Seat Set P
8) The silver and blue coloured bangles are compared to the image of
a) clouds b) mountain mist
c) woodland stream d) clear sky
SLR-CT – 1 -2- *SLRCT1*
10) The speaker of the poem ‘An Irish Airman Foresees his Death’ is a
a) soldier b) policeman c) guard d) cadet
2. Answer any seven of the following questions in two or three sentences each : 14
1) What did Bob and Jimmy agree to do after their dinner together at the restaurant ?
2) What sort of relationship did Bob and Jimmy share ?
3) What is the narrator’s initial opinion of Miss Krishna ?
4) Why did the narrator consider Miss Krishna an annoying guest ?
5) What is intelligence ?
6) What are the merits of artificial intelligence ?
7) Describe the appearance of the man from the West.
8) What did Miss Krishna claim to be the ‘panacea for all her ills’ ?
The four main schools of classical dancing in India are: Bharata Natyam, Kathakali,
Manipuri and Kathak.
Bharata Natyam is the oldest and most popular dance-form of India. Bharata
Natyam developed in the districts of Tanjore and Kanchipuram of Tamil Nadu.
The dancer is directed by the natuvanar, who is a musician and invariably, a
teacher. Another musician plays the cymbals. The music for Bharata Natyam is
the Carnatic School of music. The mridangam (a drum), played on both sides
with the hands, provides the rhythm.
Manipur is the home of Manipuri dance. It has evolved out of the folk dances of
the land, which are religious in nature. Lai Haroba is the oldest dance-drama of
Manipur and is based on folk-lore and mythology. In the Manipuri style of dancing,
the importance is on grace and softness. Besides the singers, the khol, the
manjira and the flute also accompany the dancers.
Kathak has its home in north India. ‘Kathak’ means ‘story-teller’. In ancient times,
the storyteller used gestures and movements while narrating the great epics. In
course of time it became an elaborate art, rich in beautiful movements and facial
expressions. Both men and women perform this dance. Footwork of the dancer
is important in Kathak. A dancer wears anklets with several rows of bells and
skillfully regulates their sound. The sarangi, a string instrument, provides the
music at a Kathak performance.
Set P
Set P
B.Com. (Part – I) (Semester – I) (New CBCS Pattern) Examination, 2018
english (Compulsory)
(Golden Petals)
2. Answer any seven of the following questions in two or three sentences each : 14
1) How did the makers of Charlie Chaplin’s first film feel about the actor’s
performance ?
2) Describe the character of ‘The Little Tramp’, Charlie Chaplin.
3) In what condition was Shanti Tigga found after being kidnapped ?
4) What was Nachiketa hoping to achieve with his journey ?
5) Describe Shanti Tigga as an inspiration figure for women.
6) What was Nachiketa’s third wish ?
7) What kind of review did the anonymous writer give of the film ‘Making a
Living’ ?
8) Why was Yama pleased with Nachiketa ?
Set P
*SLRCT2* -3- SLR-CT – 2
3. A) Answer any two of the following : 8
1) Explain the ‘What’, ‘Why’ and ‘How’ of communication.
2) You did not score well in your class test. Give four possible reasons for this.
3) Give directions to your friend in order to enable him to reach your place
from the town hall.
B) Answer any two of the following : 6
1) ‘I fly above the wind, yet can I not arise’. Explain the line with reference
to context.
2) What is the strife expressed by the poet in the poem ‘I find no peace’.
3) Explain the effect of contrasting images in the poem ‘Success is Counted
Set P
Set P
B.Com. – I (Semester – I) (CBCS) Examination, 2018
Principles of Business Management
SLR-CT – 3 -2- *SLRCT3*
8) In management, organisation means
A) Collective task B) Group task
C) Structural task D) All of the above
9) _________ planning elements is expressed in numerical terms.
A) Objectives B) Budget C) Policies D) Rules
10) The work which manager performs to arrive at conclusion and judgement is
A) Objectives B) Motivation C) Organisation D) Decision making
11) _________ is the systematic and consistent reservation of authority at
central point within an organisation.
A) Responsibility B) Relationship
C) Centralisation D) Decentralisation
12) Authority and _________ are the two sides of the same coin.
A) Discipline B) Responsibility
C) Direction D) Control
13) _________ is deciding in advance, what is to be done.
A) Planning B) Decision-making
C) Organisation D) Controlling
14) Good plan is that plan which consists of
A) Simplicity B) Flexibility C) Balanced D) All of the above
Set P
*SLRCT3* -3- SLR-CT – 3
_amR>r ê$nm§Va
gyMZm : 1) gd© àíZ Amdí`H$ AmhoV.
2) COdrH$S>rb A§H$ nyU© JwU Xe©{dVmV.
1. {Xboë`m n`m©`mVyZ `mo½` n`m©` {ZdS>m. 14
1) {Z`moOZ hr __________ à{H«$`m Amho.
A) gm_mÝ` ~) H$_r ~m¡{ÕH$ H$) ~m¡{ÕH$ S>) darb gd©
2) __________ hr H$bm, emñÌ Am{U noem Amho.
A) g§KQ>Z ~) {Z`moOZ H$) ì`dñWmnZ S>) {Z`§ÌU
3) g§KQ>ZVo rb A{YH$ma, gÎmm nÕVeranUo hñVm§VarV H$aÊ`mMr ì`dñWm åhUOo _________ hmo`.
A) H|$ÐrH$aU ~) {dH|${ÐH$aU H$) l_ {d^mOZ S>) {d^mJrH$aU
4) gd©gmYmaUnUo 5 df©o qH$dm Ë`mhÿZ OmñV H$mbmdYrgmR>r Ho$ë`m OmUmè`m {Z`moOZgm
__________ {Z`moOZ g_Pbo OmVo.
A) Aën H$mbmdYr ~) {XK© H$mbmdYr H$) àmemgH$s` S>) g§nyU©
5) {ZU©` à{H«$`oVrb n{hbr nm`ar __________ hmo`.
A) n`m©`m§Mm emoY KoUo ~) Cnm` `moOZm emoYZo
H$) g_ñ`m g_PmD$Z KoUo S>) darbn¡H$s H$moUVohr Zmhr
6) _________ `m§Zm AmYw{ZH$ ì`dñWmnZmMo OZH$ åhUVmV.
A) hoÝar \o$`m°b ~) S>m°. E\$. S>ãë`y. Q>oba
H$) EëQ>Z _o`mo S>) _°Šg do~a
7) _________ åhUOo XmoZ qH$dm A{YH$ ì`ŠVtÀ`m ghH$m`m©Zo qH$dm gmhM`m©Zo H$m`© H$aÊ`mMr
gwgy{ÌV nÕV hmo`.
A) {Z`moOZ ~) {ZU©` KoUo H$) {Z`§ÌU S>) g§KQ>Z
8) ì`dñWmnZm_Ü`o g§KQ>Z åhUOo __________
A) gm_y{hH$ H$m`© ~) JQ> H$m`© H$) aMZmË_H$ H$m`© S>) darb gd©
9) _________ {Z`moOZmVrb KQ>H$ gm§p»`H$s` ÑpîQ>H$moZmVyZ ì`ŠV Ho$bo OmVmV.
A) C{ÔîQ>o ~) A§XmOnÌH$ H$) YmoaUo S>) {Z`_
Set P
SLR-CT – 3 -4- *SLRCT3*
10) {ZîH$f© d {ZdmS>çmàV `oÊ`mgR>r ì`dñWmnH$ H$arV Agbobo H$m`© åhUOo __________
A) C{ÔîQ>o ~) H$m`©àoaUm H$) g§KQ>Z S>) {ZU©` KoUo
11) g§KQ>Zm A§VJ©V H|$Ðr` q~Xÿda (gÎmm) A{YH$ma nÕVeranUo Am{U gwg§~§Õ ñdê$nmV gwa{jV
R>odUo åhUOo hmo`.
A) O~m~Xmar ~) ZmVog§~§Y H$) H|$ÐrH$aU S>) {dH|$ÐrH$aU
12) A{YH$ma Am{U __________ `m EH$Mm ZmÊ`mÀ`m XmoZ ~mOw AmhoV.
A) {eñV ~) O~m~Xmar H$) {ZX}eZ S>) {Z`§ÌU
13) H$m` H$m_ H$adm`mMo ho AJmoXa {ZpíMV H$aUo åhUOo __________ hmo`.
A) {Z`moOZ ~) {ZU©` KoUo H$) g§KQ>Z S>) {Z`§ÌU
14) Mm§Jbo {Z`moOZ åhUOo Ago {Z`moOZ H$s Á`m_Ü`o __________ AgVo.
A) gmYonUm ~) bd{MH$Vm H$) g§Vw{bVnUm S>) darb gd©
2. Q>rnm {bhm : 14
A) {ZU©` à{H«$`oVrb V§Ìo.
~) aoIm Am{U H$_©Mmar nÕVrMo g§KQ>Z.
3. WmoS>Š`mV CÎmao {bhm : 14
A) {Z`moOZmMo àH$ma.
~) ì`dñWmnZmMr H$m`m©Ë_H$ joÌo ñnîQ> H$am.
4. Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUË`mhr EH$m àíZmMo CÎma {bhm. 14
A) hoÝar \o$`m°b `m§Mr ì`dñWmnZmMr 14 VËdo ñnîQ> H$am.
~) {ZU©` KoUo åhUOo H$m` ? {ZU©` KoÊ`mMr à{H«$`m ñnîQ> H$am.
5. Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUË`mhr EH$m àíZmMo CÎma {bhm. 14
A) g§KQ>Z åhUOo H$m` ? g§KQ>Z à{H«$`oVrb Q>ßno gm§Jm.
~) {Z`moOZ åhUOo H$m` ? {Z`moOZmMr à{H«$`m g{dñVa ñnîQ> H$am.
Set P
Set P
4. A) Anna, Dada and Appa who are partners in a firm and share profit and losses
in the ratio of 2 : 2 : 1 respectively. Decided to sell their firm to a Ganesh
Co. Ltd. 14
Prepare Trading and Profit and Loss A/c and Balance Sheet as on 31.3.2017.
Set P
Set P
B.Com. – I (Semester – I) (CBCS) Examination, 2018
Day and Date : Saturday, 24-3-2018 Max. Marks : 70
Time : 2.30 p.m. to 5.00 p.m.
N. B. : 1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right shows full marks.
3) Draw diagram wherever necessary.
SLR-CT – 5 -2- *SLRCT5*
9) The concept indifference curve is related with the name of
a) Hick and Allen b) Marshall
c) Pigou d) None of these
10) Business Economics is a ________ science.
a) Prescriptive b) General
c) Environmental d) None of these
11) Price income line is also called as _________
a) Demand line b) Supply line
c) Budget line d) None of these
12) Basic concept of indifference curve is firstly profounded by __________
a) Edgeworth b) Dr. Marshall
c) Keynes d) None of these
13) Indifference curves are __________ to the origin.
a) Concave b) Convex c) Parallel d) None of these
14) __________ opinion method is known as Delphi.
a) Expert b) Market
c) Sample d) None of the above
Set P
*SLRCT5* -3- SLR-CT – 5
_amR>r ê$nm§Va
gyMZm : 1) gd© àíZ Amdí`H$.
2) COdrH$S>rb A§H$ Ë`m àíZmMo JwU Xe©{dVmV.
3) `mo½` VoWo gw~H$ AmH¥$Vr H$mT>m.
1. `mo½` n`m©` {ZdS>m : 14
1) _wV ~mOma AW©ì`dñWoV Ûmao _mJUr nwadR>çmV _oi KmVbm OmVmo.
A) qH$_V `§ÌUm ~) IM© `§ÌUm
H$) Z\$m `§ÌUm S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr
2) _wV ~mOma AW©ì`dñWoV hm amOm AgVmo.
A) CËnmXH$ ~) {dH«o$Vm H$) J«mhH$ S>) darb gd©
3) _mJUrMr bd{MH$Vm hr g§H$ënZm `m§À`m Zmdmer g§~§{YV Amho.
A) A°S>_ pñ_W ~) Oo. ~r. go H$) Ho$Ýg S>) S>m°. _me©b
4) Cn`mo{JVm {díbofU `mda AmYm[aV Amho.
A) gr_m§V Cn`mo{JVm ~) A§H$dmMH$ Cn`mo{JVm
H$) H«$_dmMH$ Cn`mo{JVm S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr
5) `m§Zr "_m{O©Zb BH$moZmo{_g²' (à~§YZmMo AW©emñÌ) ho nwñVH$ 1951 _Ü`o
àH$m{eV Ho$bo.
A) _me©b ~) EOdW© H$) JmS>Jri S>) OmoEb S>rZ
6) ~mOma gd}jU hr nÕVr Amho.
A) CËnÝZ nydm©Zw_mZmMr ~) qH$_V nydm©Zw_mZmMr
H$) nwadR>m nydm©Zw_mZmMr S>) _mJUr nydm©Zw_mZmMr
7) aofmH¥$Vr` AmboI nÕVrVrb {dH«$s/_mJUr Xe©{dVmV.
A) ny§Oq~Xy ~) CËnÝZ q~Xy H$) ~mOma q~Xy S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr
8) gr_m§V n`m©`Vm Xa gm_mÝ`Vm OmÊ`mMr àd¥Îmr AgVo.
A) KQ>V ~) dmT>V H$) pñWa S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr
9) "g_d¥Îmr dH«$' hr g§H$ënZm `m§À`m Zmdmer {ZJS>rV Amho.
A) {hH$ Am{U A°bZ ~) _me©b
H$) {nJy S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr
Set P
SLR-CT – 5 -4- *SLRCT5*
10) ì`mdgm{`H$ AW©emñÌ ho emñÌ Amho.
A) _mJ©Xe©H$ ~) gm_mÝ` H$) n`m©daUr` S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr
11) qH$_V-CËnÝZ aofobm Agohr åhUVmV.
A) _mJUr aoofm ~) nwadR>m aofm H$) A§XmOnÌH$ aofm S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr
12) g_d¥Îmr dH«$mMr g§H$ënZm gd© àW_ `m§Zr _m§S>br.
A) EOdW© ~) S>m°. _me©b H$) Ho$Ýg S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr
13) g_d¥Îmr dH«$ ho Ama§^ ñWmZmer AgVmV.
A) A§Vd©H«$ ~) ~{hd©H«$ H$) g_m§Va S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr
14) _VmMr nÕVr S>oë\$s `m ZmdmZo AmoiIbr OmVo.
A) Vkm§À`m ~) ~mOmamÀ`m H$) Z_wZoÀ`m S>) darbn¡H$s Zmhr
2. WmoS>`mV CÎmao {bhm :
A) ì`mdgm{`H$ AW©emñÌmMo ñdê$n. 7
~) Cn`mo{JVm {díbofUmVrb Xmof. 7
3. Q>rnm {bhm :
A) _mJUrÀ`m nydm©Zw_mZmMo _hÎd. 7
~) qH$_V CËnÝZ aofm. 7
4. Imbrbn¡H$s EH$m àíZmMo CÎma {bhm : 14
A) _mJUrÀ`m bd{MH$VoMo àH$ma ñnîQ> H$am.
~) g_d¥Îmr dH«$mMr d¡{eîQ>ço ñnîQ> H$am.
5. Imbrbn¡H$s EH$m àíZmMo CÎma {bhm : 14
A) _wV ~mOma AW©ì`dñWoMr d¡{eîQ>ço ñnîQ> H$am.
~) _mJUrÀ`m nydm©Zw_mZmÀ`m nÕVr {deX H$am.
Set P
No. Set P
B.Com. – I (Semester – I) (CBCS) (Old) Examination, 2018
Day and Date : Monday, 26-3-2018 Max. Marks : 70
Time : 2.30 p.m. to 5.00 p.m.
1. bKwÎmar àíZ : 14
`mo½` n`m©` {ZdS²>Z dmŠ` nwÝhm {bhm :
1) XoemMr CÝZVr H$emda Adb§~yZ Amho Ago amOfu emhÿ _hmamO `m§Zm dmQ>>Vo ?
A) CÚmoJY§Xo ~) eoVr H$) ì`dgm` S>) ZmoH$ar
2) ZmJXodmMm`©Mo M[aÌ Agbob J«§W H$moUVm ?
A) {bimM[aÌ ~) JmoqdXà^yM[aÌ
H$) ñ_¥VrñWi S>) _yVuàH$me
3) {ejUàgmamgmR>r amOfu emhÿ _hmamOm§§Zr {H$Vr dñVrJ¥hmMr ñWmnZm Ho$br ?
A) drg ~) ~mdrg H$) n§Mdrg S>) Vrg
4) "`e§dVamd hmoiH$a' ho ZmQ>H$ H$moUr {bhbo ?
A) {d. dm. {eadmS>H$a ~) à. Ho$. AÌo
H$) `moJramO dmK_mao S>) {d. X. KmQ>o
5) "Hw$gw_mJ«O' `m Q>monZ ZmdmZo H${dVm boIZ H$aUmao H$dr H$moU ?
A) {d. dm. {eadmS>H$a ~) {d. X. KmQ>o
H$) à. H$. AÌo S>) Í`§~H$ ~mnyOr R>m|~ao
6) "JwS>XmUr' `m H$Wmg§J«hmMo boIH$ H$moU ?
A) `moJramO dmK_mao ~) {d. X. KmQ>o
H$) {d.dm. {eadmS>H$a S>) B§X«{OV ^mboamd
SLR-CT – 6 -2- *SLRCT6*
Set P
*SLRCT6* -3- SLR-CT – 6
3. bKwÎmar àíZ : 8
A) WmoS>Š`mV CÎmao {bhm (H$moUVohr XmoZ) :
1) _amR>r _mUgmÀ`m gX²JwUmMr MMm© H$am.
2) B©-H$m°_g©
3) "gm§Jm _mÂ`m ~mnmZ§' `m H${dVoVrb eoVH$è`m§À`m Xþ:ImMo {ddoMZ H$am.
~) g§X^m©gh ñnîQ>rH$aU H$am (H$moUVohr XmoZ) : 6
1) _moadmS>rbm Joë`mda gwIm-g_mYmZmM§ XoD$i C^§ H$arZ _mÂ`m XodmgmR>r.
2) {OH$S>o Omdo {VH$S>o _mPr ^m§dS>o AmhoV
gd©Ì IwUm _mÂ`m KaÀ`m _Obm {XgVmhoV
H$moRohr Om nm`mImbr V¥Umd¥Vm ^y {XgVo
H$moR>ohr Om - SmoB©daVo {XgVo {Zbm~§a Vo
3) gmho~
hd§ Va {Xbob§ n¡g naV ¿`m
nU ZdrZ JmdR>mUmV
_mUwgH$sM§ nod VodT> ~mYyZ Úm... !
4. YaUJ«ñVm§Mr Kwg_Q>, Ë`m§Mr hmoUmar Hw$M§~Um, "JmdR>mU' `m H${dVoV H$er Ambr Amho Vo ñnîQ> H$am. 14
H$m`m©b`rZ nÌì`dhma åhUOo H$m` ? Vo gm§JyZ H$m`m©b`mH$Sy>Z ì`ŠVrbm nmR>{dë`m OmUmè`m nÌmMm
Z_yZm {bhm.
5. "CÐoH$' `m H$WoVyZ gw{e{jV X{bV VéUmÀ`m _ZmodñWmMo {MÌU H$go Ambo Amho Vo ñnîQ> H$am. 14
Set P
No. 5 A J
SLR-CT 7 -2- *SLRCT7*
3. bKwÎmar àíZ :
A) Q>rnm {bhm (H$moUË`mhr XmoZ) : 8
1) AmdH$-OmdH$.
2) "AIoaMo jU' _Yrb H$méÊ`.
3) "na_rQ> ê$_' Mm Ame` ñnîQ> H$am.
~) g§X^m©gh ñnîQ>rH$aU (H$moUVohr XmoZ) : 6
1) "AmnU kmZrhr ìhm d ehmUohr ìhm'.
2) "Kma qhS>Vo AmH$mer Pmn Kmbr {nëbmnmer'.
3) "_mZgm _mZgm H$Yr ìherZ _mZyg'.
4. eoVr gwYmaÊ`mÀ`m ~m~VrV _hmË_m \w$bo `m§Zr gwM{dbobo D$nm` {deX H$am. 14
Om{hamVrMo KQ>H$ gmoXmhaU ñnîQ> H$am.
5. "A_¥VmMo Hw§$^' _YyZ `ed§Vamd MìhmU `m§Zr àH$Q> Ho$bobo qMVZ Vw_À`m eãXmV {bhm. 14
Set P
Seat Set P
Set P
*SLRCT8* -3- SLR-CT – 8
"nmoñQ>a Am¡a AmX_r' H${dVm H$m ^mdmW© ñnîQ> H$s{OE&
5. "ê$nm H$s AmOr' H$m M[aÌ-{MÌU H$s{OE& 14
Set P
Seat Set
No. P
„ ђ
14 ╒ ε
: Ẁ یŅá µŬı Ņ بı اı ظı ↑ دل اĿ .í
Ü دµŬ ţ µ ı __________ µ ı Ů ∂ل آџ š
W( ˘ HIJ
( Šї زı┼Y ا PQэ S¨ دťU ņ ĩڈ ıMآد¨ رņ ĩڈ ţB Ł ) Ł EF اŞ ņ)ڈ
^_ Яū i
ÜıZ[ رı Z˜اá şї ōa
≤šc şї dŅ Še h ق اť ____________ ª&' آد (ï
( ª «ʼn s ءĩʼnpq ءı╜اد ءıEl m )
z{ x
Ü > ıŨı ıZ▲ ∂ ____________ ~ dŅ šc Šدʼn ا«رı} رšc ŝ Â ª 0v šc Ņw (ð
Ņ ļʼnq ¨ ĩدı ╜ Ł ^)
▤ Ο [ ▲u ė u
Ü> ı ņ ţ ↨ ţ Ť Ņ š رı ^ d _________
Ũ (ñ
(IJ( ı) Ş IJ( ı ) P IJ( ı) ĩزʼn# ţB Ł ) Ş )
SLR-CT – 9 -2- *SLRCA7*
(ąاv šˇ ↓ دS ا Ş ım ı ¯ ڑš±)
Β »¼ Z[
Ü> ĆدŅ Ņ@ʼnA ı __________ ąšº µŮ''¶ یP ώ¸ Ŭ آŝ v ĊŅ@ ¹ '' (ó
(ţuıġ ŠÅ µ اÆ سʼnǽ ریı╒i Ćı¨ Ł EF ا ŜΟŲ Ī اĴ(ʼn ĩزʼn# ąı Ł EF اŁ АS ō¾)
Üı^ ¤ _________ا بÆ ĩرı} ↨ŵ اd Ґ (ô
(ªı ŠI ≤ıZ پı╜)
▲. 8
Ü > اÌ ŗ̄ı¨ ¤ ¨ıŬ _________ +š, ı / ª&źı 1ƒ اţ.ı 4ˇ Š7 µ9 ا: (õ
(Šї ıÔ¼ ţń یŁ ΟÖ×ё دلĆرæ ıŦ Ó ŜыS µ^˛ ĴSد šˇ Ŝы)آ
˘ HIJ (
(ţB Ł ) Ş ریı╒i سʼnǽ ąı Ł EF اŁ АS ō¾ ţuıġ ŠÅ µ اÆ)
Ü> _________ Ýšº یʼnpq « اردť^Þ ı لÊ↑Üĩ µťm (íí
еź Ġ
( ءĩ درŜŬı╜ زı┼ã ąıار ŝ á┼ ı ╜ دیÆ رĩō¾)ا
Β èˇ
Ü> ĆدŅ Ņ@ ʼnA = _________ Ş µŮ '' ª æ ç یP şї ↕ رå '' (íî
(PÊġ Ê ↑Üĩ زÊı┼u ŔÊ )
(دیı╜ آᣠاPÊġ زÈ اšˇ ĆŁ ΝŲ µ اÆ È «ōa ñ P ا Ćı ¨ IJí© ¶ Ĭ)
Set P
*SLRCA7* -3- SLR-CT – 9
Í ıZ[ ر¤ IJМŶ Ņ▣ ő šc ªš±∑
¼ (í
Í şї ı ķ
Ŀ šc
¼ Śı¼ ĊŁ m « ţ.0 0 (î
ė Ź
Í şї џ ı ∂ آپşї Ċرı╜ ţB Ł ) Ş ņ ĩڈ (ï
Ε q
ї Z ¨ıŬ ª«رĩدŅ ''زیı╜ = ļ
ÜẀ ʼn '' (ô
Set P
SLR-CT – 9 -4- *SLRCA7*
/ ė
> ا بv µŬ Â > Ş « µŬ Â şї 9 şї ∫ رı";
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Set P
*SLRCA7* -5- SLR-CT – 9
Ņ@ʼnAΒ ∂لñ یŇʼn# ı '' µ)Ο «در رıî ¨ťU '' Şèˇ
ÜẀ (ï
Ε q
Ł ΝЭEl î µ)ť ı '' زیı╜ = ļ
14 ÜẀ ʼn ''µŬ ıW ê ا ìñ
Set P
*SLRCT10* SLR-CT – 10
No. Set P
B.Com. – I (Semester – I) (CBCS) Examination, 2018
Principles of Marketing
Day and Date : Monday, 26-3-2018 Max. Marks : 70
Time : 2.30 p.m. to 5.00 p.m.
_amRr ê$nm§Va
gyMZm : 1) gd© àíZ Amdí`H$ AmhoV.
2) COdrH$S>rb A§H$ JwU Xe©{dVmV.
1. {Xboë`m n`m©`mVyZ `mo½` n`m©` {ZdSy>²Z dmŠ` nwÝhm {bhm : 14
1) {dnUZmÀ`m _________ g§H$ënZoV {dnUZ{df`H$ gd© à`ËZ J«mhH$ H|$ÐrV AgVmV.
A) na§namJV ~) AmYw{ZH$ H$) àmMrZ S>) Eo{Vhm{gH$
2) "~mOma' `m g§koMr ì`wËnÎmr _________ ^mfoVrb eãXmnmgyZ Pmbr Amho.
A) g§ñH¥$V ~) n{e©`Z H$) b°Q>rZ S>) _amR>r
3) g_mOmgmR>r amhUr_mZmMr {Z{_©Vr H$aUo d Ë`m§Mo àXmZ H$aUo åhUOo _________ hmo`.
A) CËnmXZ ~) {dnUZ H$) {dÎmnwadR>m S>) {Z`moOZ
4) g§nyU© ~mOmanoR>oMo bhmZ ^mJ nmhUo åhUOo _________ hmo`.
A) ~mOmanoR> {d^mOZ ~) ~mOmanoR> {díbofU
H$) ~mOmanoR> {deofrH$aU S>) ~mOmanoR> à_mUrH$aU
5) {dnUZ H$m`m©da d {dnUZ ì`dñWmnZmÀ`m j_Voda n[aUm_ H$aUmè`m gd© KQ>H$m§Mr Jmoi>m~oarO
åhUOo _________ hmo`.
A) {dnUZ {Z`moOZ ~) {dnUZ g§emoYZ
H$) {dnUZ n`m©daU S>) {dnUZ g§H$ënZm
6) {dnUZ {_lUmVrb _________ hm KQ>H$ g§ñWobm CËnÝZ {_ùdyZ XoVmo.
A) dñVy ~) qH$_V H$) d¥Õr S>) {R>H$mU
7) dñVy OrdZMH«$mMr {Vgar AdñWm _________ er {ZJS>rV Amho.
A) àdoe ~) n[anŠdVm H$) dmT> S>) èhmg
8) J«mhH$ Á`m dñVyM§ r dma§dma Vm~CVmo~ Am{U H$_rV H$_r n[al_mV IaoXr H$aVmo Ë`m§Zm _________
dñVy åhUVmV.
A) gmoB©À`m ~) gm¢X`m©À`m H$) d¡{eîQ>çnyU© S>) M¡ZrÀ`m
9) _________ ~mOmanoR>oVrb ~hþVoH$ ì`dhma gQ²>Q>o²~mOrMo AgVmV.
A) amoI ~) ñWm{ZH$ H$) Ag§KQ>rV S>) ^{dî`
10) ~moYZm_mMr ZmoX§Ur H$ê$Z YoUo _________ Amho.
A) A{Zdm`© ~) ~§YZH$maH$ H$) Amdí`H$ S>) EopÀN>H$
Set P
SLR-CT – 10 -4- *SLRCT10*
11) dñVy{df`r {d{eîR> H$mbmdYr_Yrb {dH«$s d Z\$`mMr àd¥Îmr Xe©{dUmao gd©gmYmaU à{V_mZ
åhUOo _________ hmo`.
A) ì`mnma MH«$ ~) dñVy OrdZMH«$
H$) {H$_§VMH«$ S>) _mJUr MH«$
12) h_r H$mbmdYrV dñVyMr "_mo\$V-godm d XoI^mb' ho _________ CXmhaU Amho.
A) {dH«$snyd© godm ~) {dH«$`moÎma godm H$) IaoXr S>) {dH«$s
13) gmYmaUnUo d¡{eîQ>nyU© dñVyÀ`m {H$_§Vr _________ AgVmV.
A) H$_r ~) CÀM H$) _Ü`_ S>) dmOdr
14) _________ hr {dnUZmMr _Ü`dVu g§H$ënZm Amho.
A) {d{Z_` ~) {dH«$s H$) Z\$m {_i{dUo S>) OmhramV
2. WmoS>Š`mV CÎmao {bhm :
1) gyú_ n`m©daUmMo KQ>H$ ñnîQ> H$am. 7
2) dñVy AmdoîQ>ZmMr ^y{_H$m ñnîQ> H$am. 7
3. WmoS>Š`mV CÎmao {bhm :
1) dñVy OrdZMH«$mÀ`m AdñWm ñnîQ> H$am. 7
2) ^m¡Jmo{bH$ joÌmÀ`m AmYmao ~mOmanoR>oMo dJuH$aU ñnîQ> H$am. 7
4. Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUË`mhr EH$m àíZmMo CÎma {bhm. 14
1) dñVyÀ`m {H$_§Vrda n[aUm_ H$aUmao {d{dY KQ>H$ gm§Jm.
2) Cn^mo½` dñVy åhUOo H$m` ? Cn^mo½` dñVyMo àH$ma ñnîQ> H$am.
5. Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUË`mhr EH$m àíZmMo CÎma {bhm. 14
1) {dnUZmMr ì`m»`m Úm. {dnUZmMo _hÎd WmoS>Š`mV ñnîQ> H$am.
2) ~mOmanoR> {d^mOZ åhUOo H$m` ? ~mOmanoR> {d^mOZmMo AmYma gm§Jm.
Set P
*SLRCT11* SLR-CT – 11
Seat Set P
Set P
*SLRCT11* -3- SLR-CT – 11
Set P
*SLRCT12* SLR-CT – 12
Seat Set P
B.Com. – I (Semester – I) (CBCS Pattern) Examination, 2018
8) The simple interest on ` 5,000 for two years at 10% p.a. is _______
a) 500 b) 1,000 c) 6,050 d) 550
9) In skew symmetric matrix, all diagonal elements are equal to ______
a) 0 b) 1 c) – 1 d) none of these
⎡2 4⎤
10) If A = ⎢ , then 6A = __________
⎣3 5 ⎥⎦
1 0 0
14) 0 0 0 = _____________
0 0 1
a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) None of these
⎡5 2⎤
⎡2 3 2⎤ ⎡8 ⎤
2. a) If A = ⎢ , B = ⎢2 1⎥ and C = ⎢9⎥ then find (AB)C. 7
⎣2 1 3⎥⎦ ⎢ ⎥ ⎣ ⎦
⎢⎣ 1 7⎥⎦
⎡2 1⎤ ⎡1 1⎤
A = ⎢1 3 ⎥ and B = ⎢3 1⎥
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥. 7
⎢⎣3 2⎥⎦ ⎢⎣ 1 2⎥⎦
Set P
*SLRCT12* -3- SLR-CT – 12
= 17, 1≤x≤3
= 9x + 4, 3 < x ≤ 7.
⎡2 0 2⎤
⎢0 −1 0⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎢⎣5 0 6⎥⎦
Min z = 9x + 5y
3x + 2y ≤ 6
x + 2y ≥ 2
3x + y ≥ 3 and
x ≥ 0, y ≥ 0.
ii) Find the rate of compound interest in which ` 5,000 will amount to
` 8,000 in 4 years. 4
Set P
SLR-CT – 12 -4- *SLRCT12*
3x + 4 + z = 15
5x + 2y – z = 5
x + y + z = 7.
ii) Solve : 4
x−2 0 9
3 1 0 =0
0 5 3
Set P
No. 5 A J
1. Choose the correct alternative from given alternatives and rewrite the sentence : 14
1) Life Insurance is a contract between _________
a) Insured and Insured b) Insured and Insurer
c) Insurer and Insurer d) None of these
2) _________ passed in the year 1938.
a) Insurance Act b) Company Act
c) Crop Insurance Act d) None of these
3) _________ is the exception to the principle of indemnity.
a) Fire Insurance b) Marine Insurance
c) Life Insurance d) Accident Insurance
4) _________ is working as middleman between Insurance policy holder and
Insurance company.
a) Debtor b) Creditor c) Money lender d) Insurance agent
5) _________ days of grace are allowed for quarterly premium.
a) 30 b) 15 c) 60 d) 45
6) A licence for Insurance Agent is granted for _________ years.
a) One b) Two c) Three d) Five
7) It is expected that Insured should give _________ in insurance proposal form.
a) Social information b) Financial information
c) National information d) Material information
8) In Life Insurance after death of Insured the amount of contract is given to _____
a) Nominee b) Relative c) Wife d) Son
SLR-CT 13 -2- *SLRCT137*
14) Crop Insurance Scheme was started by the Central Government in the year _______
a) 1975 b) 1985 c) 1995 d) 2005
_amR>r ê$nm§Va
gyMZm : 1) gd© àíZ Amdí`H$ AmhoV.
2) COdrH$S>rb A§H$ àíZmMo nyU© JwU Xe©{dVmV.
1. Imbrb {Xboë`m n`m©`mVyZ `mo½` n`m©` {ZdS>m d dm` nwÝhm {bhm : 14
1) Am`w{d©_m hm ________ `m§À`mVrb H$ama Amho.
A) {d_oXma d {d_oXma ~) {d_oXma d {d_mH§$nZr
H$) {d_mH§$nZr d {d_mH§$nZr S>) darbn¡H$s Zmhr
2) ________ 1938 gmbr g§_V Pmbm.
A) {d_m H$m`Xm ~) H§$nZr H$m`Xm H$) {nH${d_m H$m`Xm S>) darbn¡H$s Zmhr
3) ________ hm hmZr^aU VÎdmbm AndmX g_Obm OmVmo.
A) Ap½Z {d_m ~) gmJar {d_m H$) Am`w{d©_m S>) AnKmV {d_m
4) {d_oXma d {d_mH§$nZr `m XmoKmV _Ü`ñW åhUyZ ________ H$m`© H$aVmo.
A) F$UH$mo ~) YZH$mo H$) gmdH$ma S>) {d_m à{V{ZYr
5) {V_mhr {d_mhßVm nÕVr_Ü`o ________ gdbVrMo {Xdg {Xbo OmVmV.
A) 30 ~) 15 H$) 60 S>) 45
6) {d_m à{V{ZYrbm ì`dgm` nadmZm ________ dfm©gmR>r _§Oya Ho$bm OmVmo.
A) EH$ ~) XmoZ H$) VrZ S>) nmM
7) {d_m àñVmd AOm©V {d_oXmamZo ________ XoUo Ano{jV Amho.
A) gm_m{OH$ _m{hVr ~) Am{W©H$ _m{hVr
H$) amîQ´>r` _m{hVr S>) dñVw{ZîR> _m{hVr
8) Am`w{d©å`mV {d_oXmamMm _wXVrnydu _¥Ë`y Pmbm Va H$amamMr aH$_ Ë`mÀ`m ________ {Xbr
A) dmagmg ~) ZmVodmB©H$ H$) nËZr S>) _wbJm
9) ________ ho H$mhr _moOH$Wm bmoH$m§Zm hmoUmao ZwH$gmZ AZoH$m§À`m_Ü`o {d^mJÊ`mMo gmYZ
A) {d_m ~) J§wVdUyH$ H$) ^m§S>db S>) darbn¡H$s Zmhr
Set P
SLR-CT 13 -4- *SLRCT137*
Set P
*SLRCT14* SLR-CT – 14
Set P
B.Com. – I (Semester – I) (CBCS Pattern) Examination, 2018
Geography (Opt.)
Economic and Commercial Geography
Economic Geography – I
Set P
SLR-CT – 14 -4- *SLRCT14*
11) __________ `m I{ZOm nmgyZ A°by{_Z_ V`ma Ho$bo OmVo.
a) XJS>r H$moigm b) _±JZrO c) ~m°ŠgmB©Q> d>) Vm§~o
12) __________ ho CÀMà{VMo bmohI{ZO Amho.
a) _°½ZoQ>mB©Q> b) ho_oQ>mB©Q> c) {b_moZmB©Q> d>) {gS>oamB©Q>
13) __________ `m§Zr CX²`moJY§X²`mMm ñWm{ZH$sH$aUmMm {gÕm§V _m§S>bm.
a) do~a b) doJZma c) pñ_W d>) {kå_a_Z
14) bmohI{ZO CËnmXZmV __________ `m amÁ`mMm ^maVmV n{hbm H«$_m§H$ bmJVmo.
a) amOñWmZ b) JwOamV c) _hmamîQ´> d>) Amo[agm
Set P
No. 5 A J
3) Werner von Braun advised Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam to make rocketry his
mission and
2) Believers of god
SLR-CT 15 -2- *SLRCT15*
7) ________ violation has created more deaths and more human misery than
have all the weapons of mass destruction.
Set P
*SLRCT15* -3- SLR-CT 15
2) What is an Email ?
Set P
*SLRCT16* SLR-CT – 16
Set P
2. Answer the following questions in two or three sentences each (any seven) : 14
1) What are our duties towards a neighbour ?
2) Who is a neighbour, according to the author ?
3) What can be assumed from a tiger leaving his kill in the open ?
4) What are the usual methods one employs to stifle a cough ?
5) In what way is the school similar to the student’s home ?
6) What are the three mechanical devices used to avoid people, as discussed
in ‘Letter to a Teacher’ ?
7) What circle, according to the author, do neighbours form ?
8) Write a note on the system of education presented in ‘Letter to a teacher’.
Set P
*SLRCT16* -3- SLR-CT – 16
Set P
Seat Set P
_amR>r ê$nm§Va
gyMZm : 1) gd© àíZ Amdí`H$ AmhoV.
2) COdrH$S>rb A§H$ nyU© JwU Xe©{dVmV.
1. {Xboë`m n`m©`mn¡H$s `mo½` n`m©` {ZdSm. 14
1) Zâ`mV gh^mJ ho H$m`©àoaUoMo ____________ gmYZ Amho.
A) Am{W©H$ ~) ZH$mamË_H$
H$) Am{W©Ho$Va S>) Am{W©H$ d ZH$mamË_H$
2) ____________ åhUOo nañnam§À`m C{ÔîQ>mÀ§ `m nyVV© go mR>r ñdoÀN>Zo o à`ËZ H$amdoV åhUyZ bmoH$m§Zm
à^m{dV H$aÊ`mMr j_Vm hmo`.
A) H$m`©àoaUm ~) ZoV¥Ëd H$) g§XoedhZ S>) {Z`§ÌU
3) ____________ hr EH$ à{H«$`m AgyZ Ë`mV dV©_mZ H$mimVrb H¥$VrMo _yë`m§H$Z Ho$bo OmV
AgyZ ^{dî`H$m{bZ C{ÔîQ>o g\$b H$aÊ`mgmR>r _mJ©Xe©Z Ho$bo OmVo.
A) {Z`moOZ ~) g§XoedhZ H$) {Z`§ÌU S>) H$m`©àoaUm
4) _m{hVr, H$ënZm, _Vo, {dMma, ^mdZm `m§Mr XmoZ qH$dm A{YH$ ì`Vr_Ü`o hmoUmar XodmU-
KodmU åhUOo ____________ hmo`.
A) ZoV¥Ëd ~) {Z`§ÌU H$) H$m`©àoaUm S>) g§XoedhZ
5) ____________ `m àH$maMo ì`mdgm{`H$ nÌ doi Am{U IMm©V ~MV H$aVo.
A) gmXarH$aU ~) Ahdmb H$) B©-_ob S>) _o_mo
6) A{^àoaUm hr H$_©Mmè`m§Mr ____________ pñWVr Amho.
A) _mZ{gH$ ~) d¡`pVH$ H$) gm_m{OH$ S>) Am{W©H$
7) ZoV¥Ëd hr ____________ à{H«$`m Amho.
A) ~m¡{ÕH$ ~) _mZ{gH$ H$) emar[aH$ S>) Am{W©H$
8) g§Xoe XoUmè`m ì`Vrbm ____________ Ago åhUVmV.
A) g§XoeXmVm ~) g§XoeàmßVH$Vm© H$) g§Xoe _mÜ`_ S>) g§Xoe {H«$`m
9) nQ>© [PERT] `m V§ÌmMr gwédmV A_o[aHo$V ____________ gmbr H$aÊ`mV Ambr.
A) 1900 ~) 1960 H$) 1958 S>) 2000
Set P
SLR-CT 17 -4- *SLRCT17*
______________ Set P
*SLRCT18* SLR-CT – 18
Seat Set P
Purchases 10,000 –
Return Inward 500 –
Sales – 40,000
Return to H.O. – 200
Salaries 3,500 –
Debtors 5,750 –
Creditors – 6,000
Cash at bank 1,500 –
Carriage inward 75 –
Bad debts 50 –
Allowances to customers 100 –
Bills receivable 2,000 –
H.O. current account – 2,575
Rent and taxes 300 –
Total Rs. 48,775 48,775
Adjustments :
1) Stock on 31.12.2016 was Rs. 4,500.
2) Provide depreciation Rs. 1,000 on machinery the account of which has been
kept in the books of H.O.
3) Goods supplied by branch on 15.12.2016 to H.O. worth Rs. 2,000 were received
by H.O. on 5.01.2017.
4. Manmohan of Delhi consigned 200 bales of paper to Sharad of Baramati on
08.11.2016. The cost price was Rs. 500 per bale but the consignment invoice
was made out at figure to show a profit of 50% on invoice price. Shri Sharad
reported that he had sold 3/4 of the consignment at a profit of 60% on sales and
incurred Rs. 2,500 by way of freight charges and also Rs. 7,500 by way of
godown rent Manmohan spent Rs. 6,000 as expense in dispatching goods.
Shri Sharad was entitled to a commission of 5% on sales and 3% of net proceeds
(i.e. sales less commission and his expenses) as bonus. On 31.12.2016
Shri Sharad sent a bank draft for the amount due. Show ledger accounts in
books of Consignor. 14
5. From the following information prepare trading and profit and loss account and
Balance Sheet for the year ended on 31.3.2017 :
Particulars 1.4.2016 31.3.2017
Sundry debtors 1,24,000 2,00,000
Sundry creditors 90,000 76,000
Rent payable 4,500 5,600
Set P
SLR-CT – 18 -4- *SLRCT18*
Cash 10,500 ?
Stock 1,25,000 1,80,000
Machinery 50,000 1,50,000
Cash receipts :
Cash sales Rs. 2,10,000, Collection from debtors Rs.1,80,000
Cash payments :
Purchase of plant Rs.1,00,000 Cash purchases Rs. 50,000
Payment to creditors Rs. 94,000 Drawings Rs.30,000
Trade expenses Rs.16,000 Salary Rs.24,000
Rent Rs.12,100
Discount allowed to customers Rs. 2,000
Depreciate machinery by 10%.
5. Following figures are extracted from the books of Notebandi Stores Ltd :
Particulars Department A Department B Department C
Rs. Rs. Rs.
Purchases 2,00,000 3,00,000 5,00,000
Purchase return 10,000 15,000 20,000
Sales 6,20,000 12,25,000 15,30,000
Sales return 20,000 25,000 30,000
Wages 50,000 60,000 70,000
Stock on 1.1.2016 60,000 70,000 80,000
Stock on 31.12.2016 90,000 80,000 70,000
Goods transferred from A Department to B department Rs. 10,000 and to
C department Rs. 20,000
Goods transferred from B Department to C department Rs. 15,000 and to
A department Rs. 25,000
Goods transferred from C Department to A department Rs. 12,000 and to
B department Rs. 24,000 :
1) Following expenses to be allocated equally :
Salaries Rs. 1,20,000, Telephone charges Rs. 45,000, Administration expenses
Rs. 60,000.
2) Rent Rs. 3,00,000 to be allocated as A – 1/4, B – 1/4 and C – 1/2.
3) Other expenses – Discount allowed Rs. 1,10,000, insurance for goods
Rs. 48,000, income tax Rs. 1,00,000. Legal expenses Rs. 25,000.
Prepare departmental trading and profit and loss account in columnar form and
also prepare general profit and loss account. 14
Set P
*SLRCT19* SLR-CT – 19
Seat Set P
B.Com. – I (Semester – II) (CBCS) Examination, 2018
_amRr ê$nm§Va
gyMZm : 1) gd© àíZ Amdí`H$ AmhoV.
2) COdrH$S>rb A§H$ Ë`m àíZmMo nyU© JwU Xe©{dVmV.
3) `mo½` VoWo gw~H$ AmH¥$Vr H$mT>m.
Set P
5 A J
S e a t
N o .
4. `ed§Vamd MìhmU `m§Zr Amnë`m OrdZmVrb Amem- {ZameoMo jU H$em àH$mao gm§{JVbo AmhoV ? 14
X{bV ñÌrÀ`m Xw:ImMo dU©Z Á`moVr bm§Oodma `m§Zr H$em àH$mao {M{ÌV Ho$bo Amho ?
5. `eñdr CÚmoJnVr åhUyZ "~mbM§X' `m§Mo {MÌU AaqdX VmQ>Ho$ `m§Zr H$em àH$mao Ho$bo Amho ? 14
Set P
*SLRCT21* SLR-CT – 21
No. Set P
B.Com. – I (Semester – II) (CBCS) New Examination, 2018
marathi (Comp.)
Day and Date : Monday, 26-3-2018 Max. Marks : 70
Time : 10.30 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.
Set P
*SLRCT21* -3- SLR-CT – 21
~) bKwÎmar àíZ: g§X^m©gh ñnîQ>rH$aU (H$moUVohr XmoZ) : 6
1) AYo_Yo KamH$S>§ `oV Om;
nmÌ H$moaS>§ Agb Var
Vo M§Ð^mJoM§ Amho
EdT>§ _ZmV Agy Xo.
2) ""na Ë`mbm ~{JVë`m~amo~a P|Sy>M \w$Q>bm ~Km ! Am§Jbm XaXéZ Km_ \w$Q>bm ! Am§J bmS²>
bmS²> hmbm` bmJb§ Vmo§S>mZ§ X_ KoVm B©Zmgm Pmb''
3) g§V OoUo ìhmdo & OJ ~mobZo ghmdo &&
V[aM A§Jm WmoanU & VWm Zmhr A{^_mZ &&
4. "Ho$di _mPm gøH$S>m' `m H${dVoMm Ame` ñnîQ> H$am. 14
gyÌg§MbZ H$aUmè`m ì`ŠVrH$S>o H$moU-H$moUVo JwU AgmdoV Vo g{dñVa {bhm.
5. Xod Ymdbm Xod nmdbm "hr H$Wm J«m_rU g_mOmVë`m n[adV©ZmMm doY KoUmar H$Wm Amho' `m {dYmZmMo
ñnîQ>rH$aU H$am. 14
Set P
*SLRCT22* SLR-CT – 22
No. Set P
B.Com. – I (Semester – II) (CBCS) Examination, 2018
hindi compulsory
Sahitya Sudha Aur Vyavaharik Hindi
Day and Date : Monday, 26-3-2018 Max. Marks : 70
Time : 10.30 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.
SLR-CT – 22 -2- *SLRCT22*
9) {dídmg, ________ Am¡a gmhg gw^ÐmOr Ho$ OrdZ Ho$ gmWr aho &
1) gwI 2) AmZ§X 3) ào_ 4) Iwer
10) ________ gmb ~mX
_¢ AnZo - Amngo EH$ gdmb H$aVm h±y &
1) Xg 2) ~rg 3) Vrg 4) Mmbrg
11) ""N>ßn‹S> \$mS> H$a XoZm'' _whmda| H$m ghr AW© h¡ ________ &
1) nH$S> boZm 2) de _| hmoZm
3) A{YH$ ÑîQ> hmoZm 4) {~Zm _ohZV Ho$ {_bZm
12) ""{XZ B©X amV e~amV'' bmoH$mopŠV H$m ghr AW© h¡ ________ &
1) {ZpíMV g_` Z hmoZm 2) WmoS>r Xoa H$m gwI
3) gXm gwI hmoZm 4) _yI© ì`pŠV S>a go H$m_ H$aVm h¡
13) {OZ dUm] H$m Cƒma ñdV§Ì ê$n go hmoVm h¡, CÝh| ________ H$hVo h¡ &
1) ñda 2) ì`§OZ 3) AZwñdma 4) {dgJ©
14) dUm] Ho$ g_wXm` H$mo ________ H$hVo h¡ &
1) AZwdmX 2) {d^pŠV 3) dmŠ` ew{ÕH$aU 4) dU©_mbm
3. A) {ZåZ{b{IV AdVaUm| _o§ go {H$Ýht Xmo H$s gg§X^© ì`m»`m H$s{OE & 8
1) ""^yb JE h_ OrdZ H$m g§Xoe AZída,
_¥VH$m| Ho$ h¢ _¥VH$, Or{dVm| H$m h¡ B©ída ?''
2) ""_mB© gm±dao a§J amMr && Q>oH$ &&
gmO qgJma ~m±Y nJ K±yKa, bmoH$bmO VO UmMr &''
3) ""gwI ^ao gwZhbo ~mXb,
ahVo h¢ _wPH$m| Koao&''
Am) {ZåZ{b{IV {H$Ýht Xmo àíZm| Ho$ CÎma g§jon _| {b{IE & 6
1) _ram~mB© AnZo {à`V_ H¥$îU H$mo nÌ {bIZo _| Š`m| Ag_W© h¡ ?
2) gw^d«mOr Ho$ OrdZ gmWr Ho$ Zm_ ~VmBE &
3) "~rg gmb ~mX' H${dVm _| Yy{_b Zo H$m¡Z-H$m¡Z gr ~mVm| na H$amam ì`§½` {H$`m h¡ ?
_ram Ho$ nXm| _| {M{ÌV {dah ^md H$mo àñVwV H$s{OE &
5. ""gOm'' H$hmZr Ho$ _mÜ`_ go Qy>Q>Vo-{~IaVo n[adma H$m dU©Z H$s{OE & 14
Set P
*SLRCT23* SLR-CT – 23
Set P
Prose, Poetry and Communication
Day and Date: Monday, 26-3-2018 Max. Marks : 70
Time : 10.30 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.
N.B. : 1) All questions are compulsory.
2) All questions carry equal marks.
▤ „ ђ !
14 ε
: Ẁ یŅá µŬ ı Ņ بı╒ اı ظı ↑ دل اĿ .í
Ü ( Ś*+ - __________ '' دلĆرıŦ ''' (í
NH H 6 е+┼Ġ ˘
(KÊıL Šї £ ıPQ ا ţBÊıDˇ ŠG µI اJ ŀ ŝ اŁ Ј= ¨?ʼnA ţ/ Ł 2 Ł 34 اŁ А6)ر
▲B S+
Ü ( ¨ ť W šY یʼn[\ ı __________ '' Ş بōU'' (î
(őÊ _ اb _ÊDˇ لÊ↑^ ا KÊıL)
dˇ Β B
Ü ( Ş رšefg ĆدŅ Ņhʼni - ____________ '' µb ıŬ ţ '' آد (ï
( لÊ ↑^ ا őÊ _ اb KÊıL _ÊDˇ )
l n
Ü ∂ سı Ŧ ą ı║„gĩ ı Ü Ċ اÜ řQ اz k دļı «Ł Νq r ____________ (ð
4 }~ ˘
( ی ∂ء ال دšQš Š} Ņ اŝ е یšQš ≡ Êĩ دª ∂g ţ/ Ł 2 Ł 34 اŁ А6)ر
˛ l
Ņ ıņ▤ µ* « śŨ Ćت دس ∂ رĩ رşї k دŁ ┼g ŗıI _________
ÜŤ (ñ
4 }~
(≡ ĩÊ دª∂g Š} Ņ اŝ е یšQš Ł ی ∂ ء اšQš)
SLR-CT – 23 -2- *SLRCT23*
¥¦ §¨ ª S+ ¢ Ǿ
ÜẄ ıI şї ţ© __________ - اس²ı I µŬ ª ∟ رšˇıI µΚ ıŮ Ş Ņ Ņ Ņ▣ ≡ ↓«Ł Νq (ò
¸¹ ޺»Ų  ·
Ü( ∂ ∂ z __________ Śγ¦ µ¿À~ µŮ '' · ź ıʼn± µŬ ≡ ĩ رš² ώ▲B Ņ ≡ı╜ ōјB ĩ''زر (ó
( شťŨ - ↓ دáا Ċ∂ رŵ ( ώ◄ IJ şї ŠÅ« Æ
Ç ا ≤ť¦ ıŮد ≤ı Ŧ رı ¯ )
( şї دلĊرı3Ê }↨ اب- Ì«ʼn± ōÍ (ô
Ü ( ĆدŅ Ņhʼni ı _________ ʼn[\ Îı╜ µIرŁ Νg Ü ( şї ŝ ıÏ ²«زı╜ ÐоÒ ↨ ( ز«رÓÔÕد
Àż +
(ŝ دı¦Ņ▤ ¨ĩر یšˇ Šї Ņ ʼnÚÊı¦ دیı╜ آĿ شÊÙ ōÖıŬ ¨ĩ ر¥šκ¦)
Ü( Ş رšefg - _________ ''ĴÝÞQ - ţBťß '' (õ
М М Àż
(یšˇ ∂áŅ ʼnÚÊı¦ Ŕ Ł 34 اŔ ōÖıŬ ¨ĩ ر¥šκ¦ ŝ Ê دı¦Ņ▤ ¨ĩ)ر
Ü( Ş äšå śŮ ا- _________ ''رĩ دŅhšãǾ '' (íì
(لÊ↑^ ا őÊ _ اb KÊıL _Ê Dˇ)
Ü اŗ̄ıé z ¨ıŬ _________ W šY یʼn[\ « اردť§æ ı ا ^↑ لµb ťç (íí
ź ▲ë
(ءĩ درŜŬ ı╜ زı┼î ąıïار ŝ е ì í لı ╜ Ş رšê)ز
Ξ 3dˇ ż
Ü şї - ŕД şї _________ ŝ ŝÊÀ دı¦Ņ▤ ¨ĩر (íî
(Šї رı ¯ تı ¦ õ ıŦ)
Ü ( ∫ ıI ţ© دz ʼnùˇ - śé _________ ş+ اşї ŠÅ« Æ
Ç ا (íï
Set P
*SLRCT23* -3- SLR-CT – 23
Í ( ıŨ Ś z Šš² دĩʼn اĴ=ı 3~ یʼn آ- قıþ= (í
Йg ▤ Q = 3~ Я Ũ
Í( ŝ Ņ ª š š Š Ĵ ı یō - قı þ = (î
Í şї џ دª z ¨ زť ≡ ↓ « Ł Ν q ↕لg - ≤ı Ŧ رı ¯ (ñ
Ņh ʼniΒ µŬ šYΕ رšǼ رı¢\ اŁ Б Şdˇ رšefg - ŝ Àż دı¦Ņ▤ ¨ ĩر
ÜẀ (ò
+ g + g
Í ( ∫ ↓ حʼn ő zاá šǾ ( ı Ũ رı\ ı ą ıN ƒ اIJ (ó
ė Ź I 6 е+┼Ġ
Í şї џ ı ∂ آپşї Ċرı╜ IJH ı 2 ŀ ŝ ĩŁ Ј= ¨?ʼnA (ô
ė " ˘
Í şї џ ¨ دıï!ŵ ∂ şї ąšY ≤ '' اسıŦ رı¯ '' ţ/ Ł 2 Ł 34 اŁ А6( رí
. Set P
SLR-CT– 23 -4- *SLRCT23*
еζ Ŧ +, /
ܲ ĩŁ Οŵ ŝ ≤ı*3 ώª « š² ء1875 Ņֹ1 اÜ31 şї ą ĩŁ Ŭı ą ıN śŮ اĿ دıŮ Ń Ŭ تĩʼn.
˛ ņ £ť ª«Ňh Ņ$% ا«ر اı*˛ şї جš4 - ≡ ĩ ر- ƒı *5 ≤ı*3 Ņ▤ š
5 Ł «اąاá
- ąاÜŤ
Ê 3 *¨
r ªše¨ اµÒ µŮ تı ╜ Ş اţ© z اسÜ ı *Ô Ċ ڑı §æ ا«رıŬŅ بōU تÎ اąı¦ آţ:ıŮ رşї ا
˛ <Ǿ > S+ ¢ Ǿ C Ç
- ąاÜţ© - دŁ şї _À - ĴМ╠ - ą اµÒ Ċ دŞ ' ?J ا«ر ≤ı║@  ریĩ دąı3A اš² ªš╛ Æ ا
Ê C Ç *˛ q
śŮ اı*˛ ∂ رĩدŅ Ş اśŮ اşї Ĵ!Ų Ņ▣ - ªš╛ Æ اr ªš
ί şї ąšǾı - تÎ ∂D Ẃ ōU ≤ı╜ ڈÎ ĆŁ «ا
еÓ7 ˛ دʼnHÔ» şї IJ+ تĩʼn./ ţI ţJŁ ŬıK ¨ıé
( رŝ جŅֹ Ù r ªÓ ı¦ ą ≤ ا«ر اı *3 ώª « ŅG ² آÆ
Ô» æ §¨ G╔
ا«رţI ţJŁ ŬıKÜ ↨ ʼnH ı ą اr ªše¨ ر اı ʼn آ²ر آı╜ رı╜ ţI ţJŁ ŬıK _* Ü≤ı*7 دşї ẃ ≤ دš² şї اسŤ
/ еζ Ŧ
ا«رŁ 2 ı*ª تĩʼn. şї 1917 ţI ţJŁ Ŭ ıK IJ O Ċōј/ ا«رĴ^« ت اسı N+¢Ǿ şї ŝ ≤ı*3 ώª «
ą«ı¢Ǿ ¨Ł ç ≤ť¯ - ţI ţJŁ ŬıK şї 1919Ü- ŝ ıL Ìı ╜ıé z ţI ţJŁ Ŭ ıK ¨ ∂ ا«رı z ĴМηΟH - Šї [Ο ıМ ıŦ
ζŦ g 3 Β
r ŝ е ≤ı*3 ώª`Я 1928 ∂ µ() şї 1923 ĴG ^ اĆŅ_ µΟε¦ ĩŃ ΝÓ5 ]رıŬ r ªše¨ اÜ ∂ µ() ţ© Šї śŮʼni
WB a»ŷ +,
Ü ∂ زıß آı Ş - rŅ µŬ ĩ ادő Â ı *˛ µ() ı Ŀ رتĴ^« اسÙ şї K«ردı╜
Set P
*SLRCT23* -5- SLR-CT – 23
14 ŅhʼniΒ µ2 ť ı '' شťŨ - '' ا«↓ دąšY" ĆدŅ ŅhʼniΒ ı ŜΟŲ Ī اĴqōU ĩزʼnA .ñ
Set P
*SLRCT24* SLR-CT – 24
Set P
_amR>r ê$nm§Va
gyMZm : 1) gd© àíZ A{Zdm`© AmhoV.
2) COdrH$S>rb A§H$ nyU© JwU Xe©{dVmV.
Set P
*SLRCT25* SLR-CT – 25
B.Com. (Part – I) (Semester – II), (CBCS) Examination, 2018
Day and Date : Monday, 26-3-2018 Max. Marks : 70
Time : 10.30 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.
SLR-CT – 25 *SLRCT25*
_____________________ Set P
*SLRCT26* SLR-CT – 26
Seat Set P
⎡ 5x 2 − 8x + 21 ⎤
3) lim ⎢ ⎥=
x →1 7x 3 + 63x + 3
⎣ ⎦
5 18 21 −73
a) b) c) d)
7 73 7 18
4) In case of Geometric progression the common ratio is given by
a) T2 – T1 b) c) a d) d
d n
5) (5 ) =
a) one b) n5n – 1 c) zero d) 5n
6) ∫ e x dx =
a) xex–1 b) zero c) d) ex
log a
SLR-CT – 26 -2- *SLRCT26*
⎡ 63 ⎤
10) xlim
→0 ⎢ ⎥=
⎣ 71 ⎦
a) zero b) c) one d) 9
11) ∫1 dx =
a) 1 b) 2 c) 0 d)
12) (u + v) =
d d d d
a) u (v) − v (u) b) v (u) + u (v)
dx dx dx dx
d d 1 ⎡ d d ⎤
c) (u) + (v) d) ⎢ v (u) − u (v) ⎥
dx dx v 2 ⎣ dx dx ⎦
b) There are 14 rows of mango trees in a field. The first row consists of 65 trees
and the number of trees in the successive rows form an A.P. If the last row
contains 130 trees, find the total number of trees. 7
3. a) Evaluate : 7
⎡ 5x 2 − 8x − 21⎤ ⎡ x2 + 1 − 5 ⎤
i) xlim ⎢ ⎥ ii) xlim ⎢ ⎥
→∞ 2
⎣ 7x − 63x ⎦
→2 ⎢ x−2 ⎥⎦
b) Find 7
i) If y = xlogx ii) y =
d 2y dy
ii) If y = a2logx + b2, find the value of +x . 4
dx 2 dx
ii) Evaluate ∫ (3x 2 + 10x) dx . 4
iii) Evaluate 4
5 x
∫0 x + 5−x
dx .
Set P
SLR-CT – 26 -4- *SLRLD105*
⎛ 16 ⎞ ⎛ 25 ⎞ ⎛ 81 ⎞
7 log ⎜ ⎟ + 5 log ⎜ ⎟ + 3 log ⎜ ⎟ = log 2 . 10
⎝ 15 ⎠ ⎝ 24 ⎠ ⎝ 80 ⎠
ii) If the marginal revenue of a firm is given by MR = 9 – 4x2, find the maximum
possible revenue. 4
dy du dv
= −
dx dx dx
Also find , if y = xex – logx. 10
3⎛ 3x 2 ⎞
ii) Find ∫0 ⎜⎜ 3 ⎟⎟ dx . 4
⎝ x + 5 ⎠
Set P
*SLRCT27* SLR-CT – 27
Set P
10) The ‘Insurance Regulatory and Development Act was passed in the year
a) 1999 b) 1993 c) 1956 d) 1963
11) The Central Govt. opened Insurance to private sector in the __________
a) 2000 b) 1999 c) 1991 d) 1998
12) __________ policy covers both time factor and voyage factor.
a) Mixed policy b) Time policy c) voyage policy d) Life policy
13) __________ policy is designed to give cover of Insurance to the properties
situated at different location in same town.
a) Floating policy b) Ordinary policy
c) Valued policy d) Declaration policy
14) __________ is a contract of indemnity.
a) Marine and Fire Insurance b) Marine Insurance
c) Life Insurance d) Fire Insurance
Set P
*SLRCT27* -3- SLR-CT – 27
_amR>r ê$nm§Va
gyMZm : 1) gd© àíZ Amdí`H$ AmhoV.
2) COdrH$S>rb A§H$ àíZmMo nyU© JwU Xe©{dVmV.
1. `mo½` n`m©` {ZdS>yZ {dYmZo nwÝhm {bhm. 14
1) __________ hm gdm©V OwZm {d_m àH$ma Amho.
A) Am`w{d©_m ~) Ap½Z {d_m H$) AnKmV {d_m S>) gmJar {d_m$
2) _moQ>ma dmhZ H$m`Xm 1939 Zwgma àË`oH$ dmhZ _miH$mg __________ {d_m KoUo gH$VrMo
A) dmhZmMm ~) _mbmMm
H$) CngmYZm§Mm S>) V¥Vr` nj O~m~Xmar {d_m
3) nrH$ {d_m `moOZm ^maV gaH$maZo __________ `m dfu gwé Ho$br.
A) 1984 ~) 1986 H$) 1987 S>) 1985
4) Ka\$moS>rMm {d_m hm __________ {då`mMm _hÎdmMm àH$ma g_Obm OmVmo.
A) Ap½Z ~) gmJar H$) _wXVr S>) AnKmV$
5) Ap½Z {d_m CVa{dÊ`m_Ü`o __________ hr n{hbr AdñWm hmo`.
A) {d_m hßVm ^aUo ~) àñVmd AO© ^aUo
H$) _mb_ËVoMo gd}jU H$aUo S>) {d_m H§$nZrMr {ZdS> H$aUo$
6) {d_m {Z`_Z d {dH$mg àm{YH$aUmMo _w»` H$m`m©b` __________ {R>H$mUr Amho.
A) h¡Ðm~mX ~) _w§~B© H$) {Xëbr S>) MoÝZB©$
7) OoQ>rgZ (_mb g_wÐmV \o$H$Uo) _wio hmoUmar hmZr __________ Ûmao ^ê$Z {_iVo.
A) gmJar {d_m ~) Ap½Z {d_m H$) Am`w{d©_m S>) AnKmV {d_m$
8) gmJar {d_m H$m`Xm __________ dfu g§_V H$aÊ`mV Ambm.
A) 1963 ~) 1956 H$) 1938 S>) 1999
9) Ap½Z{då`mÀ`m Ûmao __________ _wio hmoUmè`m hmZrMr ^anmB© {Xbr OmVo.
A) AnKmVr AmJ ~) CËnmXH$ AmJ
H$) amgm`{ZH$ à{H«$`m S>) Ádmbm_wIr
10) {d_m {Z`_Z d {dH$mg àm{YH$aU H$m`Xm __________ _Ü`o ApñVÎdmV Ambm.
A) 1999 ~) 1993 H$) 1956 S>) 1963
Set P
SLR-CT – 27 -4- *SLRCT27*
11) __________ gmbr H|$Ð gaH$maZo {d_m ImOJr joÌmgmR>r Iwbm Ho$bm.
A) 2000 ~) 1999 H$) 1991 S>) 1998$
12) _wXV Am{U àdmg `m XmoÝhr KQ>H$m§Mm g_mdoe __________ `m {d_mnÌmV AgVmo.
A) {_l {d_m ~) _wXVr {d_m H$) àdmg {d_m S>) Am`©w {d_m
13) EH$mM ehamV {d{dY {R>H$mUr Agboë`m _mb_ËVobm {d_m g§ajU XoÊ`mgmR>r V`ma H$aÊ`mV
Amboë`m {d_mnÌmg __________ åhUVmV.
A) VaVo {d_mnÌ ~) gm_mÝ` {d_m
H$) {ZpíMV _yë` {d_m S>) Kmo{fV {d_m
14) __________ hm ZwH$gmZ ^anmB©Mm H$ama AgVmo.
A) gmJar d Ap½Z {d_m ~) gmJar {d_m
H$) Am`w{d©_m S>) Ap½Z {d_m$
2. {Q>nm {bhm.
A) gmJar YmoHo$. 7
~) nrH$ {d_m. 7
3. WmoS>Š`mV CÎmao {bhm.
A) gmJar {d_m CVa{dÊ`mMr nÕV. 7
~) Ap½Z d gmJar {d_m `mVrb \$aH$. 7
4. {d_m {Z`_Z d {dH$mg àm{YH$aUmMr H$m`} ñnîQ> H$am. 14
Ap½Z {d_m ZwH$gmZ ^anmB© {_i{dÊ`mMr H$m`©nÕVr ñnîQ> H$am. 14
5. Ap½Z {d_m nÌmÀ`m AQ>r ñnîQ> H$am. 14
{d_m ì`dgm`m_Yrb naXoer WoQ> Jw§VdUwH$sMo \$m`Xo d VmoQ>o ñnîQ> H$am. 14
Set P
Set P
B.Com. I (Semester II) (CBCS Pattern) Examination, 2018
Economic Commercial Geography
Day and Date : Tuesday, 27-3-2018 Max. Marks : 70
Time : 10.30 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.
7) In the year 1995 ___________ company was started first time internet service
in India.
SLR-CT 28 -2- *SLRCT28*
Set P
*SLRCT28* -3- SLR-CT 28
_amR>r ê$nm§Va
gyMZm : 1) gd© àíZ Amdí`H$ AmhoV.
2) Amdí`H$ VoWo gw~H$ AmH¥$Ë`m d ZH$meo H$mT>m.
3) COdrH$S>rb A§H àíZm§Mo$ nyU© JwU Xe©{dVmV.
4) ZH$mem ñQ>opÝgbMm dmna H$aÊ`mg nadmZJr Amho.
1. `mo½` n`m©` {ZdSy>Z Jmiboë`m OmJm ^am. 14
1) ì`mnmar ^yJmobmMo ñdê$n Amho.
A) n[adV©Z{eb ~) pñWa$ H$) {H«$`merb S>) ì`mnmar
2) ì`mnmar ^yJmob hr ^yJmobmMr emIm Amho.
A) gm§ñH¥${VH$ ~) Am{W©H$$ H$) amOH$s` S>) bmoH$g§»`m
3) CXa{Zdm©h eoVrMo EHy$U àH$ma AmhoV.
A) 2 ~) 3$ H$) 4 S>) 5
4) eoVr àH$mam_wio O§Jbo ZîQ> hmoV Amho.
A) CX{Z©dm©h ~) g§YZ$ H$) g§{_l S>) ñWbm§VarV
5) {dñV¥V eoVrVrb ho à_wI nrH$ Amho.
A) Jhÿ ~) Vm§Xyi$ H$) _H$m S>) ~mOar
6) ho OJmVrb gdm©V bm§~rMm bmoh_mJ© Amho.
A) H¡$n-H¡$amo ~) H°$Zo{S>`Z-n°{g{\$H$
$ H$) Q´>mÝg-g¡~o[a`Z S>) _w§~B©-{Xëbr
7) `m H§$nZrZo 1995 _Ü`o ^maVmV gd© àW_ B§Q>aZoQ> godm gwé Ho$br.
8) `m Ob_mJm©g OJmMr OrdZaofm Ago åhUVmV.
A) nZm_m ~) Ho$n Am°\$ JwS>hmon$
H$) gyEP S>) C. AQ>bm§{Q>H$
9) gmbr Am`©^Q²>Q> ho CnJ«h AdH$memV gmoS>Ê`mV Ambm.
A) 1965 ~) 1970$ H$) 1975 S>) 1977
10) n`©Q>Zm_yio {Z_m©U hmoVmo.
A) amoOJma ~) Xm[aÐç$ H$) Jar~r S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr
Set P
SLR-CT 28 -4- *SLRCT28*
Set P
*SLRCT30* SLR-CT – 30
Set P
B.Com. (Part – II) (Semester – III) Examination, 2018
English (Compulsory) (New CBCS Pattern)
(Gems of Wisdom)
Day and Date : Friday, 6-4-2018 Max. Marks : 70
Time : 2.30 p.m. to 5.00 p.m.
Instructions : 1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
4. Write a letter to a job applicant acknowledging the receipt of his resume, declining
the application on unavailability ground of a position. 14
Write a letter of inquiry for a job you are seeking in the Marketing Department
of a multinational company.
Set P
*SLRCT31* SLR-CT – 31
No. Set P
B.Com. Part – II (Semester – III) (New CBCS) Examination, 2018
business economics – ii
Day and Date : Saturday, 7-4-2018 Max. Marks : 70
Time : 2.30 p.m. to 5.00 p.m.
instructions : 1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
3) Draw neat diagram wherever necessary.
A) EHy$U ~MV ~) EHy$U Jw§VdUyH$ H$) EHy$U CËnÞ S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr
9) {g_m§V Cn^moJ àd¥Îmr =
CËnÞmVrb ~Xb
A) Cn^moJmVrb ~Xb ~) ~MVrVrb ~Xb
H$) Jw§VdUyH$sVrb ~Xb S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr
Set P
SLR-CT – 31 -4- *SLRCT31*
10) gmYm {ZX}em§H$ V`ma H$aVmZm _wi dfm©Mr qH$_V _______ J¥hrV Yabr OmVo.
A) 10 ~) 200 H$) 100 S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr
11) VoOrMo {Z`§ÌU H$aÊ`mgmR>r ^maVr` [aPd© ~±H$ ~±H$ aoQ> _Ü`o _______ H$aVo.
A) dmT> ~) KQ> H$) ñWra S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr
12) IM©`mo½` CËnÞ = d¡`ŠVrH$ CËnÞ – (_______)
A) Or. Eg². Q>r. ~) d°Q> H$) àË`j H$a S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr
13) ñWyb amîQ´>r` CËnÞ – (_______) = {Zìdi amîQ´>r` CËnÞ.
A) Kgmam ~) d¡`ŠVrH$ CËnÞ H$) {d{Z`moJ CËnÞ S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr
14) _______ ho g_J« AW©emñÌmMo Aä`mg {df` AmhoV.
A) ì`mnma MH« ~) gd©gmYmaU qH$_VnmVir
H$) amîQ´>r` CËnmXZ S>) darbn¡H$s gd©
2. WmoS>Š`mV CÎmao {bhm :
A) MiZdmT>rMr H$maUo ñnîQ> H$am. 7
~) g_J« AW©emñÌmMo _hËd ñnîQ> H$am. 7
3. Q>rnm {bhm :
A) amîQ´>r` CËnÞmÀ`m AmH$S>odmarMo _hËd. 7
~) "go' Mm ~mOma noR>oMm {Z`_. 7
4. Imbrbn¡H$s EH$mMo CÎma {bhm : 14
A) amîQ´>r` CËnÞ åhUOo H$m` ? amîQ´>r` CËnÞ _mnZmÀ`m nÕVr ñnîQ>> H$am.
~) {\$eaMo ì`dhma ÑîQ>rH$moZ ñnîQ> H$am.
5. Imbrb n¡H$s EH$mMo CÎma {bhm : 14
A) Cn^moJ \$b åhUOo H$m` ? Cn^moJ \$bmda n[aUm_ H$aUmao KQ>H$ H$moUVo AmhoV ?
~) Ho$ÝgMm amoOJma {df`H$ {gÕm§V ñnîQ> H$am.
Set P
*SLRCT32* SLR-CT – 32
No. Set P
B.Com. (Part – II) (Semester – III) (New CBCS Pattern) Examination, 2018
corporate Accounting
Day and Date : Monday, 9-4-2018 Max. Marks : 70
Time : 2.30 p.m. to 5.00 p.m.
instructions : 1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
3) Use of calculator is allowed.
SLR-CT – 32 -2- *SLRCT32*
7) _________ on issue of debenture is fictitious asset it is shown on the asset
side of the Balance Sheet.
A) Loss B) Profit
C) Premium D) Interest
8) Dividend not yet collected by the shareholders (Unclaimed Dividend) should
be shown in the Balance Sheet under the heading
A) Current Liabilities B) Current Assets
C) Investments D) Unsecured Loan
9) Accounting Standards are issued by the
C) Central Govt. D) ICMA
10) Accounting Standard 21 is related to accounting for consolidated
A) Financial Statement B) Accounting Policy
C) Cash Flow D) Depreciation
11) Profit prior to incorporation is transfer to
A) Profit and Loss A/c B) Capital Reserve A/c
C) Goodwill A/c D) Final Account
12) Sales in prior incorporation period are 3/5th of the sales for after incorporation
period. Then the sales ratio is
A) 5 : 3 B) 3 : 5
C) 3 : 2 D) 2 : 3
13) Advertisement, Discount allowed, Free samples, Carriage outward are
apportioned in __________ ratio.
A) Time B) Sales
C) Special D) Expenses
14) After incorporation profit is available for distribution of
A) Profit B) Dividend
C) Bonus Shares D) Loss
Set P
*SLRCT32* -3- SLR-CT – 32
3. A) S. Chand Company Ltd. acquired business on 1 st January 2016 it
being incorporated on 1st May 2016. The first accounts are drawn upto
30th September 2016.
The Gross Profit was Rs. 2,24,000.
The general expenses were Rs. 56,880, Directors fees Rs. 48,000 p.a.,
Preliminary expenses Rs. 6,000, Rent upto 30th June was Rs. 4,800 p.a.
after that it was increased to Rs. 12,000 p.a. Salary of the manager, who
upon incorporation of the company was made a Director, was Rs. 24,000 p.a.
(Since incorporation, the salary is included in the directors fees above)
Show pre-incorporation and post incorporation profits assuming that the
monthly average sales for the first four month was one half of the remaining period.
The commodity earned a uniform Gross Profit. 7
B) The Maharashtra Industries Ltd. was incorporated on 1st July 2016. The
accounts of the company are closed on 31st March every year. The average
monthly turnover from 1st July 2016 was double than that of the previous
Months. Calculate Time Ratio and Sales Ratio. 7
Set P
SLR-CT – 32 -4- *SLRCT32*
2) ‘B’ Ltd. forfeited 3000 shares of Rs. 10 each, Rs. 8 called up held by
Mr. Laxman for non-payment of second call money of Rs. 3 per share. These
shares were re-issued to Mr. Gopal for Rs. 10 per share as fully paid up.
3) ‘C’ Ltd. forfeited 4000 shares of Rs. 10 each, fully called up, held by
Mr. Kale for non-payment of final call money of Rs. 4 per share. These shares
were re-issued to Mr. Gore at Rs. 12 per share as a fully paid up.
5. Shrimant Company Ltd. was registered with capital of Rs. 2,00,000 divided
into 2000 Equity shares. The Trial Balance of the company as on 31st March
2016 was as under.
Trial Balance
Particulars Debit Rs. Credit Rs.
Issued Share Capital – 1,00,000
Motor 37,000 –
Sundry Debtors 9,600 –
Salaries 15,000 –
Bank interest and charges 400 –
Rent received – 3,500
Travelling expenses 4,000 –
Machinery 80,000 –
Sales – 1,05,000
Building 50,000 –
Discount allowed 1,500 –
Sundry creditors – 16,800
Wages 8,000 –
Bank Overdraft – 12,200
Stock on 1st April 2015 7,000 –
Profit and Loss Appropriation A/c – 22,500
Purchases 30,000 –
Carriage 2,000 –
Cash in hand and at Bank 1,000 –
Printing and Stationary 2,000 –
Repairs and Renewals 1,500 –
Set P
*SLRCT32* -5- SLR-CT – 32
Directors Remuneration 2,500 –
Audit Fees 500 –
Calls in arrears 3,000 –
Interim Dividend 5,000 –
2,60,000 2,60,000
Prepare Balance Sheet as on 31st March 2016 in Vertical forms, after considering
the following information : 14
1) Stock on 31st March 2016 is Rs. 6,000.
2) Create reserve for doubtful debts at 5% on Debtors.
3) Depreciate Machinery by Rs. 2,000, Building by Rs. 7,000, Motor by Rs. 620.
4) Outstanding wages were Rs. 1,000.
5) Surplus is carried to Balance Sheet Rs. 27,100.
Directors of Good luck Ltd. ask you to prepare Profit and Loss Account in vertical
form for the year ended 31st March 2016. 14
Trial Balance
Particulars Debit Rs. Credit Rs.
Equity Share Capital (Rs. 75 Paid) – 7,50,000
6% Debentures – 1,00,000
Land and Building 5,00,000 –
Plant and Machinery 8,00,000 –
Depreciation provision
Land and Building – 1,00,000
Plant and Machinery – 1,20,000
General Reserve – 1,40,000
6% Debentures – 50,000
Investments (Equity Shares
in Ltd. Company at Cost) 1,00,000 –
Stock on 31st March 2016 70,000 –
Balance at Bank 23,000 –
Set P
SLR-CT – 32 -6- *SLRCT32*
Set P
No. 5 A J
_amR>r ê$nm§Va
gyMZm : 1) gd© àíZ Amdí`H$ AmhoV.
2) COdrH$S>rb A§H$ nyU© JwU Xe©{dVmV.
1. Imbr {Xboë`m n`m©`mVyZ `mo½` n`m©` {ZdSy>Z dm`o nwÝhm {bhm. 14
1) g¥OZerbVm ho ___________ `m§Mo d¡{eQ>ç Amho.
A) ì`dñWmnH$ ~) CÚmoOH$ H$) g§KQ>H$ S>) g§emoYH$
2) H|$Ð qH$dm amÁ` emgZmMo CÚmoJ g§^miÊ`mè`m CÚmoOH$mg ___________ Ago åhUVmV.
A) _{hbm CÚmoOH$ ~) ImOJr CÚmoOH$
H$) emgH$s` CÚmoOH$ S>) Vm§{ÌH$ CÚmoOH$
3) Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUVo CÚmoOH$Vog_moarb AmìhmZ Amho ?
A) OmJ{VH$sH$aU ~) AmYw{ZH$ V§ÌkmZ H$) {dÎm S>) darb gd©
4) CÚmoOH$Vm `m eãXmMm CX` __________ ^mfoVyZ Pmbm.
A) _amR>r ~) BQ>m{bH$ H$) \«|$M S>) b°{Q>Z
5) CÚmoJ C^maUrgmR>r CÚmoOH$ H$aV AgUmè`m {d{dY {H«$`m§Zm __________ Ago åhUVmV.
A) ì`dgm`$ ~) CÚmoOH$Vm H$) ì`dñWmnZ S>) ZoV¥Ëd
6) CÚmoOH$VoMm Zd{Z{_VuMm {gÕm§V ___________ `m§Zr _m§S>bm.
A) E\$. S>ãby. Q>oba ~) hoZar \o$`m°b
H$) Omogo\$ ew§nrQ>a S>) EëQ>Z _o`mo
7) CÚmoOH$Voda n[aUm_ H$aUmao gm_m{OH$ KQ>H$ H$moUVo ?
A) gm_m{OH$ ~Xb ~) gm_m{OH$ gwajm
H$) gm_m{OH$ ÑîQ>rH$moZ S>) darb gd©
8) ___________ ehamV ^maVr` _{hbm CÚmoOH$m§Mo n{hbo amîQ´>r` g§_obZ 1981 _Ü`o ^abo
A) _w§~B© ~) Zdr {Xëbr H$) MoÝZB© S>) gmobmnya
9) `eñdr ì`mdgm{`H$ àH$ënmgmR>r C{ÔîQ>ço {h ___________ Agm{dÎm.
A) A_`m©{XV ~) gd©gm_mÝ` H$) {d{eîR> S>) Am^mgr
10) gm_m{OH$ CÚmoOH$Vm gm_m{OH$ àíZmda ___________ àH$maMo CÎma emoYVo.
A) VmËnwaVo ~) emñdV H$) VmËH$mi S>) ñWm{ZH$
Set P
SLR-CT 33 -4- *SLRCT33*
11) gX²`pñWVr _Ü`o ZdrZ H$mhr AmUÝ`mMr j_Vm åhUOoM ___________ hmo`.
A) ~w{Õ_§WZ ~) H$ënZm VnmgUr gyMro
H$) g¥OZerbVm S>) Am¡Úmo{OH$ bjH|$Ðr g_yh
12) ì`mdgm{`H$ n`m©daUmVrb {d{dY KQ>H$m§À`m _mÜ`_mVyZ ì`mdgm{`H$ H$ënZm A_bmV
AmUÊ`m`mo½` Amho qH$dm Zmhr ho ~KUo åhUOoM ___________ hmo`.
A) H$ënZm {Z{_©Vr ~) H$ënZm {dH$mg
H$) H$ënZm ghmæ` S>) H$ënZm nS>VmiUr
13) dñVy d godm XoÊ`mgmR>r ^m§S>db Jw§VdUyH$ H$ê$Z ZdrZ ì`dgm` H$ënZm A_bmV AmUÊ`mgmR>r
àñVmd V`ma H$aUo åhUOoM ___________ hmo`.
A) àH$ën Ahdmb ~) ~w{Õ_§WZ
H$) H$ënZm {Z{_©Vr S>) H$ënZm nS>VmiUr
14) àH$ën {ZdS>VmZm Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUË`m JmoîQ>tMm {dMma H$amb ?
A) Jw§VdUwH$sMm AmH$ma ~) àH$ënmgmR>r OmJm
H$) ~mOmanoR>oVrb _mJUr S>) darb gd©
2. WmoS>`mV CÎmao {bhm : 14
1) AmYw{ZH$ H$mbI§S>mV CÚmoOH$Vo g_moarb {d{dY AmìhmZo H$moUVr ?
2) g_yh CÚmoOH$VoMo _hËd {deX H$am.
3. WmoS>`mV CÎmao {bhm : 14
1) àH$ën ì`dñWmnZmMo _hËd {deX H$am.
2) gm_m{OH$ CÚmoOH$VoMr JaO {bhm.
4. H$moUË`mhr EH$m àíZmMo CÎma {bhm. 14
_{hbm CÚmoOH$Vm åhUOo H$m` ? _{hbm CÚmoOH$m§À`m g_ñ`m H$moUË`m ?
H$ënZm nS>VmiUr à{H«$`o_Yrb {d{dY KQ>H$ H$moUVo Vo g{dñVa {bhm.
5. H$moUË`mhr EH$m àíZmMo CÎma {bhm. 14
CÚmoOH$ {h g§H$ënZm ñnîQ> H$ê$Z, CÚmoOH$mMr JwUd¡{eîQ>ço Am{U àH$ma {bhm.
{H$aH$moi {H$amUm XþH$mZ gwê$ H$aÊ`mgmR>r àH$ën Ahdmb V`ma H$am.
Set P
*SLRCT34* SLR-CT – 34
Set P
B.Com. (Part – II) (Semester – III) (New) (CBCS) Examination, 2018
Business Statistics
SLR-CT – 34 -2- *SLRCT34*
v) If data are classified according to time of occurrence, then it is known as
_________ classification.
a) qualitative b) geographical
c) chronological d) none of these
vi) The measure of central tendency that based on maximum frequency item is
a) A, M b) median c) mode d) none of these
vii) The measure of central tendency that cannot be determined graphically is
a) A, M b) median c) mode d) none of these
viii) The measure of dispersion that not based on all observations is
a) range b) S.D. c) M.D. d) none of these
ix) _________ is the relative measure of dispersion.
a) C.V. b) S.D. c) Q.D. d) all of these
x) The scatter diagram shows all the points are lie on the rising straight line,
then there is _________ correlation between the two variables.
a) positive b) perfect positive
c) negative d) perfect negative
xi) If one of the regression coefficient is positive, then other must be
a) positive b) negative
c) zero d) none of these
xii) Mode can be determined graphically by using
a) less than ogive b) greater than ogive
c) histogram d) none of these
xiii) The equations of both the lines of regression are same if correlation between
the two variables is
a) high degree b) zero
c) perfect d) none of these
xiv) As the variation within the observations is increases the consistency
a) increases b) decreases
c) constant d) none of these
Set P
*SLRCT34* -3- SLR-CT – 34
2. A) Define sample. Explain simple random sampling method. 7
B) Following data shows daily wage of workers in a factory. Compute mode. 7
Daily wages (Rs.) 125 - 150 150 - 175 175 - 200 200 - 225 225 - 250 250 - 275 275 - 300
No. of Students 17 29 37 44 31 21 11
Class 10 - 20 20 - 30 30 - 40 40 - 50 50 - 60 60 - 70 70 - 80
Frequency 3 10 15 26 20 12 7
Set P
*SLRCT35* SLR-CT – 35
Set P
B.Com. – II (Semester – III) (CBCS) (New) Examination, 2018
Money and Financial System
Day and Date : Thursday, 12-4-2018 Max. Marks : 70
Time : 2.30 p.m. to 5.00 p.m.
N. B. : 1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
SLR-CT – 35 -2- *SLRCT35*
9) Hawala market is __________ market.
a) Good b) Legal
c) Illegal d) None of these
10) The chief components of financial system are _________
a) Financial instruments b) Financial markets
c) Financial institutions d) All the above
11) Neutral money is one objectives of __________ policy.
a) Monetary b) Trade c) Fiscal d) Political
12) _________ controls the Indian Capital Market.
13) __________ is the quantitative instruments of monetary policy.
a) Open market operations b) Cash reserve ratio
c) Bank rate d) All the above
14) Unit Trust of India was setup in _________ year.
a) 1964 b) 1969 c) 1975 d) 1980
Set P
*SLRCT35* -3- SLR-CT – 35
_amR>r ê$nm§Va
gyMZm : 1) gd© àíZ Amdí`H$.
2) COì`m ~mOyMo A§H$ nyU© JwU Xe©{dVmV.
1. `mo½` n`m©` {ZdSy>Z {dYmZo nwÝhm {bhm : 14
1) {d{Z_`mMo _mÜ`_ ho n¡emMo àH$maMo H$m`© Amho.
A) àmW{_H$ ~) Xwæ`_ H$) AmZwf§JrH$ S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr
2) ZmUo~mOma {ZYrer g§~§YrV Amho.
A) XrK©H$mbrZ ~) _Ü`_H$mbrZ H$) AënH$mbrZ S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr
3) MbZ{df`H$ YmoaU H$Sy>Z am~{dbo OmVo.
A) ZmJar ~±H$ ~) ì`mnmar ~±H$ H$) _Ü`dVu ~±H$ S>) ^y{dH$mg ~±H$
4) {dÎmr` ~mOma ^mJmV {d^mJbobm Amho.
A) XmoZ ~) VrZ H$) Mma S>) nmM
5) ^maVr` bKwCÚmoJ {dH$mg ~±Ho$Mr ñWmnZm gmbr Pmbr.
A) 1955 ~) 1969 H$) 1980 S>) 1990
6) ^maVmVrb H¥$fr Am{U J«m_rU {dH$mgmVrb gdm}ÀM ({eIa) ~±H$ hr Amho.
A) Zm~mS>© ~) {Oëhm _Ü`dVu ghH$mar ~±H$
H$) àmXo{eH$ J«m_rU ~±H$ S>) ^y-{dH$mg ~±H$
7) 14 ì`mnmar ~±H$mMo amîQ´>r`rH$aU `m dfu Pmbo.
A) 1935 ~) 1949 H$) 1955 S>) 1969
8) amîQ´>r` J¥h{Z_m©U ~±Ho$Mr ñWmnZm gmbr Pmbr.
A) 1969 ~) 1980 H$) 1982 S>) 1987
9) hdmbm ~mOma hm ~mOma Amho.
A) Mm§Jbm ~) H$m`Xo{ea ~) ~oH$m`Xo{ea S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr
10) ho {dÎmr` aMZoMo à_wI KQ>H$ AmhoV.
A) {dÎmr` gmYZo ~) {dÎm ~mOma H$) {dÎmr` g§ñWm S>) darb gd©
11) VQ>ñW n¡gm ho EH$ YmoaUmMo C{ÔîQ> Amho.
A) MbZ{df`H$ ~) ì`mnmar H$) amOH$mo{f` S>) amOH$s`
Set P
SLR-CT – 35 -4- *SLRCT35*
12) ^maVr` ^m§S>db ~mOmamMo {Z`§ÌU H$Sy>Z Ho$bo OmVo.
A) Eg². ~r. Am`. ~) Ama.~r.Am`.
H$) Eg².B©.~r.Am`.(go~r) S>) Zm~mS>©
13) MbZ{df`H$ YmoaUmMo g§»`mË_H$ gmYZ Amho.
A) H$O©amo»`mMr Iwë`m ~mOmamV IaoXr-{dH«$s
~) amIrd {ZYr à_mU
H$) ~±H$Xa
S>) darb gd©
14) `w{ZQ> Q´>ñQ> Am°\$ B§{S>`mMr ñWmnZm _Ü`o Pmbr.
A) 1964 ~) 1969 H$) 1975 S>) 1980
2. WmoS>`mV CÎmao {bhm :
A) n¡emMo àH$ma ñnîQ> H$am. 7
~) ZmUo~mOmamMo _hÎd ñnîQ> H$am. 7
3. Q>rnm {bhm :
A) CÀM eVr n¡emMo Cn`moJ ñnîQ> H$am. 7
~) _mJUr Xo` H$O©~mOmamMo d¡{eîQ>ço ñnîQ> H$am. 7
4. H$moUË`mhr EH$m àíZmMo CÎma {bhm : 14
A) Am{W©H$ {dH$mgmVrb {dÎmmMr ^y{_H$m ñnîQ> H$am.
~) n¡emMr {d{dY H$m`} ñnîQ> H$am.
5. H$moUË`mhr EH$m àíZmMo CÎma {bhm : 14
A) MbZ{df`H$ YmoaUmMr C{ÔîQ>ço ñnîQ> H$am.
~) ^maVr` ZmUo~mOmamMo ñdê$n Am{U d¡{eîQ>ço ñnîQ> H$am.
Set P
*SLRCT36* SLR-CT – 36
Set P
B.Com. – II (Semester – III) (Old) Examination, 2018
ENGLISH (Compulsory)
Staying Ahead (CGPA)
SLR-CT – 36 -2- *SLRCT36*
Set P
*SLRCT36* -3- SLR-CT – 36
3) What scene does the poet describe in the first stanza of the poem
‘Sympathy’ ?
Set P
SLR-CT – 36 -4- *SLRCT36*
Set P
*SLRCT37* SLR-CT – 37
No. Set P
B.Com. – II (Semester – III) (Old CGPA) Examination, 2018
Business Economics – II
Day and Date : Saturday, 7-4-2018Thursday, 8-12-2017 Max. Marks : 70
Time : 2.30 p.m. to 5.00 p.m. 3.00 p.m. to 6.00 p.m.
instructions : 1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
3) Draw diagram wherever necessary.
SLR-CT – 37 -2- *SLRCT37*
10) ________ is essential for index number.
a) Base year b) Base price
c) Base consumption d) Base investment
11) Value of multipler have been from 1 to ______
a) b) 0 c) 10 d) 100
12) ______intensive investment is autonomous investment.
a) Private consumption b) Government consumption
c) Independent d) profit
Set P
*SLRCT37* -3- SLR-CT – 37
_amR>r ê$nm§Va
gyMZm : 1) gd© àíZ Amdí`H$ AmhoV.
2) COdrH$S>rb A§H$ nyU© JwU Xe©{dVmV.
3) Amdí`H$ VoWo AmH¥$Vr H$mT>m.
1. `mo½` n`m©` {ZdS>m. 14
1) ______ `m§Zr A§ebjr d g_J«bjr AW©emñÌ Wm g§H$ënZm gd©àW_ dmnaøm.
A) a¡½Za {\«$e ~) ~mopëS>¨J H$) A°S>_ pñ_W S>) [aH$mS>m}
2) amîQ´>r` CËnÝZ ______ H$mbmdYrgmR>r _moObo OmVo
A) EH$ df© ~) XmoZ df© H$) VrZ df© S>) Mma df©
3) bm± a oÝP dH«$ hm ______ Xe©{dVmo.
A) amîQ´>r` CËnÝZmMr {Z{_©Vr ~) amîQ´>r` CËnÝZmMo {d^mOZ
H$) amîQ´>r` CËnÝZmMo _mnZ S>) `mn¡H$s Zhr
4) MbZ g§»`m_mZ {gÕm§VmMr _wi H$ënZm ______ `m§Zr _m§S>br.
A) [aH$mS>m} ~) Oo. Eg². {_b H$) Om°Z ~moS>rZ S>) {\$ea
5) ""àË`oH$ nwadR>m Amnbr _mJUr {Z_m©U H$aVmo'' ho {dYmZ ______ Mo Amho.
A) Oo. Eg². {_b ~) {nJw H$) Ho$Ýg S>) Oo.~r. go
6) ^m§S>dbmMr gr_m§V H$m`©j_Vm ______ er {ZJS>rV Amho.
A) n¡emMm nwadR>>m ~) amoIZm H$) Jw§VdUwH$ S>) VwQ>rMm AW©^aUm
7) Ho$ÝgÀ`m _Vo amoOJma nmJir hr ______ Adb§~yZ AgVo.
A) à^mdr _mJUr ~) EHy$U _mJUr H$) EHy$U nwadR>>m S>) IaoXrMr B©ÀN>m
8) gamgar Cn^moJ àd¥Îmr =
y ∆c ∆y
A) c ~) H$) ∆y S>) ∆c
y c
9) Oooìhm n¡emMo _yë` KQ>Vo Voìhm dñVwÀ`m qH$_Vr
A) KQ>VmV ~) dmT>VmV H$) pñWa S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr
10) {ZX}em§H$mgmR>r ______ h¡ Amdí`H$ Agmdo bmJVo.
A) _widf© ~) _wi qH$_V H$) _wi Cn^moJ S>) _wi Jw§VdUwH$
Set P
SLR-CT – 37 -4- *SLRCT37*
11) JwUH$mMo _yë` 1 nmg²Z ______ Agy eH$Vo.
A) ~) 0 H$) 10 S>) 100
12) ______ ào[aV Jw§VdUwH$ åhUOo ñdm`Îm Jw§VdUwH$ hmo`.
A) ImOJr Cn^moJ ~) gaH$mar Cn^moJ H$) ñdV§ÌnUo S>) Z\$m
13) {\$eaÀ`m g_rH$aU P = MV + M1V1 , ‘P’ åhUOo
A) gd©gmYmaU qH$_V nmVir ~) EHy$U MbU g§»`m
H$) n¡emMm ^«_UdoJ S>) EHy$U ì`dhma
14) ______ H$maU ^mddmT>rgmR>r O~m~Xma AmhoV.
A) nVnwadR>m ~) Am{W©H$ {dH$mg H$) VwQ>rMm AW©^aUm S>) darb n¡H$s gd©
2. Ibrb àíZm§Mr WmoS>Š`mV CÎmao {bhm :
A) amoI {eëbH$ ÑîQ>rH$moU ñnîQ> H$am. 7
~) "go' Mm ~mOmanoR>o {df`H$Mm {Z`_ ñnîQ> H$am. 7
3. Q>rnm {bhm :
A) g_J«bjr AW©emñÌmMo _hËd ñnîQ> H$am. 7
~) amîQ´>r` CËnÝZ _moS>mÊ`mÀ`m nÕVr ñnîQ> H$am. 7
4. Imbrb n¡H$s EH$m àíZmMo CÎma {bhm (XrKm}Îmar) : 14
A) Cn^moJ \$bZ åhUOo H$m` ? gamgar Am{U gr_m§V Cn^moJ nd¥Îmr ñnîQ> H$am.
~) ^mddmT> åhUOo H$m` ? ^mddmT>rMr H$maUo ñnîQ> H$am.
5. Imbrb n¡H$s EH$m àíZmMo CÎma {bhm : 14
A) amîQ´>r` CËnÝZ åhUOo H$m` ? amîQ´>r` CËnÝZmÀ`m {d{dY g§H$ënZm ñnîQ> H$am.
~) ^m§S>dbmMr gr_m§V H$m`©j_Vm åhUOo H$m` ? Jw§VdUwH$sVrb ~Xbm§Mm ^m§S>dbmÀ`m gr_m§V
H$m`©j_Vodarb n[aUm_ AmH¥$VrÀ`m gmh`mZo ñnîQ> H$am.
Set P
5 A J
3) If shares are issued at a price below the face value they are called as issue at
A) Premium B) Discount
C) Par D) Face value
4) When the applicant of shares has to pay the amount which is equal to the
face value of share is known as shares issued at
A) Premium B) Par
C) Discount D) Above face value
SLR-CT 38 -2- *SLRCT38*
5) When shareholder paid the excess money than the calls are made, the excess
money is called as
A) Calls in advance B) Calls in arrears
C) Unpaid calls D) Allotment money
10) The ______ is the list of all balances from the ledger, these are debit and
credit balances.
A) Ledger Account B) Trial Balance
C) Final Account D) Income Statement
11) Dividend declared between two annual general meeting is called as ______
A) Final B) Annual C) Interim D) Bonus
Set P
*SLRCT38* -3- SLR-CT 38
14) Directors fees would be charged to _______ while calculating profit prior to
A) Prior incorporation B) Shareholders
C) Post incorporation D) None of these
3. A) Good Luck Ltd. issued 20,000 equity shares of Rs. 10 each at a discount of
10% payable at Rs. 2 on application, Rs. 3 on allotment, Rs. 4 on First and
Final call.
Mr. Y holding 1000 shares did not pay call money. His shares were forfeited
and re-issued at Rs. 7 per share to Mr. Z. Show the re-issue entries. 7
B) Gajanan Company Ltd. was incorporated on 1st March 2016 and received its
certificate for commencement of business on 1st April 2016. The company
bought the business of active and slow with effect from 1st November 2015.
Sales for the year Rs. 6,00,000, out of which sales up to 1st March were
Rs. 2,50,000 and up to 1st April Rs. 3,00,000.
Calculate sales ratio and time ratio assuming accounts are closed on
31st October every year. 7
Set P
SLR-CT 38 -4- *SLRCT38*
4. Simplex Private Ltd. was incorporated on 1st July 2008 to take over the running
business of Mr. Sadananda with effect from 1st April 2008. From the following
information for the year ending 31st March 2009 ascertain profit earned prior to
and after incorporation of the company. 14
Profit and Loss A/c
Rs. Rs.
To Commission 2,625 By Gross Profit 98,000
To Advertisement 5,250
To Managing directors
Remuneration 9,000
To Depreciation 2,800
To Salaries 18,000
To Insurance 600
To Discount 350
98,000 98,000
1) Average monthly turnover from July 2008 onwards was double than that of
the previous months.
2) Rent for the first three months was paid @ Rs. 200 per month and there after
at a rate increased by Rs. 50 p.m.
3) Bad debts Rs. 350 related to sales effected after 1st September 2008.
ABC Company issue 2000 shares of Rs. 10 each at a premium of Rs. 2 per
share payable on application Rs. 2 per share, on allotment Rs. 5 (including
premium) a first call Rs. 3 and final call Rs. 2. Application for 3000 shares were
received and allotment was made on pro-rata to applicants of 2,400 shares.
Money over paid on application was employed on account of sums due on allotment.
Kiran to whom 40 shares were allotted, failed to pay allotment money and on his
subsequent failure to pay first call his shares were forfeited.
Prakash the holder of 60 shares failed to pay the two calls and his shares were
forfeited-after second and final call.
Pass Journal Entries to record the above.
5. From the following information of Pandurang Company Ltd. Prepare Profit and
Loss Account in vertical form for the year ended 31-3-2017. 14
Particulars Rs.
Plant 33,00,000
Premises 30,72,000
Debtors 8,70,000
Goodwill 2,50,000
Purchases 18,50,000
Wages 9,79,800
Set P
SLR-CT 38 -6- *SLRCT38*
Salaries 2,02,250
Sales 41,50,000
Creditors 4,00,000
Machinery 10,00,000
Rs. Rs.
Set P
*SLRCT38* -7- SLR-CT 38
Creditors 1,150
Set P
No. 5 A J
12) Zm{dÝ`nyU© Am{U Cn`wV hmoD$ eH$Umè`m H$ënZm§Mm CX` Á`m {dMma à{H«$`oVyZ hmoVmo Ë`mg
________ Ago åhUVmV.
A) CÚmoJ ~) godm H$) C {gÕr àoaUm S>) lOZerbVm
13) ~w{Õ_§WZmg ________ gwÕm åhUVmV.
A) Zm|X gyMr ~) g_yh MMm© H$) bjH|$Ðr g_yh S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr
14) ________ `mg ZdrZ àñVm{dV ì`dgm`mMm g§nyU© AmamIS>m Ago åhUVmV.
A) àñVmd ~) àH$ën Ahdmb H$) H$ama S>) {dÎm
2. WmoS>`mV CÎmao {bhm : 14
1) CÚmoOH$m§Mo {d{dY H$m`© {bhm.
2) gm_m{OH$ CÚmoOH$VoMr JaO H$m` ho ñnîQ> H$am.
3. WmoS>`mV CÎmao {bhm : 14
1) J«m_rU CÚmoJmÀ`m {d{dY g_ñ`m H$moUË`m ?
2) ~w{Õ_§WZ g§H$ënZm g{dñVa ñnîQ> H$am.
4. H$moUË`mhr EH$m àíZmMo CÎma {bhm : 14
àH$ën Ahdmb åhUOo H$m` ho ñnîQ> H$ê$Z Ë`mMo {d{dY KQ>H$ H$moUVo ?
_{hbm CÚmoOH$Vo g_moarb {d{dY AS>Wi>o H$moUVo ?
5. H$moUË`mhr EH$m àíZmMo CÎma {bhm : 14
CÚmoOH$Vm åhUOo H$m` ? CÚmoOH$Vog àmoËgmhZ XoUmao KQ>H$ H$moUVo ?
H$ënZm {Z_uVrMo {d{dY _mJ© H$moUVo ?
Set P
Seat Set P
Height (cm.) 145 150 150 155 155 160 160 165 165 170 170 175 175 180
No. of Students 15 27 33 40 25 21 11
B) Draw less than ogive to represent the following data and hence obtain
median. 7
Frequency 5 12 17 28 20 12 7
Set P
*SLRCT40* -3- SLR-CT 40
4. Attempt any one of the following : 14
A) Explain concept of central tendency. Define median, mode and A,M, State
requirements of good measures of central tendency.
B) Compute range, coefficient of range, mean, s.d. and c.v. for the following
X 7 12 16 18 20 24 28
f 3 9 11 15 10 5 2
X 80 75 76 70 84 90
Y 40 35 30 45 47 50
B) Define
i) classification
ii) variable
iii) correlation
iv) Spearmans rank correlation coefficient state objective of classification.
Set P
5 A J
S e a t
N o .
1. Objective type question choose the correct alternative and rewrite the
sentences : 14
1) Store of value is a ________ function of money.
a) Primary b) Secondary
c) Contingent d) None of the above
2) M2 is the ________ concept of supply of money.
a) Narrow b) Broad
c) Limited d) None of the above
3) Period of short term finance is _______ years.
a) 1.5 b) 3 c) 5 d) 7
4) Capital market is essentially a market for _______ funds.
a) Short term b) Long term
c) Medium term d) Very short term
5) _________ is apex institution in Indian money market.
a) S.B.I. b) NABARD
c) R.B.I. d) I.C.I.C.I
6) Monetary policy implemented by ________ Bank.
a) Commercial b) Co-operative
c) Urban d) Central
7) The Apex Bank in agriculture and rural credit in India is _______
a) D.C.C.B. b) R.R.B. c) NABARD d) L.D.B.
SLR-CT 41 -2- *SLRCT41*
8) Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI) is established in ________
a) 1969 b) 1980 c) 1982 d) 1990
9) 6th Commercial Banks are nationalised in ________ year.
a) 1949 b) 1955 c) 1969 d) 1980
10) National Housing Bank is established in _________ year.
a) 1980 b) 1982 c) 1985 d) 1987
11) The money which possesses ability of creation of credit money is called as
a) High powered money b) Cheque
c) Draft d) Hundi
12) State Financial Act passed in _______ year.
a) 1948 b) 1949 c) 1951 d) 1955
13) To control the deflation central bank ________ the bank rate.
a) Increases b) Decreases c) Keep constant d) Unstable
14) Hawala Market is _________ market.
a) Good b) Legal c) Illegal d) None of these
Set P
*SLRCT41* -3- SLR-CT 41
_amR>r ê$nm§Va
A) Eg².~r.Am`. ~) Zm°~mS>©
H$) Ama.~r.Am`. S>) Am`.gr.Am`.gr.Am`.
6) MbZ {df`H$ YmoaU ___________ ~±Ho$ H$Sy>Z am~{dbo OmVo.
A) ì`mnmar ~) ghH$mar H$) ehar S>) _Ü`dVu
7) ^maVmVrb H¥$fr Am{U J«m_rU {dH$mgmVrb gdm}ÀM ({eIa) ~±H$ ___________ hr Amho.
A) S>r.gr.gr.~r. ~) Ama.Ama.~r. H$) Zm°~mS>© S>) Eb².S>r.~r.
8) ^maVr` bKwCÚmoJ {dH$mg ~±Ho$Mr ñWmnZm ___________ gmbr Pmbr.
A) 1969 ~) 1980 H$) 1982 S>) 1990
9) 6 ì`mnmar ~±H$mMo amîQ´>r`rH$aU ___________ `m dfu Pmbo.
A) 1949 ~) 1955 H$) 1969 S>) 1980
Set P
SLR-CT 41 -4- *SLRCT41*
Set P
*SLRCT42* SLR-CT – 42
Seat Set P
SLR-CT – 42 -2- *SLRCT42*
9) The mother in Night of the Scorpion ______________ that the scorpion
spared her children.
a) Felt relieved b) Got disappointed
c) Blamed god d) Criticized
10) In “I’se all the climbin’ on”, the abbreviation I’se means ___________
a) I am b) I was c) I were d) I wish
11) ‘You may have tea or coffee’. This is an example of ___________ sentence.
a) Simple b) Compound
c) Complex d) Super-complex
12) ‘Ramesh sat on his best friend in the class’. The error in this lies in
a) Sat b) On c) Best friend d) In the class
13) ‘Can you swim ?’ The sentence is a _____________
a) wh-question b) yes/no question
c) tag question d) rhetorical question
14) Which of the following sentences is correct ?
I) I told him to go not.
II) I told him not to go.
III) I did tell not him to go.
IV) I does tell him not to go.
a) I b) II c) IV d) III
2. Answer the following bits in two to three sentences each (any seven) : 14
1) Write the names of the women writers cited by Virginia Woolf.
2) What is the difference between the explorations in the fields of Chemistry
and Geography.
3) Why was Dukhiram killed ?
4) What is the meaning of killing the angel in the houses ?
5) Why was Joseph Conrad all praise for Captain Cook ?
6) Who was Surja Sahu ?
7) How did Joseph Conrad go to Mauritius ?
8) What is the theme of the story Draupadi ?
Set P
*SLRCT42* -3- SLR-CT – 42
3. A) Write a paraphrase of the following (any two) : 8
1) “One day I wrote her name upon the strand,
But came the waves and washed it away:
Again I wrote it with a second hand,
But came the tide, and made my pains his prey.”
2) “Let me not to the marriage of true minds
Admit impediments. Love is not love
Which alters when it alteration finds,
Or bends with the remover to remove”
3) Poetry is any kind of verbal or written language that is structured
rhythmically and is meant to tell a story, or express any kind of emotion,
idea, or state of being. Poetry is used to achieve this artistic expression in
several ways. There are certain forms and patterns that poets follow in the
composition process of their work. These different forms were birthed out
of separate artistic and cultural movements. Most of these forms coincide
with the previously mentioned definition of poetry; and, the most popular
of these forms are elegy, narrative, ode, ballad, sonnet, villanelle, sestina,
free verse, and epic.
B) Explain with reference to the context (any two) : 6
1) “The peasants came like swarms of flies
and buzzed the name of God a hundred times
to paralyze the Evil one.”
2) “Don’t you fall now –
For I’se still goin’, honey,
I’se still climbin’,
And life for me ain’t been no crystal stair.”
3) “I watched the holy man
perform his rites to tame the poison
With an incantation.”
Set P
*SLRCT43* SLR-CT – 43
No. Set P
B.Com. (Part – II) (Semester – IV) (New CBCS) Examination, 2018
business economics – II
Set P
SLR-CT – 43 -4- *SLRCT43*
11) O|ìhm H$a^ma d H$amKmV XmoÝhr EH$mM ì`ŠVrda nS>V Agob Ë`mg __________ H$a Ago
A) àË`j ~) AàË`j H$) g_Vmob S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr
12) __________ ho gmd©O{ZH$ H$Om©Mo à_wI _mJ© AmhoV.
A) {dXoer ~±H$m ~) XoemVrb _Ü`dVu ~±H$m
H$) XoemVrb ì`mnmar ~±H$ m S>) darb n¡H$s gd©
13) __________ ho gmd©O{ZH$ Am`ì``mMo Aä`mg{df` AmhoV.
A) gmd©O{ZH$ IM© ~) gmd©O{ZH$ H$O©
H$) gmd©O{ZH$ CËnÝZ S>) darbn¡H$s gd©
14) __________ H$Om©g A{Z{YH$ H$O} Ago åhUVmV.
A) AënH$mbrZ ~) XrK©H$mbrZ H$) _Ü`_ H$mbrZ S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr
2. WmoS>Š`mV CÎmao {bhm :
1) gmd©O{ZH$ H$Om©Mo àH$ma ñnîQ> H$am. 7
2) gmd©O{ZH$ Am`ì``mMo ñdê$n ñnîQ> H$am. 7
3. Q>rnm {bhm :
1) _yë` d{Y©V H$a. 7
2) AàË`j H$a. 7
4. Imbrbn¡H$s EH$mMo CÎma {bhm : 14
1) gmd©O{ZH$ IMm©Mm AW© gm§Jm d gmd©O{ZH$ IM© dmT>rMr H$maUo ñnîQ> H$am.
2) Am§VaamîQ´>r` ì`mnmamMo \$m`Xo d VmoQ>o ñnîQ> H$am.
5. Imbrbn¡H$s EH$mMo CÎma {bhm : 14
1) àË`j H$amMr ì`m»`m {bhm d àË`j H$amMo JwU d Xmof ñnîQ> H$am.
2) hm°Q´>oMm ì`mnma MH«$mMm MbZOÝ` {gÕm§V ñnîQ> H$am.
Set P
*SLRCT44* SLR-CT – 44
Set P
B.Com. – II (Semester – IV) (New) (CBCS) Examination, 2018
Day and Date : Monday, 2-4-2018 Max. Marks : 70
Time : 10.30 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.
N. B. : 1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
3) Use of calculator is allowed.
SLR-CT – 44 -2- *SLRCT44*
6) Under ____________ method the value of shares is determined by comparing
earning capacity and normal rate of return on capital employed.
A) Net assets B) Yield method
C) Earning capacity D) Fair valued
7) Payments under employees provident fund, pension fund, gratuity fund and
employees state insurance are _____________ creditors.
A) Secured B) Unsecured
C) Current D) Preferential
8) Cash flow statement deals only with cash whereas funds flow statement
deals with all the components of _____________
A) Borrowed capital B) Working capital
C) Owned capital D) Authorised capital
9) Issue of debentures, raising long term loans, increase in share capital, sale
of fixed assets investment etc. are _____________ items.
A) Inflow of cash B) Outflow of cash
C) Application of cash D) Working capital
10) Decrease in current liability items _____________ working capital.
A) Decreases B) Increases
C) Reduces D) No effect
11) The rate of dividend on preference share is _____________
A) Increasing B) Decreasing
C) Fixed D) Variable
12) A person appointed for liquidation of company is called _____________
A) Auditor B) Director
C) Accountant D) Liquidator
13) Unless, otherwise stated debentures are presumed to be ___________ loan.
A) Unsecured B) Short term
C) Secured D) Current liability
14) Liquidation without intervation of the court is known as _____________
A) Compulsory liquidation B) Incorporation
C) Compulsory winding up D) Voluntary liquidation
Set P
*SLRCT44* -3- SLR-CT – 44
2. Write short notes : 14
A) Methods of redemption of debentures.
B) Valuation of goodwill.
3. A) Sunlight Company Ltd. redeemed 6000 10% debentures of Rs. 100 each at
par paying cash in three yearly instalments by drawing lots as shown below. 7
On 31-3-2016 debentures of Rs. 2,00,000
On 31-3-2017 debentures of Rs. 2,00,000
On 31-3-2018 debentures of Rs. 2,00,000
Journalise the transactions assuming that the interest is payable every year
on 31st March.
B) From the following balance sheet and other information of Moonlight Company
Ltd. You are required to value the share on the net assets method if preference
shares have priority both as to payment of capital and arrears of dividend in
the events of liquidation. 7
Set P
SLR-CT – 44 -4- *SLRCT44*
4. From the following Balance Sheet of a sole trader, prepare a schedule of changes
in working capital and a funds flow statement. 14
Balance Sheet
Liabilities 2009 2010 Assets 2009 2010
Capital 63,000 1,00,000 Cash 15,000 20,000
Long term loans 50,000 60,000 Debtors 30,000 28,000
Creditors 42,000 39,000 Stock 55,000 72,000
Bank overdraft 35,000 25,000 Land and building 80,000 1,00,000
O/S expenses 5,000 6,000 Furniture 15,000 10,000
1,95,000 2,30,000 1,95,000 2,30,000
Prepare cash flow statement from the following summarised Balance Sheet of
Highlight Company Ltd. 14
Balance Sheet
Liabilities 2009 2010 Assets 2009 2010
Equity share capital 40,000 50,000 Fixed assets 69,000 61,000
6% redeemable Less : Depreciation 6,000 7,000
Preference shares 50,000 60,000 63,000 54,000
6% debentures 38,000 46,000 Stock 40,000 50,000
General reserve 5,000 5,000 Debtors 30,000 50,000
Profit and loss A/c 10,000 12,000 Cash 20,000 30,200
Creditors 9,000 8,000 Prepaid expenses 5,000 6,000
Provision for taxation 2,000 5,000
Proposed dividend 4,000 4,200
1,58,000 1,90,200 1,58,000 1,90,200
Tax and dividend of 2009 have been paid in 2010.
Set P
*SLRCT44* -5- SLR-CT – 44
5. Swati Company Ltd. passed a resolution to wind up voluntarily on 31st March 2018,
when its Balance Sheet stood as follows.
Set P
No. 5 A J
6) Small Scale Industries in Free Trade Zone get Income Tax holidays for
_____ years.
A) 3 B) 5 C) 4 D) 7
7) On 2nd October 1993 _____ scheme is launched by Government of India.
A) National Equity Fund B) Supply of Raw Materials
C) Interest Subsidy D) Prime Ministers Rozgar Yojana
SLR-CT 45 -2- *SLRCT45*
3. Answer in short : 14
A) Functions of National Institute of Entrepreneurship and Small Business
Development : NIESBUD.
B) Explain the causes of Industrial Sickness.
_amR>r ê$nm§Va
gyMZm : 1) gd© àíZ Amdí`H$ AmhoV.
2) COdrH$S>rb A§H$ nyU© JwU Xe©{dVmV.
1. Imbr {Xboë`m n`m©`mVyZ `mo½` n`m©`mMr {ZdS> H$am. 14
1) "^maVr` CÚmoOH$Vm {dH$mg' g§ñWoMo _w»`mb` ________ `oWo Amho.
A) Zdr {Xëbr ~) _w§~B© H$) A÷Xm~mX S>) h¡Ðm~mX
2) Am¡Úmo{JH$ {dH$mg _§S>imMr ñWmnZm ________ dfu H$aÊ`mV Ambr.
A) {S>g|~a, 1960 ~) Zmoìho~a, 1960 H$) Am°Q>mo~a, 1960 S>) gßQ>|~a, 1960
3) "{Oëhm CÚmoJ H|$Ðo' H|$Ð gaH$maZo amÁ`gaH$maH$S>o ________ dfm©nmgyZ nyU©nUo hñVm§VarV
Ho$br AmhoV.
A) 1978 ~) 1993 H$) 1960 S>) 1992
4) ^maVm_Ü`o nhrbr "Vm§ÌrH$ gëbmJma g§ñWm' hr ________ amÁ`m_Ü`o ñWmnZ H$aÊ`mV Ambr.
A) _hmamîQ´> ~) JwOamV H$) Ho$ai S>) H$Zm©Q>H$
5) H|$Ðr` J§wVdUyH$ _XV `moOZm' H|$Ð gaH$maZo ________ dfu gwê$ Ho$br.
A) 1971 ~) 1978 H$) 1992 S>) 1970
6) _wV ì`mnma joÌm_Ü`o bKwCÚmoJmZm àßVrH$am_Ü`o {_bUmar gwQ> ________ dfm©gmR>r AmgVo.
A) 3 ~) 5 H$) 4 S>) 7
7) 2 Am°Q>mo~a 1993 nmgyZ ^maV XoemV ________ `moOZm gwê$ Pmbr.
A) Z°eZb BdrQ>r \§$S> ~) H$ÀMm _mbmMm nyadR>m
H$) ì`mOmV gdbV S>) n§VàYmZ amoOJma `moOZm
8) "EAa B§S>r`m BQ>aZ°eZb H§$nZr' 1948 _Ü`o ________ `mZr gwê$ Ho$br.
A) APr_ ào_Or ~) {Yê$^mB© A§~mZr H$) Oo.Ama.S>r.Q>mQ>m S>) pñQ>ìh Om¡ãg
9) ________ `mZm Oo.Ama.S>r. Q>mQ>m `m§Mo AWuH$ gëbmJma åhUyZ Zo_bo Amho.
A) pñQ>ìh Om¡ãg ~) S>r.Ama. n|S>go H$) APr_ ào_Or S>) {H$bmo©ñH$a
10) pñQ>ìh Om°ãg `m§Mo H$moUVo CËnmXZ ~mOmanoR>oV An`er Pmbo ?
A) g\$aM§X ~) {bgm H$) _°{H$ZVmoe S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr
Set P
SLR-CT 45 -4- *SLRCT45*
Set P
*SLRCT46* SLR-CT – 46
Set P
B.Com. – II (Semester – IV) (CBCS) (New) Examination, 2018
SLR-CT – 46 -2- *SLRCT46*
Set P
*SLRCT46* -3- SLR-CT – 46
4. What is a time series ? Explain the various components of time series in brief. 14
Sample No's 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Mean X( ) 34 94 73 44 54 73 51 64 34 74
Range (R ) 5 6 8 9 7 9 6 4 5 7
5. What is statistical quality control ? Give the advantages of SQC. Explain the
control limits for X (Mean) control charts. 14
Calculate Laspeyre’s, Paasche’s and Fisher’s index number from the following
data. 14
Set P
S e a t
5 A J
N o .
SLR-CT 47 -2- *SLRCT47*
10) Liquidity of bank implies _________
a) cash credit
b) credit creation
c) capacity to produce cash on demand of consumer
d) all the above
11) If the primary deposits of Commercial Bank are large then credit creation
power of the bank will be _________
a) increases b) decreases c) narrow d) smaller
12) SWIFT initially registered in _________ city.
a) London b) Brussels c) New York d) Mumbai
13) _________ word is used for core banking.
a) Banking services
b) Extension of banking services
c) Bank branch group connected by net
d) A.T.M.
14) National Payments Corporation of India established in year ________.
a) 2002 b) 2005 c) 2008 d) 2010
Set P
*SLRCT48* SLR-CT – 48
No. Set P
B.Com. – II (Semester – IV) (CGPA) Examination, 2018
english (Compulsory) (Old)
Staying Ahead
Day and Date : Wednesday, 28-3-2018 Max. Marks : 70
Time : 10.30 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.
instructions : 1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
SLR-CT – 48 -2- *SLRCT48*
6) ______ is a very important period in the life of Lord Chesterfield’s son.
a) His stay in Rome b) His winter journey
c) His student years d) His arrival in England
7) Rabindranath Tagore cites the example of a tiller and a pathmaker to
a) Underline the importance of manual labour
b) Assert that these are the greatest professions
c) Stress that no work is unimportant and god can be reached through any
labour, if accomplished sincerely.
d) Build the reader’s character
8) Working honestly is ______ worship.
a) true b) false c) no d) honest
9) The song is said to possess the quality of flight. This is
a) because it is a bird
b) a poetic device
c) because the singer’s voice has a soaring quality
d) a magical power
10) The poem ‘The Arrow and the Song’ was first published in
a) 1854 b) 1857 c) 1845 d) 1875
11) He has invested his money
a) wiserly b) wisely
c) wise d) none of the above
12) It is raining
a) heavily b) heavy c) heavier d) heaviest
13) I ______ as an Accountant in State Bank of India.
a) works b) working c) have work d) work
14) Mahesh has ______ the success.
a) achieve b) achieved c) achieving d) been achieve
Set P
SLR-CT – 48 -4- *SLRCT48*
Candidate : ____________________.
Manager : Actually, the vacancy is in Hyderabad. Are you ready to work there ?
Candidate : ____________________.
Manager : ______________________.
Candidate : I am earning 25,000/- net in my current job.
Manager : Thank You, Ms. Sneha. ______________.
Candidate : __________________.
2) Imagine that you have applied for the post of Assistant Professor in Commerce
in K T M College, Solapur. Write the transcript of the interview consisting of
7-8 questions that could be asked and your probable responses.
5. Write a script of the meeting of the Staff Academy called by the Principal to
plan and finalise the date, guest and budget of the Annual Prize Distribution
Ceremony of the college. Include the opening remarks of the chairman, purpose,
agenda, suggestions etc. 14
Set P
*SLRCT49* SLR-CT – 49
No. Set P
B.Com. – II (Semester – IV) (CGPA) Examination, 2018
Business Economics – II (Old)
SLR-CT – 49 -2- *SLRCT49*
9) ___________ is the statement of the value of imports and exports of visible
a) Balance of trade b) Balance of payment
c) Terms of trade d) None of these
10) ___________ are the remedies of correcting the disequilibrium in the Balance
of payment.
a) Stimulating exports b) Defiate the currency
c) Exchange control d) All above
11) Public Finance deals with income and ________________ of the public
a) Income b) Expenditure c) Public debt. d) None of these
12) The principles of maximum social advantage is firstly presented by
a) Adam Smith b) Recardo c) Dr. Dalton d) None of these
13) In __________ tax, there is shifting of tax.
a) Direct b) Indirect c) Income d) None of these
14) The Recardian theory of international trade is also known as _________
a) Neo classical b) Classical c) Modern d) None of these
Set P
*SLRCT49* -3- SLR-CT – 49
_amR>r ê$nm§Va
gyMZm : 1) gd© àíZ Amdí`H$ AmhoV.
2) COdrH$S>rb A§H$ nyU© JwU Xe©{dVmV.
3) Amdí`H$ VoWo gw~H$ AmH¥$Ë`m H$mT>m.
1. `mo½` n`m©` {ZdS>m : 14
1) ì`mnma MH«$mV ____________ Z§Va _§XrMr AdñWm `oVo.
A) AngaU ~) VoOr H$) nwZéÁOrdZ S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr
2) hm°Q´>oÀ`m _Vo "ì`mnma MH«$ hr g§nyU©nUo ____________ KQ>Zm Amho'.
A) VoOr ~) MbZ{df`H$ H$) {dÎmr` S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr
3) _wbV: àË`j H$a ho ____________ H$a AgVmV.
A) à{VJm_r ~) à_mUera H$) àJVerb S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr
4) ^maVmV _wë` d{Y©V H$a ____________ amÁ`mZr gd©àW_ A§_bmV AmUbm.
A) _hmamîQ´> ~) H$Zm©Q>H$ H$) h[a`mZm S>) n§Om~
5) ____________ ho gmd©O{ZH$ Am`ì``mMo Aä`mg {df` AmhoV.
A) gmd©O{ZH$ _hgyb ~) gmd©O{ZH$ IM©
H$) gmd©O{ZH$ H$O© S>) darbn¡H$s gd©
6) Ooìhm Mmbw CËnÞ ho Mmbw IMm©nojm A{YH$ Agob Va Ë`mg ____________ A§XmOnÌH$
Ago åhUVmV.
A) {ebH$s ~) g_Vmob H$) VwQ>rMm S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr
7) Ooìhm H$amKmV d H$a^ma {^ÝZ ì`ŠVrda nS>V Agob Va Ë`mg ___________ H$a Ago
A) àË`j ~) AàË`j H$) à_mUera S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr
8) ____________ ho gmd©O{ZH$ H$O© ~mT>rMr H$maUo AmhoV.
A) dmT>Vm g§ajU IM© ~) A§XmOnÌ{H$` VyQ>
H$) H$ë`mUH$mar amÁ`mMr AW©ì`dñWm S>) darbn¡H$s gd©
Set P
SLR-CT – 49 -4- *SLRCT49*
*SLRCT50* SLR-CT – 50
Seat Set P
B.Com. (Part – II) (Semester – IV) (CGPA Pattern) (Old) Examination, 2018
Day and Date : Monday, 2-4-2018 Max. Marks : 70
Time : 10.30 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.
7) Market/Book value of all the assets excluding fictitious assets minus liabilities
of the Company is called
A) Gross Assets B) Net Assets
C) Intangible Assets D) Current Assets
12) Net assets is Rs. 10,00,000, Number of Equity shares is 20,000, Preference
Share Capital is Rs. 2,00,000, Preliminary expenses is Rs. 15,000. Then the
Intrinsic value per share is Rs.
A) 39.25 B) 50.75 C) 50.00 D) 40.00
13) The transactions which increase working capital are the _________ of funds.
A) Applications B) Sources C) Decrease D) Reduces
14) The creditors who are paid prior to any payment to unsecured creditors are
known as
A) Secured Creditors B) Fully Secured Creditors
C) Preferential Creditors D) Unsecured Creditors
Set P
*SLRCT50* -3- SLR-CT – 50
3. A) From the following Balance Sheet of Tata Co. Ltd. as at 31st March 2017 find
out the Intrinsic value of each equity share. 7
Balance Sheet
8% Preference shares of
Rs. 100 each fully Paid 2,00,000 Land and Building 1,00,000
6,60,000 6,60,000
Goodwill should be valued at five years purchase of super profit. The average
profit of the company for last three years is Rs. 75,000 and super profit is
Rs. 35,000.
Assets to be revalued :- Land and Building Rs. 1,50,000 and Plant and
Machinery Rs. 2,00,000.
Set P
SLR-CT – 50 -4- *SLRCT50*
B) Good luck Ltd. went in to voluntary liquidation on 31st March 2016 when its
Balance Sheet was as under
Balance Sheet
Preferential 7,400
Stock 82,000
Debtors 74,000
Unsecured 1,41,800
Cash 14,000
4,88,000 4,88,000
Property (which was used to pay partly secured creditors) Rs. 44,000, Machinery
Rs. 1,28,000, Vehicle Rs. 20,000, Stock Rs. 1,20,000, Debtors Rs. 70,000. The
expenses of liquidation amounted to Rs. 3,800 and liquidators remuneration was
fixed at 3% on all assets realized excluding cash.
Set P
*SLRCT50* -5- SLR-CT – 50
4. The Hindustan Ltd. Issued 2500, 15% Debentures of Rs. 100 each at Rs. 95
Payable as follows :
On Application Rs. 20
On Allotment Rs. 25
The Company received applications for 3,000 debentures to whom the debentures
were allotted on prorata by adjusting the excess application money towards
allotment call.
Mr. X the holder of 100 debentures paid the entire amount due on debentures
along with the allotment call.
Mr. Y the holder of 50 debentures failed to pay the final call on his debentures.
ABCD Ltd. had issued 1,000, 10% debentures of Rs. 100 each on 1-4-2008.
These debentures are redeemable at 5% premium on 31-3-2014. On that date
the Accounts stood as follows :
On 31-3-2014 the investment were sold at 102% and all the Debentures were
duly paid off. Show the following ledger accounts in the books of company for the
year ended 31-3-2014. 14
1) 10% Debenture A/c
2) Premium on Redemption of Debenture A/c
3) Sinking Fund A/c
4) Sinking Fund Investment A/c
5) Bank A/c.
Balance Sheet
Balance Sheet
Profit & Loss A/c 1,00,000 1,60,000 Plant & machinery 5,00,000 8,00,000
Additional Information :
1) Rs. 50,000 depreciation has been charged on P & M for the year ended
31 December 2016.
2) A piece of Machinery was sold for Rs. 8,000 during the year. It had cost
Rs. 12,000; depreciation of Rs. 7,000 had been provided on it.
Set P
*SLRCT51* SLR-CT – 51
Seat Set P
Set P
*SLRCT51* -3- SLR-CT – 51
3. Answer in short : 14
1) Define small scale industries.
2) Define sick industries and state the symptoms of sick industries.
Set P
SLR-CT – 51 -4- *SLRCT51*
_amR>r ê$nm§Va
gyMZm : 1) gd© àíZ Amdí`H$ AmhoV.
2) COdrH$S>rb AH$S>o nyU© JwU Xe©{dVmV.
1. Imbr {Xboë`m n`m©`m_YyZ `mo½` n`m©` {ZdS>m. 14
1) _hmamîQ´> Am¡Úmo{JH$ {dH$mg _hm_§S>imZo n{hbr Am¡Úmo{JH$ dgmhV `oWo ñWmnZ Ho$br.
A) R>mUo ~) qnnar qMMdS>
H$) ^moB©ga S>) gmVnya
2) ~m`moH$m°Z CÚmoJmZo ñWmnZoZ§Va EH$m dfm©À`m AmV Xoem§Zm E§PmB_Mr {Z`m©V
H$aÊ`mg àma§^ Ho$bm.
A) Ý`w{Pb§S> Am{U Am°ñQ´>o{b`m ~) MrZ Am{U OnmZ
H$) `w. Eg. E. Am{U `wamon S>) X{jU Am\«$sH$m Am{U _bo{e`m
3) 2006 À`m H$m`ÚmZwgma, Á`m bKwCÚmoJmV CËnmXZmMo H$m`© MmbVo Ë`m CÚmoJmVrb ^m§S>dbr
Jw§VdUwH$sMr _`m©Xm nojm OmñV Vo n`ªV Amho.
A) 25 bj Vo 5 H$moQ>r ~) 10 bj Vo 1 H$moQ>r
H$) 60 bj Vo 75 bj S>) 10 bj Vo 2 H$moQ>r
4) Oo. Ama. S>r. Q>mQ>m `m§Zr "EAa B§{S>`m B§Q>aZ°eZb' hr H§$nZr gmbr gwé Ho$br.
A) 1947 ~) 1950 H$) 1948 S>) 1949
5) bKwCÚmoJm§_wio AW©ì`dñWobm MmbZm {_iVo.
A) ehar ~) J«m_rU
H$) Xoer S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr
6) amîQ´>r` bKwCÚmoJ _hm_§S>imMo _w»`mb` `oWo Amho.
A) _w§~B© ~) Ah_Xm~mX
H$) h¡Ðm~mX S>) Z{d {Xëbr
7) bKwCÚmoJm§À`m {dH$mgm_wio, Xþîn[aUm_ Q>miVm `oVmV.
A) `m§ÌrH$sH$aUmMo ~) _moR>çm à_mUmdarb CËnmXZmMo
H$) ZJarH$aUmMo S>) Am¡Úmo{JH$sH$aUmMo
Set P
*SLRCT51* -5- SLR-CT – 51
Set P
*SLRCT52* SLR-CT – 52
Set P
1. Choose the most appropriate alternative amongst the given for each question : 14
i) If events A and B are mutually exclusive, then P(A∩B) = ?
a) P(A).P(B) b) 1 c) 0 d) none of these
ii) Probability of getting a king, when we draw one card from a well suffelled
pack of cards is equal to
2 1 3
a) b) c) d) none of these
13 13 13
iii) Probability of a perfect event is equal to
a) 0 b) 1 c) –1 d) none of these
iv) For a binomial distribution
a) mean > variance b) mean < variance
c) mean = variance d) none of these
v) No. of trials n, in binomial Distribution is
a) a finite b) infinite
c) cannot put any restriction on it d) none of these
vi) Probability of success in each trial of binomial distribution
a) varies from trial to trial b) remains constant
c) cannot say anything such d) none of these
vii) Variance of Standard Normal Variate ‘Z’ (SNV) is equal to
a) 0 b) 1 c) 2 d) none of these
SLR-CT – 52 -2- *SLRCT52*
viii) If φ a r.v. X follows a normal distribution with mean M and variance σ2, then
X −M
P − 1≤ ≤ + 1 = ?
a) 0.9545 b) 0.9973 c) 0.6827 d) none of these
ix) A control chart contains how many control limits, which are parallel to X-axis
a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) none of these
x) Variation within LCL and UCL in a control chart is mainly due to
a) chance causes b) assignable causes
c) controllable causes d) none of these
xi) Difference between UCL and LCL is equal to
a) 5-sigma times b) 6-sigma times
c) 7-sigma times d) none of these
xii) In Laspreye’s Price Index Number, what is used as weight ?
a) base year quantity b) base year prices
c) current year quantity d) none of these
xiii) Which one of the following index number has an upward bias ?
a) Paache’s b) Laspreye’s c) Fisher’s d) None of these
xiv) More demand for fancy dresses for children and sweets in Diwali, Christmas,
Ids is an example of
a) Secular trend b) Seasonal variation
c) Cyclic variation d) None of these
2. A) Cards are numbered from 1 to 100. One card is drawn from these cards
randomly. What is the probability that the number on a drawn card is in the
multiple of 4 or 5 ? 7
B) Six coins are tossed simultaneously. What is the probability of getting 4
heads ? 7
Lot No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
No. of defectives 6 8 4 10 3 12 15 5 7 6
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
4 14 6 3 7 6 5 13 4 2
Set P
*SLRCT53* SLR-CT – 53
Set P
Set P
*SLRCT56* SLR-CT – 56
Set P
B.Com. – III (Semester – V) (CGPA) Examination, 2018
14) The formation of Right to Information Act is for getting __________, which is
a right given under this Act.
a) Profit b) Information c) Right d) All of the above
2. Write short notes on : 14
A) Sources of Business Law.
B) Void Agreement.
3. Write short notes on : 14
A) Remedies for breach of contract.
B) Conditions.
4. What is contract and state essentials of valid contract. 14
Define unpaid seller and explian his various rights.
_amRr ê$nm§Va
gyMZm : 1) gd© àíZ Amdí`H$ AmhoV.
2) COdrH$S>rb A§H$ nyU© JwU Xe©{dVmV.
1. `mo½` n`m©`mMr {ZdS> H$am : 14
1) ^maVr` H$amam§Mm H$m`Xm
A) 1872 ~) 1873 H$) 1874 S>) 1875
2) __________Ü`o _mbmÀ`m _mbH$sMo hñVm§Va ^{dî`H$mimV qH$dm H$mhr AW© nyU© Ho$ë`mda hmoVo.
A) _mbMr {dH«$s ~) _mb{dH«$sMm R>amd
H$) IaoXr d {dH«$s S>) darbn¡H$s gd©
3) Ý`m`XmZmÀ`m H$m_mMo àemgZ `mo½` àH$mao H$aÊ`mÀ`m ÑîQ>rZo emgZmZo A§_bmV AmUboë`m _mÝ`
Aem {Z`_m§Mm g§M åhUOo
A) {Z`_ ~) H$m`Xm H$) na§nam S>) darbn¡H$s gd©
4) _mbmÀ`m {dH«$sMm H$m`Xm
A) 1930 ~) 1931 H$) 1932 S>) 1933
5) _m{hVrMm A{YH$ma A{Y{Z`_ H$m`Xm
A) 2001 ~) 2002 H$) 2005 S>) 2006
6) _________hm EImXo H¥$Ë` H$aÊ`mg§~§Yr qH$dm Z H$aÊ`mg§§~§Yr Agmdm.
A) àñVmd ~) pñdH¥$Vr H$) à{V\$b S>) darbn¡H$s gd©
7) _mbmÀ`m {dH«$sÀ`m H$amamV_________ dñVw Amdí`H$ Agmdo.
A) AMb ~) Mb H$) Mb d AMb S>) darbn¡H$s gd©
8) H|$Ðr` _m{hVr Am`moJmMr ñWmnZm _________ gaH$ma H$aVo.
A) H|$Ð ~) amÁ` H$) H§$nZr S>) darbn¡H$s gd©
9) àñVmd pñdH¥$Ë`mZo Ho$bobo H¥$Ë` _________ À`m B©ÀN>oZwgma Agmdo.
A) àñVmdH$ ~) àñVmd pñdH¥$Vm
H$) IaoXrXma S>) darbn¡H$s gd©
Set P
SLR-CT – 56 -4- *SLRCT56*
10) _mbmÀ`m {dH«$sÀ`m H$amam_wio _mbmMr _mbH$s _______ H$Sy>Z IaooXrXmamH$S>o Vm~S>Vmo~ OmVo.
A) IaoXrXma ~) {dH«o$Vm H$) à{V{ZYr S>) darbn¡H$s gd©
11) H$amamg g§_Vr hr _________Agbr nm{hOo.
A) _wV ~) YmH$mZo H$) H$nQ>mZo S>) darbn¡H$s gd©
12) IaoXrXmamZo {dH«o$Ë`mg dñVyMr _________{Xbr nm{hOo.
A) à{V\$b ~) qH$_V H$) _m{hVr S>) darbn¡H$s gd©
13) à{V\$b_________ Agmdo.
A) H$m`Xoera ~) ~oH$m`Xoera H$) Ad¡Y S>) darbn¡H$s gd©
14) _m{hVrMm A{YH$ma H$m`XçmMr {Z{_©Vr hr _________ àmßV H$aÊ`mgmR>r A{YH$ma XoUmam
H$m`Xm hmo`.
A) Z\$m ~) _m{hVr H$) hH$ S>) darbn¡H$s gd©
2. Q>rnm Úm : 14
A)ì`mdgmWrZ H$m`XçmMo ñÌmoV.
~) ì`W© R>amd.
3. Q>rnm Úm : 14
A)H$ama^§Jm~Ôb Cnm``moOZm
~) à_wI AW©.
4. H$ama åhUOo H$m` Am{U H$m`Xoera H$amamMr d¡{eîQ>ço/KQ>H$ gm§Jm. 14
AXÎm {dH«o$Ë`mMr g§km Úm d Ë`mMo {d{dY hH$ ñnîQ> H$am.
5. amÁ` _m{hVr Am`moJmMr aMZm,Ë`m§Mo A{YH$ma d H$m`} ñnîQ> H$am. 14
H$ama g_mßVr åhUOo H$m` ? d H$ama g_mßVrMo {d{dY àH$ma gm§Jm.
–––––––––––––––––––– Set P
*SLRCT57* SLR-CT – 57
No. Set P
B.Com. – III (Semester – V) (CGPA) Examination, 2018
business economics (Paper – III)
Day and Date : Thursday, 22-3-2018 Max. Marks : 70
Time : 10.30 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.
SLR-CT – 57 -2- *SLRCT57*
9) __________ poverty is the result of unequal distribution of national income
and wealth.
A) Absolute B) Relative C) Comparative D) All of them
10) _________ was first who make an estimate of black money in India.
A) Poonam Gupta B) Suraj Gupta
C) N. Kaldor D) O.P. Chopra
11) In India rate of unemployment is ___________ in urban area as compare
to rural area.
A) High B) Low
C) Equal D) None of these
12) Income inequality is measured by __________ curve.
A) Demand B) Supply C) Lorenz D) None of these
13) Inflation ___________ the social injustice.
A) Increases B) Constant
C) Decrease D) None of these
14) Globalization means
A) Abolishment of impact control B) Reducing the rate of import duty
C) Privatising D) All of the above
Set P
*SLRCT57* -3- SLR-CT – 57
_amR>r ê$nm§Va
gyMZm : 1) gd© àíZ Amdí`H$.
2) COdrH$S>rb A§H$ àíZm§Mo nyU© JwU Xe©{dVmV.
1. Imbrb àíZm§Mr CÎmao `mo½` n`m©` {ZdSy>Z {bhm. 14
1) A°S>_ pñ_W `m§À`m {XK©H$mbrZ d¥{Õ {díbofUmV l_{d^mJUrÀ`m H$m`m©da ___________
_wio _`m©Xm `oVo.
A) Vm§{ÌH$ àJVr ~) ^m§S>db g§M` H$) ~mOmam§Mm {dñVma S>) l_eŠVrVrb dmT>
2) Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUmg gZmVZ n§Wr` AW©emñÌk åhUyZ AmoiIbo OmVo ?
A) A°S>_ pñ_W ~) S>opìhS> [aH$mS>m} H$) _mëWg S>) darb gd©
3) ì`mdgm{`H$ AW©emñÌmMm g§~§Y àm_w»`mZo ___________ {_i{dUmÀ`m CÚmoJ g§ñWmer Amho.
A) CËnÝZ ~) Z\$m H$) ~MV S>) Jw§VdUyH$
4) [aH$mS>m}À`m Am{W©H$ {dH$mg {gÕm§VmZwgma doVZ Am{U Z\$m `m§À`mVrb g§~§Y ___________
A) YZmË_H$ ~) F$UmË_H$ H$) VQ>ñW S>) pñWa
5) g_m§Va AW©ì`dñWm hr ___________ er g§~§YrV Amho.
A) H$mbm n¡gm ~) nV n¡gm H$) {dYrJ«mø n¡gm S>) {dXoer n¡gm
6) amoñQ>mo `m§À`m Am{W©H$ d¥ÕrÀ`m Q>ßnçmZwgma Mm¡Wr AdñWm ___________ hmo`.
A) na§namJV AdñWm ~) n[anŠdVoH$S>o dmñVbmb
H$) CS>mUmdñWm S>) CS>mUnyd© AdñWm
7) ^maVmV ZdrZ Am¡Úmo{JH$ YmoaU ___________ _Ü`o Omhra Pmbo.
A) 1956 ~) 1948 H$) 1971 S>) 1991
8) ___________ ho Ë`m§À`m bmoH$g§»`m {gÕm§Vm~m~V à{gÕ AmhoV.
A) A°S>_ pñ_W ~) [aH$mS>m} H$) Omo. dr. go S>) Wm°_g _mëWg
9) ___________ Xm[aÐç ho amîQ´>r` CËnÞ Am{U g§nÎmr `m§À`mVrb {df_VoMm n[aUm_ Amho.
A) {Zanoj ~) gmnoj H$) VwbZmË_H$ S>) darb gd©
Set P
SLR-CT – 57 -4- *SLRCT57*
Set P
*SLRPT58* SLR-CT – 58
Set P
B.Com. III (Semester – V) (CGPA) Examination, 2018
Co-operative development
Day and Date : Friday, 23-3-2018 Max. Marks : 70
Time : 10.30 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.
N.B. : 1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
_amR>r ê$nm§Va
gyMZm : 1) gd© àíZ Amdí`H$ AmhoV.
2) COdrH$S>rb A§H$ nyU© JwU Xe©{dVmV.
1. {Xboë`m n`m©`mVyZ `mo½` n`m©` {ZdS>m. 14
1) gm_m{OH$ Ame` AgUmar Am{W©H$ nÕVr åhUOo ________ hmo`.
A) CXma_VdmX ~) OmJ{VH$sH$aU
H$) ImOJrH$aU S>) ghH$ma
2) amîQ´>r` Am¡Úmo{JH$ ghH$mar g§KmMr ñWmnZm ________ gmbr Pmbr.
A) 1865 ~) 1965 H$) 1866 S>) 1966
3) ^maVmVrb ghH$mar {dnUZ g§ñWm§Mr aMZm ________ ñdê$nmMr Amho.
A) g§Kr` ~) emIr` H$) {Ì ñVar` S>) {Û ñVar`
4) amÁ` ghH$mar ~±H$m§Zm ________ ~±H$m åhUVmV.
A) J«m_rU ~) {eIa
H$) {Oëhm S>) `mn¡H$s H$moUVohr Zmhr
5) "ghH$ma' `m eãXmMr {Z{_©Vr ________ `m b°Q>rZ eãXmnmgyZ Pmbr.
A) H$mo-Am°naoeZ ~) H$mo-Am°naar
H$) ghH$mar S>) `mn¡H$s H$moUVohr Zmhr
6) ________ {Oëhm _Ü`dVu ghH$mar ~±H$m§Mr g_ñ`m Amho.
A) Anwar ~±H$s¨J godm ~) H$O©dmanmVrb {Xa§JmB©
H$) Aà{e{jV godH$ dJ© S>) darbn¡H$s gd©
7) ^maVmV n{hbo J«mhH$ ghH$mar ^m§S>ma ________ `oWo ñWmnZ Pmbo.
A) nwUo ~) _Ðmg H$) _w§~B© S>) gm§Jbr
8) ________ `m§Zm "ghH$mamMm OZH ' _mZbo OmVo.
A) àm.S>r.Or. H$d} ~) {dë`_ qH$J
H$) S>m°. YZ§O`amd JmS>Jri S>) am°~Q>© AmodoZ
9) ghH$mar gmIa H$maImZm hm ________ g§ñWm§Mm àH$ma Amho.
A) J«mhH$ ghH$mar ~) à{H«$`m ghH$mar
H$) {dnUZ ghH$mar S>) ghH$mar nVnwadR>m
10) ^maVmVrb Xþ½Y ghH$mar g§ñWm§Mr aMZm ________ ñdê$nmMr Amho.
A) {Û ñVar` ~) {Ì ñVar` H$) emIr` S>) EH$md`dr
Set P
SLR-CT – 58 -4- *SLRCT58*
11) ________ àmW{_H$ H¥${f ghH$mar nVnwadR>m g§ñWm Am{U amÁ` ghH$mar ~±Ho$Mo Xþdm åhUyZ
H$m`© H$aVmV.
A) {Oëhm _Ü`dVu ghH$mar ~±H$m ~) ñQ>oQ> ~±H$ Am°\$ B§{S>`m
H$) [aPìh© ~±H$ Am°\$ B§{S>`m S>) Zm~mS>©
12) amîQ´>r` S>oAar {dH$mg {ZJ_mMr ñWmnZm ________ gmbr Pmbr.
A) 1965 ~) 1966 H$) 1967 S>) 1968
13) ^maVmV n{hbo ghH$mar à{H«$`m g§ñWm§Mr gwédmV ________ `oWo Pmbr.
A) åh¡gya ~) _Ðmg H$) _w§~B© S>) Zm{eH$
14) ________ g§ñWm hr ^y{_hrZ _Oyam§Mr ghH$mar g§ñWm Amho.
A) Hw$b ghH$mar ~) g§`wŠV ghH$mar eoVr
H$) gm_wXmB©H$ ghH$mar eoVr S>) `mn¡H$s H$moUVohr Zmhr
2. {Q>nm {bhm.
A) godm ghH$mar g§ñWm§Mr d¡{eîQ>ço. 7
~) bmoH$emhr {Z`§ÌU. 7
3. WmoS>Š`mV CÎmao {bhm.
A) Am¡Úmo{JH$ ghH$mar g§ñWm§Mr H$m`} WmoS>Š`mV ñnîQ> H$am. 7
~) ghH$mar eoVrMo àH$ma gm§Jm. 7
4. Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUË`mhr EH$ àíZmMo CÎma {bhm. 14
1) ghH$mar {dnUZ g§ñWm åhUOo H$m` ? ghH$mar {dnUZ g§ñWm§À`m g_ñ`m Am{U Ë`mdarb
Cnm``moOZm ñnîQ> H$am.
2) amÁ` ghH$mar ~±H$m§Mo H$m`} d g_ñ`m ñnîQ> H$am.
5. Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUË`mhr EH$m àíZmMo CÎma {bhm. 14
1) ^maVmVrb ghH$mar Xþ½Y g§ñWm§À`m g_ñ`m Am{U Ë`mdarb Cnm``moOZm {deX H$am.
2) S>m°. d¡ÚZmWZ g{_VrÀ`m {e\$maer g{dñVa ñnîQ> H$am.
Set P
*SLRCT59* SLR-CT – 59
Set P
3. Answer in brief : 14
A) Methods of measuring quality of work life.
B) Human capital.
Set P
*SLRCT59* -3- SLR-CT – 59
_amR>r ê$nm§Va
gyMZm : 1) gd© àíZ Amdí`H$ AmhoV.
2) COdrH$S>rb A§H$ nyU© JwU Xe©{dVmV.
1. {Xboë`m n`m©`m_YyZ `mo½` n`m©`mMr {ZdS> H$am : 14
1) __________ Mo Iao H$m`© H$m_Jrarda _`m©Xm AmUUmè`m àíZm§Mo ñdê$n g_OmdyZ KoUo ho Amho.
A) g§KQ>Z ~) _yë`_mnZ H$) {Z`moOZ S>) n`m©daU
2) ""_mZd g§gmYZ åhUOo _mZdr ^m§S>db hmo`, Á`m _Ü`o ~m¡{ÕH$, gm_m{OH$ d __________
Aem {VÝhr ^m§S>dbmMm gm_mdoe hmoVmo''.
A) H$m_mMm ~) ^md{ZH$ H$) A{YH¥$V S>) pñWa
3) OmJ{VH$ ì`mnma g§KQ>ZoMr (WTO) ñWmnZm __________ dfu Pmbr.
A) 1975 ~) 1985 H$) 1995 S>) 2005
4) ""Am{W©H$ _yë`mMr {Z{_©Vr H$aÊ`mgmR>r kmZ, g§d`r, gm_m{OH$ JwU, d¡`pŠVH$ JwU gO©ZerbVm
d j_Vm øm gd© ~m~r§Mm gmR>m åhUOo __________ ^m§S>db hmo`''.
A) _mZdr ~) H$m_mMm H$) ^mdZrH$ S>) pñWa
5) C^o EH$mË_rH$aUmMo, níMJm_r EH$mË_rH$amU d __________ EH$mË_rH$aU ho n«H$ma AmhoV.
A) C^o EH$mË_rH$aU ~) AJ«Jm_r EH$mË_rH$aU
H$) ~Xb ZH$mo ì`yhaMZm S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr
6) _mZd g§gmYZ {hemo~ hr g§H$ënZm __________ `mZr _m§S>br.
A) S>o_tJ ~) aoZgrg {bH$Q©
> H$) gr.Ho$. àëhmX S>) S>m°, Q>oba
7) O|ìhm ì`dgm` g§KQ>Zm ñdV:À`m JaOogmR>r ZdrZ CËnmXZ H$aVo V|ìhm Ë`mg _______ åhUVmV.
A) C^o EH$mË_rH$aU ~) bú` H|$ÐrV ì`yhaMZm
H$) ~Xb ZH$mo ì`yhaMZm S>) d¡{dÜ`mVyZ {dñVma ì`yhaMZm
8) JwUdÎmm OmUrd {dH$mgmMo KQ>H$ __________ ho AmhoV.
A) à{H«$`m ~) dñVy H$) YmoaUo S>) darb gd©
9) kmZ ì`dñWmnZ hr g§H$ënZm gd©àW_ __________ XoemV gwé H$aÊ`mV Ambr.
A) A_oarH$m ~) ^maV H$) OnmZ S>) ñdrS>Z
Set P
SLR-CT – 59 -4- *SLRCT59*
10) godmbm^ JUZm nÕV hr __________ da AmYmarV Aer nÕV Amho.
A) EoVrhmgrH$ IM© nÕV ~) _yë` ÑpîQ>H$moZ nÕV
H$) dV©_mZ _yë` nÕV S>) g§Yr IM© nÕV
11) ~|M_mH$sªJ hr g§H$ënZm gd©àW_ __________ dfu A§bmV Ambr.
A) 1989 ~) 1990 H$) 1988 S>) 1991
12) H$m`©OrdZ JwUdÎmm hr g§H$ënZm __________ `mZr _m§S>br.
A) h°H$_Z d AmoëS>h°_ ~) gr.Ho$. àëhmX
H$) aoZgrg {bH$Q>© S>) hoÝar \o$`mob
13) OmJVrH$sH$aU åhUOo
A) Cn^mo½`-dñVy§À`m g_mdoemgh gd© dñVy§darb Am`mV {Z`§ÌUo aX²Y H$aUo
~) Am`mV OH$mVrMo Xa H$_r H$aUo
H$) gmd©OZrH$ CÚmoJm§Mo ImgJrH$aU H$aUo
S>) darb gd©
14) ~hþamîQ´>r` CÚmoJg§ñWoV ^m§S>dbr J§wVdUyH$ __________ AmgVo.
A) bhmZ ~) _moR>r H$) _Ü`_ S>) gyú_
2. Q>rnm {bhm : 14
A) ^oXH$aU ì`yhaMZm
~) ~|M_mH$sªJÀ`m _`m©Xm.
3. WmoS>Š`mV CÎma Úm : 14
A) H$m`©{OdZ JwUdÎmm _moOÊ`mÀ`m nÕVr.
~) _mZdr ^m§S>db.
4. ~hwamîQ´>r` CÚmoJg§ñWmMr ì`m»`m Úm. ~hwamîQ´>r` CÚmoJg§ñWmMr ^y{_H$m ñnîQ> H$am. 14
_mZd g§gmYZmMr ì`m»`m Úm. _mZd g§gmYZ ì`dñWmnZmMr H$m`©o gm§Jm.
5. ì`yhaMZoMo {d{dY àH$ma WmoS>Š`mV ñnîQ> H$am. 14
OmJVrH$sH$aUmMr ì`m»`m Úm. OmJVrH$sH$aUmMr d¡{eîQ>ço ñnîQ> H$am.
Set P
Seat Set P
Set P
*SLRCT60* -3- SLR-CT 60
_amR>r ê$nm§Va
gyMZm : 1) gd© àíZ Amdí`H$ Amho.
2) COdrH$S>rb A§H$ nyU© JwU Xe©{dVmV.
1. {Xboë`m n`m©`mn¡H$s `mo½` n`m©` {ZdSm. 14
1) ^maVr` "H$ama H$m`Xm' __________ _Ü`o g§_V H$aÊ`mV Ambm.
A) 1881 ~) 1872 H$) 1930 S>) 1947
2) AmXoeXo` YZmXoemMo dmhH$Xo` YZmXoemV H$aÊ`mgmR>r __________ Mr JaO AgVo.
A) g°Zg [aH$mog© n¥îR>m§H$Z ~) {deof n¥îR>m§H$Z
H$) H$moao n¥îR>m§H$Z S>) g°Zg \«$m`g² n¥îR>m§H$Z
3) ^maVr` _Ü`dVu ~±Ho$Mo amîQ´>r`rH$aU __________ _Ü`o Pmbo.
A) 1948 ~) 1955
H$) 1935 S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr
4) B§nr[aAb ~±Ho$Mr ñWmnZm __________ _Ü`o Pmbr hmoVr.
A) 1928 ~) 1935
H$) 1921 S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr
5) ^maVmV __________ hm ~±°H$ dmagXma H$m`Xm ApñVËdmV Amho.
A) 45-Z-A ~) 46-Z-A H$) 47-Z-A S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr
6) Jma{Zer AmXoemMo __________ Q>ßno AmhoV.
A) Mma ~) XmoZ H$) nmM S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr
7) gd© gmYmaU nUo _moR>çm ì`mnmè`m§Mo ~±°Ho$V __________ ImVo AgVo.
A) _wXV ~§X ~) ~MV
H$) AmdVu S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr
8) ~±H$a hm __________ H$O©Xma AgVmo.
A) gÝ_mZ{Z` ~) H$m`Xoera H$) lr_§V S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr
9) __________ ~±H$ ImË`mVyZ {H$Vrhr doim n¡go H$mT>Vm `oVmV.
A) Mmby ~) ~MV
H$) _wXV S>) AmdVu Set P
SLR-CT 60 -4- *SLRCT60*
Set P
No. 5 A J
a) b)
A v e r a g e P r o f i t C a p i t a l
1 0 0 C a p i t a l 1 0 0
N o r m a l R a t e N o r m a l R a t e
c) d) None of above
N o r m a l R a t e
1 0 0
A v e r a g e P r o f i t
B) A fire occurred in the godown of Shri Ramdas on 31st March, 2007, destroying
the stock. The books and records were saved from which the following
particulars were obtained :
Particulars Rs.
i. Cash sales for the year 2006 80,000
ii. Credit sales for the year 2006 3,20,000
iii. Purchases during the year 2006 4,00,000
iv. Purchases for the period from 1-1-2007 to 31-3-2007 1,40,000
v. Cash sales for the period from 1-1-2007 to 31-3-2007 36,000
vi. Credit sales from 1-1-2007 to 31-3-2007 1,64,000
vii. Stock on 1st January, 2006 1,76,000
viii. Stock on 31st December, 2006 2,20,000
It was the practice of Shri Ramdas to value stock at cost plus 10%. Stock
salvaged was Rs. 20,000. The amount of policy was Rs. 1,40,000. There was
an average clause in the policy. Find out the amount of the claim to be lodged
for loss of assuming that he closes his books of accounts on 31st December
every year. 7
4. A) A fire occurred in the business premises of XY Ltd. on 1st May, 2010. The Mill
has a loss of profit policy for Rs. 1,20,000. Sales from 1st May, 2009 to
30 th April, 2010 were Rs. 10,00,000. The sales from 1-5-2009 to 31-8-2009
were Rs. 3,00,000/- during the indemnity period which lasted for four months,
sales amounted to Rs. 40,000 only.
The XY Ltd. closed up its accounts on 31st December 2009. The Profit and
Loss Account for 2009 is given below.
The Profit and Loss A/c
Particulars Rs. Particulars Rs.
To Stock 1,00,000 By Sales 9,50,000
To Purchases 6,00,000 By Stock 50,000
To Manufacturing expenses 67,000
To Variable expenses 90,500
To Fixed expenses/standing charges 72,500
To Net Profit 70,000
10,00,000 10,00,000
Comparing the sales of the first four months of 2010 with those of 2009, it
was found that sales were 20% higher in 2010. Ascertain the loss to be
claimed from the Insurance Company. 14
OR Set P
SLR-CT 61 -4- *SLRCT61*
B) Following are the Balance Sheet of Satara Ltd. and Pune Ltd. as on 31st March, 2017.
Balance Sheet
Liabilities Satara Ltd. Pune Ltd. Assets Satara Ltd. Pune Ltd.
Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.
Share Capital : Goodwill 60,000 20,000
Shares of Machinery 7,32,000 2,72,000
Rs. 10 each 10,00,000 4,00,000 Stock 1,80,000 90,000
General Reserve 1,50,000 Debtors 2,95,000 1,23,000
Profit and Loss A/c 1,42,000 60,000 Cash 35,000 27,000
Creditors 1,82,000 87,000 Investment :
Bills payable 20,000 (24,000 share of
Pune Ltd. at Cost) 1,92,000
Bills receivable 15,000
14,94,000 5,47,000 14,94,000 5,47,000
Other Informations :
a) Satara Ltd. acquired the shares in Pune Ltd. on 1st Oct. 2016.
b) The Profit and Loss Account of Pune Ltd. showed a debit balance of
Rs. 20,000 on 1st April, 2016.
c) Included in the stock of Pune Ltd. are goods Rs. 20,000 which were supplied
by Satara Ltd. at cost plus 25%.
d) The Bills payable in Satara Ltd. represented Rs. 15,000 issued in favour of
Pune Ltd.
Prepare Consolidated Balance Sheet with full working. 14
5. A) Following is the Trial Balance of Sandhya Bank Ltd. as on 31st March, 2017.
Trial Balance
Set P
*SLRCT61* -5- SLR-CT 61
Set P
SLR-CT 61 -6- *SLRCT61*
Balance Sheet as on that date as per the Banking Regulation Act, in the
prescribed form with necessary schedules. 14
B) From the following balances of Rajashri Shahu Bank Ltd. as on 31st March, 2017,
prepare Balance Sheet as at 31st March, 2017 and Profit and Loss Account
for year ended on that date :
Furniture 85,900
Investments 18,40,000
Premises 17,03,000
Salaries 67,000
Set P
*SLRCT61* -7- SLR-CT 61
Provident Fund contribution 11,200
Cash in hand 2,07,000
Bills discounted and purchased 61,000
Unexpired Insurance 2,700
Statutory Reserve Fund 72,000
Contingency Reserve 7,000
Loans, cash credit and overdrafts 30,49,000
76,61,500 76,61,500
Additional Information :
1) The authorized share capital consists of 20,000 equity shares of Rs. 100 each,
all of which have been subscribed but only 50% have been called up.
2) The bank has accepted bills worth Rs. 3,00,000 on behalf of customers against
the securities of Rs. 4,00,000 lodged with the bank.
3) Provide depreciation on premises Rs. 90,000 and on furniture Rs. 8,000.
4) Provide Rs. 28,500 for doubtful debts.
5) Rebate on bills discounted amounted to Rs. 7,100.
6) Provide Rs. 10,000 for taxation. 14
Set P
*SLRCT62* SLR-CT – 62
No. Set P
B.Com. – III (Semester – V) (CGPA) Examination, 2018
advanced cost accounting (Paper – I)
Set P
*SLRCT62* -3- SLR-CT – 62
b) A factory used 4000 varieties of inventory in terms of inventory usage, the
following information is complied. 7
No. of varieties % % of value of % of inventory
of inventory inventory holding usage (in end
coverage products)
3875 96875 20 5
110 2750 30 10
15 0.375 50 85
4000 100000 100 100
Classify the items of inventory as per ABC analysis with reason.
4. The following is the record of receipts and issues of certain material in a factory
during a week- May 2010. Opening Balance 100 Tons @ Rs. 10 per Ton.
1) Issued 60 tons
2) Received 120 tons @ Rs. 10.10 per ton.
3) Issued 50 tons (Stock verification reveals a loss two tons).
4) Received back from order 20 tons (originally issued at Rs. 9.90 per ton)
5) Issued 80 tons.
6) Received 44 tons @ Rs. 10.20 per ton.
7) Issued 66 tons.
Use last in first out method and show the pricing material. 14
The following information has been obtained from the records of left centre
corporation for the period from January 1 to June 30, 2010.
2010 on January 1 2010 on June 30
Rs. Rs.
Cost of raw material 30,000 25,000
Cost of work in progress 12,000 15,000
Cost of stock of finished goods 60,000 55,000
Transaction during 6 months are
Purchase of raw material 4,50,000
Wages paid 2,30,000
Factory overheads 92,000
Administration overheads 30,000
Selling and distribution overheads 20,000
Sales 9,00,000
Prepare :
Cost sheet showing
a) Material consumed
b) Prime cost
c) Factory cost incurred and factory cost and income statement in traditional
form for six month showing gross profit and net profit.
Set P
SLR-CT – 62 -4- *SLRCT62*
5. EXE Limited has received an offer of quantity discount on its order of material
as under :
Price per tonne (Rs.) Tonnes No.s
1,200 Less than 500
1,180 500 and less than 1,000
1,160 1,000 and less than 2,000
1,140 2,000 and less than 3,000
1,120 3,000 and above
The annual requirement for the material is 5000 tonnes. The ordering cost per
order is Rs. 1,200 and the stock holding cost is estimated at 10% of material
cost per annum.
You are required to compute the most economical purchase level.
The following information regarding receipts and issues of pigments has been
obtained from the store records of a Paint Manufacturing Factory, Oct. 2006.
1 Opening Stock of Pigments 25000 k.g.
(There were no issues and receipts during the
last week of Sept.)
2 Issued on Requisition No. 1 13000 k.g.
3 Issued on Requisition No. 2 2000 k.g.
4 Received from a supplier by Challan No. 13 of
13-10-2006 (as per stipulated date of delivery) 30000 k.g.
5 Issued on Requisition No. 3 10000 k.g.
6 Received from supplier by Challan No. 48 10000 k.g.
6 Issued on Requisition No. 4 5000 k.g.
7 Issued on Requisition No. 5 4500 k.g.
Examination by stock verification on 6 morning revealed a shortage of 500 k.g.
Set P
S e a t
5 A J
N o .
A) H$m`© Aä`mg ~) WH$dm Aä`mg H$) g_` Aä`mg S>) JVr Aä`mg
14) _________ `mZr ""PoS>'' {gÕm§V {dH${gV Ho$bm.
A) hoÝar \o$`m°b ~) EëQ>Z _o`mo H$) hoÝar Q>moZo S>) {dë`_ Am¡Mr
2. Q>r>nm {bhm :
A) emñÌr` ì`dñWmnZmMr C{ÕîQ>ço. 7
~) ~|M _m{Hª$J d C{ÕîQ>mÛmao ì`dñWmnZ. 7
3. WmoS>`mV CÎma {bhm :
A) H$maImZm B_maV aMZoda narUm_ H$aUmao KQ>H$. 7
~) aoIm aMZm nÕVrMo \$m`Xo VmoQ>o {bhm. 7
4. Am¡Úmo{JH$ ì`dñWmnZ åhUOo H$m` ? Am¡Úmo{JH$ ì`dñWmnZmMo _hËd ñnîQ> H$am. 14
H$maImZm ñWmZ åhUOo H$m` ? H$maImZm ñWmZ {ZdS>rda n[aUm_ H$aUmao KQ>H$ ñnîQ> H$am. 14
5. H$m`© n[apñWVrMm AW© gm§JyZ H$m`© n[apñWVrMo _hÎd ñnîQ> H$am. 14
emñÌr` ì`dñWmnZmMr `§ÌUm/KQ>H$ ñnîQ> H$am. 14
Set P
*SLRCT64* SLR-CT – 64
Set P
B.Com. – III (Semester – V) (CGPA) Examination, 2018
advanced insurance (Paper – I)
5. Explain the settlement of Life insurance claim after death of policy holder. 14
Explain social and economic significance of Insurance.
Set P
*SLRCT64* -3- SLR-CT – 64
_amR>r ^mfm§Va
gyMZm : 1) gd© àíZ Amdí`H$ AmhoV.
2) COdrH$S>rb A§H$ nyU© JwU Xe©{dVmV.
1. `mo½` n`m©`mMr {ZdS> H$am : 14
1 ) `m§Mr {d^mJr` H$m`m©b`o {Xëbr, H$mZnya, H$mobH$Îmm, MoÞB© d _w§~B© `oWo
A) gd©gmYmaU {d_m _hm_§S>i ~) Am`w{d©_m _hm_§S>i
H$) A½Zr {d_m S>) gmJar {d_m
2 ) ho d`mMm nwamdm åhUyZ Am`w{d©_m _hm_§S>i pñdH$maVo.
A) OÝ_ XmIbm ~) E.Q>r.E_. H$mS>© H$) aoeZ H$mS>© S>) _mo~mB©b H$mS>©
3) na_moÀ` {dídmg VËdmà_mUo {d_oXmamUo _m{hVr {d_m H§$nZrbm XoUo Amdí`H$
A) gm_m{OH$ ~) JwßV H$) gË` d àm_m{UH$ S>) Am{W©H$
4) {d_oXmamH$Sy>Z {d_m H§$nZrZo KoVboë`m aH$_og åhUVmV.
A) Xbmbr ~) gdbV H$) gmoS>qH$_V S>) {d_m hßVm
5 ) `m§Mo _w»` H$m`m©b` _w§~B© `oWo Amho.
A) ^maVr` Am`w{d©_m _hm_§S>i ~) ^maVr` gd©gmYmaU {d_m _hm_§S>i
H$) AnKmV {d_m S>) darb gd©
6 ) ho VËd Am`w{d©_m H$amamg bmJy hmoV Zmhr.
A) Jw§VdUwH$ ~) hmZr^aU H$) g§ajU S>) g§ajU d Jw§VdUwH$
7) Am`w{d©_mnÌ KoÊ`mÀ`m H$m`©nÕVrV hr n{hbr nm`ar/AdñWm Amho.
A) àñVmd AO© ^aUo ~) d¡ÚH$s` VnmgUr
H$) {d_m hßVm ^aUo S>) {d_m à{V{ZYrMm Ahdmb V`ma H$aUo
8) Am`w{d©å`mV {d_oXma ì`ŠVrg H$amamMr _wXV g§nÊ`mnwdu _¥Ë`y Ambm Va H$amamMr aŠH$_
Ë`mÀ`m {Xbr OmVo.
A) _wbrg ~) ZmVodmB©H$mg
H$) {d_m à{V{ZYrg S>) dmagmg Set P
SLR-CT – 64 -4- *SLRCT64*
1. Choose the most appropriate alternative amongst the given for each question : 14
1) From all observations selecting few of them simultaneously is called
a) Permutation b) Combination c) Both a) and b) d) None of these
2) 9C4 = ?
a) 9 b) 36 c) 126 d) none of these
3) 7p3 = ?
a) b) c) d) none of these
% % %
! " " !
SLR-CT 65 -2- *SLRCT65*
13) (X + Y)0 is
a) 0 b) 0.5
c) 1 d) cannot be determined
14) In tossing of three coins at a time the probability of getting at least two heads
a) 1/8 b) 1/2 c) 7/8 d) none of these
B) Expand . 7
2 N
B) Define joint pmf of (X, Y). Also define marginal distributions of x and y. 14
For the following joint probability distribution
X = 1, 2 Y = 1, 2
: ! ;
2 : , Y )
Obtain :
i) marginal distribution of x and y
ii) conditional distribution of X given Y = 2
iii) conditional distribution of Y given X = 1
1 0 1
1 0 0 . 2 0
0 0 . 1 0 . 2 0 . 1
1 0 . 1 0 . 2 0 . 1
Find :
i) marginal distributions of X and Y
ii) Are X and Y are independent ?
iii) Find E (X + Y)
iv) Find E (XY)
B) The pmf of X is 14
X 1 2 3 4
P ( X ) k 2 k 3 k 4 k
Find :
i) k ii) E (X)
iii) V (X) iv) E (4X 2)
v) V (4X 2)
Set P
5 A J
10) During the periods of depression, the Central Bank ________ the securities
in the open market.
a) Buys b) Sells c) Prints d) None of these
12) All the activities of the agricultural credits are now transferred to ______
a) NABARD b) SBI c) IDBI d) None of these
14) _________ money market is the well organised money market in the world.
a) Newyork b) London c) Mumbai d) None of these
_amR>r ê$nm§Va
10) _Ü`dVu ~±H$ _§XrÀ`m pñWVrV Iwë`m ~mOmamV H$O} amo»`VMr _________ H$aVo.
A) IaoXr ~) {dH«$s H$) N>mnVo S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr
11) hþ§S>r ~mOma hm _________ ~mOma AgVmo.
A) AënH$mbrZ ~) XrK©H$mbrZ H$) _Ü`_H$mbrZ S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr
112) H¥$frnV nwadR>çm§Mo gd© ì`dhma gÜ`m _________ `m ~±Ho$À`m {d^mJm_m\©$V Ho$bo
A) Zm~mS>© ~) Eg ~r Am`
H$) Am` S>r ~r Am` S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr
13) ^maVr` Am¡Úmo{JH$ {dH$mg _hm_§S>imMr ñWmnZm _________ `mdfu Pmbr.
A) 1948 ~) 1935 H$) 1969 S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr
14) _________ ZmUo ~mOma hm OJmVrb gdm©V g§KQ>rV ZmUo ~mOma Amho.
A) Ý`y`mH©$ ~) b§S>Z H$) _w§~B© S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr
2. Q>rnm {bhm :
A) ^maVr` àmXo{eH$ J«m_rU ~±H$m. 7
~) ^m§S>db n`m©ßVVm {ZH$f. 7
3. Q>rnm {bhm :
A) Iwë`m ~mOmamVrb IaoXr{dH«$s à{H«$`m. 7
~) ^maVr` Am¡Úmo{JH$ {dH$mg ~±H$. 7
4. H$moUË`mhr EH$m àûZmMo CÎma {bhm : 14
A) ì`mnmar ~±H$mMr amîQ´>r`rH$aUmZ§VaMr àJVr ñnîQ> H$am.
~) ñQ>oQ> ~±H$ Am°\$ B§{S>`mMr ^maVr` eoVr {df`H$ ^y{_H$m ñnîQ> H$am.
5. H$moUË`mhr EH$m àûZMo CÎma {bhm : 14
A) b§S>Z ZmUo ~mOmamMr à_wI d¡{eîQ>ço ñnîQ> H$am.
~) ^maVr` [aPìh© ~±Ho$Mr MbZ{df`H$ YmoaUmMr C{ÔîQ>ço ñnîQ> H$am.
Set P
*SLRHCT67* SLR-CT – 67
No. Set P
B.Com. – III (Semester – V) (CGPA) Examination, 2018
Advanced accountancy (Paper – II) (Auditing)
Day and Date : Tuesday, 27-3-2018 Max. Marks : 70
Time : 10.30 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.
N.B. : 1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
1. Choose correct alternative from the given alternatives : 14
1) _____________ is documentary evidence by which the entries in the books
of accounts may be proved.
a) Verification b) Voucher c) Valuation d) None of above
2) The principles of _________ is applied in internal control system.
a) Unity of command b) Division of work
c) Authority and responsibility d) None of above
3) The first auditor of the company shall be appointed by directors within
___________ month of the registration of the company.
a) One b) Two c) Three d) Four
4) Examination of books of accounts and statements is done by
a) Manager b) Accountant c) Clerk d) Auditor
5) Under Section 233 (A) of the companies (Amendment) Act 1960, the Central
Government may direct ________ of company accounts of any company.
a) Internal Audit b) Continuous Audit
c) Special Audit d) Partial Audit
6) Recording of capital expenditure as Revenue expenditure is
a) Error of Omission b) Error of Principle
c) Error of Commission d) Duplication error
7) Which of the following person is not appointed as an auditor by the Company
Act U/S 226 (3) ?
a) Director of the Company b) Officer of the Company
c) Any Registered Company d) All of the above
8) The main object of auditing is detection and prevention of __________ in
earlier days.
a) Vouching b) Recording
c) Errors and Frauds d) None of above
9) __________ mean an arrangement of accounting routine that errors and
frauds are automatically prevented or discovered by the every operation of
the book-keeping itself.
a) Internal Check b) Statutory Audit c) Verification d) Vouching P.T.O.
SLR-CT – 67 -2- *SLRHCT67*
10) In India the Chartered Accounts Act was passed in the year ________ and
according to this act an auditors qualification, liabilities, rights and duties
are mentioned.
a) 1956 b) 1952 c) 1986 d) 1949
11) As per Companies Act, the Audit of a company is
a) Voluntary b) Compulsory
c) Once in 2 years d) Once in 3 years
12) To develop of management skills and evaluation, every business organisation
can do __________ audit.
a) Balance Sheet Audit b) Social Audit
c) Management Audit d) Cost Audit
13) International misrepresentation means
a) Mistake/errors b) Errors of omission
c) Fraud d) None of the above
14) Section 233 : If an auditors report does not give the information required by
Sec. 227 or if it is not signed according to Sec. 229 the auditor is liable to a
fine upto _________ if the default is wilful.
a) Rs. 1,000 b) Rs. 2,000 c) Rs. 3,000 d) Rs. 5,000
4. A) State the provisions of Indian Companies Act, 1956 for Appointment, Rights
and Duties of Company Auditor. 14
B) Explain what do you mean by Annual or Final Audit. State its advantages
and disadvantages. 14
5. A) Explain the special points to be kept in view while conducting the Audit of
Banks. 14
B) Explain Audit Programme of Educational Institutions in detail. 14
Set P
*SLRHCT67* -3- SLR-CT – 67
_amR>r ê$nm§Va
1. Imbr {Xboë`m n`m©`m§VyZ `mo½` n`m©` {ZdS>m : 14
1) ______________ hm H$mJXmonÌr nwamdm Amho Á`m_wio nwñVH$mVrb Zm|Xr A{YH¥$V AmhoV
`mMr ImÌr hmoVo.
A) gË`mnZ ~) à_mUH$ H$) _yë`m§H$Z S>) darbn¡H$s Zmhr
2) A§VJ©V {Z`§ÌU nÕVr_Ü`o ______________ VËdmMm dmna Ho$bm OmVmo.
A) AmXoemVrb EH$dmŠ`Vm ~) l_{d^mJUr
H$) A{YH$ma d O~m~Xmar S>) darbn¡H$s Zmhr
3) H§$nZrÀ`m n{hë`m boImnarjH$mMr Zo_UyH$ H§$nZr ñWmnZ Pmë`mnmgyZ ______________
_{hÝ`mÀ`m AmV Ho$br nm{hOo.
A) EH$ ~) XmoZ H$) VrZ S>) Mma
4) {heo~nwñVH$mMr d nÌH$mMr VnmgUr ______________ _m\©$V Ho$br OmVo.
A) ì`dñWmnH$ ~) boImnmb H$) H$maHy$Z S>) boImnarjH$
5) H§$nZr gwYm[aV H$m`Xm 1960 H$b_ 233 (A) VaVwXrZwgma H|$Ð gaH$ma H$moUË`mhr H§$nZrMo
______________ H$ê$Z KoÊ`m~m~V Amkm XoD$ eH$Vo ?
A) A§VJ©V boImnarjU ~) gVV boImnarjU
H$) Img boImnarjU S>) A§eV: boImnarjU
6) ^m§S>dbr IMm©Mr Zm|X _hgybr IM© åhUyZ Zm|X Ho$ë`mg ______________ MwH$m åhUVmV.
A) {dga MwH$m ~) VmpËdH$ MwH$m H$) ZOa MwH$m S>) nwZamd¥ÎmrÀ`m MwH$m
7) H§$nZr H$m`Xm H$b_ 226 (3) Zwgma Imbrbn¡H$s H$moUmMr H§$nZrMm boImnarjH$ åhUyZ Zo_UyH$
H$aVm `oV Zmhr ?
A) H§$nZrMm g§MmbH$ ~) H§$nZrMm A{YH$mar
H$) H$moUVohr Zm|XUrH¥$V à_§S>i S>) darbn¡H$s gd©
8) ______________ emoYyZ H$mT>Uo d Ë`m§Zm à{V~§Y H$aUo hm boImnarjUmMm AbrH$S>À`m
H$mimVbm _w»` CÔoím Amho.
A) à_mUZ ~) Zm|XUr H$) MwH$m d A\$amV\$a S>) darbn¡H$s Zmhr
9) ______________ åhUOo {heo~mMr Aer ì`dñWm H$s, Á`m nÕVrÀ`m dmnamVyZM MwH$m d
b~mS>çm CKS>H$sbm `oVmV qH$dm Q>mië`m OmVmV.
A) A§VJ©V VnmgUr ~) {Z`m_H$ boImnarjU
H$) gË`mnZ S>) à_mUZ
10) ^maVm_Ü`o ______________ gmbr MmQ>S© >© AmH$mD$Q>Q§ > A°ŠQ> g§_V H$aÊ`mV Ambm d Ë`mZwgma
boImnarjH$mMr nmÌVm, O~m~Xmar, A{YH$ma d H$V©ì`o BË`mXr g§~§Yr {Z`_ gm§JÊ`mV Ambo.
A) 1956 ~) 1952 H$) 1986 S>) 1949
Set P
SLR-CT – 67 -4- *SLRHCT67*
5. A) ~±Ho$Mo boImnarjU H$aVmZm {dMmamV ¿`mdo bmJUmao _hËdmMo _wX²Xo g{dñVa ñnîQ> H$am. 14
~) e¡j{UH$ g§ñWoMo boImnarjU H$m`©H«$_ g{dñVa {bhm. 14
Set P
*SLRCT68* SLR-CT – 68
Set P
B.Com. III (Semester – V) Examination, 2018
Advanced Cost Accounting (Paper – II) (C.G.P.A.)
Day and Date : Tuesday, 27-3-2018 Max. Marks : 70
Time : 10.30 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.
N.B. : I) All questions are compulsory.
II) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
III) Use of calculator is allowed.
3. A) Annual demand = 2400 units, Set up cost per batch = Rs. 15, Interest Rate
p.a. 8%, Cost per unit = Rs. 2.50.
You are require to compute Economic Batch Quantity. 7
Set P
*SLRCT68* -3- SLR-CT – 68
4. Rahul Transport Service Company is running 4 buses between two towns which
are 50 kms apart. Seating capacity of each bus is 40 passengers. The Exp.
were obtained from their books for April-2016. 14
i) Wages of drivers and conductors = 9,600
ii) Salary of office staff = 4,000
iii) Diesel and other oils = 16,000
iv) Repairs and maintenances = 3,200
v) Taxation and Insurances = 6,400
vi) Depreciation = 10,400
vii) Interest and other charges = 8,000
Total 57,600
Actual passenger carried 75% of the seating capacity. All the four buses run
on all the days of the month April 2016. Each bus made one round trip per day.
Find out the cost per passenger -kms.
Product X is obtained after it passes through two distinct process. The following
information is obtained from the accounts for the month ending 31 Jan. 2017.
Prepare a process accounts and abnormal loss accounts.
Items Total Process A Process B
i) Direct Material (Rs.) 4,580 2,600 1,980
ii) D. Wages (Rs.) 5,000 2,000 3,000
iii) Overhead (Rs.) 5,000 2,000 3,000
iv) Output (units) – 950 840
v) Normal loss (%) – 5% 10%
vi) Value of scrap per unit (Rs.) – 2 4
1000 units at Rs. 3 per unit were introduced to Process A.
5. The Hindustan construction com. Ltd., has under taken the construction of a
bridge over the river Yamuna for a municipal corporation. The value of contract is
Rs. 12,50,000. The following are the details for the year ended 31st March 2016.
Prepare a contract Account. 14
i) Material sent to site 4,20,000
ii) Direct labour 4,05,000
iii) Material from store 81,200
Set P
SLR-CT – 68 -4- *SLRCT68*
The following direct costs were incurred on Job. No. MRR-701 of standard T.V.
Company. 14
Set P
*SLRCT69* SLR-CT – 69
B.Com. (Part – III) (Semester – V) (CGPA Pattern) Examination, 2018
Day and Date : Tuesday, 27-3-2018 Max. Marks : 70
Time : 10.30 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.
N.B. : 1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
SLR-CT – 69 -2- *SLRCT69*
_amRr ê$nm§Va
gyMZm : 1) gd© àíZ Amdí`H$ AmhoV.
2) COdrH$S>rb A§H$ nyU© JwU Xe©{dVmV.
1. `mo½` n`m©` {ZdS>m : 14
1) {bAmoZmS>© ZoS>ba `mZr gd© àW_ _____________ g§H$ënZoMr ì`m»`m _m§S>br.
A) ì`yhaMZmË_H$ ì`dñWmnZ ~) _mZd g§gmYZ {dH$mg
H$) ~|M _m{Hª$J S>) EHy$U JwUdÎmm ì`dñWmnZ
2) _mZd g§gmYZ ì`dñWmnZ hm ì`dñWmnZmMm Agm ^mJ Amho, H$s Omo. àm_w»`mZo
_____________ KQ>H$m§Mm {dMma H$aVmo.
A) d¡`pVH$ ~) gm_m{OH$ H$) amOH$s` S>) _mZdr
3) AO©XmamÀ`m nmÌVoMo, AZw^dmMo, H$m¡eë`mMo, Amamo½`, ~wÕr_Îmm d H$m`©j_VoMo _wë`_mnZ
H$aUo åhUOo _____________ hmo`.
A) ^aVr ~) {ZdS> H$) H$m`© _wë`m§H$Z S>) H$m`© àoaUm
4) _____________ hr Am¡Úmo{JH$ ì`dñWmnZmMr _hÎdmMr emIm Amho.
A) EM². Ama. E_². ~) VmU H$) {dnUZ S>) \°$Q>ar
5) {Z`moOZ, g§KQ>U, {ZX}eZ Am{U {Z`§ÌU hr _Zwî`~i ì`dñWmnZmMr _____________
H$m`} AmhoV.
A) {dH$mg ~) ì`dñWmnH$s`
H$) g§MmiZmË_H$/H$m`m©Ë_H$ S>) H$ë`mUH$mar
6) {d{eîQ> H$m`© `mo½` nÕVrZo nma nmS>Ê`mgmR>r H$m_JmamÀ`m kmZmV d H$m¡eë`mV dmT> H$aÊ`mÀ`m
H$bog _____________ Ago åhUVmV.
A) {dnUZ ~) ^aVr H$) {ZdS S>) à{ejU
7) H|$Ð gaH$maZo _____________ gmbr amoOJma {dZr_` H|$ÐmMo X¡Z§XrZ H$m_H$mO amÁ`
emgZmH$S>o gmon{dbo.
A) 1965 ~) 1956 H$) 1947 S>) 1950
8) _____________ hr H$m`©/H¥$Vr _wë`m§H$ZmMr nÕV Amho.
A) loUr nÕV ~) g_ñ`m Aä`mg nÕVr
H$) _wbmIV S>) OmhramV
Set P
SLR-CT – 69 -4- *SLRCT69*
SLR-CT – 70 -2- *SLRCT70*
Set P
*SLRCT70* -3- SLR-CT – 70
_amR>r ^mfm§Va
gyMZm : 1) gd© àíZ Amdí`H$ AmhoV.
2) COdrH$S>rb A§H$ nyU© JwU Xe©{dVmV.
1. `mo½` n`m©`mMr {ZdS> H$am : 14
1) A½Zr {då`m Ûmao __________ _wio hmoUmar hmZrMr ^anmB© {Xbr OmVo.
A) Ádmbm_wIr AmJ ~) amgm`{ZH$ AmJ H$) CËnmXH$ AmJ S>) AnKmVr AmJ
2) gd© __________ {d_m H$ama ho ZwH$gmZ ^anmB©Mo H$ama AgVmV.
A) Am`w{d©_m ~) OrdZ H$) gm_m{OH$ S>) A½Zr
3) nrH$ {då`mMr OmoIr_ H|$Ð gaH$ma d amÁ` gaH$ma `m§Zr __________ à_mUmV dmQy>Z KoVbr OmVo.
A) 3 : 2 ~) 2 : 3 H$) 1 : 2 S>) 2 : 1
4) ì`mnH$ {d_m __________ {då`mMm àH$ma Amho.
A) gmJar ~) AnKmV H$) _moQ>ma S>) A½Zr
5) _mbH$mÀ`m O~m~XmarÀ`m {då`m_Ü`o H$m_Jmam§Zm __________ {d_m g§ajU {_iV Zmhr.
A) _mXH$ Ðì`o/nXmWm©Mo godZ Ho$ë`mg ~) gwajoMr gmYZo Om{Udnyd©H$ H$mT>ë`mg
H$) {eñVrÀ`m {Z`_m§Mo Cëb§KZ Ho$ë`mg S>) darb gd© H$maUm_wio
6) {d{dY {R>H$mUr Agboë`m _mbmbm g§ajU XoÊ`mgmR>r V`ma H$aÊ`mV Amboë`m {d_mnÌmg
__________ åhUVmV.
A) _wXVr {d_mnÌ ~) VaVo {d_mnÌ H$) àdmgr {d_mnÌ S>) KmofrV {d_mnÌ
7) O|ìhm {d_oXma EH$gma»`m YmoŠ`mMm {d_m EH$mnojm OmñV {d_oH$è`m§H$S>o CVa{dVmo Voìhm Ë`mg
__________ {d_m åhUyZ AmoiIbm OmVmo.
A) gmd©O{ZH$ {d_m ~) Xþhoar {d_m H$) nwZ{d©_m S>) {deof {d_m
8) _moQ>ma {då`m_Ü`o __________ {d_m KoUo A{Zdm`© Amho.
A) O~m~XmarMm ~) V¥Vr` nj H$) newYZ S>) g_yh
9) __________ {d_m H$_©Mmar qH$dm H$m_Jmam§Zm {d_m g§ajU XoVo.
A) AnKmV ~) A½Zr
H$) _mbH$mÀ`m O~m~XmarMm S>) àm_m{UH$nUmMr h_r
10) nrH$ {d_m `moOZm ^maV gaH$maZo __________ _Ü`o gwê$ Ho$br.
A) 1985 ~) 1961 H$) 1956 S>) 1990
Set P
SLR-CT – 70 -4- *SLRCT70*
11) _________ nÌ KoÊ`mÀ`m H$m`©nÕVrV Ap½ZMr _m{hVr XoUo hr n{hbr AdñWm/Q>ßnm Amho.
A) A½Zr {d_m ~) AnKmV {d_m H$) newYZ {d_m S>) gmJar {d_m
12) _________ À`m {hVmgmR>r _mbH$ Omo {d_m KoVmV Ë`mg _mbH$mÀ`m O~m~XmarMm {d_m Ago
A) H$_©Mmar ~) J«mhH$ H$) nwadR>mXma S>) _mbH$
13) {ZpíMV _yë` {d_mnÌ ho __________ {d_mnÌmMm àH$ma Amho.
A) KmofrV ~) A½Zr H$) Am`w{d©_m S>) {d{eîQ>
14) A½Zr {då`m_Ü`o __________ ho VËd Zì`mZo g_m{dîQ> H$aÊ`mV Pmbo Amho.
A) _mbH$s hŠH$ hñVm§Va ~) {d_o` [hV
H$) dJ©Ur S>) ZwH$gmZ ^anmB©
2. Q>rnm {bhm : 14
A) newYZ {d_m
~) gmd©O{ZH$ O~m~XmarMm {d_m
3. WmoS>Š`mV CÎmao {bhm : 14
A) nrH$ {d_m `moOZm ñnîQ> H$am.
~) _mbH$mÀ`m O~m~XmarMm {d_m.
4. A½Zr {då`mMo àH$ma ñnîQ> H$am. 14
A½Zr {då`mMr VËdo ñnîQ> H$am.
5. _moQ>m>a {då`m A§VJ©V {Xbo OmUmao {d_m g§ajU ñnîQ> H$am. 14
A½Zr {d_mnÌ KoÊ`mÀ`m H$m`©nÕVrMr MMm© H$am.
Set P
*SLRCT71* SLR-CT – 71
B.Com. – III (Semester – V) (CGPA) Examination, 2018
Advanced Statistics
Day and Date : Tuesday, 27-3-2018 Max. Marks : 70
Time : 10.30 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.
Instructions : 1) All questions are compulsory and carry equal marks.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
1. Choose the most appropriate alternative amongst the given for each question : 14
1) A sample consist of
a) All units of the population b) 50 percent units of the population
c) 5 percent units of the population d) Any fraction of the population
2) Level of significance is the probability of
a) Type I error b) Type II error
c) Not committing error d) None of these
3) Equality of two population variances can be tested by
a) Z-test b) F-test c) χ -test d) t-test
4) Area of the critical region depends on
a) Number of observations b) Size of type-II error
c) Size of type-I error d) Value of the statistic
5) Type – II error is
a) Rejecting H0 when H0 is wrong b) Rejecting H0 when H0 is true
c) Accepting H0 when H0 is wrong d) Accepting H0 when H0 is true
6) For testing a population variance which of the following test to be used ?
a) Z-test b) t-test
c) Chi-square test d) F-test
7) The hypothesis under test is
a) Simple hypothesis b) Alternative hypothesis
c) Null hypothesis d) None of these
SLR-CT – 71 -2- *SLRCT71*
8) Among the following statements, which one is the correct statement ?
a) Critical region is the region of accepting H0
b) t-test is applicable only for large samples
c) H1 : μ1 < μ 2 is right tailed alternative
d) H1 : μ1 > μ 2 is right tailed alternative
9) Out of two types of error in testing, the more severe error is
a) type I error
b) type II error
c) both a) and b) are equally severe
d) no error is severe
10) Degrees of freedom for statistic χ in case of contingency table of order
2 × 2 is
a) 3 b) 4 c) 2 d) 1
11) For testing population proportions which of the following test to be used
a) Z-test b) χ -test c) t-test d) F-test
12) Student’s t-test is applicable only when
a) the variable values are independent
b) the variable is distributed normally
c) the sample is not large
d) all of these
13) Range of t variate is
a) – ∞ to ∞ b) 0 to 1 c) 0 to ∞ d) – ∞ to 0
14) Critical region is
a) Region of rejecting H0 b) Region of accepting H0
c) Region of no decision d) None of these
2. A) Define the t variate and state its p.d.f. State various applications of t
distribution. 7
B) The means of samples of 1000 and 2000 are 67.50 and 68.00 inches respectively.
Can the samples be regarded as drawn from the same population of standard
deviation 2.25 inches ? 7
Set P
*SLRCT71* -3- SLR-CT – 71
3. A) Define a Chi square variate, state its p.d.f.. State various applications of
Chi square distribution. 7
B) Define the terms parameter, statistic, simple hypothesis and composite
hypothesis. 7
2 N(ad − bc )2
is given by χ = .
(a + c) (b + d) (a + b) (c + d)
Set P
No. 5 A J
2. Write notes on : 14
1) Consumer complaint.
2) Government company.
3. Write notes on : 14
1) Cyber crime.
2) Types of share capital.
_amR>r ê$nm§Va
gyMZm : 1) gd© àíZ Amdí`H$.
2) COdrH$S>rb A§H$ nyU© JwU Xe©{dVmV.
1. `mo½` n`m©` {ZdS>m : 14
1) {Oëhm J«mhH$ _§MmMo A{YH$ma joÌ ________ én`o Amho.
A) é. nmM bmI n`ªV ~) é.drg bmI n`ªV
H$) é. nmM bmImnojm H$_r S>) é. drg bmImnojm OmñV
2) {Oëhm J«mhH$ Ý`m`_§Mmbm ________ H$mbmdYrV Amnbm {ZH$mb Xçmdm bmJVmo.
A) EH$ df© ~) ghm _{hZo H$) VrZ _{hZo S>) VrZ df}
3) J«mhH$ g§ajU H$m`XçmZwgma eodQ>Mo A{nb ________ _Ü`o H$amdo bmJVo.
A) amîQ´r>` Am`moJ ~) CÀM Ý`m`mb` H$) {Oëhm Ý`m`mb` S>) gdm}ÀM Ý`m`mb`
4) {Oëhm J«mhH$ g§ajU n[afXoMr ñWmnZm ________ Zo Ho$br Amho.
A) amÁ` emgZ ~) H|$Ð emgZ H$) _w»` _§Ìr S>) àYmZ _§Ìr
5) amÁ` Am`moJmMo AÜ`j ho ________ `m nXmgmR>r nmÌ AgUmar ì`Vr AgVo.
A) amÁ`nmb ~) {Oëhm Ý`m`mYre
H$) CÀM Ý`m`mb`mMo Ý`m`mYre S>) gdm}ÀM Ý`m`mb`mMo Ý`m`mYre
6) ________ _m{hVrnÌH$ àH$m{eV H$ê$ eH$Vo.
A) H$moUVrhr H§$nZr ~) gmd©O{ZH$ H§$nZr H$) ImOJr H§$nZr S>) _`m©{XV H§$nZr
7) gaH$mar H§$nZr_Ü`o gaH$maMo ^mJ^m§S>db {H$_mZ ________ EdT>>o AgVo.
A) 50 % ~) 50 % nojm OmñV
H$) 51 % S>) 51 % nojm OmñV
8) {Z`m_H$ Ahdmb {Z`m_H$ g^oÀ`m ________ {Xdg AJmoXa {Xbm OmVmo.
A) 1 _{hZm ~) 30 {Xdg H$) 21 {Xdg S>) 15 {Xdg
9) H§$nZrMo _m{hVrnÌH$ Zm|XUr Pmë`mnmgyZ ________ {Xdgm§_Ü`o àH$m{eV H$amdo bmJVo.
A) 1 _{hZm ~) 3 _{hZo H$) 90 {Xdg S>) 1 df©
10) {H$_mZ VrZ g§MmbH$ ________ gmR>r Amdí`H$ AgVmV.
A) gmd©O{ZH$ H§$nZr ~) ImOJr H§$nZr
H$) gaH$mar H§$nZr S>) {dXoer H§$nZr
Set P
SLR-CT 72 -4- *SLRCT72*
Set P
*SLRCT73* -1-
S e a t
5 A J
N o .
_amR>r ê$nm§Va
gyMZm : 1) gd© àíZ Amdí`H$ AmhoV.
2) COdrH$S>rb A§H$ nyU© JwU Xe©{dVmV.
1. `mo½` n`m©` {ZdS>m : 14
1) ^m¡Jmo{bH$ gr_m Amobm§S>y Z XoemV Ambobo naH$s`m§Mo ^m§S>db åhUOo ^m§S>db hmo`.
A) Xoem§VJ©V ~) I§S>m§VJ©V H$) amÁ`mVrb S>>) {dXoer
2) amîQ´>mZo OJmV gdm©V àW_ {Z`moOZmMm pñdH$ma Ho$bm.
A) ^maV ~) A_o[aH$m H$) a{e`m S>>) MrZ
Set P
*SLRCT73* -3- SLR-CT 73
2. Q>rnm {bhm : 14
A) gmH©$Mr C{ÔîQ>ço.
~) {dXoer ^m§S>dbmÀ`m g_ñ`m.
3. Q>rnm {bhm : 14
A) ~mamì`m n§Mdm{f©H$ `moOZoMr C{ÔîQ>ço.
~) _mZdr {dH$mgmMo _yb^yV KQ>H$.
4. EH$m àíZmMo CÎma Úm : 14
A) ^maVr` {Z`moOZmMo _yë`_mnZ H$am.
~) Am§VaamîQ´>r` ZmUo{ZYrÀ`m C{ÔîQ>m§Mr d H$m_{JarMr MMm© H$am.
5. EH$m àíZmMo CÎma Úm : 14
A) {dXoer ^m§S>dbmMr JaO ñnîQ> H$am.
~) Am{W©H$ {dH$mgmVrb _mZdr g§gmYZmMr ^y{_H$m ñnîQ> H$am.
Set P
*SLRCT74* SLR-CT – 74
No. Set P
B.Com. Part – III (Semester – VI) (CGPA) Examination, 2018
co-operative development
Day and Date : Friday, 23-3-2018 Max. Marks : 70
Time : 2.30 p.m. to 5.00 p.m.
instructions : 1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Set P
*SLRCT74* -3- SLR-CT – 74
_amR>r ê$nm§Va
gyMZm : 1) gd© àíZ Amdí`H$ AmhoV.
2) COdrH$S>rb A§H$ àíZmMo nyU© JwU Xe©{dVmV.
1. `mo½` n`m©` {ZdS>m. 14
1) _______ Mr ñWmnZm eoVr d J«m_rU {dH$mgmgmR>r Ho$br Amho.
A) Zm\o$S> ~) Ama.~r.Am`. H$) Zm~mS>© S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr
2) amîQ´>r` ghH$mar {dH$mg {ZJ_Mr ñWmnZm _______ bm Pmbr.
A) 1960 ~) 1963 H$) 1991 S>) 1956
3) _______ ho amîQ´>r` ghH$mar {dH$mg {ZJ_Mo AÜ`j AgVmV.
A) {dÎm_§Ìr ~) H|$Ðr` H¥$fr _§Ìr
H$) H|$Ðr` g§ajU _§Ìr S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr
4) ^maVr` amîQ´>r` ghH$mar g§K _______ gmbr ñWmnZ Pmbr.
A) 1961 ~) 1955 H$) 1991 S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr
5) _______ ho OmJ{VH$ ghH$mar MidirMo CJ_ ñWmZ Amho.
A) O_©Zr ~) S>oÝ_mH©$ H$) B§½b|S> S>) BñÌmB©b
6) O_©Zr_Yrb ewëP ~±H$ _______ gmR>r ñWmnZ Pmbr.
A) eoVH$ar ~) Am¡ÚmoJrH$ H$m_Jma
H$) J[a~ bmoH$ S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr
7) S>oÝ_mH©$ _Ü`o _______ ghH$mar eoVr `eñdr Pmbr Amho.
A) Xþ½Y ~) nVnwadR>m H$) J«mhH$ S>) >`mn¡H$s Zmhr
8) _hmamîQ´>mV ghH$mar H$m`Xm _______ gmbr nmg Pmbm.
A) 1950 ~) 1960 H$) 1991 S>) 2004
9) ghH$mar {ejU d à{ejU _______ `m§Zm {Xbo OmVo.
A) g^mgX ~) g§MmbH$ _§S>i H$) H$_©Mmar S>) darbn¡H$s gd©
10) ghH$mar g§ñWoMr Zm|XUr H$aVmZm H$_rV H$_r _______ g^mgX AgUo Amdí`H$ AgVo.
A) 11 ~) 10 H$) 51 S>) 100
Set P
SLR-CT – 74 -4- *SLRCT74*
11) BñÌmB©b _Ü`o _______ ghH$mar Midi `eñdr Pmbr.
A) J«mhH$ ~) eoVr H$) Xþ½Y S>) nVnwadR>m
12) ghH$mar g§ñWo_Ü`o _______ g^obm A{YH$ _hËd {Xbo OmVo.
A) g§MmbH$ _§S>i ~) H$_©Mmar H$) gd©gmYmaU S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr
13) OmJ{VH$sH$aUmMo YmoaU ^maVmV _______ gmbr ñdrH$mabr.
A) 1955 ~) 1969 H$) 1991 S>) 2004
14) d¡Hw§$R>^mB© _ohVm amîQ´>r` ghH$mar ì`dñWmnZ d g§emoYZ g§ñWm _______ BWo Amho.
A) _w§~B© ~) nwUo H$) {X„r S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr
2. Q>rnm {bhm :
A) ^maVr` amîQ´>r` ghH$mar g§K. 7
~) OmJ{VH$sH$aU d ^maVmVrb ghH$mar Midi. 7
3. WmoS>Š`mV CÎmao {bhm :
A) ghH$mar {ejU d à{ejUmMo _hËd ñnîQ> H$am. 7
~) ghH$mar MidirÀ`m {dH$mgmVrb Zm~mS>© Mr ^y{_H$m ñnîQ> H$am. 7
4. Imbrbn¡H$s EH$mMo CÎma {bhm : 14
A) ^maVmVrb ghH$mar MidirÀ`m An`emMr MMm© H$am d ^maVmVrb ghH$mar Midi _O~wV
hmoÊ`mgmR>r Cnm` gyMdm.
~) amîQ´>r` ghH$mar {dH$mg _hm_§S>imMr ^maVmVrb ghH$mar MidirÀ`m {dH$mgmVrb ^y{_H$m
ñnîQ> H$am.
5. Imbrbn¡H$s EH$mMo CÎma {bhm : 14
A) B§½b§S> _Yrb J«mhH$ ghH$mar Midi {dfX H$am.
~) _hmamîQ´> ghH$mar H$m`Xm 1960 À`m _w»` VaVwXrMr MMm© H$am.
Set P
*SLRCT75* SLR-CT – 75
Seat Set P
B.Com. (Part – III) (Semester – VI) (CGPA) Examination, 2018
Set P
*SLRCT75* -3- SLR-CT – 75
_amRr ê$nm§Va
gyMZm : 1) gd© àíZ Amdí`H$ AmhoV.
2) COdrH$S>rb A§H$ nyU© JwU Xe©{dVmV.
2. Q>rnm {bhm : 14
A) ~møñÌmoV ì`dgm` à{H«$`oMo \$m`Xo.
~) AmnÎmrMo àH$ma.
4. {gg {g½_m åhUOo H$m` ? {gg {g½_m A§_b~OmdUrVrb Q>ßno ñnîQ> H$am. 14
H$m`PoZ åhUOo H$m` ? H$m`PoZMr gyú_ ñVar` V§Ìo ñnîQ> H$am.
Set P
*SLRCT77* SLR-CT – 77
Set P
2. On 1st January 2010 Shri. Ashok purchased a machine from Shri. Sanjay on
Hire-purchase basis. 14
The particulars are as follows :
1) Cash price : Rs. 10,000
2) Amount to be paid on the signing the contract Rs. 4,000
3) Balance to be paid in three yearly installments of Rs. 2,000 each plus
4) Interest to be charged on outstanding balance at 5% p.a.
5) Depreciation at 10% p.a. on written down value method.
Calculate interest table and depreciation.
From the following information calculate purchase consideration :
1) Share capital of Rs. 10 each 1,60,000
2) 8% debenture 60,000
Long Ltd. agreed to take over the business of Short Ltd. purchase
consideration is paid as follows.
1) Discharge the debenture @ 8% premium by issue of 7% debentures in
Long Ltd. at 10% discount.
2) Issue 3 shares of Long Ltd. at market price of Rs. 11 for 2 shares of
Short Ltd.
3) Pay rupees 3 in cash for each shares of Short Ltd.
4) Pay absorption expenses Rs. 4,000.
Set P
*SLRCT77* -3- SLR-CT – 77
4. Shri. Suresh purchased a motor car on Hire purchase system from Tata Motors
Ltd. on 1-1-2014 on paying Rs. 6,000 down. The remaining amount (including
10% interest p.a.) was paid at the end of each year as under. 14
31-12-2014 Rs. 12,800
31-12-2015 Rs. 9,800
31-12-2016 Rs. 7,000
31-12-2017 Rs. 4,400
Depreciation was charged Suresh @ 10% under written down value method.
Prepare Tata Motors Ltd. and Motor Car Account in the books of Suresh.
4. From the following information make out a statement of Proprietor’s Fund with
as many details as possible.
1) Current ratio 2.5
2) Liquid ratio 1.5
3) Proprietary ratio
(Fixed assets to Proprietary Fund) 0.75
4) Working capital 60000
5) Reserve and Surplus 40000
6) Bank Overdraft 10000
7) No long term loan or fictitious assets.
5. M/s Prakash Finance Ltd. submit the following details regarding their investments
for the year 2008. 14
1) Opening balance face value Rs. 80,000 cost Rs. 78,400 as on 1-1-2008
2) Purchased worth Rs. 60,000 on 1st March 2008 cum interest at 5% premium
3) Sold worth Rs. 10,000 on 1st July 2008 cum interest at 4% discount
4) Sold worth Rs. 40,000 on 1st Oct. 2008 ex-interest at 2% discount
5) Purchased worth Rs. 24,000 on 1st Dec. 2008 cum interest at 1% discount.
Brokerage was paid at 1% on purchase and sales. Investment carries interest
at 6% p.a. payable on every year 31st March and 30th September. The market
price of the investment on 31-12-2008 was at 2% discount.
You are required to prepare Investment Account.
Set P
SLR-CT – 77 -4- *SLRCT77*
5. Uptodate Ltd. has agreed to acquire the goodwill and assets (except stock)
of Slowdown Ltd. as on 31st March 2010 on which date the Balance Sheet of
Slowdown Ltd. was as under.
Balance Sheet as on 31-3-2010
Liabilities Amount Assets Amount
Share capital of Rs. 10 each 1,50,000 Goodwill 20,000
Reserve 53,000 Freehold property 80,000
9% Debenture 60,000 Machinery 80,000
Current Liabilities 57,000 Stock 30,000
Investment 40,000
Sundry Debtors 50,000
Bank balance 20,000
3,20,000 3,20,000
Set P
5 A J
S e a t
N o .
Set P
SLR-CT 78 -4- *SLRCT78*
Differential rates to be applied
80% of piece rate when below standard
120% of piece rate when at or above standard.
Workers produced in a day of 8 hours as follows.
Amar 700 units, Akbar 900 units. 14
5. Atlas Company has five departments P, N, R, S are producing department and
T is a service department. The actual cost for the period are as follows :
Rs. Rs.
Repairs 2,000 Insurance 1,500
Rent 2,500 Light 1,800
Depreciation 1,200 Employers liability
Supervision 4,000 of employee insurance 600
The following data are also available in respect of the five departments.
Dept. Dept. Dept. Dept. Dept.
Area sq.ft. 140 120 110 90 40
No. of workers 25 20 10 10 5
Total wages (Rs.) 10,000 8,000 5,000 5,000 2,000
Value of plant (Rs.) 20,000 18,000 16,000 10,000 6,000
Value of stock (Rs.) 15,000 10,000 5,000 2,000
Apportion the cost to the various departments. 14
Calculate machine hour rate from the following information :
1) Cost of machine Rs. 1,92,000
2) Estimated scrap value Rs. 12,000
3) Effective working life of machine 10 years
4) Standing charges allocated to machine per month Rs. 500
5) Repairs and maintenance charges per month Rs. 1,500
6) Power used by machine 10 units per hour and rate of power per unit
is Re. 0.20
7) Running time per month 200 hours. 14
Set P
*SLRCT79* SLR-CT – 79
Set P
B.Com. – III (Semester – VI) (CGPA) Examination, 2018
_amR>r ê$nm§Va
gyMZm : 1) gd© àíZ Amdí`H$ AmhoV.
2) COdrH$S>rb A§H$ nyU© JwU Xe©{dVmV.
1. `mo½` n`m©`mMr {ZdS> H$am. 14
1) Ano{jV/`mo½` nmVir_Ü`o dñVwgmR>m R>odÊ`mMo V§Ì åhUOo hmo`.
A) H$m`©j_Vm {Z`§ÌU ~) {dH«$s {Z`§ÌU
H$) _mbgmR>m {Z`§ÌU S>) CËnmXZ {Z`§ÌU
2) ~mOmanoR>oVrb H$À`m _mbmÀ`m qH$_V nmVirV dmT> hmoV Agob Va JwXm_mVyZ nmR>{dë`m OmUmè`m
_mbmMr qH$_V {ZpíMV H$aÊ`mMr H$moUVr nÕV H$m`Xoera R>aob ?
A) àW_ Ambm àW_ {Xbm ~) eodQ>r Ambm àW_ {Xbm
H$) ^mam§{H$V gamgar qH$_V S>) gamgar qH$_V
3) CËnmXZ à{H«$`og àma§^ H$aÊ`mnydu {Z`moOZ Ho$bo OmVo.
A) H$m`© ~) {dH«$s H$) {dnUZ S>) CËnmXZ
4) _mJ©{ZYm©aU, H$m`©doimnÌH$, H$m`©àma§^ AmXoe XoUo, nmR>nwamdm hr Mr V§Ìo AmhoV.
A) CËnmXZ {Z`moOZmMr ~) {dH«$s {Z`§ÌUmMr
H$) CËnmXH$VoMr S>) _mbgmR>m ì`dñWmnUmMr
5) EHy$U CËnmXZ ^mJrbo dmnaboë`m `§Ì Vmgm§Mr g§»`m = .
A) `§ÌmMr CËnmXH$Vm ~) _OwamMr CËnmXH$Vm
H$) g§KQ>ZmË_H$ CËnmXH$Vm S>) EHy$U CËnmXH$Vm
6) CËnmXZ d CËnmXZmÀ`m gmYZmn¡H$s EImXo gmYZ qH$dm KQ>H$ `m§À`mVrb JwUmoÎma à_mU åhUOo
_________ hmo`.
A) _mbgmR>m {Z`§ÌU ~) _mbgmR>m ì`dñWmnZ
H$) CËnmXZ {Z`§ÌU S>) CËnmXH$Vm
7) H$À`m _mbmMo n`m _mbmV ê$nm§Va H$aVmZm H$amì`m bmJUmè`m à{H«$`oMm _mJ© AmIUo qH$dm
{ZpíMV H$aUo åhUOo hmo`.
A) CËnmXH$Vm ~) {Z`moOZ H$) _mJ© {ZYm©aU S>) H$m`© doimnÌH$
8) {Z`§ÌU åhUOo JwXm_m_Ü`o AgVoë`m {d{dY àH$mamÀ`m _mbmda {Z`§ÌU R>odUo
A) CËnmXZ ~) IM© H$) _mbgmR>m S>) {dH«$s
Set P
SLR-CT – 79 -4- *SLRCT79*
Set P
*SLRCT80* SLR-CT – 80
No. Set P
B.Com. – III (Semester – VI) (CGPA) Examination, 2018
advanced insurance (Paper – I)
Day and Date : Monday, 26-3-2018 Max. Marks : 70
Time : 2.30 p.m. to 5.00 p.m.
N.B. : 1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicates full marks.
4. What is life insurance contract ? Explain in detail the settlement of life insurance
claim after death of policy holder. 14
Explain in detail the functions of insurance regulatory and development authority.
5. Explain the procedure for appointment of agent and obtaining the licence for agent.
Explain the functions of life insurance agent. 14
Explain the nature and cover given under 14
i) Health Insurance
ii) Medical Insurance
iii) Travel Insurance
iv) Group Insurance
Set P
*SLRCT80* -3- SLR-CT – 80
_amR>r ê$nm§Va
gyMZm : 1) gd© àíZ Amdí`H$ AmhoV.
2) COdrH$S>rb A§H$ nyU© JwU Xe©{dVmV.
1. Imbr {Xboë`m n`m©`m_YyZ gdm©V `mo½` n`m©`mMr {ZdS> H$am : 14
1) Am`w{d©_m hm __________$ H$ama Zmhr.
A) Z\$m {_i{dÊ`mMm ~) CËnÞ {_i{dÊ`mMm
H$) ZwH$gmZ ^anmB©Mm S>) darb gd©
2) {d_oXmamÀ`m {d_m _wXVr AmYr _¥Ë`yZ§Va Am`w{d©_m nm°brgrMr a¸$_ __________$ bm
{Xbr OmVo.
A) gaH$ma ~) Y_m©Xm` g§ñWm H$) H$m`Xoera dmagXma S>) H$moUVohr Zmhr
3) __________$ hm Agm H$ama Amho H$s Á`m_Ü`o {d_m H§$nZr {d_oXmamÀ`m _¥Ë`wZ§Va {d{eîQ>
a¸$_ Ë`mÀ`m H$m`Xoera dmagXmamg XoÊ`mMo H$~yi H$aVo.>
A) gmJar {d_m ~) A{¾ {d_m H$) Am`w{d©_m S>) H$moUVohr Zmhr
4) Am`w{d©_m à{V{ZYr (agent) hmoÊ`mgmR>r__________$ VmgmMo ì`dgm`rH$ à{ejU KoUo
~§YZH$maH$ Amho.
A) 10 ~) 50 H$) 100 S>) 200
5) "{d_m {Z`_Z d {dH$mg àm{YH$aU' H$m`Xm (BS>m©) __________$ gmbr gå_V H$aÊ`mV
A) 1899 ~) 1948 H$) 1999 S>) 2009
6) __________$ {d_m àH$mamV {d_oXma R>am{dH$ H$mbI§S>mn`ªV {d_m hßVm ^aV AgVmo.
A) `w{ZQ> qbŠS> ~) Am{OdZ H$) _wXVr S>) H$moUVohr Zmhr
7) {d_m à{V{ZYrbm Ë`mÀ`m ì`dgm` nadmZm nÌmMo ZwV{ZH$aU __________$ dfm©Zr H$aUo
Amdí`H$ AgVo.
A) EH$ ~) XmoZ H$) VrZ S>) Mma
8) d`mMm XmIbm åhUyZ {d_m H§$nZr __________$ ho XñVEodO pñdH$maVo.
A) S>o~rQ> H$mS>© ~) H«o$S>rQ> H$mS>© H$) OÝ_ XmIbm S>) H$moUVohr Zmhr
9) {d_oXmamMm XdmImÝ`mVrb IMm©Mr a¸$_ naVmdm åhUyZ {_iÊ`mgmR>r __________$ {d_m
Cn`wŠV R>aVmo.
A) g_wh ~) Am`w{d©_m H$) Amamo½` S>) darb gd©
10) {d_m à{V{ZYr åhUyZ H$m`© H$aÊ`mMm nadmZm {_iÊ`mgmR>r ì`ŠVrg d`mMr __________$
df©o nyU© AgUo Amdí`H$ AgVo.
A) 21 ~) 20 H$) 18 S>) 25
Set P
SLR-CT – 80 -4- *SLRCT80*
11) __________$ {d_m àH$mamV, {d_oXmambm Ë`mÀ`m {då`mMr aŠH$_ {_iV Zmhr.
A) _wXVr ~) Am{OdZ H$) h`mVrVri S>) darb gd©
12) {d_m à{V{ZYrbm {Xbobm nadmZm __________$ n[apñWVrV aÔ Ho$bm OmVmo.
A) Oa Vmo _mZ{gH$ {dH¥$V AmT>ibm Va ~) Oa Vmo {XdmiImoa Pmbm Va
H$) Oa Ë`mZo A\$amV\$a Ho$br Va S>) darb gd© n[apñWVrV
13) Am`w{d©_m hm __________$ `m _Yrb H$ama AgVmo.
A) XmoZ ì`pŠV ~) {d_oXma d {d_m H§$nZr
H$) XmoZ {d_m H§$nÝ`m S>) H$moUVohr Zmhr
14) "{d_m {Z`_Z d {dH$mg àm{YH$aUmMo' _w»` H$m`m©b` __________$ `oWo Amho.
A) _w§~B© ~) {X„r H$) h¡Ðm~mX S>) nwUo
2. {Q>nm {bhm (H$moUË`mhr XmoZ) : 14
A) Am`w{d©_m à{V{ZYrgmR>rMr AmMmag§{hVm.
~) Amamo½` Am{U AnKmV {d_m.
H$) g_wh {d_m.
3. WmoS>Š`mV CÎmao {bhm : 14
A) Am`w{d©_m KoÊ`mMr H$m`©nÕVr.
~) _oS>rH$b d àdmgr {d_m KoÊ`mMr VaVyX.
H$) {d_m ì`dgm`mÀ`m ImOJrH$aUmMo n[aUm_.
4. "Am`w{d©_m' H$ama åhUOo H$m` ? {d_oXmamÀ`m _¥Ë`yZ§Va {d_m nm°brgrMr aŠH$_ {_i{dÊ`mMr
H$m`©nÕVr g{dñVa ñnîQ> H$am. 14
{d_m {Z`_ d {dH$mg àm{YH$aUmMr H$m`} g{dñVa ñnîQ> H$am. 14
5. {d_m à{V{ZYr {Z`wŠVrMr H$m`©nÕVr ñnîQ> H$am. {d_m à{V{ZYr nadmZm {_i{dÊ`mMr nÕVr gm§Jm.
Am`w{d©_m à{V{ZYrMr H$m`} ñnîQ> H$am. 14
Imbrb {d_m àH$mamV {Xbo OmUmao g§ajU d ñdê$n gm§Jm. 14
i) Amamo½` {d_m
ii) "_o{S>H$b' {d_m
iii) àdmgr {d_m
iv) g_wh {d_m.
Set P
S e a t
5 A J
N o .
1. Choose the most appropriate alternative amongst the given for each question. 14
i) For getting a binomial distribution, each trial must results in one of the
_________ possible outcomes.
a) two b) three
c) four d) none of these
ii) For getting a binomial distribution, probability of success in each trial, p is
a) changing b) remains constant
c) cannot say anything d) none of these
iii) Variance of binomial distribution with parameters n and p is given by
a) np b) nq c) npq d) none of these
iv) In a binomial distribution p[x = 0] = ?
a) npqn1 b) qn c) p.qn d) none of these
v) For a Poisson distribution with parameter
, variance is given by
a) 2
b) 2+ c)
d) none of these
vi) In a Poisson distribution with parameter
, P[X = 1] = _________
a) b) c) d) none of these
. A
SLR-CT 81 -2- *SLRCT81*
X ~ N ( , )
X ~ N ( , )
a) 0 b) 1 c) 1 d) none of these
a) b) c) d) none of these
X ~ N ( , )
P [ 2 Z 2 ]
a) 0.6826 b) 0.9973 c) 0.9545 d) none of these
xiii) If X ~ N ( , )
2. A) A fish tank contains 70 fish out of which 5 are in red colour. If 4 fish were
caught at random, find probability distribution of the number of red fish in the
catch. (Given : e5 = 0.00678) 7
B) A fair coin is tossed 8 times. Find the probability that it shows head i) exactly
5 times, ii) at least once. 7
N u m b e r o f c h i l d r e n b o r n
A g e M o r t a l i t y r a t e
t o 1 0 0 0 w o m e n p a s s i n g
g r o u p ( p e r 1 0 0 0 )
t h r o u g h t h e a g e - g r o u p
$ #
# # &
$ ! #
! ! # &
! $ " #
" " # !
" $ # #
Set P
*SLRCT82* SLR-CT – 82
No. Set P
B.Com. – III (Semester – VI) (CGPA) Examination, 2018
Advanced Banking (Paper – II)
Banks and Financial Institutions
Day and Date : Tuesday, 27-3-2018 Max. Marks : 70
Time : 2.30 p.m. to 5.00 p.m.
SLR-CT – 82 -2- *SLRCT82*
9) Red-tapism is an important feature of _____________ banking system.
a) Mixed b) Unit c) Branch d) None of these
10) The first development bank in India was established in the year
a) 1938 b) 1948 c) 1954 d) 1955
Set P
*SLRCT82* -3- SLR-CT – 82
_amRr ê$nm§Va
1. Imbr {Xboë`m n`m©`m§n¡H$s `mo½` n`m©` {ZdS>m : 14
1) ^maVmVrb Am¡ÚmoJrH$ joÌmMo {dH$mg H$aUo ho ________ ~±Ho$Mo CÔrîQ> hmo`.
A) IDBI ~) IFCI H$) ICICI S>) darb gd©
2) ^maVr` Am`mV {Z`m©V ~±Ho$Mr ñWmnZm ________ _Ü`o Pmbr.
A) 1980 ~) 1985 H$) 1982 S>) 1990
3) B-~±H$s¨J ì`dgm`mV ________ hm _hÎdmMm AS>Wim Amho.
A) XoI^mb IM© ~) àma§^rMm IM© H$) gwajm IM© S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr
4) ________ g_memoYZ J¥h ho OJmVrb n{hbo g_memoYZ J¥h Amho.
A) b§S>Z ~) _w§~B© H$) H$mobH$Îmm S>) MoÝZB©
5) ________ ho emIm ~±H$ nÕVrMo _mhoaKa Amho.
A) `w.Eg².E. ~) B§½b§S> H$) \«$mÝg S>) OnmZ
6) B§½b§S>_Ü`o ________ gmir MbZ H$m`Xm g§_V Pmbm.
A) 1938 ~) 1948 H$) 1928 S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr
7) ________ hr B©-~±H$s¨JMr _hÎdmMr àgmaU dmhrZr Amho.
A) hmo_ ~±H$s¨J ~) R>oir ~±H$s¨J H$) B§Q>aZoQ> ~±H$s¨J S>) _mo~mB©b ~±H$s¨J
8) ~±H$ Am°\$ B§½b§S>Mr ñWmnZm ________ _Ü`o H$aÊ`mV Ambr.
A) 1964 ~) 1980 H$) 1694 S>) 1946
9) X>ßVa-qXaJmB© ho ________ ~±H$ nÕVrMo d¡{eîR> hmo`.
A) {_l ~) EH$md`dr H$) emIm S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr
10) ^maVmVrb {dH$mg ~±H$ ________ _Ü`o ñWmnZ Pmbr.
A) 1938 ~) 1948 H$) 1954 S>) 1955
11) A_o[aHo$_Ü`o n{hbm ~±H$s¨J H$m`Xm ________ _Ü`o g§_V Pmbm.
A) 1940 ~) 1933 H$) 1945 S>) 1950
12) ^maVr` Am¡ÚmoJrH$ {dH$mg ~±Ho$Mr ñWmnZm ________ _Ü`o Pmbr.
A) 1965 ~) 1964 H$) 1970 S>) 1980
13) ~±H$s¨J ì`dgm`mV aŠH$_ AXm H$aÊ`mMr ________ AmYw{ZH$ nÕV dmnabr OmVo.
A) S>r.S>r. ~) MoH$ H$) Ama.Q>r.Or.Eg². S>) `mn¡H$s Zmhr
14) B©.~±H$s¨J H$m`©àUmbr ________ `m§Zm \$m`Xoera R>aVo.
A) ~±H$-J«mhH$ ~) ~±H$a H$) gaH$ma S>) darb gd©
Set P
SLR-CT – 82 -4- *SLRCT82*
Set P
*SLRCT83* SLR-CT – 83
Seat Set P
5) Mr. A’s gross total income is Rs. 12,00,000. He donated Rs. 2,00,000 to
Prime-Minister National Relief Fund during the previous year. The deduction
allowable to him is
a) Rs. 1,20,000 b) Rs. 1,00,000
c) Rs. 2,00,000 d) None of above
7) Where an assessee owns and occupies two houses he has to choose that
house whose annual value is ___________ as self occupied.
a) Less b) More c) Nil d) All of above
14) The assessee covered under section _________ i.e. tax audited persons are
compulsory required to file return electronically.
a) 44 AD b) 44 AC c) 44 AE d) 44 AB
2. Write short notes (any two) : 14
a) Person
b) Previous-year
c) Income from profession/vocation
3. A) Mr. Multiram owns two houses, particulars of which are as follows : 7
Find out Income from House property for the Assessment Year 2017-2018.
B) Compute income from house property for the A. Year 2017-18 in respect of
Shri-Shinde. 7
1) Fair rent Rs. 3,00,000
2) Municipal value Rs. 3,10,000
3) Standard rent Rs. 3,50,000
4) Actual rent Rs. 6,00,000
5) Unrealised rent for previous year 2016-17 Rs. 50,000 (conditions fulfilled).
6) Municipal taxes paid Rs. 40,000
7) Repairs Rs. 10,000
8) Insurance premium R s. 3,000
9) Interest on loan taken for construction of property Rs. 40,000
10) The property was vacant for 3 months during the previous year 2016-2017.
4. A) From the following Profit and Loss Account of a merchant compute his income
from business for the year ending 31-3-2017. 14
To Sales-tax 1,000
To Repairs 500
To Depreciation 3,000
To Donations 2,000
To Wealth-tax 1,500
To Income-tax 2,500
To Net-profit 88,500
1,77,000 1,77,000
Adjustments :
Set P
*SLRCT83* -5- SLR-CT – 83
B) Dr. Vijay is a medical practitioner who maintain his books of account on cash
basis he furnish the following :
Adjustments :
B) Mr. Pranit is working in India Ltd. Delhi. He has furnished the following details
of his income for the 2016-2017.
1) Basic-salary Rs. 50,000 p. Month.
2) D.A. 40% of salary (not considered for retirement benefits).
3) Bonus equal to two months of basic-salary.
4) Helper allowance Rs. 1,000 p.month.
5) Reimbursement of education expenses Rs. 20,000 by his employer.
6) Employers contribution to R.P.F. 15% of salary.
7) Travelling allowance for his official Tours Rs. 25,000. [Actual-expenditure
Rs. 20,000].
8) Mr. Pranit is the owner of house property; which he has let-out for annual
rent Rs. 4,80,000. Fair rent is Rs. 5,00,000. Municipal valuation is
Rs. 4,50,000. He paid municipal-tax Rs. 20,000. Interest paid on borrowed
capital Rs. 1,55,000 and principal amount repaid Rs. 50,000.
9) Mediclaim Insurance Premium Rs. 25,000 for his mother who is 65 years
10) His contribution to Public-Provident Fund Rs. 30,000.
11) Interest on Government securities Rs. 15,000 is received.
12) Income from unit of UTI Rs. 45,000 is received.
13) He deposited Rs. 60,000 in SBI, Bank and fixed deposit for 5 years.
14) Donation paid to Government for the promotion of family planning
Rs. 20,000.
15) Dividend received by Indian company Rs. 30,000.
16) Income from business Rs. 2,50,000.
17) The company has deducted Income-Tax Rs. 80,000.
18) He paid Professional Tax Rs. 2,500.
Compute taxable income and tax liability to Mr. Pranit for the A. year 2017-18.
Set P
*SLRCT84* SLR-CT – 84
No. Set P
B.Com. – III (Semester – VI) (CGPA) Examination, 2018
advanced cost accounting (Paper – II)
Day and Date : Tuesday, 27-3-2018 Max. Marks : 70
Time : 2.30 p.m. to 5.00 p.m.
Instructions : I) All questions are compulsory.
II) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
III) Use of calculator is allowed.
12) Production budget, sales budget, cash budget are the type of ________
a) Fixed b) Variable c) Functional d) Master
13) B.E.P. =
Fixed cos t Pr ofit variable cos t Total cos t
a) P / v Ratio b) c) d)
P / v Ratio P / v Ratio P / v Ratio
14) When ratio of variable cost to sales is 70% then p/v ratio is
a) 40% b) 30% c) 50% d) 60%
3. A) Sales Rs. 2,00,000 Marginal cost Rs. 1,20,000. Fixed cost Rs. 40,000. Find
out P/v ratio and B.E.P. 14
B) Find out material cost, rate and usages variances.
Standard data – 50 kg material at Rs. 20 per kg.
Actual data – 60 kg material at Rs. 22 per kg.
Set P
S e a t
N o .
5 A J
5. a) Explain the merits and demerits of piece rate and time rate wage system. 14
b) What is Labour Welfare ? Discuss on need of employees welfare.
Set P
*SLRCT85* -3- SLR-CT 85
_amR>r ê$nm§Va
gyMZm : 1) gd© àíZ Amdí`H$ AmhoV.
2) COdrH$S>rb A§H$ nyU© JwU Xe©{dVmV.
1. Imbr {Xboë`m n`m©`mn¡H$s `mo½` n`m©`mMr {ZdS> H$am : 14
1) _______ ho ^oXmË_H$ doVZ `moOZoMo àUoVo/OZH$ AmhoV.
A) \o$S>[aH$ S>ãbw Q>b
o a ~) amodZ H$) nrQ>a S´>H$a S>) \o S>[aH$ hmëgo
2) H$mb doVZ, H$m_ doVZ Am{U CÎmoOZmË_H$ doVZ øm _______ À`m nÕVr AmhoV.
A) _ZmoY¡`©/_Zmo~b ~) doVZ/_Owar H$) H$_©Mmar H$ë`mU S>) à{ejU
3) CÚmoJ g§ñWo _Ü`o Am¡Úmo{JH$ em§VVm {Z_m©U H$aÊ`mgmR>r d {Q>H$dyZ R>odÊ`mgmR>r gbmo»`mMo
_______àñWm{nV hmoUo AmdíH$ Amho.
A) _Zmo~b/_ZmoY¡`© ~) ì`dñWmnZ
H$) Am¡Úmo{JH$ g§~§Y S>) Am¡Úmo{JH$ ghH$m`©
4) _mbH$ ho _______ g§~§YmVrb AË`§V _hËdmMo d _yb^yV KQ>H$ AmhoV.
A) H$m_Jma ~) d¡`pVH$ H$) ì`pVJV S>) Am¡Úmo{JH$
5) _mZdr g§~§Ym_Ü`o _______ Mm g_mdoe hmoVmo.
A) _ZmoY¡`© ~) g§XoedhZ H$) H$m`©àoaUm S>) darb gd©
6) _wbmIV, àíZmdbr, àË`j {ZarjU `m ________moOÊ`mÀ`m nÕVr AmhoV.
A) H$m`©j_Vm ~) CËnmXH$Vm H$) _ZmoY¡`©/_Zmo~b S>) H$ë`mU
7) Am¡Úmo{JH$ H$bh H$m`Xm _______ gmbr ApñVËdmV Ambm.
A) 1938 ~) 1947 H$) 1951 S>) 1956
8) H$_©Mmar H$ë`mUmMr O~m~Xmar _______ da Adb§~yZ AgVo.
A) _mbH$ ~) H$m_Jma H$) g_mO S>) gaH$ma
9) Ooìhm H$m_JmamMm _mo~Xbm Ë`mZo Ho$boë`m H$m_mÀ`m AmYmao {ZürV Ho$bm Om Vmo Voìhm Ë`mg
_______ Ago åhUVmV.
A) H$m`©Xa nÕVr ~) hmëgo doVZ `moOZm
H$) H$mb Xa nÕVr S>) CÎmoOZmË_H doVZ$ `moOZm
10) _______ `m KQ>H$mMm H$m_Jma H$ë`mU `moOZoV g_mdoe hmoV Zmhr.
A) {Zdmg gw{dYm ~) Ý`m` doVZ H$) nmiUmJ¥h S>) CnhmaJ¥h
Set P
SLR-CT 85 -4- *SLRCT85*
11) _______ åhUOo ì`dñWmnZ d H$_©Mmar `m§À`mVrb g§~§Y qH$dm H$_©Mmar Am{U Ë`m§À`m
CÚmoJ g§ñWm _YyZ {Z_m©U Pmboë`m Ë`m§À`m g§KQ>Zm `mVrb g§~§Y hmo`.
A) Am¡Úmo{JH$ g§~§Y ~) _mZdr g§~§Y H$) _mbH$ g§~§Y S>) darbn¡H$s Zmhr
12) H$_r _ZmoY¡`m©_wio _______ da n[aUm_ hmoVmo.
A) H$m_Jma AXbm ~XbrMo à_mU dmT>Vo ~) CËnmXH$VoVKQ>
H$) H$m_Jma J¡ahmOarMo à_mU dmT>Vo S>) darb gd©
13) gd© CËnmXZ KQ>H$mn¡H$s _______ hm KQ>H$ gdm©V _hËdmMm na§Vw hmVmiÊ`mg AË`§V AdKS>
Agm Amho.
A) l_rH$/H$m_Jma ~) ^m§S>db H$) ì`dñWmnZ S>) ^y{_/OmJm
14) Am¡Úmo{JH$ H$bh H$m`Xm 1947 Zwgma H$_©Mmè`m§À`m ì`dñWmnZmVrb _______gwédmV Pmbr.
A) H$ë`mUmg ~) gh^mJ H$) _Owarg S>) darbn¡H$s Zmhr
2. {Q>nm {bhm : 14
A) H$_©Mmè`m§À`m _ZmoY¡`m©da n[aUm_H$aUmao KQ>H$.
~) H$m_Jma H$ë`mUmMr ì`mßVr.
3. WmoS>`mV CÎmao Úm : 14
A) g_mYmZH$maH$ doVZ YmoaUmVrb Amdí`H$ ~m~r gm§Jm.
~) Am¡Úmo{JH g§~§YmMo _hËd ñnîQ> H$am.
4. A) H$m_Jmam§À`m ì`dñWmnZmVrb gh^mJ/ghH$m`m©À`m {d{dY nÕVr gm§Jm. 14
~) H$_©Mmar _ZmoY¡`©/_Zmo~bmMr ì`m»`m Úm. H$_©Mmar _ZmoY¡`© _moOÊ`mÀ`m nÕVr gm§Jm.
5. A) H$m_ doVZ nÕVr Am{U H$mb doVZ nÕVrMo JwUXmof ñnîQ> H$am. 14
~) H$_©Mmar H$ë`mU åhUOo H$m` ? H$_©Mmar H$ë`mUmMr JaO/Amdí`H$VoMr MMm© H$am.
Set P
*SLRCT86* SLR-CT – 86
Set P
B.Com. – III (Semester – VI) (CGPA) Examination, 2018
Day and Date : Tuesday, 27-3-2018 Max. Marks : 70
Time : 2.30 p.m. to 5.00 p.m.
N. B. : 1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Set P
*SLRCT86* -3- SLR-CT – 86
_amR>r ê$nm§Va
gyMZm : 1) gd© àíZ Amdí`H$ AmhoV.
2) COdrH$S>rb A§H$ nyU© JwU Xe©{dVmV.
1. `mo½` n`m©`mMr {ZdS> H$am : 14
1) àË`j g§nyU© hmZr Am{U AmÝd{`H$ hmZr ho àH$ma AmhoV.
A) g§nyU© hmZr ~) gmJar YmoHo$ H$) gamgar hmZr S>) Am§{eH$ hmZr
2) ^maVr` gd©gmYmaU {d_m _hm_§S>imMr ñWmnZm gmbr H$aÊ`mV Ambr.
A) 1961 ~) 1973 H$) 1956 S>) 2003
3) H$m`Xm 1963 _Ü`o g§_V H$aÊ`mV Ambm.
A) Am`w{d©_m ~) {d_m H$) gmJar {d_m S>) AnKmV {d_m
4) {d{eîQ> _wXVrgmR>r d {d{eîQ> _mJm©daM àdmg H$aÊ`mgmR>r KoÊ`mV Amboë`m gmJar {d_m
nÌmg åhUVmV.
A) Ka\$moS>rMm {d_m ~) n°Ho$O {d_m H$) AnKmV {d_m S>) {_l {d_m
5) Ymo`m§Zm àË`j YmoHo$ Agohr åhUVmV.
A) \$gdUyH$ ~) \$gdUyH$ d {ZîH$miOrnUm
H$) emar[aH$ S>) {ZîH$miOrnUm
6) gmJar {då`mVrb hm _mbmÀ`m {då`mgmR>r OmñV Cn`moJr Amho.
A) _wXVr {d_m ~) {_l {d_m
H$) {ZpíMV_yë` {d_m S>) OhmO ^mS>o {d_m
7) Ka\$moS>rMm {d_m hm {då`mMm _hÎdmMm àH$ma g_Obm OmVmo.
A) Am`w{d©_m ~) AnKmV H$) gmJar S>) Ap½Z
8) J«m_rU ì`VrJV AnKmV {d_m nm°{bgr d`moJQ>mVrb ì`Vrbm J«m_rU ^mJmV
bmJy Amho.
A) 20 Vo 80 ~) 30 Vo 90 H$) 10 Vo 70 S>) 40 Vo 80
9) {hV nwamdm {d_mnÌ hm {då`mMm àH$ma Amho.
A) _moQ>ma ~) Ap½Z H$) Am`w{d©_m S>) gmJar
Set P
SLR-CT – 86 -4- *SLRCT86*
10) hm gmJar {d_mnÌm_Ü`o {d_oXma d {d_m H§$nZr `m§À`m_Yrb dmX Q>miÊ`mgmR>r
Cn`wV R>aVo.
A) {ZpíMV_yë` {d_m ~) _wXVr {d_m
H$) VaVo {d_mnÌ S>) àdmg {d_m
11) {d_m ì`dgm`mÀ`m B{Vhmgm_Ü`o hm gdm©V OwZm {d_m Amho.
A) nrH$ {d_m ~) gmJar {d_m H$) Ap½Z {d_m S>) Am`w{d©_m
12) gd©gmYmaU {d_m _hm_§S>imMm {d_m hm _w»` ì`dgm` Amho.
A) nrH$ ~) gmJar H$) nwZ{d©_m S>) gd©gmYmaU
13) gmJar {d_mnÌmMo hñVm§Va H$aÊ`mgmR>r {d_m nÌmV Agmdo bmJVo.
A) gmjm§H$U H$b_ ~) gamgar H$b_
H$) OhmO H$b_ S>) A{^hñVm§H$U H$b_
14) V¥Vr`nj O~m~XmarMm {d_m hm {då`mMm _hÎdmMm àH$ma Amho.
A) Ap½Z ~) AmOrdZ H$) AnKmV S>) _wXVr {d_m
2. Q>rnm {bhm : 14
A) gmJar {d_m KoÊ`mMr H$m`©nÕVr
~) Ka\$moS>rMm {d_m.
3. WmoS>`mV CÎmao {bhm : 14
A) gmJar {då`mMo _hÎd ñnîQ> H$am.
~) gmJar {då`mMr VÎdo ñnîQ> H$am.
4. gmJar {då`mMo àH$ma ñnîQ> H$am. 14
àm_m{UH$nUmMm h_r {d_m d V¥Vr`nj O~m~XmarMm {d_m ñnîQ> H$am.
5. gmJar {d_m nÌmVrb {d{dY H$b_o ñnîQ> H$am. 14
gd©gmYmaU {d_m _hm_§S>imMo H$m`© d àJVr ñnîQ> H$am.
Set P
Seat Set P
1. Choose the most appropriate alternative amongst the given for each question. 14
I) Object function of the L.P.P. is optimum at any of the
a) Points in common region
b) Vertices of common region
c) Points on the intersection with X-axis
d) None of these
II) If objective function is either maximum or minimum at any one point, then
that L.P.P. has
a) unique solution b) unbounded solution
c) infinite many solutions d) none of these
III) If the common region of restrictions is an empty set, then that L.P.P. has
a) unique solution b) no solution
c) unbounded solution d) none of these
IV) In L.P.P. all constraints are in
a) Cubic form b) Quadratic form
c) Linear form d) None of these
V) Assignment problem, in general is in the form of
a) minimisation b) maximisation
c) both a and b d) none of these
VI) Assignment algorithm has been developed by
a) Hungarian b) Johnson
c) R.A. Fisher d) None of these
SLR-CT 87 -2- *SLRCT87*
VII) An assignment problem having a cost matrix with m-rows and n-columns is
said to be unbalanced if
a) m < n b) m > n c) either a or b d) none of these
VIII) To solve an assignment problem, if should be in
a) unbalanced form b) balanced form
c) reduced form d) none of these
IX) In a matrix minima method of finding an IBFS to the transportation problem,
the first allocation is made in a
a) (1,1)th cell
b) cell with least cost in Ist row
c) cell with least cost in first column
d) cell with least cost in the given matrix.
X) To find all ui and all vj, the condition for the basic cells is
a) Cij = ui + vj b) Cij < ui + vj c) Cij > ui + vj d) none of these
XI) Solution under consideration in transportation problem is optimum if all
dij = zij Cij is
a) less than or equal to zero b) greater than or equal to zero
c) equal to zero d) none of these
XII) Number of possible sequences of n jobs to be processed through m machines
is equal to
a) (n!)m b) (m!)n c) (n!)n d) none of these
XIII) Sequencing algorithm has been developed by
a) Hungerian b) Johnson c) R.A. Fisher d) None of these
XIV) In a sequencing problem of n jobs through two machines A and B, in the
order AB, the job is processed firstly if it has
a) least time on Ath machine b) largest time on Bth machine
c) least time on Bth machine d) none of these
Origin 1 50
0 4 2 5
9 20
Requirement 20 40 30 10
3. A) Explain :
I) North West Corner Rule
II) Matrix Minima Method. 7
Seven jobs are to be processed on two machines A and B in the order AB. The
processing times are given as follows : 7
Job : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Machine A : 10 12 13 7 14 5 16
Machine B : 15 11 8 9 6 7 16
Suggest optimum sequence of processing the jobs and the total elapsed time.
Set P
SLR-CT 87 -4- *SLRCT87*
Job A B C D
1 3 6 2 6
2 7 1 4 4
3 3 8 5 8
4 6 4 3 7
5 5 2 4 3
6 5 7 6 4
Determine the optimal sequence of jobs that minimizes the total elapsed time
based on the following information.
Job : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Machine A : 10 8 12 6 9 11 9
Machine B : 6 4 6 5 3 4 2
Machine C : 8 7 5 9 10 6 5
Set P