Course Outline-English For Business Studies-Anh228de01

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Course ID Course title Credits

ANH228DE01 3
To be applied to Semester ____________, Academic year: _____________ under Decision No.
_______/QĐ-BGH __________________
A. Course Specifications:

Periods Periods in Classroom

Total Lecture/ Activity Self-study Lecture Lab room Field-work
periods Seminar periods room
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
60 30 30 90 60 xx xx

B. Other Related Subjects:

Other related subjects Course ID Course title

1. ANH223DE_ Reading and Writing 3
ANH218DE_ Critical Reading and Writing
Other requirements: N/A

C. Course Description:

This course is intended to help students become aware of and familiar with simple business-related contexts
through English language learning (CLIL). In the light of helping learners enhance their employability and
career prospects in prospective multinational businesses or organizations, this course will equip learners with
basic knowledge and understanding of business theories including business communication, international
marketing, building relationships, business success, job satisfaction, management styles, customer service
management, mergers and acquisitions. In addition to enhancing students’ academic language skills at upper-
intermediate level (i.e. summary, report writing, listening and note-taking, discussion skills, authentic
listening and reading comprehension skills, searching skills, application of knowledge to case studies for
problem-solving, analyzing and evaluating, etc., this course aims at developing essential skills such as
brainstorming, making presentations, networking, negotiating, cold-calling, resolving conflicts and dealing
with communication breakdown.

D. Course Objectives:

Course Objectives
No. This course aims to
1 Introduce students authentic business-related texts while broadening knowledge and understanding
of contemporary business issues;
2 Improve student’s English proficiency equivalent to B2 (CEFR);
3 Provide students opportunities to develop practice professional skills for a future career;
4 Build students’ confidence in effective communication within a range of business contexts through
intensive language skills practice;
5 Help them gain a solid foundation for other courses in the concentration of Business English and

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Corporate Communication.

E. Learning Outcomes:

Learning Outcomes Linked to

No. Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to … PLOs
1 Identify and recall core concepts of business-related issues and explain them PLO_15A (I)
with confidence;
2 Apply business knowledge of the course to work on case studies in the form of PLO_16A (R)
either group presentation or discussion;
3 Efficiently consolidate language skills and use business terms reaching a level of PLO_16A (I)
Upper-intermediate (equivalent to B2, CEFR)
PLO_9 (I)
4 Deliver effective presentations on a business-related topic, and participate PLO_3 (R)
actively in discussions and information exchanges; and compose common tasks
PLO_19A (R)
of business communication like an email, an action minute, a letter, a short
report, and a summary;
5 Apply linguistics skills to analyze simple issues in business, and then conduct a PLO_17A (I) &
suitable synthesis, critique and present their avaluations in a clear and correct
PLO_11 (I)

F. Instructional Modes:

Class learning and teaching involves lecture and demonstration by the instructor with students’

active participation in pair work, group work, and presentation.
 Teaching and learning facilities include instructor’s audio-visual aids, course books and
supplementary materials, internet access within and out of class boundaries. Students will be
required to refer the knowledge of the course to real business cases or situations available in Vietnam
to deepen the theories.
 The instructor is required to give students guidance and help in learning independently, working in
pairs or in groups and finding appropriate materials to assist students in making great progress.
 Individual homework or group assignment will be given during the course to keep learning process
within and out of class hours.
 Students are required to attend class regularly, be well-prepared prior to class, actively join in-class
activities and teach themselves grammar both in course book and workbook.
Generally, each meeting might be conducted in the following way:
1. Lectures (30% of the time): Students will be introduced to new concepts of business knowledge and
2. Discussions or tasks (50% of the time): Students will participate in discussion activities or tasks
designed to activate the concepts presented in lectures or reading materials (case studies).
3. Commentary (20% of the time): The instructor will give comments on the opinions/problems
presented in group/class discussion or problems found in the tasks.

G. Textbooks and teaching aids:

1. Required textbooks and materials

Cotton, D., Falvy, D., & Kent, S. (2011). Market Leader Upper-Intermediate 3rd Ed, Pearson
2. Reference textbooks and materials
Rogers, L. (2012). Skills for Business Studies Upper Intermediate. Oxford University Press.
Mascull, B (2003). Business Vocabulary in Use Advanced. Cambridge University Press
3. Useful Websites:
This website provides relevant practices relating vocabulary building, extra reading and recording
closely linked with the course book. The website also provides a number of case studies relating to

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course book units. It is useful for the student’s self-learning and self-assessment process outside of
class hours.
This website is affiliated to the course book and provides wider range of business-related articles,
which provides updated news, videos, reports and in-depth analyses of the world’s business life in all
aspects. It is helpful for the student’s extensive reading and for business information research.
This website provides business English expressions for business writing, speaking and professional
communication. Various useful expressions are available for use for business language, business
interaction, business correspondence and business presentation.
This website provides a chance to review business terms that are covered in the textbook via quizs
for self study. It is helpful for students to review what they learn in class.

H. Assessment Methods (Requirements for Completion of the Course):

1. Description of learning outcome assessment

Formative assessment 1: Business Vocabulary and Terminology (15%)

Task description:
 Students are assessed their vocabulary via quizzes on either paper or digital version. There will be
five quizzes during the course, each consisting of 10 questions of different types (multiple choices,
matching, short answers, true false, etc.) to check students’ business language skills, glossary and
grammar points covered in the learning units, and given at the interval of two or three weeks.
Task length Each quiz should be completed in 10-15 minutes.
Assessment Criteria 3% each; Total 15%
Formative assessment 2: Speaking (15%)
Task description:
Students’ oral performance will be assessed via group presentation. Students are required to form groups
during week 1 to receive presentation topics based on the content of the course. They have to work with
the instructor to agree on what they will present. Students can also suggest their own topic for the
presentation as long as it is relevant to the content of the course and approved by the instructor. The
presentation will be conducted after completing each unit.
Task length 25 minutes for presentation, 10 minutes for Q&A and 15 minutes for
Assessment Criteria o Content and organization (30%): The purpose is clear and catches the
listeners’ attention. On top of that, the topic should be relevant to those
which have been covered in the class. The content is organized logically
with fluid transitions to capture and hold the listener’s attention
throughout the entire presentation.
o Language (35%): Speaks clearly with appropriate vocabulary; uses
language that is appropriate to the audience, occasion & purpose; and
produces a majority of error-free sentences.
o Presentation skills (35%): The speaker manipulates tone, speed, and
volume, using these tools to emphasize important ideas and hold the
listener’s attention. The speaker should appear comfortable with
audience. Power points slides need to be clearly and beautifully design
and meet the requirements.
Formative assessment 3: Internet research task (10%)
Task description:
Students are required to complete this assignment individually. Students can choose ONE of the following
two options:
+ Option 1: Under the instructor’s guidance, students are expected to choose one topic related to the
content of the course, search for details and write a summary of 1000 words.
+ Option 2: Students will take an online course of their choice on business related topics at and do all of the quizzes assigned for the course and write a reflection on what

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has been learned from it (around 250 words).

Task length  Option 1: a summary of 1000 words

 Option 2: online course
Assessment Criteria 1. Summary:
 Content (30%)
 Communicative Achievement (15%)
 Layout and Organization (20%)
 Language Efficiency and Accuracy (35%)
2. Online course:
 Course completion (60%)
 Reflection (40%)
- Thoroughness of reflection (25%)
- Language use (15%)
Mid-term: 60-minute Paper test (20%)
Task description:
This paper test consists of four components. Except for item D, all questions will be fixed type, at CEF
A. Listening: 10 – 15 questions
This section requires students to listen to two recordings of different genres, each recording running
twice. Students will then answer questions, which could be in form of multiple-choice, matching, gap-
filling, true/false, or short answers within three words.
B. Business Vocabulary and terminology: 15 – 20 questions
This section asks students to select the correct terms that match the context. Test questions could be in
form of multiple-choice, term-description matching, or gap-filling.
C. Reading: 10 – 15 questions
This task requires students to read one business news article or document of around 400 words, and
answer questions that follow. Topics of the news articles and/or types of documents will be relevant to
the learning units. Test questions will be in form of multiple-choice, matching, true/false, notes
completion, or short answers.
D. Writing: 1 task
This task requires students compose a form of business correspondence based on one of the learning
Task length 60 minutes, in which the listening component accounts for maximum 10
The length of writing work could be up to 150 words
Assessment Criteria A. Listening: 25 marks
B. Vocabulary 30 marks
C. Reading 30 marks
D. Writing 15 marks
Final exam: 90-minute Paper test (40%)
Task description:
This paper test consists of four components. Except for item D, all questions will be fixed type, at CEF
A. Listening: 10 – 15 questions
This section requires students to listen to two recordings of different genres, each recording running
twice. Students will then answer questions, which could be in form of multiple-choice, matching, gap-
filling, true/false, or short answers within three words.
B. Vocabulary: 20 – 25 questions
This section asks students to select the correct terms that match the context. Test questions could be in
form of multiple-choice, term-description matching, or gap-filling.
C. Reading: 15 – 20 questions
This task requires students to read one business news article of around 500 words in total, and answer
questions that follow. Topics of the news articles will be relevant to the learning units. Test questions
will be in form of multiple-choice, matching, true/false, notes completion, or short answers.
D. Writing: 1 task
This task requires students compose a form of business correspondence based on one of the learning
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Task length 90 minutes, in which the listening component occupies maximum 12
The length of writing work could be up to 150 words
Assessment Criteria A. Listening: 25 marks
B. Vocabulary 30 marks
C. Reading 30 marks
D. Writing 15 marks

2. Summary of learning outcomes assessment


Linked to Components Duration Type of assessment Weight Time

LOs Formative 10-15’ each Quiz (05) (Business 15% Every two-units
1&2 assessment 1 terms)

LOs Formative 25 minutes to Group presentation 15% Throughout the

4&5 assessment 2 present + 10’ Q&A (01) course
+ 15’ feedback
LOs Formative Writing 10% Throughout the
3& 4 assessment 3 Internet research tasks course
LOs Mid-term 60 minutes A 60-minute paper- 20% Week 8
1, 3 & 4 based, objective-
subjective, closed
book test including
Listening, Vocabulary,
Reading, and Writing
LOs Final exam 90 minutes A 90-minute paper- 40% Specified by the
1, 3 & 4 based, objective- School
subjective, closed
book test including
Listening, Vocabulay,
Reading, and Writing
Total 100%
Linked to Components Duration Type of assessment Weight Time
LOs Formative 10-15’ each Quiz (05) 15% Every two or
1&2 assessment 1 three units
LOs Formative 25 minutes to Group presentation 15% Throughout the
4&5 assessment 2 present + 10’ Q&A (01) course
+ 15’ feedback
LOs Formative Writing 10% Throughout the
3& 4 assessment 3 Internet research tasks course
LOs Mid-term 60 minutes A 60-minute paper- 20% Week 3
1, 3 & 4 based, objective-
subjective, closed
book test including
Listening, Vocabulary,
Reading, and Writing
LOs Final exam 90 minutes A 90-minute paper- 40% Specified by the
1, 3 & 4 based, objective- School
subjective, closed
book test including
Listening, Vocabulary
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, Reading, and Writing
Total 100%
3. Academic Integrity
Academic integrity is a fundamental value that affects the quality of teaching, learning, and
research at a university. To ensure the maintenance of academic integrity at Hoa Sen University,
students are required to:
 Work independently on individual assignments
Collaborating on individual assignments is considered cheating.
 Avoid plagiarism
Plagiarism is an act of fraud that involves the use of ideas or words of another person without
proper attribution. Students will be accused of plagiarism if they:
i. Copy in their work one or more sentences from another person without proper citation.
ii. Rephrase, paraphrase, or translate another person’s ideas or words without proper
iii. Reuse their own assignments, in whole or in part, and submit them for another class.
 Work responsibly within a working group
In cooperative group assignments, all students are required to stay on task and contribute
equally to the projects. Group reports should clearly state the contribution of each group
Any acts of academic dishonesty will result in a grade of zero for the task at hand and/or
immediate failure of the course, depending on the seriousness of the fraud. Please consult Hoa Sen
University’s Policy on Plagiarism at
chinh-hoc-thuat.html. To ensure the maintenance of academic integrity, the university asks that
students report cases of academic dishonesty to the teacher and/or the Dean. The names of those
students will be kept anonymous.
I. Teaching Staff:

No. Professor’s name Email, Phone, Office location Office hours Position
Lê Hữu Châu (MA & Co-ordinator
Quách Thị Vân Lecturer
Trang (MA)
J. Outline of Topics to be covered (Learning Schedule):


1 Session 1  Introduction to the course Course outline
contents and requirements

Session 2  Unit 1: Communication Unit 1. Start-up & Practice File Unit 1.

- Start-up Vocabulary Vocabulary, Idioms &
- Vocabulary Linking ideas,
- Listening
2 Session 1  Unit 1: Communication Unit 1. Reading Practice File Unit 1.
- Reading Idioms & Linking ideas,
- Skills: Dealing with
communication breakdown
Session 2  Unit 1: Communication Unit 1. Case Study Practice File Unit 1.
- Case Study Writing an email
- Writing: Letters & Emails
3 Session 1  Unit 2: International marketing Unit 2. Start-up & Practice File Unit 2.
- Start-up Vocabulary Vocabulary, Idioms &
- Vocabulary Linking ideas,
- Listening

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Session 2  Unit 2: International marketing Unit 2. Reading Practice File Unit 2.
- Reading Language review
- Skills: Brainstorming *Topics for presentation
to be confirmed for
Groups 1 & 2
4 Session 1  Unit 2: International marketing Unit 2. Case Study Practice File Unit 2.
- Case Study Linking ideas
- Writing: Action minutes
Session 2  Group presentation: Practice File Unit 2.
- Group 1 & Group 2 Marketing letter
5 Session 1  Unit 3: Building relationships Unit 3. Start-up & Practice File Unit 3.
- Start-up Vocabulary Vocabulary
- Vocabulary
- Listening
Session 2  Unit 3: Building relationships Unit 3. Reading Practice File Unit 3.
- Reading Language review
- Skills: Networking
6 Session 1  Unit 3: Building relationships Unit 3. Case Study Practice File Unit 3.
- Case Study Linking ideas
- Writing: A Sales letter
Session 1  Unit 6: Risk Unit 6. Start-up & Practice File Unit 6.
- Start-up Vocabulary Vocabulary
- Vocabulary *Topics for presentation
- Listening to be confirmed for
Groups 3 & 4
7 Session 2  Unit 6: Risk Unit 5. Reading Practice File Unit 6.
- Reading Language review
- Skills: Making a presentation
Session 2  Unit 6: Risk Practice File Unit 6.
- Case study Editing and Describing
- Writing: A short report events
Review for Midterm
8 Session 1  Group presentation:
- Group 3 & Group 4
Session 2 Mid-term test (60 minutes)

9 Session 1  Unit 7: Management styles Unit 7. Start-up & Practice File Unit 7.
- Start-up Vocabulary Vocabulary
- Vocabulary
- Listening
Session 2  Unit 7: Management styles Unit 7. Reading Practice File Unit 7.
- Reading Language review
- Skills: Presentation
10 Session 1  Unit 7: Management styles Unit 7. Case Study Practice File Unit 7.
- Case Study Linking ideas
- Writing: A short report
Session 2  Unit 8: Team Building Unit 8. Start-up & Practice File Unit 8.
- Start-up Vocabulary Vocabulary
- Vocabulary
- Listening
11 Session 1  Unit 8: Team Building Unit 8. Reading Practice File Unit 8.
- Reading Language review
- Skills: Presentation *Topics for presentation
to be confirmed for
Groups 5 & 6
Session 2  Unit 8: Team Building Practice File Unit 8.

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- Case Study Linking ideas
- Writing: Letter
12 Session 1  Group presentation:
- Group 5 & Group 6
Session 2  Unit 9: Raising Finance Unit 9. Start-up & Practice File Unit 9.
- Start-up Vocabulary Vocabulary
- Vocabulary
- Listening
13 Session 1  Unit 9: Raising Finance Unit 9. Reading Practice File Unit 9.
- Reading Language review
- Skills: Presentation
Session 2  Unit 9: Raising Finance Unit 9. Case Study Practice File Unit 9.
- Case Study Linking ideas
- Writing: Summary
14 Session 1  Unit 10: Customer service Unit 10. Start-up & Practice File Unit 10.
- Start-up Vocabulary Vocabulary
- Vocabulary
- Listening
Session 2  Unit 10: Customer service Unit 10. Reading Practice File Unit 10.
- Reading Language review
- Skills: Active listening *Topics for presentation
to be confirmed for
Groups 7 & 8
15 Session 1  Group presentation:
- Group 7 & Group 8
Session 2 Review for final exam Self-review Final review
Formative assessment records

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