Venco - Heat Recovery Manual. VHR
Venco - Heat Recovery Manual. VHR
Venco - Heat Recovery Manual. VHR
1. INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................................... 4
2. HEAT RECOVERY UNITS and VHR MODELS ....................................................................................... 4
Figure 2.1. VENCO Heat Recovery Units .................................................................................................... 4
Figure 2.2. Heat Recovery Unit Schema ..................................................................................................... 5
Figure 2.3. Heat Recovery Unit Schema (Plug) ........................................................................................... 5
3. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION for HEAT RECOVERY UNITS ................................................................ 6
Table 3.1. Technical Specifications for VHR Models ................................................................................... 6
Table 3.2. Dimensions for VHR Models ...................................................................................................... 7
4. WORKING CONDITIONS ....................................................................................................................... 8
5. TRANSPORTATION – STORAGE – INSTALLATION ............................................................................. 8
Figure 5.1. Lifting Schema .......................................................................................................................... 8
Figure 5.2. Installation Schema ................................................................................................................... 9
Figure 5.3. Connection Schema (Top View) ................................................................................................ 9
Figure 5.4 Connection Schema ................................................................................................................. 10
6. CONNECTIONS .................................................................................................................................... 10
6.1. DUCT CONNECTIONS ..................................................................................................................... 10
Figure 6.1.1. Duct Connections Schema (Changing the direction of air flow) ............................................ 10
6.2. DRAIN CONNECTIONS .................................................................................................................... 11
6.3. ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS.......................................................................................................... 11
7. SAFETY REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................................................... 11
8. SAFETY LABELS .................................................................................................................................. 12
9. CONTROLS BEFORE START-UP ........................................................................................................ 13
10. TRAINING of TECHNICIANS ............................................................................................................. 14
11. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR SAFETY............................................................................................... 14
12. START-UP......................................................................................................................................... 14
13. MAINTENANCE ................................................................................................................................. 14
14. CONTROL FUNCTIONS.................................................................................................................... 15
14.1. Standard Electronic Controller (SEC) ............................................................................................. 15
Figure 14.1.1. Standard Electronic Controller (SEC) ................................................................................. 15
Table 14.1.1. Electronic Controller Buttons ............................................................................................... 16
14.2. Functional Electronic Controller (FEC) ........................................................................................... 16
Image 14.2.1. Functional Electronic Controller .......................................................................................... 16
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Table 14.2.2. Keypad ................................................................................................................................ 17
15. TROUBLESHOOTING ....................................................................................................................... 19
Table15.1. Troubleshooting Table............................................................................................................. 19
16. SPARE PART LIST............................................................................................................................ 20
Figure 16.1. Heat Recovery Spare Parts................................................................................................... 20
17. APPENDIX ........................................................................................................................................ 21
17.1. APPENDIX-1 Standard Controller (SEC) Electrical Wiring Diagram ............................................... 21
17.2. APPENDIX-2 Functional Controller (FEC) Electrical Wiring Diagram ............................................. 22
17.3. APPENDIX-3 230V / 50Hz / 1 Phase Electrical Heater Wiring Diagram ........................................ 23
17.4. APPENDIX-4 230V / 50Hz / 1 Phase Electrical Heater Wiring Diagram ........................................ 23
17.5. APPENDIX-5 Electrical Cable And Fuse Selection Tables ............................................................. 24
Table 17.5.1. Heat Recovery Unit Electrical Power Supply and Circuit Breaker Selection Table ............... 24
Table 17.5.2. Heat Recovery Unit Electrical Power Supply Cable Cross Section Table ............................ 24
Table 17.5.3. Duct Type Electrical Heater Power Supply and Circuit Breaker Selection Table .................. 25
Table 17.5.4. Duct Type Electrical Heater Power Supply Cable Cross Section Table ............................... 25
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Installation, Operation and Maintenance Instruction concerns heat recovery units manufactured by VENCO. It
consists of basic information and recommendation concerning the design, technical specifications,
installation, operation and maintenance of the heat recovery unit which shall be obeyed to ensure proper fail-
safe operation of the unit. The key to proper and safe operating of the unit, read thoroughly this instruction,
use the unit according to guidelines given in it and follow all safety requirements. The instruction should
always be in proximity of the unit and within easy reach of the service technician.
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Heat Recovery units as standard consist of five different parts as described; Exhaust Fan, Supply Fan, Fresh
Air Filter, Exhaust Air Filter, Plate Type Heat Recovery Exchanger.
Drain Pan
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Technical specifications, which are valid for the heat recovery units as standard manufactured by VENCO,
are given in the table below.
04 07 09 11 16 20 23 29 36 51
Air Flow 0 Pa* m³/h 493 770 925 1238 1620 2025 2310 2852 3678 4857
Air Flow 150 Pa* m³/h 299 595 790 1045 1320 1790 2045 2370 3137 3750
Motor Power Watt 96 180 260 270 450 1000 1000 1.100 1.100 1.472
SFP** 1,15 1,09 1,18 1,27 1,23 2,00 1,76 1,67 1,26 1,41
1 2 3 3 4 5 6 7 10 12
Electrical Heater kW 230 V 230 V 230 V 230 V 400V 400 V 400 V 400 V 400 V 400 V
1~ 1~ 1~ 1~ 3~ 3~ 3~ 3~ 3~ 3~
VHR Heat Recovery Units are controlled with Standard Electronic Controller (SEC), supplied as standard
with the unit. The supply air fan and return air fan are driven as 5 speeds with SEC. Also the electrical heater
(optional) can be controlled by SEC manually or automatically depending on the room set temperature, has a
protection system (optional) against the frost formation at the temperatures below -5°C, and Pressure Sensor
(optional) for clogged filter.
Functional Electronic Controller (FEC) could be supplied optionally. Moreover to SEC, CO2 sensor or air
quality sensor could be optionally connected. The fan speed automatically changes by regarding to the
sensor value.
All controllers have a digital input for Building Management System or VRF (VRV) System and also have a
digital output for the unit status information.
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Table 3.2. Dimensions for VHR Models
MODEL VHR 04 VHR 07 VHR 09 VHR 11 VHR 16 VHR 20 VHR 23 VHR 29 VHR 36 VHR 51
Length [mm] L 800 900 900 940 1115 1125 1125 1.400 1.450 1.650
Width [mm] W 740 860 860 1020 1030 900 900 980 1.100 1160
Height [mm] H 295 335 335 450 430 425 425 420 595 690
Duct Connection
Ød Ø160 Ø200 Ø200 Ø200 Ø300 Ø300 Ø300 Ø 355 Ø 400 Ø 450
W1 180 215 215 250 255 255 255 235 260 285
Dimensions W2 195 225 225 270 265 265 265 240 245 270
W3 180 215 215 250 255 255 255 265 305 345
W4 195 225 225 270 265 265 265 240 245 270
Ls 400 450 450 500 550 550 550 450 450 500
Clearance [mm]
Fresh Air
Outdoor Indoor
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The heat recovery units effectively work at the temperatures between -5°C and +40°C at the relative humidity
80%. The unit is not applicable for the corrosive conditions. For different working conditions, please contact
with VENCO.
If there is no frost protection on the unit and the outside temperature is less than -5°C, the unit must be
stopped and you should contact with VENCO. The condense water can be frozen at the temperature less
than -5°C and it can damage the exchanger.
With frost protection system, units can work at the temperature between -30°C and +40°C at the relative
humidity 80%. With the frost protection case; if the exchanger thermostat senses below -5°C, fresh air fan
jumps to highest speed, and exhaust fan drops to lowest speed. And there is a warning message “Frost
Protection” popups on the controller screen. The unit functions and the controller screen rolls back to normal
situation, when the exchanger thermostat senses above -5°C.
All heat recovery units by manufactured VENCO are controlled and tested according to the standards before
the transportation.
During transportation, lifting and landing, heat recovery units are damaged especially due to wrong methods
usage. Appropriate lifting methods should be used in order to minimize any possible damage. Transpallet or
forklift can be used for lifting or transporting small units. Lifting and transportation should be done with trained
and experienced personnel and security precautions should be taken to prevent the unit to fall over or slide.
During lifting and transportation of the unit, nobody should stay under the unit or in the front of the unit
(Figure 5.1.).
During Storage; heat recovery units have to be kept in a closed area where the heat should be between – 20
ºC and + 40 ºC and relative humidity should not exceed 80%. Also the unit should be kept away from dust,
gas, corrosive streams and effects causing corrosion.
During Installation; EN 60204-1 rules should be implemented during the final assembly. Before the installing
of heat recovery units, customers should control whether weight and dimensions of the stations are suitable
for the places from where stations will pass through and assembly will be carried out. There should be
sufficient amount of place around the unit to be able to give service and for piping connections. Heat
recovery units should be assembled onto a hard and flat base.
Damages due to wrong transportation-storage-installation are not covered under warranty.
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Service Door
Fresh Air
Exhaust Air
Fresh Air Exhaust Air
L1 min.
VHR 04 400
VHR 07 450
VHR 09 450
Service Zone
VHR 11 500
VHR 16 550 Figure 5.3. Connection Schema (Top View)
VHR 20 550
VHR 23 550
VHR 29 450
VHR 36 450
VHR 51 500
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Electrical Duct
Fresh Air
Connection Duct
Exhaust Air
Exhaust Air
Fresh Air
Return air, fresh air, exhaust air and supply air ducts should be fixed (connected) to the unit with flexible
connection. Required leak-proofing should be obtained in order to ensure desirable air flow. Having improper
(bad) unit – duct connections and wrong dimension, shape and duct fragments inside of the connection may
cause a turbinated air flow.
When air flow direction is changed at fan blowing outlet, excessive losses may occur. If this is compulsory,
connections should be done as Figure 6.1.1. The length of duct, before the elbow or electrical heater, should
be double of the outlet-diameter.
Figure 6.1.1. Duct Connections Schema (Changing the direction of air flow)
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The diameter of drain pipe should be equal the diameter of drain pipe on the unit. Drainage pipe and drain
pan connections should be made by ripple and flange to be able to dismantle pipe connections easily in order
to clean up the residue occurred on drain pan and pipes.
The pipe coming out of the drain pan should be connected to a U or P shaped flusher pipe and should be
filled with water in order to not to cause air suction as described below.(Figure 6.2.2.)
All electricity connections should be designed and prepared according to EN 60204 – 1 Standards. The
electrical materials, cables and all relevant control and remote control equipment should be chosen and
designed suitable to unit peculiarities and requirements. Electrical wiring diagram is given in Figure 19.1 –
Appendix 1.
VENCO heat recovery units are produced according to EN 60204-1 Standards and MD 98/37 EC numbered
European Union Directives and carry the CE signs on themselves. However, the unit can be dangerous if the
unit is not used or the service is given by trained and experienced technicians, and indicated security
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precautions are not followed. For this reason the necessity was felt to explain security rules of heat recovery
units and explain possible dangers and precautions.
Possible dangers related to heat recovery units are as follow;
Dangers directed to operator security
Dangers directed to unit damage
Dangers directed to unit operation productivity.
Never expose the unit to moisture, strokes and external effects.
The unit should not be used in the environment where corrosion and explosive gasses exist.
The unit should be maintained by trained technicians.
Do not repair or adjust, when the unit is running.
Turn the electrical switch off and wait for the motor blades stop, before open the unit.
Never expose fans, cables and connections to the water.
If the outside temperature is less than -5°C, the unit must be stopped and you should contact with
VENCO. The condense water can be frozen at the temperature less than -5°C, it can be damaged to the
Do not operate the unit, when the access doors open and the duct connections are not completed.
Necessary warning labels are placed onto unit for the users or service personnel. When the unit is put into
the operation, following stickers have to be controlled whether they are existing or not.
Figure 8.1. Manuel label Figure 8.2. Electrical warning Figure 8.3. Temperature
label warning label
Figure 8.4. Repair warning label Figure 8.5. Wiring diagram label
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Figure 8.6.Ground label
Figure 8.7. Fan label Figure 8.8.Electrical warning
Figure 8.9. Access door label Figure 8.10. Filter access door Figure 8.11. Drain label
Figure 8.12. Fresh air label Figure 8.13. Exhaust air label Figure 8.14. Air flow direction
Please make sure that all electricity cables are made according to (EN 60204 -1) standards and security
and protection units belong to all elements.
Please make sure that all parts of the unit are clean. There can be duct insulation residuals, bands etc.
If the outside temperature is less than -5°C, the unit must be stopped and you should contact with
VENCO. The condense water can be frozen at the temperature less than -5°C, it can be damaged to the
Following points have to be controlled periodically.
Isolation materials used for heat and sound isolations
Cable isolation
Control panel
Electrical cables and other electromechanical parts
Metal and painted surfaces
Connection elements such as screw, turn screw and joint washer
FILTERS; Maintenance of the filters should be done regularly. Dirty filters can decrease air flow and
consequently the capacity. Synthetic or metal filters can be cleaned or washed. However it is advised to
change synthetic filters every two years. While changing other type filters; bag, hepa filters with the new
ones, new ones should have same dimension, type and features.
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HEAT RECOVERY EXCHANGER; is controlled before transportation. The plates of heat recovery
exchanger should be checked, after transportation.
FANS and MOTORS; Wiring shall be done, according to international standards. The turning way of fan-
blades should be checked, according to the air-flow direction label on the fan.
Assembly, putting into operation and maintenance works can only be done by authorized and trained
technicians. The technician has to be informed by the owner of the unit or it’s user about possible dangers
he/she may face during following phases:
Electrical Connections
Duct Connections
Putting Into Operation
For the continuity of the warranty, control and maintenance responsibilities have to be accepted and followed
strictly. You can apply to VENCO A.S. to train your authorized technicians.
This user manual is prepared to provide correct usage and assembling of the heat recovery unit and warn the
maintenance personnel for the possible dangers they may face. Apart from instructions and warnings of the
producers, legal rules and standards have to be taken into consideration as well.
Instructions have to be followed before operating the unit first time (or after yearly maintenance). Additionally
following controls have to be followed.
Please make sure that all parts of the unit are clean. There can be duct insulation residuals, bands etc.
Please make sure that all electrical cables are made according to (EN 60204-1) standards and security
and protection units belong to all elements.
Please take out filters after the first operation and clean them properly. Then insert the filters in it.
If all access doors are taken out during the assembly, please make sure that service doors are closed.
Control the adjustment of thermal over load relay. Give electricity and provide the fan to operate in the
highest speed. Control the following points carefully:
Unexpected noise
Motor current and voltage values
Protection maintenance program is an important part of an effective security program. Maintenance works
have to be carried out by experienced and trained personnel with wearing protection clothing. Please do not
try doing any maintenance before switching off the electricity and having fan security. Generally heat
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recovery units do not require special maintenance apart from its routine cleaning and maintenance.
Maintenance period changes according to work conditions. Advised maintenance program is given below:
Drain Outlet; once in 3 months, please check water flow from drain pipe.
Air Filters; once in 3 months, please check the filters. Please wash it or change it when necessary.
Fans and Motors; Once every-season, please check them by opening access door.
Wiring and Electrical Connections; Once a year, please check the ampere, the voltage.
Construction and Housing; Once a year, please check it for resistance to corrosion.
Heat Recovery Exchanger; Once in two years, check it by taking it out for preventing creation of high
pressure. Exchanger can be cleaned by using the warm water & light detergent. After cleaning, all plates
surface of exchanger should be dried.
Unit On / Off
FAN 1 ( Supply fan ) Speed control as 5 steps
FAN 2 ( Exhaust fan) Speed control as 5 steps
Duct type electrical heater control – On / Off / Auto
When it is pressed to MODE button, it flushes over the FAN 1, FAN 2 and Heater. Requested
operating value is selected by pressing or buttons. Supply and exhaust fan speeds could be
adjusted separately.
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Duct Type Electrical Heater controlled manually (ON or OFF) or automatically. When AUTO function is
selected, the requested room temperature must be set. The heater will operate by regarding to this set
If there is no electrical heater, nothing appears on the electrical heater part of the screen.
If required optional electric duct heater, it is interlocked against the airflow that passes the heater. That’s why;
FAN 1 is automatically operated, before starting up of the heater. Wiring diagram for optional electric duct
heater is given in Section 17. Appendix.
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Table 14.2.2. Keypad
MODE Season
♦ : By-pass (optional)
When the MODE button is pressed, the cursor starts to blink for adjusting the feature. Repeat pressing
MODE button for moving the cursor. (FAN1 / FAN2 / HEATER / BY-PASS / SEASON). After adjusting
wait for 5 seconds without pressing any button to active the adjustments. The controller starts with the last
Function of FEC
On / Off
FAN1 (fresh air fan) speed control (OFF / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5)
FAN2 (exhaust fan) speed control (OFF / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5)
Control of electrical heater- Optional (OFF / ON / AUTO)
Control of By-Pass Kit - Optional (OFF / ON / AUTO)
Timer Function
Note: If the unit or the fresh air fan shut down while the electrical heater is working (ON or AUTO), FAN1
keeps working for 30 seconds in full speed to cool the electrical heater.
The electrical heater has the status of OFF / ON / AUTO when the status is “ON” the heater works with both
stages, when it is AUTO stage adjustment of the heater is made automatically depending on the set
temperature and the sensor temperature.
By-Pass Feature has the status of OFF / ON / AUTO. When the status is ON the By-Pass kit is active, when
it is AUTO By-Pass kit is activated or deactivated automatically depending on the selected season mode and
the temperatures measured from the sensors.
Push “Stage up” button two times to switch to timer setup page.
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FEC can make heat recovery unit on or off depending on the signal from BMS, VRV/VRF System or similar
automation systems. And it can send status signal of being On or Off to these applications.
FEC can communicate with a BMS through Modbus Network (RS 485). This allows the BMS to monitor the
heat recovery unit and control all parameters of the unit.
To activate the timer function; it is necessary to come to the “Timer” menu first. When the controller is at
“Main” menu, it is necessary to press the button. When you press once, you will have “Sensors” menu
as it is at the following picture.
You can move the cursor by pressing to the button, you can select the timer mode as
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- 5 + 0 ; to adjust for working days
- 5 + 1 + 1; to adjust for the all week days
- Off ; to adjust the timer is Off.
And also you can set starting and stopping hours for the unit.
At the “Timer” screen press button for a while to adjust the current date and time.
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A Ground Terminal
B Power Connection
(230V 50Hz 1phase)
21 L
22 N
23 GRD
C Supply Fan
D Return Fan
E Electrical Heater
Control Cables
31 K3 - N
32 K2 – L 1.stage
33 K1 – L 2.stage
F Glass Fuse
F1 Board Fuse
F2 Supply fan
fuse (10A)
F3 Return fan
fuse (10A)
S1 Control panel
connection socket
L Led
APPENDIX-1 Standard Controller (SEC) Electrical Wiring Diagram
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A Power Supply Terminal 17.2.
(230V 50Hz 1Phase)
11 GRD - Ground
12 (L) Phase
13 (N)Neutral
F Phase Outputs
51 (N) Neutral
52 (L) Cooling Coil
53 (L) Heater Control 1.Stage
54 (L) Heater Control 2.Stage
55 (L) Rotor
K 80 Controller Connection
M BMS Dry Contact Data Input T Air Quality Sensor Input 1 E1 Supply Fan Fuse
N BMS Season Select Input (0~10V) E2 Exhaust Fan Fuse
O 70 Clogged Filter Input 73 (+) E3 Main Board Fuse (250mA)
P 71 Fault 1 Input 74 (0)
R 72 Fault 2 Input T Air Quality Sensor Input 2 Y Modbus RS485
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75 (+)
76 (0)
17.3. APPENDIX-3 230V / 50Hz / 1 Phase Electrical Heater Wiring Diagram
Resistance Resistance
Stage-1 Stage-2
Overheat cut-off
110°C 70°C
T0 T1 T1 6
T0 T0 T0 T0
C1 C2 C1 C2
1 2 4 1 2 5 4 5
Model : VCE
1 2 3 4 5 6
Output : 2 stages
Voltage : 230V 50Hz
L N K1 K2 K3
GRD Control Unit Cable
K1 - K2 - K3
17.4. APPENDIX-4 230V / 50Hz / 1 Phase Electrical Heater Wiring Diagram
Resistance Resistance
Stage-1 Stage-2
Overheat cut-off
110°C 70°C
T0 T1 T1 6
T0 T0 T0 T0
C1 C2 C1 C2
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 5 4 5
Model : VCE
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Output : 2 stages
Voltage : 400V 50Hz 3phase
L1 L2 L3 K1 K2 K3
GRD Control Unit Cable
K1 - K2 - K3
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17.5. APPENDIX-5 Electrical Cable And Fuse Selection Tables
Table 17.5.1. Heat Recovery Unit Electrical Power Supply and Circuit Breaker Selection Table
Table 17.5.2. Heat Recovery Unit Electrical Power Supply Cable Cross Section Table
VHR 04 195
VHR 09 87 145
VHR 20 32 53 85 127
VHR 23 32 53 85 127
VHR 29 36 57 86 142
VHR 36 36 57 86 142
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Table 17.5.3. Duct Type Electrical Heater Power Supply and Circuit Breaker Selection Table
Table 17.5.4. Duct Type Electrical Heater Power Supply Cable Cross Section Table
1,5 2,5 4 6 10 16
VHR 04 33 55 88 133
VHR 07 27 44 66
VHR 09 18 29 44 74
VHR 11 18 29 44 74
VHR 20 80 134
VHR 29 57 96 153
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