Structural Analysis of Ladder Chassis Frame For Car Usingansys
Structural Analysis of Ladder Chassis Frame For Car Usingansys
Structural Analysis of Ladder Chassis Frame For Car Usingansys
Abstract— automotive chassis frame is an important part of an automobile. The automotive chassis frame is the structural backbone of any
vehicle. The main function of chassis frame is to support the body, different parts of an automobile and to payload placed upon it. The
chassis frame has to withstand the stresses developed as well as deformation occurs in it and to withstand the shock, twist vibration and
other stresses. Its principle function is to carry the maximum load for all designed operating condition safely that should be within a limit.
On chassis, frame maximum shear stress and deflection under maximum load are important criteria for design and analysis. In these
projects, we have calculated the vonmises stress and shear stress for the chassis frame and the finite element analysis has been done for the
validation on the chassis frame model. We have taken certain material as Mild sheet steel, aluminum alloy and titanium alloy for the
rectangular hollow box type to design chassis frame. Software used in this project, CATIA V5 for design purpose, HYPERMESH is used for
meshing and ANSYS 16 is used for analysis.
Keywords— chassis, von mises stress, mild steel, aluminium, titanium alloy, CATIA V5.
Finite element analysis is performed to find the von mises stress
and shear stress using ansys. Three dimensional model of frame
was designed using catia software. The design verification can
be achieved without elaborate need for prototypes at each phase
saving time and effort. A final prototype for the final design
review can be employed for verifying the analytical results.
Modeling: Geometric modeling of truck frame structure will be
carried out using CATIA V5 R20. The design of existing SUV
chassis frame is taken. 3D Model individual parts are created
and assembly is done. The model is converted into neutral Aluminium alloy
format like .iges or .stp.
Hypermesh 13.
Post-processing: Static structural Analysis will be carried out
using Ansys 16, to find
Von misses stress, shear stress and deformation of the model,
and it’s tabulated for three different materials. Investigation of Titanium alloy
the analysis results in order to improve the stiffness.
Specification of Ladder chassis:
Wheel Base (WB) = 2380 mm.
Rear Overhang (ROH) = 1020 mm.
Front Overhang (FOH) = 450/470 mm.
Gross Vehicle Weight (GVW) = 3000 kg = 3 ton.
Length =3860mm.
Width =900mm.
Basic Calculation for Chassis: -
Weight of passengers = Weight per passenger × No. of
= 75kg × 8
= 600kg =0.6 ton
Total load acting on chassis = Gross vehicle weight + Weight of
Sivaraj,Hazemohzammed,Yuvaraj,Karthikeyan,Murugan…. (IJ0SER) March - 2016
International Journal of Science and Engineering Research (IJ0SER),
Vol 4 Issue 3 March-2016
3221 5687, (P) 3221 568X
In the present work, ladder type chassis frame for chassis model
was analysed using ANSYS 16 software, based on the analysis
following conclusion can be done.
1) The generated shear stresses are less than the permissible
value so the design is safe for all three materials.
2) Shear stress was found minimum in aluminium alloy and
maximum in mild sheet steel under given boundary conditions.
3) Von mises stress was found minimum in aluminum alloy and
maximum in titanium alloy under given boundary conditions.
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