Gci 2019 Whitepaper en
Gci 2019 Whitepaper en
Gci 2019 Whitepaper en
Connectivity with
Global Collaboration
Mapping your transformation into
a digital economy with GCI 2019
Presented by Huawei
Intelligent Connectivity
Is Set to Drive Global
GDP Growth
Executive Summary 04
Country Rankings 07
Economic Impact 15
27 Intelligent Connectivity Is Set to Drive Global GDP Growth
Social Impact 35
Intelligent Connectivity As a Force For All
Recommendations 41
How to Leverage the Power of
Intelligent Connectivity
where rising GCI scores can potentially trigger
higher economic growth.
AI’s upside potential
Ecosystem stakeholders drive collaboration and certainly global ecosystems are
In an increasingly connected world, success will increasingly reliant on cross-industry and
depend on the ability to collaborate. Intelligent national collaboration to create value for all
Connectivity and other new technologies are participants; i.e., nations, enterprises, and the
making a global ecosystem possible that will
see millions of partners across industries and
nations collaborate to create sustainable Intelligent Connectivity as a force for all
socioeconomic development. This year’s report also covered social impact. We
realized that Intelligent Connectivity is not only
Intelligent Connectivity ecosystems employing being recognized as a force for economic growth
AI, cloud services, and IoT will thrive with the but may be the answer to many of society’s most
growth in volume and quality of the structured complicated and deeply rooted challenges,
and unstructured data that becomes available. including the wealth gap between rich and poor,
Intelligent Connectivity can then deliver high- inclusive development, environmental
quality personalized products and services conservation, and climate change. Technology is
that engage more users, and in turn increase an intrinsic part of today’s world. However, it
the quality and abundance of data, thus creating shouldn’t be available only to those who can
a virtuous cycle. afford it. We look forward to policy makers and
industry leaders increasing efforts to make
GCI 2019 identifies five stakeholder roles that technology, applications, and skills accessible
can collaborate across domains, break down to everyone, and bringing digital technology to
organizational silos, and deliver fast results to every individual, home and organization.
customers: Decision Makers, Data Scientists,
Data Collectors, ICT Companies, and End Users. The rise of Intelligent Connectivity marks a
Understanding how to participate and leverage critical point of acceleration in the global digital
the strengths of these collaborative transformation that the GCI has tracked for five
stakeholders is crucial for policymakers and years. ICT is already having a strong economic
industry leaders to deliver sustainable growth impact across countries and regions in every
for their country or organization, especially as stage of development. While still in its infancy,
the influence of Intelligent Connectivity expands. Intelligent Connectivity’s ability to boost
productivity, spur innovation, and accelerate the
GCI 2019 also finds that nations that closely development of new business models will affect
work with other trading country partners have virtually every aspect of socioeconomic
a higher chance to recap the greatest benefits development in ways yet to be imagined.
of Intelligent Connectivity, as local, regional,
GCI 2019 follows the digital development of 79 averages of Frontrunners, Adopters, and Starters 13 South Korea 70 33 Chile 52 50 Ukraine 44 68 Algeria 31
countries, with each assigned a GCI score have increased to US$58,110, US$17,200 and 14 Canada 70 34 Bulgaria 51 51 Mexico 43 69 Bolivia 31
Germany 69 Uruguay 51 South Africa 43 Botswana 30
ranking it along an S-curve graph. Countries on US$3,800 respectively this year. Frontrunners 15 35 52 70
the S-curve are grouped into three clusters – enjoyed the largest 12-month expansion of 16 Luxembourg 69 36 Poland 51 53 Serbia 43 71 Ghana 29
Starters, Adopters and Frontrunners –according GDP per capita: US$4,000. Adopters and Starter 17 France 68 37 Romania 51 54 Thailand 43 72 Kenya 29
to their level of ICT investment, maturity, and nations also saw significant improvements in GDP 18 Ireland 67 55 Colombia 41 73 Bangladesh 28
economic development. Thanks to the expanded per capita of US$900 and US$100 respectively 19 Austria 65 74 Namibia 28
scope of the methodology, GCI 2019 showcases over the past 12 months. 20 Belgium 65 75 Nigeria 27
CHARACTERISTICS These nations are mainly Nations in this cluster These are nations in the
developed economies. experience the largest GDP early stage of ICT
Their focus is on growth from investment in infrastructure build-out.
enhancing the user ICT infrastructure. Their Their focus is on expanding
experience. At this stage focus is on increasing connectivity coverage to
of development, the demand for high-speed give more people access to
priority shifts to connectivity to facilitate the digital economy.
investment in Big Data industry digitalization and
and IoT to develop a economic growth.
smarter and more
efficient society.
Ukraine is a rising star among the Adopters – South Africa has moved up 10 GCI points since In less than five years, Starter nation Bangladesh Algeria’s GCI score has climbed eight points
its GCI score has climbed 12 points in just five 2015. The Adopter nation has invested boosted its GCI score by seven points. Since 2015, since 2015. During that time, the North African
years. The country’s mobile subscriptions significantly in ICT and has increased mobile mobile subscription penetration jumped from 5% Starter nation recorded strong growth in mobile
jumped from 8% to 95% penetration from 2015 broadband subscriptions from a penetration rate to 41% and smartphone penetration from 7% to broadband and smartphone subscriptions, the
to 2019, and government statistics record that of 51% to 103% over five years. Smartphone 34%. In addition to mobile subscriptions, the penetration of which increased from 21% to 78%
of Ukraine’s 26 million Internet users, more penetration also expanded from 33% to 96% over country’s fiber to the home (FTTH) coverage and and 14% to 55% respectively, due in part to the
than 25 million access the web via mobile the same period. While ICT availability and fixed broadband base also made significant introduction of 4G services in 2016. As market
broadband. GCI 2019 also found that Ukraine adoption are not widespread in South Africa, the progress. E-government services also grew competition intensifies in Algeria, 4G services
has significantly improved its cybersecurity government has proposed to use ICT to promote thanks to the Bangladeshi government’s support have improved and become more widely available
awareness and ICT laws. Alongside Tunisia, it efficiency and effectiveness, with the aim of for public-private dialogue and collaboration on for its 42 million citizens. Capitalizing on its 4G
was one of the first NATO partners to position making government services accessible on digitalization. A United Nations’i report described success, Algeria is also working today to become
cybersecurity training as part of the NATO digital platforms to more than 57 million citizens. the Bangladeshi government’s support for an early adopter of 5G network services. Algeria
Defense Education Enhancement Program last Notable e-government successes include the digitalization and ICT development as Telecom subsidiary Mobilis successfully tested
year. In 2017, HI-TECH OFFICE UKRAINE worked National Treasury’s eTender Publication Portal, “exemplary.” As part of Vision 2021, Digital 5G connections in Oran during the Smart Algeria
with various Ukrainian cities to launch the eHomeAffairs, and the South African Revenue Bangladesh aims to transform the country Forum. The Algerian government has updated its
Digital City – Digital Ukraine project, which Service’s eFiling system. into a modern, knowledge-based society that ICT legal framework and introduced a series of
aims to improve e-government services. The promotes digital inclusion by 2021. new regulations to support the sector’s growth,
program is designed to integrate efforts to sparking a surge in the number of software
create common approaches for the systematic developers and new business models in the
implementation of smart grid projects and country. For instance, more than 100 Algerian
initiatives in Ukrainian cities. startups have already contributed to the Algiers
Smart City project launched in 2017 as part of
the city’s’ strategic urban development plan.
provide actionable insights on the correlation Data creation, AI Investment, AI-enabled
between ICT investment and GDP growth. We robotics, and AI potential. While the research
did so again this year to highlight AI’s role in methodology expanded in 2019, we also did some
empowering Intelligent Connectivity. consolidation. Intelligent Connectivity’s five
enabling technologies were consolidated
The first change in methodology was to assign into four: Broadband, Cloud, IoT, and AI. The
AI indicators heavier weight in the model, as AI expanded methodology’s impact on the GCI
exercises a positive impact on the other is also notable as it clearly shows how AI
technology enablers as well as having its own has turned even the most advanced digital
direct impact. Each indicator has a scale based economies into “beginners” that are learning
on a realistic target value for beyond 2025, with
Intelligent Connectivity Is
how to apply the new technology. At the same
a score of 10 reflecting that the target value time, the new methodology highlights how
has been reached. Intelligent Connectivity, which includes AI, has
Four Pillars
Measures current levels of Gauges demand for Comprises variables for Comprises a forward
supply for ICT products and connectivity in the context analyzing the experience of looking set of indicators
services used for digital of users and activities connectivity for end users that point towards the
transformation. relating to digital and organizations in today’s future development of the
transformation initiatives. digital economy. digital economy.
Subscriptions Affordability
4G Connections Mobile Potential
Mobile Broadband Mobile Broadband
Subscriptions Affordability
INTERNET OF IoT Investment IoT Installed Base IoT Analytics IoT Potential
Intelligent Connectivity
Comprises four technology enablers: Broadband, Cloud, IoT, and AI
Intelligent Connectivity’s ability to drive economic expansion will be a welcome
influence in 2019 at a time when the IMF’s World Economic Outlook sees global GDP
growth slowing due to a toxic cocktail of trade tensions and political uncertainty. Cloud Broadband IoT
Intelligent Connectivity’s ability to accelerate technology development to support Stores data and Provides connectivity Creates and
innovative business models and solutions may offer promising new options to help information while to feed data and collects data to
providing computing information to AI feed AI systems
keep GDP growth on track. capabilities to run and systems and carry while implementing
scale AI instructions to IoT and instructions from
decision makers AI systems
Growth prospects for countries in the GCI are seamlessly with human actions, preferences,
increasingly tied to their ability to improve ICT commands, and even intentions. But this change
infrastructure by making connectivity smarter. is not inevitable and will not be painless. It
Connectivity can be understood as a mix of requires investment, infrastructure, data, and
ICT infrastructure, including broadband, cloud, above all a willingness to take advantage of the
and IoT. But when AI is added to the mix, it is opportunities that the new technologies provide.
transformed into Intelligent Connectivity. With Artificial Intelligence
Intelligent Connectivity, AI plays a dual role: In GCI 2018, we forecasted that an additional AI improves accuracy and contextualization through machine learning
the first is to optimize how ICT infrastructure US$23 trillion in economic potential will be and continuously improves by discovering new patterns of data
functions together; the second is that AI can available by 2025 if each country featured in
help workers make faster and better decisions. the GCI increases its annual ICT infrastructure AI impacts AI impacts broadband by AI and edge computing
Both accelerate the digitalization of society investment by 8% (CAGR). Elevating ICT cloud services by minimizing network enable smart sensors
and economies, and help create new products infrastructure to the level of Intelligent optimizing resources congestion and speeding and actuators
and services. Intelligent Connectivity is shaping Connectivity is a crucial step for countries up critical data transfer
a future where increasingly all things will move, that aim to achieve sustainable growth.
act, react, and collaborate wirelessly and
United States
Starters Adopters Frontrunners Frontrunners
Denmark Switzerland Adopters
Average GDP Average GDP Average GDP
Luxembourg I+ Starters
Per Capita: Per Capita: Per Capita: Sweden
US$3,800 US$17,200 US$58,100
GCI Score Range: GCI Score Range: GCI Score Range:
23–39 40–64 65–85 China P
120K Finland GD Potential additional
Argentina Austria
Luxembourg impact value
110K 1%
Brazil South Korea
90K Vietnam
Italy 0.4 468
Switzerland India
80K Norway Pakistan United Arab Emirates
0.6% Malaysia
Singapore Uganda Colombia Note
Kenya Regression analysis
60K Australia
United States Bulgaria using AI-GDP impact
Austria Nigeria
0.4% Egypt Kuwait
ratio versus GCI 2019
50K Belgium Finland Sweden Ghana
scores was used to
GCI + C ¹
40K United Arab Emirates
GDP = m develop the model
France for country clusters
AI-GDP impact %
Italy 0.2%
Normal GDP per Capita (US$)
across all business sectors or government the value, products or services developed
services also plays a role in data collection. and provided by the Intelligent Connectivity
ecosystem, they provide the motivation for Data Scientists
• Examples: Nations at every level of economic ecosystem players to sustain and further Provide insights and
develop the system. recommendations via
development may be data rich and generate vast data analysis; this
amounts of both structured and unstructured requires industry
• Positioning: They can be individuals, Intelligent knowledge and can
data relevant to an ecosystem’s success.
devices, companies, governments or even End Users Connectivity also come from
Purchase and Decision Makers or
international organizations. Typically, they other industry leaders
appreciate high
ICT Companies have little to do with the ecosystem’s quality products or
development and may even be unaware of it. services developed
through an Intelligent
• Function: They provide a wide range of In addition to their primary role, End Users
Connectivity ecosystem ICT Companies
technical knowledge and support (both are both Data Providers and Data Collectors.
Provide infrastructure
software and hardware, including or services such as
infrastructure, platforms, and systems) and • Examples: Products or services enjoyed Intelligent Connectivity,
systems know-how (for example, AI robotics, by End Users could be funded by local Broadband, Cloud,
Data Centers, and IoT
data management, and network skills) that governments, policymakers, global NGOs,
support the ecosystem’s technical platform. and bodies like the World Bank and Asian
They can also be scientists or R&D personnel Development Bank, with policy agendas such
working in a laboratory or a field engineer as alleviating poverty. Conversely, End Users
monitoring how systems function. can be companies or individuals acting as
consumers of the ecosystems’ products
• Positioning: While not in short supply like and services. End Users can also simply be
Data Scientists, ICT Companies must be individual customers.
vigilant that their teams are constantly
upgrading their skills to keep pace with the
ecosystem’s often fast-changing requirements.
Likewise, nations must continually invest in
their Intelligent Connectivity platforms to
support the development of ICT Companies,
or top talent will follow job opportunities
In step one, the company or Decision Maker as the vehicle generates massive amounts of
invests in designing and developing autonomous data that can later be analyzed by the Data
vehicles at its European headquarters. Once the Scientist team in India. When the direct and
initial planning is settled, step two sees the indirect benefits of this Intelligent Connectivity
Decision Maker identify and bring onboard a ecosystem beyond the revenue generated are
team of Data Scientists and machine learning finally considered, they can include fewer
(ML) engineers based in Israel. This team is injuries or even deaths from road accidents,
charged with developing models and analytics lower cost of ownership or operations for drivers,
for the proposed new vehicles. and more efficient, sustainable resources for
the ecosystem’s participants.
The Data Scientists’ program is then tasked with
designing computer vision models that interpret The efficient and cost-effective development of
changing road views. In step three, this group the successful autonomous vehicle depends on
identifies and invests in a US/Indian computer the participation and value-add from each group
vision platform that can outsource visual image and country involved from around the world.
data tagging or Data Collector work efficiently Thus, the concept of Intelligent Connectivity is
and cost effectively in India. Next is step four, not the sole domain of a few Frontrunners, as
where the new application’s End Users could every country can play a role in these ecosystems
then be the buyer of a fleet of autonomous and profit from them. Policymakers from the
vehicles to serve as rental cars in Australia. But Adopter and Starter countries should start
even the End User can also play a role of data planning how they can best tap the benefits of
provider and data collector in the ecosystem, this new economic model.
wireless network reaches 10% global market technology, 5G will have more than 40 5G-
penetration. What is different for each new ready devices, mostly smartphones, already
wireless generation is the timeline for reaching available in the market in 2019. In addition, 5G
10% global penetration. For example, it took semiconductor devices and routers are available
Cloud and IoT Investment Set the Stage for seven years for 3G to cross the 10% global on the market today, in advance of 5G network
AI and 5G Business to take off penetration mark in 2009, but only six years for
4G to do the same. We expect 5G to reach the
availability. This up-front 5G infrastructure is
expected to give the technology a strong head-
10% tipping point in only four years. start and shorten its adoption timeline.
Intelligent Connectivity today is primarily the 5G’s rapid rollout will create 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
domain of countries with advanced ICT
infrastructure – the GCI’s Frontrunners and a new economic growth Years
handful of Adopters. For others, it remains a
work in progress as policymakers’ direct
With 5G field trials nearly complete, new high- AI requires a solid base of collects and creates the massive datasets that AI
speed networks are finally becoming a reality.
investment to build out the underlying After commercial rollouts in South Korea and cloud and IoT systems need to develop insights and expand their
technologies needed to deliver Intelligent capabilities for machine learning. This year we
the US in 2019, more than 70 mobile operators Investing in broadband infrastructure has long found that when a nation’s cloud readiness score
Connectivity. Accessing the potential of this around the world announced 5G launch plans,
powerful new technology should be a high been the focus of policymakers’ ICT strategy. Today, and IoT readiness score cross the 50 and 45 mark
with more than 50 scheduling 5G mobile their investment strategy is looking to a broader respectively, AI’s impact on their economy begins
priority for policymakers in countries at every services to begin by year-end 2020. While it’s
stage of digital development, as Intelligent range of technologies and opportunities beyond scaling up.
still premature to predict 5G’s eventual impact Internet-driven businesses. AI readiness is
Connectivity is expected to fuel a new wave on the global economy, its addition to the
of global GDP expansion. The formula for increasingly the focus of policymakers and industry Another major finding of this year’s GCI 2019 is
Intelligent Connectivity mix is expected to spur leaders, and this first requires strengthening the that a country is required to achieve ICT investment
success is simple: Governments should change on a seismic scale.
invest in Intelligent Connectivity’s foundation ICT platform for Intelligent Connectivity. At the between 3% to 4% of its GDP to achieve the cloud
technologies with a particular focus on two same time, attention must be paid to the two and IoT readiness levels needed to create the
If 5G’s introduction conforms to what we saw touchstones of AI readiness – cloud and IoT. tipping point for AI to take off. Policymakers
critical preconditions needed for AI to be when previous wireless generations from 2G
effective – cloud and IoT. planning for the long-term benefits of deploying
to 4G were launched, then we can predict a Cloud provides the data storage and AI need to be aware that a solid foundation in
spike in global GDP growth. With each new computational capabilities and IoT delivers the these two technologies is the key to activating
wireless generation, businesses worldwide data that AI systems require to scale and deliver the AI capabilities necessary to drive strong
have been quick to take advantage of the analytical power. Another precondition for AI economic growth.
improved broadband experience to introduce readiness is a strong installed base of IoT, which
Cloud IoT
55 55
Ireland Ireland
50 50
United States
Switzerland United
45 States 45
Denmark Singapore Singapore Switzerland Denmark
AI Maturity
30 30
South Korea Turkey Czech Republic Estonia South Korea
25 Turkey Estonia Italy 25 United Arab Emirates Spain
Indonesia Argentina Brazil India Argentina Mexico Greece
20 Pakistan Jordan Bangladesh Oman Slovakia Uruguay 20 Jordan
10 10
Frontrunners Frontrunners
5 Adopters 5 Adopters
Starters Starters
0 0
20 25 30 35 40 45 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 20 25 30 35 40 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95
50 Cloud Maturity
45 IoT Maturity
Cloud investment per GDP – 0.02% IoT investment per Capita – US$250
Cloud migration rate – 23% IoT devices installed base – 6
IoT analytics per Capita – US$6
Source 1: Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health. ‘Nearly half of US seafood supply is wasted,’
Accessed May 1, 2019: https://phys.org/news/2015-09-seafood.html
Source 2: Tindall, 2012; MARG, 2010 based on select fisheries in US and NZ
inconvenience, of having to pay bills by cash in progress. The nation’s Central Bank states
person during office hours. Add to that the there were 20 million mobile money accounts
opportunities for corruption in a cash-centric in 2018, and the Bank aims to increase that to
society. Since Egypt’s unbanked are not 40 million accounts in two years.
Intelligent Connectivity As a Force For All entrenched in the traditional banking practices
of branches, ATMs, and credit cards, they’re An estimated 1.7 billion adults worldwide still
more open to accessing banks and conducting have no access to a bank account, according
payment transactions on their mobile phones. to the World Bank. But there is good news
The latest updates to the World Bank’s Global too. About two-thirds of these unbanked own
Intelligent Connectivity is recognized as a powerful business tool, but it also has Findex database in 2018 notes that the a mobile phone that they can use to access
the potential to provide innovative solutions for many of the world’s most difficult availability of mobile phones among the poor financial services. Making that connection
worldwide offers the opportunity to increase to Fintech services is the key to expanding
and longstanding social problems financial inclusion via mobile accounts, financial inclusion and an important step in
especially if governments lend credibility by combating poverty for unbanked consumers
taking the lead. Digital services offer the in Egypt and globally.
Policymakers and corporate Decision Makers urban areas, many Egyptians are cut off from unbanked a safer way to handle transactions,
today are quickly learning how to manage economic opportunities and severely limited in since workers do not have to carry cash. These Environmental conservation: Deforestation
Intelligent Connectivity and AI’s capabilities to finding means to improve their financial services also have the added advantage of has long been ignored as the price of progress.
drive economic growth. But at the same time, prospects. helping the poor avoid many transaction fees But the loss of forest land is now playing a major
and perhaps less visibly, there is equally and the need to submit to corruption. role in climate change. Deforestation today
important work taking place among NGOs, With Egypt’s population expanding at about accounts for nearly 20% of the world’s total
social enterprises, and entrepreneurs that are 2% or 2 million people a year, demand will With Egypt’s mobile penetration rate of 102% carbon emissions. Turning this disaster around
applying and scaling up Intelligent Connectivity increase for all services, including those and 28 million smartphone users, Fintech will be difficult as up to 90% of deforestation is
and AI to address some of society’s most offered by the government, creating more offers Egyptians the best chance to access due to illegal logging. One non-profit group,
pressing challenges. Among their early targets opportunities for digital solutions. Developing financial products and services. Overseas Rainforest Connection (RFCx), is putting
are healthcare, hunger, education, inclusion, Egypt’s financial sector and broadening the workers’ remittances are a case in point. The Intelligent Connectivity and AI to work to fight
environmental conservation, safe cities, and range of available services to be more ability to receive remittances via a mobile deforestation and protect the millions of
crisis response. Financial inclusion, environmental inclusive is crucial to promote economic phone is having a significant and growing species that inhabit the earth’s rainforests.
conservation, and improving medical diagnoses growth in a country where youth impact in Egypt. Money from Egyptians Acting as an Intelligent Connectivity ecosystem
are three areas where Intelligent Connectivity is unemployment exceeds 30%. Increasing working abroad is important not only to “Decision Maker”, RFCx looked to Huawei Cloud
today being actively applied for the public good. access to financial services is an important support families, but also to invest in new and Data Scientist expertise to help develop
step to reducing poverty, according to the businesses. In 2016, remittances accounted for conservation solutions. RFCx came up with a
Financial inclusion: Intelligent Connectivity World Bank, as it accelerates job creation, an estimated 20% of capital used to launch solution that mixes a low-tech common-sense
has a unique role to play combating global reduces vulnerability to the financial shock new businesses in Cairo, according to the approach with the data-crunching capabilities
poverty, with mobile networks expanding common to lower income groups, and World Bank. On average in 2018, foreign of AI. RFCx has upcycled old Huawei phones to
financial inclusion. Egypt stands as an example increases investment in human capital. The remittances of US$200 were charged a fee of create a fully connected intelligent ecosystem
of how mobile phones can make a difference World Bank v is clear in stating that poverty will US$14, or 7%, a significant amount for to monitor the world’s rainforests. The phones
for the poor. In Egypt, cash remains king and not be eradicated without financial inclusion. low-wage workers. Egypt isn’t alone in communicate continuously with AI-equipped
electronic payments account for only a tiny relying on such remittances. The World Bank servers and when suspicious sounds such as
proportion of transactions. Out of the nation’s For Egypt and other developing economies, estimates that some US$530 billion in chainsaws or trucks are detected in a forest,
population of 100 million, the World Bank financial inclusion typically starts with remittances were sent globally in 2018. rangers on the scene are notified in real time to
estimates that just 10-15% of Egyptians have a payments. Payments open access to services investigate. This Intelligent Connectivity-based
bank account, one of the lowest penetration like saving accounts, credit, and insurance. As Today, Egypt aims to pioneer digital payments solution is already deployed across forests in 10
rates in the world. With few bank branches and financial inclusion spreads, people increase in the North Africa region, according to nations including Brazil, Indonesia, Peru,
Automatic Teller Machines (ATMs) per capita their ability to save, access credit, and the country’s National Telecommunication Romania, the US, and South Africa, protecting
compared to countries with similar per-capita conveniently make and receive payments. Regulatory Authority. In 2018, Egypt introduced more than 2,500 km2 of forest – an area
income, and most services concentrated in regulatory reforms designed to tap the equivalent to almost 200,000 football stadiums.
5 • Start small, learn fast: Start small and gather data from across all
aspects of the Intelligent Connectivity ecosystems to fine-tune the
Evolve and scale program. The aim must be to ensure that ecosystems can be
continuously improved and self-perpetuating in a virtuous cycle.
Subscriptions Affordability
4G Connections Mobile Potential nation to transform into a digital economy and build upon benefits that these emerging economies will probably see
Mobile Broadband Mobile Broadband
Subscriptions Affordability
these fundamentals in a self-reinforcing loop. over the next decade and beyond, as they close the digital
Examples of these fundamentals and their functions are divide through rapid investment and adoption programs.
CLOUD Cloud Investment Cloud Migration Cloud Experience Cloud Potential
as follows: In all cases, the data inputs are first measured against a
INTERNET OF IoT Investment IoT Installed Base IoT Analytics IoT Potential ICT laws are essential for Supply: They set down regulatory normalizing variable like population size, so the index can
boundaries that govern privacy, confidentiality, and safe and benchmark countries according to relative levels of
legal use. The digital IP, digital assets, identities, and privacy connectivity rather than absolute market size, which would
ARTIFICIAL AI Investment AI-enabled Robotics Data Creation AI Potential be more reflective of economy size.
INTELLIGENCE of businesses and consumers must be protected against
abuse and misuse, ICT laws make it feasible for the public
and private sectors to invest in supplying ICT products and
services to the mass market safely and under regulations.
1-10 % 1
Additional Notes
11-20 % 2
For variables weighted against GDP, we use the GDP at
21-30 % 3 Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) calculation. This is generally
the best way to calculate in-country purchasing power after
31-40 % 4 it has been adjusted for the cost of living. This measures the
41-50 % 5
relative wealth of a nation in terms of its ability to purchase
goods and services within the national economy.
51-60 % 6
The data is always the most recent that is available,
61-70 % 7 depending on the source. Data sources include: OECD,
ITU, GSMA, WEF, World Bank, United Nations, Ookla, IDC, ICT infrastructure
71-80 % 8
and Huawei. We’ve estimated the data for missing values Broadband Countries need to
Realizing economic investment initiates a AI readiness is Cloud and IoT
81-90% 9 based on geographical cohorts. Numbers in the charts
might appear different from direct calculation due to
Technology investment is a key transformation with move up the chain reaction to integral to investment set the
requirement identified technology stack to
91-100% 10 rounding adjustments. Historical data shown in GCI 2019 Impact by industries to build
five enabling
drive further
digital transformation, success in the stage for AI to
may be different from data used in GCI reports of previous technologies with cloud as a digital economy take off
years, as it has been updated with the most recent actual a digital economy GDP gains potent catalyst
data to improve accuracy.
Intelligent Connectivity can
Economic be the answer to many of
Impact society’s complicated and
deeply rooted challenges.