Alpine Cement Website Evaluation and Business Plan: COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Lahore

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Chapter 1
Electronic Commerce is one of the emerging fields in Pakistan business scenario. But in the world it is become a very popular mode of selling and purchasing in short trading. The website is also an asset and its results go a long way in increasing their value and accordingly, the net worth of the company. The Dell computer company is the perfect example that set the trend to take their order online instead of their dealers and franchises. And many others like e-bay etc.

There are some key objectives which we want to achieve as: To find out major factors which affect the performance of Company through e-sites Detail study of those factors which affect productivity of the company Find out the different ways to tackle the problems regarding online performance To lessen the deficiency of our online web site through different ways To find out the appropriate combination of the online business and other modes To evaluate how a website can add more value to the company To find out where we stand against our competitors and what is our status in industry

Problem statement
Generally in Pakistan selling Websites are not more effective, and their performance as compare to complex moods of selling but problem is that can the new technology ignored in decision making in the organization. Hiring the appropriate personnel will obviously lead to higher performance but the case can be inverse too. A Website of comparatively complex in use will lesser ability
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to attract customers and performance which will result in low profitability for the organization. So a user-friendly process and prominent catalogs of products will increase the profitability of the company.

Limitations of Study
As we doing our research, we are facing some problems like our research is cross sectional so in the short time constraint many of the concepts we could not discuss. Another limitation is about the security problem in overall country which impact is also on industry so many organizations are not comfortable for study visits.

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Chapter 2

Theoretical Framework
The dependent variable (Websites productivity) is influenced by two independent variables that are usage and security. Dependent Variable Independent Variables ususage Websites performance security Websites performance is obviously affected by usage which is categorized into further like user friendly and complexity, user friendly Websites are more productive as compare to complex because they are more easier and time saving. So usage directly affects on the performance of Websites. Most of the intellectuals say that user friendly are more effective and productive and with the usage of time the motivation is stabilized then decreasing in complex usage.

Research Questions
During the preliminary data gathering we encountered following questions that we will try to answer during the research. What is the right combination of the title page, graphics and contents? Can this web site produce the same level of output as the management expect? How the finding of the research will be useful to device their website? What are the ground realities and facts for their point of view?

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Hypotheses Formation
Interactive with clients and react inquiries better the results Dynamic Websites can enhance the productivity and increase the sells volume Easy to use or user friendly the websites, the higher will be the performance

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Chapter 3
Research Design
We conduct research by using research design and know about how to test the hypotheses. There are some steps involved in research design as below: Purpose of Research: We will follow the exploratory research. Factors Affecting Websites Performance is not much known topic so to explore something about the topic we select exploratory research. We are also trying to clear our concepts about the topic. So we select the Exploratory Research. Types of Investigation: During our research we will use co relational study to investigate and explain the important variables associated with Factors Affecting Websites Performance. Extent of Researcher Interference with the Study: Our study is correlation because it would be conducted in the natural environment of the organization with the usual flow of work. Study Setting: Contrived and None Contrived: In the usual setting of the environment which is also known as field study; we use correctional study So we are using Non Contrived study setting for our research.

Measurement of Variables
Operational Definition:

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Websites performance is dependent variable of our topic, which depends on two independent variables Usage and security. Scale for Measurement: We will use 5 point likert scale to measure outcomes of our research work. Unit of Analysis: As Factors Affecting Websites Performance is related to business so we will select the individual Websites from the business organizations for research purpose and to find out different solutions related to problems. Time Horizon: Cross-Sectional Studies: The time horizon for our study is cross-sectional because we are conducting our research over a shorter period of time i.e. one to two months. Data Collection Methods: We will develop a questionnaire according to the dimensions and the elements of the variables to collect the data

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Research Design

Purpose (Exploratory) Investigation (Co relational)

Researchers Interference (Normal)

Study Setting (Non Contrived)

Measurement of variables

Unit of Analysis (individuals)

Time Horizon (CrossSectional)

Data Collection Sample size Methods (n) (Questionnaire)

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Chapter 4
Gender N Valid Missing 28 0 Age 28 0 Education 28 0 Semester 28 0

Frequency Table

Frequency Valid Male Female Total 24 4 28

Percent 85.7 14.3 100.0

Valid Percent 85.7 14.3 100.0

Cumulative Percent 85.7 100.0


Frequency Valid Below 20 21-25 26-30 Total 2 25 1 28

Percent 7.1 89.3 3.6 100.0

Valid Percent 7.1 89.3 3.6 100.0

Cumulative Percent 7.1 96.4 100.0

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Frequency Valid MBA BBA Engineering Total 3 9 16 28

Percent 10.7 32.1 57.1 100.0

Valid Percent 10.7 32.1 57.1 100.0

Cumulative Percent 10.7 42.9 100.0


Frequency Valid 2 3 4 5 6 Total 2 10 11 4 1 28

Percent 7.1 35.7 39.3 14.3 3.6 100.0

Valid Percent 7.1 35.7 39.3 14.3 3.6 100.0

Cumulative Percent 7.1 42.9 82.1 96.4 100.0

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What is your first commen t on Alpine site N Vali d Miss ing 28 0

How is the navigatio n of the website as compare d to other sites? 28 0

Catalog s of our total offering s are availabl e 28 0

Color scheme attracts clients to find out related data 28 0

Websit containin g the proper contact details of the compan y 28 0

Necess ary informat ion is availabl e on our site 28 0

Price and product lists are update d 28 0

All the links are working properl y 28 0

Alpine site is user friendly and underst andabl e 28 0

Contrast between text and backgro und color reflect eyes positivel y 28 0

Frequency Table
What is your first comment on Alpine website
Cumulative Percent 3.6 53.6 96.4 100.0

Frequency Valid Satisfactory Good Very Good Excellent Total 1 14 12 1 28

Percent 3.6 50.0 42.9 3.6 100.0

Valid Percent 3.6 50.0 42.9 3.6 100.0

How is the navigation of the website as compared to other sites?

Cumulative Percent 10.7 67.9 96.4 100.0

Frequency Valid Satisfactory Good Very Good Excellent Total 3 16 8 1 28

Percent 10.7 57.1 28.6 3.6 100.0

Valid Percent 10.7 57.1 28.6 3.6 100.0

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Catalogs of our total offerings are available

Frequency Valid Satisfactory Good Very Good Excellent Total 2 14 11 1 28

Percent 7.1 50.0 39.3 3.6 100.0

Valid Percent 7.1 50.0 39.3 3.6 100.0

Cumulative Percent 7.1 57.1 96.4 100.0

Color scheme attracts clients to find out related data

Frequency Valid Satisfactory Good Very Good Total 4 19 5 28

Percent 14.3 67.9 17.9 100.0

Valid Percent 14.3 67.9 17.9 100.0

Cumulative Percent 14.3 82.1 100.0

Website containing the proper contact details of the company

Frequency Valid Satisfactory Good Very Good Excellent Total 2 19 6 1 28

Percent 7.1 67.9 21.4 3.6 100.0

Valid Percent 7.1 67.9 21.4 3.6 100.0

Cumulative Percent 7.1 75.0 96.4 100.0

Necessary information is available on our site

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Frequency Valid Good Very Good Total 17 11 28

Percent 60.7 39.3 100.0

Valid Percent 60.7 39.3 100.0

Cumulative Percent 60.7 100.0

Price and product lists are updated

Frequency Valid Satisfactory Good Very Good Excellent Total 5 15 6 2 28

Percent 17.9 53.6 21.4 7.1 100.0

Valid Percent 17.9 53.6 21.4 7.1 100.0

Cumulative Percent 17.9 71.4 92.9 100.0

All the links are working properly

Frequency Valid Good Very Good Excellent Total 15 10 3 28

Percent 53.6 35.7 10.7 100.0

Valid Percent 53.6 35.7 10.7 100.0

Cumulative Percent 53.6 89.3 100.0

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Alpine site is user friendly and understandable

Frequency Valid Satisfactory Good Very Good Excellent Total 1 12 14 1 28

Percent 3.6 42.9 50.0 3.6 100.0

Valid Percent 3.6 42.9 50.0 3.6 100.0

Cumulative Percent 3.6 46.4 96.4 100.0

Contrast between text and background color reflect eyes positively

Frequency Valid Bad Satisfactory Good Very Good Total 1 4 12 11 28

Percent 3.6 14.3 42.9 39.3 100.0

Valid Percent 3.6 14.3 42.9 39.3 100.0

Cumulative Percent 3.6 17.9 60.7 100.0

Chapter 5
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At the time of independence in 1947, only one or two units were producing grey cement in the country. During the decade of 1948-58, the number of cement units increased to six. During the Ayub era the economy started to grow and the construction activities underwent a boom. To meet the growing demand of cement new units were set up. During the decade of 1958-68, the number of cement units increased from 6 to 9. During the following period of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto all the industrial units, including cement industry, were nationalized, therefore, no new unit was set up during 1971-77. During the period of General Zia-ul-Haq, 1977-88, denationalization of industrial units boosted the investments. Housing and construction industries picked up and the demand for cement increased. Thus, the number of cement units increased from 9 to 23 and finally 24. The cement industry in Pakistan has become a long way since independence when country had less than half a million tones per annum production capacity. By now it has exceeded 10 million tones per annum as a result of establishment of new manufacturing facilities and expansion by existing units. Privatization and effective price decontrol in 1991-92 heralded a new era in which the industry has reached a level where surplus production after meeting local demand is expected in 1997. The cement industry is needed a highly important segment of industrial sector that plays a pivotal role in the socio-economic development. Through the cement

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industry in Pakistan has witnessed its lows and high in recent past, it has recovered during the last couple of years and is buoyant once again. There are total number of units are 23, from which 4 units are in the public sector while the remaining 19 units are owned by the private sector. Two of the four units in the public sector had to close down their operations due to stiff competition and heavy cost of production. The cement plants are located in every province of Pakistan. The province-wise distribution of cement plant is as under. Providence Punjab Sindh NWFP Baluchistan Total Units 8 8 6 1 23 Capacity (MillionTons) 7.488 3.851 4.945 0.758 17.040

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Three additional cement plants with installed capacity of over 2.1 million tons are in the final stage of completion despite the available excess capacity in this sector. The following table shows installation of new cement factories and expansion of the existing facilities during the current decade. The industry is divided into two broad regions, the northern region and the southern region. The northern region has over 87 percent share in total cement

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dispatches while the units based in the southern region contributes 13 percent to the annual cement sales. Name of New/ Expansion Year Commission Expansion New New Expansion New New Expansion New 1964 1996 1988 1988 1997 1996 1998 1994 of New Capacity

company Northern Region Askari cement Askari cement Bestway cement D.G Khan cement Fauji cement Lucky cement Maple Leaf cement Pioneer cement Sub-Total Southern Region Essa cement Total

Created(Tons) 945,000 630,000 1,039,500 1,039,500 945,000 1,260,000 1,039,500 630,000 7,528,500 315,000 7,843,500



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Growth Pattern of Cement Industry of Pakistan

Cement is one of major industries of Pakistan. Pakistan is rich in cement raw material. Currently many cement plant are operating in private sector. The last few years have been a golden period for cement manufacturers, when the government increased spending on infrastructure development. High commercial activity and rising demand for housing on account of higher per capita income has kept cement off take growth in double digits. During the financial year-07, cement sales registered a growth of 31 percent to 17.53 million tonnes as against 13.5 million tonnes sold last year. The cement sales during July-February-08 showed an increase, both in domestic and regional markets to 18.17 million tonnes. The domestic sales registered an increase of 7.2 percent to 14.4 million tones in the current period as compared to 13.5 million tones last year whereas exports stood at 3.7 million tones as against 1.8 million tones in the corresponding period last year, showing an increase of 110 percent. Pakistan cement industry has a huge potential for export of cement to neighboring countries like India, U.A.E, Afghanistan, Iraq and Russian states. These has been a robust growth of cement demand seen both in domestic and exports market during the fiscal year ended June 30, 2007. The industry achieved an overall growth of 32% with domestic demand of cement increased by 24.95% where as exports increased by 111.86%. The overall growth achieved by cement factories for the year under review was 111.29% consisting of domestic and exports markets at 71.02% and 335.12% respectively.

Contribution to National Economy by Cement Sector

The cement is contributing Rs 30 billion to the national exchequer in the form of tax. This sector has invested about Rs 100 billion in capacity expansion over the last four years. There are four foreign companies, three armed force companies
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and 16 private companies listed in the stock exchanges. The industry is divided into two broad regions. The northern region has over 87% shares in total cement dispatches while the units base in the southern region contributes 13% to the annual cement sale. The per capita consumption of cement has risen from 117 kg in FY06 to 131 kg in FY07. The cement industry of Pakistan entered the export markets a few years back, and has established its reputation as a good quality product. The latest information is that India will import more cement from Pakistan. So far 130,000 tones cement has been exported to the neighboring country. Marketing management of Alpine 1. INTRODUCTION: The term marketing is derived from Latin word marcutus which means a place were business is conducted. Market: The market means a place where buyer and seller meet each other and the deal finalizes. Marketing: Marketing means to delivered goods and services at a right time, at a right place, and to the right person. its known as marketing. The bases of marketing are selling of the product. But the term marketing is very wide and various. The marketing head office of Alpine Cement Ltd. at Lahore Marketing is starts with humans needs and wants. People want their basic need like food, air, water clothing & shelter to survive. The human wants are unlimited, various, and wide so, the marketing process will never become stop. 3. PRODUCT PLANNING To satisfy customer needs and wants product planning is essential. Many products affect some factor like geographic factor, cultural factor, social factor, demographical factor, psychological factor, and many others. Product planning is related following matters..

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1. Product mix {Product width, line, depth, & distribution Channel} 2. Packing 3. Labeling 4. Branding 5. After sales service 6. Organizing 4. MARKET SEGMENTATION Market Segmentation is a process of dividing total heterogeneous market into various segments. Each segments tends to be homogeneous in all significant accepts, for the purpose of selecting one or more segment as a target market for a company and separate marketing mean is a reward to be developed for even segment. It is an act of classifying consumers on the basis of their characteristics to select target market. 5. PRICING POLICY: Price is the main factor to satisfy the customer. Prices are known by different names like - fees, fare, rant, commission etc. The pricing policy is directly or indirectly affects the fixed cost, variable cost, Government policy etc. (A) COST ORIENTED PRICING: in this product the price is decided as per the cost of product and it is also known as target pricing. (B) DEMAND ORIENTED PRICING: In this product the price is decided as per the consumer demand. Alpine Cement Ltd. has many competitors in India and other country also. So, they have set prices taking into consideration all of them. Thus, the prices are always fluctuating it is also fluctuated by government. Alpine Cement Ltd. looks upon following factors for determining Prices: (1) Cost of production. (2) Advertising. (3) Distribution cost. (4) Sales promotion cost.

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Alpine Cement Ltd. provides some motivation like gifts, discounts and commission etc. for increases the efficiency of the dealers, stockiest to selling more.

6. CHANNELS OF DISTRIBUTION: A channel of distribution refers to a process of distribution goods and services to the consumers by producer. It is known as distribution channel because there were made channel between producer and consumer while the selling and buying process is doing the market and it is as 1. Zero level distribution. Producer Consumer 2. One level distribution. Producer Retailer Consumer 3. Two level distribution. Producer Wholesaler Retailer Consumer 4. Three level distribution. Producer Agent Wholesaler Retailer Consumer 7. Sales Promotion: Sales promotion is a key, which opens the door of selling in the competitive market. Sales promotion is help full for increase the selling because it is one type of advertisement for EX: giving a free sample and sales promotional services. To increase selling ALPINE has applied sales promotional stapes at three levels like. 1) AT DEALERR LEVEL: The unit offers some benefit like cash discount, quality discount training to their dealers for dealing properly with consumer. 2) AT SALESMAN LEVEL:

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Different skims offers to the salesman for increase the sales volume by giving fixed target, If he is able to complete his target, he will be rewarded monetary, non monetary or he got gift by the company. 3) AT CONSUMER LEVEL: By ALPINE consumer gets benefit of different types of cement at high quality and gats other social benefit. Sales promotion is not expenditure, it is an investment which is an Integral part of marketing to beat competitor. 9. MARKETING RESEARCH Marketing research is very important element to find out the customer satisfaction, product sales, distribution channels, pricing, advertising. It also helpful to sales fore casting for company's product which is related to future planning. The ALPINE makes marketing research by two ways (1). Experimental method It is making for check the distribution channel, advertising strategies etc. (2). Survey method: The ALPINE make survey method by conducting the personal interviews, by research marketing to find out effect of advertisement, sales volume, distribution channel etc.

2. ORGANISATION OF MARKETING DEPARTMENT It is true that the human wants are unlimited, various, and wide so, it is a responsibility of Marketing Department to organization its department in such a way that it can help to satisfy the human wants. It does not help in the sales and distribution of the goods and services only but it also help to customers satisfaction. The unit has adopted the marketing strategy of Geographical area wise.

Human Resource Management

1. Introduction Definition: -

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A Human Resource Management can be defining as H.R.M is Managerial function which concurred with hiring, motivation, directing and maintaining the people in the organization. It is known as Human Resource Management. Human Resource Management (H.R.M) is also known as personal management. Without H.R.M a company cannot achieve their goal easily. All the company has H.R.M department. Highlight on Human Resource Management 1) It is managerial and top level function. 2) It is concerned with employees, both as individuals as well as a group. 3) It is try to develop employee skill and better performance. 4) Personnel Management is a continuous process. 5) Without H.R.M a company can not achieve their goal easily. 2. ORGANIZATION STRUCTURE Alpine Cement Ltd established the line and staff type of organization. Personnel department is under direct control of vice president Senior Manager is responsible to vice president. The main functions of personnel department of Alpine Cement Ltd. Is 1) To recruitment of employee. 2) To conduct interview for selection of efficient person. 3) To make man power planning. 4) To give guidance, and motivation to the employee. 5) To dealing with transfer and promotion. 6) Wage and salary administration. 7) To maintain the personnel records. 3. RECRUITMENT, & PLACEMENT Recruitment: Employee are the asset of the company, so it to get skillful person for proper management of man, machine, money and material. This process is held by Personnel Department. The process of recruitment gets started because of transfer, dismissal or promotion of the employee. The person n charge gives

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advertisement through various means of communications like new paper, Television, business magazine etc. The recruitment is may be on. (1) At management and administration level. (2) At staff level. (3) At worker level. Selection process: Generally the following procedure is taken into consideration while selection the member. 1) Choose proper media for Advertisement. 2) Accept all the application, and analysis them. 3) Select applicant on the basis of application. 4) Sand them call latter. 5) Conduct personal interview. 6) Then selected employees is given an 4. PROMOTIONS AND TRANSFER POLICY PROMOTION POLICY: "Promotion" is reference to the more authority, salary, and more responsibility. In Alpine Cement Ltd., they use only performance basis Promotion. So, employees are promoted on the basis of their skill, performance and their achievement level. TRANSFER POLICY: "Transfer reference to the transfer of person in other department, or on other site with same authority, responsibility, and same salary. 5. WAGES AND SALARY ADMINISTRATION Wage and salary are most use full to give motivation to the employee. Wage and salary means the monitory reward paid to the employee on behalf of his work. In Alpine Cement Ltd. they pays salary to Employees and Wages to labors And other allowances are paid. The amount of wage & salary paid depends on grades. A Grade / Management Category are Basic salary + house Rent Allowance + 10% provident Fund + Medical Allowance + medical Allowance + Vehicle Allowance + Bonus + D.A.

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OVERTIME PAYMENT: Overtime payment is admissible toward wage board workers only. The overtime payment is made on the basis of overtime memo received from the department head. EXTRA DUTY INTIMATION: If In accident caseworker may loose his efficiency of performing the present job. In such cases company make transfer of the employee and if he is not able to work at all the units, the unit pays a reward to employee. On the event of death of a workman the wages and other dues shall be paid to the nominee. 6. PROVIDENT FUND POLICY The Alpine Cement Ltd. Has to follow Provident fund Act. Provident fund will be deducted from salary of employee at a rate of 12%. 7. COLLECTIVE BARGAINING: Collective bargaining is negotiation between an employer or a group of workers to reach at agreement on working condition. It is also considered as one of the remedial measure to set industrial dispute. There is no formal collective bargaining in Alpine Cement Ltd. If their were any problem arise it is solved by management and lab our unions. By meeting and the decisions making. 8. TRADE UNION: Alpine Cement Ltd. has no formal trade union. 9. PERSONNEL RECORDS Personnel record is a very important thing which includes name, dress, date of birth, qualifications, hobby, experience etc. and as it helps to take timely decisions. It also preserves evidence for future reference or use. Looking to the importance of personnel records Alpine Cement Ltd. has maintained separate file for each and every necessary details.

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10. EMPLOYEES BENEFICIAL SERVICES The personal management is tried to focus on employee and employer to give best services. Thus it increases the satisfaction and the long run income of the company. The Alpine Cement Ltd., provide the best services to their employee. The facilities provided by the organization to the employees are as under. (A) EDUCATIONAL FACILITIES: The Alpine Cement Ltd. has its own English medium school and the fees are very normal so, that a common person can able to provide their child a better education. (B) MEDICAL FACILITIES: The unit has its own medical center established in colony when any family member of employee or himself is sick he can directly visit to the nearby hospital and can go under Medical treatment. In case of any injury or accidents the company pays the full expenditure, incurred for the treatment of worker. (C) LEAVE FACILITIES: The following are the leave facilities provided by the company to the employees: Festival Leave: All the workmen are granted National and social Festival holidays Sick Leave: The unit grants 12 days as a sick leave to the employees. He can take leave for 12 days in one year for his sickness. Casual Leave A workman may be granted Casual leave of absence with pay not exceeding 7 days. Privilege leave: Privilege leave is the leave for workers only. The workers can get a privilege leave if he works for continuous 209 days.

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(D) CANTEEN FACILITIES: The Gujarat Cement also provides a good canteen, where every worker can go and take refreshments and snacks at cheap rates and hygienic than other stuffs available in the market. (E) OTHER ALLOWANCE: 1) Health Allowance: 2) House rent allowance:

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All the above discussion narrates that website designing and managing is very much important for every company which conducts its sales through Internet through electronic commerce. However it is also necessary for every company to develop a good and well managed website in order to keep in connection and get feedback from its customers. A company can tell about the products it offers in the market, their features prices and other important aspects on its website. It is very important that the developed website should be fulfilling the need of customers as far as appearance, color scheme, home page, fonts, navigation, informational contents, graphics and links etc. These are the more important aspects of a website that the customers look into when they visit or use a website. The security of an e-commerce website is also a major issue because it includes very personal information of the user or the customer. The customer has to give his personal contact number, home address and the credit number, so the e-commerce website should be developed carefully and its privacy and security should be maintained. The piracy element should also be considered in a respect that the website should not resemble with any other website of its kind. The website should be easy to use because it can distract and annoy the customers if it is too technically developed and is not user friendly.

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