Graphics Final
Graphics Final
Graphics Final
% Using Philip Hirschhorn's exam.cls:
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front page.
% These lines can probably stay unchanged, although you can remove the last
% two packages if you're not making pictures with tikz.
\RequirePackage{amssymb, amsfonts, amsmath, latexsym, verbatim, xspace, setspace}
\RequirePackage{tikz, pgflibraryplotmarks}
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\begin{tabular}{p{2.8in} r l}
\textbf{\class} & \textbf{Name:} & \makebox[2in]{\hrulefill}\\
\textbf{\term} &&\\
\textbf{\examnum} &&\\
\textbf{\examdate} &&\\
\textbf{Time Limit: \timelimit} & Roll no: & \makebox[2in]{\hrulefill}
This exam contains \numpages\ pages (including this cover page) and
\numquestions\ problems. Check to see if any pages are missing. Enter
all requested information on the top of this page, and put your initials
on the top of every page, in case the pages become separated.\\
\item You may \textbf{not} use your books, notes, mobile phone or smart watch on
this exam.
\item Calculators are allowed but you are \textbf{NOT} allowed to share.
\item Organize your work, in a reasonably neat and coherent way, in the space
provided. Work scattered all over the page without a clear ordering will receive \
textbf{NO} credit.
\item Select only one option for the multiple choice or true/faluse questions.
Cutting, overwriting, selecting multiple options will receive \textbf{NO} credit.
\item If you need more space, use the back of the pages; clearly indicate when you
have done this.
\newpage % End of cover page
% See for full documentation, but the
% below give an idea of how to write questions [with parts] and have the points
% tracked automatically on the cover page.
\question[3] Compute the dot product of vectors \textbf{a} = (6, 8, 4) and \
textbf{b} = (9, 12, 6). What is the angle between \textbf{a} and \textbf{b}?
\question[3] What is the purpose of the $4\times4$ homogeneous projection matrix?
What are the different types of projection, briefly describe each of them.
\question[6] Given two vectors \textbf{b} and \textbf{c} and their cross product \
textbf{a} = \textbf{b} $\times$ \textbf{c}. What is the cross product \textbf{c} $\
times$ \textbf{b}, \textbf{b} $\times$ \textbf{a}, and \textbf{a} $\times$ \
\question[6] Given four homogeneous points $\textbf{p}_0$ = (9, 12, 6, 1.5), $\
textbf{p}_1$ = (12, 16, 8, 2), $\textbf{p}_2$ = (9, 12, 6, 1), and $\textbf{p}_3$ =
(18, 24, 12, 3). All of them except one represent the same 3D point. What is that
3D point, and which of the homogeneous points $\textbf{p}_0$,...$\textbf{p}_3$
represents a different 3D point?
\question[8] Given a cubic B\'{e}zier curve $\textbf{x}(t)$, which is defined by
control points $\textbf{p}_0$, $\textbf{p}_1$, $\textbf{p}_2$, $\textbf{p}_3$.
Derive the equation $\textbf{x}'(t)$ for the tangent of the curve at each value of
$t$. Evaluate $\textbf{x}'(0)$ and $\textbf{x}'(1)$.
\question[8] Derive the $3\times3$ homogeneous matrix that achieves the
transformation shown in the figure.
\question[16] A rotation matrix around the z-axis is given by:
$$\textbf{R}_z(\theta) = \begin{bmatrix}
\cos\left(\theta\right) & -\sin\left(\theta\right) & 0 & 0 \\
\sin\left(\theta\right) & \cos\left(\theta\right) & 0 & 0 \\
0 & 0 & 1 & 0 \\
0 & 0 & 0 & 1 \\
Given the three matrices \textbf{A}: translation along the vector \textbf{v} = (4,
0, 2), \textbf{B}: rotation 90 degrees around the z-axis and \textbf{C}: a non-
uniform scaling with $2$ in $x$, $3$ in $y$ and $4$ in $z$.
\part[5] Give the $4\times4$ matrix form of each of \textbf{A}, \textbf{B}
and \textbf{C}.
\part[3] Given the point $p$ = (1, 2, 3, 1), what is the location of $q$ = \
\part[3] Give an example of two (different) 2D transform matrices \textbf{M}
and \textbf{N} such that \textbf{MN} = \textbf{NM}. You are not allowed to use the
identity or zero matrix as \textbf{M} or \textbf{N}.
\part[5] Describe the transform needed to transform the triangle from \
textbf{A} to \textbf{B} in figure below, as a set of matrices: \textit{(You are
free to assume a suitable origin)}