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ISO/TC 127/SC 2

Secretariat: ANSI Earth-moving machinery — Safety

requirements for remote operator control
Voting begins on:
Engins de terrassement — Exigences de sécurité pour la commande à
Voting terminates on: distance utilisée par l'opérateur


ISO/FDIS 15817:2005(E)
ISO/FDIS 15817:2005(E)

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ISO/FDIS 15817:2005(E)

ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies
(ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO
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International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.

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ISO 15817 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 127, Earth-moving machinery, Subcommittee SC 2,
Safety requirements and human factors.

© ISO 2005 – All rights reserved iii


Earth-moving machinery — Safety requirements for remote

operator control

1 Scope
This International Standard specifies the safety requirements for wireless and/or wired remote control systems,
used on earth-moving machinery as defined in ISO 6165.

It does not apply to autonomous control systems that enable a machine to work without the assistance of an
operator, but is applicable to autonomous machines controlled remotely by an operator. This International
Standard does not apply to the remote control of attachments on non-remote controlled machines.

This International Standard does not specify performance criteria for the remote control system. Where
“wireless control” or “wired control” features as a subclause title, the provisions of that subclause are
applicable to the corresponding control only.

2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated
references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced
document (including any amendments) applies.

ISO 3450, Earth-moving machinery — Braking systems of rubber-tyred machines — Systems and
performance requirements and test procedures

ISO 5006-1, Earth-moving machinery — Operator’s field of view — Part 1: Test method

ISO 6165, Earth-moving machinery — Basic types — Vocabulary

ISO 6405-1, Earth-moving machinery — Symbols for operator controls and other displays — Part 1: Common

ISO 6405-2, Earth-moving machinery — Symbols for operator controls and other displays — Part 2: Specific
symbols for machines, equipment and accessories

ISO 9244, Earth-moving machinery — Safety signs and hazard pictorials — General principles

ISO 10265, Earth-moving machinery — Crawler machines — Performance requirements and test procedures
for braking systems

ISO 13766, Earth-moving machinery — Electromagnetic compatibility

ISO 15998, Earth-moving machinery — Machine-control systems (MCS) using electronic components —
Performance criteria and tests

ISO 17063, Earth-moving machinery — Braking systems of pedestrian-controlled machines — Performance

requirements and test procedures

IEC 60068-2-32, Basic environment testing procedures — Part 2: Tests — Test Ed: Free fall

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ISO/FDIS 15817:2005(E)

IEC 60204-1:2000, Safety of machinery — Electrical equipment of machines — Part 1: General requirements

IEC 60529, Degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP code)

IEC 60947-5-1, Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear — Part 5-1: Control circuit devices and switching
elements — Electromechanical control circuit devices

3 Terms and definitions

For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.

remote control
remote operator control
control of a machine by wireless or wired transmission of signals from a remote control box not located on the
machine to a receiving unit located on the machine

remote control system
system for transmitting operational information or control to a remote-controlled machine

NOTE It consists of a remote control box and a receiving unit.

remote-controlled operation
operation of a machine by an operator distant from the machine

remote control box
device with controls to actuate all needed operating functions for control of the machine from a distant place

NOTE The signals are transmitted between the remote control box and the receiving unit.

receiving unit
device located on the machine to receive signals emitted from the remote control box and to process these
signals into machine operating orders

NOTE It consists of following elements:

 receiving element that receive signals from the remote control box;

 monitoring element for confirming signals;

 output intersection element that drives the control devices of the machine.

The receiving unit may also include means of return signal transmission for confirmation.

control cable
electric wire for transmitting signals between the remote-control box and the receiving unit

hazard zone
area defined by the manufacturer of the machine and by the use of the machine where potential for injury
might exist due to movement of the machine and its application

2 © ISO 2005 – All rights reserved

ISO/FDIS 15817:2005(E)

4 Requirements for remote operator control

4.1 General requirements

4.1.1 Design

Remote control systems shall be designed so that all remote-controlled machine operations stop and remain
stationary in a safe manner for any of the following conditions:

a) when the controls are not activated;

b) when the power supply of the remote control system is interrupted;

c) when the communication between the remote control box and receiving unit is interrupted;

d) loss of power at the machine that interrupts any part of the remote control system, or

e) loss of signal.

4.1.2 Wireless control

When the location of the machine operated by wireless remote operator control is such that the machine is out
of remote control communication range, the machine remote-controlled operation shall stop and remain
stationary in a safe manner.

If there are several machines equipped with a wireless remote control system working in close proximity, each
remote control system shall have some way to indicate to the operator the corresponding controlled machine
prior to the start of the remote operation.

It is recommended that a special lamp control (e.g. the yellow/amber beacon at the operator position
referenced in 4.10) be used to identify the corresponding machine when the operator starts remote-controlled

4.2 Signal reliability

The signal transmission system shall have an error-detection and/or -correction system to prevent the
machine controls from being actuated by false signals resulting from burst levels of electro-magnetic radiation,
temporary signal loss, remote control box malfunction, etc. The data communication protocol shall guarantee
integrity of the communication link and of the data being transmitted. In the event of the integrity being unable
to be verified, the machine shall come to an immediate stop in a safe manner.

The remote control system shall meet the electromagnetic compatibility requirements of ISO 13766.

4.3 Remote control box

4.3.1 Design

A machine shall only be able to be remote controlled from one remote control box at a time except for
emergency stops.

The remote control box shall be equipped with a device or means to control access such as a key switch or
access code for activation/deactivation of the remote controls.

By design, the remote control box shall minimize the restriction to the machine operator’s freedom of

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ISO/FDIS 15817:2005(E)

4.3.2 Controls Neutral position

All controls on the remote control box shall return to their neutral position when the operator releases them.
And when the controls are in their neutral position, the resulting machine action shall be same as the action
when the corresponding controls on the machine itself are in the neutral position.

Where fixed detent position(s) are provided for machine and/or attachment (tool) controls, the functions
activated by a detent position may be able to be maintained, even if the operator releases all other controls,
except when the resulting machine function(s) are potentially hazardous. Marking

The controls on the remote control box shall have clearly marked directional orientation and directions of
movement for the machine and its equipment/attachment consistent with the control markings on the machine,
if the machine is so equipped (see ISO 6405-1 and ISO 6405-2). Protection against unintended actuation

The controls on the remote control box shall be so arranged, deactivated or guarded to protect against
unintended action. A means shall be provided to guard against actuation in case the remote control box falls
from the operator’s hands or the operator falls while holding the remote control box.

A means shall be provided to disable the controls on the remote control box in the deactivated mode for
protection against unauthorized actuation. Brake/stopping function

The machine shall be held in the standstill position (at maximum slope as specified by the manufacturer) when
the remote controls for travelling are in the neutral position. Braking systems of remote-controlled machines
shall comply with ISO 3450, ISO 10265 or ISO 17063. Priority of controls at the operator's station

Generally, direct controls at the operator’s station, if equipped, shall have priority over remote operator
controls. See 4.6 for selection of controls.

4.4 Wired control

It shall be possible for the operator to control the machine from a position outside of the hazard zone.

The control cable shall be sufficient in length and flexibility to allow the operator to maintain an operating
position outside the hazard zone. With regard to pulling forces, the flexible electrical cables and fittings used in
cable-connected consoles shall comply with the requirements of IEC 60204-1:2000, 14.4.2 and 14.4.3.

Excessive tension on the control cable shall not cause actuation of the controls.

4.5 Stop control

4.5.1 General

A stop control shall be present on the remote control box and on the machine.

Activation of the stop control shall immediately stop all hazardous machine movement in a safe manner.

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ISO/FDIS 15817:2005(E)

4.5.2 Characteristics

It shall not be possible to restore the operation of a machine until the stop control has been manually reset.

Where several stop controls are provided, the operation of a machine shall not be restored until all stop
controls previously operated or activated have been reset.

4.5.3 Stop control button

Stop control shall generally be obtained by a push-button. Either the device or its marking shall be red in
colour (see IEC 60947-5-1).

The background around the stop control shall be of a contrasting colour.

The stop control button shall apply fail-safe design.

4.5.4 Machine

A remote-controlled machine should be equipped with a stop control button or other means that can be
activated by a person standing at ground level out of the path of forward travel of the machine.

4.6 Selecting switch

If the machine can also be controlled with controls on the machine (direct control), a selecting switch shall be
located at the operator's station on the machine for selecting direct or remote control.

The control selection (direct or remote control) shall only be possible by use of a key-switch, access code or a
switch in a lockable cab.

4.7 Impacts, shocks and vibrations

By design, operational impacts of the remote control box and the receiving unit shall not cause inadvertent
machine movement.

The remote control box shall withstand the following tests:

 free fall test according to IEC 60068-2-32;

 shock test (15 g shock load for 11 ms) according to ISO 15998

The receiving unit shall withstand the vibration test, according to ISO 15998.

4.8 Environmental protection

4.8.1 Remote control box

The environmental protection of the remote control box shall be IP 65 (see IEC 60529).

4.8.2 Receiving unit

The degree of protection is based on the location for the installation of the receiving unit. IP 54 shall be met if
the receiving unit is located inside the cab or a similar location; in all other cases, IP 65 shall be applied.

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ISO/FDIS 15817:2005(E)

4.9 Power supply

4.9.1 General

The loss of power supply for the remote control box, stop control or receiving unit shall not create hazardous
unintended machine movement. All controls and operating functions shall return to their neutral position,
resulting in all movements of the machine stopping in a controlled fashion, while the brake should
automatically be applied.

Re-establishing power supply shall not create hazardous unintended machine motion. Remote-controlled
operation shall only be possible after the reset of the transmission.

4.9.2 Remote control box

The presence of electrical power at the control box should be indicated by an optical device (LED or panel

4.10 Warning devices

When the machine is working, a yellow/amber beacon on the machine shall be turned on, in either control
mode (remote-control or direct-control mode). The beacon shall be located at, or nearest to, the operator’s
position (eye position according to ISO 5006-1) to indicate to the bystander that the machine is remote

NOTE A green beacon together with a red beacon can be installed on the machine, where the former indicates that
the machine is active and the remote control signal condition good, and the latter that some serious trouble has occurred
on the machine or that the machine has been stopped by some trouble.

It shall be possible to operate the audible warning device of the machine (e.g. horn) from the remote control
box, when the machine is remote-operated.

4.11 Travelling

4.11.1 Wireless control

The travelling speed shall not exceed 10 km/h. Faster travelling speed may be allowed if there are no
trespassers within the remote-controlled machine's moving area and the machine is remote controlled away
from the hazard zone.

4.11.2 Wired control

The maximum travelling speed shall be within pedestrian walking speed and shall not exceeding 6 km/h.

4.12 Type information

The following data shall be permanently fixed to the remote control system:

f) manufacturer;

g) type;

h) year of manufacture;

i) serial number.

The type information shall clearly indicate the relationship between remote control box and receiving unit and
be shown both on the remote control box and on an easily readable surface inside or near the operator station.

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ISO/FDIS 15817:2005(E)

4.13 Hazard pictorial

A hazard pictorial, in accordance with ISO 9244, shall be displayed on the machine, indicating that the
machine can be operated by remote-control. The display shall clearly indicate the need to stay clear of the

EXAMPLE See Figure 1.

Figure 1

5 Forward-direction marking
For 360° rotating machines, e.g. excavators, the forward direction shall be marked on all sides of the
undercarriage of the machine to inform the remote operator of the travelling direction.

6 Instruction
The instruction handbook for remote controlled machines shall contain information about maximum safe
recommended distance from which the operator can control the machine with the control box for wireless
remote operator control. Other information specific to remote operation such as working on slopes, carrying
loads, use in extreme conditions/environments, shut-down procedures and safe practice for maintaining
control box, shall be included.

When applicable, the following statement or similar shall be included in the instruction handbook.

“The machine can be remote controlled. Machine may start without notice. Stay clear of machine.”

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ISO/FDIS 15817:2005(E)

ICS 53.100
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Closing date of voting
2004-05-20 ISO/TC 127 /SC 2
A report shall be returned to ISO/CS no later than 3 months after the closing date of voting on the DIS, whether or not
comments have been reviewed and/or a new text has been prepared.

Preliminary report
(submitted in those cases where comments are still to be considered and/or a decision has not yet been taken, or where it is decided
that the nature of comments indicates a need for further consultation and/or reversion to a previous project development stage). To
be followed by a 'Final report'. Any preliminary report is for ISO/CS for information, and is not circulated to member bodies)
Final report
(submitted either immediately, when all comments have been reviewed and a decision can be taken, or following a 'Preliminary
report'. The final report is circulated by ISO/CS to member bodies, and is distributed with any associated DIS or FDIS text)

1 Result of the voting

The above-mentioned document was circulated to member bodies with a request that the ISO Central Secretariat be
informed whether or not member bodies were in favour of registration of the DIS as a Final Draft International Standard
or for publication in the case of unanimous approval.
The vote closed on the date indicated above. The replies listed in annex A have been received.

2 Comments received
See annex B (if appropriate)
3 Observations of the secretariat

4 Decision of the Chairman

Preliminary report (no annexes required)

The comments are under review and/or a decision on further procedure has not yet been taken

The project is to revert to the Preparatory Stage (a new working draft will be developed)

The project is to revert to the Committee Stage (a new committee draft will be developed)

Final report
Having received 100% approval from the member bodies voting, the DIS is approved for direct publication
without change other than editorial (no FDIS vote)
(Option not applicable to projects progressing under the Vienna Agreement)

A revised text is to be submitted to ISO/CS for the approval procedure (FDIS vote)

A revised text is to be submitted to ISO/CS for a further enquiry (DIS) vote

Remarks (e.g. observations on how comments were reviewed, date by which a decision is to be taken, date when a text is expected)

Annex A Summary of Voting and Comments on DIS 15817 - SC 2 N 702
Annex B Disposition of Comments on DIS 15817 - SC 2 N 716
Signature of the Secretary Signature of the Chairman

Sara Desautels, ANSI Dan Roley, ANSI

Date 2004-10-04 Date 2004-10-04

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ISO/DIS 15817

English Title:
Earth-moving machinery -- Safety requirements for remote operator
French Title:
Engins de terrassement -- Exigences de sécurité pour la commande à
distance utilisée par l'opérateur

Document reference: ISO/DIS 15817 Committee: ISO/TC 127/SC 2

Start date: 2003-11-20 End date: 2004-05-20
Opened by ISO/CS on: 2003-11-20 00:00 Closed by ISO/CS on: 2004-05-22 00:32
Voting stage: Enquiry
Status: Closed Version: 1
Vote in parallel with:
Role: BallotManager Organization: ISOCS
Extension of vote until 2004-05-20 at the request of ANSI/ISOCS 2004-04-

Result of voting
P-Members voting: 16 in favour out of 18 = 88.88% (requirement >= 66.66%)

(P-Members having abstained are not counted in this vote.)

Member bodies voting: 2 negative votes out of 19 = 10.52% (requirement <= 25%)


Created Initialized Open Closed Evaluating Ballot... Closed Closed

Ballot Content

Type Country Member Participation Voted Functions Modified

Australia SAI P Member Approval 2004-04-20 0
Austria ON Abstention 2004-03-23 0
Belarus BELST P Member Approval 2004-04-01 0

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Brazil ABNT P Member Approval with comments 2004-04-16 2

China SAC P Member Approval 2004-04-02 0
Finland SFS P Member Approval 2004-05-10 1
France AFNOR P Member Disapproval 2004-04-20 1
Germany DIN P Member Approval with comments 2004-04-20 1
Italy UNI P Member Approval 2004-03-31 1
Japan JISC P Member Approval with comments 2004-03-31 0
Korea, Republic of KATS P Member Approval 2004-04-17 0
Netherlands NEN P Member Approval 2004-04-20 0
New Zealand SNZ P Member Approval 2004-04-20 0
Poland PKN P Member Approval 2004-03-29 1
Russian Federation GOST R P Member Approval 2004-04-05 1
South Africa SABS P Member Approval 2004-04-20 1
Spain AENOR O Member Approval 2004-02-13 1
Sweden SIS P Member Approval with comments 2004-04-27 1
United Kingdom BSI P Member Approval 2004-04-06 1
USA ANSI Secretariat Disapproval 2004-05-17 1

Livelink ® Version 9.0.0, Copyright © 1995-2001 Open Text Inc. All rights reserved.

... 2004-05-24
Comments and secretariat observations on ISO/DIS 15817 EMM – Safety Date: 2004-08-17 Document: ISO/TC 127/SC 2 N 716
requirements for remote operator control

1 2 (3) 4 5 (6) (7)

MB1 Clause No./ Paragraph/ Type Comment (justification for change) by the MB Proposed change by the MB Secretariat observations
Subclause No./ Figure/Table/ of on each comment submitted
Annex Note com-
(e.g. 3.1) (e.g. Table 1) ment2

FR Ge We consider this standard must take into account infrared Comment noted.
remote controls. Maintenance of Hertzian remote control A means of wireless control
[1] box raises sometimes problems if some cautions have not are not limited to Hertzian
been taken. Indeed, during repair, if the receiving unit is wave remote control.
in hold mode (i.e. waiting for remote-controlled orders), it Infrared remote control can
can be actuated blindly from the operation room. Should be one of means of wireless
this not be dealt with in this standard? control if it meets the
requirements stated in this
SE 1 Scope te Change the first paragraph for better understanding: "This international standard provides definitions Agreed.
and specifies the safety requirements of wireless
[2] or/and wired remote control systems, used on
earth-moving machinery as defined in ISO 6165.”
SE 2 ed ISO 17063 is released, and not FDIS any longer Change to ISO 17063 Agreed.

FR 3.1 Ed/Te We suggest a new editing to take into account infrared “remote (remote operation) control Comment noted.
remote controls. Refer to [1].
[4] control of a machine by a wired control or
immaterial control (Hertzian or infrared) from a
remote control box remote at a distant place. This
box is not located on the machine and emits
orders to a receiving unit located on the machine

US 3.1 ed Delete ‘a’s for improved understanding of the text. control of a machine by wireless or wired Agreed.
transmission signals from a remote . . .
FR 3.2 Ed French version only: change “système pour la -
transmission” to “système de transmission”
US 3.2 ed Suggest substituting “information or control” for ‘orders’. System for transmitting operational information or Agreed.
[7] control to a remote controlled machine
FR 3.3 Te We suggest a new editing to take into account infrared remote controlled operation Agreed the term change.
remote controls. operation of an earth-moving machine controlled Not agreed the definition
[8] by an operator at a distant place by means of wording, “Hertzian or
1 MB = Member body (enter the ISO 3166 two-letter country code, e.g. CN for China; comments from the ISO/CS editing unit are identified by **)
2 Type of comment: ge = general te = technical ed = editorial
NOTE Columns 1, 2, 4, 5 are compulsory.
page 1 of 14
ISO electronic balloting commenting template/version 2001-10
Comments and secretariat observations on ISO/DIS 15817 EMM – Safety Date: 2004-08-17 Document: ISO/TC 127/SC 2 N 716
requirements for remote operator control

1 2 (3) 4 5 (6) (7)

MB1 Clause No./ Paragraph/ Type Comment (justification for change) by the MB Proposed change by the MB Secretariat observations
Subclause No./ Figure/Table/ of on each comment submitted
Annex Note com-
(e.g. 3.1) (e.g. Table 1) ment2

wired control or wireless control (Hertzian or Refer to [1].

FR 3.3 Ed French version only: translate “operation” to “manœuvre” -
in this definition
US 3.3 ed Revise text for improved clarity. No need to repeat ‘wired Operation of a machine by an operator distant Agreed.
[10] or wireless’. from the machine.
FR 3.4 Ed French version only: change “boîtier de commande à -
distance” to “boîtier émetteur de commande”
US 3.4 ed Improved clarity – replace ‘as’ with ‘for’ and delete Device with controls to actuate all needed Agreed.
[12] ‘remote’. operating functions for control of the machine from
a distant place
FR 3.5 Te The definition of receiving unit must be modified to put receiving unit Agreed in principle.
forward the elements composing this unit as well as their device located on the machine to receive on one Text changed according to
[13] respective roles. hand signals emitted from the remote control box, the proposal with certain
and on the other hand to process these signals editorial modifications.
into machine operating orders. It consists of a box
which gathers:
- the receiving element to receive signals from
remote control box;
- the monitoring element to control signals, treat
them and transmit them to the output intersection
- the output intersection element to drive control
devices of machine taking into account the
instructions received from the monitoring element.
US 3.5 2nd te Clarify that some systems may also have feedback Receiving unit may also include means of return Agreed.
[14] sentence capability. Add additional sentence: signal transmission for confirmation.
FR 3.6 Ed Editorial addition Add: “electric wire to transmit…” Agreed.

FR 3.7 Ed The definition of “Hazard zone” must be completed "machine moving area where potential for contact Agreed the 1 point.
injury might exist due to movement of the Not agreed the 2 point.
1 MB = Member body (enter the ISO 3166 two-letter country code, e.g. CN for China; comments from the ISO/CS editing unit are identified by **)
2 Type of comment: ge = general te = technical ed = editorial
NOTE Columns 1, 2, 4, 5 are compulsory.
page 2 of 14
ISO electronic balloting commenting template/version 2001-10
Comments and secretariat observations on ISO/DIS 15817 EMM – Safety Date: 2004-08-17 Document: ISO/TC 127/SC 2 N 716
requirements for remote operator control

1 2 (3) 4 5 (6) (7)

MB1 Clause No./ Paragraph/ Type Comment (justification for change) by the MB Proposed change by the MB Secretariat observations
Subclause No./ Figure/Table/ of on each comment submitted
Annex Note com-
(e.g. 3.1) (e.g. Table 1) ment2

[16] machine, for any person or third in the vicinity of Needless to say in detail to
the site" such an extent.
US 3.7 te The potential for injury cannot always be defined by the The area defined by the manufacturer of the Agreed.
[17] manufacturer of the machine. The application of the machine and by the use of the machine where
machine and its environment of use using remote control potential for injury might exist due to movement of
can also impact and define the hazard zone. See the machine and its application.
FR 3.8 (new) Te A definition of “monitoring element” must be added 3.8 monitoring element Comment noted.
electronic circuit which scans permanently the The definition already shows
[18] remote-controlled (wired or immaterial) orders up in 3.5 receiving unit.
received by the receiving unit. Its role is: Refer to [13].
- if the messages reception is correct, to transcode
signals in operating order to the machine;
- if the messages reception is incorrect, to stop the
FR 3.9 (new) Te A definition of “output intersection element” must be 3.9 output intersection element Comment noted.
added electric relay which, thanks to its high switch-off The definition already shows
[19] capacity, interacts directly on the control circuit of up in 3.5 receiving unit.
the machine. It receives electric signals of low Refer to [13].
powered controls from the monitoring element. In
some cases, it can split the electric power of the
receiving unit from the electric power of the
FR 4 Title Ed Update the title according to our comment on 3.3. Change the title to: "Requirements for remote- Comment noted.
controlled operations" This clause describes the
[20] requirements for the content
of control.
DE 4.1
1 sentence Ed To be in line with terminology used in 4.5.1 modify the "... remain immobile in a save manner for any oft Agreed except “save
text as proposed. the..." manner” being replaced by
[21] “safe manner”.
FR 4.1 Te The loss of power at the machine must be specified: Agreed.
- from which level must the loss of power be considered Refer to [24]
[22] as leading to the stop of the machine (10%, 20%, 50%,
- does the loss of power concern all powers of the
machine (mechanic, hydraulic, …)?
1 MB = Member body (enter the ISO 3166 two-letter country code, e.g. CN for China; comments from the ISO/CS editing unit are identified by **)
2 Type of comment: ge = general te = technical ed = editorial
NOTE Columns 1, 2, 4, 5 are compulsory.
page 3 of 14
ISO electronic balloting commenting template/version 2001-10
Comments and secretariat observations on ISO/DIS 15817 EMM – Safety Date: 2004-08-17 Document: ISO/TC 127/SC 2 N 716
requirements for remote operator control

1 2 (3) 4 5 (6) (7)

MB1 Clause No./ Paragraph/ Type Comment (justification for change) by the MB Proposed change by the MB Secretariat observations
Subclause No./ Figure/Table/ of on each comment submitted
Annex Note com-
(e.g. 3.1) (e.g. Table 1) ment2

- is the stopping global or limited just to elements which

are moved by this power?
US 4.1 ed Operations may not necessarily relate to movement. See Remote controlled systems shall be designed so Agreed.
[23] proposal. that remote controlled machine operations stop
and remain stationary for any of the following
US 4.1 4th bullet te Clarify requirements regarding the loss of power - loss of power at the machine that interrupts any Agreed.
[24] part of the remote control system, or
US 4.1 5th bullet te Delete ‘from the remote control box’ to make more - loss of signal. Agreed.
[25] general.
DE 4.1.1
1 sentence Ed To be in line with terminology used in 4.5.1 modify the "...and remains immobile in a save manner." Agreed.
text as proposed. But “save” is replaced by
[26] “safe”.
FR 4.1.1 Ed We propose a new editing for this subclause to take into Change to: “4.1.1 Immaterial remote control (radio Comment noted.
account infrared remote controls or infrared) Wording “Immaterial” remote
[27] Immaterial remote controls require in addition the control is not agreed.
following conditions: Refer to 2.4 remote
When the remote controlled machine is out of the controlled machine in
range of the signals emitted by the remote control ISO/DIS 6165 Earth-moving
box, the machine operation shall be stopped and machinery -- Basic types --
this shall remain immobile. Vocabulary.
If there are several machines equipped with a Also refer to [1].
immaterial remote control system (radio or
infrared) working in close proximity, each remote
control system shall have some way to indicate to
the operator the corresponding controlled machine
prior to the start of the remote operation.
NOTE It is recommended that a personalised
display is implemented when the operator starts
remote-controlled operation.”
FR 4.1.1 NOTE Ed French version only: translate “operation” to “manœuvre” -

SE 4.1.1 ed First paragraph. Spelling mistake. Remove the “s” from remains. Agreed.

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Subclause No./ Figure/Table/ of on each comment submitted
Annex Note com-
(e.g. 3.1) (e.g. Table 1) ment2

SE 4.1.1 te The NOTE has been changed since last edition. The note Delete the NOTE, or change the NOTE according Comment noted.
shall not only recommend a lamp. . The present NOTE to previous edition. Main switch does not provide
[30] text are as follows: clear image of the function
NOTE It is recommended that a special lamp for indicating the
NOTE It is recommended that a special lamp control is control or main switch, etc. is used when a corresponding controlled
used when the operator starts remote-controlled machine is distant from the operator for this machine to the operator.
operation. purpose.
US 4.1.1 1st sentence ed Clarify text. Operation may not relate to movement. ---range, the machine remote controlled operation Agreed.
[31] shall stop and remain stationary.
US 4.1.1 2nd te ‘Prior to start’ should depend upon whether the operation When multiple machines equipped with wireless Comment noted.
[32] sentence is hazardous. remote control systems are working in close For whichever hazardous or
proximity and actuation of the control system non hazardous operation
causes hazardous movement, each remote control operator needs to identify the
system shall have means to indicate to the machine which he intends to
operator the corresponding controlled machine control prior to starting
prior to the start of the remote operation. operation.
US 4.1.1 Note te Meaning of the note is unclear. See suggested wording – It is recommended that the yellow beacon Agreed in principle.
[33] does this satisfy the intent? referenced in 4.10 be energized to indicate remote The note is reviewed that a
control is being initiated. special lamp (e.g. the
yellow/amber beacon at the
operator position referenced
in 4.10) is used when ----.
DE 4.2 1
Ed To be in line with terminology used in 4.5.1 modify the "...shall come to an immediate controlled stop in a Agreed except “save
paragraph, text as proposed. save manner." manner” being replaced by
[34] last “safe manner”.
FR 4.2 Ed French version only: add “d’un” before -
FR 4.2 Last Ed Complete the sentence to: “… to an immediate safe and Agreed in principle.
sentence, 1
st controlled stop." Refer to [34].
[36] §

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Subclause No./ Figure/Table/ of on each comment submitted
Annex Note com-
(e.g. 3.1) (e.g. Table 1) ment2

US 4.2 ed change reference to ISO/DIS 13766 instead of ISO 13766 Agreed.

FR 4.3
1 § Ed Editorial comment: “The earth moving machinery shall Agreed.
only be able to be remote-controlled from one remote
[38] control box at a time."
US 4.3 1st te Provisions should be included to permit the use and Activation of controls except for emergency stops Agreed.
[39] sentence precedence of emergency stop controls that can be shall only be possible from one active remote
applied from any control. See proposal. control box.
US 4.3 3rd sentence ed Clarify – replace ‘obstruction’ with ‘restriction’ ---shall minimize the restriction to the machine-- Agreed.
FR Ed/Te This subclause is not understandable. The editing must Agreed.
be reviewed for clarification of the requirements. Refer to [42].
US te The section is difficult to understand as written and does Operator presence Comment noted.
[42] not distinguish between controls causing potentially
hazardous movement and simple on-off non-hazardous The text is editorially
controls. Instead of specifying return to neutral controls improved as follows to avoid
and then trying to delineate between non and continuous The remote control box shall require sustained its difficulty in understanding.
operating functions, propose simply requiring that the box operator input for potentially hazardous machine
have means for assuring the operator maintains presence movement functions. st
1 paragraph:
at the box such as a trigger or thumb switch for example. All controls on the remote
Suggest deleting the current clause and replacing with control box shall return to
proposed new title and clause. their neutral position when
the operator releases control
of them. And when the
controls are in their neutral
position, the resulting
machine action shall be
same as the action when the
corresponding controls in
machine are in the neutral
2 paragraph:
In case fixed detent

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Subclause No./ Figure/Table/ of on each comment submitted
Annex Note com-
(e.g. 3.1) (e.g. Table 1) ment2

position(s) are provided for

machine and/or attachment
(tool) controls, the functions
activated by detent position
can be kept even if operator
releases all other controls
unless resulting machine
function(s) are potentially
US te Modify to include the requirement to prescribing the The controls on the remote control box shall have Agreed.
[43] directional orientation of the machine and the remote clearly marked directional orientation and
control unit so the operator is aware of the relationship directions of movement for the machine . . .
during remote operation. See proposal.
FR Te The requirement states that a means must be provided, We suggest to add the following: Comment noted.
without giving the specifications of this means. “This means can be: The proposed description
[44] - “dead man”: device which requires the operator provides too specific/detail
to press down the push-button to authorise the feature which may
operation of the remote control; deteriorate the flexibility for
- loss of verticality: the remote control box is applying possible means.
equipped with a sensor which forbids its operation
if its tilt exceeds the determined angle (30°, 45° or
- loss of inactivity: if for a determined period
(several tens of seconds), no order is activated on
the remote control box, the operation of the remote
control will automatically disconnect.
US ed The current text gives subjective requirements that are The controls on the remote control box shall be so Agreed.
[45] difficult to understand. See proposal for improved arranged, deactivated or guarded to protect Second paragraph is kept as
wording. against unintended activation. A means shall be was.
provided to guard against actuation in case the
remote control box falls from the operator’s hand
or if the operator falls while holding the box.
SE ed ISO 17063 is not FDIS any longer. Change ref to ISO 17063 Agreed.
Refer to [3].

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Subclause No./ Figure/Table/ of on each comment submitted
Annex Note com-
(e.g. 3.1) (e.g. Table 1) ment2

US ed Question whether it is appropriate for this document to Braking systems of remote controlled machines Agreed.
[47] specify braking requirements. If so desired, then see shall comply with ISO 3450, ISO 10265 or ISO
suggested wording for referring to ISO braking standards 17063.
which specify both stopping and holding requirements.
BR Paragraph ed The paragraph related to the priority of controls at the Add the appropriate text on the subclause Agreed.
(Page 4) operator's station is missed. Refer to [50]
SE ed No text under this subclause. See comment. Agreed.
Refer to [50]
US te There is no information provided for this section. Suggest Generally, direct controls at the operator’s station, Agreed.
[50] using wording from previous draft and including reference if equipped, shall have priority over remote
to section 4.6. operator controls. See 4.6 for selection of controls.
US 4.4 ed “Wired controls shall comply with 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3” can be It shall be possible for the operator to control the Agreed.
[51] deleted due to being included by the scope and machine from a position outside of the hazard
definitions. See proposed wording. zone.
BR 4.4.1 1st line ed The text ".. to maintain a safe an operating position .." is Change from: Agreed in principle. See
(Page 4) not understandable. [53].
[52] "..... to maintain a safe an operating position ....."
"..... to maintain a safe operating position ....."
US 4.4.1 1st clause ed Eliminate the term ‘a safe’. Control cable shall be sufficient in length and Agreed.
[53] flexibility to allow the operator to maintain an
operating position outside the hazard zone.
US 4.4.1 2nd clause ed Statement is not clear. See suggested wording. Excessive tension on the control cable shall not Agreed.
[54] cause actuation of the controls.
FR 4.5.1
1 § Te A technical specification must be added. Add at the end of the paragraph: “… box (key Comment noted.
operated switch or lockable push-button).” Described in 4.5.3.
SE 4.5.1 te The second sentence has been changed since last Change the sentence to: Agreed except “dangerous”
edition. The stop control shall not necessarily stop all being replaced by more
[56] machine movement. Activation of the stop control shall in a safe appropriate wording

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MB1 Clause No./ Paragraph/ Type Comment (justification for change) by the MB Proposed change by the MB Secretariat observations
Subclause No./ Figure/Table/ of on each comment submitted
Annex Note com-
(e.g. 3.1) (e.g. Table 1) ment2

manner immediately stop all dangerous functions "hazardous”.

of the machine. Refer to [57].
US 4.5.1 2nd te Requirement should be limited to hazardous movement. Activation of the stop control shall immediately Agreed.
[57] sentence See suggested wording. stop hazardous machine movement in a controlled
FR 4.5.2 Ed We suggest a new editing for this subclause. Change to: “It shall not be possible to restore the Agreed.
operation of the earth-moving machinery until the
[58] stop control has been manually reset.
Where several stop controls are provided, the
operation of the earth-moving machinery shall not
be restored until all stop controls previously
operated or activated have been reset."
FR 4.5.3
3 § Te The meaning of this sentence is not clear. We suggest modifying the sentence as follows: Agreed.
"The stop control button shall be designed to fulfill Refer to [61].
[59] the positive safety mode."
US 4.5.3 title te These requirements pertain to E stops. Change title of 4.5.3 Emergency stop control Comment noted.
[60] clause 4.5.3 to “Emergency stop control” instead of “Stop “Emergency stop” was
control button”. reviewed to “stop control”
according to US
Refer to N500 Add1.
US 4.5.3 3rd clause ed Confusing as written. See suggested wording. The stop control shall be designed for fail safe Agreed.
[61] mode. Revised to following
“The stop control button shall
apply fail-safe design.”
FR 4.5.4 Ed We suggest a new editing for this subclause. Change the text to: "Remote operated … standing Agreed.
at ground level. This stopping means shall be Refer to [63].
[62] located on the machine in such a way that this
person does not enter the travel path of machine."
US 4.5.4 te No control button can be put on a machine where it A remote controlled operating machine should be Agreed.
[63] arguably could not be in the path of the machine. See equipped with a stop control button or other means
suggested wording. that can be activated by a person standing at
ground level out of the path of forward travel of the
1 MB = Member body (enter the ISO 3166 two-letter country code, e.g. CN for China; comments from the ISO/CS editing unit are identified by **)
2 Type of comment: ge = general te = technical ed = editorial
NOTE Columns 1, 2, 4, 5 are compulsory.
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MB1 Clause No./ Paragraph/ Type Comment (justification for change) by the MB Proposed change by the MB Secretariat observations
Subclause No./ Figure/Table/ of on each comment submitted
Annex Note com-
(e.g. 3.1) (e.g. Table 1) ment2
US 4.6 te Use of a key switch, access code or a switch in a lockable If the machine can also be controlled with controls Do not agree with the 1
[64] cab may prevent an operator at the direct control station on the machine (direct control), a selecting switch sentence of comment.
from selecting direct control. The operator at the direct shall be located at the operator’s station on the But Agreed review wording.
control station is closer to the machine, so machine machine for selecting direct or remote controlled 1 sentence:
movement not under his control may increase the hazard. operation. Apply the proposal.
This switch is for control station selection not mode 2 sentence:
selection, where mode selection is operation, service, The control selection (direct
inspection, etc. and each mode may have a different or remote control) shall only
safety level requirement. (Refer to 1.2.5 of 98/37/EC). be possible by use of a key-
See suggested wording. Delete 2nd sentence. switch, access code or a
switch in a lockable cab.
BR 4.7 Paragraph ed The term "test E" for the free fall test according to IEC Change from: Agreed.
(Page 5) 60068-2-32 is incorrect.
[65] "− free fall test according to IEC 60068-2-32,
test E"
"− free fall test according to IEC 60068-2-32,
test Ed "
US 4.7 1st sentence te Requirement should be limited to hazardous machine By design, operational impacts of the remote Agreed.
[66] movement. control box and the receiving unit shall not cause
inadvertent hazardous machine movement.
US 4.7 2nd clause te Eliminate reference to ISO/DIS 15998 Comment noted.
[67] The comment is submitted
without its reason
US 4.8.1 ed Change reference to IEC 60529 (Not 60592). The IP Agreed.
[68] ratings for moisture/dust penetration found in IEC 60529
are already almost universally accepted. Should this also
be in the normative reference list?
US 4.8.2 ed Change ‘case’ to ‘cases’. …in all other cases IP 65. Agreed.
FR 4.9.1
1 §, 2
Ed We suggest an editing improvement. All controls and operating functions shall return to Agreed.
sentence their neutral position, leading all movements of the
[70] machine to stop in a controlled fashion and the
brake should automatically be applied.
1 MB = Member body (enter the ISO 3166 two-letter country code, e.g. CN for China; comments from the ISO/CS editing unit are identified by **)
2 Type of comment: ge = general te = technical ed = editorial
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MB1 Clause No./ Paragraph/ Type Comment (justification for change) by the MB Proposed change by the MB Secretariat observations
Subclause No./ Figure/Table/ of on each comment submitted
Annex Note com-
(e.g. 3.1) (e.g. Table 1) ment2

FR 4.9.1
2 §, 2
Ed Add at the end of the sentence: “(reset of the Agreed.
sentence transmission)”
US 4.9.1 1st clause te Add requirement for emergency stop controls. Should The loss of power supply for the remote control Agreed.
[72] relate to functions under remote control, not all controls box, emergency stop controls or receiving unit
and functions and limited to hazardous movement. shall not create hazardous unintended machine
movement. Remote controls and operating
US 4.9.1 2nd clause te Clarify - change ‘any unintended’ to ‘hazardous’ Re-establishing power supply shall not create Agreed.
[73] hazardous machine motion.
FR 4.9.2 Ed Add after “optical device”: “(led or panel light)” Agreed.

US 4.9.2 ed Clarify The presence of electrical power at the control box Agreed.
[75] should be indicated by an optical device.
BR 4.10 Note ed The text "..... and in this case the former indicates that the Change from: Agreed.
(Page 5) machine is active remote control signal condition is
[76] good ....." is not understandable. "..... and in this case the former indicates that the
machine is active remote control signal condition is
good ....."
"..... and in this case the former indicates that the
machine is active and remote control signal
condition is good ....."
FR 4.10 Ed We suggest an editing improvement. "When the machine is working, a yellow/amber Comment noted.
beacon fitted on the machine shall be turned on, in Current expression is enough
[77] either selected control mode (remote control mode understandable.
or direct control mode)."
SE 4.10 te The presence of green and red beacon together with the Delete the NOTE Comment noted.
yellow/amber one will confuse the operator or bystanders, The operator should well
[78] and are therefore a safety risk. understand the meaning of
green and red beacon. This
information is important for

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MB1 Clause No./ Paragraph/ Type Comment (justification for change) by the MB Proposed change by the MB Secretariat observations
Subclause No./ Figure/Table/ of on each comment submitted
Annex Note com-
(e.g. 3.1) (e.g. Table 1) ment2

Even if bystanders do not
understand the meaning,
there is no safety risk.
US 4.10 1st clause te Clarify the requirement for the beacon. Reword the first When the machine is being operated by remote Comment noted.
[79] clause as suggested. control, a yellow/amber beacon located on the It had been clarified through
machine in a prominently visible position shall be the international discussion
activated. that Yellow/amber beacon
only indicate machine is
being operated either by
direct control or remote
US 4.10 2nd clause te Delete note due to red and green beacons causing Comment noted.
[80] confusion. The machine stops when a fault occurs to Refer to [78].
minimize hazards, so a red beacon, that typically According to the table 4 of
indicates danger, would not be appropriate. ISO 11429 RED colour can
be used to show any
If additional beacon is included then recommend use of a Consider second paragraph that states: hazardous potential by
blue beacon to indicate that attention is required at the
machine. ISO 3864, Safety colours and safety signs, A blue beacon may be used on the machine to failures. So this usage is not
identifies the general meaning of safety colors, where red indicate a malfunction has occurred and attention inappropriate.
is stop/prohibition and blue is mandatory action. Also, is required at the machine.
ISO 11429 supports the use of blue. See addendum.
FR 4.11.1 2
sentence Ed We suggest an editing improvement. "Faster travelling speed may be allowed if no Agreed.
trespassers is located within the remote-controlled
[81] machines moving area and the machine is remote
controlled away from the hazard zone."
US 4.11.1 ed Clarify requirement. See suggested wording. The travelling speed shall not exceed 10 km/h Agreed.
[82] unless personnel are prohibited from being within Refer to [81].
the machine moving area and the operator is away
from the hazard zone.
DE 4.11.2 2
sentence Te As agreed at the Sorrento meeting of ISO/TC127/SC2 As agreed at the Sorrento meeting of Agreed.
nd nd
delete the 2 sentence. ISO/TC127/SC2 delete the 2 sentence.
FR 4.11.2 2
sentence Ed We suggest an editing improvement. "Faster travelling speed may only be possible if no Comment noted.
trespassers is located within the remote-controlled Respect the decision at

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2 Type of comment: ge = general te = technical ed = editorial
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MB1 Clause No./ Paragraph/ Type Comment (justification for change) by the MB Proposed change by the MB Secretariat observations
Subclause No./ Figure/Table/ of on each comment submitted
Annex Note com-
(e.g. 3.1) (e.g. Table 1) ment2

[84] machines moving area and the machine is remote Sorrento meeting.
controlled from a safe distance with an enough Refer to [85[ and [86].
length of the cable. Adequate safety
consideration/device (e.g. reel for cable) should be
added for faster travelling speed."
JP 4.11.2 2
sentence te The text should be modified based on the comment from Delete " Faster travelling speed may only be Agreed.
Germany as decided at agenda 6.1.17 of ISO/TC 127/SC possible if no trespassers are allowed to be within
[85] 2 meeting on Oct 14 to 16 in Sorrento, Italy. the remote-controlled machines moving area, the
machine is remote controlled from a safe distance
"It was agreed that the speed requirements should not be with an enough length of the cable, and adequate
included and the project leader will remove these from the safety consideration/device (e.g. reel for cable)
text and resubmit the document to ISO CS for DIS ballot. should be added for faster travelling speed." from
It was also requested that the project leader confirms the subclause 4.11.2( second sentence)
agreement that the same requirements do not need to be
met for slower machines with direct cable control to
remote controlled machines. " (Re: ISO/TC 127/SC 2 N
687 Meeting report)
US 4.11.2 ed Per SC2N698, we acknowledge that the second sentence The maximum travelling speed shall not exceed 6 Comment noted.
[86] was to be deleted. However for further consideration, see km/h if other machine functions are being remote Respect the decision at
proposal. controlled. Faster travelling speed is permitted Sorrento meeting.
solely for transport, where personnel are
prohibited from being within the machine moving
area and the control cable is of sufficient length
and design to allow faster travelling speed.
US 4.12 te Requirements are perceived to have limited value. Delete Delete first clause. Comment noted.
[87] requirement to have manufacturer, type, year and SN There is some value for
permanently fixed to RC system. traceabiity.

FR 4.13 Ed It is important to state that a figure is required. The display shall clearly indicate staying clear of Agreed.
the machine.
FR 6 Te Add a requirement on safe practice when maintaining the Agreed.
control box.

1 MB = Member body (enter the ISO 3166 two-letter country code, e.g. CN for China; comments from the ISO/CS editing unit are identified by **)
2 Type of comment: ge = general te = technical ed = editorial
NOTE Columns 1, 2, 4, 5 are compulsory.
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requirements for remote operator control

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MB1 Clause No./ Paragraph/ Type Comment (justification for change) by the MB Proposed change by the MB Secretariat observations
Subclause No./ Figure/Table/ of on each comment submitted
Annex Note com-
(e.g. 3.1) (e.g. Table 1) ment2

US 6 1st clause te Delete the word ‘safe’. Add other information about …shall contain information about maximum Agreed.
[90] operation. recommended distance from which…. . Other
information specific to remote operation such as
working on slopes, carrying loads, use in extreme
conditions/environments and shut down
procedures shall be included.
US 6 2nd clause ed There are instances where remote control may not create When applicable, the following statement or similar Agreed.
[91] any hazards. Revise 2nd sentence to shall be included in the instruction handbook.
US 6 3rd clause ed Eliminate the Signal Word “WARNING” as it has specific The machine can be remote controlled. Machine Agreed.
[92] regional definitions that are not applicable to all regions. may start without notice. Stay clear of machine.

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2 Type of comment: ge = general te = technical ed = editorial
NOTE Columns 1, 2, 4, 5 are compulsory.
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