Edwins Power Point
Edwins Power Point
Edwins Power Point
Edwin Mejias
My name is Edwin Josue Angulo Mejias. I am
twenty-seven years old. I was born in Rubio,
Venezuela and I grew up in San Christobal
and Barquisimeto. I studied at the Catholic
University of Tachira.
6 am 7 am 8 am 4 30 pm
I wake up in the morning at Before work, I often meet I arrive to Oregon State After work, I meet my wife
6 am to get ready for my up with a friend for University at 8am. I talk at her job and help her
day. I run on the treadmill coffee. His name is Ryan with my boss about what with the the digitizing and
to start my morning. I make and we have been friends he needs for the day. anything else she needs
breakfast and check my since my first time visiting Then, I sit down to answer help finishing. She works
emails before I leave the the United States in 2012. my emails. Through the very hard. I enjoy helping
house. day I answer phone calls. her.
My Trip to . . .