Rolls-Royce 20-25HP - Handbook - To - XVI - Chap2-2
Rolls-Royce 20-25HP - Handbook - To - XVI - Chap2-2
Rolls-Royce 20-25HP - Handbook - To - XVI - Chap2-2
Front and Rear Hubs. On the other hand, if the pedal takes an abnormal length of time
to return to its raised position, this may indicate that the felt strainer
Belmoline “C”, Retinax “R.B”., or similar type of ball-bearing located at the botom of the reservoir is choked.
grease. Under these circumstances, the cap nut B should be unscrewed
Propeller Shaft, Contact Breaker Cam and Wheel Hub Shells. and the cover C removed. The felt strainer pad and its perforated
backing plate can be taken out. The pad should be discarded and
Retinax C.D., Mobilgrease No. 2, or a similar type of grease. a new one fitted.
NOTE.- For the PROPELLER SHAFT of all chassis When replacing the parts the perforated plate should first be
previous to GKC-22 use an oil of viscosity S.A.E. 80/90 fitted on the stud, followed by the felt pad and then the distance
as for “REAR AXLE” above. piece. Care must be taken to see that the vellumoid packing washer
is in position between the cover C and the casing, and also that the
aluminium washer between the nut and the cover is replaced before
Water Pump tightening the nut.
Belmoline A, Retinax P, or a similar type of grease.
Engine ... ... ... I¼ gallons
Gearbox ... ... 5 pints
Rear Axle ... ... 2 pints
Chassis Oil Pump ... pints
Cooling System ... ... 3¾ gallons
Fuel Tank ... ... gallons
A foot-operated pump,with which is combined an oil reservoir, is
located on the front of the dashboard, and supplies oil under pressure for
chassis lubrication.
A diagram of the complete systems ,Fig. 4, 5 and 6 with their
relative chassis series, show the piping being coloured red with red discs
to indicate the position of the drip plugs. The rating of the latter is given
in parentheses against the description of the part lubricated.
It should be noted that Fig. 4 shows the Front and Rear Axle
Systems coloured in Blue and Green, and that in the chassis series to
which this applies these systems must be lubricated by means of the
hand-operated Oil Gun.
A. Filler Plug C. Strainer Cover
Foot-operated Oil Pump. B. Cap Nut
The chassis oil pump is shown in Fig 7. Normally no attention Normally, the felt strainer pad should be discarded and a new one
to the system is necessary beyond filling of the reservoir with oil “C” fitted every 20,000 miles, as directed on page 24.
after removal of the filling plug A. This should be done every 2,500 Under no circumstances must any attempt be made to further to
miles, as directed on page 22. dismantle the pump. If any defect in operation should develop, which
When the reservoir is nearly empty it will be found that the is not rectified by renewing the strainer pad as directed, the whole unit
pedal returns instantly after depression, due to the presence of air in the should be removed from the dashboard and returned to Rolls-Royce Ltd.
system. for correction.
Drip Plugs. The felt strainers should be renewed every 20,000 miles, as directed on
The drip plugs are non-adjustable and non-demountable, and page 30, the procedure being as follows:-
are lettered and numbered to indicate their shapes and relative rates of I. Carefully clean the outsides of the fittings with a brush and
oil emission respectively, a higher number indicating a greater rate. paraffin to prevent the ingress of dirt during dismantling.
The drip plugs never require cleaning, and, being non-demountable 2. Unscrew the outer plug, G, with a box spanner.
no attempt must be made to take them apart. If one is suspected of being 3. Unscrew the inner plug , J, with a box spanner. This plug carries
defective, it should be replaced with a new plug of the same rating. the felt strainer, K, which should be removed and discarded.
All parts should be carefully cleaned and freed of every trace of
grit before replacing. The perforated backing washer, L, must be
replaced in the inner plug, J, before fitting the new felt strainer, K,
with its gauze-covered side towards the washer.
Two aluminium packing washers are provided, one, JI, between the
inner plug, J, and the bottom of the recess in the axle, and the other,
GI, under the shoulder of the outer plug, G. Care must be taken to
replace these.
replacement of the latter will enter the barrel freely. The gun is then EVERY 500 MILES.
ready for use. Front Axle System. (See Fig.4.)
Owing to the arrangement of the valve in connection Q, care must Oil should be injected by means of the oil gun into the lubricator
be taken that this is screwed well home on the lubricator, otherwise situated towards the off-side end of the axle, the handle being turned
the gun will not work. until it becomes tight. The axle system is then charged.
The oil gun is of a special low pressure type, the angle of the
screw on rod P, in combination with the size of the handle and the EVERY 1,000 MILES.
diameter of the barrel, being carefully proportioned to enable a Rear Axle System.
sufficient pressure to be attained without undue effort for use on any
lubricator on the chassis. Oil should be injected by means of the oil gun into the lubricator
situated on the rear axle casing, access to which is obtained by removing
On no account must a high-pressure oil gun, or one pro- the rear floor boards.
vided with an “intensifier”, be used on any of the lubricators. Turn the oil gun handle until it becomes tight, the axle system
The use of such a gun may easily result in damage to the pipe lines is then charged.
or to the component on which the gun is used.
Caps are provided on the oil gun lubricators, which must be Battery.
removed before screwing on the connection and subsequently Inspect the level of the acid in the cells, and if necessary, top up
replaced. with distilled water so as to maintain the level at ½” above the tops of
the plates.
Points of Regular Attention according to EVERY 2,500 MILES
use of Car
Starter Motor, Dynamo Bearings and Dynamo Coupling.
Inject two or three drops only of oil “C” with the oil can into
DAILY. each lubricator - one on the starter motor and two on the dynamo and
oil hole in coupling.
Crankcase Oil.
The engine oil level indicator situated on the left-hand side of the Front Engine Support.
crankcase should be inspected daily, and the quantity of oil maintained Inject oil “B” using oil gun, and screw down until oil exudes
at about one gallon and a quarter, as shown by the indicator finger. from the ends of bearing (one lubricator).
The engine should never be run with less than three-quarters of a Carburetter (Chassis previous to GYD-25).
gallon of oil. The oil filler is on the left-hand side of the engine, the Remove and clean air valve and chamber. Use no lubricants on
cap being provided with a bayonet joint. these parts.
A red spot on the outer cover wall indicates its lightest part, and
the cover should be fitted so that the red spot is at the valve position.
To correct such out-of-balance, three bolts are provided, spaced at
Care of Wheels. equal intevals around the wheel rim, as shown at S, T and U in Fig.
Every 2,000 miles, the hub nuts should be tested for tightness with 18, and each carries a number of lead washers, enclosed by a metal
the spanner. cover.
The lowest point of the tyre should then be marked.
The operation should be repeated, and if the original mark returns
to the bottom position, one or more lead washers should be added to
the bolt on the opposite side of the wheel.
If the mark made on the tyre is adjacent to the bolt, then one lead
washer should be fitted on each of the other two bolts.
On the other hand, if no bolt should lie on the vertical centre line
through the marked point on the tyre, the washers of the two bolts
farthest from the mark must be altered, for instance, if the distance of
one bolt from the centre line is approximately twice that of the other,
two lead washers should be fitted on the bolt nearer to the centre line
and one lead washer on the other bolt.
This process should be continued until the wheel will remain in
any position in which it may be brought to rest, the number of lead
washers being kept down to a minimum consistent with good balance
of the wheel.