Dynamic Strength Index
Dynamic Strength Index
Dynamic Strength Index
The Dynamic Strength Index, often referred to as the dynamic strength deficit, measures the
difference between an athlete’s maximal and explosive strength capacity. However, the term
“index” is preferred over “deficit”, as it’s an index of the athlete’s current performance ability. The
dynamic strength index can be used to identify whether the athlete may require maximal strength
training, ballistic strength training, or concurrent training (i.e. a combination) as a stimulus in their
programme. It can also be used to reliably measure the performance capabilities in both the lower-
and upper-body and in recreational, university, and elite athletes.
Keywords: strength deficit, strength diagnosis, CMJ, IMTP, peak force.
Below are some examples of common ground contact times during particular sporting movements:
• Basketball lay-up shot = 218-ms (22)
• Sprinting = 80-90-ms (23)
• Long Jump = 140-170-ms (24)
As many sporting movements, such as those above, happen in a very short timeframe and are all
ballistic in nature, it is vital to analyse the athlete’s ballistic force production capabilities under short
time constraints.
How to calculate Dynamic Strength Index
The equation below is used to calculate an athlete’s DSI. And although it is referred to as a “ratio”,
it is not displayed as a one, and is instead a simple division between ballistic and dynamic or
isometric peak forces.
Dynamic Strength Index (DSI) = Ballistic Peak Force / Dynamic or Isometric Peak Force
Using the data from Table 1.
Dynamic Strength Index (DSI) = CMJ peak force (N) / IMTP peak force (N)
DSI = 1450 / 3178
DSI = 0.46
It has also been verified as a sensitive and useful tool to evaluate and monitor performance changes
over the course of a training programme (26).
Practical Application
Once the athlete’s DSI has been calculated, the strength and conditioning coach needs to know what
that score tells them, and therefore how to design the training programme based on that score. Table
2 provides some simple examples of various DSI scores.
The DSI reflects the percentage of maximal strength “potential” which is not being used within a
given motor task (e.g. jump) (27). In other words, it demonstrates the athlete’s ability to use their
full “force potential” during a ballistic exercise such as a CMJ. So theoretically speaking, if an
athlete can express a DSI score of 1 (i.e. Athlete C in Table 2), they are capable of using their full
“force potential’. This means the higher the athletes DSI, the more capable they are at utilising their
“force potential” during a ballistic exercise.
In contrast, the lower the athlete’s DSI, the less capable they are at utilising their “force potential”
during a ballistic exercise. A higher DSI means more time should be spent on developing maximal
strength (i.e. force production). A smaller DSI means more time should be spent developing RFD
using ballistic strength training methods (Table 3) (6).
What now?
Some coaches believe that reading one article will make them an expert on strength and
conditioning. Here’s why they’re wrong…
Strength and conditioning entails many, many topics. By choosing to simply read up on The
Dynamic Strength Index and ignore the sea of other crucial S&C topics, you run the risk of being
detrimental to your athlete’s success and not realising your full potential.
To make you an expert coach and make your life as easy as possible, we highly suggest you now
check out this article on Olympic Weightlifting.