The Green Bond Market: A Potential Source of Climate Finance For Developing Countries
The Green Bond Market: A Potential Source of Climate Finance For Developing Countries
The Green Bond Market: A Potential Source of Climate Finance For Developing Countries
Josué Banga
To cite this article: Josué Banga (2018): The green bond market: a potential source of
climate finance for developing countries, Journal of Sustainable Finance & Investment, DOI:
Article views: 49
1. Introduction
The transition to a resilient and lower-carbon economy requires significant investment
from both public and private sectors. Recent climate summits have revealed that
finance is critical for the implementation of Intended Nationally Determined Contri-
butions (INDCs), in which nearly 200 countries have publicly outlined their intentions
in terms of greenhouse gas reduction. For many developing countries, these intentions
are highly dependent on the pledges of developed countries to provide them with USD
100 billion annually for their adaptation and mitigation projects (UNFCCC 2009).
However, the current economic turmoil that prevails in most developed countries (King
2017) and the lack of common understanding about the balancing between adaptation
and mitigation finance (Pickering et al. 2015) suggest that developing countries are unli-
kely to achieve their emission reduction targets by solely relying on those pledges. Rather,
developing countries must also explore new financing mechanisms, such as green bonds if
their commitments should be respected.
remain negligible compared to the global fixed-income market (Franklin 2016; Moody’s
2017). Furthermore, the development of the green bond market is only perceptible in
some developed and emerging countries.1 In many developing countries, however, the
market remains incipient, and its full potential seems to be underappreciated. According
to the Climate Bonds Initiative, only USD 2.2 billion of total flows in the green bond
market, have been directed towards cities in developing countries compared to USD 17
billion in developed countries (Climate Bonds Initiative 2016).
The objective of this paper is to analyze the rise of the green bond market over the last
few years, by putting an emphasis on its key drivers and the barriers that prevent devel-
oping countries from exploiting this new yet growing source of climate finance. Beyond its
analytical contribution, this paper aims to push forward the literature on green bonds.
The remaining of the paper is structured as follows. Section 2 shows recent trends in the
green bond market. Section 3 identifies relevant barriers that prevent developing countries
from taking advantage of that market. Section 4 discusses the findings and provides a set of
policy recommendations aimed at helping developing countries overcome these barriers.
Section 5 concludes.
Figure 1. Top ten issuers of green bonds, January-November 2017. Data source: Climate Bonds
First, with few exceptions, green bonds are inherently similar to conventional bonds in
terms of structure. Their deals carry the same risk/return profile like any conventional
bond issued in the fixed-income market. The pricing and yield to maturity of green
bonds are indeed akin to that of conventional bonds. Recent empirical studies showed
that there is a strong correlation between the yield to maturity (YTM)5 of green bonds
and that of conventional bonds (Wanke 2017). Figure 2 depicts this correlation for green
bonds and conventional bonds issued by the German Development Bank (KFW) and Apple.
The fact that green bonds are ranked pari passu with conventional bonds in terms of
yield to maturity, is to some extent a key element that boosts investor’s appetite for
green bonds. Furthermore, investors have realized that investing in environment-related
projects, does not necessarily jeopardize return on investment.
The main difference between green bonds and conventional bonds is that unlike the
latter the proceeds of the former must be entirely allocated for environmentally-friendly
projects (CBI and HSBC 2017). Moreover, green bonds often require a more complex-
issuance process, since their deal typically involves at least three market players, whose
roles are discussed in the next subsection.
Figure 2. Yield to maturity: green bond vs. conventional bond. Data Source: Bloomberg as of 1/31/
The recent rise of the green bond market also stems from two mutually re-enforcing
arguments. The first is due to an increased understanding about the potential links
between climate change and financial stability.
Investors and policy makers have indeed become increasingly aware of the potential
risks climate change poses to businesses and the financial sector as a whole (Carney
2016; TCFD 2017). This climate-awareness has led to the implementation of preventive
measures, such as climate risk stress tests aimed at assessing the exposure of financial insti-
tutions to climate change risks (Battiston et al. 2017; Mercer 2015). The ultimate goal of
these tests is to ensure that the whole financial system is resilient to climate change
impacts. This is why some authors urge investors to move from the shareholder model
which focuses on profit maximization only, to the stakeholder model which aims to
create not only a financial value but also social and environmental values (Schoenmaker
2017). As Weber (2018) suggests, the adoption of voluntary sustainability codes of
conduct could help create a more sustainable financial system, in which environmental
risks are well recognized and managed. By doing so, investors could sensibly reduce
their exposure to climate change risks, thereby limiting their potential capital loss due
to stranded assets, as a result of climate change impacts. Stranded assets are ‘assets that
have suffered from unanticipated or premature write-downs, devaluations or conversions
to liabilities’ (Caldecott, Howarth, and McSharry 2013).
It is therefore important that investors include environmental-social-governance (ESG)
criteria into their investment decision-making. The incorporation of such criteria within
financial markets’ structures is becoming increasingly obvious as rating agencies such as
Moody’s, Standard & Spoor, and Barclay’s MSCI have started to establish green bond stan-
dards and indexes aimed at assessing the environmental impacts of their clients’ portfolios.
The second argument is political in nature and derives from the 2015 Paris agreement,
signed in December 2015. At the Paris climate conference (COP 21), nearly 200 countries
have adopted a binding climate deal aimed at cutting down greenhouse gas emissions in
order to limit global warming 2° Celsius above pre-industrial levels, with 66% of prob-
ability by the end of this century. Furthermore, during the 2016 G20 summit held in
Hangzhou, the world’s political leaders have agreed to ‘support the development of
local green bond markets and promote international collaboration to facilitate cross-
border investments in green bonds’ (G20 2016). This historic political support for
climate action has sent positive signals to investors, thereby strengthening the green
bond market development, especially in advanced and emerging countries. Figure 3, for
instance, highlights the positive response of financial markets to the ratification of the
Paris climate agreement. This figure shows that the S&P 500 renewable energy index
over-performed the STOWE global coal index shortly after the ratification of the Paris
agreement, thereby highlighting the importance of policy support in scaling up the
green bond market.
Last but not least, the development of the green bond market arguably stems from the
consequences of ‘unconventional monetary policies’ implemented by the world’s major
central banks in the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis. The failure of monetary auth-
orities to achieve economic recovery through accommodative monetary policies has
resulted in low-interest rates and hungry for yield, especially in advanced economies
(King 2017). Consequently, institutional investors, ‘such as pension funds and insurance
companies are coming under pressure to find ways of making their savings products more
Figure 3. Reaction of financial markets to Paris climate announcement. This figure shows how the rates
of green (S&P 500 renewable energy index) and brown (STOWE Global Coal Index) companies
responded to the ratification of the Paris climate agreement. Source: Adapted from DNB (2017).
attractive and reduce the rising costs of pension provision in the face of falling real interest
rates’ (King 2017, 32). Such a pressure has led many institutional investors – who hold
nearly USD 100 trillion in assets (Arezki et al. 2016) – to look for new investment oppor-
tunities such as those of the low-carbon transition, which also match their investment hor-
izons. As one of the major market players in the fixed-income markets, institutional
investors have realized that sustainable investing can preserve wealth and provide reliable
streams of revenue, while reducing volatility in the equity markets. This increased climate-
awareness and the low-interest rate environment prevailing in most developed countries
have led institutional investors to recognize green bonds as a portfolio diversification
one or more specific green projects. They include but are not limited to covered bond and
asset-backed securities (ICMA 2017). In the event of default of payment, green securitized
bonds could provide recourse to the issuer only to the underlying assets. The repayment of
such bonds usually depends upon the cash flows generated by these assets. It could be, for
instance, the charge paid by consumers to use infrastructures that have been set up thanks
to the proceeds of the green bond (Kaminker and Stewart 2012).
Given the lack of universal standards and definition for green bonds, it is likely that
their characteristics (i.e. coupon and maturity) may differ from one issuer to another
(Flaherty et al. 2017). Nevertheless, the goal remains the same, which is to finance
green projects.
The process of issuing a certified green bond involves at least three major market
players, including the issuer, an independent reviewer, and the underwriters as highlighted
in Figure 4 below.
The process then begins when an issuer or a project developer sets up a green project. In
the project document, the issuer should itemize, as much as possible, the expected positive
impacts of its project on the environment. In order to avoid overestimations or underes-
timations of such impacts, an independent reviewer who is a specialist of environmental
impact assessment, is required to confirm whether the project is actually environmentally-
friendly. The role of the independent reviewer is to carry out a quantitative and qualitative
assessment of the project, based on the following criteria suggested by ICMA (2017).
(1) The use of proceeds: prior to issuance, a legal document must specify how the pro-
ceeds of the bond will be used.
(2) A technical assessment of specific risks and opportunities tied to the project and the
creditworthiness of the green bond issuer.
(3) The monitoring, reporting, and traceability requirements: several reports are regularly
produced to monitor both the project and the use of the proceeds in order to make
sure that the green bond proceeds are being allocated in accordance with the Green
Bonds Principles.
Figure 4. The process for issuing a certified green bond involves three markets players with specific
roles. Source: author’s construction.
Failures in complying with these requirements could result in the exclusion of the issuer
from the green bond market. Once the second opinion attests the green nature of the
project to be financed, the issuer is allowed to issue a certified labeled green bond in
order to raise funds in the debt capital market. Green bond underwriters then provide
capital to the issuer for a certain period of time at a fixed or variable interest rate
(German Development Institute 2016). This tripartite process of green bond issuance
could entail some significant transaction costs, as argued in the next section.
It is worth noting that Figure 4 below is made simplistic for illustration purposes. In
practice, however, this process may vary from one market to another.
Although the green bond market is quickly growing, its size still remains small com-
pared to the global fixed-income market (Franklin 2016; Moody’s 2017). According to
S&P Global, green bonds represent only 1.4% of the total fixed-income market (S&P
Global 2017). Furthermore, the market is mainly polarized in developed and emerging
economies. According to the Climate Bond Initiative data, China represented over 40%
of the global green bond issuance in 2016, while regions such as Asia (excluding China)
and Africa accounted for less than 6.5% of global green bond issuance in 2007-2016.
These figures suggest that the green bond market faces many challenges that jeopardize
its development in developing countries.
in countries where voters do not show strong support for climate policies (Obradovich and
Zimmerman 2016), are likely to become less of a priority.
Pickering et al. (2015)’s argument that there is often a disagreement among ministries
in developed countries about the balance between adaptation and mitigation finance for
recipients countries, also holds for developing countries regarding the country’s develop-
ment priorities and the mandates of different ministry departments. These divergences of
priorities and mandates may result in diminished policy influence of Environment Min-
istries, meaning that an effective coordination between the Ministry of Finance and that of
Environment, is essential for the development of government-based green bond issuance
and the emergence of local green bond markets. However, institutional barriers are com-
pounded by market barriers that hinder the development of green bond in developing
Figure 5. Green projects in developing countries do not match the minimum size required by green
bond underwriters in the green bond market. Data source: Author’s construction based on the Least
Developed Countries Fund data.
easily observed that the cost of individual projects is well below the minimum size that
GBULT members require for green bond transactions.
Next, transaction costs refer to costs incurred by the issuer to get a green label certifi-
cation from the independent reviewer and to produce regular documents showing the allo-
cation of the green bond proceeds throughout the project’s life cycle. Such transaction
costs could prove to be significant (EY 2018), especially when a creditworthiness survey
of the issuer is required alongside the technical assessment of the potential impact of its
project. According to Kaminker, Kidney, and Pfaff (2016), the relatively high cost of
obtaining a second opinion or third-party assurance could range from USD 10 to 100
thousand dollars. These transaction costs from pre-issuance to post-issuance could ulti-
mately stand as an important barrier for small green bond issuers.
Finally, a non-negligible barrier to the spread of green bonds in developing countries is
likely the currency of issuance. A review of the Climate Bonds Initiative’s database shows
that, between 2005 and 2017, investors have mainly use the Renminbi (32%), the US dollar
(26%), and the Euro (20%) to issue green bonds. These figures suggest that developing
countries -the majority of which have unconvertible currencies- must issue their green
bonds in international currencies, should they desire to raise large amounts of capital in
international financial markets. This financing mechanism, however, presents both the
lenders and the borrowers with a currency risk, as the revenue flows of the project to
be financed typically relate to local currencies (Edwards 1983).
It must be recalled that the currency risk is not new to developing countries, nor is it
specific to the green bond market. Eichengreen and Hausman (1999) neatly termed this
issue the ‘original sin’ to characterize the fragile structure of developing countries’ financial
markets that undermines their ability to borrow abroad due to the inconvertibility of their
currency or to borrow long-term domestically due to the dearth of domestic long-term
credit instruments (UNCTAD 2007). Nevertheless, it suggests that the implementation of
local currency-based green bond issuance could be beneficial for developing countries.
5. Conclusion
Green bonds are quickly growing and are expected to reach record levels over the next few
years. Factors such as similarity in terms of yield to maturity between green bonds and
conventional bonds, increased climate-awareness from investors, the commitment of
policy makers to counter climate change, and the current macroeconomic environment
in most developed countries have underpinned the development of green bonds over
the last few years. As innovative financial instruments, green bonds provide a historic
opportunity to direct private finance towards low-carbon investments.
While companies and local governments in developed and emerging countries are
increasingly issuing green bonds to finance their adaptation and mitigation projects, a
set of institutional and market barriers are preventing developing countries from appro-
priating the full benefits of green bonds. The lack of knowledge about how green bonds
work, inappropriate institutional arrangement for green bond management, the issue of
minimum size, the currency of issuance, and high transaction costs associated with
green bond issuance are the key barriers that hamper the development of green bonds
in developing countries.
The results suggest, however, that with the right measures developing countries could
take full advantage of green bonds to finance their adaptation and mitigations projects, as
part of the Paris climate agreement. Potential measures include an effective coordination
between ministries of finance and environment, an efficient use of multilateral and
national development banks as intermediary institutions for green bond management,
the provision of guarantees by local governments for green bond issuance, as well as
the promotion of local green bond markets, in which domestic investors could issue
local currency-based green bonds. By doing so, developing countries could enhance the
development of green bonds, thereby hastening the achievement of sustainable develop-
ment goals.
1. Emerging countries are defined here as countries with high levels of economic development
and potential for rapid industrialization. They include but are not limited to the top 20 emer-
ging markets ranked by Bloomberg Market Magazine in 2013. Available here: https://www.
2. According to the International Capital Market Association, GBPs are voluntary process
guidelines that recommend transparency and disclosure and promote integrity in the
green bond market. They aid investors by ensuring availability of information necessary to
evaluate the environmental impact of their green bond investment.
3. The Climate Bonds Initiative is a London-based not-for-profit international organization,
which has been tracking the green labeled market since 2009. It annually produces a
report highlighting the state of the green bond market across the world.
4. In 2017, there were ten new entrants to the market, among which the majority are developing
countries: Argentina, Chile, Fiji, Malaysia, Lithuania, Nigeria, Slovenia, Singapore, United
Arab Emirates, and Switzerland.
5. The Yield to Maturity is the internal rate of return of an investment in a bond if that bond is
held until the end of its lifetime.
Many thanks to three anonymous referees for extensive comments on the earlier draft. The author
also wish to thank the Least Developed Countries Section’s Team of the United Nations Conference
on Trade and Development for insightful comments. However, the contents of this paper do not
necessarily reflect the views of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development.
Disclosure statement
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author.
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