Iare MTM Lecture Notes 0
Iare MTM Lecture Notes 0
Iare MTM Lecture Notes 0
(IARE – R16)
Prepared by
In an industry, metal components are made into different shapes and dimensions by using various metal working
Metal working processes are classified into two major groups. They are:
Non-cutting shaping or chips less or metal forming process - forging, rolling, pressing, etc.
Cutting shaping or metal cutting or chip forming process - turning, drilling, milling, etc.
Definition of machining
Machining is an essential process of finishing by which work pieces are produced to the desired dimensions and
surface finish by gradually removing the excess material from the preformed blank in the form of chips with the
help of cutting tool(s) moved past the work surface(s).
Principle of machining
Typically illustrates the basic principle of machining. A metal rod of irregular shape, size and surface is converted
into a finished product of desired dimension and surface finish by machining by proper relative motions of the
tool-work pair.
Purpose of machining
Most of the engineering components such as gears, bearings, clutches, tools, screws and nuts etc. need dimensional
and form accuracy and good surface finish for serving their purposes. Performing like casting, forging etc.
generally cannot provide the desired accuracy and finish. For that such preformed parts, called blanks, need semi-
finishing and finishing and it is done by machining and grinding. Grinding is also basically a machining process.
Machining to high accuracy and finish essentially enables a product:
Definition of machine tool
A machine tool is a non-portable power operated and reasonably valued device or system of devices in which
energy is expended to produce jobs of desired size, shape and surface finish by removing excess material from
the preformed blanks in the form of chips with the help of cutting tools moved past the work surface(s).
Types of cutting tools
Cutting tools may be classified according to the number of major cutting edges (points) involved as follows:
Single point: e.g., turning tools, shaping, planning and slotting tools and boring tools.
Double (two) point: e.g., drills.
Multipoint (more than two): e.g., milling cutters, broaching tools, hobs, gear shaping cutters etc.
Geometry of single point cutting (turning) tools
Both material and geometry of the cutting tools play very important roles on their performances in achieving
effectiveness, efficiency and overall economy of machining.
(a)Positive rake (b)Zero rake(c) Negative rake Fig. 1.4 Three possible
types of rake angles
Relative advantages of such rake angles are:
Positive rake - helps reduce cutting force and thus cutting power requirement.
Zero rake - to simplify design and manufacture of the form tools.
Negative rake - to increase edge-strength and life of the tool.
Clearance angle is essentially provided to avoid rubbing of the tool (flank) with the machined surface which
causes loss of energy and damages of both the tool and the job surface. Hence, clearance angle is a must and
must be positive (30 ~ 150) depending upon tool-work materials and type of the machining operations like
turning, drilling, boring etc.
Systems of description of tool geometry
Tool-in-Hand System - where only the salient features of the cutting tool point are identified or visualized
as shown in Fig. 1.5 (a). There is no quantitative information, i.e., value of the angles.
Machine Reference System
Tool Reference System
- ASA system.
- Orthogonal RakeS ystem
- Normal Rake System- NRS.
Work Reference System - WRS.
The planes of reference and the coordinates used in ASA system for tool geometry are:
Definition of:
Shank: The portion of the tool bit which is not ground to form cutting edges and is rectangular in cross
Face: The surface against which the chip slides upward.
Flank: The surface which face the work piece. There are two flank surfaces in a single point cutting
tool. One is principal flank and the other is auxiliary flank. [
Heel: The lowest portion of the side cutting edges.
Nose radius: The conjunction of the side cutting edge and end cutting edge. It provides strengthening of
the tool nose and better surface finish.
Base: The underside of the shank.
αx = Side clearance angle (Side relief angle): angle of inclination of the principal flank from the
machined surface (or CV) and measured on ΠX plane.
αy = Back clearance angle (End relief angle): same as αx but measured on ΠY plane.
Cutting angles:
φs = Side cutting edge angle (Approach angle): angle between the principal cutting edge (its projection
on ΠR) and ΠY and measured on ΠR.
φe = End cutting edge angle: angle between the end cutting edge (its projection on ΠR) from ΠX
and measured on ΠR.
Designation of tool geometry
The geometry of a single point tool is designated or specified by a series of values of the salient angles and nose
radius arranged in a definite sequence as follows:
Designation (Signature) of tool geometry in ASA System - γy, γx, αy, αx, φe, φs, r (in inch)
Example: A tool having 7, 8, 6, 7, 5, 6, 0.1 as designation (Signature) in ASA system will have the
following angles and nose radius.
Back rake angle = 70
Side rake angle = 80
Back clearance = 60
angle 70
Side clearance = 50
angle 60
End cutting edge = 0.1 inch
Side cutting edge =
Types of metal cutting processes
The metal cutting process is mainly radius into two types. They
= are:
Orthogonal cutting process (Two - dimensional cutting) - The cutting edge or face of the tool is 900 to
the line of action or path of the tool or to the cutting velocity vector. This cutting involves only two forces
and this makes the analysis simpler.
Oblique cutting process (Three - dimensional cutting) - The cutting edge or face of the tool is
inclined at an angle less than 90 to the line of action or path of the tool or to the cutting velocity vector.
Its analysis is more difficult of its three dimensions.
Orthogonal and oblique cutting
It is appears from the diagram shown in Fig. 1.7 (a and b) that while turning ductile material by a sharp tool, the
continuous chip would flow over the tool‘s rake surface and in the direction apparently perpendicular to the
principal cutting edge, i.e., along orthogonal plane which is normal to the cutting plane containing the principal
cutting edge. But practically, the chip may not flow along the orthogonal plane for several factors like presence of
inclination angle, λ, etc.
The role of inclination angle, λ on the direction of chip flow is schematically shown in Fig. 1.8 which
visualizes that:
When λ = 00, the chip flows along orthogonal plane, i.e, ρc =00.
Flow is deviated from πo and ρc= λ where ρc is chip flow deviation (from πo)
(a) Setup of orthogonal and oblique cutting Fig. 1.7 (b) Ideal direction of chip flow in turning
Oblique cutting: When chip flow deviates from orthogonal plane, i.e. ρc ≠00.
But practically ρc may be zero even if λ = 00 and ρc may not be exactly equal to λ even if λ ≠ 00.
Because there is some other (than λ) factors also may cause chip flow deviation.
Mechanism of chip formation
Work material.
Material and geometry of the cutting tool.
Levels of cutting velocity and feed and also to some extent on depth of cut.
Machining environment or cutting fluid that affects temperature and friction at the chip-tool and work-tool
Knowledge of basic mechanism(s) of chip formation helps to understand the characteristics of chips and to attain
favorable chip forms.
Shifting of the postcards by partial sliding against each other (b) Chip formation by shear in lamella Piispannen
model of card analogy to explain chip formation in machining ductile materials
In actual machining chips also, such serrations are visible at their upper surface (b). The lower surface becomes
smooth due to further plastic deformation due to intensive rubbing with the tool at high pressure and temperature.
The pattern of shear deformation by lamellar sliding, indicated in the model, can also be seen in actual chips by
proper mounting, etching and polishing the side surface of the machining chip and observing under microscope.
The pattern and extent of total deformation of the chips due to the primary and the secondary shear deformations of
the chips ahead and along the tool face, depend upon:
Work material.
Tool; material and geometry.
The machining speed (VC) and feed (so).
Cutting fluid application.
Primary and secondary deformation zones in the chip
The overall deformation process causing chip formation is quite complex and hence needs thorough experimental
studies for clear understanding the phenomena and its dependence on the affecting parameters. The feasible and
popular experimental methods*2 for this purpose are:
Study of deformation of rectangular or circular grids marked on side surface
Microscopic study of chips frozen by drop tool or quick stop apparatus.
Study of running chips by high speed camera fitted with low magnification microscope.
It has been established by several analytical and experimental methods including circular grid deformation
that though the chips are initially compressed ahead of the tool tip, the final deformation is accomplished mostly by
shear in machining ductile materials. However, machining of ductile materials generally produces flat, curved or
coiled continuous chips.
During machining, first a small crack develops at the tool tip as shown in Fig. 1.14 due to wedging action of the
cutting edge. At the sharp crack-tip stress concentration takes place. In case of ductile materials immediately
yielding takes place at the crack-tip and reduces the effect of stress concentration and prevents its propagation as
crack. But in case of brittle materials the initiated crack quickly propagates, under stressing action, and total
separation takes place from the parent work piece through the minimum resistance path
Causes of formation
In machining ductile metals like steels with long chip-tool contact length, lot of stress and temperature develops in
the secondary deformation zone at the chip-tool interface. Under such high stress and temperature in between two
clean surfaces of metals, strong bonding may locally take place due to adhesion similar to welding. Such bonding
will be encouraged and accelerated if the chip tool materials have mutual affinity or solubility.
The weldment starts forming as an embryo at the most favorable location and thus gradually grows
It unfavorably changes the rake angle at the tool tip causing increase in cutting forces and power
Repeated formation and dislodgement of the BUE causes fluctuation in cutting forces and thus induces
vibration which is harmful for the tool, job and the machine tool.
Surface finish gets deteriorated.
May reduce tool life by accelerating tool-wear at its rake surface by adhesion and flaking occasionally,
formation of thin flat type stable BUE may reduce tool wear at the rake face.
Types of chips
Different types of chips of various shape, size, colour etc. are produced by machining dependingupon:
Type of cut, i.e., continuous (turning, boring etc.) or intermittent cut (milling).
Work material (brittle or ductile etc.).
Cutting tool geometry (rake, cutting angles etc.).
Levels of the cutting velocity and feed (low, medium or high).
Cutting fluid (type of fluid and method of application).
The basic major types of chips and the conditions generally under which such types of chips form are given below:
Continuous chips without BUE
When the cutting tool moves towards the work piece, there occurs a plastic deformation of the work piece and the
metal is separated without any discontinuity and it moves like a ribbon. The chip moves along the face of the tool.
This mostly occurs while cutting a ductile material. It is desirable to have smaller chip thickness and higher cutting
speed in order to get continuous chips. Lesser power is consumed while continuous chips are produced. Total life is
also mortised in this process. The formation of continuous chips
Discontinuous chips
This is also called as segmental chips. This mostly occurs while cutting brittle material such as cast iron or low
ductile materials. Instead of shearing the metal as it happens in the previous process, the metal is being fractured like
segments of fragments and they pass over the tool faces. Tool life can also be more in this process. Power
consumption as in the previous case is also low.
The following condition favors the formation of discontinuous chips:
Of irregular size and shape: - work material - brittle like gray cast iron.
Of regular size and shape: - work material ductile but hard and work hardenable.
Feed rate -large.
Tool rake -negative.
Cutting fluid - absent or inadequate.
Principles of chip-breaking
In respect of convenience and safety, closed coil type chips of short length and ‗coma‘ shaped broken-to- half turn
chips are ideal in the machining of ductile metals and alloys at high speed.
The principles and methods of chip breaking are generally classified as follows:
Self chip breaking - This is accomplished without using a separate chip-breaker either as an attachment or
an additional geometrical modification of the tool.
Forced chip breaking - This is accomplished by additional tool geometrical features or devices.
Self breaking of chips
Ductile chips usually become curled or tend to curl (like clock spring) even in the machining of tools with flat rake
surface due to the unequal speed of flow of the chip at its free and generated (rubbed) surfaces and unequal
temperature and cooling rate at those two surfaces. With the increase in cutting velocity and rake angle (positive)
the radius of curvature increases, which is more dangerous.
In case of oblique cutting due to presence of inclination angle, restricted cutting effect etc. the curled chips deviate
laterally resulting helical coiling of the chips. The curled chips may self break:
By natural fracturing of the strain hardened outgoing chip after sufficient cooling and spring back This
kind of chip breaking is generally observed under the condition close to that which favors formation of
jointed or segmented chips.
By striking against the cutting surface of the job, mostly under pure orthogonal cutting.
By striking against the tool flank after each half to full turn
(a) Natural (b) Striking on job (c) Striking at tool flank Principles of
self breaking of chips
The possibility and pattern of self chip-breaking depend upon the work material, tool material and tool geometry (γ,
λ, φ and r), levels of the process parameters (VC and fo) and the machining environment (cutting fluid application)
which are generally selected keeping in view the overall machinability.
b) Forced chip-breaking
The hot continuous chip becomes hard and brittle at a distance from its origin due to work hardening and cooling. If
the running chip does not become enough curled and work hardened, it may not break. In that case the running chip
is forced to bend or closely curl so that it breaks into pieces at regular intervals. Such broken chips are of regular size
and shape depending upon the configuration of the chip breaker. Chip breakers are basically of two types:
In-built type.
Clamped or attachment type.
In-built breakers are in the form of step or groove at the rake surface near the cutting edges of the tools. Such chip
breakers are provided either:
After their manufacture - in case of HSS tools like drills, milling cutters, broaches etc and brazed
type carbide inserts.
During their manufacture by powder metallurgical process - e.g., throw away type inserts of
carbides, ceramics and cermets.
When the strain hardened and brittle running chip strikes the heel, the cantilever chip gets forcibly bent and
then breaks.
Parallel step.
Angular step; positive and negative type.
( (
c d
Step type in-built chip breaker (a) Parallel step )Parallel and radiused (c) Positive
) angular (d) Negative angular
(a and b) schematically shows some commonly used groove type in-built chip
Circular groove.
Tilted Vee groove.
(a) Circular groove (b) Tilted V groove the unique characteristics of in-built chip breakers are:
The outer end of the step or groove acts as the heel that forcibly bends and fractures the running chip.
Simple in configuration, easy manufacture and inexpensive.
The geometry of the chip-breaking features is fixed once made. (i.e., cannot be controlled)
Effective only for fixed range of speed and feed for any given tool-work combination.
With fixed distance and angle of the additional strip - effective only for a limited domain of parametric
With variable width (W) only – little versatile.
With variable width (W), height (H) and angle (β) - quite versatile but less rugged and more expensive.
( b
(a) Fixed geometry (b) Variable width (c) Variable width and angle Fig Clamped type
chip breakers
Merchant’s Circle Diagram and its use
In orthogonal cutting when the chip flows along the orthogonal plane, π 0, the cutting force (resultant) and its
components PZ and PXY remain in the orthogonal plane.
From job-side:
Ps – Shear force.
Pn - force normal to the shear force.
From the tool side:
R1 = R (in stateo f equilibrium) where, R1 = F + N
N - Force normal to rake face.
F - Friction force at chip tool interface.
The resulting cutting force R or R1 can be resolved further as,
The significance of the forces displayed in the Merchant‟s Circle Diagram is:
Ps - The shear force essentially required to produce or separate the chip from the parent body by shear. Pn -
Inherently exists along with Ps.
F - Friction force at the chip tool interface.
N - Force acting normal to the rake surface.
PZ = PXY – PX + PY = main force or power component acting in the direction of cutting velocity.
The magnitude of PS provides the yield shear strength of the work material under the cutting action. The values of F
and the ratio of F and N indicate the nature and degree of interaction like friction at the chip tool interface. The force
components PX, PY, PZ are generally obtained by direct measurement. Again P Z helps in determining cutting power
and specific energy requirement. The force components are also required to design the cutting tool and the machine
Essential properties of cutting tool materials
The cutting tools need to be capable to meet the growing demands for higher productivity and economy as well
as to machine the exotic materials which are coming up with the rapid progress in science and technology. The
cutting tool material of the day and future essentially require the following properties to resist or retard the
phenomena leading to random or early tool failure:
Fracture toughness - high or at least adequate.
High hardness for abrasion resistance.
High hot hardness to resist plastic deformation and reduce wear rate at elevated temperature.
Chemical stability or inertness against work material, atmospheric gases and cutting fluids.
Resistance to adhesion and diffusion.
Thermal conductivity - low at the surface to resist incoming of heat and high at the core to quickly
dissipate the heat entered.
High heat resistance and stiffness.
Manufacturability, availability and low cost.
Needs and chronological development of cutting tool materials
With the progress of the industrial world it has been needed to continuously develop and improve the cutting tool
materials and geometry:
To meet the growing demands for high productivity, quality and economy of machining.
To enable effective and efficient machining of the exotic materials those are coming up with the rapid and
vast progress of science and technology.
For precision and ultra-precision machining.
For micro and even nano machining demanded by the day and future.
It is already stated that the capability and overall performance of the cutting tools depend upon:
Productivity raised by cutting tool materials Chronological development of cutting tool materials
Characteristics and applications of cutting tool materials
The tool geometry and mechanics of chip formation are complex, such as helical twist drills, reamers, gear
shaping cutters, hobs, form tools, broaches etc.
Brittle tools like carbides, ceramics etc. are not suitable under shock loading.
The small scale industries cannot afford costlier tools.
The old or low powered small machine tools cannot accept high speed and feed.
The tool is to be used number of times by re sharpening.
With time the effectiveness and efficiency of HSS (tools) and their application range were gradually enhanced by
improving its properties and surface condition through:
Refinement of microstructure.
Addition of large amount of cobalt and Vanadium to increase hot hardness and wear resistance
Manufacture by powder metallurgical process.
Surface coating with heat and wear resistive materials like TiC, TiN, etc. by Chemical Vapour Deposition
(CVD) or Physical Vapour Deposition (PVD).
The commonly used of HSS are given in Table 1.1.
Type C W Mo Cr V Co RC
T-1 0.70 18 4 1
T-4 0.75 18 4 1 5
T-6 0.80 20 4 2 12
M-2 0.80 6 5 4 2 64.7
M-4 1.30 6 5 4 4
M - 15 1.55 6 3 5 5 5
M - 42 1.08 1.5 9.5 4 1.1 8 62.4
Addition of large amount of Co and V, refinement of microstructure and coating increased strength and wear
resistance and thus enhanced productivity and life of the HSS tools remarkably.
b) Stellite
This is a cast alloy of Co (40 to 50%), Cr (27 to 32%), W (14 to 19%) and C (2%). Stellite is quite tough and more
heat and wear resistive than the basic HSS (18 - 4 - 1) But such stellite as cutting tool material became obsolete for
its poor grindability and especially after the arrival of cemented carbides.
c) Sintered Tungsten carbides
The advent of sintered carbides made another breakthrough in the history of cutting tool materials.
i) Straight or single carbide
First the straight or single carbide tools or inserts were powder metallurgically produced by mixing, compacting and
sintering 90 to 95% WC powder with cobalt. The hot, hard and wear resistant WC grains are held by the binder Co
which provides the necessary strength and toughness. Such tools are suitable for machining grey cast iron, brass,
bronze etc. which produce short discontinuous chips and at cutting velocities two to three times of that possible for
HSS tools.
ii) Composite carbides
The single carbide is not suitable for machining steels because of rapid growth of wear, particularly crater wear, by
diffusion of Co and carbon from the tool to the chip under the high stress and temperature bulk (plastic) contact
between the continuous chip and the tool surfaces.
For machining steels successfully, another type called composite carbide have been developed by adding (8 to 20%)
a gamma phase to WC and Co mix. The gamma phase is a mix of TiC, TiN, TaC, NiC etc. which are more diffusion
resistant than WC due to their more stability and less wettability by steel.
iii) Mixed carbides
Titanium carbide (TiC) is not only more stable but also much harder than WC. So for machining ferritic steels
causing intensive diffusion and adhesion wear a large quantity (5 to 25%) of TiC is added with WC and Co to
produce another grade called mixed carbide. But increase in TiC content reduces the toughness of the tools.
Therefore, for finishing with light cut but high speed, the harder grades containing up to 25% TiC are used and for
heavy roughing work at lower speeds lesser amount (5 to 10%) of TiC is suitable.
d) Plain ceramics
Inherently high compressive strength, chemical stability and hot hardness of the ceramics led to powder
metallurgical production of indexable ceramic tool inserts since 1950. Table 1.4 shows the advantages and
limitations of alumina ceramics in contrast to sintered carbide. Alumina (Al2O3) is preferred to silicon nitride
(Si3N4) for higher hardness and chemical stability. Si3N4 is tougher but again more difficult to process. The plain
ceramic tools are brittle in nature and hence had limited applications .
Advantages Shortcoming
Very high hardness Poor toughness
Very high hot hardness Poor tensile strength
Chemical stability Poor TRS
Antiwelding Low thermal conductivity
Less diffusivity Less density
High abrasion resistance
High melting point
Very low thermal conductivity*
Very low thermal expansion coefficient
* Cutting tool should resist penetration of heat but should disperse the heat throughout the core.
Basically three types of ceramic tool bits are available in the market:
Plain alumina with traces of additives - these white or pink sintered inserts are cold pressed and are used
mainly for machining cast iron and similar materials at speeds 200 to 250m/min.
Alumina; with or without additives - hot pressed, black colour, hard and strong - used for machining steels
and cast iron at VC = 150 to 250m/min.
Carbide ceramic (Al2O3 + 30% TiC) cold or hot pressed, black colour, quite strong and enough tough -
used for machining hard cast irons and plain and alloy steels at 150 to 200m/min.
Development and applications of advanced tool materials
a) Coated carbides
The properties and performance of carbide tools could be substantially improved by:
Refining microstructure.
Manufacturing by casting - expensive and uncommon.
Surface coating - made remarkable contribution.
Thin but hard coating of single or multilayer of more stable and heat and wear resistive materials like TiC, TiCN,
TiOCN, TiN, Al2O3 etc on the tough carbide inserts (substrate) (Fig. 1.44) by processes like chemical Vapour
Deposition (CVD), Physical Vapour Deposition (PVD) etc at controlled pressure and temperature enhanced MRR
and overall machining economy remarkably enabling:
Reduction of cutting forces and power consumption.
Increase in tool life (by 200 to 500 %) for same VC or increase in VC (by 50 to 150 %) for same tool life.
Improvement in product quality.
Effective and efficient machining of wide range of work materials.
Pollution control by less or no use of cutting fluid, through-
Reduction of abrasion, adhesion and diffusion wear.
Reduction of friction and BUE formation.
Heat resistance and reduction of thermal cracking and plastic deformation.
The cutting velocity range in machining mild steel could be enhanced from 120 ~ 150 m/min to 300 ~ 350 m/min by
properly coating the suitable carbide inserts.
About 50% of the carbide tools being used at present are coated carbides which are obviously to some extent
costlier than the uncoated tools.
Different varieties of coated tools are available. The appropriate one is selected depending upon the type of the
cutting tool, work material and the desired productivity and product quality.
The properties and performances of coated inserts and tools are getting further improved by:
The grains are made of TiCN (in place of WC) and Ni or Ni-Co and Fe as binder (in place of Co)
Harder, more chemically stable and hence more wear resistant.
More brittle and less thermal shock resistant.
Wt% of binder metal varies from 10 to20%.
Cutting edge sharpness is retained unlike in coated carbide inserts.
Can machine steels at higher cutting velocity than that used for tungsten carbide, even coated carbides in
case of light cuts.
Application wise, the modern TiCN based cermets with beveled or slightly rounded cutting edges are suitable for
finishing and semi-finishing of steels at higher speeds, stainless steels but are not suitable for jerky interrupted
machining and machining of aluminium and similar materials. Research and development are still going on for
further improvement in the properties and performance of cermets.
c) Coronite
It is already mentioned earlier that the properties and performance of HSS tools could have been sizably improved by
refinement of microstructure, powder metallurgical process of making and surface coating. Recently a unique tool
material, namely Coronite has been developed for making the tools like small and medium size drills and milling
cutters etc. which were earlier essentially made of HSS.
Coronite is made basically by combining HSS for strength and toughness and tungsten carbides for heat and wear
resistance. Micro fine TiCN particles are uniformly dispersed into the matrix.
Unlike solid carbide, the coronite based tool is made of three layers:
Through last few years‟ remarkable improvements in strength and toughness and hence overall performance of
ceramic tools could have been possible by several means which include:
Sinterability, microstructure, strength and toughness of Al2O3 ceramics were improved to some extent by
adding TiO2 andMgO.
Transformation toughening by adding appropriate amount of partially or fully stabilized zirconia in Al2O3
Isostatic and hot isostatic pressing (HIP) - these are very effective but expensive route.
Introducing nitride ceramic (Si3N4) with proper sintering technique - this material is very tough but prone
to built-up-edge formation in machining steels.
Developing SIALON - deriving beneficial effects of Al2O3 andSi3N4.
Adding carbide like TiC (5 ~ 15%) in Al2O3 powder - to impart toughness and thermal conductivity.
Reinforcing oxide or nitride ceramics by SiC whiskers, which enhanced strength, toughness and life of the
tool and thus productivity spectacularly. But manufacture and use of this unique tool need especially
careful handling.
Toughening Al2O3 ceramic by adding suitable metal like silver which also impart thermal conductivity
and self lubricating property; this novel and inexpensive tool is still in experimental stage.
The enhanced qualities of the unique high performance ceramic tools, specially the whisker and zirconia based
types enabled them machine structural steels at speed even beyond 500 m/min and also intermittent cutting at
reasonably high speeds, feeds and depth of cut. Such tools are also found to machine relatively harder and
stronger steels quite effectively and economically.
The successful and commonly used high performance ceramic tools have been discussed here: The HPC tools
can be broadly classified into two groups as:
Nitride Oxide
Ceramics Ceramics
Compared to plain alumina ceramics, Nitride (Si 3N4) ceramic tools exhibit more resistance to fracturing by
mechanical and thermal shocks due to higher bending strength, toughness and higher conductivity. Hence such
tool seems to be more suitable for rough and interrupted cutting of various material excepting steels, which cause
rapid diffusion wear and BUE formation. The fracture toughness and wear resistance of nitride ceramic tools
could be further increased by adding zirconia and coating the finished tools with high hardness alumina and
titanium compound.
Nitride ceramics cannot be easily compacted and sintered to high density. Sintering with the aid of reaction bonding
‘and hot pressing‘may reduce this problem to some extent.
i) SIALON tools
Hot pressing and sintering of an appropriate mix of Al2O3 and Si3N4 powders yielded an excellent composite
ceramic tool called SIALON which are very hot hard, quite tough and wear resistant.
These tools can machine steel and cast irons at high speeds (250 - 300 m/min). But machining of steels by such tools
at too high speeds reduces the tool life by rapid diffusion.
ii) SiC reinforced Nitride tools
The toughness, strength and thermal conductivity and hence the overall performance of nitride ceramics
could be increased remarkably by adding SiC whiskers or fibers in 5 - 25 volume %. The SiC whiskers add fracture
toughness mainly through crack bridging, crack deflection and fiber pull-out.
Such tools are very expensive but extremely suitable for high production machining of various soft and hard
materials even under interrupted cutting.
iii) Zirconia (or partially stabilized Zirconia) toughened alumina (ZTA) ceramic
The enhanced strength, TRS and toughness have made these ZTAs more widely applicable and more
productive than plain ceramics and cermets in machining steels and cast irons. Fine powder of partially stabilized
zirconia (PSZ) is mixed in proportion of ten to twenty volume percentage with pure alumina, then either cold pressed
and sintered at 16000 C - 17000 C or hot isostatically pressed (HIP) under suitable temperature and pressure. The
phase transformation of metastable tetragonal zirconia (t-Z) to monoclinic zirconia (m-Z) during cooling of the
composite (Al2O3 + ZrO2) inserts after sintering or HIP and during polishing and machining imparts the desired
strength and fracture toughness through volume expansion (3 - 5%) and induced shear strain (7%). The mechanisms
of toughening effect of zirconia in the basic alumina matrix are stress induced transformation toughening and micro
crack nucleation toughening.
The method of crack shielding by a transformation zone
Their hardness has been raised further by proper control of particle size and sintering process. Hot pressing and HIP
raise the density, strength and hot hardness of ZTA tools but the process becomes expensive and the tool
performance degrades at lower cutting speeds. However, such ceramic tools can machine steel and cast iron at speed
range of 150 - 500m/min.
iv) Alumina ceramic reinforced by SiC whiskers
The properties, performances and application range of alumina based ceramic tools have been improved
spectacularly through drastic increase in fracture toughness (2.5 times), TRS and bulk thermal conductivity, without
sacrificing hardness and wear resistance by mechanically reinforcing the brittle alumina matrix with extremely strong
and stiff silicon carbide whiskers. The randomly oriented, strong and thermally conductive whiskers enhance the
strength and toughness mainly by crack deflection and crack-bridging and also by reducing the temperature gradient
within the tool.
After optimization of the composition, processing and the tool geometry, such tools have been found too effectively
and efficiently machine wide range of materials, over wide speed range (250 - 600 m/min) even under large chip
loads. But manufacturing of whiskers need very careful handling and precise control and these tools are costlier than
zirconia toughened ceramic tools.
v) Silver toughened alumina ceramic
Toughening of alumina with metal particle became an important topic since 1990 though its possibility was
reported in 1950s. Alumina-metal composites have been studied primarily using addition of metals like
aluminium, nickel, chromium, molybdenum, iron and silver. Compared to zirconia and carbides, metals were
found to provide more toughness in alumina ceramics. Again compared to other metal-toughened ceramics, the
silver-toughened ceramics can be manufactured by simpler and more economical process routes like pressure less
sintering and without atmosphere control.
All such potential characteristics of silver-toughened alumina ceramic have already been exploited in making
some salient parts of automobiles and similar items. Research is going on to develop and use silver- toughened
alumina for making cutting tools like turning inserts.. The toughening of the alumina matrix by the addition of
metal occurs mainly by crack deflection and crack bridging by the metal grains
Addition of silver further helps by increasing thermal conductivity of the tool and self lubrication by the traces of
the silver that oozes out through the pores and reaches at the chip-tool interface. Such HPC tools can suitably
machine with large MRR and VC (250 - 400 m/min) and long tool life even under light interrupted cutting like
milling. Such tools also can machine steels at speed from quite low to very high cutting velocities (200 to 500
e) Cubic Boron Nitride
Next to diamond, cubic boron nitride is the hardest material presently available. Only in 1970 and onward CBN in
the form of compacts has been introduced as cutting tools. It is made by bonding a - 1 mm layer of polycrystalline
cubic boron nitride to cobalt based carbide substrate at very high temperature and pressure. It remains inert and
retains high hardness and fracture toughness at elevated machining speeds. It shows excellent performance in
grinding any material of high hardness and strength. The extreme hardness, toughness, chemical and thermal
stability and wear resistance led to the development of CBN cutting tool inserts for high material removal rate
(MRR) as well as precision machining imparting excellent surface integrity of the products. Such unique tools
effectively and beneficially used in machining wide range of work materials covering high carbon and alloy steels,
non- ferrous metals and alloys, exotic metals like Ni-hard, Inconel, Nimonic etc and many non-metallic materials
which are as such difficult to machine by conventional tools. It is firmly stable at temperatures up to 14000 C. The
operative speed range for CBN when machining grey cast iron is 300 ~ 400 m/min. Speed ranges for other
materials are as follows:
Hard cast iron (> 400 BHN): 80 - 300m/min.
Super alloys (> 35 RC): 80 - 140m/min.
Hardened steels (> 45 RC): 100 - 300m/min.
In addition to speed, the most important factor that affects performance of CBN inserts is the preparation of cutting
edge. It is best to use CBN tools with a honed or chamfered edge preparation, especially for interrupted cuts. Like
ceramics, CBN tools are also available only in the form of indexable inserts. The only limitation of it is its high cost.
(f) Diamond Tools
Single stone, natural or synthetic, diamond crystals are used as tips/edge of cutting tools. Owing to the extreme
hardness and sharp edges, natural single crystal is used for many applications, particularly where high accuracy and
precision are required. Their important uses are:
Single point cutting tool tips and small drills for high speed machining of non-ferrous metals, ceramics,
plastics, composites, etc. and effective machining of difficult-to-machine materials.
Drill bits for mining, oil exploration, etc.
Tool for cutting and drilling in glasses, stones, ceramics, FRPs etc.
Wire drawing and extrusion dies.
Super abrasive wheels for critical grinding.
Limited supply, increasing demand, high cost and easy cleavage of natural diamond demanded a more reliable source
of diamond. It led to the invention and manufacture of artificial diamond grits by ultra- high temperature and pressure
synthesis process, which enables large scale manufacture of diamond with some control over size, shape and
friability of the diamond grits as desired for various applications.
i) Polycrystalline Diamond (PCD)
The polycrystalline diamond (PCD) tools consist of a layer (0.5 to 1.5 mm) of fine grain size, randomly oriented
diamond particles sintered with a suitable binder (usually cobalt) and then metallurgically bonded to a suitable
substrate like cemented carbide or Si3N4 inserts. PCD exhibits excellent wear resistance, hold sharp edge, generates
little friction in the cut, provide high fracture strength, and had good thermal conductivity. These properties
contribute to PCD tooling‘s long life in conventional and high speed machining of soft, non-ferrous materials
(aluminium, magnesium, copper etc), advanced composites and metal-matrix composites, super alloys, and non-
metallic materials.
PCD is particularly well suited for abrasive materials (i.e. drilling and reaming metal matrix composites)
where it provides 100 times the life of carbides. PCD is not usually recommended for ferrous metals because of high
solubility of diamond (carbon) in these materials at elevated temperature. However, they can be used to machine
some of these materials under special conditions; for example, light cuts are being successfully made in grey cast
iron. The main advantage of such PCD tool is the greater toughness due to finer microstructure with random
orientation of the grains and reduced cleavage.
But such unique PCD also suffers from some limitations like:
High tool cost.
Presence of binder, cobalt, which reduces wear resistance and thermal stability.
Complex tool shapes like in-built chip breaker cannot be made.
Size restriction, particularly in making very small diameter tools.
The above mentioned limitations of polycrystalline diamond tools have been almost overcome by developing
Diamond coated tools.
ii) Diamond coated carbide tools
Since the invention of low pressure synthesis of diamond from gaseous phase, continuous effort has been made to use
thin film diamond in cutting tool field. These are normally used as thin (<50 µm) or thick (> 200 µm) films of
diamond synthesized by CVD method for cutting tools, dies, wear surfaces and even abrasives for Abrasive Jet
Machining (AJM) and grinding.
Thin film is directly deposited on the tool surface. Thick film (> 500 µm) is grown on an easy substrate and later
brazed to the actual tool substrate and the primary substrate is removed by dissolving it or by other means. Thick
film diamond finds application in making inserts, drills, reamers, end mills, routers.
CVD coating has been more popular than single diamond crystal and PCD mainly for:
Free from binder, higher hardness, and resistance to heat and wear more than PCD and properties close to
natural diamond.
Highly pure, dense and free from single crystal cleavage.
Permits wider range of size and shape of tools and can be deposited on any shape of the tool including
rotary tools.
Relatively less expensive.
However, achieving improved and reliable performance of thin film CVD diamond coated tools; (carbide, nitride,
ceramic, SiC etc) in terms of longer tool life, dimensional accuracy and surface finish of jobs essentially need:
Good bonding of the diamond layer.
Adequate properties of the film, e.g. wear resistance, micro-hardness, edge coverage, edge sharpness and
thickness uniformity.
Ability to provide work surface finish required for specific applications.
While CBN tools are feasible and viable for high speed machining of hard and strong steels and similar materials,
Diamond tools are extremely useful for machining stones, slates, glass, ceramics, composites, FRPs and non
ferrous metals specially which are sticky and BUE former such as pure aluminium and its alloys. CBN and
Diamond tools are also essentially used for ultra precision as well as micro and nano machining.
Failure of cutting tools
Smooth, safe and economic machining necessitates:
Mechanical breakage due to excessive forces and shocks. Such kind of tool failure is random and
catastrophic in nature and hence is extremely detrimental.
Quick dulling by plastic deformation due to intensive stresses and temperature. This type of failure also
occurs rapidly and is quite detrimental and unwanted.
Gradual wear of the cutting tool at its flanks and rake surface.
The first two modes of tool failure are very harmful not only for the tool but also for the job and the machine
tool. Hence these kinds of tool failure need to be prevented by using suitable tool materials and geometry
depending upon the work material and cutting condition.
But failure by gradual wear, which is inevitable, cannot be prevented but can be slowed down only to enhance
the service life of the tool. The cutting tool is withdrawn immediately after it fails or, if possible, just before it
totally fails. For that one must understand that the tool has failed or is going to fail shortly.
It is understood or considered that the tool has failed or about to fail by one or more of the following conditions:
The usual pattern or geometry of wear of face milling inserts, turning tools and turning inserts are
Increase in cutting forces and power consumption mainly due to the principal flank wear.
Increase in dimensional deviation and surface roughness mainly due to wear of the tool-tips and auxiliary
flank wear (Vs).
Odd sound and vibration.
Worsening surface integrity.
Mechanically weakening of the tooltip.
Measurement of tool wear
The various methods are:
By loss of tool material in volume or weight, in one life time - this method is crude and is generally
applicable for critical tools like grinding wheels.
By grooving and indentation method - in this approximate method wear depth is measured indirectly by
the difference in length of the groove or the indentation outside and inside the worn area.
Using optical microscope fitted with micrometer - very common and effective method.
Using scanning electron microscope (SEM) - used generally, for detailed study; both qualitative and
Talysurf, especially for shallow crater wear.
Tool life generally indicates the amount of satisfactory performance or service rendered by a fresh tool or a cutting
point till it is declared failed. Tool life is defined in two ways:
(a) In R & D: Actual machining time (period) by which a fresh cutting tool (or point) satisfactorily works after
which it needs replacement or reconditioning. The modern tools hardly fail prematurely or abruptly by mechanical
breakage or rapid plastic deformation. Those fail mostly by wearing process which systematically grows slowly with
machining time. In that case, tool life means the span of actual machining time by which a fresh tool can work
before attaining the specified limit of tool wear. Mostly tool life is decided by the machining time till flank wear, VB
reaches 0.3 mm or crater wear, KT reaches 0.15mm.
(b) In industries or shop floor: The length of time of satisfactory service or amount of acceptable output provided
by a fresh tool prior to it is required to replace or recondition.
The tool life obviously decreases with the increase in cutting velocity keeping other conditions unaltered If the tool
lives, T1, T2, T3, T4 etc are plotted against the corresponding cutting velocities, V1, V2, V3, V4 etc as, a smooth curve
like a rectangular hyperbola is found to appear. When F. W. Taylor plotted the same figure taking both V and T in
log-scale, a more distinct linear relationship appeared as schematically shown in Fig.1.52.
Cutting velocity – tool life relationship Cutting velocity - tool life on a log-log scale
With the slope, n and intercept, c, Taylor derived the simple equation as,
V T n=C
C 1.53
where, n is called, Taylor‘s tool life exponent. The values of both ‗n‘ and ‗c‘ depend mainly upon the tool- work
materials and the cutting environment (cutting fluid application). The value of C depends also on the limiting
value of VB undertaken (i.e., 0.3 mm, 0.4 mm, 0.6 mm etc.).
where, T = tool life in minutes, CT⎯ a constant depending mainly upon the tool - work materials and the limiting
value of VB undertaken. x, y and z ⎯ exponents so called tool life exponents depending upon the tool - work
materials and the machining environment. Generally, x > y > z as VC affects tool life maximum and t minimum.
The values of the constants, CT, x, y and z are available in Machining Data Handbooks or can be evaluated by
machining tests.
VCT0.11 = 78 ("s+150)0.264
Feed and depth ofcut.
Work piecematerial.
Rigidity of work, tool andmachine.
Concept, definition and criteria of judgement of machinability
The term; ‗Machinability‘ has been introduced for gradation of work materials with respect to machining
characteristics. But truly speaking, there is no unique or clear meaning of the term machinability. People tried to
describe “Machinability” in several ways such as:
Metal MR
Ni 200
Br 300
Al 200
CI 70
Inconel 30
But usefulness and reliability of such practice faced several genuine doubts and questions:
Tool life cannot or should not be considered as the only criteria for judging machinability.
Under a given condition a material can yield different tool life even at a fixed speed (cutting velocity);
exact composition, microstructure, treatments etc. of that material may cause significant difference in tool
The tool life - speed relationship of any material may substantially change with the variationin:
Material and geometry of the cutting tool.
Level of process parameters (Vc, f,t).
Machining environment (cutting fluid application).
Machine tool condition.
Such ease of machining or machinability characteristics of any tool-work pair is to be judged by:
Depth of cut.
Cutting speed
Better surface finish can be obtained at higher cutting speeds. Rough cutting takes place at lower cutting speeds.
Surface finish will not be good when coarse feed is applied. But better finish can be obtained in fine feeds.
Depth of cut
Lighter cuts provide good surface finish to the work piece. If depth of cut increases during machining, the quality of
surface finish will reduce.
Therefore, higher cutting speeds, fine feeds and low depth of cuts or applied to ensure good surface finish. Usually, it
is done in finishing cuts. But, lower cutting speeds, coarse feeds and heavier depth of cuts are applied in rough
cutting operations.
Purposes and application of cutting fluid
The basic purposes of cutting fluid application are:
Cooling of the job and the tool to reduce the detrimental effects of cutting temperature on the job and the
Lubrication at the chip - tool interface and the tool flanks to reduce cutting forces and friction and thus the
amount of heat generation.
Cleaning the machining zone by washing away the chip - particles and debris which, if present, spoils the
finished surface and accelerates damage of the cutting edges.
Protection of the nascent finished surface - a thin layer of the cutting fluid sticks to the machined surface
and thus prevents its harmful contamination by the gases like SO 2, O2, H2S, and NXOY present in the
However, the main aim of application of cutting fluid is to improve machinability through reduction of cutting
forces and temperature, improvement by surface integrity and enhancement of tool life.
For its good wetting and spreading properties and very high specific heat, water is considered as the best coolant and
hence employed where cooling is most urgent.
Soluble oil
Water acts as the best coolant but does not lubricate. Besides, use of only water may impair the machine- fixture-
tool-work system by rusting. So oil containing some emulsifying agent and additive like EPA, together called cutting
compound, is mixed with water in a suitable ratio ( 1 ~ 2 in 20 ~ 50). This milk like white emulsion, called soluble
oil, is very common and widely used in machining and grinding.
Cutting oils
Cutting oils are generally compounds of mineral oil to which are added desired type and amount of vegetable, animal
or marine oils for improving spreading, wetting and lubricating properties. As and when required some EP additive is
also mixed to reduce friction, adhesion and BUE formation in heavy cuts.
Chemical fluids
These are occasionally used fluids which are water based where some organic and or inorganic materials are
dissolved in water to enable desired cutting fluid action.
There are two types of such cutting fluid:
Chemically inactive type - high cooling, anti-rusting and wetting but less lubricating.
Active (surface) type - moderate cooling and lubricating.
Cryogenic cutting fluid
Extremely cold (cryogenic) fluids (often in the form of gases) like liquid CO 2 or N2 are used in some special cases
for effective cooling without creating much environmental pollution and health hazards.
Methods of application of cutting fluid
The effectiveness and expense of cutting fluid application significantly depend also on how it is applied in respect of
flow rate and direction of application. In machining, depending upon the requirement and facilities available,
cutting fluids are generally employed in the following ways (flow):
Fig 1.57 Z-Z method of cutting fluid application in grinding Fig. 1.58 Application of cutting fluid
at high pressure through the hole in the tool. The direction of application also significantly governs the
effectiveness of the cutting fluid in respect of reaching at or near the chip-tool and work-tool interfaces.
Depending upon the requirement and accessibility the cutting fluid is applied from top or side(s). In operations
like deep hole drilling the pressurized fluid is often sent through the axial or inner spiral hole(s) of the drill.
For effective cooling and lubrication in high speed machining of ductile metals having wide and plastic chip-tool
contact, cutting fluid may be pushed at high pressure to the chip-tool interface through hole(s) in the cutting tool,
as schematically shown in Fig. 1.58.
If machined by HSS tools, sol. Oil (1: 20 ~30) for low carbon and alloy steels and neat oil with EPA
for heavy cuts.
If machined by carbide tools thinner sol. Oil for low strength steel, thicker sol. Oil ( 1:10 ~ 20) for
stronger steels and straight sulphurised oil for heavy and low speed cuts and EP cutting oil for high alloy
Often steels are machined dry by carbide tools for preventing thermal shocks.
Aluminium and its alloys:
Preferably machined dry.
Light but oily soluble oil.
Straight neat oil or kerosene oil for stringent cuts.
Copper and its alloys:
Water based fluids are generally used.
Oil with or without inactive EPA for tougher grades of Cu-alloy.
Lathe is the oldest machine tool invented, starting with the Egyptian tree lathes. It is the father of all machine tools.
Its main function is to remove material from a work piece to produce the required shape and size. This is
accomplished by holding the work piece securely and rigidly on the machine and then turning it against the cutting
tool which will remove material from the work piece in the form of chips. It is used to machine cylindrical parts.
Generally single point cutting tool is used. In the year 1797 Henry Maudslay, an Englishman, designed the first screw
cutting lathe which is the forerunner of the present day high speed, heavy duty production lathe.
Classification of lathes
Lathes are very versatile of wide use and are classified according to several aspects:
According to configuration:
Horizontal - Most common for ergonomic conveniences.
Vertical - Occupies less floor space, only some large lathes are of this type.
According to purpose of use:
General purpose - Very versatile where almost all possible types of operations are carried out on
wide ranges of size, shape and materials of jobs; e.g.: centre lathes.
Single purpose - Only one (occasionally two) type of operation is done on limited ranges of size
and material of jobs; e.g.: facing lathe, roll turning lathe etc.
Special purpose - Where a definite number and type of operations are done repeatedly over long
time on a specific type of blank; e.g.: capstan lathe, turret lathe, gear blanking lathe etc.
According to size or capacity:
Small (low duty) - In such light duty lathes (up to 1.1 kW), only small and medium size
jobs of generally soft and easily machinable materials are machined.
Medium (medium duty) - These lathes of power nearly up to 11 kW are most versatile and
commonly used.
Large (heavy duty)
Mini or micro lathe - These are tiny table-top lathes used for extremely small size jobs and
precision work; e.g.: Swiss type automatic lathe.
According to configuration of the jobs being handled:
Bar type - Slender rod like jobs being held in collets.
Chucking type - Disc type jobs being held in chucks.
Housing type - Odd shape jobs, being held in faceplate.
According to precision:
Precision (lathes) - These sophisticated lathes meant for high accuracy and finish and are relatively more
According to number of spindles:
Single spindle -Common.
Multi-spindle (2, 4, 6 or 8 spindles) - Such uncommon lathes are suitably used for fast and mass
production of small size and simple shaped jobs.
According to type of automation:
Fixed automation - Conventional; e.g.: single spindle automat & Swiss type automatic lathe
Flexible automation - Modern; e.g.: CNC lathe, turning centre etc.
Major parts of a centre lathe
Amongst the various types of lathes, centre lathes are the most versatile and commonly used.
Fig. 2.1 shows the basic configuration of a center lathe. The major parts are:
Tailstock The tailstock can be used to support the end of the work piece with a center, to support longer blanks or
to hold tools for drilling, reaming, threading, or cutting tapers. It can be adjusted in position along the ways to
accommodate different length work pieces. The tailstock barrel can be fed along the axis of rotation with the
tailstock hand wheel.
Bed Headstock is fixed and tailstock is clamped on it. Tailstock has a provision to slide and facilitate operations at
different locations. The bed is fixed on columns and the carriage travels on it.
Carriage It is supported on the lathe bed-ways and can move in a direction parallel to the lathe axis. The carriage
is used for giving various movements to the tool by hand and by power. It carries saddle, cross-slide, compound
rest, tool post and apron.
Saddle It carries the cross slide, compound rest and tool post. It is an H-shaped casting fitted over the bed. It
moves alone to guide ways.
Cross-slide It carries the compound rest and tool post. It is mounted on the top of the saddle. It can be moved by
hand or may be given power feed through apron mechanism.
Compound rest It is mounted on the cross slide. It carries a circular base called swivel plate which is graduated in
degrees. It is used during taper turning to set the tool for angular cuts. The upper part known as compound slide
can be moved by means of a hand wheel.
Tool post It is fitted over the compound rest. The tool is clamped unit.
Apron Lower part of the carriage is termed as the apron. It is attached to the saddle and hangs in front of the bed.
It contains gears, clutches and levers for moving the carriage by a hand wheel or power feed.
Feed mechanism The movement of the tool relative to the work piece is termed as ―feed‖. The lathe tool can be
given three types of feed, namely, longitudinal, cross and angular. When the tool moves parallel to the axis of the
lathe, the movement is called longitudinal feed.
This is achieved by moving the carriage. When the tool moves perpendicular to the axis of the lathe, the
movement is called cross feed.
This is achieved by moving the cross slide. When the tool moves at an angle to the axis of the lathe, the movement
is called angular feed.
This is achieved by moving the compound slide, after swiveling it at an angle to the lathe axis.
Feed rod The feed rod is a long shaft, used to move the carriage or cross-slide for turning, facing, boring and all
other operations except thread cutting. Power is transmitted from the lathe spindle to the apron gears through the
feed rod via a large number of gears.
Lead screw The lead screw is long threaded shaft used as a master screw and brought into operation only when
threads have to cut. In all other times the lead screw is disengaged from the gear box and remains stationary. The
rotation of the lead screw is used to traverse the tool along the work to produce screw. The half nut makes the
carriage to engage or disengage the lead screw.
2.1.1 Kinematic system and working principle of a centre lathe
Fig. 2.2 schematically shows the kinematic system of a 12 speed centre lathe.
For machining in machine tools the job and the cutting tool need to be moved relative to each other.
The tool-work motions are:
Formativemotions: - cutting motion, feedmotion.
Fig. 2.13 (a)Angleplate Fig. 2.13 (b) Angle plate used along with faceplate
With additional support from the tailstock catch plate or driving plate
It is circular plate of steel or cast iron having a projected boss at its rear. The boss has a threaded hole and it can be
screwed to the nose of the headstock spindle. The driving is fitted to the plate. It is used to drive the work piece
through a carrier or dog when the work piece is held between the centres. Fig. 2.14 shows the catchplate.
The four jaw chucks, available in varying sizes, are generally used for essentially more strongly holding non-
circular bars like square, rectangular, hexagonal and even odder sectional jobs in addition to cylindrical bars, both
with and without premachining at the gripping portion. The jaws are moved radially independently by rotating the
corresponding screws which push the rack provided on the back side of each jaw as can be seen in the diagram
Insert type centre: In this the steel ―insert‖ can be replaced instead of replacing the whole centre. Half centre: It
is similar to ordinary centre and used for facing bar ends without removal of the centre. Pipe centre: It is used for
supporting pipes and hollow end jobs.
Ball centre: It has ball shaped end to minimize the wear and strain. It is suitable for taper turning.
Tipped centre: Hard alloy tip is brazed into steel shank. The hard tip has high wear resistant.
Revolving centre: The ball and roller bearings are fitted into the housing to reduce friction and to take up end
thrust. This is used in tail stock for supporting heavy work revolving at a high speed.
The machining operations generally carried out in centre lathe are:
A taper may be defined as a uniform change in the diameter of a work piece measured along its length.
Taper may be expressed in two ways:
α - Half angleoftaper.
Fig. 2.31 Detail of at aper Generally, taper is specified by the termconicity .Conicityis defined as the ratio of the
difference in
Taper turning is the operation of producing conical surface on the cylindrical work piece on lathe.
Taper turning by a form tool
Fig. 2.32 illustrates the method of turning taper by a form tool. A broad nose tool having straight cutting edge is
set on to the work at half taper angle, and is fed straight into the work to generate a tapered surface. In this method
the tool angle should be properly checked before use. This method is limited to turn short length of taper only.
This is due to the reason that the metal is removed by the entire cutting edge will require excessive cutting
pressure, which may distort the work due to vibration and spoil the work surface.
Fig. 2.32 Taper turning by aform tool Fig. 2.33 Taper turning by swiveling the compoundrest
This is done when the body of the tailstock is made to slide on its base towards or away from the operator by a set
over screw. The amount of set over being limited, this method is suitable for turning small taper on long jobs. The
main disadvantage of this method is that live and dead centres are not equally stressed and the wear is not uniform.
Moreover, the lathe carrier being set at an angle, the angular velocity of the work is notconstant.
Fig. 2.50 Mechanical type copying attachment Fig. 2.51 Hydraulic copying attachment
The centre lathe is a general purpose machine tool; it has a number of limitations that preclude it to
become a production machine tool. The main limitations of centre lathes are:
The setting time for the job in terms of holding the job islarge.
Only one tool can be used in the normal course. Sometimes the conventional tool post can be replaced by
a square tool post with fourtools.
The idle times involved in the setting and movement of tools between the cuts islarge.
Precise movement of the tools to destined places is difficult to achieve if proper care is not taken by
All these difficulties mean that the centre lathe cannot be used for production work in view of the low production
rate. The centre lathe is thus modified to improve the production rate. The various modified lathes are capstan and
turret lathes, semi automatics and automatics. Improvements are achieved basically in the following areas:
Work holding methods.
Multiple tool availability.
Automatic feeding of th etools.
Automatic stopping of tools at precisel ocations.
Automatic control of the proper sequence of operations.
Bed The bed is a long box like casting provided with accurate guide ways upon which the carriage and turret
saddle are mounted. The bed is designed to ensure strength, rigidity and permanency of alignment under heavy
duty services.
Step cone pulleydriven headstock:This is the simplest type of headstock and is fitted with small capstan lathes
where the lathe is engaged in machining small and almost constant diameter of workpieces. Only three or four
steps of pulley can cater to the needs of the machine. The machine requires special countershaft unlike that of an
engine lathe, where starting, stopping and reversing of the machine spindle can be effected by simply pressing a
Electric motordriven headstock: In this type of headstock the spindle of the machine and the armature shaft of the
motor are one and the same. Any speed variation or reversal is effected by simply controlling the motor. Three of
four speeds are available and the machine is suitable for smaller diameter of workpieces rotated at highspeeds.
Allgearedheadstock:On the larger lathes, the headstocks are geared and different mechanisms are employed for
speed changing by actuating levers. The speed changing may be performed without stopping themachine.
Pre-optive or pre-selective headstock: It is an all geared headstock with provisions for rapid stopping, starting
and speed changing for different operations by simply pushing a button or pulling a lever. The required speed for
next operation is selected beforehand and the speed changing lever is placed at the selected position. After the first
operation is complete, a button or a lever is simply actuated and the spindle starts rotating at the selected speed
required for the second operation without stopping the machine. This novel mechanism is effect by the
Cross slideand saddle In small capstan lathes, hand operated cross slide and saddle are used. They are clamped on
the lathe bed at the required position. The larger capstan lathes and heavy duty turret lathes are equipped with
usually two designs ofcarriage.
Conventional typecarriage.
Side hung typecarriage.
Conventional type carriage This type of carriage bridges the gap between the front and rear bed ways and is
equipped with four station type tool post at the front, and one rear tool post at the back of the cross slide. This is
simple in construction.
Side hung type carriage The side-hung type carriage is generally fitted with heavy duty turret lathes where the
saddle rides on the top and bottom guide ways on the front of the lathe bed. The design facilitates swinging of
larger diameter of workpieces without being interfered by the cross-slide. The saddle and the cross-slide may be
fed longitudinally or crosswise by hand or power. The longitudinal movement of each tool may be regulated by
using stop bars or shafts set against the stop fitted on the bed and carriage. The tools are mounted on the tool post
and correct heights are adjusted by using rocking or packing pieces.
Ram saddle In a capstan lathe, the ram saddle bridges the gap between two bed ways, and the top face is
accurately machined to provide bearing surface for the ram or auxiliary slide. The saddle may be adjusted on lathe
bed ways and clamped at the desired position. The hexagonal turret is mounted on the ram or auxiliary slide.
Turret saddle In a turret lathe, the hexagonal turret is directly mounted on the top of the turret saddle and any
movement of the turret is effected by the movement of the saddle. The movement of the turret may be effected by
hand or power.
Turret The turret is a hexagonal-shaped tool holder intended for holding six or more tools. Each face of the turret
is accurately machined. Through the centre of each face accurately bored holes are provided for accommodating
shanks of different tool holders. The centre line of each hole coincides with the axis of the lathe when aligned with
the headstock spindle. In addition to these holes, there are four tapped holes on each face of the turret for securing
different tool holding attachments. The photographic view of a hexagonal turret is shown in Fig.2.62.
Fig. 2.62 Photographic view of a hexagonal turret
Type1: This mechanism is shown in Fig. 2.63. After the work piece is complete and part off, the collet is opened
by moving the lever manually in the rightward direction. Further movement of the lever in the same direction
causes forward push of the bar with the help of ratchet - pawl system. After the projection of the bar from the
collet face to the desired length controlled by a preset bar stop generally held in one face of the turret, the lever is
moved in the leftward direction to close the collet. Just before closing the collet, the leftward movement of the
lever pushes the ratchet bar to its initial position.
Some major auxiliary motions and handling operations like bar feeding, speed change, tool change etc. are
done quickly and consistently with lesser human involvement.
The operators need lesser skill and putting lesser effort and attention.
Suitable for batch or small lot production.
Costlier than centre lathes of same capacity.
Classification of semiautomatics
Depending upon the number of work spindle, these machines are classified as:
Universal shaper
In this type, in addition to the two movements provided on the table of a standard shaper, the table can be
swiveled about an axis parallel to the ram ways, and the upper portion of the table can be tilted about a second
horizontal axis perpendicular to the first axis. As the work mounted on the table can be adjusted in different
planes, the machine is most suitable for different types of work and is given the name ―Universal‖. A universal
shaper is mostly used in tool room work.
According to the type of cutting stroke Push type shaper
This is the most general type of shaper used in common practice. The metal is removed when the ram moves away
from the column, i.e. pushes the work.
Draw type shaper
In this type, the metal is removed when the ram moves towards the column of the machine, i.e. draws the work
towards the machine. The tool is set in a reversed direction to that of a standard shaper. In this shaper the cutting
pressure acts towards the column, which relieves the cross rail and other bearings from excessive loading and
allows to take deep cuts. Vibration in these machines is practically eliminated. The ram is generally supported by
an overhead arm, which ensures rigidity and eliminates deflection of the tool.
Major parts of a standard shaper
Base It provides the necessary support to the machine tool. It is rigidly bolted to the shop floor. All parts are
mounted on the base. It is made up of cast iron to resist vibration and take up high compressive load. It takes the
entire load of the machine and the forces set up by the cutting tool during machining.
Fig. 3.1 shows the basic configuration of a standard shaper. The major parts are:
Column It is a box like casting mounted upon the base. It encloses the drive mechanisms for the ram and the table.
Two accurately machined guide ways are provided on the top of the column on which the ram reciprocates. The
front vertical face of the column which serves as the guide ways for the cross rail is also accurately machined.
Cross rail It is mounted on the front vertical guide ways of the column. It has two parallel guide ways on its
top in the vertical plane that is perpendicular to the ram axis. The table may be raised or lowered to accommodate
different sizes of jobs by rotating an elevating screw which causes the cross rail to slide up and down on the
vertical face of the column. A horizontal cross feed screw which is fitted within the cross rail and parallel to the
top guide ways of the cross rail actuates the table to move in a cross wise direction.
Saddle It is mounted on the cross rail which holds the table firmly onits top. Crosswise movement of the saddle by
rotating the cross feed screw by hand or power causes the table to move sideways.
Table It is bolted to the saddle receives crosswise and vertical movements from the saddle and cross rail. It is a
box like casting having T-slots both on the top and sides for clamping the work. In a universal shaper the table
may be swiveled on a horizontal axis and the upper part of the table may be tilted up or down. In a heavier type
shaper, the front face of the table is clamped with a table support to make it more rigid.
Ram It holds and imparts cutting motion to the tool through reciprocation. It is connected to the reciprocating
mechanism contained within the column. It is semi cylindrical in form and heavily ribbed inside to make it more
rigid. It houses a screwed shaft for altering the position of the ram with respect to the work and holds the tool
head at the extreme forwardend.
Tool head It holds the tool rigidly, provides the feed movement of the tool and allows the tool to have an
automatic relief during its return stroke. The vertical slide of the tool head has a swivel base which is held on a
circular seat on the ram. So the vertical slide may be set at any desired angle. By rotating the down feed screw
handle, the vertical slide carrying the tool executes the feed or depth of cut. The amount of feed or depth of cut
may be adjusted by a micrometer dial on the top of the down feed screw. Apron consisting of clapper box, clapper
block and tool post is clamped upon the vertical slide by a screw. By releasing the clamping screw, the apron may
be swiveled upon the apron swivel pin with respect to the vertical slide. This arrangement is necessary to provide
relief to the tool while making vertical or angular cuts. The two vertical walls on the apron called clapper box
houses the clapper block which is connected to it by means of a hinge pin. The tool post is mounted upon the
clapper block. On the forward cutting stroke the clapper block fits securely to the clapper box to make a rigid tool
support. On the return stroke a slight frictional drag of the tool on the work lifts the block out of the clapper box a
sufficient amount preventing the tool cutting edge from dragging and consequent wear. The work surface is also
prevented from any damage due to dragging. Fig.3.2 illustrates the tool head of ashaper.
Fig. 3.3 (a) Kinematic system of a shaper Fig. 3.3 (b) Principle of producing flat surface
Fig. 3.3 (a) schematically shows the kinematic system of a standard shaper. Fig. 3.3 (b) shows the basic principle
of producing flat surface in a standard shaper. The bull gear receives its rotation from the motor through the
pinion.The rotation of the crank causes oscillation of the link and thereby reciprocation of the ram and hence the
tool in straight path. The cutting motion provided by the reciprocating tool and the intermittent feed motion
provided by the slow transverse motion of the work at different rate by using the ratchet - pawl system along with
the saddle result in producing a flat surface by gradual removal of excess material layer by layer in the form of
The vertical in feed is given either by descending the tool holder or raising the cross rail or both. Straight grooves
of various curved sections are also made in shaper by using specific form tools. The single point straight or form
tool is clamped in the vertical slide of the tool head, which is mounted at the front face of the reciprocating ram.
The work piece is clamped directly on the table or clamped in a vice which is mounted on the table. The changes
in length of stroke and position of the stroke required for different machining are accomplished respectively by:
Adjusting the crank length by rotating the bevel gear mounted coaxially with the bullgear.
Shifting the ram block nut by rotating the leads crew.
Ram drive mechanism of ashaper
In a shaper, rotary movement of the drive is converted into reciprocating movement of the ram by the mechanism
contained within the column of the machine. In a standard shaper metal is removed in the forward cutting stroke
and during the return stroke no metal is removed. To reduce the total machining time it is necessary to
reduce the time taken by the return stroke. Thus the shaper mechanism should be so designed that it can allow the
ram to move at a comparatively slower speed during the forward cutting stroke and during the return stoke it can
allow the ram to move at a faster rate to reduce the idle return time. This mechanism is known as quick return
mechanism. The reciprocating movement and the quick return of the ram are usually obtained by using any one of
the following mechanisms.
Crank and slotted link quick returnmechanism
PA1 and PA2 are shown tangent to the crank pin circle. Therefore the forward cutting stroke takes place when the
crank pin rotates through the angle C1KC2 (α) and the return stroke takes place when the crank pin rotates through
the angle C2LC1 (β). It is clear that the angle α made by the forward or cutting stroke is greater than that the angle
β described by the return stroke. The angular velocity of the crank pin being constant, therefore the return stroke is
completed within a shorter time for which it is known as quick return motion.
The only disadvantage of this mechanism is that the linear velocity of the ram is not constant throughout the
stroke. The velocity is minimum when the rocker arm is at the two extremities and the velocity is maximum when
the rocker arm is vertical.
Adjusting the length of stroke
Fig. 3.4 illustrates how the length of stroke in a crank shaper can be adjusted. The crank pin is fastened to the bull
gear sliding block which can be adjusted and the radius of its travel may be varied. The bevel gear 18 placed at the
centre of the bull gear may be rotated by a handle causing the bevel gear 17 to rotate. The bevel gear 17 is
mounted upon the small lead screw which passes through the bull gear sliding block. Thus rotation of the bevel
gear will cause the bull gear sliding block carrying the crank pin to be brought inwards or outwards with respect to
the centre of the bull gear.
Fig. 3.6 (a) shows the detail arrangement for altering the position of the bull gear sliding block on the bull gear.
The sketch has been drawn without the rocker arm in position. Fig. 3.6 (b) shows the short and long stroke of the
ram, effect by altering the position of the crank pin.
Fig. 3.6 (a) Arrangement of bull gear sliding block Fig. 3.6 (b) Short and long stroke length
Adjusting the position of stroke
The position of the ram relative to the work can also be adjusted. Referring to the Fig. 3.4, by rotating the hand
wheel 5 the screwed shaft fitted in the ram may be made to rotate through two bevel gears 6 and 7. The ram block
which is mounted upon the screwed shaft acts as a nut. The nut remaining fixed in position, rotation of the
screwed shaft will cause the ram to move forward or backward with respect to the ram block according to the
direction of rotation of the hand wheel. Thus the position of ram may be adjusted with respect to the work piece.
The ram block locking handle 4 must be tightened after the adjustment has been made.
Fig. 3.10 Down feed and cross feed mechanism Fig. 3.11 Automatic feed mechanism
Fig. 3.32 Schematic view of apit planer Fig. 3.33 Schematic view of an edge planer
Table drive mechanism of a planer
Open and cross belt drive quick return mechanism
In this mechanism the movement of the table is effect by an open belt and a cross belt drive. It is an old method of
quick return drive used in planers of smaller size where the table width is less than 900 mm. Fig. 3.37
schematically shows the open and cross belt drive quick return mechanism of a planer.
Fig. 3.37 Open and cross belt drive quick return mechanism
It has a counter shaft mounted upon the housings receives its motion from an overhead line shaft. Two wide faced
pulleys of different diameters are keyed to the counter shaft. The main shaft is placed under the bed. One end of
the shaft carries a set of two larger diameter pulleys and two smaller diameter pulleys. The outer pulleys are rotate
freely on the main shaft and they are called loose pulleys. The inner pulleys are keyed tightly to the main shaft and
they are called fast pulleys. The open belt connects the larger diameter pulley on the countershaft with the smaller
diameter pulley on the main shaft. The cross belt connects the smaller diameter pulley on the counter shaft with
the larger diameter pulley on the main shaft. The speed of the main shaft is reduced through a speed reduction gear
box. From this gear box, the motion is transmitted to the bull gear shaft. The bull gear meshes with a rack cut at
the underside of the table and the table will receive a linear movement.
Referring to the Fig. 3.37, the open belt connects the smaller loose pulley, so no motion is transmitted by the open
belt to the main shaft. But the cross belt connects the larger fast pulley, so the motion is transmitted by the cross
belt to the main shaft. The forward stroke of the table takes place. During the cutting stroke, greater power and less
speed is required. The cross belt giving a greater arc of contact on the pulleys is used to drive the table during the
cutting stroke. The greater arc of contact of the belt gives greater power and the speed is reduced as the belt
connects smaller diameter pulley on the counter shaft and larger diameter pulley on the main shaft. At the end of
the forward stroke a trip dog pushes the belt shifter through a lever arrangement. The belt shifter shifts both the
belts to the right side.
The open belt is shifted to the smaller fast pulley and the cross belt is shifted to the larger loose pulley. Now the
motion is transmitted to the main shaft through the open belt and no motion is transmitted to the main shaft by the
cross belt. The direction of rotation of the main shaft is reversed. The return stroke of the table takes place. The
speed during return stroke is increased as the open belt connects the larger diameter pulley on the counter shaft
with the smaller diameter pulley on the main shaft. Thus a quick return motion is obtained by the mechanism. At
the end of the return stroke, the belts are shifted to the left side by another trip dog. So the cycle is repeated. The
length and position of the stroke may be adjusted by shifting the position of trip dogs.
Cutting speed, stroke length and stroke position can be adjusted without stopping themachine.
Large number of cutting speeds and return speeds areavailable.
Quick and accurate control. Push button controls the start, stop and fine movement of the table.
Return speed can be greatly increased reducing idle time.
Hydraulic drive quick return mechanism
The hydraulic drive is quite similar to that used for a horizontal shaper. More than one hydraulic cylinder may be
used to give a wide range of speeds. The main drawback of the hydraulic drive on long planers is irregular
movement of the table due to the compressibility of the hydraulic fluid. The hydraulic drive has been described in
Article, Page 107 and illustrated in Fig. 3.8.
Feed mechanism of a planer
In a planer the feed is provided intermittently and at the end of the return stroke similar to a shaper. The feed of a
planer, both down feed and cross feed, is given by the tool head. The down feed is applied while machining a
vertical or angular surface by rotating the down feed screw of the tool head.
The cross feed is given while machining horizontal surface by rotating the cross feed screw passes through a nut
in the tool head. Both the down feed and cross feed may be provided either by hand or power by rotating two feed
screws, contained within the cross rail.
If the two feed screws are rotated manually by a handle, then it called hand feed. If the two feed screws are rotated
by power, then it is called automatic feed.
Automatic feed mechanism of a planer
Fig. 3.39 illustrates the front and top view of the automatic feed mechanism of a planer. A trip dog is fitted to the
planer table. At the end of the return stroke, the trip dog strikes a lever. A pawl attached to this lever rotates a
ratchet. So a splined shaft attached to the ratchet rotates. A bevel gear cast integral with a spur gear is fitted freely
on the down feed screw. This bevel gear meshes with other bevel gear slides on the splined shaft. The spur gear
meshes with another spur gear which is keyed to the cross feed screw. So the power from the splined shaft is
transmitted to the cross feed screw. Then the rotation is transmitted to the tool head through a nut. The tool head
moves horizontally. It is known a cross feed. At the end of the forward stroke, another trip dog strikes the lever.
The lever comes to its original position. During this time, the pawl slips over the ratchet. The ratchet wheel does
not rotate. For giving automatic down feed, the spur gear keyed to the cross feed screw is disengaged. The bevel
gear freely fitted to the down feed rod is keyed to the down feed rod. At the end of return stroke, he power is
transmitted to the down feed rod through the lever, ratchet and bevel gears. Then the rotation is transmitted to the
tool head though the bevel gears. The tool moves downward.
Fig. 3.39 Front and top view of the automatic feed mechanism of a planer
Slotter can simply be considered as vertical shaper where the single point (straight or formed) cutting tool
reciprocates vertically and the work piece, being mounted on the table, is given slow longitudinal and / or rotary
feed. The slotter is used for cutting grooves, keyways, internal and external gears and slots of various shapes. The
slotter was first developed in the year 1800 by Brunel.
Types of slotter
The different types of slotter which are most commonly used are:
Puncher slotter
It is a heavy, rigid machine designed for removal of a large amount of metal from large forging or castings. The
length of a puncher slotter is sufficiently large. It may be as long as 1800 to 2000 mm. The ram is usually driven
by a spiral pinion meshing with the rack teeth cut on the underside of the ram. The pinion is driven by a variable
speed reversible electric motor similar to that of a planer. The feed is also controlled by electrical gears.
Precision slotter
It is a lighter machine and is operated at high speeds. The machine is designed to take light cuts giving accurate
finish. Using special jigs, the machine can handle a number of identical works on a production basis. The
precision machines are also used for general purpose work and are usually fitted with Whit worth quick return
mechanism. Major parts of a slotter
Fig. 3.46 shows the basic configuration of a slotter. The major parts are:
Base It is rigidly built to take up all the cutting forces and entire load of the machine. The top of the bed is
accurately finished to provide guide ways on which the saddle is mounted. The guide ways are perpendicular to
the column face.
Column It is the vertical member which is cast integral with the base and houses driving mechanism of the ram and
feeding mechanism. The front vertical face of finished for the column is accurately providing ways on which the
ram reciprocates the column is accurately.
Saddle It is mounted upon the guide ways and may be moved toward or away from the column either by power or
manual control to supply longitudinal feed to the work. The top face of the saddle is accurately finished to provide
guide ways for the cross-slide. These guide ways are perpendicular to the guide ways on the base.
Cross slide It is mounted upon the guide ways of the saddle and may be moved parallel to the face of the column.
The movement of the slide may be controlled either by hand or power to supply cross feed.
Rotary table It is a circular table which is mounted on the top of the cross-slide. The table may be rotated by
rotating a worm which meshes with a worm gear connected to the underside of the table. The rotation of the table
may be effected either by hand or power. In some machines the table is graduated in degrees that enable the table
to be rotated for indexing or dividing the periphery of a job in equal number of parts. T-slots are cut on the top
face of the table for holding the work by different clamping devices. The rotary table enables a circular or
contoured surface to be generated on the work piece.
Ram It is the reciprocating member of the machine mounted on the guide ways of the column. It is connected to
the reciprocating mechanism contained within the column. A slot is cut on the body of the ram for changing the
position of the stroke. It carries the tool head at its bottom end.
Tool head It holds the tool rigidly. In some machines, special types of tool holders are provided to relieve the tool
during its return stroke.
3.3.1 Working principle of a slotter
Fig. 3.52 (a) Horizontal hand milling machine Fig. 3.52 (b) Vertical hand milling machine
Fig. 3.56 schematically shows the basic configuration of a vertical milling machine.
Milling machines are mostly general purpose and have wide range various types and sizes of milling cutters.
A milling cutter is a multi edged rotary cutting tool having the shape of a solid of revolution with cutting teeth
arranged either on the periphery or on the end face or on both. Usually, the cutter is held in a fixed (but rotating)
position and the work piece moves past the cutter during the machining operation.
Cutter materials
Intermittent cutting nature and usually complex geometry necessitate making the milling cutters mostly by HSS
which is unique for high tensile and transverse rupture strength, fracture toughness and formability almost in all
respects i.e. forging, rolling, powdering, welding, heat treatment, machining (in annealed condition) and grinding.
Tougher grade cemented carbides are also used without or with coating, where feasible, for high productivity and
product quality. In some cutters tungsten carbide teeth are brazed on the tips of the teeth or individually inserted
and held in the body of the cutter by some mechanical means. Carbide tipped cutter is especially adapted to heavy
cuts and increased cutting speeds. The advantages of carbide tipped cutters (either solid or inserted blade type)
Their high production capacity.
The high quality of the surfaces they produce.
Elimination of grinding operation in some cases, the possibility of machining hardened steels and the
reduction in machining costs that their use leads to.
Due to these advantages, they have been successfully applied in metal cutting industry where they have replaced
many solid cutters of tool steels. Along with the especially popular carbide tipped face milling cutters, carbide
tipped side and form milling cutters and various end mills are used in industry.
Types of milling cutters
Many different kinds of milling cutters are used in milling machines. They are:
Slab or plain milling cutters: Straight or helical fluted
Plain milling cutters are hollow straight HSS cylinder of 40 to 80 mm outer diameter having 4 to 16 straight or
helical equi-spaced flutes or cutting edges on the circumference. These are used in horizontal arbor to machine flat
surfaces parallel to the axis of rotation of the spindle. Very wide plain milling cutters are termed as slab milling
cutters. Fig. 3.74 illustrates a plain milling cutter.
Fig. 3.74 Slab or plain milling cuttrer
Fig. 3.76Slittingsaw Fig. 3.77 End milling cutters Fig. 3.78 Face milling cutter
End milling cutters: With straight or taper shank
Fig. 3.77 illustrates end milling cutters. The common characteristics of end milling cutters are:
Fig. 3.79 T-slot milling cutter Fig. 3.80 Involute gear milling cutter
Fig. 3.81 Tooth section of a spline shaft cutter Fig. 3.82 Tool form cutter
Fig. 3.83 (a) Internal thread milling cutters (b) Short thread milling cutter (c) Long thread milling cutter
Convex and concave milling cutters
These cutters have teeth curved outwards or inwards on the circumferential surface to form the contour of a
semicircle. These cutters produces concave or convex semicircular surface on the work pieces. The diameter of the
cutters ranges from 50 mm to 125 mm and the radius of the semicircle varies from 1.5 mm to 20 mm. Fig.
3.84 (a and b) illustrates the convex and concave milling cutters.
Fig. 3.84 (a) Convex milling cutter (b) Concave milling cutter and (c) Corner rounding milling cutter
Fig. 3.85 (a) Single angle milling cutter and (b) Double angle milling cutter
Woodruff key slot milling cutters
These cutters are small standard cutters similar in construction to a thin small diameter plain milling cutter,
intended for the production of woodruff key slots. The cutter is provided with a shank and may have straight or
staggered teeth. Fig. 3.86 illustrates a woodruff key slot milling cutter.
Fig. 3.86 Woodruff key slot milling cutter Fig. 3.87 Schematic view of a fly cutter
Fly cutter
These are simp lest form of cutters and are mainly used in experimental shops or in tool room works. The
cutter consists of a single point cutting tool attached to the end of an arbor. This cutter may be considered as an
emergency tool when the standard cutters are not available. The shape of the tool tip is the replica of the contour
to be machined. Fig. 3.87 schematically shows a fly cutter.
Ball nose end mill
Small end mill with ball like hemispherical end is often used in CNC milling machines for machining free form 3-
D or 2-D contoured surfaces. These cutters may be made of HSS, solid carbide or steel body with coated or uncoated
carbide inserts clamped at its end as can be seen in the Fig. 3.88.
Fig. 3.88 Ball nose end mills Fig. 3.89 Elements of a plain milling cutter
Body of cutter The part of the cutter left after exclusion of the teeth and the portion to which the teeth are
Cutting edge The edge formed by the intersection of the face and the circular land or the surface left by the
provision of primary clearance.
Face The portion of the gash adjacent to the cutting edge on which the chip impinges as it is cut from the work.
Fillet The curved surface at the bottom of gash that joins the face of one tooth to the back of the tooth
immediately ahead.
Gash The chip space between the back of one tooth and the face of the next tooth.
Land The part of the back of tooth adjacent to the cutting edge which is relieved to avoid interference between the
Out side diameter The diameter of the circle passing through the peripheral cutting edge.
Root diameter The diameter of the circle passing through the bottom of thef illet
Cutter angles imilar to a single point cutting tool, the milling cutter teeth are also provided with rake, clearance
and other cutting angles in order to remove metal efficiently.
Rel The angle in a plane perpendicular to the axis. The angle between land of a tooth and tangent to the outside
diameter of cutter at the cutting edge of that tooth.
Lip angle The included angle between the land and the face of the tooth, or alternatively the angle between the
tangent to the back at the cutting edge and the face of the tooth.
Primary clearan ceangle The angle formed by the back of the tooth with a line drawn tangent to the
periphery of the cutter at the cutting edge.
Secondary clearan ceangle The angle formed by the secondary clearance surface of the tooth with a line
drawn tangent to the periphery of the cutter at the cutting edge.
Rake angle(Radial) The angle measured in the diametral plane between the face of the tooth and a radial line
passing through the tooth cutting edge. The rake angle which may be positive, negative or zero is illustrated in
According to the relative movement between the tool and the work, the peripheral milling operation is
classified into two types. They are: up milling and down milling.
Up milling or conventional milling Here, the cutter rotates in the opposite direction to the work table movement.
In this, the chip starts as zero thickness and gradually increases to the maximum. The cutting force is directed
upwards and this tends to lift the work piece from the work holding device. Each tooth slides across a minute
distance on the work surface before it begins to cut, producing a wavy surface.
This tends to dull the cutting edge and consequently have a lower tool life.As the cutter progresses,the Chip
accumulate at the cutting zone and carried over with the teeth which spoils the work surface.
Fig. 3.94 (a) schematically shows the up milling or conventional milling process.
Fig. 3.94 Schematic views of (a) Up milling process and (b) Down milling process
Down milling or climb milling Here, the cutter rotates in the same direction as that of the work table movement.
In this, the chip starts as maximum thickness and gradually decreases to zero thickness. This is suitable for
obtaining fine finish on the work surface. The cutting force acts downwards and this tends to seat the work piece
firmly in the work holding device. The chips are deposited behind the cutter and do not interfere with the cutting.
Climb milling allows greater feeds per tooth and longer tool life between regrinds than up milling. Fig.3.94 (b)
schematically shows the down or climb milling process.
Producing flat surface in horizontal, vertical and inclined planes as shown in Fig. 3.95.
Fig. 3.95 Producing flat surface in horizontal, vertical and inclined planes
Machining slots of various cross sections as shown in Fig. 3.96.
Fig. 3.100 Cutting of drill flutes Fig. 3.101 (a) Short thread milling (b) Long thread milling
Cutting teeth of spur gears, straight toothed bevel gears, worm wheels, sprockets in piece or batch
production. These are illustrated in Fig. 3.102 (a, b and c).
Fig. 3.102 (a) Cutting teeth of spur gear by disc type cutter (b) Cutting teeth of spur gear by end mill
(c) Cutting teeth of straight toothed bevel gear by disc type cutter
Cutting the slots of external spline shafts as shown in Fig. 3.103.
Fig. 3.103 Cutting slots of externalsplineshaft Fig. 3.104 Profile milling of acam
Profile milling like cam profiles as shown in Fig.3.104.
Surface contouring or 3-D contouring like, die or mould cavities as shown in Fig. 3.105 (a and b).
Fig. 3.105 (a) Surface contouring of 3-D surface (b) Surface contouring of die cavity
Gang milling Gang milling operation is employed for quick production of complex contours comprising a number
of parallel flat or curved surfaces. Proper combinations of several cutters are mounted tightly on the horizontal
arbor are indicated in Fig.3.106.
Turning by rotary tools During turning like operations in large heavy and odd shaped jobs its speed (rpm) is
essentially kept low. For enhancing productivity and better cutting fluid action rotary tools like milling cutters are
used as shown in Fig. 3.107 (a, b andc).
Portable drillingmachine.
Sensitive drilling machine (Bench mounting or table top and Floormounting).
Upright drilling machine (Pillar or Round column section and Box columnsection).
Radial drilling machine (Plain, Semi-universal andUniversal).
Gang drillingmachine.
Multiple spindle drillingmachine.
Deep hole drillingmachine.
Turret type drillingmachine
But in working principle all are more or less the same.
Portable drilling machine or hand drilling machine
Unlike the mounted stationary drilling machines, the hand drill is a portable drilling device which is mostly held in
hand and used at the locations where holes have to be drilled. The small and reasonably light hand drilling
machines are run by a high speed electric motor. In fire hazardous areas the hand drilling machine is often rotated
by compressed air. The maximum size of the drill that it can accommodate is not more than 12 to 18 mm. Fig.
3.109 illustrates a hand drilling machine.
Bench mounting or table top sensitive drilling machine
This small capacity (≤ 0.5 kW) upright (vertical) single spindle drilling machine is mounted on rigid table and
manually operated using usually small size (φ ≤ 10 mm) drills. Fig. 3.110 illustrates a table top sensitive drilling
Fig. 3.109 Handdrillingmachine Fig. 3.110 Table top sensitive drillingmachine
Fig. 3.111 Floor mounting sensitive drilling machine, Fig. 3.112 Pillar drilling machine
Body That portion of the drill extending from its extreme point to the commencement of the
neck, if present, otherwise extending to the commencement of theshank.
Bodyclearance That portion of the body surface which is reduced in diameter to provide diametral
Chiseledge The edge formed by the intersection of the flanks. The chisel edge is also
sometimes called deadcentre.
Chisel edge corner The corner formed by the intersection of a lip and the chisel edge.
Face The portion of the flute surface adjacent to the lip on which the chip impinges as it is cut
from the work.
Flank That surface on a drill point which extends behind the lip to the following flute.
Heel The edge formed by the intersection of the flute surface and the bodyclearance.
Lands The cylindrically ground surface on the leading edges of the drill flutes. The width of the
land is measured at right angles to the flutehelix.
Both lips should be at the same angle of inclination (590) with the drillaxis.
Both lips should be of equallength.
Both lips should be provided with the correctclearance.
Neck The diametrically undercut portion between the body and the shank of thedrill.
Diameter and other particulars of the drill are engraved at the neck.
Point The sharpened end of the drill, which is shaped to produce lips, faces, flanksand
Shank That part of the drill by which it is held and driven. The most common types of shank
are the taper shank and the straightshank.
Tang The flattened end of the taper shank intended to fit into a drift slot in the spindle, socket
or drill holder. The tang ensures positive drive of the drill from thespindle.
Web The central portion of the drill situated between the roots of the flutes and
extending from the point toward the shank; the point end of the web or core forms
the chisel edge.
Linear dimensions
Back taper (longitudinal clearance) It is the reduction in diameter of the drill from the point towards the shank.
This permits all parts of the drill behind the point to clear and not rub against the sides of the hole being drilled.
The taper varies from 1:4000 for small diameter drills to 1:700 for largerdiameters.
Bodyclearancediameter The diameter over the surface of the drill body which issituated
Depth ofbodyclearance The amount of radial reduction on each side to provide bodyclearance.
Diameter The measurement across the cylindrical lands at the outer corners of thedrill.
Flutelength The axial length from the extreme end of the point to the termination of the flute atthe shank
end of thebody.
Lead of helix The distance measured parallel to the drill axis between the corresponding points on the leading
edge of the flute in one complete turn of the flute.
Liplength The minimum distance between the outer corner and the chisel edge corner of thelip.
Overalllength The length over the extreme ends of the point and the shank of thedrill.
Web(core)taper The increase in the web or core thickness from the point of the drill to the shank end of
the flute. This increasing thickness gives additional rigidity to the drill and reduces the
cutting pressure at the pointend.
Webthickness The minimum dimension of the web or core measured at the point end of thedrill.
Drill angles
Chisel edge angle The obtuse angle included between the chisel edge and the lip as viewed from
the end of the drill.
Helix angle or rake angle This is the angle formed by the leading edge of the land with a plane having the
axis of the drill.
Point angle This is the angle included between the two lips.
Lip clearance angle The angle formed by the flank and a plane at right angles to the drill axis.
Drilling operations
The wide range of applications of drilling machines includes:
Drilling machines are generally or mainly used to originate through or blind straight cylindrical holes in
solid rigid bodies and/or enlarge (co axially) existing holes:
Of different diameters up to 40 mm.
Of varying length depending upon the requirement and the diameter of the drill.
In different materials excepting very hard or very soft materials like rubber, polythene etc.
Originating stepped cylindrical holes of different diameter and depth.
Making rectangular section slots by using slot drills having 3 or 4 flutes and 1800 cone angle.
Boring, after drilling, for accuracy and finish or prior to reaming
Counter boring, countersinking, chamfering or combination using suitable tools.
Spot facing by flat end tools.
Trepanning for making large through holes and or getting cylindrical solid core.
If necessary Reaming is done on drilled or bored holes for accuracy and good surface finish. Different
types of reamers of standard sizes are available for different applications.
Also used for cutting internal threads in parts like nuts using suitable attachment.
The different operations that can be performed in a drilling machine are shown in Fig. 3.128.
Reaming is an operation of finishing a hole previously drilled to give a good surface finish and an accurate
dimension. A reamer is a multi tooth cutter which rotates and moves axially into the hole. The reamer removes
relatively small amount of material. Generally the reamer follows the already existing hole and therefore will not
be able to correct the hole misalignment. Fig. 3.129 illustrates the elements of a reamer. Fig. 3.130 shows the
different types of reamers of standard sizes.
Fig. 3.128 Different operations performed in a drilling machine
Fig. 3.129 Elements of a reamer
Boring is an operation of enlarging and locating previously drilled holes with a single point cutting tool. The
machine used for this purpose is called boring machine. The boring machine is one of the most versatile machine
tools used to bore holes in large and heavy parts such as engine frames, steam engine cylinders, machine housings
etc. Drilling, milling and facing operations also can be performed in this machine. Screw cutting. Turning,
planetary grinding and gear cutting operations also can be done by fitting simple attachments.
The principle of boring operation is illustrated in Fig. 3.131.
Horizontal boring machines
In horizontal boring machine, the tool revolves and the work is stationary. A horizontal boring machine can
perform boring, reaming, turning, threading, facing, milling, grooving, recessing and many other operations with
suitable tools. Work pieces which are heavy, irregular, unsymmetrical or bulky can be conveniently held and
machined. This machine has two vertical columns. A headstock slides up and down in one column. It may be
adjusted to any desired height and clamped. The headstock holds the cutting tool. The cutting tool revolves in the
headstock in horizontal axis. A sliding type bearing block is provided in the other vertical column. It is used to
support the boring bar. The work piece is mounted on the table and is clamped with ordinary strap clamps, T-slot
bolts and nuts, or it is held in a special fixture if so required.Various types of rotary and universal swiveling
attachments can be installed on the horizontal boring machines table to bore holes at various angles in horizontal
and vertical planes.
Fig. 3.132 schematically shows the basic configuration of a horizontal boring machine.
Establish boundaries within which deviation from perfect form is allowed but
still the design intent is fulfilled.
Enable interchangeability of components during assembly
Definition of Limits:
The maximum and minimum permissible sizes within which the actual size of a
component lies are called Limits.
It is impossible for an operator to make perfect settings. While setting up the tools and
workpiece on the machine, some errors are likely to creep in.
Consider the dimension shown in fig. When trying to achieve a diameter of 40 mm
(Basic or Nominal diameter), a variation of 0.05 mm on either side may result.
If the shaft is satisfactory even if its diameter lies between 40.05 mm & 39.95 mm, the
dimension 40.05 mm is known as Upper limit and the dimension 39.95 mm is known as
Lower limit of size. Tolerance in the above example is (40.05-39.95)
=0.10 mm Tolerance is always a positive quantitative number.
Unilateral Tolerance:
Tolerances on a dimension may either be unilateral or bilateral.
When the two limit dimensions are only on one side of the nominal size, (either
above or below) the tolerances are said to be unilateral.
For unilateral tolerances, a case may occur when one of the limits coincide with
the basic size.
Bilateral Tolerance: When the two limit dimensions are above and below nominal size,(i.e. on either
side of the nominal size) the tolerances are said to be bilateral.
Unilateral tolerances, are preferred over bilateral because the operator can machine to the upper limit of
the shaft (or lower limit of a hole) still having the whole tolerance left for machining to avoid rejection of
Schematic representation of tolerances:
Unilateral Tolerance
lerance Unilateral Tolerance
O Bilateral Tolerance
Unilateral Tolerance
+c +
+ + + c +
La L Le La L Le
1 2 3 1 2 3
- - - - -+ -
b d f b da f
+ +c
L c L+e
e(a) Fig (b) -
If a part comprises of severalbsteps, each step having some tolerance specified over its length, then the
overall tolerance on the complete
- length will be the sum of tolerances on individual lengths as shown
d d
in fig (a).
- -
The effect of accumulation of tolerances can be minimized by adopting progressive dimensioning from
f f
a common datum as shown in fig (b).
Another example of tolerance build up is shown below.
Compound Tolerances: A compound tolerance is one which is derived by consideringthe effect of
tolerances on more than one dimension.
For ex, the tolerance on the dimension L is dependent on the tolerances on D, H &.
The dimension L will be maximum when the base dimension is (D+a), the angle is (+a), and
the vertical dimension is (H-d).
The dimension L will be minimum when the base dimension is (D-b), the angle is (-b), and
the vertical dimension is (H+c).
Limits of size: The two extreme permissible sizes of a component between which theactual
size should lie including the maximum and minimum sizes of the component.
Nominal size: It is the size of the component by which it is referred to as a matter of
Basic size: It is the size of a part in relation to which all limits of variation are
Zero Line: It is the line w.r.t which the positions of tolerance zones are shown.
of Tolerances
Zero line
limit of
limit of
limit of
Hole Shaft
Deviation: It is the algebraic difference between a limit of size and the corresponding basic size.
Upper Deviation: It is the algebraic difference between the maximum limit of size andthe
corresponding basic size. It is denoted by letters „ES‟ for a hole and „es‟ for a shaft.
Lower Deviation: It is the algebraic difference between the minimum limit of size andthe
corresponding basic size. It is denoted by letters „EI‟ for a hole and „ei‟ for a shaft.
Fundamental Deviation: It is the deviation, either upper or lower deviation, which isnearest to the
zero line for either a hole or a shaft. It fixes the position of the tolerance zone in relation to the zero
Allowance: It is the intentional difference between the hole dimensions and shaftdimension for any
type of fit.
Size of tolerance: It is the difference between the maximum and minimum limits of size.
Fit is an assembly condition between ‗Hole‘ & ‗Shaft‘
Hole: A feature engulfing a component.
Shaft: A feature being engulfed by a component.
Clearance fit: In this type of fit, the largest permitted shaft diameter is less than thesmallest
hole diameter so that the shaft can rotate or slide according to the purpose of the assembly.
nce Fit:
It is defined as the fit established when a negative clearance exists between the sizes of holes
and the shaft. In this type of fit, the minimum permitted diameter of the shaft is larger than the
maximum allowable diameter of the hole. In case of this type of fit, the members are intended to
be permanently attached.
Ex: Bearing bushes, Keys & key ways
Transition Fit: In this type of fit, the diameter of the largest allowable hole is greaterthan the
smallest shaft, but the smallest hole is smaller than the largest shaft, such that a small positive or
negative clearance exists between the shaft & hole.
Ex: Coupling rings, Spigot in mating holes, etc.
Interchangeability occurs when one part in an assembly can be substituted for a similar part
which has been made to the same drawing. Interchangeability is possible only when certain
standards are strictly followed.
Universal interchangeability means the parts to be assembled are from two different
manufacturing sources.
Local interchangeability means all the parts to be assembled are made in the same
manufacturing unit.
Selective Assembly:
In selective assembly, the parts are graded according to the size and only matched grades of
mating parts are assembled. This technique is most suitable where close fit of two components
assembled is required.
Selective assembly provides complete protection against non-conforming assemblies and
reduces machining costs as close tolerances can be maintained.
Suppose some parts (shafts & holes) are manufactured to a tolerance of 0.01 mm, then an
automatic gauge can separate them into ten different groups of 0.001 mm limit for selective
assembly of the individual parts. Thus high quality and low cost can be achieved.
Selective assembly is used in aircraft, automobile industries where tolerances are very narrow
and not possible to manufacture at reasonable costs.
Geometrical Tolerances:
Geometric tolerances define the shape of a feature as opposed to its size. There are three basic
types of geometric tolerances:
Form tolerances:
Straightness, flatness, roundness, cylindricity
Orientation tolerances:
Perpendicularity, parallelism, angularity
Position tolerances:
Function of
Characteristic or
geometric Tolerance Typical example
toleran zone
To control Area
the between
straightness of two
the line on a parallel straight
Straightness surface. lines in the plane
containing the
considered line or
axis, Tolerance
value is the
distance between
Flatness To Area
contr between
ol the two
flatness of a planes. Tolerance
surface. value is the
distance between
If the hole basis system is used, there will be reduction in production costs as only one
tool is required to produce the ole and the shaft can be easily machined to any desired
size. Hence hole basis system is preferred over shaft basis system.
Shaft Basis system:
In this system, the basic diameter of the shaft is constant while the hole size is varied
according to the type of fit.
It may, however, be necessary to use shaft basis system where different fits are required
along a long shaft.
For example, in the case of driving shafts where a single shaft may have to accommodate
to a variety of accessories such as couplings, bearings, collars, etc., it is preferable to
maintain a constant diameter for the permanent member, which is the shaft, and vary the
bore of the accessories.
Grade is a measure of the magnitude of the tolerance. Lower the grade the finer
thetolerance. There are total of 18 grades which are allocated the numbers IT01, IT0, IT1,
IT2. T16.
Fine grades are referred to by the first few numbers. As the numbers get larger, so the
tolerance zone becomes progressively wider. Selection of grade should depend on the
circumstances. As the grades get finer, the cost of production increases at a sharper rate.
The tolerance grades may be numerically determined in terms of the standard tolerance
unit ‗i‘ where i in microns is given by √ (for basic size upto and
including 500 mm) and (for basic size above 500 mm upto and
including 3150 mm), where D is in mm and it is the geometric mean of the lower and
upper diameters of a particular step in which the component lies.
The above formula is empirical and is based on the fact that the tolerance varies more or
less parabolically in terms of diameter for the same manufacturing conditions. This is so
because manufacture and measurement of higher sizes are relatively difficult.
The various diameter steps specified by ISI are:
1-3, 3-6, 6-10, 10-18, 18-30, 30-50, 50-80, 80-120,180-250, 250-315, 315-400, and 400-
500 mm. The value of ‗D‘ is taken as the geometric mean for a particular range of size to
avoid continuous variation of tolerance with size.
The fundamental deviation of type d,e,f,g shafts are respectively -16D ,-
0.41 0.41 0.34
11D -5.5D & -2.5D
0.44 0.41
The fundamental deviation of type D,E,F,G shafts are respectively +16D , +11D
0.41 0.34
+5.5D & +2.5D .
The relative magnitude of each grade is shown in the table below;
It may be noted that from IT 6 onwards, every 5th step is 10 times the respective grade.
i.e. IT 11=10xIT6=10x10i=100 i, IT12=10xIT7=10x16i=160 i, etc.
A Go-No GO gauge refers to an inspection tool used to check a workpiece against its
allowed tolerances. It derives its name from its use: the gauge has two tests; the check
involves the workpiece having to pass one test (Go) and fail the other (No Go).
It is an integral part of the quality process that is used in the manufacturing industry to
ensure interchangeability of parts between processes, or even between different
A Go - No Go gauge is a measuring tool that does not return a size in the conventional
sense, but instead returns a state. The state is either acceptable (the part is within
tolerance and may be used) or it is unacceptable (and must be rejected).
They are well suited for use in the production area of the factory as they require little skill
or interpretation to use effectively and have few, if any, moving parts to be damaged in
the often hostile production environment.
Gauges are inspection tools which serve to check the dimensions of the manufactured
parts. Limit gauges ensure the size of the component lies within the specified limits. They
are non-recording and do not determine the size of the part. Plain gauges are used for
checking plain (Unthreaded) holes and shafts.
Plain gauges may be classified as follows;
According to their type:
(a) Standard gauges are made to the nominal size of the part to be tested and have
themeasuring member equal in size to the mean permissible dimension of the part to
be checked. A standard gauge should mate with some snugness.
(b) Limit Gauges These are also called‘go’and‘no go’gauges. These are made to thelimit
sizes of the work to be measured. One of the sides or ends of the gauge is made to
correspond to maximum and the other end to the minimum permissible size. The
function of limit gauges is to determine whether the actual dimensions of the work are
within or outside the specified limits.
According to their purpose:
(a) Work shop gauges: Working gauges are those used at the bench or machine in
gauging the work as it being made.
(b) Inspection gauges: These gauges are used by the inspection personnel to inspect
manufactured parts when finished.
(c) Reference or Master Gauges: These are used only for checking the size or condition
of other gauges.
According to the form of tested surface:
Plug gauges: They check the dimensions of a hole
Snap & Ring gauges: They check the dimensions of a shaft.
According to their design:
Single limit & double limit gauges
Single ended and double ended gauges
Fixed & adjustable gauges
Limit gauging is adopted for checking parts produced by mass production. It has the
advantage that they can be used by unskilled persons.
Instead of measuring actual dimensions, the conformance of product with tolerance
specifications can be checked by a ‗GO‘ and ‗NO GO‘ gauges.
A ‗GO‘ gauge represents the maximum material condition of the product (i.e. minimum
hole size or maximum shaft size) and conversely a ‗NO GO‘ represents the minimum
material condition (i.e. maximum hole size or minimum shaft size)
Plug gauges:
Plug gauges are the limit gauges used for checking holes and consist of two cylindrical
wear resistant plugs. The plug made to the lower limit of the hole is known as ‗GO‘ end
and this will enter any hole which is not smaller than the lower limit allowed. The plug
made to the upper limit of the hole is known as ‗NO GO‘ end and this will not enter any
hole which is smaller than the upper limit allowed. The plugs are arranged on either ends
of a common handle.
Plug gauges are normally double ended for sizes upto 63 mm and for sizes above 63 mm
they are single ended type.
The handles of heavy plug gauges are made of light metal alloys while the handles of
small plug gauges can be made of some nonmetallic materials.
Progressive plug gauges:
For smaller through holes, both GO & NO GO gauges are on the same side separated by
a small distance. After the full length of GO portion enters the hole, further entry is
obstructed by the NO GO portion if the hole is within the tolerance limits.
Ring gauges:
Ring gauges are used for gauging shafts. They are used in a similar manner to that of GO
& NO GO plug gauges. A ring gauge consists of a piece of metal in which a hole of
required size is bored.
A snap gauge usually consists of a plate or frame with a parallel faced gap of the required
dimension. Snap gauges can be used for both cylindrical as well as non cylindrical work
as compared to ring gauges which are conveniently used only for cylindrical work.
Double ended snap gauges can be used for sizes ranging from 3 to 100 mm.
For sizes above 100 mm upto 250 mm a single ended progressive gauge may be used.
Chromium plated & Hard alloys: Chromium plating imparts hardness, resistance
toabrasion & corrosion. Hard alloys of tungsten carbide may also be used.
Cast Iron: Used for bodies of frames of large gauges whose working surfaces are
hardinserts of tool steel or cemented carbides.
Glass: They are free from corrosive effects due to perspiration from hands. Also they
arenot affected by temperature changes.
Invar: It is a nickel-iron alloy (36% nickel) which has low coefficient of expansion
butnot suitable for usage over long periods.
(The name, Invar, comes from the word invariable, referring to its lack of expansion or
contraction with temperature changes. It was invented in 1896 by Swiss scientist Charles Eduard
Guillaume. He received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1920 for this discovery, which enabled
improvements in scientific instruments.)
Taylor’s Principle of Gauge Design:
According to Taylor, ‗Go‘ and ‗No Go‘ gauges should be designed to check
maximum and minimum material limits which are checked as below;
„GO‟ Limit. This designation is applied to that limit of the two limits of size
whichcorresponds to the maximum material limit considerations, i.e. upper limit of a
shaft and lower limit of a hole.
The GO gauges should be of full form, i.e. they should check shape as well as size.
No Go‟ Limit:
This designation is applied to that limit of the two limits of size which corresponds to the
minimum material condition. i.e. the lower limit of a shaft and the upper limit of a hole.
‗No Go‘ gauge should check only one part or feature of the component at a time, so that
specific discrepancies in shape or size can be detected. Thus a separate ‗No Go‘ gauge is
required for each different individual dimension.
Example to illustrate Taylor‟s Principle of Gauge Design:
A GO gauge must check the dimensions as well as form (perpendicularity) of the slot at a
time. Hence the GO gauge must be as shown in fig on the right.
A NO GO gauge must check the dimensions of the slot one at a time and hence two
separate gauges must be used.
If the single gauge as shown is used, the gage is likely to pass a component even if one of the
dimensions is less than desirable limit because it gets stuck due to the other dimension which is
within correct limit.
Gauge Tolerance:
Gauges, like any other jobs require a manufacturing tolerance due to reasonable imperfections in
the workmanship of the gauge maker. The gauge tolerance should be kept as minimum as
possible though high costs are involved to do so. The tolerance on the GO & NO GO gauges is
usually 10% of the work tolerance.
Wear Allowance:
The GO gauges only are subjected to wear due to rubbing against the parts during inspection and
hence a provision has to be made for the wear allowance. Wear allowance is taken as 10% of
gauge tolerance and is allowed between the tolerance zone of the gauge and the maximum
material condition. (i.e. lower limit of a hole & upper limit of a shaft). If the work tolerance is
less than 0.09 mm, wear allowance need not be given unless otherwise stated.
Slip gauges are rectangular in shape made up of high-grade steels with very close tolerances.
The Working faces of any slip gauge will be made truly flat and parallel.
The slip gauges will undergo Hardening to resist wear and tear.
They will be further heated and cooled down successively to remove the
hardening stresses induced during the hardening Process.
The Slip Gauges can be made up of Tungsten Carbide because of it is extremely capable
of hard and wear resistance.
The size of the slip gauges is permanently marked on any of the measuring faces of
individual slip gauge.
Wringing of Slip Gauges
Dial indicator
In various contexts of science, technology, and manufacturing (such
as machining, fabricating, and additive manufacturing), an indicator is any of various
instruments used to accurately measure small distances and angles, and amplify them to make
them more obvious. The name comes from the concept of indicating to the user that which their
naked eye cannot discern; such as the presence, or exact quantity, of some small distance (for
example, a small height difference between two flat surfaces, a slight lack
of concentricity between two cylinders, or other small physical deviations).
Many indicators have a dial display, in which a needle points to graduations in a circular array
around the dial. Such indicators, of which there are several types, are often called dial indicators.
Indicators inherently provide relative measure only. But given that suitable references are used
(for example, gauge blocks), they often allow a practical equivalent of absolute measure, with
periodic recalibration against the references. However, the user must know how to use them
properly and understand how in some situations, their measurements will still be relative rather
than absolute because of factors such as cosine error
In a quality environment to check for consistency and accuracy in the manufacturing process.
On the workshop floor to initially set up or calibrate a machine, prior to a production run.
By toolmakers (such as moldmakers) in the process of manufacturing precision tooling.
In metal engineering workshops, where a typical application is the centering of a lathe's
workpiece in a four jaw chuck. The dial indicator is used to indicate the run out (the
misalignment between the workpiece's axis of rotational symmetry and the axis of rotation of
the spindle) of the workpiece, with the ultimate aim of reducing it to a suitably small range
using small chuck jaw adjustments.
In areas other than manufacturing where accurate measurements need to be recorded
(e.g., physics).
1. The amount of rotation of an accurately made screw can be directly and precisely
correlated to a certain amount of axial movement (and vice versa), through the constant
known as the screw's lead (/ˈliːd/). A screw's lead is the distance it moves forward axially
with one complete turn (360°). (In most threads [that is, in all single-start
threads], lead and pitch refer to essentially the same concept.)
2. With an appropriate lead and major diameter of the screw, a given amount of axial
movement will be amplified in the resulting circumferential movement.
A bevel protractor is a graduated circular protractor with one pivoted arm; used for measuring or
marking off angles. Sometimes Vernier scales are attached to give more precise readings. It has
wide application in architectural and mechanical drawing, although its use is decreasing with the
availability of modern drawing software or CAD.
Universal bevel protractors are also used by toolmakers; as they measure angles by mechanical
contact they are classed as mechanical protractors.
The bevel protractor is used to establish and test angles to very close tolerances. It reads to 5
minutes or 1/12 and can measure any angle from 0° to 360°.
The bevel protractor consists of a beam, a graduated dial and a blade which is connected to a
swivel plate (with Vernier scale) by thumb nut and clamp. When the edges of the beam and blade
are parallel, a small mark on the swivel plate coincides with the zero line on the graduated dial.
To measure an angle between the beam and the blade of 90° or less, the reading may be obtained
direct from the graduation number on the dial indicated by the mark on the swivel plate. To
measure an angle of over 90°, subtract the number of degrees as indicated on the dial from 180°,
as the dial is graduated from opposite zero marks to 90° each way.
Since the spaces, both on the main scale and the Vernier scale, are numbered both to the right
and to the left from zero, any angle can be measured. The readings can be taken either to the
right or to the left, according to the direction in which the zero on the main scale is moved.
These designed for the inspection and calibration of angle, tapers, indexing plates, rotary scales,
clinometers, dividing heads, rotary tables etc.
Angle Gauge Blocks are made from High Carbon High Chromium Steel which has the properties
of aging stability in dimensions and wear resistance. The working surfaces are hardened to
800HV. Also Angle Gauge Blocks available in Tungsten Carbide.
These angle gauges together with the square block used to obtain any angle between 0 and 360
degrees in steps of 6 seconds.
A spirit level, bubble level or simply a level is an instrument designed to indicate whether
a surface is horizontal (level) or vertical (plumb). Different types of spirit levels may be used
by carpenters, stonemasons, bricklayers, other building tradesworkers, surveyors, millwrightsand
other metalworkers and insome photographic or video graphic work.
Early spirit levels had very slightly curved glass vials with constant inner diameter at each
viewing point. These vials are incompletely filled with a liquid, usually a
mercury colored spirit or alcohol, leaving a bubble in the tube. They have a slight upward curve,
so that the bubble naturally rests in the center, the highest point. At slight inclinations the bubble
travels away from the marked center position. Where a spirit level must also be usable upside-
down or on its side, the curved constant-diameter tube is replaced by an uncurved barrel-shaped
tube with a slightly larger diameter in its middle.
Alcohols such as ethanol are often used rather than water. Alcohols have
low viscosity and surface tension, which allows the bubble to travel the tube quickly and settle
accurately with minimal interference with the glass surface. Alcohols also have a much wider
liquid temperature range and won't break the vial as water could due to ice expansion. A
colorant such as fluorescein, typically yellow or green, may be added to increase the visibility of
the bubble.
To check the accuracy of a carpenter's type level, a perfectly horizontal surface is not
needed. The level is placed on a flat and roughly level surface and the reading on the bubble tube
is noted. This reading indicates to what extent the surface is parallel to the horizontal plane,
according to the level, which at this stage is of unknown accuracy. The spirit level is then rotated
through 180 degrees in the horizontal plane, and another reading is noted. If the level is accurate,
it will indicate the same orientation with respect to the horizontal plane. A difference implies
that the level is inaccurate.
A sine bar consists of a hardened, precision ground body with two precision ground cylinders
fixed at the ends. The distance between the centers of the cylinders is precisely controlled, and
the top of the bar is parallel to a line through the centers of the two rollers. The dimension
between the two rollers is chosen to be a whole number (for ease of later calculations) and forms
the hypotenuse of a triangle when in use.
When a sine bar is placed on a level surface the top edge will be parallel to that surface. If one
roller is raised by a known distance, usually using gauge blocks, then the top edge of the bar will
be tilted by the same amount forming an angle that may be calculated by the application of
the sine rule.
Angles are measured using a sine bar with the help of gauge blocks and a dial gauge or a spirit
level. The aim of a measurement is to measure the surface on which the dial gauge or spirit level
is placed horizontally. For example, to measure the angle of a wedge, the wedge is placed on a
horizontal table. The sine bar is placed over the inclined surface of the wedge. At this position,
the top surface of the sine bar is inclined the same amount as the wedge. Using gauge blocks, the
top surface is made horizontal. The sine of the angle of inclination of the wedge is the ratio of
the height of the gauge blocks used and the distance between the centers of the cylinders.
The Radical Toolmakers Precise Measuring Microscope is usedfor the purposes of measuring
lengths, angles as well as diameter and distances. As such, it is commonly used by auto
component manufacturers, tool manufacturers as well as in quality control or various tools and
parts. A toolmakers microscope has a robust base that allows it to hold a wide range of objects
for observations and measurements.
As multi functional devices, toolmaker tools will often be found in most of the manufacturing
companies/factories involved in the manufacturing of machines, electronics and tools. In such
places, they help in the measurement of shapes, sizes, angles and positions of small components
which fall under the measuring range of the microscope. This makes the microscope particular
suitable for such tasks as measuring the shapes of such components as milling cutters, thread
gauge and guide screw among others.
In addition, the device finds use for measuring center to center distance of holes in a plane, linear
measurements as well as accurate angular measurements.
Here, the microscope is used elative positions of different points by simply measuring the travel
that is necessary for bringing a second point to the position that was formerly occupied by the
first and so forth.
Measuring angles
Using this microscope, it is possible to measure the angles by using the protractor eyepiece. This
allows for the angles of the object to be viewed and determined.
Comparison measurement
This is where the microscope is used to do comparison of the thread forms, measuring of the
pitch and diameter. Here, the microscope achieves this using the master profiles engravings in
the eyepiece.
Comparing with a scale
This is where the images of the object are compared with the scale in the projection screen.
A collimator is a device that narrows a beam of particles or waves. To narrow can mean either to
cause the directions of motion to become more aligned in a specific direction (i.e.,
make collimated light or parallel rays), or to cause the spatial cross section of the beam to
become smaller (beam limiting device).
In optics, a collimator may consist of a curved mirror or lens with some type of light source
and/or an image at its focus. This can be used to replicate a target focused at infinity with little or
no parallax.
In lighting, collimators are typically designed using the principles of nonimaging optics.
Optical collimators can be used to calibrate other optical devices, to check if all elements are
aligned on the optical axis, to set elements at proper focus, or to align two or more devices such
as binoculars or gun barrels and gunsights. A surveying camera may be collimated by setting
its fiduciary markers so that they define the principal point, as in photogrammetry.
Optical collimators are also used as gun sights in the collimator sight, which is a simple optical
collimator with a cross hair or some other reticle at its focus. The viewer only sees an image of
the reticle. They have to use it either with both eyes open and one eye looking into the collimator
sight, with one eye open and moving the head to alternately see the sight and the target, or with
one eye to partially see the sight and target at the same time. Adding a beam splitter allows the
viewer to see the reticle and the field of view, making a reflector sight.
Collimators may be used with laser diodes and CO2 cutting lasers. Proper collimation of a laser
source with long enough coherence length can be verified with a shearing interferometer.
Optical collimator
projector is an optical instrument that can be used for measuring. It is a useful item in a small
parts machine shop or production line for the quality control inspection team.
A projector or image projector is an optical device that projects an image (or moving images)
onto a surface, commonly a projection screen. Most projectors create an image by shining a light
through a small transparent lens, but some newer types of projectors can project the image
directly, by using lasers.
The projector magnifies the profile of the specimen, and displays this on the built-in projection
screen. On this screen there is typically a grid that can be rotated 360 degrees so the X-Y axis of
the screen can be aligned with a straight edge of the machined part to examine or measure. This
projection screen displays the profile of the specimen and is magnified for better ease of
calculating linear measurements.
An edge of the specimen to examine may be lined up with the grid on the screen. From there,
simple measurements may be taken for distances to other points. This is being done on a
magnified profile of the specimen. It can be simpler as well as reduce errors by measuring on the
magnified projection screen of a profile projector.
The typical method for lighting is by diascopic illumination, which is lighting from behind. This
type of lighting is also called transmitted illumination when the specimen is translucent and light
can pass through it. If the specimen is opaque, then the light will not go through it, but will form
a profile of the specimen.
Measuring of the sample can be done on the projection screen. A profile projector may also have
episcopic illumination (which is light shining from above). This useful in displaying bores or
internal areas that may need to be measured.
Interferometre is a family of techniques in which waves, usually electromagnetic waves,
are superimposed causing the phenomenon of interference in order to extract
information. Interferometry is an important investigative technique in the fields
of astronomy, fiberoptics, engineering metrology, optical
metrology, oceanography, seismology, spectroscopy(and its applications to chemistry), quantum
mechanics, nuclear and particle physics, plasma physics, remote sensing, biomolecular
interactions, surface profiling, microfluidics, mechanical stress/strain measurement, velocimetry,
and optometry.
Interferometers are widely used in science and industry for the measurement of small
displacements, refractive index changes and surface irregularities. In an interferometer, light
from a single source is split into two beams that travel different optical paths, then combined
again to produce interference. The resulting interference fringes give information about the
difference in optical path length. In analytical science, interferometers are used to measure
lengths and the shape of optical components with nanometer precision; they are the highest
precision length measuring instruments existing. In Fourier transform spectroscopy they are used
to analyze light containing features of absorption or emission associated with a substance or
mixture. An astronomical interferometer consists of two or more separate telescopes that
combine their signals, offering a resolution equivalent to that of a telescope of diameter equal to
the largest separation between its individual elements.
Interferometry makes use of the principle of superposition to combine waves in a way that will
cause the result of their combination to have some meaningful property that is diagnostic of the
original state of the waves. This works because when two waves with the
same frequency combine, the resulting intensity pattern is determined by the phase difference
between the two waves—waves that are in phase will undergo constructive interference while
waves that are out of phase will undergo destructive interference. Waves which are not
completely in phase nor completely out of phase will have an intermediate intensity pattern,
which can be used to determine their relative phase difference. Most interferometers use light or
some other form of electromagnetic wave.
Typically (see Fig. 1, the well-known Michelson configuration) a single incoming beam
of coherent light will be split into two identical beams by a beam splitter (a partially reflecting
mirror). Each of these beams travels a different route, called a path, and they are recombined
before arriving at a detector. The path difference, the difference in the distance traveled by each
beam, creates a phase difference between them. It is this introduced phase difference that creates
the interference pattern between the initially identical waves. If a single beam has been split
along two paths, then the phase difference is diagnostic of anything that changes the phase along
the paths. This could be a physical change in the path length itself or a change in the refractive
index along the path.
A screw thread, often shortened to thread, is a helical structure used to convert between
rotational and linear movement or force. A screw thread is a ridge wrapped around
a cylinder or cone in the form of a helix, with the former being called a straight thread and the
latter called a tapered thread. A screw thread is the essential feature of the screw as a simple
machine and also as a fastener.
The mechanical advantage of a screw thread depends on its lead, which is the linear distance the
screw travels in one revolution. In most applications, the lead of a screw thread is chosen so
that friction is sufficient to prevent linear motion being converted to rotary, that is so the screw
does not slip even when linear force is applied, as long as no external rotational force is present.
This characteristic is essential to the vast majority of its uses. The tightening of a fastener's screw
thread is comparable to driving a wedge into a gap until it sticks fast through friction and
slight elastic deformation.
Elements of measurements:
Most of the measurement systems contain three main functional elements are i) Primary
sensing element ii) Variable conversion element & iii) Data presentationelement. Primary
sensing element: The quantity under measurement makes its first contact with the primary
sensing element of a measurement system.
Errors in Threads
Errors in screw threads are related to the five elements of the screw threads. They are major
diameter, minor diameter, pitch diameter, pitch and thread angle. If any errors are taking place in
these five elements the produced screw is rejected. So, these elements are also be checked with
proper gauging system carefully. The threads are produced by a point cutting tools.
The errors in major and minor diameter cause interference of the mating threads, less root
section, less wall thickness and poor contact of the flanks, which ultimately cause the weak in
strength of the component. The errors in effective diameter also cause the interference of the
The errors in pitch and thread angle also cause the progressive tightening of the mating parts due
to the interference of the flank surfaces.
Pitch errors:
The pitch errors are due to improper ratios of cutting tool velocity to rotating velocity of the
workpiece. these pitch errors are again classified as
Progressive errors: In this the pitch error results increasing of major or minor diameter or
decreasing of major or minor diameter. It means the error may either in increasing order or
decreasing order.
Periodic errors: In this the pitch error causes the errors to repeat at certain time of interval.
Irregular errors: These are the errors randomly take place on threads without any specific
reason. These are the combination of all the errors take place on threads.
The major diameter of a thread is the diameter of the imaginary co-axial cylinder that just
touches the crest of an external thread or the root of an internal thread.
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The minor diameter is the diameter of an imaginary cylinder that just touches the roots of an
external thread and (or) the crests of an internal thread.
The crest of a thread is the prominent part of a thread, whether internal or external.
The root is the bottom of the groove between the two flanking surfaces of the thread whether
internal or external.
The flanks of a thread are the straight sides that connect the crest and the root.
The angle of a thread is the angle between the flanks, measured in an axial plane section.
The pitch of a thread is the distance, measured parallel to its axis, between corresponding points
on adjacent surfaces, in the same axial plane.
Sir Joseph Whitworth proposed this thread in 1841. This was the first standardised thread form.
The form of the thread is shown in the diagram. The principal features of the British Standard
Whitworth (BSW) thread form are that the angle between the thread flanks is 55 degrees and the
thread has radii at both the roots and the crests of the thread. The relevant standard for this thread
form is the British Standard BS 84 - 2007. The thread form is now redundant and has been
replaced by Unified and Metric threads but there are many applications in which it is still used.
The British Standard Fine (BSF) thread has the same profile as the BSW thread form but was
used when a finer pitch was required for a given diameter.
p = pitch of the thread
d = depth of the thread
r = radius at the top and bottom of the threadsthen:
d = 0.640327 p
r = 0.137329 p
159 | P a g e
Thread pitch:
Metric fasteners are specified with a thread pitch instead of a thread count. The thread pitch is
the distance between threads expressed in millimeters (measured along the length of the
fastener). For example a thread pitch of 1.5 means that the distance between one thread and the
next is 1.5mm. In general smaller fasteners have finer thread so they have lower thread pitch. For
a table of standard metric thread pitchs please see our Metric Thead Pitch Table.
Thread angle:
The thread angle of a screw is the included angle between the thread flanks, measured in a plane
containing the thread axis.[1] This is a defining factor for the shape of a screw thread.
Thread Profile Gages are manufactured to industry standard tolerances using our state-of-
the-art Wire EDM technology. Our Thread Profile Gages quickly identify tapered thread forms
per the API Standards 5B and Spec 7 as well as Stub Acme, National Acme and others. All our
Thread Profile Gages are in stock for immediate delivery and we offer specials made to your
160 | P a g e
Surface measurement
synonymous with surface metrology – determines surface topography, which is essential for
confirming a surface's suitability for its function. Surface measurement conceptually includes
surface shape, surface finish, surface profile roughness (Ra), or in surface area roughness (Sa),
surface texture, asperity and structural characterization.
For example, engine parts may be exposed to lubricants to prevent potential wear, and these
surfaces require precise engineering – at a microscopic level – to ensure that the surface
roughness holds enough of the lubricants between the parts under compression, while it is
smooth enough not to make metal to metal contact. For manufacturing and design purposes,
measurement is critical to ensure that the finished material meets the design specification.
In the image above, a microscopic surface is measured in three dimensions using an interference
microscope. For scale, the 3-D surface measurement above maps features within a 22 nanometer
range of height, and the indicated pit defect is less than 12 nanometers deep. A nanometer (nm)
is one one-thousandth of a micron (µm). There are about 80 microns (80,000 nm) in the
thickness of a human hair. The area of the measured surface is 449 × 335 microns.
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chart categorizes the various lay configurations and
shows the standardizes symbols used on drawing
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Other standardized assessment methods
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This line is at a predetermined height from the mean line, and you have then
divide the subtended length through the peaks by sampling length to arrive at the
assessment value
See figure F
8. Leveling Depth (Rpand others)
Measure the height between the highest peak and the mean line
See figure G
9. Waviness Height (W)
Assess the waviness without regard to roughness by determining the peak-to-
valley distance of the total profile within the sampling length
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Profilo graph This equipment is used for checking and recording the smoothness of profiles of
pavements with accuracy and cost-effectiveness. The equipment, developed by Central Road Research
Institute, comprises of a mobile trussed frame, four datum wheels which provide the plan of reference
with respect to which the instrument, moves along the pavement surface during the test. The probing
wheel undulates with the surface irregularities and the pen marker linked to probing wheel
records the magnitude of the undulation on a graph sheet. The road roughness level is estimated
using this equipment.
accurately measures surface roughness through a computerized recorder capable of graphing a
pavement profile both vertically and horizontally. The information it collects is used to calculate
the International Roughness Index (IRI), which is expressed in units of inches/mile or
millimeters/meters. An IRI value of 0 (zero) is equivalent to driving on a plate of glass. High
ranges, upward to several hundred inches in a mile, indicate a very rough road. The Profilograph
also measures a pavement‘s cross slope, allows bi-directional testing and multiple wheel path
reporting, and can append data to existing files, which improves tracking and correlations
throughout a project.
Another type of profilograph system is for measuring the surface texture of a road and how it
relates to the coefficient of friction and thus to skid resistance. Pavement texture is divided into
three categories; megatexture, macrotexture, and microtexture. Microtexture cannot currently be
measured directly, except in a laboratory. Megatexture is measured using a similar profiling
method as when obtaining IRI values, while macrotexture is the measurement of the individual
variations of the road within a small interval of a few centimeters. For example, a road which has
gravel spread on top followed by an asphalt seal coat will have a high macrotexture, and a road
built with concrete slabs will have low macrotexture. For this reason, concrete is often grooved
or roughed up immediately after it is laid on the road bed to increase the friction between the tire
and road.
Equipment to measure macrotexture currently consists of a distance measuring laser with an
extremely small spot size (< 1 mm) and data acquisition systems capable of recording elevations
spaced at 1 mm or less. The sample rate is generally over 32 kHz. Macrotexture data can be used
to calculate the speed-dependent part of friction between typical car tires and the road surface in
both dry and wet conditions. Microtexture affects friction as well.
Lateral friction and cross slope are the key reaction forces acting to keep a cornering vehicle in
steady lateral position, while it is subject to exiting forces arising from speed and curvature.
Cross slope and curvature can be measured with a road profilograph, and in combination with
friction-related measurements can be used to identify improperly banked curves, which can
increase the risk of motor vehicle accidents.