The system function of ABT constitutes software development for companies like
ABT Parcel Service ABT Maruthi ABT Express Sakthi Sugar Sakthi Soft drinks Sakthi Finance Sakthi Milk Products etc,
The company employs around 64 personnel. The various departments responsible for the success of the company are, Personal Department Accounts Department System Analysis Implementation Testing Maintenance
It is the virtual hiring of programmer and the programming concepts by the buyer, and virtual order taking on Project by the Coder vice versa. Our project develops a virtual interlink between the buyer and the Coder i.e. virtual interlink between those who are having lack of assistance and knowledge with those who are looking for project with ability.
The goal of this document is the same as any requirements document, to lay out all requirements of the application in order to have both the developers and the end users maintaining the same understanding and expectations from the application. The project requirements will define, in general terms, the setup of the web site, topics for available information concerning the software project management.
The system study focuses on the stages of the system development life cycle. A complete understanding of the software requirement is essential to the success a software development effort. The requirement area task is a process of discovery, retrieval, modeling and specification.
In the process of system study and analysis the following steps can be followed,
First thoroughly investigate on the existing system that can lead. Then evaluation of the system concept for feasibility is performed. Designing of the input, process and output. Establish the constraints and get ready for the verifications and validations.
2.1.1 Drawbacks In market there is a communication gap between the project holder and the coder. Programmers are want more project for commercial and knowledge updating. Buyers are really need coder knowledge backup. They do not know who is eligible to do that or they are spending much money to find them out.
Economical feasibility is the most frequently used method of evaluating the effectiveness of a candidate system. The procedure is to determine the savings and benefits from the candidate system and compare the costs.
Otherwise, further justification or alterations in the proposed system should be made to have a chance of being approved. It is an on-going effort that improves the accuracy at each phase of the system lifecycle.
The automated system will be costly. Maintenance also involves some investments in terms of money. Once the computerized system is installed, it can cater to the needs of the customer and the business without manual work, which is more cost effective for the management. Therefore, the automated system is economically feasible.
The proposed system should use the internet level then the different types of end users are involved in the system, so it solves the users needs and the organization needs. And it supports the all users environment of organizational conflicts
Technical feasibility centers on the existing system it involves financial considerations to accommodate technical enhancements. If the budget is a serious constraint, then the project will be judged not feasible. So the user having realized the advantages, benefits and economic feasibility of the new system is ready to afford the extra expense that may arise for the satisfaction of all the hardware and software requirements.
A Platform designed from the start for writing Internet-aware and Internetenabled applications that embrace and adopt open standards such as XML, HTTP, and SOAP.
A Platform that provides a number of very rich and powerful application development technologies, such as Windows Forms, used to build classic GUI applications, and of course ASP.NET, used to build web applications.
A Platform with an extensive class library that provides extensive support for date access (relational and XML), a director services, message queuing, and much more.
A platform that has a base class library that contains hundreds of classes for performing common tasks such as file manipulation, registry access, security, threading, and searching of text using regular expressions.
A platform that doesnt forget its origins, and has great interoperability support for existing components that you or third parties have written, using COM or standard DLLs.
A Platform with an independent code execution and management environment called the Common Language Runtime(CLR), which ensures code is safe to run, and provides an abstract layer on top of the operating system, meaning that elements of the .NET framework can run on many operating systems and devices.
ASP.NET is part of the whole .NET framework, built on top of the Common Language Runtime (also known as the CLR) - a rich and flexible architecture, designed not just to cater for the needs of developers today, but to allow for the long future we have ahead of us. What you might not realize is that, unlike previous updates of ASP. ASP.NET is very much more than just an upgrade of existing technology it is the gateway to a whole new era of web development.
Microsoft IIS 5.0 on WINDOWS 2000 Server Microsoft IIS 5.1 on WINDOWS XP ASP.NET has been designed to try and maintain syntax and run-time compatibility with existing ASP pages wherever possible. The motivation behind this is to allow existing ASP pages to be initially migrated ASP.NET by simply renaming the file to have an extension of .aspx.
Some of the key goals of ASP.NET were to Remove the dependency on script engines, enabling pages to be type safe and compiled. Reduce the amount of code required to develop web applications. Make ASP.NET well factored, allowing customers to add in their own custom functionality, and extend or replace built-in ASP.NET functionality. Make ASP.NET a logical evolution of ASP, where existing ASP investment and therefore code can be reused with little, if any, change.
ADO will function under ASP.NET. However, the work necessary to convert ADO applications to ADO.NET is worthwhile. For disconnected applications, ADO.NET should offer performance advantages over ADO disconnected record sets. ADO requires that transmitting and receiving components be COM objects. ADO.NET transmits data in a standard XML-format file so that COM marshaling or data type conversions are not required.
The following are some of the benefits of ASP.NET: Make code cleaner. Improve deployment, scalability, and reliability. Provide better support for different browsers and devices. Enable a new breed of web applications.
A web server is a program connected to the World Wide Web (www) that furnishes resources from the web browser. Microsoft IIS is a web server integrated with Windows.NET server that makes it easy to publish information and bring business application to the web.
Because of its tight integration with windows NT server, IIS guarantees the network administrator and application developer the same security, Networking and administrator functionality as windows NT server. Tools and functionality, IIS also has built-in capabilities to help administer secure websites, and to develop server-intensive web application.
IIS provides integrated security and access to a wide range of content, work seamlessly with COM components, and has a graphical interface-the Microsoft Management Console (MMC) that you can use to create and manage your ASP application.
On the Internet, most sites allow anybody to connect to the site. The exceptions are commercialists where you pay a onetime, monthly fee to access the site. Sites that are restrict the access called secured site. Secured site use either integrated security or login, password security. IIS support both of these methods.
All web servers can deliver HTML files, but they differ widely in how they treat other types of content. Most servers let you add and modify Multi-purpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) types, but integrate directly into the windows registry. That means IIS natively understands how to treat most common windows file format, such as text files, application initialization files, executable files and many others.
You can control many parts of IIS using COM. IIS exposes many of the servers configuration settings via the IIS Admin objects. These objects are accessible from ASP and other languages. That means you can adjust server configuration and create virtual directories and web programmatically. IIS and higher store settings and web information in a spoil database called the Metabase. You can use the IIS Admin objects to create new sites and virtual directories be alter the properties of existing sites and virtual directories.
IIS provides three authentication schemes to control access: Anonymous, Basic and Windows NT challenge/Response. Each of these schemes had different effect on the security context of an application. This includes ISAPI extension agents, COT applications, IDC scripts and future scripting capabilities.
IIS provides several new access levels. The following values can set the type of access allowed to specific directories: Read Write Script Execute Log Access Directory Browsing
Administering websites can be time consuming and costly, especially for people who manage large Internet Service Provider (ISP) installations to save time and money support only large company web siesta the expense of personal websites. This solution reduces the amount of time and money it takes to manually administer a large installation, without reducing the number of web sites supported.
Microsoft Internet Information server (IIS) version 4.0 offers technologies to do this, 1. Windows scripting Host (WSH) 2. IIS Admin objects built on top of Active Directory service Interface (ADSI)
With these technologies working together behind the scenes, the person can administers sites from the command line of central computer and can group frequently used commands in batch files. Then all user need to do is run batch files to add new accounts, change permissions, add a virtual server to a site and many other tasks.
VB Script
VB Script, sometimes known as Visual Basic Scripting Edition, is Microsofts answer to Java Script. Just as Java Scripts syntax loosely based on Java. VB Scripts syntax is loosely based on Microsoft Visual Basic a popular programming language for Windows machines.
Like Java Script, VB Script is a simple scripting and we can include VB Script statements within an HTML document. To begin a VB Script, we use the <script LANGUAGE=VB Script>tag. VB Script can do many of the same things as Java Script and it even looks similar in some cases. It is closely integrated with ActiveX, Microsofts standard for Web-embedded applications.
VB Scripts main disadvantage is that only Microsoft Internet Explorer supports it. Both Netscape and Internet Explorer, on the other hand, support Java Script is also a much more popular language, and we can see it in use all over the Web.
ActiveX is a specification develops by Microsoft that allows ordinary Windows programs to be run within a Web page. ActiveX programs can be written in languages such as Visual Basic and they are complied before being placed on the Web server.
ActiveX application, called controls, are downloaded and executed by the Web browser, like Java applets. Unlike Java applets, controls can be installed permanently when they are downloaded; eliminating the need to download them again. ActiveXs main advantage is that it can do just about anything.
It is not as easy to program as scripting language or Java. ActiveX is proprietary. It works only in Microsoft Internet Explorer and only Windows platforms. ADO.NET
ADO.NET provides consistent access to data sources such as Microsoft SQL Server, as well as data sources exposed via OLE DB and XML. Data-sharing consumer applications can use ADO.NET to connect to these data sources and retrieve, manipulate, and update data.
ADO.NET cleanly factors data access from data manipulation into discrete components that can be used separately or in tandem. ADO.NET includes .NET data providers for connecting to a database, executing commands, and retrieving results. Those results are either processed directly, or placed in an ADO.NET Dataset object in order to be exposed to the user in an ad-hoc manner, combined with data from multiple sources, or remote between tiers. The ADO.NET Dataset object can also be used independently of a .NET data provider to manage data local to the application or sourced from XML.
As application development has evolved, new applications have become loosely coupled based on the Web application model. More and more of today's applications use XML to encode data to be passed over network connections. Web applications use HTTP as the fabric for communication between tiers, and therefore must explicitly handle maintaining state between requests. This new model is very different from the connected, tightly coupled style of programming that characterized the client/server era, where a connection was held open for the duration of the program's lifetime and no special handling of state was required.
In designing tools and technologies to meet the needs of today's developer, Microsoft recognized that an entirely new programming model for data access was needed, one that is built upon the .NET Framework. Building on the .NET Framework ensured that the data access technology would be uniformcomponents would share a common type system, design patterns, and naming conventions. ADO.NET was designed to meet the needs of this new programming model like disconnected data architecture, tight integration with XML, common data representation.
Microsoft's design for ADO.NET addresses many of the requirements of today's application development model. At the same time, the programming model stays as similar as possible to ADO, so current ADO developers do not have to start from scratch in learning a brand new data access technology. ADO.NET is an intrinsic part of the .NET Framework without seeming completely foreign to the ADO programmer.
ADO.NET provides first-class support for the disconnected, n-tier programming environment for which many new applications are written. The concept of working with a disconnected set of data has become a focal point in the programming model. The ADO.NET solution for n-tier programming is the Dataset.
XML Support
XML and data access are intimately tiedXML is all about encoding data, and data access is increasingly becoming all about XML. The .NET Framework does not just support Web standardsit is built entirely on top of them.
A Database Management System is essentially a collection of interrelated data and set of programs to access this data. This collection of data is called data base. The Primary set of a DBMS is to provide a convenient environment to retrieve and store database information. Database System supports single user and multi-user environment. While on one hand DBMS permits only one person to access the database at a given time, on the other RDBMS allows many users simultaneous access to the database.
Introduction to Oracle
Every business enterprise maintains large volumes of data for its operations. With more and more people accessing this data for its operations. With more and more people accessing this data for their work need to maintain its integrity and relevance increases. Normally, with the traditional methods of storing data and information in files, the chances that data loses its integrity and validity are very high. Oracle is an Object Relational database Management System (ORDBMS). It offers capabilities of both relational and object-oriented database systems.
SQL*Plus is a Structured Query Language supported by Oracle. Through SQL*Plus we can store, retrieve, edit, enter and run SQL commands and PL/SQL blocks. Using SQL*Plus we can perform calculations, list column definitions for table and can also format query results in the form of a report.
4.2.2 Features of SQL Server PL/SQL is an extension of SQL. PL/SQL block can contain any number of SQL statements integrated with flow of control of control statements. Thus PL/SQL combines the data manipulating power of SQL with data processing power of procedural languages.
Data Definition Language - Create, Alter, and Drop commands. Data Manipulation Language - Insert, Select, Delete and Update commands. Transaction Control Language Commit and Rollback commands. Data Control Language -Grant and Revoke commands. The following are the advantages of SQL:
Non-procedural language, because more than one record can be accessed rather than one record at a time. It is the common language for all relational databases. In other words it is portable and requires very few modifications so that it can work on other databases. Very simple commands for querying, inserting , deleting and modifying data and objects.
Oracle 9i
Occasionally, compute technology makes a dramatic break with the past the relational model of database management, wih its simple tabular data structures and data manipulation operation is one such revolution the relational model has helped to focus
computer science research on the problems of data management and relational database management system products resulted in tremendous improvements in accessing data and developing applications.
Another revolution in computer technology client server computing took place in the last decade with the spread of mini computers and microcomputers these highly cost effective and flexible open systems have made client server computing possible.
The hardware changes were accompanied by significant changes in software technology modern graphical user interfaces increasingly replacing traditional character mode screens providing dramatic gains in case of use and flexibility. New application development tools reduce and may one day eliminate all together the need for traditional programming.
Today most companies are designing and using applications that employ a client server architecture in which the application runs in the users PC or works station and accesses a centrally maintained and managed file or database server. This approach explodes the client machines ability to provide highly responsive and intuitive presentation services while using a powerful server to manage shared data securely and efficiently.
In 1979 a tiny Silicon Valley company introduce oracle the first commercial relational database incorporating the SQL data access language. Today Oracle Corporation is the worlds largest supplier of database management system associated products. Oracle version5 released in 1985 was the very first client server database system.
Oracle 8i include a full featured and government certified implementation of the ANSI/ISO standard SQL language. The oracle 8i server can be an active part of applications enforcing data integrity and business rules through declaratives means as well as through the industrial strength distributed database facilities, enabling enterprise wide access to data to matter where it is stored or on performs and reliability of on line transaction processing what kinds of platforms, last but not least oracle 8i `maximizes the applications through a range of architectural features such as row level locking online backup and recovery and support for a wide variety of platforms. Oracle Corporation is also a leader in another revolution taking place in computer topology; the emerging use of parallel computing platforms, which can deliver unprecedented levels of performance with significant cost effectiveness.
Data structures and data manipulation operation is one such revolution the relational model has helped to focus computer science research on the problems of data management and relational database management system products resulted in tremendous improvements in accessing data and developing applications.
Another revolution in computer technology client server computing took place in the last decade with the spread of mini computers and microcomputers these highly cost effective and flexible open systems have made client server computing possible.
These platforms are constructed of low cost components with tens hundreds or over thousands of highly interconnected independent CPU each with its own memory. The newest updates of oracle 8i exploit the power of parallel platforms for processing set of records a common requirement in relational databases.
It is the virtual hiring of programmer and the programming concepts by the buyer, and virtual order taking on Project by the Coder vice versa. Our project develops a virtual interlink between the buyer and the Coder i.e. virtual interlink between those who are having lack of assistance and knowledge with those who are looking for project with ability.
The overview of the project is to establish a web-based. The goal of this document is the same as any requirements document, to lay out all requirements of the application in order to have both the developers and the end users maintaining the same understanding and expectations from the application. The project requirements will define, in general terms, the setup of the web site, topics for available information concerning the software project management.