Cessna 680 Memory Items
Cessna 680 Memory Items
Cessna 680 Memory Items
1. APU FIRE Switch …………..…. LIFT COVER & PUSH 1. AP/TRIM/NWS DISC Button ……….….…. PRESS & HOLD
Max Design Ramp Weight …………………… 30,550 LBS The Baggage Smoke Detection and Extinguishing systems
Max Design Takeoff Weight ……….………… 30,300 LBS must be operational if baggage is to be carried in the
Max Design Landing Weight ………………… 27,100 LBS compartment.
Max Design Zero Fuel Weight ………………. 20,800 LBS Maximum total weight of baggage in the tailcone baggage
compartment is 1,000 LBS. Total weight includes baggage in
SPEED LIMITATIONS the forward and aft compartments and on the coat rod.
MMO (above 29,833 FT) …….………………........... 80 M
VMO 8,000 FT to 29,833 ….…………..……….. 305 KIAS START CYCLES
VMO below 8,000 FT ……………………….……270 KIAS Engine Starter Rest Periods: □ After 1 start – 2 MINS.
nd rd
Max Altitude for flap extension ………………...18, 000 FT □ After 2 start – 5 MINS. □ After 3 start – 30 MINS.
Max Flap Extension Speeds: VFE 7° ... 250 KIAS The above limitation is independent of starter source (battery,
VFE 15° …200 KIAS Landing VFE 35° …175 KIAS cross-start, APU generator, GPU) and applies to dry or wet
Max Landing Gear Operating/Extended ……… 210 KIAS motoring.
Max Turbulent Air Penetratration ………..225 KIAS/.80 M Engine Starter Motoring Limits:
Max Speed Brake Extension ………….……….. NO LIMIT • Batteries only …………………….……….…….. 20 SECS.
Min Speed Brake Extension …………..... VREF+15 KIAS • Batteries with generator assist ….…….………. 15 SECS.
Min Single Engine Enroute Climb ………...…… 180 KIAS • EPU (1000 amps) …………………………...….. 15 SECS.
Max Tire Ground Speed …………...…………… 165 KIAS • EPU (1500 amps) ……………………………….. 7 SECS.
Min for Sustained Flight in Icing (flaps 0)….…...180 KIAS
APU Starter Limitation … 3 start cycles per 30 minutes with a
TAKEOFF AND LANDING 90 second rest between cycles.
Max Altitude Limit …………………………...….. 14,000 FT
Max Tailwind Component …................................. 10 KTS Battery Start Limitation ………………… 3 Engine Starts/Hour
Max Demonstrated Xwind Component ……..…… 25 KTS If the Battery Start Limitation is exceeded, ground
Stab Trim must be set in accordance with the AFM. maintenance procedures are required.
Autopilot and Yaw Damper must be OFF for TO & LND. Start count against the 3 Engine Starts/Hour Limitation:
• Batteries only start = 1 count
A satisfactory pre-flight must be completed prior to flight • EPU Assist (<1000A) = 1 count
of the following: □ Angle of Attack & Stall Warning • EPU Assist (≥1000A) = 1/3 count
□ Bleed Air System □ Rudder Bias □ Stabilizer Trim • Eng Generator Assist = 1/3 count
□ Glareshield Cooling Fans □ Standby Power • APU Generator Assist = 1/3 count
• Starting the APU = 1/3 count
Lav Doors must be latched Open for Taxi, Takeoff & Lnd.
Takeoffs and landings are limited to paved runways. GROUND POWER UNIT LIMITATIONS FOR STARTING
Anti-skid must be operational for Takeoff. Max Current …………………………….……….……….. 1500A
Except for emergency procedures, speedbrakes must be Max Voltage ………………………..……….………………. 28V
stowed prior to 500 FT AGL for landing. Use of external power source with voltage in excess of 28
VDC or current in excess of 1500A may damage the starter.
Max Altitude Limit ……………….……………… 47,000 FT ELECTRICAL POWER SYSTEMS
For operations above FL410, the following conditions Maximum steady generator current limits are as follows:
1. Both ENG BLD AIR knobs must be selected to NORM Ground 300A 275A
or HP and both bleed air sources must be available. Air 300A 275A (AF)
2. The PRESSURE SOURCE knob must be in NORM. >35,000 FT 275A NA
Transients greater than the above numbers are permissible
When the aircraft has been exposed to prolonged ground provided the DC GENERATOR O’CURRENT CAS message
temperatures below -9°C (15F°), the cabin must be does not display.
warmed up to at least 60F as indicated on the cockpit • Max Battery Temperature …………..……………….. 63°C
cabin temperature indicator before flight above FL250. • The battery temperature indicating system must be
Mach trim must be operational for speeds above .77M operational for all ground and flight operations.
with the autopilot engaged. • If the BATTERY O’TEMP L-R CAS message displays
during ground operations, even if it subsequently clears,
PASSENGER COMPARTMENT dispatch is prohibited until after proper maintenance
For Taxi, Takeoff, and Landing, seatbacks must be fully procedures have been accomplished.
upright, headrests extended, seat controls inboard, seat
• For generator cooling during ground operations, the
tracked away from the table and then outboard, and
engine must be operated at IDLE with the generator load
passenger seat belts and shoulder harnesses must be
less than 75A for 4 minutes prior to engine shutdown.
Otherwise, a 35 minute cooling period after engine
The use of the lavatory is prohibited for Taxi, Takeoff and
shutdown is required prior to attempting a restart.
Landing and is limited to one occupant in-flight.
● Max ITT for start ………………..…………..…..…. 950°C ● Use of the auxiliary hydraulic pump is prohibited in-flight.
● Max ITT other than start ………..…………......…. 920°C ● Minimum temp for auxiliary pump ground use is -40°C.
● Max Tailwind component for start attempt ……. 10 KTS
● Continuous static-ground operation of the engine at ● A satisfactory preflight check of the thrust reversers must
takeoff thrust is limited to maximum of 2 minutes. be accomplished in accordance with AFM Section 3:
● The total time during which takeoff thrust may be used o First flight of the day
is limited to 5 minutes per flight. Time begins when the o First flight after any maintenance action.
throttles reach the TO detent. Time may be extended to o If performance is predicated on TR use.
10 minutes for one-engine inoperative.
● Reverse thrust power must be reduced to the IDLE reverser
● Dispatch with an engine FADEC channel inoperative is TR detent at 65 KIAS on landing roll out.
prohibited. ● Deployment of the TRs for more than 30 seconds with the
● Exceeding the time interval for a cyan ENGINE APU operating is prohibited.
DISPATCH LIMIT CAS message is prohibited. ● Static-ground operation of the engines is limited to IDLE
● Both ADC systems must be operational for dispatch. power if the TRs are deployed.
● The use of TRs during touch and go landings is prohibited.
● Maximum oil consumption is 1 quart per 8-hour period. ● The use of TRs to back the aircraft is prohibited.
● Oil types or brands may not be mixed unless
specifically approved in the PW306C maintenance LANDING GEAR AND TIRES
manual. ● The nose tire must be inflated to 120(±5) PSIG with the
● Normal oil differential pressure is 36 – 110 PSI. Oil weight of the aircraft on the wheels.
pressure less than 36 but greater than 20 is acceptable ● The main tires must be inflated to 160(±5) PSIG with the
when the throttles are set less than CRU detent. weight of the aircraft on the wheels.
Operation with oil pressure less than 20 PSI could result
in engine damage. ICE AND RAIN PROTECTION
● After initiation of the start cycle, oil pressure should ● The Anti-ice ENG/STAB switches must be selected ON
indicate a steady increase within 20 seconds of the start between the temperatures of +10°C to -35°C when in visible
of N2 rotation (applies to engine motoring). moisture. Use SAT for ground operations and RAT in-flight.
● After completing a start under cold conditions and ● Except for ground preflight check, maximum SAT for
achieving a stabilized ground idle, it is acceptable to run operation of bleed air anti-ice with the throttles above IDLE is
the engine up to the CRU detent to reduce the time +20°C.
required for oil to reach minimum operating temp of ● Limit ground operation of Pitot/Static to 2 minutes.
16°C. ● Airplane must be free of ice as defined in Section 7,
● To preclude low oil pressure, intentional uncoordinated Advisory Information, Ground De-ice operations prior to
flight of greater than one slip/skid indicator bar width for takeoff. Anti-ice systems must not be used to de-ice surfaces
longer than 20 seconds is prohibited. prior to takeoff.
● In icing conditions, operating the aircraft at other than flaps
APU 0° for an extended time (except approach and landing) is
● Max altitude for APU start …………..………….. FL200 prohibited.
● Max airspeed for APU start …….……………. 250 KIAS ● The use of WING Anti-ice is prohibited above FL410.
● Max operating altitude ………….…..……………. FL300 ● The ENG/STAB Anti-ice system must be selected ON at
● Max operating airspeed ……….………. 305 KIAS/.80M least one minute prior to an IDLE descent into an icing
● APU operation is prohibited until a satisfactory test has environment.
been accomplished as contained in AFM Section III. ● During flight, severe icing conditions that exceed those for
● An APU start attempt is prohibited after a dual which the aircraft is certified shall be determined by the
generator failure. following visual clues:
● Following shutdown for any reason, an APU restart
must not be attempted until 30 secs after RPM reads 0%. 1. Unusually extensive ice accumulation on the airframe
● Applying de-ice fluid of any type is prohibited when the and windshield in areas not normally observed to collect
APU is operating. ice.
● Unattended operation of the APU is prohibited. 2. Accumulation of ice on the upper surface of the wing aft
● Operating the cockpit and cabin temperature controls of the protected area extending more than 12-18 inches
in Manual is prohibited while MAX COOL is selected ON. aft of the heated leading edge.
A 30-second wait is required after selecting MAX COOL
to OFF before operating COCKPIT and CABIN temp If one or more of these visual clues exist, immediately request
controls in Manual. priority handling from Air Traffic Control to facilitate a route or
● The APU compartment must be inspected following an altitude change to exit the icing environment.
automatic shutdown of the APU.
● The corresponding electric fuel boost pumps must be ● Flaps 0˚ …………………………………….…… -1.2 to +3.0G
turned ON when the FUEL LOW LEVEL CAS message is ● Flaps 7, 15, or 35˚ ………………………………… 0 to +2.0G
displayed or 600 pounds or less of indicated fuel is in The above accelerations limit the aircraft to a landing sink
either tank. rate of 600 FPM.
● Minimum fuel temperature Jet A ……………… -35°C ● Max duration zero G or less …………….….…….. 20 SECS.
Jet A1 …………….. -40°C
● Maximum fuel temperature BLEs, VORTEX GENERATORS, and STATIC WICKS
(start and takeoff) Jet A and Jet A1 …..………..… 57°C ● All boundary layer energizers (BLEs) must be present for
(operating) Jet A and Jet A1………..……….…….. 61°C dispatch (9 per wing).
● Maximum altitude ……………………………. 47,000 FT ● No more than 2 static wicks total may be missing or broken
for dispatch. See AFM Section II for further discussion.
MAX ASYMMETRIC FUEL DIFFERENTIAL AD CONFIG ● Vortex generators may be missing for dispatch. See AFM
Normal Operations …..………………………….. 400 LBS. Section II for further discussion.
Emergency Return ………………………………..800 LBS.
immediately available to the crew.
Normal Operations at or below FL300 ….…….. 400 LBS.
2. CAT II approaches are prohibited.
Normal Operations above FL300 or SE ..…….. 200 LBS.
3. Ground operation with EICAS and/or avionics selected ON
Emergency Return ………………………………..800 LBS.
without conditioned air is limited to 30 minutes when the OAT
● Single Point Refueling operations must be is greater than 47˚C (117˚F).
accomplished per the procedures contained on the 4. Dispatch is prohibited when any of the following CAS
placard installed on the single point refueling access messages are displayed: DU 1-2-3-4 O’TEMP or MAU 1-2-3
door. Minimum refueling pressure is 10 PSI and the max -4 O’TEMP.
is 55 PSI. Max de-fueling pressure is -10 PSI. 5. Dispatch is prohibited following a flight where either a DU
1-2-3-4 O’TEMP or MAU 1-2-3-4 O’TEMP was displayed until
CABIN PRESSURIZATION the condition is identified and corrected.
● Normal Cabin Pressure Limit … 0.0 to 9.3 (+0.1) PSID. 6. All display units must be installed and operational.
● Pressure Relief Valve ………………... 9.6 (+0.1) PSID. 7. Dispatch with a DU in reversionary mode is prohibited.
● Pressure Gauge Redline ..……..….…. 9.7 (+0.2) PSID. 8. Reversion of both PFDs to DU2 and DU3 is prohibited.
9. Taxiing the aircraft is prohibited until the AHRS ground
SUPPLEMENTAL OXYGEN SYSTEM alignment is completed (approximately 90 seconds.
● The following aircraft certification requirements are in 10. AUTOPILOT:
addition to the requirements of applicable operating a. One pilot must remain seated, with the seatbelt fastened,
rules. The most restrictive requirements (certification or during all autopilot operations.
operating) must be observed: b. Autopilot operation is prohibited if any of the following is
1. Crew and passenger oxygen masks are not approved true: (1). Any comparison monitor is activated.
for use above 40,000 FT cabin altitude. Prolonged use of (2). Either PFD is in ATT or HDG reversion.
passenger masks above 25,000 FT cabin altitude is not (3). Either AHRS is failed.
recommended. c. Autopilot Minimum Use Height:
2. The pressure demand crew oxygen masks must be (1). Takeoff, Climb, Enroute, and Descent …. 1,000 FT AGL
properly stowed in their containers to qualify as a quick- (2). Precision Approach (CAT 1) …………..…..... 80 FT AGL
donning oxygen mask. (3). Non-precision Approach ……………….…... 200 FT AGL
d. Autopilot operation is prohibited during in-flight engine
ANGLE OF ATTACK AND STICK SHAKER starts using starter assist.
● The angle of attack indicating system may be used as 11, FLIGHT DIRECTOR: Use of the single-cue flight director
a reference, but does not replace the airspeed display in for flight guidance is prohibited when operating without the
the PFD as primary instrument. autopilot engage.
● The angle of attack system can be used as a reference 12. Flight director or autopilot coupled VOR navigation is
for approach speed (VREF) at all aircraft weights, CG prohibited without a valid co-located DME signal.
locations, and flap positions. VREF is indicated by 13. When the flight director or autopilot is coupled to VOR or
approximately .6 AOA on the gauge and by the green ILS, HDG mode must be selected (HDG bug synced to
caret on the airspeed indicators. current heading) prior to switching navigation frequencies.
When the next VOR or ILS is frequency is satisfactorily
STANDBY FLIGHT DISPLAY (SFD) received, NAV mode may be reengaged.
● The Standby Flight Display (including ATT, ALT, and 14. The use of Preview Mode to auto transition from LNAV to
ASI) and standby HSI must be functioning prior to VOR or ILS approach is prohibited.
takeoff. 15. HF radio transmissions are prohibited when navigation is
predicated on the use of the ADF.
16. It is prohibited to select the FMS Map display on the PFD.