unless otherwise indicated, all single limits are maxima.
© BSI 11-1998
Table 2 — Chemical composition, tolerance group and mechanical properties of alloyed coppers
© BSI 11-1998

BS Material Material Chemical composition Mechanical properties Nearest

designation group for ISO
tolerances Cu Ni P Te Cr Co Be Zr Bi Fe Sb Si S Sn Total Condition Size Tensile 0.2 % Elongation designation
impurities strength proof on 5.65ÖSo
Over Up to and
including min. min. min.
% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % mm mm N/mm 2
N/mm 2 %

C 109 Copper I Rem. — — 0.30– — — — — — — — — — — 0.2 O 6 — 210 — 28 CuTe

tellurium 0.70

M 6 50 260 — 8
50 — 240 — 8

C 111 Copper- I Rem. — — — — — — — — — — — 0.3– — 0.2 O 6 — 210 — 28 CuS

sulphur 0.6
M 6 50 260 — 8
50 — 240 — 8

C 112 Copper- II Rem. Ni+Fe — — — 2.0– 0.4– — — 0.10 — 0.2 — — 0.05 TH — — 690 — 9 CuCo2Be
cobalt- 0.5 2.8 0.7 (excluding
beryllium Fe, Ni
and Si)

C 113 Copper- II Rem. 0.8– 0.16– — — — — — — — — — 0.2 — 0.03 TH — 25 410 — 18

nickel- 1.2 0.25 (excluding 25 — 390 — 20
phosphoru S)

CC 101 Copper- II Rem. 0.02 0.01 — 0.3– — — — 0.001 0.08 0.002 0.2 0.08 0.008 0.05 TH — 25 410 — 15 CuCr1
chromium 1.4 (excluding 25 — 370 — 15
Fe, Si
and S)

CC 102 Copper- II Rem. 0.02 0.01 — 0.5– — — 0.02– 0.001 0.08 0.002 0.2 — 0.008 0.05 TH — 25 410 — 15 CuCr1Zr
chromium- 1.4 0.2 (excluding 25 — 370 — 15
zirconium Fe and Si)
NOTE For essential alloying elements, limits are in bold type. Unless otherwise stated, figures in the total impurities column include those that are not in bold type. Unless otherwise
indicated, all single limits are maxima.

BS 2874:1986
Table 3 — Chemical composition, tolerance group and mechanical properties of brasses

BS 2874:1986
BS Material Material Chemical composition Mechanical properties Nearest ISO
designation group for Cu Sn Pb Fe Al Mn As Ni Si Zn Total Conditio Size Tensile 02 % Elongation designation
tolerances impurities n strength proof on 5.65ÖSo
Over Up to and min. min. min.
% % % % % % % % % % % mm mm N/mm2 N/mm2 %
CZ 104 Leaded II 79.0– — 0.1– — — — — — — Rem. 0.6 M 6 40 310 — 22
80/20 brass 81.0 1.0

CZ 109 Lead II 59.0– — 0.1 — — — — — — Rem. 0.3 M 6 40 340 — 25 CuZn40

free 60/40 62.0 (excluding
brass Pb)

CZ 112 Naval brass II 61.0– 1.0– — — — — — — — Rem. 0.7 M 6 18 400 — 15 CuZn38Sn1

63.5 1.4 18 40 350 — 20

CZ 114 High tensile II 56.5– 0.2– 0.5– 0.3– 1.5 0.5– — — — Rem. 0.5 M 6 18 460 270 12 CuZn39
brass 58.5 0.8 1.5 1.0 2.0 (excluding 18 40 440 250 15 AlFeMn
Al) 40 80 440 210 18

H 6 40 520 290 12

CZ 115 High tensile II 56.5– 0.2– 0.5– 0.3– 0.1 0.5– — — — Rem. 0.5 M 6 18 460 250 12 CuZn39
brass 58.5 0.8 1.5 1.0 2.0 18 80 440 210 15 AlFeMn
HS 6 40 520 290 12
40 60 500 240 14
60 80 450 210 18

CZ 116 High tensile III 64.0– — — 0.25– 4.0– 0.3– — — — Rem. 0.5 M 6 18 650 370 10
brass 68.0 1.2 5.0 2.0 18 40 620 340 12
40 — 580 300 15

CZ 121 Leaded I 56.5– — 2.5– 0.3 — — — — — Rem. 0.7 M 6 18 425 — 15 CuZn39

Pb3 brass 58 % 58.5 3.5 18 40 400 — 20 Pb3
Cu 3 % Pb 40 80 380 — 20
80 — 350 — 25

CZ 121 Leaded I 56.5– — 3.5– 0.3 — — — — — Rem. 0.7 M 6 18 425 — 15 CuZn38

Pb4 brass 58 % 58.5 4.5 18 40 400 — 18 Pb4
Cu 4 % Pb 40 80 380 — 20
80 — 350 — 25

CZ 122 Leaded I 56.5– — 1.5– 0.3 — — — — — Rem. 0.7 M 6 18 425 — 18 CuZn40

brass 58 % 58.5 2.5 18 40 400 — 22 Pb2
© BSI 11-1998

Cu 2 % Pb 40 80 380 — 25
80 — 350 — 25
NOTE For essential alloying elements, limits are in bold type. Unless otherwise stated, figures in the total impurities column include those that are not in bold type. Unless otherwise indicated, all single limits
are maxima.
Table 3 — Chemical composition, tolerance group and mechanical properties of brasses
© BSI 11-1998

BS Material Material Chemical composition Mechanical properties Nearest ISO

designation group for Cu Pb Fe Zn Total Condition Form Size Tensile 0.2% Elongation designation
tolerances impurities Thickness Width or diameter strength proof on 5.65ÖSo
or width A/F stress

Over Up to Over Up to min. min. min.

and and
including including
% % % % % mm mm mm mm N/mm2 N/mm2 %
CZ 124 Leaded brass I 60.0– 2.5– 0.3 Rem. 0.5 M Round and — — 6.0 25 330 130 12 CuZn36
62 % Cu 3 % Pb 63.0 3.7 (excluding M hexagonal — — 25 50 300 115 18 Pb3
Fe) rod
M — — 50 — 280 95 22

/2H — — 6.0 12 400 160 6
1/ H — — 12 25 380 160 9
1/ H — — 25 50 340 130 12
1/ H — — 50 — 310 95 18

H — — 3.0 5.0 550 290 —

H — — 5.0 8.0 480 220 3

M Rectangles 6.0 25 — 150 300 115 18

M and squares 25 — — 150 280 95 22

/2H 6.0 12 — 25 340 160 9
2 H 6.0 12 25 150 310 105 12
/2H 12 50 — 50 310 105 18
/2H 12 50 50 150 280 95 18
/2H 50 — 50 100 280 95 18
NOTE For essential alloying elements, limits are in bold type. Unless otherwise stated, figures in the total impurities column include those that are not in bold type. Unless otherwise indicated, all single
limits are maxima.

BS 2874:1986
Table 3 — Chemical composition, tolerance group and mechanical properties of brasses

BS 2874:1986
BS Material Material Chemical composition Mechanical properties Nearest ISO
designation group for Cu Sn Pb Fe Al Mn As Ni Si Zn Total Condition Size Tensile 0.2% proof Elongation designation
tolerances impurities strength stress on 5.65ÖSo
Up to and
including min. min. min.
% % % % % % % % % % % mm mm N/mm2 N/mm2 %
CZ 128 Leaded brass I 58.5– — 1.5– 0.2 — — — — — Rem. 0.5 M 6 18 380 — 22 CuZn38
60 % Cu 2 % Pb 61.0 2.5 18 40 380 — 22 Pb2
40 80 350 — 25
80 — 350 — 25

CZ 129 Leaded brass I 58.5– — 0.8– 0.2 — — — — — Rem. 0.5 M 6 18 380 — 25 CuZn39
60 % Cu 1 % Pb 61.0 1.5 18 40 380 — 25 Pb1
40 80 350 — 28
80 — 350 — 28

CZ 130 Leaded brass I 55.5– — 2.5– — 0.5 — — — — Rem. 0.7 M 6 — 350 — 20 CuZn43
for sections 57.5 3.5 (excluding Pb2

CZ 131 Leaded I 61.0– — 1.5– 0.2 — — — — — Rem. 0.5 M 6 18 350 — 22 CuZn37

brass 62 % 63.0 2.5 18 40 350 — 25 Pb2
Cu 2 % Pb 40 80 350 — 28
80 — 330 — 28

CZ 132 Dezincification I Rem. 0.2 1.7– 0.2 — — 0.08– — — 35.0– 0.5 O 6 — 280 — 30
resistant brass 2.8 0.15 37.0
M 6 18 380 — 20
18 40 350 — 22
40 80 350 — 25

CZ 133 Naval brass II 59.0– 0.50– 0.20 0.10 — — — — — Rem. 0.4 M 6 18 400 170 20
(uninhibited) 62.0 1.0 18 40 350 150 25

CZ 134 Naval brass II 59.0– 0.50– 1.3– 0.10 — — — — — Rem. 0.2 M 6 18 400 170 15
(high leaded) 62.0 1.0 2.2 18 40 350 150 20

CZ 135 High tensile III 57.0– 0.3 0.8 0.5 1.0– 1.5– — 0.2 0.3– Rem. 0.5 M 6 40 550 270 12 CuZn37Mn3
brass with 60.0 2.0 3.5 1.3 (excluding Al2Si
silicon) Sn, Pb, Fe
and Ni)

CZ 136 Manganese I 56.0– — 3.0 — — 0.5– — — — Rem. 0.7 M 6 18 380 — 20

brass 59.0 1.5 (excluding 18 40 350 — 25

CZ 137 Leaded I 58.5– — 0.3– 0.2 — — — — — Rem. 0.5 M 6 40 380 — 25 CuZn40Pb

brass 60 % 61.0 0.8 40 — 350 — 28
Cu 0.5 % Pb
© BSI 11-1998

NS 101 Leaded 10 % II 44.0– — 1.0– 0.4 — 0.2– — 9.0– Rem. 0.3 M 6 80 460 — 8 CuNi10
nickel brass 47.0 2.5 0.5 11.0 (excluding Zn42Pb2
NOTE For essential alloying elements, limits are in bold type. Unless otherwise stated, figures in the total impurities column include those that are not in bold type. Unless otherwise indicated, all single limits
are maxima.
Table 4 — Chemical composition, tolerance group and mechanical properties of bronzes and copper nickel alloys
© BSI 11-1998

BS Material Material Chemical composition Mechanical properties Nearest

designation group for Cu Sn Pb Fe Al Mn P Ni Si Zn S C Total Condition Size Tensile 0.2% Elongation ISO
tolerances impurities strength proof on 5.65ÖSo designation
Up to
Over and
including min. min. min.
% % % % % % % % % % % % % mm mm N/mm2 N/mm2 %
CA 104 10 % aluminium III Rem. 0.10 0.05 4.0– 8.5– 0.50 — 4.0– 0.2 0.40 — — 0.5 M 6 18 700 400 10 CuAl10Ni5
bronze (copper- 5.5 11.0 5.5 (excluding 18 80 700 370 12 Fe4
aluminium-iron- Mn)
80 — 650 320 12

CA 107 Copper- III Rem. 0.10 0.05a 0.5– 6.0– 0.10 — 0.10 2.0– 0.40 — — 0.5 M 6 40 520 270 20 CuAl7Si2
silicon 0.7 6.4 2.4 40 — 520 230 20

½H 6 18 630 350 10
18 40 600 310 12
40 — 550 250 15

CN 102 90/10 copper- III Rem. — 0.01 1.00– — 0.50– — 10.0– — — 0.05 0.05 0.30 M 6 — 280 — 27 CuNi10
nickel-iron 2.00 1.00 11.0 Fe1Mn

CN 107 70/30 copper- III Rem. — 0.01 0.40– — 0.50– — 30.0– — — 0.08 0.06 0.30 M 6 — 310 — 27 CuNi30
nickel-iron 1.00 1.50 32.0 Mn1Fe

CS 101 Copper-silicon III Rem. — — 0.25 — 0.75– — — 2.75– — — — 0.5 M 6 18 470 — 15

1.25 3.25 (excluding 18 40 400 — 20
40 80 380 — 25

PB 102 5 % phosphor III Rem. 4.0– 0.02 0.1 — — 0.02– 0.3 — 0.30 — — 0.5 M 6 18 500 410 12 CuSn5
bronze (copper- 5.5 0.40 18 40 460 380 12
40 60 380 320 16
60 80 350 250 18
80 100 320 200 20
100 120 280 120 22
120 — 260 80 25

PB 104 8 % phosphor III Rem. 7.5– 0.05 0.1 — — 0.02– 0.3 — 0.30 — — 0.3 M 6 18 550 400 15 CuSn8
bronze (copper- 9.0 0.40 18 40 500 360 18
40 80 450 300 20

BS 2874:1986
NOTE For essential alloying elements, limits are in bold type. Unless otherwise stated, figures in the total impurities column include those that are not in bold type. Unless otherwise
indicated, all single limits are maxima.
For welding, lead to be 0.01 max.
BS 2874:1986

Table 5 — Dimensional tolerances for round Table 6 — Dimensional tolerances for square
rod in material groups I and II rod in material groups I and II
Specified diameter Close tolerance Normal Width across flats Close tolerance Normal
tolerance tolerance
Over Up to and Group I Group II Groups I Over Up to and Group I Group II Groups I
including and II including and II
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm

1.6 3 – 0.04 – 0.06 ± 0.05 3 6 – 0.08 – 0.12 ± 0.06

3 6 – 0.05 – 0.08 ± 0.06 6 10 – 0.09 – 0.15 ± 0.08
6 10 – 0.06 – 0.09 ± 0.08 10 18 – 0.11 – 0.18 ± 0.14
10 18 – 0.07 – 0.11 ± 0.14 18 30 – 0.13 – 0.21 ± 0.16
18 30 – 0.08 – 0.13 ± 0.16 30 50 – 0.16 – 0.25 ± 0.31
30 50 – 0.10 – 0.16 ± 0.20 50 60 – 0.30 – 0.46 ± 0.60
50 80 – 0.19 – 0.30 ± 0.37
Table 7 — Dimensional tolerances for hexagonal rod in material groups I and II
Width across flats Tolerance
Over Up to and including Group I Group II
Normal Close
mm mm mm mm mm
3 6 – 0.12 – 0.08 – 0.12
6 10 – 0.15 – 0.09 – 0.15
10 18 – 0.18 – 0.11 – 0.18
18 30 – 0.21 – 0.13 – 0.21
30 50 – 0.25 – 0.16 – 0.25
50 60 – 0.46 – 0.30 – 0.46

Table 8 — Dimensional tolerances for rectangular bar in material groups I and II

Width across flats Tolerance on Tolerance on thickness
Up to and Up to and > 10 mm to > 18 mm to > 30 mm to
including including 10 mm 18 mm 30 mm 50 mm
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm
1.6 3 ± 0.07 ± 0.07 — — —
3 6 ± 0.09 ± 0.09 — — —
6 10 ± 0.11 ± 0.11 — — —
10 18 ± 0.22 ± 0.19 ± 0.22 — —
18 30 ± 0.26 ± 0.19 ± 0.22 ± 0.26 —
30 50 ± 0.31 ± 0.19 ± 0.22 ± 0.26 ± 0.31
50 80 ± 0.60 ± 0.29 ± 0.35 ± 0.42 ± 0.50
80 100 ± 1.10 ± 0.45 ± 0.55 ± 0.65 ± 0.80

10 © BSI 11-1998
BS 2874:1986

Table 9 — Dimensional tolerances for rods in material group III

Size Round rod Hexagonal rod Square rod
Over Up to and Close Normal
mm mm mm mm mm mm
3 6 – 0.12 ± 0.15 — ± 0.15
6 10 – 0.15 ± 0.18 – 0.22 ± 0.18
10 18 – 0.18 ± 0.22 – 0.27 ± 0.22
18 30 – 0.21 ± 0.26 – 0.33 ± 0.26
30 50 – 0.39 ± 0.32 – 0.39 ± 0.32
50 80 – 0.46 ± 0.60 – 0.74 ± 0.60

Table 10 — Nominal batch sizes (masses) for sampling of rods and sectionsa
Ordered nominal dimensions (diameter or width across flats) of rodsa Nominal batch size (mass)

Over Up to and including

mm mm kg
— 12 300
12 40 600
40 80 1 200
80 — 2 500
a For sections, the nominal batch size to be as for round rods of equivalent cross-sectional area.

© BSI 11-1998 11
Appendix A Designations, nominal compositions and product forms specified for alloys in the BS 2870 to

BS 2874:1986
BS 2875 series
Designations, nominal compositions and product forms specified for alloys in the BS 2870 to BS 2875 series are given in Table 11.
Table 11 — Designations, nominal compositions and product forms specified for alloys in the BS 2870 to BS 2875 series
BS Material description Nominal composition Specified in BS Nearest
designation 2870 2871 2872 2873 2874 2875 ISO designation
Pt 1 Pt 2 Pt 3
C 101 Electrolytic, tough pitch high conductivity 99.90 % min. Cu Ï Ï Ï Ï Ï Ï Cu-ETP
C 102 Fire refined, tough pitch high conductivity 99.90 % min. Cu Ï Ï Ï Ï Ï Ï Cu-FRHC
C 103 Oxygen free, high conductivity copper 99.95 % min. Cu Ï Ï Ï Ï Ï Cu-OF
C 104 Tough pitch non-arsenical copper 99.85 % min. Cu Ï Ï Cu-FRTP
C 105 Tough pitch arsenical copper 99.20 % min. Cu, 0.4 % As Ï
C 106 Phosphorus deoxidized, non-arsenical copper 99.85 % min. Cu, 0.04 % P Ï Ï Ï Ï Ï Ï Ï Ï Cu-DHP
C 107 Phosphorus deoxidized, arsenical copper 99.20 % min. Cu, 0.4 % Ï Ï
As, 0.04 % P
C 108 Copper-cadmium Cu-0.8 % Cd Ï Ï CuCd1
C 109 Copper-tellurium Cu-0.5 % Te Ï CuTe
C 111 Copper-sulphur Cu-0.4 % S Ï Ï CuS
C 112 Copper-cobalt-beryllium Cu-2.4 % Co, 0.5 % Be Ï Ï CuCo2Be
C 113 Copper-nickel-phosphorus Cu-1.0 % Ni, 0.2 % P Ï Ï

CA 102 7 % aluminium bronze (Cu-Al) Cu-7 % Al Ï Ï CuAl7

CA 104 10 % aluminium bronze (Cu-Al-Fe-Ni) Cu-10 % Al, 5 % Fe, 5 % Ni Ì Ï Ï CuAl10Ni5Fe4
CA 105 10 % aluminium bronze (Cu-Al-Ni-Fe-Mn) Cu-9.5 % Al, 5 % Ni, 2 % Ï CuAl10Fe3
Fe, 1 % Mn
CA 106 7 % aluminium bronze (Cu-Al-Fe) Cu-7 % Al, 2 % Fe Ï CuAl8Fe3
CA 107 6 % aluminium-silicon bronze (Cu-Al-Si) Cu-6 % Al, 2 % Si, 0.6 % Fe Ï Ï CuAl7Si2

CB 101 Copper-beryllium Cu-1.8 % Be Ï Ï CuBe1.7

CC 101 Copper-chromium Cu-1 % Cr Ï Ï Ï CuCr1

© BSI 11-1998

CC 102 Copper-chromium-zirconium Cu-1 % Cr, 0.1 % Zr Ï Ï Ï CuCr1Zr

NOTE The product forms indicated take account of the alloys to be included in the revisions of BS 2871:1971/72 and BS 2872:1969, which are in preparation.
Table 11 — Designations, nominal compositions and product forms specified for alloys in the BS 2870 to BS 2875 series
© BSI 11-1998

BS Material description Nominal composition Specified in BS Nearest

designation 2870 2871 2872 2873 2874 2875 ISO designation
Pt 1 Pt 2 Pt 3
CN 101 95/5 copper-nickel-iron Cu-5 % Ni, 1.1 % Fe, 0.5 % Mn Ï
CN 102 90/10 copper-nickel-iron Cu-10 % Ni, 1.5 % Fe, 0.7 % Mn Ï Ï Ï Ï Ï Ï CuNi10Fe1Mn
CN 104 80/20 copper-nickel Cu-20 % Ni, 0.3 % Mn Ï
CN 105 75/25 copper-nickel Cu-25 % Ni, 0.3 % Mn Ï CuNi25
CN 107 70/30 copper-nickel Cu-30 % Ni, 1 % Mn, 0.7 % Fe Ï Ï Ï Ï Ï Ï CuNi30Mn1Fe
CN 108 66/30/2/2 copper-nickel-iron-manganese Cu-30 % Ni, 2 % Fe, 2 % Mn Ï CuNi30Fe2Mn2
CS 101 Copper-silicon (silicon bronze) Cu-3 % Si, 1 % Mn Ï Ï Ï CuSi3Mn1
CZ 101 90/10 brass 90 % Cu, remainder Zn Ï Ï CuZn10
CZ 102 85/15 brass 85 % Cu, remainder Zn Ï Ï CuZn15
CZ 103 80/20 brass 80 % Cu, remainder Zn Ï Ï CuZn20
CZ 104 Leaded 80/20 brass 80 % Cu, 0.5 % Pb, remainder Zn Ï
CZ 105 70/30 arsenical brass 71 % Cu, 0.04 % As, remainder Zn Ï CuZn30As
CZ 106 70/30 brass 70 % Cu, remainder Zn Ï Ï Ï CuZn30
CZ 107 2/1 brass 66 % Cu, remainder Zn Ï Ï CuZn35
CZ 108 Common brass 63 % Cu, remainder Zn Ï Ï Ï CuZn37
CZ 109 Lead free 60/40 brass 60 % Cu, remainder Zn Ï Ï CuZn40
CZ 110 Aluminium brass 77 % Cu, 2 % Al, 0.04 % As, Ï Ï Ï Ï CuZn20Al2
remainder Zn
CZ 111 Admiralty brass 71 % Cu, 1.2 % Sn, 0.04 % As, Ï CuZn28Sn1
remainder Zn
CZ 112 Naval brass 62 % Cu, 1.2 % Sn, remainder Zn Ï Ï Ï Ï CuZn38Sn1
CZ 114 High tensile brass 58 % Cu, 1 % Pb, 1 % Mn, 1 % Al, Ï Ï CuZn39AlFeMn
0.7 % Fe, 0.5 % Sn, remainder Zn
CZ 115 High tensile brass (restricted aluminium) 58 % Cu, 1 % Pb, 1 % Mn, 0.7 % Fe, Ï Ï CuZn39AlFeMn
0.5 % Sn, remainder Zn
CZ 116 High tensile brass 65 % Cu, 4.5 % Al, 1 % Mn, 1 % Fe, Ï Ï
remainder Zn
CZ 118 Leaded brass, 64 % copper, 1 % lead 64 % Cu, 1 % Pb, remainder Zn Ï CuZn35Pb1
CZ 119 Leaded brass, 62 % copper, 2 % lead 62 % Cu, 2 % Pb, remainder Zn Ï Ï Ï CuZn37Pb2
CZ 120 Leaded brass, 59 % copper, 2 % lead 59 % Cu, 2 % Pb, remainder Zn Ï CuZn38Pb2
CZ 121 Pb3 Leaded brass, 58 % copper, 3 % lead 58 % Cu, 3 % Pb, remainder Zn Ï Ï CuZn39Pb3
CZ 121 Pb4 Leaded brass, 58 % copper, 4 % lead 58 % Cu, 4 % Pb, remainder Zn Ï Ï CuZn38Pb4
CZ 122 Leaded brass, 58 % copper, 2 % lead 58 % Cu, 2 % Pb, remainder Zn Ï Ï CuZn40Pb2

BS 2874:1986
CZ 123 60/40 brass, low lead 60 % Cu, 0.5 % Pb, remainder Zn Ï Ï Ï CuZn40Pb
CZ 124 Leaded brass, 62 % copper, 3 % lead 62 % Cu, 3 % Pb, remainder Zn Ï CuZn36Pb3
CZ 125 Cap copper 96 % Cu, remainder Zn Ï CuZn5
CZ 126 Special 70/30 arsenical brass 70 % Cu, 0.04 % As, remainder Zn Ï Ï CuZn30As
Table 11 — Designations, nominal compositions and product forms specified for alloys in the BS 2870 to BS 2875 series

BS 2874:1986
BS Material description Nominal composition Specified in BS Nearest
designation 2870 2871 2872 2873 2874 2875 ISO designation
Pt 1 Pt 2 Pt 3
CZ 127 Aluminium-nickel-silicon-brass 83 % Cu, 1 % Al, 1 % Ni, 1 % Si, Ï
remainder Zn
CZ 128 Leaded brass, 60 % copper, 2 % lead 60 % Cu, 2 % Pb, remainder Zn Ï Ï CuZn38Pb2
CZ 129 Leaded brass, 60 % copper, 1 % lead 60 % Cu, 1 % Pb, remainder Zn Ï Ï CuZn39Pb1
CZ 130 Leaded brass for sections 56 % Cu, 3 % Pb, 0.3 % Al, remainder Zn Ï CuZn43Pb2
CZ 131 Leaded brass, 62 % copper, 2 % lead 62 % Cu, 2 % Pb, remainder Zn Ï CuZn37Pb2
CZ 132 Dezincification resistant brass 62 % Cu, 2 % Pb, 0.1 % As, remainder Zn Ï Ï
CZ 133 Naval brass (uninhibited) 60 % Cu, 0.7 % Sn, remainder Zn Ï
CZ 134 Naval brass (high leaded) 60 % Cu, 2 % Pb, 0.7 % Sn, remainder Zn Ï
CZ 135 High tensile brass with silicon 58 % Cu, 2 % Mn, 1.5 % Al, 1 % Si, Ï Ï CuZn37Mn3Al2
remainder Zn Si
CZ 136 Manganese brass 57 % Cu, 2 % Pb, 1 % Mn, remainder Zn Ï Ï
CZ 137 Leaded brass, 60 % copper, 0.5 % 60 % Cu, 0.5 % Pb, remainder Zn Ï Ï CuZn40Pb

NS 101 Leaded, 10 % nickel brass 45 % Cu, 10 % Ni, 2 % Pb, 0.3 % Mn, Ï CuNi10Zn42Pb2
remainder Zn
NS 103 10 % nickel silver 63 % Cu, 10 % Ni, 0.2 % Mn, remainder Zn Ï Ï CuNi10Zn27
NS 104 12 % nickel silver 63 % Cu, 12 % Ni, 0.2 % Mn, remainder Zn Ï Ï CuNi12Zn24
NS 105 15 % nickel silver 63 % Cu, 15 % Ni, 0.2 % Mn, remainder Zn Ï Ï CuNi15Zn21
NS 106 18 % nickel silver 63 % Cu, 18 % Ni, 0.2 % Mn, remainder Zn Ï Ï CuNi18Zn20
NS 107 18 % nickel silver (low copper) 55 % Cu, 18 % Ni, 0.2 % Mn, remainder Zn Ï Ï CuNi18Zn27
NS 108 20 % nickel silver 63 % Cu, 20 % Ni, 0.3 % Mn, remainder Zn Ï
NS 109 25 % nickel silver 57 % Cu, 25 % Ni, 0.5 % Mn, remainder Zn Ï
NS 111 Leaded 10 % nickel silver 60 % Cu, 10 % Ni, 1.5 % Pb, 0.3 % Mn, Ï CuNi10Zn28Pb1
remainder Zn

PB 101 4 % phosphor bronze Cu-4 % Sn, 0.2 % P Ï Ï CuSn4

PB 102 5 % phosphor bronze Cu-5 % Sn, 0.2 % P Ï Ï Ï Ï CuSn5
PB 103 7 % phosphor bronze Cu-7 % Sn, 0.2 % P CuSn6
© BSI 11-1998

PB 104 8 % phosphor bronze Cu-8 % Sn, 0.2 % P Ï CuSn8
BS 2874:1986

Appendix B Conversion of stress units

Conversions of stress in N/mm2 to kgf/mm2, tonf/in2 and lbf/in2 are given in Table 12.
Table 12 — Conversion of stress in N/mm2 to kgf/mm2, tonf/in2 and lbf/in2
N/mm2 kgf/mm2 tonf/in2 lbf/in2 N/mm2 kgf/mm2 tonf/in2 lbf/in2
80 8.0 5.0 11 500 310 31.5 20.0 44 500
95 9.5 6.0 14 000 320 32.5 20.5 46 000
105 10.5 7.0 15 000 325 33.0 21.0 47 000
110 11.0 7.0 16 000 330 33.5 21.5 48 000
115 11.5 7.5 16 500 340 34.5 22.0 49 000

125 12.5 8.0 18 000 345 35.0 22.5 50 500

130 13.5 8.5 19 000 350 35.5 22.5 50 500
155 16.0 10.0 22 500 355 36.0 23.0 51 500
160 16.5 10.5 23 000 370 37.5 24.0 54 000
185 19.0 12.0 27 000 380 38.5 24.5 55 000

195 20.0 12.5 28 500 385 39.5 25.0 56 000

215 22.0 14.0 31 000 395 40.5 25.5 57 000
225 23.0 14.5 32 500 400 41.0 26.0 58 000
230 23.5 15.0 33 500 410 42.0 26.5 59 500
240 24.5 15.5 35 000 435 44.5 28.0 63 500

245 25.0 16.0 35 500 465 47.5 30.0 67 000

250 25.5 16.0 36 500 485 49.5 31.5 69 500
260 26.5 17.0 37 500 495 50.5 32.0 72 000
265 27.0 17.0 38 500 510 52.0 33.0 74 000
270 27.5 17.5 39 000 525 53.5 34.0 76 000

275 28.0 18.0 40 500 540 55.0 35.0 78 500

280 28.5 18.0 40 500 550 56.0 35.5 80 000
290 29.5 19.0 41 500 650 66.5 42.0 94 500
295 30.0 19.0 42 000 700 71.5 45.5 101 500
305 31.0 19.5 43 500
NOTE 1 Conversions have been rounded to the following degree of accuracy: kgf/mm2 and tonf/in2 to the nearest 0.5 unit;
lbf/in2 to the nearest 500 lbf/in2.
Conversion factors:
1 N/mm2 = 1 MN/m2 = 10 bar = 0.1 h bar = 0.101972 kgf/mm2 = 0.064749 tonf/in2 = 145.038 lbf/in2.
NOTE 2 For more detailed conversions see BS 350.

Appendix C The rounding of numbers a) If the figure immediately after the last figure to
rule be retained is less than five, the last figure to be
retained should be kept unchanged.
For the purposes of determining compliance with b) if the figure immediately after the last figure to
compositional limits and mechanical properties (not be retained is either greater than five, or equal to
dimensional tolerances), an observed value or a five and followed by at least one figure other than
calculated value obtained from the analysis or test zero, the last figure to be retained should be
is rounded to the same number of decimal places as increased by one.
used in the relevant standard in expressing the
specified limit. The following rules, based those c) If the figure immediately after the last figure to
given in BS 1957, should be used for rounding. be retained is equal to five and followed by zeros
only, the last figure to be retained should be left
unchanged if even and increased by one if odd.

© BSI 11-1998 15
BS 2874:1986

Appendix D Cross-references between b) For test samples from rods over 30 mm up to

the wrought copper designations in and including 75 mm in diameter, or minor
cross-sectional dimension, machine the test piece
this standard and the raw material so that the longitudinal axis of the test piece is
designations for copper refinery parallel to, and not less than 15 mm from, the
shapes in BS 6017 surface of the test sample.
Cross-references between the wrought copper c) For test samples from rods over 75 mm in
designations used in this standard and the raw diameter, or minor cross-sectional dimension,
material designations for copper refinery shapes machine the test piece so that the longitudinal
used in BS 6017 are given in Table 13. axis of the test piece lies midway between the
surface furthest from the centre and the centre of
Table 13 — Designation cross-references
the test sample.
between this standard and BS 6017
d) For sections, machine proportional test pieces
Wrought BS 6017 Copper refinery shapes
designation Designation Description
to the dimensions of one of the standard
machined test pieces given in BS 18, such that
C 101 Cu-ETP2 Electrolytically refined,
the axis of the test piece is parallel to the
tough pitch copper
extrusion direction of the test sample.
C 102 Cu-FRHC Fire refined, high
conductivity copper E.2 Test for 0.2 % proof stress
C 103 Cu-OF Oxygen free,
electrolytically refined Test the test pieces, prepared in accordance
copper with E.1.2 and E.1.3, in accordance with the
C 106 Cu-DHP Phosphorus deoxidized method for proof stress determination given in
copper. High residual BS 18. If in determining the proof stress a small
phosphorus tensioning stress is applied, ensure that it is equal
C 110a Cu-OFE Oxygen free refined to approximately 20 % of the specified minimum
copper, electronic grade proof stress, but does not exceed 45 N/mm2.
aC 110 is not specified in this standard, but it is one of the
coppers specified in BS 1433, together with C 101, C 102 and Appendix F Method for the detection
C 103. Electrical properties are specified in BS 1433 for all of of residual stress in copper alloys by
these coppers.
the mercurous nitrate test
Appendix E Methods for the
F.1 Principle
determination of tensile properties
The test specimen of copper alloy is degreased and
E.1 Tensile strength cleaned. The presence of an unacceptable level of
residual (internal) stress in the test specimen is
E.1.1 General revealed by the development of cracks when it is
Prepare the tensile test piece from the test sample immersed in an acidified mercury (I) nitrate
of the product in accordance with E.1.2 and E.1.3. solution.
Carry out the tensile test on the prepared test piece
in accordance with the method in BS 18. F.2 Reagents
E.1.2 Shape of the test piece F.2.1 Nitric acid. r 1.42 g/mL, 50 % V/V aqueous
From the test sample machine a proportional test
piece of circular, square or rectangular cross section F.2.2 Mercury (I) nitrate test solution.
to the dimensions given in BS 18. Dissolve 11.4 g of mercury (I) nitrate dihydrate
(HgNO3·2H2 O) or 10.7 g of mercury (I) nitrate
NOTE Products having a constant cross section may be tested
without being machined provided a proportional gauge length monohydrate (HgNO3·H2 O) in
of 5.65 ÖSo is used. approximately 40 mL distilled water acidified
E.1.3 Location of the test piece in the test with 10 mL nitric acid (r 1.42 g/mL). When the
sample of the product crystals are completely dissolved, dilute the solution
with distilled water to 1 000 mL.
Machine the test pieces (E.1.2) from the following
NOTE If heating is used to aid dissolution, care should be
locations in the test samples of the product. exercised to prevent loss of nitric acid.
a) For test samples from rods up to and WARNING. Mercury (I) nitrate is highly toxic and
including 30 mm in diameter, or minor should be treated with due care.
cross-sectional dimension, machine the test piece

16 © BSI 11-1998
BS 2874:1986

F.3 Procedure G.3.2 Water bath or oil bath, thermostatically

controlled to a temperature of 75 ± 3 °C.
Ensure that the test specimen is not marked for
identification by indenting. During the selection G.3.3 Glass beaker, covered with plastics film or
and preparation of the test specimen, take other seal of inert non-metallic material.
precautions to ensure that it is not subjected to G.3.4 Material for mounting specimens,
mechanical working that could raise the level of e.g. phenolic resins or materials with similar
internal stress in the specimen, such as bending or properties and not electrically conductive.
straightening. G.3.5 Waterproof abrasive paper, in a range of grit
For rods up to 80 mm diameter or width across flats sizes down to 500 grade or finer.
and for sections up to 6 400 mm2 cross-sectional G.3.6 Diamond polishing paste, grit size 1 µm or
area, take a test piece approximately 150 mm long. less.
For larger sizes of rod or section, the length of the
test piece is at the discretion of the tester. G.4 Procedure
Degrease the specimen (e.g. in acetone). Totally G.4.1 Preparation of test pieces
immerse it in 50 % V/V nitric acid solution (F.2.1)
for a period not exceeding 30 s to remove all traces Take two test pieces from each sample supplied for
of carbonaceous matter and oxide films. testing in such a way that the properties of the
material are unaffected (e.g. by sawing and grinding
Remove the specimen, wash it well in cold water and
with light pressure).
totally immerse it in the mercury (I) nitrate test
solution (F.2.2). Use at least 1.5 mL of test solution For forgings and castings, take one test piece from
for each 100 mm2 of exposed surface of the the area with the thinnest section and one from the
specimen. area with the thickest section.
After 30 min, remove the specimen and wash it well For materials with a specific extrusion or rolling
in cold water. Wipe off excess mercury from the direction (e.g. tube, rod or section), take one test
surface of the specimen and examine the specimen piece to expose a surface parallel to, and the other
immediately for evidence of cracks with the unaided piece to expose a surface perpendicular to, the
eye, corrected for normal vision if necessary. extrusion or rolling direction [see Figure 1(a)]. Cut
test pieces from rod samples in such a way as to
Appendix G Method of test to establish include points midway between the axis and the
dezincification resistance of material
designated CZ 132 For each test piece ensure that the area to be
exposed to the test solution is
G.1 Principle approximately 100 mm2. If the size of the
component or the cross section of the rod to be tested
The susceptibility of a brass specimen to is too small to provide test areas of this size, take the
dezincification is determined by immersing the largest possible test area.
specimen in a controlled test solution for a fixed
Embed the test pieces in the mounting
time, followed by microscopic examination of
medium (G.3.4) and grind the test surface using
sections of the specimen to measure the depth of
successively finer grades of wet abrasive
dezincification that has occurred.
paper (G.3.5), finishing with 500 grade or finer.
G.2 Reagents G.4.2 Exposure of samples to the test solution
G.2.1 Test solution, Copper (II) chloride solution Clean the test surfaces with ethanol or
prepared by the following method. Dissolve 12.7 g methanol (G.2.2). Place a beaker (G.3.3) containing
CuCl2·2H2 O (analytical quality) in distilled or fresh test solution (G.2.1) in the water bath or oil
demineralized water and dilute to 1 000 mL. Mix bath (G.3.2). Maintain the temperature of the test
well. solution during the entire exposure at 75 ± 3 °C.
Use at least 250 mL of test solution for
G.2.2 Ethanol or methanol, for cleaning test pieces.
each 100 mm2 of exposed test piece surface.
G.3 Apparatus Place the test pieces in the beaker (G.3.3)
containing the test solution in such a way that the
G.3.1 Optical microscope with scale, to provide a
test surface is vertical and at least 15 mm above the
suitable magnification (a combination of × 100
bottom of the beaker. Do not test different alloys
and × 500 is satisfactory) and a method of
simultaneously in the same beaker.
measurement of dezincification depth.
NOTE An eyepiece graticule calibrated using a stage graticule
is satisfactory.

© BSI 11-1998 17
BS 2874:1986

After 24 h, remove the test pieces from the beaker Using the microscope (G.3.1), examine the
and wash in distilled or demineralized water to microsection prepared from each test area and
remove residual test solution from the surface. record the depth of dezincification, adjusting the
G.4.3 Preparation of microsections for degree of magnification to ensure the greatest
examination accuracy. Examine a total length of section of 5 mm
for each of the test pieces (10 mm for rod
Resection each of the test pieces in the mount at over 25 mm diameter). If this is not possible, due to
right angles to the exposed test surface the dimensions of the test area, examine the
[see Figure 1(b)]. Embed each of these test piece maximum possible length of the section and record
sections in the mounting medium (G.3.4) such that this length when reporting the results.
the resectioned surface can be examined
NOTE In some cases there is a greater depth of dezincification
[see Figure 1(c)]. Grind the surfaces of these along the line of the interface between the mounting material and
microsections using successively finer grades of wet the brass during exposure to the test solution (edge effect).
abrasive paper (G.3.5), finishing with 500 grade, or Ensure that the measurement of the maximum depth of
dezincification is at a sufficient distance from this interface for
finer. edge effects to be negligible.
G.4.4 Examination of microsections and
recording of dezincification depth
Carry out final polishing of the microsections with
diamond paste of particle size 1 µm or less (G.3.6),
using a suitable light oil lubricant. Clean the
microsections in ethanol or methanol (G.2.2) after
polishing and ensure freedom from stains and

Figure 1 — Illustration of dezincification resistance test

18 © BSI 11-1998
BS 2874:1986

Publications referred to

BS 18, Methods for tensile testing of metals.

BS 350, Conversion factors and tables.
BS 1433, Copper for electrical purposes. Rod and bar.
BS 1957, Presentation of numerical values (fineness of expression; rounding of numbers).
BS 2870, Specification for rolled copper and copper alloys: sheet, strip and foil.
BS 2871, Copper and copper alloys. Tubes.
BS 2872, Copper and copper alloys. Forging stock and forgings.
BS 2873, Copper and copper alloys. Wire.
BS 2875, Copper and copper alloys. Plate.
BS 5899, Method for hydrogen embrittlement test for copper.
BS 6017, Specification for copper refinery shapes.

© BSI 11-1998
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