SD VISta Program Guide v1.0

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Program Guide

22 January 2019 v1.0

Verra supports climate action and sustainable development through the development and management
of standards, tools and programs that credibly, transparently and robustly assess environmental and
social impacts, and drive funding for sustaining and scaling up these benefits. As a mission-driven, non-
profit (NGO) organization, Verra works in any arena where we see a need for clear standards, a role for
market-driven mechanisms and an opportunity to achieve environmental and social good.

Verra manages a number of global standards frameworks designed to drive finance towards activities
that mitigate climate change and promote sustainable development, including the Verified Carbon
Standard (VCS) Program and its Jurisdictional and Nested REDD+ framework (JNR), the Verra California
Offset Project Registry (OPR), the Climate, Community & Biodiversity (CCB) Standards and the
Sustainable Development Verified Impact Standard (SD VISta). Verra is also developing new standards
frameworks, including the Landscape Standard, which will promote and measure sustainability
outcomes across landscapes. Finally, Verra is one of the implementing partners of the Initiative for
Climate Action Transparency (ICAT), which helps countries assess the impacts of their climate actions
and supports greater transparency, effectiveness, trust and ambition in climate policies worldwide.

Intellectual Property Rights, Copyright and Disclaimer

This document contains materials the copyright and other intellectual property rights in which are
vested in Verra or which appear with the consent of the copyright owner. These materials are made
available for you to review and to copy for the use (the “Authorized Use”) of your establishment or
operation of a project or program under the SD VISta Program (the “Authorized Use”).

Except for the Authorized Use, all commercial use of this document is prohibited. You are not permitted
to view, download, modify, copy, distribute, transmit, store, reproduce or otherwise use, publish, license,
transfer, sell or create derivative works (in whatever format) from this document or any information
obtained from this document otherwise than for the Authorized Use or for personal, academic or other
non-commercial purposes.

All copyright and other proprietary notices contained in this document must be retained on any copy
that you make. All other rights of the copyright owner not expressly dealt with above are reserved.

No representation, warranty or guarantee express or implied is made in this document. No

representation, warranty or guarantee express or implied is made that the information provided is
accurate, current or complete. Whilst care is taken in the collection and provision of this information,
Verra and its officers, employees, agents, advisers and sponsors will not be liable for any errors,
omissions, misstatements or mistakes in any information or damages resulting from the use of this
information or any decision made or action taken in reliance on this information.
1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Version and Update Schedule ......................................................................................... 1
1.2 Language ............................................................................................................................ 2
1.3 Definitions ............................................................................................................................ 2

OVERVIEW OF THE SD VISTA PROGRAM ............................................................ 3

2.1 Objectives ........................................................................................................................... 3
2.2 Scope of the SD VISta Program ........................................................................................ 3
2.3 History ................................................................................................................................... 4
2.4 Program Documents .......................................................................................................... 4
2.5 Roles and Responsibilities .................................................................................................. 6

SD VISTA PROJECT CYCLE .................................................................................. 9

3.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 9
3.2 Public Comment Periods ................................................................................................. 10
3.3 Listing .................................................................................................................................. 11
3.4 Initiating Ex-Post Assessment ........................................................................................... 13
3.5 Assessment ........................................................................................................................ 15
3.6 Registration and Submission of Validation and Verification Reports......................... 17
3.7 Submission of Independent Expert’s Evaluation Reports ............................................ 18
3.8 Project Reviews ................................................................................................................. 18
3.9 Issuance, Transfer and Retirement of SD VISta Assets.................................................. 22
3.10 SD VISta Labels.................................................................................................................. 23
3.11 Quality Control of Listed and Registered Projects........................................................ 24
3.12 Expiration of Projects from the SD VISta Program ........................................................ 26
3.13 Withdrawal from the SD VISta Program ......................................................................... 27
3.14 Communications Agreement ......................................................................................... 27
3.15 Project Proponent Accession and Release .................................................................. 28


4.1 Cost of the Methodology Approval Process ................................................................ 29
4.2 Step 1: Development of Methodology Concept Note ............................................... 29
4.3 Step 2: Evaluation of Methodology Concept .............................................................. 30
4.4 Step 3: Acceptance of Methodology Concept .......................................................... 31
4.5 Step 4: Development of Methodology ......................................................................... 31
4.6 Step 5: Initial Verra Review .............................................................................................. 32
4.7 Step 6: Public Stakeholder Consultation ....................................................................... 32
4.8 Step 7: Technical Assessment ......................................................................................... 33
4.9 Step 8: Final Verra Review and Approval ..................................................................... 34
4.10 Procedure for Clarification and Facilitation by Verra ................................................. 34
4.11 Inactive Methodologies................................................................................................... 34
4.12 Review of Approved SD VISta Methodologies ............................................................. 35
4.13 Methodology Revisions .................................................................................................... 36
4.14 Compensation for Methodology Developers .............................................................. 37

COMPLAINTS AND APPEALS ............................................................................. 38

LOGO USE AND COMMUNICATIONS .............................................................. 39

6.1 Logo Use ............................................................................................................................ 39
6.2 Communications .............................................................................................................. 39

APPENDIX 1 DOCUMENT HISTORY .............................................................................. 41

1 Introduction

The Sustainable Development Verified Impact Standard (SD VISta) Program is a global program
managed by Verra for the certification of projects that generate verifiable sustainable development
benefits. SD VISta projects must demonstrate how they will advance the Sustainable Development
Goals (SDGs) and deliver benefits for people, their prosperity and the planet, in accordance with the
United Nations' 2015 resolution Transforming our World: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable
Development. 1

The SD VISta Program Guide (this document) specifies the rules governing the SD VISta Program and
describes its constituent parts.

The SD VISta Program is managed by Verra, which is an independent, non-profit, organization

incorporated under the laws of the District of Columbia in the United States. Participation in the SD
VISta Program is voluntary and based on objective criteria. The SD VISta Program is not discriminatory
to project proponents, methodology developers, assessors, SD VISta asset buyers, sellers or brokers or
other programs seeking recognition under the SD VISta Program.

1.1 Version and Update Schedule

Editions of the SD VISta Program are labeled with a version number and program documents are
correspondingly version controlled. SD VISta Version 1 is the first working version of SD VISta. It was
released on 22 January 2019 and is applicable with immediate effect.

SD VISta Version 1 is comprised of all the program documents labeled v1.x, where x is a running
number starting at zero. Individual program documents may be updated from time to time, as
developments require, and their version numbers will be incremented using the v1.x format. Such
updated documents still form part of version 1 and the SD VISta Program edition should be referred to
as SD VISta Version 1 regardless of the version numbers of the individual program documents. Where
documents are updated, an appendix to the document will clearly state the updates made and their
effective date. Verra will announce such updates and the updates will also be catalogued on the Verra
website. Readers shall ensure that they are using the most current version of this and all other program
documents. The next review and potential update of this document is scheduled for 2020.

New versions of the SD VISta Program will be issued on a periodic basis when major edition updates
are required. Development of new versions of the program will be announced on the Verra website and
via targeted outreach. Significant revisions will include public consultation aimed at engaging, among
others, interested and potentially affected SD VISta stakeholders.

1United Nations, 2015. A/RES/70/1 - Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (available

1 Introduction

Note that projects and assets are not labeled in the Verra project database with a specific version of SD
VISta (i.e., projects are not “Version 1”, and likewise with assets). SD VISta Program documentation is
merely labeled with a version in order to provide version control over the program documents.

1.2 Language
The operating language of the SD VISta Program is English. SD VISta Program documents may be
translated into other languages to facilitate local use. 2 However, the English versions of SD VISta
Program documents, and the interpretation of same, shall take precedence over any other language

1.3 Definitions
Definitions as set out in the document SD VISta Program Definitions shall apply to all SD VISta Program
documentation. Note that defined terms in the SD VISta Program documents, in common with ISO
convention, are used without capital first letters.

2Please contact if you have translated an SD VISta program document and would like it to be shared as an
official version.

2 Overview of the SD VISta Program


2.1 Objectives
The SD VISta Program establishes the rules and criteria that enable the assessment of sustainable
development project design, implementation, claims and assets. The SD VISta Program aims to:

1) Establish clear rules and procedures to enable the successful design and implementation of
high quality sustainable development projects;

2) Stimulate innovation in sustainable development activities and measures as well as procedures

for assessment and registration, all within a context of quality, credibility and transparency;

3) Facilitate the creation of trusted and credible social and environmental assets (SD VISta
assets) within a secure registry that offers assurance against double counting and provides
transparency to the public;

4) Provide oversight to ensure that investors and buyers recognize that SD VISta claims and
assets are real and stimulate funding of high-value projects; and,

5) Demonstrate workable frameworks and offer lessons that can be incorporated into other efforts
to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.

2.2 Scope of the SD VISta Program

The SD VISta Program sets out rules and criteria for the transparent and credible design,
implementation and assessment of sustainable development projects. It applies to any project type that
aims to deliver sustainable development benefits. Example project types include, but are not limited to,
the following: agriculture, forestry and other land use (AFOLU), ecosystem-based adaptation, energy
efficiency, food security, health care, housing, cooking technologies, infrastructure, renewable energy,
sustainable livelihoods, sustainable tourism, transportation, water access and women's empowerment.

The scope of the SD VISta Program does not include creation of credits for greenhouse gas (GHG)
emission reductions and removals (ERR), or cover carbon footprint assessments or carbon neutrality
claims. These credits and claims may be generated by using another program, such as the Verified
Carbon Standard (VCS) Program, and may be used concurrently with SD VISta.

2 Overview of the SD VISta Program

2.3 History
With the support of a 20-member Standard Development Advisory Committee, 3 Verra developed the SD
VISta Program over the course of one and a half years that included two rounds of public consultation
and piloting with fourteen projects.

2.4 Program Documents

The rules and criteria for the SD VISta Program are set out in program documents. Projects, programs
and methodologies shall meet with all the applicable rules and criteria set out in these documents.

The SD VISta Program Guide is the overarching program document, providing the rules and
requirements governing the SD VISta Program and further describing the constituent parts of the
program. The Sustainable Development Verified Impact Standard sets out the Program’s principles and
criteria. Complementing these two main documents are other requirement and procedural documents
and templates and forms. Verra may issue new documents, as developments in the SD VISta Program
require, and the complete and current list of the program documents is available on the Verra website.

Diagram 1: SD VISta Process and Criteria Documents


Program Guide
Process and

Program Fee

3 The members of this Standards Development Advisory Committee were Edwin Aalders, DNV GL; Beto Borges, Forest Trends;
Javier Castro, TUV SUD Industrie Service GmbH; John Drexhage, Verra Board; Charles Ehrhart, KPMG New Zealand; Eduardo
Ferreira, World Bank; Emma Lear, Mirova Natural Capital Limited; Anna Lehman, Climate Policy and Investment Advisory; Ben
Massie, Natural Capital Partners; Swapan Mehra, IORA Capital; Priscilla Miranda, Underministry for Migration, Population and
Religious Affairs, Mexico; Tom Morton, Climate Care; Marcos Neto, UNDP; Ken Newcombe, C-Quest Capital; Femi Oye, SME
FUNDS; Gareth Phillips, African Development Bank; Ndivhuho Raphulu, National Cleaner Production Centre of South Africa
(NCPC-SA); Ash Sharma, Frontera Consulting; Alyson Slater, GRI; Massamba Thioye, UNFCCC. Note that affiliations listed in this
section are for reference only and may have changed since the person’s contribution to the SD VISta Program.

2 Overview of the SD VISta Program

Diagram 2: SD VISta Templates and Forms

Project Description

Monitoring Report

Ex-ante Assessment Reports

(Validation and Project Design

Ex-post Assessment Reports

Templates and Forms (Verification and Project
Implementation Evaluation)



Other Forms

The program documents currently include the following:

1) Process and Criteria Documents (Diagram 1)
a) SD VISta Program Guide: provides rules for all actors involved in implementing the SD
VISta Program.
b) Sustainable Development Verified Impact Standard: provides the criteria for project
design and benefits to people, their prosperity and the planet, as well as criteria for
monitoring and assessment of projects and related claims and assets.
c) SD VISta Program Definitions: provides the definitions for terms used in SD VISta
Program documents.
d) SD VISta Program Fee Schedule: provides the fees related to use of the SD VISta
2) Templates and Forms (Diagram 2)
a) Templates for project descriptions, monitoring reports, validation reports, project design
evaluation reports, verification reports, project implementation evaluation reports and
b) Representations templates for deeds of representation made by project proponents,
validation/verification bodies (VVBs) and independent evaluation experts (IEEs).
c) Forms, such as for submitting methodologies under the methodology approval process.

2 Overview of the SD VISta Program

To aid the readability of SD VISta Program documentation, the documents only refer to SD VISta
standalone templates. However, SD VISta projects may also apply other programs, such as the VCS
Program to verify emission reductions or other benefits. Concurrent use of SD VISta and the VCS
Program is facilitated through combined templates and assessment procedures. Projects using SD
VISta and one or both of the other programs for which there are joint templates should substitute the
combined template name throughout SD VISta Program documentation.

Verra welcomes opportunities to work with other programs on similar streamlining.

2.5 Roles and Responsibilities

Project Proponent
Project proponents are the entities with overall control and responsibility for projects or programs. A
project may have one project proponent, or there may be a number of project proponents who
collectively have overall control and responsibility for a project. Project proponents establish and
operate projects and programs in accordance with the SD VISta rules. They are responsible for
providing the project description, monitoring report and supporting documentation (including evidence
of project ownership) to facilitate validation and verification.

Project proponents sign unilateral representations with respect to their projects and SD VISta assets,
and these are made available on the Verra project database. Project proponents assume limited liability
for replacement of excess SD VISta assets, as set out in Section 3.11.5 below.

Note: In order to aid the readability of the SD VISta Program documentation, the documents use
project proponent in the singular. For projects with multiple project proponents, “project proponents”
should be substituted in place of “project proponent”, as appropriate.

Validation/Verification Bodies (VVBs)

VVBs are accredited to:

1) Validate that a project’s design, and verify that its implementation, meet the rules and
criteria of the SD VISta Program.

2) Verify SD VISta assets.

3) Assess methodology elements under the methodology approval process.

VVBs must be meet the relevant criteria for approval set out in Sustainable Development Verified
Impact Standard and sign the required agreement with Verra before they can perform validation or
verification under the SD VISta Program. The list of approved VVBs is available on the Verra website.

To apply the become an approved VVB with the SD VISta Program, organizations must complete a Verra
Validation/Verification Body Application Form and submit the signed application, along with any
supporting evidence (as required by the application) to

2 Overview of the SD VISta Program

Independent Evaluation Experts (IEEs)

IEEs are approved on a per-assessment basis to determine whether a project’s design and/or
implementation meets the rules and criteria of the SD VISta Program.

IEEs must meet the criteria set out in the Sustainable Development Verified Impact Standard and be
approved by Verra on a per-evaluation basis.

Verra Project Database and Registry

Verra is responsible for maintaining a database of SD VISta projects, sourced from its registry, which
provides public and searchable information on all projects have ever been listed under the SD VISta
Program. The Verra project database provides full transparency on SD VISta project documentation and
information about the project proponent.

The Verra project database also hosts projects certified to other Verra standards such as the VCS and
the Climate, Community & Biodiversity (CCB) Standards. SD VISta projects that issue Verified Carbon
Units (VCUs) will see the SD VISta label reflected on those units in the Verra project database.

The Verra registry ensures that all required project documents have been submitted, maintains
accounts of SD VISta assets, issues and facilitates the seamless flow of SD VISta assets between
registry accounts, maintains custody and records of SD VISta asset legal ownership, and ensures that
SD VISta labels are added to VCUs, where the project also verifies under the VCS Program. SD VISta
asset serial numbers are generated by the registry, which ensures their uniqueness. Information
sourced from the registry on project listings, SD VISta asset issuance and retirement are reflected
publicly on the Verra project database. The Verra registry serves the SD VISta Program and other Verra
programs such as the VCS Program. An SD VISta project may be listed under multiple programs in the
Verra registry and database where the project applies multiple standards.

Temporary SD VISta Registry

As of the release of this version of the SD VISta Program Guide, the SD VISta registry and database is in a
temporary form and may not reflect all of the characteristics described above. SD VISta projects will be
temporarily listed on the Verra website prior to the launch of the SD VISta registry and database. Until the
launch of the SD VISta registry and database, where this document requires project proponents to submit
documents to the Verra registry, those documents shall be submitted to

Projects already using Verra standards such as the Verified Carbon Standard and the Climate, Community &
Biodiversity Standards should submit their documents for those standards as per usual, separately from SD
VISta (even if using a combined template).

Verra is responsible for managing, overseeing and developing the SD VISta Program. It maintains an
impartial position in the market and does not develop projects or methodologies, nor does it provide
validation, verification or consulting services. One of Verra’s roles is in respect of overseeing and

2 Overview of the SD VISta Program

ensuring the integrity of projects and SD VISta assets in the Verra registry. Verra conducts project
reviews at multiple points and may review projects and SD VISta assets in the Verra registry on a
periodic basis (see Sections 3.3 and 3.8 below). Verra is also responsible for overseeing the IEEs and
VVBs (collectively, “assessors”) operating under the SD VISta Program. Where Verra identifies
shortcomings in an assessor’s performance, it may provide feedback and require the assessor to
address non-conformities (see Section 3.8.6).

Verra reserves the right not to list or register projects or issue SD VISta assets where it deems that they
are not in compliance with SD VISta rules or may otherwise diminish the integrity of the SD VISta
Program, and to delist projects and SD VISta assets where it deems that they have not been developed
or issued in accordance with the SD VISta rules. Verra also reserves the right to take action against
VVBs in accordance with the provisions set out in the agreements signed with Verra. The rights and
obligations for VVBs are set out in such agreements.

Verra is also responsible for managing the SD VISta asset methodology approval process, and it
reserves the right to not accept methodology elements into the process, not approve methodology
elements, or review and update, put on hold or withdraw approved methodology elements where it
deems that they are not in compliance with SD VISta rules, would sanction politically or ethically
contentious project activities, or may otherwise diminish the integrity of the SD VISta Program.

SD VISta Advisory Group

The SD VISta Advisory Group provides strategic and technical advice to Verra in respect of the SD VISta
Program. It does not take decisions on behalf of Verra. In its membership, the Advisory Group aims for a
balance of stakeholders, to contain relevant technical or other competencies, and to act in an impartial
manner while providing advice. A list of current members can be found on the Verra website.

3 SD VISta Project Cycle


3.1 Introduction
This section outlines the SD VISta project cycle, which includes listing projects, validating and
registering projects, posting verifications and issuing SD VISta assets. Optionally, the project cycle may
also include evaluations of project design and implementation.

As set out in the sections below, there are multiple instances where project proponents must submit
documentation to the Verra registry. The Verra registry system is comprised of a registry and a project
database, as described in Section 2 above. The project proponent interacts with the Verra registry to
submit documents for listing, to register projects, post verifications and, optionally, issue SD VISta
assets. Note that a Verra registry account must be opened by any market participant who wants to list a
project, register a project, post a verification and/or issue, trade or retire SD VISta assets and SD VISta-
labeled VCUs; such entities should contact Verra in order to open a Verra registry account.

Final versions of all project documents shall be posted to the project database to ensure transparency.
All project documents other than the project proponent representations may be submitted to the Verra
registry in electronic format. The project proponent may protect commercially sensitive information by
uploading a public project description and/or monitoring report and a private project description and/or
monitoring report. The private project description and/or monitoring report will not be publicly available.
The public project description and/or monitoring report differs from the private version only in that it
does not contain commercially sensitive information.

Finally, as set out in the sections below, there are multiple instances where project proponents and
VVBs must submit representations to the Verra registry. The following applies with respect to all such

1) The Verra website provides the template for all representations. The template shall not be
altered other than to fill in project-specific details.

2) Representations shall be properly executed as deeds in accordance with applicable local

laws and the organization’s own constitutional documents (e.g., signature by directors and
requirement of company seals).

3) Where more than one individual or organization can claim rights in respect of the execution
of the representation, and there exists no other (single) entity which may execute the
representation, all such individuals and organizations shall execute the representation,
using the appropriate template available on the Verra website for projects with multiple
project proponents, as applicable. Note that such representations may be executed in any
necessary number of counterparts.

4) The signed originals of the representations shall be provided to the Verra registry.

3 SD VISta Project Cycle

3.2 Public Comment Periods

Projects shall undergo at least one 30-day public comment period per assessment (i.e., per
validation, verification and independent expert evaluation). While a project is open for comment,
stakeholders (including interested stakeholders) are invited to provide feedback on the design or
implementation of a project, either from personal knowledge or as the design or implementation
is represented in the project description or monitoring report.

30-day public comment periods are initiated at the following stages:

1) When a project is first listed on the Verra project database (see Section 3.3 below for
information regarding project listing).

2) The date on which the project’s draft monitoring report is posted to the Verra project

3) At the project proponent’s request.

Any comments shall be submitted to Verra at Commenters shall provide

the project name and Verra identification number, their name, organization, country and email
address. At the end of the public comment period, Verra provides all and any comments received
to the project proponent and the assessor.

Where the project proponent receives any public comments from Verra, it shall acknowledge
receipt of the comments. The project proponent shall respond to public comments through
revisions to the project description/monitoring report or other documented efforts.

Where an assessor receives any public comments from Verra, it shall acknowledge receipt of the
comments. Assessors shall take such comments into account when determining whether a
project meets the SD VISta rules and criteria. Assessment reports shall describe how each
comment was addressed by the project proponent.

The public comment period should be completed before the start of an assessor’s site visit, so
that assessors may make appropriate enquiries onsite about any comments received. In the
event that the public comment period ends after the site visit is complete, assessors shall give
full consideration to any comments received and may need to return to the project site to do so.

The public comment period must be completed before an SD VISta assessment can be

The relevant assessment report shall be issued within one year of the last day of a public
comment period.

3 SD VISta Project Cycle

3.3 Listing

Diagram 3: Project Listing Process

Project proponent submits project documents to

Verra registry
1. Project description
2. Listing representation
3. Supporting evidence, where applicable
4. Verra image submission form

Registry reviews documents to ensure sufficient

information is present for project to undergo public

Registry creates project record on the Verra project

database and lists the project status as either
undergoing validation or undergoing design

30-day public comment period

Listing, as set out in Diagram 3 above, is the initial posting of the project and its documentation
on the Verra project database. To list a project, the following shall be submitted to the Verra
registry by the project proponent or its authorized representative (see Section 3.14 below for
further information regarding authorized representatives):

1) A completed project description;

2) A listing representation (in accordance with Section 3.1 above);

3) Supporting evidence (where projects are undergoing design evaluation); and,

4) A completed Verra image submission form and one or more photos of the project to be
featured on the project’s page in the database (optional).

Upon submission of these documents, Verra invoices the project proponent for the project
listing fee, the rate of which is set out in the SD VISta Program Fee Schedule. The project listing

3 SD VISta Project Cycle

fee shall be paid by the project proponent before the Verra registry begins its review of the
documents, as described in Sections 3.3.2 and 3.3.3 below.

The Verra registry shall ensure that all required documentation has been submitted. In addition,
Verra reviews project documents to ensure that sufficient information is present for a project to
undergo public comment. Verra may require the project proponent to update project
documentation before the project is listed on the project database.

Where Verra has reason to believe that false or misleading project information has been
submitted, Verra will seek clarification from the project proponent. Where the project proponent
cannot satisfactorily justify the information provided for a project, Verra reserves the right not to
list or to take a project listing off the database.

When a project is listed, its initial status will be either undergoing validation or undergoing design
evaluation, as appropriate given the circumstances of the project, and the Verra registry initiates
a public comment period (as set out in Section 3.2). Where a listed project does not successfully
complete assessment within one year of its initial listing, Verra may update the project status to
under development.

Projects with the status under development may begin a new assessment within three years by
initiating a new public comment period. Where a project does not complete an assessment within
three years of listing, its status will be changed to expired.

3 SD VISta Project Cycle

3.4 Initiating Ex-Post Assessment

Diagram 4: Ex-post Assessment Initiation Process

Project proponent submits project documents to

Verra registry
1. Monitoring report
2. Supporting evidence, where applicable
3. Verra image sumbission form (optional)

Registry reviews documents to ensure sufficient

information is present for project to undergo public

Registry creates project record on the Verra project

database and lists the project status as one of
undergoing verification; verified, undergoing
verification; or undergoing implementation

30-day public comment period

The ex-post assessment initiation process, as set out in Diagram 4 above, begins when the
following are submitted to the Verra registry by the project proponent or its authorized
representative (see Section 3.14 below for further information regarding authorized

1) A completed monitoring report;

2) Supporting evidence (where projects are undergoing design evaluation); and,

3) A completed Verra image submission form and one or more photos of the project to be
featured on the project’s page in the database (optional).

Upon submission of these documents, Verra invoices the project proponent for the project ex-
post assessment fee, the rate of which is set out in the SD VISta Program Fee Schedule. The

3 SD VISta Project Cycle

project ex-post assessment fee shall be paid by the project proponent before the Verra registry
begins its review of the documents, as described in Sections 3.4.2 and 3.4.3 below.

The Verra registry shall ensure that all required documentation has been submitted. In addition,
Verra reviews project documents to ensure that sufficient information is present for a project to
undergo public comment. Verra may require the project proponent to update project
documentation before the project is listed on the project database.

Where Verra has reason to believe that false or misleading project information has been
submitted, Verra will seek clarification from the project proponent. Where the project proponent
cannot satisfactorily justify the information provided for a project, Verra reserves the right not to
list or to take a project listing off the database.

When a project’s monitoring report and supporting documentation are posted on the Verra
project database, its status changes to one of the following: undergoing verification; verified,
undergoing verification; or undergoing implementation evaluation (as appropriate given the
circumstances of the project). Additionally, the Verra registry initiates a public comment period (as
set out in Section 3.2).

Where a project that has been successfully ex-ante assessed is unsuccessful in completing ex-
post assessment within one year of the posting of its monitoring report, Verra will revert the
project’s status to its most recent previous status (i.e., verified, validated, project design
evaluated or implementation evaluated).

3 SD VISta Project Cycle

3.5 Assessment

Diagram 5: Assessment Process

Assessor submits a notice of assessment

services to Verra

Assessor confirms project documentation

listed on Verra project database

Project proponent notifies local

stakeholders of assesor's site visit

Assessor commences assessment

Assessor documents the audit and its

decision in an assessment report

A project’s choice of assessment type, validation/verification or independent expert evaluation,

has consequences for the assessment process and the project’s ability to issue SD VISta assets.
All projects that successfully complete SD VISta project assessment may make SD VISta claims
on their sustainable development benefits. Only those projects validated by a VVB may register
with the SD VISta Program Verra project database; only those verified by an accredited VVB
against an approved SD VISta methodology may issue SD VISta assets. SD VISta asset generation
is optional, and the project proponent should consider whether asset generation is right for their
project. See the Sustainable Development Verified Impact Standard for more information on
validation/verification, independent expert evaluation and SD VISta claims and assets.

3 SD VISta Project Cycle

The assessor shall submit a notification of assessment services to Verra prior to beginning an
assessment (see Diagram 5 above). Assessors representing VVBs shall do so using the Verra
Notice of Validation/Verification Services Template, and IEEs shall use the Verra Notice of
Evaluation Services Template. Verra reviews such submissions in order to ensure freedom from
conflict of interest and individual assessor qualifications and reserves the right to reject the
notice of validation/verification services and require a different VVB to conduct the services
where Verra finds that the VVB is ineligible to conduct the given validation/verification services
(e.g., due to VVB rotation requirements).

Where an IEE submits a notice of an upcoming project design evaluation, Verra invoices the
project proponent for the project design evaluation fee, the rate of which is set out in the SD VISta
Program Fee Schedule. The project design evaluation fee shall be paid by the project proponent
before the Verra registry begins its review of the documents, as described in Section 3.8 below.

The assessor is responsible for checking that the document(s) to be assessed (e.g., draft project
description and/or monitoring report (and supporting evidence for IEEs)) are available on the
Verra project database and shall not begin an evaluation until such time.

The project proponent shall also provide notification of any upcoming assessor site visits to
potentially affected stakeholders, preferably with 30 days’ notice. Such notification shall indicate
the assessor name, assessment team leader, dates and locations of the audit, contact details,
and means of communicating with the assessment team. See the Sustainable Development
Verified Impact Standard for requirements about methods of stakeholder communication.

Assessments shall include a visit to the project site. The purpose of the site visit is to confirm the
validity of the project description or monitoring report and to ensure that a project meets the rules
and criteria of the SD VISta Program.

The assessor may conduct an assessment without a site visit only where both of the following
criteria are met:

1) The date of posting the current project description and/or monitoring report for public
comment is within three years of the first day of the public comment period for the
assessment during which the same assessor last conducted an SD VISta site visit; and
2) The assessor decides that current information provided by the project proponent combined
with information from the last SD VISta site visit conducted by the same assessor provides
sufficient evidence for issuance of an opinion on whether a project meets the rules and
criteria of the SD VISta Program.

The assessor shall document the assessment and its decisions using the templates provided by
Verra. VVBs must complete the SD VISta Validation Report Template or Verification Report
Template, whichever corresponds to the documents being assessed. IEEs must complete the SD
VISta Project Design or Project Implementation Evaluation Report Template, whichever
corresponds to the documents being assessed. The assessor shall adhere to all instructional text
within the templates.

3 SD VISta Project Cycle

Where there are non-conformities, deficiencies or weaknesses of the project design or

implementation with respect to the SD VISta rules, these shall be identified by the assessor in the
assessment report at the criteria level. The assessor should raise findings for any such deficiency.
These shall be outlined clearly and specifically so the project proponent may respond to any open
issue(s) and undertake appropriate corrective action. Draft reports are not submitted to Verra and
are not made public.

Upon receiving a non-conformity or clarification requests, project proponents shall address all
identified corrective action or non-conformity requests to the satisfaction of the assessor. Project
proponents must take remedial actions, including, but not limited to, modifying the project design,
or providing new or revised documentation or supporting evidence, so that it can satisfy the
design or implementation criteria of the SD VISta Program.

Any significant revisions to the final approved versions of the project description or monitoring
report compared with the versions posted for public comment shall be reflected in final versions
of any necessary summaries. The assessor may determine that the project proponent is required
to share with stakeholders information about major changes in the project description or the
monitoring report that occur between the public comment period, or the version of these
documents originally shared with stakeholders, and the issuance of an assessment report.

Where the assessor has completed an assessment, and deems a project to be in compliance with
the SD VISta rules, a final assessment report shall be issued.

3.6 Registration and Submission of Validation and Verification Reports

A project may register with the SD VISta Program once it has been validated according to the SD
VISta rules. Submission of an SD VISta validation report initiates the registration process.

The following documents shall be provided to the Verra registry by the project proponent or its
authorized representative (see Section 3.14 below for further information regarding authorized
representatives) at registration and for each verification posting:

1) For registration: project description, project registration representation, validation report

and validation representation.

2) For posting of a verification: monitoring report, project implementation representation,

verification report, and verification representation.

3) For joint registration and verification: (1) and (2) above.

4) A completed Verra image submission form and one or more photos of the project to be
featured on the project’s page in the database (optional).

Where a validation is successful and following Verra’s project review (see Section 3.8 below), a
status of validated will be assigned by the Verra registry and the project will be registered with the
SD VISta Program.

3 SD VISta Project Cycle

Where a verification is successful and following Verra’s project review (see Section 3.8 below), a
status of verified will be assigned by the Verra registry.

3.7 Submission of Independent Expert’s Evaluation Reports

A project may be listed as design evaluated or implementation evaluated on the Verra project
database once it has been evaluated according to the SD VISta rules. Submission of an SD VISta
IEE report initiates the process of the change in status.

When a project evaluation has been completed, the following documents shall be provided to the
Verra registry by the project proponent or the authorized representative of a project proponent
(see Section 3.14 below for further information regarding authorized representatives):

1) For design evaluated: project description, project design representation, project design
evaluation report, and project design evaluation representation.

2) For implementation evaluated: monitoring report, project implementation representation,

project implementation evaluation report and project implementation evaluation

3) For both design and implementation: (1) and (2) above.

4) A completed Verra image submission form and one or more photos of the project to be
featured on the project’s page in the database (optional).

Where an IEE has completed a successful project design evaluation, and following Verra’s project
review (see Section 3.8 below), a status of design evaluated will be assigned by the Verra registry.

Where an IEE has completed a successful implementation evaluation, and following Verra’s
project review (see Section 3.8 below), a status of implementation evaluated will be assigned by
the Verra registry.

3.8 Project Reviews

Verra reviews submitted project documents and assessment reports in a two-step process. The first
step is a completeness review and the second step (undertaken at Verra’s discretion) is an accuracy
review of the project. The purpose of project reviews is to regulate the quality of assessments being
conducted against SD VISta rules and criteria. These reviews are in addition to the completeness
reviews conducted prior to public comment periods as referenced in Section 3.2 above.

The Verra project review process, which is set out in Diagram 6 below, is triggered when any final
project document is submitted to the registry along with a successful assessment report. The project
proponent should consider the duration of Verra’s project review process when timing the submission
of reports, so as not to experience unexpected delays between document submission and Verra

3 SD VISta Project Cycle

Note also that when submitting issuance documentation (per Section 3.6.2 above), it is not necessary
to immediately request issuance of SD VISta assets. Instead, Verra will begin its completeness review
following receipt of the relevant documentation and an accuracy review (where undertaken)
immediately afterward. SD VISta assets may then be issued upon request to the Verra registry any time
following the completion of such reviews.

Diagram 6: The Verra Project Review Process

Registry performs completeness check

Where the project is selected for review,

Verra performs an accuracy review

Verra sends any findings to the assessor

Assessor responds to the findings, where


Verra reviews response and determines

whether project is eligible for status update

Verra notifies project proponent and


3 SD VISta Project Cycle

Completeness Review
The Verra registry shall undertake a completeness review of any documents submitted. The
purpose of the completeness review is to ensure that all documents are complete and duly signed
where necessary, the assessment has been completed by an eligible assessor and within
required timeframes and that SD VISta assets, if any, have not been issued under another
program. The completeness review will also inform whether Verra will conduct an accuracy review.
Verra completes the review within ten business days.

During its review, the Verra registry checks that VVB rotation criteria (as set out in the Sustainable
Development Verified Impact Standard) have been met.

The Verra registry shall check the project documents submitted to ensure that:

1) Each section of the project documents has been completed with appropriate information.

2) Each representation and agreement is signed by the relevant responsible parties.

3) The report was issued within one year of the last day of a public comment period.

4) Where issuance of SD VISta assets is requested, the sustainable development benefits

presented for SD VISta asset issuance have not been issued as saleable, tradeable
claims/credits/units/assets under any other program. Where, in Verra’s checks of same,
credits are found to have been issued under another program, the SD VISta asset issuance
request shall be rejected. Such checks shall be performed upon each and every SD VISta
asset issuance. Where a project is being presented for registration or verification posting
without SD VISta issuance requested, such checks are not undertaken.

5) Where issuance is requested of SD VISta assets, a project adheres to the baseline and, if
necessary, additionality requirements of the applied methodology.

The Verra registry shall store the electronic and signed original project documents in its record-
keeping system for a minimum period of 12 years from the retirement date of the last SD VISta
asset to which the project documents relate.

Where the Verra registry determines that the project documentation does not meet all applicable
SD VISta rules, Verra shall notify the project proponents of needed corrective actions. Where the
Verra registry determines that a project has failed to comply with the SD VISta rules, Verra shall
inform the project proponents (or their authorized representative) and the assessor that the
project fails to comply with the SD VISta rules, stating the reasons. Upon request by the project
proponent or their authorized representative, the Verra registry shall return the project
documents to the project proponent or their authorized representative.

Accuracy Review
Verra may, at its discretion, undertake an accuracy review of project documents, the scope of
which is to ensure full adherence of the assessment to the SD VISta rules and, where
appropriate, the applied methodology. Where Verra undertakes such an accuracy review, the
Verra registry shall notify the project proponents (or their authorized representative) and

3 SD VISta Project Cycle

assessor. Any findings issued as a result of the Verra review shall be addressed before the Verra
registry can proceed with project’s status update (e.g., to registered, design evaluated, verified or
implementation evaluated) or SD VISta asset issuance. Verra determines whether it will
undertake a review, completes the review and issues any findings within 20 business days.

Where no findings are raised during the accuracy review, the Verra registry notifies the project
proponent that the posting of the project design, project implementation evaluation or verification
documentation, project registration or SD VISta asset issuance may proceed.

Where material non-conformances are identified during the accuracy review (see the Sustainable
Development Verified Impact Standard for further details on the threshold for materiality), the
assessor shall respond to the findings issued (e.g., corrective action requests and clarification
requests) by Verra, in accordance with the following procedure:

1) The assessor shall provide a written response to each finding, undertake (or ensure that
the project proponent undertakes, as appropriate) revisions to the project documents
where necessary, and submit all revised documents to Verra. Verra reviews such
documents within 10 business days.

2) Where the findings are addressed to the satisfaction of Verra, Verra notifies the registry
that the project may proceed with the requested status update and, if applicable, SD VISta
asset issuance.

3) Where the findings are not addressed to the satisfaction of Verra, Verra may issue a further
round of findings (not to exceed a total of three rounds of findings).

4) Where the findings are not addressed to Verra’s satisfaction after the third round and/or
where Verra otherwise determines that a project has failed to demonstrate compliance with
SD VISta rules, the registration and/or verification posting (and any related issuance)
request shall not be accepted. Verra notifies the project proponent (or their authorized
representative) and the assessor of same. The findings may be addressed and the request
re-submitted three months after such notification, except where a project is ultimately
deemed by the Verra to not qualify under the SD VISta Program.

5) Where the accuracy review identifies errors or quality issues in a previous validation or
verification, the procedures set out in Section 3.11 below shall apply.

6) Where no response is received from the assessor within 60 business days from the date
the findings were issued, Verra reserves the right to assume that the project proponent
does not intend to pursue the status update or SD VISta issuance request. Where Verra
determines this to be the case, the project registration, verification posting and SD VISta
issuance request shall not be accepted, and Verra notifies the project proponent (or their
authorized representative) and the assessor of same. The request for status update and, if
applicable, SD VISta asset issuance may be resubmitted three months after such
notification, except where a project is ultimately deemed by Verra to not qualify under the
SD VISta Program.

3 SD VISta Project Cycle

Note: For the purpose of determining adherence to deadlines with respect to methodology
validity and completion of validation and verification, the dates of project documents
submitted under the initial registration or verification posting request shall be used (rather
than the dates of the revised documents).

3.9 Issuance, Transfer and Retirement of SD VISta Assets

SD VISta assets are issued and deposited into a Verra registry account when such issuance is
requested from and approved by the Verra registry.

SD VISta assets can be issued incrementally from a verification report (i.e., when the project
proponent or their authorized representative requests SD VISta asset issuance, it can request
issuance of part of the verification report volume and request issuance of the remaining volume
at a later date). The following shall apply:

1) The entity requesting issuance shall instruct the Verra registry that it is requesting SD VISta
asset issuance for only part of the verification report volume and shall specify the volume
for which it is requesting SD VISta asset issuance.

2) The SD VISta asset issuance fee and any fees charged by the Verra registry are payable on
the volume of SD VISta asset which are issued, not the total verification report volume.

3) Verra does not specify thresholds or timeframes on incremental SD VISta asset issuance
(e.g., the total number of incremental SD VISta asset issuances that can be made from a
verification report and the elapsed time between first and last SD VISta asset issuance
from the verification report). The Verra registry is entitled to apply such thresholds and
timeframes as they deem necessary.

4) The Verra project database displays the total verification report volume, the volume of SD
VISta assets issued to date and the history of SD VISta asset issuances with respect to the
verification report.

5) The entity requesting SD VISta asset issuance does not have to request SD VISta asset
issuance of the total verification report volume over time (i.e., it can choose to only request
SD VISta asset issuance for a part of the verification report volume and never request
issuance of the remaining verification report volume).

The SD VISta asset issuance fee shall be collected by the Verra registry before SD VISta assets
are deposited into an account.

SD VISta assets may be transferred to other Verra registry accounts as means of transferring
ownership of those assets. Such transfers are executed through the Verra registry.

The Verra project database displays the status of every SD VISta asset issued under the SD VISta
Program. SD VISta assets may have a status of active or retired.

Any and all SD VISta asset retirements shall be initiated by the registry accountholder or their
authorized representative.

3 SD VISta Project Cycle

SD VISta assets can be retired incrementally from a registry accountholder’s holdings (i.e., when
the SD VISta asset holder or their authorized representative requests SD VISta asset retirement,
it can request retirement of part of the SD VISta asset holdings and request retirement of any or
all of the remaining holdings at a later date). In such cases, the following shall apply:

1) The registry accountholder or their authorized representative shall designate the specific
set of SD VISta assets for retirement through its Verra registry account.

2) Any fees charged by the Verra registry for SD VISta assets are payable on the volume of SD
VISta assets which are retired, not the total SD VISta asset holdings volume.

3) Verra does not specify thresholds or timeframes on incremental SD VISta asset retirement
(e.g., the total number of incremental SD VISta asset retirements that can be made from a
registry accountholder’s SD VISta asset holdings and the elapsed time between first and
last SD VISta asset retirement from those holdings). The Verra registry is entitled to apply
such thresholds and timeframes as they deem necessary.

3.10 SD VISta Labels

A label is a permanent marker added to social or environmental units that makes it easier for
investors and unit buyers to identify projects which have achieved net positive sustainable
development benefits. A successful verification under the SD VISta Program and a program that
supports SD VISta labeling (e.g., the VCS Program) enables the addition of an SD VISta label to
the other program’s units (e.g., VCUs) when listed on a registry.

Note: In this Section 3.10 the term “unit” is used to refer to a social or environmental unit
produced under a different program, as opposed to an SD VISta asset generated under the SD
VISta Program.

The label may only be applied to units issued from projects that are verified to the SD VISta rules
and criteria.

The units to which the SD VISta label is applied must have been generated during the monitoring
period that is covered by the SD VISta verification. This means that the SD VISta label may only be
applied to units for which the vintage period is entirely included in the period covered by the SD
VISta verification.

Project proponents shall apply the SD VISta label to all units issued under supporting programs
that meet the criteria set out in Section 3.10.3 above. The manner in which the units are labeled
is dependent on whether the project has completed verification under the SD VISta Program
before or after unit issuance:

1) Where a project has completed verification under the SD VISta Program prior to issuing
units, all eligible units (i.e., those issued from a verification period covered by the SD VISta
verification) shall be labeled at issuance.

3 SD VISta Project Cycle

2) Where the project proponent issues units prior to a project completing verification under
the SD VISta Program, all eligible units shall be retroactively labeled upon successful
completion of SD VISta verification for that period. Only the project proponent or owner of
the units may request the addition of retroactive labels to already issued units.

The SD VISta label fee, the rate of which is set out in the SD VISta Program Fee Schedule, shall be
paid before SD VISta labels are applied to eligible units.

3.11 Quality Control of Listed and Registered Projects

Verra may, at its discretion, review listed and registered projects and issued SD VISta assets
where it has concerns about adherence of the project to the SD VISta rules and the applied
methodology (when relevant). A review may be triggered by any of the following:

1) The assessor identifies an error or quality issue from a previous assessment.

2) The project proponent identifies an error or quality issue after the listing, registration or
issuance of a project.

3) Any stakeholder, including an interested stakeholder, has concerns about a project.

4) Verra itself identifies an error or quality issue, as part of routine operations.

Where a review is triggered, Verra will notify the project proponent (or their authorized
representative) and the relevant assessor of the review and where relevant may suspend further
SD VISta asset issuance while the review is performed.

Where non-conformances are identified during the review, the assessor shall provide a written
response to findings (e.g., corrective action requests or clarification requests) issued by Verra,
reverting to the project proponent as necessary for more information or updates to project
documentation. Verra also suspends further SD VISta asset issuance, where it has not already
done so (and where relevant).

Note: Where the relevant assessor is unable to respond (e.g., due to a cease of operations or
accreditation) or where the original assessor does not respond to Verra in 60 business days,
Verra may solicit a response to the findings from alternative entities such as the project
proponent or another assessor.

The follow up actions of the assessor and/or project proponent shall be as set out in Table 1

3 SD VISta Project Cycle

Table 1: Actions by the Assessor and/or Project Proponent in Case of Project Qualification
Under the SD VISta Program or Lack Thereof

Issues found (including Issues found, with excess SD VISta

potentially issues with SD VISta asset issuance and/or risk of future
claims), but no excess SD VISta excess SD VISta asset issuance
asset issuance and no risk of
future excess SD VISta asset

Project qualifies 1) Assessor shall conduct a root 1) VVB shall conduct a root cause
under program cause analysis 4 analysis

2) Assessor or project proponent, as 2) Where significant performance issues

appropriate, shall revise project are found, and as appropriate,
documents disciplinary action shall be taken against
the VVB
3) Verra lifts suspension on ex-post
assessment posting and SD VISta 3) VVB or project proponent, as
asset issuance, if applicable, upon appropriate, shall revise project
acceptance of project document documents
4) Project proponent may need to
4) Verra registry shall upload compensate for excess issuance (see
revised project documents to Verra Section 3.11.8)
project database
5) Verra lifts suspension on verification
posting and SD VISta asset issuance,
upon acceptance of project document
revisions by Verra

6) Verra registry shall upload revised

project documents to Verra project

Project does not 1) Assessor body shall conduct a 1) VVB shall conduct a root cause
qualify under root cause analysis analysis
program 2) Where significant performance 2) Where significant performance issues
issues are found, and as are found, and as appropriate,
appropriate, disciplinary action shall disciplinary action shall be taken against
be taken against the assessor the VVB

3) No further implementation ex- 3) Project proponent may need to

post assessment or SD VISta asset compensate for excess issuance (see
issuance is permitted Section 3.11.8)

4) No further verification posting or SD

VISta asset issuance is permitted

4 A root cause analysis is a systematic process for identifying the fundamental source(s) of problems or events and an approach
for responding to them that aims to permanently eliminate sources through process improvement.

3 SD VISta Project Cycle

Where Verra determines that SD VISta assets have been issued in excess of the correct amount,
the following applies:

1) Project proponents are responsible for compensating for excess SD VISta asset issuance
where Verra deems, acting reasonably, that there has been a material erroneous issuance
of SD VISta assets in respect of a project, as a result of the fraudulent conduct, negligence,
intentional act, recklessness, misrepresentation or mistake of the project proponent, as set
out further in the issuance representation.

2) Any compensation for excess SD VISta asset issuance shall be through the following, with
Verra using reasonable efforts to work with project proponents to ensure that any adverse
effects on the project proponent are minimized to the extent possible:

a) Where the excess SD VISta assets remain in the project proponent’s Verra registry
account and they have not been retired, immediate removal of the SD VISta assets.

b) Replacement of SD VISta assets through immediate compensation from subsequent

issuances of SD VISta assets to the project.

c) Purchase by the project proponent of an equivalent number of replacement SD VISta

assets of the same unit type, and cancellation of same, within 60 business days of
receiving formal Verra notification of such required action.

3) Where the project proponent fails to compensate for excess SD VISta asset issuance, Verra
may take action against the project proponent as specified in representations signed by the
project proponent, including by applying sanctions with respect to its registry account
activities until the excess issuance has been compensated.

A statute of limitations applies, whereby Verra can only require such compensation in relation
to any verification up to the later of:

1) 6 years after the date of issuance of the relevant SD VISta asset; or

2) 12 months after the date upon which the next verification report is accepted on the Verra

3.12 Expiration of Projects from the SD VISta Program

Projects that have successfully undergone one or more independent expert evaluations (see the
Sustainable Development Verified Impact Standard for details on independent expert evaluation)
will be listed on the Verra project database as design evaluated or implementation evaluated, as
is appropriate for the project, for five years from the date the project design evaluation is
completed. Thereafter, projects will be listed as expired and are ineligible to become active in the
SD VISta Program until the project proponent submits proof of validation contracting with a VVB to
the Verra registry, at which point a new public comment period will be initiated (i.e., projects that
do not complete any assessment within five years of completion of a project design evaluation
must validate to continue being an active part of the SD VISta Program).

3 SD VISta Project Cycle

A project’s validation or verification under the SD VISta Program shall expire where the project
proponent does not submit a verification report issued within five years of issuance of the latest
validation or verification statement. Such a project will remain in the Verra project database with
the status expired. A project that has expired shall undergo a full validation, or baseline scenario
re-validation, at the discretion of the VVB following the procedures set out in the Sustainable
Development Verified Impact Standard, to regain active status with the SD VISta Program.

3.13 Withdrawal from the SD VISta Program

Where project proponents wish to withdraw a project from the SD VISta Program, the following

1) The project proponent shall submit a letter (in English) on its organization letterhead to the
Verra registry, requesting that a project be withdrawn. Such letter must include the project
name and Verra identification number, the reason for the withdrawal request and the
signatures and contact information of all project proponents.

2) Verra reviews the withdrawal request and may request additional information prior to
approving the request.

3) Upon Verra approval, the Verra registry shall update the status of the project to withdrawn.
The project’s information shall remain publicly available on the Verra project database, but
the project will not be able to issue SD VISta assets.

Withdrawn projects may rejoin the SD VISta Program where the project proponent submits a letter
on its organization letterhead to the Verra registry requesting same. Such letter must include the
project name and Verra identification number and the signatures and contact information of all
project proponents. Upon receipt of such a letter, Verra reviews the project to determine whether
it is eligible to rejoin the SD VISta Program, and notifies the project proponents of the outcome of
the review. Where a project is eligible to rejoin the SD VISta Program, the Verra registry updates
the status of a project accordingly. Where a project is not eligible to rejoin the SD VISta Program,
a project shall remain withdrawn.

3.14 Communications Agreement

The purpose of the communications agreement is to allow an authorized representative to interact with
the Verra registry on behalf of the project proponent and designate the account into which SD VISta
assets may be deposited.

Where there are multiple project proponents stated in the project description, a communications
agreement shall be provided to the Verra registry signed by all project proponents. The
communications agreement shall designate an authorized representative and the account into
which any SD VISta assets shall be issued. Where a subsequent registration representation is
provided to the Verra registry for the purpose of switching the project proponent, a
communications agreement shall also be provided in respect of designation of an authorized

3 SD VISta Project Cycle

representative or the account into which any SD VISta assets shall be issued. Such
communications agreement shall supersede any prior communications agreement.

Where there is a single project proponent and a registration representation is provided to the
Verra registry, a communications agreement may also be provided in respect of designation of an
authorized representative or the account into which any SD VISta assets shall be issued. Where a
subsequent registration representation is provided to the Verra registry for the purpose of
switching the project proponent, a communications agreement may also be provided. Any such
communications agreement shall supersede any prior communications agreement. Where a
communications agreement is not provided, authorized representation reverts to the (new)
project proponent.

3.15 Project Proponent Accession and Release

Where an entity wants to join a project subsequent to validation and registration, it and the
existing project proponent(s) shall sign an accession representation, which shall be prepared
using the SD VISta Deed of Accession Template and properly executed as a deed in accordance
with applicable local laws and the organization’s own constitutional documents. Where more than
one entity wants to join a project, one accession representation shall be signed for each acceding

Where the project proponent wants to leave a project (i.e., give up its rights and obligations in
respect of a project), it, the remaining project proponent(s) and the Verra registry shall sign a
partial release representation, which shall be prepared using the SD VISta Deed of Partial
Release Template and properly executed as a deed in accordance with applicable local laws and
the organization’s own constitutional documents. Where more than one project proponent wants
to be released from a project, one partial release representation shall be signed for each project
proponent that is leaving. Note that a project shall always have at least one project proponent, so
there shall always be at least one remaining registration representative (project proponent) that
signs the partial release representation.

Note: Where a project has one project proponent only and the project proponent wants to leave
the project in favor of another entity, this is handled by having the new entity accede to the
project via an accession representation and the original project proponent released from the
project via a release representation.

The accession and/or partial release representations shall be submitted to the Verra registry, who
shall upload the accession and/or partial release representations to the Verra project database
and update the project record to reflect the change in project proponent. Once this process is
complete, only a new project proponent or their authorized representative can initiate subsequent
SD VISta asset issuance.

4 SD VISta Asset Methodology Review and Approval Process


It is optional for projects to generate and issue SD VISta assets. However, all assets associated with SD
VISta shall be generated using an approved SD VISta asset methodology (see the Sustainable
Development Verified Impact Standard for criteria related to SD VISta asset generation). An SD VISta
asset methodology sets out the assumptions, parameters and procedures associated with
measurement, monitoring and reporting of specific sustainable development benefits which can be
unitized as SD VISta assets. A list of approved SD VISta asset methodologies is available on the Verra

This Section 4 is applicable only for those interested in developing new, or revising existing, SD VISta
asset methodologies. It sets out the approval process for new SD VISta asset methodologies and
substantive revisions to existing SD VISta asset methodologies. To aid in readability, this section uses
the term methodology exclusively in reference to methodologies for SD VISta assets.

The methodology review and approval process consists of eight steps, involving submission of a
methodology concept note to Verra for evaluation and acceptance, public consultation and technical
assessment by an independent review team before a final review and approval by Verra.

Approved methodologies may be reviewed and revised periodically.

4.1 Cost of the Methodology Approval Process

The cost of the methodology approval process consists of two separate administration fees.
Specifically, an application fee is payable upon submission of the methodology concept note, as set out
in Section 4.3 below, or a minor methodology revision description, as set out in Section 4.13 below.
Following Verra acceptance of the concept, a processing fee is payable upon submission of the full
methodology or revision, as set out in Sections 4.6 and 4.13 below. The methodology approval process
administration fee rates are set out in the SD VISta Program Fee Schedule.

The methodology developer is also responsible for covering the cost of contracting with the technical
assessment team to undertake assessment of the methodology.

4.2 Step 1: Development of Methodology Concept Note

The developer prepares a methodology concept note that will be subject to evaluation by Verra.
The methodology concept note shall be prepared using the SD VISta Methodology Concept Note
Template and written in a clear and concise manner. All instructions in the template shall be

The SD VISta Methodology Concept Note Template includes a section where methodology
developers propose the technical assessment team, which must meet the requirements set out in

4 SD VISta Asset Methodology Review and Approval Process

Section 4.3.2(6) below and consist of a minimum of two technical assessors. This means that the
methodology developer shall have considered candidates for the technical assessment team prior
to submitting the concept note to Verra.

A methodology concept note shall be developed and submitted for new methodologies, modules
and tools, as well as substantive methodology revisions. Minor methodology revisions shall be
handled according to the procedure set out in Section 3)(3) below.

4.3 Step 2: Evaluation of Methodology Concept

The developer submits the methodology concept note to Verra electronically at Upon submission, Verra invoices the developer for the methodology
concept note application fee, the fee rate of which is set out in the SD VISta Program Fee
Schedule. The methodology concept note application fee shall be paid by the developer before
Verra begins evaluation of the concept.

Verra evaluates the concept note to determine whether:

1) The project activities, sustainable development asset type and methodological approach
covered by the concept are sufficiently distinct from existing methodologies, including those
developed under other programs, and that an existing methodology could not be reasonably
revised to include the asset type and/or methodological approach.
2) The concept is broadly applicable (i.e., not for a specific technology or process).
3) The asset that will be created by projects using the methodology is unique, compelling,
related to a Sustainable Development Goal, and of an appropriate scale (e.g., the size of
the unit is proportional to the amount of benefit generated as a result of project activities).
4) An overview of key methodological approaches is provided, and in particular the method for
sustainable development asset quantification has been well thought through.
5) The methodology will be developed by an appropriately experienced team, and sufficient
funding is in place to ensure that the methodology approval process can be completed.
6) Verra will evaluate the proposed technical assessment team against the following criteria:
a) The technical assessment lead has demonstrated competency as an assessor (e.g., as
an assessor with an approved VVB or with other demonstrated auditing experience in
the relevant sectoral scope).
b) All proposed team members have demonstrated freedom from conflict of interest with
the methodology developer.
c) All proposed team members have demonstrated competency in the SD VISta sectoral
scope(s) (see the Sustainable Development Verified Impact Standard for more
information on SD VISta sectoral scopes) covered by the proposed methodology.

Note: The technical assessment team may consist of individuals who work for one or
more entities or companies, including, but not limited to, approved VVBs.

4 SD VISta Asset Methodology Review and Approval Process

Verra completes its initial review of the methodology concept note within 15 business days, and
corresponds with the methodology developer if there are any questions about the content of the
concept note or if additional information is required before a decision regarding acceptance of
the concept can be made.

4.4 Step 3: Acceptance of Methodology Concept

Once the review of the methodology concept note has been completed, Verra will notify the
developer of one of the following outcomes:

1) The concept has been accepted.

2) Revisions are required to the concept before it can be accepted.

3) The concept has not been accepted.

Where the concept is accepted, the developer drafts the full methodology and may submit it for
approval following the procedure set out in Section 4.6 below.

Where revisions are required to the concept, Verra will specify the criteria that have not been met,
and/or any technical concerns with the methodology. The developer may then revise and
resubmit the concept note for Verra to continue its evaluation.

Where the methodology concept is not accepted, Verra will specify the technical and/or ethical
concerns with the methodology that prevented it from being accepted. Methodology developers
may submit a formal response to demonstrate that the technical and/or ethical concerns
identified by Verra are unfounded. Otherwise, the concept note may only be resubmitted where
substantial revisions are undertaken to address the technical and/or ethical concerns with the
original methodology concept note. Resubmission of such concept notes shall be treated as
original submissions and require payment of an application fee.

4.5 Step 4: Development of Methodology

The developer prepares the methodology documentation that will be subject to a public
stakeholder consultation and independent assessment by the technical assessment team.

The methodology documentation shall be prepared in accordance with all the applicable SD VISta
rules. Methodology documentation shall be written in a clear, logical, concise and precise
manner, to aid readability and ensure that criteria and procedures set out in the methodology can
be applied consistently by intended users.

Methodologies and methodology revisions shall be prepared using the SD VISta Methodology
Template and modules and tools shall be prepared using the SD VISta Module Template. All
instructions in the templates must be followed. The methodology documentation shall state
clearly the date on which it was issued and its version number. The methodology shall comply
with the Verra style guide for methodologies, which is available on the Verra website.

4 SD VISta Asset Methodology Review and Approval Process

Note: The entity acting as developer may change during the course of taking a methodology
through the methodology approval process, provided that any necessary authorization is
secured from the original developer, Verra is notified and the new entity submits to the Verra a
signed Methodology Approval Process Submission Form (see Section 4.6.1).

4.6 Step 5: Initial Verra Review

The developer submits to Verra a signed Methodology Approval Process Submission Form
(available on the Verra website) and the completed methodology documentation. Upon
submission, Verra invoices the developer for the methodology processing fee, the fee rate of
which is set out in the SD VISta Program Fee Schedule. The methodology processing fee shall be
paid by the developer before Verra conducts a preliminary review of the methodology

Verra conducts a review of the methodology documentation to ensure that the methodology is of
sufficient quality to enable its assessment under the SD VISta methodology approval process,
and to ensure that the methodology documentation has been completed in accordance with Verra
rules. Specifically, the initial review of the methodology documentation shall ensure that the
methodology is well-structured and clear, there is logical and technical consistency within the
methodology, and that there are no major inconsistencies with the SD VISta rules and
requirements. Where it is deemed necessary, the developer shall revise the methodology
documentation before it is accepted it into the methodology approval process. Verra will also
identify any technical matters that should be assessed by the technical assessment team.

Where the review of the methodology reveals that it is not yet of the requisite standard or would
sanction politically or ethically contentious project activities, or may otherwise diminish the
integrity of the SD VISta Program or the functioning of the broader market, Verra reserves the
right not to accept the methodology into the methodology approval process.

4.7 Step 6: Public Stakeholder Consultation

Once the initial review is complete and the methodology is of sufficient quality, Verra posts the
methodology documentation on the Verra website for a period of 30 days for the purpose of
inviting public comment. Any comments shall be submitted to Verra at and
commenters shall provide their name, organization, country and email address.

At the end of the public comment period, Verra provides all and any comments received to the
developer. The developer shall take due account of such comments, which means it will need to
either update the methodology or demonstrate the insignificance or irrelevance of the comment.
It shall demonstrate to the technical assessment team what action it has taken, as set out in
Section 4.8.3.

All and any comments received are posted by Verra on the Verra website, alongside the
methodology information.

4 SD VISta Asset Methodology Review and Approval Process

4.8 Step 7: Technical Assessment

Verra contracts with the technical assessment team (as submitted in Section 4.2.3 above and
approved by Verra) to undertake assessment of the methodology documentation. Such
contracting of the technical assessment team may occur before, after or during Step 6 above. The
developer pays technical assessment team directly, as provided for in the contract between Verra
and the assessment team.

To ensure that the methodology assessment report includes an explanation of how any
comments received during the public stakeholder consultation have been accounted for in the
methodology, the technical assessment team shall issue the assessment report only after the
public stakeholder consultation period has ended.

The developer shall respond to all and any of the technical assessment team’s findings. As a
result of any such findings, the developer may need to amend the methodology documentation.

The technical assessment team shall determine whether the proposed methodology complies
with the criteria of the SD VISta rules (and its ancillary documents, where applicable) and any
other applicable criteria set out under the SD VISta Program.

Where the proposed methodology references tools or modules approved the SD VISta Program,
the technical assessment team shall determine whether the tool or module is used appropriately
within the methodology. Reassessment of the actual tool or module is not required.

The technical assessment team shall produce a methodology assessment report in accordance
with the SD VISta rules and best practice. The technical assessment lead is responsible for
preparing the assessment documentation. The methodology assessment report shall be prepared
using the SD VISta Methodology Assessment Report Template, and all instructional text shall be
followed. The methodology assessment report shall address the scope of assessment applicable
to the methodology. In addition, the methodology assessment report shall contain the following:

1) An explanation of whether and how the developer has taken due account of all comments
received during the public stakeholder consultation (see Step 6 above).

2) A summary of all methods, criteria and processes used to determine whether and how the
methodology adheres to SD VISta rules and criteria. For example, the assessment process
may include background research, document reviews, interviews and site visits.

3) A list of the members on the technical assessment team, including their role and a
summary description of the qualifications of each member of the team indicating their
expertise and experience in the sectoral scope(s) relevant to the methodology.

4) A description of all and any of the technical assessment team’s findings and the
developer’s response to them.

4 SD VISta Asset Methodology Review and Approval Process

4.9 Step 8: Final Verra Review and Approval

Upon completion of the technical assessment, the developer submits to Verra the most recent
methodology documentation, the methodology assessment report and the methodology
assessment statement produced by the technical assessment team.

Verra reviews the methodology documentation, the methodology assessment report and the
methodology assessment statement to ensure that the methodology has been assessed in
accordance with SD VISta rules. Where Verra determines that the SD VISta rules have not been
followed, it will require the developer to revise the methodology documentation, involving the
technical assessment team, as required. Verra may also make revisions to the methodology
where it deems it necessary.

Where Verra approves the methodology, it notifies the developer and the technical assessment
team of same, and requests the developer to submit a signed Methodology Element Approval
Request Form. The approved methodology is assigned a reference number and posted with the
assessment report on the Verra website. The methodology can then be used by project
proponents to develop projects.

Where the technical assessment team does not approve the methodology and attempts to
resolve the situation in accordance with Section 4.10 below have been unsuccessful, the
methodology shall not be approved by Verra. Verra may also withhold approval where it is not
satisfied with the quality of the methodology documentation, the methodology assessment report,
or where it deems that the methodology does not comply with the SD VISta rules or would
sanction politically or ethically contentious project activities, or may otherwise diminish the
integrity of the SD VISta Program or the functioning of the broader market.

4.10 Procedure for Clarification and Facilitation by Verra

The developer and/or the technical assessment team may request that Verra provide clarification
with respect to unresolved findings or the SD VISta rules. Verra consults all necessary parties
before providing any clarification and notifies the developer as well as the technical assessment
team when such clarification is provided.

Where the developer is not able to gain the consensus of the technical assessment team with
respect to the resolution of all findings and finalization of the methodology documentation, it may
request that Verra facilitates discussions between all parties to attempt to resolve the situation.

4.11 Inactive Methodologies

Where a methodology under the methodology approval process does not progress to the subsequent
step of the process within 12 months or where the developer chooses to withdraw the methodology
from consideration under the methodology approval process, Verra shall update the status of the
methodology on the Verra website to inactive. However, recognizing that certain complex methodologies
under the methodology approval process may require more time for assessment, Verra will not update

4 SD VISta Asset Methodology Review and Approval Process

the status of a methodology to inactive where a methodology is under ongoing assessment or where
the developer notifies Verra that it is still pursuing the methodology under the approval process.

The developer may reactivate the methodology at any time by notifying Verra.

4.12 Review of Approved SD VISta Methodologies

On occasion, Verra may review methodologies approved under the SD VISta Program to ensure that
they continue to reflect best practice and scientific consensus. This includes ensuring that
methodologies approved under the program are consistent with any new criteria issued by Verra and
that methodologies have appropriate criteria and procedures for addressing all SD VISta criteria.

As a result of a review, Verra may need to put on hold the prevailing versions of methodologies or
permanently withdraw methodologies approved under the SD VISta Program. Relevant stakeholders will
be kept informed during the review process. The procedure for reviews is set out in the sections below.
Note that these procedures are applicable to all types of methodologies and a module may be put on
hold or withdrawn without the parent methodology being put on hold. The statuses of all methodologies
are available on the Verra website.

A review of a methodology may be triggered as a result of the following:

1) Verra periodically issues new criteria that reflect the ongoing development of the program,
best practice and/or emerging scientific consensus with respect to projects and
methodologies. On occasion, methodologies may become materially inconsistent with new
criteria subsequently issued (e.g., the inconsistency could lead to a material difference in
the quantification of sustainable development assets by projects applying the

2) Verra may periodically review methodologies where there are concerns that they do not
reflect best practice or scientific consensus, or they are materially inconsistent with SD
VISta criteria. Such reviews may be triggered by general scientific or technical
developments in the sector or specific concerns about a methodology that are brought to
the Verra’s attention.

3) Verra sanctions the consolidation of a number of methodologies into one single

methodology (requiring the withdrawal of the original methodologies).

The procedure for the review is as follows:

1) The review of the methodology and any relevant issue that triggered the review is
undertaken by Verra, with input sought from the developer, the technical assessment team
that initially assessed the methodology and other appropriately qualified external experts,
as required.

2) Where the review is triggered by new criteria being issued by Verra, Verra undertakes the
review of approved SD VISta methodologies within 60 days of the new criteria being issued.

4 SD VISta Asset Methodology Review and Approval Process

The outcome of the review is handled as follows:

1) Where it is determined through the review that the methodology meets all SD VISta criteria
and reflects best practice and scientific consensus, no further action is required.

2) Where the review determines that the methodology requires limited modifications, edits or
clarifications, Verra coordinates with the developer to update the methodology
documentation, in accordance with procedure set out in Section 4.13 below. Verra may
require the technical assessment team that initially assessed the methodology to review
and approve the updates. Likewise, the Verra may seek input from appropriately qualified
external experts.

3) Where the review determines that the methodology requires substantive revision, the
methodology is put on hold. Where the developer or another entity would like to have the
methodology reissued, the methodology shall be revised and approved via the methodology
approval process set out in Sections 4.2 through 4.9 above (though the methodology shall
be exempt from the submission of a methodology concept note and corresponding
application fee, processing fee and the public stakeholder consultation). Verra may seek
input from appropriate qualified external experts prior to approving the new version of the

4) Where the review determines that the methodology is fundamentally flawed, the
methodology is withdrawn (or in certain circumstances put on hold pending further
investigation). The withdrawal of a methodology is considered permanent.

5) Where the review determines that the methodology needs to be withdrawn due to
consolidation of a number of methodologies, the methodology is withdrawn. The withdrawal
of the methodology is considered permanent.

4.13 Methodology Revisions

Methodology revisions shall be prepared using the SD VISta Methodology Template. The SD VISta
Program distinguishes between two types of revisions based on the extent of the revisions:

1) Where the methodology requires substantive revision (e.g., inclusion of new project
activities, significant revisions to quantification and/or monitoring criteria, or other major
changes where Verra determines that an assessment by a technical assessment team
would add value), the methodology shall be revised and approved via the methodology
approval process set out in Sections 4.2 through 4.9 above.

2) For minor revisions, the methodology may be revised and approved by Verra without the
need of a technical assessment. For minor revisions the following applies:

a) A description shall be developed and submitted using the SD VISta Minor Methodology
Revision Description Template. All instructions in the template shall be followed. Upon
submission, Verra invoices the developer for the minor methodology revision
application fee, the rate of which is set out in the SD VISta Program Fee Schedule.

4 SD VISta Asset Methodology Review and Approval Process

b) Verra will evaluate the description to determine whether the proposed revision meets
the conditions for minor revisions.

c) Where the Verra determines that the proposed revision is substantive, the developer
may submit a methodology concept note following the procedure set out in Section 4.2
above and Verra invoices the developer for the difference between the minor
methodology revision application fee and the methodology concept note application

Where a minor methodology revision has been accepted by Verra, the methodology will be
approved applying Steps 5, 6, and 8 of the methodology approval process. Verra may contract
with appropriately qualified external experts to assess the revision, as required, which will be
identified before the minor revision concept is approved.

For limited modifications, edits or clarifications to the methodology, the methodology may be
updated via a process whereby Verra makes the required changes or coordinates with the
developer to make the changes, and issues a revision (i.e., new version) of the methodology.

Where the methodology revision is approved by the Verra, the prevailing version of the
methodology is withdrawn and the revised methodology replaces it. The previous version of the
methodology may be used for up to six months from the date it was withdrawn.

4.14 Compensation for Methodology Developers

Methodology developers are eligible to receive compensation for methodologies approved under the SD
VISta Program.

Compensation will be paid according to the number of SD VISta assets issued to projects using the
methodology or a revision of the methodology, at the rate and in accordance with the payment terms
set out in the SD VISta Program Fee Schedule. Methodology developers may elect not to receive
compensation by notifying Verra at any time.

Where Verra sanctions the consolidation of a number of methodologies, the compensation due to the
developer of the consolidated methodology and the underlying methodologies respectively will be
determined on a case-by-case basis by Verra.

Where an eligible methodology is withdrawn or put on hold, compensation remains payable in respect
of continuing issuance of SD VISta assets to projects that have applied the methodology or a revision of
the methodology.

Only methodologies developed under the SD VISta asset methodology review and approval process are
eligible for this compensation. Developers of methodology revisions, modules and tools are not
compensated under the mechanism.

Note: Project proponents pay the same flat SD VISta asset issuance fee regardless of the methodology
applied to the project. Verra pays any compensation to the methodology developer out of the SD VISta
asset issuance fees it receives.

5 Complaints and Appeals


Project proponents, assessors, methodology element developers and other stakeholders (including
interested stakeholders) may submit enquiries to Verra at any time. In addition, the SD VISta Program
provides a complaints and appeals procedure as set out in the Verra Appeals, Complaints and Conduct
Policy available on the Verra website.

6 Logo Use and Communications


6.1 Logo Use
The SD VISta logo may be used for materials about positively assessed SD VISta projects upon specific
written approval by Verra. A request for logo use shall be submitted using a Verra Trademark Use
Application, which is available on the Verra website.

6.2 Communications
A project that has been assessed as being in compliance with the SD VISta rules may communicate its
status through oral or written means and shall do so in a way that accurately represents the
sustainable development benefits and any SD VISta claims and/or assets estimated or generated by a
project per the rules in this Section 6.2.

Projects that have been positively assessed ex-ante but not ex-post shall use the language in
Table 2 below according to their most recent assessment report and taking into account rules on
withdrawal and expiration set out in Section 3 above.

Table 2: Language for Referring to SD VISta Project Status and SD VISta Claims at the Ex-ante
Assessment Stage

Ex-ante General Assessment Claims

Validated Projects [Project Name] meets the rules and requirements of the SD VISta Program as
validated by an accredited validation/verification body. According to the
validated project design, the project will contribute the UN Sustainable
Development Goals [optionally, insert goal number(s)].

Independent Expert- The design of [Project Name] has been positively evaluated by an independent
Evaluated Projects, expert against the SD VISta Program rules and requirements. The project is
Ex-ante expected to contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Goals [optionally,
insert goal number(s)].

Ex-ante SD VISta Claims

(Worded exactly as they are in the final version of the assessment report)

Validated Projects [Project Name] meets the rules and requirements of the SD VISta Program as
validated by an accredited validation/verification body. According to the
validated project design, the project will [insert SD VISta claims] [and generate
an estimated X assets annually].

Independent Expert- The design of [Project Name] has been positively evaluated by an independent
Evaluated Projects, expert against the SD VISta Program rules and requirements. The project is
Ex-ante expected to [insert SD VISta claim].

6 Logo Use and Communications

Projects that are positively assessed ex-post shall use the language in Table 3 below according to
their most recent assessment report and taking into account rules on withdrawal and expiration
set out in Section 3 above.

Table 3: Language for Referring to SD VISta Project Status and SD VISta Claims at the Ex-post
Assessment Stage

Ex-post General Assessment Claims

Verified Projects An accredited validation/verification body has verified that during the
monitoring period from [X date to Y date], [Project Name] has met the rules and
requirements of the SD VISta Program and has contributed to the UN
Sustainable Development Goals [optionally, insert goal number(s)].

Independent Expert- An independent expert has evaluated [Project Name] for the period [X date to Y
Evaluated Projects, date] against the SD VISta Program rules and requirements and believes that
Ex-post the project has contributed to the UN Sustainable Development Goals
[optionally, insert goal number(s)].

Ex-post SD VISta Claims

(Worded exactly as they are in the final version of the assessment report)

Verified Projects An accredited validation/verification body has verified that during the
monitoring period from [X date to Y date], [Project Name] has met the rules and
requirements of the SD VISta Program and has [insert SD VISta claim] [and
generated X assets].

Independent Expert- An independent expert has evaluated [Project Name] for the period [X date to Y
Evaluated Projects, date] against the SD VISta Program rules and requirements and believes that
Ex-post the project has [insert SD VISta claim].

Project proponents shall ensure that statements regarding SD VISta statuses are used only for
projects and activities specifically described in assessed project documents.

Statements about the project that have been assessed ex-ante but not ex-post shall ensure that
any reference to the use of the SD VISta Program refers only to the quality of project design and to
projected benefits and does not suggest that an ex-post assessment has been completed or that
benefits have been achieved beyond those documented in the project design.

SD VISta claims shall be worded exactly as they are in the final version of the assessment report.

Project proponents shall only make statements about generated SD VISta assets after they are
verified. Whether or not an SD VISta asset will be used as an offset, asset owners other than
project proponents may make statements about such ownership only after an asset has been

Appendix 1 Document History


Version Date Comment

v1.0 22 Jan 2019 Initial version released under SD VISta Version 1.

Standards for a Sustainable Future

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