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Nepal J Biotechnol. 2 0 2 1 J ul ; 9 (1): 8-17 Research article DOI: https://doi.org/10.3126/njb.v9i1.


Nepal Journal of Biotechnology

Publisher: Biotechnology Society of Nepal ISSN (Online): 2467-9313
Journal Homepage: www.nepjol.info/index.php/njb ISSN (Print): 2091-1130

Antibiotic Susceptibility Pattern of Staphylococcus aureus Isolated

from Pus/Wound Swab from Children Attending International
Friendship Children's Hospital
Bidhya Maharjan1 , Shovana Thapa Karki2, Roshani Maharjan3
¹Department of Microbiology, St. Xavier's College, Tribhuvan University, Maitighar, Nepal

²Department of Pathology, International Friendship Children's Hospital, Maharajgunj, Kathmandu, Nepal

3Department of Microbiology, Tri-Chandra Multiple College, Tribhuvan University, Ghantaghar, Kathmandu, Nepal

Received: 04 Nov 2020; Revised: 05 Jul 2021; Accepted: 19 Jul 2021; Published online: 31 Jul 2021

A wound gets infected when the organism gets invaded through the breached skin, proliferated and production of various
enzymes, toxins, etc. In order to treat the wound infection, antibiotic susceptibility pattern of organism should be determined
before the prescription of the medicine. The present study was conducted from September 2017 to March 2018 with an aim to
determine antibiotic susceptibility pattern of Staphylococcus aureus identified from the pus/wound swab among the patients
visiting the International Friendship Children's Hospital, Kathmandu, Nepal. Total 270 sample were processed, isolated and
identified using standard microbiological procedure and biochemical test. Antibiotic susceptibility test was carried out by
using Modified Kirby Bauer's Disc Diffusion Method. Out of total sample, 51.48% (139) showed growth. The growth
distribution was found to be high in out-patient department 84.9% (118) than in-patient department 15.1% (21). Among 139
positive growth, 83.5% were gram positive and 16.5% were gram negative. All together 12 different organisms were identified,
among which S. aureus was found to be predominant organism 105 (75.5%). S. aureus was found to be sensitive towards
Linezolid followed by Doxycycline whereas it was found resistant towards Ciprofloxacin. Among S. aureus identified, 50%
were Multidrug resistant (MDR) S. aureus and 55% were Methicillin resistance S. aureus (MRSA). MRSA was found to be
sensitive towards Linezolid followed by Doxycycline and resistant towards Ciprofloxacin. The association between MDR and
MRSA was found positively significant (i.e. p-value = 0.000). All strains of S. aureus were found to be sensitive towards
Vancomycin. 22.86% were double disk diffusion test (D-test) positive. The prevalence of D-test was found to be high in MRSA
(75%). The relationship between D-test and MRSA was found to be significantly correlated with each other (r = 0.39).
Linezolid, Chloramphenicol, Vancomycin and Doxycycline is a drug of a choice for both S. aureus and MRSA infection.
Keywords: Pus/wound swab, Staphylococcus aureus, Antibiotic susceptibility test (AST), Multidrug resistance (MDR),
Methicillin resistance Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), D-test
Corresponding author, email: 23bidhya@gmail.com

Introduction microorganisms, together with accumulated fluid and

Human skin acts as an excellent barrier to infection, various proteins [7].
protect underlying tissues, bones, organs, etc. and Wound infection is a common problem during injury,
prevents the entry of microbes (i.e. potential pathogens) mainly in the case of children [4, 8]. Injuries in the
into our body unless the mechanism is breached due to children may be due to falls followed by burns, cuts and
injury, trauma or surgical intervention [1, 2, 3]. A break animal bites which causes both financial and
in the integrity of the skin or tissues which may be psychological strain on the family because it drags the
associated with disruption of the structure and patient to the health care facilities [9, 10]. Wound
compromises its protective function is called a wound [4]. infection account for 70-80% mortality and also an
A wound gets infected when proliferating important cause of morbidity among surgical patients
microorganisms invade to a level that invokes a local or and 75% of mortality following burn injuries [11, 12, 13].
systemic response in the host [5]. During wound The common organism responsible for pus formation or
infection, the bacteria multiplies, healing is disrupted and wound infection are: Coagulase negative S. aureus
wound tissues get damage and also spread to nearby (CONS). S. aureus, Bacillus spp., Clostridium spp.,
tissues. The consequences of any tissue damage, wound Peptostreptococcus spp., Actinomyces spp., E. coli, Proteus
infection or any internal tissue injury is pus [6]. Pus is spp., Neisseria spp., Vibrio vulnificus, Candida spp., etc.
defined as the accumulation of dead cells and [14].

Nepal J Biotechnol. 2 0 2 1 J ul ; 9 (1):8 -1 7 Maharjan et al.

S. aureus is a versatile pathogen capable of causing a wide and also used for those allergic to the Penicillin [24]. After
range of human diseases [15]. It is a significant human a few years of drug's introduction in therapy,
pathogen that causes wound infection, soft tissue staphylococci developed resistance to Erythromycin in
infection and produces the pus [16, 17]. It belongs to the 1956. These resistant strains were found in France, U.K
family Micrococcaceae, gram positive cocci having grape and in the U.S.A [27]. Lincosamide (Clindamycin) is used
like cluster arrangement of 0.5-1.5 µm diameter, aerobic, for the treatment of MRSA infection [28]. Since these both
facultatively anaerobic, ꞵ-hemolytic, fermentative, antibiotics have the same site of drug target, there is a
oxidase negative, non-sporing, non-motile, non- high chance of cross resistant among these antibiotics due
capsulated, yellow zone formation around the colonies to modification of drug target [29]. This study helps to
on MSA and oil paint appearance on NA slopes [18, 19]. perceive the current status in prevalence of S. aureus in
There has been a huge problem all over the world in the pus/wound swab, the antibiotic susceptibility pattern of
treatment of infectious disease due to increase in the isolated S. aureus and also any presence of multidrug
antibiotic resistant cases [20]. Multi-drug resistant (MDR) resistant strain among the isolates. It also helps to know
is defined as the non-susceptibility of organism to at least the resistant towards commonly used antibiotic and
one agent in 3 or more antimicrobial categories, aware the practitioner from misusing the antibiotic.
extremely drug resistance (XDR) is non-susceptibility to Hence, the aim of the study was to assess the prevalence
at least 1 agent in all but 2 or fewer antimicrobial of S. aureus and the antibiotic susceptibility pattern of S.
categories and pan drug resistance (PDR) is non- aureus isolated from the pus/wound swab from children
susceptibility to all agents in all antimicrobial categories attending International Friendship Children's Hospital
[21]. Methicillin resistant S. aureus (MRSA) has been (IFCH), Maharajgunj, Kathmandu.
identified as one of the major risk pathogens associated
with the development of antimicrobial resistant [22]. Materials and Methods
MRSA is defined as a strain of S. aureus that is resistant to Sample collection and identification of
a large group of antibiotics called ꞵ-lactams, which isolates
The research was conducted at the Microbiology
include Penicillin and Cephalosporin [23]. In Nepal,
Laboratory of International Friendship Children's
various laboratories have reported the emergence of
Hospital, Maharajgunj, Kathmandu from September 2017
MRSA mainly community-associated MRSA (CAMRSA)
to March 2018. A hospital based cross-sectional study
which have been detected in the Lumbini medical college
was carried out among the patients visiting to the
and teaching hospital while doing cross-sectional studies
hospital having wound infection below 16 years,
of prevalence of MRSA [24]. In another study, study
requesting for culture and susceptibility testing.
carried out to assess the extent of MRSA in the
In total, 270 pus/wound swab samples were collected
Kathmandu Model Hospital Kathmandu, MRSA were
using aseptic technique. Out of total sample, 228 samples
more frequently isolated from pus samples and that too
were collected from out-patient department (OPD) and
from hospitalized patients [23].
42 samples were collected from in-patient department
Vancomycin is a glycopeptide antibiotic that inhibits cell
(IPD). Within IPD also, 12 samples were collected from
wall biosynthesis, remains a drug of choice for treatment
general ward (GW), 4 samples from special ward (Sp.
of severe MRSA infections. S. aureus isolates with
ward), 12 samples from surgical/burn ward (S/B ward),
complete resistance to Vancomycin (MIC≥16µg/ml) are
6 samples from infant ICU (IICU), 3 samples from
termed as Vancomycin resistant S. aureus (VRSA). VRSA
pediatric ICU (PICU), 4 samples surgical ICU (SICU) and
was first reported in the U.S in 2002 [25]. In one of the
1 sample from neonates ICU (NICU). Here, 130 samples
studies conducted in the Manmohan Memorial College
were of male and 140 samples were of female. 17 samples
and Teaching Hospital, Kathmandu, Nepal, there all the
were of age group 0-1 month, 54 of 1 month-1year, 75 of
MRSA identified was found to be susceptible towards the
1-3 years, 54 of 4-6 years, 57 of 6-12 years and 13 of 12-15
Vancomycin [26].
D-test is a simple disc diffusion test to study the
The specimens were well labelled and then transported
macrolide lincosamide streptogramin B resistance
to the laboratory and processed immediately. After
(MLSB), both constitutive and inducible as well as
macroscopic and microscopic observation, it was
macrolide streptogramin B resistance (MSB) in S. aureus.
cultured on Blood Agar (BA) and Mac-Conkey Agar
Macrolide group (Erythromycin, Azithromycin,
(MA) and incubated at 37°C for 24 hrs. The isolates were
Rokitamycin) is a drug used to treat of S. aureus infection
identified by colony morphology, gram staining and

Nepal J Biotechnol. 2 0 2 1 J ul ; 9 (1):8 -1 7 Maharjan et al.

various biochemical tests [30]. The gram-positive cocci in apart and was incubated at 37° C at 18-24 hrs [24]. The
cluster observed under microscope was considered as organisms that showed flattening zone of Clindamycin
Staphylococcus species and was subjected under different adjacent to the Erythromycin disc were considered as D-
biochemical test for the confirmation of S. aureus. The test positive (MLSBi resistant, i.e. Inducible macrolide-
Staphylococcus species showing catalase positive, oxidase lincosamide-streptogramin B resistance). If the organism
negative, fermentative, yellow colony on mannitol salt was found to be resistant towards both discs then, it was
agar (MSA), coagulase positive and DNase positive were taken as Constitutive MLSB (MLSBc) and if organism
confirmed as S. aureus [30]. For gram negative organism, showed sensitive towards Clindamycin but resistant
different biochemical tests such as: catalase test, oxidase towards Erythromycin, then it was taken as D-test
test, Sulphur Indole Motility (SIM) test, methyl red (MR) negative [24].
test, Voges-Proskauer (VP) test, citrate test,
Data analysis
oxidative/fermentative (O/F) test, urease test and triple
All the data was entered in Statistical Package for the
sugar iron (TSIA) test were performed for the
Social Science (SPSS) version 16. Most of the data was
identification of the organism.
analysed by using SPSS version 16 (SPSS for Windows,
Antibiotic susceptibility test Chicago, SPSS Inc). The association between MDR and
The antibiotic susceptibility testing was done by using MRSA was determined by performing chi-square test
modified Kirby-Bauer disc diffusion method [31] on analysed by SPSS version 16 whereas the correlation
Mueller Hinton agar using antibiotic discs of Hi-Media coefficient between D-test and MRSA was calculated by
Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. The antibiotic used was selected by using statistical method, i.e. Karl Pearson's correlation
following Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute coefficient. In the study, we used Pearson's chi-square
(CLSI) 2017 guideline [31] for S. aureus. The antibiotics test to test whether MRSA influences the increase in MDR
used were Cotrimoxazole (1.25/23 mcg), cases or not whereas Karl Pearson's correlation
Chloramphenicol (30 mcg), Ciprofloxacin (5 mcg), coefficient test was used to test whether there is
Gentamycin (10 mcg), Doxycycline (30 mcg), Linezolid significant correlation between MRSA and D-test.
(30 mcg), Vancomycin (30 mcg), Azithromycin (15 mcg),
Meropenem (10 mcg) and Piperacillin (100/10 mcg). Results
Novobiocin (30 mcg) was used to identify S. epidermidis Growth pattern of culture and distribution of
and S. saprophyticus. If the identified S. aureus was found culture positive within the departments
Out of 270 pus/wound swab samples, 139 (51.48%) were
to be resistant to at least one agent in three or more
found to be culture positive while remaining 131 (48.52%)
antimicrobial categories, then the organism was
showed no growth. OPD showed highest positive culture
considered as multidrug resistant (MDR) and if the
118 (85%) compared to that of the IPD 21 (15%). Within
identified S. aureus was found to be resistant to at least 1
the hospital department, highest growth was seen in the
agent in all but 2 or fewer antimicrobial categories, then
department of Neonates ICU (NICU) 100% (1/1)
it was considered as extremely drug resistant (XDR) [21].
followed by Surgical ICU (SICU)75% (3/4), Infant ICU
After screening MDR, the identified S. aureus was then
(IICU) 66.67% (4/6), OPD 51.75% (118/228),
screened for Methicillin resistant S. aureus (MRSA) using
Surgical/Burn ward (S/B ward) 50% (6/12), General
Cefoxitin disc (30 mcg).The organisms resistant i.e. ≤21
ward (GW) 41.67% (5/12), Pediatric ICU (PICU) 33.33%
mm Zone of inhibition (ZOI) towards the Cefoxitin were
(1/3) and lowest in Special ward (Sp. ward) 25% (1/4)
confirmed as MRSA and those sensitive were confirmed
(Figure 1).
as Methicillin sensitive S. aureus (MSSA) [25]. If the
organism was found to be Vancomycin resistant in disc Bacteriological profile of pus/wound swab
diffusion method, it was further processed for the In the study, 116 (83.5%) out of 139 were gram positive
confirmation of Vancomycin resistant S. aureus (VRSA) and 23 (16.5%) were gram negative. Out of total 139
by using minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) culture positive cases, S. aureus 105 (75.5%) was found to
method [31]. S. aureus ATCC 25923 was used as control be common isolates followed by Escherichia coli 7 (5.04%)
strain. and Staphylococcus epidermidis 7 (5.04%); Pseudomonas
aeruginosa 6 (4.3%); unidentified organism 4 (2.9%);
D-test Enterococcus 2 (1.45%), Proteus mirabilis 2 (1.45%) and
D-test was performed by using Erythromycin disc (15
Staphylococcus saprophyticus 2 (1.45%); Salmonella Typhi 1
mcg) and Clindamycin disc (2 mcg). The antibiotic discs
were placed on a lawn cultured MHA plate at 15 mm

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Nepal J Biotechnol. 2 0 2 1 J ul ; 9 (1):8 -1 7 Maharjan et al.

(0.72%), Klebsiella oxytoca 1 (0.72%), Klebsiella pneumoniae 300

1 (0.72%) and Citrobacter species 1 (0.72%) (Table 1). 250

41.67% 50% 33.33% 200

51.75% 66.67% 75% 100% 105
100% 25%
90% 150
118 5 1
80% 6 1
4 100 84.21%
70% 3
76.92% 75% 139
60% 50 71.42% 32 57.14% 24
50% 20 12 87.50%
1 10 26 38 32 7
0 14 21
40% 4 8
228 12 12 3
30% 6 4
20% 1
0% Total S. aureus Number S. aureus Percentage
Figure 2. Distribution of S. aureus within the age group of the
Table 2. Distribution of S. aureus within hospital departments
Departments S. aureus
Total Number Percentage
Growth Percentage Growth Number Departments Total
OPD 118 93 78.81%
Figure 1. Distribution of culture positive cases within the General ward 5 4 80%
departments. Special ward 1 0 0%
Table 1. Bacteriological profile of pus/wound swab Surgical / burn ward 6 2 33.33%
Microorganism identified Number Percentage Infant ICU 4 4 100%
S. aureus 105 75.5% Pediatric ICU 1 1 100%
E. coli 7 5.04% Surgical ICU 3 0 0%
Citrobacter spp. 1 0.72%
P. aeruginosa 6 4.3% Neonates ICU 1 1 100%
Enterococcus 2 1.45% Total 139 105 75.5%
S. saprophyticus 2 1.45%
S. epidermidis 7 5.04% Table 3. Antibiotic susceptible pattern of S. aureus (N= 105)
S. Typhi 1 0.72% Antibiotic Susceptible Pattern
Antibiotic used
P. mirabilis 2 1.45% Resistant Intermediate Sensitive
K. oxytoca 1 0.72% Gentamycin 11(10%) 9(9%) 85(81%)
K. pneumoniae 1 0.72% Ciprofloxacin 71(68%) 10(10%) 24(23%)
Unidentified 4 2.8%
Chloramphenicol 4(4%) 4(4%) 97(92%)
Total 139 100.00%
Cotrimoxazole 26(25%) 8(8%) 71(68%)
Distribution of S. aureus according to the Cefoxitin 58(55%) 0(0%) 47(45%)
gender, age and within the hospital Erythromycin 58(55%) 18(17%) 29(28%)
departments Clindamycin 28(27%) 2(2%) 75(71%)
Among 105 positive sample showing S. aureus, 51% (54)
Piperacillin 4(4%) 5(5%) 96(91%)
were found to be female patient and 49% (51/105) were
Meropenem 1(1%) 2(2%) 102(97%)
male patient. The highest prevalence of S. aureus was
Azithromycin 54(51%) 7(7%) 44(42%)
found among age group 12-15 yrs. 87.5% (7/8) followed
by the age group 1-3 yrs. 84.21% (32/38), age group 1 Doxycycline 0(0%) 2(2%) 103(98%)

month-1 yrs. 76.92% (20/26), age group 6-12 yrs. 75% Linezolid 1(1%) 0(0%) 104(99%)
Vancomycin 9(9%) 0(0%) 96(91%)
(24/32), 0-1 month 71.42% (10/14) and age group 4-6 yrs.
57.14% (12/21) (Figure 2). Most of the S. aureus was Antibiotic susceptibility pattern of S. aureus
highly isolated from IICU department 100% (4/4), PICU and Multidrug resistant (MDR) S. aureus
While performing antibiotic susceptibility test (Figure 3),
100% (1/1), NICU 100% (1/1) followed by GW 80% (4/5),
out of 105 S. aureus, 104 (99%) were found to be sensitive
OPD 78.81% (93/118), S/B ward 33.33% (2/6) and no S.
towards Linezolid followed by Doxycycline 103 (98%),
aureus were isolated from Sp. ward) 0% (0/1) and SICU
Meropenem 102 (97%), Chloramphenicol 97 (92%) and
0% (0/3) (Table 2).
Vancomycin 96 (91%). The organism was found to be

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Nepal J Biotechnol. 2 0 2 1 J ul ; 9 (1):8 -1 7 Maharjan et al.

Table 5. Correlation between MRSA and D-test

D-test positive D-test negative Constitutive resistant Sensitive Total r value
MRSA 18 (75%) 8(38.1%) 20 (69%) 12 (38.71%) 58 0.39
MSSA 6 (25%) 13 (61.9%) 9 (31%) 19 (61.29%) 47
Total 24 21 29 31 105 (100%)
resistant towards Ciprofloxacin 71 (68%) followed by Meropenem 96.56% (56), Chloramphenicol 89.66% (52),
Cefoxitin 58 (55%) and Erythromycin 58 (55%) Piperacillin 86.20% (50), Vancomycin 84.48% (49),
respectively (Table 3). In our study, 50% (52) were found Gentamycin 77.58% (45), Cotrimoxazole 63.79% (37) and
to be multidrug resistant. Among multidrug resistant Clindamycin 63.79% (37). MRSA was found to be
also, one strain was found to be resistant to all the resistant towards Ciprofloxacin 87.93% (51) followed by
antimicrobial agent used to be tested, i.e. extremely drug Azithromycin 74.13% (43), Erythromycin 65.53% (38) and
resistant (XDR). was found to be zero resistant towards Doxycycline.
(Table 4).


Among isolated S. aureus, 9 were found to be resistant
towards the Vancomycin disc. While performing
minimum inhibitory concentration test, all positive
strains were found to be sensitive towards Vancomycin
in a very low concentration, i.e. 0.25 µg/ml and minimum
bactericidal concentration was found to be 0.25 µg/ml.

Association between MDR and MRSA

In the study, 44 (84.61%) MRSA were found to be MDR
and 14 (26.42%) MRSA were found to be MDR negative.
By analyzing the data of MDR and MRSA using chi-
square test, the value was found to be chi-square (1,
Figure 3. Antibiotic susceptibility test of Staphylococcus aureus N=105) =35.958, p˂.01. Therefore, MDR was found to be
on MHA. (VA = Vancomycin, AZM = Azithromycin, PTZ = statistically significant associated with MRSA.
Piperacillin, DOX = Doxycycline and LZ = Linezolid).
D-test of S. aureus and Correlation between D-
Distribution of MRSA among S. aureus positive test positive and MRSA
sample and its antibiotic susceptibility In D-test (Figure 4), out of total 105 S. aureus identified,
pattern 24 (22.86%) were found to be D-test positive, 21 (20.0%)
In the study, 55% (58) were found to be Cefoxitin resistant were D-test negative, 31 (29.52%) were sensitive to both
showing Methicillin resistant strains (MRSA) whereas Erythromycin and Clindamycin and 29 (27.62%) were
45% (47) were found to be Cefoxitin sensitive showing constitutive resistant (Table 5).
Methicillin sensitive strains (MSSA). All the resistant
strains were further tested for Vancomycin susceptible
Table 4. Antibiotic Susceptibility Pattern of MRSA (N=58)
Antibiotics Resistant Intermediate Sensitive
Cotrimoxazole 18(31.04%) 3(5.17%) 37(63.79%)
Chloramphenicol 3(5.17%) 3(5.17%) 52(89.66%)
Gentamycin 6(10.35%) 7(12.07%) 45(77.58%)
Ciprofloxacin 51(87.93%) 6(10.35%) 1(1.72%)
Clindamycin 21(36.21%) 0(0%) 37(63.79%)
Erythromycin 38(65.53%) 8(13.79%) 12(20.68%)
Piperacillin 4(6.9%) 4(6.9%) 50(86.20%)
Meropenem 1(1.72%) 1(1.72%) 56(96.56%)
Azithromycin 43(74.13%) 5(8.62%) 10(17.25%)
Linezolid 1(1.72%) 0(0%) 57(98.28%)
Doxycycline 0(0%) 2(3.44%) 56(96.56%)
Vancomycin 9(15.52%) - 49(84.48%)
Figure 4. Double disk diffusion test (D-test) on MHA medium
Here, MRSA was found sensitive towards Linezolid showing sensitive (K) and positive result (L). CD = Clindamycin
98.28% (57) followed by Doxycycline 96.56% (56), and E = Erythromycin)

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Nepal J Biotechnol. 2 0 2 1 J ul ; 9 (1):8 -1 7 Maharjan et al.

Here, 18 (75%) MRSA were D-test positive, 8 (38.1%) contact with various object. The children under 5 years
MRSA were D-test negative, 20 (69%) MRSA were are also prone to get pus/wound infection because of
constitutive resistant and 12 (38.71%) MRSA were unintentional falls, burns, etc. and not only that these
sensitive as shown in Table 5. The correlation coefficient group also has low immune power to overcome any kind
(r) between D-test and MRSA was found to be 0.39 (r = of infection, therefore it is likely to get infected. The
.313, p˂.01), i.e. D-test and MRSA was found to be outcomes were found to be contrast with the study
positive but lowly correlated with each other. conducted in 2017 by Pokhrel et al, where they got higher
prevalence of S. aureus in age group 1-3yrs [43]; Rai et al
Discussion in age less than 1 year [10] and Pant et al in age group 1-
Out of total sample, 139 (51.48%) showed growth and 131
5yrs [36].
(48.52%) showed no growth. The growth result was
The distribution of S. aureus among gender was found to
found nearly similar to the study conducted by
be high in female patient 54 (51%) than the male patient
Hanumanthappa et al, where they found 56% growth
51 (49%). The finding resembled with the research
rate [32]. The result was lower to the study conducted by
conducted by Muluye et al [20] and Bhatt et al [44]. The
Rai et al [10] 58.6%; Khan et al [33] 65.2% and Patil et al
result obtained from our study was contrast to the
[34] 86%. The lower growth might be due to difficult-to-
research conducted by Shrestha et al [28] and Garoy et al
grow fastidious organisms, inappropriate methods of
collection and transportation of specimens or the
The high prevalence of S. aureus in ICU departments
administration of antibiotics prior to specimen collection.
might be due to the colonization of S. aureus from
Among 139 positive growth result, 118 (85.65%) were
patient's own flora, transmission through staff hands, air,
found to be positive from out-patient department and 21
procedure of surgery, inanimate object, longer period of
(14.4 %) from in-patient department. High prevalence of
hospital stays, etc. Similar study was carried out by
growth in OPD might be due to increase in community
Bhatta et al. (2014) who had reported higher prevalence
acquired infection. Higher positive growth in OPD was
of S. aureus in hospital setting accounting [44].
also found in the study carried by KC et al [35] and found
S. aureus was found to be highly sensitive towards
contrary to the study carried out by Pant et al, where they
Linezolid (99%) followed by Doxycycline (98%). The
found 63.1% from IPD and 56.2% from OPD [36].
outcome was found similar to the study conducted by
Out of total growth 139, 116 (83.5%) were found to be
Nirmala et al [2] of 100% sensitive towards Linezolid and
Gram-positive and 23 (16.5%) were found to be gram
Vancomycin and by Khan et al [33]. It was found to be a
negative. The high prevalence of Gram-positive
bit different from the research carried out in 2018 by
organism might be due to the presence of Gram-positive
Tadesse et al [46] in which they found 100% sensitive
bacteria as a normal flora of the human body. The result
towards Ampicillin.
was found to be similar to the research conducted by KC
From the study, out of 105 isolates, 52 (50%) were found
et al [35]; Devi et al [37] and Pant et al [36]. The result was
to be MDR. Among MDR also one strain was found to be
found contrast to the study conducted by Patil et al
resistant to all the antimicrobial agents to be tested
(2019)78% gram negative and 22% Gram-positive
(Extremely drug-resistant). MDR cases may be due to
bacteria [34].
accumulation of multiple genes, expression of genes that
The predominance of S. aureus (75.5%) in the study might
code for multidrug efflux pumps, extruding a wide range
be due to S. aureus being normal flora of skin, glands,
of drugs, mutational alteration of the target protein,
nails, etc. and having various virulence factors. The result
enzymatic inactivation of drugs, etc. [47].
was seems to be related to the study conducted by
Here, 44 (84.61%) MDR were found to be MRSA and 8
Sultana et al (2015) 40.45% S. aureus followed by E. coli
(15.39%) MDR were found be MSSA. The increase in
28.18% [38]; Barakoti et al (2017) 41.45% S. aureus
MDR in MRSA may be due to a distinctive feature of
followed by E. coli 22.79% [39]; Bankar et al (2018) 34.21%
MRSA, i.e. their resistance to β-lactam antibiotics.
S. aureus followed by E. coli 23.02%[40] and Shahi et al
Therefore, once the S. aureus is resistant to Methicillin, it
(2018)70.6% S. aureus [41]. However Mahat et al [42] and
may also show resistance towards other antibiotic classes
Patil et al [34] Pseudomonas spp. as predominant
like: aminoglycosides, macrolides, tetracycline,
chloramphenicol and lincosamide. Our result was lower
The infection in the age group 12-15 yrs. might be due to
in comparison to Upreti et al [48] with 68.2% MDR,
the various activities performed in the school,
Pahadi et al [49] with 86.41% were MDR; Tadesse et al
environment, involved in fight, their playmates and

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Nepal J Biotechnol. 2 0 2 1 J ul ; 9 (1):8 -1 7 Maharjan et al.

[46] 82.3% MDR; whereas higher than he study research conducted by Kshetry et al, where organism was
conducted by Kadariya et al [50] with 44.2% were MDR found sensitive towards Vancomycin while performing
and Mama et al with 27.8% were MDR [51]. MIC test [59] and study by Bamigboye et al showed 1.4%
The strong association between the MDR and MRSA was VRSA but found to be van A and van B gene negative
found (p˂.01) while performing Pearson chi-square test. [25].
Hence, we can say that the prevalence of MDR increases From the study, only 22.86% (24) were found to be D-test
as the prevalence of MRSA increased. The data obtained positive, 20% (21) were found to be D-test negative,
from the research was found to be similar to the study 29.52% (31) were found to be susceptible to both
conducted by Joachim et al in which 21.3% were MDR, Erythromycin and Clindamycin and 27.62% (29) were
out of which 72.7% of MRSA strains were MDR showing found to be constitutive resistant. The resistance of the
statistically significant association between MRSA and Erythromycin and Clindamycin may be due to the
MDR among S. aureus isolates (p=0.001) [52]. resistance encoded in Erythromycin methylase (erm)
The prevalence of MRSA was found to be 58 (55%) and genes. The constitutive expression may be due to the
methicillin sensitive S. aureus (MSSA) was found to be 47 organism being resistant to all macrolides, lincosamides
(45%). The study resembles to the study carried out by and type B streptogramin antibiotics. The study
Devi et al (2017), where 50.79% were MRSA and 49.21% resembled to the study carried out by Mama et al [51]
were MSSA [37]. However, the study was in with 24.1% D-test positive, 1% D-test negative, 2%
contradiction to the study carried by Kayastha et al (2010) constitutive D-test and 60.85% sensitive towards
8.92% MRSA [23]; Ansari et al (2014) 43.1% MRSA [53]; Erythromycin and Clindamycin.
Jaiswal et al (2016) 72% MRSA [54] and Adhikari et al In this study, D-test positive was also seen high in MRSA
(2017) 35.50% MRSA [55]. 75% (18/24) compare to the MSSA 25% (6/24). Similar
Since our research was conducted from September 2017 result was obtained in research conducted by Pal et al
to March 2018, the prevalence of MRSA seems to be [60]. The correlation (r) between D-test and MRSA was
increasing in Nepal as well [56, 53, 55, 57, 48, 45, 41]. The found to be 0.39 which means D-test and MRSA are
development of resistance of S. aureus towards positively but lowly correlated, i.e. D-test cases may
Methicillin may be due to the acquisition of increase as increase in MRSA cases. The result obtained
staphylococcal chromosome cassette mec (SCC mec) in its was contrast with the study carried out by Gosh et al [61].
chromosome, which carries a mec A gene facilitating The increase in reported inducible Clindamycin resistant
resistance to Methicillin via Penicillin binding protein shows the increase in prevalence of inducible
(PBP-2a). Although the acquisition of the mecA gene, the Clindamycin resistance along with constitutive resistant
organism cannot exhibit resistant towards Methicillin among the clinical isolates of S. aureus. Hence, the
unless the gene is activated. screening of inducible Clindamycin resistant should be
MRSA was found to be sensitive towards Linezolid done in every clinical laboratory.
98.28% (57) followed by Doxycycline 96.56% (56) and
resistant towards Ciprofloxacin 87.93% (51) followed by Conclusion
Prevalence of wound infection was found to be high
Azithromycin 74.13%. Similar sensitive pattern in MRSA
(51.48%) in our study. The growth rate was found high in
was found in the study carried out by Choudhury et al
OPD patient than IPD. S. aureus was predominant
(2016) in which organism was found sensitive towards
organism followed by E. coli and S. epidermidis. The
Linezolid (99.3%), Vancomycin (99.3%) and resistant
prevalence of S. aureus was seen high in the age group of
towards Cefuroxime (59.50%) [58].
12-15 years. The cases were also seen high in the
In our study, Vancomycin resistant was found to be 9%
department of IICU, PICU, and NICU. High prevalence
(9/105) from disc diffusion method but while performing
of MRSA was observed in this study. The isolates were
the MIC, S. aureus was found to be 100% sensitive
sensitive mainly towards Linezolid, Doxycycline,
towards Vancomycin, i.e. 0.25 μg/ml and MBC was
Meropenem, and Chloramphenicol, Vancomycin. The
found to be 0.25 μg/ml. Hence, isolated S. aureus was
organism was found highly resistant towards
found to be 100% susceptibility towards Vancomycin.
Ciprofloxacin. 50% of isolates were found to be MDR.
Therefore, we need to perform MIC for the confirmation
Among MDR, one strain was found to be XDR. MDR was
of Vancomycin resistant strain. The cause of Vancomycin
mainly found in MRSA than MSSA strain. Hence, all
resistance may be due to the activation of van A and van
MRSA are considered as MDR. D-test positive cases was
B gene. The finding was found to be similar to the
found higher in MRSA cases. Since, inducible D-test has

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