Lab 7
Lab 7
Lab 7
Before beginning this lab, you should:
• Do DC analysis of three circuits: (I) an NPN transistor that is biased in the active region, (2) an NPN transistor that is
biased in the saturation region, and (3) a diode-connected NPN transistor
• Be able to simulate the circuits to compare the results with the paper analysis
• Implement the circuits in an experimental setting, taking measurements, and comparing their performance with
theoretical and simulated results
• Qualitatively seeing the impact of transistor-to-transistor variations.
This lab is related to section 6.3 of Sedra and Smith Microelectronic circuit textbook. The used
transistor is a NPN transistor. An unformatted spice model is provided at the end of this manual
for your reference.
Pre-lab Calculations:
• Sketch the circuit in your lab book, clearly labeling the transistor’s three terminals.
• What are IB and IE?
• Based on these numbers, what is VE?
• You now have enough information to calculate RE and RC.
• Derive the Thévenin equivalent of RB1 and RB2. What values do you need to use to
achieve VB = 9V? Remember that IB ≠ 0.
• Simulate your circuit using values of RE, RC, RB1, and RB2 based on your calculations.
• Report the values of VE, VC, IE, and IC.
• How closely do they match your calculations?
We now want to operate the transistor in saturation region. Redesign the circuit in Figure 1
such that IC = 1 mA, IE = 1.2 mA, VC = +2 V, and VCE = 0.2 V. Note that you must use the
saturation model.
• Sketch the circuit in your lab book, clearly labeling the transistor’s three terminals.
• Based on the specifications, calculate VE and VB.
• You now have enough information to calculate resistors in the circuit.
• What is the value of βforced?
• Simulate your circuit using your calculated values of resistors.
• Report the values of VE, VC, VB, 1E, IC and IB.
• How closely do they match your calculations?