Appendix-F Detailed Project Proposal (New) For Funding Under Rkvy-Raftaar For The Financial Year 2021-2022
Appendix-F Detailed Project Proposal (New) For Funding Under Rkvy-Raftaar For The Financial Year 2021-2022
Appendix-F Detailed Project Proposal (New) For Funding Under Rkvy-Raftaar For The Financial Year 2021-2022
“One health approach for prevention and control of zoonotic diseases in animals to
improve rural health and economy of Andhra Pradesh”.
2. Principal Investigator:-
Dr.D.Rani Prameela, Professor and Head, SLDL, SVVU, Tirupati.
4. Problems to be addressed:
One health is a concept that aims to bring together animal, human and environmental
health. It is the nation of combining human, animal and environmental components to
address global health challenges that have an ecological interconnectedness. The
collaborative effort of multiple disciplines to obtain optimal health for people, animals and
environment. The one health approach plays a significant role in the prevention and control
of zoonoses. New and re-emerging zoonoses have evolved throughout the last three decades
as a consequence of the increasing interdependence of humans on animals and their products
and close association of humans with companion animals.
Zoonotic diseases are originating from animals where humans acquire infectious
diseases from zoonotic reservoirs either naturally or through zoonotic vectors. The emerging
zoonotic diseases particularly in developing countries are now expanding rapidly to new
geographic host or vector ranges due to their climatic changing ecology. Zoonotic diseases
like brucellosis, anthrax, Leptospirosis and Bovine tuberculosis are major public health
issues in several countries of the world and India is among the top geographical hot spots for
such diseases. Poor personal hygienic practices, improper farming practices, lack of
awareness, poor diagnostic facilities, under reporting system, poverty and lack of medical
facilities, all these causes high burden of morbidity and mortality in both animals and
humans, living in rural parts of developing countries. In India, incidence and prevalence of
zoonotic diseases like brucellosis, anthrax, Leptospirosis and bovine tuberculosis have
affected animal health and indirect threat to human health throughout times. India has seen
emergence and re-emergence of these zoonotic diseases to non-endemic areas has increased
the complexity of their forecast.
The increasing burden of zoonoses on public health in India can be prevented only for
effective periodic surveillance, pre-assessment or forecasting of zoonotic diseases and
capacity building.
The aim of the project is to map and sensitize (capacity building) on zoonotic diseases
in animals of rural areas of AP.
To screen rural livestock for important zoonotic diseases like anthrax, brucellosis,
Leptospirosis and bovine tuberculosis.
7. Target Beneficiaries:
The farmers of the various sectors, dairy, sheep and goat, poultry & piggery, public,
Veterinary and Medical Para staff throughout the state of Andhra Pradesh.
8. Management:
The management of the project is under the control of State level diagnostic
laboratory, which is under the direct control of Director of Research, SVVU, Tirupati.
9. Time frame:-
This project will have positive cost benefit analysis ratio on animal and human health
by screening of livestock for important zoonotic diseases and to take quick action plan on
therapeutic/prophylactic control of the zoonotic diseases. Hence, increases animal health will
increase the animal production.
12. Outcome:
The project will help in screening and rural mapping of important zoonotic diseases of
livestock in rural areas of AP. Sensitization or capacity building among rural sector, farmers,
people, medical and Veterinary para staff creates awareness about zoonotic diseases to reduce
the disease occurrence and burden. Preparation of action plan in control of such zoonotic
diseases will result in maintenance of good animal health which in turn leads to increased
animal production in terms of quality and quantity thereby increase in the socio-economic
status of the farmers of the state.
13. Evaluation:
Evaluation can be done to study the effect of control strategies in various live stock
species of different regions of Andhra Pradesh.
14. Executive summary:-
Zoonotic diseases exerting heavy public health and economic burden to the global
community, originating from animals. One health is the promotion, improvement and defence
for health and well being of all species by enhancing co-operation and collaboration between
physicians, Veterinarians and other Scientific Health professionals and by promoting
strengthens in leadership and management to achieve the goals. One health approach,
employing disease surveillance, management and eradication through Veterinarians dealing
with livestock, medical and public health experts. Collaboration between Veterinary,
Medical, public health professionals to understand the ecological interaction and its impact
on animal and human health. Climate change adds complexity and uncertainly to animal and
human health issues, such as emerging infectious diseases, and national sustainability
planning. These issues intensify the importance of interdisciplinary and collaborative
project proposals under RKVY RAFTAAR scheme entitled “One health approach
for prevention and control of zoonotic diseases in animals to improve rural health
and economy of Andhra Pradesh” along with budget estimates for the financial year
Submitted by