100 Morks 1 Bonds. 2 Structure. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0: Metallurgy Material
100 Morks 1 Bonds. 2 Structure. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0: Metallurgy Material
100 Morks 1 Bonds. 2 Structure. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0: Metallurgy Material
Answer all questions. Each question carries 3 morks Marks
1 Compare covalent bonds with Ionic bonds. (3)
2 Define atomic packing factor. Calculate the APF for a BCC structure. (3)
9 What is the composition of Maraging steels? Where do Maraging steel find (3)
l0 Which are the common types of ceramics? (3)
Answer ony onefull qaestionfrom eoch module. Eoch question curuies 14 marks
'' Module I
l l What is plastic deformation? Describe the slip and twinning modes of plastic (14)
deformation with simple sketches.
12 What are the miller indices? Explain the procedure fo,r obtaining miller indices (14)
for any crystallographic plane with a suitable example.
Module 2
13 (a) Define dislocations. (4 marks) (14)
(b) With the help of simple sketches differentiate between edge dislocation and
screw dislocation. (10 Marks)
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examination. (5 marks)
(b) Why is metallographic etching done? Describe the main metallographic
etching process' (9 marks)
Modure 3
l5 (a) What is the difference between hardness, hardening process and (14)
hardenability? (6 marks)
'0, (b) What is surface hardening? Compare induction hardening process with
surface diffusion hardening process. (8 marks)
\ 16 With the help of an iron carbon diagram explain the eutectoid, eutectic and (14)
(b) Compare phase transformation hardening with strain hardening. (10 marks)
Module 5
lg (a) Discuss the composition, properties and applications of Metal Matrix (14)
Composites and Ceramic Matrix Composites. (8 marks)
, (b) Define superplasticity. Why superplasticity is needed and what are its areas
of applications? (6 marks)
20 (a) Define creep and sketch the creep curve. (7 marks) (14)
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