Esci 121N - Fundamentals of Surveying: Department of Geodetic Engineering
Esci 121N - Fundamentals of Surveying: Department of Geodetic Engineering
Esci 121N - Fundamentals of Surveying: Department of Geodetic Engineering
Visca, Baybay City, Leyte, PHILIPPINES
Telephone: (053) 565-0600 local 1027
I. Introduction
III. Materials
Transit/theodolite, stadia rod, pegs/hubs or marking chalk/crayons
IV. Procedure
1. Identify and designate two Points (A and B) with different elevations some
distance apart (approximately 10 to 30 meters). Point A being lower than Point
2. Mark the two points with pegs/hubs or mark chalk/crayons for concrete
3. Set up the instrument at Point A (lower elevation) and place or position the
stadia rod at Point B (higher elevation).
4. With the instrument leveled at Point A, fix the instrument's line of sight to the
stadia rod held at Point B and lock the telescope (instrument) to avoid further
5. Take a rod reading at Point B and determine the upper stadia crosshair reading
(a), the middle crosshair reading (c), also known as the rod reading (RR), and
the lower stadia crosshair reading (b).
6. With the line of sight of the instrument still fixed when the rod reading was
taken, measure and read the angle of inclination of the telescope (referred to
as the positive vertical angle).
7. Record and tabulate the data using Table 1.
8. Calculate the horizontal distance (HD), vertical distance (VD), inclined distance
(ID), and the difference in elevation (DE) of the two Points using the following
formulas: Use HI=1.30 meters.
s = a − b ………………………………………. Equation 1
ID = Kscosα + C ……………………….. .Equation 2
HD = Kscos2 α + Ccosα ……………….Equation 3
VD = Kscosαsinα + Csinα …………..Equation 4
DE = HI + VD − RR …………………..…Equation 5
a – Upper Stadia Crosshair Reading
b – Lower Stadia Crosshair Reading
c – Middle Stadia Crosshair Reading or the Rod Reading (RR)
s – Stadia Intercept
K – Stadia Interval Factor (Equal to 100 for most of instruments)
C – Stadia Constant (Equal to 0.00 for internal focusing instruments)
α – Angle of Inclination (Referred to as the positive vertical angle)
ID – Inclined Distance
HD – Horizontal Distance
VD – Vertical Distance
DE – Difference in Elevation between the two Points
Figure 1. An illustration of an inclined stadia sight with angle of inclination
(La Putt, 2008).
6. Calculate the horizontal distance (HD), vertical distance (VD), inclined distance
(ID), and the difference in elevation (DE) of the two Points using the formulas
in Procedure A.
1. Calculate the average values for ID, HD, VD, and DE, which will be the most
probable values (MPV) of measurements (Table 3).
Guide Questions
2. How can you check that the crosshair readings are correct?
The simplest way to determine whether the crosshair readings are accurate
is to compute the mean value of the upper crosshair and lower crosshair
readings and then compare the results to the middle crosshair readings. If so,
the readings on the crosshairs are accurate.
The stadia intercept, or the difference between the upper and lower crosshair
readings, was calculated using these gathered measurements and was determined to be
0.10. When the horizontal, vertical, and inclined distances were calculated using this value,
the resulting values were 9.869 meters, 1.138 meters, and 9.934 meters, respectively. This
indicates that the slope distance, or the difference between the vertical and horizontal
distances, is equal to 9.934 meters. Furthermore, the elevation difference between Points
A and B was calculated to be 1.338 meters given that HI was 1.30 meters and the middle
crosshair value was 1.10. The figure below shows how these values were computed.
The scenario for applying the Stadia Method with the Angle of Depression is
depicted in the above figure. The vertical angle, as a result, was calculated to be 6°33' or
-6.55°. Additionally, it was determined that the readings for the upper, middle, and lower
crosshairs were, respectively, 1.45, 1.40, and 1.35. Table 5 below lists these outcomes.
The Stadia Method's distance measurements frequently behave erratically since they
are dependent on crosshair readings. A random event is additionally uncertain and subject to
faults. To decrease or even eliminate the effects of these inaccuracies, it is therefore helpful
to obtain the most likely values. The horizontal distance, vertical distance, and inclined
distance in this activity were observed to have the most likely values of 9.869 meters, 1.1355
meters, and 9.9345 meters, respectively. Additionally, 1.2855 meters was found to be the
most likely estimate for the elevation difference.
VI. Conclusion and Recommendations
The student was able to come to the following conclusions as a result of this
activity: The Stadia Method can be used to determine the horizontal distance between two
points on a sloped surface if the stadia of intercept, stadia constant, and angle of inclination
or angle of depression are known. It is calculable utilizing the equation HD = Kscos2α +
Ccosα. The vertical distance can be calculated using the Stadia Method by using the
formula VD = Kscossin + Csinα, where K is the multiplier, s is the stadia intercept, C is the
stadia constant, and α is either the angle of inclination or angle of depression. The inclined
distance according to the Stadia Method is the slope distance or the difference between
the vertical and horizontal distances. The formula ID = Kscosα + C, where K is the
multiplier or Stadia Interval Factor, s is the stadia intercept, C is the stadia constant, and
α is either the angle of inclination or depression, can also be used to calculate it.
Subtracting the height of one location from the other will solve the elevation discrepancy.
It can be calculated using the Stadia Method using the formulas DE = HI + VD - RR for the
positive sights and DE = VD + RR - HI for the negative sights.
VII. References
La Putt, J.P. (1985). Elementary Surveying Lab Manual. Baguio Research and
Publishing Center. Baguio City, Philippines.