Turmeric Contract Spec 08032011
Turmeric Contract Spec 08032011
Turmeric Contract Spec 08032011
Trading System Unpolished turmeric fingers Nizamabad quality ex warehouse Nizamabad inclusive of Sales Tax/VAT Unit of trading Delivery unit Quotation/ Base value Tick size Quality specification 5 MT 5 MT Rs. per Quintal Re. 2 Unpolished turmeric fingers of the current year with the follow specifications as the basis Unpolished turmeric fingers # Inferior quality Turmeric* should not be more than 1.5% Length o Fingers that are broken/those less than 15mm should not be more than 3.0% o At least 75% of turmeric should be more than 3 cm in length Damage due to moisture (i.e. Lokhandi) or over boiling (i.e. Kadh) should not be more than 1.2% Unboiled or less boiled turmeric should not be more than 0.3% Bhusa, chaff dirt, earth clods and stones should not be more than 0.75% Bulbs should not be more than 3% Moisture o o Basis 12% Allowed at 1:1 discount upto 13%
Turmeric should be free from fungus Turmeric should not be artificially coloured with dyes or chemicals
at on par basis * Chora/atthu finger, khota gatha, markha Also Deliverable The following qualities will be acceptable at Exchange specified premium/discount Only farmer polished fingers will be acceptable in case of Rajapore, Desi Cuddapah, Erode and Salem qualities Farmer polished fingers/unpolished fingers will be acceptable in the case of Duggirala, Warangal & Cuddapah qualities Quantity variation Delivery center +/- 2% Nizamabad (up to the radius of 50 Km from the municipal limits) Additional centers delivery Sangli, Erode, Duggirala, Cuddapah and Warangal (up to the radius of 50 Km from the municipal limits) with location wise premium/discount as announced by the Exchange from time to time. Hours of Trading As per directions of the Forward Markets Commission from time to time, currently: Mondays through Fridays: 10:00 a. m. to 5:00 p.m. Saturdays: 10.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m. The Exchange may change the above timing with due notice. Due date/Expiry date 20th day of the delivery month If 20th happens to be a holiday, a Saturday or a Sunday then the due date shall be the immediately preceding trading day of the Exchange, which is other than a Saturday. Delivery Logic Delivery specification Compulsory delivery Upon expiry of the contract all outstanding positions will result in delivery. The penalty structure for failure to meet delivery obligations will be as per circular no. NCDEX/TRADING-
086/2008/216 dated September 16, 2008 Opening of contracts Trading in any contract month will open on the 10th day of the month. If 10th happens to be a non-trading day, contracts would open on the next trading day
Closing of contract
On the expiry of the contract, all the outstanding position would have to be settled by physical delivery The Final Settlement Price (FSP) shall be arrived at by taking the average of the last three days spot prices. The last spot price for the day as polled by the Exchange during the last three days shall be taken for arriving at the FSP.
In the event of unavailability of the spot prices during any one of the last three days excluding the expiry day (i.e., on E 1 or E 2), the spot price of the previous day (E - 3) shall be considered for the average of the last three days. In case spot prices are not available during the 3 day period prior to the expiry date, the last spot price of the expiry day shall be considered for arriving at the FSP As per launch calendar Daily price limit will be (+/-) 2%. If the price touches (+/-) 2%, trading will continue with 2% limit for the 15 minutes period from the time 2% limit was reached. Thereafter, price limit would be extended by another (+)/ (-) 2 %. No trade would be permitted during the day beyond the price limit of (+)/(-)4% from the previous days closing price
Position limits
Member: 20,000 MT for all contracts or 15% of market wide open position whichever is higher. Client: 4,000 MT for all contracts The above limits will not apply to bona fide hedgers.
For bona fide hedgers, the Exchange will, on a case to case basis, decide the hedge limits. Please refer to Circular No. NCDEX/TRADING-100/2005/219 dated October 20, 2005. For near month contracts: The following limits would be applicable from 28 days prior to expiry date of a contract Member: Maximum of 5,000 MT or 15% of the market-wide near month open position, whichever is higher. Client: Maximum of 1000 MT Special margins In case of additional volatility, a special margin at such other percentage, as deemed fit, will be imposed in respect of outstanding positions, which will remain in force as long as the volatility exists, after which the special margin may be relaxed
Tolerance limit for outbound deliveries: Specification Basis Tolerance Limit +/- 0.3%
Inferior quality Turmeric (Chora/atthu finger, Upto 1.5% khota gatha, markha) Length
At least 75% of turmeric should +/- 3% be more than 3 cm in length +/- 0.2%
Damage due to moisture (i.e. Lokhandi) or Upto 1.2% over boiling (i.e. Kadh) Bhusa, chaff dirt, earth clods and stones Bulbs Upper limit on the total of all tolerances Upto 0.75% Upto 3%
Note: Tolerance limit is applicable only for outbound deliveries. Variation in quality parameters within the prescribed tolerance limit as above will be treated as good delivery when members/clients lift the materials from warehouse. These permissible variations shall be based on the parameters found as per the immediate preceding test certificate given by NCDEX approved assayer.
Contract Launch Calendar Contract Launch Month November 2010 December 2010 January 2011 February 2011 March 2011 April 2011 May 2011 June 2011 July 2011 August 2011 September 2011 Contract Expiry Month April 2011, May 2011 June 2011 No Launch No Launch No Launch July 2011 August 2011 September 2011 October 2011 November 2011 December 2011
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