Design and Analysis of Exhaust Diffuser of Gas Turbine Afterburner Using CFD

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M.Tech. Student, SIT, Tumakuru,
Scientist, GTRE, DRDO, Bangalore,
Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering Dept., SIT, Tumakuru

Abstract— The exhaust diffuser is a part of an afterburner of the gas turbine engine which decreases the velocity of gases
coming from the low pressure turbine. The decrease in velocity is required to reduce afterburner cold and hot total pressure
loss and to increase flame stability. It helps in better flow control and diffusion in exhaust diffuser leading to increased thrust
and combustion efficiency. The present work deals with design and analysis of an exhaust diffuser of gas turbine afterburner.
In this study, a baseline diffuser configuration has been designed using 1-D empirical relations. The baseline diffuser
configuration has been incorporated into a practical afterburner and the performance of the exhaust diffuser evaluated under
non-reacting condition using CFD. Further the diffuser modifications have been carried out using CFD to arrive at a
configuration which gives minimum total pressure loss and Mach number. Commercial CFD software, ANSYS FLUENT
has been used for the CFD analysis. A significant improvement in performance has been obtained by managing the contours
of the diffuser and length. Further a reacting flow analysis has been carried out for the finalized afterburner configuration in
order to study the performance of diffuser and the afterburner under reacting (combustion) flow condition. From the
analysis, total temperature rise, velocity of flow and thrust of the afterburner has been determined. In addition, the CFD
analysis has been extended for different engine bypass ratio and different engine flight conditions of the afterburner to
evaluate the diffuser performance.

Index Terms— Afterburner, Exhaust diffuser, CFD, Non-reacting and Reacting flow.


An afterburner of a gas turbine engine is a thrust The diffuser [3] is a device of diverging passage, in
augmenting device used to increase basic thrust of which the flow is decelerated and reduction in
the aircraft engine during supersonic flight or rapid velocity head (kinetic energy) of flow takes place.
acceleration of the commercial aircraft and for The reduction in velocity heads is converted to rise in
military fighters to improve the combat capability static pressure. The exhaust diffuser is one of the
such as steep climbing, sharp turns[1]. The important component of afterburner, which reduces
afterburner is located in the downstream part of the the velocity of flow to desired value at diffuser exit
engine, after the fan, compressor, combustor and hence it stabilize the flow. The total pressure loss has
turbine which are main components of the engine. a serious impact on engine thrust. Typically, a 1%
The afterburner increases thrust of the gas turbine increase in total pressure loss will result in a 1%
engine by adding fuel to the exhaust gases which are decrease in thrust [4].From designers view point an
having still much un-burnt oxygen. The resultant ideal diffuser is one which can achieve the required
increase in temperature raises the velocity of gases velocity reduction in shortest possible length, with
and hence engine thrust. minimum loss in total pressure and with uniform and
A practical afterburner [2] consists of exhaust stable flow condition at outlet.Large divergence
diffuser, fuel injector, and v-gutter as a flame angles can be used because the blockage to flow by
stabilizer, liner with anti-screech holes and cooling the flame holder and fuel injection systems of the
ring holes and nozzle. Gas leaving the turbine is de- afterburner which reduces the tendency of the flow to
swirled and diffused by airfoil struts and diffuser, fuel separate from the diffuser cone.Figure 1 show the
is added by fuel spray bars (tubes), combustion is geometry and layout of afterburner diffuser
initiated in the wake of a number of flame stabilizing configuration considered for the design [5].
devices (flame holders), and the thermal energy of
combustion is mixed along flame surfaces spreading
outward and downstream from the flame holders.
Also, a liner is used in afterburners as both a cooling
liner and a screech liner. All engines incorporating an
afterburner must also be equipped with a variable
area throat exhaust nozzle, in order to provide for
proper operation in both afterburning and non-
afterburning modes.
Figure 1 Annular diffuser

Proceedings of IRF International Conference, 29th & 30th October, 2016, Chennai, India, ISBN: 978-93-82702-18-4
Design and Analysis of Exhaust Diffuser of Gas Turbine Afterburner Using CFD

The shape of outer radius is defined as conditions. The model includes one strut incorporated
R2(x) = +tan ϕ(x) (1) with diffuser configuration, two spray bars, and one
The variation of inner radius of diffuser is defined as, radial v-gutter attached to annular ring gutter, liner
(2) with 19 rows of screech holes each row with 13 holes
∗ Ѳ and 13 rows of cooling rings. In order to apply proper
( )= ϕ* + (2tan ϕ* - )x+
condition at exit, the computational domain is
Where =divergence angle is always set equal to
extended downstream of the C-D nozzle.
sweet spot value [5] and corresponds to =4.5°. In
designing diffuser, the inlet radius (outer and inner)
of diffuser provide by turbine designers. The
obstruction (blockages) to the flow is by Struts, Spray
bars and Flame holder (V-Gutter). The profile needs
to be corrected for blockages in the flow by reducing
the radius of the inner profile.
, = (3)
There are number of measures are used to
characterize the performance of a diffuser. The
pressure recovery coefficient (Cp) and ideal pressure
recovery coefficient (Cpid) is given by [5]
Cp = and Cpid= 1- Figure 3 Sector model of the afterburner

Diffuser efficiency, ηD=

In the present configuration, 3-D, hybrid
III. AFTERBURNER SYSTEM (combination of structured and unstructured) grids
have been generated using GAMBIT software [6]. All
Figure 2 shows the model of the afterburner system the intricate features are meshed as per the geometry
considered for the current study. The afterburner viz., strut, spray bar, v-gutter, anti-screech holes, liner
system consists of core and bypass regions separated cooling holes and nozzle. It has been ensured that the
by a liner. The salient features of the configuration quality of grids in terms of aspect ratio and deviation
are:- on orthogonality, is maintained within the required
• Nine numbers of exhaust cone struts value. Figure 4 shows the grid generated for the
• Eighteen numbers of spray bars present configuration.
• V-gutter : nine numbers of radial gutter and one
annular gutter
• Nineteen rows of screech holes
• Thirteen rows of cooling rings
• Convergent Divergent (C-D) nozzle

Figure 4 Computational grid

Boundary Conditions
The boundary conditions used for the present analysis
are given below:-
Inlet: Mass flow rate is specified at the core inlet and
bypass inlet along with total temperature and mass
fractions of chemical species are specified.
Outlet: The boundary condition has been applied at
the exit of the domain in the form of pressure outlet.
Figure 2 Afterburner model Wall: A wall function approach is used at the wall of
exhaust diffuser, v-gutter, spray bars, liner and
IV. CFD MODEL DESCRIPTION nozzle. At the walls adiabatic no-slip boundary
condition is applied.
The details of the geometric modeling, computational Periodic: This boundary condition is applied in pairs
grids and numerical scheme used for the present to the corresponding faces on the sides of the 0° and
study are presented in this section. 40°.
Turbulence Model: The realizable k-e model has
Geometric Modeling beenused to model the turbulence.
In this study, a 40° sector model (Figure 3) of the Combustion Model
afterburner is considered with appropriate nozzle In the present study, Jet-A (C12H23) fuel chemistry
configuration for non-reacting and reacting is modeled by using a simplified two step chemical

Proceedings of IRF International Conference, 29th & 30th October, 2016, Chennai, India, ISBN: 978-93-82702-18-4
Design and Analysis of Exhaust Diffuser of Gas Turbine Afterburner Using CFD

reaction scheme. The turbulence-chemistry base-line (D-1) configuration (red line) the profile has
interaction has been modeled using combined been modified to obtain a smooth variation in area
Finite rate and Eddy Dissipation Model. Two step from inlet to exit of the diffuser. All these profiles
reactions are considered and are as below [7]. shown in figure 5
C12H23 + 11.75 O2= 12 CO + 11.5 H2O (1)
CO + 0.5 O2 =CO2 (2)


The CFD analysis is carried out using ANSYS

software [8]. The Fluent uses a finite volume
procedure to solve the Navier-Stokes equation of
fluid flow. Flow is modeled to be steady, viscous,
compressible and turbulent with and without
combustion. The Pressure-velocity coupling has been
achieved by SIMPLE algorithm.


In the first part of the study, a non-reacting flow

analysis is carried out for the baseline afterburner
configuration with designed exhaust diffuser profile. Figure 6 Diffuser profile with afterburner
Further the CFD analyses are utilized to modify the
profile of exhaust diffuser. Figure 7 shows the plot of velocity distribution in
the afterburner from inlet to nozzle exit for D-
1configuration. It can be seen that the flow
The afterburner performance is sensitive to Mach decelerates along the diffuser passage. The v-gutter
number, pressure loss and magnitude of the velocity offers obstruction to the flow and result in the
of the gases flowing around the v-gutter. In the formation of low velocity regions behind them.
present analysis, the length of the exhaust diffuser Velocity in combustion zone is relatively low due
and shape is modified with respect to baseline to the blockage created by the v-gutter. As
configuration to achieve minimum Mach number and expected, there is drastic increase in velocity in the
minimum pressure loss. Four diffuser configurations Convergent-Divergent (CD) nozzle.
namely D-1 (base-line), D-2, D-3 and D-4 used in the
investigation are sketched in Figures 5 and 6.

Figure 7 Velocity distribution in the afterburner

Table 1 Velocity, Mach number and pressure loss

in the diffuser
Figure 5 Comparisons of Different Diffuser Profiles

The boundary condition is kept same for all the four

cases and the non-reacting flow analysis are repeated.
The diffuser performance parameters pressure loss
and Mach number at diffuser exit have been
evaluated. Using Eq. (1) outer radius profile
calculated, Using Eq. (2) Inner radius profile
calculated (green line) and Using Eq. (3) inner radius
with blockages (dark blue line) calculated. For the
Proceedings of IRF International Conference, 29th & 30th October, 2016, Chennai, India, ISBN: 978-93-82702-18-4
Design and Analysis of Exhaust Diffuser of Gas Turbine Afterburner Using CFD

The mass weighted average value of inlet velocity observed from X/L=0.05 to X/L=0.23 for D-2 and D-
and Mach number of flow is 373 m/s and 0.56 3 profile and higher Mach number is observed from
respectively. It can be seen from Table 1 that Mach X/L=0.25 to 1 for D-2 and D-3 Profile. A smooth
number, velocity of flow and pressure loss is profile with lower Mach number observed for the D-4
decreases from D-1 to D-4. profile from X/L=0.25 to X/L=1.
Figure 8 shows the static pressure distribution and
Figure 9 shows the pressure loss distribution along
the afterburner up to V-gutter exit. From Figure 9
lower static pressure recovery is observed from
X/L=0 to X/L=1 for D-1 profile. Higher static
pressure recovery observed from X/L=0 to X/L=0.23
for D-2 and D-3 profile and Lower static pressure
value observed from X/L=0.25 to 1 for D-2 and D-3
profile. A smooth profile with higher static pressure
recovery is observed for the D-4 profile from
X/L=0.25 to X/L=1. In Figure 9 a similar pressure
loss observed from X/L=0 to 0.25 for all diffuser
profiles. Compare to other diffuser Lower pressure
loss value is observed from X/L=0.25 to 1 for D-4
profile. Compare to both graphs The D-4 profile
gives higher static pressure recovery and lower Figure 10 Mach number along axial direction
pressure loss in afterburner along diffuser profile.

Figure 11 Radial variation of Mach number at diffuser exit

Figure 8 Static pressure (Pa) along axial direction

Figure 11 shows radial variation of Mach number at
the diffuser exit plane. A higher Mach region is
observed from r/R=0.25 to r/R=0.875 for D-1 and D-
2 profile and below r/R=0.4 lower Mach is seen for
D-3 profile and above r/R=0.4 higher Mach number
found. A smooth profile with lower Mach number of
flow is observed for the D-4 profile from r/R=0.4 to
r/R=0.875. The D-4 profile gives lesser Mach number
of flow in afterburner
By observing Table 1 and Figures 8, 9, 10 and 11, the
D-4 configuration gives lesser Mach number, velocity
and pressure-loss values as compare to other diffuser
configurations and henceD-4 diffuser configuration is
meeting our design requirements and has been
selected for carrying out further analysis.


Figure 9 Pressure loss along axial direction
In this study, the finalized exhaust diffuser profile (D-
4) is used to study effect of the bypass ratio on the
Figure 10shows axial variation of Mach number
diffuser performance. Figure 13 shows the radial
along axial direction of afterburner up to V-Gutter
profile of Mach number at the exit for the different
exit. A higher Mach number is observed from X/L=0
bypass ratios. From figure 12 and Table 2, it can be
to X/L=1 for D-1 profile. Lower Mach number is
observed that with change in mass flow rate at inlet

Proceedings of IRF International Conference, 29th & 30th October, 2016, Chennai, India, ISBN: 978-93-82702-18-4
Design and Analysis of Exhaust Diffuser of Gas Turbine Afterburner Using CFD

the performance of designed exhaust diffuser is afternuburner does not change due to the combustion.
unaltered. Since the core flow is vitiated, the core fluid has been
assumed to be composed of O2, N2, CO2 and H2O
Figure 14 shows fuel injection details considered for
the present configuration. The fuel is injected from
spray bars. Discrete droplet/particle parcels are
tracked through the computational domain by solving
the Lagrangian conservation equations.

Figure 12 Mach number at diffuser exit

Table 2 Mach number, velocity and pressure Loss

at diffuser exit

Figure 14 Fuel injection from spray bars

In figure 15 Mach number of reacting flow as

compare to non-reacting flow is varying smoothly
along radial direction at diffuser exit. In table 3
velocity, Mach number and pressure loss of reacting
flow showing similar results as compare to non-
reacting flow and from thisit can be concluded that
the designed exhaust diffuser performance is
NON-REACTING FLOW ANALYSIS FOR unaltered even with fuel injection and reacting flow
FLIGHT CONDITION: In order to study the effect condition (combustion).
of flight conditions on the diffuser performance, high
altitude supercruise conditions is selected. Figure 13
shows the radial profile of Mach number at the
diffuser exit. It can be seen that the Mach number
variation at diffuser exit is satisfactory. The inlet
velocity and Mach number of gases is 365 and 0.53
respectively. At diffuser exit velocity and Mach
number of flow reduced to 203 and 0.29. From these,
we can concluded that the diffuser configuration
arrived is working satisfactorily for different flight

Figure 15 Radial variation of mach number at diffuser exit

Table 3 Mach number and velocity for non-

reacting and reacting
Figure 13 Radial variation of Mach number at diffuser exit


Reacting flow analysis is carried out for the finalized
diffuser (D-4) configuration. In the reacting flow
conditions, the nozzle throat and exit area has to be
increased so that the afterburner inlet condition and
the conditions to upstream components of the

Proceedings of IRF International Conference, 29th & 30th October, 2016, Chennai, India, ISBN: 978-93-82702-18-4
Design and Analysis of Exhaust Diffuser of Gas Turbine Afterburner Using CFD

Figure 16 shows the velocity magniude in the CONCLUSTION

afterburner for non-reacting and reacting condition.
Due to combustion, there is a steep increase in Numerical predictions have been carried out in the
velocity of the flow in the duct from v-gutter to the afterburner system under non-reacting and reacting
nozzle exit. Due to increase in the velocity, thrust of conditions. A baseline diffuser configuration has been
afterburner has been improved drastically. designed using empirical relation and incorporated
into the CFD model. The diffuser profile
modifications have been carried out using CFD and
arrived at a suitable configuration for the afterburner
system. The diffuser performance checked at
different conditions and conformed that it is working
satisfactorily at different conditions of afterburner.


R1i = Inner radius of inlet to diffuser

Figure 16 Velocity magnitude in the afterburner for non –
reacting and reacting flow
R10 =Outer radius of inlet to diffuser
R2 =Outer radius of diffuser
From figure 17 it can be observed that the flame Φ =Inclination angle of outer radius
anchors behind the v-gutter and the high temperature A = π( − )
region continues downstream direction in reacting P1 & p2 = Static pressure at inlet and outlet
flow. The flame behind the v-gutter provides a AR = Area ratio=
constant source of ignition and from these sources
=Total Pressure at inlet
propagates flame into the fuel air mixture as it flows
downstream. It can be clearly seen that the total
temperature spread increases along the length of the
afterburner and increases from the downstream of the [1] Mattingly J.D., Elements of Gas Turbine, 1996
v-gutter to the nozzle entry. The increase in [2] Housang. B. Ebrahami., “Overview of Gas Turbine
temperatures throughout the afterburner increases the Augmentor Design, Operation, and Combustion
velocity of the gases considerably to attain the Oscillation”.AIIA,2006
[3] Aurthur H. Lefebvre,Gasturbine Combustion, 2nd edition
required thrust boost. [4] J.J. Isaac , N.R. Ramesh , V.S. Krishnakumar , C.
Rajashekar , S.R.Shyamsundar , A.P. Haran and
V.Sundararajan, A Methodology for Afterburner
Evaluation, 3rd National Conference on Air Breathing
Engines and Aerospace Propulsion, IIT, Madras,28-
[5] Jack D. Mattingly, William H. Heiser, David T. Pratt,
“Aircraft Engine Design”, Second Edition
[6] Gambit User’s Guide. Version 2.4.6, 2008
[7] Ganesan. S, Yogesh T.V, Kishore Kumar. S., “Effect of
Exhaust Diffuser on Gas Turbine Afterburner
Performance”, International Conference on Fluid
Mechanics and Fluid power, 2010
[8] Ansys Fluent 14.0 Theory Guide and User’sGuide (2011)

Figure 17 Total temperatures in the afterburner


Proceedings of IRF International Conference, 29th & 30th October, 2016, Chennai, India, ISBN: 978-93-82702-18-4

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