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Published by Authority of the Republic of Kenya
(Registered as a Newspaper at the G.P.O.)

Vol. CXXIV —No. 87 NAIROBI, 13th May, 2022 Price Sh. 60

The State Corporations Act—Appointment 2520 SUPPLEMENT Nos. 71,72 and 75

Taskforce on Re-Engineering and Transformation of Urban Legislative Supplements, 2022

Development—Appointment 2520 LEGAL NOTICE No. PAGE

The Land Registration Act—Issue of Provisional 75 —The Universities Act—Charter for the Aga Khan
Ceitificrites, etc 2521-2533 University, Kenya 417

The National Treasury—Statement of Actual Revenues 76—The Kenya Citizenship and Immigration Act—
Exemption 441
and Net Exchequer Issues as at 28th February, 2022 2533-2534
77 —The Public Order Act—The Public Order
Abridged Financial Statements for the Year Ended 30th (Marsabit County) Order, No. 1 of 2022 443
June, 2020 2534-2539

The Standards Act—Declaration of Kenya Standards 2539-2561

County Governments Notices 2561-2564 SUPPLEMENT No. 73

The Companies Act—Dissolution, etc 2564-2566 National Assembly Bills, 2022

The Engineers Act—Corrigendum 2566 PAGE

The Insolvency Act—Winding Up, etc 2566-2568 The Public Procurement and Asset Disposal
(Amendment) Bill, 2022 759
Thee Political Parties Act—Change of Political Party
Officials, etc 2568

The Co-operative Societies Act—Admission of Claims 2568

The Environmental Management and Co-ordination Act—
Acts, 2022
Environmental Impact Assessment Study Reports 2568-2570
Disposal of Uncollected Goods 2570-2571
The County Governmnets Additional Allocations Act,
Change of Names 2571-2573 2022 161

2520 THE KENYA GAZETTE 13th May, 2022
IN Gazette Notice No. 4063 of 2020, Cause No. 31 of 2020, amend TASK FORCE ON RE-ENGINEERING AND TRANSFORMATION
the deceased's name printed as "Jessee Kariuki Kiamni alias Kariuki OF URBAN DEVELOPMENT
Kimani" to read "Jesee Kariuki Kimani alias Kariuki Kimani".

IT IS notified for the general information of the public that the

IN Gazette Notice No. 13274 of 2021, Cause No. E65 of 2021, Cabinet Secretary for Transport, Infrastructure, Housing, Urban
amend the petitioner's name printed as "Charles Gathambo Njangiru" Development and Public Works has appointed a taskforce on Re-
to read "Charles Githambo Njangiru". engineering and Transformation of Urban Development towards the
establishment and funding of smart urban areas and cities which shall
comprise of—

IN Gazette Notice No. 13842 of 2021, Cause No. E238 of 2021, Chairperson:
amend the deceased's name printed as "Joseph Gatiba Waboro" to Patrick Obath
read "Josephs( Gatiba Waboro".
Linda Nkatha (Dr.) — Vice-Chairperson
Emma Miloyo
IN Gazette Notice No. 10498 of 2021, amend the title deed No. Charles K'onyango (Dr.)
printed as "Kiirua/Kiirua/338" to read "Kiirua/Kiirua/388". Sheila Yieke
Jean Angela Wamaitha Githinji
Bukky Ngobi
IN Gazette Notice No. 4965 of 2022, amend the appointee's name Henry Ochieng
printed as "Daniel Miriti" to read "Daniel Kamiti Wanganga, Lee Karuri
K. Nyagasi (Dr.)
Chairman, Nakuru Potato Co-operative Union" and "Thomas
Anne Nato
Nyongesa (Dr.), Center Director KALRO (Tigoni)" to read "Moses Mary Chege
Nyongesa (Dr.), Center Director, KALRO (Tigoni)". Ngatia Kirungie
Micha M. Kilonzo
Lilian Abishai Kuria
GAZETTE Nanca No. 5379 Gikonyo Gitonga
Solomon Ambwere
Violet Ofisi
(Cap. 446) Marion Rono
(No. 28 of 2013) Robert Sangori (Dr.)
Nichodemus Mbwika
1. The objective of the Taskforce shall be to assist the
APPOINTMENT Government to develop strategies that shall lead to vibrant, responsive
and transformative urban development institutions that shall drive the
IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 16 (2) and Para. implementation of sustainable, inclusive, resilient and smart
2 of the Fourth Schedule of the Science, Technology and Innovation approaches in urban and metropolitan development in Kenya.
Act, and section 6 (1) (a) of the State Corporations Act, I, Uhuru
2. The Taskforce shall—
Kenyatta, President and Commander-in-Chief of the Defence Forces
of the Republic of Kenya, appoint — (a) analyse the state of urban development planning and
urbanisation in Kenya;
(h) identify and make recommendations on changes to National
to be the Non-Executive Chairperson of the Kenya Forestry Research Urban and Metropolitan Development policies;
Institute, for a period of three (3) years, with effect from the 28th
April, 2022. (c) make recommendations on the strategic reforms necessary to
reinvigorate Kenya's urban development and the integration of
Dated the 26th April, 2022. sustainability, resilience and smart technology in urban
UHURU KENYATTA. development;
President. (d) prepare a report on the urban development structures that shall
support the proposed reinvigoration strategies including
GAZETTE NOTICE No. 5380 legislative changes, related institutional structures,
methodologies and action plans;
THE STATE CORPORATIONS ACT (e) identify and develop financing models that facilitate access to
(Cap. 446) the domestic financial sector to fund investment in urban
infrastructure projects and municipalities;
identify finance and credit enhancement instruments that may
APPOINTMENT facilitate sustainable urban management;

IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 6 (1) (a) of the (g) identify and develop land value capture mechanisms including
State Corporations Act, I, Uhuru Kenyatta, President and Commander- approaches, policies and instruments for sustainable public
infrastructure financing in counties;
in-Chief of the Defence Forces of the Republic of Kenya, appoint--
(h) identify funding mechanisms for the development of horizontal
infrastructure required for the establishment of sustainable
to be the Chairperson of the Bomas of Kenya Board, for a period of human settlements including implementation of the Affordable
three (3) years, with effect from the 28th April, 2022. Housing Programme by County Governments;
(i) identify strategic areas and models for partnerships between
Dated the 26th April, 2022.
County Governments and the private sector for urban financing
UHURU KENYATTA, investment and development;
13th May, 2022 THE KENYA GAZETTE 2521

(j) develop a model for the establishment of standing conditional GAZETTE NOTICE No. 5384
grants by the National Treasury through the National Urban
Development Fund dedicated to the development of foundation THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT
infrastructure and services in order to position urban areas as (No. 3 of 2012)
engines of growth and drivers of the national and sub-national

(k) develop a capacity-building framework for actors in urban WHEREAS DJSC Settlement Limited, of P.O. Box 69952-00800,
development from the public and private sectors including the Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor of all that
provision of guidance on leading practices, trainigg and piece of land known as L.R. No. 3777/1434, situate in north east of
development strategies. Gilgil Township in Nakuru District, by virtue of a certificate of title,
3. The Taskforce shall remain in office for a period of four (4) registered as I.R. 211112/1, and whereas sufficient evidence has been
months from the date of the publication of this Notice. adduced to show that the said certificate of title has been lost, notice is
given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I
4. In the performance of its functions, the Taskforce— shall issue a provisional certificate of title provided that no objection
has been received within that period.
(a) shall regulate its own procedure;
Dated the 13th May, 2022.
(b) shall hold consultations with stakeholders to solicit, receive,
consider and collate inputs that may be useful for the S. C. NJOROGE,
performance of its mandate; and MR/3643493 Registrar of Titles, Nairobi.
(c) may co-opt technical experts who shall consist of not more
than two-thirds of the members of the Taskforce.
5. The costs incurred by the Taskforce in the performance of its
functions shall be defrayed from the voted funds of the State THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT
Department for Housing and Urban Development.
(No. 3 of 2012)
6. The secretariat of the Taskforce shall be based at the State
Department for Housing and Urban Development.
Dated the 9th May, 2022. WHEREAS Julius Chilumo Lulu, as administrator of Christine
Mutio Musembi, of P.O. Box 29-80109, Mtwapa in the Republic of
JAMES W. MACHARIA, Kenya, is registered as proprietor in freehold ownership of all that
Cabinet Secretary for Transport, Infrastructure, piece of land containing 0.8034 hectare or thereabouts, known as
Housing, Urban Development and Public Works. subdivision No. 1362/IV/MN situate in Kilifi in Kilifi District,
registered as C.R. 58002, and whereas sufficient evidence has been
adduced to show that the said certificate of title has been lost, notice is
GAZETTE NOTICE No. 5382 given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I
shall issue a provisional certificate of title, provided that no objection
THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT has been received within that period.
(No. 3 of 2012) Dated the 13th May, 2022.
MR/3653609 Registrar of Titles, Mombasa.
WHEREAS (1) Mohamed Hussein Ayoob, (2) Noormohamed
Ayoob, (3) Mohamedali Ayoob, (4) Abdulrazak Ayoob and (5) Abbas
Ayoob, all of P.O. Box 86686-80100, Mombasa in the Republic of GAZETTE NOTICE No. 5386
Kenya, are registered as proprietors of all that piece of land known as
L.A. 209/11067/38, situate in the city of Nairobi in the Nairobi Area, THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT
by virtue of a certificate of title, registered as I.R. 51139, and whereas
sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the said certificate (No. 3 of 2012)
of title has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty ISSUE OF A CERTIFICATE OF LEASE
(60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a provisional certificate of
title provided that no objection has been received within that period. WHEREAS Munira Mohamed Abdulghadir Juma (ID/3425983), is
registered as proprietor of all that piece of land situate in the district of
Dated the 13th May, 2022. Kiambu, registered as title No. Juja/Kalimoni Block 2/826, and
S. C. NJOROGE, whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the said
MR/3653531 Registrar of Titles, Nairobi. certificate of lease of the said piece of land is missing, and whereas all
efforts made to locate the said certificate of lease have failed, notice is
given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof,
provided that no objection has been received within that period. I
intend to issue another certificate of lease and the said missing
THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT certificate of lease will be deemed of no effect.
(No. 3 of 2012) Dated the 13th May, 2022.
MR/3643353 Registrar of Titles, Thika.
WHEREAS Coultow Limited, of P.O. Box 69952-00400, Nairobi
in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor lessee of all that
piece of land known as L.R. No. 3777/1410, situate in east of Gilgil
Township in Naivasha District, by virtue of a certificate of title, GAZETTE NOTICE No. 5387
registered as I.R. 202624/1, and whereas sufficient evidence has been THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT
adduced to show that the said certificate of title has been lost, notice is
given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I (No.3 of 2012)
shall issue a provisional certificate of title provided that no objection
has been received within that period. ISSUE OF NEW LAND TITLE DEEDS

Dated the 13th May, 2022. WHEREAS Meshack Owira Osuka, of P.O. Box 1553, Kisumu in
the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute
S. C. NJOROGE, ownership interest of all those pieces of land each containing 0.12
MR/3653588 Registrar of Titles, Nairobi. hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district of Kisumu, registered
under title No. Kisumu/Kamteng/2621 and 2622, respectively, and
2522 THE KENYA GAZETTE 13th May, 2022

whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land GAZETTE NOTICE No. 5391
title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the
expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT
land title deed provided that no objection has been received within that (No. 3 of 2012)
Dated the 13th May, 2022.
WHEREAS Kimani Macharia, of P.O. Box 176, Nakuru in the
D. C. LETTING, Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership
MR/3653590Land Registrar, Kisumu Central, East and West Districts. interest of all that piece of land containing 0.8741 hectare or
thereabouts, situate in the district of Nakuru, registered under title No.
Bahati/Bahati Block 1/1612, and whereas sufficient evidence has been
adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost,
GAZETTE NOTICE No. 5388 notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date
hereof, I shall issue a new land title deed provided that no objection
THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT has been received within that period.
(No. 3 of 2012) Dated the 13th May, 2022.
MR/3643327 Land Registrar, Nakuru District.
WHEREAS Lazaro Obama Nyadinda, of P.O. Box 2104, Kisumu
in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute
ownership interest of all that piece of land containing 1.0 hectare or
thereabouts, situate in the district of Kisumu, registered under title No. THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT
Kisumu/Kanyawegi/5613, and whereas sufficient evidence has been
(No. 3 of 2012)
adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost,
notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEED
hereof, I shall issue a new land title deed provided that no objection
has been received within that period. WHEREAS Kimani Macharia, of P.O. Box 176, Nakuru in the
Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership
Dated the 13th May, 2022. interest of all that piece of land containing 0.0530 hectare or
thereabouts, situate in the district of Nakuru, registered under title No.
D. C. LETTING, Nakuru Municipality Block 21/231, and whereas sufficient evidence
MR/3653590Land Registrar, Kisumu Central, East and West Districts. has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has
been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days
from the date hereof, I shall issue a new land title deed provided that
no objection has been received within that period.
GAZETTE NoricE No. 5389
Dated the 13th May, 2022.
(No. 3 of 2012) MR/3643327 Land Registrar, Nakuru District.


WHEREAS John Mwangi Githae, of P.O. Box 480, Nakuru in the THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT
Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership
interest of all that piece of land containing 0.65 hectare or thereabouts, (No. 3 of 2012)
situate in the district of Nakuru, registered under title No. ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEED
Bahati/Kabatini Block 1/1183, and whereas sufficient evidence has
been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been WHEREAS Kimani Macharia, of P.O. Box 176, Nakuru in the
lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership
interest of all that piece of land containing 0.405 hectare or
date hereof, I shall issue a new land title deed provided that no thereabouts, situate in the district of Nakuru, registered under title No.
objection has been received within that period. Kabazi/Munanda Block 2/803 (Maombi), and whereas sufficient
evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued
Dated the 13th May, 2022.
thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty
R. G. KUBAI, (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new land title deed
MR/3643351 provided that no objection has been received within that period.
Land Registrar, Nakuru District.
Dated the 13th May, 2022.
GAZETTE NOTICE No. 5390 MR/3643327 Land Registrar, Nakuru District.
(No. 3 of 2012)
(No. 3 of 2012)
WHEREAS David Mbugua Njuguna, of P.O. Box 135, Rongai in ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEED
the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute
ownership interest of all that piece of land containing 4.5 hectares or WHEREAS (1) Stephen Musumba Okunda and (2) Nancy
thereabout, situate in the district of Nakuru, registered under title No. Kavulani, both of P.O. Box 180-50100, Kakamega in the Republic of
Lenginet Settlement Scheme/87, and whereas sufficient evidence has Kenya, are registered as proprietors in absolute ownership interest of
all that piece of land situate in the district of Kakamega, registered
been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been
under title No. Kakamega/Lubao/957, and whereas sufficient evidence
lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has
date hereof, I shall issue a new land title deed provided that no been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days
objection has been received within that period. from the date hereof, I shall issue a new land title deed provided that
no objection has been received within that period.
Dated the 13th May, 2022.
Dated the 13th May, 2022.
MR/3643411 Land Registrar, Nakuru District. G. 0. NYANGWESO,
MR/3643458 Land Registrar, Kakamega District.
13th May, 2022 THE KENYA GAZETTE 2523


(No. 3 of 2012) (No. 3 of 2012)
WHEREAS John Libasia Malala, is registered as proprietor in WHEREAS Peter Mang'ula Omuyindi, of P.O. Box 283-50100,
absolute ownership interest of all that piece of land situate in the Kakamega in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in
district of Kakamega, registered under title No. Isukha/Shirere/1381, absolute ownership interest of all that piece of land situate in the
and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the district of Kakamega, registered under title No.
land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after Marama/Shikunga/618, and whereas sufficient evidence has been
the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost,
new land title deed provided that no objection has been received notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date
within that period. hereof, I shall issue a new land title deed provided that no objection
has been received within that period.
Dated the 13th May, 2022.
Dated the 13th May, 2022.
MR/3643413 Land Registrar, Kakamega District. G. 0. NYANGWESO,
MR/3643306 Land Registrar, Kakamega District.


(No. 3 of 2012) (No. 3 of 2012)
WHEREAS Ali Tumo Khata, of P.O. Box 526, Mumias in the WHEREAS Wambani Were Wambiri, is registered as proprietor in
Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership absolute ownership interest of all that piece of land situate in the
interest of all that piece of land situate in the district of Kakamega, district of Kakamega, registered under title No.
registered under title No. North Wanga/Matungu/1889, and whereas Marama/Shinamwenyuli/2690, and whereas sufficient evidence has
sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been
issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the
sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new land title deed date hereof, I shall issue a new land title deed provided that no
provided that no objection has been received within that period. objection has been received within that period.
Dated the 13th May, 2022. Dated the 13th May, 2022.
MR/3643354 Land Registrar, Kakamega District. MR/3643469 Land Registrar, Kakamega District.


(No. 3 of 2012)
(No. 3 of 2012)
WHEREAS (1) Christine Chemutai (ID/12468141) and (2) Gilbert
WHEREAS Wafula Daniel, of P.O. Box 1734, Webuye in the Kipkemoi Nge'tich (1D/27845746), both of P.O. Box 7997-30100,
Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership Eldrem in the Republic of Kenya, are registered as proprietors in
interest of all that piece of land situate in the district of Kakamega, absolute ownership interest of all that piece of land situate in the
registered under title No. North Kabras/Surungai/1263, and whereas district of Uasin Gishu, registered under title No. Uasin
sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed Gishu/Kimumu/2641, and whereas sufficient evidence has been
issued thereof has been lest, notice is given that after the expiration of addtteed to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost,
sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new land title deed notice isliven that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from-the date
providedithat no objection has been received within that period. hereof,i shall issue a new land title deed provided that, no objection
Dated the 13th May, 2022. has been received within that period.
Dated the 13th May, 2022.
MR/3214421 Land Registrar, Kakamega District. S. C. *WEI,
MR/3643352 Land Registrar, Uasin Gishu District.


(No. 3 of 2012) (No. 3 of 2012)
WHEREAS Peter Kanuli Wafula, of P.O. Box 1, Matete in the WHEREAS Solomon KipkosgeiKirwa (1D/7085766), of P.O. Box
Republicz of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership 248, Turbo in the republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in
interest of all that piece of land situate in the district of Kakamega, absolute ownership interest of all that piece of land situate inqhe
registereeunder title No. North/Kabras/Kivaywa/1493, and whereas district of Uasin Gishu, registered under title No. Soy/Soy Block 6
sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed Muiyengik/69, and whereas sufficient evidence has-been adduced.' to
issued:thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of show that the land title deed issued thereof has been, lost, notice> is
sixtp(421Ydays from the date hereof, I shall issue a new land title deed given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I
provided that no objection has been,received within that period. shall issue a new hard title deed,,objeetionthasIbeen
received within that period.
Dated the 13th May,2022.
Dated the 13th May, 2022.
PAR/3645319 Land Registrar, Kakamega District. .114BAKIE
MR/3653514 .LandiRegistrarAfttriritGitiarainstrist
2524 THE KENYA GAZETTE 13th May, 2022



(No. 3 of 2012) (No. 3 of 2012)


WHEREAS Stephen Sitati Kutosi, of P.O. Box 1939, Kitale in the WHEREAS Peter Muiruri Ihomba (ID/7437318), of P.O. Box 38-
republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership 002008, Sabasaba in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor
interest of all that piece of land containing 5.6526 hectares or in absolute ownership interest of all that piece of land situate in the
thereabout, situate in the district of Trans Nzoia, registered under title district of Ruiru, registered under title No. Ruiru Kiu Block
No. Trans Nzoia/Suwerwa/755, and whereas sufficient evidence has 10(Mahiira)/1353, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced
been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is
lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I
date hereof, I shall issue a new land title deed provided that no shall issue a new land title deed provided that no objection has been
objection has been received within that period. received within that period.
Dated the 13th May, 2022. Dated the 13th May, 2022.
MR/3643293 Land Registrar, Trans Nzoia District. MR/3643407 Land Registrar, Ruiru District.



(No. 3 of 2012) (No. 3 of 2012)

WHEREAS Paul Ngigi Kimani (ID/20009588), is registered as WHEREAS Stephen Mwaniki Nyoike (ID/14487932), is registered
proprietor in absolute ownership interest of all that piece of land as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of all that piece of land
situate in the district of Kiambu, registered under title No. situate in the district of Ruiru, registered under title No. Ruiru/ Kiu
Limuru/Kamirithu/5165, and whereas sufficient evidence has been Block 2(Githunguri)/8969, and whereas sufficient evidence has been
adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, adduced to show that the Title Deed issued thereof has been lost,
notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date
hereof, I shall issue a new land title deed provided that no objection hereof, I shall issue a new Title Deed provided that no objection has
has been received within that period. been received within that period.

Dated the 13th May, 2022. Dated the 13th May, 2022.
MR/3643364 Land Registrar, Kiambu District. MR/3643476 Land Registrar, Ruiru District.



(No. 3 of 2012) (No. 3 of 2012)


WHEREAS Hannah Wanjiru Gachwe (ID/3136172), is registered WHEREAS Solomon Njoroge Njau (ID/12530946), of P.O. Box
as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of all that piece of land 569-00900, Kiambu in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as
situate in the district of Kiambu, registered under title No. proprietor in absolute ownership interest of all that piece of land
Escarpment/Jetscheme/1416, and whereas sufficient evidence has been situate in the district of Ruiru, registered under title No. Ruiru/Ruiru
adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, East Block 1/4253, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced
notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is
hereof, I shall issue a new land title deed provided that no objection given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I
has been received within that period. shall issue a new land title deed provided that no objection has been
received within that period.
Dated the 13th May, 2022.
Dated the 13th May, 2022.
MR/3643363 Land Registrar, Kiambu District. R. M. MBUBA,
MR/3653522 Land Registrar, Ruiru District.


(No. 3 of 2012) (No. 3 of 2012)
WHEREAS Lucas Waihenya Gatonye (ID/10087814), is WHEREAS Florence Wambui Gichuhi (ID/7191458), of P.O. Box
registered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of all that piece 1833-00232, Ruiru in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as
of land situate in the district of Kiambu, registered under title No. proprietor in absolute ownership interest of all that piece of land
Ndeiya/Ndeiya/1580, and whereas sufficient evidence has been situate in the district of Ruiru, registered under title No. Ruiru/Ruiru
adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, East Block 2/29455, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced
notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is
hereof, I shall issue a new land title deed provided that no objection given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I
has been received within that period. shall issue a new land title deed provided that no objection has been
received within that period.
Dated the 13th May, 2022.
Dated the 13th May, 2022.
MR/3653528 Land Registrar, Kiambu District.
MR/3643390 Land Registrar, Ruiru District.
13th May, 2022 THE KENYA GAZETTE 2525


(No. 3 of 2012) (No. 3 of 2012)
WHEREAS Patrick Gitau Mwangi (ID/0996046), of P.O. Box 244,
Gatura in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute WHEREAS Virgenia Njoki Irungu (ID/1405409), is registered as
proprietor in absolute ownership interest of all that piece of land
ownership interest of all that piece of land containing 0.776 hectare or
thereabouts, situate in the district of Murang'a, registered under title situate in the district of Kirinyaga, registered under title No.
Ngariama/Thirikwa/4434, and whereas sufficient evidence has been
No. Loc.6/Gatura/1895, and whereas sufficient evidence has been
adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost,
adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost,
notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date
notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date
hereof, I shall issue a new land title deed provided that no objection
hereof, I shall issue a new land title deed provided that no objection
has been received within that period. has been received within that period.

Dated the 13th May, 2022. Dated the 13th May, 2022.

MR/3643365 Land Registrar, Murang'a District. MR/3653519 Land Registrar, Kirinyaga District.


(No. 3 of 2012)
(No. 3 of 2012)
WHEREAS Joseph Ndai Njenga (ID/10424387), of P.O. Box 75,
Matathia in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in WHEREAS Paul Wachira Wabetta (ID/13564675), of P.O. Box
absolute ownership interest of all that piece of land containing 2.7 71, Sagana in Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership
hectares or thereabouts, situate in the district of Murang'a, registered interest of all that piece of land containing 0.265 hectare or
under title No. Murang'a/Ithanga Phase and whereas sufficient thereabouts, situate in the district of Kirinyaga, registered under title
evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued No. Kiine/Sagan/6059, and whereas sufficient evidence has been
thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost,
(60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new land title deed notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date
provided that no objection has been received within that period. hereof, I shall issue a new land title deed provided that no objection
has been received within that period.
Dated the 13th May, 2022.
Dated the 13th May, 2022.
MR/3643487 Land Registrar, Murang'a District. M. A. OMULLO,
MR/3653520 Land Registrar, Kirinyaga District.


WHEREAS Kahuhia Farmers Co-operative Society Limited, is ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEED
registered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of all that piece WHEREAS Joseph Njeru Jacob (ID/0296202), of P.O. Box 71,
of land containing 2.02 hectares or thereabout, situate in the district of Embu in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute
Muranga, registered under title No. Loc.20/Kambirwa/1730, and ownership interest of all that piece of land containing 0.90 hectare or
whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land thereabouts, situate in the district of Embu, registered under title No.
title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the Gaturi/Weru/3449, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced
expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is
land title deed provided that no objection has been received within that given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I
period. shall issue a new land title deed provided that no objection has been
Dated the 13th May, 2022. received within that period.

M. S. MANYARKIY, Dated the 13th May, 2022.

MR/3643334 Land Registrar, Murang'a District.
MR/3653518 Land Registrar, Embu District.
I rh NOTICE No. 5414



WHEREAS Halima Kananu Juma (ID/8067554), of P.O. Box 36- ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEED
60100, Embu in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in WHEREAS Kellen Kathure (ID/30341148), is registered as
absolute ownership interest of all that piece of land containing 1.21 proprietor in absolute Ownership interest of all that piece of land
hectares or thereabout, situate in the district of Mbeere, registered containing 1.01 hectares or thereabout, situate in the district of Meru,
under title No. Mbeti/Kiamuringa/5993, and whereas sufficient registered under tide No. Igoji/Gikui/2414, and whereas sufficient
evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued evidence has been adduced to show that the Title Deed issued thereof
thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days
(60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new land title deed from the date hereof, I shall issue a new Title Deed provided that no
provided that no objection has been received within that period. objection has been received within- that period.
Dated the 13th May, 2022. Dated the 13th May, 2022.
MR/3643383 Land Registrar, Kiritiri. MR/3643298 Land Registrar, Meru District.
2526 THE KENYA GAZETTE 13th May, 2022


(No. 3 of 2012) (No. 3 of 2012)

WHEREAS Pasco Mwenda, is registered as proprietor in absolute WHEREAS Njoel ole Maitok (ID/8342280), is registered as
ownership interest of all that piece of land containing 0.05 hectare or proprietor in absolute ownership interest of all that piece of land
thereabouts, situate in the district of Tigania, registered under title No. containing 8.05 hectares or thereabout, situate in the district of
Tigania/Antuamburi/14306, and whereas sufficient evidence has been Kajiado, registered under title No. Kajiado/Meto/6485, and whereas
adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed
notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of
hereof, I shall issue a new land title deed provided that no objection sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new land title deed
has been received within that period. provided that no objection has been received within that period.

Dated the 13th May, 2022. Dated the 13th May, 2022.
MR/3643345 Land Registrar, Tigania District. MR/3643341 Land Registrar, Kajiado District.


(No. 3 of 2012) (No. 3 of2(312)
WHEREAS Ruth Anyango Otieno (ID/1820637), of P.O. Box WHEREAS Jackson Mutua Mulei, of P.O. Box 1445-00100,
2113-00100, Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as Nairobi in the republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute
proprietor in absolute ownership interest of all that piece of land ownership interest of all that piece of land situate in the district of
containing 0.101 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district of Makueni, registered under title No. Makueni/Kalongo/1029, and
Kajiado, registered under title No. Ngong/Ngong/23886, and whereas whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land
sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the
issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new
sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new land title deed land title deed provided that no objection has been received within that
provided that no objection has been received within that period. period.
Dated the 13th May, 2022. Dated the 13th May, 2022.
MR/3653596 Land Registrar, Kajiado North District. MR/3643370 Land Registrar, Makueni District.


(No. 3 of 2012) (No. 3 of2012)
WHEREAS Rodrick Muhoro Ngugi (ID/9927181), is registered as WHEREAS Nyanchoga Orina, is registered as proprietor in
proprietor in absolute ownership interest of all that piece of land absolute ownership interest, of all that piece of land situate in the
containing 0.050 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district of district of Kisii, registered under title No. Nyaribari
Kajiado, registered under title No. Kajiado/Olchoro Onyore/28029, Masaba/Bomobea/693, and whereas sufficient evidence has been
and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost,
land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date
the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a hereof, I shall issue a- new land title deed provided that no objection
new land title deed provided that no objection has been received has been received within that period.
within that period.
Dated the 13th May, 2022.
Dated the 13th May, 2022. S. N. MOKAYA,
J. M. MWAMBIA, MR/3214421 Land Registrar, Kisii District.
MR/3643402 Land Registrar, Kajiado North District.


(No. 3 of 2012)
(No. 3 of 2012)
WHEREAS Jackson Gathanga (ID/8715924), of P.O. Box 2289-
WHEREAS Benson Kiarie Kinyanjui (ID/3343651), is registered 30100, Eldoret in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in
as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of all that piece of land absolute ownership interest of all that piece of land situate in the
containing 0.16 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district of district of Uasin Gishu, registered under title No. Kapsaret/Kapsaret
Kajiado, registered under title No. Kajiado/Olchoro Onyore/419, and Block 1 (Yamumbi)/1530, and whereas sufficient evidence has been
whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost,
title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date
expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new hereof, I shall issue a new land title deed provided that no objection
land title deed provided that no abjection has been received within that has been received within that period.
Dated the 13th May, 2022.
Dated,the 13th May, 2022. S. C. MWEI,
J. M. MWAMBIA, Land Registrar, Uasin Gishu District.
Land Registrar, Kajiado North District. MR/3653533
13th May, 2022 THE KENYA GAZETTE 2527

GAZETTE NOTICE No. 5427 notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date
hereof, I shall issue a new land title deed provided that no objection
THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT has been received within that period.
(No. 3 of 2012) Dated the 13th May, 2022.
WHEREAS Joseph Oloo Toll (deceased), is registered as MR/3653570 Land Registrar, Kwale District.
proprietor of all those pieces of land known as South
Kanyamkago/Kawere 11/3559 and 3587, situate in the district of
Migori, by virtue of a certificate of titles/leases, and whereas sufficient
evidence has been adduced to show that the said certificate of GAZETTE NOTICE No. 5431
titles/leases have been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of
sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue replacement titles to
Mary Atieno Aloo Wagar having been gazette as administrator under (No. 3 of 2012)
succession Cause No. 72 of 2013 in Senior Principal Magistrate's
Court at Migori, provided that no objection has been received within ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEED
that period.
WHEREAS Saidi Bakari Mwabasi (ID/29699613), is registered as
Dated the 13th May, 2022.
proprietor in absolute ownership interest of all that piece of land
P. M. OMWEGA, containing 0.169 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district of
MR/3653598 Land Registrar, Migori District. Msambweni, registered under title No. Kwale/Diani/ S.S/4850, and
whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land
title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the
GAZETTE NOTICE No. 5428 expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new
land title deed provided that no objection has been received within that
(No. 3 of 2012)
Dated the 13th May, 2022.
WHEREAS Benard Odhiambo Guoma, is registered as proprietor
MR/3643412 Land Registrar, Kwale District.
in absolute ownership interest of all that piece of land containing 0.14
hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district of Homa Bay, registered
under title No. Siaya/Obambo/2298, and whereas sufficient evidence
has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has GAZETTE NOTICE No. 5432
been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days
from the date hereof, I shall issue a new land title deed provided that THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT
no objection has been received within that period.
(No. 3 of 2012)
Dated the 13th May, 2022.

MR/3653517 Land Registrar, Siaya District. WHEREAS Bora Salama. Mnachakurya, is registered as proprietor
in absolute ownership interest of all that piece of land situate in the
district of Kwale, registered under'title No. Kwale/Ng'ombeni/1902,
GAZETTE NOTICE No. 5429 and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the
THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT Title Deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the
expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new
(No. 3 of 2012) Title Deed provided that no objection has been received within that
WHEREAS Paulus Odundo Odhoge, is registered as proprietor in Dated the 13th May, 2022.
absolute ownership interest of all that piece of land containing 12.93
hectares or thereabout, situate in the district of Homa Bay, registered W. M. MUIGAI,
under title No. Kasgunga/Kamreri/491, and whereas sufficient MR/3643449 Land Registrar, Kwale District.
evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued
thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty
(60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new land title deed
provided that no objection has-been received within that period. GAZETTE NOTICE No. 5433
Dated the 13th May, 2022. THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT
T. N. NDEGE, (No. 3 of 2012)
MR/3653529 Land Registrar, Homa Bay District.
WHEREAS Bint Mohamed Banda, is registered as proprietor in
GAZETTE NOTICE No. 5430 absolute ownership interest of all that piece of land situate in the
THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT district of Kwale, registered under title No. Kwale/Diani S.S/1834, and
whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the Title
(No. 3 of 2012) Deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the
ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEED expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new
Title Deed provided that no objection has been received within that
WHEREAS Suleiman Mohamed Njia, the administrator of the
estate of Mohamed Abdallah Goba, (2) Omani Abdalla Goba, (3) period.
Mwanakhamisi Abdalla Goba and (4) Swaleh Abdallah Goba
(deceased), of P.O. Box 135-80401, Mombasa in the Republic of Dated the 13th May, 2022.
Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of all W. M. MUIGAI,
that piece of land situate in the district of Kwale, registered under title
No. Kwale/Ng'ombeni/93, and whereas sufficient evidence has been MR/3643465 Land Registrar, Kwale District.
adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost,
2528 THE KENYA GAZETTE 13th May, 2022



(No. 3 of 2012) (No. 3 of 2012)
WHEREAS Juma Bakari Hassan, is registered as proprietor in WHEREAS David Joshua Nyaata Nyantika, is registered .as
absolute ownership interest of all that piece of land situate in the proprietor in absolute ownership interest of all that piece of land
district of Kwale, registered under title No. Kwale/Ng'ombeni/533, containing 9.50 hectares or thereabout, situate in the district of Homa-
and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the Bay,, registered under title No. Kaksingri/KJWaregi/1783, and whereas
Title Deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed
expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of
Title Deed provided that no objection has been received within that sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new land title deed
period. provided that no objection has been received within that period.
Dated the 13th May, 2022. Dated the 13th May, 2022.
MR/3643465 Land Registrar, Kwale District. T. N. NDEGE,
MR/3653554 Land Registrar, Homa-Bay District.


(No. 3 of 2012)
(No. 3 of 2012)
WHEREAS Elizabeth Mbithe Martin, is registered as proprietor in
absolute ownership interest of all that piece of land situate in the WHEREAS Owidi Onguru Henry, is registered as proprietor in
district of Kwale, registered under title No. Kwale/Bumbani C/256, absolute ownership interest of all that piece of land containing 0.02
and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district of Homa-Bay, registered
Title Deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the under title No. Kanyada/Kanyango/Kalanya/7646, and whereas
expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed
Title Deed provided that no objection has been received within that issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of
period. sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new land title deed
provided that no objection has been received within that period.
Dated the 13th May, 2022.
Dated the 13th May, 2022.
MR/3643465 Land Registrar, Kwale District. T. N. NDEGE,
MR/3653554 Land Registrar, Homa-Bay District.


(No. 3 of 2012)
(No. 3 of 2012)
WHEREAS Raphael Muthoka Muthui, is registered as proprietor
in absolute ownership interest of all that piece of land situate in the WHEREAS Josephat Rand Nyatieno, is registered as proprietor in
district of Kwale, registered under title No. Kwale/Msambweni absolute ownership interest of all that piece of land containing 1.49
`A'/1334, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show hectares or thereabout, situate in the district of Homa-Bay, registered
that the Title Deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that under title No. Lambwe West B/2212, and whereas sufficient evidence
after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has
a new Title Deed provided that no objection has been received within been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days
that period. from the date hereof, I shall issue a new land title deed provided that
no objection has been received within that period.
Dated the 13th May, 2022.
Dated the 13th May, 2022.
MR/3643440 Land Registrar, Kwale District. T. N. NDEGE,
MR/3653554 Land Registrar, Homa-Bay District.


(No. 3 of 2012)
(No. 3 of 2012)
WHEREAS Susan Nyaguthii Muturi (ID/2530602), is registered as
proprietor in absolute ownership interest of all that piece of land WHEREAS Emilly Akinyi Okumu, is registered as proprietor in
containing 0.75 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district of absolute ownership interest of all that piece of land containing 0.04
Nyandarua, registered under title No. Nyandarua/Rurii/Rurii Block hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district of Homa-Bay, registered
1(Mugathika)/246, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced under title No. Kabuoch/KaguriafKamenya/Koguta/2707, and whereas
to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed
given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of
shall issue a new land title deed provided that no objection has been sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new land title deed
received within that period. provided that no objection has been received within that period.
Dated the 13th May, 2022. Dated the 13th May, 2022.

MR/3653537 Land Registrar, Nyandarua District. MR/3653554 Land Registrar, Homa-Bay District.
13th May, 2022 THE KENYA GAZETTE 2529

GAZETTE NOTICE No. 5442 9118/4/5), situate in the City of Nairobi in Nairobi Area, by virtue of a
certificate of title registered as I.R. No. 49855, and whereas sufficient
THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT evidence has been adduced to show that the land register in respect
(No. 3 of 2012) thereof is lost or destroyed, and efforts made to locate the said land
register have failed, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty
ISSUE OF NEW LAND TITLE DEEDS (60) days from the date hereof, the land register shall be reconstructed
under the provisions of section 33 (5), provided that no objection has
WHEREAS Janes Ojuok Ogada, is registered as proprietor in been received within that period.
absolute ownership interest of all that piece of land containing 1.4,
0.40, 2.0 hectares or thereabout, situate in the district of Homa-Bay, Dated the 13th May, 2022.
registered under title No. Kanyamwa/Kabonyo/Kwandiku/2577,
2368,2038 respectivelly and Kanyamwa/K/Kwamo/3095, and whereas S. C. NJOROGE,
sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deeds MR/3643454 Registrar of Titles, Nairobi.
issued thereof have been lost, notice is given that after the expiration
of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue new land title
deeds provided that no objection has been received within that period. GAZETTE NOTICE No. 5446
Dated the 13th May, 2022. THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT
T. N. NDEGE, (No. 3 of 2012)
MR/3653554 Land Registrar, Homa-Bay District.
WHEREAS Paul Kamau Kariuki (ID/11046521), is registered as
proprietor in the absolute ownership of all that piece of land containing
THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT 1.21 hectares or thereabout, situate in the district of Laikipia,
registered under the title No. Sipili/Donyoloip Block 2/13405
(No. 3 of 2012) (Mutukanio), and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to
ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEED show that the land register (green card) in respect of the said piece of
land has been lost or misplaced, and efforts made to locate the said
WHEREAS Lawrence Aguko Mbago, is registered as proprietor in green card have failed, notice is given that after the expiration of thirty
absolute ownership interest of all that piece of land containing 1.80 (30) days from the date hereof, I shall proceed and reconstruct the lost
hectares or thereabout, situate in the district of Homa-Bay, registered land register (green card) under section 33(5), provided that no
under title No. Lambwe West B/ 1633, and whereas sufficient objection has been received within that period.
evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued
thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty Dated the 13th May, 2022.
(60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new land title deed
provided that no objection has been received within that period. P. M. NDUNG'U,
MR/3643336 Land Registrar, Laikipia.
Dated the 13th May, 2022.
MR/3653554 Land Registrar, Homa-Bay District. GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 5447

GAZETTE NOTICE No. 5444 (No. 3 of 2012)


(No. 3 of 2012) WHEREAS Ibrahim Kimotho Wainaina, of P.O. Box 1346,

Nakuru in the republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute
RECONSTRUCTION OF LOST OR DESTROYED LAND REGISTER ownership interest of all that piece of land containing 0375 hectare or
WHEREAS (1) Yusuf Abdulrahman Nzibo and (2) Ahmed Sheikh thereabouts, situate in the district of Nakuru, registered under title No.
Omar, as trustees of the native Mohammedan Community of Nairobi Dundori/Lanet Block 4/849, and whereas sufficient evidence has been
(Pumwani Riyadha Mosque), all of P.O. Box 38714-00600, Nairobi in adduced to show that the land register issued thereof has been lost,
the Republic of Kenya, are registered as proprietor lessees of all that , notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date
piece of land known as L.R. No. 209/2378/1, situate in the City of hereof, I shall issue a new land register provided that no objection has
Nairobi in Nairobi Area, by virtue of a certificate of title registered as been received within that period.
I.R. No. 4097/1, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to Dated the 13th May, 2022.
show that the land register in respect thereof is lost or destroyed, and
efforts made to locate the said land register have failed, and whereas E. M. NYAMU,
the registered proprietors have indemnified against all actions and MR/3643404 Land Registrar, Nakuru District.
claims that may be made after reconstruction of the land register,
notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date
hereof, the land register shall be reconstructed under the provisions of
section 33 (5), provided that no objection has been received within that GAZETTE NOTICE No. 5448
Dated the 13th May, 2022.
(No. 3 of 2012)
MR/3643309 Registrar of Titles, Nairobi. LOSS OF LAND REGISTER

*Gazette Notice 5040 of 2022, is revoked. WHEREAS Ibrahim Kimotho Wainaina, of P.O. Box 1346,
Nakuru in the republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute
ownership interest of all that piece of land containing 0.046 hectare or
thereabouts, situate in the district of Nakuru, registered under title No.
GAZETTE NOTICE No. 5445 Dundori/Lanet Block 4/850, and whereas sufficient evidence has been
THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT adduced to show that the land register issued thereof has been lost,
notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date
(No. 3 of 2012) hereof, I shall issue a new land register provided that no objection has
been received within that period.
Dated the 13th May, 2022.
WHEREAS Longview Investments Limited, of P.O. Box 15338-
00509, Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor of E. M. NYAMU,
all that piece of land known as L.R. 9118/8 (Original No. L.R. MR/3643404 Land Registrar, Nakuru District.
2530 THE KENYA GAZETTE 13th May, 2022


(No. 3 of 2012) (No. 3 of 2012)
WHEREAS Samuel Macharia Wanyoike, is registered as WHEREAS Andrew Macharia Nduati (ID/21414447), of P.O. Box
proprietor in absolute ownership interest of all that piece of land 3647-00200, Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as
containing 2.276 hectares or thereabout, situate in the district of proprietor in absolute ownership interest of all that piece of land
Rumuruti, registered under title No. Mannanet/North Rumuruti Block containing 0.405 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district of
2/3389 (Ndurumo), and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced Kajiado, registered under title No. Kajiado/Olchoro Onyore/8121, and
to show that the land register issued thereof has been lost, notice is whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land
given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the
shall issue a new land register provided that no objection has been expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new
received within that period. land title deed provided that no objection has been received within that
Dated the 13th May, 2022.
P.M. NDUNGU, Dated the 13th May, 2022.
MR/3643449 Land Registrar, Rumuruti District.
MR/3653607 Land Registrar, Ngong.
WHEREAS Francis Guantai (ID/7763852), is registered as ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEED
proprietor in absolute ownership interest of all that piece of land
situate in the district of Meru, registered under title No. WHEREAS Regina Mwikali Kithuka (ID/1275386), is registered
Kirimara/Kithithina Block 1/771, and whereas sufficient evidence has as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of all that piece of land
been adduced to show that the land register issued thereof has been containing 1.62 hectares or thereabout, situate in the district of
lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the Machakos, registered under title No. Mavoko Town Block 3/32493,
date hereof, I shall issue a new land register provided that no objection and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the
has been received within that period. land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after
the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a
Dated the 13th May, 2022. new land title deed provided that no objection has been received
C. M. MAKAU, within that period.
MR/3643344 Land Registrar, Meru District.
Dated the 13th May, 2022.
GAZETTE NOTICE No. 5451 MR/3643457 Land Registrar, Machakos District.
(No.3 of 2012) GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 5455
WHEREAS Kevin Kariuki Mwaura (ID/22883736), is registered (No. 3 of 2012)
as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of all that piece of land
containing 0.043 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district of REGISTRATION OF INSTRUMENT
Kajiado, registered under title No. Ngong/Ngong/97596, and whereas WHEREAS Monica Njeri Wakaba (deceased), is registered as
sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land register proprietor of all that piece of land containing 0.28 hectare or
issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of thereabouts, known as Ngong/Ngong/52792, situate in the district of
sixty (60) days frpm the date hereof, I shall issue a new land register Kajiado, and whereas the High Court of Kenya at Nairobi in
provided that no objection has been received within that period. Succession Cause No. 586 of 2013, has issued a grant in favor of Erick
Dated the 13th May, 2022. Kinuthia Wakaba, of P.O. Box 452-00208, Ngong Hills, to be
registered as administrator, and whereas the land title deed has been
J. M. MWAMBIA, reported missing or lost, notice is given that after the expiration of
MR/3653510 Land Registrar, Kajiado District. sixty (60) days from the date hereof, provided no valid objection has
been received within that period, I intend to dispense with the
production of the land title deed and proceed with the registration in
GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 5452 favour of the said administrator, and upon such registration the land
title deed issued earlier to the said Monica Njeri Wakaba (deceased),
THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT shall be deemed to be cancelled and of no effect.
(No. 3 of 2012) Dated the 13th May, 2022.
MR/3653508 Land Registrar, Ngong.
WHEREAS James Njapit Sanet (ID/37075373), is registered as
proprietor in absolute ownership interest of all those pieces of land
containing 6.46 and 4.86 hectares or thereabout, situate in the district
of Kajiado, registered under title Nos. Narok/Cis Mara/Olchoro GAZETTE NOTICE No. 5456
Oirowua/97 and 95, respectively, and whereas sufficient evidence has THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT
been adduced to show that the land title deeds issued thereof have been
lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the (No. 3 of 2012)
date hereof, I shall issue new land title deeds provided that no
objection has been received within that period. REGISTRATION OF INSTRUMENT

Dated the 13th May, 2022. WHEREAS Leah Wangechi Gathogo (deceased), is registered as
proprietor of that piece of land containing 0.051 hectare or
T. M. CHEPKWESI, thereabouts, known as Kabete/Karura/4298, situate in the district of
MR/3653550 Land Registrar, Narok North/South Districts. Kiambu, and whereas the senior principal magistrate's court at Kikuyu
13th May, 2022 THE KENYA GAZETTE 2531

in succession cause No. 142 of 2021, has issued grant of letters of GAZETTE NOTICE No. 5459
administration to Winnie Nyaruai Gathogo, whereas the said land title
deed issued earlier to the said Leah Wangechi Gathogo (deceased) has THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT
been reported missing or lost, notice is given that after the expiration
(No. 3 of 2012)
of thirty (30) days from the date hereof, provided no valid objection
has been received within that period, I intend to dispense with the REGISTRATION OF INSTRUMENT
production of the said land title deed and proceed with the registration
of the said instrument of R.L. 19 & R.L. 7 and issue land title deed to WHEREAS Elias Nyaga Gacanja alias Elias Nyaga Gacanja
Winnie Nyaruai Gathogo, and upon such registration the land title (deceased), is registered as proprietor of that piece of land containing
deed issued earlier to the said Leah Wangechi Gathogo (deceased), 2.02 hectares or thereabout, known as Ngariama/Lower Ngariama/934,
shall be deemed to be cancelled and of no effect. situate in the district of Kirinyaga, and whereas the Senior Resident
Magistrate's Court at Wang'uru in succession cause No. E128 of 2021
Dated the 13th May, 2022. has issued grant and confirmation letters to Peterson Ngari Murefu
(ID/2919509), and whereas all efforts made to recover the land title
A. W. MARARIA, deed and surrendered to the land registrar for cancellation have failed,
MR/3643383 Land Registrar, Kiarnbu District. notice is given that after the expiration of thirty (30) days from the
date hereof, provided that no objection has been received within that
period, I intend to dispense with the production of the said land title
deed and proceed with the registration of the said administration letters
to Peterson Ngari Murefu (ID/2919509) and upon such registration the
THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT land title deed issued earlier to the said Elias Nyaga Gacanja alias
Elias Nyaga Gacanja (deceased) shall be deemed to be cancelled and
(No. 3 of 2012) of no effect.

REGISTRATION OF INSTRUMENT Dated the 13th May, 2022.

WHEREAS Samuel Muraya Muna (deceased), is registered as MR/3653520 Land Registrar, Kirinyaga District.
proprietor of all that piece of land situate in the district of Nakuru,
known as Bahati/Kabatini Block 1/6243, and whereas the High Court
of Kenya at Nakuru in Succession Cause No. 366 of 2008, has issued GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 5460
grant in favour of (1) Zerah Njeri Muraya and (2) John Kihumba
Muraya, and whereas the said court has executed an application to be
registered as proprietor by transmission of LRA 50, and whereas the (No. 3 of 2012)
land title deed in respect of Samuel Muraya Muna(deceased) is lost, REGISTRATION OF INSTRUMENTS
notice is given that after the expiration of thirty (30) days from the
date hereof, provided no valid objection has been received within that WHEREAS Njiru Njoka (deceased), is registered as proprietor of
those pieces of land each containing 2.01 hectares or thereabout,
period, I intend to dispense with the production of the said land title
known as Ngariama/L,ower Ngariama/1001 and 1003, respectively,
deed and proceed with the registration of the said application to be
situate in the district of Kirinyaga, and whereas the Senior Resident
registered as proprietor by transmission LRA 50 in the name of (1) Magistrate's Court at Kerugoya in succession cause No. 37 of 2019
Zerah Njeri Muraya and (2) John Kihumba Muraya, and upon such has issued grant and confirmation letters to Mwaniki Njiru Joana
registration the land title deed issued earlier to the said Samuel Muraya (1D/2916262), and whereas all efforts made to recover the land title
Muna (deceased), shall be deemed to be cancelled and of no effect. deeds and surrendered to the land registrar for cancellation have failed,
notice is given that after the expiration of thirty (30) days from the
Dated the 13th May, 2022. date hereof, provided that no objection has been received within that
period, I intend to dispense with the production of the said land title
R. G. KUBAI, deeds and proceed with the registration of the said administration
MR/3653532 Land Registrar, Nakuru District. letters to Mwaniki Njiru Joana (ID/2916262) and upon such
registration the land title deeds issued earlier to the said Njiru Njoka
(deceased) shall be deemed to be cancelled and of no effect.
Dated the 13th May. 2022.
MR/3653521 Land Registrar, Kirinyaga District.
(No. 3 of 2012)
WHEREAS Kenneth Gachui Mwangi (deceased), of P.O. Box 58,
Saba Saba in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor of that
piece of land containing 2.02 hectares or thereabout, known as Loc. (No. 3 of 2012)
10/Wanjengi/1042, situate in the district of Murang'a, and whereas the
Hogh Court of Kenya at Murang'a in succession cause No. 3 of 2019
has issued grant and confirmation letters to (1) Nancy Nyambura WHEREAS Francis Waikinya Muchungia alias Waikinya Mucugia
Mwangi (ID/11066545) and (2) Jane Nyathira Karanu (ID/21995001), (deceased), is registered as proprietor of that piece of land containing
2.01 hectares or thereabout, known as Mwerua/Kiandai/I188, situate
and whereas all efforts made to recover the land title deed and
in the district of Kirinyaga, and whereas the High Court of Kenya at
surrendered to the land registrar for cancellation have failed, notice is
Kerugoya in succession cause No. E308 of 2021 has issued grant and
given that after the expiration of thirty (30) days from the date hereof, confirmation letters to Wangeci Waikinya Mucogia, and whereas all
provided that no objection has been received within that period, I efforts made to recover the land title deed and surrendered to the land
intend to dispense with the production of the said land title deed and registrar for cancellation have failed, notice is given that after the
proceed with the registration of the said grant document and issue a expiration of thirty (30) days from the date hereof, provided that no
land title deed to the said (1) Nancy Nyambura Mwangi objection has been received within that period, I intend to dispense
(ID/11066545) and (2) Jane Nyathira Karanu (ID/21995001) and upon with the production of the said land title deed and proceed with the
such registration the land title deed issued earlier to the said Kenneth registration of the said administration letters to Wangeci Waikinya
Mucogia and upon such registration the land title deed issued earlier to
Gachui Mwangi (deceased) shall be deemed to be cancelled and of no
the said Francis Waikinya Muchungia alias Waikinya Mucugia
(deceased) shall be deemed to be cancelled and of no effect.
Dated the 13th May, 2022. Dated the 13th May, 2022.
MR/3653562 Land Registrar, Murang'a District. MR/3653529 Land Registrar, Kirinyaga District.
2532 THE KENYA GAZETTE 13th May, 2022
(No. 3 of 2012) (No. 3 of2012)
WHEREAS Boniface Mwaniki Njiru, of P.O. Box 7, Runyenjes in WHEREAS Hana Gatavi Kubuta, of P.O. Box 7, Runyenjes in the
the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute interest Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute interest of all
of all that piece of land containing 0.40 hectare or thereabouts, situate that piece of land containing 0.40 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the
in the district of Embu, known as Kagaari/Weru/10725, and whereas district of Embu, known as ICagaari/Weru/10718, and whereas vide
vide court order dated 29th November, 2018 in succession cause No.
court order dated 29th November, 2018 in succession cause No. 385 of
385 of 2007 at the High Court of Kenya in Embu, formerly Principal
2007 at the High Court of Kenya in Embu, formerly Principal
Magistrate's Court at Embu, succession No. 240 of 1997, in the matter Magistrate's Court at Embu, succession No. 240 of 1997, in the matter
of the estate of Kiura Kathagana (deceased), the court declared a
nullity of any transmission/of transfer of any land or part thereof of the of the estate of Kiura Kathagana (deceased), the omit declared a
deceased and cancelled any title emanating from the deceased nullity of any transmission/of transfer of any land or part thereof of the
properties and subsequently ordered that the same revert in the name deceased and cancelled any title emanating from the deceased
of the deceased, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) properties and subsequently ordered that the same revert in the name
days from the date hereof, provided no valid objection has been of the deceased, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60)
received within that period, I shall cancel the above mentioned title days from the date hereof, provided no valid objection has been
deed to honor the court order. received within that period, I shall cancel the above mentioned title
deed to honor the court order.
Dated the 13th May, 2022.
Dated the 13th May, 2022.
MR/3653597 Land Registrar, Embu District. J. M. GITARI,
MR/3653597 Land Registrar, Embu District.


(No. 3 of 2012)
(No. 3 of2012)
WHEREAS Haron Njeru Kiura, of P.O. Box 7, Runyenjes in the
Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute interest of all WHEREAS John Kariuki Njiru, of P.O. Box 7, Runyenjes in the
that piece of land containing 3.52 hectares or thereabout, situate in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute interest of all
district of Embu, known as Kagaari/Weru/9868, and whereas vide that piece of land containing 0.40 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the
court order dated 29th November, 2018 in succession cause No. 385 of district of Embu, known as Kagaari/Weru/11256, and whereas vide
2007 at the High Court of Kenya in Embu, formerly Principal court order dated 29th November, 2018 in succession cause No. 385 of
Magistrate's Court at Embu, succession No. 240 of 1997, in the matter 2007 at the High Court of Kenya in Embu, formerly Principal
of the estate of Kiura Kathagana (deceased), the court declared a Magistrate's Court at Embu, succession No. 240 of 1997, in the matter
nullity of any transmission/of transfer of any land or part thereof of the of the estate of Kiura Kathagana (deceased), the court declared a
deceased and cancelled any title emanating from the deceased nullity of any transmission/of transfer of any land or part thereof of the
properties and subsequently ordered that the same revert in the name deceased and cancelled any title emanating from the deceased
of the deceased, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) properties and subsequently ordered that the same revert in the name
days from the date hereof, provided no valid objection has been of the deceased, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60)
received within that period, I shall cancel the above mentioned title days from the date hereof, provided no valid objection has been
deed to honor the court order. received within that period, I shall cancel the above mentioned title
deed to honor the court order.
Dated the 13th May, 2022.
Dated the 13th May, 2022.
MR/3653597 Land Registrar, Embu District. J. M. GITARI,
MR/3653597 Land Registrar, Embu District.




WHEREAS John Ireri Njoki, of P.O. Box 7, Runyenjes in the REGISTRATION OF INSTRUMENT
Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute interest of all WHEREAS Boniface Mwaniki Njiru, of P.O. Box 7, Runyenjes in
that piece of land containing 0.40 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute interest
district of Embu, known as Kagaari/Weru/9864, and whereas vide of all that piece of land containing 0.40 hectare or thereabouts, situate
court order dated 29th November, 2018 in succession cause No. 385 of in the district of Embu, known as Kagaari/Weru/10900, and whereas
2007 at the High Court of Kenya in Embu, formerly Principal vide court order dated 29th November, 2018 in succession cause No.
Magistrate's Court at Embu, succession No. 240 of 1997, in the matter
385 of 2007 at the High Court of Kenya in Embu, formerly Principal
of the estate of Kiura Kathagana (deceased), the court declared a Magistrate's Court at Embu, succession No. 240 of 1997, in the matter
nullity of any transmission/of transfer of any land or part thereof of the
deceased and cancelled any title emanating from the deceased of the estate of Kiura Kathagana (deceased), the court declared a
properties and subsequently ordered that the same revert in the name nullity of any transmission/of transfer of any land or part thereof of the
of the deceased, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) deceased and cancelled any title emanating from the deceased
days from the date hereof, provided no valid objection has been properties and subsequently ordered that the same revert in the name
received within that period, I shall cancel the above mentioned title of the deceased, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60)
deed to honor the court order. days from the date hereof, provided no valid objection has been
received within that period, I shall cancel the above mentioned title
Dated the 13th May, 2022. deed to honor the court order.
J. M. GITARI, Dated the 13th May, 2022.
MR/3653597 Land Registrar, Embu District. J. M. GITARI,
MR/3653597 Land Registrar, Embu District.
13th May, 2022 THE KENYA GAZETTE 2533
GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 5468 Munene Muthee (ID/25133712) and (2) John Kararu Muthee
THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (ID/24583139), and whereas the land title deed issued earlier to
Francis Muthee Kararu (deceased) has been reported missing or lost,
(No. 3 of 2012) notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date
hereof, provided no valid objection has been received within that
REGISTRATION OF INSTRUMENT period, I intend to dispense with the production of the said land title
deed and proceed with the registration of the said instrument of L.R.A.
WHEREAS Boniface Mwaniki Njiru, of P.O. Box 7, Runyenjes in 39 and L.R.A. 42 and upon such registration the land title deed issued
the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute interest earlier to the said Francis Muthee Kararu (deceased), shall be deemed
of all that piece of land containing 0.40 hectare or thereabouts, situate to be cancelled and of no effect.
in the district of Embu, known as Kagaari/Weru/10898, and whereas
vide court order dated 29th November, 2018 in succession cause No. Dated the 13th May, 2022.
385 of 2007 at the High Court of Kenya in Embu, formerly Principal
Magistrate's Court at Embu, succession No. 240 of 1997, in the matter C. M. AYIENDA,
of the estate of Kiura Kathagana (deceased), the court declared a MR/3643355 Land Registrar, NyandarualSamburu Districts.
nullity of any transmission/of transfer of any land or part thereof of the
deceased and cancelled any title emanating from the deceased
properties and subsequently ordered that the same revert in the name GAZETTE NOTICE No. 5471
of the deceased, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60)
days from the date hereof, provided no valid objection has been THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT
received within that period, I shall cancel the above mentioned title
deed to honor the court order. (No. 3 of 2012)

Dated the 13th May, 2022. REGISTRATION OF INSTRUMENT

J. M. GITARI, WHEREAS Kangethe Machua (deceased), is registered as

MR/3653597 Land Registrar, Embu District. proprietor of all that piece of land containing 4.4 hectares or
thereabout, known as Loitokitok/Rombo "B"/125, situate in the district
of Kajiado, and whereas the High Court of Kenya at Nairobi in
succession cause No. 748 of 1989, has issued a grant in favor of
GAZETTE NOTICE No. 5469 Jedidah Wanjiru Kangethe, to be registered as administrator, and
THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT whereas the land title deed is lost, notice is given that after the
expiration of thirty (30) days from the date hereof, provided no valid
(No. 3 of 2012) objection has been received within that period, I intend to dispense
with the production of the land title deed and proceed with the
REGISTRATION OF INSTRUMENT registration in favour of the said administrator, and upon such
registration the land title deed issued earlier to the said Kangethe
WHEREAS Sarah Sigei, of P.O. Box 7, Runyenjes in the Republic
Machua (deceased), shall be deemed to be cancelled and of no effect.
of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute interest of all that
piece of land containing 0.40 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the Dated the 13th May, 2022.
district of Embu, known as Kagaari/Weru/11255, and whereas vide
court order dated 29th November, 2018 in succession cause No. 385 of P. K. TONUI,
2007 at the High Court of Kenya in Embu, formerly Principal MR/3643431 Land Registrar, Kajiado Di.strict.
Magistrate's Court at Embu, succession No. 240 of 1997, in the matter
of the estate of Kiura Kathagana (deceased), the court declared a
nullity of any transmission/of transfer ot' any land or part thereof of the GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 5472
deceased and cancelled any title emanating from the deceased
properties and subsequently ordered that the same revert in the name THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT
of the deceased, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60)
days from the date hereof, provided no valid objection has been (No. 3 of 2012)
received within that period, I shall cancel the above mentioned title REGISTRATION OF INSTRUMENT
deed to honor the court order.
WHEREAS Esther Chelangat Bett (deceased), is registered as
Dated the 13th May, 2022.
proprietor of all that piece of land known as Kericho/Koitaburot ,476,
J. M. GITAR1, situate in the district of Kericho, and whereas the High Court of Kenya
MR/3653597 Land Registrar, Embu District. at Kericho in succession cause No. 5 of 2015, has issued grant 01
letters of administration and certificate of confirmation of grant in
favour of Joseph Kipkurui Basoben, and whereas the land title deed
issued earlier to Esther Chelangat Bett (deceased) has been reported
GAZETTE NOTICE No. 5470 missing or lost, notice is given that after the expiration of thirty (30)
THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT days from the date hereof, provided no valid objection has been
received within that period, I intend to dispense with the production of
(No. 3 of 2012) the said land title deed and proceed with the registration of L.R.A. 39
and L.R.A. 42 and issue land title deed in the name of Joseph Kipkurui
REGISTRATION OF INSTRUMENT Basoben, and upon such registration the land title deed issued earlier to
the said Esther Chelangat Bett (deceased), shall be deemed to be
WHEREAS Francis Muthee Kararu (deceased), is registered as cancelled and of no effect.
proprietor of all that piece of land containing 1.62 hectares or
thereabout, known as Nyandaruarfulaga/664, and whereas the senior Dated the 13th May, 2022.
resident magistrate's court at Engineer in succession cause No. 86 of
2018, has issued grant of letters of administration to (1) Michael C. W. SUNGUTI,
MR/3643326 Land Registrar, Kericho District.


Receipts Original Estimates (KSh.) Revised Estimates (KSh.) Actual Receipts ( KSh.)
Opening Balance 01.07.2021 (Note 1)
Tax Revenue 1,707,432,569,865.77 1,741,134,162,262.97 1,456,205,426,048.40
Non-Tax Revenue 68,191,603,994.11 67,118,160,282.00 59,316,522_575.42
Domestic Borrowing (Note 2) 1,008,428,584,928.72 1,007,963,533,144.78 735,032,187,36`7.05
2534 THE KENYA GAZETTE 13th May, 2022

Receipts Original Estimates (KSh.) Revised Estimates (KSh.) Actual Receipts (KSh.)
External Loans and Grants 379,659,517,890.95 433,163,140,920.80 162,536,772,559.90
Other Domestic Financing 29,292,582,362.45 30,392,582,362.45 8,041,288,132.45
Total Revenue 3,193,004,859,042.00 3,279,771,578,973.00 2,421,132,196,685.22


Vote Ministries / Departments/Agencies Original Estimates (KSh.) Revised Estimates (KSh.) Exchequer Issues (KSh.
R1011 The Executive Office of the President 21,961,213,596.00 23,875,210,957.00 10,548,641,15450
R1021 State Department for Interior and Citizen Services 129,256,379,106.00 132,514,334,101.00 106,592,148,433.40
R1023 State Department for Correctional Services 28,745,656,901.00 29,317,808,803.00 20,380,744,692.15
R1032 State Department for Devolution 1,753,862,706.00 2,963,773,549.00 1,173,234,475.40
R1035 State Department for Development of the ASAL 1,061,151,347.00 1074,375,405.00 951,345,643.30
R1041 Ministry of Defence 114,671,705,987.00 128,848,604,247.00 104,278,840,082.40
R1052 Ministry of Foreign Affairs 16,453,396,651.00 17,446,308,291.00 12,954,297,21335
R1064 State Department for Vocational and Technical Training 13,954,469,071.00 14,077,524,728.00 10,277,730,442,25
R1065 State Department for University Education 60,297,215,302.00 60,781,171.175.00 52,088,037,570.70
R1066 State Department for Early Learning & Basic Education 90,130,708,240.00 91,732,048,123.00 84,457,880,161.25
R1068 State Department for Post Training and Skills Development 268,000.000.00 232,120,000.00 134,047,921.95
R1069 State Department of Implementation of Curriculum Reforms 87,600,000.00 28,262,430.00
R1071 The National Treasury 50,022,673,777.00 52,641,153,603.00 34,765,580,555.15
R1072 State Department for Planning 3,527,045,950.00 3,903,385,262.00 3,158,434,976.30
R1081 Ministry of Health 47,450,742,503.00 48,362,970,508.00 34,170,890,698.10
81091 State Department for Infrastructure 1,652,000,000.00 1,558,559,365.00 1,017.599,547.30
R1092 State Department for Transport 751,200,336.00 1,691,515,862.00 231,467,520.05
R1093 State Department for shipping and Maritime 499,305,572.00 481.328,614.00 364,204,286.60
R1094 State Department for Housing and Urban Development 1,233,607,313.00 1,161,977,223.00 851,576,404.35
R1095 State Department for Public Works 2,309,710,821.00 2,302,595,638.00 2,226,287,594.85
R1108 State Department for Environment and Forestry 9,212,731,505.00 9,281,197,741.00 8,678,485,031.35
R1109 Ministry of Water, Sanitation and Irrigation 4,009,728,930.00 3,935,326,723.00 3,205,452,525.65
R1112 Ministry of Lands and Physical Planning 3,035,973,103.00 3,089,923,103.00 2,335,363,653.75
R1122 State Department for Information Communications and 1,519,387,615.00 1,729,700,037.00 827,162,028.05
Technology and Innovation
R1123 State Department for Broadcasting and Telecommunications 3,830,916,225.00 4,981,189,992.00 3,542,307,405.80
R1132 State Department for Sports 1,197,450,782.00 1,160,264,773.00 863,223,900.70
R1134 State Department for Culture and Heritage 2,522,688,547.00 2,727,792,683.00 1,940,145,092.80
R1152 Ministry of Energy 1,580,000,000.00 10,800,000,000.00 5,415,587,364.25
R1162 State Department for Livestock 2,305,878,143.00 2,544,398,143.00 1,609,536,485.15
R1166 State Department for Fisheries, Aquaculture and the Blue 2,257,372,675.00 2,242,102,675.00 1,689,095,893.95
R1169 State Department for Crop Development and Agricultural 8,097,419,328.00 8,037,329,328.00 6,641,233,218.05
R1173 State Department for Co-operatives 390,290,884.00 456,930,187.00 304,107,620.35
R1174 State Department for Trade 2,244,129,067.00 2,436.331,027.00 1,744,864,353.60
81175 State Department for Industrialization 2,292,433,120.00 2,324,433,120.00 1,784,324,081.85
R1184 State Department for labour 1,869,349,908.00 1,767584,920.00 1358,027,394.80
R1185 State Department for Social Protection, Pensions and Senior 30,425,432,498.00 32,784,285,006.00 22,492,646,293.90
Citizens Affairs
R1194 Ministry of Petroleum and Mining 738,601,695.00 7,446,010,193.00 23,041,677,601.95
R1202 State Department for Tourism 1,373,036,877.00 1,336,794,589.00 1004,308,234.55
R1203 State Department for Wildlife 4,393,036,887.04) 5300,804,764.00 4,078655,466.60
R1212 State Department for Gender 900,807,321.00 998,565,333.00 687,119,525.40
R1213 State Department for Public Service 15,759,920,000.00 16,890,003,855.00 12 565,156,954.70
R1214 State Department for Youth 1,439,989,789 00 1,431,552,418.00 1,257,870,857.45
R1221 State Department for East African Community 609,846,603.00 589,846,603.00 418,919569.35
R1222 State Department for Regional and Northern Corridor 2,306,500,000.00 2,427,562,275.00 2,339,805.900.65
R1252 State Law Oftice and Department of Justice 4,427,769,801.00 4,462,069,801.00 3,554,436,272 20
R1261 The Judiciary 15,003,000,000.00 15,846,320,385.00 11,993,232,865.30
R1271 Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission 3,258,530.000.00 3,258,530,000.00 2,829,626,058.00
R1281 National Intelligence Service 42,451,000,090.00 45,901.000,000.00 37,547,680.420.00
R1291 Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions 3,125,952,706.00 3,325.952,706.00 2,645345,848.75
R1311 Office of the Registrar of Political Parties 1,961,696,750.00 2,345,720,850.00 1,521,971,616.50
R1321 Witness Protection Agency 489,042,929.00 510,170,286.00 416,664,529.00
R2011 Kenya National Commission on Human Rights 408,711,517.00 408,711,517.00 299,330,230.35
R2021 National Land Commission 1,444,003,829.00 1,694,003,829.00 1,150,176,554.30
R2031 Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission 14,226,688,218.00 22,940,591,775.00 6,155,903,191.35
R2041 Parliamentary Service Commission 6,612,314,228.00 6,961,619307.00 5,255,323,884.35
R2042 National Assembly 23,502,082,199.00 23,372,082,199.00 16,892,022,349.20
R2043 Parliamentary Joint Services 5,688,753,573.00 5,638,753,573.00 4,158,469,232.95
R2051 Judicial Service Commission 581,800,000.00 631,800,000.00 371,414,604.75
R2061 The Commission on Revenue Allocation 485,616,016.00 465,616,016.00 334,459,726.25
R2071 Public Service Commission 2,371,171,009.00 2,371,171,009.00 1,762,671,585.80
R2081 Salaries and Remuneration Commission 621,380,000.00 621,380,001.00 360,309,371.35
R2091 Teachers Service Commission 280,542,000,000.00 287,501,010000.00 232,962459,499.85
R2101 National Police Service Commission 794,089,102.00 863,737,319.00 629,905,139.05
R2111 Auditor-General 5,556,450,390.00 5,856,450.390.00 3,967,299.870.75
R2121 Officer of the Controller of Budget 689,122,143.00 656,122,143.00 447540,052,45
R2131 The Commission on Administrative Justice 614,821,608.00 634,821,608.00 501 ,143,532.30
13th May, 2022 THE KENYA GAZETTE 2535

Vote Ministries / Departments/Agencies Original Estimates (KSh.) Revised Estimates (KSh.) Exchequer Issues (KSh.
R2141 National Gender and Equality Commission 436,592,581.00 439,762,581.00 308,697.864.25
R2151 Independent Policing Oversight Authority 949,758,146.00 943,758,146.00 705,674,471.20
Total Recurrent Exchequer Issues 1,106,555,313,426.00 1,179,425,450,443.00 927,247,687,028.25
Vote CFS Exchequer Issues Original Estimates (KSh.) Revised Estimates (KSh.) Exchequer Issues (KSh.
CFS 050 Public Debt 1,169,165,030,917.00 1,151,292,498,633.00 840,838,305398.00
CFS 051 Pensions and gratuities 153,639,593,168.00 153.639,593,168.00 113,725,315,805.40
CFS 052 Salaries, Allowances and Miscellaneous 4,414,944,135.00 4,535,862,389.00 2,534,429,374.85
CFS 053 Subscriptions to International Organisations 500,000.00 500,000.00
Total CFS Exchequer issues 1,327,220,068,220.00 1,309,468,454,190.00 957,098,050,578.25


Vote Ministries / Departments/Agencies Original Estimates Revised Estimates Exchequer Issues
D1011 Executive Office of President 2,815,099383.00 4,227,699,383.00 1,840,284,592.50
D1021 State Department for Interior and Citizen Services 7,171,244,676.00 7,274,772,901.00 4.854,160,941.80
D1023 State Department for Correctional Services 839,068,467.00 360,073,688.00 59,461.387.00
D1032 State Department for Devolution 1,258,957,480.00 1,238,623,061.00 722,622,919.85
D1035 State Department for Development for the ASAL 8,958,065,116.00 10,102,432,837.00 5,194,623,682.15
D1041 Ministry of Defence 5,080,000,000.00 6,080,000,000.00 6,065,715,583.20
DI052 Ministry of Foreign Affairs 1,796,122,798.00 1,296,122,798.00 1,233,082,82950
01064 State Department for Vocational and Technical Training 2,248,436,000.00 1,908,457335.00 913,068,873.20
D1065 State Department for University Education 3,605,600,000.00 3,525,001,400.00 3,249355,258.75
D1066 State Department for Early Learning and Basic Education 11.426,600,000.00 12,441,322,991.00 6397,106,133.45
D1071 The National Treasury 46,547,971,738.00 67,291,914,074.00 25,453,050,684.60
D1072 State Department of Planning 42,345,060,816.00 47,540,872,385.00 42,237,308,536.00
D1081 Ministry of Health 44,686,974,511.00 48,259,732,077.00 25,611,929,872.60
D1091 State Department of Infrastructure 59,905,890,000.00 63,043,890,000.00 68,597,712,488.60
D1092 State Department of Transport 1,196,300,000.00 984,800,000.00 351,747,435.00
D1093 State Department for Shipping and Maritime 90,200,000.00 10,200,000.00
D1094 State Department for Housing and Urban Development 12,999,600,000.00 15,619,940,000.00 7,102,781380.55
D1095 State Department for Public Works 959,800,000.00 859.800,000.00 586.066,024.00
D1108 Ministry of Environment and Forestry 3,368,900,000.00 3,301,029,424.00 1,843,437,076.15
D1109 State Department for Water, Sanitation and Irrigation 33,705,500,000.00 35,573,000,000.00 23,838,704,889.20
D1112 Ministry of Lands and Physical Planning 2,431,148,393.00 2,052,980,587.00 1,639,461,936.15
D1122 State Department for Information Communications and 4,707,662,268.00 3,577,660,000.00 1,644,350,266.15
Technology and Innovation
D1123 State Department for Broadcasting and Telecommunications 496.900,000.00 396,900,000.00 228,556,640.00
D1132 State Department for Sports 147,791399.00 167,791399.00 114,550,000.00
D1134 State Department for Heritage 55,896560.00 65,896,560.00 14,859,453.10
D1152 State Department for Energy 22390,000,000.00 16,181,000,000.00 9,102,961,785.25
D1162 State Department for Livestock. 5,418,467,816.00 2,791,151,526.00 1,424,577,276.40
D1166 State Department for Fisheries, Aquaculture and the Blue 10,646,200,000.00 4,595,200,000.00 2,885,000,761.60
DI 169 State Department for Crop Development and Agricultural 27,720,244,532.00 34,014,896,105.00 11,274,501,391.10
D1173 State Department for Co-operatives 524,600,000.00 374,600,000.00 211395,320.45
D1174 State Department for Trade 1,239,017,429.00 2,501,917,429.00 1,517,862,137.45
DI 175 State Department for Industrialization 3,272,900,000.00 2,612,900,000.00 1,126361,450.70
D1184 State Department for Labour 2,560,718,482.00 929.955,213.00 408,748,579.75
D1185 State Department for Social Protection 2,651,038,823.00 2,401,038,823.00 730,190,526.30
D1194 Ministry of Petroleum and Mining 769,540,965.00 345,030,774.00 242,892,701.50
D1202 State Department for Tourism 475,000,000.00 475,000,000.00 188,421,258.20
D1203 State Department for Wildlife 574,000,000.00 799,610,000.00 467,598,935.75
D1212 State Department for Gender 2,312,000,000.00 2355,868,957.00 2,245,918,957.00
D1213 State Department for Public Service 568,012,066.00 568,012,066.00 191,716,003.00
D1214 State Department for Youth 2,908,520,000.00 5,075,855,146.00 2,606,424,442.00
D1222 State Department for Regional and Northern Corridor 966,500,000.00 1,866,500,000.00
Development 500,726,132.00
D1252 State Law Office and Department of Justice 181301,535.00 131,301,535.00
DI261 The Judiciary 37,250,000.00
1,895,000,000.00 2,153,923,723.00 759,447,556.00
D1271 Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission 67,493,119.00 67,493,119.00 6,643,709.75
D1291 Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions 150,286,238.00 150,286,238.00
D2021 National Land Commission 41,936,919.85
38,896,786.00 38.896,786.00
D2031 Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission 125,000,000.00 125,000,000.00 46,162,797.60
D2043 Parliamentary Joint Services 2,065,550,000.00 2,404,050,000.00
D2071 Public Service Commission 1,174,022,911.65
19,300,000.00 19300,000.00 6,488,758.90
D2091 Teachers Service Commission 645,100,000.00 495,100,000.00 215,597,269.30
D2111 Auditor-General 200,000,000.00 200,000,000.00 50,000,000.00
D2141 National Gender and Equality Commission 2,874,000.00
Total Development Exchequer Issues 389,229,477,396.00 420,877,674,340.00 267,256,846,465.00
Total Issues to National Government 2,823,004,859,042.00 2,909,771,578,973.00 2,151,602,584,071.50
The printed estimates and actuals for National Government exclude Appropriation in Aid (AIA).
Code County Governments-Equitable Share Original Estimates Original Estimates Total Cash Released
4460 Baringo 6,369,394,592.00 6,369,394,592.00 4,235,647,400.00
4760 Bomet 6,691,099,118.00 6,691,099,118.00 4,984,868,845.00
4910 Bungoma 10,659,435,192.00 10,659,435,192.00 7,941,279,215.00
2536 THE KENYA GAZETTE 13th May, 2022

Code County Governments-Equitable Share Original Estimates Original Estimates Total Cash Released
4960 Busia 7,172,162,009.00 7,172,162,009,00 5,343,260,69900
4360 Elgeyo/Marakwet 4,606,532,480.00 4,606,532,480.00 3,063,344,101.00
3660 Embu 5,125,243,762.00 5,125,243,762.00 3,818,306,604.00
3310 Garissa 7,927,212,254.00 7,927,212,254.00 5,905,773,131.00
5110 Homa Bay 7,805,353,300.00 7,805,353,300.00 5,814,988,211.00
3510 Isiolo 4,710,388,265.00 4,710,388,265.00 3,132,408,198.00
4660 Kajiado 7,954,768,229.00 /W:768229.00 5,289,920,870.00
4810 Kakamega 12,389,412,168.00 12,389,412,168.00 8238,95909000
4710 Kericho 6,430,664,924.00 6,430,664,924.00 4,276,392,177.00
4060 Kiambu 11,717,525,720.00 11,717,525,720.00 8,729,556,662.00
3110 Kilift 11,641,592,941.00 11,641,592,941.00 7,741,659,305.00
3960 Kirinyaga 5,196,177,952.00 5,196,177,952.00 3,871,152,574.00
5210 Kisii 8,894,274,509.00 8,894,274,509.00 6,626,234,508.00
5060 Kisumu 8,026,139,240.00 8,026,139,240.00 5,979,473,731.00
3710 Kitui 10,393,970,413.00 10,393,970,413.00 7,743,507,957.00
3060 Kwale 8,265,585,516.00 8,265,585,516.00 5,496,614,368.00
4510 Laikipia 5,136,265,679.00 5,136,265,679.00 3,826,517,932.00
3210 Lamu 3,105,649,643.00 3,105,649,643.00 2,065,257,014.00
3760 Machakos 9,162,304,232.00 9,162304,232.00 6,092,932,317.00
3810 Makueni 8,132,783,562.00 8,132,783,562.00 6,058,923,755.00
3410 Mandera 11,190,382,598.00 11,190382,598.00 8,336,835,037.00
3460 Marsabit 7,277,004,032.00 7,277,004,032.00 5,421,368,007.00
3560 Meru 9,493,857,338.00 9,493,857,338.00 6,313,415,131.00
5160 Migori 8,005,020,448.00 8,005,020,448.00 5,323,338,598.00
3010 Mombasa 7,567,354,061.00 7,567,354,061.00 6,318,740,640.00
4010 Murang'a 7,180,155,855.00 7,180,155,855.00 5349,216,113.00
5310 Nairobi City 19,249,677,414.00 19,249,677,414.00 12,801035,479.00
4560 Nakuru 13,026,116,323.00 13,026,116,323.00 8,662,367,354.00
4410 Nandi 6.990,869,041.00 6,990,869,041.00 5,208,197,433.00
4610 Narok 8,844,789,456.00 8,844,789,456,00 6.589,368,147.00
5260 Nyamira 5,135,340,036.00 5,135,340,036.00 3,825,828,327.00
3860 Nyandarua 5,670,444,228.00 5,670,444,228.00 3,770,845,409.00
3910 Nyeri 6,228,728,555.00 6,228,728,555.00 4,142,104,48700
4210 Samburu 5371,346,037.00 5,371,346,037.00 3,571,945,114.00
5010 Siaya 6,966,507,531.00 6,966,507,531.00 4,632,727,506.00
3260 Taitaffaveta 4,842,174,698.00 4,842,174,698.00 3,607,420,149.00
3160 Tana River 6,528,408,765.00 6,528,408,765.00 4,341391,827.00
3610 Tharaka - Nithi 4,214,198,593.00 4,214,198,593.00 3,139,577,951.00
4260 Trans Nzoia 7,186,157,670.00 7,186,157,670.00 5,353,687,466.00
4110 Turkana 12,609,305,994.00 12,609305,994.00 8,385,188,486.00
4310 Uasin Gishu 8,068,858,318.00 8,068,858,318.00 5,365,790,780.00
4860 Vihiga 5,067,356,827.00 5,067,356,827.00 3,775,180,834.00
3360 Wajir 9,474,726,153.00 9,474,726,153.00 6,300,692,896.00
4160 West Pokot 6,297,284,329.00 6,297,284,329.00 4,187,6941)78.00
Total Issues -Equitable Share 370,000,000,000.00 370,000,000,000.00 261,000,935,913.00

The County Allocation of Revenue Act (CARA) 2021 provides for Equitable share allocation to counties of KSh. 370000,000,000.00, Unlike the
previous financial years, conditional grants are not included in the County Allocation of Revenue Act (CARA) 2021. The County Governments
Additional Allocations Act gazetted on 29th April, 2022 provides for conditional allocations to County Governments in FY2021/2022 amounting to
KSh. 39,880,890,516.00. With the enactment of the Act, it is expected that the conditional allocations will be disbursed in May and June.
Grand Total 3,193,004,859,042.00 3,279,771,578,973.00 20412,603,519,984.50
Exchequer Balance as at 28.042022 29,808,977408.85
Note I: Opening balance includes KSh. 20,761,821,48730 held in Sovereign Bond special account .
Note 2: Domestic Borrowing of KSh. 1,007,963,533,144.78 comprises of adjusted Net Domestic Borrowing KSh. 664,019,291,670.78 and
Internal Debt Redemptions (Roll-overs) KSh. 343,944241,474.00.
Dated the 9th May, 2022.
Cabinet Secretary for the National Treasury and Planning.



2020 2019
KSh. KSh.
Dealings with members:
Connibutions receivable 14,732,571,428 15,102,379,464
Benefits payable (4,433,548,757) (4,939,110,256)
Net Surplus from dealings with members 10,299,022,671 10,163,269,208
Return on investments:
Investment income 20,387,577,906 18,288,282,158
Fair value gain on revaluation of investments (10,194,619,584) (9,348.790,568)
13th May, 2022 THE KENYA GAZETTE 2537
Gain on realisation of investments (50,669,212) 390,564,622
Investment management expenses (534,883,716) (404,106,053)
Net Investment Income 9,690,743,295 8,925,950,159
Other Income 83,337,900 55,743,772
Total Net Income 9,690,743,295 8,981,693,932
Less: Operating Cost
Staff cost 3,820,005,857 4,105,211,249
General administrative cost 1,570,733,413 1,523,719,277
Provisions 16,683,683 138,431,395
Total operating cost (5,407,422,952) (5,767,361,921)
Increase in net assets for the year 14,582,343,014 13,377,601,219
As previously reported 235,070,803,089 221,729,634,489
Prior year adjustment - (36,432,620)
As restated 235,070,803,089 221,693,201,869
Net Assets as at 30th June 249,653,146,103 235,070,803,089

2020 2019
Assets: KSh. KSh.
Cash and bank balances 65,797015 419,376,662
Call and fixed deposits 15,645,705,000 9,659,178,400
Government securities-(Treasury bills) 2,002,681,495 5,994,518,873
Government securities-(Treasury bonds) 124,284,783,962 105,033,078,822
Corporate bonds 1,399,604,882 7,140,397,038
Accrued income 6,083,766,970 6,187,626,209
Stores and supplies 80,964,046 72,602,504
Receivables and prepayments 3,688,824,898 3,564,032,511
Staff car loans 245,915,928 267,988,749
TPS loans 4,044,069,201 4,650,326,808
Long-term deposits 1,002,120,242 944,566,315
Quoted stocks 52,543,439,582 52,750,355,185
Unquoted stocks 513,972,854 1,679,927,974
Investment property 34,676,205,651 34,760,285,136
Assets under construction 4,624,048,230 3,177,008,287
Property, plant and equipment 580,590,289 728,596,061
Total Assets 251,482,490,245 237,029,865,535
Payables and accruals (1,829,344,143) (1,959,062,448)
Total Liabilities (1,829,344,143) (1,959,062,448)
Net Assets 249,653,146,103 235,070,803,087
Funded by:
Members' Funds 249,653,146,103 235,070,803,087

2020 2019
KSh. KSh.
Net increase in assets 14,582,343,014 13,377,601,219
Depreciation on property, plant and equipment 245,348,727 154,930,951
Amortisation of intangible assets 626,173 52,181
(Gain)/loss on disposal of property, plant and equipment 16,337,150 -
Increase/(decrease) in provisions 16,683,683 130,417,018
Fair value gain/(loss) on revaluation 10,194,619,584 9,348,790,568
Operating surplus/(deficit) before working capital changes 25,055,958,331 23,011,791,937
Changes in working capital:
Decrease/(increase) in inventories (8,361,543) (8,299,099)
Decrease/(increase) in debtors and prepayments (124,792,387) (213,225,806)
Decrease/(increase) in accrued income 103,859,239 (1,291,744,742)
increase/(decrease) in payables and accruals (129,718,305) (336,085,343)
Net changes in working capital (159,012,995) (1,849,354,990)
Net cash flows generated from operating activities 24,896,945,336 21,162,436,947
Purchase/sale of equities (8,715,307482) 253,693,848
Purchase/sale or redemption of treasury bonds (204A86,603A33) (20,510305,599)
Purchase/sale or redemption of treasury bills 3991,837,378 2024,620,771
Purchase/sale or redemption of corporate bills 5,599093,950 718,63/3,028
Placement of deposits with financial institutions (6,044080,527) (4021,600319) unquoted equities (9,044,880)
Development of land and buildings 187,679,485 (441,445982)
Receipts from TPS scheme 1,770,389,695 264370,519
Asset under construction (1A47039943)
Purchase/sale of property, plant and equipment (981)49,225) (302,097,738)
2538 THE KENYA GAZETTE 13th May, 2022

2020 2019

KSh. KSh.
Net cash flows from investing activities (25,250,524,984) (22,014,126,873)
Net increase/(decrease in cash and cash equivalents (353,579,647) (851,689,926)
Cash and cash equivalents as at 1st July, 2018 419,376,662 1,271,066,588
Cash and cash equivalents as at 30th June, 2019 65,797,015 419,376,662
Ag. Finance Manager. CEO/Managing Trustee.
(1) Growth in net assets
Net assets grew by 62% from Kes. 235.07 billion in June 2019 to Kes. 249.65 billion in June 2020.

Fund Value in Billions


221.73 2354"


150 1.4.92



'2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

(2) Contributions
Member contributions collection decreased by 2.45% from Kes. 15.1 in billion in 2019 to Kes. 14.73 billion in 2020.

Contributions in Billions
16 15.1 14.73
13.55 14,04


2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

(3) Benefits paid to members

Benefits paid to members decreased by 10.32% from Kes. 4.94 billion in 2019 to Kes 4.43 billion in 2020.

Benefits in Billions

13th May, 2022 THE KENYA GAZETTE 2539

(4) Return on investment

There was growth in return on investment from Kes. 8.93 billion in June 2019 to Kes. 9.69 billion in June 2020. The growth is attributed to the
good returns on fixed income counters at the Nairobi Securities Exchange.



2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

(5) Interest on member's balances

Section 2 of the NSSF Act, 2013 requires the fund to distribute the return earned to individual members accounts at such rates as the Board may,
in consultation the Actuary or such other qualified person, determine and approve at least annually, having regard to the income on the Fund's assets.
In the year ended June 2018, the Board of Trustees approved an interest of 7% based on actuarial valuation of the Fund carried out by Zamara
Actuaries, Administrators and Consultants Limited.
(6) Message from the Board of Trustees.
The Statement of Net Assets and Statement of Changes in Net Assets are extracts from the Fund's audited financial statements approved by the
Board of Trustees on 21st September, 2020. The Financial Statements have been audited by the Auditor-General in accordance with the provisions of
the Article 229 of the Constitution of Kenya and section 35 of the Public Audit Act, 2015. A copy of the full set of financial statements is available
and can be downloaded from NSSF website:
CEO/Managing Trustee. Chairman, Board of Trustees.

GAZETTE NOTICE No. 5475 KS ISO 1213-2:2016 Kenya Standard—Solid mineral fuels —
Vocabulary —Part 2: Terms relating to
sampling, testing and analysis, Second Edition
(Cap. 496)
KS ISO 334:2020 Kenya Standard—Coal and coke—
DECLARATION OF KENYA STANDARDS Determination of total sulfur—Eschka method,
Second Edition
PURSUANT to section 9 (1) of the Standards Act, the National
Standards Council declares the specifications or codes of practice KS ISO 1013:2020 Kenya Standard—Coke—Determination of bulk
appearing in the Schedule hereto, to be Kenya Standards, with effect density in a large container, Second Edition
from the date of publication of this notice.
KS ISO 540:2008 Kenya Standard—Hard coal and coke—
Number Title of Specification or Code of Practice Determination of ash fusibility, Second Edition
KS ISO 587:2020 Kenya Standard—Coal and coke—
Determination of chlorine using Eschka
KS 2128:2022 Kenya Standard—Tea industry—Code of
practice, Fourth Edition mixture, Second Edition

KS 2404:2022 Kenya Standard—Tea—Raw material for KS ISO 925:2019 Kenya Standard—Solid mineral fuels—
extraction—Specification, Second Edition Determination of carbonate carbon content —
Gravimetric method, Second Edition
KS ISO 15590-1:2018 Kenya Standard—Petroleum and natural gas
KS 2500:2022 Kenya Standard—Dairy cattle feed premix— industries—Induction bends, fittings and flanges
Specification Second Edition for pipeline transportation systems—Part 1:
Induction bends, Second Edition
KS 2508:2022 Kenya Standard—Poultry feed premixes —
Specification, Second Edition
KS ISO 15590-2:2021 Kenya Standard—Petroleum and natural gas
KS 2957:2022 Kenya Standard—Compounded indigenous industries—Factory bends, fittings and flanges
(Kienyeji) chicken feed—Specification, First for pipeline transportation systems—Part 2:
Edition Fittings, Second Edition
Chemical KS ISO 5163:2014 Kenya Standard—Petroleum products—
Determination of knock characteristics of motor
KS ISO 1170:2020 Kenya Standard—Coal and coke—Calculation and aviation fuels—Motor method, Second
of analyses to different bases, Second Edition Edition

KS ISO 556:2020 Kenya Standard—Coke (greater than 20 mm in
size)—determination of mechanical strength, KS ISO 5164:2014 Kenya Standard—Petroleum products—
Second Edition Determination of knock characteristics of motor
fuels—Research method, Second Edition
KS ISO 622:2016 Kenya Standard—Solid mineral fuels—
Determination of phosphorus content—Reduced KS ISO 5598:2020 Kenya Standard—Fluid power systems and
molybdophosphate photometric method, Second components—Vocabulary, Second Edition
2540 THE KENYA GAZETTE 13th May, 2022

KS ISO 3016:2019 Kenya Standard—Petroleum and related KS ISO 4802-1:2016 Kenya Standard —Glassware — Hydrolytic
products from natural or synthetic sources— resistance of the interior surfaces of glass
Determination of pour point, Second Edition containers—Part 1: Determination by titration
method and classification, Second Edition
KS ISO 8216-1:2017 Kenya Standard—Petroleum products—Fuels
(class F) classification—Part 1: Categories of KS ISO 4802-2:2016 Kenya Standard — Glassware — Hydrolytic
marine fuels, Second Edition resistance of the interior surfaces of glass
containers—Part 2: Determination by flame
KS ISO 8217:2017 Kenya Standard—Petroleum products—Fuels spectrometry and classification, Second Edition
(class F)—Specifications of marine fuels,
Second Edition KS ISO 6556:2012 Kenya Standard—Laboratory glassware—Filter
flasks, Second Edition
KS ISO 12156-1:2018 Kenya Standard—Diesel fuel—Assessment of
lubricity using the high-frequency reciprocating KS ISO 4803:2021 Kenya Standard—Laboratory glassware —
rig (HFRR)—Part 1: Test method, Second Borosilicate glass tubing, Second Edition
Edition KS ISO 10545-10:2021 Kenya Standard—Ceramic tiles—Part 10:
KS ISO 12156-2:2017 Kenya Standard—Diesel fuel—Assessment of Determination of moisture expansion, Second
lubricity using the high-frequency reciprocating Edition
rig (HFRR)—Part 2: Limit, Second Edition KS ISO 10545-15:2021 Kenya Standard—Ceramic tiles—Part 15:
KS ISO 12917-1:2017 Kenya Standard—Petroleum and liquid Determination of lead and cadmium given off
petroleum products — Calibration of horizontal by tiles, Second Edition
cylindrical tanks—Part 1: Manual methods, KS ISO 17721-1:2021 Kenya Standard—Quantitative determination of
Second Edition antibacterial activity of ceramic tile surfaces—
Test methods—Part 1: Ceramic tile surfaces
KS ISO 13357-1:2017 Kenya Standard—Petroleum products—
with incorporated antibacterial agents, First
Determination of the filterability of lubricating
oils—Part 1: Procedure for oils in the presence
of water, Second Edition KS IEC 60068-1:2013 Kenya Standard—Environmental testing—Part
1: General and guidance, Second Edition
KS ISO 13357-2:2017 Kenya Standard—Petroleum products—
Determination of the filterability of lubricating KS ISO 5667-1:2020 Kenya Standard—Water quality— Sampling —
oils—Part 2: Procedure for dry oils, Second Part 1: Guidance on The Design of Sampling
Edition Programmes, Second Edition
KS ISO 20846:2019 Kenya Standard—Petroleum products— KS ISO 5667-3:2018 Kenya Standard—Water quality— Sampling —
Determination of sulfur content of automotive Part 3: Preservation and handling of water
fuels—Ultraviolet fluorescence method, Second samples, Second Edition
KS ISO 5667-6:2014 Kenya Standard—Water quality— Sampling —
KS ISO 2137:2020 Kenya Standard—Petroleum products and Part 6: Guidance on sampling of rivers and
lubricants—Determination of cone penetration streams, Second Edition
of lubricating greases and petrolatum, Second KS ISO 5667-10:2020 Kenya Standard—Water quality— Sampling —
Edition Part 10: Guidance on Sampling of waste waters,
KS ISO 3015:2019 Kenya Standard—Petroleum and related Second Edition
products from natural or synthetic sources— KS ISO 7393-2:2017 Kenya Standard—Water quality—
Determination of cloud point, Second Edition Determination of free chlorine and total
chlorine—Part 2: Colorimetric method using
KS ISO 3104:2020 Kenya Standard—Petroleum products—
N,N-dialky1-1,4-phenylenediamine, for routine
Transparent and opaque liquids—Determination
control purposes, Second Edition
of kinematic viscosity and calculation of
dynamic viscosity, Second Edition KS ISO 10703:2021 Kenya Standard—Water quality—
Determination of the activity concentration of
KS ISO 3405:2019 Kenya Standard—Petroleum and related radionuclides by high resolution gamma ray
products from natural or synthetic sources— spectrometry, Second Edition
Determination of distillation characteristics at
atmospheric pressure, Second Edition KS ISO 11260:2018 Kenya Standard—Soil quality—Determination
of effective cation exchange capacity and base
KS ISO 3924:2019 Kenya Standard—Petroleum products— saturation level using barium chloride solution,
Determination of boiling range distribution— Second Edition
Gas chromatography method, Second Edition
KS ISO 15800:2019 Kenya Standard—Soil quality—
KS ISO 4264:2018 Kenya Standard—Petroleum products— Characterization of soil with respect to human
Calculation of cetane index of middle-distillate exposure, Second Edition
fuels by the four variable equation, Second
Edition Cosmetics

KS ISO 5165:2020 Kenya Standard—Petroleum products— KS ISO 1272:2000 Kenya Standard—Essential oils—Determination
Determination of the ignition quality of diesel of content of phenols, Second Edition
fuels —Cetane engine method, Second Edition KS ISO/TS 210:2014 Kenya Standard—Essential oils—General rules
KS ISO 6246:2017 Kenya Standard—Petroleum products —Gum for packaging, conditioning, and storage,
Second Edition
content of fuels —Jet evaporation method,
Second Edition KS ISO/TS 211:2014 Kenya Standard—Essential oils—General rules
for labelling and marking of containers, Second
KS ISO 384:2015 Kenya Standard—Laboratory glass and plastics
ware—Principles of design and construction of
volumetric instruments, Second Edition KS ISO 212:2007 Kenya Standard—Essential oils—Sampling,
Second Edition
KS ISO 4797:2015 Kenya Standard—Laboratory glassware—
Boiling flasks with conical ground joints, KS ISO 3218:2014 Kenya Standard—Essential oils—Principles of
Second Edition nomenclature, Second Edition
13th May, 2022 THE KENYA GAZETTE 2541
KS ISO 3523:2002 Kenya Standard—Oil of cananga (Cananga KS ISO 14064-3:2019 Kenya Standard—Greenhouse gases—Part 3:
odorata (Lam.) Hook. f. et Thomson, forma Specification with guidance for the verification
macrophylla), Second Edition and validation of greenhouse gas statements,
KS ISO 3524:2003 Kenya Standard—Oil of cinnamon leaf, Sri Second Edition
Lanka type (Cinnamomum zeylanicum Blume), KS ISO 14040:2006/Amd 1:2020 Kenya Standard—Environmental
Second Edition
management—Life cycle assessment—
KS ISO 3525:2008 Kenya Standard—Oil of amyris (Amyris Principles and framework—AMENDMENT 1,
balsamifera L.), Second Edition First Edition
KS ISO 3848:2016 Kenya Standard—Essential oil of citronella, KS ISO/IEC 17030:2021 Kenya Standard—Conformity assessment—
Java type, Second Edition General requirements for third party marks of
conformity, Second Edition
KS ISO 3849:2003 Kenya Standard—Oil of citronella, Sri Lankan
type (Cymbopogon nardus (L.) W. Watson var. KS ISO 30415:2021 Kenya Standard—Human resource
lenabatu Stapf.), Second Edition management—Diversity and inclusion, First
KS ISO 4720:2018 Edition
Kenya Standard—Essential oils —
Nomenclature; Second Edition KS ISO/TS 30421:2021 Kenya Standard—Human resource
KS ISO 4724:2004 Kenya Standard—Oil of cedarwood, Virginian management—Turnover and retention metrics,
(Juniperus virginiana L.), Second Edition First Edition

KS ISO 4725:2004 Kenya Standard—Oil of cedarwood, Texas KS ISO/TS 30428:2021 Kenya Standard—Human resource
(Juniperus mexicana Schiede), Second Edition management— Skills and capabilities metrics
cluster, First Edition
KS ISO 4727:2021 Kenya Standard—Essential oil of palmarosa
[Cymbopogon martini (Roxb.) W. Watson var. KS ISO/TS 30430:2021 Kenya Standard—Human resource
motia], Second Edition management—Recruitment metrics cluster, First
KS ISO 4730:2017 Kenya Standard—Essential oil of Melaleuca,
terpinen-4-ol type (Tea Tree oil), First Edition KS ISO/TS 30433:2021 Kenya Standard—Human resource
management—Succession planning metrics
KS ISO 709:2001 Kenya Standard—Essential oils—Determination cluster, First Edition
of ester value, Second Edition
KS ISO 29994:2021 Kenya Standard—Education and learning
KS ISO 11930:2019 Kenya Standard—Cosmetics—Microbiology —
services—Requirements for distance learning,
Evaluation of the antimicrobial protection of a First Edition
cosmetic product; Second Edition

KS ISO 20809:2017 Kenya Standard—Essential oil of cypress KS 2925:2022 Kenya Standard—Textiles—Reusable sanitary
(Cupressus sempervirens L, First Edition towels—Specification, Second Edition
Services Leather and Textile

KS ISO/IEC 11179-1:2015 Kenya Standard —Metadata registries KS ISO 2076:2021 Kenya Standard—Textiles—Man-made fibres—
(MDR)—Part 1: Framework, First Edition Generic names, Second Edition
KS ISO/IEC 11179-2:2019 Kenya Standard —Metadata registries KS ISO 2307:2019 Kenya Standard—Fibre ropes—Determination
(MDR)—Part 2: Classification, First Edition of certain physical and mechanical properties,
KS ISO/IEC 11179-3:2013 Kenya Standard —Metadata registries
(MDR)—Part 3: Registry metamodel and basic KS1S0 2403:2021 Kenya Standard—Textiles-Cotton fibres—
attributes, First Edition Determination of micronaire value, First'Edition
KS ISO/IEC 11179-4:2004 Kenya Standard—Metadata registries KS ISO 405-B10:2011 Kenya Standard—Textiles—Tests for colour
(MDR)—Part 4: Formulation of data fastness—Part 810: Artificial weathering —
definitions, First Edition Exposure to filtered xenon-arc radiation, First
KS ISO/IEC 11179-5:2015 Kenya Standard—Metadata registries
(MDR)—Part 5: Naming Principles, First KS ISO' 05-B03:2017 Kenya Standard—Textiles—Tests for colour
Edition fastness—Part B03: Colour fastness •to
KS ISO/IEC 11179-6:2015 Kenya Standard —Metadata registries weathering: Outdoor exposure, Second Edition
(MDR)—Part 6: Registration, First Edition K836'03071:2020 Kenya Standard --Textiles —Determination of
KS ISO/IEC 11179-7:2019 Kenya Standard —Metadata registries pH of aqueous extract, Second Edition
(MDR)—Part 7: Metamodel for data set KS ISO 1833-20:2018 Kenya Standard—Textiles—Quantitative
registration, First Edition
chemical analysis—Part 20: Mixtures of
KS ISO/IEC 11179-30:2019 Kenya Standard —Metadata registries elastane with certain other fibres (method using
(MDR)—Part 30: Basic attributes of metadata, dimethylacetamtde), First Edition
First Edition
KS 150 1833-22:2020 Kenya -Standard—Textiles—Quantitative
KS 1SG:1414031:2021 Kenya Standard—Environmental management— chemical analysis—Plitt 22:Mixtures of viscose
Environmental performance evaluation — or certain types of cupro or modal or lyocell
Guidelines, Second Edition with flax fibres (method using formic acid and
zinc chloride), Second Edition
KS ISO 14064-1:2018 Kenya Standard—Greenhouse gases—Part 1:
Specification with guidance at the organization KS ISO 3175-1:2017 KenyaStanclattl—Textlies--:Pmfessional care,
level for quantification and reporting of drycleaning and wetcleaning of fabrics and
greenhouse gas emissions and removals, Second garments—Part 1: 'Assessment of performance
Edition after: it arkPirritiaMog,freeend Edition
KS ISO 14064-2:2019 Kenya Standard—Greenhouse gases—Part 2: KS4S03175-22017 41kettya *midst —"Petrilles--Professiortal care,
Specification with guidance at the project level dutletatatg and weteleaniog Sibrics and
for quantification, monitoring and reporting of
greenhouse gas emission reductions or removal garments—Part :2: Procedure for wooing
enhancements, Second Edition prtformance when eleaniog 4ittl 440taidog,
Second Edition
2542 THE KENYA GAZETTE 13th May, 2022

KS ISO 3175-3:2017 Kenya Standard—Textiles—Professional care, KS ISO 21723:2019 Kenya Standard—Buildings and civil
drycleaning and wetcleaning of fabrics and engineering works — Modular coordination —
garments—Part 3: Procedure for testing Module, First Edition
performance when cleaning and finishing using
hydrocarbon solvents, Second Edition KS ISO 6707-2:2017 Kenya Standard—Buildings and civil
engineering works — Vocabulary —Part 2:
KS ISO 3175-4:2018 Kenya Standard—Textiles—Professional care, Contract and communication terms, Second
drycleaning and wetcleaning of fabrics and Edition
garments—Part 4: Procedure for testing
performance when cleaning and finishing using KS ISO 6946:2017 Kenya Standard—Building components and
simulated wetcleaning, Second Edition building elements AE" Thermal resistance and
thermal transmittance—Calculation methods,
KS ISO 30023:2021 Kenya Standard — Textiles — Qualification Second Edition
symbols for labelling work wear to be
industrially laundered, Second Edition KS ISO 3008-1:2019 Kenya Standard—Fire resistance tests—Door
and shutter assemblies—Part 1: General
KS ISO 6330:2021 Kenya Standard—Textiles—Domestic washing requirements, First Edition
and drying procedures for textile testing, Second
Edition KS ISO 4211-5:2021 Kenya Standard—Furniture—Tests for surface
finishes—Part 5: Assessment of resistance to
KS ISO 11612:2015 Kenya Standard—Protective clothing—Clothing abrasion, First Edition
to protect against heat and flame - Minimum
performance requirements, Second Edition KS ISO 5323:2019 Kenya Standard—Wood flooring and parquet —
Vocabulary, Second Edition
KS ISO 20743:2021 Kenya Standard—Textiles—Determination of
antibacterial activity of textile products, Second KS ISO 6442:2005 Kenya Standard—Door leaves—General and
Edition local flatness—Measurement method, Second
KS ARS 1694:2021 Kenya Standard—Medical respirators —
Specification, First Edition KS ISO 6443:2005 Kenya Standard—Door leaves—Method for
measurement of height, width, thickness and
KS ISO 10361:2015 Kenya Standard—Textile floor coverings— squareness, Second Edition
Production of changes in appearance by means
of Vettermann drum and hexapod tumbler KS ISO 6444:2005 Kenya Standard—Door leaves—Determination
tester, Second Edition of the behaviour under humidity variations in
successive uniform climates, Second Edition
KS ISO 1765:1986 Kenya Standard—Machine-made textile floor
coverings—Determination of thickness, First KS ISO 6445:2005 Kenya Standard—Doors—Behavior between
Edition two different climates—Test method, Second
KS ISO 6530:2005 Kenya Standard—Protective clothing—
Protection against liquid chemicals—Test KS ISO 8274:2005 Kenya Standard—Windows and doors—
method for resistance of materials to penetration Resistance to repeated opening and closing—
by liquids, Second Edition Test method, Second Edition

KS ISO 9405:2015 Kenya Standard—Textile floor coverings— KS ISO 9379:2005 Kenya Standard—Operating forces—Test
Assessment of changes in appearance, Second method—Doors, Second Edition
Edition KS ISO 9381:2005 Kenya Standard—Hinged or pivoted doors—
KS ISO 2424:2007 Kenya Standard—Textile floor coverings — Determination of the resistance to static torsion,
Vocabulary, Second Edition Second Edition

KS 606:2022 Kenya Standard—Polyester and cotton blended KS ISO 1954:2013 Kenya Standard—Plywood—Tolerances on
bedsheets — Specification, Third Edition dimensions, Second Edition

KS 559-1:2022 Kenya Standard —Mens and boys' trousers — KS ISO 2074:2007 Kenya Standard—Plywood—Vocabulary,
Specification —Part 1: Making up requirements, Second Edition
Fourth Edition KS 2770-5:2022 Kenya Standard—Admixtures for sprayed
concrete—Part 5: Definitions, requirements,
KS ISO 13938-1:2019 Kenya Standard—Bursting properties of conformity, marking and labelling, First Edition
fabrics—Part 1: Hydraulic method for
determination of bursting strength and bursting KS 2952-1:2022 Kenya Standard— Accessibility-ICT products
distension, Second Edition and services—Part 1-Requirements, First
KS ISO 13938-2:2019 Kenya Standard—Textiles—Bursting
properties of fabrics—Part 2: Pneumatic method KS 2952-2:2022 Kenya Standard— Accessibility-ICT products
for determination of bursting strength and and services—Part 2 —Conformance, First
bursting distension, Second Edition Edition
KS 525:2022 Kenya Standard—Ladies' briefs — KS EAS 132:2021 Kenya Standard—Hoe—Specification, First
Specification, Second Edition Edition

Engineering KS EAS 188:2021 Kenya Standard—Machete—Specification,

Second Edition
KS ISO 22156:2021 Kenya Standard—Bamboo structures—Bamboo
Culms Structural design, Second Edition KS EAS 1020:2021 Kenya Standard—Shovels and spades —
Specification, First Edition
KS ISO 13786:2017 Kenya Standard—Thermal performance of
building components dynamic thermal KS EAS 1021:2021 Kenya Standard— Steelhead hammer —
characteristics calculation methods, Second Specification, First Edition
Edition KS EAS 1022:2021 Kenya Standard—Hacksaw blades —
KS ISO 19208:2016 Kenya Standard—Framework for specifying Specification, First Edition
performance in buildings, First Edition Electrotechnical
KS ISO 26101-1:2021 Kenya Standard—Acoustics—Test methods for
the qualification of the acoustic environment—
13th May, 2022 THE KENYA GAZETTE 2543

Part I: Qualification of free-field environments, KS ISO/IEC 11801-4:2017 Kenya Standard—Information

First Edition Technology—Generic cabling for customer
premises—Part 4: Single-tenant homes, First
KS ISO 1996-2:2017 Kenya Standard—Acoustics—Description, Edition
measurement and assessment of environmental
noise—Part 2: Determination of sound pressure KS ISO/IEC 11801-5:2017 Kenya Standard—Information Technology
levels, First Edition - Generic cabling for customer premises—Part
5: Data centres, First Edition
KS ISO 17099:2014 Kenya Standard—Radiological protection—
Performance criteria for laboratories using the KS ISO/IEC 11801-6:2017 Kenya Standard—Information
cytokinesis block micronucleus (CBMN) assay Technology —Generic cabling for customer
in peripheral blood lymphocytes for biological premises—Part 6: Distributed building services,
dosimetry, First Edition First Edition
KS IEC 60601-2-17:2013 Kenya Standard—Medical electrical KS ISO/IEC TR 11801-9901:2014 Kenya Standard—Information
equipment—Part 2-17: Particular requirements Technology—Generic cabling for customer
for the basic safety and essential performance of premises—Part 9901: Guidance for balanced
automatically-controlled brachytherapy after cabling in support of at least 40 Gbit/s data
loading equipment, First Edition transmission, First Edition
KS IEC 60601-2-45:2015 Kenya Standard—Medical electrical KS ISO/IEC TR 11801-9902:2017 Kenya Standard—Information
equipment—Part 2-45: Particular requirements Technology—Generic cabling for customer
for the basic safety and essential performance of premises—Part 99-2: End-to-end link
mammographic X-ray equipment and configurations, First Edition
mammographic stereotactic devices, Second
Edition KS ISO/IEC TS 11801-9903:2021 Kenya Standard—Information
Technology—Generic cabling for customer
KS IEC 60601-2-542018 Kenya Standard—Medical electrical premises—Part 9903: Matrix modelling of
equipment—Part 2-54: Particular requirements channels and links, First Edition
for the basic safety and essential performance of
X-ray equipment for radiography and KS ISO/IEC TR 11801-9904:2017 Kenya Standard—Information
radioscopy, First Edition Technology—Generic cabling for customer
premises—Part 9904: Assessment and
KS IEC 60601-2-68:2014 Kenya Standard—Medical electrical mitigation of installed balanced cabling
equipment—Part 2-68: Particular requirements channels to support 2,5GBASE-T and
for the basic safety and essential performance of 5GBASE-T, First Edition
X-ray-based image-guided radiotherapy
equipment for use with electron accelerators, KS ISO/IEC TR 11801-9905:2018 Kenya Standard—Information
light ion beam therapy equipment and Technology—Generic cabling systems for
radionuclide beam therapy equipment, First customer premises—Part 9905: Guidelines for
Edition the use of installed cabling to support
25GBASE-T application, First Edition
KS ISO 463:2006 Kenya Standard—Geometrical Product
Specifications (GPS) —Dimensional measuring KS ISO/IEC TR 11801-9906:2020. Kenya Standard—Information
equipment—Design and metrological Technology—Generic cabling for customer
characteristics of mechanical dial gauges, First premises—Part 9906: Balanced 1-pair cabling
Edition channels up to. 600 MHz for single pair Ethernet
(SPE) , First Edition
KS ISO 3611:2010 Kenya Standard—Geometrical Product
Specifications (GPS)—Dimensional measuring KS ISO/IEC TR 11801-9907:2019 Kenya Standard—Information
equipment: Micrometers for external Technology—Generic cabling for customer
measurements—Design and metrological premises—Part 9907: Specifications for direct
characteristics, First Edition attach cabling, First Edition

KS ISO 13385-1:2019 Kenya Standard—Geometrical Product KS ISO/IEC TR 11801-9908:2020 Kenya Standard—Information

Specifications (GPS)—Dimensional measuring Technology—Generic cabling for customer
equipment—Part 1: Design and metrological premises—Part 9908: Guidance for the support
characteristics of calipers, First Edition of higher speed applications over optical fibre
channels, First Edition
KS ISO 13385-2:2020 Kenya Standard—Geometrical Product
Specifications (GPS)—Dimensional measuring KS ISO/IEC TR 11801-9909:2020 Kenya Standard—Information
equipment—Part 2: Design and metrological Technology—Generic cabling for customer
characteristics of calliper depth gauges, First premises—Part 9909: Evaluation of balanced
Edition cabling in support of 25 Gbit/s for reach greater
than 30 metres, First Edition
KS ISO 1122-1:1998 Kenya Standard—Vocabulary of gear terms—
Part 1: Definitions related to geometry, First KS ISO/IEC TR 11801-9910:2020 Kenya Standard—Information
Edition Technology—Generic cabling for customer
premises—Part 9910: Specifications for
KS ISO 21771:2007 Kenya Standard—Gears—Cylindrical involute modular plug terminated link cabling, First
gears and gear pairs—Concepts and geometry, Edition
First Edition
KS CISPR/TR 18-1:2017 Kenya Standard—Radio interference
KS ISO/IEC 11801-1:2017 Kenya Standard—Information characteristics of overhead power lines and
Technology—Generic cabling for customer high-voltage equipment—Part 1: Description of
premises—Part 1: General requirements, First phenomena, First Edition
KS CISPR/TR 18-2:2017 Kenya Standard—Radio interference
KS ISO/IEC 11801-2:2017 Kenya Standard—Information characteristics of overhead power lines and
Technology—Generic cabling for customer high-voltage equipment—Part 2: Methods of
premises—Part 2: Office premises, First Edition measurement and procedure for determining
limits, First Edition
KS ISO/IEC 11801-3: 2021 Kenya Standard—Information
Technology—Generic cabling for customer KS CISPR/TR 18-3:2017 Kenya Standard—Radio interference
premises—Part 3: Industrial premises, First characteristics of overhead power lines and
Edition high-voltage equipment—Part 3: Code of
2544 THE KENYA GAZETTE 13th May, 2022

practice for minimizing the generation of radio KS IEC 61009-1:2013 Kenya Standard—Residual current operated
noise, First Edition circuit-breakers with integral overcurrent
KS IEC 60670-21:2016 Kenya Standard—Boxes and enclosures for protection for household and similar uses
electrical accessories for household and similar (RCBOs)—Part 1: General rules, First Edition
fixed electrical installations—Part 21: Particular KS IEC 61009-2-1:1991 Kenya Standard—Residual current operated
requirements for boxes and enclosures with circuit-breakers with integral overcurrent
provision for suspension means, Second Edition protection for household and similar uses
KS IEC 60670-22: 2015 Kenya Standard—Boxes and enclosures for (RCBO's)—Part 2-1: Applicability of the
electrical accessories for household and similar general rules to RCBO's functionally
fixed electrical installations—Part 22: Particular independent of line voltage, First Edition
requirements for connecting boxes and
KS IEC 61009-2-2:1991 Kenya Standard—Residual current operated
enclosures, Second Edition
circuit-breakers with integral overcurrent
KS IEC 60670-23:2016 Kenya Standard—Boxes and enclosures for protection for household and similar uses
electrical accessories for household and similar (RCBO's)—Part 2-2: Applicability of the
fixed electrical installations—Part 23: Particular general rules to RCBO's functionally dependent
requirements for floor boxes and enclosures, on line voltage, First Edition
Second Edition
KS IEC 63052:2019 Kenya Standard—Power frequency overvoltage
KS IEC 61936-1:2021 Kenya Standard—Power installations protective devices (POPs) for household and
exceeding 1 kV AC and 1,5 kV DC—Part 1: similar applications, First Edition
AC, Second edition
KS IEC 60826:2017 Kenya Standard—Design criteria of overhead
KS IEC 60034-3:2020 Kenya Standard—Rotating electrical transmission lines, Second Edition
machines—Part 3: Specific requirements for
synchronous generators driven by steam KS IEC 61969-1:2020 Kenya Standard—Mechanical structures for
turbines or combustion gas turbines and for electrical and electronic equipment - Outdoor
synchronous compensators, Second Edition enclosures—Part 1: Design guidelines, Second
KS LEC 60309-1:2021Kenya Standard—Plugs, fixed or portable
socket-outlets and appliance inlets for industrial KS IEC 62053-21:2020 Kenya Standard—Electricity metering
purposes—Part 1: General requirements, First equipment (a.c.)—Particular requirements—Part
Edition 21: Static meters for AC active energy (classes
0,5, 1 and 2), Second Edition
KS IEC 60309-2:2021Kanya Standard—Plugs, fixed or portable
socket-outlets and appliance inlets for industrial KS IEC 62053-22:2020 Kenya Standard—Electricity metering
purposes—Part 2: Dimensional compatibility equipment—Particular requirements—Part 22:
requirements for pin and contact-tube Static meters for AC active energy (classes
accessories, First Edition 0,1S, 0,2S and 0,5S), Second Edition
KS IEC 60309-4:2021 Kenya Standard—Plugs, fixed or portable KS IEC 62053-23:2020 Kenya Standard—Electricity metering
socket-outlets and appliance inlets for industrial equipment (a.c .)— Particular requirements—Part
purposes—Part 4: Switched socket-outlets with 23: Static meters for reactive energy (classes 2
or without interlock, First Edition and 3). Second Edition
KS IEC 60309-5:2017 Kenya Standard—Plugs, socket-outlets and KS IEC 62052-11:2020 Kenya Standard—Electricity metering
couplers for industrial purposes—Part 5:
equipment—General requirements, tests and test
Dimensional compatibility and
conditions—Part 11: Metering equipment,
interchangeability requirements for plugs,
Second Edition
socket-outlets, ship connectors and ship inlets
for low-voltage shore connection systems KS IEC 60282-1:2020 Kenya Standard—High-voltage fuses—Part 1:
(LVSC), First Edition Current-limiting fuses, Second Edition
KS IEC 62444:2010 Kenya Standard—Cable glands for electrical KS 2951:2022 Kenya Standard— Biogas systems—Code of
installations, First Edition practice for farm and industrial scale biogas
KS IEC 61921:2017 Kenya Standard—Power capacitors — Low- systems, First Edition
voltage power factor correction banks, First The following standards are confirmed forthwith;Food.
KS 1772:2003 Kenya Standard—Specification for jelly powder
KS IEC 61008-2-1:1990- Kenya Standard—Residual current operated and jelly crystals
circuit-breakers without integral overcurrent
protection for household and similar uses KS CAC/GL 78:2011 Kenya Standard—Guidelines for the control of
(RCCB's)—Part 2-I: Applicability of the campylobacter and salmonella in chicken meat
general rules to RCCB's functionally
independent of line voltage, First Edition KS ISO 1736:2008 Kenya Standard—Dried milk and dried milk
products—Determination of fat content —
KS IEC 61008-2-2:1990 Kenya Standard—Residual current operated Gravimetric method reference method
circuit-breakers without integral overcurrent
KS 1302:1996 Kenya Standard—Specification for bread
protection for household and similar uses
(RCCB's)—Part 2-2: Applicability of the crumbs
general rules to RCCB's functionally dependent
KS 1154:1996 Kenya Standard—Whole dried and ground
on line voltage, First Edition ginger—Specification
KS IEC 61008-1:2013 Kenya Standard—Residual current operated KS 1155:2008 Kenya Standard—Whole and ground nutmeg—
circuit-breakers without integral overcurrent Specification
protection for household and similar uses
(RCCBs) Partl: General rules, First Edition KS 1162:2008 Kenya Standard—Fenugreek seed powder—
KS IEC 60898-3:2019 Kenya Standard—Electrical accessories —
Circuit-breakers for overcurrent protection for KS 2050:2007 Kenya Standard—Soy sauce—Specification
household and similar installations—Part 3:
Circuit-breakers for DC operation, First Edition KS 228-3:1986 Kenya Standard—Specification for curry
powder—Part 3: Determination of filth and
extraneous matter in spices and condiments
13th May, 2022 THE KENYA GAZETTE 2545

KS ISO 927:2009/COR 1:2012 Kenya Standard—Spices and KS ISO 21528-2:2017 Kenya Standard—Microbiology of the food
condiments—Determination of extraneous chain horizontal method for the detection and
matter and foreign matter content—Technical enumeration of enterobacteriaceae—Part 2:
Corrigendum 1 Colony count technique
KS ISO 7542:1984 Kenya Standard—Ground (powdered) paprika KS 791:1990 Kenya Standard—Methods of detection of
(Capsicum annuum Linnaeus)—Microscopical salmonellae in meat and meat products
KS 792:1991 Kenya Standard—Method of detection and
KS ISO 676:1995/COR 1:1997 Kenya Standard—Spices and enumeration of enterobacteriaceae in meat and
condiments—Botanical nomenclature— meat product
KS CODEX STAN 89:1981 Kenya Standard—Standard for luncheon
KS ISO 6663:1998 Kenya Standard—Garlic cold storage meat
KS ISO 5560:1997 Kenya Standard — Dehydrated garlic (Allium KS 1172:1995 Kenya Standard—Specification for grading
sativum L.) — Specification chicken eggs
KS ISO 5561:1990 Kenya Standard—Black caraway and blond KS 166:2000 Kenya Standard—Methods for the chemical
caraway (Carum carvi Linnaeus), whole analysis of meat and meat products
KS ISO 5565-1:1999 Kenya Standard—Vanilla [Vanilla fragrant
(Salisbury) Ames] —Part 1: Specification KS ISO 15914:2004 Kenya Standard—Animal feeding stuffs
enzymatic determination of total starch content
KS ISO 2256:1984/AMD 1:2017 Kenya Standard—Dried mint
(spearmint) (Mentha spicata Linnaeus syn. KS 2289-1:2017 Kenya Standard—Compounded tilapia feeds —
Mentha viridis Linnaeus)—Specification — Specification —Part 1: Complete feed
AMENDMENT 1 KS 2710:2017 Kenya Standard—Prosopis meal for
KS RAS 107:2007 Kenya Standard—Coffee—Determination of compounding animal feeds—Specification
caffeine content—Reference method KS 2711:2017 Kenya Standard—Dried insect products for
KS ISO 6667:1985 Kenya Standard—Green coffee—Determination compounding animal feeds—Specification
of proportion of insect damaged beans KS CAC/GL 71:2009 Kenya Standard—Guidelines for the design and
KS 2221:2011 Kenya Standard—Coffee packaging— implementation of national regulatory food
Specification safety assurance programme associated with the
use of veterinary drugs in food producing
KS ISO 6666:2011 Kenya Standard—Coffee—Sampling triers for animals
green coffee or raw coffee and parchment coffee
KS EAS 5:2009 Kenya Standard—Refined white sugar—
Specification KS 1182:1994 Kenya Standard—Specification for butyl
alcohol (butonal for industrial use)
KS 319-4:2008 Kenya Standard—Sugar confectionery —
Specification—Part 4 Other sugar confectionery KS 2272:2011 Kenya Standard—Nitric acid—Specification
KS 242:1980 Kenya Standard—Specification for sulphuric
acid for use in lead-acid batteries
KS EAS 17:2000 Kenya Standard—Methods of chemical analysis
for sugar—Specification
KS 2692-1:2017 Kenya Standard—Alcohol denaturants—
KS EAS 818:2014 Kenya Standard—Sugar cane jaggery — Specification
KS 591:2011 Kenya Standard—Denatured spirits—
KS ISO 2292:2017 Kenya Standard—Cocoa beans— Sampling Specification

KS 2722:2017 Kenya Standard—Rabbit meat—Specification KS 666:2011 Kenya Standard—Specification for white spirit
(mineral turpentine)
KS 2723:2017 Kenya Standard—Dried meat—Specification
KS EAS 213:2007 Kenya Standard—Liquid chemical products for
KS CODEX STAN 96:1991 Kenya Standard—Standard for cooked industrial use—Determination of absolute
cured ham density at 20 degree centigrade
KS ISO 10272-1:2017 Kenya Standard—Microbiology of the food KS EAS 214:2007 Kenya Standard—Volatile organic liquids for
chain horizontal method for detection and industrial use—Determination of dry residue
enumeration of campylobacter Spp —Part 1: after evaporation on a water bath— General
Detection method method

KS ISO 10272-2:2017 Kenya Standard—Microbiology of the food KS ISO 1388-1:1981 Kenya Standard—Ethanol for industrial use—
chain horizontal method for detection and Methods of test—Part 1: General
enumeration of campylobacter Spp—Part 2: KS ISO 1388-10:1981 Kenya Standard—Ethanol for industrial use—
Colony count technique Methods of test—Part 10: Estimation of
KS ISO 11290-1:2017 Kenya Standard—Microbiology of the food hydrocarbons content—Distillation method
chain horizontal method for the detection and KS ISO 1388-11:1981 Kenya Standard—Ethanol for industrial use—
enumeration of listeria monocytogenes and of Methods of test—Part 11: Test for detection of
listeria Spp—Part 1: Detection method furfural
KS ISO 11290-2:2017 Kenya Standard—Microbiology of the food KS ISO 1388-12:1981 Kenya Standard—Ethanol for industrial use—
chain horizontal method for the detection and Methods of test—Part 12: Determination of
enumeration of listeria monocytogenes and of permanganate time
listeria Spp —Part 2: Enumeration method
KS ISO 1388-2:1981 Kenya Standard—Ethanol for industrial use—
KS ISO 21528-1:2017 Kenya Standard—Microbiology of the food Methods of test—Part 2: Detection of alkalinity
chain horizontal method for the detection and or determination of acidity to phenolphthalein
enumeration of Enterobacteriaceae —Part 1:
Detection of Enterobacteriaceae
2546 THE KENYA GAZETTE 13th May, 2022

KS ISO 1388-3:1981 Kenya Standard—Ethanol for industrial use— KS ISO 1772:1975 Kenya Standard—Laboratory crucibles in
Methods of test—Part 3: Estimation of content porcelain and silica
of carbonyl compounds present in small
amounts—Photometric method KS ISO 1773:1997 Kenya Standard—Laboratory glassware —
Narrow-necked boiling flasks
KS ISO 1388-4:1981 Kenya Standard—Ethanol for industrial use—
Methods of test—Part 4: Estimation of content KS ISO 1775:1975 Kenya Standard—Porcelain laboratory
of carbonyl compounds present in moderate apparatus—Requirements and methods of test
amounts —Titrimetric method
KS ISO 3585:1998 Kenya Standard—Borosilicate glass 3.3 —
KS ISO 1388-5:1981 Kenya Standard—Ethanol for industrial use— Properties
Methods of test—Part 5: Determination of
aldehydes content—Visual colorimetric method KS ISO 383:1976 Kenya Standard—Laboratory glassware—
Interchangeable conical ground joints
KS ISO 1388-6:1981 Kenya Standard—Ethanol for industrial use—
Methods of test—Part 6: Test for miscibility KS ISO 4785:1997 Kenya Standard—Laboratory glassware —
with water Straight-bore glass stopcocks for general
KS ISO 1388-7:1981 Kenya Standard—Ethanol for industrial use—
Methods of test—Part 7: Determination of KS ISO 4788:2005 Kenya Standard—Laboratory glassware—
methanol content (methanol contents between Graduated measuring cylinders
0,01 and 0,20 % (v/v))—Photometric method
KS ISO 4791-1:1985 Kenya Standard—Laboratory apparatus—
KS ISO 1388-8:1981 Kenya Standard—Ethanol for industrial use— Vocabulary relating to apparatus made
Methods of test—Part 8: Determination of essentially from glass, porcelain or vitreous
methanol content (methanol contents between silica—Part 1: Names for items of apparatus
0,10 and 1,50 % (v/v))—Visual colorimetric
method KS ISO 4794:1982 Kenya Standard—Laboratory glassware—
Methods for assessing the chemical resistance of
KS ISO 1388-9:1981 Kenya Standard—Ethanol for industrial use— enamels used for colour coding and colour
Methods of test—Part 9: Determination of esters marking
content —Titrimetric method after
saponification KS ISO 4796-2:2000 Kenya Standard—Laboratory glassware —
Bottles —Part 2: Conical neck bottles
KS ISO 2482:1973 Kenya Standard—Sodium chloride for industrial
use—Determination of calcium and magnesium KS ISO 4796-3:2000 Kenya Standard—Laboratory glassware —
contents—Edta complexometric methods Bottles —Part 3: Aspirator bottles
KS ISO 2483:1973 Kenya Standard—Sodium chloride for industrial KS ISO 4799:1978 Kenya Standard—Laboratory glassware—
use—Determination of the loss of mass at 110 Condensers
degrees C
KS ISO 4800:1998 Kenya Standard—Laboratory glassware—
KS ISO 6353.3:1987 Kenya Standard—Reagents for chemical Separating funnels and dropping funnels
analysis—Part 3: Specifications—Second series
KS ISO 4802-1:1988 Kenya Standard—Glassware—Hydrolytic
KS ISO 758:1976 Kenya Standard—Liquid chemical products for resistance of the interior surfaces of glass
industrial use—Determination of density at 20 containers—Part 1: Determination by titration
degrees c method and classification
KS ISO 759:1981 Kenya Standard—Volatile organic liquids for KS ISO 7056:1981 Kenya Standard—Plastics laboratory ware—
industrial use—Determination of dry residue Beakers
after evaporation on water bath—General
method KS ISO 7086-2:2000 Kenya Standard—Glass hollowware in contact
with food—Release of lead and cadmium—Part
KS ISO 918:1983 Kenya Standard—Volatile organic liquids for 2: Permissible limits
industrial use—Determination of distillation
characteristics KS ISO 718:1990 Kenya Standard—laboratory glassware—
thermal shock and thermal shock endurance—
KS 353:1985 Kenya Standard—Specification for crown finish Test methods
glass bottles
KS ISO 7713:1985 Kenya Standard—Laboratory glassware—
KS 378:1982 Kenya Standard—Glossary of terms relating to Disposable serological pipettes
glass industry
KS ISO 10545-1:2014 Kenya Standard—Ceramic tiles—Part 1:
KS 513:1985 Kenya Standard—Specification for glass Sampling and basis for acceptance
KS ISO/TR 17870-1:2015 Kenya Standard—Ceramic tiles—
KS 514:1985 Kenya Standard—Method of sampling and test Guidelines for installation—Part 1: Installation
for glass bottles of ceramic wall and floor tiles

KS 649-1:1989 Kenya Standard—Specification for toughened KS ISO/TR 17870-2:2015 Kenya Standard—Ceramic tiles—
automobile windscreens—Part 1: Specification Guidelines for installation—Part 2: Installation
for toughed windscreens of thin ceramic wall and floor tiles and panels

KS 650:2001 Kenya Standard—Specification for glass globes KS ISO 10545-11:1994 Kenya Standard—Ceramic tiles —Part 11:
for paraffin lighting appliances for domestic use Determination of crazing resistance for glazed
KS ISO 13079:2011 Kenya Standard—Laboratory glass and plastics
ware—Tubes for the measurement of the KS ISO 10545-5:1996 Kenya Standard—Ceramic tiles—Part 5:
erythrocyte sedimentation rate by the Determination of impact resistance by
westergren method measurement of coefficient of restitution

KS ISO 13130:2011 Kenya Standard—Laboratory glassware— KS ISO 10545-7:1996 Kenya Standard—Ceramic tiles—Part 7:
Determination of resistance to surface abrasion
for glazed tiles
KS ISO 13132:2011 Kenya Standard—Laboratory glassware—Petri
KS ISO 10545-12:1995 Kenya Standard—Ceramic tiles—Part 12:
Determination of frost resistance
13th May, 2022 THE KENYA GAZETTE 2547
KS ISO 6486-2:1999 Kenya Standard—Ceramic ware, glass-ceramic fuels —Energy-dispersive x-ray fluorescence
ware and glass dinnerware in contact with spectrometry
food—Release of lead and cadmium—Part 2:
Permissible limits KS ISO 2719:2016 Kenya Standard—Determination of flash
point— Pensky-martens closed cup method
KS ISO 8391-1:1986 Kenya Standard—Ceramic cookware in contact
with food—Release of lead and cadmium—Part KS ISO 2909:2002 Kenya Standard—Petroleum products—
1: Method of test Calculation of viscosity index from kinematic
KS ISO 8391-2:1986 Kenya Standard—Ceramic cookware in contact
with food—Release of lead and cadmium—Part KS ISO 3007:1999 Kenya Standard—Petroleum products and crude
2: Permissible limits petroleum—Determination of vapour
pressure—Reid method
KS 289:1980 Kenya Standard—Specification for unbacked
flexible PVC floor covering KS ISO 3012:1999 Kenya Standard—Petroleum products—
Determination of thiol (mercaptan) sulfur in
KS ISO 14644-4:2001 Kenya Standard —Cleanrooms and associated light and middle distillate fuels—Potentiometric
controlled environments—Part 4: Design, method
construction and start-up
KS ISO 3733:1999 Kenya Standard—Petroleum products and
KS ISO 14644-5:2004 Kenya Standard —Cleanrooms and associated bituminous materials—Determination of
controlled environments—Part 5: Operations water—Distillation method
KS ISO 14644-7:2004 Kenya Standard —Cleanrooms and associated KS ISO 3735:1999 Kenya Standard—Crude petroleum and fuel
controlled environments —Part 7: Separative oils — Determination of sediment—extraction
devices (clean air hoods, gloveboxes, isolators method
and mini-environments)
KS ISO 14698-1:2003 Kenya Standard —Cleanrooms and associated KS ISO 3771:2011 Kenya Standard—Petroleum products—
controlled environments —Biocontamination Determination of base number — Perchloric acid
control—Part 1: General principles and methods potentiometric titration method

KS ISO 14698-2:2003 Kenya Standard —Cleanrooms and associated KS ISO 3830:1993 Kenya Standard—Petroleum products—
controlled environments —Biocontatnination Determination of lead content of gasoline—
control—Part 2: Evaluation and interpretation of Iodine monochloride method
biocontamination data KS ISO 3837:1993 Kenya Standard—Liquid petroleum products —
KS ISO 14698-2:2003/cor 1:2004 Kenya Standard —Cleanrooms and Detertnination of hydrocarbon types—
associated controlled environments — Fluorescent indicator adsorption method
Biocontatnination control—Part 2: Evaluation KS ISO 4269:2001 Kenya Standard—Petroleum and liquid
and interpretation of biocontamination data— petroleum products—Tank calibration by liquid
Technical CORRIGENDUM 1 measurement—Incremental method using
KS IEC 60068-2-21:2006 Kenya Standard—Environmental testing— volumetric meters
Part 2-21: Tests - Test u: Robustness of KS ISO 4512:2000 Kenya Standard—Petroleum and liquid
terminations and integral mounting devices petroleum products—Equipment for
KS ISO 14644-15:2017 Kenya Standard— cleanrooms and associated measurement of liquid levels in storage tanks—
controlled environments—Part 15: Assessment Manual methods
of suitability for use of equipment and materials KS ISO 6245:2001 Kenya Standard—Petroleum products—
by airborne chemical concentration Determination of ash
KS ISO 14644-13:2017 Kenya Standard —Cleanrooms and associated KS ISO 6247:1998 Kenya Standard—Petroleum products—
controlled environments—Part 13: Cleaning of Determination of foaming characteristics of
surfaces to achieve defined levels of cleanliness lubricating oils
in terms of particle and chemical classifications
KS ISO 6293-1:1996 Kenya Standard—Petroleum products—
KS ISO 14596:2007 Kenya Standard—Petroleum products— Determination of saponification number—Part
Determination of sulfur content—Wavelength- 1: Colour-indicator titration method
dispersive x-ray fluorescence spectrometry
KS ISO 6293-2:1998 Kenya Standard—petroleum products—
KS ISO 15167:1999 Kenya Standard—Petroleum products— Determination of saponification number—Part
Determination of particulate content of middle 2: Potentiometric titration method
distillate fuels—Laboratory filtration method
KS ISO 6296:2000 Kenya Standard—Petroleum products—
KS ISO 15169:2003 Kenya Standard—Petroleum and liquid Determination of water—Potentiometric Karl
petroleum products—Determination of volume, Fischer titration method
density and mass of the hydrocarbon content of
vertical cylindrical tanks by hybrid tank KS ISO 6614:1994 Kenya Standard—Petroleum products—
measurement systems Determination of water separability of
petroleum oils and synthetic fluids
KS ISO 1998-7:1998 Kenya Standard—Petroleum industry —
Terminology—Part 7: Miscellaneous terms KS ISO 6615:1993 Kenya Standard—Petroleum products—
Determination of carbon residue— Conradson
KS ISO 1998-99:2000 Kenya Standard—Petroleum industry — method
Terminology —Part 99: General and index
KS ISO 6619:1988 Kenya Standard—Petroleum products and
KS ISO 2049:1996 Kenya Standard—Petroleum products— lubricants—Neutralization number—
Determination of colour (astm scale) Potentiometric titration method
KS ISO 20764:2003 Kenya Standard—Petroleum and related KS ISO 7507-1:2003 Kenya Standard—Petroleum and liquid
products—Preparation of a test portion of high- petroleum products—Calibration of vertical
boiling liquids for the determination of water cylindrical tanks—Part 1: Strapping method
content—Nitrogen purge method
KS ISO 7507-2:2005 Kenya Standard—Petroleum and liquid
KS ISO 20847:2004 Kenya Standard—Petroleum products— petroleum products—Calibration of vertical
Determination of sulfur content of automotive cylindrical tanks—Part 2: Optical-reference-line
2548 THE KENYA GAZETTE 13th May, 2022

KS ISO 7507-3:2006 Kenya Standard—Petroleum and liquid KS 2501:2013 Kenya Standard—Detergent disinfectant liquid
petroleum products—Calibration of vertical toilet cleansers—Specification
cylindrical tanks—Part 3: Optical-triangulation
method KS 809-3:2013 Kenya Standard—Specification for toilet
cleaners—Part 3: Alkaline and neutral liquid
KS ISO 7507-4:2010 Kenya Standard—Petroleum and liquid toilet cleaners
petroleum products — Calibration of vertical
cylindrical tanks—Part 4: Internal electro- KS 929:2016 Kenya Standard—Chemical disinfectants and
optical distance-ranging method antiseptics—Quantitative suspension test for the
evaluation of bactericidal activity of chemical
KS ISO 7507-5:2000 Kenya Standard—Petroleum and liquid disinfectants and antiseptics used in food,
petroleum products—Calibration of vertical industrial, domestic and institutional areas—
cylindrical tanks—Part 5: External electro- Test method and requirements (Phase 2, step 1)
optical distance-ranging method
KS 809-1:1988 Kenya Standard—Specification for toilet
KS ISO 7536:1994 Kenya Standard—Petroleum products— cleansers—Part 1: Powder toilet bowl cleanser
Determination of oxidation stability of
gasoline—Induction period method KS 45:1977 Kenya Standard—Methods of analysis for soaps

KS ISO 7537:1997 Kenya Standard—Petroleum products— KS 1796:2003 Kenya Standard—Specification for domestic
Determination of acid number—Semi-micro chlorine based sterilizing fluids
colour-indicator titration method
KS 2502:2013 Kenya Standard—Liquid oxygen based bleach
KS ISO 8754:2003 Kenya Standard—Petroleum products— for domestic use specification
Determination of sulfur content—Energy-
KS 1455-1:1999 Kenya Standard—Specification for glass
dispersive x-ray fluorescence spectrometry cleaner—Part 1: Liquid glass cleaner
KS ISO 9200:1993 Kenya Standard—Crude petroleum and liquid
KS 1795:2003 Kenya Standard—Neem herbal soap—
petroleum products—Volumetric metering of Specification
viscous hydrocarbons
KS 1921:2005 Kenya Standard—Gel soap—Specification
KS ISO 10370:2014 Kenya Standard—Petroleum products—
Determination of carbon residue—Micro KS 2115:2007 Kenya Standard—Soap powder or chips—
method Specification

KS ISO 10478:1994 Kenya Standard—Petroleum products— KS 386:1982 Kenya Standard—Specification for carbolic
Determination of aluminium and silicon in fuel toilet soap
oils—Inductively coupled plasma emission and
atomic absorption spectroscopy methods KS 803-1:1988 Kenya Standard—Specification for liquid
soaps—Part 1: Toilet soap
KS ISO 11223:2004 Kenya Standard—Petroleum and liquid
petroleum products—Direct static KS 44-2:2005 Kenya Standard—Toilet soaps —
measurements—Measurement of content of Specification—Part 2: Baby soaps
vertical storage tanks by hydrostatic tank
KS 803-2:1988 Kenya Standard—Specification for liquid
gauging soaps—Part 2: Liquid floor soap
KS ISO 11563:2003 Kenya Standard—Crude petroleum and
KS 803-3:1988 Kenya Standard—Specification for liquid
petroleum products—Bulk cargo transfer— soaps—Part 3: Lotion soap
guidelines for achieving the fullness of pipelines
KS 805:1988 Kenya Standard—Specification for a waterless
KS ISO 1998-6:2000 Kenya Standard—petroleum industry — hand cleaner
terminology—Part 6: Measurement—Current
version KS 2162:2009 Kenya Standard—Products used for treatment
of water intended for human consumption—
KS 2490:2013 Kenya Standard—Automatic transmission Inorganic supporting and filtering materials—
fluid— Specification Definitions
KS ISO 8216-3:1987 Kenya Standard—Petroleum products—fuels
KS 2163:2009 Kenya Standard—Products used for treatment
(class f)—Classification—Part 3: Family I of water intended for human consumption—
(liquefied petroleum gases) Inorganic supporting and filtering materials—
KS ISO 1309-2:1996 Kenya Standard—Specification for diesel Methods of test
fuels—Part 2: Industrial diesel oil
KS 2587:2015 Kenya Standard—Chemicals used for treatment
KS ISO 12185:1996 Kenya Standard—Crude petroleum and of water intended for human consumption—
petroleum products—Determination of Chemicals for emergency use sodium
density—Oscillating u-tube method dichloroisocyanurate dihydrate

KS ISO 12205:1995 Kenya Standard—Petroleum products— KS 2588:2015 Kenya Standard—Chemicals used for treatment
Determination of the oxidation stability of of water intended for human consumption—
middle-distillate fuels Chemicals for emergency use sodium
dichloroisocyanurate anhydrous
KS ISO 12917-2:2002 Kenya Standard—Petroleum and liquid
petroleum products—Calibration of horizontal KS 2258:2010 Kenya Standard—Specification for water for
cylindrical tanks—Part 2: Internal electro- lead acid batteries
optical distance-ranging method
KS 2637:2016 Kenya Standard—Chlorine tablets—
KS ISO 12937:2000 Kenya Standard—Petroleum products— Specification
Determination of water—Coulometric Karl
KS 2639:2016 Kenya Standard—Copper sulphate—
Fischer titration method Specification

KS 1968:2006 Kenya Standard—The petroleum industry— KS 1918:2005 Kenya Standard—Chemicals used for treatment
Electrical installations in the distribution and of water intended for human consumption
marketing sector—Code of practice anionic and non-ionic polyacrylamides—
13th May, 2022 THE KENYA GAZETTE 2549
KS 1919:2005 Kenya Standard—Chemicals used for treatment KS ISO 7609:1985 Kenya Standard—Essential oils—Analysis by
of water intended for human consumption poly gas chromatography on capillary columns—
diallyldimethylammonium chloride General method
polydadmac —Specification
KS ISO 7660:1983 Kenya Standard—Essential oils—Determination
KS 1920:2005 Kenya Standard—Chemicals used for treatment
of ester value of oils containing difficult-to-
of water intended for human consumption saponify esters
cationic polyacrylamides —Specification
KS ISO 8432:1987 Kenya Standard — Essential oils— Analysis by
KS 1940:2005 Kenya Standard—Chemicals used for treatment high performance liquid chromatography—
of water intended for human consumption General method
polyamines — Specification
KS ISO 875:1999 Kenya Standard—Essential oils—Evaluation of
KS 88:1979 Kenya Standard—Specification for distilled miscibility in ethanol
KS ISO 22716:2007 Kenya Standard — Cosmetics — Good
Manufacturing Practices (GMP)—Guidelines on
KS ISO 1041:1973 Kenya Standard—Essential oils—Determination Good Manufacturing Practices
of freezing point KS ISO 17516:2014 Kenya Standard—Cosmetics —Microbiology —
KS ISO/TR 11018:1997 Kenya Standard—Essential oils—General Microbiological limits
guidance on the determination of flashpoint KS ISO 16128-1:2016 Kenya Standard—Guidelines on technical
KS ISO 1241:1996 Kenya Standard—Essential oils—Determination definitions and criteria for natural and organic
of ester values, before and after acetylation, and cosmetic ingredients and products—Part 1:
evaluation of the contents of free and total Definitions for ingredients
alcohols Services
KS ISO 1242:1999 Kenya Standard—Essential oils—Determination of KS ISO 9355-1:1999 Kenya Standard—Ergonomics—Requirements
acid value for the design of displays and control
KS ISO 1271:1983 Kenya. Standard—Essential oils—Determination actuators—Part 1: Human interactions with
of carbonyl value—Free hydroxylamine method displays and control actuators
KS ISO 1279:1996 Kenya Standard—Essential oils—Determination KS ISO 9886:2004 Kenya Standard—Ergonomics—Evaluation of
of carbonyl value —Potentiometric methods thermal strain by physiological measurements
using hydroxylammonium chloride KS ISO 9920:2007 Kenya Standard—Ergonomics of the thermal
KS ISO 279:1998 Kenya Standard—Essential oils—Determination environment estimation of thermal insulation
of relative density at 20 °C—Reference method and water vapour resistance of a clothing
KS ISO 280:1998 Kenya Standard—Essential oils—Determination
of refractive index KS ISO 9921:2003 Kenya Standard—Ergonomics—Assessment of
speech communication
KS ISO 29621:2017 Kenya Standard—Cosmetics—Microbiology —
Guidelines for the risk assessment and KS ISO/TR 22411:2008 Kenya Standard—Ergonomics—Data and
identification of tnictobiologically low-risk guidelines for the application of KS ISO/IEC
products GUIDE 71 to products and services to address
the needs of older persons and persons with
KS ISO 3141:1997 Kenya Standard—Oil of clove leaves [Syzygium disability
aromaticum (L.) Merr. et Perry, syn. Eugenia
caryophyllus (Sprengel) Bullock et S. Harrison] KS ISO 24504: 2014 Kenya Standard—Ergonomics—Accessible
design sound pressure levels of spoken
KS ISO 3142:1997 Kenya Standard—Oil of clove buds [Syzygium announcements for products and public address
aromaticum (L.) Merr. et Perry, syn. Eugenia systems
caryophyllus (Sprengel) Bullock et S. Harrison]
KS ISO/TR 12295:2014 Kenya Standard—Ergonomics—Application
KS ISO 3143:1997 Kenya Standard—Oil of clove stems [Syzygium document for international standards on manual
aromaticum (L.) Merr. et Perry, syn. Eugenia handling (ISO 11228- 1, ISO 11228 -2 and ISO
caryophyllus (Sprengel) Bullock et S. Harrison] 11228 -3) and evaluation of static working
postures (ISO 11226)
KS ISO 3516:1997 Kenya Standard—Oil of coriander fruits
(Coriandrum sativum L.) KS ISO/TS 20646:2014 Kenya Standard—Ergonomics—Guidelines
for the optimization of musculoskeletal
KS ISO 3520:1998 Kenya Standard—Oil of bergamot [Citrus workload
aurantium L. subsp. bergamia (Wight et Arnott)
Engler], Italian type KS 2048-2:2010 Kenya Standard—Occupational noise
management — Specification — Part 2
KS ISO 3756:1976 Kenya Standard—Oil of cubeb. This standard Measurement and assessment of noise emission
was last reviewed and confirmed in 2017 and exposure
KS ISO 3794:1999 Kenya Standard—Essential oils (containing KS ISO 9921:2003 Kenya Standard—Ergonomics—Assessment of
tertiary alcohols)—Estimation of free alcohols speech communication
content by determination of ester value after
acetylation KS ISO 9886:2004 Kenya Standard—Ergonomics—Evaluation of
thermal strain by physiological measurements
KS ISO 4715:1978 Kenya Standard—Essential oils — Quantitative
evaluation of residue on evaporation KS ISO/TR 22411:2008 Kenya Standard—Ergonomics—Data and
guidelines for the application of KS ISO/IEC
KS ISO 592:1998 Kenya Standard—Essential oils—Determination GUIDE 71 to products and services to address
of optical rotation the needs of older persons and persons with
KS ISO 7359:1985 Kenya Standard—Essential oils — Analysis by disabilities
gas chromatography on packed columns— KS ISO 9920:2007 Kenya Standard—Ergonomics of the thermal
General method environment—Estimation of thermal insulation

2550 THE KENYA GAZETTE 13th May, 2022

and water vapour—Resistance of a clothing KS ISO 11399:1995 Kenya Standard—Ergonomics of the thermal
ensemble environment principles and application of
relevant international standards
KS ISO 13857:2008 Kenya Standard—Safety of machinery—Safety
distances to prevent hazard zones being reached KS ISO 11429:1996 Kenya Standard—Ergonomics—Systems of
by upper and lower limbs auditory and visual danger and information
KS ISO 12100:2010 Kenya Standard—Safety of machinery—
General principles for design risk assessment KS ISO 12894:2001 Kenya Standard—Ergonomics of the thermal
and risk reduction environment medical supervision of individuals
exposed to extreme hot or cold environments
KS ISO 14123-1:2015 Kenya Standard—Safety of machinery—
Reduction of risks to health resulting from KS ISO 13406-1:1999 Kenya Standard—Ergonomics—Requirements
hazardous substances emitted by machinery— for work with visual displays based on flat
Part 1: Principles and specifications for panels—Part 1: Introduction
machinery manufacturers
KS ISO 13406-2:2001 Kenya Standard—Ergonomics—Requirements
KS ISO 14123-2:2015 Kenya Standard—Safety of machinery— for work with visual displays based on flat
Reduction of risks to health resulting from panels—Part 2: Ergonomic requirements for flat
hazardous substances emitted by machinery— panel displays
Part 2: Methodology leading to verification
KS ISO 24500:2010 Kenya Standard — Ergonomics — Accessible
design auditory signals for consumer products
KS ISO 13577-2:2014 Kenya Standard—Industrial furnaces and
KS ISO 24501:2010 Kenya Standard — Ergonomics — Accessible
associated processing equipment —Safety—Part
design sound pressure levels of auditory signals
2: Combustion and fuel handling systems
for consumer products
KS ISO 14122-1:2016 Kenya Standard—Safety of machinery—
KS ISO/TR 9241-100 Kenya Standard—Ergonomics of human system
Permanent means of access to machinery—Part
interaction—Part 100: Introduction of standards
1: Choice of fixed means and general
related to software ergonomics
requirements of access
KS ISO 6385:2016 Kenya Standard—Ergonomics principles in the
KS ISO 14122-2:2016 Kenya Standard—Safety of machinery—
Permanent means of access to machinery—Part design of work systems
2: Working platforms and walkways KS ISO 9241-112:2017 Kenya Standard—Ergonomics of human
system interaction—Part 112: Principles for the
KS ISO 14122-3:2016 Kenya Standard—Safety of machinery—
presentation of information
Permanent means of access to machinery—Part
3: Stairs, stepladders and guard rails Leather and Textile
KS ISO 14122-4:2016 Kenya Standard—Safety of machinery— KS EAS 221:2001 Kenya Standard—Woven bags 100 % sisal for
Permanent means of access to machinery—Part clean coffee beans—Specification
4: Fixed ladders
KS 1234:1992 Kenya Standard—Specification for bedspreads
KS 2713:2017 Kenya Standard—Hazardous installations—
Safety and health code of practice KS 1057-2:1990 Kenya Standard—Method of test for complete
filled transport packages bags
KS ISO 17776:2016 Kenya Standard—Petroleum and natural gas
industries offshore production installations— KS 1028:1991 Kenya Standard—Methods of test for webbings
Major accident hazard management during the and braids
design of new installations
KS 1435:1999 Kenya Standard—Specification for coated
KS ISO 13577-1:2016 Kenya Standard—Industrial furnaces and fabrics for shoes
associated processing equipment safety—Part 1
General requirements KS 1784:2003 Kenya Standard—Test method for
determination of non lint content of cotton
KS ISO 24504:2014 Kenya Standard—Ergonomics — Accessible
design sound pressure levels of spoken KS 697-1:1990 Kenya Standard—Code of practice for grading
of textile materials—Part I: Fabrics
announcements for products and public address
KS 2667:2017 Kenya Standard—Woven table cloth and
KS ISO/TR 12295:2014 Kenya Standard—Ergonomics—Application
document for International standards on manual
KS 2668:2017 Kenya Standard—Duvet quilts and accessory
handling (ISO 11228-1, ISO 11228-2 and ISO products — Specification
11228-3) and evaluation of static working
postures (ISO 11226) KS 269:1983 Kenya Standard—Method for determination of
crease recovery of fabrics
KS ISO/TR 20646:2014 Kenya Standard—Ergonomics—Guidelines
for the optimization of musculoskeletal KS 1785:2003 Kenya Standard—Test Method for
workload determination of shrinkage for textile fibres

KS ISO 11064-4:2004 Kenya Standard —Ergonomic —Design of KS 367:2003 Kenya Standard—Specification for cotton
control centres—Part 4: Layout and dimensions canvas
of workstations
KS 1075-2:1991 Kenya Standard—Glossary of terms relating to
KS ISO 11226:2000 Kenya Standard—Ergonomics—Evaluation of fishing nets—Part 2: Basic terms and definitions
static working postures
KS 1465:2005 Kenya Standard—Childrens anoraks—
KS ISO 11228-2:2007 Kenya Standard—Ergonomics—Manual Specification
handling—Part 2: Pushing and pulling
KS 265:1980 Kenya Standard—Method of determination of
KS ISO 11228-3:2007 Kenya Standard—Ergonomics—Manual scouring loss in grey and finished cotton textile
handling—Part 3: handling of low loads at high materials
KS 1077-6:1995 Kenya Standard—Methods of test for coated
fabrics—Part 5: Determination of surface drag
13th May, 2022 THE KENYA GAZETTE 2551

KS 1077-18:1998 Kenya Standard—Methods of test for coated KS ISO 7211-2:1984 Kenya Standard—Textiles—Woven fabrics
fabrics—Part 18: Low temperature impact test construction methods of analysis—Part 2:
adoption Determination of number of threads per unit
KS 1077-19:1998 Kenya Standard—Methods of test for coated
fabrics—Part 19: Determination of low KS ISO 7211-4:1984 Kenya Standard—Textiles—Woven fabrics
temperature bend test adoption construction methods of analysis—Part 4:
Determination of twist in yarn removed from
KS 1077-20:1998 Kenya Standard—Methods of test for coated
fabrics—Part 20: Determination of crush fabric
KS ISO 7771:1985 Kenya Standard—Textiles—Determination of
KS 1077-3:1991 Kenya Standard—Methods of test for coated dimensional changes of fabrics induced by cold
fabrics—Part 3: Determination of bursting water immersion
KS ISO 16322-1:2005 Kenya Standard—Textiles—Determination of
KS 1077-5:1994 Kenya Standard—Methods of test for coated spirality after laundering—Part 1 Percentage of
fabrics—Part 5: Conditioning of resistance to wale spirality change in knitted garments
damage by flexing
KS ISO 16663-2:2003 Kenya Standard—Fishing Nets—Method of
KS 1077-9:1991 Kenya Standard—Methods of test for coated test for the determination of mesh size—Part 2:
fabrics—Part 9: Determination of colour Length of mesh
fastness to wet and dry rubbing
KS ISO 3005:1978 Kenya Standard—Textiles—Determination of
KS 1077-2:1991 Kenya Standard—Methods of test for coated dimensional change of fabrics induced by free
fabrics—Part 2: Conditioning of test specimens steam

KS 1243:1994 Kenya Standard—Specification for three strand KS ISO 9237:1995 Kenya Standard—Textiles—Determination of
hawser laid and four strand shroud laid permeability of fabrics to air
polyethylene ropes
KS 116:1993 Kenya Standard—Specification for cotton drills KS ISO 5084:1996 Kenya Standard—Textiles—Determination of
thickness of textiles and textile products
KS 506:1994 Kenya Standard—Specification for cotton dish
cloths KS ISO 7965-2:199 3 Kenya Standard—Sacks drop test—Part 2 Sacks
made from thermoplastic flexible film
KS 1077-14:1996 Kenya Standard—Method of test for coated
fabrics—Part 14: Determination of resistance to KS 210:1982 Kenya Standard—Glossary of textile terms
penetration by water relating to fabrics made from natural fibres

KS 1151:1992 Kenya Standard—Specification for transfer KS 1125-1:1992 Kenya Standard—Specification for carpet
cones backing fabrics—Part 1: Jute fabrics

KS 1140:1993 Kenya Standard—Method for detection and KS 1127:1992 Kenya Standard—Specification for curtain tapes
assessment of photochromism
KS 208:1981 Kenya Standard—Glossary of textile terms for
30 .KS 1305-1:2005 Kenya Standard—Mosquito netting — natural fibres
Specification—Part 1: Round mesh cotton
netting KS 696:1986 Kenya Standard—Generic names and
definitions of natural fibres
KS 1305-2:2005 Kenya Standard—Mosquito netting —
Specification—Part 2: Synthetic fibre netting KS EAS 246:2001 Kenya Standard—Method for determination of
added oil content of sisal or jute yarn or fabric
KS ISO 4921:2000 Kenya Standard—Knitting basic concepts—
Vocabulary KS 1786:2003 Kenya Standard—Test method for
determination of neps vegetable matter and
KS ISO 15625:2014 Kenya Standard—Silk electronic test method coloured fibre in wool top
for defects and even
KS 1148-2:199 Kenya Standard—Specification for fabrics for
KS ISO 16663-1:2009 Kenya Standard—Fishing nets method of test water resistant clothing—Part 2: PVC coated
for the determination ness of raw silk fabrics
KS ISO 8388:1998 Kenya Standard—Knitted fabrics types
KS 748-1:1988 Kenya Standard—Specification for coffee
vocabulary of mesh size—Part 1: Opening of
mesh drying cloth—Part 1: Sisal cloth

KS ISO 11611:2015 Kenya Standard—Protective clothing for use in KS 944-1:2011 Kenya Standard—Specification for woven bags
welding 100% sisal for green tea leaves—Part 1: Three
dimensional type
KS ISO 14116:2015 Kenya Standard—Protective clothing—
Protection against flame limited flame spread KS 944-2:2011 Kenya Standard—Specification for woven bags
materials material assemblies and clothing 100% sisal for green tea leaves—Part 2: Two
dimensional type
KS ISO 22198:2006 Kenya Standard — Textiles — Fabrics —
Determination of width and length and allied KS 133:2013 Kenya Standard—Specification for woven bags
processes natural fibres for milled products

KS ISO 2286-1:2016 Kenya Standard—Rubber or plastics coated KS 642:2009 Kenya Standard—Sisal packing twines—
fabrics—Determination of roll characteristics— Specification
Part 1: Methods for determination of length
width and net mass KS 2257:2011 Kenya Standard—Specification for woven
polylefin sacks bags for animal feeds
KS ISO 675:2014 Kenya Standard—Textiles—Woven fabrics—
Determination of dimensional change on KS 2286:2011 Kenya Standard—Specification for polyolefin
commercial laundering near the boiling point sacks bags for maize meal

KS ISO 7211-1:1984 Kenya Standard—Textiles—Woven fabrics— KS 641:1986 Kenya Standard—Glossary of terms for ropes
Construction methods of analysis—Part 1: and cordages
Methods for presentation of weave diagram and
plans for drafting denting and lifting
2552 THE KENYA GAZETTE 13th May, 2022

KS 1243:1994 Kenya Standard—Specification for three strand KS 1114-2:1993 Kenya Standard—Specification for textured
hawser laid and four strand shroud laid filament yarns—Part 2: Polyamide yarns.
polyethylene ropes
KS ISO 105-Z01:1993 Kenya Standard—Textiles—Tests for colour
KS 1142:1992 Kenya Standard—Specification for polyolefin fastness—Part Z01: Colour Fastness to Metals
agricultural twines in The Dye Bath Cromium Salts
KS 1143:1993 Kenya Standard—Specification for three strand KS ISO 105-Z02:1993 Kenya Standard—Textiles—Tests for colour
polyester multifilament ropes fastness—Part Z02: Colour fastness to metals in
the dye bath iron and copper
KS 1144:1993 Kenya Standard—Specification for three strand
polyamide multifilament ropes KS ISO 105-Z04:1995 Kenya Standard—Textiles—Tests for colour
fastness—Part Z04: Dispersibility of disperse
KS 1145:1992 Kenya Standard—Specification for three strand dyes
hawser laid and fight strand plaited
polypropylene monofilament or film ropes KS ISO 105-Z03:1996 Kenya Standard—Textiles—Tests for colour
fastness—Part Z03: Intercompatibility of basic
KS ISO 18264:2016 Kenya Standard—Textile slings—Lifting slings dyes for acrylic fibres
for general purpose lifting operations made from
fibre ropes high modulus polyethylene hmpe KS ISO 105-Z05:1996 Kenya Standard—Textiles—Tests for colour
fastness—Part Z05: Determination of the
KS ISO 10547:2009 Kenya Standard—Polyester fibre ropes— dusting behaviour of dyes
Double braid construction
KS ISO 105402:1997 Kenya Standard—Textiles—Tests for colour
KS ISO 10554:2009 Kenya Standard—Polyamide fibre ropes— fastness—Part J02: Instrumental assessment of
Double braid construction relative whiteness
KS ISO 10556:2009 Kenya Standard—Fibre ropes of polyester — KS ISO 105-Z06:1998 Kenya Standard —Textiles —Tests for colour
Polyolefin dual fibres
fastness—Part Z06: Evaluation of dye and
KS ISO 13431:1999 Kenya Standard —Geotextiles and geotextile pigment migration
related products—Determination of tensile
KS ISO 16373-3:2014 Kenya Standard—Textiles—Dyestuffs—Part 3:
creep and creep rupture behaviour Method for determination of certain
KS ISO 9862:2005 Kenya Standard—Geosynthetics — Sampling carcinogenic dyestuffs—Method using
and preparation of test specimens triethylamine methanol

KS ISO 9864:2005 Kenya Standard —Geosynthetics —Test method KS ISO 105401:1997 Kenya Standard —Textiles —Tests for colour
for the determination of mass per unit area of fastness—Part J01: General Principles for
geotextiles and geotextile related products Measurement of Surface Colour

KS ISO 13427:2014 Kenya Standard —Geosynthetics —Abrasion KS ISO 16373-2:2014 Kenya Standard—Textiles—Dyestuffs—Part 2:
damage simulation sliding block test General method for the determination of
extractable dyestuffs including allergenic and
KS 1394-1:2000 Kenya Standard—Determination of burning carcinogenic dyestuffs—Method using pyridine
behaviour for textile products—Part 1: water
Determination of ease of ignition vertically
Oriented Specimens KS ISO 18103:2015 Kenya Standard—Superfine woven wool
fabric—Labelling requirements for super s code
KS 2333:2011 Kenya Standard—Hand woven table mats— definition
KS ISO 18254-1:2016 Kenya Standard —Textiles —Method for the
KS 2334:2011 Kenya Standard—Hand woven scarves— detection and determination of alkylphenol
Specification ethoxylates apeo—Part 1: Method using hplc ms

KS 2336:2011 Kenya Standard—Hand woven kikoi— KS ISO 10617:2010 Kenya Standard—Textiles—Standard data
Specification format for colorimetric communication textiles
and related measurements
KS 778-2:1987 Kenya Standard—Glossary of terms on spinning
and spinning preparation—Part 2: Open-end KS ISO 14362-1:2017 Kenya Standard—Textiles—Methods for
spinning determination of certain aromatic amines
derived from azo colorants—Part 1: Detection
KS ISO 10306:2014 Kenya Standard—Textiles—Cotton fibres—
of the use of certain azo colorants accessible
Evaluation of maturity by the air flow method with and without extracting the fibres
KS ISO 18068:2014 Kenya Standard—Cotton fibres—Test method
KS ISO 16373-1:2015 Kenya Standard—Textiles—Dyestuffs—Part 1:
for sugar content—Spectrophotometry General principles of testing coloured textiles
KS ISO 3074:2014 Kenya Standard—Wool—Determination of for dyestuff identification
dichloromethane-soluble matter in combed KS ISO 1833-11:2017 Kenya Standard—Textiles—Quantitative
chemical analysis—Part 11: Mixtures of certain
cellulose with certain other fibres method using
KS 639-1:1989 Kenya Standard—Specification for bandages—
Part I: Cotton gauze bandages sulfuric acid
KS ISO 1833-4:2017 Kenya Standard —Textiles — Quantitative
KS 630-1:1987 Kenya Standard—Methods for determination of
tenacity of textile fibres and yarns—Part 1: chemical analysis—Part 4: Mixtures of certain
Fibres protein fibres with certain other fibres method
using hypochlorite
KS 117-1:2016 Kenya Standard—Woven blankets—
Specification KS ISO 1833-7:2017 Kenya Standard —Textiles —Quantitative
chemical analysis—Part 7: Mixtures of
KS 117-6:1990 Kenya Standard—Specification for blankets— polyamide with certain other fibres method
Part 6: Non-woven blankets using formic acid
KS 2715:2017 Kenya Standard—Knitted pile blankets— KS ISO 11948-1:1996 Kenya Standard—Urine-absorbing aids—Part
Specification 1: Whole-product testing
13th May, 2022 THE KENYA GAZETTE 2553
KS ISO 17299-1:2014 Kenya Standard—Textiles—Determination of KS EAS 148-2:2017 Kenya Standard— Cement — Test methods—Part
deodorant property—Part 1: General principle 2: Chemical analysis
KS ISO 17299-2:2014 Kenya Standard—Textiles—Determination of KS EAS 148-3:2017 Kenya Standard — Cement — Test methods—Part
deodorant property—Part 2: Detector tube 3: Determination of setting times and soundness
KS EAS 148-4:2017 Kenya Standard — Cement — Test methods—Part
KS ISO 17299-5:2014 Kenya Standard—Textiles—Determination of 4: Quantitative determination of constituents
deodorant property—Part 5: Metal oxide
semiconductor sensor method KS EAS 148-5:2017 Kenya Standard—Cement—Test methods—Part
5: Pozzolanicity test for pozzolanic cements
KS ISO 17299-4:2015 Kenya Standard—Textiles—Determination of
deodorant property—Part 4: Condensation KS EAS 148-6:2017 Kenya Standard —Cement— Test methods —Part
sampling analysis 6: Determination of fineness
KS ISO 11378-1:2000 Kenya Standard—Textile floor coverings— KS EAS 148-7:2017 Kenya Standard — Cement — Test methods—Part
Laboratory soiling tests—Part 1: Kappasoil test 7: Methods of taking and preparing samples
KS ISO 11377:1997 Kenya Standard—Textile floor coverings— KS EAS 148-8:2017 Kenya Standard —Cement — Test methods —Part
Floor soiling test site set up and soiling 8: Heat of hydration solution method
KS EAS 18-1:2017 Kenya Standard —Cement — Part 1:
KS 835-3:1988 Kenya Standard—Methods of test for textile Composition, specification and conformity
floor coverings—Part 3: Determination of criteria for common cements
delamination strength of secondary backing
KS EAS 18-2:2017 Kenya Standard—Cement—Part 2: Conformity
KS 835-2:1989 Kenya Standard—Methods for test for textile evaluation
floor coverings—Part 2: Determination of
constructional details KS 2051-1:2007 Kenya Standard—Glossary of terms relating to
water sewage and industrial effluents—Part 1
KS 835-10:1997 Kenya Standard—Methods of test for textile Terms widely used in relation to water sewage
floor coverings—Part 10: Determination of and industrial effluents
Types of Knots of hand made carpets
KS 2051-2:2007 Kenya Standard—Glossary of terms relating to
KS 835-11:1997 Kenya Standard—Methods of test for textile water sewage and industrial effluents—Part 2
floor coverings—Part 11: Determination of tuft Terms widely used in relation to water supply
length above woven ground of hand knotted and sewerage
KS 2287-1:2011 Kenya Standard—Reuse of treated
KS 1843:2005 Kenya Standard — Carpet underlays — wastewater—Specification—Part 1: Irrigation
KS 2338-1:2011 -Kenya Standard—Analysis of wastewater for
KS ISO 8191-2:1988 Kenya Standard—Furniture—Assessment of the use in agriculture—Part 1: The modified
ignitability of upholstered furniture—Past 2: bailenger method
Ignition source match flame equivalent
KS 2338-2:2011 Kenya Standard—Analysis of water for use in
KS ISO 8191-1:1987 Kenya Standard—Furniture—Assessment-of the agriculture—Part 2: MPN methods
ignitability of upholstered furniture—Part 1:
KS '2338-3:2011 Kenya Standard—Analysis of wastewater for
Ignition source smouldering cigarette
use in agriculture—Part 3: Membrane filtration
KS ISO 3018:1974 Kenya Standard—Rectangular textile floor method
coverings —Determinationof dimensions
2569-1:2014 Kenya Standard—Hydraulic road binders—Part
KS 08-894:1991 Kenya Standard—Specification for sliver cans 1: Rapid hardening hydraulic road binders
composition—Specification and conformity
KS ISO 8232:1988 Kenya Standard--Clesed :circuit _dry criteria
machines defusing and cheating of-
characteristics KS 2259:2012 Kenya Standard—Integral cement
waterproofing compounds—Specification
KS 08-1031:1990 Kenya Standard—Specification fer flyer
bobbins KS 102:1984 Kenya Standard—Architectural and building
drawings— Vocabulary
KS 08-1032:1991 Kenya Standard cation for cylindrical
tubes for open endiminning KS 1070:1993 Kenya Standard—Specification for stabilised
soil taroks
KS 08-1118:1991 Kenya Standard-1p" for tap mut
bottom aprons in the-textile indumry KS 1 0:1984 Kenya SMadard—Symbols for plumbing, water
KS 1119-1:1991 supply, heating, ventilation and ducting
Kenya Standard—Specification for ring
travellers—Part I: Metallic travellers KS 1497:2001 Kenya Standard—Glossary of terms for
pipelines and ducts
KS 1119-2:1991 Kenya Standard—Specification for ring
travellers—Part 2: Plastic travellers KS 1541:1999 Kenya Standard—Glossary of terms for
KS 1058:1993 hydraulic engineering and construction work
Kenya Standard—Graphic symbols for textile
machinery KS 17:1986 Kenya Standard—Specification for sawn timber
KS 08-988:1995 Kenya Standard—Specification for sliver and KS 1810:2003 Kenya Standard—Hot dip aluminium zinc plain
yarn dyeing beams and corrugated steel sheets—Specification
KS 1152-2:1993 Kenya Standard--Specification for pings—Part KS 1937-1:2006 Kenya Standard—Roofing tiles—Test
2: For automatic looms methods—Part 1: Water absorption test
Engineering KS 1937-2:2006 Kenya Standard—Roofing tiles—Test
KS EAS 148-1:2017 K-enyaStandard—Ceatent —Test methods—Part methods—Part 2: Permeability test
1: Determination of strength KS 2371:1994 Kenya Standard—Specification for joint
buildings—General check list of joint functions

2554 THE KENYA GAZETTE 13th May, 2022

KS 2675-1:2017 Kenya Standard—Partitions including matching KS 999-2:2001 Kenya Standard—Methods of test for soils for
linings—Part 1 Code of practice for design and civil engineering purposes—Part 2:
installation Classification related tests

KS 2675-2:2017 Kenya Standard—Partitions including matching KS 999-4:2001 Kenya Standard—Methods of test for soils for
linings—Part 2: Specification for performance civil engineering purposes—Part 4: Compaction
requirements for strength and robustness related tests
including methods of test
KS 999-5:2001 Kenya Standard—Methods of test for soils for
KS 299:1983 Kenya Standard—Specification for wrought civil engineering purposes—Part 5:
aluminium alloys extruded bars round the tube Compressibility permeability and durability
and sections tests

KS 561-1:1984 Kenya Standard—Fire tests on building KS 999-6:2001 Kenya Standard—Methods of test for soils for
materials—Part 1: Non combustibility test civil engineering purposes—Part 6:
Consolidation and permeability tests in
KS 565:1984 Kenya Standard—Specification on general hydraulic cells and with pore pressure
principles for the verification of the safety of measurement
KS 999-7:2001 Kenya Standard—Methods of test for soils for
KS 566:1985 Kenya Standard—Specification for fire civil engineering purposes—Part 7: Shear
reistance tests — Elements of building strength tests total stress
KS 999-8:2001 Kenya Standard—Methods of test for soils for
KS 567:1985 Kenya Standard—Fire resistance tests—Glazed civil engineering purposes—Part 8: Shear
elements strength tests effective stress

KS 569:1984 Kenya Standard—Determination for imposed KS 999-9:2001 Kenya Standard—Methods of test for soils for
floor loads loads in production building and civil engineering purposes—Part 9: In Situ tests
KS ISO 12491:1997 Kenya Standard—Statistical methods for quality
KS 624:1986 Kenya Standard—Specification for bitumen control of building materials and components
roofing felts
KS ISO 15686-1:2011 Kenya Standard—Buildings and constructed
KS 657:1988 Kenya Standard—Specification for window assets service life planning—Part 1: General
stays fasteners and handles for vertically hinged principles and framework
KS ISO 3443-1:1979 Kenya Standard—Tolerances for building—Part
KS 658:1985 Kenya Standard—Modular coordination— 1: Basic principles for evaluation and
Vocabulary for building construction specification
KS 681:1991 Kenya Standard—Dimensioning of drawings for KS ISO 3443-2:1979 Kenya Standard—Tolerances for building—Part
buildings 2: Statistical basis for predicting fit between
components having a normal distribution of
KS 682:1982 Kenya Standard—Specification for oxidized
brown bitumen adhesive for roofing purposes sizes
KS ISO 3443-3:1987 Kenya Standard—Tolerances for building—Part
KS 742:1988 Kenya Standard—Code of practice for laying—
3: Procedures for selecting target size and
Part 1: Roofing tiles
predicting fit
KS 754:1987 Kenya Standard—General vocabulary on
KS ISO 3443-4:1986 Kenya Standard—Tolerances for building—Part
building and civil engineering
4: Method for predicting deviations for
KS 755-1:1988 Kenya Standard—Design loading for assemblies and for allocation of tolerances
buildings—Part 1: Code of practice for imposed
KS ISO 3443-5:1982 Kenya Standard—Building construction
tolerances for building—Part 5: Series of values
KS 770-1:1997 Kenya Standard—Specification for test sieves— to be used for specification of telerances
Part 1: Test sieves of metal wire cloth
KS ISO 3443-6:1986 Kenya Standard—Tolerances for building—Part
KS 770-2:1997 Kenya Standard—Specification for test sieves— 6: General principles for approval criteria
Part 2: Test sieves of perforated metal Plate control of conformity with dimensional
tolerance specifications and statistical control
KS 770-3:1997 Kenya Standard—Specification for test sieves— method
Part 3: Test sieves of electroformed sheets
KS ISO 3443-7:1988 Kenya Standard—Tolerances for building—Part
KS 95:2003 Kenya Standard—Specification for natural 7: General principles for approval—Criteria
aggregates for use in concrete control of conformity with dimensional
tolerance—Specifications and statistical control
KS 966:1999 Kenya Standard—Code of practice for anti
method 2 statistical control methods
termite measures in new buildings
constructional measures KS ISO 3443-8:1989 Kenya Standard—Tolerances for building—Part
8: Dimensional inspection and control of
KS 97:1982 Kenya Standard—Specification and methods of
construction work
test for building limes quicklime and hydrated
lime KS ISO 3881:1997 Kenya Standard—Building construction—
Modular coordination stairs and stair openings
KS 996-3:1991 Kenya Standard—Specification for joints in
building—Part 3: General check list of joint coordinating dimensions
functions KS ISO 7737:1986 Kenya Standard—Tolerances for building
presentation of dimensional accuracy data
KS 997:1994 Kenya Standard—Specification for joints in
building fundamental principles of design KS ISO 9052-1:1989 Kenya Standard—Acoustics—Determination of
dynamic stiffness—Part 1: Materials used under
KS 999-1:2001 Kenya Standard—Methods of test for soils for
floating floors in dwellings
civil engineering purposes—Part 1: General
requirements and sample preparation

1 3 i! May, 2022 THE KENYA GAZETTE 2555

KS 1246:1996 Kenya Standard—Specification for soft boards KS 562:1987 Kenya Standard—Fire tests on door
for general purpose assemblies—Evaluation of performance of
smoke control door assemblies
KS 1247:2005 Kenya Standard—Specification for veneer
decorative plywood KS 568:1985 Kenya Standard—Fire resistance tests door and
shutter assemblies
KS 1249:1996 Kenya Standard—Specification for fibre
hardboard KS 656-1:2006 Kenya Standard—Flush door leafs
Specification—Part 1: Solid core type
KS 1607:2001 Kenya Standard—Specification for wooden
packaging cases KS 656-2:2006 Kenya Standard—Flush door leafs
Specification—Part 2: Cellular and semi solid
KS 2222:2010 Kenya Standard—Synthetic resin adhesives for core tyre
KS 659:1986 Kenya Standard—Classification and
KS 2226:2010 Kenya Standard—Plywood test method measurement of plywood panels and test pieces

KS 2280:2011 Kenya Standard—Laminate floor coverings KS 771:1991 Kenya Standard—Specification for softwood
elements with a surface layer based on timber grades for structural use
aminoplastic thermosetting resins—
Specification KS 828-1:2009 Kenya Standard—Structural use of timber—Part
1: Permissible stress design materials and
KS 2281:2011 Kenya Standard—Plywood and composite workmanship code of practice
board Specification
KS 866:1990 Kenya Standard—Test methods for the
KS 27064:2017 Kenya Standard— Fibreboards — Specification— assessment of resistance of surface of furniture
Part 1: General requirements to cold liquids

KS 2706-2:2017 Kenya Standard— Fibreboards— Specification KS 93:1984 Kenya Standard—Glossary of terms used in
Part 2: Requirements for dry process boards timber
KS 982-1:1990 Kenya Standard—Methods of test for
KS 301-2:2010 Kenya Standard—Plywood—Specification—
Part 2: Marine plywood determining of physical and mechanical
properties of wood—Part I: Moisture content
KS 301-3:2010 Kenya Standard—Plywood— Specification—
Part 3: Shuttering work plywood KS 982-10:1990 Kenya Standard—Methods of test for
determination of physical and mechanical
KS 982-11:1990 Kenya Standard—Test methods for properties of wood—Part 10: Resistance to
determination of physical and mechanical impact identation
properties of wood—Part 11 Ultimate stress in
compression parallel to grain KS 982-12:1990 Kenya Standard—Methods of test for
determination of physical and mechanical
KS EAS 323:2002 Kenya Standard—Specification for wood properties of wood—Part 12: Sampling and
preservation by means of pressure creosoting general requirements
KS 1605:2001 Kenya Standard—Specification for hardwood KS 982-2:1990 Kenya Standard—Methods of test for
poles droppers laths guardrail post and spacer determining of physical and mechanical
blocks properties of wood—Part 2: Density
KS 1606:2001 Kenya Standard—Specification for wood blocks KS 982-3:1990 Kenya Standard—Methods of test for
for floors determination of physical and mechanical
properties of wood—Part 3: Testing in
KS 1804-1:2003 Kenya Standard—Wood preservatives—Part 1: compression perpendicular to grain
Determination of the effectiveness against
lyctus brunneus stephens application by surface KS 982-4:1990 Kenya Standard—Methods of test for
treatment laboratory method determining of physical and mechanical
properties of wood—Part 4: Ultimate strength in
KS 1804-2:2003 Kenya Standard—Wood preservatives—Part 2: static bending
Determination of preventive action against
recently hatched larvae of hylotrupes bajulus KS 982-5:1990 Kenya Standard—Methods of test for
linnaeus laboratory method determining of physical and mechanical
properties of wood—Part 5: Ultimate tensile
KS 1804-3:2003 Kenya Standard—Wood preservatives—Part 3: stress parallel to grain
Determination of preventive effect on
reticulitermes santonensis de feytaud laboratory KS 982-6:1990 Kenya Standard—Methods of test for
method determination of physical and mechanical
KS 1804-4:2003 properties of wood—Part 6: Ultimate shearing
Kenya Standard—Wood preservatives—Part 4: stress parallel to grain
Test method for determining the protective
effectiveness against wood destroying KS 982-7:1990 Kenya Standard—Methods of test for
basidiomycetes determination of the toxic determination of physical and mechanical
values laboratory method properties of wood—Part 7: Impact bending
KS 1804-6:2003 Kenya Standard—Wood preservatives—Part 6: strength
Determination of the protective effectiveness KS 982-8:1990 Kenya Standard — Methods of test for
against anobium punctatum de geer by egg determination of physical and mechanical
laying and larval survival application by surface properties of wood—Part 8: Modulus of
treatment laboratory method elasticity in static bending
KS 19:1976 Kenya Standard—Nomenclature of commercial KS 982-9:1990 Kenya Standard—Methods of test for the
Kenya timbers
determination of physical and mechanical
KS 448:2010 Kenya Standard—Wood mosaic parquet— properties of wood—Part 9: Static hardness
Specification KS EAS 23:2000 Kenya Standard—Timber—Dimensions for
KS 516:2008 Kenya Standard—Wood poles for power and coniferous sawn timber cypress and pine sizes
telecommunication lines—Specification of sawn and planed timber—Specification
2556 THE KENYA GAZETTE 13th May, 2022

KS EAS 24:2000 Kenya Standard—Timber industry—Glossary KS IEC 60051-1:2016 Kenya Standard—Direct indicating analogue
of terms electrical measuring instruments and their
accessories—Part 1: Definitions and general
KS EAS 276:2007 Kenya Standard—Timber—Determination of requirements common to all parts
volumetric swelling
KS ISO 2533:1975 Kenya Standard—Standard atmosphere
KS EAS 322:2002 Kenya Standard—Wood poles and blocks for hypsometrical tables
power and telecommunication lines—
Specification KS IEC 60422:2013 Kenya Standard—Mineral insulating oils in
electrical equipment—Supervision and
KS EAS 325:2002 Kenya Standard—Wood preservatives and maintenance guidance
treated timber—Guide to sampling and
preparation of wood preservatives and treated KS IEC 60270:2015 Kenya Standard—High-voltage test
timber for analysis techniques—Partial discharge measurements
KS ISO 13061-10:2017 Kenya Standard—Physical and mechanical KS IEC 61865: 2001 Kenya Standard—Overhead lines—Calculation
properties of wood—Test methods for small of the electrical component of distance between
clear wood specimens—Part 10: Determination live parts and obstacles—Method of calculation
of impact bending strength
KS 1868:2007 Kenya Standard—Overhead power lines—
KS ISO 13061-11:2017 Kenya Standard—Physical and mechanical Loading tests on structures
properties of wood—Test methods for small
clear wood specimens—Part 11: Determination KS 1625:2001 Kenya Standard—Specification for voltage
of resistance to impact indentation bands for electrical installations of buildings
KS ISO 13061-12:2017 Kenya Standard—Physical and mechanical KS 1827:2007 Kenya Standard—Voltage characteristics of
properties of wood—Test methods for small electricity supplied by public distribution
clear wood specimens—Part 12: Determination systems
of static hardness KS ISO 4190-5:2006 Kenya Standard—Lifts and service lifts (USA:
KS ISO 13061-15:2017 Kenya Standard—Physical and mechanical Elevators and dumbwaiters) —Part 5: Control
properties of wood—Test methods for small devices signals and additional fittings
clear wood specimens—Part 15: Determination KS ISO 4190-2:2001 Kenya Standard—Lifts (US: Elevator)
of radial and tangential swelling installation—Part 2: Class IV lifts
KS ISO 13061-16:2017 Kenya Standard—Physical and mechanical KS 2169-1:2010 Kenya Standard—Safety rules for the
properties of wood—Test methods for small construction and installation of lifts—Part 1:
clear wood specimens—Part 16: Determination Electric lifts
of volumetric swelling
KS 2291-1:2011 Kenya Standard—Safety escalators and moving
KS ISO 13061-17:2017 Kenya Standard—Physical and mechanical walks—Part 1: Construction and installation
properties of wood—Test methods for small
clear wood specimens—Part 17: Determination KS ISO 4190-3:1982 Kenya Standard—Passenger lifts installations—
of ultimate stress in compression parallel to Part 3: Service lifts class V
KS 1859-3:2010 Kenya Standard—Electrical power transmission
KS ISO 1804:1999 Kenya Standard—Door—Terminology and distribution- High-voltage operating
regulations—Part 3: Model regulations—
KS ISO 18100:2017 Kenya Standard—Timber structures—Finger Recommended model regulations relating to
jointed timber—Manufacturing and power systems for operating, access control and
production—Requirements supervision of systems that exceed 1000 v,
KS ISO 6612:1999 Kenya Standard—Windows and door height distribution of electricity
windows—Wind resistance test KS 1876-1:2010 Kenya Standard—Electrical power transmission
KS ISO 8248:1999 Kenya Standard—Windows and door height and distribution—Overhead power lines for
windows—Mechanical test cg editions prevailing in Kenya—Part 1: Code of
KS ISO 8269:1999 Kenya Standard—Specification for door and
doorsets—Static loading test KS 1587:2007 Kenya Standard—National electrical safety
KS ISO 8270:1985 Kenya Standard— Doorsets soft heavy —Body
impact test KS 1187:1993 Kenya Standard—Specification for metallic
clips for electrical wiring
KS ISO 8272:1999 Kenya Standard—Specification for doorsets—
Air permeability test KS 1876-2:2010 Kenya Standard—Electric power transmission
and distribution—Overhead power lines for
KS ISO 8273:1999 Kenya Standard—Specification for dpor and conditions prevailing in Kenya—Part 2: Safety
doorsets-Standard atmospheres for testing the
performance of doors and doorsets placed KS 1877:2010 Kenya Standard—Electrical power transmission
between different climates and distribution—Guidelines for the application
design planning and construction of medium
KS ISO 8275:1999 Kenya Standard—Specification for doorsets voltage overhead power lines up to and
Vertical load test including 22 Kv using wooden pole structures
and bare conductors
KS ISO 8375:2017 Kenya Standard—Timber structures glued
laminated timber—Test methods for KS 1878-0:2010 Kenya Standard—Electrical power transmission
determination of physical and mechanical and distribution—Guidelines for the provision
properties of electrical distribution networks in residential
areas—Part 0: Definitions
KS 1878-1:2010 Kenya Standard—Electrical power transmission
KS IEC 60050-881:1983 Kenya Standard—International and distribution—Guidelines for the provision
Electrotechnical Vocabulary Chapter 881: Of electrical distribution networks in residential
Radiology and radiological physics areas—Part 1: Planning and design of
distribution systems
13th May, 2022 THE KENYA GAZETTE 2557
KS 1878-2-3:2010 Kenya Standard—Electrical power transmission KS ISO 6490-2:1983 Kenya Standard—Analysis of animal feeding
and distribution—Guidelines for the provision stuffs—Determination of calcium content—Part
of electrical distribution networks in residential 2: Atomic Absorption Spectrometric Method,
areas—Part 2-3: Preferred methods and withdrawn without replacement
materials for the installation
KS ISO 6495:1999 Kenya Standard— Animal feeding stuffs—
KS 1878-3:2010 Kenya Standard—Electrical power transmission Determination of water soluble chlorides
and distribution—Guidelines for the provision content to be replaced by KS ISO 6495-1:2015
of electrical distribution networks in residential
areas—Part 3: Overhead distribution in very KS 2358:2012 Kenya Standard—Maize gluten meal
low, low and moderate consumption areas, Specification, to be replaced by KS EAS
including rural areas and informal settlements
KS 1883:2010 KS 785:2012 Kenya Standard—Specification for bone meal,
Kenya Standard—Electrical power transmission
to be replaced by KS EAS 231:2020
and distribution—Overhead power lines
installation of line conductors KS 954:2012 Kenya Standard—Specification for maize gluten
KS 1902:2010 feed, to be replaced by KS EAS 232:2020
Kenya Standard—Electrical power transmission
and distribution—Code of practice for animal KS CAC/MRL 2:2017 Kenya Standard—Maximum Residue Limits
deterrents for electric power supply substations (MRLs) and Risk Management
Recommendations (RMRs) for residues of
KS 1917:2010 Kenya Standard—Electric power transmission veterinary drugs in foods, to be replaced by KS
and distribution—Energized power lines CAC/MRL 2:2018
maintenance methods
KS ISO 6540:1995 Kenya Standard—Maize—Determination of
KS 1859-2:2010 Kenya Standard—Electrical power transmission moisture content (on milled grains and on whole
and distribution—High voltage operating grains), to be replaced by KS ISO 6540:2021
regulations—Part 2: Voltage colour coding
diagrammatic displays in control rooms colour KS ISO 1170:1977 Kenya Standard—coal and coke—Calculation
coding for wall mounted operating diagrams and of analyses to different bases, to be replaced by
electronic displays relating to the generation, KS ISO 1170:2020
transmission and distribution of electricity KS ISO 5163:2005 Kenya Standard—Petroleum products —
KS 1859-5:2010 Kenya Standard—Electrical power transmission Determination of knock characteristics of motor
and distribution—High voltage operating and aviation fuels —Motor method, to be
regulations—Part 5: Standard procedure and replaced by KS ISO 5163:2014
terminology for the issuing of operating KS ISO 5164:2005 Kenya Standard—Petroleum products—
instructions Determination of knock characteristics of motor
KS 2236-1:2010 Kenya Standard—Electricity supply quality of fuels—Research method, to be replaced by KS
ISO 5164:2014
supply—Part 1: Minimum standards
KS ISO 5598:2008 Kenya Standard—Fluid power systems and
KS 2236-2:2010 Kenya Standard—Electricity supply quality of components—Vocabulary, to be replaced by KS
supply—Part 2: Reporting Guidelines ISO 5598:2020
KS 2236-3:2010 Kenya Standard—Electricity supply quality of KS ISO 3016:1994 Kenya Standard—Petroleum and related
supply—Part 3: Voltage characteristics products from natural or synthetic sources—
compatibility levels limits and assessment Determination of pour point, to be replaced by
methods KS ISO 3016:2019
KS 2236-4:2010 Kenya Standard—Electricity supply quality of KS ISO 8216-1:2005 Kenya Standard—Petroleum products—Fuels
supply—Part 4: Application guidelines for (class F) classification—Part 1: Categories of
marine fuels to be replaced by KS ISO 8216-
KS 662-3:2001 Kenya Standard—Kenya wiring regulations— 1:2017
Part 3: Assessment of general characteristics KS ISO 8217:2005 Kenya Standard—Petroleum products —Fuels
KS 662-4:2000 Kenya Standard—Kenya wiring regulations— (class F)—Specifications of marine fuels, to be
Part 4: Protection for safety replaced by KS ISO 8217:2017
KS IEC 60670-1:2015 Kenya Standard—Boxes and KS ISO 12156-1:2016 Kenya Standard—Diesel fuel—Assessment of
enclosures for electrical accessories for lubricity using the high-frequency reciprocating
household and similar fixed electrical rig (HFRR)—Part 1: Test method, to be
installations—Part 1: General requirements replaced by KS ISO 12156-1:2018
The following standards are hereby withdrawn forthwith; KS ISO 12156-2:2007 Kenya Standard—Diesel fuel—Assessment of
KS 2128:2015 lubricity using the high-frequency reciprocating
Kenya Standard—Tea industry—Code of rig (11FRR)—part 2: Limit, to be replaced by
practice, to be replaced by KS 2128:2022 KS ISO 12156-2:2017
KS 2404:2015 Kenya Standard—Tea—Raw material for KS ISO 12917-1:2002 Kenya Standard—Petroleum and liquid
extraction—Specification, to be replaced by KS
2404:2022 petroleum products—Calibration of horizontal
cylindrical tanks—Part 1: Manual methods, to
KS 684:1988 Kenya Standard—Specification for baker's be replaced by KS ISO 12917-1:2017
yeast, to be replaced by KS EAS 997:2020 KS ISO 13357-1:2002 Kenya Standard—Petroleum products—
KS 2500: 2014 Kenya Standard—Dairy cattle feed premix — Determination of the filterability of lubricating
Specification, to be replaced by KS 2500: 2022 oils—Part 1: Procedure for oils in the presence
of water, to be replaced by KS ISO 13357-
KS 2508: 2014 Kenya Standard—Poultry feed premixes — 1:2017
Specification, to be replaced by KS 2508: 2022
KS 1651:2000 KS ISO 13357-2:2005 Kenya Standard—Petroleum products—
Kenya Standard—Glossary of terms for animal Determination of the filterability of lubricating
feedstuffs, to be replaced by KS ISO 20588
:2019 oils—Part 2: Procedure for dry oils, to be
replaced by KS ISO 13357-2:2017
2558 THE KENYA GAZETTE 13th May, 2022

KS ISO 20846:2004 Kenya Standard—Petroleum products— KS IEC 60068-1:1988 Kenya Standard—Environmental testing—Part
Determination of sulfur content of automotive 1: General and guidance, to be replaced by KS
fuels— Ultraviolet fluorescence method, to be IEC 60068-1:2013
replaced by KS ISO 20846:2019
KS ISO 91-2:1991 Kenya Standard—Petroleum and related
KS ISO 2137:2007 Kenya Standard—Petroleum products and products—Temperature and pressure volume
lubricants—Determination of cone penetration correction factors, to be replaced with KS ISO
of lubricating greases and petrolatum, to be 91:2017
replaced by KS ISO 2137:2020
KS EAS 31:2013 Kenya Standard—Laundry soap—Specification,
KS ISO 3015:1992 Kenya Standard—Petroleum and related to be replaced by KS EAS 31:2021
products from natural or synthetic sources—
Determination of cloud point, to be replaced by KS EAS 294:2001 Kenya Standard—Scouring powder—
KS ISO 3015:2019 Specification to be replaced by KS EAS
KS ISO 3104:1994 Kenya Standard—Petroleum products—
Transparent and opaque liquids—Determination KS ISO 5667-10:1992 Kenya Standard—Water quality —Sampling —
of kinematic viscosity and calculation of Part 10: Guidance on sampling of waste waters,
dynamic viscosity, to be replaced by KS ISO to be replaced by KS ISO 5667-10:2020
3104:2020 KS ISO 5667-1:1980 Kenya Standard—Water quality — Sampling —
KS ISO 3405:2011 Kenya Standard—Petroleum and related Part 1: Guidance on the design of sampling
products from natural or synthetic sources— programmes, to be replaced by KS ISO 5667-
Determination of distillation characteristics at 1:2020
atmospheric pressure, to be replaced by KS ISO KS ISO 5667-3:2003 Kenya Standard —Water quality— Sampling —
3405:2019 Part 3: Guidance on the preservation and
KS ISO 3924:2016 Kenya Standard—Petroleum products— handling of water samples, to be replaced by KS
Determination of boiling range distribution— ISO 5667-3:2018
Gas chromatography method, to be replaced by KS ISO 5667-6:2005 Kenya Standard—Water quality - Sampling—
KS ISO 3924:2019 Part 6: Guidance on sampling of rivers and
KS ISO 4264:2007 Kenya Standard—Petroleum products — streams, to be replaced by KS ISO 5667-6:2014
Calculation of cetane index of middle-distillate KS ISO 7899-2:1999 Kenya Standard—Specification for water
fuels by the four variable equation, to be quality—Detection and enumeration of faecal
replaced by KS ISO 4264:2018 streptococci—Part 2: Method by membrane
KS ISO 5165:1998 Kenya Standard—Petroleum products— filtration, to be replaced by KS ISO 7899-
Determination of the ignition quality of diesel 2:2000
fuels —Cetane engine method, to be replaced by KS ISO 10703:1997 Kenya Standard — Water quality—
KS ISO 5165:2020 Determination of the activity concentration of
KS ISO 6246:1995 Kenya Standard—Petroleum products—Gum radionuclides by high resolution gamma ray
content of fuels—Jet evaporation method, to be spectrometry, to be replaced by KS ISO
replaced by KS ISO 6246:2017 10703:2021

KS ISO 384:1978 Kenya Standard—Laboratory glass and plastics KS ISO 11260:1994 Kenya Standard—Soil quality—Determination
ware—Principles of design and construction of of effective cation exchange capacity and base
volumetric instruments, to be replaced by KS saturation level using barium chloride solution,
ISO 384:2015 to be replaced by KS ISO 11260:2018

KS ISO 4797:2004 Kenya Standard—Laboratory glassware — KS ISO 1272:1999 Kenya Standard—Essential oils—Determination
Boiling flasks with conical ground joints, to be of phenols content, to be replaced by: KS ISO
replaced by KS ISO 4797:2015 1272:2000

KS ISO 4802-1:1988 Kenya Standard— Glassware — Hydrolytic KS ISO 210:1999 Kenya Standard—Essential oils—Packing, to be
resistance of the interior surfaces of glass replaced by KS ISO/TS 210:2014
containers—Part 1: Determination by titration KS ISO 211:1999 Kenya Standard—Essential oils—Labelling and
method and classification, to be replaced by KS marking containers, to be replaced by KS
ISO 4802-1:2016 ISO/TS 211:2014
KS ISO 4802-2:1998 Kenya Standard—Glassware—Hydrolytic KS ISO 212:1999 Kenya Standard—Essential oils—Sampling, to
resistance of the interior surfaces of glass be replaced by KS ISO 212:2007
containers—Part 2: Determination by flame
spectrometry and classification, to be replaced KS ISO 3218:1999 Kenya Standard—Essential oils—Principles of
by KS ISO 4802-2:2016 nomenclature, to be replaced by KS ISO
6556:1981 Kenya Standard—Laboratory glassware—Filter
flasks, to be replaced by KS ISO 6556:2012 KS ISO 3523:1976 Kenya Standard—Oil of Cananga (Cananga
odorata (Lam) Hook. f. et Thomson, forma
ISO 4803:1978 _ Kenya Standard—Laboratory glassware — macmphylla), to be replaced by KS ISO
Borosilicate glass tubing, to be replaced by KS 3523:2002
ISO 4803:2021
KS ISO 3524:1977 Kenya Standard—Oil of cinnamon leaf, Sri
KS ISO 10545-10:1995 Kenya Standard—Ceramic tiles—Part 10: Lanka type (Cinnamomum zeylanicum Blume)],
Determination of moisture expansion, to be to be replaced by KS ISO 3524:2003
replaced by KS ISO 10545-10:2021
KS ISO 3525:1979 Kenya Standard-Oil of amyris (Amyris
KS ISO 10545-15:1995 Kenya Standard—Ceramic tiles—Part 15: balsanufera L.), to be replaced by KS ISO
Determination of lead and cadmium given off 3525:2008
by tiles, to be replaced by KS ISO 10545-
15:2021 KS ISO 3848:2001 Kenya Standard— Essential oil of citronella,
Java type, to be replaced by. KS ISO 3848:2016
13th May, 2022 THE KENYA GAZETTE 2559
KS ISO 3849:1981 Kenya Standard—Oil of citronella, Sri Lankan KS 267-2:1983 Kenya Standard—Conversion tables and
type (Cymbopogon nardus (L.) W. Watson var. methods of designation of textile yams—Part 2:
lenabatu Stapf.); to be replaced by KS ISO Universal system for designation of linear
3849:2003 density of yarns tex system, to be replaced by
KS ISO 4720:1992 Kenya Standard—Essential oils — KS ISO 1144:2016
Nomenclature; to be replaced by KS ISO KS ISO 2076:2010 Kenya Standard-- Textiles —Man made fibres
4720:2018 generic names, to be replaced by KS ISO
KS ISO 4724:1984 2076:2021
Kenya Standard—Oil of Cedarwood Virginia
Juniperus Virginiana Linnaeus, to be replaced KS ISO 2307:1990 Kenya Standard—Ropes—Determination of
by KS ISO 4724:2004 certain physical and mechanical properties, to
KS ISO 4725:1986 be replaced by ISO 2307:2019
Kenya Standard—Oil of Cedarwood Texas

Juniperus Mexicana Schiede, to be replaced by KS 267-1:1983 Kenya Standard—Conversion tables and
KS ISO 4725:2004 methods of designation of textile yarns—Part 1:
KS ISO 4727:1988 Method of designation of yarns, to be replaced
Kenya Standard—Oil of Palmarosa by KS ISO 1139:1973
Cymbopogon Martinii Roxburgh W Watson Var
Motia. to be replaced by KS ISO 4727:2021 KS 1389-2:1998 Kenya Standard— Methods for cotton fibres—
Part 2: Determination of micronaire value of
KS ISO 709:1999 Kenya Standard—Essential oils—Determination cotton fibres, to be replaced by KS ISO
of ester value, to be replaced by: KS ISO 2403:2021
KS ISO 3175-1:2010 Kenya Standard— Textiles — Professional care
KS ISO 11930:2012 Kenya Standard—Cosmetics—Microbiology —
drycleaning and wetcleaning of fabrics and
Evaluation of the antimicrobial protection of a garments—Part 1: Assessment of performance
cosmetic product, to be replaced by: KS ISO after cleaning and finishing, to be replaced by
11930:2019 KS ISO 3175-1:2017
KS 2925:2020 Kenya Standard—Textiles—Reusable sanitary KS ISO 3175-2:2010 Kenya Standard—Textiles—Professional care
towels—Specification, to be replaced by KS drycleaning and wetcleaning of fabrics and
2925:2022 garments—Part 2: Procedure for testing
performance when cleaning and finishing using
KS ISO 13938-1:1999 Kenya Standard--Bursting properties of
tetrachloroethene, to be replaced by KS ISO
fabrics--Part 1: Hydraulic method for 3175-2:2017
determination of bursting strength and bursting
distension, to be replaced by KS ISO 13938- KS ISO 3175-3:2003 Kenya Standard—Textiles—Professional care
1:2019 drycleaning and wetcleaning of fabrics and
garments—Part 3: Procedure for testing
KS ISO 13938-2:1999 Kenya Standard—Textiles—Bursting performance when cleaning and finishing using
properties of fabrics—Part 2: Pneumatic method hydrocarbon solvents, to be replaced by KS ISO
for determination of bursting strength and 3175-3:2017
bursting distension, to be replaced by KS ISO
13938-2:2019 KS ISO 3175-4:2003 Kenya Standard—Textiles—Professional care
drycleaning and wetcleaning of fabrics and
KS 525:1984 Kenya Standard—Specification for ladies garments—Part 4: Procedure for testing
knitted briefs, to be replaced by KS 525:2022 performance when cleaning and finishing using
KS 262:1981 simulated wetcleaning. To be replaced by KS
Kenya Standard--Specification for standard
ISO 3175-4:2018
wool adjacent fabric, to be replaced by KS ISO
105-F01:2001 KS ISO 30023:2010 Kenya Standard — Textiles -- Qualification
KS 1286:1993 symbols for labelling work wear to be
Kenya Standard-- Method for determination of
industrially laundered, to be replaced by KS ISO
added oil content of sisal or jute yarn of fabric, 30023:2021
to be replaced by KS EAS 246:2001
KS ISO 6330:2012 Kenya Standard -- Textiles — Domestic washing
KS 1038-1:1991 Kenya Standard— Standard physical methods of and drying procedures for textile testing, to he
lest for non-woven fabrics—Part 1: replaced by ISO 6330:2021
Determination of mass per unit area, to be
replaced by ISO 9073-1:1989 KS 125:1979 Kenya Standard-- Method for removal of non
fibrous matter from textiles prior to quantitative
KS 631:2005 Kenya Standard—Fabrics—Methods for chemical analysis, to be replaced by KS ISO
determination of bursting strength and bursting 1833-1:2020
distension, to be replaced by KS ISO 13938-
1:2019 and KS ISO 13938-2:2019 KS 1137:1993 Kenya Standard---Methods for the instrumental
assessment of whiteness, to be replaced by KS
264:1981 Kenya Standard --Methods for estimation of ISO 105-J02:1997
moisture total size or finish ash fatty matter and
determination of water soluble matter in textiles, KS 1223:1999 Kenya Standard—Method for instrumental
to be replaced by KS EAS 257:2001 assessment of the degree of staining of adjacent
fabrics, to be replaced by KS ISO 105-
KS 607-6:1990 Kenya Standard—Specification for standard A04:1989
adjacent fabrics—Part 6: Secondary acetate, to
be replaced by KS ISO 105-F07:2001 KS EAS 236:2001 Kenya Standard—Textile materials—Tests for
colour fastness due to drycleaning, to be
KS 607-8:1990 Kenya Standard—Specification for standard replac'%1 by, KS ISO 105-D01:2010
fabrics—Part 8: Cotton, to be replaced by KS
ISO 105-F02:209 KS EAS 237:2001 Kenya Standard—Textile materials—Tests for
colour fastness due to washing, to be replaced
KS 607- i -5:1985 Kenya Standard—Specification for standard ;- W5-C10:2006
adjacent fabrics, to be replaced by KS ISO 10f -
F03:2001, KS ISO 105-F04:2001 and KS i. iiindard—Textiles-- Tests for colour
105-F05:2001 fastness colour fastness to light daylight, to be
KS ISO-B01:2014
2560 THE KENYA GAZETTE 13th May, 2022

KS ISO 105-1303:1994 Kenya Standard—Textiles—Tests for colour KS ISO 5323:1984 Kenya Standard—Wood flooring and parquet—
fastness—Part B03: Colour fastness to Vocabulary, to be replaced by KS ISO
weathering outdoor exposure, to be replaced by 5323:2019
KS ISO 105-B03:2017
KS ISO 6442:1999 Kenya Standard—Door leaves—Measurement
KS ISO 3(171:2005 Kenya Standard—Textiles—Determination of of defects of general flatness, to be replaced by
pH of aqueous extract, to be replaced by KS KS ISO 6442:2005
ISO 3175:2020
KS ISO 6443:1999 Kenya Standard—Door leaves—Measurement
KS ISO 1833-22:2013 Kenya Standard—Textiles—Quantitative of dimensions and of defects of squareness, to
chemical analysis—Part 22: Mixtures of viscose be replaced by KS ISO 6443:2005
or certain types of cupro or modal or lyocell and
flax fibres (method using formic acid and zinc KS ISO 6444:1999 Kenya Standard—Door leaves—Test of
chloride), to be replaced by KS ISO 1833- behaviour under humidity variations (successive
22:2020 uniform climates), to be replaced by KS ISO
KS ISO 11612:1998 Kenya Standard—Clothing for protection
against heat and flame—Test methods and KS ISO 6445:1999 Kenya Standard—Doors and doorsets —Test of
performance requirements for heat protective behaviour between two different climates, to be
clothing, to be replaced by KS ISO 11612:2015 replaced by KS ISO 6445:2005

KS ISO 20743:2013 Kenya Standard—Textiles—Determination of KS ISO 8274:1999 Kenya Standard—Doorsets—Determination of

antibacterial activity of textile products, to be closing force, to be replaced by KS ISO
replaced by KS ISO 20743:2021 8274:2005

KS 1038-3:1990 Kenya Standard—Physical methods of test for KS ISO 9379:1989 Kenya Standard —Doorsets—Repeated opening
non-woven fabrics—Part 3: Determination of and closing test, to be replaced by KS ISO
tensile strength and elongation, to be replaced 9379:2005
by KS ISO 9073-3:1989 KS ISO 9381:1999 Kenya Standard —Doorsets—Stadc torsion test,
KS ISO 6530:1990 Kenya Standard — Clothing for limited to be replaced by KS ISO 9381:2005
protection against dangerous liquid chemicals— KS ISO 1954:1999 Kenya Standard—Plywood—Tolerances on
Resistance to penetration marking, to be dimensions, to be replaced by KS ISO
replaced by KS ISO 6530:2005 1954:2013
KS 835-1:1988 Kenya Standard—Methods of test for textile KS ISO 2074: 1972 Kenya Standard—Plywood—Vocabulary, to be
floor coverings—Part 1: Determination of replaced by KS ISO 2074:2007
dimensions, to be replaced by KS ISO
3018:1974 KS 154:2000 Kenya Standard—Specification for both plain
and fork hoes, to be replaced by KS EAS
KS ISO 9405:1990 Kenya Standard—Textile floor coverings— 132:2021
Assessment of changes in appearance, to be
replaced by KS ISO 9405:2015 KS EAS 188:2000 Kenya Standard — Machetes — Specification, to
be replaced by KS EAS 188:2021
KS ISO 2424:1992 Kenya Standard—Textile floor coverings—
Vocabulary, to be replaced by ISO 2424:2007 KS 204-1:1992 Kenya Standard—Specification for shovels—
Part 1: Mild steel shovels, to be replaced by KS
KS ISO 22156:2004 Kenya Standard—Bamboo structures—Bamboo EAS 1020:2021
culms structural design, to be replaced by KS
ISO 22156:2021 KS 204-2:1992 Kenya Standard—Specification for shovels—
Part 2: Medium steel shovels, to be replaced by
KS ISO 13786:1999 Kenya Standard—Thermal performance of KS EAS 1020:2021
building components—Dynamic thermal
characteristics—Calculation methods, to be KS 1339:1996 Kenya Standard—Specification for hand
replaced by KS ISO 13786:2017 hammers, to be replaced by KS EAS 1021:2021
KS ISO 6241:1984 Kenya Standard—Performance standards in KS 1086:1992 Kenya Standard—Specification for hacksaw
buildings—Principles for their preparation and blades, to be replaced by KS EAS 1022:2021
factors to be considered, to be replaced by KS
ISO 19208:2016 KS 637:1986 Kenya Standard—Specification for dial gauges
reading in 0.01 mm, to be replaced by KS ISO
KS ISO 6514:1982 Kenya Standard—Building construction— 463:2006
Modular coordination—Sub-modular
increments, to be replaced by KS ISO KS 636:1985 Kenya Standard—Specification for micrometer
21723:2019 caliper for external measurement, to be replaced
by KS ISO 3611:2010
KS ISO 6707-2:1993 Kenya Standard—Building and civil
engineering—Vocabulary —Part 2: Contract KS 634:1985 Kenya Standard—Specification for vernier
terms, to be replaced by KS ISO 6707-2:2017 calipers reading to 0.1 mm and 0.05 mm, to be
replaced by KS ISO 13385-1:2019
KS ISO 6946:1996 Kenya Standard—Building components and
building elements—Thermal resistance and KS 635:1985 Kenya Standard—Specification for vernier
thermal transmittance—Calculation methods, to calipers reading to 0.02 mm. to be replaced by
be replaced by KS ISO 6946:2017 KS ISO 13385-2:2020

KS ISO 3008:1976 Kenya Standard—Fire resistance tests—Door KS 707-1:1986 Kenya Standard—Glossary of gear terms—Part
and shutter assemblies, to be replaced by KS 1: Geometrical definitions, to be replaced by KS
ISO 3008-1:2019 ISO 1122-1:1998

KS ISO 4211:1979 Kenya Standard—Furniture—Assessment of KS 708:1986 Kenya Standard—Specification for cylindrical

surface resistance to cold liquids, to be replaced parallel involute gears-system of accuracy to be
by KS ISO 4211-2:2013, KS ISO 4211-3:2013, replaced by KS ISO 21771:2007
KS ISO 4211-4:1988 and KS ISO 4211-5:2021 KS 8:1992 Kenya Standard—Units and recommendations
for the use of their multiples and of certain other
units, to be replaced by KS ISO 80000-1:2009
13th May, 2022 THE KENYA GAZETTE 2561
KS IEC 60670-21:2004 Kenya Standard—Boxes and enclosures for KS IEC 62053-22:2003 Kenya Standard--Electricity metering
electrical accessories for household and similar equipment—Particular requirements—Part 22•
fixed electrical installations— Part 21: Static meters for AC active energy (classe
Particular requirements for boxes and 0,1S, 0,2S and 0,5S), to be replaced by KS IEC
enclosures with provision for suspension means, 62053-22: 2020
to be replaced by KS IEC 60670-21:2016
KS IEC 62053-23:2003 Kenya Standard—Electricity metering
KS IEC 60670-22:2003 Kenya Standard—Boxes and enclosures for equipment (a.c.)— Particular requirements—Part
electrical accessories for household and similar 23: Static meters for reactive energy (classes 2
fixed electrical installations—Part 22: Particular and 3), to be replaced by KS IEC 62053 23:
requirements for connecting boxes and
enclosures, to be replaced by KS IEC 60670-22: KS IEC 62052-11:2003 Kenya Standard—Electricity metering
2015 equipment—General requirements, tests and test
conditions—Part 11: Metering equipment, to be
KS IEC 60670-23:2006 Kenya Standard—Boxes and enclosures for replaced by KS IEC 62052-11:2020
electrical accessories for household and similar
fixed electrical installations—Part 23: Particular KS IEC 60282-1:2009 Kenya Standard—High-voltage fuses—Part 1:
requirements for floor boxes and enclosures, to Current-limiting fuses, to be replaced by KS
IEC 60282-1: 2020
be replaced by KS IEC 60670-23: 2016
KS EAS 378-5-6:2005 Kenya Standard—Low--voltage switchgear and
KS IEC 61936-1:2014 Kenya Standard—Power installations controlgear —Part 5-6: Control circuit devices
exceeding 1 kV a.c.—Part 1: Common rules, to and switching elements—DC interface for
be replaced by KS IEC 61936-1:2021 proximity sensors and switching amplifiers
(NAMUR), to he replaced by KS IEC 60947-5-
KS IEC 60034-3:2007 Kenya Standard—Rotating electrical 6:1999
machines—Part 3: Specific requirements for
synchronous generators driven by steam KS EAS 388-2:2005 Kenya Standard—High-voltage fuses—Part 2:
turbines or combustion gas turbines, to be Expulsion fuses, to be replaced by KS IEC
replaced by KS IEC 60034-3:2020 60282-2: 2008
KS ISO/IEC/IEEE 24765:2010 Kenya Standard—Systems and
KS IEC 60826:2003 Kenya Standard—Design criteria of overhead software engineering--Vocabulary, to be
transmission lines, to be replaced by KS IEC replaced by KS ISO/IEC/IEEE 24765:2017
Dated the 4th May, 2022.
KS ISO IEC 11801:2008 Kenya Standard—Information technology
generic cabling for customer premises, to be PTG No. 2159/21-22 Secretary, National Standards Council.
replaced by (KS ISO/IEC 11801-1:2017, (KS
ISO IEC 11801-1:2017 Cor 1:2018); KS
ISO/IEC 11801-2:2017; KS ISO/IEC 11801
3:2017 (KS ISO IEC 11801-3;2017 Amd I
2021; KS ISO IEC 11801-3;2017 Cor 1;2018) COUNTY ASSEMBLY OF KIAMBU
KS ISO/IEC 11801-4:2017 (KS ISO IEC
5:2017 (KS ISO IEC 11801-5:2017 Cor
1;2018); KS ISO/IEC 11801-6:2017 (KS ISO
IEC 11801-6;2017 Cor 1:2018); KS ISO/IEC PURSUANT to Standing Order 40 (1) and (2) of the County
TR 11801-9901:2014; KS ISO/IEC TR 11801- Assembly of Kiambu Standing Orders, it is notified for the
9902:2017; KS ISO/1EC TS 11801-9903:2021; information of Members of the County Assembly of Kiambu, that a
KS ISO/IEC TR 11801-9904:2017; KS ISO/IEC special sitting of the Assembly shall be held in the Assembly Chamber
TR 11801-9905:2018; KS ISO/IEC TR 11801- in the Main Assembly Buildings. Kiambu, on Monday. 16th May.
9906:2020; KS ISO/IEC TR 11801-9907:2019; 2022 at 10.00 am. and 2.30 p.m. for purposes of considering the
KS ISO/IEC TR 11801-9908:2020; KS ISO/IEC Report of the Budget and Appropriations Committee on the County
TR 11801-9909:2020; KS ISO/IEC TR 11801- Government Budget Estimates for the FY 2022/2023 and the
9910:2020.) Appropriation Bill for the FY 2022/2023.
KS 1505-1:2000 Kenya Standard—Specification for radio Dated the 11th May, 2022.
interference characteristics of overhead power
lines and high voltage equipment—Part 1: MR/3653559 Speaker of the County Assembly.
Description of the phenomenon, to be replaced
by KS CISPR/TR 18-1:2017
KS 1505-2:2000 Kenya Standard—Specification for radio GAZE' E. NOTICE No. 5477
interference characteristics of overhead power
lines and high voltage equipment—Part 2: THE PUBLIC OFFICER ETHICS ACT
Methods of measurement and procedure for (No. 4 of 2003)
determining limits, to be replaced by KS
KS 1505-3:1999 Kenya Standard—Specification for radio ADMINISTRATION OF PART IV OF THE ACT
interference characteristics of overhead power
lines and high voltage equipment—Part 3: Code IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 33 ( I ) of the
of practice for minimizing the generation of Public Officer Ethics Act, 2003, the Kajiado County Assembly Powers
radio noise, to be replaced by KS CISPR/TR 18- and Privileges Committee establishes the following administrative
3:2017 s'rocedures:

KS IEC 61969-1:2011 Kenya Standard—Mechanical structures for THE KAJIADO COUNTY ASSEMBLY POWERS AND
electrical and electronic equipment—Outdoor
enclosures—Part 1: Design guidelines, to be
replaced by KS IEC 61969-1:2020 PART I —PRELIMINARY
KS IEC 62053-21:2003 Kenya Standard—Electricity metering Citation
equipment (a.c.)—Particular requirements—Part
21: Static meters for AC active energy (classes Pr9coim-..-s may be cited as, the Kajiado County
A s•.,•• Powers and Ertvileges Committee Procedures for
0,5, 1 and 2), to be replaced by KS IEC 62053-
21: 2020 of Part IV of the Act.
2562 THE KENYA GAZETTE 13th May, 2022

Interpretation (5) For avoidance of doubt, failure to provide a declaration form or

to issue a notification under this paragraph shall not be construed as a
2. In these Procedures, unless the context otherwise requires — waiver of the responsibility of the state officer to submit a declaration
under the Act.
"Act" means the Public Officer Ethics Act, 2003;
Completion and Submission of Declarations
"Commission" means the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission
established under section 3 of the Ethics and Anti-Corruption 6. (1) A state officer shall complete and submit the declaration
Commission Act, 2011; form to the Secretary.
"Committee" means the Kajiado County Assembly Powers and Register of Declarations
Privileges Committee established in accordance with Kajiado County
Assembly Standing Orders; 7. (1) The Committee shall maintain a register containing details of
each state officer who is required to make a declaration in accordance
"Declarant" means a person who has made a declaration under the with the Act. The register shall include —
(a) name, personal number, designation, directorate, department or
"Declaration form" means the form set out in the Schedule to the unit;
Act in accordance with section 26(2) of the Act;
(b) date the state officer submitted the declaration form;
"Declaration year" means the year when the two-year declaration
under the Act falls due; (c) type of declaration (initial, two-year or final);

"Designated Officer" means a state officer of the Assembly (d) name and signature of the designated officer acknowledging
assigned to administer these Procedures or any part thereof in receipt of the declaration;
accordance with clause 4(2) of these Procedures; (e) total number of state officers who have submitted declarations
a sat the due date;
"Final declaration" means a declaration made in accordance with
section 27(5) of the Act; (f) total number of state officers required to submit declarations;
"Initial declaration" means a declaration made in accordance with
section 27(3) of the Act; (g) any remarks relating to the declarations.
"Public Officer" shall take the meaning in Article 260 of the (2) A register under this part may be maintained in separate
Constitution of Kenya, 2010; documents.
"Regulations" means the Regulations made under the Act; Reports on Compliance
"Secretary" means the Clerk of the County Assembly or in absence 8. (1) The Committee shall submit to the Commission a report
of the Clerk, the person exercising the functions of Secretary to the containing the following information—
(a) in relation to two-year declaration —
"State Officer" means a Member of County Assembly or other
state officer serving in the County Assembly; (i) the number of state officers on the payroll as at 31st
October, of the year of declaration;
"Two-year declaration" means a declaration made in accordance
with section 26(1) of the Act. (ii) a certified copy of the register maintained in accordance
with paragraph 6;
Scope of Application
(iii) the total number of state officers who have complied with
3. These Procedures shall apply to the administration of Part IV of the requirement for declarations;
the Act, with respect to state officers serving in the County Assembly;
(iv) the total number of state officers who have not complied
PART II — PROCEDURE IN RELATION TO DECLARATIONS with the requirement for declarations;

Administration of the Procedures (v) action taken by the Committee in relation to any state
officer who has not complied; and
4. (1) The Secretary shall administer these Procedures on behalf of
the Committee. (vi) any relevant remarks on the submissions,

(2) The Secretary may designate officer(s) from among the state (b) In relation to the initial and final declaration;
officers of the County Assembly Service Board to administer the (i) number of state officers required to make a declaration;
Procedures or any part thereof in respect to any specified category of
state officers. (ii) the number of state officers who have complied with the
requirement for declaration;
(3) The designation under sub-paragraph (2) shall be in writing and
shall outline the specific tasks to be performed by the Designated (ii) number of state officers who have not complied with the
Officer. requirement for declarations;
Procedure in Submitting Declarations (iv)action taken in relation to any state officer who has not
complied; and
5. (1) A state officer shall submit a declaration in the form set out
in the Schedule to the Act. (v) any relevant remarks on the submissions.
(2) The Committee may use such measures as may be appropriate (2) The report under this part shall—
to facilitate a state officer to acquire the form referred to in sub-
paragraph (1). (a) in relation to a two-year declaration, be submitted to the
Commission, not later than 31st July, of the year following the
(3).The Committee may publish the declaration form in a format declaration;
that may permit the declaration form —
(b) in relation to initial and final declarations, be submitted to the
(a) to be rendered in digital format; or Commission not later than 31st July following the end of the
financial year within which the declarations were made.
(b) to be downloaded from a website and printed out in paper

(4) Where a state officer is required to make an initial, two—year or Requests for Clarification
final declaration, the Secretary or Designated Officer may issue a
9. (1) The secretary or the Designated Officer shall review each
notification to the state officer not less than thirty (30) days before the
declaration to ascertain if any of the following conditions exist —
due date for the declaration.
13th May, 2022 THE KENYA GAZETTE 2563
(a) on the face of the declaration, or in light of any other (a) the name of each applicant;
information the Committee may have, there is reason to suspect
the declaration may be false or incomplete; (b) the date each application was received;

(b) the assets of the declarant appear disproportionate to his or her (c) the name and personal number of the state officer who is the
known income; and subject of the application;

(c) the income, assets or liabilities of the declarant raise concerns (d) the department or other unit to which the state officer belongs;
of impropriety or conflict of interest.
(e) a brief description of the information applied for;
(2) If it is suspected that any of the conditions in sub-paragraph (1) (f) whether the state officer accepts or opposes to the information
exist, the Secretary or Designated Officer shall give the declarant an
applied for;
opportunity to make a clarification in accordance with section 28(1) of
the Act. (g) a brief description of the decision made in relation to the
application including reasons for denial where applicable; and
(3) Request for a clarification shall be made in writing.
(h) date when the decision was communicated to the applicant.
(4) The Secretary or Designated Officer shall, in the register of
declarations, document the particulars of clarification sought, the mode Access by Declarant
of communication, the time given to respond, the date and particulars
of response, if any. 11. Application for access by a state officer to his or her
declaration may be determined by the Secretary.
(5) If no explanation is given, or if after considering any
explanation the declarant may give, the Secretary or Designated Proof of Identity
Officer is of the opinion that the conditions in sub-paragraph 9(1) still
12. The Committee shall not give access to the information in a
exist, the Secretary or Designated Officer may, in addition to any other
declaration to —
action including investigations and commencement of civil
proceedings, take disciplinary or other appropriate action against the (a) state officer unless the state officer proves his or her identity; or
state officer.
(b) a representative of the state officer unless that representative: —
OF INFORMATION IN A DECLARATION (i) provides proof of his or her authority to act as a
representative of the state officer; and
Access and Publication of Information in a Declaration
(ii) provides proof of identity of the state officer.
10. (1) The Committee or any other person shall not disclose,
access, acquire or publish the information in the declaration form Decision to be Final
except as may be provided in the Act, the Regulations, these
Procedures, or any other written law. 13. (1) Except as provided under the Act, Regulations and these
Procedures, the decisions of the Committee in relation to a declaration
(2) A person who wishes to gain access or to publish information by A state officer shall be final.
in relation to a declaration under the Act shall—
(2) Any person dissatisfied with the decision may appeal in
(a) apply to the Committee in the form set out in Appendix I; accordance with the procedures set out in the Public Officer Ethics
(Management, Verification, and Access to Financial Declarations)
(b) demonstrate to the Committee that he or she has a legitimate Regulations, 2011.
interest in the information; and
Regulations to Apply to this Part
(c) demonstrate to the Committee that the access to or publication
of that information shall be for a good cause and in furtherance 14. This part shall be read and construed together with the Public
of the objectives of the Act. Officer Ethics (Management, Verification, and Access to Financial
Declarations) Regulations, 2011.
(3) Where the information is intended to be disclosed or
publicized, the applicant shall expressly state so in the application. PART V— PROCEDURE IN RELATION TO STORAGE AND
(4) Where a person has made an application to the Committee in
accordance with this paragraph — Mechanisms for Storage, Retention and Retrieval
(a) the Committee shall issue the applicant with an 15. (1) The Committee shall ensure that appropriate mechanisms
acknowledgement in the form set out in Appendix II; are put in place for the safe and secure storage, retention and easy
retrieval of the declarations.
(b) the Committee shall inform the declarant of the application in
writing; (2) The mechanisms established under sub-paragraph (1) may
include manual, electronic, microfilm or any other form as the
(c) the Committee shall give the declarant an opportunity to make Committee may consider appropriate.
a representation in writing in relation to the application within
(14) fourteen days; Cessation of Retention of Information
(d) the Committee shall take into consideration the representation 16. (1) Where the period for retaining information obtained in
by the public officer while determining the application. accordance with Part IV of the Act has lapsed, the Committee shall
determine the action to be taken in relation to that information.
(5). The Committee shall determine an application made in
accordance with this paragraph and communicate its decision in (2) The Secretary may make a written proposal to the Committee
writing to the applicant within thirty (30) days of receipt of the in relation to the action to be taken by the Committee in accordance
application. with sub-paragraph (1).

(6) For the avoidance of doubt, the Committee shall not release or PART VI—GENERAL PROVISIONS
part with the original declaration made by any state officer in
Powers of the Committee
satisfying the requirement of this paragraph, unless required for
investigation by a law enforcement agency or by any written law. 17. (1) Notwithstanding delegation of any function or power by the
PROVIDED that where an original declaration is released under Committee for the purposes of these Procedures, the Committee may: —
10(4) above the Committee shall always retain a certified copy of the (a) exercise the delegated power or perform the delegated function;
declaration; Or
(7) The Committee shall maintain a register of applications and (b) on its own motion or request by any person, revise a decision of
decisions made under this paragraph setting out— the Secretary made for the purposes of these Procedures.
2564 THE KENYA GAZETTE 13th May, 2022

(2) The Committee may from time to time review the operational Part V: Declaration by applicant
procedures put in place by the secretary in the application of these
procedures. I, solemnly declare that the information I have given above is true,
complete and correct to the best of my knowledge.
Matters not Covered by these Procedures
18. The Committee may issue written instructions in relation to
any matter that has not been provided for in these procedures. Signature of Applicant
Representations to the Committee APPENDIX II
19. The Committee may consider representations from any person ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF REQUEST FOR ACCESS FOR A
in the application of these Procedures. DECLARATION OR CLARIFICATION
Review Name of Applicant
20. (1) The Committee may from time to time review the National Identity Card/Passport Number
operational arrangements put in place by the Secretary in the
application of these Procedures. Name of Organization (where applicable)
(2) The Committee may review these Procedures from time to time Postal Address
as may be necessary.
Date of Application

Note: A separate form to be completed in respect of a request for Signature

information for each declarant. A response on this request will be communicated within thirty (30)
Part I: Information on Applicant days from the date of this acknowledgement.

1. Name Name of Receiving Officer

2. National Identity Card/Passport Number Signature
3. Postal Address Date
4. Physical Address Stamp:
5. E-mail Address MR/3643278
6. Occupation
Part II: Particulars of Information Applied for GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 5478
a) Nature of Information (please tick) THE COMPANIES ACT
1. Declaration (No. 17 of 2015)
3. Declaration and Clarification ( ) PURSUANT to section 897 (4) of the Companies Act, 2015, it is
b) Declaration Period notified for information of the general public that the following
companies are dissolved and their names have been struck off the
Part III: Information on the Person whose declaration is sought to be Register of Companies, with effect from the date of publication of this
obtained: notice.
(a) Name
Number Name of Company
(b) Directorate/Department (if known) ....... . ................... .............
C.38382 Alpha Tauri Trade and Consulting Limited
(c) Work Station C.98094 Barben Company Limited
Barbie Playhouse Limited
(d) Reason for requiring the information:- C.142868 Beehive Cottages Limited
PVT-V7UMQK6 Befresh Organics Limited
(i) Official CPR/2011/49064 Bilal Health Care Limited
(ii) Other reason PVT-27UQVA2 Bloom Wealth Advisors Limited
Bold Ideas Investments Limited
(e) State precisely the purpose for which the declaration sought will be C.5490 Cremex Limited

used PVT-GYU767M Ewire Advisors Limited
CPR/2010/29227 Gallant Engineering Systems (Ges) Limited
PVT-LRUKQM Gilulu Investments Limited
PVT-Q7U9P76 Heimstad Good Hope Educational Centre
PVT-5JUE2L7Q House of Oils Limited
CPR/2011/39585 Jayda Enterprises Limited
K and K Limited
Part IV: Additional Information PVT-V7UJ9ZX Kajiado Resources Limited
Give any other information you may consider relevant and useful to
CPR/2015/219787 Kenwide Holdings Company Limited
CPR/2012/65105 Kwetu Management Limited
your request
Mto Fahari Limited
PVT-5JUD9VY Northern Kenya Growth Capital Limited
CPR/2014/134294 One Group Limited
CPR/2014/134062 One Industries Limited
CPR/2014/134127 One Oil Management Limited
Pace Electrical and Automation Limited
PVT-8LUZ278 Pink Things Limited
CPR/2013/100162 Smart Sisters Women Group Limited
13th May, 2022 THE KENYA GAZETTE 2565

Number Name of Company GAZETTE NOTICE No. 5479

C.44/72 Standard Chartered Management Services THE COMPANIES ACT
PVT/2016/024193 Swift Gem Limited (No. 17 of 2015)
PVT-V7UP6Y7 Taxiye Tboda Limited
PVT-9XUGV873 Tekbull Solutions Limited PURSUANT to section 897(3) of the Companies Act, 2015, the
PVT-Q7U7ZBLY Trunature Limited Registrar of Companies gives notice that the names of the companies
CPR/2015/211732 Urban Life Ascend Limited specified hereunder shall be struck off from the Register of Companies
PVT-Y2U36ZR Vasudha Holdings Limited at the expiry of three (3) months from the date of publication of this
CPR/2012/72983 Venmar Enterprises Limited notice, and invites any person to show cause why the companies
CPR/2011/43672 Vetwork Consultants Limited should not be struck off from the Register of Companies.
CPR/2012/72273 Wakanow. Com ( Kenya ) Limited
PVT-LRU2693 Wiapape Investment Limited Number Name of Company
C.170212 Accord Petroleum Limited PVT-AJUDVZV Abbz Auto Parts Limited
PVT-7LUZRZP Accurate Clinics Limited CPR/2014/145289 Al-Hidaya Stores Limited
C.103421 Afriore Kenya Limited CPR/2015/194318 Altima Project Managers Limited
CPR/2014/163273 Amosing Limited C.159281 Amboseli Power Company Limited
C.103910 Animesh Deb Creative Consultant Limited PVT-BEUXEJJP Aradhya Limited
CPR/2012/85934 Aros General Supplies Limited PVT/2016/032830 Auto Brands Kenya Limited
CPR/2015/180290 Auriel Investments Limited C.120365 Banner Springs Enterprises Limited
CPR/2009/10011 Bizphere Investment Limited PVT-9XU6MLD Benchform Investments Limited
PVT/2016/004735 Car From Japan Kenya Limited CPR/2011/44970 Bermar (Kenya) Limited
PVT-6LUPPGB Changamwe Prime Cuts Limited PVT-5JU7ZVD Beruwala Gems Limited
PVT-JZU993A Charpemae Ventures Limited PVT-PJUGML2 Boreline Networks Limited
CPR/2016/220786 China Motor Trade Company Limited C.154547 Bunbury Company Limited
C.159797 Dafina Kenya Limited PVT/2016/016607 Bwala Africa Group Limited
C.159797 Dafina Trading Company Limited PVT-7LU28GK Casa Argento Limited
PVT-Y2U955G Elite Performance Limited PVT-8LULRGQ Credinsta Limited
CPR/2013/95041 PVT-27U5YEQR Deku Holdings Limited
Equalife Group Limited
PVT-7LUD7JD PVT-3QU2VRM Dermamed Kenya Limited
Evamay Hotel Limited
PVT/2016/016219 CPR/2010/37884 Eldowoso Global Company Limited
Fenham Enterprises Limited
PVT/2016/005101 Emaan Consulting Limited
PVT-AJUXJRGE Ganana Property Solutions Limited PVT-XYUBEK5 Espena Traders Limited
PVT-ZQUEQXB Gini Centre For Applied Sciences In C.9457 Flats Investments Limited
Emerging Technologies Limited CPR/2015/179120 Ganel Limited
C.120051 Golden Star Builders Limited PVT-ZQURRMR Gokool Healthcare Solutions Limited
CPR/2009/5194 Greatrade Limited PVT/2016/004654 Hamo Developers Limited
CPR/2010/35575 Greywood Investments Limited PVT-KAUAP63 Hawatoshi Limited
PVT-Y2UVMJ3 Griffins Veterinary Clinic Limited
PVT-MKU56BA Heramsal African Cushion Designers and
C.161392 Hassan Investments Company Limited Repairs Limited
CPR/2009/4661 Incredible Zanzibar Limited CPR/2013/126867 Infinitusrede Limited
C35488 Indian Ocean Princess Limited PVT/2016/013859 Jose Trans (EA) Limited
PVT-MKU6G2D Jaduda Holdings Limited PVT-MKUAJKG Kavuvia Properties Limited
C.143940 Kemi Limited CPR/2015/198005 Lynk Jobs Limited
C.53451 Kensil Limited C.160139 Maua Moments Limited
C.33526 Ketan Investments Limited PVT/2016/004664 Mudita Multi Traders Limited
PVT-EYUB8QEJ Kilimbe Petroleum Limited PVT-AAABOWS Namaste Spa-Meditation-Yoga Limited
CPR/2014/152937 Kiriti Joy School Limited C.162343 Namuda Investments Limited
CPR/2010/32679 Laiqah Investments Limited CPR/2015/174753 National Bitumen Limited
CPR/2013/122508 Lalji Ratna and Sons (Kenya) Limited PVT-8LU73M5Z Okla Holdings Limited
CPR/2014/170145 Malimu Publications (Kenya) Limited CPFt/2013/106075 Panorama College of Business Studies Limited
C.13225 Maziwa Kenya Limited PVT-V7UZXYA Prasidh Limited
C.154152 Momington Crescent Limited PVT-5JUPKVX Pzal Consulting Limited
CPR/2012/76990 Mutual Developers Limited PVT-AAADAV8 Rarini Company Limited
CPR/2012/89691 Nest Services Limited PVT-27UGGEG Real Automation Consulting Limited
PVT-XYU8L23 Nyali Prime Cuts Limited PVT-27U2D75 Renzo Kenya Realtors Limited
CPR/2014/134300 One Enterprises Limited PVT-LRUY99Q7 Robby's Health and Nutrition Limited
CPR/2015/196775 One Gas Management Solutions Limited PVT-AJUXYQLX Rohak Africa Limited
C.2/2007 Paradise Park Estate Limited CPR/2014/131998 Saddle Stork Limited
CPR/2010/35133 Piqe Consultants Limited PVT-LRU25YV Satellite Cleaning Services Limited
C.44549 PVT-27UMJLM Shabele Travel Agency Limited
Raket Limited
C.146639 PVT-27URYQB Shoes Mart Limited
Sanskaar Limited
C.61090 Special Effex Limited
C.105127 Silafrica Limited
CPR/2012/70306 Summits Africa Kenya Tours and Travel Limited
CPR/2012/79054 Siraga East. Africa Limited CPR/2014/138478 Svenssons Limited
C.129004 Sliced Onion Company Limited PVT-AJU93KK Veloce Hygiene Solutions Limited
PVT-JZUQB28 Sprouty Agtech Limited PVT-BEU8Y52 Vie Pratique Limited
CPR/2012/77591 Swift Roadlink Limited PVT-MKURB6G Weksam Limited
PVT-6LUKMRQ6 Tazabox Limited C.154950 Wildun International Logistics Limited
CPR/2015/191037 Visions and Dreams Investment Limited PVT-9XUB67L Willow Bahari Investments Limited
PVT-GYUPZXG Yandai General Enterprise Limited PVT/2016/024758 Yallahow General Trading Co. Limited
CPR/2012/64293 Zaki Plaza Limited Cpr/2011/44563 Zarcom limited
CPR/2013/123154 Zamzam Beauty Cosmetics Limited CPFt/2014/128494 Zumaridi Africa Limited
Dated the 9th May, 2022. Dated the 27th April, 2022.
Registrar of Companies. Registrar of Companies.
2566 THE KENYA GAZETTE 13th May, 2022



(No. 17 of 2015) (No. 18 of 2015)

PURSUANT to section 894 (3) of the Companies Act, 2015, it is AFRICA LIMITED
notified for the general information of the public that at the expiry of (In Members' Voluntary Liquidation)
three (3) months from the date of publication of this notice, unless the
following companies show that they are carrying on business or are in WINDING UP
operation, the Registrar of Companies shall strike off their names from
the Register of Companies and the companies shall be dissolved. NOTICE is given pursuant to section 402 (1) (b) of the Insolvency
Act, 2015, that a general meeting will be held at the offices of Deloitte
Number Name of Company Consulting Limited, Deloitte Place, Waiyaki Way, Muthangari,

PVT-ZQUVG32 Kesidai Company Limited Nairobi, on Tuesday, 31st May, 2022, at 11.30 a.m. for the purpose of
PVT-BEURY3V Silver Ridge Limited having an account laid before the members showing the manner in
PVT-V7UM3RM Youngset Company Limited which the winding up has been conducted and property of the
company disposed of, and of hearing any explanation that may be
Dated the 27th April, 2022.
given by the liquidator, and also of directing by extraordinary
JOYCE KOECH, resolution the manner in which the books, accounts and documents of
Registrar of Companies. the company and of the liquidator shall be disposed of.
A member entitled to attend and vote at the above meeting is
GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 5481 entitled to appoint a proxy or proxies to attend and vote instead of him.
A proxy need not be a member.
Dated the 26th April, 2022.
(No. 43 of 2011)
P. 0. Box 70358-00400,

CORRIGENDUM MR/3643126 Nairobi.

IN PURSUANCE of section 30 (3) of the Engineers Act, 2011 and

further to Gazette Notice No. 3636 of 2022, the Engineers Board of
Kenya gives notice to delete the following particulars of registration as GAZETTE NOTICE No. 5484
shown in the Schedule below.
On page 1703: delete the name appearing as, "Eng. Achia Joshua W.
Ochieng". (In the Matter of Creditor's Voluntary Liquidation)


Reg No. Name Postal Address Affixes NOTICE is given under section 417 of the Insolvency Act, 2015,
that I, Peter Kahi, Insolvency Practitioner, of P.O. Box 14077-00800,
A816 Eng. Achia Joshua P.O. Box 97615— P. Eng., Bsc.,
AMKIM., Nairobi, was on 28th April, 2022 appointed liquidator of Mara
W. Ochieng 80112 Mombasa
MIEK Farming Limited pursuant to section 408 of the Insolvency Act for the
purpose of liquidating the company's affairs and distributing its assets.

MARGARET N. OGAI, The last date fixed by the liquidator for lodgment of claims is 31st
Registrar/Chief Executive Officer, May, 2022.
MR/3643360 Engineers Board of Kenya.
The liquidator acts on behalf of the company without any liability.

Dated the 28th April, 2022.

MR/3643385 Liquidator.
(No. 18 of 2015)

(In Members' Voluntary Liquidation) THE INSOLVENCY ACT, 2015


NOTICE is given pursuant to section 402 (1) (b) of the Insolvency (In the Matter of Creditor's Voluntary Liquidation)
Act, 2015, that a general meeting will be held at the offices of Deloitte
Consulting Limited, Deloitte Place, Waiyaki Way, Muthangari, APPOINTMENT OF LIQUIDATOR
Nairobi, on Tuesday, 31st May, 2022, at 10.30 a.m. for the purpose of
having an account laid before the members showing the manner in NOTICE is given under section 417 of the Insolvency Act, 2015,
which the winding up has been conducted and property of the that I, Peter Kahi, Insolvency Practitioner, of P.O. Box 14077-00800,
company disposed of, and of hearing any explanation that may be Nairobi, was on 28th April, 2022 appointed liquidator of Mara (EPZ)
given by the liquidator, and also of directing by extraordinary Limited pursuant to section 408 of the Insolvency Act for the purpose
resolution the manner in which the books, accounts and documents of of liquidating the company's affairs and distributing its assets.
the company and of the liquidator shall be disposed of.
A member entitled to attend and vote at the above meeting is The last date fixed by the liquidator for lodgment of claims is 31st
entitled to appoint a proxy or proxies to attend and vote instead of May, 2022.
him. A proxy need not be a member.
The liquidator acts on behalf of the company without any liability.
Dated the 26th April, 2022.
Dated the 28th April, 2022.
P. 0. Box 70358-00400, PETER KAHI,
MR/3643125 Nairobi. Liquidator.
13th May, 2022 THE KENYA GAZETTE 2567
GAZETTE NOTICE No. 5486 creditor or contributory of the said company requiring a copy on
THE INSOLVENCY ACT, 2015 payment of the regulated charge for the same.

IN THE MATTER OF MARA (EPZ) LIMITED Dated the 25th April, 2022.
(In the Matter of Creditors' Voluntary Liquidation) NJONJO, OKELLO & ASSOCIATES,
Laxcon Plaza, 1st Floor, ID,
Swaminarayan Road,
NOTICE is given pursuant to section 406 of the Insolvency Act, Nairobi.
2015, that an extraordinary general meeting of the company duly MR/3643154
convened and held virtually on 14th April, 2022 at 11.00 a.m. A
special resolution was duly passed for the liquidation of the company
by way of a creditor's voluntary liquidation and proposed Peter Kahi
to act as the liquidator for the purpose of liquidating the company's GAZETTE NOTICE No. 5489
affairs and distributing its assets.
All creditors are invited to attend a meeting to be held on 28th
Dated the 15th April, 2022. THE INSOLVENCY ACT
MR/3643167 Director.
NOTICE, is given that the Debtor's petition for a bankruptcy
(In the Matter of Creditors' Voluntary Liquidation) Order by the High Court was on 14th April, 2022, presented to the said
WINDING-UP Court by J:0. Magolo & Company Advocates.

NOTICE is given pursuant to section 406 of the Insolvency. Act, Any creditor or contributor of the above named desirous to support
2015, that an extraordinary general meeting of the company duly or oppose the making of an order on the said petition may appear
convened and held virtually on 14th April, 2022 at 11.00 am. A special before the High Court in Mombasa in person or by an authorized
resolution was duly passed for the liquidation of the company by way advocate on the 19th day of May, 2022 whenthe matter shall be heard.
of a creditor's voluntary liquidation and proposed-Peter Kahi acvas
copy of, the: petition will be furnished by the undersigned to any
the liquidator for the purpose of liquidating thevompany!s-affairs-and
distributing its assets. creditor or contributory of the above named requiring a copy on
paymentofthe regulated ,charge forthe same.
All creditors are hereby invited to attend a meeting to beheldon
28th April, 2022. DatedattNIOmbasa this ofMay, 2022.

Dated the 15th April, 2022. J.O. MAGOLO & COMPANY

Advocates for the Petitioner
B. V. KRUISTUM, Electricity Hse, 5th Floor,
MR/3643168 Director. P.O. Box 935,
MR/3653575 Email:

GAZEIVENCrifeeNo; 5490
INSOLVENCY CAUSE ?40.11,1600F2019
(No. 17 of2015)
NOTICE is given pursuant to section 628 of the Insolvency Act,
IN.THE MATITIROF THE WINDING ,UP GFINVESCO 2015, Role 134.andthe Third Schedule of the Insolvency Regulations,
ASSURANCE COMPANY LDIM3D 2016, that Uchumi Supermarkets PLC will hold its creditors' and
members meeting virtually onlMtinday, 3001,/vlay. 2022, at 10.00 a.m.
All who wish to participate are required to register using this link
NOTICE is given that the Creditor's petition for the liquidation of https://bit:ly/3y9WPOx or though the Uchumi Supermarket website
the above-named company bytherifigh, Court' wasonIfithNovember, littps:/kwww.uchtuniaupermarkets.cole/
2019 thesaid-courthy Isijonjo4s Associates. The-agencla,fortheineetingshallhe as,follows:
Any creditor or contributor of the said company desirous to 1. Address by the Board Chair
support or oppose the making, of an , order on the saidpatition may
appearbeforethe-High,CourtinNairobishoperson. onbyainsautbmized 2. Auldnseithrthe CEO of Uchumi Supermarket PLC
advocate on the 5th hay of July, 2022-witemthe,mattenstuditbeeheard. 3. Presentation of Uchumi Supermarket PLC Statement of Affairs
A copy of the petition will be furnished by the undersigned to any
4. Update on the Uchumi Supermarket PLC Assets Disposal
2568 THE KENYA GAZETTE 13th May, 2022

5. Report of the CVA Supervisor GAZETTE NOTICE No. 5493

6. Voting on the way forward THE CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETIES ACT

Dated at Nairobi this 5th day of May, 2022. (Cap. 490, Section 66)
CVA Supervisor.
CEO, Uchumi Supermarket PLC.
MR/3653577 (In Liquidation) CS NO 1203

GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 5491 TAKE NOTICE that (1) Nelson Njiru Nyaga and (2) Eliud
THE POLITICAL PARTIES ACT Njuguna Uno, duly appointed liquidators of Kagaa Farmers Co-
operative Society Limited (1203) wish to receive claims from
(No. 11 of2011)
shareholders and creditors for consideration and have determined 31st
CHANGE OF POLITICAL PARTY OFFICIALS May, 2022 as the final date for submitting the claims upon paymeny of
a non-refundable fee of KSh. 20,000 to the society account No.
IN EXERCISE of the power conferred by section 20 (1) (c) of the
Political Parties Act, 2011, the Registrar of Political Parties gives 01120073014800 held at Co-operative Bank of Kenya.
notice that Farmers Party (FP) intends to make changes to its party
Futher take notice that the lodging of claims shall commence from
officials as follows —
the date of this notice. For more information, contact through
(i) Change of Party Officials telephone 0728896285 or 0720483466.

Designation Former Official Current Official Dated the 13th May, 2022.
National Chairperson - Irungu Nyakera NELSON NJIRU NYAGA, ELIUD NJUGUNA UNO,
Deputy Organizing Secretary, Godfery Akumali
Joint Liquidator. Joint Liquidator.
Recruitment Atiel
Deputy Organizing Secretary, Simon Chege MR/3643478
External Affairs Kamangu
Deputy Director, Campaigns - Elias Mwangi
Any person with written submissions concerning the intended THE ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AND
change by the political party shall within seven (7) days from the date CO-ORDINATION ACT
of this publication, deposit them with the Registrar of Political Parties.
(No. 8 of 1999)
Further enquiries can be made through the Registrar's Offices, NATIONAL ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY
P.O. Box 1131-00606, Lion Place, Waiyaki Way, 4th Floor from 8.00
MR/3653568 Registrar of Political Parties.
PURSUANT to regulation 21 of the Environmental Management
and Co-ordination (Impact Assessment and Audit) Regulations, 2003,
the National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) has
GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 5492 received an Environmental Impact Assessment Study Report for the
THE POLITICAL PARTIES ACT above proposed project.

(No. 11 of 2011) The proposed trunk section of the Mwache Water Transmission
pipelines covers the 5.1km long pipeline section from the WTP to the
CHANGE OF POLITICAL PARTY PARTICULARS west main land reservoir located within Kasemeni Location of
Kinango Sub-county in Kwale County. The start point elevation of the
IN EXERCISE of the power conferred by section 20 (1) (d) of the Trunk Main at the WTP is 115 msl, which is the adopted clear water
Political Parties Act, 2011, the Registrar of Political Parties gives tank outlet level. From the WTP, the Mwache Tank main traverses
notice that Safina Party intends to make changes to its party particulars south-east, through undeveloped land and small scale cultivated lands
as follows: to the Mwache Forest. Within the Mwache Forest, the trunk main is
Change of Colours proposed to be laid between the newly constructed Standard Gauge
Railway (SGR) and the Mwache River. The section of the trunk main
within the forest is approximately 1.7km in length. This section of the
Former Colours Current Colours
trunk main has a high cross-fall slope between the SGR and the
Red and green Royal blue, yellow and gold Mwache River.
(ii) Change of Symbol The South Mainland Transmission Main (Kaya Bombo Pipeline)
which is 27.7km of a single DN 1000 Pipeline branches off from the
Former Symbol Current Symbol Mwache trunk main at Ch. 2+900 of the Trunk Main and traverses
in the S.W direction, through the Mwache Forest to the Mwache
The Ark Modified Ark with yellow, gold and royal
Creek. The Pipeline section within the Mwache Forest is approx.
blue colours
1.9km from Ch. 0+740 to Ch. 2+640 where it crosses the Mwache
Any person with written submissions concerning the intended Creek. The transmission line traverses Kasemeni and Gandini
change by the political party shall within seven (7) days from the date locations in Kinango Sub-County and N'gombeni Location of
of this publication, deposit them with the Registrar of Political Parties. Matuga Sub-County in Kwale County.

Further enquiries can be made through the Registrar's Offices, The proposed Mwache creek crossing is approx. 450m
P.O. Box 1131-00606, Lion Place, Waiyaki Way, 4th Floor from 8.00 upstream of the existing Marere Pipeline Bridge Crossing. The
a.m. to 5.00 p.m. length of the crossing from the high tide level on the LHS bank
to the high tide level on the RHS bank is approx. 400m. Upon
Dated the 5th May, 2022. crossing the creek, the pipeline on the RHS bank turns S.E,
along the shoreline for approx. 470m before turning south to the
ANN N. NDERITU, alignment of the existing DN 500 Marere Pipeline at Ch. 3+200.
MR/3653568 Registrar of Political Parties.

13th May, 2022 THE KENYA GAZETTE 2569
The following are the anticipated impacts and proposed mitigation Mitigation Measures
measures: Possible Impacts
Noise and • Siting noisy plant and equipment as far
Possible Impacts Mitigation Measures vibrations impacts away as possible from human settlement,
Impacts on water • All waste water which may be and use of barriers (e.g., site huts, acoustic
resources sheds or partitions) to reduce the level of
contaminated with oily substances must be
construction noise at receptors wherever
managed in accordance with an appropriate
Waste Management Plan (WMP).
• Working hours for significant noise
• No hydrocarbon-contaminated water may
generating construction work (including
be discharged to the environment.
works required to upgrade existing access
• At construction stage, the contractor will roads or create new ones), will be daytime
prepare Specific Construction Environment only.
and Social Management Plan (C-ESMP) • Alternatives to diesel and petrol engines
which included among other; Soil and and pneumatic units, such as hydraulic or
Sedimentation Control Plan, Spoil electric-controlled units, will be used,
Management Control Plan and Waste where practicable.
Management Plan.
• For machines with fitted enclosures, doors
Impacts on soil • Vegetation clearing and topsoil disturbance and door seals will be checked to ensure
resources will be minimized. they are in good working order.
• Sheet and rill erosion of soil shall be • Equipment will be regularly inspected and
prevented where necessary through the use maintained to ensure it is in good working
of sand bags, diversion berms, culverts, or order.
other physical means.
Impacts on • Avoidance of impacts should be
• Topsoil shall be stockpiled separate from vegetation cove prioritized. However, if not possible then
subsoil. Stockpiles shall not exceed 2m compensatory planting of trees that will be
height, shall be located away from drainage cut by the contractor during works will be
lines, shall be protected from rain and wind undertaken.
erosion, and shall not be contaminated.
• Vegetation shall only be within the well
• Accelerated erosion from storm events field's only if the vegetation and will
during construction shall be minimized interfere with Project construction and/or
through managing storm water runoff (e.g., present a hazard.
velocity control measures).
• Areas to be cleared shall be agreed and
• Soil backfilled into excavations shall be demarcated before the start of the clearing
replaced in the order of removal in order to operations to minimize exposure.
preserve the soil profile.
• The use of existing cleared or disturbed
• Prepare Specific Construction Environment areas for the Contractor's office,
and Social Management Plan (C-ESMP) stockpiling of materials etc. shall be
which will include among other Soil and encouraged.
Sedimentation Control Plan, Spoil • Whenever possible, all damaged areas shall
Management Control Plan and Waste
be reinstated and rehabilitated upon
Management Plan.
completion of the contract to as near pre-
Impacts on air • Record all dust and air quality complaints, construction conditions as possible.
quality identify cause(s), take appropriate Community health • Contractor will develop and monitor the
measures. safety and security implementation of a Community Health
• Liaise with local communities to forewarn impacts and Safety Management Plan (CHSMP).
of potentially dusty activities. • Contractor will develop Emergency
• Undertake monitoring close to dusty Response Plans (ERPs) in cooperation with
activities, noting that this may be daily local emergency authorities and hospitals.
visual inspections, or passive/active • Contractor will extend the Worker Code of
monitoring as parameter. Conduct to include guidelines on worker —
• Undertake inspections to ensure community interactions and will provide
compliance with the Dust Management training on the worker code of conduct to
Plan. all employees including drivers as part of
the induction process.
• Plan potentially dusty activities so that
• Contractor will provide primary health care
these are located as far from receptors as
feasible. and first aid at construction office sites.
• Contractor will implement a Community
• Avoid run off of mud and water and
Grievance Mechanism.
maintain drains in a clean state.
Worker health and • Contractor will develop and implement a
• Remove dusty materials form site as soon safety and workers Traffic Management Plan covering aspects
as possible if not being re-used. If being re- management such as vehicle safety, driver and passenger
used, cover or vegetate if possible. impacts behaviour, use of drugs and alcohol,
• Impose speed limits on haul routes and in operating hours, rest periods, community
construction compounds to reduce dust education on traffic safety and accident
generation. reporting and investContractor will ensure
that training on health and safety measures
• Undertake watering to attenuate dust near is provided to all construction workers
sensitive receptors. prior to starting to work on the Project.
2570 THE KENYA GAZETTE 13th May, 2022

Mitigation Measures Mitigation Measures

Possible Impacts Possible Impacts
• Contractor will develop and implement a • Install handwashing facilities with adequate
Workers Grievance Mechanism for the running water and soap, or sanitizing
Project workforce . facilities at entrance to work sites including
consultation venues and meetings and
• Contractor will ensure that facilities and
work sites are designed and maintained ensure they are used.
such that robust barriers are in place to
• Ensure routine sanitization of shared social
prevent accidents.
facilities and other communal places
• Contractor will ensure that its Code of routinely including wiping of workstations,
Conduct is followed to regulate the door knobs, hand rails etc.
performance and behaviour of all workers.
The full report of the proposed project is available for inspection
• Contractor will ensure that adequate clean
during working hours at:
water, adequate food and access to medical
care is provided to all workers. (a) Principal Secretary, Ministry of Environment and Forestry,
NHIF Building, 12th Floor, Ragati Road, Upper Hill, P.O.
Gender-based • Ensure clear human resources policy Box 30126-00100, Nairobi.
violence and against sexual harassment that is aligned
sexual harassment with national law. (b) Director-General, NEMA, Popo Road, off Mombasa Road,
impacts P.O. Box 67839-00200, Nairobi.
• Integrate provisions related to sexual
harassment in the employee COC. (c) County Director of Environment, Kwale County.
• Ensure appointed human resources A copy of the report can be downloaded at
personnel to manage reports of sexual
harassment according to policy. The National Environment Management Authority invites
members of the public to submit oral or written comments within
• The Contractor shall require his employees, thirty (30) days from the date of publication of this notice to the
sub-contractors, and any personnel thereof Director-General, NEMA, to assist the Authority in the decision
engaged in construction works to making process regarding this project.
individually sign and comply with a Code
of Conduct with specific provisions on Comments can also be emailed to
protection from sexual exploitation and MAMO B. MAMO,
abuse. Director-General,
• The contractor will implement provisions MR/3643311 National Environment Management Authority.
that ensure that gender-based violence at
the community level is not triggered by the
Project. GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 5495
Sexual exploitation • Develop and implement a SEA action plan INTEGRA AUCTIONEERING (K) COMPANY
with an Accountability and Response

project workers Framework as part of the C-ESMP. The
NOTICE is issued pursuant to the provisions of the Disposal of
against SEA action plan will follow guidance on
the World Bank's Good Practice Note for Uncollected Goods Act (Cap. 38) of the laws of Kenya, to the owners
of Renault Prime Mover reg. No. KBV 41 IL and Subaru GT reg. No.
members impacts Addressing Gender-based Violence in
KAW 205W, within thirty (30)days from the date of publication of this
Investment Project Financing involving notice, to take delivery of the said motor vehicles from premises of
Major Civil Works (Sept 2018). Integra Storage Yard in Kitengela, Namanga Road past Total Petrol
Station (former Yukos) along Muigai Road, upon payment of storage
Spread of • Sensitize workers and the surrounding charges together with other costs that may be owed including cost of
communities on awareness, prevention and
HIV/AIDS impacts publication and any other incidental costs, failure to which the same
management of HIV/AIDS and sexual shall be disposed of under the Disposal of Uncollected Goods Act,
health and rights through staff training, either by public auction, tender or private treaty and the proceeds of
awareness campaigns, multimedia and the sale be defrayed against all accrued charges without any further
workshops or during community Barazas. reference to the owners.
• Use existing clinics to provide VCT Integra Auctioneering (K) Company.
services to construction crew and provision
of ARVs for vulnerable community MR/3643455

• Ensure safety of women and girls in GAZETTE NOTICE No. 5496

provision of VCT services.
• Work to minimize or altogether eliminate
mosquito-breeding sites.
NOTICE is given in pursuant to section 5 of the Disposal of
Spread of COVID • Mandatory provision and use of appropriate Uncollected Goods Act (Cap. 38) laws of Kenya, to Africa Merchant
19 impacts Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) shall Assurance Company Limited and the owners of the understated motor
amongst workers be required for all project personnel vehicles to take delivery of the said vehicles, within thirty (30) days
including. from the date of publication, from Njens Motors Limited along
Northern By-pass upon payment of all outstanding sums, storage
• Avoid concentrating of more than 15 charges and any other costs incurred by the company until delivery is
workers at one location. Where there are taken. 22CG 086 A—Toyota Hilux, 47 CG 252 A—Mistubishi L200 and
KCW 182 J—Mazda Demio. Notice is further given that the vehicles
two or more people gathered, maintain
will be sold by public auction or private treaty and the proceeds or part
social distancing at least 2 meters. All thereof used to defray the outstanding amount should the owners fail
workers and visitors accessing worksites to take delivery within the stipulated time.
every day or attending meetings shall be
subjected to rapid Covid-19 screening. Director.
13th May, 2022 THE KENYA GAZETTE 2571
DISPOSAL OF UNCOLLECTED GOODS NOTICE is given that by a deed poll dated 20th April, 2022, duly
executed and registered in the Registry of Documents at Nairobi as
NOTICE is issued pursued to the provision of the Disposal of Presentation No. 2144, in Volume Dl, Folio 149/1324, File No.
Uncollected Goods act (Cap. 38) laws of Kenya to the owners and the MMXXII, our client, Neetaben Nilesh Valani, of P.O. Box 22111-
following an authority and order under Misc. Application No 00400, Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya, formerly known as Neetaben
e028/2022 by the Chief Magistrate Nyamira Law Court. Harish Jesani, formally and absolutely renounced and abandoned the
That the following unclaimed property lying at Sengera Police use of his former name Neetaben Harish Jesani, and in lieu thereof
Station will be sold through public auction within thirty days from the assumed and adopted the name Neetaben Nilesh Valani, for all
date of this publication through the firm of Ikimwanya Auctioneers if purposes and authorizes and requests all persons at all times to
the owner failure to collect them (1) KMCM 900K TVS blue (2) designate, describe and address him by his assumed name Neetaben
Nilesh Valani only.
KMCP 764Y TVS blue (3) KMEN 455L Honda Blue (4) KMDZ
041X TVS (5) Numberless Hodjin (6) KMDE 086K TVS RED (7) Dated the 20th April, 2022.
Dated the 7th May, 2022. Advocates for Neetaben Nilesh Valani,
MR/3653530 formerly known as Neetaben Harish Jesani.
MR/3653602 for Ikimwanya Auctioneers. GAZETTE NOTICE No. 5501
GAZETTE NOTICE No. 5498 NOTICE is given that by a deed poll dated 19th April, 2022, duly
executed and registered in the Registry of Documents at Nairobi as
IKIMWANYA AUCTIONEERS Presentation No. 2900, in Volume DI, Folio 143/1277, File No.
MMXXII, by our client, James Mbagaya Shiganga, of P.O. Box
58825-00200, Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya, formerly known as
NOTICE is issued pursued to the provision of the Disposal of Jimmy Mbagaya Shiganga, formally and absolutely renounced and
Uncollected Goods act (Cap. 38) laws of Kenya to the owners and the abandoned the use of his former name Jimmy Mbagaya Shiganga and
following an authority and order under misc. Application No in lieu thereof assumed and adopted the name James Mbagaya
E014/2022 by the Principal Magistrate Homabay Law Court. Shiganga, for all purposes and authorizes and requests all persons at all
times to designate, describe and address him by his assumed name
That the following unclaimed property lying at Homabay Police James Mbagaya Shiganga only.
Station will be sold through public auction within thirty days from the
Dated the 5th May, 2022.
date of this publication through the firm of Ikimwanya Auctioneers if
the owner failure to collect them (1) KMEX 756M Boxer (2)KBB GORETTI MUNIALLO MWIMALI & COMPANY,
931J Boxer (3) KMEX 315W Boxer (4) KMDX 188Q Boxer (5) Advocates for James Mbagaya Shiganga,
KMEE 345 Boxer (6) KMDB 042 Boxer (7) KMEZ 049W Boxer (8) MR/3643359 formerly known as Jimmy Mbagaya Shiganga.
KTWB 824Q Tricle Red (9) KMFB 863E Boxer Red (10) KMES 993
Kingbird (11) NUMBERLESS Boxer 150 (12) KMCZ 525M SKYGO
(13) Numberless Jianshe J200GY (14) KMDP 706Q Boxer (15) GAZETTE NOTICE No. 5502
KTWD Numberless TRYCLE (16) KMDC 798Y Boxer (17) KMDC
211M Boxer (18) KHE 23-06127 Nissan ilonuny. CHANGE OF NAME
Dated the 7th May, 2022. NOTICE is given that by a deed poll dated 13th April, 2022, duly
J. N. MARWA, executed and registered in the Registry of Documents at Nairobi as
MR/3653602 for Ikimwanya Auctioneers. Presentation No. 2398, in Volume DI, Folio 134/1160, File No.
MMXXII, by our client, Jane Mukami Nyaga (guardian) on behalf of
SE NOTICE No. 5499 Kennedy Murimi Nyaga (minor), of P.O. Box 1201-60100, Embu in
the Republic of Kenya, formerly known as Kennedy Murimi, formally
IKIMWANYA AUCTIONEERS and absolutely renounced and abandoned the use of his former name
Kennedy Murimi and in lieu thereof assumed and adopted the name
DISPOSAL OF UNCOLLECTED GOODS Kennedy Murimi Nyaga, for all purposes and authorizes i.nd requests
all persons at all times to designate, describe and address him by his
Notice is issued pursued to the provision of the Disposal of assumed name Kennedy Murimi Nyaga only.
Uncollected Goods Act (Cap. 38) laws of Kenya to the owners and the
following an authority and order under misc. Application no E21/2022 Dated the 4th May, 2022.
by the Principal Magistrate Keroka law court.
That the following unclaimed property lying at Keroka Police Advocates for Jane Mukami Nyaga (guardian),
Station will be sold through public auction within thirty days from the on behalf of Kennedy Murimi Nyaga (minor),
date of this publication through the firm of Ikimwanya Auctioneers If MR/3643452 formerly known as Kennedy Murimi.
the owner failure to collect them 1. KAV 983Z TOYOTA (2). UAM
4434 IPSUM (3). KBF 659D Toya Mark 11 (4). KCY 595K VOXY
(5). KTWA PIAGIO (6). KMCK 813M Boxer (7). KMCW 123L Lifan GAZETTE NOTICE No. 5503
(8). KMDH 936A TVS (9) KMDL 533D TVS (10). KMDW820E
Yamaha 11). KMCQ 099X TVS (12). KMFE 065K Boxer (13). CHANGE OF NAME
KMCH 394Q TVS (14). KMCY 542P TVS (15). KMCL 832G TVS
(16). KMEC 007T TVS (17). KMDA 952W TVS (18). KMCS 888Q NOTICE is given that by a deed poll dated 17th August, 2021,
TVS (19) KMEP 914A Honda (20). KMDF 269G (21). Numberles duly executed and registered in the Registry of Documents at Nairobi
TVS RED (22). KMCE279G TVS (23). KMDF 723W TVS (24). as Presentation No. 3881, in Volume DI, Folio 112/934, File No.
KMCN 600B Boxer (25). KMCX 042F BOXER (26). KMEA 665P MMXXII, by our client, Sammy Chelimo Chelang'a Penge, of P.O.
Boxer (27). KMCF 637N TVS (28). KMDA 489K TVS (29). KMDC Box 2569-40100, Kisumu in the Republic of Kenya, formerly known
153K TVS (30). KMDX 890H Boxer (31). KMCG 342C Boxer (32). as Sammy Chelimo Chelang'a, formally and absolutely renounced and
abandoned the use of his former name Sammy Chelimo Chelang'a,
KMCW 689K BOXER (33). KMCR 412C TVS (34). KMDP 052N
and in lieu thereof assumed and adopted the name Sammy Chelimo
TVS (35). KMEC 086T TVS (36). KMCX 242D TVS (37). KMDT
Chelang'a Penge, for all purposes and authorizes and requests all
976G SKYGO (38). Motor Cycle Fram (39). Assorted Drum (40). persons at all times to designate, describe and address him by his
Assorted Sufaria (41). Motor Cycle Scrap 41 Unregistered Volvo. assumed name Sammy Chelimo Chelang'a Penge only.
Dated the 7th May, 2022.
J. N. MARWA, Advocates for Sammy Chelimo Chelang'a Penge,
MR/3653602 for Ikimwanya Auctioneers. MR/3643362 formerly known as Sammy Chelimo Chelang'a.
2572 THE KENYA GAZETTE 13th May, 2022



NOTICE is given that by a deed poll dated 1st February, 2022, NOTICE is given that by a deed poll dated 11th April, 2022, duly
duly executed and registered in the Registry of Documents at Nairobi executed and registered in the Registry of Documents at Nairobi as
as Presentation No. 3393, in Volume DI, Folio 127/11079, File No. Presentation No. 1106, in Volume DI, Folio 941/1521, File No.
MMXXII, by our client, Ann Nyambura Keru (guardian) on behalf of MMXX, by our client, Ahmed Noor Haji (ID/21435227), formerly
Shirleen Wangui Kihuro (minor), of P.O. Box 141, Karatina in the known as Mohamed Omar Haji, formally and absolutely renounced
Republic of Kenya, formerly known as Shirleen Wamuyu Mwangi, and abandoned the use of his former name Mohamed Omar Haji and in
lieu thereof assumed and adopted the name Ahmed Noor Haji, for all
formally and absolutely renounced and abandoned the use of his
purposes and authorizes and requests all persons at all times to
former name Shirleen Wamuyu Mwangi and in lieu thereof assumed
designate, describe and address him by his assumed name Ahmed
and adopted the name Shirleen Wangui Kihuro, for all purposes and Noor Haji only.
authorizes and requests all persons at all times to designate, describe
and address him by his assumed name Shirleen Wangui Kihuro only. ABDULHAKIM GAS,
Advocate for Ahmed Noor Haji,
Dated the 4th May, 2022. MR/3653564 formerly known as Mohamed Omar Haji.
Advocates for Ann Nyambura Keru (guardian),
on behalf of Shirleen Wangui Kihuro (minor), GAZETTE NOTICE No. 5509
MR/3653608 formerly known as Shirleen Watnuyu Mwangi.
NOTICE is given that by a deed poll dated 10th May, 2022, duly
GAZETTE NOTICE No. 5505 executed and registered in the Registry of Documents at Nairobi as
Presentation No. 1213, in Volume DI, Folio 506/1521, File No.
CHANGE OF NAME MMXX, by our client, Lilian Wangui Mbuco Strauchamann
(ID/29947803), formerly known as Lilian Wangui Mbuco, formally
NOTICE is given that by a deed poll dated 8th April, 2022, duly and absolutely renounced and abandoned the use of her former name
executed and registered in the Registry of Documents at Nairobi as Lilian Wangui Mbuco and in lieu thereof assumed and adopted the
Presentation No. 341, in Volume DI, Folio 148/1317, File No. name Lilian Wangui Mbuco Strauchamann, for all purposes and
MMXXII, by our client, Anyango Oloo Elija, of P.O. Box 2773- authorizes and requests all persons at all times to designate, describe
40100, Kisumu in the Republic of Kenya, formerly known as Elijah and address her by her assumed name Lilian Wangui Mbuco
Omondi Anyango, formally and absolutely renounced and abandoned Strauchamann only.
the use of him former name Elijah Omondi Anyango and in lieu
thereof assumed and adopted the name Anyango Oloo Elija for all Dated the 11th May, 2022.
purposes and authorizes and requests all persons at all times to KAIMENYI MOSE & COMPANY,
designate describe and address him by his assumed name, Anyango Advocates for Lilian Wangui Mbuco Strauchamann,

Oloo Elija only. MR/364365 formerly known as Lilian Wangui Mbuco.
Advocate for Anyango Oloo Elija,
MR/3643446 formerly known as Elijah Omondi Anyango. GAZETTE NOTICE No. 5510

GAZETTE NOTICE No. 5506 NOTICE is given that by a deed poll dated 13th April, 2022, duly
executed and registered in the Registry of Documents at Mombasa as
CHANGE OF NAME Presentation No. 371. in Volume B-I3, Folio 2191/18418, File No.
1637, by our client, Tinah Ndinda Nyika (mother), of P.O. Box
NOTICE is given that by a deed poll dated 15th December, 2021, 85223-80100, Mombasa in the Republic of Kenya, on behalf of Liona
duly executed and registered in the Registry of Documents at Nairobi Dimitria Nyika (minor), formerly known as Leonor Dimitria Nyika,
as Presentation No. 3162, in Volume D1, Folio 105/831, File No. formally and absolutely renounced and abandoned the use of his
MMXXII, by our client, Damaris Nyawira Wangui Waweru, formerly former name Leonor Dimitria Nyika, and in lieu thereof assumed and
known as Damaris Nyawira Kamami, formally and absolutely adopted the name Liona Dimitria Nyika, for all purposes and
renounced and abandoned the use of her former name Damaris authorizes and requests all persons at all times to designate, describe
Nyawira Kamami, and in lieu thereof assumed and adopted the name and address him by his assumed name Liona Dimitira Nyika only.
Damaris Nyawira Wangui Waweru, for all purposes and authorizes
and requests all persons at all times to designate, describe and address Advocates for Tinah Ndinda Nyika (mother),
her by her assumed name Damaris Nyawira Wangui Waweru only.
on behalf of Liona Dimitria Nyika (minor),
VM RANDA AND COMPANY, MR/3653558 formerly known as Leonor Dimitria Nyika.
Advocates for Damaris Nyawira Wangui Waweru,
MR/3643499 formerly known as Damaris Nyawira Kamami.
NOTICE is given that by a deed poll dated 13th April, 2022, duly
executed and registered in the Registry of Documents at Mombasa as
NOTICE is given that by a deed poll dated 28th April, 2022, duly Presentation No. 371, in Volume B-13, Folio 2191/18417, File No.
executed and registered in the Registry of Documents at Nairobi as 1637, by our client, Tinah Ndinda Nyika (mother), of P.O. Box
Presentation No. 1214, in Volume Dl, Folio 507/1521, File No. 85223-80100, Mombasa in the Republic of Kenya, on behalf of Liona
MMXX, by our client, Jemmimah Mwikali Nzimi (mother), on behalf Innocent Nyika (minor), formerly known as Liam Innocent Ndinda
of Emmanuel Muuo (minor), formerly known as Emmanuel Simon, Nyika, formally and absolutely renounced and abandoned the use of
formally and absolutely renounced and abandoned the use of his his former name Liam Innocent Ndinda Nyika, and in lieu thereof
former name Emmanuel Simon, and in lieu thereof assumed and assumed and adopted the name Liona Innocent Nyika, for all purposes
adopted the name Emmanuel Muuo, for all purposes and authorizes and authorizes and requests all persons at all times to designate,
and requests all persons at all times to designate, describe and address describe and address him by his assumed name Liona Innocent Nyika
him by his assumed name Emmanuel Muuo only. only.


Advocates for Jemmimah Mwikali Nzimi (mother), Advocates for Tinah Ndinda Nyika (mother),
on behalf of Emmanuel Muuo (minor), on behalf of Liona Innocent Nyika (minor),
MR/3653558 formerly known as Emmanuel Simon. MR/3653549 formerly known as Liam Innocent Nyika.
13th May, 2022 THE KENYA GAZETTE 2573

NOTICE is given that by a deed poll dated 11th December, 2020,
NOTICE is given that by a deed poll dated 22nd February, 2022,
duly executed and registered in the Registry of Documents ai Nairobi
duly executed and registered in the Registry of Documents at Nairobi
as Presentation No. 3301, in Volume Dl, Folio 177/3438, File No.
as Presentation No. 1577, in Volume D1, Folio 137/1195, File No.
MMXXI, by our client, Immanuel Nzaku Musembi, of P.O. Box
MMXXII, by our client, Moneybag Mahinda Phinnie, of P.O. Box
10643-00100, Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya, formerly known as
46369-00100, Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya, formerly known as
Emmanuel Nzaku Musembi, formally and absolutely renounced and
Noah Mahinda Gathumbi, formally and absolutely renounced and
abandoned the use of his former name Emmanuel Nzaku Musembi,
abandoned the use of his former name Noah Mahinda Gathumbi, and
and in lieu thereof assumed and adopted the name Immanuel Nzaku
in lieu thereof assumed and adopted the name Moneybag Mahinda
Musembi, for all purposes and authorizes and requests all persons at
Phinnie, for all purposes and authorizes and requests all persons at all
all times to designate, describe and address him by his assumed name
times to designate, describe and address him by his assumed name
Immanuel Nzaku Musembi only.
Moneybag Mahinda Phinnie only.
Dated the 13th May, 2022.
Dated the 13th May, 2022.
Advocates for Immanuel Nzaku Musembi,
MR/3643583 Advocates .,for Moneybag Mahinda Phinnie,
formerly known as Emmanuel Nzaku Musembi.
MR/3653611 formerly known as Noah Mahinda Gathumbi.


NOTICE is given that by a deed poll dated 27th April, 2022, duly
NOTICE is given that by a deed poll dated 4th April, 2022, duly
executed and registered in the Registry of Documents at Nairobi as
executed and registered in the Registry of Documents at Nairobi as
Presentation No. 65, in Volume D1, Folio 146/1298, File No.
Presentation No. 98, in Volume DI, Folio 149/1322, File No.
MMXXII, by our client, Mburu Wa Kariuki, of P.O. Box 30485-
MMXXII, by our client, Dharmik Lakhman Kara, of P.O. Box 38237-
00100, Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya, formerly known as Bashir
00623, Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya, formerly known as Dharmik
Ahmad Mburu, formally and absolutely renounced and abandoned the
Lakhman, formally and absolutely renounced and abandoned the use
use of his former name Bashir Ahmad Mburu, and in lieu thereof
of his former name Dharmik Lakhman, and in lieu thereof assumed
assumed and adopted the name Mburu Wa Kariuki, for all purposes
and adopted the name Dharmik Lakhman Kara, for all purposes and
and authorizes and requests all persons at all times to designate,
describe and address him by his assumed name Mburu Wa Kariuki authorizes and requests all persons at all times to designate, describe
only. and address him by his assumed name Dharmik Lakhman Kara only.

Dated the 13th May, 2022. HARIT SHETH,

Advocates for Dharmik Lakhman Kara,
VIRGINIAH NDUTA GICHUHI, MR/3653605 formerly known as Dharmik Lakhman.
Advocates for Mburu Wa Kariuki,
MR/3653578 formerly known as Bashir Ahmad Mburu.


NOTICE is given that by a deed poll dated 6th May, 2022, duly
executed and registered in the Registry of Documents at Nairobi as
NOTICE is given that by a deed poll dated 22nd March, 2022, Presentation No. 566, in Volume DI, Folio 151/1335, File No.
duly executed and registered in the Registry of Documents at Nairobi MMXXII, by our client, Grace Muthakye Kioko Tetemesha. of P.O.
as Presentation No. 1279, in Volume Dl, Folio 151/1341, File No. Box 70762, Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya, formerly known as
MMXXII, by me, Duke Agusa Abuga Marwora, of P.O. Box 194- Grace Muthakye Kioko, formally and absolutely renounced and
40506, Kebirigo in the Republic of Kenya, formerly known as Duke abandoned the use of her former name Grace Muthakye Kioko, and in
Abuga Nyamaruru, formally and absolutely renounced and abandoned lieu thereof assumed and adopted the name Grace Muthakye Kioko
the use of my former name Duke Abuga Nyamaruru, and in lieu Tetemesha, for all purposes and authorizes and requests all persons at
thereof assumed and adopted the name Duke Agusa Abuga Marwora, all times to designate, describe and address her by her assumed name
for all purposes and authorizes and requests all persons at all times to Grace Muthakye Kioko Tetemesha only.
designate, describe and address me by my assumed name Duke Agusa
Abuga Marwora only. Dated the I lth May, 2022.


MR/3653610 formerly known as Duke Abuga Nyamaruru. Advocates for Grace Muthakye Kioko Tetemesha,

fv1P formerly known as Grace Muthakye Kioko.
2574 THE KENYA GAZETTE 13th May, 2022


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