Lease and Usufructuary
Lease and Usufructuary
Lease and Usufructuary
one of the parties binds himself to give to Gives the right to enjoy the property of
another the enjoyment or use of a thing another with the obligation of preserving its
for a price certain, and for a period which form and substance, unless the title
may be definite or indefinite. However, no constituting it or the law provides
lease for more than ninety-nine years shall
be valid. (Art. 1643, Civil Code)
EFFECTS Lease is terminated 1. Owner may hold the property under
NO COMPLIED 2. Owner may retain sum for administration
– deducted from the fruits
3. Owner may demand sale of the property
HOW CONTITUTED By a contract BY:
Oral or writing 1. Law
EXC if for more than 1 yr 2. Acts inter vivos
3. Last will
4. prescription
OBJECT Things Whole or part of the FRUITS of the thing
TERM Agreed upon by the parties Defined terms
Not more than 99 years Not more than 50 yrs – juridical persons
PERSON ENJOYING THE Lessee during the entire duration of the Usufructuary – one or more persons,
RIGHT lease contract simultaneously or successively
1. the right to the peaceful enjoyment of 1. entitled to the fruits
the thing leased 2. enjoy any increase in the thing in usufruct
2. may sublease unless otherwise (accession or servitudes)
stipulated 3. lease, alienate his rights
3. no right to assign lease 4. appropriate/ consume the thing – use it
for the purpose which it was intended
LESSOR 5. right to bring action to recover real
4. to receive rents property or rights; compel the owner to
grant him such rights
6. make improvements
REPAIRS – WHO BEAR Major repair-lessor Ordinary – Usufructuary
Minor repair-lessee Extraordinary – Owner (U notify O if urgent)
REMEDY OF PARTIES LESSEE 1. O made the EOR – U pay interest on the
1. recission with damages amount for the duration of the U
2. damages but contract in force
2. U made the EOR – demand from O the
increase in value by reason of the repair at
the end of the U
1. entitled to ½ of the value or 1.NO right to be indemnified
2. remove the improvement without 2.May remove improvements without
causing damage to the property damage to property
ORNAMENTAL EXPENSES LESSEE 3.Set off the improvements against the
1. remove the improvement without damage
causing damage to the property
PARTIES 1. To deliver the thing in such a condition 1. Make an inventory of all the property –
as to render it fit for the use intended; with appraisal of movables and
2. To make all necessary repairs on the description of immovables
thing; 2. To give security
3. To maintain the lessee in peaceful and EXC:
adequate enjoyment of the lease for the a. Donors retaining usufructuary on the
entire duration of the contract. property donated
b. Parents who are usufructuaries of the
child EXC if remarried
c. No one will be injured by the usufruct
3. Tale care of the things as a GFOF
4. If he alienates/ lease – answer for
damages suffered by the thing in usufruct
5. Make ordinary repairs
6. Pay annual charges and taxes
7. May collect credits in favor of the
property usufruct if has given security; no
or insufficient security – cannot collect;
requires consent
8. Notify the O for any acts of 3P prejudicial
to O