Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary and Advanced Level
Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary and Advanced Level
Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary and Advanced Level
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At the end of the examination, fasten all your work securely together.
The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question.
DC (NF/SG) 115874/3
© UCLES 2016 [Turn over
There is an Appendix on pages 18 and 19. Some questions will refer you to this information.
1 A number of players take part in a competition. The competition consists of a number of games.
Each game is between two players. The outcome of a game is that each player is awarded a grade
(A, B, C or D). Each grade has an associated number of points as shown in the table below.
Grade Points
A 0
B 1
C 3
D 5
The points total for all players is recorded. After each game is completed, the total number of
points for each player is updated.
For example:
• before the game between Ryan and Karina, Ryan’s total is 5 points and Karina’s total is 3 points
• the result of the game between Ryan and Karina is: Ryan achieved grade B, Karina achieved
grade D
• the players’ points totals are updated to: Ryan has 6 and Karina has 8
When a player’s points total reaches 12 or higher, that player is removed from the competition.
A programmer will write a program to update the player total after a game.
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Complete the table of test data below to show five tests that should be used to test different
paths through the flowchart.
Updated Output
PointsTotal PlayerGameGrade
(c) The programmer amends the design to validate the value of player game grade that the user
"Invalid – Re-enter" PlayerGameGrade
No PlayerGameGrade
= 'A' or 'B' or 'C'
or 'D'?
Write the equivalent pseudocode using a pre-condition loop, for this part of the amended
.............................................................................................................................................. [3]
2 You will need to refer to the list of pseudocode string-handling functions in the Appendix.
(a) Give the value of the variables x, y and z for the following sequence of statements.
y ............................ [1]
A computer program is to simulate the reading and processing of a string of characters from an
input device.
(i) A statement which declares a global variable used to store a single character. ........... [1]
(iii) A statement which indicates the start of a ‘pre-condition’ loop. ........... [1]
(c) Copy the condition which is used to control the inner loop.
.............................................................................................................................................. [1]
© UCLES 2016 9608/22/O/N/16
(d) (i) Complete the trace table below for the given pseudocode as far as line 27.
i j NextChar NextNumberString
1 2 3
1 1 '2'
2 '3' "23"
3 '*' 23
...................................................................................................................................... [2]
© UCLES 2016 9608/22/O/N/16 [Turn over
(a) Radhika was interviewed for the job. Part of the interview process was to study some program
code written in language ABC.
11 settype($TimesTable, Integer);
12 settype($upTo, Integer);
13 settype($Posn, Integer);
14 settype($Product, Integer);
15 $TimesTable = 7;
16 $UpTo = 10;
18 $Posn = 1
19 While ($Posn < $UpTo + 1)
20 {
21 $Product = $Posn * $TimesTable;
22 Echo $Posn . ' X' . $TimesTable . ' = ' . $Product . "<br>";
23 $Posn = $Posn + 1;
24 }
...................................................................................................................................... [1]
...................................................................................................................................... [1]
...................................................................................................................................... [1]
State the syntax that language ABC uses to indicate which statements must be executed
inside a loop.
...................................................................................................................................... [1]
...................................................................................................................................... [2]
(ii) Give two examples which suggest that programming in a high-level language is a
transferrable skill.
1 .......................................................................................................................................
2 .......................................................................................................................................
...................................................................................................................................... [2]
4 A social club runs a weekly prize draw. A member can buy a ticket for $2. Each week, the club
sells up to 150 tickets, with consecutive numbers starting from 1. There is a main cash prize of
$120 and a further three prizes of $10. The computer program will generate the winning numbers.
Throughout this question, you will need to refer to the list of pseudocode functions in the Appendix.
(a) Write pseudocode to show how the RND()function can be used to generate a single integer
in the range 1 to 150.
.............................................................................................................................................. [3]
(b) Write program code to generate and output four winning numbers.
Ignore the issue that duplicate numbers may be generated.
Visual Basic and Pascal: You should include declaration statements for variables.
Python: You should show a comment statement for each variable used with its data type.
.............................................................................................................................................. [4]
(c) The prize draw is a success. After six months, the club decided to sell an unlimited number of
tickets each week. In any week, the total number of prizes may vary.
The revised program will use a function to generate a single winning number. Therefore, in a
week when the club offers six prizes, the program will use the function six times to generate
the six winning numbers.
• has a single parameter for the number of tickets sold that week
• returns a single winning number.
.............................................................................................................................................. [3]
(d) The organisers do not want the same number to be drawn more than once in a week. To deal
with the issue of duplicate numbers being generated, the program in part (b) will require
adaptive maintenance.
...................................................................................................................................... [2]
(ii) The club does not want the program to output the same number more than once in a
For each winning number, outline the extra steps that the program must have. Include
any data structure that the program needs.
Do not write pseudocode or program code.
...................................................................................................................................... [3]
5 A team keeps a record of the scores made by each of their eight players in a number of games.
1 2 3 8
1 12 17 67 31
2 35 82 44 29
3 61 39 80 17
4 81 103 21 11
5 56 0 98 4
19 45 6 81 77
20 12 11 3 6
1 Vorma
2 Ravi
3 Chada
4 Nigam
5 Bahri
6 Smith
7 Goyal
8 Lata
The team wants a computer program to input and record the player data.
(a) A programmer designs the following pseudocode for the input of a player’s score from one
01 INPUT GameNumber
02 INPUT PlayerNumber
03 INPUT PlayerGameScore
04 PlayerScore[GameNumber, PlayerNumber] PlayerGameScore
Describe the data structure the programmer has used for the storage of all player scores.
.............................................................................................................................................. [2]
(b) The player names are permanently stored in a text file NAMES.TXT, with one name on each
line. The player names will be read by the program and stored in a 1D array.
The design given in part (a) will be expanded so that the user is prompted for the player
name instead of the player number. Step 02 now becomes:
02.1 Read the player names from file NAMES.TXT into the array PlayerName
02.2 INPUT ThisPlayerName
02.3 Search the PlayerName array for ThisPlayerName to find the PlayerNumber
(i) State the computing term for the expansion of one or more steps in the original design.
...................................................................................................................................... [1]
Visual Basic and Pascal: You should include the declaration statements for variables.
Python: You should show a comment statement for each variable used with its data type.
...................................................................................................................................... [4]
Write program code to carry out the linear search for step 02.3
...................................................................................................................................... [4]
(c) The team wants the program to produce a report, with the following specification.
The program outputs the total number of player scores that are:
You can assume that before the section runs, the program has assigned all eight player scores to
the PlayerScore data structure.
01 Total50 0
02 Total100 0
03 FOR PlayerIndex 1 TO 8
04 FOR GameIndex 1 TO 20
05 IF PlayerScore[GameIndex, PlayerIndex] > 100
07 Total100 Total100 + 1
09 IF PlayerScore[GameIndex, PlayerIndex] > 50
11 Total50 Total50 + GameIndex
16 OUTPUT Total50
17 OUTPUT Total100
(i) Describe the control structure used in lines 03 and 04 and lines 14 and 15.
...................................................................................................................................... [2]
Explanation .......................................................................................................................
...................................................................................................................................... [1]
Built-in functions (pseudocode)
returns the single character at position Position (counting from the start of the string with value 1)
from the string ThisString.
returns an integer which is the ASCII character code for the character ThisCharacter.
For any function, if the program calls the function incorrectly, the function returns an error.
Concatenation operator
For example: "South" & " " & "Pole" produces "South Pole"
'B' & "000654" produces "B000654"
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