Magna Carta 2013
Magna Carta 2013
Magna Carta 2013
S. No. 151
To give substance and spirit to the above constitutional precepts, the bill
seeks to provide a "Magna Carta of Patients Rights and Obligations". Under this
proposal, the duties and responsibilities of the government vis-a-vis the people's
concomitant rights and obligations are stressed in order to give them decent,
humane and quality health care.
The proposed measure provides for individual and societal rights, as well
as obligations of patients, health care practitioners and health care institutions.
Premises considered, immediate passage of this bill is earnestly sou9ht.
tl}fl,;, of tl1 )i-,cr,lnij
First Regular Session
to promote the right to health of the people and instill health consciousness among
them, It shall likewise protect and enhance the right of all people to human _dignity
thereby establishing the Magna Carta of Patient's Rights and Obligations in order to
ensure a decent, humane and quality Health Care for all patients and Health Care
be defined as follows:
or limb;
e. Patient - a person who avails of the health and medical care services.
Patients shall be respected by all those involved in the delivery of Health Care
a. Right 'to Good Quality Health Care and Humane Treatment - Eve/y
competence available for health and medical care. In the course of such
treated in accordance with his best interests, Provided, that the treatment
respected at all times in medical care and teaching. Likewise, terminally ill
Every person has the right to be informed of his rights and obligations
a Patient. In line with this, the Department of Health, in coordination with
Health Care Providers, professional and civic groups, the media, health
rules and regulations that apply to the conduct of the Patient while in the
care of such institution. These rights and rules and regulations shall be
the attending physician shall be the consultant under whose service the
Medical Record. The Patient shall have the right to seek a second opinion
consent, including, but not limited to, the benefits, risk, side effects and
possible, with the use of anatomic sketch or any materials or visual aids
that may aid the Patient, or his legal representative, in fully understanding
the Patient must be involved in the decision making process to the fullest
legal representative.
physician may challenge this decision in court, Provided however That in
emergency cases, the physician shall act in the patient's best interest,
can give consent on the patient's behalf, the physician can perform any
iii. The Patient releases those involved in his care from any
iv. The Patient's· refusal will not jeopardize public health and
g. Right to Refuse Participation in Medical Research - The Patient has
. I
the right ta be advised of plans to involve him/her in medical research thf t
research shall be performed only upon the written informed consent of the
h. Right to Religious Belief and Assistance - The Patient has the right to
minister of his/her chosen religion. He/she also has the right to refuse
public, either by photography, publications, video-taping, discussion, or by
any other means that would otherwise tend to reveal his person and
identity and the circumstances under which he was, he is, or he will be,
pertinent information.
of a physician;
medicine, Provided however, That the identity of the Patient
the patient's treatment and hospital care, the Patient or his/her legal
guardian has the right to be informed of the result of the evaluation of the
shall be disclosed and may only be performed with the written consent of
the patient.
information to the Patient will cause mental suffering or further impair his
some .future opportune time upon due consultation with the patient's
The Patient has the right to choose who he/she desires should be
informed on his behalf, Provided however, That the Patient also has the
right not to be informed on his explicit request, unless it is required for the
The Patient has the right to be given, and examine, an itemized bill
the right to communicate with his/her relatives and other persons and to
I. Right to Medical Records - The Health Care Institution and the
physician shall ensure and safeguard the integrity and authenticity of the
medical records.
certificate and clinical abstract. He/she has the right to view, and obtain
The Patient may also obtain from the Health Care Institution a
Provided, That any relevant document that the Patient may require for
period of time.
m, Right to Health Education " Every person has the right to health
education that will assist him in making informed choices about personal
health and about available health services. The education shall include
n. Right to Leave Against Medical Advise - The Patient has the right to
iii. His/her decision will not prejudice public health and safety.
o. Right to Express Grievances. - Every Patient has the right to express
valid complaints and grievances about the care and services received
a. Right to Health - The Patient has the right to access quality Health Care
and physicians who are free to render clinical and ethical judgment
b. Right to Access to Quality Public Health Care - The Patient has the
the necessary manpower and facility resources. He shall also have the
and disabilities. Towards this end, the government shall approximate the
international standard allocation for the health sector as set by the World
Health Organization.
discourages abuse of alcohol, tobacco and drug use, and the use of other
harmful substances,
such that health institutions, projects and programs of the State are
h. Right to Continuing Health Care - The Patient has the right to avail of,
The Patient has the right, at all times, to access quality medical care in
Health Care Institutions and Providers for all the valid and necessary
SEC. 6. The Obligations of Patients. - The Patient shall fulfill the following
a. Know Rights - The Patient shall ensure that he knows and understands
what his/her rights as a Patient are and shall exercise those rights
ensure that he/she understands the purpose and cost of any proposed
information about the proposed care or treatment. The Patient shall insist
the Health Care Provider, he/she must accept the consequences of such
decision and relieve the Health Care Provider of any liability as a result of
f. Sattla Financial Obligations. - The Patient shall ensure that the
accordance with Republic Act No. 9439. The patient must seek support
respect to the rights and well-being of Health Care Providers, Health Care
cooperative manner and shall give respect to the rights and properties of
others. He shall follow the policies, rules and regulations, and procedures
alcohol and drugs; lifestyles that have an adverse impact on health, such
, I
as sexual promiscuity and reckless activities; and contamination of t e
His/Her Treatment. - The Patient shall ensure that he/she has adequate
media. He/she shall not disclose to the public any alleged complaint
against Health Care Providers and/or Institutions if ii has not been fully
alleged infraction of his/her rights as set forth in this Act through pro9er
grievance mechanism mediation provided in Sections 7-8 of this Act
violation of any of the rights of patients shall first be submitted for mediation. There
shall be two (2) forms of mediation: the hospital-based mediation and the
barangay-based mediation.
who shall be appointed by the hospital and shall act as chairperson and two other
society and acceptable to both parties as members. The chairperson and the
members of the committee must be in good standing of the PMA and its local
component society.
health officer as chairperson. one from the religious or duly accredited people 1s
organization, and one from the PMA local component society who is a member In
good standing.
The mediation procedure shall not be adversarial in nature. The Patient and
the Health Care Provider shall be given the opportunity to discuss the complaint and
efforts shall be made for its amicable settlement No monetary compensation nor
The aggrieved party shall be given thirty (30) days from occurrence of the
incident to file his/her written complaint for mediation. Upon receipt of the written
complaint, the concerned mediation committee shall have ninety (90) days to
is reached after the lapse of the ninety (90) day period, the mediation committee
shall refer the complaint to the· PMA through its local component society for
appropriate administrative action.
The PMA local component society shall serve as the second tier mediation. It
shall be composed of the president of the local society as the presiding officer and
one representative from each of the following: component medical society, specialty
society corresponding to the case, the People's Health Watch or other civic
organizations, and a representative from the local religious organization. The PMA
component society shall render its decision within sixty (60) days from receipt of the
In the event that the second tier medication fails, the case shall be
automatically referred to the PMA Commission on Ethics which shall likewise render
Its decision within sixty (60) days from receipt of the complaint.
All minutes of the mediation proceedings shall not be disclosed to any party
unless authorized by the court of law. Any discussion held or admissions made
therein shall not be used for or against any party in subsequent or other
due to treatment related to physical injuries. It shall not cover for "pain and
suffering" or other explicit non-monetary loss. An award shall bar the patient from
SEC. 9. Prescriptive Period. - The time during which the case is submitted
for mediation shall toll the running of the prescriptive period for the filing of a civil or
criminal case under the Revised Penal Code or any administrative case under
existing laws.
SEC.10. Inclusion In School Curriculum, Licensure Examinations and
Training. - The provisions of this Act shall be considered in the medical and
with the Philippine Medical Association, the Philippine Hospital Association, the
Philippine Institute of Traditional and Alternative Health Care and other concerned
promulgate such rules and regulations as may be necessary for its implementation
within One Hundred Eighty (180) days from the effectivity of this Act.
SEC. 12; Repealing Clause. - All Acts, Executive Orders, Rules and
Regulations, or parts thereof that are inconsistent with the provisions of this Act are
SEC. 13. Effectlvity. - This Act shall take effect fifteen (15) days after the
date of its publication in at least two (2) major newspapers of general circulation.