Case Study - Alphabet
Case Study - Alphabet
Case Study - Alphabet
Case example
Alphabet: who and what drives strategy
Patrick Regnér and Phyl Johnson
From Google to Alphabet to ‘moonshots’ – twists and turns Page and Brin also recruited successful CEO Eric
in Google’s strategy development. Schmidt from Novell Inc. and, between the three of them,
Google is one of the few companies whose main shared power at the top. Schmidt dealt with administra-
product’s name became so synonymous with its primary tion and Google’s investors and had the most traditional
offering that it has become a commonly used verb. CEO role. Page was centrally concerned with the social
Google, which was renamed Alphabet1 in October 2015, structure of Google while Brin took a lead in the area of
had a market capitalisation of $750bn (£450bn; €565bn) ethics based on the Google motto ‘Don’ be evil’: a code
by 2018. It was the dominant player in internet search of conduct applying to customers and employees alike.
globally and had managed to transfer this dominance to
mobile and smartphones (85 per cent world-wide market Google’s early years
share, way ahead of former giant Yahoo’s 4 per cent and
There was a famously unstructured style of operating at
Microsoft’s ‘Bing’ 7 per cent and Chinese Baidu with 1
Googleplex (Google’s HQ) in Mountain View, California;
per cent). Alphabet thus dominated digital advertising,
Eric Schmidt claimed that their strategy was based on trial
way ahead of Facebook, Amazon, Alibaba, Baidu, Twitter
and error:
and others, and the search-related advertising busi-
ness accounted for over 85 per cent of Alphabet’s reve- ‘Google is unusual because it’s really organised
nues. Some outside observers, including investors, were from the bottom up. . . It often feels at Google
concerned over this dominance as their other businesses people are pretty much doing what they think best
in broadband networks, driverless cars, biotech, etc. had and they tolerate having us around. . . We don’t
not yet paid off. Regulators had another perspective on really have a five-year plan. . . We really focus on
Alphabet’s dominance and there were clear political what’s new, what’s exciting and how can you win
threats of regulation. quickly with your new idea.’2
Chapter 13 Strategy development processes
Nest Google
“Smart home”
‘Google is run by its culture and not by me. . . It’s of googleyness and could therefore hire and hopefully
much easier to have an employee base in which retain a fairly predictable employee population: much
everybody is doing exactly what they want every easier to manage.
day. They’re much easier to manage because they
never have any problems. They’re always excited,
they’re always working on whatever they care Continued growth and expansion:
about. . . But it’s a very different model than the Alphabet
traditional, hierarchical model where there’s the Based on their unorthodox approach Google succes-
CEO statement and this is the strategy and this is sively expanded into a variety of businesses and evolved
what you will do, and it’s very, very measured. We into a very different company compared to the early
put up with a certain amount of chaos from that.’2 years. As Google’s revenues soared new businesses
There were, however, some areas of rigidity built into the were added, and multiple companies were acquired.
system: recruitment. With such a highly rated employ- The company had acquired over 150 companies,
ment brand, Google could afford to be choosy. Close to spending around $23 billion since its IPO in 2004. This
100 talented applicants chased each job. In return Google included companies like YouTube, Android, Doubleclick
had rigid recruitment criteria and processes. Engineers and Nest:
had to have either a Masters or Doctorate from a leading ‘People thought we were crazy when we acquired
university and pass a series of assessment tests and inter- YouTube and Android and when we launched
views. Google recruited against a psychometric profile Chrome, but those efforts have matured into major
Alphabet: who and what drives strategy
platforms for digital video and mobile devices and Financial Times before restructuring Larry Page had replied:
a safer, popular browser.’3 ‘I think we’re still trying to figure that out.’6
Eventually Google was restructured and renamed Besides the queries about restructuring into Alphabet
Alphabet in 2015, a holding company that included the the total dominance of online advertising was of concern
Google search company and a range of other businesses. for some investors as ‘other revenue’ businesses did only
Besides all the acquisitions Alphabet included the semi-se- marginally contribute and ‘other bets’ still ran at a huge
cret research and development facility Google X, which loss. They were also worried about a continued political
included the experimental moonshots ventures including and regulatory backlash; the European Union had already
broadband networks, robotics and artificial intelligence. hit Google with a record antitrust fine of € 4.34 billion
Larry Page became the CEO of Alphabet and Google euro ($5 billion) for abusing its dominance. The biggest
cofounder Sergey Brin President, and senior VP Sundar risk was privacy regulation and Alphabet’s monopolistic
Pichai became CEO of Google. Larry Page argued for control over certain segments.7
forming Alphabet in his blog post:6 The meteoric rise of Facebook, which also sold adver-
tising space, was another challenge. Google’s response
‘This newer Google is a bit slimmed down, with the had been Google+, which former CEO Eric Schmidt had
companies that are pretty far afield of our main described as one of Google’s most ambitious bets in the
Internet products contained in Alphabet instead. company’s history. However, Google+ had to be slowly
What do we mean by far afield? Good examples but surely dismantled as customers did not appreciate
are our health efforts: Life Sciences (that works the company’s aim to create a platform that unified
on the glucose-sensing contact lens), and Calico its different products. Yet another advertising concern
(focused on longevity). Fundamentally, we believe was the increased traffic acquisition costs (the money
this allows us more management scale, as we can Google pays to phone manufactures, like Apple) and the
run things independently that aren’t very related. decreased margins for the harder to see lower-priced
Alphabet is about businesses prospering through smartphone ads.5
strong leaders and independence.’4 In addition, advertisers had not shifted their television
The change made the company’s structure clearer to ad budgets to Internet and YouTube at the pace antici-
investors as the company reported the core Google busi- pated and in contrast to expectations there was no sign
ness results separately in earnings reports. It was separ- of profits from the widely popular video sharing service.
ated from an ‘other revenues’ category, which included Facebook and Twitter, which regularly send traffic to the
its cloud business and hardware sales and ‘other bets’, site, were also building video offerings themselves and
which included the moonshots ventures like health- Amazon and Netflix were other contenders in the online
care company Verily, internet service provider Fiber, and video business.
self-driving car company Waymo.5 Although search advertising continued to succeed,
The formation of Alphabet was thus a way to make the effects of forming Alphabet and getting the moon-
each business able to operate more independently; shots to pay off remained to be seen and it was not quite
focusing on the search and advertising related businesses clear what strategy held the diverse portfolio together, as
without being distracted by all the other businesses and noted by one observer:1
vice versa. Some saw it as a way to increase discipline ‘Projecting a looser corporate structure, meanwhile,
in the ‘other businesses’ categories with more focus on will raise the question of why Alphabet’s collection of
profits over innovation. Others emphasised the impor- businesses belongs together. If the only things they
tance for talent management and recruiting and persua- share in common are the group’s ample money and
sion of entrepreneurs to sell their businesses to Alphabet ambition, will this be enough to hold it together?
as they could go on developing them more independently All of this made the evolution of Google into
from Google’s search business. Alphabet and further feel more like part of a process
than a settled corporate structure. But as the Google
CEO reminded shareholders: “Google is not a conven-
The future tional company. We do not intend to become one.”’
Observers and analysts had been somewhat sceptical when
Google was restructured into Alphabet.1 What was the Other sources: L. Rao, Google gets disciplined, Fortune, 15 September
2016 and B. Girard, The Google Way: How one company is revolu-
purpose, and would it solve the challenges the company tionising management as we know it, No Starch Press, 2009. See also:
faced? In fact, when asked about Alphabet’s mission in the
Chapter 13 Strategy development processes
1. Richard Waters, ‘Google’s Alphabet puzzle is all about percep-
tions’, Financial Times, 1 October 2015:
2. Interview by Nicholas Carlson of Google CEO Eric Schmidt: ‘We
Don’t Really Have A Five-Year Plan’, Washington Post Leadership
series, 20 May 2009.