Framework CSA Paper Final
Framework CSA Paper Final
Framework CSA Paper Final
Feed the Future was launched in 2010, building on earlier efforts to increase food security. The U.S.
government Feed the Future program aims to reduce hunger and poverty, and at the same time
improve nutrition, in particular as it affects child stunting. Three cross-cutting issues were also
highlighted: gender, environment and climate change. Since the inception of Feed the Future, thinking
around climate change impacts on agricultural transformation among smallholders, which is at the heart
of the Feed the Future theory of change, has progressed. This newer understanding has become known
as Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA), which incorporates three specific goals (or pillars), namely
sustainably increasing productivity and income, increasing adaptation, and reducing greenhouse gas
emissions below business as usual. This paper from USAID’s Bureau for Food Security is intended to
convey how newer thinking, in particular with respect to Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA), should be
integrated into Feed the Future programs.
The document has benefited from extensive review and comment from USAID, other USG agencies,
partner organizations and the interested public. A wide range of suggestions was received, drawing on
deep experience in the nexus of climate, agriculture, nutrition, and food security. Comments evidenced
a strong interest to be engaged in CSA as a focus that spans the full range of partners, public, private
and NGO, that are contributing to food security gains. A number of changes have been made to the
paper as a result, but several aspects stand out as points of convergence across diverse stakeholders and
bear repeating here. Most fundamentally, many writers cautioned that Feed the Future sustain its top
focus on reducing poverty and under-nutrition. There was also broad consensus on reemphasizing the
need for strategies regarding smallholder inclusion and decision-making. This came through in many
ways but especially with regard to the provision of choices and information that could then be
integrated at the local level by producers with existing knowledge and practices. Similarly, many
commenters noted that, as with other innovations, it is not about replacement of existing techniques
and approaches but rather refinements that confer advantages for producers, especially those related
to climate resilience.
An interesting issue arose around terminology. There was generally strong support for adaptation and
the need to keep that as a priority in smallholder-oriented investments. On the other hand, mitigation
was sometimes understood as mitigating the effects of climate change on communities, rather than its
more widely used meaning around reducing or reversing the drivers of climate change. For the purpose
of clarity, the paper will continue to use mitigation as included in the third pillar of CSA—connoting
emphasis on reducing greenhouse gas emissions and sequestration of carbon. Activities which aim to
reduce the effects of impacts of climate change will continue to be included under the term adaptation.
One challenge that was reflected in the views received was the intention that CSA reflect all aspects of
sound agricultural programming for food security outcomes. While this is the intent of FTF investments
overall, the degree to which the paper can delve into depth on important dimensions (e.g., youth, value
chains) of FTF that integrate but also go beyond CSA is limited by its length. Nevertheless, care has been
taken to highlight connections to broader considerations. Some commenters argued for a wider scope
around agriculture generally, rather than focused attention on Feed the Future, for example through
more detailed discussions around agriculture and deforestation. Conversely, others argued for much
greater specificity in the examples used, citing experience in particular production systems or situations.
These were all valuable suggestions, and some additions were made, but greater detail will generally be
found at the planning and analysis at the level of FTF mission portfolios and other investments. The
intent here is to provide framing that informs FTF programming decisions at the level of concepts and
Operational aspects of enhancing CSA in FTF programming and Monitoring and Evaluation systems are
referred to here, but are being more fully developed elsewhere. This document is intended to share
USAID’s approaches with partners involved in USAID programs, along with the wider agricultural
development and food security development community. Agricultural and climate sciences are
advancing, as is understanding of how they interact. Learning organizations benefit from new
understanding and experience, and the Bureau for Food Security views CSA in this dynamic context,
reflecting USAID investment and approaches generally. It may also be useful to allied development
objectives where climate smart agriculture can contribute—including climate change but also
biodiversity, economic growth, environment and resilience, among others.
Finally, thanks to all those, across Feed the Future, partners and interested organizations and
individuals, who shared their perspectives and made suggestions. We hope the resulting paper provides
helpful framing for more fully integrating climate smart approaches into agriculture and food security
investments, within the context of Feed the Future and beyond it.
For over 50 years USAID has pushed the frontiers of innovation to develop, test and advance best
practices in agriculture and rural development. USAID’s agriculture programs aim to improve nutrition,
economic and social circumstances of agricultural producers and communities, and enhance food
security of countries and regions as a whole. Smallholder producers, particularly women, and vulnerable
consumers, particularly young children and mothers, are emphasized in program design. The livelihoods
of about 2.5 billion people around the world depend on rain-fed crops, fisheries, and livestock – sectors
all vulnerable to changes in climate. Investments under the U.S. whole of government Feed the Future
initiative focus on agricultural and food systems as means to achieving two overarching goals of
reducing poverty and child stunting. In practice this means improving the efficiency and productivity of
agricultural systems, and protecting livelihoods by developing the capacity of farmers so they are more
resilient to shocks, especially those posed by weather variability and market and climate risks. This
document brings climate smart agriculture into focus as integral to the effectiveness and sustainability
of agriculture and food security programs over the longer term.
In 2010, the Feed the Future Guide advised that both climate change adaptation and climate change
mitigation be considered throughout the program cycle. These efforts align with the Agency’s 2012
Climate Change and Development Strategy, which outlines the three strategic objectives of mitigation,
adaptation and integration. Feed the Future has offered specific further guidance on adaptation and
resilience, as well as around environmental sustainability. In fully integrating climate-smart analysis and
practice, Feed the Future needs to promote smart agriculture that takes into account the challenges and
risks, as well as the opportunities, associated with climate change. Given the existing focus on
adaptation and resilience in current FTF programs, this paper lays out further considerations especially
in the area of mitigation that can complement existing climate adaptation programming.
The intersection of climate change and agriculture
Climate change poses drastic risks to every facet of our lives, from diminishing water availability, higher
temperatures, changing precipitation patterns, rising sea levels, ocean acidification, and more frequent
extreme weather events. Populations in the developing world, where many are already vulnerable and
food insecure, are likely to be the most seriously affected by the impacts of climate change. Nearly half
of the economically active population in developing countries relies on agriculture for their livelihood
and about 75 percent of the world’s poor live in rural areas. Combined with global population growth
and increasing demands on agriculture, climate change threatens the progress of global food security
and the long-term sustainability of agricultural production systems and the larger landscape.
Small-holder farmers, pastoralists and fishing communities in the least developed countries (LDC) are
among those most vulnerable to climate change, as their production systems often lack the resources to
manage an effective response to climate threats. Increasing the adoption and sustained use of crop,
livestock and mixed farming system practices and technologies that both respond to climate change and
reduce its drivers (emissions) are critical to enhancing global food security. Although adaptation and
resilience have been USAID’s main focus for addressing climate change in agricultural programs, many
programs also encompass opportunities to reduce emissions. This reflects the fact that adaptation and
mitigation frequently go together, as can be seen in practices that reduce energy use (e.g., zero tillage)
or enhance soil organic matter (e.g., conservation agriculture, incorporation of perennials) in
smallholder production systems.
Although many food-insecure developing countries contribute relatively little to global emissions, land
use can constitute the main sources of emissions in these countries. More specifically, emissions
associated with land conversion for agricultural use, such as tropical deforestation, constitute the
majority of those emissions. While FTF programming targets agrarian areas, many approaches promoted
in FTF could be relevant to conserving natural resources and enhanced sustainability in ways that could
help reduce incentives for land use change. For example, in more humid zones, multi-story agricultural
systems integrating trees, crops and livestock may be feasible. Good governance around land and
resource tenure also have important roles to play. USAID invests extensively outside of FTF in a range of
approaches to reduce deforestation and greenhouse gas emissions both directly and through associated
supply chains (e.g., TFA 2020). The goal of reducing land conversion, through both direct (e.g., policy and
governance supporting conservation, valuation of ecosystem services, etc.) and indirect means
(increasing productivity and resource-use efficiency in existing agricultural systems), is an area where
USAID investments in agriculture, climate change and environment complement and reinforce each
Feed the Future programs on the other hand target more densely populated, agriculturally productive
lands where sedentary agriculture systems predominate. In these settings, sustainable intensification,
which is at the heart of the FTF Research Strategy, is increasingly being promoted. Its goal is to reduce
poverty and under-nutrition and reduce production risks while sustaining or improving the natural
resource base. Adaptation to climate change, diversification, resource-use efficiency and information
access are essential elements in the FTF approach to sustainable intensification. Globally, sustainable
intensification of prime agricultural land may help to relieve pressures on more marginal or fragile lands,
or on biodiversity-rich natural areas. At the local level, governments and communities make important
decisions regarding resource management. More extensively managed agricultural areas (e.g.
pasturelands, non-contiguous field cultivation) offer additional opportunities to align food security,
resilience in the face of shocks, environment and climate change oriented approaches in management
of crop, livestock and rangeland resources (e.g., farmer-managed forest regeneration, incorporation of
trees in sloping areas, etc.). Again, both government policy and community decisions are important
factors in shaping local outcomes.
FTF programs can connect to and benefit from local and national systems of governance concerning land
and resource use. Land tenure frameworks have a bearing on choices made by individual families and
communities and could be factors in choices made. For example, integration of perennials (e.g., trees)
or willingness to invest in organic matter accumulation in soils may depend on ownership and use
norms. While most projects will focus on zones of influence within partner countries, some will be
directly affected by cross-border or larger regional issues. Regional organizations may provide important
context or opportunities for CSA, just as they do for other issues like trade or seed policy.
Opportunities to advance adaptation and mitigation to climate change go beyond production to post-
harvest handling, input and output value chains and the larger agri-food system that links producers
with consumers. As farmers adopt more commercial value chains and move away from subsistence
farming, there is a potential for increased emissions but also many opportunities to incorporate energy
efficiencies, waste reduction and emission mitigation technologies. At the local level, collaboration with
farmer organizations offers good opportunities for reducing food waste, contamination and spoilage in
producing communities. Similarly, the same objectives can also be targeted through public and
especially private investment across the food system.
While FTF value chains frequently address obstacles to reduce losses, there are also systemic
opportunities for approaches that raise awareness among actors including through policy and
governance. For example, more efficient markets and trade (e.g., faster border crossings, improved
warehouses that reduce loss) offer excellent opportunities for reducing the agri-food system climate
footprint, while also supporting profitability gains. Greater post-harvest efficiency can also directly
contribute to enhancing overall climate smartness of the food system by reducing incentives for what
could be redundant production, with its attendant costs, resource use and greenhouse gas generation.
Working with the civil society, private, public sectors, FTF programs can promote environmental
practices that underscore climate smart approaches as being aligned with best ecologically friendly
business practices.
At the summit, the U.S. joined many other nations and organizations in launching the Global Alliance for
Climate Smart Agriculture. With leadership from Food and Agriculture Organization of the United
Nations, the World Bank, the Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) program of the
CGIAR (Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research) and others, the Global Alliance will
seek to advance CSA in order to boost food and nutrition security through climate informed and natural
resource-efficient agricultural practices, food systems and social policies. Feed the Future will foster
sharing of information on steps taken and progress towards CSA impacts in ways that can reach and
potentially benefit all GACSA participants. Elsewhere, the U.S. Government has shown its commitment
to drawing on state-of-the-art science and policy to directly address critical climate change risks to food
security and agricultural development, and to support mitigation opportunities (the Global Research
Alliance on Agriculture Greenhouse Gasses).
CSA is also an increasing priority of host countries. African Heads of State recognized the importance of
CSA in the Malabo Declaration (June 2014), which set a goal of 25 million farm households practicing
CSA by 2025 (referred to as Vision 25x25). In addition, there are a number of regional CSA alliance
efforts, including in Central America. As a learning organization, Feed the Future seeks to continually
advance and refine approaches to food security that reflect the evolving policy context, reflecting the
latest analyses, best practices and host country priorities.
• Reducing and/or removing greenhouse gas emissions, where appropriate (the FAO
definition uses possible).
CSA is, fundamentally, “smart agriculture informed by climate science.” It encompasses how agriculture
affects and is affected by climate change, and aligns this integration with food security objectives
(reduction of hunger and poverty, improved nutrition).
• Systems approach: CSA is not a practice or list of practices, but a continuous process
that considers challenges that arise at the intersection of climate change and agriculture
holistically, including identifying and addressing barriers to adoption.
• Intentionality: CSA deliberately considers how climate change will impact activities
(adaptation) and, how activities will impact climate change (mitigation), both on and off the
farm field, even where no further action is taken.
• Multiple benefits: CSA seeks to integrate approaches and options in ways that that
maximize synergies and reduce tradeoffs.
• Context specific: CSA is specific to the relevant geography and climate change impacts
as well as socio-economic, political, cultural, and environmental factors.
• Long-term perspective: CSA acknowledges and addresses short term needs while
encouraging a long-term perspective to consider future climate change impacts and their
uncertainties, and takes advantage of new information.
Managing risk to increase adaptation: CSA confirms best practices around integration, sustainability,
program learning and management, and especially around managing risks. Risk reduction could be its
strongest selling point to farmers. Good agricultural practice inherently takes into account weather
variability, spanning environmental services (e.g., water availability), on-farm production and post-
harvest handling and storage, all of which are subject to shocks. In many areas where FTF programs are
active, planning for weather variation constitutes important first steps towards resilience and longer
term climate adaptation. FTF development investments in innovation are focused on longer term
adaptation to higher temperatures in crops and animals, resource-use efficiency and new approaches to
emerging threats, many of which are linked to climate change risk reduction.
Resilience: In the context of resilience, CSA is viewed as a key component of reaching higher-order goals
around reduced risk and asset accumulation. Resilience programs that link humanitarian response and
development, e.g., livestock watering points and market information, can also provide openings for
weather and climate risk management. Climate adaptation strategies that underpin resilience often
confer mitigation benefits, although that outcome is not a driver in planning. Farmer-managed natural
regeneration of savannahs is an excellent example of major “tag-along” impacts on carbon sinks (soil
and woody plant). Sustainability of various interventions is also seen within a lens that includes labor
availability, informal safety nets based on remittances and policies governing migration for both people
and livestock. Moreover, resilience programs implement services and information channels that also
enhance climate change adaptation in Feed the Future agricultural programs and zones, underscoring
the advantage of linking CSA enhancement across investments.
Reducing emissions in agricultural systems: In a development context, mitigation is more complex than
adaptation for agriculture. There has been considerable discussion around the implications of the
mitigation component (the third pillar of CSA) across the development community. Climate change
strategies envision increases in emissions associated with economic development while still looking for
opportunities for reducing their growth, and agriculture and food security are no exception. Although
there may be some instances where absolute reductions are possible, in many instances achieving our
hunger, poverty and nutrition goals will require pathways that lead to emissions increases. FTF
programs should thus consider opportunities to promote efficiencies or enhance carbon sinks in ways
that reduce emissions growth as part of an overall approach that is acceptable and likely to be adopted
by smallholder farmers.
Trade-offs: This understanding will likely lead to different approaches across a range of settings, which is
fully consistent with the context specific nature of CSA. In many situations, USAID’s agricultural
investments aimed at increasing food security through productivity, income and nutritional gains for
smallholders may result in increased emissions in absolute terms. A recurring case in point is that of
smallholder farmers in sub-Saharan Africa where no fertilizer is currently used. In these situations, the
“triple-win” of driving productivity, adaptation and mitigations gains may mean integrating fertilizer use
in ways that also take into account biological nitrogen fixation through legumes in rotation (crops and/or
trees) and management of organic (e.g., manure, compost) matter. These approaches can be integrated
together and with mineral fertilizers and urea in ways that enhance the overall efficiency and
effectiveness of each. In other words, “bending the curve” away from where emissions would be if
other productivity- enhancing innovations were adopted may offer major wins in the context of CSA.
On the other hand, in many FTF zones in Asia, farmers may already be using significant levels of inputs
and the larger climate win linked to food security and nutrition may be through much greater efficiency
in the production system, reflecting water savings and reduced energy use (e.g., reduced tillage, energy-
efficient irrigation). Thus trajectories within lower or higher input systems, when intentionally framed
and in the context of a conducive enabling environment, could be seen as climate smart, meeting
adaptation and mitigation goals as well as driving income and nutrition gains. Regardless of context, a
range of other factors—production and weather information, index insurance, analysis of trends and
national policies—are also relevant to a climate smart approach.
Diversification and Value Chains: In general, Mission FTF programs work within diversified production
systems that reflect farmer choice around crops, livestock or fish although a limited number of value
chain may be the focus. Producer opportunities and decisions drivediversification, not only through the
number of crops or livestock species, but also by using a wider range of improved varieties and
staggered planting times for a given crop. Over a longer time period, crop choices by farmers may shift
as risks with one crop rise while another crop option is viewed as a safer bet. Thus diversification can
be a strategy for managing risk and optimizing returns, particularly when informed by information on
potential shocks, seasonal forecasts and long term climate trends. Diversification and risk reduction can
also go together through capital investments in irrigation and mechanization; the challenge is how to
achieve these in smallholder contexts. Ultimately, it will be farmers who directly determine their risks,
but FTF programs can help widen the array of appropriate options that confer greater resilience as well
as more efficient production with a commensurately reduced GHG footprint.
Inclusive and efficient markets and policy: Climate smart agricultural development also depends on
decisions beyond the farm, as part of larger, economy-wide climate-resilient and lower emissions
development strategies. Feed the Future addresses post-farm opportunities through partnerships.
Market infrastructure, while largely a private good, might respond sooner to changing conditions if
better information is available. Policy and governance decisions around public infrastructure (roads,
ports, etc.) will likely have an impact on market efficiency and climate smartness associated with
reduced transit times and reduced postharvest losses. Positive changes in terms of efficient and resilient
market systems can also lead to a responsive food system that drives greater efficiency with mitigation
impacts in both public and private investment. In most situations, economic efficiency will strongly
support efforts to conserve product value, reduce energy consumption and drive diverse profit centers
across developing agricultural economies.
1. Use sound climate data and science. Country, Regional and Washington operating units
are working together to improve our understanding of climate change impacts, and the risks
that climate change pose on agro-ecosystems and food systems that are the focus of the
agriculture and food security portfolio.
2. Develop and deploy climate smart technologies and innovations. USAID investments will
help develop and increase the adoption of a suite of agricultural technologies and innovations
that help achieve effective climate smart approaches, and that are acceptable to and benefit
smallholder producers.
3. Strengthen human and institutional capacity in ways that foster adoption of CSA by
smallholders. USAID will build on the capacity and knowledge of agricultural innovation systems
and services that support producers and food systems to deliver climate smart agriculture
practices and services.
4. Build and maintain partnerships for impact. USAID will partner with the private sector,
civil society and host governments to maximize the effectiveness of CSA investments, including
the enhanced use of public-private alliances.
The following provides some background and explanation for these five areas of engagement.
Sound data and climate science: Countries and communities must be able to access and use quality
climate and weather information to identify vulnerabilities to climate change and variability and to
evaluate strategies to build resilience. In the interest of increasing our knowledge and understanding of
climate change impacts on agriculture and food security, USAID-led programs are currently sponsoring a
number of country and regional climate-smart-agriculture focused studies and assessments.
Nevertheless, much remains to be learned about the impacts of climate change on different agriculture
and food systems, and the options for adapting to or mitigating the impacts of climate change.
Attention will continue to focus on both observed weather variability and climate change vulnerability
assessments at the country and regional levels to help identify the risks posed to food security, including
risks to on and off farm elements of the food system.
Investments that are specific to climate change, such as those through the Global Climate Change
Initiative, will be an essential complement to food security investment in achieving climate smart
outcomes. These will include not only developing and using an evidence base for prioritizing
development decisions, encompassing likely physical stresses but also how those translate in social and
economic systems. The quality of the climate data and modeling, which can vary greatly for LCD’s, will
be a strong consideration in determining how the assessment results and weather predictions are used.
Climate services can help in understanding long term climate trends via networks that develop aids to
decision making as well as decision-making directly across economic sectors. Climate services are
designed to support the production, translation, transfer, and use of climate knowledge and information
in climate-smart policy and planning across sectors, and including agriculture, food security and
Develop and deploy climate smart agricultural technologies, practices and innovations that have strong
adoption potential. Investment in science, technology and innovation is integral to the success of the
climate-smart-agriculture agenda. The current portfolio of research designed and supported by BFS and
other Bureaus and agencies is designed to strengthen food security in the context of climate change. It
includes significant investments to enhance adaptation, including a range of practices that also reduce
GHG emissions. These include efforts to improve crop, livestock and production system resilience in the
face of higher temperatures and more extreme weather events, as well as innovations that increase
resource-use efficiency and resilience associated with mitigation-enhancing technology and practices.
Determining the best opportunities for enhancing mitigation outcomes is an evolving field where
improving data and experience will guide how these are best integrated into current and future FTF
Similarly, social science will be needed to consider the cost effectiveness and social desirability of
greater attention to mitigation in the context of CSA approaches and enhancements and conversely, to
drive adaptation and resilience in ways that do not increase emissions. Technical options for reducing
emissions in off farm elements of the food system need to be explored, such as solar powered
technologies for chilled storage in horticulture value chains. Where feasible, the use of known effective
and profitable CSA considerations and approaches need to be socialized, integrated and scaled.
Developing and deploying climate smart elements of agricultural systems will, like other innovation
strategies, reflect a range of factors that reflect context and the priorities of farming households,
communities and actors across the agri-food system. To the extent feasible, activities should take into
account the interaction of technologies and practices, market demands and farmer preferences and
incentives. Ultimately, however, farmers, and in some instances communities, will take decisions based
on their perceived needs, opportunities and risks. FTF programs should endeavor to provide them with
the best, most relevant information about considerations, pre- and post-harvest, that foster climate
resilient, resource-efficient and sustainable production systems.
Strengthen capacity for increased uptake of practices and services for CSA by smallholders. USAID
Country and Regional missions support and promote the development of local capacities, services and
systems for agriculture and food security. Scaling up the adoption of practices and technologies that can
support a CSA approach will require local delivery systems to be effective, including public and private
service providers with the requisite knowledge, skills, and tools. Increased effort and resources will need
to be dedicated to achieving this with and through existing and new programs that consider, maintain or
strengthen practices for CSA that benefit smallholder farmers. BFS will work with FTF country and
regional teams, and other technical staff to develop knowledge and skills needed to integrate, program
and monitor CSA efforts within their agriculture and food security portfolios, building on the leadership
of host country efforts and priorities.
Of particular importance is the provision of improved information and access to a range of alternatives.
Climate services are developing rapidly and offer important resources to agricultural investments in
particular. These can be complemented by food security programs that incorporate improved
information on markets, technologies and better agronomic and resources management practices. A
third factor driving uptake of climate smart approaches is access to appropriate technologies. With
both abiotic and biotic stresses likely changing more rapidly than in the past, enhanced seed systems
will be needed to provide farmers with an expanded range of choices, in both current and different
BFS will also network with the global community engaged in CSA efforts, and link the global initiatives
and centers of with country and regional missions to increase and enhance field based CSA partnerships.
To better achieve this, research on farmer decision-making that drives innovation uptake can be very
helpful. As an example, researchers are studying the impact of risk-mitigating incentives (e.g., index
insurance) on the effectiveness of technology scaling of climate-resilient, nitrogen-efficient, maize
hybrids and varieties.
Build and maintain partnerships for impact: FTF programming recognizes that meeting the needs of
smallholder farmers adapting to climate shocks will require all relevant actors be engaged. For example,
private companies are essential to the commercialization and sustainable scaling of new technologies
and practices for resilience and adaptation to smallholders. Other civil society organizations will also
play important roles in transmitting information, technologies and practices. Due to the nature of
agriculture, many activities that build resilience can also provide mitigation benefits. New and enhanced
public-private or NGO alliances are a way to vastly extend USAID’s reach on climate smart-technologies
and innovations. In both instances, an active learning agenda will be needed, and steps are being taken
to put this in place. Not enough is known about the best ways international development agencies like
USAID or other development partners can help incentivize NGO and private investment, as well as
positive business or operational practices related to CSA. USAID has embarked on a systematic
approach to deepening knowledge about more effective private sector engagement in this area, to
identify cost effective approaches, opportunities for value added alliances, and guidelines for field
With regard to public sector collaboration, climate-related issues are common problems that donors
must collaborate closely on, in order to extend the impact of limited funds. FTF programs seek to work
closely with the private sector, other donors, and host governments to maximize the pace and impact
on food security, and this mindset of partnering should extend to CSA.
Support polices and an enabling environment that facilitates climate-smart agriculture: Achieving the
CSA goals will require policies that help producers, especially smallholders, businesses, communities and
others manage risk effectively. A central tenet of USAID’s agriculture and food security efforts is to work
with country officials and leaders to support and secure their commitment to strategies, programs and
policies to achieve their goals and our shared interest in reducing poverty and hunger. In Africa, Heads
of State and Governments committed to ensuring that 30% of African farmers, herders and fishers are
using climate resilient techniques by 2025. In Africa, Asia and Latin America achieving greater resilience
to climate change requires continued integration CSA into their national agriculture and food security
plans. Secure access and control of land, water and natural resources will be crucial for success on
adoption of CSA technologies and innovations by farmers, pastoralists and fisher-folk. Policies that
promote changes at the farm and community level can foster enhancement in land, water, crop and
livestock management in ways that promote outcomes consistent with CSA. It also must be recognized
that many of the transformational changes therefore depend on altering existing power relations (eg.
gender dynamics), which involves recognizing the social and political processes that both undermine and
constrain resilience.
Monitoring Progress
Climate Smart Agriculture is context specific and depends on factors such as climate concerns, time
frames, agro-ecologies, and enabling environments. Thus, a process that intentionally articulates
relevant parameters and then considers an intervention within those parameters is a promising
approach to monitoring CSA progress. Feed the Future is developing a process based approach that first
frames the CSA effort, and then selects appropriate indicators to track progress. The process is drawing
from current monitoring and evaluation systems and teams within the Agency, including that of Feed
the Future (e.g., indicators around agriculture and environment) and the Global Climate Change
Initiative indicators (4.8 series) and will be designed to be manageable, fitting within the ongoing
reporting system and complement existing efforts.
To advance FTF thinking on approaches to CSA monitoring, BFS sponsored a CCAFS led workshop with a
range of development partners in early 2015. The workshop engaged leading experts in the Global
Alliance on Climate Smart Agricultural community and built on work from the Food and Agricultural
Organization and the CGIAR centers, which have been thought leaders in this realm. This USAID-
supported work stream is helping make strides on metrics, supporting Agency needs and contributing to
USG leadership in CSA. On an annual basis, BFS will lead an effort to prepare an Agency-wide update on
CSA implementation to present to the Board on International Food and Agricultural Development
(BIFAD) and for sharing with other interested partners (e.g., in the Global Alliance for Climate Smart
Agriculture, and specifically the Knowledge Action Group). Even as this occurs, building and conveying a
broad, integrative vision that encompasses the range of FTF activities contributing to CSA analysis and
outcomes remains critically important, both internally in USAID and beyond (in ways that include a
range of program partners.)
Next Steps
Drawing from the areas outlined above and fulfilling the FTF goals of monitoring efforts, next steps for
more fully incorporating CSA into FTF include:
• The development of CSA Action Plans: BFS will work with FTF Missions and partners to develop
both regional and Mission- level planning for how CSA will be integrated in USAID led food security
• Consultations and input: Implementation of CSA in FTF will draw from continued consultation
across USAID, it will continue to leverage expertise from global experts, and FTF programs will continue
to engage a broad spectrum of stakeholders, including private companies, NGOs, and research and
advocacy organizations to seek input on the best and most cost-effective ways to encourage private
investment in CSA approaches.
• Knowledge management: FTF will share learning through engagement with the GACSA actions
groups, CCAFS, World Bank, IFAD, FAO, civil society, NGO’s and other partners. We will use AgriLinks to
make information widely available. Regional meetings called Global Learning Evidence Exchange events
are in process. A focus training course is being planned for USAID staff managing agricultural programs.
• Integrating CSA in Research Programs: Most research supported under Feed the Future was
developed with climate change adaptation as a key consideration, and many research programs
explicitly target climate-linked challenges. Over the coming year, USAID will consult widely across its
research partners to assess opportunities for emphasizing or better characterizing potential
contributions associated with priorities related to food security and nutrition, for example biological
nitrogen fixation, nitrogen use efficiency and integration of perennials in targeted production systems.
• Scaling agricultural technologies: Working across central and Mission investments, USAID will
work with partners, both public and private, to promote adoption of technologies that can support CSA
at scale. As always, technologies cannot be seen in isolation and should incorporate best agricultural
and climate-resilient practices around key factors such as rotations, fertilization and soil fertility
management, market responsiveness and other considerations that fill in the systems-oriented context
on which farmer decision-making is based.
In conclusion, BFS sees the challenges and opportunities associated with CSA as building on our on-going
work of achieving lasting food security through programs and partnership that offer the best knowledge
and technology available as options to smallholder farmers. These partnerships, and the contributions of
multiple disciplines that they include, provide the foundation for progress in the ability of smallholder
farmers to achieve sustainable growth in both productivity and incomes, along with wider nutrition and
socio-economic benefits in our partner countries.