10 Rings Manifesto Joe Vitale

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P.T. Barnum’s Outrageous, Bodacious and
Courageous Evidence Based Strategy for
Accelerated Business Growth in Chaotic Times

By Dr. Joe Vitale

President, Hypnotic Marketing Inc.
Author of way too many books to list here

“I fully believe that if you faithfully follow my methods you cannot fail.”
— P.T. Barnum, marketer, politician, showman, author, speaker,
publicist, 1891, five days before he died
T H E 1 0 R I N G S O F P O W E R M A N I F E S T O B Y D R . J O E V I TA L E

“Nearly 20 years ago, when I was the Senior Marketing Manager for
Nightingale-Conant Corporation, Dr. Joe Vitale sent me copy of his new
book “There’s a Customer Born Every Minute: PT Barnum’s Secrets to
Business Success”.  I devoured the book in one evening.  I underlined
things, I took pages of notes, and have referred to the book ever since. 
I thought so highly of his information and marketing savvy, I even
convinced Vic Conant to publish an audio version which we titled ‘The
Power of Outrageous Marketing’, and it went on to be an international
bestseller.  Now 20 years later, my friend Dr. Joe Vitale sent me a galley
copy of his new 10 Rings of Power Manifesto to review, and all I can
say is “FANTASTIC!”  This was long overdue. The 10 Rings of Power
Manifesto takes the best of his previous P.T. Barnum marketing material
and completely updates it for today’s technologies, while also sharing
thought-provoking stories of modern day marketing geniuses.  If you
want to learn the 10 marketing tactics P.T. Barnum used to grow into
the “Greatest Showman in the World,” you need to read this manifesto. 
If you want to learn the marketing tactics of today’s modern day P.T.
Barnums - you need to read this manifesto.  Most importantly, if you
want to grow your business quickly and profitably, you must read this
manifesto and take immediate action on what you learn. Joe will show
you how!”   
— Peter Wink, author, “Getting Clear of FEAR”

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Face it. Marketers are trying to grab your customers right now:

ÎÎ Americans receive 4,000 to 10,000 advertisements every day.

ÎÎ Average consumers see 20,000 brand messages a day.
ÎÎ Online users see an average of 11,150 ads monthly.
ÎÎ One study showed 15,220,700 texts are sent every minute.
ÎÎ Another revealed 269,000,000,000 emails are sent every day.
ÎÎ TV News averages 16 minutes of commercials per hour.

What do you have to do to succeed in today’s fiercely competitive and
overwhelmingly changing environment?

How do you stand out in the marketplace?

How do you get new leads or prospects?

How do you constantly innovate?

How do you stay healthy and sane in a world of stress, fear, disbelief
and cynicism?

How do you retain customers?

How do you, as Star Trek’s Spock said, “Live long and prosper” – in the
raging war of modern business?

How do you break through all this noise and clutter and get your
prospects’ attention?

You can relax. I have a solution.

“In 2006 Joe Vitale deconstructed my thinking and showed me how

to rebuild with a new mindset and in a positive, forward direction.
My results have been nothing less than miraculous and my life’s
journey is forever changed. I’m paying it forward by working with new
entrepreneurs on six continents, and now I can also say that I’m the
author of too many books to mention.”
— Connie Ragen Green, Author, Publisher, Entrepreneur

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A dead man holds the solution you need.

He taught it to me and I want to share it with you.

It is a strategy involving 10 steps. I call them “10 Rings of Power.” You

might consider them The 10 Commandments of Business. These
“rings” or commandments make up a whole formula for achieving
success – no matter what the business environment is doing.

These 10 Rings of Power are evidence based. That means they have
been proven to work throughout history. They have a 157-year track
record of success. They will continue to work with even easier and
faster implementation as they are combined with breakthrough
innovations in technology.

The 10 Rings will work no matter what business implements them,

from –

ÎÎ solo entrepreneur to
ÎÎ start-up to
ÎÎ expanding businesses to
ÎÎ online sales to
ÎÎ non-profits to
ÎÎ already established and profitable enterprises who want to stay
alive and in front of the most fierce race of all time: modern
business today.

I originally discovered and codified these 10 Rings of Power in the

mid 1990s. I explained them in my 1998 book, revised and expanded in
2006, titled There’s A Customer Born Every Minute.

T H E 1 0 R I N G S O F P O W E R M A N I F E S T O B Y D R . J O E V I TA L E

The only business book on the marketing secrets of P.T. Barnum

I also revealed them in my 1999 audio program, The Power of

Outrageous Marketing. I described the 10 rings within the context of
1800s showman P.T. Barnum. I further illustrated the 10 rings with
examples of history’s most famous business people, from Houdini to
Branson to Musk.

The only audio program revealing Barnum’s marketing secrets

P.T. Barnum was the foundation for the 10 Rings of Power due to the
overwhelming evidence that his methods worked in the 1800s, and can
still work today with some refinement, creativity, and adaptation.

Barnum was far more than a circus promoter: he was an entrepreneur,

politician, promoter, marketer, speaker, author, negotiator, networker,
and he had (to many people’s surprise) spirituality, too.

He may be dead but he’s not forgotten.

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In December 2017, The Greatest Showman, yet another movie loosely

based on Barnum’s life, was released to pubic applause. While it was a
musical, it further proved that Barnum was a master at promotion and

He was the Moses of Marketing.

He was the Disney of the 1800s.

But few people today actually know his thinking processes or

marketing methods, let alone how to apply them.

While my book and audio program about Barnum’s 10 Rings of Power

are still available and worth studying, I felt it was time for a direct,
abbreviated, and modern explanation of how the 10 Rings of Power can
be used today.

Considering the intense competition, accelerated innovation, and

rapidly changing business environment of the current era, it’s time for
an update.

Besides, if you don’t do something different to grab your prospects’

attention, how will they ever know you even exist?

As you read the examples of huge successes that are outlined in this
manifesto, keep in mind that they all started small and unknown.

Remember that it doesn’t matter if you are a non-profit, or a start-up,

or a solo entrepreneur.

And remember to ask yourself: If they can achieve this historic level of
success with the 10 Rings of Power, why not you, too?

To begin…

T H E 1 0 R I N G S O F P O W E R M A N I F E S T O B Y D R . J O E V I TA L E

P.T. Barnum and General Tom Thumb

“Joe Vitale is a true marketing, sales and promotion genius.”
— Dan Kennedy, in his book ‘No B.S. Marketing to the Affluent’


T H E 1 0 R I N G S O F P O W E R M A N I F E S T O B Y D R . J O E V I TA L E

1. Unlimited Prospects – 7,000,000,000 possibilities.

2. Attention First – Without it, nothing.

3. Beyond Expectations – The power of ‘WOW!”

4. Relentless Reminders – Mind capture.

5. Feed the Monster – The monster that feeds you back.

6. Expand Circles – Go “up” to achieve more.

7. Win-Win-Win – Every connection profits.

8. Faith over Fear – Inside out to success.

9. Write into Being – Achieving fame, fortune and immortality.

10. Speak for Wealth – Your mouth attracts money.

Just listed on the page, the 10 Rings of Power are lifeless but curious.

What does each ring mean?

How do you use it?

Let’s look at each “ring” and bring it to life for your business.

And the curtain rises to reveal…

1. Unlimited Prospects.

Most people in business think in a tightly narrow view of the world.

They regard their prospects as the people on their block, if they are
a retail business, to the people on Facebook, if they are an online
business. But the truth is there are more than 7,000,000,000 potential
prospects for you. That is the current population of the planet.

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Obviously not all seven billion people are your right market. But more
of them are then you may have previously thought. The first step in
reaching an expansive view of possibilities is to regard your custom-
ers and prospects from a wider view of potential. The most successful
businesses, on the level of being so great others write books about
them, went fishing in the ocean, not a pond; they used a net, not a rod.

While it’s true that a common mistake in business is thinking your

potential customer base is “everybody,” it’s also a common mistake to
underestimate your market. While all 7,000,000,000 may not need
your service, probably a greater percentage of them do then you may
at first realize. This first ring is about expanding your mind and think-
ing in terms of potential and possibility.

It’s easy to think your prospects are on Facebook. With more than
600 million active users, most likely some of them are there. But not
everyone is. Not everyone has heard of Facebook. Not everyone owns a
computer. So considering where else your prospects might be located
would be a wise use of some research.

Story: Bill Phillips loved training people to

get physically fit. His clients were high profile
celebrities, such as actor Clint Eastwood and
actress Demi Moore. Bill was satisfied. But
Gary Halbert, a famous marketer, advised
him to think bigger. Who else could Bill train?
How much bigger was his potential audience?
Instead of training individuals, what if Bill
inspired a movement? What if Bill helped
hundreds of thousands of people to get fit? As
a result, Bill created Body-For-Life, a 12-week
program that challenged average people to
Bill Phillips presents get back in shape. Bill’s movement triggered
fitness award to Joe Vitale a nationwide awakening and rush to the gym.
His book, Body-For-Life, sold more than three
million copies in three years. His company
selling nutritional products sold for a reported
$160 million. Instead of training a person, he
taught a nation to train.

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TO-DO: Ask yourself: How much bigger is your audience than you may have
previously thought? What do your prospects read? What do they watch? Where
do they travel? What do they eat? What do they listen to? Answering these
questions can help point to where your prospects are spending time and money.
It also tells you where you need to be. If they are reading a certain magazine,
you need to be in it. If they are watching a certain TV show, you need to be on
it. In addition, adding up the subscribers and viewers to all this different media
can help you see the larger ocean of prospects that can be your wider target

2. Attention First.

In the traditional model of marketing, the tested formula has always

been AIDA. AIDA stands for Attention, Interest, Desire and Action.
Marketing and advertising executives and entrepreneurs have used the
formula for more than 100 years.
In those earlier times, each aspect of the AIDA formula got 25% focus.
But today the formula looks more like this:

A = 80%
I = 10%
D = 5%
A= 5%

Given today’s intense marketplace of distraction, the most important

element is A for Attention. In other words, if you don’t get Attention
for your business, nothing you offer will matter. Nobody will know.

The companies using this ring to their advantage are too numerous to
mention. A few come to mind:

ÎÎ Austrian company Red Bull, maker of the now popular energy drink,
captures the globe (see ring #1) by tying itself to events, such as:
Red Bull Air Race in the UK, Red Bull Indianapolis Grand Prix, Red
Bull Soapbox Race in Jordan, etc. (Of course, Red Bull is also famous
for dropping Felix Baumgartner from space. Felix broke the sound
barrier, fell 23 miles, and grabbed 1% of all conversations online that

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ÎÎ Back in 1906, a newspaper organized a race to get publicity for

itself. It pulled six times as many followers after the event. The
race? The first Tour de France.

ÎÎ In 1996 Taco Bell ran an ad in the NY Times saying they were

buying the Liberty Bell and renaming it the Taco Liberty Bell. It
was an April Fools stunt. Taco Bell generated two million dollars in
additional sales -- in two days.

ÎÎ In 2004, Sir Richard Branson made it into the Guinness Book of

World Records by crossing the English Channel in an amphibious
vehicle in record time. Branson is no stranger to stunts to get
attention for himself or his enterprises.

ÎÎ Start-up company Dollar Shave Club attracted much needed

attention with a goofy video that made fifteen million watch it.
They later attracted attention with an unusual new product: “butt
wipes” for men. Most recently, in 2018, the company was running
television commercials to reach their potential audience. (See Ring

ÎÎ Angry Birds was unknown in 2011. How did they become a force to
reckon with today? They teamed up with Finnair, an airline in the
company’s home country of Finland, and offered eight people a
flight on an “Angry Birds” plane. The offer gained attention for the
airline as well as for the game.

ÎÎ Tony Robbins, now a bestselling self-help guru, was virtually

unknown until he started hosting fire-walking events. The unusual
seminar brought him media attention that he would not have had
otherwise. In 2015, Forbes estimated his worth at $480 million.

ÎÎ Non-profits use this Ring (as well as all the others), too. More than
17 million people participated in the Ice Bucket Challenge of 2014.
That’s where people poured ice over their head, on camera, and
challenged friends to do the same, or to make a contribution to ALS
research. The stunt raised over $115 million.

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Story: Mark Joyner wanted to get people on

a tele-seminar online to promote his new
program. He needed an attention magnet. He
asked for my help. I meditated on the idea and
decided to hypnotize him live on the call. He
agreed. We sent out emails and news releases
announcing the event. In the past, he had
gotten a few hundred people on a call. This
Mark Joyner and Joe Vitale time, with the promise to witness the world’s
first live hypnosis session online and on the
call, more than 12,000 people attended. That
was a record-breaking amount. Mark not only
attracted the biggest crowd of his career but
made the most sales of his new product in a
single day: $450k.

TO-DO: Brainstorm ideas for getting attention. These can be anything from cre-
ating an award, to hosting a stunt or media event, to doing something outrageous
(yet fitting for your business), to simply hitching a ride on current news through a
concept called News-Jacking. Learn how to “Barnumize” your business.

3. Beyond Expectations.

“Service” is a buzzword that is often empty of true meaning to paying

customers. Today people want service to exceed their expectations.
You tell them the product will be delivered on Friday and whether
you deliver on Friday or not, nobody is impressed. Say you’ll deliver
on Friday but deliver one day early, on Thursday, and you begin to
“wow” the customer. People want pleasantly surprised not routinely

Great service stories are easy to find:

ÎÎ In 1936 a young man named David Abt borrowed $800 and opened
a store selling radios. Seventy-four years later, Abt Electronics
has 500 employees and 200 delivery trucks – in one location in
Chicago. The reason the store grew and continues to grow is
summed up in one word: service. Customers get what they want.
The answer to virtually every question asked is, “Yes!” This “beyond

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expectations” way of doing business triggers a word of mouth

marketing effect that can live for generations.

ÎÎ Uber is another obvious example. People were tired of standing in

line waiting for a cab ride. This brilliant service connects people
needing rides with people who want to earn money driving. (This is
also an example of a win-win-win, which is Ring #7.)

ÎÎ There’s also AirB&B, which unites people travelling with people

willing to rent out a room. (Again, another example of a win-win-
win, per Ring #7.)

ÎÎ Of course, Alibaba has to be listed. Some studies say it is the largest

online commerce site on the planet. Transactions in 2017 went past
$248 billion that year, more than Amazon and eBay combined. Alib-
aba puts customers first, merchants second, and shareholders last.
Their focus is on stellar service, to the point of being unforgettable.
(Founder Jack Ma is called “The company’s spiritual leader,” which is
a tie-in to Ring #8.)

Story: My pool needed repair. I called a service. A repairman came

out, assessed the situation, and said he’d be back on Friday to fix the
pool. That was 17 years ago. I still wait for him on Fridays. Contrast that
lousy service with my new pool service company. The new one comes
out every Wednesday like clockwork. I never have to worry about the
pool. And I will be loyal to them forever. The first pool company is out
of business. The second has expanded to serving 300 homes and hired
15 more employees. Service pays.

TO-DO: List ways you can improve your service experience. One idea is to issue
a survey, asking what your customers want, or what they complain about. Then
take action to deliver their requests or solve their complaints. Learn to “WOW”

4. Relentless Reminders.

Throughout history the enterprises that profited the most and faired
the best during recessions and depressions were the businesses that
advertised in good times as well as bad. Today social media, as well as

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print and other forms of advertising, need to be employed. Not one

aspect of it; all of it.

You may notice that many companies offering a free downloadable

app pay for television commercials to tell you about it. They don’t rely
on only online promotions, even though their app is used online. They
know much of their audience is sitting at home watching television. So
they advertise there.

You may also notice that giant companies like Google, known for their
online Goliath presence and promotions, use direct mail campaigns
and traditional advertising to get their message out. They don’t just
rely on the Internet. They use “relentless reminders” to keep their
name on your mind.

But this shouldn’t surprise you. For example:

ÎÎ The first television commercial was on July 1, 1941. Bulova Watch

company paid for a brief mention before a baseball game. It should
impress you that Bulova began in 1875 and is still in business today.

ÎÎ Besides Google increasing their investments in television commer-

cials, Amazon invested $135,000,000 on TV spots – for a period of
only two months – many more times what Wal-Mart and Target

Story: Back in the early 1990s I was invited

to be an extra in an infomercial for a client.
I didn’t do anything more than get filmed
walking to my mailbox and looking at my mail.
My name was never shown or spoken. I was
unknown. Yet to my surprise neighbors, repair
people, and complete strangers would stop
me and say they saw me on television. It was
Joe Vitale on my first taste of the power of the media, and
Donny Deutsch TV show especially television. Today I use all services
available to me, from TV spots to social media
to email to my blog, and so forth, all to keep
“relentless reminders” going to my prospects.
And today I am established as an authority
in several fields, from marketing to music to

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TO-DO: Contact radio, television, and newspaper outlets and ask for their prices.
Create a television commercial, test it on YouTube, then on local cable, and then
on regional TV. Begin a consistent program of media advertising, online and off.

5. Feed the Monster.

The greatest titans and tycoons in business throughout history have

all fed the media stories about their exploits and developments. This is
why --

ÎÎ Tesla’s Elon Musk is always in the news.

ÎÎ Amazon ‘s Jeff Bezos is always in the news.

ÎÎ Virgin’s Richard Branson is always in the news.

In the history books, P.T. Barnum, Harry Houdini, Evel Knievel, and
other unforgettable people, now considered legends, used the media
to extend their reach and imbed their names in our memories.

How? They told the media what they were doing. They issued news
releases. They fed the media their stories. The media is an information
monster that never gets satisfied. Feed it. This is one of the best lead
generation strategies you could ever implement. It’s also one of the
most underused marketing tools. Use it.

Amazon screenshot proving 2005 bestseller

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Story: In April of 2005 the latest Harry Potter book was about to be
released and presales for it made it a number one bestseller before it
was even printed. But I also had a book released and I wanted my book
to be a bestseller, too. I began issuing news releases with the focus of
them saying, “Lone Author in Texas Goes Up Against Media Empire.” It
was the classic David and Goliath story. It gained sympathy for me and
got printed and distributed. As a result my book, The Attractor Factor,
became a number one bestseller, beating the latest Harry Potter book.
Feeding the media monster made my book standout.

TO-DO: Think like a reporter. Look at your business and find, or create, stories
about it. The media likes human-interest stories. Write one-page news releases on
these stories and issue them to the media. Do this weekly.

6. Expand Circles.

No successful business has ever achieved their results without a

little help from friends. The buzzword today is “networking” but the
principle is relationships.

ÎÎ One non-profit company (Circles USA) working to end poverty

created a program where a wealthy person is introduced to a circle
of non-wealthy people. The idea is to have the wealthy person
influence the un-wealthy with his or her thinking.

ÎÎ The late motivational author and speaker Jim Rohn often said,
“You are the average of the five people you spend the most time
with.” His advice was to be aware of your current relationships and
change them if needed to increase your wealth and success.

Anyone wanting to succeed in business today needs to expand their

circle by going “up” in status. Very often this is achieved with a
mastermind group.

While the word “mastermind” often means something negative, like a

criminal mastermind, the word as Napoleon Hill (author of Think and
Grow Rich fame) explained it refers to a small group of people who
meet and pool their resources to expand their circles and achieve
faster, better, more profitable results.

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Fitness model Jennifer Nicole Lee on a mastermind with Joe Vitale

Story: Ray Dalio, billionaire author of the bestselling book Principles,

tells the story of being told he would need his esophagus removed.
Rather than accepting the diagnosis, he created a small mastermind
of medical experts. Dalio often questions himself and others by
going to people and polling their opinions. Dalio had four medical
authorities review his case. They decided to retest him. As a result, he
got to keep his esophagus and just make a few lifestyle changes. Had
he not created a mastermind to help him, his life would have been
dramatically different. The group is often wiser than the individual.

TO-DO: Write a list of the “influentials” in your area of business that you would
like to meet or befriend. Then make a list of current contacts that may know
any of them. Reach out to the current list of individuals to look for ways to meet
those on the target list. Also look for or create a mastermind group to join. (Note:
See offer at end of this Special Report.)

7. Win-Win-Win.

The traditional business model often looks at a “you win-they lose”

model of partnership. A more modern improvement of the model is a
“you win-I win” model of negotiation. But a more advanced and timely
model is the new “you win-I win-they win” model.

This multiple win approach refers to you winning in a negotiation and

getting what you want, but also the partner winning in getting what
they want, and in addition the end user, most likely the customer,
getting what they want. There is a more elevated global implication of

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success with this new model.

ÎÎ Many crowd-funding services like Kickstarter practice win-win-win

partnerships. In the case of Kickstarter, the artist or business start-
up seeking funds gets a proven vehicle to get his or her message to
the world with a page on Kickstarter’s popular site. The public gets
to contribute to artists or start-ups they like, and they receive gifts
and bonuses for their contributions. Kickstarter takes a percentage
of the funds raised. Win-win-win.

ÎÎ When P.T. Barnum negotiated a deal with Tom Thumb’s parents

(since Tom was underage at the time), it began at a fair thirty
percentage to the family. But as Tom’s fame grew, Barnum raised
the pay to fifty percent. The public got to see the world’s first
celebrity, Tom became a millionaire, and Barnum shared in the
profit and glory. Win-win-win.

ÎÎ Mentioned earlier, services like Uber and AirB&B are win-win-

win models. The customer wins, the driver or host wins, and the
company wins as well.

Story: David Garfinkel is a brilliant copywriter. By most accounts, we

should be competitors. But we aren’t. Throughout our careers we have
helped each other. One memorable case was back in 1999 when my
wife and I wanted to buy a home outright, including furniture, moving
costs, and such. We wanted to raise the money overnight. David
helped me create a one-year program where I acted as a marketing
consultant and copywriter for a client. The client would pay me
$25,000 as a one-time fee for the year, but pay in advance. Ten people
took me up on the offer. I raised what I needed and bought the house.
David received a percentage. David won, I won, and the clients won.

TO-DO: Start looking at your negotiations and partnerships as larger than you
and the other person or business. Think in terms of end users as well as wins for
all. How can you create a win-win-win for all key parties?

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8. Faith over Fear.

While numerous successful businesses were and are built on

Judaeo-Christian principles, the ring here is referring to a non-
religious view of engagement in business. Rather than taking actions
and making decision based on fear and insecurity, the decisions are
made out of faith.

This faith is a belief in yourself, your business, and your possibility

of success, as well as in a benevolent universe that can support your
choices if they are made from a place of win-win-win for all life.

Many successful people today were once homeless, yet with faith and
persistence, made it.

ÎÎ Actress Halle Berry once stayed in a homeless shelter.

ÎÎ Actor Jim Carrey once lived in a camper on a relative’s front lawn.

ÎÎ Businessman Frank O’Dea lived on the streets before becoming the

co-founder of Canada’s largest chain of coffee shops.

ÎÎ Finance guru Suzie Orman lived in a van for months but is today
worth $25,000,000.

ÎÎ Singer Jewel was homeless for a month yet today is a multi-

platinum winner.

ÎÎ Houdini ran away from home at age 12 and begged on the streets.

ÎÎ Guy Laliberte was a street performer before creating Cirque du


ÎÎ John Paul DeJoria lived in his car before becoming a billionaire.

ÎÎ Andres Pira was homeless before reading The Secret and becoming
a billionaire – before the age of 35.

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Thailand billionaire Andres Pira with Joe Vitale

Story: In 1974 I held a shotgun to my head. I was broke, unhappy, alone,

and saw little hope for the future. I remember standing in a garden
in the back yard of the house I rented a room in. The sky was clear,
though it was night, and stars twinkled. The only thing that kept me
from ending it all was curiosity. “What if tomorrow is the turning
point?” I asked myself. “What if this all changes next week, or next
month, or next year, but I end it all now?” I decided to choose faith.
While the next ten years would involve homelessness and misery, and
be no picnic, I also transcended it by living one day at a time. Faith
won. And I’m grateful it did. I would have missed out on an astonishing

TO-DO: Check within yourself for a way to believe in yourself and your future.
Look for people and resources (books, audios, courses, events) that can help you
renew your faith.

9. Write Into Being.

Virtually every successful businessperson has known the value of being

an author. They often hired coauthors and ghostwriters rather than
writing the books themselves, solely because they saw the investment
was a long term win.

Whether an autobiography, a business playbook, a how-to manual, or

something else, being an author gives a business authority, credibility,
and publicity, as well as a touch of immortality. Some authored books
that triggered business success; others wrote book to increase their

T H E 1 0 R I N G S O F P O W E R M A N I F E S T O B Y D R . J O E V I TA L E

A few examples –
ÎÎ Harvey MacKay was an unknown envelope company executive until
he wrote Swim with the Sharks Without Being Eaten Alive.

ÎÎ Richard Branson has written several books, including Losing My


ÎÎ Steve Jobs wrote Steve Jobs: His Own Words and Wisdom.

ÎÎ Tony Robbins was unknown when he wrote Awaken the Giant


ÎÎ Sheryl Sandberg wrote Lean In: Women, Work and the Will to Lead

ÎÎ Andrew Carnegie wrote Autobiography.

ÎÎ Arianna Huffington wrote Thrive.

ÎÎ P.T. Barnum wrote Struggles and Triumphs, his autobiography, and

put the book in the public domain so anyone could publish it and
he’d still reap the publicity.

ÎÎ J.K. Rowling created a billion dollar empire with her Harry Potter
series of books.

A few of Joe Vitale’s books

Story: Everything I’ve accomplished can be traced back to my being

an author. My first high paying clients for copywriting came to me
because I was the author of a book on copywriting. (Hypnotic Writing).
I was invited to be in the movie The Secret because of a book.
(The Attractor Factor.) My first appearance on television shows was

T H E 1 0 R I N G S O F P O W E R M A N I F E S T O B Y D R . J O E V I TA L E

because of a book. (There’s A Customer Born Every Minute.) When you

become an author, you become the author-ity on the topic of your
book, and people then want to do business with you. Write and grow

TO-DO: Consider what your clients or customers ask you for the most. Think of a
way to answer their question or questions in a book. Consider hiring a ghostwriter
or coauthor to help you complete this project for your legacy and your business.

10. Speak into Wealth

Speaking on stage is a proven way to reach new prospects. Whenever

you are on stage in front of your prospects, they consider you the
“go to” person when they need your business. Your speaking gives
you credibility and authority. Whether you start with Toastmasters,
the local social clubs, a mastermind group, or business meetings in
your industry, public speaking is a way to get your and your business
noticed and remembered.

Throughout history this technique has helped those who used it:
ÎÎ Mark Twain paid off all his debts by travelling on the speakers’

ÎÎ P.T. Barnum rose from bankruptcy to solvency by travelling and

speaking about “The Art of Money Getting.”

ÎÎ Chris Gardner was once homeless yet today makes big money as a
motivational speaker and author. (He was the subject of the movie,
The Pursuit of Happiness starring Will Smith.)

Today business people can earn large extra paychecks, as well as

extend their publicity, by speaking. Even people who were terrified of
speaking have learned to overcome their fear and achieve success.

A few famous examples –

ÎÎ Warren Buffett was so afraid of public speaking he couldn’t stand
and say his name. He attended a Dale Carnegie class and overcame
it. Today he’s worth more than $65 billion.

ÎÎ Mahatma Gandhi suffered from panic attacks. He overcame his fear

by finding a cause he was so passionate about that it drowned his

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ÎÎ Helen Keller, though deaf and blind, became famous largely because
of her speaking ability.

Story: Except around family growing up, I was

shy and introverted. I didn’t want to speak
in public. Ever. But when my first book was
published in 1984 (Zen and the Art of Writing),
I knew one way to sell it was to gather an
audience and speak to them. If they liked me
at all, they’d buy the book. My first talk had
an audience of six people. I nearly fainted
in front of them. But I kept going out and
speaking. I’d give a presentation and someone
in the audience would invite me to speak at
their business group. Over time, it became
Joe Vitale on stage in Bangkok easier and the crowds became larger. I spoke
to 19,500 people live in Peru. I went on Larry
King Live on national television twice. I’ve
traveled to countries as far away as Kuwait,
Russia, Poland and Thailand. These speaking
gigs are high paying and often lead to mega
book sales and individual client paychecks.
Yes, you can speak and grow rich.

TO-DO: Make a list of possible topics you could speak on. Look to what excites
you; to what makes you feel alive. Then consider what part of the marketplace
would like to hear this presentation. Also consider joining the National Speakers
Association and attending their local meetings in your area.

The Next Step:

Of course, just knowing the 10 Rings of Power can help you. You can
begin to question if you are using them all, or at all, and how you can
better implement them if you are.

But what would be better than just knowing them?

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What would be smarter than just reading about them?

And how do YOU apply these 10 Rings of Power to YOUR business?

What would insure that you examine and expand your mental limits,
and then implement the 10 rings so you achieve the results you previ-
ously only dreamed about?

I offer you…

“No one else I know of could help someone come up with a Barnum-
like Big Idea and then help them take it to fruition = becoming a huge
phenomenon, which means BIG money, fame, recognition, and unique
world positioning. See Joe Vitale’s outrageous list of
accomplishments to know this is the real deal.”
– David Garfinkel, Copywriter, Author, Consultant

T H E 1 0 R I N G S O F P O W E R M A N I F E S T O B Y D R . J O E V I TA L E

A B O L D I N V I TAT I O N F R O M D R . J O E V I TA L E :

The 10 Rings of Power Mastermind

An Exciting Experiment in Implementing
P.T. Barnum’s 10 Rings of Power

Dear Friend:

So, what are you going to do?

As you know by now, continuing to conduct business in the same way

you have been doing it may or may not keep you afloat.

Times change rapidly.

You can sink any day.

The best way to predict the future is to create it.

But you’ll need to think outside of your own mental box to accomplish
it. Your thinking is your thinking; it can’t possibly see the world of

You are limited by your own perceptions.

Billionaire investor and author (of Principles) Ray Dalio asks himself the
question you need to ask: “How do I know I’m right?”

And the only way to know if you are right about anything is to ask
others you respect.

But how?

Where do you find these people you respect, and get their help?

Where do you get other input and perspective?

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And that takes you to my solution.

Look up “mastermind” and most definitions explain it as someone

planning a complex scheme. The bad guys got together and
“masterminded” a robbery. Other definitions say a “mastermind” is a
person with outstanding intellect.

But self-help author Napoleon Hill coined the name “mastermind”

in his 1925 book, The Law of Success. He wrote, “The coordination
of knowledge and effort of two or more people, who work toward a
definite purpose, in the spirit of harmony.”

In short, it’s a select, small group of people gathered to support one

another in their goals. Mastermind groups have a long and colorful
past. I went to Google, searched “famous mastermind groups in
history” and discovered –

ÎÎ The Knights of the Round Table,

ÎÎ President Franklin Roosevelt’s Brain Trusts,

ÎÎ The Inklings with authors C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien,

ÎÎ The Tennis Cabinet of President Theodore Roosevelt,

ÎÎ Benjamin Frankin’s Junto,

ÎÎ The Vagabonds of Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, Warren G. Harding

and Harvey Firestone.

ÎÎ The Metaphysical Club of William James and Oliver Wendell Homes, Jr.

ÎÎ The Cary Solon, members P.T. Barnum, Horace Greeley, and Susan
B. Anthony

Clearly mastermind groups are powerful, enough so that some of the

greatest thinkers and achievers in history were members of them.

I’ve been in mastermind groups for more than 10 years and have gotten
spectacular results. (I ended up in the hit movie The Secret due to one

I also co-wrote (with Bill Hibbler) a book on how to create and run

T H E 1 0 R I N G S O F P O W E R M A N I F E S T O B Y D R . J O E V I TA L E

mastermind groups, titled Meet and Grow Rich

I created the Rolls-Royce Mastermind in 2008 and ran it for four years.
People flew in from all over the world for a one evening mastermind
with me. (Today I still offer a version of it in The Miracles Mastermind.)
It became so famous ABC News covered the one I did with fitness
model Jennifer Nicole Lee on national television.

But —

I Want to Go Beyond All That…

I want to elevate the bar and expand the possibilities.

What would be the greatest mastermind of all time to join today?

What would it be called?

Most people have no idea what the 10 Rings of Power are let alone how
to employ them. Most people implement one or two of them.

But, as you now know, there are 10 rings.

Use all 10 and you can achieve success at a level that will dazzle your-
self and get the rest of the world noticing.

It’s also what I have done to achieve success in numerous different

fields, from marketing to books to speaking to coaching to music.

But how do YOU apply the 10 Rings of Power to YOUR business?

All of the examples I gave in the manifesto are huge businesses

now, but they didn’t START that way.

If they can do it, why can’t you?

The answer is you need the combined resources of

a unique mastermind.

T H E 1 0 R I N G S O F P O W E R M A N I F E S T O B Y D R . J O E V I TA L E

So I decided to call my new group, “The 10 Rings of Power


It will be limited to 10 people from a variety of businesses.

These people will get the wisdom and resources of the group, as well
as personal instruction on how to apply the tried and true 10 Rings of
Power of the titans of history.

You will help direct the group with your input and suggestions.

Anyone wanting to succeed beyond what they think is currently

possible will want to attend, but only 10 can.

The first person is already paid and in the group: a billionaire from

If you are interested in helping to create the 10 Rings of Power

Mastermind in 2018 –

For information on The 10 Rings of Power Mastermind,

Please contact caroline@mrfire.com or call (888) 743-2824

To Your Success!

Dr. Joe Vitale

Author of way too many books to list here
President, Hypnotic Marketing, Inc.

PS – Want to know more about me? Turn the page…

T H E 1 0 R I N G S O F P O W E R M A N I F E S T O B Y D R . J O E V I TA L E

A B O U T D R . J O E V I TA L E

“Just when you think you understand how the world works Joe Vitale
comes along and takes you to a whole new place. He’s engaging,
entertaining, enlightening and – oh boy – does he ever stretch your
– Ian Percy, Reg. Psych. and member of both the US and Canadian Speaker
Halls of Fame.

A few facts —

* I started as a homeless nobody, lived in poverty for a decade, and

went on to fame and fortune. Today I live the lifestyle of the rich and
famous. Incredibly successful people hunt me down for consultations
and engagements, like the princess in Kuwait who paid me six figures
to speak at her event, and the son of the man who produced The
Beatles who wants me in a movie and television show he is producing,
and the billionaire in Thailand who hired me to write his rags to riches

* I’ve written more books than most people read in a decade – about
75 so far, with numerous ones being bestsellers, such as The Attractor
Factor and the recent The Secret Prayer. These books have become
#1 bestsellers on Amazon, in the overall category of ALL books. I have
been published in every way you can name, and have secrets and
insights about each approach. I have three new books coming out 2018.

T H E 1 0 R I N G S O F P O W E R M A N I F E S T O B Y D R . J O E V I TA L E

* I recorded multiple bestselling self-help programs, for the largest

and most famous audio producer in the world, and saw many of
them become record-breaking bestsellers – even out selling Earl
Nightingale’s famous programs. I know how to create, package, and sell
programs so the world hears about them.

* I pioneered Internet marketing, wrote one of the first books every

published about it in the 1990s, created outrageous attention grabbing
stunts like being the first to hypnotize someone live online, using the
Internet to out sell a Harry Potter book, getting 12,000 people on a
conference call, and selling a hefty package and making half a million
dollars in three days.

* I travel around the world, speaking in countries as diverse as Russia,

Peru, Poland, Thailand, and Kuwait, and of course being a keynote
speaker at major events in the USA, including for the National Speakers
Association, and at mega-wealth events with Donald Trump and Tony
Robbins on the same bill as me.

* I invented Hypnotic Writing, Hypnotic Marketing, Buying Trances,

The Secret Mirror, The Secret Reflection, Miracles Coaching, Wealth
Trigger, Hyper-Wealth, The Awakened Millionaire Academy, The
Awakening Course, The 10 Rings of Power Mastermind, and much
more, all of which are staggeringly successful. I know how to generate
ideas, package them, and market them to the masses.

* I wrote sales copy for more authors, speakers, consultants, CEOs,

celebrities and more, than I care to remember, increasing their sales,
improving real world numbers, and more. I’m talking everyone from
The Red Cross to hospitals and non-profits to Abraham of Jerry and
Esther Hicks fame. I created Hypnotic Writing and wrote a book
explaining it.

* I have attracted national media exposure, being a guest on

everything from Larry King Live (twice) to Donny Deutsch’s Big Idea
show, to being on ABC, Fox, CNN, CNBC and more. I’ve been in the
New York Times and Newsweek. I know the value of media exposure in
establishing you as an authority and the “go to” person.

T H E 1 0 R I N G S O F P O W E R M A N I F E S T O B Y D R . J O E V I TA L E

* I have been in 15 movies, with The Secret being the most famous, and
three more coming out in 2018. (And I got in one of the movies because
of a mastermind.)

* I am coming out with my own television show in 2018. It’s going to

combine a TED-style talk with Oprah-style interviews and the selling
Power of QVC, and is designed to inspire people to go for their dreams.

* I wrote Attract Money Now and give it away as a list builder and gift
to humanity. I also give away numerous other books, including The
Miracles Manual and The Abundance Manifesto. I know the value of
“karmic marketing” in helping the planet and yourself.

* I brought ho’oponopono to the world, through my books, Zero Limits

and AT Zero, reaching an estimated 5,000,000 people.

* Near the age of 60 I recreated myself as a musician and, at last count

now at age 64, recorded 15 albums. I called myself the world’s first
self-help singer-songwriter to separate myself from the overwhelming
competition. Reverbnation voted me #1 singer-songwriter. My music
videos have attracted hundreds of thousands of views. I have over
three hundred thousand fans. My albums with Guitar Monk Mathew
Dixon have made more money than most musicians ever make in an
entire career. Two of my songs are in two movie soundtracks. I know
how to reframe and repackage to market to success.

* At the age of 62 I studied strongman training and learned how to

bend nails, bolts, bars and horseshoes - with my hands. This led to
my writing a book called Anything Is Possible: The 7 Steps to Doing the
Impossible (which will come out in 2018). I keep stretching and I keep
inspiring others to stretch.

* I developed a spiritual approach to wealth, ignoring cutthroat

methods and always focusing on a balanced, healthy approach to
success, based on passion and purpose. I know how to create win-win-
win negotiations and conduct business from the heart.

* I can listen to virtually anybody for about 20 minutes and see or

create a unique money making idea specific to him or her. I have done
it with friends and strangers, helping them create products, and with

T H E 1 0 R I N G S O F P O W E R M A N I F E S T O B Y D R . J O E V I TA L E

my own wife, helping her create a bestselling cookbook, and my own

father, making him an author at age 90.

* I created a movement to end homelessness, called Operation YES,

raised funds for those in poverty, and compiled a book to help others
who struggle. I know how to think big, confront limitations, and urge
people to go for their highest ideals.

* I discovered the “missing secret” in self-development, the idea of

counter-intentions, and have been teaching it to people for over a
decade, in my books, audios, and programs. This one method alone can
accelerate results for anyone.

* I’m considered an expert on the Law of Attraction, and know how to

use it, teach it, and go beyond it. I’ve explained deeper concepts than it
in my books and audio programs, such as The Awakening Course. Most
people have a superficial or erroneous understanding of LOA. I help
them get clear. I help them get results.

* I invented e-classes back in the 1990s, which everyone and his

brother offers today. I know how to repackage material as an
authentically new product.

* I wrote There’s A Customer Born Every Minute, the only business

book on P.T. Barnum, the famous circus promoter who was also a
speaker, writer, politician, entrepreneur, publicity genius, and more.
Studying Barnum (and others like him, like Houdini, Branson, and
Trump) gave me the ability to “Barnumize” almost any business by
finding or creating the Big Idea and promoting it to the world for fame,
fortune and immortality.

* I created the Rolls-Royce Phantom Mastermind, where people flew

in from all over the world to spend a few hours with me in the famous
luxury car, going to dinner, sharing, and getting coaching from me.
ABC television news covered one of them. I know how to think bigger
than big and light a fire under people to go for their dreams.

T H E 1 0 R I N G S O F P O W E R M A N I F E S T O B Y D R . J O E V I TA L E

Dr. Joe Vitale main website is –


Follow Dr. Joe Vitale:

Twitter: https://twitter.com/mrfire
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drjoevitale/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/drjoevitale
Blog: http://blog.mrfire.com/

For details about The 10 Rings of Power Mastermind

Please write caroline@mrfire.com or call (888) 743-2824

Support: http://www.JoeVitaleSupport.com

T H E 1 0 R I N G S O F P O W E R M A N I F E S T O B Y D R . J O E V I TA L E

Afflatus – a sudden unexpected joyous inspiration.

AIDA – traditional marketing formula: attention, interest, desire,


Applied Metaphysics – the term for using esoteric principles like Law
of Attraction and Nevillize for practical purposes like profit.

ATTENTION – the most important element in the AIDA formula in

modern business today.

Aude Aliquid Dignum – 16th century Latin meaning “Dare Something

Worthy,” the motto of Dr. Joe Vitale.

Awakened Millionaire – a person at peace with wealth and spirituality.

Awakening – the fourth stage of consciousness; what some call

enlightenment, as described in The Awakening Course by Dr. Joe Vitale.

AT Zero – a term for being awakened or enlightened or at Zero; see the

book AT Zero by Dr. Joe Vitale.

Barton, Bruce. 1920 ad man and author. See The Seven Lost Secrets of
Success by Dr. Joe Vitale.

Barnumize – to transform a business into something BIGGER, much as

P.T. Barnum might do.

Big Idea – the unique core benefit of a product or service that makes it
stand out from competitors.

Business Nobody Knows, The – the method of telling a riveting story

that reveals the behind the scenes aspect of any business. See The
Seven Lost Secrets of Success by Dr. Joe Vitale.

Buying Trance – the theory that everyone is already in a “trance;”

explained in Buying Trances by Dr. Joe Vitale. See Waking Trance.

T H E 1 0 R I N G S O F P O W E R M A N I F E S T O B Y D R . J O E V I TA L E

Circles – the idea that people have “circles” of friends and when they
change their circle, or introduce someone new to the circle, they get
different results.

Clearing – the process of removing limiting beliefs and counter-


Counter-Intention – an unconscious belief in opposition to an


Data – beliefs in the mind.

Daring Selling – a blunt statement, demonstration or stunt to shake a

prospect into giving attention.

Dream Selling – getting attention by describing what the prospect’s life

will be like with the new product or service.

DR Publicity – Direct Response Publicity; designed to get a response

from media activity.

Emotional Appeal – the psychology of appealing to people’s core

emotions; based on the work of Roy Garn and his book, The Magic
Power of Emotional Appeal.

EFT – Emotional Freedom Techniques; a way of “tapping” away beliefs

and blocks for a clearing.

Expect Miracles – a phrase coined by Dr. Joe Vitale to create a new


Fourth Dimension – the dimension of space behind the first three

dimensions; an energy field of unlimited possibilities, described in the
program Hyper-Wealth by Dr. Joe Vitale and Dr. Steve G. Jones.

Great Something, The – another term for Zero, White Board, Universe,
or Divine; coined by Dr. Joe Vitale for his title track song on his singer-
songwriter album, The Great Something.

Healing Music – original music with and without subliminal messages

T H E 1 0 R I N G S O F P O W E R M A N I F E S T O B Y D R . J O E V I TA L E

designed to create a clearing in listeners.

Hidden Selling – a method of getting attention for one topic while up-
selling a product or service tangent to it. Explained in the book There’s
A Customer Born Every Minute by Dr. Joe Vitale.

Ho’oponopono – a Hawaiian spiritual method of healing and clearing,

made famous in the books Zero Limits and AT Zero by Dr. Joe Vitale.

Hyper-Wealth – a way of accelerating results using Fourth Dimension

processes created by Dr. Joe Vitale and Dr. Steve G. Jones.

Hypnotic Marketing – a four-step process for getting results, invented

by Dr. Joe Vitale. See the book Hypnotic Marketing.

Hypnotic Publicity – a way to grab media attention. See the book

Hypnotic Marketing.

Hypnotic Speaking – a way to grab and hold attention and lead to

action, invented by Dr. Joe Vitale. See the DVD Hypnotic Speaking.

Hypnotic Story – a structure of communication based on Aristotle’s

four steps of persuasion: 1. Exordium. A shocking statement to get
attention. 2. Narratio. You pose the problem the reader/listener
is having. 3. Confirmatio. You offer a solution to the problem. 4.
Peroratio. You state the benefits of action on the solution.

Hypnotic Websites – a way to make websites more memorable and

interactive. See the book Hypnotic Marketing.

Hypnotic Writing – a method of communication invented by Dr. Joe

Vitale. See his book, Hypnotic Writing.

Humbug – a stunt, prank or practical joke. Mostly used in 1800s.

Impossible Thinking – a process of thinking out of the box to find

solutions and possibilities.

Influential – a person of status who can influence others with his or

her opinion or action.

T H E 1 0 R I N G S O F P O W E R M A N I F E S T O B Y D R . J O E V I TA L E

Inspiration – an insight or intuition outside of normal conscious


Inspired Action – action steps taken more from inspiration and

intuition than from intellect.

Intention – a goal, outcome or stated desired result.

Karmic Marketing – the principle of giving now knowing there will be

an unexpected return later.

Law of Attraction – principle that you tend to attract what you think
and feel the most.

LOA – Law of Attraction.

Law of Right Action – principle that a smart action is always available.

Mastermind – a concept named by Napoleon Hill for gathering a small

group of people to support each other in their goals.

Media Magnet – an event to get attention; see Stunt.

Melissa Method – any process for igniting or inviting creativity, named

after rock legend Melissa Etheridge.

Memory – all beliefs and past experiences that prevent seeing the
purity of the moment and the miracle of now, as well as new solutions.

Mental Equivalent – term coined by author Emmet Fox for creating a

complete mental vision of an end result; a type of Nevillizeing.

Mentoring – a way to advise someone to better achieve their


Mind Match – the method of entering a conversation through any sales

media, written or spoken, by focusing on what the prospect is already
preoccupied with. See Buying Trances.

T H E 1 0 R I N G S O F P O W E R M A N I F E S T O B Y D R . J O E V I TA L E

Mind Surgery – term used for any clearing of limiting beliefs.

Miracle – either something unexpected and joyful, or the reality that

the moment is perfect as it is.

Miracles Coaching – the term for the self-improvement process and

service created by Dr. Joe Vitale for clearing limiting beliefs.

Missing Secret – the idea of finding and clearing counter-intentions

that are below conscious awareness.

Mr. Fire – nickname for Dr. Joe Vitale, due to his method of “lighting a
fire” of inspiration in people.

Nevillize – a way of creating by imaging and feeling the end result

in the past tense; coined after Neville Goddard. See the book The
Attractor Factor or The Miracle by Dr. Joe Vitale.

Operation YES – a movement to end homelessness, begun by Dr. Joe


Outrageous Marketing – any marketing that grabs attention by being

different, as described in the audio program The Power of Outrageous
Marketing by Dr. Joe Vitale.

Paradigm – a way of thinking; a mindset.

Primary Belief – an unconscious driving belief that a paradigm is

created around.

Profitable Passion – the process of turning a passion or past time

interest into a profitable enterprise.

P.T. Barnum – 1800s circus promoter, politician, author, speaker,

marketer, and showman. See the book There’s A Customer Born Every
Minute by Dr. Joe Vitale.

RAS – Reticular Activating System; a part of the brain that helps with

T H E 1 0 R I N G S O F P O W E R M A N I F E S T O B Y D R . J O E V I TA L E

Remembering Process – a method of discovering solutions by future

pacing past an imaginary completion date and remembering back to
how it was accomplished. See the book The Remembering Process by
Daniel Barrett and Dr. Joe Vitale.

Rings of Power Mastermind – a private high-level mastermind

organized by Dr. Joe Vitale.

Rings of Power – a ten point system for results, created by Dr. Joe

ROP – Rings of Power; the ten tools for achieving success today,
inspired by P.T. Barnum and documented by Dr. Joe Vitale.

ROP Mentoring – a breakthrough mentoring program where the Rings

of Power are personalized for a person or business.

Secret, The – the bestselling book and movie of the same name,
released in 2006, introducing the Law of Attraction, with one of the
stars Dr. Joe Vitale.

Secret Mirror, The – a method and online course for personal

transformation created by Dr. Joe Vitale.

Secret Reflection, The – a method and online course for personal

transformation created by Dr. Joe Vitale.

Self Help Songs – original lyrics designed to create inspiration,

motivation or transformation, along with a clearing.

Showmanship – the art of getting attention through emotional appeal.

Socratic Questioning – a method of questioning beliefs to create a


Spiritual Marketing – a synthesis of marketing and spirituality, revealed

in a book called Spiritual Marketing and later renamed The Attractor
Factor, both by Dr. Joe Vitale.

Strongman Feats – feats of strength used as stunts to get attention and

T H E 1 0 R I N G S O F P O W E R M A N I F E S T O B Y D R . J O E V I TA L E

prove nothing is impossible. See the book Anything Is Possible by Dr.

Joe Vitale.

Stunt – an event to get attention.

Third Mind – the concept that a “third mind” is created when a group
of people form a mastermind, as described by Napoleon Hill.

TIISG – Turn It Into Something Good; phrase to remind people they

can transform anything into a positive. See the book The Attractor
Factor by Dr. Joe Vitale.

TPM – Turning Point Message. Every story should have a TPM that
conveys the most important lesson, benefit, principle or insight. See
the book Hypnotic Writing by Dr. Joe Vitale.

USP – Unique Story Proposition; the story that reveals the uniqueness
of a business.

Vitaleize – a coined term for adding emotion to sales and marketing

using Hypnotic Writing methods. See Hypnotic Writing.

Waking Trance – the state of mind where the eyes are open but the
mind is preoccupied; see Buying Trance.

White Board – the state of being where there are no limits; another
name for Zero as described by Dr. Joe Vitale in such audio programs as
The Zero Point.

Zero – referring to the “Zero Limits” state of openness where anything

is possible and nothing is impossible. See the book Zero Limits by Dr.
Joe Vitale.

Zero Limits – a state of all possibilities as limiting beliefs are void. See
the book Zero Limits by Dr. Joe Vitale.

Zero Point – the essence of life where any intention or inspiration can
be developed or received. See Dr. Joe Vitale’s audio program The Zero

T H E 1 0 R I N G S O F P O W E R M A N I F E S T O B Y D R . J O E V I TA L E

NOTE: This Special Report was written in January 2018 by Dr. Joe Vitale
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