Bayesian Statistics (Szábo & V.d.vaart)
Bayesian Statistics (Szábo & V.d.vaart)
Bayesian Statistics (Szábo & V.d.vaart)
Notation 1
2 Parametric Models 19
2.1 Conjugate priors 19
2.2 Default priors 23
2.2.1 Group invariance 23
2.2.2 Jeffreys priors 24
2.2.3 Reference priors 26
2.3 Bernstein-von Mises theorem 28
2.4 Credible regions 34
2.5 Bayes estimators 35
2.6 Bayes factors and BIC 36
2.7 DIC 40
2.8 Complements 41
2.8.1 Finite-dimensional Dirichlet distribution 41
2.8.2 Distances 43
2.8.3 Local asymptotic normality 43
2.8.4 Tests 44
2.8.5 Miscellaneous results 46
Exercises 46
3 Bayesian Computation 48
3.1 Brief introduction to Markov Chains 48
3.2 Metropolis-Hastings algorithm 52
iv Contents
4 Dirichlet Process 62
4.1 Random measures 62
4.2 Definition and existence 66
4.3 Stick-breaking representation 68
4.4 Tail-freeness 69
4.5 Posterior distribution 72
4.6 Predictive distribution 73
4.7 Number of distinct values 74
4.8 *Mixtures of Dirichlet processes 75
4.9 Complements 77
4.9.1 Weak topology on measures 77
Exercises 78
5 Posterior Contraction 81
5.1 Consistency 81
5.1.1 Doob’s theorem 83
5.1.2 Schwartz’s theorem 83
5.2 Tests 86
5.2.1 Minimax theorem 87
5.2.2 Product measures 88
5.2.3 Entropy 89
5.3 Consistency under an entropy bound 90
5.4 Rate of contraction 90
5.5 Contraction under an entropy bound 91
5.6 Complements 93
5.6.1 Examples of entropy 94
Exercises 95
Here Π is the marginal distribution of ϑ, which is called the prior distribution in this context,
meaning the distribution of the parameter before the data x was collected. Once the data is
available the Bayesian statistician will “update” this prior distribution to the conditional
distribution of ϑ given X = x, called the posterior distribution: the distribution on Θ given
Π(B| x) = Pr(ϑ ∈ B| X = x).
This is considered to contain all the relevant information; all further inference will be based
on it.
This updating is perfectly natural to anybody with a basic knowledge of probability. How-
ever, the Bayesian paradigm is a little controversial in its insistence that the parameter is a
random variable. As an assumption on the world this is untenable to most scientists. As a
working hypothesis or an “expression of uncertainty” it is much easier to accept, with still
the objection that the final result of the analysis will depend on the prior distribution Π, and
this may be chosen differently by different scientists.
De Finetti’s theorem is often brought forward in favour of the random variable assump-
tion. According to this theorem a sequence X1 , X2 , . . . , is exchangeable, that is has a joint
distribution that is invariant under permutation of its elements, if and only if there exists a
variable ϑ such that given ϑ the variables X1 , X2 , . . . , are i.i.d. Since exchangeability is a
reasonable assumption in many situations, the prior variable ϑ arises naturally.
The debate may also zoom in on the question whether there is a “true parameter”. For
a subjectivist Bayesian (i.e. a true Bayesian) there is none; statistical inference is only an
expression of uncertainty. For most scientists there is a true parameter, often denoted by θ0 ;
it is assumed that the data x was generated according to the measure Pθ0 .
In this course we shall not dwell too much on philosophical questions. In fact, we shall be
1.1 Measure-theoretic definitions 3
both Bayesian and non-Bayesian, or frequentist as the opposite of Bayesian is often called,
for not too clear reasons. We shall adopt the Bayesian approach to obtain posterior distri-
butions, and next study these posterior distributions (in their dependence on x) under the
assumption that x was generated from a “true distribution”. We can then pose and answer
the question whether the Bayesian methods “works”, relate it to other statistical methods,
and compare different priors. Some priors turn out to work better than others.
way to define also the random variables is to take the underlying probability space equal to
Ω = X × Θ with the product σ-field X × B, and define (X, ϑ): Ω → X × Θ as the identity
map: X(ω) = x and ϑ(ω) = θ if ω = (x, θ) ∈ Ω. Then {ω: (X(ω), ϑ(ω)) ∈ A × B} = A × B and
hence (1.1) holds.
From (1.1) the marginal law of ϑ is obtained by setting A = X. For this choice the equation
reduces to Pr(ϑ ∈ B) = Π(B), whence ϑ has law Π.
The marginal distribution of X is similarly obtained by setting B = Θ in (1.1), and is given
P(A): = Pr(X ∈ A) = Pθ (A) dΠ(θ).
This is a mixture of the distributions Pθ . This Bayesian marginal law should not be con-
fused with the “frequentist law” of the observation X, which is the distribution Pθ0 of X
under the “true” parameter θ0 . Instead of marginal law, Bayesians also say prior predictive
Next we turn to the posterior distribution, which should be the conditional distribution of
ϑ given X = x. Now conditioning on an event of probability zero is problematic. Since the
events {X = x} are often zero events, we define the posterior distribution through integration,
as follows.
Definition 1.2 (Posterior distribution) Given a model (Pθ : θ ∈ Θ), given as a Markov
kernel, and a prior probability distribution Π, a posterior distribution is a Markov kernel
(x, B) 7→ Π(B| x) from (X, X ) into (Θ, B) such that, for every A ∈ X and B ∈ B,
Pr X ∈ A, ϑ ∈ B) = Π(B| x) dP(x). (1.2)
Here (X, ϑ) is the random variable satisfying (1.1) constructed in the preceding, and P is the
marginal law of X.
Equation (1.2) is analogous to (1.1), but on the right side the roles of X and ϑ are swapped.
One says that both equations give disintegrations of the joint law of (X, ϑ), but in different
Another Markov kernel (x, B) 7→ Π1 (B| x) such that Π1 (B| x) = Π(B| x), for almost every x
under the marginal law P, will also satisfy (1.2), for every A. Hence a posterior distribution
is uniquely defined only up to a null set of x-values. Since we think of these as negligible,
we shall often speak of the posterior distribution, despite the possible lack of uniqueness.
A potential embarrassment is that the null sets are relative to the marginal law P, which
is the relevant law for Bayesians, but not for a statistician who believes the data were in
reality generated from a true distribution Pθ0 . Usually, but not always, a null set for P is also
a null set for every Pθ ; if not, then additional criteria are needed to work with a posterior
It is not true in full generality that a posterior distribution exists. By Kolmogorov’s defini-
tion of conditional expectation from measure theory, for every B ∈ B there always exists a
measurable map x 7→ Π(B| x) that satisfies (1.2) for every A ∈ X (see proof of next proposi-
tion). The map (x, B) 7→ Π(B| x) then satisfies requirement (ii) of the definition of a Markov
kernel. However, requirement (i) of the definition of a Markov kernel imposes relations be-
tween the maps x 7→ Π(B| x) for different B, and it is not true that the maps can always be
1.1 Measure-theoretic definitions 5
chosen so that these are satisfied and (x, B) 7→ Π(B| x) is a Markov kernel. In the following
proposition we see that usually they can. The key condition is that there are “not too many”
sets B, a condition that is expressed in topological terms.
Proposition 1.3 (Existence of posterior distribution) Suppose that there exists a metric d
on Θ under which Θ is separable and complete, and assume that B is the σ-field generated
by the open sets for this metric. Then there exists a Markov kernel (x, B) 7→ Π(B| x) from
(X, X ) into (Θ, B) that satisfies (1.2) for every A ∈ X and B ∈ B. Furthermore, any other
such Markov kernel (x, B) 7→ Π1 (B| x) satisfies Π1 (B| x) = Π(B| x) for every B ∈ B, for all x
except possibly in a set N with Pr(X ∈ N) = 0, where the set N can be chosen independent
of B.
Proof This result can be found in any good text on measure-theoretic probability. E.g.
Bauer (1981), Theorem 10.3.5 (about three or four pages of proof). The main work is to
put versions of the conditional probabilities Π(B| x) together to a probability measure B 7→
Π(B| x). The existence of the conditional probabilities itself is a consequence of the Radon-
Nikodym theorem, as follows. For given B we consider the measure Q(A) = Pr(X ∈ A, ϑ ∈
B). This is absolutely continuous with respect to P: if Pr(X ∈ A) = 0,R then also Q(A) = 0.
Thus there exists a measurable map x 7→ fB (x) on X such that Q(A) = A fB (x) dP(x), for all
A ∈ X . This is a version of the map Π(B| x).
The σ-field generated by the open sets in a topological space is called the Borel σ-field. A
topological space whose topology is generated by a metric under which the space is separa-
ble and complete is called a Polish topological space. Thus the preceding proposition can be
paraphrased as saying that a posterior distribution exists as soon as (Θ, B) is a Polish space
with its Borel σ-field. This will be the case in all examples of interest.
Example 1.4 (Euclidean space) The space Rd is complete and separable under the usual
metric and hence Polish. The usual σ-field, which is also generated by the cells (a, b], is the
Borel σ-field.
Example 1.5 (Unit interval) The open unit interval (0, 1) is not complete under the usual
metric, but it is still Polish.
For instance, the topology is also generated by the metric
d(x, y) = Φ−1 (x) − Φ−1 (y), for Φ the standard normal distribution function, which makes
(0, 1) into a complete space. (Sequences {xn } ⊂ (0, 1) that approach 0 or 1 in the usual topol-
ogy are not Cauchy for d. This solves the problem that (0, 1) is not closed at its end points.)
The usual σ-field, which is also generated by the cells (a, b], is the Borel σ-field for this
Example 1.6 (Sequence space) The space R∞ is complete and separable under the metric
d(x, y) = ∞ i=1 2 (|xi − yi | ∧ 1), if x = (x1 , x2 , . . .) and y = (y1 , y2 , . . .), and hence Polish. The
usual σ-field, generated by the cylindrical sets, can be shown to be the Borel σ-field for d.
The second and third examples are generalised in the following lemma, which shows
that Polish spaces abound. We shall encounter other examples of interest later on, including
spaces of measures and spaces of functions.
Lemma 1.7 (i) Every closed subset of a Polish space is again a Polish space.
(ii) Every open subset of a Polish space is again a Polish space.
6 The Bayesian Paradigm
(iii) The product of finitely many or countably many Polish spaces is a Polish space.
Proof Assertion (i) is trivial, as a closed subset of a separable, complete space is separable
and complete. Assertion (iii) follows by constructing a metric on the product in the manner of
Example 1.6, where the Euclidean distances |xi − yi | are replaced by the (complete) distances
of the individual spaces in the product. For the proof of (ii), let G be an open subset of the
Polish space E. Since F = Gc is closed, the map ψ: R × E → R given by ψ(r, x) = r d(x, F)
is continuous. Hence the inverse image G0 : = ψ−1 ({1}) = {(r, x): r d(x, F) = 1} is closed in
R × E. By (iii) the latter product is Polish and hence by (i) this inverse image is Polish. Now
the map φ: G0 → E given by (r, x) 7→ x can be seen to be a homeomorphism of G0 onto G.
This implies that G inherits its Polishness from G0 .
are measurable functions of the remaining argument x. Their quotient is then also measur-
able, and hence Π(B| x) defined by (1.3) satisfies requirement (ii) of a Markov kernel.
It is clear from the definition that Π(∅| x) = 0 and Π(Θ| x) = 1. Furthermore, the map B 7→
Π(B| x) is additive over disjoint sets, by the properties of integrals. Applying the monotone
convergence theorem to the indicators of a sequence ∪ni=1 Bi of unions of disjoint sets, we
see that is also countably additive. Thus requirement (i) is satisfied as well, so that (x, B) 7→
Π(B| x) is a Markov kernel.
By (1.1) and the representation of Pθ (A) as an integral, followed by Fubini’s theorem,
Pr(X ∈ A, ϑ ∈ B) = pθ (x) dµ(x) dΠ(θ) = pθ (x) dΠ(θ) dµ(x).
1.2 Bayes’s rule 7
Setting B = Θ we see that p(x): = pθ (x) dΠ(θ) is a density of P relative to µ. Then the set
N = {x: p(x) = 0} is a null set for P, and the preceding display does not change if we intersect
A with N c . On A ∩ N c , we can rewrite the inner integral in the expression on the far right as
Π(B| x)p(x), by (1.3), and hence we find that the left side is equal to A∩N c Π(B| x)p(x) dµ(x).
This does not change if we replace A ∩ N c again by A. Thus we have verified that Π(B| x)
satisfies the disintegration (1.2).
Bayes’s formula can be best memorised as a reweighting rule. A priori the value θ of the
parameter has weight dΠ(θ). The data x is observed with “probability proportional to” the
likelihood pθ (x). A posteriori the weight of θ is proportional to pθ (x) dΠ(θ). With the symbol
∝ meaning “is proportional to as a function of θ”, we can express this by the formula
Bayes’s rule is the integrated form of this formula. The denominator p(x) = pθ (x) dΠ(θ)
in (1.3) acts as the norming constant for the density, which makes the quotient (1.3) equal
to 1 for B = Θ. Note that p is precisely the marginal density of X. Bayesians call it also the
evidence or prior predictive density.
Example 1.9 (Binomial distribution) Thomas Bayes derived his rule for a special model
and prior, which we nowadays can describe as a binomial observation with uniform prior on
the succes probability. Thus
n x
pθ (x) = θ (1 − θ)n−x , dΠ(θ) = dθ, x = 0, 1, . . . , n, θ ∈ (0, 1).
The denominator in Bayes’s rule ensures that the total mass of the measure is equal to 1.
This is true even if Π itself is not a probability measure. A true prior is a probability measure,
and it is not useful to replace it by a finite measure of total mass unequal to 1, but it can be
useful to employ an infinite measure. Provided the integral in the denominator is finite, the
right side of formula (1.1) still defines a random probability measure, which we could call a
posterior measure. A “prior” of infinite mass is called improper.
Example 1.10 (Normal distribution) For an observation X from a normal distribution with
unknown mean θ and variance 1 and Π Lebesgue measure, Bayes’s rule gives
φ(x − θ) dθ
dΠ(θ| x) = R = φ(x − θ) dθ.
φ(x − θ) dθ
Figure 1.1 Uniform prior density (dashed) and posterior density for observation
x = 7 from a binomial distribution with parameters n = 20 and success probability
• θ is generated from Π.
• x is generated from Pθ .
The two steps concern the parameter θ and the data x, respectively. There is no distinction
between these quantities other than that the first is not observed, whereas the second is.
Bayesian modelling can be viewed more generally as describing the mechanism by which
data and unobservables have been generated. Here the “unobservables” may well consist of
other variables besides the parameter that indexes the model for the observables, and the
generative model may well consist of a hierarchy of more than two steps. Every unobserv-
able receives a distribution in this hierarchy, and after observing the data these distributions
are updated to their conditional distributions given the data. Depending on their nature, un-
observables may be called latent variables or parameters, but the conditional distribution of
any unobservable given the data is called a “posterior distribution”.
Some examples make this clearer.
Example 1.11 (Linear mixed model) In a linear mixed model (also called random effects
model) the observation is a vector Y with values in Rn satisfying the regression equation
Y = Xβ + Zγ + e,
matrices D and σ2 I, say. The “random effects” γ are not observed, but used to model depen-
dencies between the coordinates of Y. The “error vector” e is also not observed, as usual in
a regression model.
The distribution of the observable Y is normal with mean Xβ and covariance matrix
ZDZ T + σ2 I.
As a parameter vector we can take θ = (β, D, σ2 ). In its most basic form the Bayesian
hierarchy would be to generate θ from a prior (on R p × D × (0, ∞), for D the set of positive-
definite matrices), and next Y from the Nn (Xβ, ZDZ T + σ2 I)-distribution.
However, it is attractive to split the generative model in more than two steps:
• (β, D, σ2 ) are generated from a prior.
• γ is generated from Nq (0, σ2 D).
• e is generated from Nn (0, σ2 I).
• Y = Xβ + Zγ + e.
In this hierarchy the unobservables γ receive a similar treatment as the unobservables β,
which are part of the parameter vector θ. This is even more so if the prior for β would also
be chosen Gaussian, as is customary.
One concrete example is a longitudinal study, in which individuals are followed over
time and measured at multiple occasions. The observational vector Y would then consist
of blocks, and could be indexed as (Y1,1 , . . . , Y1,T , Y2,1 , . . . , Y2,T , . . . , YS ,1 , . . . , YS ,T )T , where
Y s,1 , . . . , Y s,T are the consecutive measurements on individual s. A simple linear model would
Y s,t = β0 + β1 t + γ s,0 + γ s,1 t + e s,t ,
where e s,t are i.i.d. univariate normal variables. The idea of this model is that every individual
s follows a linear model in time t, but the intercept and slopes vary over the individuals: for
individual s these are β0 + γ s,0 and β1 + γ s,1 . The parameters β0 and β1 are the “population
intercept and slope”, while the parameters γ s,0 and γ s,1 are the deviations of individual s
from the average. If the data consists of measurements on individuals sampled from some
population, then it makes sense to think of the pairs (γ s,0 , γ s,1 ) as an i.i.d. sample from a
distribution. The vector γ = (γ1,0 , γ1,1 , . . . , γS ,0 , γS ,1 )T is then also random (with covariance
matrix σ2 D having block structure, as individuals are independent).
One advantage of the Bayesian model is that one can speak naturally of the conditional
distribution of the latent variable γ given the data Y. This will reveal the hidden structure
behind the data. In the concrete example the posterior distribution of γ would show the
variability of the intercepts and slopes in the population.
A possible prior for (β, D, σ2 ) is given by the following scheme:
• 1/σ2 is generated from a Γ(a, b)-distribution.
• β is generated from a N(0, σ2C)-distribution.
• D is generated from a Wishart distribution with parameters σ2 ∆.
These three lines could replace the first line of the preceding hierarchy. The parameters
a, b, C, ∆ could be chosen fixed constants (such as a = b = 0.001 to obtain a widely spread
prior), or one could add a further hierarchical step by generating these in term from a prior.
The subsequent steps in this hierarchical description may use values from previous steps.
10 The Bayesian Paradigm
The distributions from which the variables are generated are then understood to be condi-
tional distributions given those variables, something that is often not made explicit. Further-
more and more confusing, if variables are not mentioned, then this usually is meant to imply
stochastic independence.
Example 1.12 (Probit regression) Suppose that the data consists of independent random
variables Y1 , . . . , Yn taking values in two-point set {0, 1} and of fixed constants x1 , . . . , xn
such that
Pr(Yi = 1) = Φ(β0 + β1 xi ) = 1 − Pr(Yi = 0).
The only parameters are β0 and β1 , and hence a Bayesian analysis proceeds from a prior on
β = (β0 , β1 ).
One could consider that the normal distribution function Φ appears only to map the linear
regressions β0 + β1 x into the interval (0, 1), which is necessary to model the probabilities
Pr(Yi = 1). One could also give a more structural motivation for the form of the model
through the following hierarchical Bayesian model:
One can check that this gives variables Y1 , . . . , Yn following the model as before. The vari-
ables Zi are not observable, but they explain the observables: Zi can be viewed as a measure
of fitness, or “propensity”, of the ith unit. If the fitness is above a threshold (taken zero 0
here), then the observed value is 1; otherwise it is 0.
1.5.1 Location
The “location” of the posterior distribution is a natural point estimator of the parameter.
R If the parameter set is a linear space that allows integration, then the posterior mean
θ dΠ(θ| X) is the most popular measure of location.
If the parameter set is a subset of Euclidean space and the prior distribution has a density
π relative to Lebesgue measure, and the model is given by densities pθ , then the posterior
mode is defined as
h i
argmax log π(θ| X) = argmax log pθ (X) + log π(θ) .
θ θ
The second way of writing the posterior shows that the posterior mode is a penalized maxi-
mum likelihood estimator, with penalty the log prior density. If the prior density were con-
stant, then the posterior mode would be the maximum likelihood estimator.
The posterior mode means to give a point of highest posterior probability, but the latter
concept is usually ill defined, as single parameter values typically have posterior probability
zero. An alternative is to define for a given δ > 0 a δ-posterior mode as
where B(θ, δ) is the ball of radius δ around θ, for some metric on Θ. If the limit of the δ-
modes as δ ↓ 0 exists, then this would be a good candidate for a definition of a posterior
mode in general.
Another possible point estimator is the spatial shorth, which is defined as the center of
the smallest ball containing posterior mass at least 3/4 (or some other prescribed number).
Π(C x | x) ≥ 1 − α.
of the integrals of the two defining quantities. Confidence sets have a somewhat complicated
interpretation, the level referring to the probability that data has been obtained so that the
set covers the parameter. Credible sets express a probability concerning the parameter, and
seem to have a more natural interpretation.
Example 1.13 (Normal mean) The posterior distribution for θ ∈ R based on a sample
of size n from the N(θ, 1)-distribution relative to a N(0, λ) prior distribution is the normal
distribution with mean (1 + λ−1 /n)−1 X̄ and variance (n + λ)−1 . A central interval of posterior
probability 1−α is (1+λ−1 /n)−1 X̄n ±(n+λ−1 )−1/2 ξ1−α/2 , for ξα the standard normal α-quantile.
The interval depends on the prior distribution through λ. For λ → ∞ the interval tends to
the “usual” interval X̄n ± n−1/2 ξ1−α/2 . We shall see later on that for n → ∞ the interval also
approaches the usual interval, for any λ.
1.5.3 Prediction
Within the Bayesian framework a prediction of a variable Y given data X is based on the
conditional distribution Y of X. If desired this could be summarized by the location (such as
E(Y| X)) or a credible set (called predictive set in this context) corresponding to this condi-
tional distribution.
If Y and X are conditionally independent given a parameter (or latent variable) ϑ and
Π(·| x) gives the posterior distribution of ϑ given X = x, then the predictive distribution can
1.5 Bayesian inference 13
be expressed as
Pr(Y ∈ C| X = x) = Pr(Y ∈ C| ϑ = θ) dΠ(θ| x).
This is known as the posterior predictive density. In particular, if X1 , X2 , . . . , are i.i.d. given
ϑ from a density pθ , then the posterior predictive density of Xn+1 given data X1 , . . . , Xn is
xn+1 7→ pθ (xn+1 ) dΠ(θ| x1 , . . . , xn ).
This may be compared to the prior predictive density, which is obtained if n = 0, with
Π(·| x1 , . . . , xn ) interpreted as the prior distribution.
The Bayes factor is precisely the quotient of the Bayesian marginal densities of the data
given models i and j, respectively. It is the likelihood ratio statistic for testing the two hy-
potheses in the Bayesian setup; it gives the most powerful test according to the Neyman-
Pearson theory. A large value of BF(Θi , Θ j ) is an indication that model i gives a better fit to
the data. This explains that the Bayesian marginal density is also called “evidence”.
14 The Bayesian Paradigm
A proper comparison of the models should also take account of their prior probabilities
λi . Indeed, the quotient of the posterior probabilities of the models is
Π(Θi | x) λi
= BF(Θi , Θ j )(x).
Π(Θ j | x) λ j
In words this reads: posterior odds is equal to prior odds times Bayes factor.
Bayesian model choice seems straightforward, but unfortunately there are many problems
with its implementation. The following examples illustrate that one should be careful with
models of different complexities, and that one should not use improper priors.
Example 1.14 (Lindley’s paradox) Consider data consisting of a random sample X1 , . . . , Xn
from a normal distribution with mean θ and variance 1. We wish to decide between the hy-
potheses H0 : θ = 0 and H1 : θ , 0. The only possible prior under H0 is the Dirac measure at
0. As a prior under H1 we choose a normal distribution with mean 0 and variance τ2 , still to
be determined. The Bayes factor between the hypotheses is then given by
R Qn
i=1 φ(Xi − θ) φ(θ/τ)/τ dθ 1 1 2 2 −1
Qn = √ e 2 nX̄ /(1+(nτ ) ) .
i=1 φ(X i ) 1 + nτ 2
For nτ2 1 and a fixed observation this expression has the same order of magnitude as
τ−1 n−1/2 exp(nX̄ 2 /2).
A first observation is that the prior standard deviation τ plays a crucial role. A large value
of τ leads to a small Bayes factor and hence evidence in favour of the null hypothesis. Large
τ corresponds to giving more weight to bigger values of |θ| in the alternative hypothesis,
and apparently makes the alternative hypothesis less likely. As τ → ∞ the Bayes factor
even tends to zero, for any fixed values of the observations. This is usually not viewed as
an advantage, as larger values of τ specify greater uncertainty on the value of θ, yielding
uninformative priors.
For the Bayes factor to be larger than a threshold c it is necessary that
n|X̄| > 2 log(cτ) + log n.
Thus the Bayes factor gives evidence for H1 only if n|Xn | exceeds log n (if τ > 1). p On the
other hand, the usual test rejects H0 if n|Xn | > ξ1−α/2 . For values between ξ1−α/2 and log n
the frequentist and Bayesian conclusions will be different. The p-value 2 1 − Φ( n|X̄n |) can
be very small even though the Bayes factor strongly favours H0 .
If the observations are distributed according to a true parameter value θ0 , then nX̄ is
√ √ √
N( nθ0 , 1)-distributed and hence takes its values in the interval ( pnθ0 −Mn , nθ0 +Mn ) with
probability tending to one if Mn → ∞. (Furthermore, for Mn = 2.1 log log n the variable
nX̄ is in this interval eventually, almost surely,
p by the law of the iterated logarithm.) Then
√ √
for values n|θ0 | → ∞ such that n|θ0 | log n, the frequentist and Bayesian procedures
make different p decisions with probability tending to one, and also almost surely eventually
if n|θ0 | log log n.
This phenomenon was apparently first noted by Jeffreys and later called a paradox by
Lindley. Since then it has been subject of much debate. That the Bayes factor may lead
to the opposite conclusion as simple frequentist statistical reasoning seems not necessarily
paradoxal, but it is certainly embarrassing to the Bayesian. One conclusion could be that
1.6 Decision theory 15
we should be careful in giving equal prior weights to models of different complexities, such
as the zero-dimensional null model and the one-dimensional alternative in the present case.
The data may not in all cases correct the prior bias to the more precise smaller model.
Example 1.15 (Improper priors) For an improper prior there is usually no natural norming
constant, in that cΠ is just as reasonable as Π, for any c > 0. For the posterior distribution
this makes no difference as the multiplicative constant cancels from Bayes’s formula. How-
ever, in the posterior probability Π(Θi | x) when there are multiple models Θi , or the Bayes
factor between two models, the norming constants of the various models cancel only if they
are all identical. If the models or their priors are not comparable, then there may not be good
arguments for the relative sizes of the norming constants. It is therefore a common opinion
that improper priors should not be used in the case of multiple models, or at best are admis-
sible for parameters that are common to the models and a priori independent of the other
parameters, so that the norming constants of their priors cancel.
To make these expressions well defined, we assume given a σ-field on D, and require that `
and T are measurable maps.
The purpose is to find a procedure with small Bayes risk.
Example 1.16 (Estimation with quadratic loss) A possible loss function for Θ ⊂ Rd is
square loss `(θ, t) = kθ − tk2 . The risk function of the randomized estimator T is then its
mean square error Eθ kT − θk2 , as a function of the parameter θ.
Given a procedure T , the procedure 0 T (x, u) du can be seen to have smaller risk, by
Jensen’s inequality, and hence randomisation is not useful in this case. This is true more
generally for convex loss functions.
The risk function will typically be minimized by different procedures for different θ, and
then there will not be a uniformly optimal procedure. However, the Bayes risk reduces the
risk function to a number and there will usually be a procedure that minimizes the Bayes
risk. It suffices that the infimum of the Bayes risks over all procedures is assumed. The
minimizer is called the Bayes procedure.
16 The Bayesian Paradigm
The following theorem shows that the Bayes estimator minimizes the posterior risk, given
by, for Π(·| x) the posterior distribution of θ,
Z Z 1
E `(ϑ, T )| X = x) = ` θ, T (x, u) du dΠ(θ| x).
Theorem 1.17 Assume that there exists a procedure T 0 such that T 0 (x, U) minimizes the
posterior risk at x over all procedures T , for every x. Then T 0 is a Bayes procedure.
Proof The Bayes risk can be written in the form E` ϑ, T = L(x, T ) dP(x), for L(x, T )
the posterior risk, and P the marginal distribution of X. Minimization of the integral on the
right is achieved by minimizing the integrand L(x, T ), for every x separately.
Example 1.18 (Estimation with quadratic loss) For the quadratic loss function `(θ, t) =
kθ − tk2 on Θ ∈ Rd , the posterior risk of a nonrandomized procedure is
T (x) − θ
2 dΠ(θ| x).
Minimization over all procedures T leads to the posterior mean T (x) = θ dΠ(θ| x). This
follows because µ 7→ EkY − µk2 is minimized by µ = EY, for any random vector Y; we apply
this to Y distributed according to Π(·| x).
Example 1.19 (Binomial distribution) Suppose the observation X is bin(n, θ)-distributed,
with n known and 0 ≤ θ ≤ 1 the succes probability. A convenient class of prior distributions
on [0, 1] is the class of Beta-distributions, given by the densities, for α > 0 and β > 0,
π(θ) ∝ θα−1 (1 − θ)β−1 .
The (omitted) norming constant for this density is the beta-function B(α, β) = 0
θα−1 (1 −
θ)β−1 dθ. By Bayes’s rule the posterior density is given by
n x
π(θ| x) ∝ θ (1 − θ)n−x π(θ) ∝ θ x+α−1 (1 − θ)n−x+β−1 .
In other words: the a-posteriori distribution of θ is a Beta-distribution with parameters x + α
and n − x + β. The posterior mean is
Z 1
B(x + α + 1, n − x + β) x+α
T α,β (x) = θ π(θ| x) dθ = = .
0 B(x + α, n − x + β) n+α+β
Here we use that B(α, β) = Γ(α)Γ(β)/Γ(α + β) so that B(α + 1, β) = α/(α + β) B(α, β). For
every parameter (α, β) we find a different estimator. The “natural estimator” X/n is not a
Bayes estimator, but is obtained as a limit as (α, β) → (0, 0).
Which of the estimators is best? None of the Bayes estimators is “wrong”, because each
one is optimal in terms of its own Bayes risk as criterion. The mean square errors of the
estimators can be computed as
X+α 2 varθ X Eθ X + α 2
Eθ (T − θ)2 = Eθ −θ = + −θ
n+α+β (n + α + β) 2 n+α+β
θ (α + β) − n + θ(n − 2α(α + β) + α2
2 2
= .
(n + α + β)2
1.6 Decision theory 17
Figure 1.3 Mean square error of the Bayes estimators T α,β with α = β = 12 n
(constant), α = β = 0 (curved, solid), α = n, β = 0 (dashed, linear), α = β = 1
Figure 1.3 shows the graphs of some of these functions. Every Bayes estimator is best for
some region of θ-values, but worse in other regions, and there is no absolutely best estimator.
Minimizing the Bayes risk entails minimizing a weighted average of the risk function,
with the weights determined by the prior distribution. Different prior distributions will give
different solutions. The complete class theorem shows that all procedures of interest are ob-
tained in this manner. The minimax theorem shows that the minimax risk is the maximum
over all Bayes risks. Unfortunately, neither of the two theorems is true in exactly this simple
form, but both require significant regularity conditions and/or a closure operation. The fol-
lowing are versions of these results that are compromises between generality and simplicity.
A randomized estimator T is called admissible if there is no randomized estimator T 1
with Eθ `(θ, T 1 ) ≤ Eθ `(θ, T ), for every θ ∈ Θ with strict inequality for at least one value of θ.
A loss function `: Θ × D is called subcompact if for every θ and c ∈ R the set {t: `(θ, t) ≤ c}
is either compact or the full space D.
Theorem 1.20 (Complete class theorem) Suppose that the measures Pθ permit densities
relative to a σ-finite measure on (X, X ), assume that the decision space (D, D) is Polish
with its Borel σ-field, and let the loss function ` be subcompact.
Eθ `(θ, T ) is continuous, then every admissible procedure is Bayes with respect to some
prior on (Θ, B).
(iii) For any Θ the risk function of any admissible procedure is the pointwise limit (on Θ) of
risk functions of a net of Bayes procedures for finitely discrete priors.
Theorem 1.21 (Minimax theorem) Under the conditions of the preceding theorem
sup inf Eθ `(θ, T ) dΠ(θ) = inf sup Eθ `(θ, T ),
Π T T θ∈Θ
where the first supremum is taken over all finitely discrete measures Π on Θ and the infima
are taken over all randomized estimators T .
Proofs of these results can be found in abstract form in Le Cam (1986) or Strasser (1985),
and in different forms in other books.
1.7 Complements
Theorem 1.22 (De Finetti’s theorem) If X1 , X2 , . . . are random variables with values in a Polish
measurable space (X, X ) such that (Xσ1 , . . . , Xσn ) and (X1 , . . . , Xn ) are equal in distribution for
every permutation (σ1 , . . . , σn ) of {1, . . . , n} and every n, then there exists a Markov kernel from
[0, 1] into (X, X ) and a probability measure Π on [0, 1] such that Pr X1 ∈ A1 , X2 ∈ A2 , . . .) =
R 1 Q∞
0 i=1 Q(Ai | u) dΠ(u), for every Ai ∈ X .
Lemma 1.23 If (x, B) 7→ Q(B| x) is a Markov kernel from a measurable space (X, X ) into a mea-
surable space (Y, Y ) and P is a probability measure on
R (X, X ), then there exists a unique probability
measure R on (X × Y, X × Y ) such that R(A × B) = Q(B| x) dP(x).
1.1 Consider the decision problem with decision space {0, 1} and loss function `(θ, i) = c1θ<Θi , for a
given constant c > 0 and a given partition Θ = Θ0 ∪ Θ1 . Determine the Bayes procedure relative
to a given prior Π. [Hint: you need to apply the Neyman-Pearson theory for testing.]
1.2 Suppose that V = V(X) is a sufficient statistic for θ. Show that the posterior distribution of θ
given X is the same as the posterior distribution of θ given V. [As a definition of sufficiency you
may use that there exists a regular version of the conditional distribution of X given V that does
not depend on θ.]
1.3 Suppose the vector X is normally distributed with unknown mean θ ∈ Rk and known covariance
matrix Σ. Show that the posterior distribution for θ relative to the prior Π = Nk (0, Λ) is the
normal distribution with mean (Σ−1 + Λ−1 )−1 Σ−1 X and covariance matrix (Σ−1 + Λ−1 )−1 .
1.4 Suppose the data is a sample X1 , . . . , Xn from the Poisson distribution with mean θ, and choose
the prior to have density π(θ) = e−θ . Find the posterior distribution. Find the posterior mean and
the posterior variance.
1.5 Given an improper prior Π let Θ1 ⊂ Θ2 ⊂ · · · be a sequence of subsets of the parameter set
with Θ = ∪i Θi and such that Π(Θi ) < ∞, for every i. Assume that pθ (x) dΠ(θ) < ∞, for a
given statistical model with densities pθ . Show that the posterior distributions Πi (·| x) for the
proper priors Π(· ∩ Θi )/Π(Θi ) converge to Rthe posterior distribution for the improper prior Π in
the sense of Kullback-Leibler divergence: log πi (θ| x)/π(θ| x) dΠi (θ| x) → 0, as i → ∞.
Parametric Models
Γ(α1 + · · · + αk ) α1 −1 α2 −1 αk−1 −1
(θ1 , . . . , θk−1 ) 7→ θ θ2 · · · θk−1 (1 − θ1 − · · · − θk−1 )αk −1 .
Γ(α1 ) · · · Γ(αk ) 1
The full vector (ϑ1 , . . . , ϑk ) is restricted to the (k − 1)-dimensional unit simplex in Rk and has
no density, but it is convenient to think of it as having a density proportional to θ1α1 −1 · · · θkαk −1
with respect to the “Lebesgue measure on the unit simplex”.
For k = 2 the vector (ϑ1 , ϑ2 ) is completely described by a single coordinate, where
ϑ1 ∼ Be(α1 , α2 ) and ϑ2 = 1 − ϑ1 ∼ Be(α2 , α1 ). Thus the Dirichlet distribution is a multivari-
ate generalization of the Beta distribution. The Dir(k; 1, . . . , 1)-distribution is the uniform
20 Parametric Models
distribution on the unit simplex. See Section 2.8.1 for more information on the Dirichlet
The Dirichlet family is conjugate for data X following a multinomial distribution with
success parameter θ. Indeed if X = (X1 , . . . , Xk ) has density
n x1 x2
! X
pθ (x) = θ1 θ2 · · · θkxk , xi ∈ Z+ , xi = n,
x i
and the prior is chosen to be Dir(k; α), then the posterior density satisfies
π(θ| x) ∝ θ1α1 +x1 −1 θ2α2 +x2 −1 · · · θkαk +xk −1 .
Thus the posterior distribution is Dir(k; α + x).
From the properties of the Dirichlet distribution it follows that the posterior mean is equal
to (α + X)/n. For α → 0 this tends to the maximum likelihood estimator X/n.
Example 2.3 (Normal/Gamma-Gaussian) The likelihood of an i.i.d. sample X1 , . . . , Xn
from the N(µ, σ2 )-distribution is proportional to
1 − Pni=1 (Xi −µ)2 /(2σ2 ) 1 1 Pn 2 µ Pn nµ2
(µ, σ) 7→ e = n e− 2σ2 i=1 Xi + σ2 i=1 Xi − 2σ2 .
σ n σ
It follows that a conjugate prior density is of the form, for given constants γ1 , γ2 , γ3 , γ4 ,
1 − γ22 + γ32µ − γ4 µ22
π(µ, σ) ∝ e σ σ σ .
This depends on µ through a parabola in the exponent, in which we recognize a Gaussian
density with scale σ and mean and variance determined by the pair (γ3 , γ4 ). For µ given σ
distributed according to N(ν, σ2 τ2 ), we have
1 2 2 2
π(µ| σ) = √ e−(µ−ν) /(2σ τ ) .
τσ 2π
If we choose (µ, τ) so that the parabola in the exponent matches the parabola in the exponent
of π(µ, σ), then we see that , for some γ5 , γ6 .
π(µ, σ) 1 γ6
π(σ) = ∝ γ5 e− σ2 .
π(µ| σ) σ
It can verified that this is equivalent to 1/σ2 following a Gamma distribution with certain
parameters (α, β).
Thus the conjugate family for a normal sample with unknown mean and variance can
be described by the hierarchy 1/σ2 ∼ Γ(α, β) and µ| σ2 ∼ N(ν, σ2 λ), for hyper parameters
α > 0, β > 0, ν ∈ R, λ > 0. The update formula for the posterior can be computed to be, for
x = (x1 , . . . , xn ),
1 n 1X 2 n( x̄ − ν)2
| x ∼ Γ α + , β + (x i − x̄) + ,
σ2 2 2 i=1 2nλ + 2
nλ( x̄ − ν) σ2 λ
µ| x, σ ∼ N + ν, .
nλ + 1 nλ + 1
Choosing the prior for µ proportional to σ seems not easily defendable from a subjectivist
2.1 Conjugate priors 21
Bayesian point of view, but is often considered reasonable as σ measures the noise level of
the data. The posterior means are given by
1 α + n/2
E 2| x = ,
σ β + ni=1 (xi − x̄)2 /2 + n( x̄ − ν)2 /(2nλ + 2)
nλ( x̄ − ν)
E µ| x = + ν.
nλ + 1
For ν = 0 and λ → ∞ this reduces to the maximum likelihood estimators of 1/σ2 and µ.
Example 2.4 (Regression) The likelihood for observing a variable Y with the Nn (Xβ, σ2 I)-
distribution, where X is a known and fixed (n × p)-matrix, β a vector in R p and σ > 0, is
1 2 βT T βT X T Xβ
e−ky−Xβk /(2σ ) e− 2σ2 kyk + σ2 X y−
2 2
pβ,σ (y) = = .
(2π)n/2 σn (2π)n/2 σn
This is similar in structure as in Example 2.3, except that β is a vector and enters linearly and
through a quadratic from in the exponent. Similar reasoning shows that a conjugate prior is
given by 1/σ2 ∼ Γ(a, b) and β| σ ∼ N p (ν, σ2 Λ), for hyper parameters a > 0, b > 0, ν ∈ R p
and a positive-definite matrix Λ. The posterior distribution can be shown to take the form
1 n
| Y ∼ Γ a + , b + 12 kY −Xνk2 − 21 (Y −Xν)TX(X TX + Λ−1 )−1X T(Y −Xν) ,
σ 2
β| Y, σ ∼ N (X TX + Λ−1 )−1X T (Y −Xν) + ν, σ2 (X TX + Λ−1 )−1 .
For a, b → 0, ν = 0, and Λ−1 → 0, the posterior means of β and 1/σ2 tend to the maximum
likelihood (or least squares) estimators β̂ = (X T X)−1 X T Y and n/S S res , where S S res = kY −
X β̂k2 is the residual sum of squares. (Use the decomposition kYk2 = kY − X β̂k2 + kX β̂k2 ,
which follows from the fact that X β̂ is the orthogonal projection of Y onto the column space
of X.)
Since the regression matrix X is considered fixed, it can be used to construct the prior. The
Zellner g-prior, or just short, g-prior, uses β| σ, g ∼ N(ν, σ2 g(X T X)−1 ), for a hyperparameter
g > 0. It is usually combined with the improper prior density π(σ) ∝ 1/σ, for σ, which can
be viewed as the limit of 1/σ2 ∼ Γ(a, b) as (a, b) → 0. The posterior is then given by
1 n S S res (β̂ − ν)X T X(β̂ − ν)
| Y, g ∼ Γ , + ,
σ2 2 2 2(g + 1)
ν + β̂ g
, σ2 (X T X)−1 .
β| Y, σ, g ∼ N p
g+1 g+1
The hyper parameter g is fixed in these calculations, as giving it a prior destroys conjugacy.
It may be estimated by the empirical Bayes method, by maximizing the marginal likelihood.
Since the marginal likelihood has an interpretation only for a proper prior, we may compute
this first for the situation that 1/σ2 ∼ Γ(a, b) as, setting ν = 0 for simplicity,
1 2 1 T −1 T
un/2 e− 2 uky−Xβk ua−1 ba e−bu u p/2 e− 2 uβ g X Xβ
p(Y| g) = dβ du
0 (2π)n/2 Γ(a) (2π) p/2 (det g(X T X)−1 )1/2
ba Γ(n/2 + a) (1 + g)n/2−p/2−a
= n/2−a .
πn/2 Γ(a) b(1 + g) + gkY − X β̂k2 + kYk2
22 Parametric Models
As b → 0 this tends to a limit, but as a → 0 the factor Γ(a) tends to infinity and the
expression approaches 0. This is usually solved by dropping the factor ba /Γ(a), and setting
the other appearances of a and b to zero.
The main motivation for Zellner’s prior appears to be that it leads to simple formulas,
which are reminiscent of least squares theory. However, the same computations are possible
for a general covariance matrix Λ. The regression matrix X usually contains a column of 1s,
to model a general intercept, and then the other columns are taken orthogonal to this column.
A variation is to model the intercept coefficient by the improper Lebesgue prior, and equip
only the other coefficients with a Zellner g-prior. This leads to slightly different formulas.
See Liang et al. (2008) for further discussion.
indexed by parameters α and β = (β1 , . . . , βk ) such that the functions in the display are
integrable with respect to the dominating measure. The posterior is obtained by updating the
parameters from (α, β) to α + 1, β + τ(x) for τ(x) = τ1 (x), . . . , τk (x) .
The distributions of a random sample X1 , . . . , Xn from pθ form an exponential family
with the same functions Qi , but with the statistics i τ(xi ) replacing the statistics τ(x). The
conjugacy is then retained with the update being from (α, β) to α + n, β + i τ(xi ) .
Example 2.6 (Multivariate normal) The likelihood for a sample X1 , . . . , Xn from the multivariate-
normal distribution Nd (µ, Σ) is given by
Y 1 1 T
Σ−1 (xi −µ)
pµ,Σ (x1 , . . . , xn ) = e− 2 (xi −µ)
(2π)d/2 (det Σ)1/2
1 1 T −1 1 T −1
e− 2 tr(S x Σ )+µ Σ n x̄− 2 nµ Σ µ ,
(det Σ) n/2
for S x = i=1 xi xiT . A conjugate prior for (µ, Σ) is given by
1 1
− tr(BΣ−1 )
π(Σ) ∝ e 2 ,
(det Σ)(a+d+1)/2
1 1 T −1 2
π(µ| Σ) = d e− 2 (µ−ν) Σ (µ−ν)/τ .
τ (det Σ) 1/2
The first is the density of an inverse Wishart distribution with a degrees of freedom and
precision matrix B. The second corresponds to a multivariate normal density.
2.2 Default priors 23
The Jacobian | det φ0 (η)| will typically not be constant, so that at most one of the two densities
π or π1 can be uniform.
This argument supposedly rules out the uniform measure as a prior for a fraction or suc-
cess probability θ in a binomial experiment on parameter space [0, 1], as for instance the
odds ratio θ/(1 − θ) or its logarithm also give natural parametrizations.
Because the Fisher information is additive over independent observations, the Jeffreys
prior for a random sample from pθ is the same as for a single observation. Another desirable
property is invariance.
Lemma 2.10 The Jeffreys prior is equivariant under reparametrization: the Jeffreys prior
of η = φ−1 (θ) for a smooth reparametrization is given by η 7→ π φ(η) | det φ0 (η)| if π is the
Jeffreys prior of θ.
Proof By the chain rule the derivative of η 7→ log pφ(η) is equal to `˙φ(η) T
φ0 (η), where φ0 (η)
is the derivative matrix of φ. Thus the score function of the densities η 7→ pφ(η) is equal to
φ0 (η)T `˙φ(η) and the Fisher information matrix of this model is equal to φ0 (η)T Iφ(η) φ0 (η). (Note
that the score function is defined as a (d × 1)-vector, while the derivative matrix of the map
θ 7→ log pθ from Rd into R, which arises in the chain rule, is a (1 × d)-matrix.) Thus the
Jeffreys prior for η is proportional to the root of the determinant of this matrix, which is
(det Iφ(η) )1/2 | det φ0 (η)|. This reduces to π φ(η) | det φ0 (η)| if π is the Jeffreys prior for θ.
Example 2.11 (Binomial) The score function and Fisher information for the binomial
density pθ (x) = nx θ x (1 − θ)n−x are equal to
x − nθ n
`˙θ (x) = , Iθ = .
θ(1 − θ) θ(1 − θ)
Thus the Jeffreys prior has density proportional to θ−1/2 (1 − θ)−1/2 . On the natural parameter
space [0, 1], this is the Beta distribution with parameters (1/2, 1/2). Values of θ close to 0 or
1 receive much more prior weight than under the uniform measure.
Example 2.12 (Location-scale) The score function and Fisher information matrix of the
location-scale family pµ,σ (x) = f (x − µ)/σ /σ, for a fixed density f on R, are equal to
f / f ) (x µ)/σ /σ
0 !
−( −
`˙µ,σ (x) = ,
−1/σ − ( f 0 / f ) (x − µ)/σ (x − µ)/σ2
Definition 2.14 (Reference prior) A density π is a reference prior for the statistical model
with densities pθ if
lim In (πK ) − In (π̃K ) ≥ 0,
pθ (x)
pθ (x) log dµ(x) dΠ(θ) = − pπ (x) log q(x) dµ(x)
+ pθ (x) log pθ (x) dµ(x) dΠ(θ).
The second term on the right does not depend on q and minimization with respect to q
entails minimizing the first term. The nonnegativeness of the Kullback-Leibler divergence
implies that the minimizer is the marginal density q = pπ . The minimal risk attained by this
procedure is equal to
pθ (x) π(θ| x)
pθ (x) log dµ(x) dΠ(θ) = π(θ| x) log dν(θ) pπ (x) dµ(x),
pπ (x) π(θ)
in view of Bayes’s rule. When applied to the product density of n copies of pθ instead of pθ ,
the right side is equal to In (π), the quantity that the reference prior is defined to maximize,
up to truncation to compact sets and taking the limit as n → ∞. The reference prior can thus
be seen as a distribution that makes the minimal Bayes risk of the decision problem as large
as possible: it nature’s choice of prior that is least favorable to the statistician.
It turns out that for smoothly parameterized models the Jeffreys prior is a reference prior.
We only give a heuristic derivation of this result, using an expansion of the likelihood from
the next section. A precise statement, with regularity conditions, can be found in Clarke and
Barron (1994), together with a proof that for finite parameters sets the uniform prior is a
reference prior. The paper Berger et al. (2009) discusses still other examples, of non-smooth
Write p(n) (n)
θ and pπ for the joint density of (X1 , . . . , Xn ). Using the expansion (2.1), we find
p(n) pθ+h/ √n h dh
π (n)
(X ) = (Xi ) π θ + √
pθ n nd/2
1 T dh π(θ) (2π)d/2 1 ∆Tn,θ Iθ−1 ∆n,θ
≈ eh ∆n,θ − 2 h Iθ h π(θ) d/2 = √ e2 .
n det Iθ nd/2
28 Parametric Models
See Theorem 2.20 below for precise conditions for this approximation. It follows that
p(n) det Iθ d n
Eθ log θ(n) (X (n) ) ≈ log + log − 12 Eθ ∆Tn,θ Iθ−1 ∆n,θ .
pπ π(θ) 2 2π
Because the variables ∆n,θ are under θ asymptotically normally distributed with mean zero
and covariance Iθ−1 , the quadratic form ∆Tn,θ Iθ−1 ∆n,θ is asymptotically chisquare distributed
with d degrees of freedom, and hence its expectation is approximately d. Replacing the last
term of the preceding display by −d/2 and taking the integral with respect to Π, yields
det Iθ d n
In (π) ≈ log dΠ(θ) + log .
π(θ) 2 2πe
√ of the Kullback-Leibler divergence shows that this is maximized for π(θ) ∝
det Iθ .
If the model were reparameterized as θ = φ(η) for a measurable bijection φ: H → Θ,
then we would form the risk measure, say In,1 (π1 ), based on priors Π1 on H and likelihood
pφ(η) (x). Then In,1 (π1 ) = In (π) if Π = Π1 ◦ φ−1 is the law of φ(η) if η ∼ Π1 . Maximizing In,1
is equivalent to maximizing In , where the maximizers, the reference priors for η and θ, are
related by the relation Π = Π1 ◦ φ−1 . This means that the reference prior is invariant, at least
under transformations that map compact sets to compact sets.
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Figure 2.1 Posterior distribution for data from the binomial distribution with
n = 10, n = 25, and n = 100 (left to right) relative to a Beta prior with parameters
0.5 and 1. Each panel shows three realizations of the posterior density, based on
data generated according to success probability 1/3.
function of the model. Replacing h by h/ n and summing over the observations, we find
Y pθ+h/ √n
log (Xi ) = hT ∆n,θ − 21 hT In,θ h + · · · , (2.1)
p θ
n n
1 X˙ 1X¨
∆n,θ = √ `θ (Xi ), In,θ = − `θ (Xi ). (2.2)
n i=1 n i=1
It can be shown that the score function has mean zero (see Complements), so that the se-
quence ∆n,θ will tend (if θ is the true parameter) in distribution to a Gaussian variable with
mean zero and covariance the Fisher information Iθ = Covθ `˙θ (X1 ) , by the central limit
theorem. Furthermore, by the law of large numbers the sequence In,θ will converge in prob-
ability to its expectation. It can be shown (see Complements) that this expectation is equal
to the Fisher information Iθ , which explains the notation In,θ . The remainder term in the
expansion (the dots) is a sum over n terms of the order (h/ n)3 and should therefore be
We compare this to a statistical model with a single observation X from the N(h, Iθ−1 )-
distribution, where h is an unknown parameter and the precision matrix Iθ is considered
fixed. If dN(µ, Σ) denotes the density of the normal distribution with mean µ and covariance
Σ, then by direct computation
dN(h, Iθ−1 )
log (X) = hT Iθ X − 21 hT Iθ h.
dN(0, Iθ−1 )
The right side is similar in form to the right side of (2.1), where ∆θ : = Iθ X has taken the place
of ∆n,θ , and Iθ the place of In,θ . In the model for X1 , . . . , Xn the parameter h = 0 corresponds
to the parameter θ, and ∆n,θ was seen to be approximately N(0, Iθ )-distributed, which is also
the distribution of ∆θ under true parameter h = 0. Thus apart from having similar form the
two expansions also agree in a distributional sense. One therefore says that the sequence of
statistical models (Pnθ+h/ √n : h ∈ Rd ) converges to the models N(h, Iθ−1 ): h ∈ Rd , as n → ∞.
We do not develop the theory of convergence of models here, but use the correspondence
30 Parametric Models
for a heuristic derivation of the Bernstein-von Mises theorem. The posterior density of ϑ
given X1 , . . . , Xn relative to a prior density π is given by
pθ (Xi ) π(θ)
π(θ| X1 , . . . , Xn ) = R Qni=1 .
i=1 pθ (Xi ) π(θ) dθ
Typically, the distribution corresponding to this measure will shrink to the true parameter
value θ0 , as n → ∞. To obtain a more interesting limit we rescale the parameter, and study
the sequence of posterior distributions of n(ϑ − θ0 ), whose densities are given by
Qn √
i=1 pθ0 +h/ n (Xi ) π(θ0 + h/ n)
πn (h| X1 , . . . , Xn ) = R Qn √ .
i=1 pθ0 +h/ n (Xi ) π(θ0 + h/ n) dh
If the prior density π is continuous, then π(θ0 + h/ n) ≈ πn (θ0 ), for large n, and π will cancel
from the right side. We can also divide both numerator and denominator by the “constant”
i=1 pθ0 (Xi ) to find that the posterior density is approximately given by
pθ +h/ √n /pθ0 (Xi )
R Qni=1 0 .
i=1 pθ0 +h/ n /pθ0 (Xi ) dh
As we noted the likelihood ratio processes of the statistical models (Pnθ +h/ √n : h ∈ Rd ) are
asymptotically similar to the likelihood ratio process of the normal statistical experiment
N(h, Iθ−1 ): h ∈ Rd . Then we may expect the preceding display to be “asymptotically equiv-
alent in distribution” to
dN(h, Iθ−1 )/dN(0, Iθ−1 )(X) dN(h, Iθ−1 )(X)
R 0 0
=R 0
= dN(X, Iθ−1 )(h).
dN(h, Iθ−1
)/dN(0, Iθ−1
)(X) dh dN(h, Iθ−1
)(X) dh 0
Thus the sequence of rescaled posterior distributions should converge to the (random) nor-
mal distribution N(X, Iθ−1 0
), as n → ∞. The expression in the middle of the display is pre-
cisely the posterior density for h based on an observation X from the N(h, Iθ−1 0
relative to the (improper) Lebesgue prior. Thus we can also say heuristically that the pos-
terior distribution of n(ϑ − θ0 ) tends a to posterior distribution in the “limit experiment”
N(h, Iθ−1 ): h ∈ Rd . Interestingly, when taking the limit, the prior π in the original experiment
has disappeared; in the asymptotic experiment the prior is always Lebesgue measure.
We now give a rigorous formulation of the Bernstein-von Mises theorem. The smoothness
of the map θ 7→ pθ is essential, but it turns out that we can do with existence of a first
derivative in an appropriate sense, rather than assume three derivatives as in the preceding
heuristic discussion. We assume that for every θ in the interior of Θ ⊂ Rd , there exists a
vector-valued measurable function `˙θ : X → Rd such that, as h → 0,
Z h
1 T˙ 1/2 2
p1/2 1/2
dµ = o khk2 .
θ+h − pθ − 2 h `θ pθ (2.3)
This function `˙θ agrees with the score function in the heuristic discussion, because, by the
chain rule,
∂ 1/2 1 ∂
log pθ p1/2
pθ = θ .
∂θ 2 ∂θ
We also assume that Iθ = Covθ `˙θ (X1 ) is nonsingular for every θ and that the map θ 7→ Iθ
2.3 Bernstein-von Mises theorem 31
is continuous. Finally, we assume that the parameter is identifiable, i.e. the map θ 7→ Pθ is
In the case that the parameter set Θ is not bounded we assume in addition that there exists
a sequence of uniformly consistent tests for testing the null hypothesis H0 : θ = θ0 against the
alternative H1 : θ < Θ0 , for some compact neighbourhood Θ0 ⊂ Θ of θ0 . Recall that a test is
a measurable function of the observations taking values in the interval [0, 1]; in the present
context this means a measurable function φn : Xn → [0, 1]. The interpretation is that H0 is
rejected with probability φn (x) and hence the expectations Pnθ0 φn and Pnθ (1 − φn ) appearing in
the following theorem are the probabilities of errors of the first and second kinds of the tests.
It can be shown that the required tests exist automatically under (2.3) and identifiability, if
the parameter set Θ is compact (see van der Vaart (1998), Chapters 6 and 7). The condition
in the theorem serves to extend to non-compact parameter sets.
The total variation norm between two probability measures P and Q is given by
kP − QkT V = 2 supP(B) − Q(B) = |p − q| dν,
where the supremum is taken over all measurable sets B and p and q are densities of P and
Q relative to some measure ν (see Lemma 2.26).
Theorem 2.15 (Bernstein-von Mises) Suppose that for some compact neighbourhood Θ0 ⊂
Θ of θ0 , there exists a sequence of tests φn such that
Furthermore, assume that (2.3) holds at every θ in the interior of Θ and that the map θ 7→ Pθ
is one-to-one. If θ0 is an inner point of Θ and the prior measure is absolutely continuous
with a bounded density that is continuous and positive in a neighbourhood of θ0 , then the
corresponding posterior distributions satisfy
Π n(ϑ − θ0 ) ∈ ·| X1 , . . . , Xn − Nd I −1 ∆n,θ , I −1
→ 0.
θ0 0 θ0
Here the sequence of variables ∆n,θ0 is defined in (2.2) and converges under θ0 in distribution
to a Nd (0, Iθ0 )-distribution.
The total variation distance between a probability distribution Q and its renormalized re-
striction Q(·| Θn ) = Q(· ∩ Θn )/Q(Θn ) to a set Θn is bounded above by 2Q(Θcn ). Therefore
it suffices to show that Π n(ϑ − θ0 ) ∈ Θcn | X1 , . . . , Xn → 0 in probability, and that the
measures in (2.5) approximate
R Qnthe Gaussian distribution in the theorem.
Let An be the event that i=1 (pθ /pθ0 )(Xi ) dΠ(θ) ≥ n n , for a given sequence n → 0.
32 Parametric Models
We prove below that the probability of the events An tends to one for any n → 0. By Bayes’s
R Qn
√ Θc i=1 (pθ /pθ0 )(Xi )(1 − φn ) dΠ(θ)
Π n(ϑ − θ0 ) ∈ Θcn | X1 , . . . , Xn 1An (1 − φn ) ≤ n ,
n−d/2 n
where we leave off the argument (X1R, . . . , Xn ) of φn for ease of notation. The expectation of
the integrand on the right is equal to Q p (x )>0 ni=1 pθ (xi )(1 − φn ) ⊗ dµ(xi ) ≤ Pnθ (1 − φn ). By
θ0 i
Lemma 2.33 we can assume without loss of generality that the tests φn satisfy Pnθ (1 − φn ) ≤
e−cn(kθ−θ0 k ∧1) , for every θ ∈ Θcn . Then, by Fubini’s theorem, the expectation of the preceding
display is bounded above by
√ e−cn(kθ−θk ∧1) dΠ(θ)
0kθ−θ k>M / n
n−d/2 n
≤ n−1 √
e−ckhk kπk∞ dh + nd/2 n−1 e−cn dΠ(θ).
Mn <khk< n kθ−θ0 k≥1
See Lemma 2.30 in the Complements. Note that Eeh ∆θ −h Iθ h/2 = 1, for every h, when ∆θ is
a Nd (0, Iθ−1 )-vector. By an extension of Scheffé’s lemma (see Lemma 2.36), it follows that
the sequence eh ∆n,θ −h Iθ h/2 is uniformly integrable. Similarly, by (2.1) the sequence of likeli-
Qn T T
hood ratios Ln : = i=1 (pθ+h/ √n /pθ )(Xi ) tends in distribution to eh ∆θ −h Iθ h/2 , and, by Fubini’s
Z n
Y n
Eθ Ln = Q pθ+h/ √n (xi ) ⊗ dµ(xi ) = 1 − Pθ+h/ √n (pθ = 0) → 1,
pθ (xi )>0 i=1
as Pθ+h (pθ = 0) = o khk2 , as h → 0, by (2.3) with the integral restricted to the set {pθ = 0}.
Hence by Lemma 2.36 the sequence Ln is also uniformly integrable, whence (2.1) can be
strengthened to convergence in mean: for every h:
Y pθ+h/ √n T 1 T
Eθ (Xi ) − eh ∆n,θ − 2 h Iθ h → 0.
By dominated convergence the integral with respect to h over the set {h ∈ B: khk < M} also
2.3 Bernstein-von Mises theorem 33
tends to zero, uniformly in B, for every fixed M. Next, by Jensen’s inequality and Fubini’s
theorem, we obtain that
Z pθ+h/ √n 1 T
eh ∆n,θ − 2 h Iθ h dh → 0.
Eθ sup (Xi ) dh −
B h∈B:khk<M i=1 pθ h∈B:khk<M
Since this is true for every fixed M, there also exists M = Mn → ∞ such that the expression
at M = Mn also tends to zero.
By changing coordinates n(θ − θ0 ) ,→ h in the two integrals in the right side of (2.5) we
can write this quotient in the form Yn (B)/Yn (Rd ), for
n √
pθ0 +h/ √n π(θ0 + h/ n)
Yn (B) = (Xi ) dh.
h∈B:khk<Mn i=1 pθ0 π(θ0 )
√ √
The quotient π(θ0 + h/ n)/π(θ0 ) tends to 1, uniformly in khk ≤ Mn , provided Mn / n → 0.
We compare Yn (B) to Zn (B), given by
1 T
Zn (B) = eh ∆n,θ0 − 2 h Iθ0 h dh.
For B = R and Mn = ∞ the integral on the right can be computed explicitly, using the
expression for a multivariate normal density. For finite Mn we have
(2π)d/2 1 ∆Tn,θ Iθ−1 ∆n,θ0
Zn (Rd ) = p e2 0 0 1 − cn , cn = ΦIθ−1 ∆n,θ0 ,Iθ−1 h: khk ≥ Mn ,
det Iθ0 0 0
for Φµ,Σ the normal distribution with mean µ and covariance matrix Σ. For Mn → ∞ the
sequence cn tends in mean to 0, whence Zn (Rd ) is bounded away from zero and tends in
distribution to a positive random variable. Then 0 ≤ Zn (B) ≤ Zn (Rd ) is bounded, uniformly
in B, and we can conclude that supB Yn (B) − Zn (B) → 0, in probability, by the preceding
paragraph, and also that supB |Yn (B)/Yn (Rd ) − Zn (B)/Zn (Rd )| tends to zero, uniformly in B.
The quotient Zn (B)(1 − cn )/Zn (Rd ) is equal to Nd (Iθ−1 ∆n,θ0 , Iθ−1 ) B ∩ {h: khk < Mn } , which
0 0
converges to Nd (Iθ−1
∆n,θ0 , Iθ−1
)(B), uniformly in B. This completes the proof that the measures
(2.5) approximate the Gaussian distribution in the theorem in the total variation norm.
Finally the events An contain the events that Yn (Rd ) ≥ cn , if c ≤ π(θ0 + h/ n)/π(θ0 ) for
every khk < Mn . If n → 0 their probability tends to one, as Yn (Rd ) tends to a strictly positive
random variable.
Under conditions somewhat stronger than imposed in the preceding theorem (see e.g.
van der Vaart (1998), Theorem 5.39), the maximum likelihood estimators θ̂n of θ satisfy
√ Pnθ
n(θ̂n − θ0 ) − Iθ−1
∆n,θ0 →0 0. (2.6)
This motivates to restate the theorem in a different form.
Corollary 2.16 Under the conditions of the preceding theorem, for any estimators θ̂n that
satisfy (2.6),
Π ϑ ∈ ·| X1 , . . . , Xn − Nd θ̂n , 1 I −1
n θ0 T V
Under regularity conditions this is true for the maximum likelihood estimators θ̂n .
34 Parametric Models
FgT ϑ (x| x1 , . . . , xn ) = Π θ: gT θ ≤ x| x1 , . . . , xn ,
n o
Fg−1T ϑ (α| x1 , . . . , xn ) = inf x: FgT ϑ (x| x1 , . . . , xn ) ≥ α .
We compare this to the usual Wald asymptotic confidence interval for gT θ. If θ̂n is a se-
quence of estimators satisfying (2.6), then the sequence n gT θ̂n − gT θ0 /(gT Iθ−1 g)1/2 con-
verges under θ0 in distribution to a standard normal distribution. Therefore this variable is an
asymptotic pivot (i.e. in distribution free of the parameter) and gives rise to the asymptotic
1 − 2α-confidence interval
s s
gT Iθ̂−1 g gT Iθ̂−1 g i
gT θ̂n + Φ−1 (α) , gT θ̂n + Φ−1 (1 − α)
h n n
n n
The following theorem shows that these intervals are asymptotically equivalent.
Theorem 2.17 Under the conditions of Corollary 2.16, for any θ̂n satisfying (2.6), and
0 < α < 1,
gT Iθ̂−1 g 1
Fg−1T ϑ (α| X1 , . . . , Xn ) − gT θ̂n − Φ−1 (α) n
= oPnθ √ .
n n
Consequently, the frequentist coverage Prθ0 gT θ0 ∈ Ĉn of the credible interval (2.7) tends to
1 − 2α, as n → ∞.
2.5 Bayes estimators 35
Proof Because the total variation norm is a supremum over all Borel sets, the Bernstein-
von Mises theorem implies that
ˆn : = supFgT ϑ (x| X1 , . . . , Xn ) − Φ (gT Iθ−1 T
(x − g θ̂ n ) → 0.
We apply Φ−1 across these inequalities to obtain the first assertion of the theorem.
For the proof of the final assertion we note that θ0 falls to the left of Ĉn if and only if
gT θ0 < Fg−1T ϑ (α| X1 , . . . , Xn ). In view of the first assertion this is equivalent to
√ T q
n(g θ̂n − gT θ0 ) > −Φ−1 (α) gT Iθ̂−1 g + oP (1).
The probability of this event tends to α by assumption (2.6). We combine this with a similar
argument for the right tail.
We assume that the integrals in the preceding display exist, for almost every sequence of
observations, and that T n can be selected as a measurable function of the observations.
We restrict ourselves to loss functions with the property, for every M > 0,
sup `(h) ≤ inf `(h),
khk≤M khk≥2M
with strict inequality for at least one M 1 . This is true, for instance, for loss functions of the
The 2 is for convenience, any other number would do.
36 Parametric Models
form `(h) = `0 khk) for a nondecreasing function `0 : [0, ∞) → [0, ∞) that is not constant
on (0, ∞). Furthermore, we suppose that ` grows at most polynomially: for some constant
p ≥ 0,
`(h) ≤ 1 + khk p .
Theorem 2.18 Let theR conditions of Theorem 2.15 hold, and let ` satisfy the conditions as
listed, for a p such that kθk p dΠ(θ) <R∞. Then the sequence n(T n −θ0 ) converges under θ0
in distribution to the minimizer of t 7→ `(t−h) dN(X, Iθ−1
)(h), for X possessing the N(0, Iθ−1
distribution, provided that any two minimizers of this process coincide almost surely. In
particular, for every loss function of the form `(h) = `0 khk) for a nonzero, nondecreasing
function `0 it converges to X.
Proof See van der Vaart (1998), Theorem 10.8.
Example 2.19 (Posterior mean) The Bayes estimator for `(x) = kxk2 is the posterior mean
R Qn
θ i=1 pθ (Xi ) π(θ) dθ
T n = R Qn .
i=1 pθ (Xi ) π(θ) dθ
The sequence n(T n − θ0 ) converges in distribution to a Nd (0, Iθ−1
)-distribution provided the
prior has a finite second moment (and the conditions of Theorem 2.15 hold).
By extending the argument, it can also be shown that the difference between n(T n − θ̂n )
tends to zero in probability.
Proof For a given sequence Mn → ∞, which will be determined later in the proof, we
partition the domain Rd of the integral into the sets Θn,1 , Θn,2 and Θn,3 , consisting of the
√ √
vectors θ such that kθ − θ0 k is contained in [0, Mn / n), or [Mn / n, 1) or [1, ∞). We write
the left side of the theorem accordingly as log(Bn,1 + Bn,2 + Bn,3 ), for
Bn,i = (Xi ) dΠ(θ).
Θn,i i=1 pθ0
It suffices to show that there exists Mn → ∞ such that log Bn,1 has the expansion as given in
the right side of the theorem, while Bn,i /Bn,1 → 0 in probability, for both i = 2, 3.
2.6 Bayes factors and BIC 37
By Lemma 2.33 there exist tests φn with Pnθ0 φn → 0 and Pnθ (1 − φn ) ≤ e−cn(kθ−θ0 k ∧1) , for
every θ ∈ Θn,2 ∪ Θn,3 . Then Pnθ0 1Bn,i /Bn,1 > φn → 0, for every > 0, and
2 dh
Pnθ0 Bn,2 (1 − φn ) ≤ e−cnkθ−θ0 k dΠ(θ) ≤ kπk∞ e−ckhk d/2 ,
M≤khk< n n
Z n,2
Pnθ0 Bn,3 (1 − φn ) ≤ e−cn dΠ(θ) ≤ e−cn .
The second term tends to zero at exponential speed and hence is o(n−d/2 ), while the first term
is o(n−d/2 ) for any Mn → ∞. We show below that the sequence Bn,1 nd/2 tends in probability
to a positive constant for a particular Mn → ∞, and can then conclude that Pnθ0 1Bn,i /Bn,1 > (1 −
φn ) ≤ Pnθ0 1Bn,i >Cnd/2 (1 − φn ) + o(1) → 0, for every > 0 and i = 2, 3, by Markov’s inequality.
Under condition (2.3) the log likelihood can be expanded as in (2.1) with a remainder
term that tends to zero (see Lemma 2.28). By replacing ∆n,θ as given in (2.2), if necessary,
by a “truncated version”, it is possible to ensure that (2.1) holds with random vectors ∆n,θ
that tend under θ to a Nd (0, Iθ−1 )-distribution not only in the ordinary sense of distribution
convergence (which is always valid for the vectors in (2.2) by the central limit theorem), but
also in the sense of convergence of Laplace transforms: for every M:
T 1 T
sup Eθ eh ∆n,θ − 2 h Iθ h − 1 → 0.
See Lemma 2.30 in the Complements. (Note that Eeh ∆θ −h Iθ h/2 = 1, for every h, when ∆θ is
a Nd (0, Iθ−1 )-vector.) By an extension of Scheffé’s lemma (see Lemma 2.36), it follows that
the sequence eh ∆n,θ −h Iθ h/2 is uniformly integrable. Similarly, by (2.1) the sequence of likeli-
Qn T T
hood ratios Ln : = i=1 (pθ+h/ √n /pθ )(Xi ) tends in distribution to eh ∆θ −h Iθ h/2 , and, by Fubini’s
Z Y n n
Eθ Ln = Q pθ+h/ √n (xi ) ⊗ dµ(xi ) = 1 − Pθ+h/ √n (pθ = 0) → 1,
pθ (xi )>0 i=1
as Pθ+h (pθ = 0) = o khk2 , as h → 0, by (2.3) with the integral restricted to the set {pθ = 0}.
Hence by Lemma 2.36 the sequence Ln is also uniformly integrable, whence (2.1) can be
strengthened to convergence in mean: for every h:
Y pθ+h/ √n T 1 T
Eθ (Xi ) − eh ∆n,θ − 2 h Iθ h → 0.
By dominated convergence the integral with respect to h over the set {h: khk < M} also tends
to zero. Next, by Jensen’s inequality and Fubini’s theorem, we obtain that
Z pθ+h/ √n 1 T
eh ∆n,θ − 2 h Iθ h dh → 0.
Eθ (Xi ) dh −
khk<M i=1 pθ khk<M
The second, Gaussian integral in this display can be explicitly evaluated using the formula
for a density of the multivariate distribution when M = ∞, and hence
pθ+h/ √n (2π)d/2 1 ∆Tn,θ Iθ−1 ∆n,θ
1−ΦIθ−1 ∆n,θ ,Iθ−1 (Bc0,M ) + rn,M ,
(Xi ) dh = √ e2
khk<M i=1 pθ det Iθ
38 Parametric Models
for Φµ,Σ the normal distribution with mean µ and covariance matrix Σ and Bc0,M the com-
plement of a ball of radius M around 0 ∈ Rd , and rn,M the discrepancy in the preceding
display. As n → ∞ followed by M → ∞, the term within brackets tends to 1 in mean and
Eθ rn,M → 0. Then there also exists Mn → ∞ such that evaluated at M = Mn this remains
true when n → ∞.
The final step is to note that by a change of variables
pθ0 +h/ √n √ dh
Bn,1 = (Xi ) π(θ0 + h/ n) d/2 .
khk<Mn i=1 pθ0 n
√ √
Here π(θ0 + h/ n) = π(θ0 ) 1 + o(1) , uniformly in khk < Mn , provided Mn n, which
we can assume without loss of generality. We can then equate the expression to π(θ0 )/nd/2
times the left side of the preceding display evaluated at θ = θ0 .
It can be shown, under stronger conditions than in the preceding theorem, that the log like-
lihood ratio statistics for testing the null hypothesis H0 : θ = θ0 are under the null hypothesis
asymptotic to the random part of the expansion in the preceding theorem:
Y pθ 1
sup log (Xi ) = ∆Tn,θ0 Iθ−1 ∆n,θ0 + oPnθ (1).
θ∈Θ i=1
pθ0 2 0 0
This expansion justifies the usual chisquare approximation to the null distribution of twice
the log likelihood ratio statistics. More interesting in the present context is that combined
the two approximations give
n n
d (2π)d/2 π(θ0 )
log pθ (Xi ) dΠ(θ) = sup log pθ (Xi ) − log n + log p + oPnθ (1).
i=1 θ∈Θ i=1
2 det I θ0
This is known as a Laplace expansion; the integral on the left is, when n → ∞, determined
by a small neighborhood of its point of maximum, the maximum likelihood estimator for
θ, and can be approximated by replacing the logarithm of its integrand, the log likelihood
function θ 7→ log ni=1 pθ (Xi ) by a quadratic Taylor expansion.
The preceding display shows that the log evidence is equal to the maximum of the log
likelihood minus a remainder term. For n → ∞, the factor −(d/2) log n is the dominant part
of the remainder, the other part being fixed, and hence the remainder is negative and can
be viewed as a penalty that pulls down the maximum of the likelihood. Twice this penalty
is known as the BIC penalty. Models of higher dimension d are penalized more, which
compensates for the bigger maximum over a bigger model. The maximum value of the
penalized likelihood is used on an absolute scale to compare the quality of competing models
of different dimensions. The preceding approximation shows that the model with the largest
penalized likelihood is, up to a constant, the same as the model with the largest evidence.
The “B” of BIC is for “Bayesian”, but it can also be viewed as the next letter following the
“A” of the competing AIC penalty (Akaike’s information criterion), which uses the penalty
d instead of (d/2) log n. For large n the BIC penalty pulls the likelihood of bigger models
down more than the AIC penalty, with as a result that BIC tends to choose smaller models
than AIC.
The real Bayesian will of course not need BIC, but use the evidence of a model directly,
through the comparison of models by Bayes factors. The following theorem shows that the
2.6 Bayes factors and BIC 39
criterion is consistent in that given a finite set of models, it chooses the smallest model that
fits the data.
Suppose given a finite set of models (Pθ,k : θ ∈ Θk ) indexed by parameter sets Θk ⊂ Rdk of
dimensions dk , for k running through some finite index set. Each model comes with a prior
Πk , and hence models k and l can be compared by their Bayes factor
R Qn
i=1 pθ,k (Xi ) dΠk (θ)
BFn (Θk , Θl ) = R Qn .
i=1 pθ,l (Xi ) dΠl (θ)
Theorem 2.21 Assume that the conditions of Theorem 2.15 hold for every of the finitely
many models (Pθ,k : ∈ Θk ). If the observations are distributed according to a parameter θ0 ∈
Θk0 , then BFn (Θk , Θk0 ) → 0 in Pnθ0 ,k0 -probability, for any k satisfying one of the two following
Proof To prove assertion (i) we apply Theorem 2.20 to find that the logarithm of the Bayes
factors BFn (Θk , Θk0 ) → 0 behave asymptotically as −(dk /2 − dk0 /2) log n up to a term that is
bounded in probability. If dk > dk0 , then this tends to −∞.
For the proof
R Qof (ii) we note first that by Theorem 2.20 the probability of the events
n −dk0 /2
An such that i=1 θ,k0 /pθ0 ,k0 )(Xi ) dΠk0 (θ) ≥ n
(p n , tends to one, for an arbitrary given
n → 0. On the events An the Bayes factors are bounded above by
ndk0 /2
pθ,k (Xi ) dΠk (θ),
n i=1
and hence it suffices to show this sequence tends to zero in probability. By Lemma 2.31, the
tests φn in (ii) can be improved, if necessary, to have error probabilities satisfying Pnθ,k (1 −
φn ) ≤ e−cn , for every θ ∈ Θk , and some c > 0. The event Kn = {φn > 1/2} has probability
Pnθ0 ,k0 (Kn ) ≤ 2Pnθ0 ,k0 φn → 0, while, by Fubini’s theorem,
Part (i) of the theorem shows that the Bayes factors (or equivalently the BIC criterion)
will asymptotically choose the model with the smaller dimension if both models contain the
true distribution of the data. This is comforting; it implies for instance that no unnecessary
explanatory variables will be included in a regression model. Part (ii) is applicable in the
situation that the alternative model does not contain the true distribution of the data. In
that case the Bayes factors will still choose the correct model provided that there is some
procedure (the test φn ) that is able to make the discrimination between the true parameter
and the alternative. The condition will typically be satisfied if the true distribution is at a
positive distance from the model. We discuss the construction of tests in a later chapter.
40 Parametric Models
*Uniform consistency
These positive assertions concern pointwise consistency, in that the probability of choosing
the correct model tends to one under a fixed true distribution. This convergence is not neces-
sarily uniform in the underlying law Pθ0 ,k0 , so that the size of the dataset needed for a correct
choice may be much larger for some laws than for other laws. The lack of uniformity was
illustrated in Example 1.14, where the Bayes factor made the wrong choice for parameter
sequences in the alternative model approaching the null model at the rate 1/ n. This is a
general phenomenon. Probability measures in a smooth parametric model at parameter val-
ues separated by a distance of the order 1/ n are contiguous: for any events An and any
Pnθ+h/ √n (An ) → 1, if and only if Pnθ (An ) → 1.
(See e.g. van der Vaart (1998), Chapters 6 and 7.) This implies that the Bayes factor (or
any other model selection method) will choose the same model when the true parameter is
θ+h/ n or θ if it consistently chooses some model under one of these parameters. However,
√ √
the parameters θ + h/ n may not belong to the same model as θ, as the perturbation h/ n
may point outside the model for θ.
2.7 DIC
For data X, a statistical model given by densities pθ , and a given prior, the deviance infor-
mation criterion (DIC) is defined as, for θ̄ = θ̄(X) = E(ϑ| X) the posterior mean,
log pθ̄ (X) − 2 E log θ̄ (X)| X .
One prefers the model that scores the largest value on this criterion. (DIC is often numeri-
cally defined as −2 times the value in the display; then small DIC is optimal.)
The first term of the criterion may be compared to the maximum of the likelihood, to
which it would reduce if the Bayes estimator θ̄ were replaced by the maximum likelihood
estimator. The second term is a penalty, which should prevent fitting a too large model. Both
θ̄ and the penalty may be approximated by an average over a large sample of values generated
from the posterior distribution. This explains that the DIC has become standard output of
computer packages for Bayesian computation, and hence has gained much popularity. We
shall see that it is closely related to the AIC criterion for model selection. (We have also seen
it applied to choose between different priors; that appears not to be justifiable.)
In the case that X = (X1 , . . . , Xn ) is a sample from a smoothly parametrized model θ 7→ pθ ,
the difference between the Bayes estimator θ̄ and the maximum likelihood estimator θ̂ will
be negligible, in view of the Bernstein-von Mises theorem, and hence the leading term in
the DIC criterion will essentially be equal to the maximum of the likelihood. Furthermore,
the linear term in an expansion of the log likelihood ratio log pθ around θ̄ will approximately
vanish (as θ̄ ≈ θ̂), and it will certainly vanish after taking a conditional expectation given the
data, and hence in the second term we can make the approximation
log (X) ≈ 12 n(ϑ − θ̄)T Iθ (ϑ − θ̄),
2.8 Complements 41
where Iθ is the Fisher information in a single observation. By the Bernstein-von Mises theo-
rem ϑ is conditionally given X approximately normally distributed with mean θ̄ (of course!)
and covariance (nIθ )−1 , whence n(ϑ− θ̄)T Iθ (ϑ− θ̄) is approximately chisquare distributed with
d degrees for freedom, for d the dimension of the parameter, still given X. This suggests that
the posterior expectation of the right side of the preceding display is approximately equal to
d/2. Thus the DIC penalty is close to d, and the DIC criterion is close to the AIC criterion.
*Misspecified model
If the true distribution of the data does not belong to the model, as can be expected for a
model that is too small, then the preceding derivation should be adapted, although the con-
clusion will be the same. The Bayesian and maximum likelihood estimators will still be
close, but in the expansion of the log likelihood the Fisher information matrix should be
replaced by the expectation J = −P`¨θ∗ of the second derivative matrix of the likelihood
under the true distribution P, evaluated at a parameter θ∗ in the model for which K(p; pθ )
is minimal, which is known to be the asymptotic value of θ̄ (see Kleijn and van der Vaart
(2012)). The matrix J does not necessarily reduce to the Fisher information. Furthermore,
the Bernstein-von Mises theorem should be adapted to the misspecified model as well, and
will now show that the posterior distribution is normal with mean θ̄ (of course!) and covari-
ance matrix n−1 J. The same argument as before will show that the DIC penalty will again
be close to the dimension d of the model. This is not necessarily good news, as a different
penalty than AIC may be preferable for smaller models. 2
2.8 Complements
2.8.1 Finite-dimensional Dirichlet distribution
Definition 2.22 (Dirichlet distribution) The Dirichlet distribution Dir(k; α) with parameters k ∈
N − {1} and α = (α1 , . . . , αk ) > 0 is the distribution of a vector (X1 , . . . , Xk ) such that ki=1 Xi = 1 and
such that (X1 , . . . , Xk−1 ) has density
Γ(α1 + · · · + αk ) α1 −1 α2 −1 αk−1 −1
(1 − x1 − · · · − xk−1 )αk −1 ,
x1 x2 · · · xk−1 xi > 0, xi < 1. (2.8)
Γ(α1 ) · · · Γ(αk ) i
The Dirichlet distribution with parameters k and α ≥ 0, where αi = 0 for i ∈ I ( {1, . . . , k}, is the
distribution of the vector (X1 , . . . , Xk ) such that Xi = 0 for i ∈ I and such that (Xi : i < I) possesses a
lower-dimensional Dirichlet distribution, given by a density of the form (2.8).
Proposition 2.23 (Gamma representation) If Yi ind ∼ Ga(αi , 1) for i = 1, . . . , k and Y: = i=1 Yi , then
(Y1 /Y, . . . , Yk /Y) ∼ Dir(k; α1 , . . . , αk ), and is independent of Y.
Proof We may assume that all αi are positive. The Jacobian of the inverse of the transformation
Under misspecification the posterior mean and the maximum likelihood estimator will be approximately
normal with mean θ∗ and covariance matrix n−1 JK −1 J, for K = P(`˙θ∗ `˙θT∗ ). This “sandwich” covariance matrix
causes trouble for the usual interpretation of the AIC penalty, which is sometimes solved by replacing the
penalty d by an estimate of tr(K J −1 ), the so-called Takeuchi correction, TIC. See Claeskens and Hjort (2008),
Sections 2.5 and 3.5. In the discussion following formula (3.16) they appear to suggest that in the
misspecified case the DIC criterion is asymptotic to TIC, not AIC, but this is wrong?
42 Parametric Models
(y1 , . . . , yk ) 7→ (y1 /y, . . . , yk−1 /y, y) =: (x1 , . . . , xk−1 , y) is given by yk−1 . The density of the Ga(αi , 1)-
distribution is proportional to e−yi yiαi −1 . Therefore the joint density of (Y1 /Y, . . . , Yk−1 /Y, Y) is, propor-
tional to,
αk−1 −1
e−y y|α|−1 x1α1 −1 · · · xk−1 (1 − x1 − · · · − xk−1 )αk −1 .
This factorizes into a Dirichlet density dimension k − 1 and the Ga(|α|, 1)-density of Y.
Conversely, if X is a random vector such that (i)–(iii) hold, for a given partition I1 , . . . , Im and Z j =
i∈I j Xi , then X ∼ Dir(k; α1 , . . . , αk ).
i∈I j Yi
Xi Yi
Zj = , and = P .
Y Zj i∈I j Yi
Proof The first assertion follows from Proposition 2.24 by taking m = 2, Ii = {i}, I2 = I \ {i}, for
I = {1, . . . , k}. Next the expressions for expectation and variance follow by the properties of the beta
For the second assertion, we take m = 2, I1 = {i, j} and I2 = I \ I1 in Proposition 2.24 to see that
Xi + X j ∼ Be(αi + α j , |α| − αi − α j ). This gives var(Xi + X j ) = (αi + α j )(|α| − αi − α j )/ |α|2 (|α| + 1) ,
and allows to obtain the expression for the covariance from the identity 2 cov(Xi , X j ) = var(Xi + X j ) −
var(Xi ) − var(X j ).
For the derivation of (2.9), observe that the mixed moment is the ratio of two Dirichlet forms with
parameters (α1 + r1 , . . . , αk + rk ) and (α1 , . . . , αk ).
2.8 Complements 43
2.8.2 Distances
Let P and Q be probability measures on the measurable space (X, X ), having densities p and q with
respect to some σ-finite measure µ. Three measures of discrepancy between P and Q are
K(p; q) = log dP, Kullback-Leibler divergence,
kP − QkT V = sup P(B) − Q(B), total variation distance,
Z 1/2
√ √
( p − q)2 dµ ,
h(p, q) = Hellinger distance.
In the definition of K(p; q) the logarithm log(p/q) is understood to be ∞ if p > 0 = q; thus K(p; q) =
∞ if P(q = 0) > 0.
since (p − q) dµ = 0, we have p>q (p − q) dµ = p<q (q − p) dµ, while the sum of these integral is
|p − q| dµ. R
(iv). The
R √first inequality follows from (ii) and the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality applied to |p −
√ √ √ √ √ 2
q| dµ = | p − q|( p + q) dµ. The second inequality follows from ( x − y) ≤ |x − y|, for
every x, y ≥ 0.
(iii). This follows by combining (iv) and (i). (A preciser proof can improve on the constant 16.)
Lemma 2.29 If θ 7→ pθ (x) is twice continuously differentiable, for every x, with derivatives `˙θ (x)
and `¨θ (x) whose norms are for every θ bounded by functions x 7→ L1 (x) and x 7→ L2 (x) with Pθ L12 < ∞
and Pθ L2 < ∞, then (2.3) holds and − `¨θ pθ dµ = Pθ (`˙θ `˙θT ).
Lemma 2.30 If ∆n are random vectors with ∆n Nd (0, J), then there exists Mn → ∞ such that
∆n 1k∆n k≤Mn − ∆n → 0 and, for every C > 0,
sup Eeh ∆n 1k∆n k≤Mn −h Jh/2 − 1 → 0.
Proof The first property is automatic for any Mn → ∞, since Pr k∆n k > Mn ≤ Pr k∆n k > M →
Pr k∆k > M , for a Gaussian variable ∆, for any M. Because the limit becomes arbitrarily small if M
is large enough, we can conclude that the probability that ∆n and its truncation coincide tends to 1.
To construct Mn with the second property define a(M, C, n) to be the expression in the display
with Mn replaced by M. Since the vectors ∆n 1k∆n k≤M tend in distribution to the truncated Gaus-
sian vector ∆1k∆k≤M , for any fixed M as n → ∞, the exponential functions x 7→ exp(hT x) are
uniformly bounded and uniformly equicontinuous on compact sets, it follows that a(M, C, n) →
supkhk<C |E exp(hT ∆1k∆k≤M − hT Jh) − 1|, as n → ∞ by the portmanteau lemma for weak conver-
gence, for every fixed (M, C). Next, as M → ∞ this tends to zero, for every fixed C. One can then
show that there exist Mn → ∞ and Cn → ∞ such that a(Mn , Cn , n) → 0.
2.8.4 Tests
Lemma 2.31 If there exist tests φn such that supθ∈Θ0 Pnθ φn → 0 and supθ∈Θ1 Pnθ (1 − φn ) → 0, for
given fixed sets Θ0 and Θ1 and a given statistical model, then there exist tests ψn and c > 0 such that
supθ∈Θ0 Pnθ φn ≤ e−cn and supθ∈Θ1 Pnθ (1 − φn ) ≤ e−cn .
Proof Fix k large enough such that Pkθ0 φk and Pkθ1 (1 − φk ) are smaller than 1/4 for every θ0 ∈ Θ0 and
θ1 ∈ Θ1 . Let n = mk + r for 0 ≤ r < k, and define Yn,1 , . . . , Yn,m as φk applied in turn to X1 , . . . , Xk , to
Xk+1 , . . . , X2k , etcetera. Let Ȳm be their average and then define ψn = 1{Ȳm ≥ 1/2}. Since Eθ Y j ≥ 3/4
for every θ ∈ Θ1 and every j, Hoeffding’s inequality,Lemma 2.32, implies that
1 3 2
Pnθ (1 − ψn ) = Prθ (Ȳm ≤ 1/2) ≤ e−2m( 2 − 4 ) ≤ e−m/8 .
Since m is proportional to n, this gives the desired exponential decay. Since Eθ Y j ≤ 1/4, for every
θ ∈ Θ0 , the expectations Pnθ ψn are similarly bounded for θ ∈ Θ0 .
Lemma 2.32 (Hoeffding) For any independent random variables Y1 , . . . , Yn such that a ≤ Yi ≤ b
for every i, and any y > 0,
2 2
P Ȳn − EȲn ≥ y ≤ e−2ny /(b−a) .
Proof By Markov’s inequality applied to the variable ehn(Ȳn −EȲn ) , for h > 0 to be chosen later, we
n n
eh(Yi −E(Yi )) .
P (Yi − E(Yi )) ≥ y ≤ e−hny E
i=1 i=1
By independence of the Yi the order of expectation and product on the right side can be swapped. By
2.8 Complements 45
convexity of the exponential function ehY ≤ ((b − Y)eha + (Y − a)ehb )/(b − a) whenever a ≤ Y ≤ b,
whence, by taking expectation,
b − E(Y) E(Y) − a
E(ehY ) ≤ eha + ehb = eg(ξ) ,
b−a b−a
where g(ξ) = log(1 − p + peξ ) − pξ, for ξ = (b − a)h and p = (E(Y) − a)/(b − a).
Now g(0) = 0, g0 (0) = 0 and g00 (ξ) = (1 − p)peξ /(1 − p + peξ )2 ≤ 41 for all ξ, so that a second order
Taylor’s expansion gives g(ξ) ≤ ξ2 /8. Combining this with the preceding displays, we obtain, for any
h > 0,
(Yi − E(Yi )) ≥ y ≤ exp(−hny + h2 n(b − a)2 ).
Lemma 2.33 Under the conditions of Theorem 2.15, there exists for every Mn → ∞ a sequence of
tests φn and a constant c > 0 such that, for every sufficiently large n and every kθ − θ0 k ≥ Mn / n,
kθ−θ0 k2 ∧1
Pnθ0 φn → 0, Pnθ (1 − φn ) ≤ e−cn .
Proof We construct two sequences of tests, which “work” for the ranges Mn / n ≤ kθ − θ0 k ≤ and
kθ − θ0 k > , respectively, and a given > 0. Then the φn of the lemma can be defined as the maximum
of the two sequences.
First consider the range Mn / n ≤ kθ − θ0 k ≤ . Let `˙θL0 be the score function truncated to the
interval [−L, L]. By the dominated convergence theorem, Pθ0 `˙θL0 `˙θT0 → Iθ0 as L → ∞. Hence, there
exists L > 0 such that the matrix Pθ0 `˙θL0 `˙θT0 is nonsingular. Fix such an L and define
By the central limit theorem, Pnθ0 ωn → 0, so that ωn satisfies the first requirement. By the triangle
(Pn − Pθ )`˙θL0
(Pθ0 − Pθ )`˙θL0
(Pn − Pθ0 )`˙θL0
Since Pθ `˙θL0 − Pθ0 `˙θL0 = (Pθ0 `˙θL0 `˙θT0 + o(1) (θ − θ0 ), by the differentiability (2.3) of the model, the first
term on the right is bounded below by ckθ − θ0 k for some c > 0, for every θ that is sufficiently close to
θ0 , say
√ for kθ − θ0 k < and a sufficiently small .√If ωn = 0, then the second term is bounded√below
by Mn /n. Consequently, for every ckθ − θ0 k ≥ 2 Mn /n, and hence for every kθ − θ0 k ≥ Mn / n and
every sufficiently large n,
Pnθ (1 − ωn ) ≤ Prθ
(Pn − Pθ )`˙θL0
≥ 12 ckθ − θ0 k ≤ e−Cnkθ−θ0 k ,
Proof If pi (x| y) and pi (y| x) are densities of the conditional distributions and pi (x) and pi (y) are
marginal densities (with the usual abuse of notation that the arguments reveal which density is which),
then by Bayes’s formula pi (x| y)/pi (y| x) = pi (x)/pi (y). By assumption the left side is the same for i =
1, 2. We conclude that p1 (x)p2 (y) = p2 (x)p1 (y). Integrate with respect to y to see that p1 (x) = p2 (x),
or: X1 ∼ X2 . Together with the equality of the conditional distributions this gives equality of the joint
A sequence of random variables Zn is said to be uniformly integrable if supn E|Zn |1|Zn |≥M → 0, as
M → ∞. This is weaker than domination of the variables (|Zn | ≤ Z for all n) by an integrable variable
(and also does not require the variables to be defined on the same probability space), but is exactly
what is needed for convergence in mean (i.e. E|Zn − Z| → 0).
Lemma 2.35 A sequence of integrable random variables Zn converges in mean to a random variable
Z if and only if the sequence Zn is uniformly integrable and converges in probability to Z.
Proof See e.g. Bauer (1981), Theorem 2.12.4. Alternatively, the lemma may be proved using the
dominated convergence theorem.
Lemma 2.36 (Scheffé’s theorem) Let Zn be a sequence of integrable random variables such that
lim sup E|Zn | ≤ E|Z| for an integrable random variable Z.
(i) If all variables are defined on the same probability space and Zn → Z, then E|Zn − Z| → 0.
(ii) If Zn ≥ 0 and Zn Z, then the sequence Zn is uniformly integrable.
Proof (i). Since 0 ≤ |Zn |+|Z|−|Zn −Z| → 2|Z| in probability, Fatou’s lemma gives that lim inf E |Zn |+
|Z| − |Zn − Z| ≥ 2E|Z|. The liminf is also bounded above by 2E|Z| − lim sup E|Zn − Z|, by assumption.
By combining these inequalities we conclude that lim sup E|Zn − Z| ≤ 0.
(ii). Uniform integrability and the assumption lim sup E|Zn | ≤ E|Z| depend only on the marginal
distributions of the Zn and Z. Thus it suffices to prove the assertion for some sequence Zn and Z with
the same distributions. We may choose Zn = Fn−1 (U) and Z = F −1 (U), for Fn and F the distribution
functions of the original Zn and Z, and U a uniform variable. This sequence satisfies the assumption
of (i) and hence converges in mean. Then it is uniformly integrable by Lemma 2.35.
2.1 Find a conjugate prior family for X1 , . . . , Xn a sample from the Poisson distribution with param-
eter θ.
2.2 Derive the updating formula for the posterior distribution for the Gaussian location-scale family
given in Example 2.3.
2.3 Show that the marginal density for Y in the regression model Y| β, σ ∼ Nn (Xβ, σ2 I) with prior
1/σ2 ∼ Γ(a, b) and β| σ ∼ N p (0, σ2 Λ) is given by
1 1
ba Γ(n/2 + a) b + 2 kYk2 − 2 Y T X(X T X + Λ−1 )−1 X T Y
(2π)n/2 Γ(a) det(X T X + Λ−1 )Λ 1/2
2.4 Specify the formula in the preceding exercise to the special cases of the g-prior Λ = g(X T X)−1
Exercises 47
and the adapted g-prior in which the first columns of X is the vector with entries only 1, the
remaining columns are orthogonal to this column, and Λ1,1 → ∞, Λ>1,>1 = g(X>1 T X )−1 , and
the remaining Λi, j are zero.
2.5 Find the Jeffreys prior for the success parameter in a negative-binomial distribution with fixed
number of required successes. [The likelihoods of the negative-binomial and binomial distribu-
tions for the same observation x are proportional, but the Jeffreys priors are different. Bayesians
consider this a violation of the likelihood principle according to which proportional likelihoods
should give the same inference.]
2.6 Compute the total variation norm between two univariate normal distributions with different
means and unit variance.
2.7 Let X1 , . . . , Xn be the k-dimensional normal distribution with mean θ and covariance matrix
the identity, and choose as prior Π = N(0, Λ) for some nonsingular matrix Λ. Show by direct
computation that the Bernstein-von Mises theorem is true in this case.
2.8 Suppose that θ is one-dimensional. Show, using Theorem 2.15, that the median of the posterior
distribution converges in distribution to a N(0, Iθ−10
2.9 Suppose that, in the case of a one-dimensional parameter, we use the loss function `(h) =
1(−1,2) (h). Find the limit distribution of the corresponding Bayes point estimator, assuming that
the conditions of the Bernstein-von Mises theorem hold.
2.10 A credible ball around the posterior mean θ̂n takes the form {θ: kθ − θ̂n k ≤ r̂n }, for r̂n defined by
Π θ: kθ − θ̂n k ≤ r̂n = 1 − α. Show that under the conditions of Theorem 2.15 the confidence
level of a credible ball tends to 1 − α, as n → ∞. Assume that the prior has a finite second
2.11 Suppose that the Bernstein-von Mises holds for the one-dimensional parameter θ, with Fisher
√ √
information equal to 1. Define the sets Ĉn as (−∞, θ̂n + ξα / n) if θ̂n < 0 and as (θ̂n − ξα / n, ∞)
if θ̂n ≥ 0. Show that:
(a) Π(Ĉn | X1 , . . . , Xn ) → 1 − α.
(b) P0 (0 ∈ Ĉn ) → 1 − 2α.
Conclude that not every credible set is a confidence set of the same asymptotic level.
Bayesian Computation
Given an observation x of a variable with density pθ and a prior density π, the posterior
density π(θ| x) is proportional to
pθ (x)π(θ).
In most cases it is easy to compute this number, because it is directly related to the speci-
fications of model and prior. However, to compute a posterior mean or a posterior credible
region we must also evaluate the proportionality constant: the integral of the preceding dis-
play relative to θ, for fixed x. Except in special cases, for instance a prior that is conjugate
with respect to the statistical model, this could be cumbersome. The lack of analytical ex-
pressions for the posterior distribution in general cases has hampered the popularity of Bayes
estimation for many years. It is simply not attractive to have to select a prior density on the
basis that the computations are easy.
Stochastic approximation methods offer a natural R approach to overcome this difficulty.
We focus on evaluating integrals of the type Θ f (θ) dΠ(θ| x), for some given measurable
function f : Θ 7→ R. The idea is to generate a sample of values θ1 , θ2 , ..., θn so that
f (θi ) → f (θ) dΠ(θ| x).
n i=1 Θ
By the law of large numbers this is certainly the case if the values θ1 , θ2 , ..., are i.i.d. from the
posterior distribution. Although there are several algorithms for producing such data, their
practical applicability for evaluating complex posterior distributions is limited. Since ap-
proximately 1990 this problem is resolved by simulating instead dependent values θ1 , θ2 , ...,,
forming a Markov chain. Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) was developed in image
analysis and statistical physics since the 1960s, and consists of simulating values from a
Markov chain with marginal distributions approximately equal to the posterior distribution.
In this chapter we introduce the most popular MCMC algorithms, and investigate their
approximation properties. We start with recalling the main concepts of Markov chains and
list their most important basic properties. For more details on Markov chains we refer to
Meyn and Tweedie (2012), and for a longer introduction to MCMC techniques, and other
sampling algorithms, to, for instance, Robert and Casella (2004).
3.1 Brief introduction to Markov Chains 49
y1 , y2 , ..., yn ∈ Y:
Pr(Yn+1 ∈ B| Yn = yn , Yn−1 = yn−1 , ..., Y1 = y1 ) = Pr(Yn+1 ∈ B| Yn = yn ).
The right side of this equation is a Markov kernel in the sense of Definition 1.1, and is also
called transition kernel in this context. In this chapter we consider only time homogeneous
Markov chains, for which the transition kernel is independent of n. The evolution of the
chain is then completely described by the transition kernel Q, defined by, for y ∈ Y, n ∈ N,
and B ∈ Y ,
Q(y, B) = Pr(Yn+1 ∈ B| Yn = y).
With Q1 = Q the kernel determining one transition, the kernel of n transitions is given by
the recursion formula
Qn (y, B) = Qn−1 (x, B) Q(y, dx).
Example 3.1 The AR(1) model Yn = θYn−1 + n , with n ∼ N(0, σ2 ) independent of a given
starting value Y0 , is a time-homogeneous Markov chain with transition kernel Q(y, B) =
Pr(Z + y ∈ B), with Z ∼ N(0, σ2 ).
Example 3.2 The (extended) ARCH(1) model is defined by
Yn = αYn−1 + σn−1 εn , and σ2n−1 = β + γYn−1
, β, γ > 0,
where εn is an i.i.d. sequence independent of a given starting value Y0 . The two equations
can be combined into Yn = αYn−1 + (β + γYn−1 )1/2 εn . This shows that (Yn ) is a Markov chain.
A Markov chain with transition kernel Q is called ψ-irreducible, for a given nondegener-
ate measure ψ on the state space of the chain, if for every measurable set B with ψ(B) > 0
there exists a time point n such that Qn (y, B) > 0, for every y ∈ Y. This means that from
every possible starting point y ∈ Y, every set B of positive ψ-measure can be reached with
positive probability. The arbitrariness of the starting point means that the chain does not par-
tition into separate pieces. The irreducibility measure ψ is not unique, but it can be shown
(see Meyn and Tweedie (2012), Proposition 4.2.2) that there is a maximal one, in the sense
that it dominates any other irreducibility measure in the sense of absolute continuity. For
this maximal irreducibility measure ψ, a set B with ψ(B) = 0 has the property that the set of
y such that Qn (y, B) > 0 for some n has ψ measure zero. Thus a set B with ψ(B) = 0 can be
reached only from a null set of starting points.
Just having a positive probability of visiting a set is a weak sense of connection. We
shall also need that the chain visits sets often enough, for which we introduce the random
variables that count the total of visits to a measurable set B:
ηB = 1Yn ∈B .
The Markov chain (Yn ) is called recurrent if it is ψ-irreducible for some non-zero measure
ψ and E(ηB | Y0 = y) = ∞, for every set B with ψ(B) > 0 and every y ∈ B. The chain is
called Harris recurrent if, moreover, P(ηB = ∞| Y0 = y) = 1, for every set B with ψ(B) > 0
and every y ∈ B. Thus the chain is recurrent or Harris recurrent if the expected number of
50 Bayesian Computation
returns to a set B is infinite, or the number of returns is infinite almost surely, for every set
B of positive ψ-measure, whenever the chain is started somewhere in B.
A Markov chain may cycle between certain subsets of the state space in a periodic way,
and then cannot converge when n → ∞. To exclude this possibility we need the concepts of
small sets and period.
An atom of the Markov chain (Yn ) is a measurable set C ⊂ Y such that there exists a
measure ν with Q(y, B) = ν(B), for every y ∈ C and B ∈ Y . Thus from any starting point
y ∈ C the chain moves in an identical manner, to a point picked from the measure ν. An atom
C in a ψ-irreducible chain is called accessible if ψ(C) > 0. Accessible atoms can be thought
of as counterparts in a general Markov chain of the states/atoms of a Markov chain with
countable state space. However, many continuous state space Markov chains do not have
useful atoms, necessitating the following relaxation. A measurable set C is called a small set
if there exist m ∈ N+ , δ > 0 and a probability measure νm such that,
Qm (y, B) ≥ δνm (B), for all y ∈ C, B∈Y. (3.1)
For a ψ-irreducible Markov chain it can be shown (see Proposition 5.2.4 of Meyn and
Tweedie (2012)) that it is no loss of generality to require that m, δ and νm in (3.1) be chosen
such that νm (C) > 0. Then the equation implies that Qm (y, C) ≥ δm ν(C) > 0, so that the
chain will return to the set C in m steps with positive probability. It can be shown (see the
same proposition) that for a ψ-irreducible chain there always exists a countable collection
of small sets Ci that covers the state space: Y = i Ci . This collection of small sets presents
an analogue to the single points in a countable state space. The Markov chain (Yn ) is said to
have a cycle of length d if there exists a small set C with associated integer m and probability
distribution νm such that d is the greatest common divisor of the set
k ∈ N+ , Qk (y, ·) ≥ δk νm (·), for all y ∈ C, for some δk > 0 .
The period of (Yn ) is defined as the largest possible cycle value for any small set C. The
chain is called aperiodic if its period is one.
A probability distribution Π is called a stationary distribution for Q if, for every measur-
able set B,
Q(y, B) dΠ(y) = Π(B).
In general a Markov chain (Yn ) remains a Markov chain if run in the opposite time direc-
tion: the sequence of variables (Zn ) defined by Zn = Y−n is a Markov chain. (This follows
for instance from the fact that the Markov property can also be formulated in the symmetric
form: “past and future are independent given the present”.) The chain is reversible if and
only if it is stationary and the transition distributions in the two directions are identical.
Here the stationarity is automatic in the sense that the equality of the transition distributions
Yn+1 | Yn = y ∼ Yn | Yn+1 = y, for every y, implies that the marginal distributions of Yn and
Yn+1 are identical and hence (Yn , Yn+1 ) ∼ (Yn+1 , Yn ). (This follows from an application of
Lemma 2.34.)
We shall be interested in Markov chains with stationary distribution equal to the posterior
distribution, with the observed data fixed to their realized value. Even though the starting
value of the chains may not be generated from the stationary distribution and the chain (Yn )
may not be stationary, we shall use the empirical distribution of Y1 , . . . , Yn as an estimate of
the stationary distribution Π. This is justified by the following version of the law of large
Theorem 3.3 (Ergodic theorem) If the Markov chain Y1 , Y2 , . . . is Harris recurrent with
stationary probability distribution Π, then for every Π-integrable f and n → ∞,
f (Yi ) → f (y) dΠ(y), a.s..
n i=1
If the chain is also aperiodic, then the n-step transition distributions Qn (y, ·) satisfy
Proof For the first assertion, see Meyn and Tweedie (2012), Theorem 12.1.7. For the sec-
ond see Theorem 13.0.1 in the same reference. Note that “positive Harris recurrent” means
“Harris recurrent and admits a stationary probability measure”.
A sequence of random variables Y1 , Y2 , . . . that satisfies the law of large numbers in the
first assertion of the theorem is called ergodic. The practical use is that an average over
Y1 , Y2 , . . . , Yn , for a large n, can be used to approximate a (posterior) mean. The second
assertion of the theorem shows that after sufficiently many iterations the distributions Qn (y, ·)
of the individual variables Yn will closely resemble the stationary distribution, no matter the
starting point of the chain. This is known as the ergodicity of the Markov chain: a Markov
chain whose n-step transition distributions Qn (y, ·) satisfy (3.3) is called ergodic.
The theorem does not show, how many iterations are needed to come close to the target
distribution. In general this depends on the particular chain and the starting point, and is a
complicated matter. Exponentially fast convergence is clearly desirable. The Markov chain
with n-step transition kernel (y, B) 7→ Qn (y, B) is called geometrically ergodic if there exists
a constant r > 1 such that
rn kQn (y, ·) − Π(·)kT V < ∞, for all y ∈ Y.
This implies that kQn (y, ·)−Π(·)kT V tends to zero exponentially fast for every y, but the speed
52 Bayesian Computation
This definition does not explicitly require a rate of convergence, but the following theo-
rem shows that the speed is automatically exponentially fast, so that uniform ergodicity is
stronger than geometric ergodicity.
Theorem 3.4 A Markov chain is uniformly ergodic if and only if it is ψ-irreducible, ape-
riodic, and Y is a small set. In this case there exist numbers R > 0 and ρ ∈ (0, 1) such
Q (y, ·) − Π(·)
≤ Rρn , for all y ∈ Y.
Proof See Theorem 6.59 of Robert and Casella (2004). Or see Theorems 16.2.1 and 16.2.2
in Meyn and Tweedie (2012), together with Theorem 5.5.7.
Although the ergodic theorem shows that averages over Y1 , . . . , Yn converge to the target
value, as n → ∞, it is customary to throw away the earlier variables Y1 , Y2 , . . . , Ym and use
only Ym+1 , Ym+2 , . . . for a sufficiently large m, for which Qm (Y0 , ·) is closer to the target. This
is called the “burn-in” of the “MCMC sampler”.
In the following sections we introduce various Markov Chain Monte Carlo sampling tech-
niques. We start with the most general one, the Metropolis Hastings (MH) algorithm, and
then investigate special, but from a practical point of view important and popular cases the
independent MH, the random walk MH, the slice sampler and finally the Gibbs sampler.
In all cases our goal will be to simulate from a given target density π.
Given Yn .
generate Zn+1 from Q(Yn , ·),
generate Un+1 from the uniform distribution on [0, 1].
If Un+1 < α(Yn , Zn+1 ) set Yn+1 : = Zn+1
else set Yn+1 : = Yn .
The acceptance probability α(y, z) is defined only if π(y) > 0, but if the starting value Y0 is
3.2 Metropolis-Hastings algorithm 53
chosen to satisfy π(Y0 ) > 0, then π(Yn ) > 0, for every n, since moves to states z with π(z) = 0
are rejected, as α(y, z) = 0 if π(z) = 0.
By construction (Yn ) is a Markov chain. We show below that its transition kernel (which
is usually not q) is given by, for δy the Dirac measure at y,
P(y, B) = α(y, z)q(y, z) dµ(z) + 1 − α(y, z) q(y, z) dµ(z) δy (B). (3.4)
The two pieces of the kernel correspond to the “if-else” split, and are typically orthogonal.
The continuous part has transition density z 7→ α(y, z)q(y, z). The number t(y) =
α(y, z) q(y, z) dµ(z) in the second piece is the probability that the chain does not move.
The following theorem shows that π is a stationary density provided the support of the
kernel z 7→ q(y, z) contains the support of π.
Theorem 3.5 The transition kernel P of the sequence (Yn ) produced by the Metropolis-
Hastings algorithm with proposal density z 7→ q(y, z) is given by (3.4). If q(y, z) > 0 for
every (y, z) ∈ Y × Y, then π is a stationary density of the chain, and for any π-integrable
function f
f (Yn ) → f (y)π(y) dµ(y).
n i=1
If (Yn ) is also aperiodic, then also
Pn (y, ·) − Π(·)
→ 0, ∀y ∈ Y.
Proof By the tower rule for conditional expectation, for every measurable set B and y,
Pr(Yn+1 ∈ B| Yn = y) = E Pr(Yn+1 ∈ B| Yn = y, Zn+1 )| Yn = y
Since Zn+1 | Yn = y ∼ q(y, ·), this reduces to to the expression given in (3.4).
The transition kernel does not have a density relative to a σ-finite measure (unless the
state space is countable), but both pieces of the chain are reversible. Indeed, the continuous
part of the chain moves according to the subtransition density α(y, z)q(y, z). The function α
is chosen such that it takes values in [0, 1] and such that this transition density satisfies the
detailed balance relationship
π(y)α(y, z)q(y, z) = π(z)α(z, y)q(z, y). (3.5)
The second partR of the chain stays put at y, and a “move from y to y” is clearly reversible.
For t(y) = 1 − α(y, z)q(y, z) dµ(z) the probability of not moving, one might express this also
as a detailed balance relationship, by the formula t(y)δy (z)π(y) = t(z)δz (y)π(z).
The proof of the stationarity of π follows from the detailed balance relationship, see Ex-
ercise 3.1.
The convergence follows by combining Theorem 6.51 and Lemma 7.3 of Robert and
Casella (2004)
The performance of the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm depends heavily on the proposal
kernel q. Choosing a good kernel is somewhat of an art. The general principle is to choose
54 Bayesian Computation
a kernel that proposes variables Zn+1 throughout the support of π (is “sufficiently mixing” or
“sufficiently explores the space”; possibly only when taking multiple steps together), and at
the same time does not run into the “else” step too often, for efficiency reasons.
The two most popular choices are the independent- and the random walk MH algorithms.
Given Yn ,
generate Zn+1 from g,
generate Un+1 from the uniform distribution on [0, 1].
If Un+1 < α(Yn , Zn+1 ), set Yn+1 : = Zn+1 ,
else set Yn+1 : = Yn .
Example 3.6 Consider estimating the expected value of the variable f (Y) = |Y|, where
the random variable Y follows the density π satisfying π(y) ∝ e−y . Based on the shape
π the standard normal distribution seems reasonable as a transition kernel. Given starting
value y0 = 0 we iterate the following steps: we independently draw zn+1 ∼ N(0, 1) and
4 2 4 2
un+1 ∼ U(0, 1), and next set yn+1 : = zn+1 if un+1 < eyn +zn+1 /2−zn+1 −yn /2 , or else set yn+1 : = yn .
After n iterations obtain the estimator n−1 ni=1 |yi |.
P p
For appropriate choice of g one can prove uniform ergodicity for the Markov chain (Yn ),
see Theorem 2.1 of Mengersen and Tweedie (1996).
Theorem 3.7 The Markov chain (Yn ) generated by the independent Metropolis-Hastings
algorithm is uniformly ergodic, if
π(y) ≤ Mg(y), ∀y ∈ Y.
More specifically one can show that
kPn (y, ·) − Π(·)kT V ≤ (1 − 1/M)n , for all y ∈ Y.
The speed of convergence of the IMH-algorithm depends on the choice of the proposal
density g. If this resembles the target density π closely, then the proposals Zn+1 are nearly
from the target distribution, and the acceptance probabilities α(Yn , Zn+1 ) will be large. The
extreme case would be to choose g equal to π, when the acceptance probability becomes
1. A more feasible approach for finding a suitable g is to start with a family of proposal
densities, parametrized by some hyper-parameter τ, and next choose τ that maximizes the
acceptance rate. This rate can be empirically evaluated by running the chain for a given
number of iterations with a given value of τ.
3.2 Metropolis-Hastings algorithm 55
The IMH-sampler works well if the proposal density resembles the target density globally.
This may be difficult to achieve due to the complexity of the target distribution, especially in
high-dimensional state spaces. The global resemblance is necessary, because the proposals
are generated independently, but must explore the target density. An alternative is to draw
proposals more locally, from neighbourhoods of the current state, and let the long run of the
chain take care of the exploration of the state space.
Given Yn ,
generate Zn+1 from f (· − Yn ),
generate Un+1 from the uniform distribution on [0, 1].
If Un+1 < π(Zn+1 )/π(Yn ), set Yn+1 : = Zn+1 ,
else set Yn+1 : = Yn .
convergence of the Markov chain. As always the acceptance rate should not be too small
either, as rejections mean wasted simulations. Thus the step size of the random walk should
neither too small, nor too large.
Given Yn ,
generate Un+1 from U 0, π∗ (Yn ) ,
generate Yn+1 from U(Bn+1 ), where Bn+1 = y: π∗ (y) ≥ Un+1 .
We note that the set Bn+1 is never empty, since Yn is inside. An advantage of the algorithm is
that it does not have an accept/reject step, all draws are accepted.
Theorem 3.10 The sequence (Yn , Un ) produced by the slice sampler is a Markov chain
with stationary distribution equal to the uniform distribution on the subgraph F (π∗ ) and
hence the sequence (Yn ) is a Markov chain with stationary density π. Furthermore, if π∗ is
bounded and has bounded support in R, then the slice sampler is uniformly ergodic.
Proof From the description of the algorithm it is seen that the conditional density of
(Yn+1 , Un+1 ) given (Yn = y, Un ) is given by
Iπ∗ (yn+1 )≥un+1 I0≤un+1 ≤π∗ (y)
(yn+1 , un+1 ) 7→ .
λ(Bn+1 (un+1 )) π∗ (y)
Here Bn+1 (u) = y: π(y) ≥ u and λ is the Lebesgue measure. If (Yn , Un ) is uniformly dis-
tributed over F (π∗ ), then Yn has marginal density π. In that case the density of (Yn+1 , Un+1 )
is given by
Iπ∗ (yn+1 )≥un+1 I0≤un+1 ≤π∗ (y) 1
π(y) dy = Iπ∗ (yn+1 )≥un+1 ,
λ(y: π∗ (y) ≥ un+1 ) π∗ (y) c
3.4 Gibbs sampler 57
for c the proportionality constant so that π∗ = cπ. This shows that (Yn+1 , Un+1 ) is uniformly
distributed over F (π∗ ).
The conditional distribution of (Yn+1 , Un+1 ) given (Yn , Un ) actually depends only on Yn .
This implies that (Yn ) inherits the Markov property from (Yn , Un ). It was already noted that
the first marginal density of the uniform density on F (π∗ ) is π.
For the final assertion of the theorem, see Lemma 8.5 of Robert and Casella (2004)
Example 3.11 Consider the density π(y) ∝ e−y . From an arbitrary starting value, for
instance, y0 = 0, the slice sampler repeats the steps un+1 ∼ U(0, e−yn ) and yn+1 ∼ U −
(− log un+1 )1/4 , (− log un+1 )1/4 , for n = 0, 1, 2, . . .. The resulting values y1 , y2 , ... will, after a
burn-in period, be approximate draws from π.
The difficulty of implementing the slice sampling algorithm is to determine the sets Bn+1 .
These sets will have a complicated form, especially for multi-modal distributions. This prob-
lem can be alleviated by introducing multiple slices.
Assume that the density π can be factorized into nonnegative functions π1 , . . . , πk as
π(y) = πi (y).
The quantities πi (y) can be considered “new dimensions”, which can be consecutively ex-
plored by a random walk, one direction at a time. The generalized slice sampling algorithm
takes the form:
Given Yn ,
generate Un+1 from U 0, π1 (Yn ) ,
generate Un+1 from U 0, π2 (Yn ) ,
generate Un+1 from U 0, πk (Yn ) ,
generate Yn+1 from U(Bn+1 ), where Bn+1 = ki=1 {y: πi (y) ≥ Un+1
The decomposition, although seemingly slowing down the algorithm, may make it easier to
compute the sets Bn+1 , as the intersection of the sets B(i) (i)
n+1 = {y: πi (y) ≥ U n+1 }.
Example 3.12 Consider sampling from the density π(y) ∝ cos(y)2 y−2 e−2|y| . One factoriza-
tion of the function is as the product of the three function π1 (y) = cos(y)2 , π2 (y) = y−2 , and
π3 (y) = e−2|y| . Given a starting point, for instance y0 = 0, we iterate the general slice sampling
algorithm for a large number of times. by drawing un+1,1 ∼ U(0, cos2 yn ), un+1,2 ∼ U(0, y2n ),
and un+1,3 ∼ U(0, e−2|yn | ), and finally sample yn+1 uniformly from the set
√ √ √
{y: |y| ≤ un+1,1 } ∩ {y: arccos( un+1,2 ) ≤ y − kπ ≤ arccos(− un+1,2 ), k ∈ Z}
∩ {y: |y| ≤ − log(un+1,3 )/2}.
product measure µ1 ×· · ·×µm on a product space, and suppose that we can generate variables
from each of the conditional densities,
πi yi | y1 , . . . , yi−1 , yi+1 , . . . ym = R .
π(y) dµi (yi )
The corresponding distributions are known as the full conditional distributions, and it is of
course helpful if these can be characterized analytically
The Gibbs sampling algorithm proceeds, from a given initial value Y0 = (Y0,1 , . . . , Y0,m ),
recursively for n = 0, 1, 2, . . . by the following steps:
Thus we update each of the coordinates in turn, every time conditioning on the last available
value of each coordinate.
A variation is to update not in the preceding deterministic order, but to choose the coor-
dinate to be updated randomly with respect to some distribution.
Example 3.13 The Ising model describes the distribution of a (d × d)-matrix σ, whose
coordinates σi , for i ∈ {1, . . . , d}2 , are random variables with values in {−1, 1}. The variables
represent the magnetic dipole moments of atomic spins in a geometric configuration given
by the matrix. The energy function of a configuration σ ∈ {−1, 1}d×d is given as
H(σ) = −J σi σ j − µ σi ,
i∼ j i
where i ∼ j denotes that the variables σi and σ j are neighbours in the matrix configuration.
The probability mass function of the random matrix σ is given as
π(σ) ∝ e−H(σ) , σ ∈ {−1, 1}d×d .
The conditional probability mass function of the variable σi given all the other variables is
σi σ j −µσi
j: j∼i
π(σi | σ j : j , i) = σi ∈ {−1, 1}. ,
e−J +e j: j∼i σ j −µ J j: j∼i σ j +µ
A Gibbs sampler for the Ising-model can be implemented by simulating iteratively from
these two-point distributions.
Example 3.14 The joint distribution of the pair of variables (θ, τ2 ), where θ| τ ∼ N(µ, τ2 )
and 1/τ2 ∼ Γ(a, b), has density
(θ−µ)2 +2b
π(θ, τ2 ) ∝ τ−(2a+3) e− 2τ2 , θ ∈ R, τ2 > 0.
The conditional density of τ2 given θ is proportional to this function as a function of τ2 . It
follows that the second conditional distribution satisfies 1/τ2 | θ ∼ Γ a + 1/2, (θ − µ)2 /2 + b .
3.4 Gibbs sampler 59
The first conditional is already given in the definition of the model. Therefore the Gibbs
sampler to simulate from the distribution of (θ, τ2 ) proceeds by the sequence of updates
θn+1 ∼ N(θn , τ2n ), ∼ Γ a + 21 , 12 (θn+1 − µ)2 + b .
Alternatively (and preferably?), one might simulate from this distribution by repeatedly
drawing a value τ2 from its marginal distribution, and then θ from its conditional distri-
bution given τ. This would give a sequence of independent variables with exactly the correct
Next we discuss the stationarity and ergodicity properties of the two stage (m = 2) Gibbs
sampler. We say that a density π satisfies the positivity condition if the positivity of the
marginal densities implies the positivity of the joint density: if πi (yi ) > 0 for i = 1, ..., m,
then π(y1 , ..., ym ) > 0, for every (y1 , . . . , ym ).
Theorem 3.15 The density π is a stationary distribution of the Markov chain (Yn ) gen-
erated by the Gibbs sampling algorithm. If the density π satisfies the positivity condition,
then the chain (Yn,1 , Yn,2 ) resulting from the two stage Gibbs sampler is ergodic (see (3.3) for
Proof If Yn is distributed according to π, then (Yn,2 , . . . , Yn,m ) is distributed according to
marginal of π on the last m − 1 coordinates. The first step of the Gibbs sampler is to generate
Yn+1,1 from the conditional distribution of the first coordinate given the last m − 1 coordinates
under π, evaluated at (Yn,2 , . . . , Yn,m ). Then (Yn+1,1 , Yn,2 , . . . , Yn,m ) is distributed according to
π. (If X2 ∼ Π2 and X1 | X2 ∼ Π1|2 (·| X2 ), for Π2 and Π1|2 the second marginal and first con-
ditional of a distribution Π, then (X1 , X2 ) ∼ Π.) This shows that the stationary distribution
is preserved under the first step of the Gibbs sampler. By the same argument it is preserved
under every of the m steps of an iteration.
For a proof of the second assertion, see Example 2.2.
is the density of the observation X. Given a prior density π the posterior density of interest
is proportional to
pθ (x, y) dµ(y) π(θ).
We can apply all the preceding to this posterior. However, if the integration cannot be per-
formed analytically, implementing the MCMC scheme will be awkward.
It is more attractive not to marginalize. In the Bayesian notation what we are after is the
conditional law of ϑ given the observation X. This is a marginal of the conditional law of
Exercises 61
(ϑ, Y) given X. If we could produce a sample (ϑ1 , Y1 ), . . . , (ϑn , Yn ) from this conditional dis-
tribution, then ϑ1 , . . . , ϑn would be a sample from the distribution of interest. Marginalizing
an empirical distribution is the same as just forgetting some of the variables, and this is
computationally very easy!
Thus we apply an MCMC scheme to simulate from the density that is proportional to
(θ, y) 7→ pθ (x, y)π(θ), with x fixed to the observed value. Next we throw away the Y-values.
3.1 Suppose that the pair (π, q) satisfies the detailed balance relation. Show that π is a stationary
density for the Markov kernel defined by q.
3.2 Verify the last step in the proof of Theorem 3.7.
3.3 Implement a Metropolis-Hastings algorithm to compute the posterior distribution for θ based
on a sample from the N(θ, 1)-distribution, relative to a normal prior, or another prior such as a
Cauchy. Experiment with different proposal kernels.
3.4 Implement the algorithm described in Example 3.6. Experiment with setting a burn-in period
and by choosing different proposal distribution.
3.5 Implement the algorithm described in Example 3.8. Experiment with the choice of the scaling
parameter τ. Using a test data set try to find the scaling parameter which results in acceptance
rate around 25%.
3.6 Generate a sample of size n = 100 from N(θ, 1), with θ = 1, as data points. Then in the Bayesian
approach first endow θ with a Gaussian prior with mean zero and variance τ2 and as a second
layer endow τ2 with an inverse gamma distribution with arbitrary shape and scale parameters.
Implement the Gibbs sampler to draw an approximate sample from the posterior distribution.
Use this sample to estimate the marginal posterior mean, both for θ and τ2 .
3.7 Let Y = f (X) be a measurable transformation of some random vector X with distribution Π and
let Q(y, B) = Pr(X ∈ B| Y = y) be a version of the conditional distribution of X given Y = f (X).
If we generate X from Π, coarsen X to Y = f (X) and next generate Z from Q(Y, ·), then Z
possesses law Π. Show this.
3.8 Implement a MCMC scheme to estimate the parameter β in a linear regression model Yi =
βXi + ei , where X1 , . . . , Xn and e1 , . . . , en are assumed to be independently generated from a
normal distribution, and where we assume that we observe only Y1 , . . . , Yn and Xm+1 , . . . , Xn
for some m ≥ 2. (E.g. n = 10, m = 5.)
Dirichlet Process
The Dirichlet process is the “normal distribution of Bayesian nonparametrics”. It is the de-
fault prior on spaces of probability measures, and a building block for priors on other struc-
Throughout this chapter let the sample space (X, X ) be a Polish space with its Borel
σ-field, and let M = M(X) be the collection of of all probability measures on (X, X ). The
Dirichlet process prior will be defined as a probability measure on M.
Definition 4.1 For M the set of all Borel probability measures on a given Polish sample
space (X, X ), the σ-field M is defined as the smallest σ-field such that all maps M 7→ M(A)
from M to R are measurable, for A ∈ X . A measurable map P from a probability space into
(M, M ) is called a random measure.
Although other measurability structures on M are possible, the σ-field M is attractive for
two important properties.
First it is identical to the Borel σ-field for the weak topology on M (see Proposition 4.2;
see Section 4.9.1 for a discussion of the weak topology or topology of “covergence in dis-
tribution”). As M is Polish under the weak topology (see Proposition 4.20), this means that
(M, M ) is a Polish space with its Borel σ-field. Taking the parameter θ from Section 1.1
that indexes the statistical model (Pθ : θ ∈ Θ) equal to the distribution P itself, and M as the
parameter set, we obtain a Polish parameter set, which is desirable for the definition of pos-
terior distributions, as is noted in Section 1.1. Furthermore, with respect to the σ-field M on
the parameter set M the data distributions are trivially “regular conditional probabilities”:
4.1 Random measures 63
This mathematically justifies speaking of “drawing a measure P from the prior Π and next
sampling observations X from P”.
Second, with the preceding definition a map P from a probability space into M is a random
measure if and only if P(A) is a random variable, for every A ∈ X . (See Exercise 4.1.)
Equivalently, P(A): A ∈ X is a stochastic process on the underlying probability space (a
stochastic process is by definition just a collection of random variables defined on a common
probability space).
Proposition 4.2 If (X, S ) is a Polish space with its Borel σ-field, then the σ-field M of
Definition 4.1 is also:
continuous functions ψ: X → R.
For a proof see Proposition A.5 in Ghoshal and van der Vaart (2017).
Assertion (i) follows, because the distributions of P(∅) and P(X ) will be specified to be
degenerate at 0 and 1, respectively, while (ii) can be read off from the degeneracy of the joint
64 Dirichlet Process
distribution of the three variables P(A1 ), P(A2 ) and P(A1 ∪ A2 ). Thus the process P(A): A ∈
X will automatically define a finitely-additive measure on (X, X ).
A problem is that the exceptional null sets in (ii) might depend on the pair (A1 , A2 ). If
restricted to a countable subcollection X0 ⊂ X there would only be countably many pairs
and the null sets could be gathered in a single null set. Then still when extending (ii) to
σ-additivity, which is typically possible by similar distributional arguments, there would be
uncountably many sequences of sets. This problem can be overcome through existence of a
mean measure
µ(A) = EP(A).
For a valid random measure P, this necessarily defines a Borel measure on X. Existence of a
mean measure is also sufficient for existence of version of P(A): A ∈ X that is a measure
on (X, X ).
Theorem 4.3 Suppose that P(A): A ∈ X is a stochastic process that satisfies (i) and
(ii) and whose mean A 7→ EP(A) is a Borel measure on X. Then there exists a version
of P that is a random measure on (X, X ). More precisely, there exists a measurable map
P̃: (Ω, U , Pr) → (M, M ) such that P(A) = P̃(A) almost surely, for every A ∈ X .
Proof Let X0 be a countable field that generates the Borel σ-field X , enumerated arbi-
trarily as A1 , A2 , . . .. Because the mean measure µ(A): = EP(A) is regular, there exists for
every i, m ∈ N a compact set Ki,m ⊂ Ai with µ(Ai − Ki,m ) < 2−2i−2m . By Markov’s inequality
Pr P(Ai − Ki,m ) > 2−i−m ≤ 2i+m EP(Ai − Ki,m ) ≤ 2−i−m .
Consequently, the event Ωm = ∩i {P(Ai − Ki,m ) ≤ 2−i−m } possesses probability at least 1 − 2−m ,
and lim inf Ωm possesses probability 1, by the Borel-Cantelli lemma.
Because X0 is countable, the null sets involved in (i)-(ii) with A1 , A2 ∈ X0 can be aggre-
gated into a single null set N. For every ω < N the process P is a finitely additive measure
on X0 , with the resulting usual properties of monotonicity and sub-additivity. By increasing
N if necessary we can also ensure that it is sub-additive on all finite unions of sets Ai − Ki,m .
Let Ai1 ⊃ Ai2 ⊃ · · · be an arbitrary decreasing sequence of sets in X0 with empty intersec-
tion. Then, for every fixed m, the corresponding compacts Ki j ,m possess empty intersection
also, whence there exists a finite Jm such that ∩ j≤Jm Ki j ,m = ∅. This implies that
AiJm = ∩ Jj=1
Ai j − ∩ Jj=1
Ki j ,m ⊂ ∪ Jj=1
(Ai j − Ki j ,m ).
Consequently, on the event Ωm \ N,
lim sup P(Ai j ) ≤ P(AiJm ) ≤ P(Ai j − Ki j ,m ) ≤ 2−m .
j j=1
Thus on the event Ω0 = lim inf Ωm \ N the limit is zero. We conclude that for every ω ∈ Ω0 ,
the restriction of A 7→ P(A) to X0 is countably additive. By Carathéodory’s theorem it
extends to a measure P̃ on X .
By construction P̃(A) = P(A) almost surely, for every A ∈ X0 . In particular EP̃(A) =
EP(A) = µ(A), for every A in the field X0 , whence by uniqueness of extension the mean
measure of P̃ coincides with the original mean measure µ on X . For every A ∈ X , there
4.1 Random measures 65
exists a sequence {Am } ⊂ X0 such that µ(A ∆ Am ) → 0. Then both P(A m ∆ A) and P̃(Am ∆ A)
tend to zero in mean. Finite-additivity of P gives that P(Am ) − P(A) ≤ P(Am ∆ A), almost
surely, and by σ-additivity the same is true for P̃. This shows that P̃(A) = P(A) almost
surely, for every A ∈ X .
This also proves that P̃(A) is a random variable for every A ∈ X , whence P̃ is a measur-
able map in (M, M ).
The realizations of this measure are discrete with countably many support points, which
may be different for each realization. The vectors of weights (W1 , W2 , . . .) and “locations”
(θ1 , θ2 , . . .) are often chosen independent.
The support of a Borel probability measure on a Polish space is defined as the smallest
closed set with probability one. Equivalently, it is the set of all points such that every open
neighbourhood of the point receives positive probability. The support of a random variable
with values in a Polish space is understood to be the support of its induced distribution. The
following lemma shows that the random probability measure (4.1) has “full support” (i.e.
support the whole space) in the set of measures (M, M ), under the mild conditions that the
weight vector and the location variables have full support. For the weight vector this refers
to the infinite-dimensional unit simplex S∞ : the set of all probability vectors (w1 , w2 , . . .).
Lemma 4.4 If the weight vector (W1 , W2 , . . .) has support S∞ and is independent of the
vector (θ1 , θ2 , . . .) of locations, and the vector (θ1 , . . . , θk ) has support Xk , for every k, then
the random measure P defined in (4.1) has weak support M, i.e. Pr(P ∈ B) > 0 for every
weakly open subset B ⊂ M.
Proof Every probability measure Q on a Polish space (X, X ) is the limit in distribution (or
“weak limit”) of a sequence of finitely discrete distributions (see Proposition 4.21). There-
fore, it suffices that to show that Pr(P ∈ B) > 0 for every weak neighbourhood B of a
distribution P∗ = kj=1 w∗j δθ∗j with finite support. All distributions P0 = ∞j=1 w j δθ j with
j>k w j sufficiently small, for some given k, and (w1 , . . . , wk ) and (θ1 , . . . , θk ) sufficiently
close to (w∗1 , . . . , w∗k ) and (θ1∗ , . . . , θk∗ ) are in such a neighbourhood B. Thus the assertion fol-
lows if for every > 0 the intersection of the events j>k W j < , max j≤k |W j − w j | and
max j≤k d(θ j , θ∗j ) < has positive probability. Now both events have positive probability, as
they refer to open subsets of S∞ and Xk , respectively, and hence so does their intersection,
as the events are independent.
Wj = (1 − Yl ) Y j . (4.2)
The idea is to divide the total weight (a “stick” of length 1) first in parts Y1 and 1 − Y1 ; the
first weight W1 is set equal to Y1 . Next the remaining weight 1 − Y1 is divided in (1 − Y1 )Y2
and (1 − Y1 )(1 − Y2 ); the second weight W2 is set equal to (1 − Y1 )Y2 . The remaining weight
is divided in (1 − Y1 )(1 − Y2 )Y3 and (1 − Y1 )(1 − Y2 )(1 − Y3 ), etc.
Under mild conditions on the sequence Y1 , Y2 , . . . , the probabilities W j will sum to one,
and the distribution will have full support.
Lemma 4.5 For any random variables Yl with 0 ≤ Yl ≤ 1, the random vector (W1 , W2 , . . .)
defined by (4.2) has nonnegative coordinates with j W j ≤ 1. We have j W j = 1 almost
Q j
surely iff E l=1 (1 − Yl ) → 0 as j → ∞. For independent variables Y1 , Y2 , . . . this condition
is equivalent to ∞ l=1 log E(1−Yl ) = −∞. In particular, for i.i.d. variables Y1 , Y2 , . . . it suffices
that P(Y1 > 0) > 0. Finally, for any independent variables Y1 , Y2 , . . . with support [0, 1], the
vector (W1 , W2 , . . .) has support S∞ .
Proof The first assertion is immediate from the construction. By induction, it easily follows
Pj Qj
that the leftover mass at stage j is equal to 1 − l=1 Wl = l=1 (1 − Yl ). Hence j W j = 1
a.s. iff l=1 (1 − Yl ) → 0 a.s.. Since the leftover sequence is decreasing, nonnegative and
bounded by 1, the almost sure convergence is equivalent to convergence in mean. If the Y j ’s
are independent, then this condition becomes l=1 (1 − E(Yl )) → 0 as j → ∞, which is
equivalent to the condition l=1 log E(1 − Yl ) = −∞.
Under the given assumption the vector (Y1 , Y2 , . . .) has support [0, 1]∞ . Because the map
y 7→ w from stick lengths to weights is continuous, it follows that the event {(W1 , W2 , . . .) ∈
B} for an open set B ⊂ S∞ translates into an event {(Y1 , Y2 , . . .) ∈ C} for an open set C ⊂
[0, 1]∞ . Hence the sequence of weights has full support as soon as the sequence of stick
lengths has full support. Now the sets of the form C = {(y1 , y2 , . . .): (y1 , . . . , yk ) ∈ Ck }, for
Ck ⊂ Rk an open interval, form a basis of the open sets of [0, 1]∞ , and the probability that
(Y1 , . . . , Yk ) ∈ Ck is positive, for every such Ck .
In this definition α is a given finite positive Borel measure on (X, X ). We write |α| = α(X)
for its total mass and ᾱ = α/|α| for the probability measure obtained by normalizing α,
respectively, and use the notations P ∼ DP(α) and P ∼ DP |α|, ᾱ interchangeably to say
that P has a Dirichlet process distribution with base measure α.
The existence of the Dirichlet process is not obvious, but can be proved using Theo-
rem 4.3.
4.2 Definition and existence 67
−4 −2 0 2 4 −4 −2 0 2 4
Theorem 4.7 The Dirichlet process DP(α) exists: for any finite measure α on the Polish
space (X, X ) there exists a random measure P satisfying (4.3) for every finite measurable
partition A1 , . . . , Ak of X.
Proof Definition 4.6 specifies the joint distribution of the vector P(A1 ), . . . , P(Ak ) , for
any measurable partition {A1 , . . . , Ak } of the sample space. In particular, it specifies the dis-
tribution of P(A), for every measurable set A, and hence the mean measure A 7→ E P(A) .
By Proposition 2.25,
E(P(A)) = ᾱ(A).
Thus the mean measure is the normalized base measure ᾱ, which is a valid Borel measure
by assumption. Therefore Theorem 4.3 implies existence of the Dirichlet process DP(α)
provided the specification of distributions can be consistently extended to any vector of the
type P(A1 ), . . . , P(Ak ) , for arbitrary measurable sets and not just partitions, in such a way
that it gives a finitely-additive measure.
An arbitrary collection A1 , . . . , Ak of measurable sets defines a collection of 2k atoms of
the form A∗1 ∩ A∗2 ∩ · · · ∩ A∗k , where A∗ stands for A or Ac . These atoms {B j : j = 1, . . . , 2k }
(some of which may be empty) form a partition of the sample space, and hence the joint
distribution of P(B j ): j = 1, . . . , 2k is defined by Definition 4.6. Every Ai can be written
as a union of atoms, and P(Ai ) can be defined accordingly as the sum of the corresponding
P(B j )’s. This defines the distribution of the vector P(A1 ), . . . , P(Ak ) .
To prove the existence of a stochastic process P(A): A ∈ X that possesses these marginal
distributions, it suffices to verify that this collection of marginal distributions is consistent
in the sense of Kolmogorov’s extension theorem. Consider the distribution of the vector
P(A1 ), . . . , P(Ak−1 ) . This has been defined using the coarser partitioning in the 2k−1 sets of
the form A∗1 ∩ A∗2 ∩ · · · ∩ A∗k−1 . Every set in this coarser partition is a union of two sets in
the finer partition used previously to define the distribution of P(A1 ), . . . , P(Ak ) . Therefore,
consistency pertains if the distributions specified by Definition 4.6 for two partitions, where
one is finer than the other, are consistent.
Let {A1 , . . . , Ak } be a measurable partition and let {Ai1 , Ai2 } be a further measurable parti-
68 Dirichlet Process
In view of the group additivity of finite dimensional Dirichlet distributions given by Propo-
sition 2.24, this implies
X 2
X X 2 2
P(A1 j ), . . . , P(Ak j ) ∼ Dir k; α(A1 j ), . . . , α(Ak j ) .
j=1 j=1 j=1 j=1
Consistency follows as the right side is Dir k; α(A1 ), . . . , α(Ak ) , since α is a measure.
That P(∅) = 0 and P(X) = 1 almost surely follow from the fact that {∅, X} is an eligible
partition in Definition 4.6, whence P(∅), P(X) ∼ Dir(2; 0, |α|) by (4.3). That P(A1 ∪ A2 ) =
P(A1 ) + P(A2 ) almost surely for every disjoint pair of measurable sets A1 , A2 , follows sim-
ilarly from consideration of the distributions of the vectors P(A1 ), P(A2 ), P(Ac1 ∩ Ac2 ) and
P(A1 ∪ A2 ), P(Ac1 ∩ Ac2 ) , whose three and two components both add up to 1.
The random measure P0 : = j=1 W 0j δθ0j has exactly the same structure as P, and hence pos-
sesses the same distribution. Furthermore, it is independent of (Y1 , θ1 ).
We conclude that P satisfies the distributional equation (4.4) given below, and the theorem
follows from Lemma 4.9.
For independent random variables Y ∼ Be 1, |α| and θ ∼ ᾱ, consider the equation
for every measurable partition {A1 , . . . , Ak } of the sample space the random vectors obtained
by evaluating the random measures on its left and right sides are equal in distribution in Rk .
Lemma 4.9 For given independent θ ∼ ᾱ and Y ∼ Be 1, |α| , the Dirichlet process DP(α)
is the unique solution of the distributional equation (4.4).
Proof For a given measurable partition {A1 , . . . , Ak }, the equation requires that the random
vector Q: = P(A1 ), . . . , P(Ak ) has the same distribution as the vector Y N + (1 − Y)Q, for
N ∼ MN(1; ᾱ(A1 ), . . . , ᾱ(Ak ) and (Y, N) independent of Q.
We first show that the solution is unique in distribution. Let (Yn , Nn ) be a sequence of i.i.d.
copies of (Y, N), and for two solutions Q and Q0 that are independent of this sequence and
suitably defined on the same probability space, set Q0 = Q, Q00 = Q0 , and recursively define
Qn = Yn Nn + (1 − Yn )Qn−1 , Q0n = Yn Nn + (1 − Yn )Q0n−1 , for n ∈ N. Then every Qn is distributed
as Q and every Q0n is distributed as Q0 , because each of them satisfies the distributional
equation. Also
kQn − Q0n k = |1 − Yn | kQn−1 − Q0n−1 k = |1 − Yi | kQ − Q0 k → 0
with probability 1, since the Yi are i.i.d. and are in (0, 1) with probability one. This forces
the distributions of Q and Q0 to agree.
To prove that the Dirichlet process is a solution let W0 , W1 , . . . , Wk ind
∼ Ga(αi ,P
1), i = 0, 1, . . . , k,
where α0 = 1. Then by Proposition 2.24 the vector (W0 , W), for W = ki=1 Wi , is in-
dependent of the vector Q: = (W1 /W, . . . , Wk /W) ∼ Dir(k, α1 , . . . , αk ). Furthermore, Y: =
W0 /(W0 + W) ∼ Be(1, |α|) and (Y, (1 − Y)Q) ∼ Dir(k + 1; 1, α1 , . . . , αk ). Thus for any
i = 1, . . . , k, merging the 0th cell with the ith, we obtain from Proposition 2.24 that, with ei
the ith unit vector,
This gives the conditional distribution of the vector Y N+(1−Y)Q given N = ei . It follows that
Y N+(1−Y)Q given N possesses a Dir(k; α+N)-distribution, just as p given N in Example 2.2.
Because also the marginal distributions of N in the two cases are the same, so must be the
marginal distributions of Y N + (1 − Y)N and p, where the latter is p ∼ Dir(k; α).
4.4 Tail-freeness
Consider a sequence T0 = {X}, T1 = {A0 , A1 }, T2 = {A00 , A01 , A10 , A11 }, and so on, of
measurable partitions of the sample space X, obtained by splitting every set in the preceding
partition into two new sets. See Figure 4.2.
With E = {0, 1} and E∗ = ∪∞ m=0 E , the set of all finite strings ε1 · · · εm of 0’s and 1’s, we
can index the 2 sets in the mth partition Tm by ε ∈ Em , in such a way that Aε = Aε0 ∪ Aε1
for every ε ∈ E∗ . Here ε0 and ε1 are the extensions of the string ε with a single symbol 0
or 1; the empty string indexes T0 . Let |ε| stand for the length of a string ε, and let εδ be the
concatenation of two strings ε, δ ∈ E∗ .
Because the probability of any Aε must be distributed to its “offspring” Aε0 and Aε1 , a
70 Dirichlet Process
V0 V1
A0 A1
Figure 4.2 Tree diagram showing the distribution of mass over the first two
partitions X = A0 ∪ A1 = (A00 ∪ A01 ) ∪ (A10 ∪ A11 ) of the sample space. Mass at a
given node is distributed to its two children proportionally to the weights on the
arrows. Every pair of V’s on arrows originating from the same node add to 1.
probability measure P must satisfy the tree additivity requirement P(Aε ) = P(Aε0 ) + P(Aε1 ).
The relative weights of the offspring sets are the conditional probabilities
With V0 and V1 interpreted as the unconditional probabilities P(A0 ) and P(A1 ), it follows
P(Aε1 ···εm ) = Vε1 Vε1 ε2 · · · Vε1 ···εm , ε = ε1 · · · εm ∈ Em . (4.7)
In Figure 4.2 this corresponds with multiplying the weights on the arrows leading to a node
at the bottom level.
Write U ⊥ V to denote that random variables U and V are independent, and U ⊥ V| Z to
say that U and V are conditionally independent given a random variable Z.
Definition 4.10 (Tail-free) The random measure P is a tail-free process with respect to the
sequence of partitions Tm if {V0 } ⊥ {V00 , V10 } ⊥ · · · ⊥ {Vε0 : ε ∈ Em } ⊥ · · · .
A degenerate prior is certainly tail-free according to this definition (with respect to any
sequence of partitions), since all its V-variables are degenerate at appropriate values. The
Dirichlet process is a more interesting example.
Theorem 4.11 The DP(α) prior is tail-free. All splitting variables Vε0 are independent and
Vε0 ∼ Be α(Aε0 ), α(Aε1 ) .
4.4 Tail-freeness 71
Proof We must show that the vectors (Vε0 : ε ∈ Em ) defined in (4.6) are mutually indepen-
dent across levels m. It suffices to show sequentially for every m that this vector is inde-
pendent of the vectors corresponding to lower levels. Because the vectors (Vε : ε ∈ ∪k≤m Ek ),
and P(Aε ): ε ∈ Em generate the same σ-field, it suffices to show that (Vε0 : ε ∈ Em ) is
independent of P(Aε ): ε ∈ Em , for every fixed m.
This follows by an application of Proposition 2.24 to the vectors P(Aεδ ): ε ∈ Em , δ ∈ E
with the aggregation of the pairs P(Aε0 ), P(Aε1 ) into the sums P(Aε ) = P(Aε0 ) + P(Aε1 ).
The beta distributions also follow by Proposition 2.24 (and the fact that the first marginal
of a Dir(2; α, β) is a Be(α, β)-distribution).
The mass P(Aε ) of a partitioning set at level m can be expressed in the V-variables up to
level m (see (4.7)), while, by their definition (4.6), the V-variables at higher levels control
conditional probabilities. Therefore, tail-freeness makes the distribution of mass within ev-
ery partitioning set in Tm independent of the distribution of the total mass one among the sets
in Tm . Definition 4.10 refers only to masses of partitioning sets, but under the assumption
that the partitions generate the Borel sets, the independence extends to all Borel sets.
Lemma 4.12 If P is a random measure that is tail-free relative to a sequence of partitions
Tm = {Aε : ε ∈ Em } that generates the Borel sets X in X, then for every m ∈ N the process
P(A| Aε ): A ∈ X , ε ∈ Em is independent of the random vector P(Aε ): ε ∈ Em .
Proof Because P is a random measure, its mean measure µ(A) = E P(A) is a well defined
Borel probability measure. As T : = ∪m Tm is a field, which generates the Borel σ-field by
assumption, there exists for every A ∈ X a sequence An in T such that µ(An ∆ A) → 0.
Because P is a random measure P(An | Aε ) → P(A| Aε ) in mean and hence a.s. along a subse-
quence. It follows that the random variable P(A| Aε ) is measurable relative to the completion
U0 of the σ-field generated by the variables P(C| Aε ), for C ∈ T . Every of the latter vari-
ables is a finite sum of probabilities of the form P(Aεδ | Aε ) = Vεδ1 · · · Vεδ1 ···δk , for ε ∈ Em ,
δ = δ1 · · · δk ∈ Ek and k ∈ N. Therefore, by tail-freeness the σ-field U0 is independent of the
σ-field generated by the variables P(Aε ) = Vε1 · · · Vε1 ···εm , for ε = ε1 · · · εm ∈ Em .
Relative to the σ-field M the process P(A| Aε ): A ∈ X contains all information about
the conditional random measure P(·| Aε ). Thus the preceding lemma truly expresses that
the “conditional measure within partitioning sets is independent of the distribution of mass
among them”.
Suppose that the data consists of an i.i.d. sample X1 , . . . , Xn from a distribution P, which is
a-priori modelled as a tail-free process. For each ε ∈ E∗ , denote the number of observations
falling in Aε by
Nε : = #{1 ≤ i ≤ n: Xi ∈ Aε }. (4.8)
For each m the vector (Nε : ε ∈ Em ) collects the counts of all partitioning sets at level m. The
following theorem shows that this vector contains all information (in the Bayesian sense)
about the probabilities P(Aε ): ε ∈ Em of these sets: the additional information about the
precise positions of the Xi within the partitioning sets is irrelevant.
Theorem 4.13 If a random measure P is tail-free relative to a given sequence of partitions
Tm = {Aε : ε ∈ Em } that generates the Borel sets, then for every m and n the posterior
72 Dirichlet Process
Proof In view of Theorem 4.11 and Lemma 4.12, we may generate the variables P, X1 , . . . , Xn
in four steps:
(d) Given (N, η) generate for every ε ∈ Em a random sample of size Nε from the measure
P(·| Aε ), independently across ε ∈ Em , and X1 , . . . , Xn be the n values so obtained in a
random order.
For a tail-free measure P step (c) is independent of step (a), or η ⊥ θ. Furthermore, the
fact that step (b) uses only θ and not η means that N ⊥ η| θ. Together these imply that
θ ⊥ η| N. Finally, that step (d) does not use θ can be expressed as X ⊥ θ| (N, η). Together
with θ ⊥ η| N this implies that θ ⊥ X| N, which is equivalent to the statement of the theorem.
(See Exercise 4.14 for more formal manipulation of these (in)dependencies.)
Thus the theorem is proved for this special representation of prior and data. Because the
assertion depends on the joint distribution of (P, X, N) only, it is true in general.
P ∼ DP(α), X1 , X2 , . . . | P iid
∼ P. (4.9)
By an abuse of language, which we shall follow, such observations are often termed a sample
from the Dirichlet process.
One of the most remarkable properties of the Dirichlet process prior is that the posterior
distribution is again Dirichlet.
Proof Because the Dirichlet process is tail-free for any sequence of partitions by Theo-
rem 4.13, and a given measurable partition {A1 , . . . , Ak } of X can be viewed as part of a
sequence of successive binary partitions, the posterior distribution of the random vector
P(A1 ), . . . , P(Ak ) given X1 , . . . , Xn is the same as the posterior distribution of this vector
given the vector N = (N1 , . . . , Nk ) of cell counts, defined by N j = #(1 ≤ i ≤ n: Xi ∈ A j ).
Given P the vector N possesses a multinomial distribution with parameter P(A1 ), . . . , P(Ak ) ,
which has a Dir k; α(A1 ), . . . , α(Ak ) prior distribution. The posterior distribution can be ob-
tained using Bayes’ rule applied to these finite-dimensional vectors, as in Example 2.2.
Theorem 4.14 can be remembered as the updating rule α 7→ α + ni=1 δXi for the base
4.6 Predictive distribution 73
Figure 4.3 Cumulative distribution functions of 10 draws (black) from the Dirichlet
process with base measure 5N(0, 2), and of 10 draws (red) from the realization of
the posterior distribution based on a sample of size 100 from a N(2, 1) distribution.
Next, assertion (ii) follows from Kolmogorov’s strong law of large numbers for independent
variables, since
∞ ∞
X var(Di ) X M(i − 1)
= < ∞.
(log i) 2
(M + i − 1)2 (log i)2
Thus the number of distinct values in a (large) sample from a distribution taken from a
fixed Dirichlet prior is logarithmic p in the sample size, and the fluctuations of this number
around its mean are of the order log n.
The following proposition gives the distribution of the partition {P1 , . . . , PKn } induced
by (X1 , . . . , Xn ). (This can be more formally defined as the equivalence classes under the
relation i ≡ j iff Xi = X j .)
For a base measure αξ that depends on a parameter ξ the Bayesian model then consists of
the hierarchy
X1 , . . . , Xn | P, ξ iid
∼ ∼ P, P| ξ ∼ DP(αξ ), ξ ∼ π. (4.14)
We denote the induced (marginal) prior on P by MDP(αξ , ξ ∼ π). Many properties of this
mixture Dirichlet prior follow immediately from those of a Dirichlet process. For instance,
any P following an MDP is almost surely discrete. However, unlike a Dirichlet process, an
MDP is not tail-free.
Given ξ we can use the posterior updating rule for the ordinary Dirichlet process, and
obtain that
P| ξ, X1 , . . . , Xn ∼ DP(αξ + nPn ).
To obtain the posterior distribution of P given X1 , . . . , Xn , we need to mix this over ξ rela-
tive to its posterior distribution given X1 , . . . , Xn . By Bayes’s theorem the latter has density
proportional to
ξ 7→ π(ξ) p(X1 , . . . , Xn | ξ). (4.15)
Here the marginal density of X1 , . . . , Xn given ξ (the second factor) is described by the gen-
eralized Polya urn scheme (4.12) with αξ instead of α. In general, this has a somewhat
complicated structure due to the ties between the observations. However, for a posterior
calculation we condition on the observed data X1 , . . . , Xn , and know the partition that they
generate. Given this information the density takes a simple form. For instance, if the obser-
vations are distinct (which happens with probability one if the observations actually follow
a continuous distribution), then the Polya urn scheme must have simply generated a random
sample from the normalized base measure ᾱξ , in which case the preceding display becomes
n n
Y Y 1
π(ξ) dαξ (Xi ) ,
i=1 i=1
|αξ | + i − 1
for dαξ a density of αξ . Further calculations depend on the specific family and its parame-
Typically the precision parameter M and center measure G in α = MG will be mod-
elled as independent under the prior. The posterior calculation then factorizes in these two
parameters. To see this, consider the following scheme to generate the parameters and ob-
By the description of the Polya urn scheme this indeed gives a sample X1 , . . . , Xn from the
mixture of Dirichlet processes MDP(MG, M ∼ π, G ∼ π). We may now formally write the
4.9 Complements 77
density of (M, P, G, X1 , . . . , Xn ) in the form, with π abusively denoting prior densities for
both M and G and p conditional densities of observed quantities,
Since this factorizes in terms involving M and G, these parameters are also independent
under the posterior distribution, and the computation of their posterior distributions can be
The term involving M depends on the data through Kn only (the latter variable is sufficient
for M). Indeed, by Proposition 4.16 it is proportional to,
Z 1
M Kn Γ(M) Kn
M 7→ π(M) ∝ π(M)M η M−1 (1 − η)n−1 dη.
Γ(M + n) 0
Rather than by (numerically) integrating this expression, the posterior density is typically
computed by simulation. Suppose that M ∼ Ga(a, b) a priori, and consider a fictitious ran-
dom vector (M, η) with 0 ≤ η ≤ 1 and joint (Lebesgue) density proportional to
Then by the preceding display the marginal density of M is equal to its posterior density
(given Kn , which is fixed for the calculation). Thus simulating from the distribution of (M, η)
and dropping η simulates M from its posterior distribution. The conditional distributions are
given by
M| η, Kn ∼ Ga(a + Kn , b − log η), η| M, Kn ∼ Be(M, n). (4.16)
We can use these in a Gibbs sampling scheme: given an arbitrary starting value η0 we gen-
erate a sequence M1 , η1 , M2 , η2 , M3 , . . ., by repeatedly generating M from its conditional
distribution given (η, Kn ) and η from its conditional distribution given (M, Kn ), each time
setting the conditioning variable (η or M) equal to its last value. After an initial burn-in the
values Mk , Mk+1 , . . . will be approximately from the posterior distribution of M given Kn .
4.9 Complements
Proposition 4.17 (Kolmogorov extension theorem) For every finite subset S of an arbitrary set
T let PS be a probability distribution on RS . Then there exists a probability space (Ω, U , Pr) and
measurable maps Xt : Ω → R such that (Xt : t ∈ S ) ∼ PS for every finite set S if and only if for every
pair S 0 ⊂ S of finite subsets the measure PS 0 is the marginal distribution of PS on RS .
The weak topology is also called the topology of convergence in distribution. In particular, one
says that a sequence of random variables Xn with values in a Polish space converges in distribution to
a random variable X if the sequence of induced laws converges weakly to the law of X, i.e. Eψ(Xn ) →
Eψ(X), for every bounded continuous ψ: X → R. For random vectors with values in Euclidean space,
this is equivalent to convergence of the corresponding cumulative distribution functions at continuity
points of the limit.
For a proof see many books on probability, or van der Vaart (1998), Lemma 2.2.
Proposition 4.20 The weak topology W on the set M of Borel measures on a Polish space X is
For a proof see e.g. Dudley (2002), Corollary 11.5.5. In particular, the proposition implies that
convergence in distribution can be understood as convergence dw (Pn , P) → 0 for a metric dw on M.
There are several possibilities for this metric, perhaps the simplest being the bounded Lipschitz metric
dw (P, Q) = sup ψ dP − ψ dQ,
where the supremum is taken over all functions ψ: X → [0, 1] such that |ψ(x) − ψ(y)| ≤ d(x, y), for
every x, y ∈ X. (This metric can also be defined on the set of all signed measures on (X, X ), the linear
span of probability measures, and be derived from a norm on this space. The dual of the resulting
normed space is the space of bounded continuous functions and the weak topology can be understood
in terms of the functional analytic concept of the same name.)
Proposition 4.21 The set of discrete probability measures with finitely many support points is weakly
dense in M.
Proof It suffices to show that any probability measure P is the weak limit of a sequence of finitely
discrete measures. To see this, let X1 , X2 , . . . be a sequence of
R independent random variables with dis-
tribution P. By the law of large numbers n−1 ni=1 ψ(Xi ) → ψ dP, almost surely, for every integrable
function ψ: X → R, in particular for every bounded continuous function ψ. This is then true also si-
multaneously almost surely for every ψ in a countable set of R bounded continuous functions. Thus there
certainly exists a sequence of realizations x1 , x2 , . . . with ψ dPn → ψ dP, for Pn = n−1 ni=1 δ xi . It
may be shown that there exists a countable R set of bounded continuous functions such that the weak
topology is generated by the maps P 7→ ψ dP.
4.1 For each A in an arbitrary index set A let fA : M → R be an arbitrary map.
(a) Show that there exists a smallest σ-field M such that every map fA is measurable.
(b) Show that a map T : (Ω, U ) → (M, M ) is measurable if and only if fA ◦ T : Ω → R is
measurable for every A ∈ A .
4.2 Let K1 , K2 , . . . be compact sets in a topological space such that ∩i Ki = ∅. Show that ∩m
i=1 Ki = ∅
for some m.
Exercises 79
4.3 Show that for any Borel set A ⊂ Rd and finite measure µ on the Borel sets, and every > 0,
there exists a compact set K with K ⊂ A and µ(A − K) < . [Let X0 be the set of all Borel sets
A such that there exists for every > 0 a closed set F and open set G with F ⊂ A ⊂ G and
µ(G − F) < . Show that X is a σ-field. Show that it is the Borel σ-field. Show that the sets F
can be taken compact without loss of generality.]
4.4 Show that the discrete probability measures with finitely many support points are dense in the
set of all Borel probability measures on a Polish space (or Rd ) relative to the weak topology.
4.5 Show that the support of the Dirichlet process prior with base measure α such that α(G) > 0
for every open subset G ⊂ X is equal to the set X of all Borel probability measures on (X, X ),
in the sense that every weakly open subset of X has positive probability under DP(α). [Hint:
one possibility is to use the preceding exercise and the series representation of the Dirichlet
4.6 Consider a stick-breaking scheme with independent variables Yk with 1 − Pr(Yk = 0) = 1/k2 =
Pr(Yk = 1 − e−k ). Show that the “stick is not finished”: k pk < 1 almost surely.
4.7 Show that if P ∼ DP(α) and ψ: X → Y is a measurable mapping, then P ◦ ψ−1 ∼ DP(β), for
β = α ◦ ψ−1 .
Show that if P ∼ DP(α), then E ψ dP = ψ dᾱ, and var ψ dP = (ψ − ψ dᾱ)2 dᾱ/(1 + |α|),
for any measurable function ψ for which the integrals make sense. [Hint: prove this first for
ψ = 1A .]
4.9 Let 0 = T 0 < T 1 < T 2 < · · · be the events of a standard Poisson process and let θ1 , θ2 , . . . iid
∼ ᾱ
and independent of (T 1 , T 2 , . . .). Show that
P= (e−T k−1 − e−T k )δθk
follows a Dirichlet process DP(ᾱ). How can we change the prior precision to M , 1?
4.10 Let F ∼ DP(MG) be a Dirichlet process on X = R, for a constant M > 0 and probability
distribution G, identified by its cumulative distribution function x 7→ G(x). So F can be viewed
as a random cumulative distribution function. Define its median as any value mF such that
F(mF −) ≤ 1/2 ≤ F(mF ). Show that
Z 1
Pr mF ≤ x = β u, MG(x), M(1 − G(x) du,
Posterior Contraction
This chapter is concerned with the question whether nonparametric Bayesian procedures
“work”. We adopt the “frequentist” point of view that the observations are generated ac-
cording to some “true parameter” and study whether the posterior distribution is able to
recover this parameter if the number of observations (or their informativeness) increases in-
definitely. We start with posterior consistency, which is the basic form of recovery, and next
turn to the rate of posterior contraction, which is a much more informative refinement of
5.1 Consistency
For every n ∈ N let X (n) be an observation in a sample space (X(n) , X (n) ) with distribution
θ indexed by a parameter θ belonging to a semimetric space (Θ, d). For instance X
(n) (n) (n)
be sample of size n from a given distribution Pθ , and (X , X , Pθ ) the corresponding
product probability space. Given a prior Π on the Borel sets of Θ, let Πn (·| X (n) ) be a version
of the posterior distribution.
Definition 5.1 (Posterior consistency) The posterior distribution Πn (·| X (n) ) is said to be
(weakly) consistent at θ0 ∈ Θ if Πn θ: d(θ, θ0 ) > | X (n) → 0 in P(n)
θ0 -probability, as n → ∞,
for every > 0. The posterior distribution is said to be strongly consistent at θ0 ∈ Θ if the
convergence is in the almost sure sense.
Both forms of consistency are of interest. Naturally, strong consistency is more appealing
as it is stronger; it presumes that the observations X (n) are defined on a common underlying
probability space.
Consistency entails that the full posterior distribution contracts to within arbitrarily small
distance to the true parameter θ0 . It can also be summarized as saying that the posterior
distributions converge weakly to a Dirac measure at θ0 , in probability or almost surely.
Naturally an appropriate summary of its location should provide a point estimator that is
consistent in the usual sense of consistency of estimators. The following proposition gives
a summary that works without further conditions. (The value 1/2 could be replaced by any
other number between 0 and 1.)
Proposition 5.2 (Point estimator) Suppose that the posterior distribution Πn (·| X (n) ) is con-
sistent (or strongly consistent) at θ0 relative to the metric d on Θ. Then θ̂n defined as the cen-
ter of a (nearly) smallest ball that contains posterior mass at least 1/2 satisfies d(θ̂n , θ0 ) → 0
in P(n) (∞)
θ0 -probability (or almost surely [Pθ0 ], respectively).
82 Posterior Contraction
Proof For B(θ, r) = {s ∈ Θ: d(s, θ) ≤ r} the closed ball of radius r around θ ∈ Θ, let
r̂n (θ) = inf{r: Πn B(θ, r)| X (n) ≥ 1/2}, where the infimum over the empty set is ∞. Taking the
balls closed ensures that Πn B(θ, r̂n (θ))| X (n) ≥ 1/2, for every θ. Let θ̂n be a near minimizer
of θ 7→ r̂n (θ) in the sense that r̂n (θ̂n ) ≤ inf θ r̂n (θ) + 1/n.
By consistency Πn B(θ0 , )| X (n) → 1 in probability or almost surely, for every > 0. As
a first consequence r̂n (θ0 ) ≤ with probability tending to one, or eventually almost surely,
and hence r̂n (θ̂n ) ≤ r̂n (θ0 ) + 1/n is bounded by + 1/n with probability tending to one, or
eventually almost surely. As a second consequence the balls B(θ0 , ) and B θ̂n , r̂n (θ̂n ) cannot
be disjoint, as their union would contain mass nearly 1 + 1/2. This shows that d(θ0 , θ̂n ) ≤ +
r̂n (θ̂n ) with probability tending to one, or eventually almost surely, which is further bounded
by 2 + 1/n.
An alternative point estimator is the posterior mean θ dΠn (θ| X (n) ) (available when Θ
has a vector space structure). This is attractive for computational reasons, as it can be ap-
proximated by the average of the output of a simulation run. Usually the posterior mean is
also consistent, but in general this requires additional assumptions. For instance, weak con-
vergence to a Dirac measure on aREuclidean space does not imply convergence of moments.
Consistency and boundedness of kθk p dΠn (θ| X (n) ) in probability or almost surely for some
p > 1 would be sufficient for consistency of the posterior mean.
Example 5.3 (Dirichlet process) If the observations are a random sample X1 , . . . , Xn from
a distribution that is equipped with a Dirichlet process prior DP(α), then the posterior distri-
bution is a Dirichlet process DP(α+nPn ), for Pn the empirical distribution of the observations
(see Theorem 4.14). For a fixed measurable set A, the posterior distribution of P(A) is beta
distributed with parameters α(A) + nPn (A), α(Ac ) + nPn (Ac ) , whence
|α| n
P̃n (A): = E P(A)| X1 , . . . , Xn = ᾱ(A) + Pn (A),
|α| + n |α| + n
P̃n (A)P̃n (Ac ) 1
var P(A)| X1 , . . . , Xn = ≤ .
1 + |α| + n 4(1 + |α| + n)
The first equation and the law of large numbers applied to Pn (A) shows that the posterior
mean tends almost surely to P0 (A) if X1 , X2 , . . . are sampled from “true” distribution P0 . The
second equation shows that the posterior variance tends almost surely to zero. An application
of Markov’s inequality gives that, for every > 0,
1h i as
Πn P: |P(A) − P0 (A)| > | X1 , . . . , Xn ≤ 2 |P̃n (A) − P0 (A)|2 + var P(A)| X1 , . . . , Xn → 0.
It follows that the posterior distribution is strongly consistent at P0 for d(P, P0 ) = |P(A) −
P0 (A)|. This is true for any base measure α and any P0 (where we should note that the
posterior distribution is unique only up to null sets under the marginal distribution of the
data and the claim is valid for the particular choice DP(α + nPn ) of posterior distribution).
The present d is a semi-metric only (in that d(P1 , P2 ) = 0 does not imply P1 = P2 ), but
as the result is valid for any measurable set A, it can be inferred that the consistency is also
true relative to the weak topology on the set of probability measures. Stronger metrics, such
as d(P0 , P) = supA∈A |P(A) − P0 (A)| for a collection of set A , could also be used with the
help of the Glivenki-Cantelli theorem.
5.1 Consistency 83
Schwartz’s theorem is the basic result on posterior consistency for dominated models.
It has two conditions: the true density p0 should be in the KL-support of the prior, and
the hypothesis p = p0 should be testable against complements of neighbourhoods of p0 .
The first is clearly a Bayesian condition, but the second may be considered a condition to
enable recovery of p0 by any statistical method. Although in its original form the theorem
has limited applicability, extensions go far deeper, and lead to a rich theory of posterior
consistency. Also the theory of convergence rates, developed in Section 5.4, uses similar
In the present context tests φn are understood to refer both to measurable mappings
φn : Xn → [0, 1], and to the corresponding statistics φn (X1 , . . . , Xn ). The interpretation of a
test φn is that a null hypothesis is rejected with probability φn , whence Pn φn is the probabil-
ity of rejection if the data are sampled from P. It follows that Pn0 φn is the probability of a
type I error for testing H0 : P = P0 , and Pn (1 − φn ) = 1 − Pn φn is the probability of a type II
error if P , P0 .
Theorem 5.6 (Schwartz) If p0 ∈ KL(Π) and for every neighbourhood U of p0 there exist
tests φn such that Pn0 φn → 0 and sup p∈Uc Pn (1 − φn ) → 0, then the posterior distribution
Πn (·| X1 , . . . , Xn ) in the model X1 . . . , Xn | p iid
∼ p and p ∼ Π is strongly consistent at p0 .
Proof By Lemma 2.31 it is not a loss of generality to assume that the tests φn as in the
theorem have exponentially small error probabilities in the sense that, for some positive
constant C,
Pn0 φn ≤ e−Cn , sup Pn (1 − φn ) ≤ e−Cn .
p∈U c
Then the theorem follows from an application of Theorem 5.9 below, with Pn = P for every
The weak topology on the set of probability measures P can also be viewed as a topology
on the corresponding densities p ∈ P. For this topology consistent tests as in Schwartz’s
theorem, Theorem 5.6, always exist, and hence the posterior is consistent at every density
that possesses the KL-property.
Corollary 5.8 (Consistency for weak topology) The posterior distribution is consistent for
the weak topology at any density p0 that has the Kullback-Leibler property for the prior.
The Kullback-Leibler divergence is typically measurable in its second argument, and then Kullback-Leibler
neighbourhoods are measurable in the space of densities. If not, then we interpret the KL-property in the
sense of inner probability: it suffices that there exists measurable sets B ⊂ p: K(p0 ; p) < with Π(B) > 0.
5.1 Consistency 85
Proof It suffices to construct tests with exponentially small error probabilities for com-
plements of weak neighbourhoodsR of p0 . The weak topology is by definition the weakest
topology such that the maps P 7→ ψ dP are continuous, for bounded continuous functions
ψ: X → R. (See Section 4.9.1.) Thus all sets of the form U = p: Pψ < P0 ψ + , for a
continuous function ψ: X → [0, 1] and > 0, are weakly open, and all such sets form a sub-
base for the weak topology. This means that any weakly open set contains the intersection
of finitely many of sets of this form (and hence is the union of all such finite intersections).
Thus it suffices to construct consistent tests for every finite intersection. Now given a test for
any neighbourhood U of the given type, we can form a test for a finite intersection ∩i Ui by
rejecting P0 as soon as P0 is rejected for one of the finitely many neighbourhoods Ui . The
resulting error probabilities are bounded by the sum of the error probabilities of the finitely
many tests, and hence will tend to zero if each test is consistent. Thus it suffices to construct
consistents tests for a single neighbourhood U.
For a given function ψ: X → [0, 1], consider the test
n1 X n
φn = 1
ψ(Xi ) > P0 ψ + /2 .
n i=1
By Hoeffding’s inequality, Lemma 2.32, this test has type I error satisfying Pn0 φn ≤ e−n /2 .
Furthermore, since P0 ψ−Pψ < − whenever P ∈ U c , we have Pn (1−φn ) ≤ Pn n−1 ni=1 (ψ(Xi )−
Pψ) < −/2 for P ∈ U c and this is bounded by e−n /2 , by a second application of Hoeffd-
ing’s inequality.
In its original form Schwartz’s theorem requires that the complement of every neighbour-
hood of p0 can be “tested away”. For strong metrics, such as the L1 -distance, such tests may
not exist, even though the posterior distribution may be consistent. The following extension
of the theorem is useful for these situations. The idea is that sets of very small prior mass
need not be tests.
Theorem 5.9 (Extension of Schwartz’s theorem) If p0 ∈ KL(Π) and for every neighbour-
hood U of p0 there exist a constant C > 0, measurable sets Pn ⊂ P and tests φn such
Π(P \ Pn ) < e−Cn , Pn0 φn ≤ e−Cn , sup Pn (1 − φn ) ≤ e−Cn ,
p∈Pn ∩U c
by Jensen’s inequality applied to the logarithm (which is concave). The second term is n
times the average
1X p p
log (Xi ) dΠ0 (p) → P0 log dΠ0 (p), a.s.
n i=1 p0 p0
by the strong law of large numbers. The right side is − K(p0 ; p) dΠ0 (p), and is strictly
bigger than − for P0 = p: K(p0 ; p) < }. This implies (5.1).
Next fix a neighbourhood U of p0 , and let C, Pn and the tests φn be as in the state-
ment of the theorem. We shall show separately that Πn (Pn ∩ U c | X1 , . . . , Xn ) → 0 and that
Πn (Pcn | X1 , . . . , Xn ) → 0, almost surely.
In view of Bayes’s rule (1.3),
The expectation of the first term is bounded by e−Cn by assumption, whence n Pn0 (φn >
δ) < n δ e < ∞, by Markov’s inequality. This implies that φn → 0 almost surely, by
P −1 −Cn
the Borel-Cantelli lemma.
By (5.1) and the fact that p0 is in the Kullback-Leibler support of Π the denominator of
the second term is bounded below by a constant times e−n eventually a.s., for every given
. Thus the left side of the display tends to zero if en times the numerator tends to zero. By
Fubini’s theorem,
n n
p p
Pn0 n
h i
(1 − φn ) (Xi ) dΠ(p) = P0 (1 − φn ) (Xi ) dΠ(p)
Pn ∩U i=1 p0 Pn ∩U c i=1
≤ Pn (1 − φn ) dΠ(p) ≤ e−Cn .
Pn ∩U c
Since n en e−Cn < ∞ if < C, the desired convergence of en times the numerator follows
by Markov’s inequality.
Finally we apply the argument of the preceding paragraph with Pn ∩ U c replaced by Pcn
and the tests φn = 0 instead of the given tests. The “power” Pn (1 − φn ) of this test is equal to
one, but the final term of the preceding display can be bounded by Π(Pcn ), which is also of
the order e−Cn , by assumption. This shows that Πn (Pcn | X1 , . . . , Xn ) → 0, almost surely.
5.2 Tests
In Schwartz’s theorem, and also the theorem on contraction rates later on, the existence
of tests ensures that the statistical model is not too complex. In this section we prove the
existence in the important case of i.i.d. observations and distances bounded above by the
Hellinger distance.
5.2 Tests 87
where the infimum is taken over all tests, i.e. measurable functions φ: X → [0, 1]. The prob-
lem is to give a manageable bound on this risk, or equivalently on its two components, the
probabilities of errors of the first kind Pφ and of the second kind Q(1 − φ). We assume
throughout that P and Q are dominated by a σ-finite measure µ, and denote by p and q the
densities of the measures P and Q. Let conv(Q) denote the convex hull of Q: the set of all
finite convex combinations ki=1 λi Qi of elements Qi ∈ Q, where (λ1 , . . . , λk ) is a probability
The Hellinger affinity of two densities p and q is defined as
√ √
ρ1/2 (p, q) = p q dµ.
It is related to the Hellinger distance h(p, q) between p and q, whose square is defined by
2 √ √
h (p, q) = p − q)2 dµ = 2 − 2ρ1/2 (p, q). (5.3)
Proposition 5.10 (Minimax theorem for testing) For a probability measure P and domi-
nated set of probability measures Q,
π(P, Q) = 1 − 12 kP − conv(Q)kT V ≤ sup ρ1/2 (p, q).
Proof Replacing the set Q in the definition (5.2) of the minimax risk for testing by its
convex hull certainly does not make this quantity smaller. Since the minimax risk takes the
supremum over Q, the replacement makes it no bigger either. Therefore the minimax risk
for testing can be written in the form
π(P, Q) = inf sup Pφ + Q(1 − φ) .
φ∈Φ Q∈conv(Q)
The next step is to interchange the order of inf and sup in this expression. Since the domains
for both φ and Q are convex and the function (φ, Q) 7→ Pφ + Q(1 − φ) is linear in both argu-
ments, this is permitted by the minimax theorem, Theorem 5.20, as soon as this function is
continuous in φ relative to a topology that makes Φ a compact subset of a topological vector
space. Now the set Φ of test-functions φ can be identified with the nonnegative functions
in the unit ball of L∞ (X, X , µ), which is dual to L1 (X, X , µ), since µ is σ-finite. The unit
ball is compact and Hausdorff with respect to the weak∗ -topology, by the Banach-Alaoglu
theorem (cf. Theorem 3.15 of Rudin (1973)), and the nonnegative functions in this unit ball
form a weak-* closed subset. Therefore the minimax theorem applies and the minimax risk
for testing is equal to
sup inf Pφ + Q(1 − φ) .
Q∈conv(Q) φ∈Φ
We finish the proof by explicitly determining the infimum in this expression, for fixed Q.
For fixed p, q the expression Pφ + Q(1 − φ) = 1 + φ(p − q) dµ is minimized over all test
88 Posterior Contraction
functions by choosing φ equal to the minimal permitted value 0 if p − q > 0 and equal to
the maximal permitted value 1 if p − q < 0. In other words, theR infimum in the right side is
attained for φ = 1{p < q}, and the minimal value is equal to 1+ p<q (p−q) dµ = 1− 12 kp−qk1 ,
since 0 = (p−q) dµ = p>q (p−q) dµ− p<q (p−q) dµ. This proves the equality in the assertion
Proof If suffices to give the proof for n = 2; the general case follows by repetition.
Any measure Q ∈ conv(Q1 × Q2 ) can be represented by a density of the form q(x, y) =
j κ j q1 j (x)q2 j (y), for nonnegative constants κ j with j κ j = 1, and qi j densities of measures
belong to Qi . Then ρ1/2 (p1 × p2 , q) can be written in the form
j κ j q1 j (x)q2 j (y) 1/2
X 1/2 hZ
1/2 1/2
p1 (x) κ j q1 j (x) p2 (y) dµ2 (y) dµ1 (x).
j κ j q1 j (x)
(If j κ j q1 j (x) = 0, the quotient in the inner integral is interpreted as 0.) The inner integral
is bounded by ρ1/2 (P2 , Q2 ) for every fixed x ∈ X, since Q2 is convex by assumption and the
function of y within the brackets is for every fixed x a convex combination of the densities q2 j
(with weights proportional to κ j q1 j (x)). After substitution of this upper bound the remaining
integral is bounded by ρ1/2 (P1 , Q1 ), since Q1 is convex.
5.2 Tests 89
Combining the preceding lemma with Proposition 5.10, we see that, for every convex set
Q of measures:
π(Pn , Qn ) ≤ ρ1/2 (Pn , Qn ) ≤ ρ1/2 (P, Q)n .
Thus any convex set Q with Hellinger affinity to P smaller than 1 can be tested with expo-
nential error probabilities.
Proposition 5.12 For any probability measure P and convex set of dominated probability
measures Q with h(p, q) > for every q ∈ Q and any n ∈ N, there exists a test φ such that
2 2
/2 /2
Pn φ ≤ e−n , sup Qn (1 − φ) ≤ e−n .
Proof By (5.3) we have ρ1/2 (P, Q) = 1 − 21 h2 (P, Q), which is bounded above by 1 − 2 /2 by
assumption. Combined with the display preceding the proposition we see that π(Pn , Qn ) ≤
(1 − 2 /2)n ≤ e−n /2 , since 1 − x ≤ e−x , for every x.
5.2.3 Entropy
The preceding theorem applies to convex alternatives. To handle alternatives that are not
convex, such as a complement of a ball, we cover these with convex sets, and combine the
corresponding tests into a single overall test. The power will then depend on the number of
sets needed in a cover.
Definition 5.13 (Covering number and entropy) Given a semi-metric d on a set Q and
> 0, the covering number N(, Q, d) is defined as the minimal number of balls of radius
needed to cover Q. The logarithm of the covering number is called (metric) entropy. A set
of points Q1 , . . . , QN in Q such that the balls {Q: d(Q, Qi ) < } cover Q is called an -net.
The covering number increases as decreases to zero. Except in trivial cases, they in-
crease to infinity as ↓ 0. The rate of increase is a measure of the size of Q. For instance,
the covering numbers of a compact subset of Euclidean space of dimension d increase at the
order (1/)d , as δ ↓ 0; the covering numbers of a space of functions with bounded derivatives
are much bigger, their entropy is polynomial in (1/). See Section 5.6.1.
Proposition 5.14 Let d be a metric whose balls are convex and which is bounded above
by the Hellinger distance h. Then for every > 0 and n there exists a test φ such that
2 2
/8 /8
Pn φ ≤ N(/4, Q, d)e−n sup Qn (1 − φ) ≤ e−n .
since the maximum is smaller than the sum and for every Q ∈ Q0 there exists a ball with
Q ∈ Bl , and 1 − φ ≤ 1 − φl , by construction.
Theorem 5.15 (Consistency in total variation) The posterior distribution is strongly con-
sistent relative to the L1 -distance at every p0 ∈ KL(Π) if for every > 0 there exist a
partition P = Pn,1 ∪ Pn,2 (which may depend on ) such that, for constants C > 0, ξ < 1/2,
and sufficiently large n,
Proof Because the L1 -distance is bounded above by twice the Hellinger distance, we can
apply Theorem 5.9 with d = k · k1 /2. Then N(/2, Pn,1 , d) ≤ N , Pn,1 , k · k1 ≤ eξn . There-
fore, by Proposition 5.14 applied with 2 instead of , there exists a test φn with
2 2 2
Pn0 φn ≤ eξn e−n /2
, sup Pn (1 − φn ) ≤ e−n /2
p:kp−p0 k1 >4
Thus the conditions of Theorem 5.9 are satisfied, with the constant C corresponding to com-
plements of balls of radius 4 taken equal to the minimum of (1/2 − ξ) 2 /2 and the present
constant C.
θ indexed by a parameter θ belonging to a metric space Θ. Given a prior Π on the Borel
sets of Θ, let Πn (·| X (n) ) be a version of the posterior distribution.
Definition 5.16 (Posterior rate of contraction) The posterior distribution Πn (·| X (n) ) is said
to contract at rate n → 0 at θ0 ∈ Θ if Πn θ: d(θ, θ0 ) > Mn n | X (n) → 0 in P(n)
θ0 -probability,
for every Mn → ∞ as n → ∞.
5.5 Contraction under an entropy bound 91
A rough interpretation of the rate n is that the posterior distribution concentrates on balls
of radius “of the order n ” around θ0 . The construction using the additional sequence Mn
expresses the “of the order” part of this assertion. For “every Mn → ∞” must be read as
“whenever Mn → ∞, no matter how slowly”. Actually, in most nonparametric applications
the fixed sequence Mn = M for a large constant M also works. (In many parametric applica-
tions, the posterior distribution tends after scaling to a distribution that is supported on the
full space, and letting Mn tend to infinity is important.)
We may view the rate of contraction as the natural refinement of consistency. Consis-
tency requires that the posterior distribution contracts to within arbitrarily small distance
to the true parameter θ0 ; the rate as defined here quantifies “arbitrarily small”. Typically
contraction rates are much more informative about the quality of a Bayesian procedure than
is revealed by mere consistency.
If n is a rate of contraction, then every sequence that tends to zero at a slower rate is
also a contraction rate, according to the definition. Saying that contraction rate is at least n
would be appropriate. Naturally we are interested in the fastest contraction rate, but we are
typically satisfied with knowing some rate that is valid for every θ0 in a given class of true
An appropriate summary of the location of the posterior distribution inherits its rate of
contraction. The same summary as used in Proposition 5.2 also works for rates. The proof
is also very similar.
Proposition 5.17 (Point estimator) Suppose that the posterior distribution Πn (·| X (n) ) con-
tracts at rate n at θ0 relative to the metric d on Θ. Then θ̂n defined as the center of a (nearly)
smallest ball that contains posterior mass at least 1/2 satisfies d(θ̂n , θ0 ) = OP (n ) under P(n)
θ0 .
In particular, the posterior distribution cannot contract faster than the best point estimator.
This makes it possible to connect the theory of posterior contraction rates to the theory of
“optimal” rates of estimation, which are typically defined by the minimax criterion. For a
given set Θ of possible parameters this is fastest rate so that, for some sequence of estimators
and every Mn → ∞,
sup P(n)
θ d(θ̂n , θ0 ) > Mn n → 0.
Theorem 5.18 Let d ≤ h be a metric whose balls are convex. The posterior distribution
contracts at rate n at p0 for any n such that nn2 → ∞ and such that, for positive constants
92 Posterior Contraction
Proof For every > 4n we have log N(/4, Pn , d) ≤ log N(n , Pn , d) ≤ c1 nn2 , by assump-
tion (5.5). Therefore, by Proposition 5.14 applied with = Mn , where M ≥ 4 is a large
constant to be chosen later, there exist tests φn with errors
2 2
2 e−nM n /8 2 2
n /8
Pn0 φn ≤ ec1 nn 2
, sup Pn (1 − φn ) ≤ e−nM .
1 − e−nM2 n /8 p∈Pn :d(p,p0 )>Mn
R Qn
For M 2 /8 > c1 the first experssion tends to zero. For An the event i=1 (p/p0 )(Xi ) dΠn (p) ≥
e−(2+c2 )nn we can bound Πn p: d(p, p0 ) > Mn | X1 , . . . , Xn by
φn + 1{An } + e (2+c2 )n 2n
(1 − φn ) (Xi ) dΠn (p).
d(p,p0 )>Mn i=1 p0
The expected values under Pn0 of the first terms tends to zero. The same is true for the second
term, by (5.6) and Lemma 5.19 (below). We split the integral in the third term in parts over
Pn and its complement.
The first is
Z Y i Z
Pn0 (1 − φn ) Pn (1 − φn ) dΠn (p),
(Xi ) dΠn (p) ≤
p∈Pn :d(p,p0 )>Mn i=1 p0 p∈Pn :d(p,p0 )>Mn
2 2
n /8
which is bounded by e−nM , by the construction of the tests. The second is bounded by
Pn0 (Xi ) dΠn (p) ≤ Πn (P \ Pn ).
P\Pn i=1 p0
This is bounded above by (5.7). For M 2 /8 > 2 + c2 all terms tend to zero.
The condition nn2 → ∞ excludes the parametric rate n = n−1/2 , and merely says that we
are considering the nonparametric situation, where slower rates obtain. Besides, the theorem
characterizes the rate by three conditions.
The last one (5.7) is trivially satisfied by choosing Pn = P for every n. Similar as in
the consistency theorems the condition expresses that a subset P \ Pn of the model Pn that
receives very little prior mass does not play a role in the rate of contraction.
The remaining pair (5.5)-(5.6) of conditions is more structural. For given Pn and c1 , c2
each of the two conditions on its own determines a minimal value of n (as their left sides
decrease and their right sides increase if n is replaced by a bigger value). The rate of con-
traction is the slowest one defined by the two inequalities. Condition (5.6) involves the prior,
whereas condition (5.5) does not.
Lemma 5.19 (Evidence bound) For any probability measure Π on P, and positive constant
5.6 Complements 93
Proof The integral becomes smaller by restricting it to the set B: = p: K(p0 ; p) < n2 , V(p0 ; p) <
n2 . By next dividing the two sides of the inequality by Π(B), we can rewrite the inequality
in terms of the prior Π restricted and renormalized to a probability measure on B. Thus we
may without loss generality assume that Π(B) = 1. By Jensen’s inequality applied to the
n n Z
p p
log (Xi ) dΠ(P) ≥ log (Xi ) dΠ(P) =: Z.
p 0 i=1
The right side has mean −n K(p0 ; p) dΠ(p) > −n 2 by the definition of B, and variance
bounded above by
Z p0 p0 2
2 Z
nP0 log dΠ(p) ≤ nP0 log dΠ(p) ≤ n 2 ,
p p
by Jensen’s inequality, Fubini’s theorem, and again the definition of B. It follows that
n 2
Pn0 Z < −2n 2 ≤ Pn0 Z − EZ < −n 2 ≤ ,
(n 2 )2
by Chebyshev’s inequality.
5.6 Complements
Theorem 5.20 (Minimax theorem) Let T be a compact, convex set of a locally convex topological
vector space and S a convex subset of a linear space. Let f : T × S → R be a function such that
inf sup f (t, s) = sup inf f (t, s). (5.8)
s∈S t∈T t∈T s∈S
Proposition 5.21 Let d be a metric whose balls are convex and which is bounded above by the
Hellinger distance h. Then for every > 0 and n there exists a test φ such that, for all j ∈ N,
e−n /8 2 2
j /8
Pn φ ≤ sup N j/4, {Q ∈ Q: j < d(Q, P) < 2 j}, d , sup Qn (1−φ) ≤ e−n .
1 − e−n /8
j∈N Q∈Q:d(P,Q)> j
94 Posterior Contraction
Proof For a given j ∈ N, choose a maximal set of points Q j,1 , . . . , Q j,N j in the set Q j : = Q ∈ Q: j <
d(P, Q) < 2 j such that d(Q j,k , Q j,l ) ≥ j/2 for every k , l. Because every ball in a cover of Q j by
balls of radius j/4 then contains at most one Q j,l , it follows that N j ≤ N( j/4, Q j , d). Furthermore,
the N j balls B j,l of radius j/2 around the Q j,l cover Q j , as otherwise this set was not maximal. Since
Q j,l ∈ Q j , the distance of Q j,l to P is at least j and hence h(P, B j,l ) ≥ d(P, B j,l ) > j/2 for every
ball B j,l . By Proposition 5.12 there exists a test φ j,l of P versus B j,l with error probabilities bounded
2 2
above by e−n j /8 . Let φ be the supremum of all the tests φ j,l obtained in this way, for j = 1, 2, . . . ,
and l = 1, 2, . . . , N j . Then
Nj 2
e−n /8
∞ X ∞
2 2 2 2
/8 /8
Pn φ ≤ e−n j N( j/4, Q j , d)e−n j
≤ ≤ N(/4, Q, d)
1 − e−n /8
j=1 l=1 j=1
since for every Q ∈ Q j there exists a test φ j,l with 1 − φ ≤ 1 − φ j,l , by construction.
The preceding bounds show that entropy numbers of sets in Euclidean spaces grow logarithmically.
For infinite-dimensional spaces the growth is much faster, as is illustrated by the following example.
The Hölder norm of order β of a continuous function f : X → R on a bounded, convex subset
X ⊂ Rd is defined as
|Dk f (x) − Dk f (y)|
k f kβ = max sup |Dk f (x)| + max sup . (5.10)
k:|k|≤β x∈X k:|k|=β x,y∈X:x,y kx − ykβ−β
Here β is the biggest integer strictly smaller than β, and for a vector k = (k1 , . . . , kn ) of integers, Dk is
the partial differential operator
Dk = .
∂x1k1 · · · ∂xdkd
Lemma 5.23 There exists a constant K depending only on X, d and β such that,
M d/β
log N , { f : k f kβ ≤ M}, k · · · k∞ ≤ K .
Exercises 95
5.1 Suppose that the posterior distribution is strongly consistent. Show that the sequence of poste-
rior distributions converges almost surely to the Dirac measure relative to the weak topology.
5.2 Extend the preceding exercise to weak consistency.
Suppose that Θ = Rd , and the posterior distribution is strongly consistent and kθk p dΠn (θ| X (n) )
R bounded in probability or almost surely for some p > 1. Show that the posterior mean
θ dΠn (θ| X (n) ) is consistent as a point estimator.
5.4 Suppose that the posterior distribution Π(·| X (n) ) of a probability density is consistent relative
R the L1 -distance on the parameter set of densities. Show that the posterior mean density x 7→
p(x) dΠn (p| X (n) ) is consistent in L1 , as a point estimator for a density.
5.5 Consider the set F of functions f : [0, 1] → [0, 1] such that f (x) − f (y) ≤ |x − y|, for every
x, y ∈ [0, 1]. Show that there exists a constant K such that log N , F , k · k∞ ≤ K(1/), for
< 1. [This is a special case of Lemma 5.23. Give a direct proof. Use balls around piecewise
constant (or linear) functions.]
5.6 Suppose d1 and d2 are metrics with d1 ≤ d2 . Show that N(, Q, d1 ) ≤ N(, Q, d2 ), for every
> 0.
5.7 Prove Proposition 5.17.
5.8 Suppose that X1 , . . . , Xn are a random sample from the uniform distribution on [0, θ] and θ is
equipped with a gamma prior with parameters (r, s). Use Schwartz’s theorem to show that the
posterior distribution of θ is consistent at θ0 . [Hint: the Kullback-Leibler divergence K(U[0,θ0 ] ; U[0,θ] )
is infinite if θ < θ0 , but continuous in θ for θ ≥ θ0 . Devise uniformly consistent tests for
H0 : θ = θ0 versus H1 : |θ − θ0 | > .]
Because the Dirichlet process is discrete, it is a useless prior when we wish to estimate a
density. This can be remedied by convolving it with a kernel. For each θ in a parameter set
Θ let x 7→ ψ(x, θ) be a probability density function relative to some σ-finite dominating
measure µ, measurable in its two arguments. For a measure F on Θ define a mixture density
pF (x) = ψ(x, θ) dF(θ).
An example is to set ψ(·, θ, σ) equal to the density of the N(θ, σ2 )-distribution. Equipping
this with a prior on σ and a Dirichlet process prior on F, results in a “mixture of Dirichlet
Throughout the chapter the observations X1 , . . . , Xn will be a random sample from a den-
sity p0 (relative to µ) on the sample space. When discussing posterior contraction, this den-
sity is not necessarily assumed to be one of the mixtures pF,σ . The idea is that for a well
chosen kernel any density can be approximated by mixture densities with appropriately cho-
sen (F, σ), so that contraction to p0 may pertain even if p0 is not a mixture itself. On the
other hand, when discussing the computation of the posterior distribution in the next sec-
tion, we adopt the Bayesian model, which assumes that the observations are a sample from
pF,σ given the pair (F, σ) generated from the prior.
6.1 Computation
In this section we discuss an MCMC algorithm to compute the posterior distribution result-
ing from a Dirichlet mixture.
For x 7→ ψ(x; θ, σ) a probability density function, consider the Bayesian model
Xi ∼ pF,σ (x) = ψ(x; θ, σ) dF(θ), i = 1, . . . , n. (6.2)
6.1 Computation 97
We equip F and σ with independent priors F ∼ DP(α) and σ ∼ π. The resulting model can
be equivalently written in terms of n latent variables θ1 , . . . , θn as
Xi | θi , σ, F ind
∼ ψ(·; θi , σ), θi | F, σ iid
∼ F, F ∼ DP(α), σ ∼ π. (6.3)
The posterior distribution of any object of interest can be described in terms of the poste-
rior distribution of (F, σ) given X1 , . . . , Xn . The latent variables θ1 , . . . , θn help to make the
description simpler. Indeed,
The advantage of this representation is that the infinite-dimensional parameter F has been
eliminated. To compute the posterior expectation it now suffies to average out the right hand
side of (6.4) with respect to the posterior distribution of (θ1 , . . . , θn ), and that of σ.
Example 6.1 (Density estimation) The choice ψ(θ) = ψ(x, θ, σ) in (6.4), for a given x,
gives the integral ψ dF = ψ(x, θ, σ) dF(θ), which is the mixture density pF,σ (x). Thus
Thus we obtain a Monte Carlo estimate of the posterior mean of a linear functional ψ dF.
We can also generate samples from the posterior distribution, by generating F from the
DP(α + ni=1 δθi )-distribution, for instance by using the series representation of the Dirichlet
process, after first generating (θ1 , . . . , θn ) from its posterior distribution given (X1 , . . . , Xn ).
We use the subscript −i to denote every index j , i, and θ−i = (θ j : j , i).
98 Dirichlet Process Mixtures
Theorem 6.2 (Gibbs sampler) The conditional posterior distribution of θi is given by:
θi | θ−i , σ, X1 , . . . , Xn ∼ qi, j δθ j + qi,iGb,i , (6.5)
Proof Since the parameter σ is fixed throughout, we suppress it from the notation. For
measurable sets A and B,
E 1A (Xi )1B (θi )| θ−i , X−i = E E 1A (Xi )1B (θi )| F, θ−i , X−i | θ−i , X−i .
This determines the joint conditional distribution of (Xi , θi ) given (θ−i , X−i ). By Bayes’s rule
(applied to this joint law conditionally given (θ−i , X−i )) we infer that
ψ(Xi ; θ) d(α + j,i δθ j )(θ)
Pr θi ∈ B| Xi , θ−i , X−i = .
ψ(Xi ; θ) d(α + j,i δθ j )(θ)
Xi | θi , σ, M, ξ, F ind
∼ ψ(·; θi , σ), θi | F, σ, M, ξ iid
∼ F, F| M, ξ ∼ DP(M, Gξ ),
where σ, M and ξ are independently generated hyperparameters. A basic algorithm uses the
Gibbs sampling scheme of Theorem 6.2 to generate θ1 , . . . , θn given X1 , . . . , Xn in combina-
tion with the Gibbs sampler for the posterior distribution of M given in Section 4.8, and/or
additional Gibbs steps. The prior densities of the hyperparameters are denoted by a generic
6.2 Consistency 99
Figure 6.1 Posterior mean (solid black) and ten draws of the posterior distribution
of a Dirichlet location-scale mixture of a Gaussian density for data consisting of a
sample of size 50 from a mixture of two normals (shown in red). Computations in R
using the DPpackage version 1.1-6 (Jara et al. (2015)).
In practice one chooses conjugate priors in steps (ii)-(iii), so that updating σ and ξ is
easy. Also the efficiency of the algorithm can be increased by making use of the fact that the
number of distinct values among θ1 , . . . , θn can be small. An efficient implementation in R
is given in the package DPpackage.
6.2 Consistency
For a given family of probability densities x 7→ ψ(x; θ, σ), form the mixtures pF,σ as in (6.1),
and construct a prior distribution on densities by equipping F with the Dirichlet prior and
independently σ with another prior Πσ . Form the posterior distribution based on a random
sample of observations X1 , . . . , Xn from pF,σ . This can be viewed as a distribution on the pair
(F, σ), but in this section we are interested in the induced posterior distribution on the den-
sities pF,σ , which we consider as a method of reconstructing the density of the observations.
We are interested in the success of this procedure in the (frequentist) situation that the ob-
servations are a random sample from a given density p0 , which is not necessarily of mixture
form. We ask whether the posterior distribution of pF,σ is consistent at p0 in the sense of
Definition 5.1, where we use the L1 -norm as the metric. We shall answer this question with
the help of Theorem 5.15.
100 Dirichlet Process Mixtures
Obviously consistency is impossible if the distance of p0 to the set of all mixtures pF,σ
is positive: p0 must be in the closure of the set of all mixtures. Theorem 5.15 imposes the
slightly stronger condition that p0 possesses the Kullback-Leibler property relative to the
prior. Whether this is true depends on the combination of p0 and the kernels ψ(·; θ, σ). In the
following section we consider in detail the case of the normal location-scale kernel, and shall
see that almost every continuous density p0 then qualifies. In general, one might decompose
the Kullback-Leibler divergence as, for given (F , σ ),
pF ,σ
K(p0 ; pF,σ ) = K(p0 ; pF ,σ ) + P0 log .
If for every > 0 there exists (F , σ ) such that K(p0 ; pF ,σ ) < , and the set of parameters
(F, σ) such that the second term is also smaller than has positive prior probability, then p0
possesses the Kullback-Leibler property. The following lemma gives a sufficient condition
for the latter, for the Dirichlet prior on F.
Lemma 6.3 (KL-property) Suppose that for every > 0 there exists (F , σ ) such that
K(p0 ; pF ,σ ) < , and such that the map (F, σ) 7→ P0 log(pF ,σ /pF,σ ) is continuous at
(F , σ ) relative to the product of the weak topology on F and a given topology on σ. If
F ∼ DP(α) for a base measure α whose support contains the support of every F and
σ ∼ Πσ for a prior Πσ whose support every σ , then p0 is in the Kullback-Leibler support
of the prior on pF,σ induced by independent priors F ∼ DP(α) and σ ∼ Πσ .
Proof By Lemma 4.4 and Theorem 4.8 the Dirichlet prior gives positive mass to every
open neighbourhood A of F for the weak topology. By assumption Πσ (B) > 0 for every
open neighbourhood B of σ . By independence every product open neighbourhood A × B
of (F , σ ) possesses positive prior mass, and hence so does every open neighbourhood for
the product topology. By the assumed continuity the set {(F, σ): P0 log(pF ,σ /pF,σ ) < }
contains an open neighbourhood of (F , σ ), and hence has positive prior mass. We finish
with the decomposition argument given preceding the statement of the lemma.
The second condition for posterior consistency in Theorem 5.15 concerns the entropy of
the support of the prior. The following theorem shows that this is often satisfied, and gives
sufficient conditions for consistency given the Kullback-Leibler property.
The theorem assumes that the parameters θ and σ of the kernel range over subsets Θ and
S of Euclidean spaces and that the kernel depends smoothly on these parameters.
Theorem 6.4 (Consistency Dirichlet mixtures) Suppose that for any given > 0 and n,
there exist convex subsets Θn ⊂ Θ ⊂ Rk and Sn ⊂ S ⊂ Rl and constants an , An , bn , Bn > 1
such that
ψ(·; θ, σ) − ψ(·; θ0 , σ0 )
≤ a kθ − θ0 k + b kσ − σ0 k, for all θ, θ0 ∈ Θ and σ, σ0 ∈ S ,
1 n n n n
(ii) diam(Θn ) ≤ An and diam(Sn ) ≤ Bn ,
(iii) log(an An ) ≤ C log n, for some C > 0, and log(bn Bn ) ≤ n 2 /(8l),
(iv) max α(Θcn ), Πσ (Scn ) ≤ e−Cn , for some C > 0.
Then the posterior distribution Πn (·| X1 , . . . , Xn ) for pF,σ in the model X1 , . . . , Xn | (F, σ) iid
∼ pF,σ ,
for (F, σ) ∼ DP(α) × Πσ , is strongly consistent relative to the L1 -norm at every p0 in the
Kullback-Leibler support of the prior of pF,σ .
6.2 Consistency 101
Proof We apply Theorem 5.15 with, for given > 0 the set Pn,1 defined by, for Nn ∼
ηn/ log n and small η > 0 to be determined at the end of the proof,
nX X o
Pn,1 = w j ψ(·; θ j , σ): (w j ) ∈ S∞ , wj < , θ1 , . . . , θNn ∈ Θn , σ ∈ Sn .
j=1 j>Nn
Π(pF,σ < Pn,1 ) ≤ Pr Wj ≥ + Nn ᾱ(Θcn ) + Πσ (Scn ).
The last two terms are exponentially small by assumption (iv) and the choice of Nn . The
Q j−1
stick-breaking weights in the first term satisfy W j = V j l=1 (1 − Vl ), for Vl iid
∼ Be(1, |α|) and
W = (1−V ). It can be checked that log(1−V ) is exponentially distributed with
j>N j j=1 j − j
parameter |α|, so that Rn : = − log j>Nn W j possesses a gamma distribution with parameters
Nn and |α|. Therefore the first term is bounded above by
Z log(8/) N
8 1 Nn −1 Nn −|α|r log(8/)|α| n e log(8/)|α| Nn
Pr Rn < log = r |α| e dr ≤ ≤ .
0 Nn ! Nn ! Nn
The last inequality follows, since xN /N! ≤ e x , for every x > 0, including x = N. For large n
√ √
the term within brackets is (easily, because log n n) bounded above by 1/ n and hence
the right side is bounded by e−(Nn /2) log n , which is also exponentially small, by the choice of
Nn , for every η > 0.
Given any infinite probability vector w = (w1 , w2 , . . .), the probability vector w̃ obtained
by setting the coordinates with j > Nn to zero and renormalizing the remaining coordinates
to sum to 1 (hence w̃ j = 0 for j > Nn and w̃ j = w j / j≤Nn w j , otherwise) satisfies kw − w̃k1 =
2 j>Nn w j . By the triangle inequality and the fact that kψ(·; θ, σ)k1 = 1, it follows that
X∞ X
w j ψ(·; θ j , σ) − w̃ j ψ(·; θ j , σ)
≤ kw − w̃k1 .
j=1 j≤Nn
Therefore, the finite mixtures Nj=1 w j ψ(·; θ j , σ), with (w1 , . . . , wNn ) an arbitrary probability
P n
vector, form an /4-net over Pn,1 for the L1 -norm. Consequently, a 3/4-net over these finite
mixtures is an -net over Pn,1 . To construct such a net we restrict (w1 , . . . , wNn ) to an /4-net
over all probability vectors of length Nn , restrict θ1 , . . . , θNn to an /(4an )-net over Θn , and
restrict σ to an /(4bn )-net over Sn . By the triangle inequality
w j ψ(·; θ j , σ) − w̃0j ψ(·; θ0j , σ0 )
≤ kw − w0 k1 + max
ψ(·; θ j , σ) − ψ(·; θ0j , σ0 )
1 .
1 j≤N n
j≤Nn j≤Nn
In view of (i) it follows that for every w, θ, σ there exist w0 , θ0 , σ0 in the restricted set, so that
the right side is smaller than 3/4. By Lemma 5.22 and (ii) the cardinality of this 3/4-net
is bounded above by
24 Nn 12An an kNn 12Bn bn l
× × .
102 Dirichlet Process Mixtures
Together with (iii) and the definition Nn ∼ nη/ log n, this shows that log N , Pn,1 , k · k1 ≤
n 2 /4, for sufficiently large n, provided η is chosen small enough.
Example 6.5 (Location-scale family) The density x 7→ ψ(x; θ, σ) = ψ (x − θ)/σ /σ of the
location scale family of a smooth density ψ will typically satisfy, for some D > 0,
ψ(·; θ, σ) − ψ(·; θ0 , σ0 )
1 ≤ |θ − θ0 | + |σ − σ0 | .
σ ∧ σ0
For instance, this is true for the normal density. In this case we may set Θn = [−na , na ] ⊂
Θ = R and Sn = [n−b , ecn ] ⊂ S = (0, ∞), and apply the preceding theorem with constants
an = Dnb = bn , An = 2na , and Bn = ecn . This gives log(an An ) ∼ (a + b) log n and log(bn Bn ) ∼
cn, so that (iii) of the theorem is satisfied provided c is chosen small enough (depending on
). Condition (iv) of the theorem becomes
1 1
< e−cn or > nb ≤ e−Cn , α z: |z| > na < e−Cn ,
Π for some C > 0.
σ σ
This is true for instance if (1/σ)1/b ∼ Γ(r, s), for some r > 1 and s > 0, and α is a multiple
of the normal distribution and a = 1/2.
Thus the rate of estimation for Rthe distance d is n−β/(2β+1) . The distance can be taken an
Lr -distance, given by dr (p, q) = |p − q|r (x) dx, or also the Hellinger distance, and the pre-
ceding display will be valid uniformly in sets of densities p0 whose derivatives are uniformly
bounded (and bounded away from zero). The rate of estimation is faster if β is bigger, and
approaches n−1/2 if β → ∞, which shows that estimation can be more accurate if p0 is known
to be smoother.
6.3 Rate of contraction 103
The result also applies to smoothness levels β that are not integer values. For general
β > 0 one says that p0 is smooth of order β if p0 is β times continuously differentiable, for β
the largest integer strictly smaller than β, with βth derivative satisfying, for some c > 0,
(β) (β)
|p0 (x) − p0 (y)| ≤ c|x − y|β−β , for every x, y.
The density need not be limited to a compact interval, but it should have small tails, as
otherwise the rate of estimation will be determined by the difficulty of estimating the tails,
rather than estimating the bulk of the density.
The optimality of the rate n−β/(2β+1) should be understood in the sense of the minimax
criterion: it is the fastest rate that is uniform over the set of densities with derivatives bounded
by a given constant. The rate is attained for instance by kernel estimators, or truncated series
estimators, such as those based on a wavelet expansion for the underlying density. These
estimators can also be tuned in such a way that a single estimator p̂n attains the rate n−β/(2β+1)
whenever p0 is β-smooth, whatever the value of β > 0. One says that such estimators adapt
to the underlying smoothness.
The following theorem shows that the posterior distribution arising from Dirichlet mix-
tures of normal densities also adapts to the smoothness level, and attains the optimal rate up
to a logarithmic factor. It assumes that p0 : R → [0, ∞) is smooth of order β in the sense that
it is β times continuously differentiable with derivatives satisfying, for some b0 > 0,
|p(k) | 2β/k
P0 < ∞, k = 1, . . . , β, (6.8)
(β) (β) 2
p0 (x + h) − p0 (x) ≤ |h|β−β eb0 h L(x),
Theorem 6.6 (Contraction Dirichlet mixture) Suppose that p0 is β-smooth in the sense of
(6.9) and satisfies p0 (x) ≤ ae−b0 |x| 0 for some constants a0 , b0 , d0 > 0. Then the posterior
distribution of pF,σ , for the prior induced by choosing F ∼ DP(α) independently of 1/σ ∼
Γ(r, s), for r, s > 0 and a base measure α with a positive continuous density satisfying
α z: |z| > M ≤ a1 e−b1 M 1 for some constants a1 , b1 , d1 > 0, has contraction rate relative to
the Hellinger distance at least n−β/(2β+1) (log n)(2β+β/d0 +1)/(2β+1) .
The theorem can be proved by verifying the conditions of Theorem 5.18. Here the set
Pn is defined similarly to the set used in Theorem 6.4, and its entropy is computed in a
similar manner. Computing a lower bound on the prior mass, as in (5.6), is much more
involved. This is achieved by first approximating the density p0 by a density of the form
pFn ,σn , for a finitely-discrete mixture distribution Fn and a suitable “bandwidth” σn , and
next analysing probabilities concerning Fn under its prior using the characterization of the
finite-dimensional distributions of the Dirichlet process, as given in Definition 4.6.
The proof takes many steps, and occupies the next section.
104 Dirichlet Process Mixtures
This set has the same form as in the proof of Theorem 6.4. By the arguments given there,
based on the series representation of the Dirichlet process given in Theorem 4.8,
X σ σ
Π(Pcn ) ≤ Π W j ≥ n2 + Π max |θ j | > (Cnn2 )1/d1 + Π > (1 + n2 )Cn
<1 +Π
1≤ j≤Nn τn τn
exist intervals U1 , . . . , U N of lengths 2 τ, each containing one support point. We combine this
with Lemmas 6.11 and 6.10 to see that
X σ
|F(U j ) − F,τ (U j )| < 2 , 1 ≤ ≤ 1 + ⊂ (F, σ): h(pF,σ , pF,τ ) . + τβ .
n o n o
(F, σ):
Combining the preceding with the inverse gamma distribution of 1/σ we see that
Π (F, σ): h(pF,σ , pF,τ ) . + τβ , min F(U j ) > , τ ≤ σ ≤ 2τ ≥ Ce−c3 N log e−s/τ τ−r .
1≤ j≤K 2
Next we relate the Hellinger distance to the Kulback-Leibler divergence and variation, with
the help of Lemma 7.39. Every x ∈ [−Aτ , Aτ ] is contained in a set U j of diameter at most τ,
say U j (x). Hence
2 2 2 2
e−(x−z) /(2σ ) e−τ /(2σ
Ui (x) σ √2π dF(z) & σ √2π F Ui (x) , if |x| ≤ Aτ ,
pF,σ (x) ≥
R A −(x2 +z2 )2 /σ2 −2x2 /σ2
−A e √
dF(z) ≥ e √ F[−Aτ , Aτ ], if |x| > Aτ .
σ 2π σ 2π
For F and σ contained in the event in the second last display, it follows that log(p0 /pF,σ )(x) .
log(τ/ 4 )1{|x| ≤ Aτ } + x2 /τ2 1{|x| > Aτ }, and hence, for sufficiently small C4 > 0,
Z ∞ 4
p0 2 n p0 c4 τ o x
1 p (x) dx ≤ τk ,
P0 log < 4 ≤2 4 0
pF,σ pF,σ Aτ τ
by the assumed tail condition on p0 , for any k, if the constant A in Aτ is chosen large enough.
Lemma 7.39 now gives that both K(p0 ; pF,σ ) and V(p0 ; pF,σ ) are bounded above by a multi-
ple of h2 (p0 ; pF,σ )(log(τ/ 4 ))2 + τk . ( + τβ )2 (log(τ/ 4 ))2 , provided 4 /(c4 τ) < 0.4.
Taking everything together we see that that the left side of (5.6) is bounded below by e−nn
for n such that there exist and τ such that, with N τ−1 Aτ (log 1/τ)1/d0 ,
c5 ( + τβ )(log(τ/ 4 )) ≤ n , 4 ≤ 0.4c4 τ, e−c3 N log e−s/τ τ−r ≥ e−nn .
We can choose τ to satisfy the second requirement. In the third requirement the terms
e−s/τ and τ−r are much bigger than the first exponential, and in view of the bound on N
the inequality can be reduced to nn2 ≥ c6 τ−1 (log n)2+1/d0 , if τ and are chosen so that both
log τ−1 and log −1 are equivalent to a constant times log n. We finish by choosing τ2β+1 =
n−1 (log n)1/d0 and next a big multiple of τβ (log n). For τ as given, the latter has the same
order as n in the statement of the theorem.
106 Dirichlet Process Mixtures
Supporting lemmas
Lemma 6.7 For every sufficiently small , σ > 0 there exists a discrete probability measure
F with no more that A(σ−1 (log σ−1 )1/d0 (log −1 ) support points contained in the interval
−A(log σ−1 )1/d0 , A(log σ−1 )1/d0 such that h(p0 , pF,σ ) ≤ +Dσβ . Here A and D are constants
that depend on p0 only.
Proof Let k = β. The first step is to show that there exist constants c0 = 1, c1 = 0, c2 , . . . , ck
and C0 such that
σl cl p(l)
p0 (x) − φσ ∗ β
0 (x) ≤ C 0 σ L(x). (6.10)
X |p(l)
0 | 2β/l
σl 2β/l−1
. σ2β .
≤ |cl |σ P0 dλ
p0 η
(p0 − φσ ∗ |pσ |)2
h2 (p0 , φσ ∗ |pσ |) ≤ dλ
p0 + φσ ∗ |pσ |
(p0 − φσ ∗ pσ )2 (φσ ∗ (|pσ | − pσ ))2
≤2 dλ + 2 dλ.
p0 φσ ∗ |pσ |
6.3 Rate of contraction 107
The first term on the right is bounded above by 2C0 P0 (L/p0 )2 σ2β , by the construction of pσ .
R the second term we can R bound φσ ∗ (|pσ | − pσ ) by φσ ∗ |pσ | and hence the whole term by
φσ ∗ (|pσ | − pσ ) dλ = |pσ | dλ − 1, which is of the order σ2β .
Next we restrict and renormalize pσ to the given interval, and consider
|pσ |(x)1{|x| ≤ Aσ }
fσ (x) = R , Aσ = A(log σ−1 )1/d0 .
|pσ |(x)1{|x| ≤ Aσ } dx
Since p0 (x) . e−b0 |x| 0 , we have that P0 (x: |x| ≥ Aσ ) . σk if b0 Ad0 > k. Thus P0 (x: |x| ≥ Aσ )
is smaller than any power of k if A is small enough. Using the fact that P0 (|p(l) r
0 /p0 | ) <
R∞ is assumed finite for some r > 1, it can be seen that the integrals of the derivatives
|p0 |(x) dx similarly can be made smaller than any power of σ, by choosing a suf-
ficiently large A (use Hölder’s inequality). Then x:|x|>A |p(l)
σ |(x) dx is equally small, by its
definition and the triangle inequality, and hence
Z Aσ
h2 (φσ ∗ |pσ |, φσ ∗ fσ ) = |pσ |(x) dx + 1 − 2 |pσ |(x) dx
The first term on the right is 1 + O(σ2β ), and the same is true for the term under the root. It
follows that the expression is bounded above by a multiple of σ2β .
The distribution Fσ corresponding to fσ satisfies the requirements for F, except that it is
not discrete. We can replace it by a discrete distribution in view Lemma 6.8, at the cost of
increasing the distance with .
Lemma 6.8 (Finite approximation) For every probability measure F on [−A, A], σ ∈ (0, A)
and sufficiently small > 0, there exists a discrete probability measure F ∗ on [−A, A] with
no more than 16eAσ−1 log −1 support points such that h(pF,σ , pF ∗ ,σ ) ≤ . Without loss of
generality the support points can be chosen in the set 0, ±σ, ±2σ, . . ..
Proof Because the Hellinger distance is invariant under a change of scale and pF,σ (x) =
det σ−1 pFσ ,1 (σ−1 x), for Fσ the distribution of Z/σ if Z ∼ F, the distance in the lemma is
equal to h(pFσ ,1 , pFσ∗ ,1 ). The measures Fσ concentrate on the interval [−A/σ, A/σ]. Thus
the problem can be reduced to mixtures of the standard normal kernel relative to mixing
distributions on the latter interval. This interval can be partitioned into fewer than 2a/σ
intervals of length at most 1. If F = i F(Ii )Fi , where each Fi is a probability measure on
a partitioning interval Ii , then pF,1 = i F(Ii )pFi ,1 . If Fi∗ is a discrete distribution on Ii with
at most D log(1/) support points such that h(pFi∗ ,1 , pF,1 ) ≤ , then F ∗ = i F(Ii )Fi∗ will be
the appropriate approximation to F, by convexity of the square of the Hellinger distance.
Because the distance is invariant under shifting, we can shift the intervals Ii to the origin,
and hence it is no loss of generality to construct the approximation only for Ii = [0, 1]. Thus
for the remainder of the proof assume that σ = 1 and that F is concentrated on the unit
A Taylor expansion of the exponential function gives
k−1 l
1 hX −(x − z)2 /2 i (x2 /2)k
φ(x − z) = √ + R(x − z) , R(x) ≤ .
2π l=0 l! k!
Let F ∗ be a probability measure on [0, 1] such that zl dF ∗ (z) = zl dF(z), for l = 1, . . . , 2k−
108 Dirichlet Process Mixtures
2. Then integrating the last display with respect to F ∗ −F, which gives (pF ∗ ,1 − pF,1 )(x), leaves
only the integral over R. For |x| ≤ T and |z| ≤ 1 and T ≥ 2, we have |x − T | ≤ 2T and hence
|R(x − z)| ≤ (2eT 2 /k)k , in view of the inequality k! ≥ kk e−k . If |x| > T ≥ 2 and |z| ≤ 1,
then |x − z| ≥ x/2 and hence pF,1 (x) ≤ e−x /8 , for any probability measure F on [0, 1]. Since
−T 2 /8
p (x) dx ≤ e
|x|≥T F,1
, we have
2eT 2 k 2
kpF ∗ ,1 − pF,1 k1 ≤ 2T + e−T .
We choose T = 4(log −1 )1/2 to reduce the second term to 2 . Next we choose k ≥ 4eT 2 and
such that 2T 2−k ≤ 2 to reduce also the first term to 2 . The choice k ∼ 16e log(1/) suffices
for both. a suitable multiple of (log −1 )1/2 to reduce the right side to 2 .√The Hellinger
distance is bounded by the root of the L1 -distance and hence is Rbounded by R2.
By the geometric form of Jensen’s inequality, the vector z dF(z), . . . , z2k−1 dF(z) ,
is contained in the convex hull of the curve (z, z2 , . . . , z2k−1 ): 0 ≤ z ≤ 1 ⊂ R2k−1 . By
Carathéodory’s theorem any point of the convex hull can be written as the convex combina-
tion of (2k − 1) + 1 = 2k points from the curve. This convex combination corresponds to a
probability distribution F ∗ on [01, ] with at most 2k support points that matches the moments
of F up to order 2k − 1.
The final assertion of the lemma follows from the fact that moving the support points of
F ∗ to a closest point in the given lattice increases the Hellinger distance by at most a multiple
of , by Lemmas 6.10 and 6.9.
Lemma 6.9 Let φµ,σ the density of the normal distribution with parameters (µ, σ2 ). Then
h(φµ,σ , φν,τ ) ≤ |µ − ν|/(σ + τ) + 2|σ − τ|/(σ + τ), for any µ, ν ∈ R and any σ, τ > 0.
Proof The square Hellinger distance between normal densities with standard deviations σ
and τ can be calculated explicitly as
2 2 2
φµ,σ (x) φν,τ (x) dx = 2 − 2 1 − (σ − τ)2 /(σ2 + τ2 )e−|µ−ν| /(4σ +4τ ) .
h (φµ,σ , φν,τ ) = 2 − 2
p p
Next we use the inequalities |1 − 1 − s| ≤ s, for s ∈ [0, 1], and 1 − e−t ≤ t, for t ≥ 0.
Lemma 6.10 For any probability distribution F on R we have h(pF,σ , pF,τ ) ≤ h(φσ , φτ ).
Proof The density pF,σ is the convolution φσ ∗ F, and convolution decreases the Hellinger
distance h(pF,σ , pF,τ ) ≤ h(φσ , φτ ). Indeed, by Jensen’s inequality applied to the convex func-
√ √
tion (u, v) 7→ ( u− v)2 and the expectations u = Eφσ (x−Z) = pF,σ (x) and v = Eφτ (x−Z) =
pF,τ (x), for Z ∼ F, we see that, for every x,
since the distance between two normal densities with the same scale σ is is bounded by the
difference between their locations divided by σ and the set U j have length bounded by 2 σ
by assumption.
Define G0 analogously and use the triangle inequality to see that kpF,σ − pG,σ k1 is bounded
above by 2F(U0 ) + 2G(U0 ) + 2 2 + kpF 0 ,σ − pG0 ,σ k1 . Since pF 0 ,σ (x) − pG0 ,σ (x) = Nj=0 φσ (x −
z j ) F(U j ) − G(U j ) , the last term is bounded above by Nj=0 F(U j ) − G(U j ). It follows that
kpF,σ − pG,σ k1 is bounded above by 3F(U0 ) + 3G(U0 ) + 3 2 . Because G is concentrated on
∪ j U j by assumption, we have that G(U0 ) = 0, while F(U0 ) = F(U0 )−G(U0 ) = Nj=1 G(U j )−
F(U j ) ≤ 2 . Conclude that kpF,σ − pG,σ k1 is bounded above by 6 2 . The lemma follows as
h2 ≤ k · k 1 .
Lemma 6.12 (Prior mass Dirichlet) If (X1 , . . . , XN ) ∼ Dir(N; α1 , . . . , αN ), where A b ≤
α j ≤ M, MN ≤ 1, and Nj=1 α j = m for some constants A, , b, M and M ≥ m, then there
exist positive constants c and C depending only on A, M, m and b such that for any point
(w1 , . . . , wN ) in the N-simplex SN ,
X 2
Pr |Xi − wi | ≤ 2, min Xi > ≥ Ce−cN log− .
1≤i≤N 2
Proof First assume that M = 1, so that < N −1 . There is at least one index i with wi ≥ N −1 ;
by relabeling, we can assume that i = N, and then i=1 wi = 1 − wN ≤ (N − 1)/N. If
(y1 , . . . , yN ) is contained in the N-simplex and |yi − wi | ≤ 2 for i = 1, . . . , N − 1, then
X N−1
yi ≤ wi + (N − 1) 2 ≤ (N − 1)(N −1 + 2 ) ≤ 1 − 2 < 1.
i=1 i=1
Furthermore, i=1 |yi − wi | ≤ 2 i=1 |yi − wi | ≤ 2 2 (N − 1) ≤ 2 and yN > 2 > 2 /2 in view
of the preceding display. Therefore the probability on the left side of the lemma is bounded
below by
N−1 Z 2
Γ(m) Y min((wi + ),1)
Pr max |Xi − wi | ≤ ≥ QN 1 dyi ,
i=1 Γ(αi ) i=1
1≤i≤N−1 max((wi − 2 ),0)
QN αi −1
because i=1 yi ≥ 1 for every (y1 , . . . , yN ) ∈ SN , as αi − 1 ≤ 0 by assumption. Since each
interval of integration contains an interval of at least length 2 , and αΓ(α) = Γ(α + 1) ≤ 1
for 0 < α ≤ 1, the last display is bounded from below by
Γ(m) 2(N−1)
αi ≥ Γ(m) 2(N−1) (A b )N ≥ Ce−cN log− .
110 Dirichlet Process Mixtures
6.4 Complements
Lemma 6.13 For every pair of probability densities p and q,
K(p; q) . 2h2 (p, q) 1 + log
q ∞
V(p; q) . h2 (p, q) 1 + log
q ∞
Furthermore, for every pair of probability densities p and q and every r ∈ (0, 0.4),
1 2 p 2 n p 1 oi
max K(p; q), V(p; q) ≤ h2 (p, q) 4 + 2 log 1 > .
+ 8P log
r q q r
6.1 Simulate vectors (θ1 , θ2 , . . . , θn ) from the posterior distribution of the Dirichlet process mixture
using the Gibbs sampler. For simplicity take the kernel x 7→ ψ(x, θ) to be the density of the
N(θ, 1)-distribution, the base measure α equal to N(0, 1), and use data X1 , . . . , Xn iid ∼ N(0, 1),
with n = 20.
For φ the standard normal density, let pF (x) = φ(x − θ) dF(θ). We take the domain of F to be
the set of all probability measures on the interval [−1, 1].
(a) Show that the map F 7→ pF (x) is continuous √ relative to the weak topology, for every x.
(b) Show that pF (x) ≤ 1 and pF (x) ≥ e−x /(e 2π), for every x.
(c) Show that F 7→ PF0 log(pF0 /pF ) is continuous at any probability measure F0 on [−1, 1].
(d) Show that PF0 possesses the Kullback-Leibler property relative to the prior induced on pF
by F ∼ DP(α), for α a distribution with positive density on [−1, 1].
(e) Show that the posterior distribution of pF relative to this prior based on a random sample of
size n from PF is L1 -consistent at pF0 . [Hint: apply Theorem 5.15 with the entropy estimated
as in Example 6.5.]
Gaussian processes are widely used as building blocks for prior distributions for unknown
functional parameters. In this chapter we define such processes, study basic properties and
give examples.
Definition 7.1 A stochastic process indexed by T , taking values in (E, E), is a collection
X = (Xt : t ∈ T ) of measurable maps Xt from a probability space (Ω, U , Pr) into (E, E). The
space (E, E) is called the state space of the process.
Definition 7.2 A prior distribution arising from a stochastic process in this manner is called
a stochastic process prior.
A stochastic process that is often used to construct priors is the Brownian motion process,
which is defined as follows.
This chapter is basically taken from the lecture notes Nonparametric Bayesian statistics and was authored by
Harry van Zanten.
112 Gaussian process priors
(i) W0 = 0 a.s.,
(ii) Wt − W s is independent of (Wu : u ≤ s) for all s ≤ t,
(iii) Wt − W s has a N(0, t − s)-distribution for all s ≤ t,
(iv) almost all sample paths of W are continuous.
Property (i) says that a standard Brownian motion starts in 0. A process with property (ii)
is called a process with independent increments. Property (iii) implies that the distribution of
the increment Wt − W s only depends on t − s. This is called the stationarity of the increments.
A stochastic process which has property (iv) is called a continuous process.
It is not clear from the definition that the Brownian motion actually exists. Observe how-
ever that items (i)–(iii) of the definition are equivalent to the requirement that for every n ∈ N
and all 0 ≤ t1 ≤ · · · ≤ tn , the vector (Wt1 , . . . , Wtn ) has an n-dimensional normal distribution
with mean 0 and covariance matrix with elements
EWti Wt j = ti ∧ t j
(check!). Proposition 4.17 then implies that there exists a stochastic process W that satisfies
properties (i)–(iii) (see Exercise 7.1).
Item (iv) of the definition requires more care. Given a process W that satisfies (i)–(iii), the
set {ω: t 7→ Wt (ω) is continuous} is not necessarily measurable, hence the probability that W
has continuous sample paths is not necessarily well defined. However, the continuity crite-
rion of Kolmogorov, Theorem 7.34, implies that the process W that satisfies (i)–(iii) admits
a continuous modification, i.e. there exists a continuous process W̃ on the same underlying
probability space such that for every t ≥ 0, Wt = W̃t , almost surely. Note that the process W̃
still satisfies (i)–(iii).
The continuity theorem actually says more, namely that the continuous version is locally
Hölder continuous of every order strictly less than 1/2. Recall that we call a real-valued
function f on an interval T Hölder continuous of order α ∈ (0, 1] if there exists a constant
C > 0 such that | f (t) − f (s)| ≤ C|t − s|α for all s, t ∈ T . A function on an unbounded interval
is called locally Hölder continuous of order α > 0 if the restriction to every bounded interval
is Hölder continuous of order α.
Putting everything together, we arrive at the following existence result (see Exercise 7.2).
Theorem 7.4 Brownian motion exists. Moreover, there exists a version with sample paths
that are locally Hölder continuous of order α, for every α ∈ (0, 1/2).
It can be proved that the sample paths of Brownian motion are not locally Hölder of
order exactly equal to 1/2. (In particular, they are non-differentiable functions.) However,
although strictly speaking it is inaccurate (in the Hölder sense), we say that the sample paths
of Brownian motion have “regularity 1/2”.
Figure 7.1 shows an example of a typical Brownian sample path.
7.2 Gaussian processes 113
whether the sample paths of a Gaussian process with a given mean and covariance structure
have a certain regularity may not be well posed. However, we can give conditions under
which a version or modification exists with a certain regularity. A minimal condition on a
Gaussian process X indexed by a metric space (T, d) is that it is mean-square continuous,
which means that for all s ∈ T , E(Xt − X s )2 → 0 as d(t, s) → 0. By Theorem 7.33, a
centered, mean-square continuous Gaussian process indexed by a separable metric space
has a modification with Borel measurable sample paths.
Stronger assumptions on the second order structure of Gaussian process allow to draw
stronger conclusions regarding the regularity of sample paths. Suppose for instance that a
centered Gaussian process X indexed by a subinterval T of the real line satisfies, for some
K > 0 and p ∈ (0, 1], the condition
E(X s − Xt )2 ≤ K|t − s|2p
for all s, t ∈ T . By Gaussianity Xt − X s has the same distribution as (E(X s − Xt )2 )1/2 Z with Z
standard normal and hence, for every a > 0,
E|Xt − X s |a = E|Z|a (E(X s − Xt )2 )a/2 ≤ K a/2 E|Z|a |t − s|ap .
By Theorem 7.34 it follows that X admits a modification with sample paths that are a.s.
locally Hölder continuous of order α, for every α ∈ (0, p). (Brownian motion corresponds to
the case p = 1/2.)
Using the basic properties of the Brownian motion it is straightforward to verify that for two
simple functions f, g, we have
E f dW g dW = f (x)g(x) dx. (7.1)
In other words, the linear map f 7→ f dW is an isometry from the collection of simple
functions in L2 (R) into L2 (Pr). Since the simple functions are dense in L2 (R), the map can
be extended to the whole space L (R). This defines f dW for all f ∈ L2 (R).
Note that by construction the integral is almost surely unique. It is a centered Gaussian
random variable and the isometry relation (7.1) holds for all f, g ∈ L2 (R).
Under appropriate conditions, some of the usual calculus rules still hold for the Wiener
integral, in particular a version of Fubini’s theorem and the integration by parts formula.
Recall that we say that f : [s, t] → R is of bounded variation if
var( f ) = sup | f (tk ) − f (tk−1 )|
is finite, where the supremum is over all finite partitions of [s, t]. Note that such a function
is necessarily square integrable on [s, t].
Proposition 7.7
(i) (Fubini for Wiener integrals) Let (S , Σ, µ) be a finite measure space and f ∈ L2 (Leb × µ).
Then it almost surely holds that
f (u, v) dWu µ(dv) = f (u, v) µ(dv) dWu .
almost surely.
Proof (i). If f is a simple function of the form f = ai 1Ii ×Ei , for real numbers ai , intervals
Ii and Ei ∈ Σ, the statement is trivially true. For a general f ∈ L2 (Leb × µ), there exists a
sequence of simple fn of the form just described such that fn → f in L2 (Leb × µ). Then by
Jensen’s inequality,
Z Z Z 2
fn (u, v) µ(dv) − f (u, v) µ(dv) du ≤ k fn − f k2L2 → 0.
in L2 (Pr). On the other hand, the convergence k fn − f k2L2 → 0 implies that there exists a
subsequence n0 and a set S 0 ⊂ S of full µ-measure such that
( fn0 (u, v) − f (u, v))2 du → 0
for all v ∈ S 0 . Again by definition of the Wiener integral it follows that for v ∈ S 0 ,
fn0 (u, v) dWu → f (u, v) dWu
in L2 (Pr). First, this implies that there is a further subsequence along the convergence takes
place almost surely. Hence, since the left-hand side is a measurable function of v, so is the
right-hand side. Second, by Jensen and the ordinary Fubini theorem we have
Z Z Z Z 2
E fn0 (u, v) dWu µ(dv) − f (u, v) dWu µ(dv) → 0.
(ii). The function f can be written as the difference of two non-decreasing, cadlag func-
tions on [s, t]. Hence it suffices to prove the statement under the assumption that f itself is
such a non-decreasing function, so that d f is an ordinary Lebesgue-Stieltjes measure. By
(i), we then have, a.s.,
Z t Z t Z s Z t Z u
Wu d f (u) = dWv d f (u) + dWv d f (u)
s s 0 s s
Z t
= ( f (t) − f (s))W s + ( f (t) − f (u)) dWu .
almost surely (see Exercise 7.3). As a process in t, this obviously has regularity n + 1/2.
Now we observe that the right-hand side of (7.2) is not just well defined for n ∈ N, but for
every n ∈ R such that s 7→ (t − s)n belongs to L2 [0, t], i.e. for every n > −1/2. This leads to
the definition of the following process, which can be viewed as the (α − 1/2)-fold iterated
integral of Brownian motion.
Definition 7.8 For α > 0 and W a Brownian motion, the process Rα defined by
Z t
α 1
Rt = (t − s)α−1/2 dW s , t ≥ 0,
Γ(α + 1/2) 0
is called a Riemann-Liouville process with parameter α > 0.
7.3 Examples of Gaussian processes 117
Similar as in (7.2), one has for a suitably integrable function f : [0, T ] → R and t ∈ [0, T ]
Z t Z tn−1 Z t1 Z t
··· f (t0 ) dt0 dt1 · · · tn−1 = (t − s)n−1 f (s) ds.
0 0 0 (n − 1)! 0
Again the right-hand side is well defined for non-integer n as well. For α > 0, the operator
that maps f to the function I0+ f defined by
Z t
α 1
(I0+ f )(t) = (t − s)α−1 f (s) ds,
Γ(α) 0
is called the Riemann-Liouville operator of order α. The Riemann-Liouville process derives
its name from the fact that for α > 1/2, it holds that Rα = I0+ W.
We indeed have that the parameter α describes the regularity of the sample paths of Rα .
Proposition 7.9 Let α > 0. There exists a modification of the process Rα with sample paths
that are locally Hölder continuous of the order β, for every β ∈ (0, α).
Proof We give the proof for α ∈ (0, 1). Consider the processes X and Y defined by
Z Z 0
α−1/2 α−1/2
Xt = ((t − s)+ − (−s)+ ) dW s , Yt = ((t − s)α−1/2 − (−s)α−1/2 ) dW s ,
Moreover, it is easy to see that for t ≥ 0, EXt2 = t2α EX12 . Combining these two facts we find
that for all s, t,
E(Xt − X s )2 = |t − s|2α EX12 .
Kolmogorov’s continuity criterion thus implies that X has the required modification.
As for Y, we have for t > s > 0,
Z 0
E(Yt − Y s ) = ((t − u)α−1/2 − (s − u)α−1/2 )2 du
Z 0 Z t 2
= (α − 1/2) 2
(v − u)α−3/2 dv du
−∞ s
Z ∞
2 2α
≤ (α − 1/2) (t − s) (s + u)2α−3 du
Z ∞
2 2α 2α−2
= (α − 1/2) (t − s) s (1 + u)2α−3 du.
It follows that there exists a constant C > 0 such that for t > s > 0 such that |t − s| ≤ s, we
118 Gaussian process priors
have E(Yt − Y s )2 ≤ C|t − s|2α . Since it also holds that EYt2 = t2α EY12 for all t ≥ 0, we see that
for every T > 0 there exists a constant CT > 0 such that E(Yt − Y s )2 ≤ CT |t − s|2α for all
s, t ∈ [0, T ]. We can then apply Theorem 7.34 again and conclude that the process Y has a
modification with the required regularity as well.
The process X appearing in the proof of Proposition 7.9 is also a well known process,
it is the so-called fractional Brownian motion with Hurst index α. The process Y is in fact
more regular than the process X. One can show that there exists a version of Y which is
differentiable on (0, ∞) (see Exercise 7.4).
For completeness we remark that the case α ≥ 1 in the proof of the preceding proposition
can be dealt with by using the properties of the Riemann-Liouville operators. Consider the
case α = 1 for instance. If W is a Brownian motion, then I0+ W is a Riemann-Liouville
process with parameter 1. It can be proved that for all p, q > 0 such that p + q < N, we
have I0+ (C q [0, 1]) ⊂ C p+q [0, 1]. Since there exists a version of W taking values in C β [0, 1]
for every β < 1/2, this implies that there exists a version of R1 taking values in C β [0, 1] for
every β < 1. Larger α’s can be dealt with similarly.
The process X is called the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process (OU process) with parameters
θ, σ > 0. By the isometry property of the Wiener integral we have
Z s∧t
2 σ2 −θ|t−s|
EX s Xt = σ e−θ(s−u) e−θ(t−u) du = e .
−∞ 2θ
In particular, the OU process is stationary. Using Kolmogorov’s continuity criterion it can
be seen that the process admits a version that is locally Hölder continuous of every order
strictly less than 1/2 (see Exercise 7.6).
Using the Fourier transform the covariance function of the OU process can be written in
a different way. For f ∈ L2 (R) the Fourier transform fˆ is defined as
fˆ(λ) = √ f (t)eiλt dt, λ ∈ R.
2π R
If f ∈ L1 (R) this integral exists in the ordinary sense, if not, its convergence has to be under-
stood in L2 -sense. The Parseval identity for the Fourier transform asserts that the transform
is an isometry on L2 (R), that is, for f, g ∈ L2 (R),
h f, gi2 = fˆ, ĝ 2 ,
for all s, t ∈ Rd .
Proof If the covariance function of a process X is given by (7.3), then clearly X is station-
ary. Moreover, we have
E(Xt − X s ) = |eihλ,ti − eihλ,si |2 µ(dλ) → 0
Definition 7.14 The measure µ in (7.3) is called the spectral measure of the process X. If
it admits a Lebesgue density, this is called the spectral density.
The spectral representation (7.3) shows that we have a linear isometry between the closure
of the linear span of the random variables {Xt : t ∈ R} in L2 (Pr) and the closure of the linear
span of the functions {λ 7→ et (λ) = exp(iλt): t ∈ R} in L2 (µ). The isometry is completely
determined by linearity and the association Xt ↔ et . We call this isometry the spectral
isometry. It can often be used to translate probabilistic problems concerning the process X
into analytic problems regarding the functions et in L2 (µ).
Any symmetric, finite Borel measure µ on Rd is the spectral measure of a stationary
Gaussian process. Indeed, given µ, the map
(s, t) 7→ eihλ,t−si µ(dλ)
If α is not an integer, then α − k ∈ (0, 1) and hence the last integral is a finite constant
(check!). Then by Kolmogorov’s continuity criterion, X (k) admits a version that is locally
Hölder of every order less than α − k. Hence, by integration, the original process X admits
a version that is locally Hölder of every order strictly less than α. If α is an integer (then
k = α − 1) the preceding upper bound remains true with α replaced by α − for small
enough > 0. By the same reasoning we conclude that X then has a version that is locally
Hölder of every order less than α − . Since > 0 can be chosen arbitrarily small, we reach
the same conclusion.
Note that the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process is a special instance of the Matérn process,
corresponding to the choices d = 1, α = 1/2.
Example 7.16 (Squared exponential process) The squared exponential process is the zero-
mean Gaussian process with covariance function
EW s Wt = e−ks−tk , s, t ∈ Rd .
Like the Matérn process the squared exponential process is stationary. Its spectral measure
is easily found using the well-known fact that the Fourier transform of the Gaussian density
is Gaussian again. Specifically, we have that the spectral density of the squared exponential
process is given by
1 2
λ 7→ d d/2 e−kλk /4 .
This density has finite moments of every order, hence the sample paths of the square expo-
nential process are infinitely often differentiable (in mean-square sense). Figure 7.16 shows
examples of sample paths of the process, which indeed are very smooth.
distribution with a density equal to a multiple of θ 7→ exp(−(1/2)θT Σ−1 θ), for Σ an invertible
covariance matrix. The likelihood for this model is given by a multiple of exp(− 21 ni=1 (Yi − θ(ti ))2 ).
It then follows from Bayes’ formula that the posterior density of v is given by a multiple of
1 2 1 T −1
θ 7→ e− 2 kY−θk e− 2 θ Σ θ . Clearly this is again, up to a multiple, a Gaussian density. We con-
clude that the posterior distribution of (θ(t1 ), . . . , θ(tn )) is Gaussian process.
Similarly we can show that for any sequence s1 , . . . , sm ∈ [0, 1], the posterior distributions
of (θ(s1 ), . . . , θ(sm )) is Gaussian. We conclude that for this Gaussian regression model with
known error variances, Gaussian process priors for the regression function are conjugate in
the sense that the posterior distribution of the regression function is Gaussian as well.
By completing the square, the preceding shows in particular that the posterior distribution
of the vector (θ(t1 ), . . . , θ(tn )) is Gaussian, with mean vector (I + Σ−1 )−1 Y and covariance
matrix (I + Σ−1 )−1 , for Σ the prior covariance matrix of the vector (check!, see Exercise 7.8).
For the integrated Brownian motion X we have that for s ≤ t,
Z sZ t
1 1
EX s Xt = (u ∧ v) dudv = s2 t − t3 .
0 0 2 6
This gives explicit expression for the matrix Σ and hence the posterior can be computed
In Figure 7.4 we show a simulation example. We simulated n = 200 observations, with
ti = i/n. The black curve depicts the true regression function used in the simulations, the
black dots are the simulated noisy data points. In the left panel, 10 draws from the prior are
shown. In the right panel, 10 draws from the corresponding posterior are plotted.
In more realistic situations the errors i have an unknown variance σ. This additional
parameter then has to be endowed with a prior distribution as well. This typically means that
7.5 Gaussian random elements in Banach spaces 123
the resulting posterior for θ (and for σ) can not be calculated explicitly anymore. There are
however numerical methods available that allow us to generate (approximate) draws from
the posterior in that case.
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Figure 7.3 Left: 10 draws from the integrated Brownian motion prior (gray), the
true regression function and the data. Right: 10 draws from the posterior (gray) and
the true regression function and the data.
Every set appearing on the right is in U , since every Xt is a random variable. Since the
intersection is countable, it follows that the left-hand side belongs to U as well.
The proposition asserts that a continuous process X indexed by [0, 1]d can be viewed
as a (C[0, 1]d , B(C[0, 1]d ))-valued random element. More generally, it can be shown that
124 Gaussian process priors
for every t ∈ [0, 1]d . The fact that functions in H can be evaluated at the point t by taking the
inner product with K(·, t) is called the reproducing property. In this context the covariance
function K is also called the reproducing kernel.
Since the process X is continuous, it is also mean-square continuous (Exercise 7.10). By
the reproducing property and Cauchy-Schwarz it follows that for h ∈ H and tn → t in [0, 1]d
we have
|h(tn ) − h(t)|2 = | hh, K(·, tn ) − K(·, t)iH |2 ≤ khk2H E(Xtn − Xt )2 → 0.
Hence every function in the RKHS is continuous, i.e. H ⊂ C[0, 1]d . Moreover, similar as in
the preceding display, we have
khk2∞ ≤ σ2 (X)khk2H , (7.5)
where σ2 (X) = supt∈[0,1]d EXt2 . In other words, the norm of the inclusion map i: H → C[0, 1]d
is bounded by σ(X).
The unit ball in H is denoted by H1 = {h ∈ H: khkH ≤ 1}. This space is always precompact
in C[0, 1]d , i.e. it has compact closure.
Theorem 7.18 The RKHS unit ball H1 is precompact in C[0, 1]d .
Proof By (7.5) the RKHS unit ball H1 is uniformly bounded. The function (s, t) 7→ E(Xt −
X s )2 is continuous, hence uniformly continuous on the compact set [0, 1]d × [0, 1]d . Since
the function vanishes on the diagonal, it follows that for every > 0 there exists a δ > 0
7.5 Gaussian random elements in Banach spaces 125
such that if ks − tk < δ, then E(Xt − X s )2 < . Hence for h ∈ H1 , the reproducing property
and Cauchy-Schwarz imply that if kt − sk < δ, then
|h(s) − h(t)|2 ≤ khk2H E(Xt − X s )2 < .
In other words, the unit ball H1 of the RKHS is uniformly equicontinuous as well. The
assertion of the theorem thus follows from the Arzelà-Ascoli theorem (Theorem 7.36).
almost surely.
Sketch of proof The process X can be written as X = Zi hi , for Zi = Uhi independent,
standard normal variables and the hi an orthonormal basis of the RKHS H. The convergence
of the series takes place in C[0, 1]d almost surely. The function h ∈ H admits an expansion
h = ci hi for some c ∈ `2 . The series converges in H, but then by (7.5) it converges
in C[0, 1]d as well. We can thus write X + h = (Zi + ci )hi , convergence taking place in
C[0, 1]d .
It can be proved that X and X + h are measurable functions of the sequences Z and Z + c,
respectively. This implies that to prove the equivalence of the laws PX and PX+h it suffices
to show that the laws of the sequences Z and Z + c are equivalent measures on the sequence
space R∞ . Now for a fixed i, the squared Hellinger distance (see (5.3)) between the laws of
Zi and Zi + ci equals
1 2
1 − e− 8 ci ≤ 81 c2i .
Since c ∈ `2 , Theorem 7.38 yields the equivalence of the laws.
The ratio of the densities of Zi and Zi + ci at the point zi is given by exp((zi ci − c2i /2)).
Therefore, the Radon-Nikodym derivative of the law of Z + c relative to the law of Z at the
point Z = (Z1 , Z2 , . . .) is given by
1 2
ci Zi − 12 c2i
eci Zi − 2 ci = e .
The converse of the Cameron-Martin theorem can be proved as well: if h < H, then the
laws PX and PX+h are singular.
For x ≥ 0, we have the inequality 1 − Φ(x) ≤ exp(−x2 /2). Hence the Borell-Sudakov
theorem implies in particular that for fixed > 0 and large enough M > 0,
1 2
Pr(X < MH1 + B1 ) . e− 2 M .
Hence if M is only moderately large, the bulk of the mass of the law of X lies in the set
MH1 + B1 . This should be viewed as the infinite-dimensional analogue of the fact that
for a d-dimensional Nd (0, Σ)-distribution, the bulk of the mass lies in the ellipsoid {x ∈
Rd : xT Σ−1 x ≤ M} for M large enough.
Proof Since X and −X have the same distribution, Pr(kX + hk∞ < ) = Pr(kX − hk∞ < ).
By the Cameron-Martin formula,
1 2
Pr(kX + hk∞ < ) = EeUh− 2 khkH 1kXk∞ < .
This is true with −h in the place of h as well. Combining these two facts we get
1 Uh− 12 khk2H 1 1 2
Pr(kX − hk∞ < ) = Ee 1kXk∞ < + EeU(−h)− 2 k−hkH 1kXk∞ <
2 2
1 2
= e− 2 khkH E cosh(Uh)1kXk∞ < ,
where cosh(x) = (exp(x) + exp(−x))/2. The proof is finished by noting that cosh(x) ≥ 1 for
all x.
In this notation the inequality in the lemma above states that for f in the support of X
and > 0, − log Pr(kX − f k∞ < 2) ≤ φ f (). The following theorem asserts that we have a
reversed inequality as well.
Theorem 7.24 For f ∈ C[0, 1]d in the support of X and > 0,
φ f (2) ≤ − log Pr(kX − f k∞ < 2) ≤ φ f ().
Sketch of proof The proof of the second inequality was given above.
For the first inequality, it can first be observed using convexity considerations that the
map h 7→ khk2H attains a minimum on the set {h ∈ H: k f − hk∞ ≤ } at some point h , say. By
the Cameron-Martin formula,
Pr(kX − f k∞ < ) = Pr(k(X − h ) − ( f − h )k∞ < )
1 2
= Ee−Uh − 2 kh kH 1kX−( f −h )k∞ < .
Using series expansions for instance, it can be proved that Uh ≥ 0 on the event {kX − ( f −
h )k∞ < }. Since X is centered, it then follows that
1 2 1 2
Pr(kX − f k∞ < ) ≤ e− 2 kh kH Pr(kX − ( f − h )k∞ < ) ≤ e− 2 kh kH Pr(kXk∞ < ).
This is exactly the inequality that needs to be derived.
The asymptotic behavior for → 0 of the centered small ball probability Pr(kXk∞ < ) on
the logarithmic scale turns out to be closely related to the “size” of the RKHS unit ball H1 .
More precisely, it is determined by the asymptotic behavior for → 0 of the metric entropy
log N(, H1 , k · k∞ ). (Note that by Theorem 7.18 these entropy numbers are finite.)
To explain the connection between these two quantities, suppose we have N elements
h1 , . . . , hN of H1 that are 2-separated in C[0, 1]d . Then the balls of radius around the h j
are disjoint and hence, by Lemma 7.22,
√ √ X
e≥ e Pr(kX − h j k∞ < )
√ X 1 2
≥ e e− 2 kh j kH Pr(kXk∞ < )
7.5.5 Examples
Brownian motion
Let W = (Wt : t ∈ [0, 1]) be a Brownian motion. The first chaos of the process is given by
the collection of Wiener integrals L = { 0 f (u) dWu : f ∈ L2 [0, 1]} (see Exercise 7.9). For
f ∈ L2 [0, 1] and t ≥ 0, the isometry (7.1) implies that
Z 1 Z t
EWt f (u) dWu = f (u) du.
0 0
Using this explicit description of the RKHS it can be seen that the support of the Brownian
motion is the space C0 [0, 1] of all continuous functions f on [0, 1] satisfying f (0) = 0
(Exercise 7.12).
Note that the RKHS consists of functions with “regularity” 1, i.e. the functions are smoother
than the sample paths of the process W. The unit ball H1 of the RKHS is a Sobolev-type ball
of regularity 1 of which it is known that the metric entropy is of the order −1 (compare
with Lemma 5.23). According to the relation (7.7) this implies that for → 0 the small ball
probabilities of the Brownian motion behave like
− log Pr(kWk∞ < ) −2 .
In fact, this probability estimate can also be proved directly, for instance using known facts
about the distribution of first time that |W| hits the level . Then using (7.7) in the other
direction we then find the entropy estimate log N(, H1 , k · k∞ ) −1 .
Stationary processes
The RKHS of a stationary process can be described in spectral terms. Let X = (Xt : t ∈ [0, 1]d )
be a centered, continuous, stationary Gaussian process with spectral measure µ. As before,
we define et : Rd → C by et (λ) = exp(i hλ, ti).
Lemma 7.26 The RKHS of X is the set of (real parts of) the functions (from [0, 1]d to C)
t 7→ eihλ,ti ψ(λ) µ(dλ),
where ψ runs through the complex Hilbert space L2 (µ). The RKHS-norm of the displayed
function equals the norm in L2 (µ) of the projection of ψ on the closed linear span of the
set of functions {et : t ∈ [0, 1]d } (or, equivalently, the infimum of kψkL2 (µ) over all functions ψ
giving the same function in the preceding display).
130 Gaussian process priors
Proof By the spectral isometry (7.3), the first chaos L of X is isometric to the space of
functions L 0 ⊂ L2 (µ) defined as the closure in L2 (µ) of the linear span of the functions
{et : t ∈ [0, 1]d }. Since every element of H is of the form t 7→ EXt L for L ∈ L , using the
spectral isometry again shows that every element of H is of the form t 7→ het , ψiL2 (µ) , for
ψ ∈ L 0 , and the RKHS-norm of such a function is given by the L2 (µ)-norm of ψ.
Now let P: L2 (µ) → L2 (µ) be the orthogonal projection onto the closed subspace L 0 .
Then for every ψ ∈ L2 (µ), het , ψiL2 (µ) = hPet , ψiL2 (µ) = het , PψiL2 (µ) . Hence t 7→ het , ψiL2 (µ)
belongs to H and its RKHS norm is given by the L2 (µ)-norm of the projection Pψ.
may be used. Such priors are sometimes called logistic Gaussian priors.
In the density estimation setting, we have a general rate of contraction theorem for pos-
terior distribution, Theorem 5.18. (Such results exists for other settings as well, including
regression.) The following general theorem will allow us to derive contraction rates for priors
based on Gaussian processes. It will turn out that the rate n is determined by the concentra-
tion function of the process W, as given in Definition 7.23.
Theorem 7.27 Let w0 be contained in the support of W. For any sequence n of positive
numbers satisfying
φw0 (n ) ≤ nn2 (7.10)
and any constant C > 1 such that e−Cnn < 1/2, there exists a sequence of Borel measurable
sets Bn ⊂ C[0, 1]d such that
log N(3n , Bn , k · k∞ ) ≤ 6Cnn2 , (7.11)
Pr(W < Bn ) ≤ e , (7.12)
Pr kW − w0 k∞ < 2n ≥ e . (7.13)
Proof Inequality (7.13) is an immediate consequence of (7.10) and Theorem 7.24. We need
to prove existence of the sets Bn such that the first and second inequalities hold.
For B1 and H1 the unit balls in the space C[0, 1]d and the RKHS H, respectively, and
Mn → ∞ a sequence of constants to be determined later, set
Bn = n B1 + Mn H1 .
7.6 Contraction rates for Gaussian process priors 131
By its definition any point of the set Bn is within distance n of some point of Mn H1 . This
implies that
log N 3n , Bn , k · k∞ ≤ log N 2n , Mn H1 , k · k∞
≤ 12 Mn2 + φ0 (n )
≤ 5Cnn2 + φ0 (n ),
1 2
by the definition of Mn if e− 2 Cnn < 1, because Φ−1 (y) ≥ − 5/2 log(1/y) and is negative for
every y ∈ (0, 1/2). Since φ0 (n ) ≤ φw0 (n ) ≤ nn2 this completes the proof of the theorem.
We note that since the concentration function (7.6) is the sum of two functions that are
decreasing near 0, condition (7.10) can be replaced by the two separate conditions
2 h∈H:kh−w k ≤˜
khk2H ≤ n˜n2 ,
0 ∞ n
condition only involves the process W, not the function w0 . The first condition measures
how well the function w0 can be approximated by elements of the RKHS of W.
Theorem 7.29 Let W be a centered, continuous Gaussian process on C[0, 1]d and let the
prior Π be the law of pW . Suppose that w0 = log p0 is contained in the support of W. Then
the posterior distribution satisfies
Proof We choose the set Pn in Theorem 5.18 equal to the set Pn = {pw : w ∈ Bn } for
Bn ⊂ C[0, 1]d the measurable set as in Theorem 7.27, with C a large constant. In view of the
first inequality of Lemma 7.28 for sufficiently large n the 4n -entropy of Pn relative to the
Hellinger distance is bounded above by the 3n -entropy of the set Bn relative to the uniform
distance, which is bounded by 6Cnn2 by Theorem 7.27. The prior probability Π(Pcn ) outside
the set Pn as in (5.7) is bounded by the probability of the event {W < Bn }, which is bounded
by e−Cnn by Theorem 7.27. Finally, by the second and third inequalities of Lemma 7.28
the prior probability as in (5.6), but with n replaced by a multiple of n , is bounded above
by the probability of the event {kW − w0 k∞ < 2n }, which is bounded above by e−nn by
Theorem 7.27.
− log Pr(kWk∞ < 2) ≤ − log Pr(|Z| < ) − log Pr(kBk∞ < ) . −2
where we extended w0 to the whole real line without increasing its C β -norm (this is always
134 Gaussian process priors
hence kφσ ∗ w0 − w0 k∞ ≤ Cσβ for some R C > 0. Since φσ is smooth the function φσ ∗ w0 is
differentiable and using the fact that φ0 (t) dt = 0 we see that
|(φσ ∗ w0 ) (t)| = (w0 (t − s) − w0 (t))φ0σ (s) ds
≤ kw0 kβ |s|β |φ0σ (s)| ds
= kw0 kβ σ |s|β |φ0 (s)| ds.
Since we also have |(φσ ∗ w0 )(0)| ≤ kw0 k∞ it follows that (the restriction to [0, 1] of) φσ ∗ w0
belongs to the RKHS H, and kφσ ∗ w0 k2H ≤ C 0 σ2β−2 for some C 0 > 0. Choosing σ 1/β
above we arrive at the bound
inf khk2H . β .
h∈H:kh−w0 k∞ ≤
Now observe that the bound that we have for the concentration function depends on the
regularity β of w0 . If β ≤ 1/2, then the bound on the infimum dominates and we have
φw0 () . β . The inequality (7.10) is then fulfilled for n n−β/2 . If β ≥ 1/2, then the small
ball term dominates. Then we have φw0 () . −2 , yielding n = n−1/4 .
So by Theorem 7.29, using the law of the transformed Brownian motion W as a prior in
the density estimation problem leads to posterior that contracts around the true density at
the rate n−(1/2∧β)/2 , where β is the degree of Hölder regularity of the true log-density. It is
well known in statistics that the “best” rate at which a β-regular density can be estimated is
n−β/(1+2β) . (Such statements are for instance made precise by so-called minimax theorems.)
We only achieve this rate with the Brownian motion prior if β = 1/2. Note that the level 1/2
is precisely the “degree of regularity” of the Brownian motion sample paths. So we see that
in this case we achieve an optimal convergence rate if the regularity of the prior matches the
regularity of the unknown density that we are estimating.
Wtβ = Z j t j + Rβt ,
t ∈ [0, 1],
where the Z j are independent, standard normal random variable independent of Rβ . The
following theorem can be proved by analyzing the RKHS of the RL process.
Theorem 7.30 Let β > 0. The support of the process W β is the whole space C[0, 1]. For
w0 ∈ C β [0, 1], its concentration function φw0 satsfies φw0 () . −1/β for small enough.
The theorem implies that for W β the modified RL process and w0 ∈ C β [0, 1], the inequality
φw0 (n ) ≤ nn2 is solved for n a multiple of n−β/(1+2β) . Hence by Theorem 7.29, using the
transformed process W β as a prior in the density estimation setting yields the optimal rate
n−β/(1+2β) if the true log-density belongs to C β [0, 1]. So again, we see that we attain an optimal
rate of contraction if the regularity of the prior matches the regularity of the truth.
It should be noted that in a realistic situation we typically do not know the regularity of
the unknown density that we are trying to estimate. Hence, it is then unclear which prior
to use and using one that is too smooth or too rough will lead to sub-optimal rates. This
raises the question whether it is possible to construct a prior that achieves the rate n−β/(1+2β)
if the true log-density belongs to C β [0, 1], but that does not depend on this information about
the unknown smoothness. It turns out that this is indeed possible, but the treatment of these
so-called rate-adaptive procedures is outside the scope of this course.
7.7 Complements
7.7.1 Regular versions of stochastic processes
A minimal regularity property of a stochastic process is separability. Roughly speaking, the behaviour
of a separable process over the whole index set is determined by its behaviour on a countable subset.
Definition 7.31 Let (Xt : t ∈ T ) be a process indexed by a topological space T , with state space (E, E),
where E is a topological space and E is its Borel σ-field. The process is called separable if there exists
an event N with Pr(N) = 0 and a countable set S ⊂ T such that for all open U ⊂ T and closed F ⊂ E,
the subsets t∈U {Xt ∈ F} and t∈S ∩U {Xt ∈ F} of the underlying outcome space differ by at most a
subset of N. Any countable set S with the stated property is called a separability set.
The definition immediately implies that for a separable process X indexed by T and defined on a
complete probability space, the set t∈U {Xt ∈ F} is a measurable event for every open U ⊂ T and
closed F ⊂ E. If the process is real-valued we have in particular that for every b ∈ R,
n o \
sup Xt ≤ b = {Xt ≤ b}
t∈T t∈T
is measurable, and hence supt∈T Xt is a well-defined random variable. Moreover, it is a.s. equal to
supt∈T ∩S Xt . Similarly, the variables inf Xt , sup |Xt | and inf |Xt | are measurable as well.
Another useful consequence of separability is that to show that a real-valued separable process X
136 Gaussian process priors
vanishes identically with probability one, it suffices to show that Xt = 0 a.s. for every t in a sep-
arability set S . Indeed, suppose that Xt = 0 a.s., for all t ∈ S . Then t∈S {Xt = 0} has probabil-
ity one. By separability the event t∈T {Xt = 0} is measurable and has probability one as well, i.e.
Pr(Xt = 0 for all t ∈ T ) = 1.
In addition to separability it is useful to know whether a stochastic process X is measurable as
function of the pair (ω, t). By Fubini’s theorem this implies for instance that the sample paths of the
process are measurable functions.
Definition 7.32 Let X be a real-valued process indexed by a metric space (T, d), defined on (Ω, U , Pr).
Let B(T ) be the Borel σ-field of T . The process X is called (Borel) measurable, if the map from
(Ω × T, U × B(T )) to (R, B(R)) given by (ω, t) 7→ Xt (ω) is measurable.
A process X indexed by a metric space (T, d) is called continuous in probability if for all s ∈ T ,
Xt → X s in probability if d(t, s) → 0. The following theorem says that a process admits a measurable
and separable modification if it is continuous in probability. Note that this property only depends on
the fdds of the process X.
Theorem 7.33 Let X be a real-valued process indexed by a separable metric space (T, d). If the
process is continuous in probability, it admits a Borel measurable, separable version, which may take
the value ∞. Any countable, dense subset of (T, d) is a separability set.
for all s, t ∈ T . Then X admits a continuous modification with sample paths that are almost surely
Hölder continuous of order α for every α < q/p.
Bochner’s theorem asserts that among the continuous functions on Rd , the positive definite ones are
precisely the Fourier transforms of finite measures.
Theorem 7.35 (Bochner) A continuous function f on Rd is positive definite if and only if it is given
f (t) = eihλ,ti µ(dλ), t ∈ Rd ,
Theorem 7.36 (Arzelà-Ascoli) The set F ⊂ C[0, 1]d is precompact if and only if it is uniformly
bounded and uniformly equicontinuous.
Theorem 7.37 (Hahn-Banach) Let W be a linear subspace of a normed linear space V. If every
bounded linear functional on V that vanishes on W, vanishes on the whole space V, then W is dense
in V.
In the following theorems, h denotes the Hellinger distance between densities (see (5.3)).
Theorem 7.38 (Kakutani) Let X = (X1 , X2 , . . .) and Y = (Y1 , Y2 , . . .) be two sequences of inde-
pendent random variables. Assume Xi has a positive density fi with respect to a dominating measure
µ, and Yi has a positive density gi with respect to µ. Then the laws of the sequences X and Y are
equivalent probability measures on R∞ if and only if
h2 ( fi , gi ) < ∞.
7.1 Prove that there exists a stochastic process W that satisfies conditions (i)–(iii) of Definition 7.3.
7.2 Give the details of the proof of Theorem 7.4.
7.3 Verify (7.2).
7.4 Show that there exists a version of the process Y appearing in the proof of Proposition 7.9 which
is differentiable on (0, ∞).
7.5 Show that the Riemann-Liouville process Rα with parameter α > 0 is self-similar: for c > 0,
the process (c−α Rct : t ≥ 0) is again a Riemann-Liouville process with parameter α.
7.6 Prove that the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process admits a version that is locally Hölder continuous
of every order strictly less than 1/2.
7.7 Show that the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process satisfies the integral equation
Z t
Xt − X0 = −θ X s ds + σWt , t ≥ 0,
almost surely.
7.8 Verify the posterior computations in Section 7.4.
7.9 Prove that the first chaos of the RBrownian motion W = (Wt : t ∈ [0, 1]) can be identified with the
collection of Wiener integrals { 0 f (u) dWu : f ∈ L2 [0, 1]}.
7.10 Prove that a Gaussian process with continuous sample paths is mean-square continuous.
7.11 Prove that the RKHS is a separable Hilbert space.
7.12 Determine the support of the Brownian motion indexed by [0, 1].
7.13 Determine the RKHS of integrated Brownian motion.
7.14 Determine the RKHS and the RKHS-norm of the Brownian motion with standard normal initial
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