Stramit Easy Roof Quantity Estimate Guide
Stramit Easy Roof Quantity Estimate Guide
Stramit Easy Roof Quantity Estimate Guide
Skillion Roof
Cape Cod
(Gable Style) Roof
This simplified Roof Take-off Guide OVERHANGS ROOF BATTENS
introduces basic techniques that will Allowance must be made for overhangs into The number of supports or roof battens is one
help you calculate quantities of roofing, gutters at roof sheet ends (usually 50mm). On more than the number of spans. To calculate the
battens and rainwater products for gable roofs, an overhang may be added to the number of spans for each area of roof, divide
houses and small commercial roofs with sides of the roof to attach a gable roll. Other the sheeting length by the sheeting span and, if
a reasonable degree of accuracy. overhangs or underlaps may be needed to necessary, round up to the next whole number.
accommodate flashing, ridge capping and Then add one. The length of each batten is the
changes in roof slope. same as the roof width for a rectangular roof
Quantities of roofing materials can be "taken area. Battens must also be added on both sides
off" a roof plan. However, remember that PENETRATIONS of hips and valleys. Add 15% to each length to
quantities taken off plans are only estimates. When calculating the roof area, do not subtract allow for lapping and overhangs.
Accurate roof sheeting sizes must be obtained for penetrations such as skylights, vents, Batten spacings should not exceed 1200mm
by measuring the roof structure on site after dormers and chimneys. Unless the penetration centres. Refer to Stramit's technical manual Top
the rafters or battens have been pitched. is extremely large (i.e. much wider than the Hats & Battens Capacity Tables for more information.
ROOF TYPES sheet) roof sheeting is continuous.
Take-off examples in this guide are for the most
common roof types (skillion, gable, hip and The Product Selector table includes the number
The amount and type of flashing depends on
bullnose). The principles can be applied to any of fasteners per sheet for each product. Note
the roof detailing. Refer to the Stramit
roof type by dividing the roof into sections. that the first fastener for each sheet is on the
Architectural Detailing Guide for more
overlap.This fastener secures both sheets and is
ROOF SLOPE information. Stramit Building Products provides
only counted once.
The angle or slope of the roof determines the a wide range of flashing for waterproofing roof
length of sheet runs and the area of the roof. ends and joins, including under and over
Sheet lengths and roof area can both be flashing, ridge and barge capping, valley gutters Overlap Overlap Roof Edge
calculated using only the slope and the and custom shapes that enhance the aesthetic
horizontal distance between the fascia and the appearance of the building. Multiply the number of fasteners per sheet by
ridge line on the roof plan. The table of Roof the number of sheets then multiply the answer
Slope Factors provides a quick method of by the number of fixing points (battens). Add an
calculating sheet runs and roof areas without extra row of fasteners for the final sheet, which
resor ting to trigonometry. has no sheet overlap at the end.
4 R O O F TA K E O F F S M A D E E A S Y
Roof Area/
1.000 1.001 1.001 1.002 1.004 1.006 1.008 1.010 1.012 1.015 1.019 1.022 1.026 1.031 1.035
Sheet Length
Hip Length 1.414 1.415 1.415 1.416 1.417 1.418 1.420 1.421 1.423 1.425 1.428 1.430 1.433 1.436 1.439
Roof Area/
1.040 1.046 1.051 1.058 1.064 1.071 1.079 1.086 1.095 1.103 1.113 1.122 1.133 1.143 1.155
Sheet Length
Hip Length 1.443 1.447 1.451 1.456 1.460 1.465 1.471 1.477 1.483 1.489 1.496 1.503 1.511 1.519 1.528
Roof Area/
Sheet Length 1.167 1.179 1.192 1.206 1.221 1.236 1.252 1.269 1.287 1.305 1.325 1.346 1.367 1.390 1.414
Hip Length 1.537 1.546 1.556 1.567 1.578 1.590 1.602 1.616 1.630 1.644 1.660 1.677 1.694 1.712 1.732
Roof Area/
Sheet Length 1.440 1.466 1.494 1.524 1.556 1.589 1.624 1.662 1.701 1.743 1.788 1.836 1.887 1.942 2.000
Hip Length 1.753 1.775 1.798 1.823 1.849 1.877 1.907 1.939 1.973 2.010 2.049 2.091 2.136 2.184 2.236
The table of Roof Slope Factors ROOF AREA SHEET LENGTH
First determine the area of the roof plan by On the roof plan, measure the distance from
allows quick calculations of roof
multiplying the length of the roof by the width. the line of the ridge to the outside edge of the
area, sheet length and hip length. Before making the calculation, add gutter fascia, which in our example is half the span or
overhangs of 50mm. In this case, there are 4000mm. Multiply this measurement by the
These methods are for quick estimating gutters on all four sides. Then, to find the area Roof Slope Factor for 30º (1.155) to find the
purposes only. of the hipped roof, simply multiply this plan length of the sheet required to span from the
Accurate measurements must be taken area by the Roof Slope Factor. ridge to the fascia.
from the actual roof frame before This same method is used for gable roofs (for
ordering roofing and rainwater products. Note that all roof sheeting must extend at least
an explanation of the roof geometry, see hip
As an example, we will look at a typical 50mm beyond the fascia line to provide gutter
roof take-off example on page 15).
hipped roof where all four roof sections have overhang.
Using our example roof, we can determine the
the same slope (30º) and all hips are of roof area as follows: Half span - ridge to fascia (mm) 4000
equal length. Gutter overhang (mm) + 50
Roof length (m) 19
This example illustrates the use of the Total span (mm) = 4050
Gutter overhangs (m) + 0.1
table only.
Total roof length (m) = 19.1 Roof Slope Factor for 30º x 1.155
See roofing examples for detailed take-offs.
Roof plan width (m) 8 Sheet length (mm) = 4678
Gutter overhangs (m) + 0.1
Typical hipped roof (roof slope = 30º) Total roof width(m) = 8.1
Roof plan length (m) 19.1
Roof plan width (m) x 8.1
Plan area (m2) = 154.7
HIP CAPPING ROOF BATTENS The hipped roof example can be treated as a
To find the length of ridge capping required to For a ballpark estimate of battens (in metres) gable roof with 2 panels, each 19m wide. Sheet
cover the hip, measure the distance from the multiply the roof area by 1.5. A better method is length is 4.68m. If sheeting span is 1m,
ridge line to the fascia on the roof plan to divide the roof into sections and use the 6 battens are needed (by reading between
(again 4000mm) add the gutter overhang and table below. Multiply the number of battens by the columns in the table).
multiply by the Hip Length Factor for 30º. the width of the roof panel. For a triangular roof
Battens per panel 6
section, find batten lengths for a rectangular panel
Half span - ridge to fascia (mm) 4000 and divide by 2. Remember that raked sheet Length of battens (m) x 19
Gutter overhang (mm) + 50 ends (hips and valleys) require batten support. Total for both sides x 2
Hip Length Factor for 30º x 1.528 Add for hips (6.19m x 8) + 49.5
Hip capping required (mm) = 6188.4 NUMBER OF ROOF BATTENS Batten lengths (m) = 277.5
For different sheeting spans and lengths Add 15% for laps, etc. x 1.15
Capping for one hip (mm) 6190 Average Maximum sheet length (m) Total battens (m) = 319
Multiply by 4 x 4 span
(mm) 2 4 6 8 10 12
Total hip capping (m) = 24.8 FASTENERS
600 5 8 11 15 18 21
To find the number of roofing fasteners
800 4 6 9 11 14 16 required, divide the total batten length by the
1000 3 5 7 9 11 13 space between each fastener. Add an extra
The length of ridges running parallel to the sides
1200 3 5 6 8 10 11 10% to the total for flashing, wastage and loss.
of the roof can be read straight off the plan.
For hipped roofs where all sides have the same 1400 3 4 6 7 9 10 In the case of Stramit® Corrugated sheeting,
slope, the length of the top ridge is equal to the 1600 3 4 5 6 8 9 cover is 762mm. Divide this by the number of
length of the roof plan minus the width, 1800 3 4 5 6 7 8 fasteners per sheet (3) to find the distance
regardless of slope. between each fastener (254mm).
2000 2 3 4 5 6 7
Roof plan length (m) 19 2200 2 3 4 5 6 7 Battens (mm) - Do not include laps 277500
Plan of typical double carport roof (with 2º slope) - joins existing house at top
FASTENERS OTHER PRODUCTS Stramit® Fascia Stramit® Quad Gutter Stramit® Downpipe
& Barge Board Round
From the Product Selector table, Having determined the quantity and
Stramit Monoclad® sheeting requires length of roof sheets, lineal metres of
4 fasteners per sheet (3 plus 1 on the battens and number of fasteners
sheet overlap). To calculate the number required, now determine the quantity,
of fasteners required, multiply this by type, size and colour of the rainwater
the number of sheets, then multiply by Nozzle/Pop
products and flashing applicable to the
the number of fixing points (battens). structure. In this case:
Then add the fasteners required to fix
the roof edge on the final row of Metal Fascia
sheeting. Rafter Brackets
Gutter Stiffener
Fascia Corners Snap Clip
Fasteners per sheet 4 Guttering Fascia
Gutter Stop Ends Joiner
Number of sheets x 10
Number of battens x 5 Gutter Snap Clips
Number of battens in last row + 5 Gutter Stiffeners
Edge Capping
Number of fasteners = 205
Stop End Plates
Downpipe Nozzle Downpipe
Add an extra 10% to the number of Rectangular Shoe
Downpipe Offset Adjustable
fasteners to allow for flashing, wastage Rafter Downpipe
Astragals Fascia
and loss. Corner Bracket Offset
Gutter 1400
This is a slightly more difficult exercise for an irregular shaped roof extension constructed
with steel battens.
In this example, the roof slope is 2º and Stramit Monoclad® sheeting (0.48 bmt) has been
specified. Effective cover is 762mm.
Calculating quantities for a roof of irregular size with minimum wastage is quite simple
using the following method.
Roof Fall = 2º
Barge board
Roof slope 47
30º 93
On an equal-hip roof, where the side roofs and the end roofs have the
same slope, it is possible to order all roof sheets at one length, as for
Order all sheets at the same length. Order all sheets
a gable roof. Wastage will be eliminated because, when the sheets at the same
Off-cuts from the side roofs are
on the side roof are cut along the hip line, the off-cuts can installed on the opposite corner of length, as for a
the end roof, with the raked ends gable roof
be installed on the opposite corner of the end roof. The aligned with the hip.
off-cut sections will include the required gutter Sheets should be laid against the
direction of prevailing weather
overhang for the end roofs.
where possible.
Sheets are cut
along hip line
On a hip roof, the end jack and the common End
rafter are the same length. Jack
They form two equal triangles, with the Off-cuts are installed
raked hip line as the longest side. on opposite corner of
Hip end roof (raked ends
aligned with hip)
of curve
The heritage-style bullnose verandah is the best-known
application of Stramit® Curved Corrugated sheeting. 85º
In this example, standard dimensions have been specified: 400mm radius straight section
5º roof slope 1800mm verandah depth
400mm radius on
curved section 1800
1800mm verandah depth
110mm straight wall section Verandah
Roof Pitch
Note that the verandah depth is 5º
(from wall to fascia) of 1800mm
11.250 14.850
requires a mid-span batten. Radius
The ver tical section (above the gutter) must have a
minimum depth of 110mm.
This is necessary for manufacturing purposes. 1800
However, this section can be cut back after manufacture, 1800 26.100 1800
for an additional fee. 29.700
Wall Verandah
Minimum straight section incorporated
into curved roof section.
1. Butt join directly to the house wall under the guttering, using under-and-over
flashing to provide weather sealing. This is the most common style.
2. Underlap the main roof to give a smooth-flowing look similar to a bell cast or
dual-slope roof. When ordering an underlap style, specify “Main roof to match
bullnose verandah” because it is not possible to match the verandah to the roof.
Other information C
Number of sheets
Topside colour or finish
Direction of laying L to R / R to L A A
Does curved sheet end lap straight sheet? If yes add 150mm
A Straight section into gutter __________________________________________________mm Other information (eg. docking, endlapping) _________________________________________________
The information contained within this brochure is as far as possible accurate at the date of publication, however, before application in a par ticular situation, Stramit Building Products recommends that you obtain qualified exper t
advice confirming the suitability of product(s) and information in question for the application proposed. While Stramit Building Products accepts its legal obligations, be aware however that to the extent permitted by law, Stramit
Building Products disclaims all liability (including liability for negligence) for all loss and damage resulting from the use of the information provided in this brochure.
® TM Trade marks of Stramit Corporation Pty Limited ABN 57 005 010 195 trading as Stramit Building Products. A member of the Fletcher Building Group.
© Stramit Corporation Pty Limited April 2009. This edition supersedes all previous issues.