Food Technology XL
Food Technology XL
Food Technology XL
Carbohydrates introduction
Carbohydrates are compounds normally characterised by having carbon, hydrogen and oxygen elements
in their molecules in which ratio of the hydrogen and oxygen is the same as in water (2 : 1).
There are exceptions to this for example, pentose sugars of the nucleic acids DNA which have formula
C6H10O4. There are also a very small number of carbohydrates that contain nitrogen e.g., chitin (the cell
wall of fungus).
2. Hydrogen
3. Oxygen
It has the crude formula C6H12O6 and its normal structure is that of a 6membered ring involving 5 of
the carbon and 1 oxygen.
Carbohydrates are very important widespread biological compounds as they are the chief source of energy
and also structural constituents of the protoplasm.
“They are defined as aldehyde and ketone derivatives of the polyhydric alcohols or in other words the
carbohydrates are polyhydroxy-aldehyde or polyhydroxy ketone.”
In a special sense, D-ribose and 2-deoxy-D-ribose are ubiquitous because they form the carbohydrate
component of ribonucleic acid (RNA) and deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) respectively; these sugars are
present in all cells as components of nucleic acids.
Since the biosynthesis of galactose in animals occurs through intermediate compounds derived directly from
glucose, animals do not require galactose in the diet.
D-glucose, the naturally occurring form is found in fruits, honey, blood and under abnormal conditions, in
urine. It is also a constituent of the two most common naturally found disaccharides— sucrose and lactose,
as well as the exclusive structural unit of the polysaccharide’s cellulose, starch and glycogen.
D-fructose, a ketohexose, is one of the constituents of the disaccharide sucrose and also found in
uncombined form in honey, apples and tomatoes. Fructose generally considered the sweetest
monosaccharide, is prepared by sucrose hydrolysis, and is metabolised by man.
Carbohydrates are classified into three main groups depending upon the number of saccharides contained.
-Monosaccharide are carbohydrate molecules that cannot be broken down to simpler carbohydrate
(b) Tetrose—Monosaccharides containing 4- carbon atoms are called tetroses e.g., Erythrose. The empirical
formula is C4H8O4 ·
(c) Pentose—Monosaccharides containing 5 carbon atoms in their molecules are called ‘pentoses’ e.g.,
xylose, ribose etc. Empirical formula is C5H10O5 ·
(d) Hexose—These contain 6 carbon atoms in their molecule e.g., glucose, fructose, galactose.
-D glucose has 4 chiral carbon so there are a total 16 different conformations possible.
-It is a monosaccharide sugar that is about as sweet as glucose, and about 65% as sweet as sucrose.
C-2epimer of glucose.
The distinction between oligo and high molecular weight polysaccharides are arbitrary.
(a) Disaccharides—
These are most abundantly naturally occuring oligosaccharides. These are water soluble sugars formed by
the union of two molecules of monosaccharides, one molecule of water being removed in their combination.
In this process of dehydrolysis or condensation, the —OH group of one monosaccharide is joined to the ‘H’
of the OH group of another monosaccharide to form one water and remaining ‘O’ forms a
The common disaccharides are maltose (malt sugar), sucrose (cane sugar) and lactose (milk sugar).
Maltose does not occur free in nature. It is formed by condensation of two molecules of glucopyranose at the
α-position. This sugar is not of importance in itself but forms carbohydrate. It is a product of hydrolysis of
starch and glycogen by amylase and ptyalin enzymes. It is hydrolysed back to two glucose molecules under
the influence of maltase enzyme. It is not so sweet as sucrose. It reduces copper solution and forms osazone.
It, in the presence of yeast, ferments readily.
-Exhibit mutarotation
It is found in greatest abundance in certain plants. Such as sugarcane, beats, carrots and some sweet fruits. It
is very sweet, crystalline and freely soluble in water. It is neither an aldehyde nor a ketone as it does not
reduce copper sulphate solutions nor does form osazone. It is formed by the condensation of fructofuranose
and α-glucopyranose. It is a very important sugar and the main way in which carbohydrates are transported
in plants.
-Exhibit mutarotation
Invert sugar & inversion : As the hydrolytic products inverts the rotation,the resulting mixtures of glucose
and fructose are called invert sugar and the process is called inversion.Honey is largely 'invert sugar'
It is the sugar found in milk. It is formed by the condensation of glucose and galactose. Hydrolysis yields
one molecule of glucose and one molecule of galactose with the help of enzyme lactase. It forms white gritty
crystals on concentration on milk whey. It is not as sweet as others. It is not found in plants. It also reduces
copper solution and forms osazone, indicating the presence of an aldehyde group in the molecule.
-Exhibit mutarotation
-Cellobiose is a disaccharide consisting of two glucose units in a beta (1-4) glycosidic linkage. -Obtained
from the partial hydrolysis of cellulose, cellobiose is commonly used as an indicator carbohydrate for
intestinal permeability in Crohn's disease and malabsorption syndrome.
O-ɑ-D-galactopyranosyl-(1→ 4)-β-D-fructofuranose
-a keto disaccharide
(b) Trisaccharides—
(ii) Rabinose—These are formed by the condensation of one molecule of galactose and two molecules of
(iii) Raffinose— .These are formed of a molecule of glucose, a molecule of galactose and one molecule of
(iv) Gentianose— It is formed of one mol. of fructose and two molecules of glucose. It is obtained from the
gentian root.
(v) Melibiose— It gives rise to one molecule of fructose and two molecules of glucose.
(c) Tetrasaccharides—
(i) Stachyose— It is composed of D-glucose, fructose and two mol. of galactose. It is found in the haricot
Polysaccharides are made up of ten to many thousands monosaccharides in their macromolecules. Unlike
monosaccharides and disaccharides, polysaccharides are often insoluble. These do not have reducing power
and never have a sweet taste.
These on hydrolysis produce molecules of monosaccharides. These are represented by empirical formulas
(C6H12O6)n where the value of ‘n’ may be 200 or even more. Example— starch, insulin, dextrin, glycogen,
cellulose and vegetable mucilages.
They do not form clear solutions in water due to the large size of their molecules. But some of them, on
boiling, form opalescent solutions. They neither reduce Fehling’s solution nor form osazone as other sugars.
Polysaccharides with protein form mucopolysaccharides. There are certain polysaccharides which are
important from the immunological point of view as they are responsible for the specific immunity produced
by the individual species of bacteria.
Homopolysaccharide/Homoglycan :
Heteropolysaccharide/Heteroglycan :
(a) Homopolysaccharides— It contains the same type of monomers in its molecules on hydrolysis, it yields
a single monosaccharide constituent.
(i) Starch— It is a complex substance formed by the condensation of amylose and amylopectin. It is found
in abundance in plants, seeds, fruits and tubers. With iodine starch forms an adsorption compound of blue
iodide of starch.
Polymer of glucose
Hydrolysis of starch
Linear chains
Slightly soluble
Sparingly soluble
Not sweet
Starch granules
(ii) Inulin—
It is a storage polysaccharide found in the tubers of dahlia, artichoke etc. It is an inert substance when
injected into the body and is composed of large numbers of fructofuranose molecules condensed together in
(iii) Dextrin—
It forms a hazy solution in water which when concentrated becomes thick and adhesive. It is the first stage
of breakdown either by enzymes,during digestion or by the action of dry heat on starch.
Used as mucilages
(iv) Dextrans
Exocellular enzymes produced by the organism bring about Polymerisation of glucose moiety of sucrose
molecules and form polysaccharide dextrans.
According to Haworth, it is the main carbohydrate storage substance of animals and fungi. It is made up of
molecules rather like amylopectin but with more numerous side chains. Its hydrated granules are readily
soluble in water but form a colloidal solution in protoplasm.
Animal starch
Present in plants that have no chlorophyll systems .eg fungi and yeast
In higher animals deposited in liver and muscle which are readily available as an immediate source of
(vi) Cellulose—
It makes the cell wall of plants. It is made up of long chains of β-glycosides and it may contain thousands of
monomers of monosaccharides. These long chain may be further strengthened by H-bonding from one chain
to another. It is absolutely insoluble in water and resistant to the action of dilute acids or alkalis. Strong
acids hydrolyse it into glucose.
β (1→ 4) linkages
Human beings has no cellulose splitting enzymes in GI mucosa, thus it has no Nutritional value, but the
stimulates peristalsis and elimination of indigestible food residues
-Polymer of xylose
-insoluble in water
(viii) Lignin—
It is a complex organic polymer that is deposited within the cellulose of plant cell walls. It is made up of
aromatic units which form long chains with cross linkages.
Lignin is a class of complex organic polymers that form key structural materials in the support tissues of
vascular plants and some algae
Three groups
Pectic acid
Primary function is to cementing together the individual cells that composes the plant
Precursor of pectin
Water insoluble
As the fruit ripen, pectin content increase while protopectin decrease
Para pectin/pectinogen/protopectin
Pectin having lower methyl group have lower gelling property than those with higher content
Further ripening of fruits,pectic acid is formed from pectin by the enzyme pectase
(i) Neutral heteropolysaccharides— These contain monosaccharides and the acetylated amino-nitrogen in
their molecules and are known as acetylglucosamine. The most important acetyl glucosamine is ‘chitin’
Chitin—It is also a structural chemical forming the cuticle of insects. It also forms the cell wall of fungi. It is
very tough and durable.
(ii) Acidic heteropolysaccharides— These contain different kinds of monosaccharides and sulphuric acid
and other acids in their molecules.
A carbon atom to which four different atoms or groups of atoms are attached
The number of possible isomers of a given compound depending upon the number of asymmetric carbon
atoms(n) the molecules possess
Possible isomers = 2n
D-series & L-series : The orientation of H and OH groups around the carbon atom just adjacent to the
terminal primary carbon atom.Example: In glucose -OH is at right → D-series,-OH at left → L-series
Optical activity :
when a beam of plane polarized light passed through a solution exhibiting optical activity,it will be rotated
to the;
when equal amounts of Dextrorotatory and Laevorotatory isomers are present,the resulting mixture has no
optical activity since the activities of each isomer cancel each other.
Mutarotation : Mutarotation is the change in the optical rotation because of the change in the equilibrium
between two anomers, when the corresponding stereocenters interconvert.
Epimer : In stereochemistry, an epimer is one of a pair of diastereomers.The two epimers have opposite
configuration at only one stereogenic center out of at least two. All other stereogenic centers in the
molecules are the same in each. Eg: D-Glucose & D-Galactose
Epimerization : Interconversion of one epimer to the other epimer.It requires enzymes :
conversion of Galactose to Glucose in liver
Cyclic form : monosaccharides having 5 to 6 carbons in the chain gives cyclic structure in aqueous solution
via internal hemiacetal (aldehyde + alcohol) or hemiketal( ketone + alcohol) formation
Anomers :
An anomer is an epimer at the hemiacetal/hemiketal carbon in a cyclic saccharide, an atom called the
anomeric carbon.
Because of the reactive groups present in them, monosaccharides undergo many reactions. They readily
enolise in alkaline solutions and reduce Cu2+and Fe (CN)^ ions. They are therefore called "reducing
sugars." Plants protect the reactive monosaccharides for transport and storage by condensing them with loss
of water into less reactive oligosaccharides and polysaccharides.
Reducing oligosaccharides are formed when the anomeric hydroxyl of one monosaccharide unit is linked
with an alcoholic hydroxyl of the next. (eg, maltose, lactose, etc.)
When water is eliminated between anomeric hydroxyls of different units, non-reducing oligosaccharides,
such as sucrose, raffinose, etc., are formed.
Swelling of starch granules on heating with water resulting in thickening of starch pastes and leaching out
of amylose from the granule into water.
This process of breaking down the intermolecular bond of starch molecules in the presence of water and
heat, allowing the hydrogen bonding sites to engage more water.
1. Plant type
3. pH
Retrogradation :
gradual increase of crystalline areas in starch gels during storage which affect texture and palatability of
Due to strong association of hydrogen bonding,longer Amylose molecules will form stiff gel
Amylopectin molecules with longer branched structure tend to form a strong gel. High Amylopectin
starches will have a stable gel,but will be softer than high amylose gels.
Syneresis :
separation of liquid from a gel caused by contraction of the solid phase,thereby squeezing the liquid out or
by cutting the gel.
Cereal starches under normal conditions usually have a moisture content of 12-14 per cent. Cold water can
penetrate amorphous regions of starch without disturbing the micelles and a maximum water content of
about 30 per cent can be obtained.
If the mixture is heated the intramolecular hydrogen bonding is broken, the grains absorb more water and
swell. The swelling causes loss of birefringence. The temperature at which the granules begin to swell
rapidly and lose birefringence is called the "gelatinization temperature."
This change is completed with a given starch sample with a rise of a few degrees in temperature after
gelatinization sets in, because the individual granules within any starch sample differ not only in size and
shape but also in the energy required for bringing about swelling. Thus, it is more appropriate to call the
temperature of gelation the gelatinization temperature range.
The gelatinization temperature range is somewhat specific for starches from different sources and this
property is useful for the purposes of identification of starch. As the temperature of the starch suspension is
increased above the gelatinization range, the granules continue to swell, if sufficient water is present.
Additional swelling increases the viscosity as the swollen granules begin to collide frequently. In some cases
the fragile granules may be torn into fragments, causing a reduction in viscosity.
The viscosity changes depend on the temperature, initial concentration of starch suspension, size of the
granules, the internal forces holding the molecules together within the granule and the effect of the other
ingredients in the system. When a starch-thickened mixture is allowed to cool without stirring, there is a
tendency for intramolecular bonds to form resulting in the formation of a more or less rigid gel.
This is because the hydrogen bonding between molecules becomes more extensive, thereby increasing the
micellar regions. The growth of micelles results in the gel becoming firm. When only amylopectin
molecules are present, as in waxy starches, the branches prevent the degree of association for gel formation,
except when an extremely high starch concentration of about 30 per cent or more is present.
Waxy starches form a soft thick mass rather than stiff gels. This characteristic, together with translucence
and slow retrogradation, make waxy corn and sorghum starches useful in pie fillings and similar products. In
a very dilute solution of starch, the individual amylose molecules are not sufficiently entangled to produce a
gel so that the growing micelles eventually cause precipitation. This is known as "retrogradation."
The rate and extent of retrogradation is also, influenced by temperature, size, shape of starch granules and
other ingredients present. Retrogradation is more rapid at temperatures near 0° C. Even waxy starches,
which do not form gels except at very high concentration, retrograde under frozen conditions. Amylose can
form strong and flexible films which are water soluble and edible. Presence of amylopectin decreases the
intermolecular binding and prevents the formation of films.
This difficulty can be overcome by using high-amylose starch. Foods can be coated with a thin film of
amylose to improve water retention and decrease surface thickness in dehydrated fruits.
Modified starches:
As has already been discussed, unmodified starches from different sources differ in size, shape, appearance
and gelation temperature and gel-forming ability. Increased knowledge of the molecular and granular
structure of starches has helped modify starches to meet the specific needs of food and other industries.
Modified starches are not toxic and their digestibility appears to be little affected.
Pregelatinized starch:
Pregelatinized starches are those that are cooked and dried to give products that readily disperse in cold
water to give moderately stable suspensions. Dispersions of pregelatinized starch have a less desirable
texture than cooked dispersions prepared from untreated starch. Nevertheless, pregelatinized starch
dispersions have some characteristics of the original starches. This has led to their wide use in the
preparation of instant puddings, pie fillings, soup mixes, salad dressings, etc.
Starches are modified by suspending granular starch in a very dilute acid at a temperature below its
gelatinization temperature. This results in "thin boiling" starch. This method hydrolyzes sufficient molecules
in the granules so that, on heating with water, a product with low viscosity but which can form a firm gel
upon cooling and ageing is produced. Acid-modified starches are used in the manufacture of starch gum
confections (gum drops).
The extent of swelling and ultimate breakdown of starch granules during cooking can be controlled by
introducing cross bonding between starch molecules, using suitable reagents. Chemical crosslinking can
induce gel formation in the hydrated starch. By appropriate treatments, starch granules whiter in colour,
improved gel strength and clarity, greater paste stability and paste viscosity, can be obtained
Galactonic acid
Properties of Monosaccharides
Because of the reactive groups present in them, monosaccharides undergo many reactions. They readily
enolise in alkaline solutions and reduce Cu2+and Fe (CN)^ ions. They are therefore called "reducing
sugars." Plants protect the reactive monosaccharides for transport and storage by condensing them with loss
of water into less reactive oligosaccharides and polysaccharides. The reducing sugars are readily oxidised to
sugar acids.
A mild oxidation of aldoses, when only the aldehyde group is oxidised, gives
"aldonic acids."
Uronic acids are common monosaccharide constituents of polysaccharides, such as hemicelluloses, pectic
substances, gums and others.
Alditols are present in small amounts in many fruits and vegetables. Glyceritol (glycerol) and sorbitol are
used in food processing because they keep food moist by virtue of their strong affinity for water. A cyclic
alditol, inositol, is found as its hexaphosphate (phytic acid) or is mixed with its calcium-magnesium salt
(phytin) in plants.
Monosaccharide Derivatives
Some derivatives of monosaccharides are present as polysaccharide components of foods. Some of them are
amino sugars, deoxy sugars and glycosides. Amino sugars:
Amino sugars are those in which a hydroxyl group in the sugar is replaced by an amino group. The common
amino sugars are glucosamine and galactosamine. In some cases the amino group is acetylated.
Another important derivative of amino sugar is sialic acid, a component of glycoproteins.
Deoxy sugars:
Deoxy sugars are those in which one oxygen atom is removed at a designated carbon atom. L-rhamnose and
L-fucose are the deoxy sugars found in food polysaccharides.
Glycosides are the condensation products of sugar (glycose) with nonsugars (aglycoses). When a molecule
of water is removed by the condensation of the anomeric hydroxyl of glucose with the hydroxyl of an
alcohol or phenol, an O-glycoside is formed. When amino and thiol compounds are aglycoses, N- and S-
glycosides are formed. All the three types of glycosides are minor components of foods. Some glycosides
are cyanogenic, i.e., they release hydrogen cyanide by enzymic hydrolysis in foods. Such types of glycosides
could be a source of toxicity in foods.
Reaction of Carbohydrates:
Browning Reactions (Non-enzymic)
The non-enzymic browning reactions are responsible for the colour and flavour of foods, such as dates,
honey and chocolate. The distinctive flavours that coffee beans, groundnuts, cashewnuts and breakfast
cereals develop after roasting is due to browning reactions.
The presence of reactive reducing sugars is responsible for browning in foods. On heating they undergo ring
opening, enolization, dehydration and fragmentation. The unsaturated carbonyl compounds that are formed
react to produce brown polymers and flavour compounds. The heat-induced browning reactions occur in two
ways; caramelization and the Maillard reaction.
Sugars in dry condition or their syrups, when heated, undergo a number of reactions, depending upon the
temperature and presence of catalysts. Generally, there will be reactions leading to equilibration of anomeric
and ring forms, inversion of sucrose, condensation reactions leading to the formation of oligosaccharides
and polysaccharides, isomerization, dehydration and fragmentation, leading to the formation of unsaturated
polymers with brown colour. With the use of proper catalysts it would be possible to conduct caramelization
to provide either flavouring or colouring caraiftel for food use.
For flavouring purposes, sucrose in concentrated syrups is caramelized. For the manufacture of caramel
colours for use in beverages, glucose syrups treated with dilute sulphuric acid partially neutralized with
ammonia are used.
-During caramelization several flavour components as well as polymeric caramels are produced. Caramels
are a complex mixture of various high molecular weight components. They can be classified into three
Caramelans (C24H36O18)
Caramelens (C36H50O25)
Caramelins (C125H188O80) These polymers are often used as colours in commercial food products, from
colas to soy sauce, confectionary and ice-cream. They are labelled as E150.
Maillard reaction:
The Maillard reaction is actually a complex group of many reactions. The carbonyl group of acyclic sugars
readily combines with the basic amino groups of proteins, peptides, and amino acids, resulting in sugar-
amines. The set of various reactions sugar-amines undergo, resulting in browning, is known as the Maillard
The sugar-amines form a brown colour at a lower temperature than that for the formation of the colour by
caramelization. Hence, Maillard-reaction products predominate in browned foods. The condensation product
of sugar and amines undergoes enolization and rearrangement and then undergoes condensation and
polymerization forming red-brown and dark-brown compounds.
The brown to black, amorphous unsaturated heterogeneous polymers are called "melanoids." Inhibition of
the Maillard-browning reaction can be accomplished by keeping the pH below the isoelectric pH of the
amino acids, peptides and proteins and by keeping the temperature as low as possible during processing and
storage. Use of non-reducing sugars, such as sucrose, under conditions not favouring inversion, also helps
bring down Maillard browning.
Sulphur dioxide and sulphites used in extending the storage life of dehydrated foods, fruit juices and wines
also inhibit the browning reaction.
-The reaction is a form of non-enzymatic browning which typically proceeds rapidly from around 140 to
165 °C (280 to 330 °F).
The carbonyl group of the sugar reacts with the amino group of the amino acid, producing N-substituted
glycosylamine and water
Diacetyl, pyruvaldehyde, and other short-chain hydrolytic fission products can be formed.
Proteins introduction
The word protein is derived from the Greek word "proteios" which means "principal" or "prime".
Proteins are the principal components of all living cells and are important in practically all aspects of cell
structure and fiinctions. They are molecules of great size, complexity and diversity.
These macromolecules are characterized by their nitrogen content. In addition, some proteins contain small
quantities of sulphur, phosphorus and minerals.
Plants have the ability to synthesize proteins from inorganic nitrogen sources, such as ammonia, nitrate and
nitrite. Animals, unlike plants, cannot synthesize proteins in this manner. Thus all animal life, either directly
or indirectly, depends on plants to satisfy its protein needs.
All proteins are built up of the same building blocks, the amino acids. There are twenty amino acids which
are protein constituents. They contain both a basic amino group and an acidic carboxyl group attached to the
same carbon atom, the a -carbon atom. In addition, they also possess a third group referred to as the side
chain denoted by the letter R. The general structural formula of an α-amino acid in the unionized and ionized
condition is:
Consequently, when these amino acids are present in a protein, they tend to fold into the interior of the
protein away from the surrounding aqueous phase. Proline and its hydroxy derivative, hydroxyproline, have
a unique structure. They are actually amino acids and play a unique part in protein structure.
Amino acids with polar uncharged R groups are hydrophilic. Their side chains ionize at physiological pH.
Aspartic and glutamic acids possess a terminal carboxyl group (acidic) in addition to the a -carboxyl group.
These terminal carboxyl groups possess a net negative charge at neutral pH.
The amino acids—lysine, arginine and histidine—have a positively charged (basic) R group at pH 6-7. The
groups responsible for the positive charge are the e -amino group of lysine, guanidino group of arginine and
imidazoyl group of histidine.
All amino acids, except glycine, have a chiral centre. Depending upon the chiral centre at the a -carbon
atom, two configurations L- and D- are possible. Based on the relationship of the <x -carbon configuration
to the known configuration of the two isomers of glyceraldehyde, all amino acids isolated from protein
hydrolysates have L-configuration. A second chiral centre is present in four amino acids: isoleucine,
hydroxylysine, threonine and hydroxyproline.
All the amino acids in the crystalline state or in aqueous solution at neutral pH values are ionized. The
carboxyl group loses a proton and acquires a negative charge, while the amino group gains a proton and
hence acquires a positive charge. As a consequence, amino acids possess dipolar or zwitterion
Only at low pH, well below that normally encountered within healthy living cells, a proton will add on to the
ionized carboxyl group producing a cation in which the a-amino group is ionized.
On raising the pH above neutrality, the amino group will give up a proton and the molecule will become an
anion in which only the a -carboxyl group is ionized.
The aromatic amino acids—tryptophan, tyrosine and phenylalanine—absorb light significantly in the
ultraviolet range. Since most proteins contain tyrosine, the spectroscopic measurement of light absorption at
280nm is a convenient and rapid method for estimating the protein concentration of a solution.
Amino acids undergo the usual reactions of carboxyl and amino groups. Thus, the a-carboxyl group
participates in reactions leading to the formation of amides, esters and acylhalides. Similarly, the amino
group reacts with ninhydrin, dinitrofluorobenzene, phenylisothiocyanate, dansyl chloride, nitrous acid, etc.
In addition, amino acids show reactions characteristic of the side-chain hydroxyl, sulphydryl, amino,
carboxyl, indoyl, imidazoyl and guanidino groups.
Peptides When the a -amino group of one amino acid reacts with the a -carboxyl group of another, a peptide
bond is formed with the elimination of a molecule of water.
When a few (2-10) amino acids are joined together by peptide bonds the compound is called an
oligopeptide. With more than ten amino acid residues the compound is termed a polypeptide. When
the polypeptide contains about 100 amino acid units, it is called a protein. The general structure of a
polypeptide can be represented thus:
H R The linear peptide chain has two terminal residues, one terminal residue possessing a free amino group,
called the N-terminal residue, and the other a free carboxyl group, called the C-terminal residue. The
terminal residues are usually free to ionize. Peptides undergo the same kind of chemical reactions as those
given by constituent amino acids.
Peptides give a colour reaction that is not given by free amino acids, the "biuret" reaction. Treatment of a
peptide or protein with Cu2+ in alkaline solution yields a purple colour, which has an absorption at 540nm.
This property is used in the estimation of peptides and proteins.
Most peptides are the partial hydrolytic products of proteins. However, a few peptides are of metabolic
importance and are found free in nature. Carnosine (P-alanyl-L-histidine) and anserine (|3-alanyl-L-
methylhistidine), are peptides found in muscle. Glutathione (y -glutamyl-cysteinyl-glycine) is found in
mammalian erythrocytes and functions in oxidative metabolism.
The peptide bonds due to p- and y -carboxyls in the above peptides are not found in proteins. Other natural
peptides function as antibiotics and hormones. Oxytocin and vasopressin are examples of peptide hormones.
Protein - 16 % N
Functions in the human body
1.Structural function
2.Regulatory function
In small intestine;
1. Lysine
2. Methionine
3. Threonine
4. Tryptophan
3. Protein-present in raw egg whites can act as biotin antivitamin also called Vit H and Coenzyme R
1. Egg yolk
2. Cattle livers
3. Yeast
Proteins are highly complex substances that are present in all living organisms. A protein molecule is very
large and consists of many amino acids joined together to form long chains. There are about 20 different
amino acids that naturally constitute proteins.
Amino acid Contain carboxylic group (COOH) and amino group (NH2).
Proteins of similar function have similar amino acid composition and sequence. Plants can synthesize all of
the amino acids; animals cannot, even though all of them are essential for life. Plants can grow in a medium
containing inorganic nutrients that provide nitrogen, potassium and other substances essential for growth.
Animals, however, must obtain organic nutrients from outside sources. The common property of all protein
is that they consist of long chains of α-amino acids. The α-amino acids are so called because the α-carbon
atom in the molecule carries an amino group (—NH2).
1. Primary Structure
The primary structure of a protein is determined by its amino acid sequence without any regard for the
arrangement of the peptide chain in space. The member, nature and sequence of amino acid molecules in a
polypeptide chain is called the primary structure of a protein.
Thus the primary structure of a protein refers to its unique sequence of amino acids linked by peptide bonds.
The primary structure is thus a complete description of the covalent connection of protein.
Sanger (1955) established the sequence of amino acid molecules in insulin which contains 51 amino
Later the primary structure of ribonuclease, called an enzyme containing 124 amino acids, was
elucidated by Stein.
2. Secondary Structure
The secondary structures of protein refers to the spatial arrangement of the polypeptide chains as a result of
hydrogen bond formation.
The secondary structure is a direct consequence of the sequential arrangement of amino acids in the
polypeptide chain. The α-helix and β-pleated sheet are the best example of secondary structure.
The α-helix is a rod like structure. The α-helix is stabilized by hydrogen bonds between the NH-bond and
CO groups of the main chain. Each residue is related to the next one by a translation of 1·5 Å along the helix
axis and a rotation of 100°, which gives 3·6 amino acids residues per turn of helix.
The pitch of the α-helix is 5·4 Å. The screw sense of a helix can be right handed or left handed. The helices
found in the proteins are right handed.
The β -pleated sheet structure of protein differs markedly from the α-helix in that it is a sheet rather than
The polypeptide chain in the β-pleated sheet is almost fully extended rather than being tightly coiled as in
the α-helix. Adjacent amino acid in a polypeptide chain occurs every 3·6 Å in contrast to 1·5 Å as in α-helix.
3. Tertiary Structure
When a long peptide chain, with or without a helix is coiled and folded in itself, the resulting three-
dimensional configuration of the protein is termed as the tertiary structure. The tertiary structure is found
especially in the case of globular proteins.
Hydrogen bonds, ionic bonds and hydrophobic bonds are responsible for tertiary structure. The tertiary
structure may further be stabilized by disulphide bonds.
Generally, proteins have 3-dimensional structure and are often classified as fibrous and globular proteins.
Fibrous protein—Keratin, fibrinogen myosin. Globular protein—Albumin, plasma globulin.
4. Quaternary Structure
A protein composed of several polypeptide chains which are not covalently linked to one another is
called ‘quaternary structure’. Each polypeptide chain in such a protein is called ‘Subunit’.
The enzyme called phosphorylase, for example, contains four subunits which are identical to each other but
separately inactive catalytically. However, when they are joined together, the enzyme becomes active.
This type of structure in which all the subunits are identical is termed as homogenous quaternary structure.
But when the subunits are dissimilar e.g., TMV (tobacco mosaic virus) the structure is said to be a
heterogeneous quaternary structure of protein.
(A) According to the Structure of Molecules
(i) Fibrous proteins—
These proteins are composed of long and rod-shaped molecules of polypeptide chains which are arranged or
twisted together to form strands.
These are probably the simple proteins because these are stable on account of being relatively insoluble in
water and also have the capacity of extension and contraction.
Such types of proteins include the hard substances like collagen of cartilage and tendon, contractile
substances like myosin of muscles, horny substances like keratin of hair, nails and feathers and fibrin of
coagulated blood.
(ii) Globular proteins—These proteins are composed of globular or spherical or oval molecules. These are
soluble in water and can form crystals.
These do not possess contractility.Example—Albumin of egg, haemoglobin, enzymes, venom of snakes and
(B) According to Chemical Composition
(i) Simple proteins—These proteins are simply formed of amino acids only such as albumin, globulin
histones, globins, prolamins.
(ii) Conjugated proteins—
These proteins in addition to amino acids contain some other non protein substances (i.e., prosthetic group)
in their molecules. For example—The protein globin is combined with an iron containing porphyrin
compound haeme to form haemoglobin. These are classified according to the nature of prosthetic group as
(a) Lipoproteins—These proteins are composed of amino acids as well as lipids. Example—Lipovitellin of
egg yolk, serum protein of brain etc.
(b) Nucleoproteins—These proteins are made up of amino acids and nucleic acids.
(c) Glyco or mucoproteins—These proteins, such as mucin of saliva, chorionic gonadotropins and pituitary
hormones such as FSH and luteinizing hormones; contain amino acids and carbohydrates group in their
(d) Chromoproteins—These protein contain amino acids and coloured pigments in their molecules.
Example—Haemoglobin, haemacyanin, ctyochrome and riboflavin.
(e) Phosphoproteins—These contain amino acids and phosphoric acid. Example—Casein of milk and
ovovitellin of egg.
(f) Metalloproteins—These proteins contain metals and amino acids. Example—Tyrosinase enzyme
(having copper) and carbonic anhydrase (having zinc).
(iii) Derived proteins—These proteins are derived from the original proteins by the action of heat, enzymes
or other chemical reagents. Example—Proteose, peptones, metaproteins.
(C) According to Solubility
(i) Albumins—These are called simple proteins as these are soluble in water. These may coagulate on
heating. Example—Egg albumin, serum albumin and milk albumin.
(ii) Globulins—These are also simple proteins but insoluble in water. Example—Globulins of white egg
and blood serum.
(iii) Globins—These are highly soluble proteins which can dissolve in ammonium hydroxide. Example—
(iv) Protamines—These are also highly soluble proteins which can also be dissolved in ammonium
hydroxide. Example—Proteins of fish sperm.
(v) Histones—These proteins are soluble in water but insoluble in ammonium hydroxide. These can not
coagulate on heating. Example—Nucleoproteins.
(vi) Prolamins—These proteins are insoluble in water but soluble in 70% ethyl alcohol. Example—Gliadin
of wheat, zein of corn.
(vii) Scleroproteins—These proteins are insoluble in water as well as in neutral solvents. Example—
Keratin of hair and horny tissue, collagen at cartilage and elastin of tendon.
(1) Physical properties—All proteins exist in a colloidal state. The protein molecules due to their big size
either diffuse very slowly or are unable to pass membranes through which substances of smaller molecular
diameter pass readily.
(2) Solubility—Proteins form turbid solutions in water. They are insoluble in alcohol and ether. All proteins
are soluble, when treated with strong acids or alkalies forming soluble acid and alkali proteins.
(3) Chemical reaction—All proteins are amphoteric as they behave as acid to alkalies and as alkalies to
acids. They, thus, form salts with either.
(4) Optical properties—All amino acids are optically active glycine
Denaturation of Proteins
The forces that stabilize the secondary, tertiary and quaternary structures of proteins can be disrupted
through various chemical or physical treatments. This disruption of the native protein structure is defined as
protein denaturation, which is an important process that may occur during the processing of foods.
Denaturation is a change in a protein which causes an alteration in its physical and/or biological properties
without rupture of its peptide bonds. It is generally observed as unfolding of the protein molecule from its
uniquely ordered structure to a randomly ordered peptide chain.
In the case of globular proteins, the denaturing process is often followed by aggregation since previously
buried hydrophobic residues are exposed to solution. Denaturation is accompanied by a loss of native
biological activity, but also affects physical properties. Some important consequences of protein
denaturation are:
Post-mortem changes:
Muscle is a highly specialized tissue; it converts chemical energy to mechanical energy. Muscle requires a
large outlay of energy for the contractile apparatus and this energy is derived from ATP. For long-term
activity, ATP is derived by the oxidation of carbohydrates and lipids. When muscle is under heavy stress
and the oxygen available not sufficient, the anaerobic glycolysis system becomes predominant.
In glycolysis, glycogen is converted into pyruvate and this is then reduced to lactate. Under usual conditions
lactate enters the liver, where it is converted into glucose. The glucose is then carried back to muscle, where
eventually glycogen is resynthesized.
When the animal dies, the circulatory system ceases to work resulting in lack of oxygen. Due to glycolysis
in post-morterm muscle, there is an accumulation of certain waste products, especially lactic acid. Also, the
ATP concentration decreases and is lost in 24 hours or less. The increase in lactic acid concentration results
in decrease in pH of post-mortem muscle.
Also, in the absence of ATP, there is a formation of permanent links between actin and myosin, i.e., the
actin and myosin bridges remain permanently fixed. The muscle passes into a state known as rigor mortis
(stiffness of death). These post-mortem effects bring about changes in the quality attributes of meat, such as
texture and water-holding capacity, colour and flavour. Nutritional quality, however, is not much affected.
Rigor Mortis:
Rigor mortis is a post-mortem change resulting in the stiffening of the body muscles due to chemical
changes in their myofibrils. Rigor mortis helps in estimating the time since death as well to ascertain if the
body had been moved after death.
After slaughter, the structure of meat begins to break down, a desirable process that results in tenderization,
which eventually will cause too much degradation to an extent that the meat spoils. Individual muscle fibres
are composed of myofibrils that are the basic units of muscular contraction.
A fine network of tubules, the sarcoplasmic reticulum, separates the individual myofibrils and within each
fibre is a liquid matrix referred to as the sarcoplasm. The sarcoplasm contains enzymes, mitochondria
(cellular powerhouse), glycogen (muscle energy storage biomolecule), ATP (energy currency), creatine (part
of energy transfer in muscle) and myoglobin (oxygen transport molecule.
The basic unit of the myofibril is the sarcomere, which is made up of a thick set of filaments. These
principally consist of: myosin; a thin set of filaments containing primarily of F-actin; and a filamentous
structure composed of connection and desmin.
Endogenous proteolytic enzymes called calpains (calcium-dependent, non-lysosomal cysteine
proteases) are thought to be the principal sources of hydrolysis of muscle protein fibers, resulting in a less
well defined macrostructure. Caspases (a different family of cysteine proteases) as well as proteasomes
(huge protein complexes displaying proteolytic activity) have also been implicated in important
contributions to meat tenderization postmortem.
Additionally, intentionally added enzymes like papain, ficin, and bromelain, proteases of plant origin,
are often added for a brief period prior to food preparation to efficiently break down muscle proteins
Ageing of Meat
If the meat is held cold for some time after it has gone into rigor mortis, the muscle again becomes soft and
pliable with improved flavour and juiciness (resolution of rigor). Some changes take place during this
period, known as ageing or ripening.
During ageing, there is progressive tenderization of meat owing to the denaturation of the muscle proteins
and mild hydrolysis of denatured proteins by the intracellular proteolytic enzymes, the cathepsins. The
enzymes slowly break down the connective tissues between muscle fibres as well as the muscle fibres
Ageing or ripening is done by holding meat at a temperature of 0.5° to - 2°C in a cold room. Ageing may
take 1 to 4 weeks. The best flavour and the greatest tenderness develop in meat aged from 2 to 4 weeks.
During ageing, humidity of the cold room is to be controlled and meat may be covered with wrapping to
minimize drying and weight loss.
The ageing of meat may also be effected by holding it at a higher temperature for a shorter time, usually
20°C for 48 hours. Ageing with even higher temperature for less time is practised commercially. In such
cases, ultraviolet light is used to keep down surface bacterial growth.
Beef is usually the only kind of meat that is commercially aged. Lamb and mutton are occasionally aged.
Pork is never aged because of its high fat content.
Tenderizing Meat
Tenderness is the most desired quality in meat. The amount and distribution of connective tissues and the
size of both muscle fibres and bundles of fibres determine the tenderness of meat. As already stated, the
number and strength of cross-linkages between the peptide chains of collagen increase with the age of the
animal, and this decreases the amount of collagen that may be solubilized during cooking thus contributing
to decreased tenderness.
Cold room storage results in the natural ripening of meat with tenderizing from the meat's natural enzymes.
There are several artificial methods of increasing the tenderness of meat to various extents. These include
mechanical methods, use of enzymes and salts.
The mechanical methods of tenderizing meat include pounding, cutting, grinding, needling or pinning, and
the use of ultrasonic vibrations. Mechanical methods cut or break the muscle fibres and connective tissues.
The pounding process breaks and tears only surface meat fibres and connective tissues.
Grinding breaks and cuts all the muscle fibres and connective tissues and increases tenderness in meat.
Insertion of needle-like blades into the meat increases tenderness of certain meat cuts. Ultrasonic vibrations
break the meat fibres.
The art of using enzymes for tenderizing meat is an old one. Wrapping of meat in papaya leaves before
cooking results in tenderization. This is the result of the action of the enzyme papain on meat proteins. This
enzyme is presently commercially available and is used extensively in meat tenderization. Other enzymes
used for meat tenderization are bromelin from pineapple, ficin from figs, trypsin from pancreas, and fungal
These proteolytic enzymes catalyze the hydrolysis of one or more meat proteins. The extent to which
different proteins are hydrolyzed varies to some extent. The enzymes also hydrolyze the elastin of the
connective tissues.
The effectiveness of an enzyme as a tenderizer depends upon the way in which it is used. Commercial
papain sprinkled on the surface of meat penetrates to a depth of 1 mm per hour. Penetration is improved by
punching the papain treated surface. This, however, does not result in the uniform distribution of the enzyme
throughout the meat. To achieve uniform tenderness, papain is injected into the veins of animals some 10
minutes before their slaughter.
This results in the uniform distribution of the enzyme throughout the body of the animal by the circulating
system, resulting in the increased tenderness of cooking meat. Freeze-drying meat and rehydrating it in
water containing proteolytic enzymes has been found to be effective in tenderizing meat.
Tenderizing enzymes remain inactive until the meat is heated. Papain, for example, becomes active when the
meat is heated to 55°C and acts on the proteins during the cooking operation until the meat temperature
reaches about 82°C. Therefore, enzymes are ineffective with roasts unless the injection method has been
used. Over tenderization by enzymes is not good as it changes the texture of meat and results in the loss of
flavour and juiciness.
Meat may be tenderized by the use of low levels of salts. Salt increases the water holding capacity of the
muscle fibres resulting in tenderness and juiciness. Salt also solubilizes the meat proteins. Tenderness cf
meat is improved when freeze-dried meat is rehydrated in a weak salt solution instead of water. Salts used
for tenderization are sodium chloride, sodium bicarbonate, and sodium or potassium phosphate.
Another method of increasing tenderness in meat is by change of pH. Decreasing or increasing the pH of
meat increases hydration and its tenderness. Soaking beef for 48 hours in concentrated vinegar increases its
tenderness and juiciness.
Curing of Meat
The prime object of ageing or ripening and use of tenderizers is to increase the tenderness of meat. The
curing of meat has additional objectives. Curing brings about the modification of meat that affects
preservation, flavour, colour and tenderness, due to added curing agents.
Originally, curing was practised as a means of preservation before the days of refrigeration. In less
developed countries, curing is still an important method of preservation. When modern methods of
preservation are available, the prime purpose of curing is to produce uniquely flavoured meat products and
another special purpose is to preserve the red colour of meat. Thus, cured beef (corned beef) and cured pork
(ham) remain red on cooking, while in the uncured condition they become brown.
The ingredients used for curing are common salt, sodium nitrate or nitrite, sugar and spices. Salt retards
microbial growth and gives flavour to the meat. Nitrite fixes the red colour of myoglobin.
Nitrite has also a beneficial effect on the flavour of cured meats and an inhibitory effect on Clostridium
botulinum. Sugar helps stabilize colour, counteract saltiness, and also adds flavour. Spices are added mainly
for flavour.
During the curing process, the curing mixture may be rubbed dry on the surface of a cut of meat or the meat
may be immersed in a solution of the curing agent (pickling). These processes of curing are slow when the
meat cut is large.
The curing ingredients may be much more rapidly and uniformly distributed throughout the meat by
pumping the solution via an artery if it is intact or the cure may be injected with multiple needles into the cut
of meat.
During curing by salts, the high osmotic pressure of the external fluid initially draws water and soluble
proteins out of the meat. Later, salt diffuses into the meat and binds to the proteins, causing some expelled
protein to diffuse back in. This causes a swelling of the meat. The salt-protein complex that forms binds
water well. Curing has also some detrimental effects during storage. The pink colour of nitrite cured meat
changes to brown, in the presence of oxygen. Thus, cured meat should preferentially be packed in containers
from which oxygen has been excluded.
The salts of cured meat enhance oxidation of lipid components and thus reduce shelf life. Also, there is some
concern about the carcinogenic effect of nitrite, particularly when cured meat is heated to a high
A cured meat may be dried and smoked. Smoking also was originally used as a method of preservation, but
today smoking is used mostly for its flavour contribution and coagulation of proteins. Ham is frequently
processed by smoking. The sawdust from hardwoods is used as a fuel for smoking. Slow smoking is
preferable, since the extended period enables more drying to occur on the surface.
Drying is responsible for much of the preservative action of smoking. The smoke contains compounds
having antiseptic properties which destroy the micro-organisms present in meat. Smoking also prevents the
development of rancidity in meat.
The foamability or foaming capacity of a protein refers to the amount of interfacial area that can be
created by the protein. It can be expressed in several ways, such as overrun(or steady-state foam value),
or foaming power (or foam expansion). Overrun is defined as
Emulsion Capacity
Emulsion capacity (EC) is the volume (ml) of oil that can be emulsified per gram of protein before phase
inversion (a change from oil-in-water emulsion to water-in-oil) occurs.
Emulsion Stability
Protein-stabilized emulsions are often stable for days. Thus, a detectable amount of creaming or phase
separation is usually not observed in a reasonable amount of time when samples are stored at atmospheric
Quality tests:
The nutritive quality of proteins can be evaluated by several biological, chemical, and enzymatic methods.
Biological Methods
Biological methods are based on weight gain or nitrogen retention in test animals when fed a protein-
containing diet. A proteinfree diet is used as the control. The protocol recommended by FAO/WHO is
generally used for evaluating protein quality.
Rats are the usual test animal, although humans are sometimes used. A diet containing about 10% protein on
a dry weight basis is used to ensure that the protein intake is below daily requirements.
Adequate energy is supplied in the diet. Under these conditions, protein in the diet is used to the maximum
possible extent for growth. The number of test animals used must be sufficient to assure results that are
statistically reliable.
A test period of 9 days is common. During each day of test period, the amount (g) of diet consumed is
tabulated for each animal, and the feces and urine are collected for nitrogen analysis
-It is the weight (in grams) gained per gram protein consumed.
Apparent protein digestibility or coefficient of protein digestibility is obtained from the difference between
the amount of nitrogen ingested and the amount of nitrogen excreted in the feces. However, since total fecal
nitrogen also includes metabolic or endogenous nitrogen, correction should be made to obtain true protein
digestibility. True digestibility (TD) can be calculated in the following manner:
where I is nitrogen ingested, FN is total fecal nitrogen, and Fk,N is endogenous fecal nitrogen. Fk,N is
obtained by feeding a proteinfree diet.
TD gives information on the percentage of nitrogen intake absorbed by the body. However, it does not
provide information on how much of the absorbed nitrogen is actually retained or utilized by the body.
Biological Value:
where UN and Uk,N are the total and endogenous nitrogen losses, respectively, in the urine.
Net protein utilization (NPU), the percentage of nitrogen intake retained as body nitrogen, is obtained from
the product of TD and BV. Thus,
Protein digestibility-corrected amino acid score (PDCAAS):
-It is a method of evaluating the quality of a protein based on both the amino acid requirements of humans
and their ability to digest it.
PDCASS = (mg of limiting amino acid in 1 g of test protein / mg of same amino acid in 1 g of reference
protein) x fecal true digestibility percentage.
Chemical Methods
Biological methods are expensive and time-consuming. Quick assessment of a protein's nutritive value can
be obtained by determining its content of amino acids, and comparing this with the essential amino acid
pattern of an ideal reference protein.
The ideal pattern of essential amino acids in proteins (reference protein). Each essential amino acid in a test
protein is given a chemical score, which is defined as
In vitro enzymic methods are sometimes used to measure the digestibility and release of essential amino
acids. In one method, test proteins are first digested with pepsin and then with pancreatin (freeze-dried
powder of pancreatic extract).
In another method, proteins are digested with three enzymes, namely, pancreatic trypsin, chymotrypsin, and
porcine intestinal peptidase, under standard assay conditions. These methods, in addition to providing
information on innate digestibility of proteins, are useful for detecting processing-induced changes in protein
LIPIDS introduction
Lipids are a group of molecules that contribute to the structure of living cells and are also used in the body
for the purpose of energy storage.
Dietary lipids have important roles for provision of energy and as carriers of fat-soluble vitamins. Generally
speaking, all lipids are soluble in non-polar organic solvents and have low solubility in water. Dietary lipids
are commonly referred to as oils and fats. Edible oils are liquid at room temperature, whereas fats are solid
or semi-solid at room temperature.
The lipids found in oils and fats are chemically very diverse, but are predominantly long-chain fatty acid
esters. Other lipid types encountered in foods are also either fatty acids or derivatives of fatty acids, and
include triglycerides, phospholipids, sterols and tocopherols.
Glycerol + 3FA.
Simple lipids yield two classes of product when hydrolysed. For example, glycerides (acylglycerols) are
hydrolysed to give glycerol and a fatty acid.
Hydrogenated fat
Rice bran
2-Compound lipids:
Compound lipids yield three or more classes of product when hydrolysed. For example, phospholipids are
hydrolysed to give alcohols, fatty acids and phosphoric acid.
Phospholipids: contain phosphoric acid with alcohol and fatty acid and a nitrogenous base.
Glycolipids : contain fatty acid, carbohydrate and nitrogenous base. Important member of this group are
cerebrosides and gangliosides.
Sulpholipid : yield sulphuric acid on hydrolysis
3-Derived lipids
Derived lipids are non-hydrolysable and do not fit into either of the above - classes. Examples are
sterol, tocopherol and vitamin A.
Based on origin lipids can be classified into;
1.Animal fats : solid at room;
Adipose tissue
It includes:.
Required for transporting triglycerides
o Lipid protein complexes called lipoproteins
LDL are carriers of cholesterol. Increase in LDL increase the risk of heart diseases
HDL helps in lowering the bad cholesterol level
Sources of Cholesterols:
Synthesis in the liver
Energy - 9 kcal/g
A, D, E & K
Fatty Acids
A fatty acid is a carboxylic acid with a long unbranched aliphatic tail or chain, and can be described
chemically as an aliphatic monocarboxylic acid.
The aliphatic chain can be either saturated (no double bonds between carbons) or unsaturated (one or more
double bonds between carbons). Saturated fatty acids have the general chemical structure CH3(CH2) n-
2CO2H, and commonly contain an even number of carbon atoms from n = 4 to n = 20.
In unsaturated fatty acids the double bonds can adopt either a cis- or a trans- configuration. Unsaturated
acids can contain one (monounsaturated) or several (polyunsaturated) double bonds.
Essential Fatty acids
Chemically PUFA
Polymorphic forms are crystalline phases of the same chemical composition that differ among themselves in
structure but yield identical liquid phases upon melting.
Several factors determine the polymorphic form assumed upon crystallization of a given compound. These
include purity, temperature, rate of cooling, presence of crystalline nuclei, and type of solvent.
Polymerization of Fats:
All commonly used fats and particularly those high in polyunsaturated fatty acids tend to form larger
molecules (known broadly as polymers) when heated under extreme conditions of temperature and time.
Under normal processing and cooking conditions, polymers are formed. Although the polymerization
process is not completely understood, it is believed that polymers in fats and oils arise by formation of either
carbon-to-carbon bonds or oxygen bridges between molecules.
Order of rancidity
Types of rancidity:
Hydrolysis of triglycerides due to the hydrolytic cleavage free fatty acid is generated
Rate of hydrolysis
Presence of;Lipase
Microorganisms - molds, yeast and bacteria
4-14 carbon atoms: characteristics unpleasant taste and odour
More than 14 > odourless and flavourless
Fat is oxidised and decomposes into compound with shorter carbon chain
Antioxidants are substances that can retard the autoxidation of lipids. Both natural and synthetic antioxidants
are available as permitted food additives, and these are mainly phenolic compounds bearing various ring
The mechanisms of antioxidant activity are a topic of active research, particularly for naturally occurring
polyphenols that are abundant in many plants derived foods.
In the case of most synthetic antioxidants, the antioxidant acts as a radical scavenger to block the
propagation step of autoxidation
Examples of antioxidants:
Vit C
Vit E
Oil Processing:
Degumming and neutralization
Steam deodorization
Winterization: removal of high molecular weight triglycerides with high melting point by chilling the
Energy receptors
Carrier of oxygen
Protectant against radiation
Classification of pigments
Certified : Dye, lake
Exempt from certification : Natural pigments, Synthetic (Nature identical)
Non-certified colours/natural colours
1. Chlorophyll
2. Myoglobin & Haemoglobin
3. Anthocyanins
4. Carotenoid
5. Flavonoids
6. Proanthocyanidins
7. Tannins
8. Betalains
Carotenoids are nature's most widespread pigments, with the earth's annual biomass production estimated at
100 million tons. A large majority of these pigments are biosynthesized by the ocean algae population. In
higher plants, carotenoids in chloroplasts are often masked by the more dominant chlorophyll pigments. In
the autumn season when chloroplasts decompose during plant senescence, the yellow-orange color of
carotenoids becomes evident
Xanthophylls(contain oxygen)
Primary carotenoid :
Secondary carotenoid :
The most common carotenoid found in plant tissues is β-carotene. This carotenoid is also used as a
colorant in foods. Both the naturally derived and synthetic forms can be added to food products.
Some carotenoids found in plantand they include ɑ-carotene (carrots), capsanthin (red peppers,
paprika), lutein, a diol of a-carotene, its esters (marigoldpetals), and bixin (annatto seed). Other
common carotenoids found in foods include zeaxanthin (a diol of β-carotene),violaxanthin (an
epoxide carotenoid), neoxanthin (an allenic triol), and β-cryptoxanthin (a hydroxylated derivative of
In human 4 carotene (ɑ-carotene,β-carotene,β-cryptoxanth,gama-carotene)
Example :
Leutein and zeaxanthin only pigment found in retina, responsible for central vision and protect retina
from Ionization & damage that can be caused by Blue light, effective in age-related muscular
degeneration (AMD) causing blindness. Supplements typically contain much more lutein than
Major light harvesting pigment in green plants,algae
Resembles heme in structure : difference is that central metal atom is iron in heme and magnesium in
In the presence of an acid, the central magnesium of the chlorophylls is replaced by hydrogen giving
pheophytins, with a dramatic change in colour from green to dull olive brown. The phytol group
present in chlorophylls is removed by the enzyme chlorophyllase resulting in the formation of
chlorophillides, which are green compounds. If the magnesium in the chlorophillides is removed, the
corresponding pheophorbides are formed which have a colour similar to pheophytins: -
The above reactions are responsible for the deterioration of the chlorophyll pigments in the processing and
storage of foods. Green vegetables subjected to heat processing and subsequent storage turn from bright
green to a dull olive brown colour due to the conversion of chlorophyll to pheophytin.
Chlorophyll-containing vegetables also show colour changes upon freezing and subsequent storage. The
colour change in this case is influenced by the time and temperature of blanching before freezing.
The formation of pheophytin from chlorophyll is related to the amount of acids produced within the system
during heating and storage. For example, frozen raw peas lose more colour than beans because of the greater
acidity of the former.
A number of attempts have been made to preserve the green colour of heat-processed green vegetables.
Chlorophyllides are more stable than chlorophylls. Therefore, chlorophylls are converted to chlorophyllides
by means of the naturally occurring chlorophyllase. However, this enzyme functions at a temperature in the
range of 65-75°C. Because of the high temperature used, products processed by this method lose colour on
Another method is the use of alkalizing agents to produce a higher pH in the system and thus minimize
pheophytin formation. High-temperature-short-time (HTST) processing has also been used to stabilize the
molecule during heat processing. However, there is always some deterioration of chlorophylls with storage,
whatever the processing method used.
Colour retention
Blair process : In this process Ca(OH)2 & Mg(OH)2 are added to retain colour.It will raise the pH
and maintain the texture
At the time of blanching chlorophyll converts into chlorophyllide which is stable at high
The colour of fresh muscle is due predominantly to myoglobin. Muscle pigments also include cytochromes,
some haemoglobin, vitamin B-12, and yellow coenzymes associated with cytochromes in the electron
transport system in the cell; these pigments contribute little or nothing to the total colour of muscle.
Haemoglobin is the red pigment of blood.
Both myoglobin and haemoglobin serve to complex with the oxygen required for the metabolic activity of
the animal. Myoglobin and haemoglobin are complex proteins, consisting of the protein moiety globin and
the non-protein part called haem. Haem, like the chlorophylls, is a porphyrin made up of four pyrrole units
and contains an atom of iron in the reduced state (Fe +) in the centre of the molecule.
Myoglobin contains one globin moiety attached to a haem group. Haemoglobin contains four globins
attached to four haem groups.
The iron atom in haem, in addition to the four nitrogen atoms of the pyrrole rings, is attached to the protein
and has a sixth position open for complexing with water or other compounds.
It is this complexing that is, in part, responsible for differences in the colour of meat. It unites reversibly
with oxygen, thus converting myoglobin which is pink red in colour to oxymyoglobin which is bright red.
On prolonged exposure to oxygen, the reduced form of iron of myoglobin gets oxidized (Fe3+), resulting in
the formation of metmyoglobin which is brown in colour.
The haem moiety undergoing complexation and the changes it undergoes on combining with oxygen are
shown below:
These are also polyphenolic substances with structures similar to those of anthocyanins and also occur as
glycosides. Flavonoids differ from anthocyanins in having a carbonyl group in position 4. These include the
groups of compounds, flavones, flavonols, flavanones (and isoflavanones), chalcones, aurones and
The yellow flavonoid pigments are widely distributed and it is difficult to find a plant in which flavonoids
are not present. They may be the sole pigments in such vegetables as potato and yellow skinned onion.
The major group of flavonoids found in nature is the flavonol group consisting of kaempferol, quercetin and
myricetin. Less common than flavonols are flavones, such as apigenin, luteolin and tricetin. The other
groups occur to a limited extent.
These pigments are responsible for the red, purple and blue colour of fruits, vegetables and flowers. These
are water-soluble compounds occurring in the cell sap. All anthocyanins are derivatives of the basic
flavylium cation structure.
Anthocyanins are polyphenols containing hydroxyl groups in positions 3, 5 and 7. Generally, a sugar moiety
is linked to position 3 and sometimes to the 5 or 7 position. Some contain two sugars, with either both on the
3 position, or one each on the 3 and 5 positions. When three sugars are present, usually two of them will be
in position 3 with one in 5. No anthocyanin contains more than three sugars. The sugars found, in order of
relative abundance, are glucose, rhamnose, galactose, xylose and arabinose.
The presence of the sugar moiety in the anthocyanin molecules is responsible for their high solubility in
water. The aglucone of an anthocyanin is an anthocyanidin. A number of anthocyanidins are known. Six of
them are important in foods. They are pelargonidin, cyanidin, delphinidin, peonidin, petunidin and malvidin.
Because of the presence of the flavylium nucleus, anthocyanins are highly reactive. The reactions they
undergo result in decolouration and this is pH and temperature dependent. At low pH, the colour of
anthocyanins is intense red. As the pH value rises, the colour changes through orange and red to blue or
These colour changes are due to changes in the molecular structure of anthocyanins to the quinoidal or
anhydro bases and then to the carbinol base. The carbinol base is colourless and fairly stable but decomposes
slowly on standing.
In the presence of sulphite or sulphur dioxide, there is a rapid bleaching of anthocyanins. This is on account
of the addition of sulphur dioxide at positions 2 or 4, producing compounds which are colourless but quite
stable. Removal of sulphite by boiling and acidification results in the regeneration of the anthocyanins.
Ascorbic acid reacts with anthocyanins, resulting in the degradation of both the compounds. The effect of
ascorbic acid is of particular importance in the preparation of fruit juices. An intermediate peroxide is
produced by the degradation of ascorbic acid and this may be responsible for the reaction with anthocyanins.
Oxidation of ascorbic acid is catalyzed by copper and iron compounds and this results in a greater oxidation
of anthocyanins.
Sugars also influence the stability of anthocyanins. Decolouration is not due to the sugar itself but is brought
about by its degradation products, fiirfural and 5-hydroxymethyl furfural. Accelerated instability of
anthocyanins in the presence of sugar derivatives, ascorbic acid, amino acids and phenols, may be due to the
actual condensation reaction of these compounds or their degradation product with the pigment.
The polymers and degradation compounds produced in these reactions are complex and brownish red. Some
jams stored for long at room temperature have no detectable anthocyanins but still have a reddish- brown
colour, owing to the decomposition compounds.
Many enzymes present in plants bring about the degradation of anthocyanins. These include glycosidases,
phenolases and peroxidases. The glycosidases hydrolyze the protective 3-glycosidic linkage to yield
unstable aglycones. The phenolases oxidize the O-dihydroxy phenol and catechol to O-quinone, which then
oxidizes the anthocyanins non-enzymatically to colourless breakdown products. The peroxidases bring about
decolouration of anthocyanins by oxidation.
Leucoanthocyanins are colourless compounds which, during processing and handling, are converted into
coloured products. When heated in an acid solution, leucoanthocyanins are converted into anthocyanidins.
Some canned fruits develop colour with time.
This is due to the acid present in fruits converting leucoanthocyanins to anthocyanidins, which then complex
with metals discolouring the food. Leucoanthocyanins contribute to the enzymic browning in fruits and
vegetables through their orthohydroxy groups and to haze formation in beer and wine. 8
Quinoids and Xanthones
Quinones are phenolic compounds varying in molecular weight from a monomer, such as 1,4-benzoquinone,
to a dimer, 1,4-naphthoquinone, to a trimer, 9,10-anthraquinone, and finally to a polymer represented by
They are widely distributed in plants, specifically trees, where they contribute to the color of wood. Most
quinones are bitter in taste. Their contribution to the color of plants is minimal. They contribute to some of
the darker colors, to the yellows, oranges, and browns of certain fungi and lichens, and to the reds, blues,
and purples of sea lilies and coccid insects.
Compounds with complex substituents such as naphthoquinone and anthraquinones occur in plants, and
these have deep purple to black hues. Further color changes can occur in vitro under alkaline conditions by
the addition of hydroxyl groups.
Xanthone pigments are yellow, phenolic pigments and they are often confused with quinones and flavones
because of their structural characteristics. The xanthone mangiferin occurs as a glucoside in mangoes
Polyphenolic group
Oligomeric flavanoids
Many are oligomer of Catechin,epicatechin & their gallic acid esters
Astringent polyphenolic biomolecules that binds to protein and various other organic compounds
Tannins molecules require at least 12 Hydroxyl and at least 5 Phenolic group to function as protein
Immobilised Tannins have been tested to recover uranium from sea-water
Plants containing betalains have colors similar to plants containing anthocyanins. Betalains are a
group of pigments containing betacyanins (red) and betaxanthins (yellow) and their color is not
affected by pH, contrary to the behavior of anthocyanins. They are water soluble and exist as internal
salts (zwitterions) in the vacuoles of plant
nitrogen containing pigments
Plant containing these pigments are restricted to 10 families of order red beer
and in some mushrooms (the red cap of fly amanita)
Flavour - blend of taste and odour
Sweet,bitter,salty,sour - taste Of three chemical senses, the smell is the main determinant a the food item's
Processed flavours
Flavoured by enzyme action .eg ; onion, garlic Crushed garlic odour - diallyl disulfide
30 times more sweet than sucrose Cyclamate hydrolysed to cyclohexylamine which causes the bladder
200 times more sweet Increase in temperature and decrease in pH results to the decrease in sweetness
Acesulfame K
Flavour enhancers
MSG/Ajinomoto/Cheese salt
Food flavours;
1.Natural flavours
Aromatic seeds
2.Processed flavour
3.Added flavours
Essence : vanilla
In addition to carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen, alkaloids may also contain sulfur, oxygen, rarely other
elements Cl,Br & P
Organic compounds that are derived from aromatic compounds by conversion of an even number of
-CH= groups into -C(=O)- groups with any necessary rearrangement of double bonds resulting in a
fully conjugated cyclic dione structure
Serve as electron receptors in electron transport chain(plastoquinone, Phylloquinones/Vitamin-
K1),areobic respiration (ubiquinone)
Protect plant that produce them by discouraging herbivores and by attracting predators and parasites
of herbivores.
Terpenoids : have been denatured by oxidation.They are omnipresent in plant foods and contribute in
the flavour of citrus fruits and also are major component of citrus oil
Aldehyde : -CHO
Uses i. Almond flavour is incorporated into various food products with the help of Benzaldehyde. ii.
Because of aldehyde we get certain flavours of baking such as cinnamon, vanilla ii. In caramelization
of sugar, aldehydes play a major role iv. Characteristic smell of coriander is because of the presence
of aldehyde v. Bee repellant
-C=O- groups
Ketones helps in the formation of "acetophenone" which is responsible for fragrances such as
cherry,Jasmine, honeysuckle, almond, strawberry etc
Protein in nature
Colloidal and thermolabile in character
Father of Enzymology - Edward Howell
Most enzymes are proteins, their catalyst activity depends on the integrity of their native protein
They are highly specialized protein and have a high degree of specificity for their substrates
It increases the rate of a reaction by lowering the activation energy.
Specificity of enzymes
Three types;
Stereochemical specificity
Optical specificity: A substrate can have many optical isomers. However, it is only one of the
isomers which acts as a substrate for enzyme action.
There can be a product of enzyme action which can have isomers but only one kind of isomer which
will be produced as a product
Reaction specificity
One enzyme can catalyse only one of the various reactions
Substrate specificity
o Extend of substrate specificity varies from enzyme to enzyme
o Two types;
1. Absolute specificity: comparatively rare such as sucrease which catalysis the
hydrolysis of urea
2. Relative substrate specificity: further divided into - Group depend (e.g.: Trypsin,
chymotrypsin) & Bond depend(e.g.: proteolytic enzymes)
Necrotizing enzyme
Digestive exoenzymes
Enzyme-substrate complex
E : enzyme
S : substrate
P : product
Binding of enzyme and substrate is highly specific .A given enzyme usually binds to only one kind
of substrate
The specificity of enzyme-substrate arises mainly from the hydrogen bonding, which is directional
and the shape of the active site, which rejects molecules that do not have a sufficiently
complementary shape.
The transition state is too unstable to exist for long.It collapses to either substrate or product, but
which of the two accumulate is determined only by the free energy difference between the substrate
and the product
Models of enzyme-substrate complex formation
Proposed by Fischer.
It states that the active site already exists in proper configuration even in the absence of substrate.
Thus, the active site by itself provides a rigid, pre- shaped template fitting with the size and shape of
the substrate molecules
Substrates fit into the active site of an enzyme as the key fits into the lock.
This model can't explain the change in Enzymatic activity in the presence of allosteric modulators.
Induced-Fit or Koshland model
The important feature of this model is flexibility of the region of active sites
The substrate during it's bonding induces conformational changes in the active site to attain the final
catalytic shape and form
This model explains;
→ Saturation kinetics
→ Competitive inhibition
→ Allosteric modulation (affect the interaction of receptors and probe molecules by binding to separate sites
on the receptor)
Enzyme activity
Enzyme unit (U) : The amount of enzyme causing transformation of 1 µ mole of substrate per minute
at 25°C under optimal conditions of measurement.
Katal (Kat): SI unit.One katal is that amount of enzyme that catalyzes the transformation of 1 mole
of substrate per second
1 U = 16.67 nanokat
Enzyme kinetics:
Activation energy/Gibbs free energy of activation
The difference in free energy between the transition state(highest free energy state) and the reactants
Catalyst doesn't involve the position of equilibrium,it only increases the rate of the reaction by
lowering the activation energy.
Binding energy
The free energy released in the formation of a large number of weak interaction between the enzyme and the
substrate is termed as binding energy.It is used to lowering the activation energy
Michaelis-Menten proposed hypothesis is most acceptable: The enzyme molecule (E) is first combined
with the substrate molecule(S) to form an enzyme-substrate (ES) complex which further dissociates to form
product (P) and enzyme (E) back.
ES- complex is intermediate or transient complex and the bonds involved are weak non-covalent
bonds, such as H-bond,Van der Waals forces, Hydrophobic interactions
Sometimes two substrates can bind to an enzyme molecule and such reactions are called substrate
Active site or catalytic site : The site to which a substrate can bind to the enzyme molecule.
K1 K2
E+S ⇄ ES → E+P
At a relatively very low concentration of substrate, initial velocity(V) increases almost linearly with an
increase in substrate concentration. The reaction reaches a maximum velocity(Vm) with an increase in
substrate concentration and it doesn't increase any further by increasing the concentration of substrate.
**V0= (Vm.S)/Km+S
S=Substrate concentration
Km= reaction rate constant/Michaelis constant (The concentration of substrate at which reaction velocity
reaches half its maximum velocity)
Km = (K1+K2)/K1
According to Michaelis-Menten equation ,the reaction velocity versus substrate concentration shows
the Hyperbolic plot
When substrate concentration was kept constant and the enzyme concentration was increased, the
rate of reaction increased
But when enzyme concentration was kept constant and the substrate concentration increased, the
reaction rate increased to a maximum value and then levelled off.
This is caused by saturation of all the available enzyme binding sites by substrate molecules
At low concentration of substrate, velocity proportional to substrate concentration, the enzyme-
catalysed reaction is First order reaction
At high S,the velocity become virtually independent of S and approaches a maximum limit. Now the
catalysed reaction obeys Zero-order kinetics
Michaelis-Menten based on the assumptions;
Km varies from one enzyme to another, and also with different substrate for same enzyme
The value of Km is sometimes equated with the dissociation constant(Ks) of the ES-complex.
However this rule true only when K2 << K1
Km depends on temperature, the nature of substrate,pH,ionic strength and other reaction conditions
As Ks decreases, enzyme’s affinity to substrate increases
Vm is the rate at which the total enzyme concentration is present as the enzyme-substrate complex
Vm = K2Et
Turnover number of an enzyme is the number of substrate molecules converted into the product by an
enzyme molecule in a unit when the enzyme is the unit time when the enzyme is fully saturated with
substrate. Kcat represents the kinetic efficiency of enzyme.It's unit is sec-1.
At saturation S
V = Vm= K2Et
K2 = Vm/Et = Kcat
An enzyme with high km requires a higher substrate concentration to achieve a given reaction
velocity than an enzyme with a low Km for the same Kcat.
At very low substrate concentration S <<Km,most of the enzymes are free.
Thus we can think E = Et,then Michaelis-menten equation becomes V = (Kcat/Km)×E
Ratio of Kcat/Km is equivalent to the rate constant for the reaction between the free enzyme and the
free substrate.Kcat/Km ratio called specificity constant is often thought of as a measure of enzyme
A comparison of Kcat/Km for the same enzyme with different substrates or for two enzymes with
their different substrate,is widely used as a measure of enzyme catalytic efficiency.
Lineweaver-Burk plot (or Double reciprocal plot)
Means-Woolf plot
Lineweaver-Burk equation may be rearranged to yield the linear equation for Means-Woolf plot
Thus the plot of S/V versus S is linear with a slope of 1/Vm.The intercept on S/V axis gives Km/Vm
Eadie-Hofstee plot
The plot of V/S versus V is linear with a slope of -1/Km .The intercept on the V axis gives Vm
Temperature : most enzymes of the human system optimum temperature (temperature at which the
activity of enzyme is maximum)within the range of 35-40°C.
Effect of pH : Maximum at optimum pH
Enzyme inhibition
Enzymes in F & V
Enzyme breakdown specific compound within fruits and vegetables s/a pectin,starch,proteins and cellulose
which results in
Increase yields
Shortening of processing time
Improving sensory characteristics Examples;
Protease , catalase - breakdown in fruits and vegetables -cellulose residue In improved extraction increase in
yield they can also used to
Decrease viscosity of puree, nectar etc
To provide or cloud stability and texture in juices
It is used to cut down production time and cost
Key benefits
Malt separation
Better extraction yield
Efficient fermentation
Beer filtration and stabilisation
Utilisation of local raw materials
Some important industrial enzymes and their sources
Food Additives
Food Additives
A food additive is defined as a substance or mixture of substances, other than a base foodstuff, which is
present in a food as a result of any aspect of production, processing, storage, or packing. This definition
includes both intentional and unintentional additives.
The unintentional additives, which are not added to achieve an effect in the food but which may accidentally
enter into foods as a result of their use in agricultural production, raising animals, food processing or
packing, are not additives in the technical sense of the term, but they are food contaminants.
An expert committee on Food Additives, made up of representatives of FAO and WHO, has defined food
additives as non-nutritive substances added intentionally to food, generally in small quantities, to improve its
appearance, flavour, texture, or storage properties. This definition excludes substances added primarily for
their nutritive value, such as vitamins and minerals.
The Codex Committee on Food Additives and Contaminants (CCFAC) establishes and endorses permitted
maximum or guideline levels for individual food additives, contaminants, and naturally occurring toxicants,
in food and animal feed.
Regarding additives, the committee considers technological justification and the need for proposed levels of
use. It also develops and enables general risk analysis for all foods through the General Standard for Food
Additives (GSFA) and the General Standard for Contaminants and Toxicants in Foods (GSTF).
The primary objective of establishing maximum-use levels for food additives in various food groups is to
ensure that the intake of an additive from all its uses does not exceed its Acceptable Daily Intake.
A broad definition of "food additive" is any substance the intended use of which results, directly or
indirectly, in its becoming a component of or otherwise affecting the characteristics of any food, and which
is safe under the condition of its use. Any substance present in food, either by intentional addition or as an
unintentional contaminant, has its effects on the safety of food.
Non-nutritive Sweeteners
In many ways, sucrose is an ideal sweetener; it is colourless, soluble in water, and has a "pure" taste, not
mixed with overtones of bitterness or saltiness. But it is rich in calories. Diabetics and overweights, who
must restrict their intake of sugar, must have an alternative to sucrose.
Thus, synthetic non-nutritive sweeteners, having less than two per cent of the calorific value of sucrose, for
equivalent unit of sweetening capacity came into use.
The first synthetic sweetening agent used was saccharin (sodium orthobenzenesulphonamide or the calcium
salt), which is about 300 times sweeter than sucrose in concentrations up to the equivalent of a 10 per cent
sucrose solution.
Use of saccharin often leaves a bitter and unpleasant after-taste. Attempts to find better substitutes resulted
in the accidental discovery pf cyclamates (sodium and calcium salts of cyclamic acid—cyclohexane
sulphamate), which are aboiit 30 times sweeter than sucrose but have little of the after-taste of saccharin.
So, cyclamates were widely used as sweetening agents in the manufacture of soft drinks, other low-calorie
liquid foods, and dietetic forms of foods. However, the use of cyclamates has been banned after high
dosages were found to produce bladder cancer in rats, probably from the formation of cyclohexylamine, a
known carcinogen.
Newer non-nutritive sweetening agents, ranging in sweetness from 10 to 3,000 times of sucrose have been
discovered. Among them is glycyrrhizic acid, obtained from the roots of a European leguminous plant
Glycyrrhiza glabra (licorice).
The sweet taste of glycyrrhizic acid is detectable at one-fiftieth the threshold taste level of sucrose. It is used
in tobacco products, confectioneries and beverages. Acesulfame K is used in baked goods, chewing gum,
gelatin desserts, and soft drinks. It is about 200 times sweeter than sugar. In 1998, FDA allowed this
chemical to be used in soft drinks, thereby greatly increasing consumer exposure.
Acesulfame K
Acesulfame K is not digested, so it contributes no calories to the diet. Some animal studies suggest a
possible cancer-promoting effect. Aspartame is used in "Diet" foods, including soft drinks, drink mixes,
gelatin desserts, and low-calorie frozen desserts.
Aspartame is produced from two amino acids—aspartic acid and phenylalanine—and is 180 times sweeter
than sucrose. Although FDA points to more than 100 scientific experiments that purportedly document the
safety of aspartame, many consumers and scientists are not convinced that long-term daily intake of
aspartame is completely safe, and are concerned about the growing number of foods that contain this
Aspartame intake is known to be dangerous for persons with phenylketonuria, a metabolic disorder that
results in dangerously high blood levels of phenylalanine. In addition, aspartame is not recommended for
use by pregnant or lactating women.
Sucralose is derived from table sugar (sucrose). It closely resembles table sugar in taste, is highly water-
soluble, and is exceptionally stable at high temperatures. In 1998, FDA approved it as a tabletop sweetener
and for use in baked goods, beverages, gelatin, and frozen dairy desserts.
In 1999, FDA expanded the approved uses for sucralose, allowing it as a general-purpose sweetener for all
foods. Sucralose is not absorbed from the digestive tract, so it adds no calories to consumed food. In
addition, sucralose does not increase blood sugar levels.
Cyclamate was synthesized in 1937 at the University of Illinois by a student who accidentally discovered its
sweet taste. Cyclamate was initially marketed as tablets that were recommended for use as a tabletop
sweetener for people with diabetes and others who had to restrict their intake of sugar.
In the United States, FDA banned the sale of cyclamate in 1970 after lab tests indicated that large amounts
of cyclamates caused bladder cancer in rats, a disease which rats are particularly susceptible to, also caused
by drinking sugar water. The findings of these studies have been challenged and some companies are
petitioning to have cyclamates reapproved. Cyclamates are still used as sweeteners in many parts of the
world. They are used with official approval in over 55 countries.
Neotame is the latest FDA approved non-nutritive sweetener that is between 8,000 and 13,000 times sweeter
than sucrose. It is chemically similar to the popular artificial sweetener aspartame. Neotame is moderately
heat stable and extremely potent, and is considered to be of no danger to those suffering from
phenylketonuria, as it does not metabolize into phenylalanine.
The product is rapidly metabolized, completely eliminated, and does not accumulate in the body. Because
only very small amounts of neotame are needed to sweeten foods, the amount of methanol derived from
neotame is very small relative to that derived from common foods, such as fruit and vegetable juices.
Neotame was approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for general use in July 2002, but is not
yet widely used in food products.
Alitame developed in the early 1980s is currently marketed in some countries under the brand name Aclame.
Like aspartame, alitame is an aspartic acid-containing dipeptide Alitame has several distinct advantages over
aspartame. It is about 2,000 times sweeter than sucrose, about 10 times sweeter than aspartame, and has no
aftertaste, its half-life under hot or acidic conditions is about twice as long as aspartame's, although some
other artificial sweeteners, including saccharin and acesulfame potassium, are more stable yet.
Unlike aspartame, alitame does not contain phenylalanine, and can therefore be used by people with
phenylketonuria. Alitame has approved for use in Mexico, Australia, New Zealand and China. Petition to
permit alitame's use in the United States in 1986 by the Food and Drug Administration, but is still pending
in 2006.
Dulan is about 250 times sweeter than sugar. It was an important sweetener of the early 20th century and
had an advantage over saccharin in that it did not possess a bitter after-taste. Early medical tests marked the
substance as safe for human consumption, and it was considered ideal for diabetics. However, an FDA study
in 1951 raised many questions about its safety, resulting in its removal from the market in 1954 after animal
testing revealed unspecified carcinogenic properties.
Neohesperidin dihydrochalcone
Neohesperidin dihydrochalcone, sometimes abbreviaied to Neohesperidin DC or simply NHDC, is derived
from citrus. It is roughly 1,500-1,800 times sweeter than sugar at threshold concentrations; around 340 times
sweeter than sugar weight-for-weight, NHDC is stable to elevated temperatures and to acidic or basic
conditions, and so can be used in applications that require a long shelf-life.
NHDC itself can stay foodsafe for up to five years when stored in optimal conditions. Generally recognized
as a safe "flavour enhancer," it is particularly effective in masking the bitter tastes of other compounds found
in citrus, including limonin and naringin. In food it is used as a flavour enhancer in concentrations of around
4-5 parts per million (ppm), and as an artificial sweetener at around 15-20 ppm. Research has shown that at
strengths of around and above 20ppm, NHDC can produce side-effects such as nausea and migraine.
A preservative is defined as any substance which is capable of inhibiting, retarding, or arresting, the growth
of micro-organisms, of any deterioration of food due to micro-organisms, or of masking the evidence of any
such deterioration. It is estimated that nearly 1/5 of the world's food is lost by microbial spoilage.
Chemical preservatives interfere with the cell membrane of micro-organisms, their enzymes, or their genetic
mechanisms. The compounds used as preservatives include natural preservatives, such as sugar, salt, acids,
etc., as well as synthetic preservatives. Chemical preservatives are generally added after the foods are
processed. The role of some preservatives is considered in this section.
Sodium Chloride
This has been used as a food preservative from early times. Salt stops the growth of micro-organisms and
interferes with the action of proteolytic enzymes. Salt also causes food dehydration by drawing out waier
from the tissue cells. Salt is employed to control microbial population in foods, such as butter, cheese,
cabbage, olives, cucumbers, meats, fish and bread. The amount of salt added determines the extent of
protection afforded to the food.
The term "brine" is used to denote the percentage of NaCl in the water phase of a food. In the preservative
action of NaCl, there is synergistic action with other intrinsic factors such as pH, or extrinsic factors such as
temperature, partial pressure of oxygen, etc.
Sugar aids in the preservation of products in which it is used. The high osmotic pressure of sugar creates
conditions that are unfavourable for the growth and reproduction of most species of bacteria, yeasts and
moulds. The preservative action of moderate strength of sugars can be improved if invertase is used to
increase the concentration of glucose relative to sucrose.
Foods in which sugars aid preservation include syrups and confectionery products, fondant fillings in
chocolate, honey, jams, jellies, marmalades, conserves, and fruits such as dates, sultanas and currants.
Sulphur Dioxide
Sulphur dioxide has been used in foods for long as a general preservative. It is used in the treatment of fruits
and vegetables before and after dehydration to extend the storage life of fresh grapes, prevent the growth of
undesirable micro-organisms during wine making, and in the manufacture of fruit juices. Sulphur dioxide is
also the most useful agent for the prevention of browning reactions in dried fruits. Most cut fruits are treated
with sulphur dioxide to prevent enzymic browning.
Forms in which sulphur dioxide is employed as a preservative include the gas (SO2), the sodium or
potassium bisulphites (NaHSO3, or KHSO3), sulphites (Na2SO3 or K2SO3,), and metabisulphite
(Na2S2O5 or K2,S2O5). In aqueous solutions, sulphur dioxide and the sulphite salts form sulphurous acid
(H2SO3) and ions of bisulphite (HSO3) and sulphite (SO3~).
At low pH values (lower than 4.5), the undissociated sulphurous acid predominates and inhibits the growth
of yeasts and moulds. At high values, the HSO3 ion is effective against bacteria but not against yeast.
The sulphurous acid anti-microbial activity may be due to the reaction of bisulphite with acetaldehyde in the
cell, the reduction of essential disulphide linkages in enzymes, and the formation of bisulphite addition
compounds which interfere with respiration.
One of the defects of use of sulphur dioxide is it leaves an unmistakable taste in the mouth. It also causes the
breakdown of vitamin B-l, so that foods containing sulphur dioxide may not be good sources of this vitamin.
These are additives to preserve (cure) meats, give them desirable colour and flavour, discourage growth of
micro-organisms, and prevent toxin formation. Sodium nitrite has been used for centuries as a preservative
and colour stabilizer in meat and fish products. The nitrite, when added to meat, gets converted to nitric
oxide, which combines with myoglobin to form nitric oxide myoglobin (nitrosylmyoglobin), which is a heat-
stable pigment. The curing also contributes flavour to the meat.
In addition, nitrite curing inhibits the growth of Clostridium and Streptococcus, and also lowers the
temperature required to kill C. botulinum. It has been discovered that cooking nitrite cured meat products
results in the formation of small amounts of N-nitrosamines, which are potent carcinogens. The nitrosamines
are formed by the reaction of secondary and tertiary amines, through the following type of reaction.
Nitrosation may also take place in foods during storage or processing, and nitrosamines may be ingested as
such. There is some evidence that nitrosamines are formed under the strong acid conditions in the human
stomach, when nitrite cured meats are ingested.
In recent years, use of nitrite for curing has become controversial. Although the levels are low, the
production of carcinogens during food manufacture or preparation cannot be ignored. As the derivation of
nitrosamines is due to NO ~2 in meat, a reduction in the concentration of the curing agent used helps
alleviate the problem. However, the reduction in the concentration of NO ~2 enhances the risk of food
poisoning due to Clostridium botulinum. Recent results have shown diminished concentrations of nitrite can
be used in the presence of another preservative that acts synergistically.
In the presence of isoascorbate, even very dilute concentrations of nitrite significantly decrease spoilage and
toxin production. Other agents used for curing meat are ascorbates and several phosphates. Ascorbate and
isoascorbate react with nitrite to give nitric oxide and thereby accelerate the rate of formation of
nitrosylmyoglobin. They also stabilize colour and flavour. They inhibit the formation of nitrosamines.
Through chelating iron, they may contribute also to the anti-microbial stability of cured meats.
Sorbic Acid
Straight chain monocarboxylic acids and a-unsaturated fatty acid analogues have anti-microbial activity.
Sorbic acid (CH3-CH=CH-CH=CH-COOH) and its sodium and potassium salts inhibit moulds and yeasts,
in foods such as cheese, baked products, fruit juices, wines and pickles. The antimycotic action of sorbic
acid is due to the inability of moulds to metabolize the conjugated unsaturated structure.
Acetic Acid
Acetic acid (CH3COOH), in the form of vinegar (4 per cent acetic acid), has been used to preserve pickled
vegetables from antiquity. Acetates of sodium, potassium, and calcium, are used in bread and other baked
goods to prevent ropiness and the growth of moulds, but they do not interfere with yeasts. The acid is also
used in foods, such as catsup, mayonnaise and pickles, primarily for flavour, but these products also benefit
from the concurrent anti-microbial action.
The anti-microbial activity of acetic acid increases as the pH decreases. 29.15.7 Propionic Acid Propionic
acid (CH3CH2COOH) and its sodium and calcium salts exert anti-microbial activity against moulds and
some bacteria. The acid finds extensive use in the bakery field, where it not only inhibits moulds effectively
but is also active against the ropy bread organism Bacillus mesentericus. The toxicity of propionic acid to
moulds and certain bacteria is related to the inability of the organisms to metabolize the three-carbon unit.
Benzoic Acid
Benzoic acid is widely used as an anti-microbial agent. Its sodium salt is more soluble in water than the free
acid and hence it is generally used. However, once in the product, some of the sodium benzoate is converted
to the acid form. The undissociated acid is the form with anti-microbial activity. The acid is most active
against yeasts and bacteria, and least active against moulds. It exhibits optimum activity in the pH range 2.5-
4.0, and thus is well suited for use in acid foods, such as fruit juices, carbonated beverages, pickles and
These are alkyl esters of p-hyaroxybenzoic acid. The methyl, ethyl, propyl, and heptyl esters, are generally
used. These are effective inhibitors of moulds and yeasts, but are relatively ineffective against bacteria. They
are active at pH 7 and higher and have little effect on flavour.
Epoxides are cyclic ethers that destroy all forms of micro-organisms, including spores and even viruses. The
epoxides used as preservatives are ethylene oxide and propylene oxide.In order to achieve intimate contact
with micro-organisms, the epoxides are used in the gaseous form and, after adequate exposure, the residual
epoxide is removed by flushing and evacuation.
Their use is limited to dry items, such as nut* and spices. Spices often contain a high microbial load and
they cannot be sterilized by heat because of the instability to heat of their volatile flavour compounds. Thus,
treatment with epoxides is a suitable method of reducing the microbial load of spices.
Antibiotics are anti-microbial agents produced naturally by a variety of micro-organisms. Antibiotics are of
great chemotherapeutic value in controlling pathogenic micro-organisms in living animals. Their use in food
preservation could lead to the development of resistant strains of organisms, thus making their medicinal use
ineffective. Therefore, the use of antibiotics as food preservatives is not permitted in certain countries, while
some countries allow the limited use of a relatively few antibiotics. These include nisin, pimaracin,
chlorotetracycline (aureomycin), and oxytetracycline (terramycin).
Nisin is used to control the growth of spore-forming bacteria of dairy products, such as cheese and
condensed milk. Nisin is nontoxic to human beings and does not lead to cross-resistance with medical
antibiotics. Pimaracin is an anti-fungal substance which is used to control the growth of fungi in cheese and
sausages. Its toxicity in human beings is low and it is active in low concentrations of 10-100 parts per
million. Chlorotetracycline and oxytetracycline are used to control the growth of bacteria in fish and poultry.
The residual antibiotics are destroyed by usual cooking methods.
Diethyl Pyrocarbonate
Diethyl pyrocarbonate is used as an anti-microbial food additive for fruit juices, wines and carbonated
beverages. It acts as a "cold sterilizing" agent for aqueous solutions. Its advantage is that following its
action, it is readily hydrolyzed to ethanol and carbon dioxide. It is active in low concentrations (120-300
parts per million).
In concentrated solutions, it is an irritant. It is likely to react with ammonia, which is ubiquitous in plant and
animal tissues, forming urethane (ethyl carbamate, a carcinogen. Because of this, it is of limited use today.
Dimethyl pyrocarbonate, a lower member of this group of compounds, may be widely used in future as a
cold sterilizing agent. 29
An anti-oxidant is a substance added to fats and fat-containing substances to retard oxidation and thereby
prolong their wholesomeness, palatability, and, sometimes, keeping time. An anti-oxidant should not
contribute an objectionable odour, flavour, or colour, to the fat or to the food in which it is present. It should
be effective in low concentrations, and be fat soluble. Also, it should not have a harmful physiological
Vegetables contain several anti-oxidants besides vitamins C and E, especially the flavonoids, of which
quercetin in onions and apples and epigallocatechin in tea are typical examples. In one study, increasing
vegetable intake by at least 400 g per day resulted in a 42% reduction in the risk of coronary heart disease.
Flavonoids have become the subject of intensive research in recent years for their strong anti-oxidant
properties. Oxidative reactions are also implicated in the development of diabetes, and Vitamin E has been
found to have a preventative role here too.
Anti-oxidants thus have wide-ranging life-protective properties. Vitamins C and E are the two antioxidants
present in living creatures, including ourselves, which fulfil the anti-oxidant role, and which are also widely
used as supplementary additives. These are among the safest chemicals known. A recent survey concluded
vitamin C inhibits the formation of carcinogenic nitrosamines, stimulates the immune system, protects
against chromosome breakage, and regenerates vitamin E as part of the antioxidant defence system.
Some anti-oxidants used in foods are butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA), butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT),
propyl gallate (PG), and tertiarybutyl hydroquinone (TBHQ), which are all phenolic substances.
Thiodipropionic acid and dilauryl thiodipropionate are also used as food anti-oxidants. The Joint
FAOAVHO Expert Committee on Food Additives has recently considered the Acceptable Daily Intakes
(ADls) of BHA and BHT and set them at 0-0.5 mg/kg body weight for BHA and 0-0.3 mg/kg body weight
for BHT.
Naturally occurring substances that act as anti-oxidants are tocopherols. The tocopherols act as biological
anti-oxidants in plant and animal tissues, but they are rarely used as additives because they are more
expensive than synthetic anti-oxidants.
Anti-oxidants function by interrupting the free radical chain mechanism involved in lipid oxidation. They
are effective in small concentrations (0.01-0.02 per cent). Mixed anti-oxidants sometimes act synergistically.
The presence of metallic ions, particularly copper and iron, promotes lipid oxidation through a catalytic
action. Acidic compounds, like citric acid, complex with iron and thus, when present along with phenolic
anti-oxidants, enhance the latterrs activity.
Browning of cut fruits and vegetables is due to enzymic oxidation of phenolic substances. Anti-oxidants
prevent this discolouration. Ascorbic acid is used as an anti-oxidant in this case. Acids, such as citric and
phosphoric, increase the effectiveness of ascorbic acid in preventing browning.
Chelating Agents
Chelating agents or sequestrants. are compounds that form complexes with metal ions. Many metals exist in
food in a naturally chelated form, such as, magnesium in chlorophylls, iron in ferritin and haemoglobin, and
copper, zinc and magnesium in enzymes.
When metallic ions are released due to hydrolytic or other degradative reactions, they are free to participate
in reactions that lead to discolouration, oxidative rancidity, turbidity, and flavour changes in foods. Addition
of chelating agents results in the complexing of these metal ions and thereby the stabilization of foods.
Compounds containing two or more functional groups, such as hydroxyl, sulphydryl, carboxyl, phosphate,
etc., chelate with metals under favourable conditions. Chelators used in the food industry include sorbic
acid, polycarboxylic acids (citric, malic, tartaric, oxalic, and succinic acids), polyphosphates (ATP and
pyrophosphates), macromolecules (porphyrins, proteins), and EDTA.
Other chelating agents, which are capable of inhibiting polyphenol oxidase, include cyanide,
diethyldithiocarbonate, sodium azide and 2-mercaptobenzothiazole, carbon monoxide, mercaptobenzthiazol,
dimercaptopropanol, and potassium methyl xanthate. Citric acid and its derivatives, phosphates and salts of
ethylene-diamine tetra-acetic acid (EDTA) are the most popular chelaling agents used in foods.
Chelating agents are not anti-oxidants; they serve as scavengers of metals which catalyze oxidation. They,
however, are anti-oxidant synergists. Citric acid and its esters in propylene glycol solution are effective
synergists in lipid systems. It is often used in combination with other anti-browning agents such as ascorbic
or erythorbic acids and their neutral salts, for the chelation of pro-oxidants and for the inactivation of
polyphenol oxidase.
Recommended usage levels for citric acid typically vary between 0.1 and 0.3 per cent with the appropriate
anti-oxidant at levels ranging between 100 and 200 ppm. Citric acid exerts its inhibitory effect on
polyphenol oxidase by lowering the pH as well as by chelating the copper at the active site of the enzyme.
Polyphosphates and EDTA are used as chelating agents in canned seafoods. Seafoods contain substantial
amounts of magnesium ions which sometimes react with ammonium phosphate, with the formation of
glossy crystals (struvite). Iron, copper, and zinc containing seafoods react with sulphides that lead to product
discolouration. These reactions are prevented by the addition of chelating agents.
EDTA is a chelating agent permitted for use in the food industry as a chemical preservative. Calcium
disodium EDTA and disodium EDTA have been approved for use as food additives by the United States
Food and Drug Administration.
Polyphosphates, sodium acid pyrophosphate, and metaphosphate, are chelating agents of limited cold water
solubility. They have been used as anti-browning agents for fresh-peeled fruits and vegetables at
concentrations as low as 0.5 to 2 per cent (final concentration in the dip solution). Sporix™ , an acidic
polyphosphate mixture (sodium acid pyrophosphate, citric acid, ascorbic acid, and calcium chloride), has
been observed to delay the onset of oxidation and enzymatic browning in fruits and vegetables.
Various sulfated polysaccharides, including carrageenans, amylose sulfate, and xylan sulfate, were
determined to be effective browning inhibitors in both apple juice and diced apples. Pectin, a naturally
occurring anionic polysaccharide at a concentration of 0.5 percent, gave between 5 and 10 percent inhibition
of apple juice browning. Carboxyl groups present in pectin are believed to be capable of chelating the
copper moiety of polyphenol oxidase, thus preventing browning.
Citric and phosphoric acids are used as acidulants in soft drink beverages. These chelate with metals which
otherwise promote the oxidation of flavour compounds and catalyze discolouration reactions. Chelating
agents also stabilize fermented malt beverages by complexing with copper, which otherwise catalyzes the
oxidation of phenolic substances, which subsequently interact with proteins to form haziness or turbidity.
Colouring Agents
These include colour stabilizers, colour fixatives, colour retention agents, etc. They consist of synthetic
colours, synthesized colours that also occur naturally, and other colours from natural sources.
Even though colours add nothing to the nutritive value of foods, without certain colours most consumers
will not buy or eat some foods. Thus, colours are frequently added to restore the natural ones lost in food
processing or to give the preparations the natural colour we expect.
Originally, many colour additives were natural pigments or dyes. For example, spinach juice or grass,
marigold flower, and cochineal, were used to obtain green, yellow and red colour, respectively. This gave
place to synthetic dyes obtained from coal tar. Synthetic colours generally excel in colouring power, colour
uniformity, colour stability, and cost. Further, in many cases, natural colouring materials do not exist for a
desired hue. Carbonated beverages, gelatin dessert, candies, and bakery goods, are some foods that are
coloured with coal tar dyes.
As a number of coaltar compounds have been shown to be potent carcinogens, the use of coal tar dyes as
food additives is restricted. Many countries have severely restricted the number of coal tar dyes for use in
foods, while some other countries have completely banned their use. Food colours used also include some
inorganic materials, such as iron oxide to give redness, and titanium dioxide to intensify whiteness.
A number of natural food colours extracted from seeds, flowers, insects, and foods, are also used as food
One of the best known and most widespread red pigment is bixin, derived from the seed coat of Bixa
orellana, the lipstick pod plant of South American origin. Bixin is not considered to be carcinogenic. The
major use of this plant on a world-wide basis, however, is for the annatto dye, a yellow to red colouring
material extracted from the orange-red pulp of the seeds.
Annatto has been used as colouring matter in butter, cheese, margarine, and other foods. Another yellow
colour, a carotene derived from carrot, is used in margarine. Saffron has both flavouring and colouring
properties and has been used for colouring foods.
Turmeric is a spice that gives the characteristic colour of curries and some meat products and salad
dressings. A natural red colour, cochineal (or carnum) obtained by extraction from the female insect
{Coccus cacti), grape skin extract, and caramel, the brown colour obtained from burnt sugar, are some
natural colours that are used as food additives.
Flavour Enhancers
Flavouring additives are the ingredients, both naturally occurring and added, which give the characteristic
flavour to almost all the foods in our diet. Flavour enhancers are not flavours themselves but they amplify
the flavours of other substances through a synergistic effect. Flavour and flavour enhancers constitute the
largest class of food additives. These are about 2,100 approved natural and synthetic flavours, of which
more than 1,600 are synthetic ones.
Natural flavour substances, such as spices, herbs, roots, essences, and essential oils, have been used in the
past as flavour additives. The flavours of such materials are not uniform. They vary with the season and area
of production. In addition, natural flavours are in short supply and the amount of flavour substances in them
is very tiny. It would take about a tonne of many spices to produce 1 g of the flavour substances, and in
some cases only O.lg can be extracted. Natural food flavours are thus being replaced by synthetic flavour
The agents responsible for flavour are esters, aldehydes, ketones, alcohols, and ethers. These substances are
easily synthesized and can be easily substituted for natural ones. Typical of the synthetic flavour additives
are amyl acetate for banana, methyl anthranilate for grapes, ethyl butyrate for pineapple, etc. Generally,
most synthetic flavours are mixtures of a number of different substances. For example, one imitation cherry
flavour contains fifteen different esters, alcohols, and aldehydes.
One of the best known, most widely used and somewhat controversial flavour enhancers is monosodium
glutamate (MSG), the sodium salt of the naturally occurring amino acid glutamic acid (see also Section
9.13). This is added to over 10,000 different processed foods.
This has been in use in Chinese and Japanese cooking for centuries, and was extracted from seaweeds and
soyabean. About 65 years ago, a Japanese named Ikeda discovered that the flavouring from these is MSG
and that it has an attractive meat-like flavour. MSG is now manufactured on a large scale all over the world,
and especially in Japan.
MSG is generally recognized as safe. However, it was reported some time back that MSG injected to young
mice resulted in brain damage. Also, some individuals experience symptoms often comparable to those of
heart attack, when served with food containing large amounts of MSG. The matter has now been thoroughly
investigated, and it has been concluded that there is no risk in its use. However, MSG which was being
added to baby foods is now discontinued, as its benefits to babies are dubious.
Yeast extract has the same flavour enhancing property as MSG. It is found that, in this case, the flavour
enhancing substances are the ribonucleotides. These are ten times more powerful than MSG.
Polyhydroxy alcohols are water soluble, hygroscopic materials which exhibit moderate viscosities at high
concentrations in water and are used as humecants in foods. Some of them are propylene glycol (CH3-
CHOHCH2 OH), glycerol, and sorbitol and mannitol CH2OH (CHOH)4 CH2OH. Polyhydric alcohols are
Anti-caking agents help prevent particles from adhering to each other and turning into a solid chunk during
damp weather. They help free flowing of salts and other powders. These materials function by readily
absorbing excess moisture, by coating particles to impart a degree of water repellency, and/or by imparting
an insoluble particulate diluent to the mixture.
Calcium silicate (Ca SiO3, X H2O) can absorb liquids in amounts two and a half times its weight and still
remain free flowing. In addition to absorbing water, some anti-caking agents effectively absorb oils and
other non-polar organic compounds. Calcium silicate is used to prevent caking in baking powder, table salt,
and other foods and food ingredients. Because it can absorb oils, calcium silicate is a useful anti-caking
agent in complex powdered mixes and certain spices, which contain free essential oils.
Calcium and magnesium salts of long-chain fatty acids (e.g., calcium stearate) are used as conditioning
agents for dehydrated vegetable products, salt, and other food ingredients in powdered form. Other anti-
caking agents used in food industry are sodium silicoaluminate, tricalcium phosphate, magnesium silicate,
and magnesium carbonate.
Other additives
Leavening Agents
Leavening agents produce light fluffy baked goods. Originally, yeast was used almost exclusively to leaven
baked products. It is still an important leavening agent in bread making. When yeast is used, ammonium
salts are added to dough to provide a ready source of nitrogen for yeast growth.
Phosphate salts (sodium phosphate, calcium phosphate) are added to aid in control of pH. To make light
cakes, biscuits, waffles, muffins, and many other baked products, chemical leavening agents are used.
Baking powders generate carbon dioxide for leavening purposes.
Air is a leavening agent present in all batters and doughs. To some extent all baked products—yeast breads,
quick breads, cakes and biscuits—depend on air leavening. Air is responsible for only a small portion of the
total increase in volume of the finished product but is important, because the effectiveness of water vapour
as a leavening agent depends on the presence of air in the batter and dough.
Even the effectiveness of carbon dioxide in leavening depends upon the distribution of air, as carbon dioxide
does not form new gas cells in the batter or dough but diffuses into and expands the existing air cells. Air
incorporated through the mixing of the dough ingredients expands when the mix is warmed in the oven and
causes an increase in the volume of the baked product.
The amount of air contained in batters depends upon the extent of mixing of batters, the viscosity of the
batter, the volume of ingredients, and the length of time elapsing before baking. Generally, increased mixing
encases more air in a product. However, when egg-white foams are folded into batter, there should be
minimum mixing as, on excessive mixing, egg-foam becomes less elastic and causes loss of air with a
reduction in volume.
When extensive creaming of fat and sugar is employed as in the preparation of cakes, a fat-sugar-air foam is
formed making tiny air pockets. The air in such a foam contributes a small but highly significant leavening
It is difficult to enclose air in the more viscous mixtures than in the less viscous mixtures. Since temperature
affects viscosity, the mixes are to be worked at temperatures enabling the maximum trapping of air. The
proportion of ingredients also influences the viscosity of a batter or dough. An extremely fluid mixture with
a high proportion of liquid is incapable of holding a large amount of air.
Some ingredients influence the amount of air held in batters and doughs. For example, mixes containing
egg-white have more air than those with egg-yolk or whole egg. There is loss of some air when batters are
stored for some time prior to the preparation of the product. Hence, it is desirable to bake a product as soon
as possible after preparing a batter.
Steam, like air, is an ever present leavening agent. Even a small amount of water in a batter or dough causes
an appreciable leavening action as water expands (1,600 times) when converted to steam during baking.
Steam alone cannot leaven a mixture. Its action must be combined with that of air and/or carbon dioxide.
The principal means of leavening flour mixes is by carbon dioxide, which is generated by the action of
chemical leaveners or by the action of micro-organisms on sugars. The most important chemical agent used
in leavening is baking powder. Baking soda and acid ingredients, and sometimes ammonium carbonate, are
also used as leavening agents.
Baking powder consists of sodium bicarbonate (soda) and an acid component, which may be single or in
combination with another acid. The baking powders are named after the acid ingredient used in the powder,
as tartrate powder, phosphate powder and combination powder. The acid component reacts with soda when
the powder is moistened; this happens when leavening agents are added to batters and doughs, releasing
carbon dioxide according to the following reaction:
Baking powder also contains an inert filler, which is commonly corn starch. The starch serves two purposes.
It acts as a buffer between soda and the acid and prevents their going into action, when exposed to air, by
absorbing moisture. It also helps standardize the powder to release a standard amount of carbon dioxide.
Baking powder yields 12-14 per cent of available carbon dioxide. In order to achieve this, the weight of soda
is kept constant (28-30 per cent by weight), while the weight of the acid component is varied according to
the amount needed to release the necessary amount of carbon dioxide. To standardize the powder, the
difference in weight is corrected by the addition of the filler.
Sometimes powdered and dried egg albumen is added to the baking powders. It dissolves in cold water and
increases the viscosity of the dough which helps to hold gas bubbles in the dough, thus increasing the
effectiveness of the baking powder. Tartrates are commonly used as the acid component of baking powder
in the form of tartaric acid or potassium hydrogen tartrate (cream of tartar). The reaction is:
Tartrates leave virtually tasteless residues but they act as cathartics (purgative) and diuretics. However, these
substances are safe in their normal application and usage levels. The disadvantage of use of a tartrate is that
it is fast-acting and quickly releases all the gas at room temperature.
Phosphate powders react somewhat slower than tartrates at room temperature but they still lose a high
percentage of their gas before baking. The acid ingredient is anhydrous monocalcium phosphate in the form
of small crystals with a water-insoluble coating that protects against decomposition in the presence of
moisture and retards reaction with soda. The reaction between the phosphate and soda is as follows:
Because of the ready release of carbon dioxide with tartrates and phosphates, the flour mixes must be
handled quickly to avoid loss of carbon dioxide and therefore volume. Even then, there will not be sufficient
carbon dioxide to maintain the maximum volume until the structure sets.
To overcome the above defects, slow-acting powders are used. Such powders give very little gas at the room
temperature but release all the available gas only at the temperature of the oven. A slow-acting acid
component is sodium aluminium sulphate.
Instead of baking powders, sodium bicarbonate and an acid can be used as leavening agents and this has
been in use from early times in baking. Acids commonly used are provided by sour milk, butter milk and
fruit juices. In this case, an exact amount of soda is to be used, for an excess of soda will result in an
unpalatable product and the colour of the product will be modified from white to yellow.
Sodium bicarbonate does not require an acid for the release of carbon dioxide. It decomposes when heated
producing carbon dioxide and water.
However, the sodium carbonate produced has an unpleasant taste and an alkaline odour. Therefore, sodium
bicarbonate is not used alone and when used a suitable quantity of acid is added so that a neutral residue is
No solid residue is left behind in this reaction and it is thus an advantage to use these compounds as
leavening agents. However, the ammonia imparts a detectable odour unless it is completely removed
Ammonium bicarbonate is used as a leavening agent in baking biscuits and crackers as they have a large
surface-to-mass ratio and ammonia escapes when baked at high temperature.
A large number of reactions take place leading to the production of the final products and the overall
reaction can be represented thus
The carbon dioxide liberated during fermentation in the flour mixture leavens batters and doughs, and the
alcohol produced is driven off during the baking process. Secondary products of fermentation, e.g., acids,
carbonyls and esters, may affect the gluten, or impart flavour to the baked product.
Flour contains about 1.5 per cent sugar on a dry weight basis. Sucrose is normally added to yeast doughs.
Yeast contains a number of enzymes that act upon carbohydrates. Invertase of yeast hydrolyzes sucrose to
glucose and fructose, which are fermented. Flour contains ample P-amylase and a small amount of a-
Some maltose is formed in the dough through the action of flour amylases on starch. Maltose is also
hydrolyzed by yeast maltase to glucose, which is then fermented. Fermentation of glucose is brought about
by a number of enzymes collectively known as zymase.
Yeast used for leavening is marketed in two forms: compressed yeast and active dry yeast. Properly selected
yeast strains are grown in a medium of molasses containing the necessary nutrients under controlled
conditions. When growth ceases, yeast cells are separated by centrifugation, mixed with a small amount of
starch, and compressed into cakes.
Compressed yeast has a moisture content of 72 per cent and is the most active form of yeast for bread
making, but is unstable at room temperature. It must be stored at 1° to 3 °C and even at this temperature it is
active only for about five weeks.
The active dry yeast is propagated in the same way as compressed yeast using special strains of S.
cerevisiae. It is then recovered, compressed, extruded and dehydrated at approximately 43°C to about 8 per
cent moisture. The dried material is then ground into granular active dry yeast. The shelf life of dry yeast is
over two years, if stored at 5°C and six months when held at 32°C.
These compounds function to improve and stabilize the texture of foods, inhibit crystallization (sugar, ice),
stabilize emulsions and foams, reduce the stickiness of icings on baked products, and encapsulate flavours.
Substances used as stabilizers and thickeners are polysaccharides, such as gum arabic, guar gum,
carrageenan, agar-agar, alginic acids, starch and its derivatives, carboxymethylcelluloses and pectin.
Gelatin is one non-carbohydrate material used extensively for this purpose. Stabilizers and thickeners are
hydrophilic and are dispersed in solution as colloids. These swell in hot or even cold water and help thicken
food. Gravies, pie fillings, cake toppings, chocolate milk drinks, jellies, puddings and salad dressings, are
some among the many foods that contain stabilizers and thickeners.
Clarifying agents
Clarifying agents like bentonite, gelatin, synthetic resins (polyamides and polyvinylpyrrolidone) are used to
remove haziness or sediments and oxidative deterioration products in fruit juices, beers and wines. Enzymes
are added to bring about desirable changes; rennin for producing curd and cheese, papain for tenderizing
meat, and pectinase for clarifying beverages.
Firming agents
Firming agents like aluminium sulphates and calcium salts are used to keep the tissues of fruits and
vegetables crisp.
Freezing agents
Freezing agents like liquid nitrogen and dichlorofluoromethane, which are extremely volatile and rapidly
evaporate at ordinary temperatures, are used to chill foods.
Solvents like alcohol, propylene glycol and glycerine are used to dissolve suspended flavours, colours, and
many other ingredients.
Packing gases
Packing gases, such as inert gases, are added to packets of instant foods to prevent oxidative and many other
Vitamins are low molecular weight organic substances necessary in small amounts in the diet of higher
animals for normal growth, maintenance of health and reproduction.
Vitamins are a group of heterogeneous substances that differ widely in their chemical nature and function.
Fat soluble vitamins are associated with fatty foods such as butter, cream, vegetable oils and fats of meat and
fish. None of the fat soluble vitamins contain nitrogen in their structure. They are more stable to heat than
the B vitamins and are less likely to be lost during the cooking and processing of foods. They are absorbed
from the intestines along with fats and lipids in foods. They are not excreted in the urine and get stored in
the body to a considerable extent and this can result in toxicity.
It is found in animal material like meat, fish, milk etc. In animals, the vitamin is found in highest
concentration in the esterified form.
Plants do not contain vitamin A but it contains its precursors (Provitamin A), the carotenoids, which are
converted to vitamin A after absorption by the ingesting animal. Carotenoids are the yellow and orange
pigments of fruits and vegetables.
Green leafy vegetables also contain carotenoids in these the green colour of chlorophyll masks the yellow
carotenoids. Vitamin A is an alcohol (C20H29OH). It has been named “Retinol” because of its specific
function in the retina of the eye.
Metabolically active forms of the vitamin include the corresponding aldehyde (retinal) and the acid (retinoic
acid). Carotenoids are C-40 unsaturated hydrocarbons.
Vitamin A fairly stable to heat but prolonged heat in contact with air destroys it. It is easily destroyed by
oxidation and ultraviolet light. Fats and oils lose their vitamin content by oxidation as they become rancid.
Antioxidants prevent the loss of vitamin A by oxidation.
When light falls on the retina, oxidation-reduction of retinol-retinal and stereo chemical changes of vitamin
A molecules (11 cis retinal to all trans retinal) take place. When there is deficiency of Vitamin A the rods
cannot adjust to light changes, resulting in night Blindness. Vitamin A helps to maintain the health of
epithelial cells. Vitamin A is also necessary for the growth and development of skeletal and soft issues.
Prolonged deficiency of Vitamin A may produce skin changes, night blindness and corneal ulceration.
In extreme deficiency states, the mucous membranes of the respiratory, gastrointestinal and genitourinary
tracts do not function normally and are less of a defence against infecting organisms.
Night blindness is attributed to the functional failure of the retina in the proper regeneration of visual purple.
It can lead to keratinization of the cornea, resulting in xerophthalmia.
This is an important cause of blindness in poorly fed children in developing Countries like India. Vitamin A
deficiency results in the skin becoming dry, scaly and rough (xeroderma).
Rickets or Osteomalacia is a bone disorder and it also occurs as a result of calcium and phosphorus
deficiency. Cod liver Oil has been used to cure this disease since the middle ages.
Vitamin D is isolated in crystalline form and is named Calciferol. Most Foods are low in vitamin D,
although it is found in small Quantities in butter, cream, egg yolk and liver.
Milk is a poor source of Vitamin D, therefore in some countries Milk is fortified with this Vitamin. The best
source of Vitamin D is fish liver oil.
There are at least 10 sterols which are provitamins D. Two major sterols which are converted into vitamin D
by the action of ultraviolet light are the plant sterol (ergo sterol) which gives ergocalciferol (Vitamin D2).
Another sterol is 7-dehydrocholesterol from animal tissue, which gives cholecalciferol (vitamin
D3).Exposure to the skin to sunlight converts 7-dehydrocholesterol to vitamin D3.
Vitamin D can be stored in the body to a large extent. The overall function of Vitamin D is to produce a vital
hormone called 1, 25- dihydroxycholecalciferol or 1, 25 -dihydroxyD3 or Vitamin D3.
This is formed by the liver and kidney, and the hormone is essential for the overall effects of dietary vitamin
D, which include promotion of growth and proper mineralization of the bones and teeth.
Vitamin D increases the intestinal absorption of calcium, phosphate transport in the intestines, maintains
proper calcium and phosphorus levels in the serum and increases the reabsorption of calcium by the kidney.
In Children: The deficiency of Vitamin D in children during the period of active skeletal growth causes
rickets, which results from the defective mineralization of the ends of the growing bones. As a result, the
ends remain abnormally pliable and eventually assume a bent form resulting in bowlegs enlargement of
bones about the joints and a narrow distorted chest with beading of the ribs.
In Adults: The deficiency of Vitamin D causes osteomalacia owing to defective mineralization. In this case,
there is a Decalcification of bones shafts and the tendency is for fractures rather than bending to occur.
Vitamin E (Tocopherol)
It is the most widely available of the vitamins in most foods. Wheat germ oil is the richest source of the
It is also present in cereals, green plants, egg yolk, milk fat, butter, meat, nuts and vegetable oils (soybean,
cottonseed, corn)
Vitamin E Activity in food derives from four tocopherols (alpha, beta, gamma and delta) and four
Alpha tocopherol is a biologically active form of Vitamin E. The other compounds beta, gamma, delta
tocopherol and alpha, beta, gamma, delta tocotrienols have lower biological activities.
The most important chemical property of vitamin E is its antioxidant property. It serves to prevent the
formation of peroxides from polyunsaturated fatty acids, thus preventing the oxidation of the unsaturated
fats. The decomposition products of oxidized tocopherols are dimmers, trimmers, dihydroxy compounds and
Its role in the body appears to be related entirely to its antioxidant role to prevent the formation of peroxides.
It appears to protect the cell membranes from deterioration caused by peroxides and free radicals formed
from fats.
This ability of Vitamin E to protect membranes has been related to ageing, which is also characterized by
cell membrane deterioration.
Some clinical symptoms can be observed in human adults but the changes noticed are the enhanced fragility
of red blood cells and increased urinary excretion of creatine, indicating muscle damage.
It is stored in fatty tissue and not in the liver, unlike other fat soluble Vitamins. Compared with Vit A and D
Vitamin E is relatively nontoxic.
The Vitamin E activity of Foods may be considerably reduced in processing, storage and packaging. About
80% or more of activity is lost when whole wheat is converted to white bread.
Dehydrated foods are susceptible to changes resulting in decreased vitamin E activity because of their
propensity to undergo oxidation.
Two forms of Vitamin k occur naturally Vitamin K1 (phylloquinone) in green plants and vitamin k2
(menaquinone) which is formed as a result of bacterial action in the intestinal tract.
Water soluble forms of K1 and K2 are available for use by individuals unable to absorb the fat soluble form.
The K vitamins are naphthoquinone derivatives and differ from one another in the length and type of their
side chains
Menadione (2 methyl 1, 4 naphthoquinone, Vitamin K 3) is a fat soluble synthetic compound and is about
twice as potent biologically as the naturally occurring K1 and K2 on weight basis because it lacks the long
side chain of the natural vitamin.
Menadione is a provitamin and a side chain in position 3 is to be introduced before it becomes biologically
active and this takes place in the body.
The best sources of Vitamin K are green leafy vegetables, especially spinach, cabbage, and lettuce. Fruits,
cereals, dairy products and meat provide lesser amounts.
An average mixed diet provides 300-500 վg of vitamin k daily. Half of the vitamin k in man is of intestinal
origin synthesized by the gut flora and half is phylloquinone. Deficiency of this vitamin is uncommon in
adults. New born infants before establishment of intestinal floraes show a deficiency.
Vitamin K is an anti- hemorrhagic vitamin. It is necessary for the synthesis of prothrombin and other
proteins involved in the clotting of blood. Vitamin k deficiency prolongs blood clotting time which may lead
to internal haemorrhage and uncontrolled bleeding.
Because of the synthesis of vitamin k by intestinal bacteria in normal individuals, no specific recommended
allowance is made for this vitamin. To be safe, a daily allowance are:
10 to 20վg for infants, 20 to 40վg for children, 50 to 100վg for adolescent, and 70 to 400վg for adults is
Water Soluble Vitamins are not normally stored to any extent in the body and the ingested vitamins in
excess of requirement are excreted through the kidney. For the body to carry out its normal functions the
daily supply of these vitamins is necessary. Most of the water soluble vitamins are components of essential
These Vitamins are extensively lost by leaching during the cooking operations. The principal food sources
of B vitamins are liver, yeast and bran of cereal grains. Some vitamins of the B groups result from bacterial
activity in the small intestine.
This Vitamin is widely distributed through the plant and animal kingdoms. The best source of this vitamin is
cereal grain (particularly wheat) germ layers. Polished cereal grains and refined wheat flour are deficient in
the vitamin.
The Vitamin is present in good quantity in pulses (peas, beans) and in nuts. Liver, lean meats, poultry, egg-
yolk and fish are also good sources of the vitamin Thiamine can exist in foods in a number of forms
including free thiamine, the pyrophosphate ester, and bound to respective apoenzymes. Thiamine
pyrophosphate is active form of thiamine. The dry vitamin is fairly stable but solutions of it are unstable in
the presence of heat or alkali.
Temperature is an important factor in thiamine stability. Thermal destruction of thiamine results in many
degradation products and leads to the formation of a characteristic odour which is involved in the
development of meaty flavour in cooked foods.
Thermal destruction is pH dependent. Starch and or the protein component of cereal products exert a
protective action against the destruction of the vitamin in some pH ranges.
Thiamine is also destroyed by oxidation and reduction. It is particularly sensitive to sulphur dioxide and
sulphite, and so these should not be used to preserve thiamine containing foods.
Loss of thiamine can occur in raw fishery products because of thiaminase activity. This does not seem to be
a significant human problem. Thiamine is one of the least stable vitamins. Extensive losses occur in cereals
as a result of cooking or baking and in meats, vegetables and fruits as a result of various processing
operations and during storage. Freezing has little or no effect on thiamine content of foods.
Mild thiamine deficiency may result in Fatigue, emotional instability, depression, irritability, retarded
normal growth, loss of appetite and lethargy.
Severe thiamine deficiency of long duration causes beriberi which is characterized by disturbances of the
neurological and cardiovascular systems and of the gastrointestinal tract.
Thiamine deficiency occurs most frequently in areas where the diet consists of enriched white rice and white
Individuals consuming large amounts of tea, which contains a thiamine antagonise (a compound whose
structure is similar to the specific nutrient) may have an increased risk of developing a deficiency.
It combines with phosphoric acid to form thiamine pyrophosphate (TPP) which functions as a coenzyme.
TPP is the coenzyme of carboxylase which is required for oxidative decarboxylation of pyruvate during the
biological oxidation of glucose.
The oxidation of other alpha keto acids and 2 keto acids derived from amino acid metabolism also requires
Relatively good sources of the vitamin are milk, cheese, liver eggs and leafy vegetables.
Dried Yeast is also a rich source of Vitamin. Pulses and lean meats contain appreciable amounts of
Riboflavin belongs to a group of yellow fluorescent pigment flavins. The flavin ring is attached to an alcohol
related to ribose(ribitol)
Riboflavin is orange yellow in colour. On reduction, it changes into a colourless form. It is less soluble in
water than thiamine but is more stable to heat in acid and neutral media.
It is destroyed by heating in alkaline solution. Owing to heat stability and limited water stability, very little
vitamin is lost during the cooking and processing of food.
Baking soda is used for faster cooking and destroys much of the riboflavin content of the food.
On exposure to light, riboflavin readily loses its vitamin activity due to the photochemical cleavage of the
ribitol moiety of the vitamin, forming lumiflavin.
Lumiflavin is a stronger oxidizing agent than riboflavin and can catalyze the destruction of a number of
other vitamins, particularly ascorbic acid.
When milk is sold in glass bottles there is 50-70% loss of riboflavin potency in 2 hours due to the effect of
direct sunlight.
With the advent of paper or plastic containers this problem has disappeared.
Riboflavin is essential for - growth, production of corticosteroids, formation of red blood cells, and synthesis
of glucose from non carbohydrate material and thyroid enzyme regulating activity
It deficiency in man results in reddened, denuded areas on the lips, with cracks at `the corners of the mouth
(cheilosis); swollen and reddened tongue(glossitis) and scaly, greasy dermatitis of the face, ears and other
part of the body
The Vitamin deficiency also results in eye disorders such as itching, burning, lacrimation, dimness of vision
and cataract. Symptoms of general debility and behavioural changes may also be associated with a deficient
intake of riboflavin.
Free Riboflavin, such as found in some foods must be phosphorylated in the intestinal tract before it can be
On combining with phosphoric acid, it becomes part of the structure of two flavin coenzymes (FMN) Flavin
mononucleotide and (FAD) Flavin Adenine Dinucleotide.These coenzymes are attached to some enzymes
(Flavoprotein enzymes)
The term Niacin includes both nicotinic acid and nicotinamide, both natural forms of the vitamin with niacin
In foods, both these forms of the vitamin and their coenzyme forms occur.
Good Sources of the vitamin are lean meat, yeast, poultry, groundnuts, pulses and whole grain cereals.
Vegetable and Fruits are poor sources.
Niacin can be synthesized by the bacteria of the intestinal flora and is formed in the tissues from the amino
acid tryptophan, which has niacin sparing activity
Niacin is one of the stable vitamins, being relatively resistant to heat, light, acids and alkalis its loss from
foods occurs via trimming, leaching etc .In man, deficiency of niacin results in weakness and indigestion
followed by ulcerated mouth and tongue.
Prolonged deficiency leads to pellagra and this result in dermatitis, diarrhea and depression and dementia.
Skin lesions are aggravated by exposure to sunlight; neurological symptoms and mental changes occur in
more advanced cases.
The chief function of niacin in the body is to form the active part of the coenzymes that play an important
part in biological oxidations. Nicotinamide is the component of 2 coenzymes nicotinamide adenine
dinucleotide (NAD), and its phosphate; nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADP), Known as
pyridine nucleotides.
There are 3 chemical compounds found in foods which have vitamin B6 activity. They are pyridoxine,
pyridoxal and pyridoxamine. The term B6 is used to designate this group of substances. The best sources are
meat, especially liver, some vegetables and grain cereals with bran. Pyridoxine is the most stable form of
this vitamin and is the form used for the fortification of foods. The Vitamin is stable in an acid medium and
relatively stable in an alkaline solution. It is very unstable to light.
Infants may result in epileptic form of convulsions, loss of weight and abdominal distress, vomiting and
hyper irritability.
Diet low in Vitamin B6 result in greasy (seborrheic) dermatitis around the eyes, in the eyebrows has and at
the angles of the mouth, along with soreness of the mouth and a smooth red tongue that responded to
thiamine, riboflavin and niacin.
Vitamin B6 deficiency has been shown to increase urinary oxalate formation and has been indicated in renal
calculi formation.
Pyridoxine is found in cells in the active form, pyridoxal phosphate (PLP) This is the coenzyme of many
enzymes involved in carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolism, being required in transamination,
deamination, desulphurization and decarboxylation reactions. The vitamin is the cofactor of enzymes
involved in the conversion of tryptophan to niacin, the essential fatty acid linoleic acid to arachidonic acid,
and release of glucose from glycogen.
The name folic acid comes from the Latin word for foliage or leaf(folium) because the vitamin was first
isolated from spinach leaves and was known to be widely distributed in green leafy Plants.
Nutritionists use the term “folacin” for folic acid. There is no single compound with the name folacin.
Yeast, Kidney, liver and green leafy vegetables, especially spinach, asparagus and broccoli, are rich sources
of folic acid.
Dried beans and whole wheat bread are good sources of the vitamin. The folic acid content of processed
milk, highly milled cereals, eggs, root vegetables and most fruits is low. Folic acid belongs to a group of
compounds known as pterins. It consists of 3 components: a pteridine ring attached to p-amino benzoic acid,
which in turn is coupled to glutamic acid. Its chemical structure is pteroyl-glutamic-acid.
Folacin deficiency in man results in poor growth, megaloblastic anemia, blood disorders and gastrointestinal
tract disturbances arising from impaired absorption and metabolic derangement.
The vitamins control macrocytic anaemias of pregnancy.
Good sources include liver, kidney, egg yolk, groundnuts and some vegetables. Cereal grains and meat are
regarded as poor sources. Wide differences exist in the bioavailability of biotin bound vitamins that are
unavailable for nutritional purposes. Biotin of maize and soybean meal is completely available to test
animals, whereas the biotin of wheat is almost unavailable.
Biotin is water soluble and sulphur - containing vitamin. It is stable to heat and light but unstable in strong
acid or alkali. Its optimum stability in pH range is 5-8 as it contains sulphur atoms, it is susceptible to
Deficiencies of biotin are unlikely in man due to its extensive synthesis in the intestinal tract.
Deficiency manifestation can be induced by feeding large amounts of the biotin binding protein avidin
present in raw egg-white.
Symptoms of biotin deficiency in man include anorexia, nausea, vomiting, mental depression and a dry scaly
(Biotin is a coenzyme required by several carboxylating enzymes carboxylases which have the capacity to
add or remove carbon dioxide.
The Vitamin plays an extremely important role in the metabolism of both carbohydrates and fats.)
It is widely distributed in foods and is particularly abundant in animal tissues, whole grain cereals and
pulses. It also occurs in lesser amounts in milk, vegetables and fruits. It is reported that it is synthesized by
intestinal microflora.
Pantothenic acid is more stable in solution than in dry form. It is stable in pH range 4-7. It is decomposed by
alkali and dry heat. It is stable in moist heat in neutral solutions.
The physiological role of pantothenic acid is primarily as a component of coenzyme A which is involved in
acetylation and other acylation reactions.
These reactions are important in the release of energy from carbohydrates, in glucose synthesis, in the
synthesis and degradation of FA and in the synthesis of steroids and steroid hormones.
As the vitamin is widely distributed in foods, a deficiency disease due to lack of it has not been observed in
Deficiency symptoms have been produced by the administration of metabolic antagonists (omega
pantothenic acid). Pain and sensation in the arms and legs, loss of appetite, nausea and indigestion have been
noticed in these conditions. Pulse rise, Fainting attacks and increase in susceptibility to infection, have also
been observed.
Vitamin B12 is known by the name cobalamin since it is found as a coordination complex with cobalt.
Vitamin B12 is present in animal protein foods. Liver and kidney are excellent sources of this vitamin. Milk,
muscle meat, cheese, eggs and sea-foods are good sources of this vitamin.
There is no vitamin B12 in plant products such as grams, vegetables and fruits. Strict Vegetarians may not
get sufficient vitamin B12 from their dietary source.
Vitamin B12 is water soluble and heat stable. Approximately 70% of the vitamin activity is retained during
cooking. The region of optimal pH stability of the vitamin in food is 4-6. At higher pH or in the presence of
reducing agents, such as ascorbic acid or sulphite, there is loss of the vitamin on heating.
Vitamin B12 deficiency in man is not usually dietary in origin, but results due to a lack of its absorption in
the intestine, no matter how much is eaten.
Anaemia is caused by a deficiency of vitamin B12 occurs most commonly about five years after total
gastrectomy (surgical removal of stomach)
A long term deficiency of vitamin B12 results in anaemia known as pernicious anaemia. The red cells
enlarge but do not mature properly and the red cell count decreases. If the anaemia is not reversed in time,
degenerative changes take place affecting the spinal cord, leading to sensory disturbances, general weakness
and paralysis.
Cobalamin is necessary for normal functioning in the metabolism of all cells especially for those of the
gastrointestinal tract, bone marrow, and nervous tissue and for growth.
Vitamin C is an antiscorbutic substance which prevents and cures scurvy. Excellent sources of vitamin C are
citrus fruits, berries, guava, capsicum, and green leafy vegetables. Canned or frozen citrus fruits and
tomatoes are also good sources. Milk, eggs, meat and poultry contain little or no ascorbic acid.
Ascorbic acid is a highly soluble compound that has both acidic and strong reducing properties. It is the
most unstable of all known vitamins. In solution it easily gets oxidized, especially on exposure to heat.
Oxidation is accelerated in the presence of copper and alkaline pH.
Ascorbic acid is a hexose derivative. On mild oxidation ascorbic acid is converted into dehydroascorbic
acid. The oxidized form may be reduced back to ascorbic acid.
Symptoms include weakness, poor appetite and growth, anaemia, tenderness to touch, swollen and inflamed
gums, loosening of teeth and bone joint disease.
It helps in the healing of wounds, fractures, bruises and bleeding gums and reduces liability to infections.
It is involved in the metabolism of some amino acids, such as tyrosine, in drug and folic acid metabolism,
and in the synthesis of epinephrine and anti inflammatory steroids in the adrenal glands.
The absorption of iron is increased by dietary ascorbic acid when the two nutrients are ingested
Enhancement of iron absorption takes place when the ascorbic acid content of the meal is 25-75 mg or more.
Key points
Vitamin-vital amine
Regulation, maintenance, growth and protection
Fat soluble vitamins - A,D,E & K ; require fat for their absorption
Water soluble B-complex vitamins and vitamin C
Fat soluble
Vitamin A
o Retinol
o Retinal
o Retinoic acid
o Precursor - carotenes s/a alpha,beta & gamma carotenes and cryptoxanthin
Vitamin D
o D2 - activated ergosterol and
o D3 - activated dehydrocholesterol
o Vitamin E (tocopherol)
o Alpha tocopherol
o Tocotrienol
Vitamin K (Quinone)
o K1 - Phyloquinones
o K2 - synthesised by intestinal bacteria
o K3 - Menadione,water soluble synthesised form
Water soluble
o Vitamin B1 - Thiamine
o Vitamin B2 - Riboflavin
o Vitamin BDrying - Niacin Nicotinic acid Nicotinamide
o Vitamin B6 Pyridoxine Pyridoxal Pyridoxamine
o Vitamin B12 Cyanocobalamin or Cobalamin
o Folic acid or folacin
o Pantothenic acid
o Biotin
Vitamin C(Ascorbic acid)
Vitamin A
Plant foods contain yellow, orange or red coloured pigments called carotene which give colour to
vegetables and fruits
Colour pigment in yellow/orange/red fruits and vegetables and green leafy vegetables which include
alpha,beta,gamma carotenes and cryptoxanthin
B-carotene a fat soluble carotenoid pigment which is present in plant and is a precursor of Vitamin A
Thiamine - Beriberi
Riboflavin - Ariboflavinosis
Niacin - Pellagra
Coenzyme factors
Pantothenic acid
Parboiling: B-complex vitamins diffuse from the husk and bran into the grain
K2 - Menaquinone
As has been indicated, qualitative differences in protein quality can be demonstrated by many methods.
Protein Efficiency Ratio (PER) has been the method most widely used because of its simplicity. Osborne,
Mendel and Ferry (30) observed that young rats fed certain proteins gained little weight and ate little protein
whereas those which were fed better quality proteins gained more weight and consumed more protein.
In an attempt to compensate for the difference in food intake, they calculated the gain in weight per gram of
protein eaten and this has been called PER. It is known that the PER for any protein is dependent upon the
amount of protein incorporated in the test diet. Standardized conditions have therefore been proposed (31).
These include the use of 10 weanling rats per test group, diets containing 9.09% protein (N × 6.25), a test
period of 4 weeks' duration, and that each experiment include a group which receives standardized casein.
The PER is calculated as the average total weight gain divided by the average grams of protein consumed.
Since PER in various laboratories was not constant for the same protein, it was recommended that a
corrected value be calculated using an assumed PER of the standardized casein of 2.50 (Corrected PER =
2.50 × PER/PER of reference casein).
In spite of its simplicity PER has been severely criticized as a measure of protein quality (32,33,34). The
most common criticisms have been that some dietary protein is required for the maintenance of the animal
and this is not credited to the protein in the measurement of PER and that body composition may vary and
not be an adequate measure of nitrogen retention.
From the theoretical point of view the major criticisms of PER are that it is not a direct function of the
nutritive value of the protein but is related to the weight gain, the amount of food consumed, the amount of
protein in the diet, and the nutritive quality of the protein in the diet.
The relationship between these is complex and undefined. PER also has the disadvantage that even under
standardized conditions it is not reproducible in different laboratories (31).
It is of interest that in the collaborative study (31) corrected PER values showed larger differences between
laboratories than the uncorrected values indicating that this correction was not appropriate and of no
advantage. It is clear that PER is not proportional to the nutritive quality of the proteins tested and, for
example, a protein which demonstrates a PER of 1.5 cannot necessarily be assumed to have 50% of the
value of a protein showing a PER of 3.0.
Thus, a statement that "the total protein (must have) ..... a Biological Value not less than 70% of casein"
such as has been proposed (35) as a standard for Textured Protein Products is not a meaningful statement. A
judgment often can be made with PER whether a protein is better or worse than another protein but it is not
appropriate to express these differences as percentages since the differences are not proportional to
nutritional quality.
In 1989, Dr Stephen L. DeFelice, M.D coined the term nutraceutical which is a Hybrid or contraction of
nutrition and pharmaceutical who established the Foundation for Innovation in Medicine in 1976 in New
York, US.
Any substance that may be considered as food or part of food and provides medical and health benefits,
including the prevention and treatment of disease.
Phenolic compounds
Protein /amino acid based
Functional foods are ingredients that offer health benefits that extend beyond their nutritional value. Some
types contain supplements or other additional ingredients designed to improve health.
The concept originated in Japan in the 1980s when government agencies started approving foods with
proven benefits in an effort to better the health of the general population
Some examples include foods fortified with vitamins, minerals, probiotics, or fiber. Nutrient-rich ingredients
like fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and grains are often considered functional foods as well.
Oats, for instance, contain a type of fiber called beta glucan, which has been shown to reduce inflammation,
enhance immune function, and improve heart health. Similarly, fruits and vegetables are packed with
antioxidants, which are beneficial compounds that help protect against disease.
Here are some examples of conventional functional foods:
fortified juices
fortified dairy products, such as milk and yogurt
fortified milk alternatives, such as almond, rice, coconut, and cashew milk
fortified grains, such as bread and pasta
fortified cereal and granola
fortified eggs
Most of the people do not have access to food composition tables, nor knowledge or time to look into the
nutrient content of foods they normally consume. People need to be guided about balancing the intake of
different nutrients in their diet and make healthy food choices.
Food groups classify foods into categories, depending upon their type, nutritional contribution and functions.
These food groups can be used to plan diets which achieve nutrient intakes according to RDA.
Concept of balanced diet
It is trying to balance the amount of different types of foods eaten everyday so that it becomes a nutritionally
adequate diet. A balanced diet is one that includes foods from all food groups during the day. The quantities
and proportions of these foods need to be such that they fulfill our daily requirements for all nutrients.
In addition the nutrients should be in such amounts that a little bit can be stored in the body to take care of
the days when food intake is insufficient. Balanced diet usually provides 50-60% energy from
carbohydrates, 10-15% energy from proteins and 20-30% energy from fats. In addition diet should provide
macronutrients and other protective substances like phytochemicals in sufficient quantities needed for
maintaining optimum health.
Foods can be grouped into categories based on the type or nutrients that they supply. The basic food group
classification is based on the physiological role played by the foods of each group in our body.
Thus we have –
Energy giving foods- cereal grains, fats & oils, sugar and products made from these foods
Body building foods – pulses, nuts, oilseeds, milk & milk products, meat, fish, poultry and products made
from these.
Protective foods – fruits and vegetables which supply vitamins and minerals
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