How PCS Effect On Calibrated TOFD Velocity
How PCS Effect On Calibrated TOFD Velocity
How PCS Effect On Calibrated TOFD Velocity
Could you please explain in details how PCS effects on calibrated ultrasound velocity while performing
TOFD calibration. In fact, to focus center of beams at a predetermined depth A, PCS can be caculated by
formula 2A.tgθ. I found that in case of increasing PCS (increasing A), the velocity also increased. So the
problem is how to determine a suitable PCS value to get a good result in ultrasound velocity in the
material. In some cases, the welding caps are large, it is not posible to decrease PCS to a value that give
a appropriate velocity.
Thank you
Probe Centerline Separation (PCS) has no theoretical effect on calibrated ultrasonic velocity,
since velocity is related to material properties and wave mode only. The longitudinal and shear
wave velocities of a given material at a given temperature are fixed values, and velocity of
course is simply calculated as distance divided by time.
When you use the length of a v-path to calibrate velocity, it is important to identify the true
physical length of the path, which can be difficult in situations involving beam spreading. When
you change the PCS, especially with large diameter transducers, the sound path length changes
but at large distances you can no longer simply assume that the distance the wave travels is
the trigonometric distance between the wedge beam index points at the relevant refracted
angle. That is because of beam spreading and the fact that you may be working with outer
edges of the beam rather than the centerline.
The easiest trick is probably to just measure material velocity with a straight beam transducer
and use that value in your TOFD setup.
My name is Ngo Danh Du. I am from a company in Vietnam named Vietnam Inspection Services Co., Ltd.
Our Company specializes in NDT equipment and services supply. I get your mail address through NDT net
website forum and would like to get your support of TOFD technique.
Could you please explain in details how the parameter PCS effects on calibrated ultrasound velocity,
because If I change the PCS while performing velocity and wedges calibration the ultrasound velocity also
immediately changed. Actually, we use Omniscan and a pair of 5MHz TOFD probes attached to two 60
degrees wedges to inspect 12.7 mm welding plate. The material is carbon steel and this reference weld
contains some real flaws manufactured by Sonaspection. We used a corrosion thickness gage to measure
exactly the velocity in the material is about 6163 m/s. If I put 36 mm in PCS, I get a very good result in
velocity. But when I increase the PCS, the velocity also increased.
I have just entered to this technique and hope to get your suggest information.
There is a small possibility for anisotropic properties in some plate. This is where the velocity
changes with the angle at which the sound is moving through the plate. This is usually small
(about 100m/s). But these are not seen on the lateral wave because it is the same angle for all
The velocity can be estimated reasonably closely for the lateral wave (compression mode).
For a typical TOFD probe you will have a plastic path of approximately 5mm (the wedge
material velocity is approximately 2340m/s).
The time required to travel the pulse through the wedge is therefore about 2.14microseconds.
Since the TOFD receiver is an identical wedge the travel through the receiver takes another
Converting your Omniscan timebase display to time you can now estimate where the lateral
wave should arrive.
36mm PCS means the sound must travel 36mm at the compression mode velocity or 5.84us.
Adding the delay time from the 2 wedges to the lateral wave time we get 5.84 + 4.28
= 10.12us.
With a 36mm PCS and 12.7mm wall thickness the backwall signal travel time in the metal is
7.1us. This plus the wedge delay is 11.38us.
This should provide you the arrival times of the lateral and backwall. (Your actual values will
of course be different because I only estimated wedge velocity and path length in the wedge).
Even at a significantly different velocity the value for the metal there are only slightly different
At more typical steel velocity 5950m/s the lateral wave arrives at 10.33us and the backwall at
11.68us for the same 36mm PCS.