Vertices Preview 2021 06 03 Mtyebj
Vertices Preview 2021 06 03 Mtyebj
Vertices Preview 2021 06 03 Mtyebj
Introduction 4
Chapter 1: Exploring the Vertices 6
Chapter 2: Tando’s Ribs 9
Chapter 3: Canted Pipes of Vnaar 16
Chapter 4: Seven Cousins 24
Chapter 5: Fragrant Trap 31
Chapter 6: Blade Interstice 41
Chapter 7: Corpseflinger 50
Chapter 8: Temple of War 58
Chapter 9: Pulvinated Foam 68
elcome to Vertices, a sourcebook location entries. Following this first chapter
full of new Ninth World locations are eight unique locations for PCs to explore,
your player characters (PCs) each with its own numenera quirks and
can discover and explore. Each of these treasures.
Datasphere, page 355 locations has a connection to the datasphere, Part 2: The Numenera describes new
the mysterious information network that cyphers and artifacts the PCs can find or
Abhuman, page 13
surrounds and permeates the world. salvage from these locations (or potentially
Specifically, each site is a vertice—a place anywhere else in the Ninth World).
where creatures from the physical world (the Part 3: Creatures and Characters gives game
real) can transcribe (upload or download) stats for new creatures (including a melting
themselves to or from the datasphere. The reptilian abhuman called a nalkor and three
PCs may not know that a particular location godlike voices) and a couple of dozen non-
is a vertice, or even what a vertice is. Their player characters (NPCs) that can be used as
reasons for visiting the place might be entirely allies, foes, or minions of the PCs.
unrelated, and the datasphere connection may Part 4: Additional Resources includes a
be a complete surprise and an opportunity to random settlement generator to help you
take the campaign in a new direction. quickly rough out a camp, fort, or village
The material in this book is enhanced if you where the PCs might rest and hear interesting
have Voices of the Datasphere, the sourcebook rumors, as well as a glossary of the datasphere
on the datasphere and its inhabitants. terminology used in this book.
However, that book is not required to use
this one, and you can enjoy all the locations
in these pages without knowing anything
This book introduces a lot about the datasphere other than the basic
of new game terms and information in Numenera Discovery and Numenera Discovery Numenera Destiny
in-world terms relating
what is explained here. On its own, Vertices
to the datasphere; be Throughout this book, you’ll see
sure to check out the details eight unique locations, plus additional
page references to various items
glossary on page 96. supplementary material you can add to any
accompanied by these two symbols.
Numenera campaign.
These are page references to
Numenera Discovery and Numenera
Destiny, respectively, where you can
HOW TO USE THIS BOOK find additional details about that rule,
This book is for you, the game master
ability, creature, or concept. Often,
(GM). To help you get started, here’s a quick
it will be necessary to look up the
summary of the material covered in this book.
reference to find information you
Part 1: Locations begins with an exploration
need. Other times, it’s not necessary,
of the unusual nature of these ruins (each
but looking it up can deepen your
is a vertice, a place with a connection to the experience and understanding of the
datasphere), the three powerful entities vying game and the setting.
for control of the sites, and how to read the
The following are specific locations at
this site.
The door into this chamber isn’t visible
when closed. Characters can open or
close it by activating one of the two nearby
dark spots (panels) on the outside of the
ruin, causing the door to appear and iris
open. The door sometimes opens on its
own, remaining so for one to three days
at a time, which allows wild creatures,
yovoki, and curious visitors to roam about
the structure; many of the rooms on the
map are used as temporary lairs by these
The inside of the ruin is made of the
same pale blue synth as the outside. The
walls curve sharply to meet the floor and
ceiling. On the north wall is a crack as
wide as a hand, with dark blue pebbled
material within it. The crack is partially
covered by the gently undulating form of
a brown, hairy rug-like creature. The entire
room smells vaguely of fresh meat. Leaf
debris, small animal bones, and other
natural items from outside litter the floor.
Using a SUBDIMENSIONALIZER The user gains 3 Armor that protects
subdimensionalizer on a
Level: 1d6 against Intellect damage only. Attempts
creature that normally
exists in four or more Internal: Pill, ingestible liquid to affect the wearer’s mind are hindered
dimensions might Wearable: Temporary tattoo (hindered by two steps if the cypher is
temporarily weaken Effect: Makes the user subdimensional— level 7 or higher). The cypher lasts for
or negate some of the existing in fewer than the normal ten minutes per cypher level.
creature’s attacks and
defenses, assuming a human-familiar dimensions of height, About 10 percent of these cyphers provide
character could manage width, and depth—for one minute their protection to an immediate area
to target the creature per cypher level. The user appears to centered on the user.
with the cypher. It be a flat (two-dimensional) version of
functions erratically—or
not at all—against
themselves, like a painting, but is still VOICE INTERVENTION BEACON
creatures that already able to move, attack, and take other Level: 1d6 + 2
exist in fewer than actions. Instead of moving, the user can Usable: Handheld device
three dimensions. use the movement part of their action Effect: Calls the attention of a voice (a
Voice, page 82
to turn sideways relative to an observer powerful, or near-godlike, entity of the
so they appear to be a thread-thin line datasphere), allowing them to sense a
extending from the ground up to the short area around the user and intervene
Before its attention in
user’s height, giving them two assets on for a few moments. The user can specify
the area lapses, the
voice might tell the user stealth tasks to hide. The user can easily a voice they know, otherwise which voice
that it expects a favor or pass through narrow spaces (such as responds to the call is up to chance
service in exchange for the gap between a door and its frame) (perhaps a voice connected to a nearby
the help it provided. that are at least half their height. portion of the datasphere). The cypher’s
The user can make attacks with bladed signal is pleasing to the voice and they
weapons normally; all other attacks are are likely to respond favorably to the
hindered by two steps. The user’s bladed call (unless circumstances suggest
attacks ignore Armor up to the cypher’s otherwise, such as if the user is an
level. The user can only manipulate enemy of the voice or in combat with the
other two-dimensional objects. Anything voice’s minions).
the two-dimensional user drops reverts The voice can take one round worth of actions
to its normal three-dimensional state (two rounds if the cypher level is 6 or
after a round or two. higher). In the real, the voice’s actions
Subdimensionality is a fragile state for are limited to providing advice and
three-dimensional creatures; physical information (such as answering questions
Datasphere siphon, attacks against the user inflict as if the user had activated a datasphere
page 277 additional damage equal to half the siphon or providing tactical information
attack’s normal damage, rounded against the user’s foes) or sending a
Ravage bear, page 249
down (minimum 1 additional point). glimmer-like burst of information that
For example, a ravage bear attack that hinders foes in an immediate area by
normally inflicts 7 points of damage two steps. In the datasphere, the voice
A telepathic dampener inflicts an additional 3 points of has its full capabilities and can act in
can be used on a damage to the user. the user’s current frame as if they were
telepathic creature
directly present.
to limit its abilities
or by any creature TELEPATHIC DAMPENER The voice’s level for all abilities transmitted
to protect against a Level: 1d6 + 2 through the cypher is equal to the
telepathic enemy. Internal: Pill, ingestible liquid cypher’s level. In areas of the real
Wearable: Amulet, headband with poor datasphere connections,
Many telepathic Effect: Dampens the user’s telepathic activity or in datasphere nodes that are
dampener cyphers
have a quirk whereby
and presence. The affected creature shielded from external communication,
the user experiences cannot use psychic or telepathic abilities the voice functions as if two levels lower
“psychic tinnitus”—a unless their level is greater than the than the cypher.
constant ringing in the cypher level, and telepaths whose level is
character’s “mental ear,”
less than the cypher level cannot detect
hindering mental tasks.
the user as a living, thinking creature.
he artifacts in this chapter add to BONE THICKENER
the assortment presented in other Level: 1d6 + 2
Numenera books. As with the Form: Synth belt with several buttons
cyphers in chapter 10, some of them may and dials
require a datasphere connection to operate Effect: This device augments the wearer’s
and may function erratically when away skeleton, strengthening and thickening
from a vertice. it for 28 hours. The wearer’s Might
Pool increases by 3, and their Might
Edge increases by 1 (or by 5 and 2 if the
RANDOM ARTIFACT artifact is level 7 or higher).
You can use this table to randomly select an Attacks that would break, weaken, or
artifact from those in this chapter. destroy the target’s bones are hindered
d100 Artifact by two steps. If the user experiences
01–10 Anhedon boots trauma (such as a hard fall) that would
break a bone or inflict similar lasting Lasting damage,
11–45 Bone thickener page 344
damage, the artifact prevents it but
46–65 Flesh magnet immediately requires a new depletion
66–75 Icon of war roll. The Bone Thickener can be used
76–00 Impossible boot mesh to immediately repair one or more
broken bones in a creature, but doing
so requires a depletion roll. It can even
ANHEDON BOOTS regrow missing or destroyed bones, but
Level: 1d6 + 1 doing so requires two depletion rolls.
GM intrusion: The
Form: Thick boots made of a flexible stone- Using the artifact causes slight, temporary
leap is off-target; if
like material cosmetic changes in the user’s the character fails a
Effect: The wearer can make gravity-assisted appearance due to the slightly enlarged hindered jump task,
leaps across impressive distances. The bones—a heavier brow ridge and they land some distance
away (equal to half
artifact is less accurate with short leaps. cheekbones, thicker joints, and so on. the distance jumped)
Jumping a very long distance is a level 1 Depletion: 1–3 in 1d20 (check each use) from their intended
task, a long distance is a level 3 task, and landing point.
a short or immediate distance is a level 5 FLESH MAGNET
task. Failing the task means the character Level: 1d6 + 4
crosses the distance safely but lands Form: Complex device with handles and a
prone. Because the artifact manipulates glass sphere on one side
gravity, jumping downward means the Effect: The device creates a beam of
wearer doesn’t take falling damage. force that can attract or repel flesh
Depletion: 1 in 1d20 (check each jump) within long range (very long range if
the artifact is level 8 or higher). As
an action, the user can move one
hese NPCs are specifically meant UNDERSTANDING THE
to be parallels to the PCs— LISTINGS
explorers who have similar Name: After each character’s name is
interests in exploration, discovery, and their level, with their difficulty number
salvage. You can use them as allies, listed in parentheses after that.
competitors, ambushers, agents of the
voices, or people who’ve gotten in over Appearance: A quick player-friendly
their heads and need rescuing—whatever description of the character. All of
is appropriate for your campaign. The these explorers are human unless their
PCs might meet them in a settlement appearance states otherwise.
near a ruin, either about to embark on a
Voices, page 82 salvage run, or having just returned from Nature: A short summary of the
a successful mission or tragic failure. character’s nature (personality,
Perhaps along the remnants of an old demeanor, and so on) to help you
Descriptor, page 53 road, trying to find something worth their roleplay interactions with them, and
while. Or trapped within a hibernation which of the three voices (if any) they are
field in a malfunctioning installation, known to work for or with. The first word
Descriptor, page 40 leaving the PCs to debate whether or not in each entry is also a PC descriptor
to awaken them. from Numenera Discovery or Numenera
All of these characters are presented Destiny—cheerful, loyal, tough, and so
Explorer Names as level 3 or 4 to make them suitable on. You can (but don’t have to) use that
Many people on modern allies or foes for low-tier PCs. You can descriptor to fill in other details about
Earth are named after
animals or plants, and adjust their levels to make them more the NPC (like giving them an inability,
it’s reasonable that in the useful for higher-tier play, either as how they met others in their group of
Ninth World, there are
friends or enemies of the PCs. The easiest explorers, or a piece of equipment they
NPCs named Ash, Colt,
Drake, Hawk, Heather, way is to increase or decrease all of the carry), or as a hook to encourage a player
Ivy, Rose, Willow, or Wolf. NPC’s levels by the same amount. For character with that descriptor to identify
Mineral-based names
like Amber, Clay, Crystal, example, to make Bovix more powerful, with an NPC explorer. For example,
Jade, and Pearl are also just increase all of his levels by 2, so his a gregarious PC and NPC might get
possible. Just remember creature level becomes 5 (and adding 6 along well, two tough characters might
that people in the Ninth
World aren’t speaking any to his health for the two additional see themselves as rivals, and so on.
21st-century language, creature levels), and his listed skills all Genders, species, and homelands for
so an NPC name like
become level 6. these NPCs are optional—you should
“Clay” or “Rose” is
actually a translation of change them if you need something
their name’s meaning different for your campaign.
in the Truth.
but won’t be as good at it. Most groups doesn’t like people who are reckless
of explorers cover at least three of these or careless; has an almost religious GM intrusion:
roles. If one of these NPCs is associated respect for the numenera; likely to The rival explorer uses
a cypher or an ability
with a voice, any other NPCs in their work for Aorut as a leader of others that is appropriate for
group probably also work for that voice Role: Offense them and is especially
helpful in the current
(although they might only be doing it for Stats: Attacks as level 4; health 12; Armor situation, such as an
money or numenera, rather than loyalty 2; axe inflicts 4 points of damage attack, defense, sudden
to the voice). Equipment: Axe, 8 shins, detonation relocation, or healing.
(fire), tracer A hidden NPC, ally,
Stats: Any modifications for the character, or minion comes to
the NPC’s aid.
plus other game stats such as health (if
not the normal amount for their level),
Armor, and unusual combat information. Modification, page 223
numenera ruin on its own can be 71–80 Near-human
an interesting place to explore. 81–00 Abhuman or other
Adding a social dynamic with a
nearby settlement—whether a village, clave, DEFAULT INTERACTION
camp, outpost, or similar—can make the This is the general attitude that the people
ruin even more memorable. Roll on the of the settlement have toward visitors.
following tables for quick inspiration about If the primary species of the settlement
a nearby settlement, disregarding any is different than that of the PCs, add 20
contrary results that can’t be explained with an to the roll; if the settlement is primarily
interesting backstory. Some results here (such abhumans, add an additional 30 to the roll.
as a kind of mutation or type of cypher being d100 Results
common) suggest rolling on the appropriate 01–10 Welcoming
table in Numenera Discovery or Numenera
11–25 Amicable
Destiny for more information. You can also roll
26–60 Neutral
on the Community Event Table for a current or
Whether the PCs seasonal situation at the settlement. 61–90 Cautious
find the ruin or the 91+ Hostile
settlement first can also SETTLEMENT TYPE
affect the experience
of exploring the ruin. d100 Results LANGUAGE SPOKEN
01–25 Village This is not necessarily the native language of
the settlement, but rather what language the
Many Rumors sections
26–40 Group of farmsteads
PCs need to use or learn in order to speak
associated with the ruins 41–50 Military camp
with the locals. Most human settlements
in this book include 51–55 Military outpost
one rumor associated
have a few people who know a little Truth
56–65 Bandit camp or Shin-Talk even if the general population
with a specific nearby
named settlement; you 66–70 Refugee/survivor camp uses some other language. For settlements
can use the information 71–75 Abhuman camp outside the Steadfast, add 20 to the roll.
in this chapter to fill 76–80 Abhuman village d100 Results
out the details for that
settlement so it’s unique 81–85 Horde 01–80 Truth
to your campaign. 86–95 Explorer camp 81–90 Shin-Talk
96–00 Clave 91–110 Odd dialect of Truth
111+ Local language unrelated to Truth
Community Event Table, This indicates what species most of the LOCAL RESOURCES
page 333 settlement’s population is. “Near-human” Roll once or twice to see what the
could be an offshoot of humanity or a human settlement’s primary resources are. Even
Horde, page 292
population where one or two mutations if the settlement isn’t able to trade with
(such as gills or a third eye) are common. others, these resources enable them to
d100 Results survive and thrive in this location. For a
Clave, page 12 01–65 Human short-term settlement such as a camp or
horde, add 40 to the roll.
66–70 Lattimor or varjellen