Menjelaskan Kelewatan Mengemukakan Permohonan Pendaftaran Inspector of Work
Menjelaskan Kelewatan Mengemukakan Permohonan Pendaftaran Inspector of Work
Menjelaskan Kelewatan Mengemukakan Permohonan Pendaftaran Inspector of Work
Menjelaskan kelewatan mengemukakan permohonan Pendaftaran Inspector of Work.
Mr Alaila Mazli Bin Abdullah has undergone professional career development and training
providing wide exposure to the various supervisory and technical expertise in engineering
Hence I certify that Mr Alaila Mazli Bin Abdullah has acquired satisfactory practical experience
as a Inspector of Works and meets the requirements of the Registration of Engineers Act
1967 (Revised 2015) Section 10E.
Thank you.
(Name: )
Date: ……………………………………………………….
*Note: “having personal knowledge” means having been satisfactorily convinced on the accuracy
and truth of the said practical experience by means of interview, discussion and/or
interaction with the candidate or with other persons directly involved with the candidate