GSM Based Transformer Fault Monitoring System
GSM Based Transformer Fault Monitoring System
GSM Based Transformer Fault Monitoring System
Volume 6 Issue 4, May-June 2022 Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470
Now day’s protection of equipments in power system that transformer is an important component of the
is a very important aspect. The power system entire distribution network operation. Operation of
equipments are valuable and important for well distribution transformer under the rated condition as
operation of power system network. A Transformer is per specifications their long life depends. Their life is
such equipment which is one of the most important significantly reduces if they are subjected to
machines in the power system network. High overloading conditions, resulting in unexpected
reliability is required for a transformer even in failures and loss of supply to a large number of
adverse conditions. PLC automation used for this customers this affects system’s reliability.
condition; many types of faults in the transformer can Overloading and ineffective cooling of transformers
be detected and rectified. The power systems with no are the major causes of failure in distribution
transformer is like a human without heart. So the transformers. Presently used devices for monitoring
protection of a transformer is of utmost importance. distribution transformer have some problems and
The Relays here are provided for sensing the fault deficiencies. Few of them are mentioned below.
current and provide the protection to the transformer. Ordinary transformer measurement system
The receipient gets a message in the form of a SMS generally detects a single transformer parameter,
using of a GSM module interfaced with a PLC. such as power, current, voltage, and phase. While
Distribution transformer is electrical equipment in some ways could detect multi parameter, the time
power systems, which distribute power to the low of acquisition and operation parameters is too
voltage users directly, and the operation condition of long, and testing speed is not fast enough.
@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD50166 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 4 | May-June 2022 Page 677
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
Detection system is not reliable. The main
performance is the device itself instability, low
measurement accuracy of the data, or even state
monitoring system should have no effect.
Timely detection data will not be sent to
monitoring centers in time, which cannot judge
distribution transformers three-phase equilibrium.
A monitoring system can only monitor the
operation state or guard against steal the power,
and is not able to monitor all useful data of
distribution transformers to reduce costs. Fig 2: 16x2 LCD
According to the above requirements, we need a LCD stands for Liquid Crystal Display, this screen is
distribution transformer real-time monitoring system an electronic display module and find a wide range of
to detect all operating parameters operation, and send applications. A 16x2 LCD display is very basic and is
to the monitoring centre in time. This leads to very commonly used in many devices and circuits.
monitoring of key operational parameters of These modules are preferred over seven segments and
distribution transformers which can provides the other multi segment LEDs. The reasons are: LCD is
useful information of health of transformers which economical, easily programmable, no limitation of
will help utilities to optimally use their transformers displaying special & even custom characters.. A 16x2
and keep the asset in operation for a long time. This means it can display 16 characters per line and there
system will help to identify problems before any are 2 such lines, each character is displayed in 5x7
failure which leads to significant cost savings and pixel matrix. A command is an instruction given to
greater reliability. Widespread use of mobile LCD to do a predefined task like initializing it,
networks and GSM devices such GSM modems and clearing its screen, setting the cursor position,
their decreasing costs have made them an attractive controlling display etc.
option not only for voice media but for other wide C. Transformer:
area network applications.
The hardware parts used in this project are mentioned
A. GSM Module:
Fig 3: Transformer
Transformer is the electrical device which converts
Fig 1: GSM Module voltage levels with little loss of power. Transformers
GSM is mobile communication module, stands for work only with AC. There are two types of
global system for mobile communication. The idea of transformers as Step-up and Step-down transformer.
GSM was developed at Bell Laboratories in the 1970. Step-up transformers steps up voltage, step-down
It is largely used mobile communication system in the transformers steps down voltage. Many power
world. GSM is digital cellular technology used for supplies use a step-down transformer to reduce the
transmitting mobile voice and data services operates at high mains voltage to a safer low voltage. Here we are
the 900MHz, 1800MHz, 850MHz, and 1900MHz using step down transformer to get 12V AC from the
frequency bands. We are interfacing GSM module to supply i.e. 230V AC.
send sms and call alert if fire detected near system.
B. LCD Display: D. MicrocontrollerATmega328:
@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD50166 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 4 | May-June 2022 Page 678
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
The magnetic oil level indicators are used to give a
visual indication of the oil level inside the conservator
by a graduated dial with arrow plus electric signals,
when the oil inside the conservator reaches the max
or min level. This way, for every variation of the oil
inside conservator tank the movement of the float
cause the rotation of the magnet joint with consequent
variation of the indication on the dial of the gauge.
The pointer indicates the level that the oil should
reach. The electronic version of the oil level gauge
provides an analogical and a digital signal
proportional to the oil level inside the conservator.
These signals can be remote to: PLC, PC, integrated
monitoring system, Remote Indicator.
When transformer is working near its maximum
rating, the oil temperature starts to increase which
Fig 4: Atmega328 Microcontroller
will expand the oil volume. This expansion may let
It is a Atmel 8-bit AVR RISC-based the oil reach its maximum limit. Conversely, if there
microcontroller with 32KB ISP flash memory and is substantial oil loss or leakage, oil may reach its
read-while-write capabilities, 1KB EEPROM, 23 minimum limit. For the importance of these two
general purpose I/O lines, 32 general purpose levels, the proposed monitoring system will send a
working registers, 3 flexible timer/counters with SMS to NEC engineer whenever one of them reach
compare modes, internal, external interrupts, serial its limit.
programmable USART, a byte-oriented 2-wire serial
F. Temperature sensor LM35:
interface, SPI serial port, 6-channel 10-bit A/D
converter programmable watchdog timer with internal
oscillator, and five software selectable power saving
modes. The device operates between 1.8-5.5 volts.
Key parameters for ATmega328:
Flash (KBytes):32kBytes, Pin count: 28, Max.
Operating Frequency (MHz): 20MHz, CPU: 8-bit
AVR, Touch channels: 16, Hardware touch
Acquisition: No, Max I/o pins: 22, Ext Interrupts: 24,
SPI: 221, TWI (12c):1, UART: 1, ADC Channels:8 Fig 6: LM35
ADC Resolution (bits): 10, ADC speed (kbps): 15, It is a temperature sensor that outputs an analog
Analog comparator: 1, DAC Resolution: 0, signal which is proportional to the varying
Temperature sensor: yes, Operating voltage: 1.8 to temperature. The voltage output can easily be
5.5 interpreted to obtain a temperature reading in Celsius.
E. Magnetic oil level indicator: The advantage of lm35 over thermistor is it does not
require any external calibration. The coating also
protects it from self-heating. Low cost and great
accuracy make it popular among hobbyists, circuit
makers, and students. Many low-end products take
advantage of low cost, greater accuracy and used
LM35 in their products. Its approximately 15+ years
to its first release but the sensor is still surviving and
is used in any products.
@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD50166 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 4 | May-June 2022 Page 679
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD50166 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 4 | May-June 2022 Page 680
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
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