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Project Management
(Code: 304193)
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Semester VI- Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering .
Project Marnagement (Code: 304193)
(SemesterVl-Electronics and Telecommunicatlon Engineering) (SPP
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Fundamentals of Project Management 06
5asics of Project Management : Definition of Project, The Project Life Cycle, Deflnition|
of project management Need of Project management, Project Mänagement process an
E importance, The Project Manager (PM), Phases of Project Management Life Cycle,
Project Management Processes, Impact of Delays in Project Completions, Essentlals of
Project ManagementPhitosophy,Project Management Principles.
ProductProductDevelopment& Entrepreneurship 07
Product Development: Introduction, Development Process and organizations, product|
planning identifying. customer needs, Product Significations, concept generation.
selection, testing, Design for Manufacturing, Prototyping, Robust Design
Entrepreneurship: Concept, knowledge, and skills requirement; characteristic of
successful entrepreneurs; entrepreneurship process; factors impacting emergence
Legal issues related to Product development and Entrepreneurship: Intellectual
propertyrights- patents,trademarks.convrights.trade secrets. licensing,franchising.
Total 39
Savitribai Phule Pune University
Semester VI(Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering Engineering)
. '
AProject Management(SPPU Read
I nis might mean that.
and objectivesi need
exclusive needs objectives,
petion of project as per the client's as regards the project's to modify them
negotiate with them
nto feas eclient's visfon oraims
are clearly defined they usually
impact on all decisions made
by the
Once the client's
profects stakeholders.
acilitates Integration: Projects that are completed within an organísation are generaly integrated with wide
and thneir management.
Dusiness processes and systems. Integration forms the value aspect of projects
scope of the project, some projects can incur organisan
EPSCOnrol of the cost: Depending on the on budget and to control spending. Project
gniicant costs. It is important therefore to keep
greatly reduces the risk of budget overruns.
Projects, durino
Manages Change: Today, more than ever, change is something which all organisations face.
changes and must be prepared to face such deviations from the original plan.
neir running also face effective change management and makes it less of a complex task.
management allows for
management helps to
Ensures Quality: More so than ever, it is important to produce quality results. Project
manage and control quality. Quality results make clients happy, which is a win-win siítuation for all
4 Wte shortnote on role and responsibility ofthe Project Manager.7 5 Marks
AnS: 2
es Cas5dutfons
Project Management (SPPUJ
Monltoring overall progress Qulck Read
and use of resources, initiating
change control and configuration corrective action where
management processes. necessary and applying
Reporting through agreed
, lines on project progress through
reports and end stage assessments.
Lialson with appointed project
assurance representatives assure
project. Malntaining an awareness to the overall direction and integrity
of potential interdependencles wlth of the
other projects and their impact
ldentlfying and obtaining
support and advice required for the management,
managing project administration. planning and control
of the project,
Conducting a project evaluation
review to assess how well the project
action recommendations. was managed and preparing
any follow-on
a.5 Explain phasesot Project
Management Life Cycle
Ans.: Phases of Project Management
Life Cycle 5 Marks)
In project management
there are. five phases: initiating,
phases ofa project constitute planning executing, controlling and closing.The
the Project Management Life Cycde. five
Let's take a closer look
at the five phases of a project
1. Initiation: This is where
all projects begin. Here,
Before the project is approved the value as wel as the feasibility
or rejected, these two documents of the project is determined.
sponsors: are created to sell the work to stakeholders
Business Case : Here is where you
justify the need of the
investment. project, which includes analyzing
return on
Feasibility Study: You need to evaluate what
much the whole endeavour will the project's goals are, the timeline to completion
cost. You also note what resources and how
ifit makes financial and business sense. wil be required to fulfil
the project, and
2. Planning: Once the project is approved,
the next step is to assemble a project
so that it can achieve its goals within team and start the planning phase
and allotted time.
The project plan incudes what
resources, financing and materlalsare
direction and the following: needed. The plan also gives your
Scope There will be a written
scope statement that reiterates
deliverables and objectives are. the need for the project, and what
Definition: Here you break down the larger
deliverables into smaller ones,
them. which will help with managing
Tasks: ldentify whattasks are necessary
to produce the deliverables, figure
on other tasks. out if any tasks are dependent
Schedule: Determine the duration
of the tasks and set dates for their completion.
Cost: Estimate the costs involved across
the project and formulate abudget,
Quality: Make surethe quality objectives
are met throughout the project
Organization: Note how the project will organlzed,
be including reporting on progress.
Staff: Determine roles and responsibilities
ofthe project team..
Communications: Decide how informatlon
will be disseminated, whom
to and with what frequency.
Risk: Determine what risks are likely,
how they'l impact the project
and then plan how to resolve them.
Procurement: Decide what work or materials
wil be contracted. Define those contracts and who they'l go
Project Management (SPPU) project. This is
where Read
the the ubber
planning, it's
time to start procesebber
detailed hits
3.Execution: Now that you'vedone your up of these sses: tha
This phase ls made
mea you're Just crulsing.
road, but that doesn'ttmean the tasks to team members and manage
you created, board.
Executing the Plan Follow the plan
management tools,
like a projectdash and
er progress withcontracts
secured in the project
all aspects of the
Administrate: Manage the being acualized,
plan ís projectmust
the project
4Monitor and Control: To that
e processes: be
follow thesé
monitored and adjusted as needed. To do this, an instrumant
ot the project and
measure the progress
Have a metric to
Scope:Monitor scope and control changes. ned quality is belng met.
deliverables and make sure
of if-
Quality: Measure the quality not,
evaluate how improve
to the quality.
timeline of the project and adjust to sh
impact the ontráck
Schedule: Keep track of delays or blocks that
Cost: Monitor expenses and control cost accordingly.
project and respond
KIsk: Note changes in risk throughout the
project goals and objectives have been
met. of the
ihe last phase of
et. The the project s
The project isn't over till the
lose: processes:
closing it out. This involves another set of planned.
deliverables have been completed as
Scope: Make sure the project ,
contracts and administrative matters, archive the paperwork
Administration: Close out all outstanding
completion because of their heavy stake In the preject any delay may create înncial and other problems they
may drag the project organization into court. There are numerous such exaraples
Liquidity Problem: Defay in project completion wul keep cash engaged for longer time. The organizatóin will
not be able to get returns on time. Cash ow turn negative which will reate a liquidity problem whleh has
further repercussions.
Reputatton at stake : Delay in projects often brand an organization ineficient. If the delay is once a whle t does
not matter but a regular delay poses serious qiestions on the ability of the organization to execute projes
F Project Management(SPPU).
Quick Read
a.7.Explaln nPrinciples
Project Managoment Princlples ?
(5 Marks)
Project Management (SPPU) Rea
C Selection ane ahnir
Chapterr 2
a1Wite short note on Project initlation
Ans.: Project Initiation reso
ana scoping tO assigning
to its success. From estimating defint
rt of a project is critical with the client, there are number.of tasks out
requirements, briefing in your team, the lirstmeeing
can shape how your project develops.
A project generally has tive
steps to 1 initiating, Plannin
very project has to start somewhere. a project life cycle. Kecuting
initiation is the first phase ot
Orng &Controlling and
Monitor Closing. Project
opportunity or reason for the project Initiation is identified
at this point where the
phase ot the project that a
1s nat a teamiOfect
team assembled
developed to take advantage of that opportunity. It is during this is
and business case is
a created to define the project in detal.
clfent, from any background research is gatheredtogether
ny intormation such as request for proposal from the your
cost. This is the core set up for your profect
n order to set and define the project's scope, tlmings and whereyou
identify the stakeholders, the team, goals and objectives and dellverables.
A good way to focus on your Project Initiation and to really drill, down
on what you need to outline
Processes and Product These are cent
for o
project is to work through it in terms of three areas: People, toany
1. Team
Planning Your Team Shape
In the Project Initiaton phase, you need to define and set up your team based on your review of the prot
and deliverables and work out what team shape you need. The following checklist helps whenforming
Skills (what will they need to do)
Experlence (what will they need to have worked on before)
O Stakeholders (howwll they need to communicate) -
Availability (will they have to the time to dedicate)
oBudget (can you afford them)
Getting the Team Involved
It's good to have an internal kick-offsession with your team members. This helps to get thelr Involvement ina
the project early. When setting requirements, team shape and objectives it's best keeplng people involved
and aware. The best ay to initiate a project in the right way is to set and manage expectations early. By
getting your team involved upfront, they will feel more included and involved in the decislon making and
therefore have a much more positive impression of the project as a whole
2. Stakeholders
Defining Who Is Involved and When
As part of Project Initiation, outline and define the
stakeholder involvement Whether this is díent or
internal stakeholders, it's really important to be clear on who is
doing tasks, signing off deliverables or
reviewing and feeding back.
CeS casysoidtions
FProject Management (SPPU
Quick Read
Setting Project Communications
It's very useful to define when and how communications will take place with the stakeholders.
If there is
clarity about the project then communicating and updating them is a good way to
approach this. Then widen
this out to others in the team and when their involvement should be.
Stakeholder Meeting
It's good to introduce yourself to the client or stakeholders involved prior to the meeting, either over the
phone orideally in person. Make sure you have a clear agenda, and aren't inviting
the wbole world to the
meeting. Always remember to keep a meeting contained and relevant
There are some core areas to set out when you inítiate a project.
1. Methodology
You review the project, deliverables, team to find a process that will
suit the needs. Often it's a blended mix of
different methodologies. Rather than trying to force to fit a
certain methodology it is Important to think what
bestforthe project. Following are helpful when considering the methodology is.
What isthe size of your project?
How fixed are the scope, timings and budget?
What team do you have to work on it?
Do you have a full-time team or are they shared with other projects?
How does the client currently work?
Will you have a fully invested client project lead?
Answers to the above questions should give a clear idea of
what type of project it is and therefore how it should
2. Tools
Avold throwing lots of unnecessary tools into
the mix, and consider how well they integrate. Some areas to,
consider when selecting what tools you need are:
Resource planning and management eg. Float or Resource Guru
ProjectPlanning and managing timescales e.g. Microsoft Project or Gantt
Collaboration with stakeholders eg. Google Sheets or Confluence
Communication with your team and stakeholders
eg. Slack or Workspace
Project managlng internal tasks eg.Jira or Trello
Whichever tools you use, ensure your internal team
and stakeholders are in agreement, and know how to use.
them effectively. Avoid over-complicating things, and you
can always reline the tools later in the project if you
find things aren't worklng
3. Risks
Thinking ahead is one of the best things that you can
do in the Project initiation phase when you start a
Establishing risks that might keep the project from delivering Is project.
extremely important to do upfront. Create a lo8
to highlight Risks, Assumptions, Issues and Dependencles,
and also work through how you will mltigate these.
Make sure you involve your team, and consider
holding a pre-mortem session with your team where you
brainstorm areas of risk, as they are often likely to come up
with things you haven't even thought of.
Project Quick
important berore initiating
fating the
the project
Gathering requirements for your project in the initial phase is user needs? This properly
IE's good are the business, cllent and helps you
to outline what you know already. What tohave
a clear understanding of the background and context for tne po
Scope and Deliverables
to ile
deliverables are.NOWS the time start
he project, you have an idea of what the nis out
and n5 perimeters around them, in order to be
able to agree to nese
Setting Delverables
through the deliverables with vo
aking the information'you have organlze an internalmee our team, make sure you
have these ar
Make sure you get people to feed into these. When you review wiy areas
mind to review per deliverable: in
What is it?
o What format will it be in?
o willrounds of amends be necessary?
o Who will be involved?
oWhen should this be delivered?
O Does it have dependencles on any other deliverables?
Budgets and Timings
Following on from your list of delivérables, you now have a rough project scope and need to put timings an
roles agalnst this. Work to estimate timings and the team shape aganst this. Make sure you work with the team
on these to set the right perimeters. Again, don't force a process onto a project, make sure the processits
project. Agree the team shape, and then put costs against this. At this stage, you dont need a detaliled breakdow
ot timings but more an overview of phases of time.
Measures of Success
Your project needs some sort of measurement so that you can review and understand where things worked
didn't work, and how successfully you delivered., Therefore, create some measurement cnteria thatyou'll review
at the end Conider areas such as
Core KPis e.g. increasing visitors to a site
Client satisfaction ie. how happy were the client with how the profect went?
Team satisfactlon 1.e. how happy were the team wth how the project went?
. Timings variance
o Budget varlance
es 0asvsolulons
Prosect Management(SPPU. 10 Oulck
sExplain Importance of Project Feasibility Study an neport 8Marks
Ans.: Project Feasibility
Study and Report Feasibility Repor feasibility
studying a detailed Project
after preparing and
Simply an
practicality ofa proposed plan or
method. For example, it asks
ntof Do you have the
the people, tools and the other ave
inology to do what you propose? resources
necessary? And,will the project get you the ROI you exp
of a Project o anterent parameter ach
report is prepared after analysing the viability
oy assocla
economic, technical, etc. tells us the investment as n some cases aprojectr
erc. It tells us whether a project is worth
project is not
reguiring too many resources,
Viable inyestment. There can
prevents those resources from
be many reasons tor tni
also may cost more tnan
ah organization wo
be a
performing other tasks but
by taking on a project
that isn't profitable.
Thefeasibility study is the foundation upon which your oject esides: If it doesnt support your proier yo
dont have a project. A feasibility study is in the project life cycle ater the business case has been completodect
A well-designed feasibility study background ot the business relating to
ofersa detailed and sound the n
project, such as a description
of the product or service, accounting statements, details of operations and manposed
marketing research
and policies, financial data, legal requirements, and tax obligations. Generally, such
precede technical developmentand project implementation studies
oIt incréases the chances of project success.
heps an organization in deliverlng the right products at the right time.
It identifles and rèsolves the pötentlal problems and Issues much earlfer. t
o It helps organizatíons to responds to rlsks on time.
esdSrt tteas
FProject Management (SPPU)_
11 Quick Read
Economic Feasibility This assessment typically involves a cost/ benefits analysis of the
project, helping
organizations determine the viability, cost, and benefits associated with a project before financial
resources are
allocated. It also serves as an independent project assessment and enhances
project credibility-helping
decision-makers determine the positive economlc benefits to the organization that
the proposed project will
Legal Feasibility: This assessment ínvestigates whether any aspect of the proposed
project conficts with legal
requirements like zoning laws, data protection acts or social media laws. Let's say an organization
wants to
construct a.new office building ín a specific location. A feasibility study might reveal the organization's ideal
location isn't zoned for that type of business. That organization has just saved considerable
time and effort by
learning that their project was not feasible right from the beginning
Operational Feasibility : This assessment involves undertaking a study to analyze and determine whether
how, well the organization's needs can be met by completing the project. Operational seasibility
studíes also
examine how a project plan satisfies the requirements identifled in the requiremens analysis
phase of system
Scheduling Feasibility: This assessment is the most important for project success; after all, a
project will fail if
not completed on time. In scheduling feasibility, an organization estimates how much time the
project will take
to complete.
When these, areas have all been examined, the feasibility analysi helps identify any constraints
the proposed
project may face such as;
o Internal Project Constraints: Technical, Technology, Budget, Resource, etc.
oInternal Corporate Constraints Financial, Marketing, Export, etc.
o Extermal Constraints: Logistics, Environment, Laws, and Regulations, etc.
Conducting a Feasibility Study
Following steps are used while conducting a feasibility study:
es baSVsolnions
Project Management (SPPU
pe tdons
Creating Business Organization and
managin8 to me the.
to šet up e organization and
groundwork of the previous steps has been lald, ir's tme
include start-up
costs, fixeetate,
pere era
the thorough and estate, personnel,
venture It should be
ss ventire.
the planned business merchandising metnods, real supply
things such as
oStSThese costs address
availability, overhead, etc.
Preparing an Openíng Day Balance Sheet project is going
to create. lt should be
assets and liabilties the tinancing is created.
includes an of
estimate the available
5 source, cost and nslde
hinancing for assets and accounts
possible. T do this, a list that includes item, buildings and equipment,
as leasing or purchasíng of
Revlewing and Analyzing AlI Data
analysis are especíally
important to makesure that n
review and over nlng
ese steps are important, but the take a moment to look
tweaking. So, one should
is as it should be and nothing requires previous steps such as the income statement should be
changes re
Re-examination of managing. and come nd
wOK One last time. think about risk, analyzing and
expenses and liabilitfes. This is also the time
to up
with any contingency plans.
Making a flnal Decislon or not. That sounds simni.
whether the project is teasible
Youre now at the point to make a decision about things to consider
decision-making moment. A couple other
alt the previous steps we're leading to this money and is it alignedwith
commltment is worth the time, erort and
making that binary choice is whether the
the organization's strategic goals and long-term
Feasibiity Report Template
a feasibility report:
Finally, here is an outline for the nine parts of
o Executive Summary
o Descriptlon of product/service
Project Break-Even Point
A break-even analysls is:a fînancial tool that helps determine at what stage a company, or a new service or a
product, wil!l be profitable. It's a financial calculation for determining the number of products or services a
company should sell to cover its costs (particularly fixed costs). Break-even is a sinuation where you are nether
making money nor losing money, but all your costs have been covered.
Break-even analysis is useful in studying the relation between the variable cost, fixed cost and revenue
:Generally, acompany with lowixed costs havealowbreak-even point ofsale.
Project Management (SPPU)_
13 Quick Read
Breakeven analysis ls useful for the following reasons:
It helps to determine the unused capacity of the company once the breakeven
is reached. This will help to show
the maximum profit on a particular product/service that can be generated.
t helps to determine the impact on profit if operations are changed to automation from manual
Jthelps to determine the change in profits if the price of a product is altered.
It helps to determine the amount of losses that could be sustained if there is a sales
Q.5What is Project Planning ? :
2 Marks)
Project Planning
Project planning is the most important part of the project life cycle. It tells what is to be achieved
and how. The
planning phase is when the project plans are documented, the project objectives and requlrements
and the project schedule is created.
are defined,
It involves creating a set of plans to help guide youthrough the implementation and
closure phases of the project.
The plans created during this phase helps manage time, cost, quality, changes,
risk, and related issues. They also
help control staff and external uppliers to ensure that the project is delivered
on time, within budget, and within
and delivery dates
Resources planning for their effective utillzation
Obtaining management approval and proceeding'to
the next phase
The Contents of a Project Plan
Scope, schedule and cost: Project Planning needs to outline
the scope and slze of the project, the scheduling of
the tasks and activities, which means planning them out along
a timeline. The plan also needs to include how the
costs are going to be spread óut and covered.
Quality, human resources, communications
and risk: The quality of the outcomes needs to be established
the plan so that they can be measured throughout the in
project progress. Team members need to be allocated
tasks before the project begins so that they are aware.
of what is expected of them. The way in which
communications will be held also needs to be.outlined along
with the potential risks and bottlenecks of the
Requirements plan: In the project plan format, a project may haye several
location, space etc. It is important to plan requirements such asinfrastructure,
and organise for the avallability of these requirements
project begins before the
Ces D3YESOons
Project Management (SPPU) 14 Read
and uncertainty. Planning for these changes
nange management plan : Any project can face changes nroject. itis important
im nd
their negative impact on the project. So itis
Creatinga way in which they will be dealt with reduces
manage chänge correctly and establish a plan for its management.
management. It is impo
improvement plan: Improvement and learning is essentlal project
Process can be learned from previous projects and applied to future ones, heigh
strive for quality results. Lessons enlng
the potential for increased success
For the duration of the project the team should report to the project manager and the organlzation structure of
the project team should refect the ownership of the project manager.
An example project organization structure is shown below. The Project Manager heads the team with a direct
reporting line to senior management.
Customer managemen
Customer Project.
Fig. 2.1
Ces 0asyssolutions
FProject Management (SPPU)_
15 Quick Read
Organization of the project team is the responsibility of the project
manager who is committed to building a
productive team of professionals in order to guarantee that the project deliverables
will be produced on
schedule, under budget and as per specifiration.
Successful implementation of this task requires the manager to acquire,
develop and lead a group of people who
are supposed to do the project. A group of people turns into a team
when every person of the group is capable of
meeting the following condilons: .
Conventional Roles
Every team, regardless of the project type, size and nature, has three roles
defined as convenional. These roles are:
Leader:A project team leader is a person who provides leadership and guidance to the
team and takes
responsibility for the results of teamwork. The team leader role involves
the development and encouragement of
the team through training, leading, motivation, recognition, rewarding and other activities that stimulate
team members to do the required tasks. or force
Member: A project team member is a person who is involved in doing assigned tasks.
access the project and actively Team members directly
evolve its processes. They're subordinated to the team leader.
Contributor: A project team contributor is a person or an organization
that participates in teamwork but is not
actually involved in performing tasks and carrying out
project team respunsibilities. Contributors help improve
the project through giving valued suggestions, expert judgment
and consultation. They have an interest in the
project, so they facilitate its successful completion.
Responsibilities and Duties
A team can be responsible for a variety of duties and responsibilities,
depending on the project they're involved
in. Here're several common responsibilities and duties
of a project team:
Gaining the right understanding of the amount and scope
of assigned work
Following the planned assignments.
Increasing the details level per task and activities, if needed
Completing the assigned tasks within the constraints of scope,
qualty, tinme and cost
Informing the leader of any issues arisen
Proactively communicate and collaborate with
other teanm members
Key Team Members and Their Roles
Qulck Read
Project Management(SPPU) 16
activities are:
Defining project milestones and estimating upcoming work scope
dentifying resources necessary for successful projectimplementation
o Scheduling projectactivities and coordinating team members' work:
problems and issues that appear in the course of the projectimplementation:
oManaging change;
o Monitoring work progress and results
Team leader : In smaller projects, this role is merged with the projectmanager'sone. In larger ones, team leader
takes on team management responsibilities that mostly require softskillssuch as
o Initiating work processes;
Identifying and handilngpossibleissues in work andteam environment
Providing and receiving feedback
Coaching team members and maximizingtheir potential
Leading by exampleby performing their share ofwork
Team members: A team member is the heart of any project By participading in project activities and
performing their work assignments, regular team members contribute tothe expected outcome.ofthe project
Alongside with that, their projectresponsibilities Includes
Clearly understanding projectgöals and contributing to their achievements
o Following project plan and meeting deadlines;
o Escalating issues related to their responsibilities to the team lead
Qualities of Project Team Members
An effective project team is oné which possesses both professional and soft skills. They ensure better
communication, teamwork, and outcome of the project work. Beow glven are the key parameters to pay attention to
when hirlng and building a project team.
Skills and experlence : This is a very important criterion for most positions. Relevant previous experience and
related skills are critical for a smooth start ofa project work
Willingness to learn new skills: Some hiring expert advice that it might be.useful to look beyond the skills
needed for the role. Employees need to be wiling to get out of their comfort zone to help the team and learn
something new.
F Project Management (SPPU)
17 Quick Read
Personal tralts: Personal traits are often a reason why a team professionals
of turns out to be dysfunctlonal.
They are nearly as important as professional skills, experdence and expertise.
Unwillingness to help, arrogance
and other types of toxic behaviour impalr teamwork. So irs better to
prevent this on the first step of building a
project team.
Cultural fit:lt's a matter offact that professional cultures are very different
many other factors. Making sure all
and depend on
industry, region and
your employees it in your office culture not only simplifies
their on-
boarding process, but also prevents work environment issues in the future.
Q.8 How to Building Etfective Project Team?
(0 Mark)
The following five steps will lead to an effective
project team.
Establish the Team: The first step is to establish the project
management team. The best project teamsinchude
stakeholders at all levels, from executives
to those individuals at the front line. These individuals have
knowledge that will be critical to the success the inside
of the project.
The most important element about
team composition is having a team that ís effective
Collaboration and communlcation skills working together.
are two of the most critical personal skills demanded of
all members
Facilitate Effective Communication: Accurate, useful,
timely and credible communication
maintaininga cohesive team environment is crucial to
and achieving project success. All project information
communicated consistently throughout each stage should be
of the process so all team members are equally informed.
Open sharing of information should be
encouraged and a variety of communication mediums should
used. Team members respond dilferently also be
to written and verbal methods of communication.
Busy schedules and multiple projects can
become obstacles to effective communication. Recurrent
face to face
meetings must be scheduled to encourage
ongoing discussions and ensure that deliverables are completed
within project time frames.
Encourage Collaboration: Groups that plan
together are typlcally more successful, therefore project
must realize the importance of collaborative planning and goal Jeaders
setting. This collaboratve goal setting allows
team members to achieve individual successes,
while contributing to the overall project goals.Collaboration
the vehicle which: is
es casy-sotutions
Management (SPPU) milestoner
Project team. Wnen project ched,
motivating for the they
successes is quite stakeholders
ghese project tëam members and
communicated at tho
De communicated
to the
fornis.They should be
established and at
come in
EWanis can
may impact on other areas to the
project, such as costand
The planning Process overview establish and communicate what tasks
step mechanism to are
Project Planning process is a step by
resources are tobe allocated to complete those tasks. Thus proiec to bedo
and which needed to be done to deliver the
project on time.
a document collecting all the work
ome to ensure timely ani.
many tasks, and each task has a start and end
A project is made up of room, or shared spreadsheet oplei
calendars on a shared wall in the water-cooler
past had printed today
most teams use online project scheduling tools
one within a larger project management software solution,
ypically project planning is just feature place. andthere
scheduling takes
are many diferentplaces in thesoftware where
review the fundamentals to it. Project planning
Beforegoing deeper into project planning let's ringthe
questions to start:
initiation phase of the project. You have to ask yourself three
oWhatneeds to be done?
Who willdo it?
Onceyou've get answers to these questions you can egin to plan dates, link activities, set the duration
milestones and resources
Basic Processes of project planning
Scope planning Itspecifies the scope requirements for the project to help in creating the work breakdrun
Preparatton ofthe workbreakdowm structure: Here,the entire project is divided into tasks and sub-tasks
better handling and execution
Project schedule development: Here, the entire schédule of the activities of the project
is prepared detailing
thelr sequence ofimplementation '
Resource planning This process identifies and then plans the effective utilization of the all the resources
Tequired duringthe project implementation.
Budget planningIt specifiesthe budgeted cost to be incurred at the completion of the project
Procurement planning: It plans to identify the right vendors outside the company for procurement o
materials and resources
Risk management: Inthis process, planning is done to prepare against all possible risks by devising opiona
contingency plans and mitigation strategles
Quality planning: n thisprocess, quality criteria to be used for
the project are assessed and finalized.
Communication planning Here, communication strategy
with all project stakeholders designed tor mooth
implementation ofthe project plan. is
Project Management (SPPU)_ 19 Quick Read
4. Assign Resources
The last step to finalizing your planned schedule is to decide what resources are going to
be required to get those
tasks done on time. For example assembling a team and scheduling their time just like the tasks.
eseasy-solutions u .1
Quick Read
20 autho
Project Management (SPPU
method where specifiC responsibility and ority are
project planning
Manageable: It is a meaningful
assignedto responsible individuals. ín terms the
project and separate units can be estimated of
EStimated: Using WBS, duration of
the whole
resources required to complete the proter
to incurred in
and the cost likely be
time required to complete, dependence on other ongoing elements (Le, asslgnaki
with or
Independent: It allows minimum interface hable from other work packages
account, and clearly
toa single controlfacilitates integration with other profect
work elements and with
higher level cost estimattes
Integration: It
and schedules to include the entire project. dates and measurabla
progress; has start and completion
OMeasurable WBS can be used to measure
interim milestones.
addition/elimination of work scope, can be readily
Adaptable It is suficiently flexible so the
accommodated in the WBS framework.
Advantages of WBS
it's time to review why you should use this
youihave the complete work breakdown structure,
approach to project management. Using a work breakdow
structure delivers numerous benefits including:
to wrap to execute let alone plan from start to
mproved planning: Large, complex projects can be dificult making it easy to visualize the scope of
finish. Using work breakdown structure helps improve planning by
milestones. As a result, work breakdown structure
the profect and break it down into more manageable gets duplicated or overlooked and it
allows you to set clear timelines earlier on. It makes sure no work
understands the level of output at any point in the project timline.
breakdown structure
Smarter budget and resource allocation : By improving project planning, work
all budget.and time
allows for smarter budget and resource allocation. Specifically, it ensures that
. a munually exclusive rule
requirements get accounted for at the very beginning of project. Additionally, the
guarantees that no duplicate work will take place, which eliminates wasted budget and time
Simplifled risk identificatlon: The visual nature of work breakdown structure makes it easier to
areas of risk so that you can get ahead of problems and remedy them faster.
identified by work
Improved accountability : The clear work assignments, timelines, and budgets
among team members. That's because everyone involved
breakdown structure improve accountability
should have a clear understanding of what they are responsible for and the time they have to complete that
Enhanced visibillty: Finally, work breakdown structure provides a high level of visibility into
project. This visibility makes it easy to communicate expectations to stakeholders and team members and
track progress throughoutthe project.
A work breakdown structure is a helpful method for managing the challenges that accompany
enterprise projects and enjoying successful outcomes.
Work Breakdown Strueture Dlagram
The Work Breakdown Structire (wBS) is developed to establish a common understanding of project
scope. It is
a hierarchical description of the work that must be done to complete the deliverables of a project.
descendinglevel ín the WBS represents an increasingly detailed description of the project deliverables.
The first two levels of the WBS (the root node and Level 2) define a set of planned outcomes that collectively and
exclusively represent 100% of the project scope. At each subsequent level, the children of a parent node
n oda uora is'2 Wor Braakdown
collectively and exelusively represont 100 f*ho *enno f hoir pr
Structure example:
Project Management (SPPU)
vQuick Read
Helfo World System
This above example includes three levels, which is the most common
setup. The structure can be extended to
four or five levels if needed. Each deliverable should be a project milestone
not a specific task.
The tasks requlred to meet each deliverable are known as a "work package."'Finally,
each deliverable must haveea
work and budget allocation. You an also choose to include team asslgnments and
start and end dates for each
Different Forms of Work Breakdown Structure
Generally speaking, there are three typical ways in structuring works
with a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS).
They include phase-based structures, deliverable-based structures
and responsibllity-based structures.
Phase-based structures
It defines and structures project activities based on the project phases.
Lbrary Managoment
Project Phaes
****** **
Planning Exocution and Control Closeout
*****************************t***************:***********-- --*---- -.
Devclop Work Brcakdown Conduct Execulon KIckoft Conduct Closeoui Mcotng
Stnuclure Meelinig
Supporn Searching
Approve Project Plan
ror m '
Porform UAT
Fig. 2.3
es CasSV S0lUian
Project Management (SPPU
déllverables agreed to deliver
Deliverabie-based struetures
activities based on the
tt defines structures Insuranco DAT-3300
Sulte User *******
Unitied CRM *****************
Update CRM System Manual
********* Hardware
HPerfom CRM System Update Back-Olfice Suite Manual
Integration Modilicallon
Migrate Database
Phasing Out
Perfom System Intogratlon
,esting Manage Staff
**- Testing Team
Core Project leam
Prolect Management Team
---********* HTest ShoPping Sita
Design Team
Develop Profect Plan
HTest Admin Panel
Design New Web
Report Status
Develop Testing Roport
Design Admin Ui
H.Report Rlsks
Flg. 2.5
Therefore, as you dig into each high-level deliverable, ask your team:
o What needs to be done to créate this deliverable?
oWhat other related project tasks will contribute to successfully completing this deliverable?
What are the task requirements?
As you conduct this exercise, keep in, mind that you truly want to list every possible task
that could go into a
high-level deliverable. Remember, the point here is to account for all time so you can create a reasonable
estimate. You won't be able to do that if you're not thinking it through properly.
Using the website redesign as an example, here's howyou might break up the "Sitemap" deliverable:
Review current site
Ces CaSy01DTIons
Dellver v2
Conduct meeting with cllents t to a finalizedsiteman
in ordert
need to bedone
oFinallze sitemap that will
downtwith your team to
Thls list of tasks is an estimatefor all
ofthe work fine. When you slt SCusS esa
and that'sjustunderstanding how things are done
anding of how done. Listing
This might not be the way you'd do it common deliverable.
operating with a to complete the
sure you're operat
tasks, just be Sire effort lt willtake
youspellout the
Step 3: Get granular detailed as possible. The
only waytoto dotha
breakdown structure as nd determining thework
elaborating effort and
should make your work about tha
Ou out subtasks. It's all
every task you've identified and list
the deliverable m you'll find ta
be done to successfülly complete an investment to do this,
wil need to
and thought,but if
you make
stepn and
wha0omfor h
and detail out what will goin
process that takes time overages the long term. So, take the next nto
missed expectatitations and budget
each task: might break down the Test
the current stries are
redesign as an example, here's how you wit
sing the website
5 site users" dellverable even further:
o Recrult users
à Schedule sessions
Write test script
o Conduct 5 sesslons
o Compensate users for time
any single line item In a scope can
findings and recommendations. This one task is proof that
Write up a item that requires paymernt
include subtasks!t also incfuded line
expensive one! Not only did this example
party outside of the project your clients will too. Bee sure
expensés before scoping your project, and sie
You're going to want to know about any knee-deep in your project.
so comes as a surprise when you're
to account for them early on nothing
Step 4: Format and estimate
structures presented in flowcharts that resemble website sttemane aps.
Tradltonally, you'll fAnd work breakdown and referred back to
a hlerarchy of tasksand Is easily numbered
That format works well because it shows
But, some people like to list them out
on whiteboards or put them in spreadsheets. The format isn't what matters
accuracy of the tasks Included. You can create your work breakdown
here-It's the completeness and
in any format that makes you comfortable.
sense, you'll want to revlew lt agafn and
When you've listed all of your tasks and subtasks in a format that makes
make sure you've included all of the possible tasks and subtasks.
that's conflrmed, go through the list'and discuss each task in terms of level of effort. This
could be in
minutes, hours, days, weeks. It really depends on how granular you need to get and how your
estdmates projects. Assigning an increment of ttme to each task will help you add upa total esttmate of tdme (and
possible cost) and sets you up to create project plan when you're ready for that step in your project.
When you're done, you'll know if you're in
scope, out
of scope. You might run thls exercise and Aind you've
articulated too much time or effort to do everything within the scope of the project. The good thing is, you've set
the baseline for what's needed, and as a group, you can seale hack on tasks to At the scope or the timeline.
Ces Casysotations
3 Project Management (SPPU) 25 Quick Read
LChapter3 Protete
Q kauOnalsrugEure andIsSues
Q.1Explain Line.and Staff Organization ? (5 Marks)
Line and Staff Organization
In this type of organization, the functional specilalists are added to the lHine, thus giving the line the advantages of
specialists. This type of organization is most common in our business world and especially among large
Staffs are basically advisory in nature and do not possess and command authority over.
line mangers, The staffs
consist of two types:
General Staff: This group has a general background usually similar to executives and serves as
assistants to topp
management. They are not specialists and generally have no authority or responsibility
of their own. They may
be known as special assistants, assistant managers or in a college seting as deputy
Specialized Staff: Unlike the general staffs who generally assist only
one line executive, the specialized staffs
provide expert advice and service to all employees on a company wide basis. This group
has a specialízed
background in some functional area and it could serve in any of the following capacities
a) Advisory Capacity: The primary purpose of this group is to render specialized advice
and assistance to
management when needed. Some typical areas covered by advisory staff are legal, public relations and
economic development.
b).Service Capacity: This group provides a service that is useful to the organization as a whole and nöt justto
any specific division or function. An example would be the personnel department serving
the enterprise by
procuring the needed personnel for all departments. Other areas of service include research and
development, purchasing, statistical analysis, insurance problems and so on.
c)Control Capacity : This group includes quality control staffs who may have the authority to control the
quality and enforce standards.
The line and staff type of organization uses the expertise of speclallsts without diluting the unity of
With the advice of these specialists, the line managers also become more effective and. develop a .
sense of
objective analysis of business problems.
The line and staff type of organization is widely used and is advantageous as the specialized advice
împroves the
quality of decisions resulting in operational effectiveness. Staff specialists are conceptually
oriented towards
Jooking ahead and have the time to do strategic planning and analyze the possible effects of
expected future
Its main disadvantages are the confuslon and conflict that arises between line and staff,
the high cost that is
assoclated with hiring speclalists and the tendency of staff personnel to build their own image
that is sometimes
at the cost of undermining the authority and responsibillty of line executives
Manager of
Manager |Project Managers
Functiona Manager
Manager Project Manager
Stai ProjectManager
Providing functional staffs that
prescribed technical specifications.
OCompletingthe projectwithin as a respónse to growing complexity associatei.
organizatión cross-functlonal teamis are used, (mark
In a' matrix technology) as well as external rkets,
organizational growth. These complexities, bothi internal (size, matrirt
the pröcesslig and communication that are best dealt by
Competitors), create problems'of Îhformation
there is pressure for shared resources. For example, a
Matrix organizational design is most useful when marketing specialists. The matriv
resources.only hire four
may need.eight product groups, yethave.the
éelght groups to share the sklls of the four specialists.
provides a convenientway for the
Each matrix contains three unique sets of role
who is the head and balances the dual chains of command
Thetop manager or Chief Executive Officer
Themanagers offunctional and project (or product) departments who share
specialists who report to both the respective functional manager and project manager.
Skils; Roles anid Responsiblities ? (8 Mark)
Q:3Explain RiojectLeadershipQualities,
Project Leadership
Aprimary concemofmostorganizations today is the attraction and retention of talented people. However, ne
generally want to work for goodleaders in an open environment where they can sveak their minds treely 0
treated with respect, and where leadership promotes clarity and honesty. Often, the lack of positive and eliecue
leadership is akey reasonwhy manytalentedworkers leavetheorganization.
Project Management (SPPU)_
27 Quick Read
The importance of good leadership is not a recent phenomenon. Leaders have, been critical to effective
organizations ever since people first started working together. However, the nature of this leadership has
undergone some changes.
We can define Leadership as a process whereby individuals infuence groups ndividuals to achieve shared
goals or commonly desired outcomes. Leadership has the capacity to infuence others by unleashing their power
and potential for the greater good.
A good leadership infuences people by providing purpose, direction, and motivation, while operating to
accomplish the mission and improve the organization. The leadership role in an organization is assumed when
an individual or group of individuals has a clear vision of what needs tode accomplished and is able to get the
members of the organization to strive willingly for common goals.
The capability of the organization's leadership to channelize the energy of the members of the organization to act
on what needs to be done determines the organlzational effectiveness.
Leadership Skills
Although it's true that some people are born with greater natural gifts than others, the ability
to lead is really a
collection of skills, nearly all of which can be learned and improved. The capacity to develop
and improve their
skills distinguishes leaders from their followers. Some of the skills of leader are
o Interpersonal Skills: A good interpersonal skill has become a key skill for
the leaders. It improves their
ability to get accepted and then followed. It improves the organizational effectiveness.
o Clarity of direction: An effective leader needs to gain the kind of perspective on the future that leads to
anticipation of change and a planning for what is expected to come. Their clear image of the future pulls
them forward.
Ability to inspire others to high performance: Every leader must know how to energize people to go the
extra mile. A leader can positively influence people to be more energized and motivated.
o Good Communication: The ability to communlcate clearly so that you can create understanding
yourself and others is perhaps the single most important leadership skill to possess. It isn't of much value
for a leader to have a vision or sense of direction if he or. she can't communicate the value
or meaning of that
vision to others and inspire them to buy into it.
o Effective Listening : Listening effectively is a. particularly important communication skill
that can be
learned. It helps build relationships, solve problems, ensure understanding, resolve conflicts,
and inmprove
accuracy. At work, effective listening means fewer errors and less wasted time.
oCollaborative& team building Skill: Collaboration is a competency that usually needs to be developed,
since it is not part of our normal way of dealing with organlzational activity. The attitude
and competency of
a leader in dealing with others can greatly help set the tone for collaboration
and teamwork within a group
or within the organization as a whole.
c Creative Thinking : The ability to think creatively enables leaders to contribute innovative
insights that can
open up new oppertunities or alternatives for an organlzation. People moving
into leadership positions
should develop the ability to think innovatively.
c Intelligence and learning agility: Effective leaders are those who are capable of
and interested in
continuous learning and improving, both for themselves and for their followers.
c Condict Resolution Skills : An eflective leader is able to recognize
and use his skills that move
organizational interaction through conflicts and toward positive and valuable
outcomes for all involved.
Since all human interaction is fundamentally based on conflict,
leaders need to,accept this reality and learn
how to vork with Ít.
Management S Following are someoft
ve. Follown
Project effective.
qualitles to be integral to
integral toalall other ies is the
Leadership Qualitles essentlal ablity
certaln qualities hat ís
that is Without. trust, there s no inluence
requlres together.
Every good leader leadership
an desirable results. va
1Being trust that nevergetthe ently is viewed as aving
generate and sust she Inte
means a leaderwill or
unless he circumstances. Integ ity also ínvolves consj ntegity
tners, which generate trust sistency
cannot times and in principles.
Integrity: A leader therightthingat all the same set of
2. means doing everyone by demonstrated leaders.
It refersto
egrity whichmeans treating important
what one does well and not
Denavior, Selfreflection is
another weaknesses, and at and: so well,
Self-Reflection. strengths and take the time to reflectand learnfrom Por
personal they need to tho
determine his ststage of development
nderstanding one'sfollowers a good direction, leader to
in baseline for a
eaders totake their establish a
introspection can
experiences. This Before one
to head
towards. belief in one's ability to succeed. canleaq
and the direction Self-confidence is an
optim Self-confident leaders
lers have the boldness
Self-confidence: one's own goals. They try new thingsofferldeax,
their goals
confident in
necessary to meet
others, one must be tasks and challenges their
undertake the difcult collaborate with default.t. They
energy, and cooperate and own design, not by tend havea
positive to lead by their
Selfdírectedleaders choose
purpose affects
pertormance In a very meaningful ul wav
5. purpose. Working with a true to their es.
and try to remain
clear sense of their actions and behavior done and Drodse
self-directed areaware of reactive. Getting things ducing p
are Results-Oriented:Leaders
are proactive, not organizatoosithe
ofproductivitysets the
standard for the rest of the tion
6. Actlon- and Thelr high level
Tesults is thelr mantra.
Responsibilities However, a very bigdliferece
Leadership Role and an effective organization. manaper
cruclal to the success of ot people, whereas a
managing are
Bothleading and always leads a group
management is thatleader organization.
between leadership andresponsibility for the operation of the
only be concermed
management focuses on doing
thíngs right. A mana nanager
things while budgeting, assigning Work
focuses on doíng the right like planning
A Jeader In harmony,
organlzational processes work organization to accomplish whatk
involved,in making the making decislons. This all helps an
measuring performance, and
hiring staff,
expected ofit
effective leadership will tend
to be traditlonal and
understond the
However, a manager who doesn't control. On the other hand,
leadership is possible only when
and a focus on
which leads to over-managing
organization is managed well dutles may be delegate!
responslbillty for managlng Lots of the managerial
Includes exists bor
A good leadershlp always that appropriate and effective management
responsible for ensuring
through others, but the leader is
the situation or group concerned. and change. It has bea
consistency and order, whereas leadership aims at movement
A manager usually alms at something D
future as something to create, while
traditional managers see it as
well said that Leaders see the
management and leadership are needed in the life of healthy
react to. But both
the roles played by managers ard leaders:
The following are the distinctions between
Themanager adminicters *while tho lagdor innntae
on people.
o The manager focuses on systems and structure while the leader focuses
Project Management (SPPU) 29 Quick Read
.Within an organization the Project manager and line manager have got workng relationship to get project
activities accomplished within constraint of limited time, allocated cost and specified quality
performance.Project manager is fully responsible to achleve the project objectives within the parameters
(constraints) of time, cost and quality standard.
Project manager needs all types of human and non-human resources like money, man-power, materials,
equipment, information and technology etc. for the successful completion of a project through smooth operation
of.project activities. But project manager does not control the resources directly except the project budget. The
resources are collected by line managers, they are often called as resource manager. They assign directly to
resources to projects. Project managers control only those resources which are temporarily loaned by line
managers. S/he reminds the line managers that there are also time and cost constraints of the project. This is the
starting polint for better resource control. Therefore, project manager must negotiate with all line mangers for
pooling require resources on time.
Project manager always requires to interface with the line mangers for the following major purposes.
o To get needed resources from functional department on time.
oTo get good support of line. managers, whlle negotiating with various parties in connection with project
oTo achieve harmonization between project works and line department's work.
e Quick Read
Management(SPPU) 30
Project Marks)
a.5Describe different Leadership Styles
Leadership Style
behaving. A style describes the
way a particular leader serve as role
A leadership style reflects a distinct way of
experience. The leadership style is also affccted by the
models and the style is influenced strongly by this strong, is the personality of the leader. The
purpose or goal of the leaders. Another influence, which is often quite
major styles of leadership are the follówing:
accomplished can be described
Authoritarian Style: Leaders who focus primarily on getting specific tasks rmanaging
authoritarian. The authoritarian leadership style is al about control and the completion of
as tasks. They tend to use their power to dominate their followers.
Decision-making for the authoritarian
In the authoritarian style, most policies are determined by the leader.
until after the decision is made. This often
leader is usually autocratic, which means no input from otherscan ultimately hurt the performance of the
results in the, lack of creative solutions to problems,
which people have a high level of trust in the
Authoritarian leadership is very effective in those situations in the
a decision needs to be made quickly, and when
organization, When the task is straightforward, when
leader is given responsibility for directing action.
styleassumes that the power of leaders is granted by the group they
2. Democratic Style: The democratic so
and creative if they are motivated to do
lead, and that people can be basically self-directed group discussion and
tends to be more participative. Policies evolve from
The democratic style of leadership groun
group decislon-making process.By sharing decision-making and other responsibilities, the
from a Furthermore
and indivídual self-ésteem tends to increase.
makes full use of all the potential of its members goals of the
them creates a 'clear picture of the
member's participation in making the decisions that affect
group. It develops the group's cohesion and commitment
transactional leadership ássumes that people
Transactional Leadership Style: Another leadership style,
This style is related ta the autocratic style.
are motivated primarily by reward and punishment.
chain of command is definite and clear, and that
The belief is that employees perform their best when the
focus of the transactional leader is on maintaining
reward or punishment is based upon performance.The
to obey the instructlons and commands of the leader,
the status quo, and the primary goal of the followers is
transactional leáder is more a manager than aTeader, andIs Highly focused on getting tasks
overseeing productivityin detail.
accomplished, providing very clear direction, and
leadership grows out of the assumption that
4 Transformational Leadership Style: Transformational
motivates them. In this leadership style, the leader motivates
people will follow a leader who inspires and relatlonshlps
selling that vislon, and focustng on developing
and inspires by develóplng a compelling vislon,
with followers as a teacher, mentor, and coach.
A transformationa leader focuses on continuous learning and
relationship building. He or she engages
subordinates by spending a great deal of time building trust and demonstrating a
high level of personal
which leaders focus on increased
5. The Servant Leader Style: Servant Leadership is a style of leadership in
to enhance the growth of
service to others rather than on increasling their own power. The goal is
individuals in the organization and increase teamwork and personal involvement
Project Management(SPPU)_ 31 Quick Read
Q.6 Explaln Conllct Aesolution in Details
? (5 Maiks)
Confllcts Resolutlon
Contlicts ocur In our daily lives. Organizatlonal Confllct is a state of disagreement or misunderstanding
resulting from the actual or perceived dissent of needs, beliefs, resources and relationship between the members
of the organization.
ranges from minor disagreement to a major problem which at tímes threatens to disrupt organízationa
and progress.At the workplace, persons conflict occurs when opinions
whenever, two or more interact,
with respect to any task or decision are different
Organizational activities are executed by human resources in order to achieve objectives as set by the
organizations. While managing human resources, conflicts occur naturally but sometimes it leads to quarrels,
fights and even a breakup of the teams.
commitment. The collaboration and problem solving approach to conflict is the most productive technique.
a.7 Explain Diversity Management. Suggest some of the ways to manage diversity at work place Marks
Diversity Management
Cultural diversity in the workplace is the existence of a variety of cultural or ethnic people and groups. Culhire is
considered to be the underlying values that direct how people behave. Cultural diversity in the workplace is a.
result of practices, values, traditions, or beliefs of employees based on race, age, ethnicity, religion, or gender.
For years, economic globalization has been one of the major drivltng forces of creating cultural diversity in the
workplace. The modern workforce is made up of people of different genders, ages, ethnicity, religions, and
As the workforce diversity has become thenorms employers have started realizing that workforce diversity
provides both material and intangible benefits. For the employers, it is important to reap the beñefits of cultural
diversity in the workplace. They must show their commitment to addressing the challenges of a diverse
Workiorce. Employers must be seen to be celebrating their employees' diversity to avoid workplace issues
Bs LaSVSolutions
RFProject Management (SPPUJ
33 Qulck Read
Couses of Workforce Diverslty
The followlng are some of the different
causes of diversity in the workplace:
Education There can be tension between employees who have undertaken
the academic route to
employment and those whose experience is of vocational
nature. This cultural difference could result Ina
conflict where it's disputed whether practical' or theoretical experience will
help the company achieve
maximum growth. "
Ethnicity : A
cultural diversity based on different ethnicity at work can be apparent
when there are
language barriers or a difference in how business
is carried out.
Generational gap: The new generation millennia), and traditionalists are some ofthe different generations
that make up a diverse workforce. This diversity is characterized by differences
in how work is viewed. For
example, the new generation is known for seeking nexibility
in their work and doing jobs that align with
their personal values.
Gender: According to a report, nearly 36% of women had a bachelor's
degree by the age of 31 in
comparison to 28% of men. However, research has found that,
in 2017, women earned 82% of what men
earned. Thus apart from the pay disparities, women also face
other workplace issues such as harassment.
oReligion : Various religious beliefs may be over in the workplace, fox example, different dress, dietary
requirements, and requesting particular days off. However, religion may be more
understated, for instance,
how the person interacts with their team members.
O Workers with disabllltdes This group is very diverse in relation to the challenges
they face and their
needs. The range of disabilities can include vision, learning and mental health.
As a result, companies need
to ensure that their diversity and inclusion programs recognize
and make provision for the wide spectrum
of disabilities.
Workplace Issues Involving Cultural Diversity
Every company that's emerged as a positive example
of cultural diversity has faced issues in relation to
facilitating people from different groups to work cohesively. HR
personnel and the company's leadership should
be responive to these issues.The following are some diversity
workplace issues:
o Conflict: This occurs when discrimination, prejudice, lack of respect,
and racism are allowed to crop up in a
workplace. Intolerant attitudes can turn into open conflict if
companies don't take the correct steps to show
that any type of discrimination won't be tolerated.
o Harassment: This Issue can present itself in a diverse
workplace where leaders fail to recognize the signs
and how to deal with perpetrators. Training should be provided
as to what constinutes harassment
Employees who harass others should be dealt with
according to company procedures. Like all the other
issues arising from diversity in the workplace, harassment can have a
devastating effect on employees and
the company as a whole.
o Disregarding needs : Some companies ignore the needs of disabled
employees by failing to provide them
with the necéssary equipment to access all facillties and to
undertake their jobs. Employers need to lead the
way in creating a comfortable workplace for all of
its enployees, irrespective of whether they have a
Managing Diversity at Workplace
The workplace diversity can be well managed if effective
steps are taken by employers. Here are some of the
ways to manage diversity:
o Create written policies: Companies should include their policy in relation
to diversity in their employee
handbook. The policy should contain information about non-discrimination
laws, the code of conduct and
the compensation and benefits pohey.
es 01S1 Sotutions
Quick Read
Project Management (SPPU) training to create better a
provided with sensitivity
Employees should be different, understand
sensltivity training: value views that are
o Provide employees to
training can help
workplace culture. Sensltivity done if they've been
actions that cause offense and what necds to de about diversity
words, and handbook and training
After employeeshavo recelved the Employees should be
oImposeazero-tolerance the tone about how violations will be dealt with.
taken serlously.
issues, the company needs to set every reported Incident will be
behavior will not be tolerated and
aware that inappropriate
UsC Technology for assistance: Technology that enables disabled people to be an active part of the
workplace has grown by leaps and bounds in the last few years. Most modern jobs require computers and
use ol technology. Investments in the right assistive technology, apps and online tools will help the disabled
cmployees carry out thelr job responslbilties without impediments. Disabled employees should also be
tralned to best use all such technology.
Conslder Outside Support: Companies can also make use of outside support to give continued training to
employees. Several non-profits and government agencies are working towards more inclusive workplaces
that can hold seminars and awareness initiatives at you company. Thís not only improves employee
participation and morale, but also helps bring fresh and new perspectives to approaching the issue.
Make Accessibility a Priority: Free accessibility to the workplace is important to disabled employees. It
helps them move around, get their work done and enjoy the time spent at the workplace.Disabled-friendly
parking wheelchalr accessible doorways, ramps at entries and exits of buildings and cafeterias, wide
corridors and easy access to workstations, accessible operating buttons and/or Braille in lifts, and accessible
washrooms are some of the basic necessities required to make a workplace disabled-friendly.
Honest Appraisal and Feedback: Another key. factor for improving inclusivity at workplace is to provide
honest and air feedback to employees, irrespective of any bias.If managers tend to show leniency to
disabled employees during appraisal, this may affect their ability to detect drawbacks and improve their
performance. An honest feedback will help the disabled employee feel as responsible for his or her work as
other employees.
With Reference to Women Employees
In today's business world, the number of women workforce is very high. Their contribution is as good as that of
men. That is why the treatment toward them should be as good as that for men. Women being from a different
gender have different needs and therefore they must be managed differently in order to manage the workforce
diversity.Managing gender diversity is an important HR management aspect. Following are some of the ways:
oGive equal opportunity: Women being as good, dedicated and loyal as men should be given equal
opportunity in terms of the job profile and challenges. In every field women have done very well and
therefore it is quite fair to give them equal opportunity. This is also a hall mark of a good organization.
Working time Mexibility: Women have many other responsibilities apart from the professional one. For
exampte, they are mothers and wives and therefore if an organization wants to take full advantage of their
talent they should be given lexibility in their working time. This will improve their productivity.
oBuild talent and not hire : More women participation in the workforce is always a good sign. As they are
capable of learming just anything encouragement should be given on developing their talent
female workforce Women should be valued for what they are. Whether it is houseteid natters
professional ones, women are a
great Their promotion is good for the whole society and the country
So, they must be valued for their contribution.
o Have a gender neutral outlook: Por an organization to grow and succeed it must develop a gender neutral
outlook. Women should not be discriminated on any basis.
Qulck Read
Project Management (SPPU) 36
Organizational Change and Its Management
Organizational change can be defined as the alteration in structure, technology
or people in an organization or
way of life and any variation
behavior by an organization. Generally people are accustomed to a well èstablished
in or deviation from that life may be called a change.
Change may be very simple just like to shift the location of an office or it may be a more complex
change which may even threaten the very existence of
some people in the organization.
some interal1o
Another definition of Organizational change is "When an organizational system is disturbed by
or process
external force, change frequently occurs. Change, as a process, is simply modification of the structure
of a system. It may be good or bad, the concept is descriptive only."
An organizational change occurs due to two major factors namely -
External factor: External factors are those factors that are present outsid the firm but' force the firm to
change or implement a new law, nule etc. For example, all banks are bound to follow the rules laid down
the RBI.
o Internal factor: Internal factors are those factors that are caused or introduced inside organizätion that,
forces a change. For example, no smoking in the workplace
Importance of Organizational Change
Change in an organization is required because there is always a chance for further development and order to
Below given are some reasons as why changes are deliberately made and carefully planned by the organization
before implementation.
o It improves the means to satisfy the economic requirements of people.
eactive Changes Reactive changes occur when forces compel organizations to implement changes
wthout delay. In other words, when demands made by the forces are complied in a passive manner, such a
change is called reactivechange,
roactive Changes : Proactive changes occur when some factors make organizations think over and finally
decide that implementation of a particular change is necessary. Then, the change ls introduced in a planned
Difference between reactive and proactive
O Reactive change involves a reflexive behavior whereas proactive change involves purposive behavior.
Reactive change covers a limited part ofthe system but proactive change co-ordinates the various parts of
the system as a whole.
While reactive changes respond to immediate symptoms, proactive changes address to underlying forces
creating symptoms.
Planned Change
Planned change is a klnd of alteration or modification which is done in advance and diferenty for improvement
Need For Planned Change
Planned change takes places in an organization when there is a demand for change due to two types forces.
These forces are grouped into internal and external.
. Internal forces that lead to a planned change in an organization include obsolescence of production and
service, new market opportunities, new strategic direction, increasing workforce diversity, and shiftin
socio-cultural values.
O External forces that lead to a planned change in an organization include regulators, competitors, market
force,customers, and technology. Each of these forces can create pressing demand for change in small or
big, public or private, business or non-business organizations.
Process of Planned Change
es CSTEsdNons
Project Management (SPPU]
38 Qulckh
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Project Management (SPPU)_
39 Quick Re20
ne organization cannot change these
factors rather must change itself to align with these factors. A few of these
oogyo Technology majoi external factor forcing an organtzation to change. The invention and
is a
Internal forces are too many and it is very dificult to describe them comprehensively. However,
major internal
causes are explained as follows:
Nature of the Work Force: The nature of work force has changed over a passage of time. Different work
values have been expressed by dilferent generations. Workers who are in the age group
of 50 plus value
more loyalty to their employers while those in their mid-thirties to mid-forties are loyal more themselves.
The youngest generation of warkers is loyal to thelr careers.
The profile of the workforce is also changing fast. The ne generation of workers have better
qualifications. They place greater emphasis on human values and question
authority of managers. Their
behavior has also become very complex and leading them towards organizational goals is challenge
a for the
Ceseasy solutionS
Qulck Read
put strain on the
Project Management(SPPU
the industrles, which again
across employees
also very high percentage ofwomen
employee turmover is increase in the brings about
he force is changing, with a rapid personnel is another force whlch
The work Change In managerial promotion, retirement
Management levels: managers because of
in are replaced by new organízation. The
Change organization. Old managers and way of working in the
change in Each
manager brings his own ideas personnel. Sometimes, even though
there is
dismissal. managerial
transfer or changes in accordingly.
relationships changebecause of the organization has to change
informal As a result, existing8
their attitudes change. of some
deficlencles in the
nochange in personnel, but are necéssary because
may be. in the form of
Sometimes change
OManagement Structure: arrangement and processes. These, deficiencles co-ordination among
organizational.structure, managerial levels, lack of
management, larger number of uniformity in policy
unmanageable span of committees, lack of
obstacles in communication,
multipllcity of such cases
departments, so However, the need for change in
various on.
between line and staff and
decisions, Ilack of cooperation occurs inflexibility.
some major crisis developing inertta or
goes unrecognized until place fust to avold
cases; organizational changes take because any single
In many organlzation should be dynamic
Conscious managers täke into
account this view
Thus, changes are incorporated
so that the personnel
ofmanagement ime. in the organizatlon
method is not the best tool unneessary, resistance when major changes
liking for change and there
is no
are brought about.
Project Management (SPPU)_
Quick Read
PEe rojectScheduling
a.1 Explain Basic Concepts of NetworkDevelopment7
Ans. B (5 Marks)
Basic Concepts of Network
projects may be viewed as being
composed of operations or tasks called activities, which require
expenditure of time and resources the
for their accomplishments. An activity is depicted by a single arrow
the project network. The activity (F) on
arrows are called arcs. The activity arrow is not scaled; the
time is only a matter of convenience length of the activity
and clarity and does not represent importance of time.
The head of the arrow shows the sequence
or flow of activities. An activity cannot begin until the completion of
the preceding activities. It is important
that activities be defined so that beginning and end ofeach activity can be
identified clearly.
Fig. 4.1
Generally, there are three types of activities found
in a network, which are:
o Predecessor activity: It is an activity which must be completed before
one or more otheractivities start
o Successor Activity: This is an activity that cannot be started untll one
or more of the other activities
completed but immediately succeeds them.
o Concurrent Activity: These are the actlvitles which can be accomplished
concurrent activities.
concurrently are known as
Dummy activity: This is an activity whlch does not consume any kind
of resource or. time is known as
dummy activity.A dummy activity is added ina network only
to establish the given precedence relationship
among other activities of project ln following two situations:
(a) When two or more parallel activities In a project have
same starting and finishing points.
(b) When two or more activities have some (byt not all)
of thelr immediate predecessor actlvities in
A dummy activity is generally shown by a dotted line in network dlagrams:
Dumny actvity
Fig. 4.2
An event in a network diagram is a specific ínstant of time which
marks the start, or the end of an activlty. Event
consumes neither time nor resources. It is represented by a circle and
the event number is wrltten within the
circle. The event circles are called nodes. Therefore, the major difference
between activities and events is that
activities represent the passage of time whereas events are points In time
Quick Read
Management(SPPU) 4.3.
Project event nodes as tn Fig.
begin andend with
arrows must SlartActiviyFinish
All activity
Fig. 4.3
followving three
can be further classified into
The events Sv
event event Burst event
Merge and
Burst Burst event
event event
Fig. 4.5
Advantages of Network sequence of activities required to
network analysis specifies the logical
Schedule relationships.
Sequence of Activities dependencies to establish activity
sequencing and
achieve project goals. It uses CPM and PERT to
identify the critical path of a
techniques like "Critical Path
network analysis uses
Critical Path: Schedule a schedule network diagram.
Refer to paragraph
is the longest path of
project Thecriticalpatr
Scheduling tounderstand other features of
critical path.
Method (CPM) cannot complete.
estimates the minímum duration before which the project
Project Duration: lt Activities on critical path are critical
àctivities can start and finish at the same time.
CHdcal Activitles:Not all activities need maximum attention of
schedule network analysis indicates exactly which
activities. Hence
team. mathematical
on critical path. It uses
permissible delay in activities that are not
Schedule flexibility: It is each activity.
finish, late start, and late finish of
calculations to establish early start, early
process. The schedule model helps to conduct
risk and scenarlo
Schedule Model It is the output of analysis
analysis of projectschedule.
like What-if analysis, scenario analysis and
Schedule Analysis: The schedule model allows further analysis
schedule compression techniques.
. s 0 antions
Project Management(SPPU)_
Quick Read
a.2 Writo Shorthote on PERT2
Ans. : (5 Marks)
PERT Computation
5.t facilitates the process ofcommunication between planners management by either adhering organisational
lines or crossing overthem. In essence, PERT makes the clear cut assignment of responsibility possible
After the project has been planned and its implementation is underway, PERT
continues to be of use in
controlling the project:
1 It provides all parties involved a cómmon basis of progress
reporting, both, within organisation and outside
ofit .
It identifies likely troubles pots before they are encountered.
3. It provides data specially tailored to each level of management.
It focuses management attention on thecritical path, where it is most needed, as well as on other no-critical
activities that finish resources essential to the completion of activities of the critical path.
S.tpermits. the effects of various reallocation alternatives to be simulated such that the impact of any
proposed changesin the overall project can be predicted. In other words PERT answers 'the what' if
questions. '.
. .
:. ?1.
Optimistic Most ikely
Tima distribution curve
Fig. 4.6
Variance (o
Variance for an activity is estimated on the basis of analogy to the normal
distribution where 99% of the area.
fall within the range approximately 6a in length
under the normal curve lies within the t 3a from the mean or
6g of a symmetric distribution. Thus, if
therefore, the interval (to. t) or range (to- to) is assumed to enclose about
denote the standard deviation, then
60tp -to
CPM method developed was by E.. du Pont de Nemours Company (USA) in 1958 and named as criucal pau
method (CPM) to schedule and control the project. CPM is applicabje to both large and small projects, taking
from space programs to wedding or horse shows.
mostversatileand potent management planning techniques. The objective o
It critical
is widely recognized and is the
path analysis isto estimate the total project duration and to assign starting and finishing times to a
activities involved in the project.
This Method Involves Following Steps
1. Break down the project intovarious activities systematically. Label all activities. Arrange all the activities in
logical.sequence. Construct the network diagram.
2. Numberalthenodes (events) and activities, Find the time for each activity considering it to be deterministic.
Jndicate the activity times on the arrow diagram.
3. Calculate earlieststart time,earliest fnlsh time, latest starttime and latest finish time. Tabulate activiy normal
times, earliest timesand latest times.
4. Determine the total float for each activity by taking diference berween the earliest time and latest time for each
node ,
5. Identify the critical activities(theactivities with zero float) and connect them with the beginning node and the
ending node in the network diagram by double line arrow.This gives the critical path.
6. Calculate the total project duration.
7. Itis intended to reduce thetotalproject duration, crash the critical activities of the network.
8. Optimize the cost. .1 : . *
. es easy:s0lutions
Quick Read
Management (SPPU)
Project this, the forward
steps: node. To accomplish
This consists of the following move to the end
initial project
start node and time ofzero for the
computation begins from the occurrence
1. The assumed earliest
computations start with an
pass occurrence
1e.E 0:1=1 event i, This is equal to the earliest
i etart for each activity
which begins at
Calculate earliest start time for starung
ESi=E forallactivity (, J activity plus the
timeofeventi (Tail event) ié, which is the earliest start time of the
activity. j)
finish time of each
3. Calculate earlíest
duration oftheactivity,e.
EFy ESy + tiy= Etti earliestfinish times of all
time for event j 0>1) which is the maximum ot the
4. Calculate earliest
activities ending into that event, ie.
E Maximum (ESy+ ty) Max [Eit t
each event
The computed values are
put into the lower left portion of
allowable time):
2. Backward pass method (For latest
begin from last event L
In this method calculation
The various steps are as
follows: event obtained
event L which is equal to the earliest occurrence time of that
1. Set the latest occurrence time öf
from forward pass method.
i.e., AssumneL =E tor enalng
equal to the latest event time ofeventj,
i.e, LF=L
Latest finish time for activity (i,j)
minus the activity timel.e.
activity (6,j) is the latest completion time of (ij)
3. Latest starting time of
LSj LFg-tij=Li=tj
time ofall activities originating from that
Thus L
= .Mín(Ly)
The computed values are put into the lower
rlght pórtion of each event.
CPM Systems
no successor.
() Actvity A
() B must follow A
(ii) B and C must follow A
es0asV soluuons
Quick Read
48 gradually convertingth
EProject Management (SPPU) event and then
consists of identifying the initial assigned only when b
applying this rule preceding events. A numberis
The procedure for arrows from the previous
deletíng the steps:
Succeedingevent by event It involves the following
converted into initial
suchdeletions anode is
oEvent numbersshould be out on a sequential basis
from left to right
numberingshould be carried arrow is memberedas.
oEvent outgoing arrows with no incoming
initialeventwhich has all one new start eyent out of
oThe emerging from all the numbered events. This will create at least
ODelete allarrows
events any
the proceeding
. Repeat this process until all terminal event without
2, 3 and so on.
Number all new. start events suitably.
successor activity is reached, Number the terminal node
8 Marks)
Project Alocation What are ts benents ?
Project Alocation
writers, developers,
various resources such as skilled professionals(eg creative
Every project requires everything done. In
tools (eg. software, hardware, meeting rooms), and time to get
construction workers), and on budget
resource allocation is key to delivering projects on time
virtually every type of industry, effective
the resources requlred
define resource allocation or resource management as the scheduling of activities and
We project time.
consideration both the resource availability and the
by project activities while taking into
The basic types of
resources you might need or encounter In managing a project:
writers, editors, user
People are the key to successful completion of any project. They may be
People: contract resources,
account people, traffic managers, freelance or
experience (UX) designers, art directors,
developers, testers. You need people with varied skills to
getyour project done.
project over
o Time: This is the total amount of time
(days, weeks, months, years) you require to bring your
may already be decided, you can divide increments of time
finish line. While the end date of the project
the on ..
that period to ensure. your project stays track
in carry, out any work Access to specific equipment is
o Tools and capital: Tools and capital are essential to
or have to be planned for during the resource
always required to create special featurés products. These will
allocation phase of project management and allocatédappropriately.
resources, a project or program manager is responsible. The project
For the planning and then allocation of the
manager needs to assess what types of people, time, and tools will be needed throughout a project's schedule.
role the successful execution and completion of the project becomes quite vital.
. his in
Benefits of Project resource allocation
As you can see, following the right processes and usíng a complete resource management tool,
resource allocation easier and benefit from it in many ways:"
you can make
50 demonstrates that
Management (SPPU edges. Research
Project expenses and. increment Professional Services
delivery will help
reduced costs, and for
mproving or
executed PMO have
organizations that have component the most astounding performers.
of authorltative expénsés
Organization, itis a typlcal resource pool, you will diminish the resources to
breakthrough perspective of your whole enhance income, enhance the
with a up these outdated
frameworks, Ålso, you can
related to keeping
achieve success and sustain
ustomer relationships. modify resources to
report the principal
management is intended to ideally
resource optimízation ín project resource requests tor an ideal
empowers organízations to gratily
he affecting the activities in the task. It
ISSues organization's objectives.
design and allows you to accomplish the
Challenges to Project Resource on multiple projects
several challenges especially when the organization is. working manage them
Resource Allocation faces aware them properly allocate resources and
manager. needs be to of to
simultaneously.A project
throughoutthe project actually the
Changes to the scope, timeline or budget can affect project delivery. t's
Requirements changes: smoothly adjust
an up-to-date resource calendar will help you to
same withresource allocation too. Thus, having
resources once the changes appear.
resources you need
availability of resources: While working on a single project, you could use any you have to
Limited case, multiple projects are being executed at the samé time
your company.
thatare available atsame resources with another Project manager. So, resource availability keeps changing and
negotiate over the
you have to monitor itall the time to spot threats to your project's delivery. dependencies
dependencies: For allocating resources you need to know about the project
Complex Project IT projects there
tasks or activities in the project. For example, in
which area form of arelationship between the
ones are completed, so there's no point to hog resources early
are tasksthatcan only bedone after some other you require specific resources.
on. Thishelps you understand the exact time and place when
boxes when starting off a project, agreed on the
Project risk &uncertainties : Even if you've checked the
you can't predict. Thus, it is important for you to be
timeline,the budget and the scope,there're always things resources from other projects or re-assigning them.
able to respond to project uncertaínties, by shifting peers may
your organization is workingon several projects simultaneously you and your
Multple Projects If very often in a similar timeframe. But even if you manage to negotiate over
have tó share limited resources, projects
resources you both need, there may,bea change in priorlties regarding one of the
EE 5 Marks)
Q6 Explaln Projec Scheduling How is itdone
a mechanism to communicate what
Project schedúlíng is an important part of profect management. It provides
resources will be allocated to complete those tasks. Thus project
Casks are to be done and which organizational
on time. It helps a
scheduling is a document collecting all the work needed to be done to deliver the project
of the work to be done
project manager and all other people associated with the project a proper understanding
in a timely andsequentially manner.
A project is made up of many tasks, and each task has a start and end time to ensure timely
finish. People in the
past had printed calendars on a shared wall in the water-cooler room, or shared spreadsheets via email, today
most teaisuseonline profectscheduling tools.
Typically,profectseheduling is just one feature within a larger project management software soution, and there
are many different places in the software where scheduling takes place.
es 0astsolüti@ns
Project Management
How to Schedule a Project
Before going deeper Qulck Read
scheduling into project scheduling,
ocCurs during
theplanning let's review
o What needs to be done? phase ofthe project the fundamenta ntals to project scheduling.
You have Project
o When will itbe done? to askyourself three questions start:
o Who will do it?
Once you've got answers
and resources. to these questions you can
The followingare begin plan dates,
1. Define Activities the steps needed to plat link activities, set the duration,
Breakdown Structure ; ldentfy and define to schedule a project:
the activities that you
(WBS) have to do
them by mapping and a deliverables in the project. By using a
2. Do Estimates
out the tasks necessary diagram, you
to complete them
can begin to take these wo
activities and organize
After you have in an order than makes
determine the the activities sense.
time and effort defined and broken
order to calculate it will take to down into tasks,
thecorrectschedule complete them
This is an essential
the next step, 1s to
3. Determine Dependencies piece of the equauon
completed. Tha's Tasks are not an
called a task dependency, island, and often one
cannot be started
One way to do this and your schedule until the other is
is by putting a bit of slack in is going to have to reflect
4. Assign Resources: The last step finalizing your schedule to accommodate these related linked tasks.
to be required to to your planned tasks.
get those tasks done schedule is to decide
just like the tasks. on time. For example assembling what resources are going
a team and scheduling
their time
Q.7 Explain SchedulingTechniques
in Detail
6 Marks)
Scheduling Techniques
The first two
techniques used by project managers
Review Technique (PERT). are Critical Path Method
You can usethesemethods (CPM) and Program
Evaluation and
known scope ofthe project. to calculate the assumed start
and finish dates, based on
1. Critical Path Method (CPM)
es casy SoluionS
Quick Read
52 bae?
Project Managenient
(SPPU). define tasks and their order first, sed
PERT, just like in CPM
you will need
consisting of these tasks, you caan
project using CPM,
To schedule a Using a network
framework similar to
your project's milestones. confidence:
on estimate different
timelines for a project depending on the level of
Optimistic timing
Most-likely timing
Pessimistic timing than estimates to
to CPM, PERT uses weighted average duratlon rather
Although it looks very similar
calculate possible timeframes. dependencies betweern them in order
this approach is also a need to know the tasks and
A disadvantage of
to fully benefit from this technique.
5 Marks
different cost components.
a8What is cost estimate of a project? Explain
Project Management (SPPU)
Statistical odeling:
drivers and then Statistical
modelíng, or
calculates parametri Quíck Read
changed. what those parametric budgeting also uses
cost would historical data of key cost
Po Estimate: be if the duration
Another . or another aspre
aspect of the project is
most likely,.optimistic approach
Pproach is the three-point estimate,
andpessimistic ranges.
estimation. estiT which comes
Theseare up with three scenari0s
Reserve analysisThis then put intoan equation eve cost
approach tries to technique determines
wrangle uncertainty. how much contingency
oCost of quality: This techniquesuses money reserve must
be allocatea.
after the Project
comparingbids to address failures. This can
spent during the
project to avoid failures
fromvendors can help fine-tune and moneyapp ed
Bottom-up Analysis: also help figure out costs. your overall project
cost estimation. BUa
This technique
package is ofprime importance. supports the ideathatthe
individual cost each
be estimated to the Smallest By using the method, individual of activity or entire work
detail. scheduled activities
into a summary table that All estimates are
grouped and sorted or a work package can
isused fortracking, by categories and then gatherea
Top-down Analysis : control and reporting
This technique opposite purposes.
is determined at the projecr's beginning and to the Bottom-up Analysis. It assumes
the expert team needs that the overal budget
The technique allows determining to identify the costs of each
BreakdownStructure) the number of required work item.
which relects activities
the necessary work and tasks referringto the WBS
By using the WBS, the items and work packages. (Work
expert team can determine
within the fixed budget. They the quantity of the work
may decide to add items that can be delivered
budget or remove certain iteims
în the WBS in order to fit the
Cost EstimationProcess fixed
o The base cost estimate is an acçurate reflection ofthe project's scope of work
oScope, schedule and cost items are calculated properly and required components are
not missing or double
Historical data, the cost based estimate data, or other data that was used reasonably reflects
project scope
and site conditions.
es basysOJUtion
Quick Read
management plan for a
Management (SPPU) a risk
Project i
step is part of developingmanagement ís an active and on
: This
Set Contingency management planning Risk minimizino
Determine Risks and component project events (opportunities and
integral of consequences of positive risk
andis an maximizing the probabilityand (threats) to the project objectives
process of riskevents cost
consequencesof negative included to derive a total project
probability and must be
the cost impact ofproject risks communicated to both internal
context of cost budgeting. the data is
In the Cost estimate should be
Estimate Communication Approach: determines what estimate information
Determine approach communicated, and when
constituencies. The communication information should. be
external how the
receive this information,
communicated, who should
should be
communicated. as part ofthe project
the information communication plan is developed
should be included when
Basis ofEstimate
documentcan be
information numbers. The
Cost estimate
words are as important as the the projectto others
management process. Often the convey key information about
as a communication tool to products ot the
used effectively Management Endorsement: Estimates are key
Review and Obtain decisions are baséd.
Conduct Independent documents upon which key management
process and are fundamental reconciled and revised
project management an independent review and then be
estimates should receive
Given their importance, all comments
independent reviewer presented to
as needed to respond to satisfactorily incorporated,estimates should be or baseline
comments have been developed for initial budgeting
Once independent review Management approval of estimates
management staff for approval. management process.
defined step in the project developed, should also be
definition is a
requirements change, or as design is
developed if project management comments, and then
Revised estimates, typically necessary to reflect
staff, revised as
reviewed by management
Advantages of cost estimates businesscost
project specific cost, in turn also the overall revenues.
It helps in controlling the
costs accordingy work towards the expected
expenses and and
One can predict the future
as recordsfor the business.
Predefined costs can be maintained operations aim at
necessary to assurethat the. resources and business a.+ .
those actions that are
It helps in taking '
attaining the chalked objectives and
term trends ofthe 2
is spending
Quick Read
expense can
(SPPU and budgets.
Project Management assess the accuracy of
cost estimates
are overstated also have negative
Management needs to estimates that unaffordable
Ccuracy: abandoned. Budgets and Cost by making itlook
being viable profect
resu in. theprojectaretooliberaltheycan killan otherwise understanding technical
consequences.Ifthey enough, not
fto cost estimates
and budgets
times not scoping the project not adhere
Considerations At common reasons why profects
making chan are the most
and can never be too detailed. other phases
Budgets and Cost estimates Management should consider how changesaffect
estimate, and keep all of
should be documented thoroughly, prepare the cost
EVery change to use a spreadsheet to
project A'simple, yet effective toolis .'
the t
importantdata visiblein cells, instead of
hidden in formulas.
prepare a project budget is
simple way to estimate costs and
An effective and phasing
Project Management Software: Most software has features that identify the types, quantities,and
use project management software. capabilities estimating the costs for individual
project pieces and
todifferent types of labour. It also has for large phases
of The pieces can differ in size and number froma few
adding them togëther to reach a or thousands ofsmall tasks.
known cósts to hundreds
ofa projectwith Marks)
11Write Shört note on Methods ofBudgeting 2
Ans.: Methods of Budgeting
Bottom-Up Budgeting
Bottom-up is a projectbudgeting
management techniqueinwhich the people who are going
to perform the work
are the employees, vendors and other project team
take part budgeting process. Typically those people
in the
members (WBS).
the project manager to develop estimates for tasks in the work breakdown structure
:They work with you combine them into
duration and cost at the task level lets
Setting the estimates of the amount of work,
Typically, the project work is broken down into smaller components and an estimate of duration and cost is
assigned to each component, The scheduleis determined by aggregating the individual duration estimates, while
the budget is determined by aggregating the individual cost estimates.
The advantage of bottom-up budgeting is that itleads to greater acuracy because ittakes into consideration
each component ofthe projectwork Accuracy is alsoachieved because the estimates for each component are
given by the individuals responsible for these components: the ones who know the work well.
The primary disadvantage of bottom-up budgeting is the time it takes to complete.
In order to take into
involved. N
consideration each component of the project work, these components
decomposition. This process is long, and can be even more
: i :
. .
must first be identified, through
so when a large amount ofwork or complex
work is
Project Management (SPPU
vantage of bottom-up
nother dísadvant 5
is not free. itionally, the
estimation is thát it can Quick Read
done be costly.Thet
completing the components. for each component The time spent decomposing project
ln general, bottom-upbudgeting
isis given by the individuals responsible
is not the best choice for
or projects that nave contracted resources for projects
that that do notallow for long periods
work golng to be completed.
is typically do not start on the of plannig
project much earlier
Top-Down Budgeting
Top-Dowm budgeting
Is a project
individual tasks are apportioned budgeting technique in which
from it Youstart the overail project is estimated
from the first, and.
This type of project budgeting usually top of the pyramid and work
occurs when downwards.
fit within a predetermined funding level, particularlythere is a fixed budget and/or the scope
whenprojects ofthe project must
Top Down is the opposite of Bottom Up aren't blessed with rich resources
Budgeting, whereby
into the overall project estimate. Individual tasks are estimated
first and "rolled up"
In top down budgeing individual task
estimates are only as
derived from. If the overall esimate is accurate as the overall project
incorrect, nothing will estimate they are
make the individual task estimates accurate.
And because projects are normally tracked
via individual tasks, this
individual tasks are incorrectly apportioned, could lead to issues during the project when
even though the overall estimate
is correct
At the strategic level top down budgeting is used to evaluate the project proposal.Somedmes much of the
information needed to derive accurate time and cost estimates is not available in the initial phase of the project
Consensus Methods: This method simply uses the pooled experience of senior and/or middle managers to
estimate the total project duration and cost. This typically involves a meeting where experts discuss, argue, and
ultimately reach a decision as to their best guess estimate.
Ratio Methods : Top-Down budgeting usually uses ratios to estimate project times costs. Top-Down
cost estimate for
budgeting is often used in the concept or "need" phase of a project to get an initial duration and
the project
Apportionment is used when projects
Apportion Methods: This method is an extension to the ratio method.
historical data, budgets can be made quickly with
closely folow past projects in features and costs. Given good
little effort and reasonable accuracy. or
projects that are relatively standard but have some,Small variation
his method is very common in exposed to this process.
Quick Read
Project Management 5 Marks)
used to forecasting Cost?
Describe strategles
a12 during a time of increased
Forecasting Cost forecast thecost ofyour project
Ans.: strategies can be used to want in a
TheFollowing is never easy to know exactly the need or
wants of the stakeholders It of the needs and wants it's
Knowthe true needs and Because of non-understanding
may seem simple upfront. can lead to unidentified goals and
project even if it project. This
requirements of the a deeper
impossible to identify the exact important to put in as much time as is required to get ensure
both sides of the table.
Therefore, it's to
understanding of stakeholder's expectations. So the first step to
an effectivly forecast project cost is
stakeholders and that these
identified, documented, and confirmed with all
project requirements are accurately
are communlcated toall parties without leaving any
While forecasting costs it's important to be realisttc
Know the changing circumstances: circumstances change, make sure to get input from all
room for unforeseen changes, When time such as à pandemic
companies discover that during adverse
stakehiolders. This step is essential as most resources, labor, financing
your control can ímpact the cost such as the pricing of supplies,
Manyfactors beyond sure that the vendors
currency exchanges, and so on. Thus, it is important to make
product/serviceshortages, .
same time getting inputs from other stakeholders
on promises and a backup plan is ready. At the
deliver their
way in setting a more realistic cost
that can be met, even when
vendors can go a long
and vetting suppliers and
impact costs.
thereareunforeseen circumstances that you become aware of changes that might
Maintain effective communication with
the stakeholders Once
know what's changed, how it
your projects and stakeholders, it's critical to loop them in and let them
impact close to budget as
outcome, and what's being done to keep the expenses as
affects them and thefr project should know the root cause of any
maintaining the current project cost is not possible, stakeholders in
possible. If The important poini here is that uncertainty
overrunsto make informed decisions about proceeding. need to be made
potential sense, leaving other cost-related decisions that
broader such as a pandemic, is unavoidable, may circumstances
the manner. Stakeholders such as the customer need to decide whether the time or
in a timely
are rightto continue, defer, or stopa pröject underestimated areas when managing
Manage Change: Change management is one of the most
dentify and communlcation and how processes
management specialists understand the importance of,
projectsProject process yet can significantly increase
stakeholders. Something may seem like a slight change in any document,
impact specialists should work with project teams
to identify,
throw off budgets. Change management can push costs over
and internal and external changes that
communicáte the precise strategies to deal with
budget cost without establishing key
Key Performance Indicators You can't effectively forecast a project
Develop extent to
performance fndicators (KPIS). KPIS help you'
ascertain how much has to be spent on a profect, the
a few commonly
was planned, and so on. Here are just
which the project's actual cost could differ from what
essential to effective project cost forecasting:
knownand used project KPIs that áre
(ACWP). shows how much money has been
oActual cost (AC),also known as actual cost of work performed
Spent on a project to date.
estimated project cost is above or below the set baseline.
Costvarlance (CV) indicates whether the (BCWP), shows the approved budget for
Earned value (EV), aka budgeted cost of work performed
performed project activities up to a particular time.
(BCWS), is the estimated cost for project
Planned value (PV), aka budgeted cost of work scheduled
activíties planned/scheduled as of the repórtinig date
benefits have exceeded the
Return on Investment (RON shows a profect's profitability and whether the
COsts : O00
es 0aSSolutions
Project Management(SPPU)n
. Quíck Read
P Oject Riskand
Financial Management
Q. 1 Dellne Risk ? *****
Ans.: Risk
Risk is inevitable 2Marks
condition that
in abusiness organizatlon
eS casy Solutions
Project Management(SPPU)
60 Qulck
n planning risk management, the project manager
must analyze the varlous risk attitudes (risk appetlte
thresholds, ànd tolerances) of stakeholders order
management activitdes in to determlne the appropriate resources and rlsk
requlred for the profect.
2 Risks Identilcatdon
The risk ldentiflcation
process involves determining
events. This helps the and documenting the rlsks that can atfect
project team to anticipate uncertaintles. project
The inputs to this process
include key elements of
quality, human resource the project management plan such as
and schedule management plans, the risk, COst,
stakeholder register, and scope baseline. Other inputs include
procurement documents and all the
about the risks that other project documents that can provide
a project may face. insights
To ldentify risks, the
project documents should
employed. Some ofthe be reviewed. Also, information gathering
recommended information methods should be
o. Brainstorming:This gathering techniques include:
involves bringing together multi-disciplinary
facilitator (usually the a team of experts,coordinated a
project manager) to generate ideas by
risks that might occur that are used to identily and categorize
on a project. the
Delphi Technique :
This is a way to gather consensus
independently. The goal of experts by seeking thelr
here is to ensure that the experts are opinlons
experts so as to eliminate not influenced by the decisions
bias. of other
Interviewing: This involves performing
one-on-one interviews with stakeholders
Root cause analysis : This to identify risks
involves analyzing a problem to determine
problem and to determine the underlying causes of the
if these causes are still project rísks
3. Qualitatlve Risk Analysis that should be documented.
es bissotutions
ProjectManagement (SPPU)
Quick Read
The Risk controlprocess involves Implementing
rísk responses, identif
and secondary risks and ensuring that the ntfying new risks, monítoring esidua)
risk process ls effective
throughout the project
Inputs to the process would Include the project
manageme plan, the
performance information. ment risk register and the work
Meeting the budgetary constrailnts: Delays and unwanted troubles have the potential to fail the project
budget out of control resulting Into financial losses. Risk management ensures that every possible trouble is
aken care of so that project cost doesn't cross the budgetary allocations.
o Maintaining Proactive approach: Risk management helps a project manager in maintaining proactive
approach towards project management asthe likely risky areas and situations are identifñed in time and the
soutions are prepared and placed at theright place and at right time to mitigate the risks.
Meeting the deadline : Because of riskmanagement a project is able to meet its deadline. The risks never
delay a project as they are handled in sucha way that their impact is minimum.
o Avoiding Losses:Because ofeffectiverisk management approaches, a project is completed successhully and
in the given deadline. All this ensures that the project does not suffer any losses. It remains profitable by
geting the expected returns.
5 Marks)
,4List the Steps in isk Management. 2
Project Management (SPPU). Quick Reac
aftecting the project by aro
An excellent project risk management plan can decrease the level of problems n
80%-90%, which is a good range to bein ae
It is essential for any project on the line to include a plan to manage the risks antcipated tor that project. A
projects have a percentage of risk hovering them and it alvays fals In need to have a project risk managemej
plan at hand.
The project risk management plan should contain the following attributes and elements:
Process: A process is adopted in order to ldentify, analyze, evaluate, and mitigate risks throughout the
project life cycle.
Budget: There is always risk on costing of the project as when the project starts there are bound to
changes as the project's proceeds. The method of dealing with such a change needs to be elaborated in the
project risk management plan.
Work Breakdown Structure: The strategies involved in the project risk management areto be transferred
to the WBS such ashow and when needs to be included in the project risk management plan.
Risk Register: The frequency of reviewing the risk register is an important part in the project risk
management plan. '
Roles and Responsiblities: When the project runs into an issue with risk attached to it, the plan will
the project member know about the in-charge of different scenarios.
Reporting Structure: This is the same as with the roles and responsibilitles butbriefly elaborates on the
reporting structure in the situation of encountering a risk and in whose hands do the decisions need to lie.
Risk Categories: Risk needs to be carefully categorized and slated for proper organization of information.
es easSolutions
Quick Readd
Howto those events
volves preparing checklsts of potental risks and evaluating the Jikelihood that
pen on
experlence from
This happen on tthe project. Some companles and industries develop risk checklists based on
might :
on the
past can be helpful to the project manager and project team In identifyingboth specific risks
Thechecka sts experienc
Aid and expanding the thinking of the team. The past experience of the project team, project
on a
company, and experts in the industry can be valuable resources for identifyng potential risk
project. ome
sourcesof risk by category is another method for exploring potential risk on a project.
of risk
dentifying the
categories for potentlal risks include the following
o Political
o People
concentrated. This approach helps the project team
The result is a clearer understanding where risks are most
identifying unknown risks and risks not easily
identify known risks, but can be restrictive and less creative in
found inside the
Identification Essentials
continuousimplementation as new phases,
Risk identification is a.process of brainstorming. It involves
some essentials to
experlences, and viewpoints are íntroduced. Being vital to the management process, there are
risk identification that guarantee maximum results.
Participation: Face-to-face interactions between project managers and the team promise better and
. more comprehensive communication. The team must feel comfortable to share and find hidden or
and appears as the risk management process proceeds. Keeping identifñed .
o Repetition: Information changesthe system is focused on mitigating the most prevalent issues.
risks current and updated means
Approach: Certain objectives require distinct approaches to best combat identification failure. One
causes, undesirable events, and map their potential impacts. Another is to identify
is to identify all root
essential performance functions the project must enact to be successful then find possible issues with each
function or goal.
DoCumentation: Consistent and exhaustive documentation leads and reliable solutions
to comprehensive
Most communication is recorded by a
1or a speciñc project or future risk management team's analysis.
risk prevention.
Project manager and data is copied, stored, and updated for continued
of a instead
ORoots and Symplums: Itis essential in the risk identification phase to find the root causes risk
the root cause, making it critical to
OI mistaking them with the symptoms.A symptom can be confused with
discover the orlgin of risks and denote what their symptoms are.
Ces c8sVsolitions
Oulck Read
develop mltgari
EProject Management (SPPU) assessment tool that helps Sc
PDRI Is a risk within the defined project ope
(PDRI): assessment
Definition Rating Index magnitude, represented
roject the team's risk
high-risk areas. It faclitates detail ofindividualrlsks and their
PrOgramsfor further
and deadlines. It also provides
dget eventrees represent
a score. probabilistic rlsk assessments,
studies and Is supported by
Commonly used in reliability top the tree is the event andit
ventirees: faults related to it. The of
an event followed by all factors andevent, helping with likelihood visibility.
any condition that may lead to that (8 Marke)
Methods of Qualitative Risk Analysls
scale istextual.
coded, numeric, or
Quick Read
a combination
of all. " 10W, medium,
In this respect, the
e measurement or high probability.
is more detalled It also can be colour
in monetary (funding. expenses,
than wíth
A.properly conducted
cted qualitatlive costs) and quantitative
schedule(days, risk
sk analysis. Quantitativ
risk analysis weeks,months
progres: With qualitative
quali highlights and years)term
risk analysis, potential
create a proper plan of action. you'll note fssues in
the complexity a project
ject that can or will limit
We consider fiveof themost of the risk,
usefulQualitative prob
robability, and
impact to
which are as follows: Risk
o Delphi Technique: appled
pplied in project
Ths is a form ofrisk
toidentify, analyse and evaluate brainstorming.
risks on an individual Delphi Technique
other expert's risks,;and a risk makes use ofexpert
register is produced and anonymous ba opinio
the experts. through continuous basis, Each expert then
swIFT Analysis: Standing review and consensus
for "Structured
sWIFT applies a, What-1f Technique",
investigates how team-basd
approach in
this is simplified
version of aHAZLOF
changes irom an a workshop
approved design, environment, where
Whatif considerations. This or plan, may the team
technique is affect a project
Risks. particularlyuseful through a seneso
in evaluating
the viability of Opportunity
Decision Tree Analysis:
Similar to Event
output, Decision Tree Analysis Tree Analysis,
but without providing
is most often used
there is uncertainty in the outcome to help determine a fully quantitative
of possible the best course
the initial proposed decision events or proposed of action wherever
and mapping the plans. This is done
occurring from the initial different pathways by starting with
decision. Once all and outcomes as
respective probabilities pathways and outcomes a result of events
evaluated, a course have been established,
most desirable of action may be selected and their
outcomes, associated
events and probability success. based on a combination of the
o Bow-tie Analysis : This is of
one of the most
mitigations. Bow-tie Analysis practical techniques available
starts by looking in helping identify
To the left, all the potential at a risk event and then risk
causes of the projects this in two directions.
consequences of the event are listed and,
event are listed. It is then possible to the right, all the potential
each of the causes and to identfy and apply mitigations
consequences separately, (or barriers) to
occurrence and the effectively mitigating
subsequent impacts, should the both the probability
risk still occur. of risk
2. Quantitative Risk Analysis
Quantitative Risk Analysis
is a project management process
identified risks on the that numerically analyzes
entire project objectives. The benefit the effects of
the quantitative risks to support of this process is that it creates
the decision-making information of
of project managers minimize
projects. to the uncertainty of the
This particular
project management process is used on the risks
that have been identifñedand
the Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis prioritized by
process that can substantially impact
project. the competing demands ofthe
Thus, Quantitative Risk Analysis
is used to analyze the effects of the risk on
in evaluating the the project objectives. It is used
aggregate effects of the risks that affect the project. It is important to take note
process is used that the
to provide numerical priority rating to the individual risks.
es Casysoluions
Quick Read
Ans. 1;
Introduction to Financlal Management
Forany business to establish and grow, finance as a resource plays a significant role. Large number of individuai
and group fail to get tinancing for their businesses even when ivey have d goui ousless uiuiei. ianý uc
who get financing at times don't know how to'effectively manage this scarce resource.
Project Managemcnt (SPPU)
ea technical,
is prepared after
hnical, etc. It tells us
ysng the
whetner project
a the project get you
the ROlyou
project on different parameter
is worth the such as social,
le investment There can be many reasons investment as some
for in cases ject may not
those resources from performing other this, Includingrequiring too many
a projec
tasks but 2any resources, which not
project that isn't profitable. DUt also also may
rn backby m cost more than an organization
study is the foundation upon which your
pToject. A feasibility
project. std in
feasibility sthudyis project resides.
If it doesn't support your pro
don't have a i
the project life cycle
after the business case
well-designed feasibility study offers adetailed and completed.
has been cor
as a description sound background
project such marketing ot the product or service, the business relating to the propos
accounting statements,
manage research and Poicies,
policies, financial details of operations an
data, legal requirements,
rede technicali
precede technical development and tax obligation. uenesay
suchstudies and project implementation.
. ..
derstand thorougniy all aspects ol a project, concept, or plan
To ware of any potential problems
that could occur while implementing
To De the project
nine whethe
determine whether the project is viable, worth undertaking
To after considering allsignificantfactors,
ntapes of thë feasibility stidy ln project management
policies you have in your business. Common sources include technical failures, fraud activity,
systems or
employee errors,
Financial Risk
your business out of trouble. Financial risk
to control the nnancial risk in order keep
is important
Through a series of plans of action, we can
management, thus, becomes important for every organization.
organization. There are practices, procedures and policies your
identify and reduce the effect of risks on the
take on more risk than it is prepared for.In order to take
control of the
business can use to ensure it doesn't
financial risks, you need to:
identify and measure the risks
willing to accept
decide on the level of risk you are
identify cashflow problems
reviewyour înancial arrangements with
o be careful if extending credit to customers
diversify your income sources
regularly reassess your risks
(5 Marks)
Q.12 Explain Steps to control sinancial risks
sources or
identilying the financial risks, and their
Risk Exposure: Risk management starts by
ying company's balance sheet. This provides
a snapshor of the debt,
Causes good place to start is with the company is lacing You
foreig oA exposure, interest rate risk and commodity price vulnerability the
and cash flows
ExChange to see how income
should also examine the income statement and the cash fiow statement
so 1
reparing plans of action After you've analysed the sources of risk you must decide how you wl act on this
intormation.Generally. you might consider the following actionsteps:
o Reducing cash-flow volatility.
o Managing operatingcosts
o Managing yourpaymentterms
Project Qulck
and Entrepreneurs
processof product Development.
t (5 Marks)
Ans. Development
develelopment is the rocess of bringing an original product idea to market Although it differs by
can essentially be broken down into five stages: ideation, research, planning, prototyping, sou
industry, it
and Many aspiring entrepreneurs get stuck on ideation, often because they're waiting for a stroke o
1. reveal the pperfect product they shoud sell While building someching undamentally "new can be
nius to fulfhllin,
creatively ling, many of the best ideas are the result of iterating upon on an existing prodt
yourproductiidea in mind, you may feel inclined to leapfrog ead to production, but that
arch: With a
become tep if you fail to validate your idea firstProduct Validation nsures you're creating
a misste;
an an won't sell.
aduct people will pay lor and that you won't waste time, money, and effort on idea that
you decide to go about validating your idea, it is important to get feedback from a substanial
However, compiled from doing
ence as to whether they would buy your prouct. The informatior
unbiased audienc also the
will allow you to gauge the demand for your product and
ation and market research
product before you start planning.
of competition that exists
level take the ime to
duct development can quickly become complicate it's important to
Planning:Since planning with a hand-drawn sketch
prototype.The best place to begin is
3. before you begin to build your possible, with labels
explaining the
Will look like. The sketch should be as detailed as
of what your
and functions. you will need in order to
various features different components or materials
create a list of the components, but it should
Try to use
your diagram to be inclusive of all potential
does not need to
product to life. The list theproduct.
bring the you will need in order to create
begin planning what well before you
allow you to your materials should be considered as
quality of îmarket your product to
labels, and overall effect on how you
The packaging, stages. These will have an
consideration during the
to the sourcing and costing aspects of your product into
continue to take these
target customer, so it's important
your finished product
planning phase too. product developmentis to create a
phase during verstons of
goal of the prototyping Involves experimenting
with several
The final
4. Prototyping:
mass production. Prototyping until you feel satisfied with a
sample for improvements
to use as a slowly eliminating options and making
your product, .*
time to start gatheringthe
sample. satisfied with, itis chain # the
product prototype you're to as buildingyour supply
Once you have a also referred customers' hands.
5. Sourcing: production. This is
and securirs the
needed for
resources that are
needed to create a
getitinto a
related services,
you may also factor in
vendors, activities, for
involve looking
While this phase
wil! mainly choices at this
clearer pictureof
warehousing into your you should have.a
storage, shipping, and sourcing is done, information gathered
prototyping, and taking all of the retail price
planning, process of
After research, Costlng is the youcan determine a
LOSang: produce your
(COGS) will be, so
wil! cost to goods
nat it adding up wtat
your cost of Solutions
4,and ese9s '**.
and gross margin.
Project Management(SPPU) Quick
Begin by creating a spreadsheet with each addltional cost broken out as a separate line item. Thicl
fnclude all otyour raw materals, factory set up costs manufacturing costs, and shiplng costs. costsl
importint to factorinshipping importfees,and any dutles you will need to pay in order to get your is
product into the customers hands, as these fees can have a significantimpact on your COGS dependin final
where you are producing the product on
Once you hav your total COGS calculated, you can come
up wlth a retall price for your product and subtra.
the COGSfrom that price to getyour potential gross margin, or profit, on each unit sold. act
a 2What isPoject organization? State its advantages K
Ans. 5 MarkK.
Product Organization
Production organization rèfers an organizatlonal
to structure formed as per the
kinds of departments can operate autonomously. product or service line. These
In a Product organization grouping of sales
efforts of a business is done as per and production
the line of products and services of the business.
chosen bybusinèsses when they have different This kind of organízation is
product lines and requir special
distributing them. expertise for marketing and
Such a structure offers better, co-ordínation which a key adväntage.
barriers among functíonal.specialists is It helps in reducing communication
working on same product or service.
according to: Product organization is
oThe particularline ofproducts or services
theyproduce:This is the most common
structure. Divisionsmanage product organization.
different products separately, ánd managers
chiefofficer or vicepresident. This product report to the relevant
model allows a company to up
that apply onlytoaspecific productor productline. scale efficlently and make quick decisions
oThe customers they deal with: large companies often meet the heeds of customers
motivations.Your businessmight
produce several products marketed
and decideits product organization should reflectthat. to different
with different incomes
portions of the market
oThe geographical area they,serve large
geographical area within a country companles have their businesses
or globe, For the easé spread in more than one
geographicalareas. of business divisions are created as
per the
The structure may have severali
layers.of managers and employees.
marketing team, own Each layer (divisíon) can
its sales team, and so manager have its own
product type, e.g sporting goods, house waresonA typically reports to
the head of the company by
human resources) may provided and general merchandise.
be Certain key functions
centrally, (e.g. finance or
Product organization
results Intobetter is based on particular
focus on developing
product lines
that are substantially
speciicmarket different from each
segments other wna
Management (SPPU
structure rs specialised expertise
This lor productlon Quick Read4
a few major customers that makeu and distribution
Ithelps mostof ofspecificproducts.
Disadvantages yourbusiness.
into duplicatior
tion of functions
may esult
resources and resources,
It eg, a different
wastage of sales team for each division which Is a
Technical pertise across maller unitshas to be developed
rivalries which is tedious
nurtures negative among a job."
Aproduci organization over-emphasises on divisional, rather
than organisational
results into losing central,control over each
separate division
process ofProduct.Planning.
3Explain the 5Marks)
Ans. :
nlanning is the process ot ldentilying and creating a new product with
Product plann. its features, price, promou
distril ian. etc.
It also involves the tormaton of product policies and strategies. The purpose fit is to achieve
business goals.
lanning is comprised ot both the corporate plan as well as the marketing plan, based on which the
Product plan
made. Product planning invoives various other dedsions like designing, packaging and
product plans
pricing,and making alterations in the productas per the equírements of the customers.
labeling, branding,
i improvements in existing products as well as removal funprofitable or marginal
Product planning Product
ludes product deslgn and engineering which is also called productdevelopment.
products. It also with full scale
all activities starting with the conception of product ea and ending up
planning comprises
introduction of the
product in the market
ereby reducing investment incustomer support. Product planning also helps in exerclsing better
control over
to give efficient
raw-materials, which contributes to more effective purchases assessment of the needs and
totally based on the
Satisfaction: As product planning s to the
in Customer offered by the firms. This leads
Es products and services are
ns of the
customers, only reasonable
Obsolete or useless products
are also eliminated through product
satisfaction is the end result
of an effective product planning
tPrototype isan example ofaproduct you intend to manufacture on a much larger scale. Compared to
production.prototypinghas a high costperindividualunt.However,because you are only manufacturinga
al number of prototypes, your overall costs are significantly lower.
pes allow for design testing and evaluation; identifying and therefore eliminating potential problems
Management (SPPU)].
Project Ouick
Advantages/Need/Purpose/Importance Read
the user experience.
When you have physical
you'understand in h
A prototype will help
way that isn't possible. if
it's just theoretietc
Just a theoretical
idea y
pròtotype design in a written
comprehend the
inventor's journal.
consumer with a
research. When you present a potential havisualprototypo
A prototype facilitates market glean formation
hands, you can
usetheir reactions to about your target
a physical object in their audiencoplace
Remember that your prototype is just a
passind ce.
final design.
A prototype improves your
next level of success, you'll need to identify flaws in tha in the overal
production process. To reach the
some hard work to remedy those flaws d
ideas. Le's say youTe working on a prototype for
A prototype can spark other invention
realize the car should be controlled by a mobile app. Suddent Contro
and in the testing process you
importantly, you've identified an additional product thar
sh haveto
i0S and Android coders, but more ld exist
Prototyping Process
step în creating a prototype is to create a detaila
1. Createa detailed diagram or sketch: The first on sketr
as many ideas as possible în a visual manner ePt
or diagram. Your objective should be to capture erch
transter your concept sketches to a 3D modal
2. Create a 3D model: The next (optional) step is to
This will help youvisualize the product bette. You can also use this model to ereate a 3D printed 5Software
3. Create a proof of concept: How you build your first proof of
concept will depend on a numho
have a simple product that you've already modelled in a 3D software,
you can simply get it 3D printed
your "proof of concept".
4. Create your first prototype: Your proof of concept shows that your product works. Your 3D model showe
it might look like.Your next step is to combine the learníngs from the proof of concept and 3D model to
your first prototype.
oject 19
tential:Profit potential isthelikely
Profit Quick Read
on the
an 1dea into
level ofreturn
an actual business or ensation to theentrepren for taking
eneurs would remaln only
ntrepreneur only an
an abstract and. venture.
abstractand Venture, Without
Without profit
a theoretical potential, the efforis o
profit pote
bearing: The essence
of entrepreneurship leisure activity.
Risk implementation of new
ideas. New ideasthe'willingness
and are always to assume risk
risk arising out of the creauo
instantaneous and positive "aays tentative and their results may not DE
oneur has to have
paience.to see
in entrepnnception his efforts
andimplementation of EIOTS bear fruit.
the intervening
In the
hetweereneur does not have an idea and intervening period (time gP
thewilingnesstoassume its results), an entrepreneu
sTesults), entrepreneur has to assume ris
risk, entrepreneurship
hip offers
offers the following benefits: reneurship would nnever succeed.
Standards of living: By creating productive organisations,
entrepreneurship helps in making a wide
variety of goods and services ava)lable to the society which results into
higher standards ofliving for the peop!e.
cession of luxury cars, computers, moDile phones, rapid
growth of shopping mals, etc. are
pointers to the
living standards of people, and all this is due to the eforts of
rising entrepreneurs.
feans of economic development: Entrepreneurship involves creation and
Mear use of innovative ideas,
maximisation of output from given resources, development of managerial skills,
etc, and all these factors are so
essential for the economic development ofa country.
These are some of the necessary skills an aspiring or a-would-be entrepreneur should possess in order to
succeed as an entrepreneur.
Ability to Solve Problems: in this world, there is no entrepreneurship that will succeed perpendicularly.
Problems do arise but we should apply different tactics to handle them. Belore winning a battle, failures are
guaranteed. Have the skills to predict risks and come up with risk management plans to sove the problem.
Ability to Manage Money: An ultimate goal ofdoingbusiness is to make a prefit. How do you expect to manage
a business if you don't have the skills to manage money? Budgeting tor the bustnes wii alse be a big chalienge to
any business which is not well handled will result in a loss.
Networking with the Right People : Belore venturing into any business, you must set goals for it. Create the
gnt inkages and fish out resourceful people to acquire business ideas. Out ot the entrepreneurs, you spend
frum succressful ones and ask
In, define your role model and work towards achieving that Leom more
how they manage. Share as many challenges 2s possitle to get solutions to the prebieius allecting the
Project Manágement (SPPU) 80
Bullding Relation with Customers: In a real sense, business without customer is like de ReadA
In h
engagements, we either sell services or products. Make sure the Ideas he doei00d.
you employ, the decision
services offered meet customer needs. Do a lot of research where necessary to get a viable sol make
attract more customers.
acquired into the business so as to neskili
Being Resourceful: The moment an entrepreneur knows how to manage money; the next
how he can source for morè to pump the business to a greater profit. Have the capacity to idansteon shoa
funding. This also involves a convinclngvoice to sell out the business and attract more funding soro be
Managlng Stress Emclently: Stress can kil entrepreneurs if not well handled and managed. The
be a time when all options that you try will hit the wall. Frustration occurs in the process of
Don't let stress put you down, instead, turn them into an opporu
t alw
8oPPIy useful tácties this
Capacity Building: Limited skills can affect the growth of a business. Enhance the team perform
them in key areas. Identily the gaps in each and every team member and planfor capacity-buildin
ty-building rainin
will give them the strength to handle complicated issues as commitment levels go high. sessions.
Learning Ability : The market demands changes and afects business every now and then, Dea
know every detail about your business. A business if strategized well moves very fast.Emerging ume
monitored and applied with îmmediate effect to avoid business disnuption. be
Identifying Strength and Weakness : Nobody is perfect in this world.itis crucial to identify what vos
at (strength). Identify weaknesses so they don't overpower the strengths. Ihis will help making are
decision about your business. Acting on weaknesses with courage and sheer strength will
in ant00d
help you go
way e
a.8 Explain Characteristics of a Successful Entrepreneur
Ans.: Characteristics of aSuccèssful Entrepreneur Marks
Ces casysolutiors
(SPpuj 81 Qulck Read
Resistano makes
ct tance to Change New innovatlons are peneraly opposed bypeople because it
roied eir existing
behavioural patterns. An ilevel.
entrepreneur always first tries new ideas at hi
change lable
them sucessful impler
implementation of these
ldeas that an entreprene makes these ideas
ioir benefit
Ih this manner, an entrepreneur paves
the way for the acceptance of
his ideas by
tIsothersfor rellelection of hls will power, enthusiasm and energy which overcoming the
a helps him In
to This is chan
resistance to
society's Developme An entrepreneur accelerating the
Economic. plays an importa role in
t ofdevelopment
olapment of-
of a country by discovering new uses of available resources and
utilization. Marks)
ropeity ights. Stalejits diferent forms.
Explain Propertyk ights
ctual dedicated
ntelle the world has been caused by numerous individuas who have the world
development.around something new, unique and beneficdal for the people and
AnS inotheir intellect to develop
The using
themselu sby brain used by the individuals their
The is intellectual property.
concepts, inventons
make human íntellect which includes creativity
property iis a product of
to Intellectual
trademarks,,songs, literature, symbols, names, brands, etc.
Thus, Imodels, individuals to contribute to furtier
industria). utnmost importance as it encourages the
property is of the fruits of this
Protection ofthis granted on it that allows its owner to benefit from
Therefore, Rights are by a statute.
tevelopment. a natural right So, it requires recognition
Such bbenefit is not always
ellectual leavor. minds. They usually
Intelle given to persons over the creations of their
are the rghts
roperty rights
property creation for a certain period of time
ntellectual over the use of his/her
exclusive right ove basis for crucial
reator an play a
kev role in every sector and have become the
(IPRs) strike a balance
property rights and therefore there is always a challenge to
Intellectual Rs are
exclusive rights
decisions. IPRs at large
invest nent and the interests of the society
o innovators
ts of
interests the interests of innovators
between the legal framework to protect
presence of an adequate further
important factor
is the
will be protected which turn will lead to
other intellectual property
Anot confidence that their
and inspire completely
owner to
innovation. rights, They allow their
not differ from other property
Rights do developed and crystallized.
,latellectual Property Initially an idea that
product which was
his/her product without
benefit from his/her from using, dealing or tampering with
compensate for any
entitle him/her to prevent them and force them to stop and
They also fact legally sue
permission from
him/her. He/she can in
In most
forms of IPR particular product or asset.
declaring ownership of a has its
isn't as simple as protected. Each one
be legally
'Intellectual property protection intellectual property (1P) that can
categories of
countries, there are two
and costs.
Own attributes, requirements
categories, are: models and
Intellectual properties, divided into two industrial designs and
inventions (patents), trademarks,
Property, which includes
Sal source plays, films,
musicals, cartoons
geographic indications of namely novels,
artistic works,
which includes literary and
YBht, architectural designs.
Pmangs. photographs, statues and CaSy-5olutions
Project Management (SPPU) Read
the FER (First Examination Report) to respond to the examinatlon reports if there are more than one
oThere is also an additional provision of requesthng a hearing ater the First Examination Report. Past the
hearing/fling response to the examination report, the patent ofice will either proceed with grant of the
patent or reject the application.
If the applicant wants to appeal against the decision of the patent office of rejecting the application, they ca
reach out to the-intellectual Property Appellate Board (IPAB)
who are authorized to hear such appeals
2. Trademarks
Trademark is another important intellectual property right. Among ectual
the different types or
property rights,it holds an important position as it uniquely
. identifies a company or a product
(SPPU) Quick Read
word or
rolect word or symbol that represents qualiy Jor
trademark Isa a and or a
identifes a product or
brand. To
services of an
and uenthes
Drotection, the productmust
mark be
be distinctve; it must distinguis thegoods or
also a
tan from
organization the
from those ot others.irademarks
grant exclustve rights of use the
owmers. is It
use to
standard and
.ative of a brand companys standing to cOmSumers- an assurance of a certain
quality andmoney o
al property protection isvital for trademarks be e Companies invest a lot of time deceiving
jnt brands. They never ant someone seling its products or services using their trademarks,
devers and leading to loss of moneyand reputation. Trademarks can include1 ames, Jogos and
packaging or t e products themselves.
epres inchuding but not
protect the
the expression of an idea. The expression can be in various forms,
3 Copyrights pictorial, graphic
to literary, musical and dramatic works, motion pictures ánd sound recordings,
sculpturala , and even computer progran
ands wor
the owner exclusive rights to copy, modlfy, distribute, perform and isplay his/her
hts give
oDYrights last for the lifetime of the creator plus 70 years. You may come acrosS ne
ting the
served' while watching a movie, buying a book or à DVD. This is fust a way of
Reserve can
movie, book or DVD, and no one
indicating that the copyright is held by the publisher,
ents of the
material in any form without their consent.
use the
to an original work- whether it's a movie, book, music, computer
software o a
vright ís granted the power to
are two aspects to copyright- moral and economic. Moral rights give authors
inting, There nutilated form.
identified as authors of a particular work and to objectif it is prešented in a distorted or
be iden
more tangible and gives the author to control the use of
his or her creation and reap
economic right is
from it
economic rewards
4. competitive edge or some
intormation that, by remaining covert, offers a business a
Atrade secret is any maintain its secrecy in order for the
reasonable actions mut be taken to
economic value. By definition,
a secret.
information to be considered trade
information which may be sold
or licensed. The unauthorized
secrets are 1P rghts on confldentlal
.Trade contrary to honest commercial
of such secret informaton in a manner
acquisition, use or disclosure.
violation of the trade secret protection.
regarded as an unfair practice and a
practices by others is
suggests, it refers to the secrets of a business,
aspect of lPR law. As the name
Trade secrets are an important
secret is leaked, the business may
advantage over others. In case the trade
which helps it gain an economic
secrets can be in the form of.
suller numerous losses and
ireparable damage to reputadon. Trade
compilation or combination
composition, process, design, method or
confidential information, data, formula,
with the buslness alone
ofone or more, which should remaln claims and
registration. Unlike patents, where all the
secrets are accorded protection without any
Irade application is fled, It is not posslble to follow
processes enter the public domaln as soon as the patent Coca-Cola. fact that
same is the recipe of It is a
formidable example of the
Same process with trade secrets. A officials.of Coca-
cause the recipe to be leaked. The
ne recipe of Coca-Cola was never patented, as it
that the two employees who know the recipe, only know
LOja are so particular about it that it is sald
plece of Information.
ol it each and no one knows the recipe as a single
FProject Management (SPPU
company by issuing
Licensing company authorizes another
arrangemernt, wherein a name,
as a business mantufacturing process, brand
Licensing is defined property rights, ie.
under specified
access its Intellectual
a license to temporarily secret, etc. for adequate consideration and
patent, technology, trade
copyright trademark,
conditions is the licensor and
the firm to whom the
its intangible assets for the use of
another firm to use lHicensor to the licensee
Thefirm that permits licensee. A fee or royalty is charged by the
lfcense is issued is the
intellectualpropertyright. and sold, by local bottlers
Coca-Cola and Pepsi are globally produced
licensing system,
For example: Under
in different countries. a company rents out its
simplest form of business alliance, wherein
In finer terms, it is the entry to the market.
knowledge in exchange for