PPP - Community Relations and Services 4 & 5

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Dear Father in heaven, we humbly come into Your
presence knowing that apart from Thee we can do
nothing. Forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all
unrighteousness and filthiness. Guide us throughout
our studies. Grant us wisdom, knowledge and
understanding that may we learn the things that we
should know to be applied for the betterment of our
services to You, our country and the Filipino people.
Let Your light shine upon us that we may become light
to others and make us the show window of Your love
that we may lead others to know You for Your glory
and honor. In the name of Your Son, our Lord and
Savior Jesus Christ we pray. Amen

Ely Federiz Lumbao

Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering

(REE #245)
(Manuel L. Quezon University)
Master in Public Administration
(Taguig City University)
Doctor of Public Administration
(Greenville College)



Community Partnership
and Engagement



• What level of participation is it hoped will be achieved?
• How to identify the stakeholders?
• Communications.
• Stage of the engagement process.
• Resources.
• Are there any limitations?
• Timely feedback and next steps.
• Tools to help choose a method.
• Methods

What is the purpose and scope of the

engagement process?
• Identify or prioritize what the needs and priorities
for Community Planning should be?
• Develop a consensus on a proposal or plan?
• Inform the decision-making or service delivery of a
community, council or department?
• Develop new or collaborative ways of
implementing elements of the Community Plan?
• Review progress on the Community Plan?


What level of participation are you

hoping to achieve?
Community stakeholders can participate in a
variety of ways, and to different levels of
influence, in identifying needs, generating
solutions, planning new initiatives and service
•Users and Beneficiaries
•Contributors to Management
•Decision Makers

What level of participation are you

hoping to achieve? (cont.)
Sunderland Community Development Plan
(2008, p.7) identify another way of thinking
about different levels of involvement:

Being Informed
Being Asked
Commenting on Decision
Developing Solutions
Delivering Services Partnership


Identifying stakeholders
Every community will be made up of a range
of stakeholder interests. These might include:
• Local Residents or Area Based Groups
• Communities of Interest
• Faith Based Groups
• Racial, Ethnic and Cultural Groups
• Local Community and Voluntary Groups
• Web Based or Virtual Groups

Identifying stakeholders (cont.)

Local community development networks and support
organizations should be involved in identifying community
stakeholders, their particular interests and needs and how
best to engage with them. Issues to consider include:
• What impact the issue or proposals will have on these
stakeholder interests?
• Who represents these interest groups?
• Are there existing community networks or forms of
• Are there gaps in information which could be plugged
through local knowledge?
• The relevant Equality legislation


Overcoming Barriers to Engagement

When planning an engagement

process you need to recognize
diversity, identify any potential
barriers and design the process to
minimize barriers where possible.
How (not) to exclude? provides a
useful resource.

Overcoming Barriers to Engagement

Potential Barriers to consider
• The capacity and ability of different stakeholders to
• ‘Hard to reach groups’ such as young people, older
people, minority groups or socially excluded groups
• Levels of community infrastructure
• Contested or divided communities
• Rural isolation
• Gaps in information
• Literacy and numeracy levels and dominance of
oral culture


Overcoming Barriers to Engagement

Design Issues to consider
• Techniques and engagement methods to be used •
Need for independent facilitation
• Location and accessibility of the venue
• The number and type of engagement events
• Transport requirements
• Childcare needs
• Format and content of communication and publicity
• Use of interpreters and signers
• Need for outreach activities

The stage of the engagement process?

It is important to consider at what stage of the

engagement process you are and how each
stage or event contributes to the aims of the
overall engagement - different forms of
communication, information and engagement
methods will be more appropriate depending
on the stage of your engagement process.


The stage of the engagement process?

• Communications
•What Time and Resources are available?
•Timely Feedback and Next Steps
•Flexibility within the Process

Reference/Source: Chapter 7. Encouraging Involvement in
Community Work | Community Tool Box (ku.edu) (Retrieved:
February 23, 2021)


Develop a Plan
A plan is a way to organize actions that will lead to the
fulfillment of a goal by providing direction and an approach
to follow.

Why should you develop a plan?

• To make your life easier.
• To help you map out how to get from
point A to point B.
• To make your search for new members
more efficient and effective.

How do you decide a plan to increase

• Decide why you want or need members.
• Decide how many members you need.
• Decide what kind of members you need.
• Decide who is going to find the new members.
• Determine where to find the new members.
• Determine when to look for new members.
• Decide how you will approach new members.
• Decide what to do if you get a yes, a maybe, or
a no.
• Think about how to get around common


Identify Potential Participants

Identify the different sectors of a community,
and prepare a wide and diverse list of potential
members who could support and who could
work for your cause.

Why identify potential participants among

diverse groups?
• Represents the community.
• Gain different opinions.
• More talent.
• New community relationships.

When do you identify potential

Anytime, but especially when you're:
• Starting a membership drive.
• Running a campaign.
• Wanting to expand your
membership, or broaden your
membership base.


How do you identify potential

Know the different sectors of the community
• Social Institutions.
• Other organizations.
• Specialized groups whose purpose relates to your own.
• Individual citizens.
Identify & list potential members within each
• Find specific names.
• Take down contact information of all potential
• Put names in rough priority order, based on how much
you desire that person's involvement.

Methods for contacting potential

• Face-to-face
• Phone
• Letter


Involve Key Influential in the

Why involve influential people?
• Involve the community.
• Access to community history.
• Gain support.
• Lend credibility.
• Sway opinions.
• Resources.

Possible influential people

• Directors
• Activists
• Religious leaders
• Business/Financial leaders
• United Way members
• Law enforcement


How to involve influential people

• Decide who you want.
• Determine their interests.
• Contact and ask for participation.
• Explain the ways to be involved.
• Maintain involvement.

Involve People Most Affected by

the Problem
Why involve people affected by

People who directly experience a

problem have a more direct and
realistic outlook on their needs.


How can people affected by a

problem get involved?
• Planning processes.
• Donating or fundraising.
• Volunteering to staff the office, answer
phones, etc.
• Research or writing.
• Attending public events.
• Serving on committees.
• Taking leadership roles in a community

Who should you ask to

Take special care to reach out to
populations who are generally
overlooked, discriminated against,
and excluded.


What are some potential obstacles to

• Preconceived notions. • Little time,
• Poor communication. transportation, or child
• Limited experience.
• Overcommitted
• History of being leaders.
• Too many involved.
• Resistant leaders.
• Poor organization.
• Sense of
powerlessness. • Unproductive

How do you get people involved?

• Know your audience. • Make participants feel
• Recognize strengths. welcome.
• Recognize needs. • Show appreciation for
each person's
• Support other interests of contributions.
these groups.
• Know yourself.
• Recognize that groups
are made up of • Define & clarify your plans,
individuals. goals, and purposes.
• Ask people individually • Establish good
for their participation. communication.
• Remain organized. • Use meeting time wisely.
• Match individual talents • Above all, keep a positive
with the group's needs. attitude.


Identifying and Analyzing

Stakeholders and Their Interests
• Stakeholders are those who may be
affected by or have an effect on an effort.
• They may also include those interested for
academic, political, or philosophical
• They can be divided into primary,
secondary, and key stakeholders.
• Their interests depend on how they affect
or are affected by the effort, and can span
a broad range of categories.

Why identify and analyze

stakeholders and their interests?
• It puts more ideas on the table.
• It includes varied perspectives from all
sectors and elements of the community
• It gains buy-in and support for the effort
from all stakeholders.
• It’s fair to everyone.
• It saves you from being blindsided by
concerns you didn’t know about.


Why identify and analyze

stakeholders and their interests?
• It strengthens your position if there’s
• It creates bridging social capital for the
• It increases the credibility of your
• It increases the chances for the success of
your effort.

Who are potential stakeholders?

Primary stakeholders:
• Beneficiaries or targets of the effort.
Secondary stakeholders:
• Those directly involved with or responsible for
beneficiaries or targets of the effort.
• Those whose jobs or lives might be affected
by the process or results of the effort.
Key stakeholders:
• Government officials and policy makers.
• Those who can influence others.
• Those with an interest in the outcome of an


Apply stakeholder analysis /

stakeholder mapping

High High
influence, influence,
low interest high interest
(Latents) (Promoters)

Low Low
influence, influence,
low interest high interest
(Apathetics) (Defenders)

Stakeholder Analysis
 Promoters have both great interest in the effort
and the power to help make it successful (or to
derail it).
 Defenders have a vested interest and can voice
their support in the community, but have little
actual power to influence the effort in any way.
 Latent have no particular interest or involvement in
the effort, but have the power to influence it greatly
if they become interested.
 Apathetic have little interest and little power, and
may not even know the effort exists.


Principles for Stakeholder Management

 Treat them with respect.
 Provide whatever information, training, mentoring, and/or
other support they need to stay involved.
 Find jobs for them to do that catch their interest and use their
 Maintain their enthusiasm with praise, celebrations, small
tokens of appreciation, and continual reminders of the effort’s
 Engage them in decision-making.
 Employ them in the conception, planning, implementation, and
evaluation of the effort from its beginning.
 In the case of those who start with little power or influence,
help them learn how to gain and exercise influence by working
together and developing their personal, critical thinking, and
political skills.

Evaluate Stakeholder involvement

Evaluate the stakeholder process:
• What could you have done to better identify
• Which strategies worked best to involve different
populations and groups?
• How successful were you in keeping people
• Did you provide any training or other support?
Was it helpful? How could it have been improved?
• Did your stakeholder analysis and management
efforts have the desired effect? Were they helpful?
• Did stakeholder involvement improve the work,
effectiveness, and/or political and community
support of the effort?


Sustain Stakeholder Involvement

• Keep at it for the long term
• Maintain stakeholders’ and supporters’ motivation, keep
them informed, and continue to find meaningful work for
them to do.
• New stakeholders may need to be brought in as time
goes on.
• Although some people may cease to be actual
stakeholders, they may retain an interest in the effort
and you should therefore continue to include them.
• Understanding and engaging stakeholders can be
tremendously helpful to your effort, but only if it results
in their ownership of it and long-term commitment to it.
And that depends on your continuing attention.

Diversity and Inclusion

Executive Order No. 100
Institutionalizing the Diversity and
Inclusion Program, Creating an Inter-
Agency Committee on Diversity and
Inclusion, and for Other Purposes


Community Structures
and Processes

Social Structure
The term structure refers to some sort of ordered
arrangement of parts or components. A musical
composition has a structure; a sentence has a
structure etc. In all these we find an ordered
arrangement of different parts. A structure can be
called a building only when these parts or
components are arranged in relationship with the
other. In the same manner society has its own
structure called social structure. The components
or units of social structure are persons. A person is
a human being that occupies position in a social
structure. Even though the persons are subject to
change the structure as such maintains its
continuity. A nation, tribe, a political party, a
religious body can continue in existence as an
arrangement of persons though the personnel of
each changes from time to time. There is continuity
of structure just as a human body maintains its


According to Radcliff-Brown social
structure is a part of the social structure
of all social relations of person to person.
In the study of social structure the
concrete reality with which we are
concerned is the set of actually existing
relations at a given moment of time that
link together certain human beings.

A more general definition of social
structure is that social structure refers to
the enduring orderly and patterned
relationships between the elements of a
society. According to Raymond Firth it
makes no distinction between the
ephemeral and the most enduring
elements in social activity and it makes it
almost impossible to distinguish the idea
of the structure of society from that of the
totality of the society itself.


According to S.F Nadal structure refers to a
definable articulation and ordered
arrangement of parts. It is related to the
outer aspect or the framework of society and
is totally unconcerned with the functional
aspect of society. So he has emphasized that
the social structure refers to the network of
social relationship that is created among the
human beings when they interact with each
other according to their statuses in
accordance with the patterns of society.
According to Ginsberg the study of social
structure is concerned with the principal form
of social organization that is types of groups,
associations and institutions and the complex
of these that constitute societies.

What is Social Structure in Sociology?

1. Social structure is an abstract and intangible
2. Individuals are the units of association and
institutions are the units of social structures
3. These institutions and associations are interrelated
in a particular arrangement and thus create the
pattern of social structure
4. It refers to the external aspect of society which is
relatively stable as compared to the functional or
internal aspect of society
5. Social structures is a living structure which is
created, maintained for a time and changes


Elements of Social Structure

• Normative system presents the society
with the ideals and values.
• Position system refers to the statuses
and roles of the individuals.
• For the proper enforcement of norms,
every society has a sanction system.
• The anticipated response system calls
upon the individuals to participate in the
social system.
• It is object of the goal to be arrived at by
the social structure.
• Social structure is an abstract entity.

Structuralism as a school of thought
emphasizes the view that society is prior
to individuals. It employs the nature of
social interaction as patterned behaviour
and uses it as a tool in all sociological
analysis. Claude Levi-Strauss in his
analysis of myth used this method by
providing necessary analysis. The
elements which are basic to human mind
and universally applicable determine the
possible varieties of social structure.


Formal and Informal

Social structure can be both formal and
informal. In the words of Maclver and
Page the factors that give rise to primary
groups in industrial organization are
present in all formalized social structures.
Thus in govt agencies, political parties,
schools, labour unions the complete
organisational picture includes the formal
blue-print arrangements on the one hand
and informal spontaneous grouping on the

Types of Social Structure

Talcott Parsons has described four (4)
principal types of social structure. His
classifications is based on four social values –
universalistic social values, particularistic
social values, achieved social values and
ascribed social values. Universalistic social
values are those which are found almost in
every society and are applicable to
everybody. Particularistic social values are the
features of particular societies and these
differ from society to society. When the
statuses are achieved on the basis of efforts it
means that such societies attach importance
to achieved social values. When the statuses
are hereditary even the society gives
importance to ascribed social statuses.


Types of Social Structure

Universalistic–achievement Pattern -
This is the combination of the value
patterns which sometimes opposed to the
values of a social structure built mostly
around kinship, community, class and
race. Under this type of social structure,
the choice of goal by the individual must
be in accord with the universalistic values.
His pursuits are defined by universalistic
moral norms. Such a system is
dynamically developing norms. Such a
system is dynamically developing system
with an encouragement for initiative.

Types of Social Structure

Universalistic-Ascriptions Pattern - under
this type of social structure the elements of
value-orientation are dominated by the
elements of ascription. Therefore in such a
social structure strong emphasis is laid on the
status of the individual rather than on his
specific achievements. The emphasis is on
what an individual is rather than on what he
has done. Status is ascribed to the group
rather than to the individuals. The individual
derives his status from his group. In this type
of social structure all resources are mobilized
in the interest of the collective ideal.


Types of Social Structure

Particularistic-Achievement Pattern -
This type combines achievement values
with particularism. The primary criterion
of valued achievement is found not in
universalistic terms such as conformity to
a generalized ideal or efficiency but these
are focused on certain points of reference
within the relational system itself or are
inherent in the situation. The emphasis on
achievement leads to the conception of a
proper pattern of adaption which is a
product of human achievement and which
are maintained by continuous efforts.

Types of Social Structure

Particularistic-Ascriptive pattern - In
this type also the social structure is
organized around the relational reference
points notably those of kinship and local
community but it differs from the
particularistic achievement type in as
much as the relational values are taken as
given and passively adapted to rather
than make for an actively organized
system. The structure tends to be
traditionalistic and emphasis is laid on its


Social Structure and Social

According to Raymond Firth social structure is
concerned with the ordered relation of parts
to the whole with the arrangement in which
the elements of social life are linked together.
The abstract social relationship which are
displayed in the social reality as a patterned
manner and in a regular fashion are
concerned about institutional arrangements
and relation between social groups. Thus the
term social structure means a more
permanent and continuous pattern of social

Social Structure and Social

Firth has proposed the concept of social
organization in this context which as
opposed to social structure is concerned
about temporary and changing nature of
social reality. Social organization as he
explains refers to the systematic ordering
of social relations by acts of choice and


Social Structure and Social

Radcliff Brown has distinguished between
social structure and social organization.
According to him social structure refers to the
arrangement of persons. Social organization
refers to the arrangement of activities of two
or more persons. Examples of social
organization are social groups, industrial
group, political group etc. All the participants
of an organization carry out activities
assigned to them. This arrangement of
activities of persons is the characteristic of
the organization. Thus an organization is the
arrangement of relationship that operates
within the activities of an institution.

Social Structure and Role

In a social structure roles are more important than
role occupants. Role occupants in turn divide
themselves into sub-groups. According to Johnson it
will be manifestly untrue to say that all the stability,
regularity and recurrence that can be observed in
social interaction are due to normative patterning,
roles and sub-groups of various types are the parts of
social structure to the extent that stability, regularity
and recurrence in social interaction are due to the
social norms that define roles and obligation of sub-


-Community Planning Toolkit Home | Community
Planning Toolkit
-Chapter 7. Encouraging Involvement in Community
Work | Community Tool Box (ku.edu) (Retrieved:
February 23, 2021)


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