Mycobacterium Tuberculosis, Airborne 0900
Mycobacterium Tuberculosis, Airborne 0900
Mycobacterium Tuberculosis, Airborne 0900
SHIPMENT: follow CDC guidelines for interstate RANGE: purified M. tuberculosis H37Ra DNA, 1-300
shipment of human pathogen (42 CFR copies; H37Ra mycobacteria, approximately
Part 72); may ship at ambient 4 to 1950 particles (all higher ranges will test
temperature positive)
APPLICABILITY: This is a qualitative method which permits the detection of airborne M. tuberculosis particles. It will detect approximately
20 or greater M. tuberculosis particles. This method does not indicate how many particles were detected.
INTERFERENCES: Positive interferences, M. bovis, M. bovis BCG; negative interferences, metals, and other unknown airborne
particulate matter (note: to detect suspected negative interferences, spike field samples which resulted in negative readings with M.
tuberculosis H37Ra DNA or H37Ra particles and re-run assay. Alternately, the Roche positive control may be used instead of H37Ra).
OTHER METHODS: The measurement technique was originally developed by Roche Diagnostic Systems for the analysis of clinical
samples [2]. Various other M. tuberculosis detection methods are now available, such as Gen-Probe [3,4] and Digene [5].
SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS: Entering rooms contaminated with airborne TB is a health risk. Appropriate
respiratory protection should be worn [6]. Filter samples should be opened in a biosafety cabinet. Once
the samples are heated for the specified time period, there is little risk to the laboratory worker conducting
the analysis. The TB PCR method is extremely sensitive. Therefore, segregation of the various
laboratory activities is essential in order to prevent the generation of false positives.
1. Assemble each filter cassette in a clean environment wearing disposable, preferably powder free or
low powder, gloves.
a. With forceps, insert support pad and PTFE filter into lower section of cassette.
b. Attach middle and top cassette sections and insert plugs.
c. Place shrinkable sealing band around cassette and air dry.
d. Place each filter cassette into a sample bag for transport (one sampler/bag).
13. Calibrate the PCR thermocycler and microplate reader according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
14. Prepare positive and negative controls as described in the Roche reagent booklet.
NOTE: Negative and positive controls are included in the Roche reagent kit.
Include 3 negative controls and 2 positive controls each time the test is performed, randomizing the
positions of these samples in the test.
Discard the run:
a. If one or more of the negative control values exceeds 0.25 absorbance units.
b. If either of the positive control values falls below 2.0 absorbance units.
15. Mycobacterium tuberculosis is considered present in the sample if the absorbance of the unknown
sample is equal to or greater than 0.35 absorbance units. A sample yielding an absorbance value less
than 0.35 absorbance units is considered negative forMycobacterium tuberculosis.
16. Since this is a qualitative method (positive/negative), no special calculations are required.
[1] Schafer MP, Fernback JE, Jensen PA [in press]. Sampling and analytical method development for
qualitative assessment of airborne mycobacterial species of theMycobacterium tuberculosis complex.
Am Ind Hyg Assoc J (submitted).
[2] Devallois A, Legrand E, Rastogi N [1996]. Evaluation of Amplicor MTB test as adjunct to smears and
culture for direct detection ofMycobacterium tuberculosis in the French Caribbean. J Clin Microbiol
34:1065 -1068.
[3] Pfyffer GE, Kissling P, Wirth R, Weber R [1994]. Direct detection ofMycobacterium tuberculosis
complex in respiratory specimens by a target-amplified test system. J Clin Microbiol 32:918-923.
[4] Bodmer T, Gurtner A, Schopfer K, Matter L [1994]. Screening of respiratory tract specimens for the
presence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis by using the Gen-Probe amplified Mycobacterium
tuberculosis direct test. J Clin Microbiol32:1483-1487.
[5] Huang T-S, Liu Y-C, Lin H-H, Huang W-K, Cheng D-L [1996]. Comparison of the Roche AMPLICOR
MYCOBACTERIUM Assay and Digene SHARP signal system with in-house PCR and culture for
detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in respiratory specimens. J Clin Microbiol34:3092-3096.
[6] NIOSH [1996]. Protect yourself againsttuberculosis - a respiratory protection guide for health care
workers. DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 96-102.