Development and Properties of Polycaprolactone/ Hydroxyapatite Composite Biomaterials

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J O U R N A L O F M AT E R I A L S S C I E N C E : M AT E R I A L S I N M E D I C I N E 1 4 ( 2 0 0 3 ) 1 0 3 1 0 7

Development and properties of polycaprolactone/ hydroxyapatite composite biomaterials

M. C. AZEVEDO, R. L. REIS* m, Department of Polymer Engineering, University of Minho, Campus de Azure es, Portugal and 3B's Research Group, Biomaterials, Biodegradables and 4800-058 Guimara Biomimetics, University of Minho, Campus de Gualtar, 4710-057 Braga, Portugal M. B. CLAASE, D. W. GRIJPMA, J. FEIJEN Department of Chemical Technology, University of Twente, P.O. Box 217, 7500AE Enschede, The Netherlands E-mail: Polycaprolactone/hydroxyapatite (PCL/HA) composites were prepared by two different procedures. The rst one consists of a conventional blending of the polymer and the reinforcement material in an extruder. The second method consists of grafting of PCL on the surface of HA particles. This was achieved by a ring opening polymerization of caprolactone in the presence of HA, where its OH groups act as initiators. By this method, it was possible to obtain, in one step, a composite of PCL and surface modied HA. In both methods different percentages of ller were used to obtain several composites. These composites were characterized with respect to their mechanical properties, in the dry and wet state, by means of tensile tests on compression molded samples. The polymer/ller interface was analyzed by scanning electron microscopy. Water uptake and weight loss degradation experiments were also performed. An increase in the modulus for higher amounts of ller was, as expected, observed in the composites obtained by both processes. Furthermore, the mechanical properties of the materials in the wet state are considerably lower than those in the dry state. However, this difference is more signicant for the composites obtained by conventional blending than for composites obtained by the grafting procedure, indicating that the later procedure can be an adequate route to reduce water susceptibility of PCL/HA composites. # 2003 Kluwer Academic Publishers

Composites comprising biodegradable polymeric matrix and bioactive ceramic llers may nd many applications in the substitution of bone tissue and in many other orthopaedic applications [16]. Several polymer/ceramic combinations can be used to confer to the composites different characteristics and for controlling properties such as biocompatibility, wateruptake, rate of degradability and mechanical properties, making the materials suitable for use in a wide range of biomedical applications. However, often poor adhesion between the polymeric matrix and the ceramic particles results in early failure at the interface and in a too fast degradation of the composite mechanical properties. This phenomenon is even more signicant if composites are placed in a physiological environment [7]. The ller/ matrix interface is, in fact, a major determinant for the mechanical behavior of composites. The aim of this work was to obtain polycaprolactone/
*Author to whom all correspondence should be addressed.

1. Introduction

hydroxyapatite (PCL/HA) composites with enhanced interfacial interaction between the polymer and the reinforcement material. Polycaprolactone is a biodegradable and non-cytotoxic polymer, currently used as biomaterial [2, 811]. Hydroxyapatite (Ca10 (PO4 )6 (OH)2 ) is the main mineral component of bone and because of its high bioactivity and biocompatibility is commonly used as ller in polymer-based bone substitutes [1214]. The use of coupling agents, such as silane, polyacids, zirconyl salts and organic isocyanates, are examples of ways that have been developed to improve the polymer/ller interface [7, 1522]. However, the use of these materials can induce a cytotoxic behavior to the composites. In this work, two different methods were tested for preparing the composites. One consists on conventional blending of both materials in an extruder and the second one consists on grafting of PCL on the surface of the HA particles. 103


# 2003 Kluwer Academic Publishers

In order to evaluate the effect of the surface modication, composites obtained by both methods were characterized with respect to their mechanical properties, both in the dry and wet state. Water uptake and weight loss degradation experiments were also performed.

(Merck, Germany) in the presence of HA was performed at T 130  C for 3 days in a silanized glass vial, sealed under vacuum. Stannous Octoate, SnOct2 (Sigma, USA) was used as catalyst. Several ller percentages were used to obtain composites with different content of HA.

Method I consists on a conventional blending of the biodegradable polymer, polycaprolactone, and the reinforcement material, hydroxyapatite, in an extruder. Polycaprolactone (capa 680, Solvay Interox Ltd, UK) of MW 80 000 and sintered hydroxyapatite ( particle size 3853 mm, Plasma Biotal, UK) were blended in an extruder at T 130  C. Hydroxyapatite was dried under vacuum at T 200  C, for 2 days before use. The blend was allowed to stay in the extruder for 30 min to assure a good blending. Composites with 10%, 20% and 30% (w/w) of HA were prepared.

2. Experimental 2.1. Materials and methods 2.1.1. Method I

Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) was performed in a Perkin Elmer TGA apparatus and used to determine the real HA content present on the composites obtained after processing by both methods.

2.2. Analysis 2.2.1. Thermogravimetric analysis

In this method, a surface modication of the HA particles was performed in order to try to improve the polymer/ ceramic interface. This method consists on grafting of PCL on the surface of HA particles. This was achieved by a ring opening polymerization of caprolactone (CL) in the presence of HA, where the OH groups of the hydroxyapatite act as initiators (Fig. 1).

2.1.2. Method II

Tensile tests were performed on a Zwick Z020 machine, with a 500 N load cell, using a cross-head speed of 50 mm/min until 0.3% strain. The cross-head speed was then increased to 500 mm/min until fracture. An extensometer was used in order to obtain more accurate results. Dumb-bell shaped tensile specimens (0.5 6 4 mm) of cross section) were cut from compression molded lms T 140  C and used for the tensile tests. The mechanical properties were determined in the dry state and in the wet state, after immersion in distilled water at 37  C for 3 days. Both the modulus at 0.3% strain E0:3% and the ultimate tensile strength (UTS) have been determined.

2.2.2. Mechanical properties

The interface between the polymer and the ller was analyzed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) in a Leica Cambridge S360 microscope. Samples were sputter coated with gold.

2.2.3. Scanning electron microscopy

Figure 1 Schematic representation of the ring opening polymerization of caprolactone.

By this method, it was possible to obtain, in one step, a composite of PCL and surface modied HA (Fig. 2). The polymer chains chemically bound to the HA surface would create more entanglements with the polymer chains of the matrix. An improvement of the interface matrix/ller would then be expected and differences on the properties of the composite would be observed. Caprolactone was dried with calcium hydride (CaH2 , Aldrich) overnight and distilled under Argon ow and under reduced pressure before use. Hydroxyapatite was dried under vacuum at T 200  C, for 2 days before use. The ring opening polymerization of caprolactone

In order to simulate physiological uids a 0.154 M NaCl aqueous isotonic saline solution with pH 7.4 was used. Samples were cut from the compression molded lms, immersed in the NaCl solution and kept in a shaking (60 rpm) water bath for periods of 3, 7 and 16 days. The water uptake and weight loss of the samples were calculated according to the following equations: %S mw mi =mi 6100 %W mi md =mi 6100 where %S is the water uptake degree,%W is the percentage of weight loss, mw is the weight of the wet sample after immersion in the NaCl solution, mi is the initial weight of the sample and md is the weight of the sample at the end of the experiment, after drying to constant weight.

2.2.4. Degradation tests

Figure 2 Cartoon showing the research approach followed for obtaining modied HA particles.

Thermogravimetric analysis was used to determine the real amount of HA in the composites. It showed that the real HA content present on the composites obtained after

3. Results and discussion 3.1. TGA


processing by both methods was in the range of 10%, 20% and 30% with an error of 2%.

A SEM micrograph of the matrix material is shown in Fig. 5.

3.3. SEM

In both methods, the values of E0:3% increased, as expected, with increasing amounts of ller (Fig. 3).

3.2. Mechanical properties

Figure 5 SEM micrograph of the surface of a compression molded sample of the selected matrix material PCL680. Figure 3 E0:3% as function of HA amount (wt %).

The lower values obtained in the wet state can be explained by the swelling of the samples, the weakening of the interface and the plasticization effect due to the presence of water. The decrease of the values in the grafting method (method II) is smaller than in the blending method (method I), especially for higher amounts of HA. This can be explained considering that in method II the surface of the HA particles should be covered with PCL chains and consequently the effect of the water uptake would not be so signicant. It was possible to observe a decrease in UTS with increasing amounts of HA in both methods. This is typical on particle lled composites especially if the polymer/particles interface is not optimized. It results from a higher effect of stress concentration induced by the presence of the particles that becomes more relevant, for increasing concentrations, than the reinforcement effect. Because of a better ller/matrix interaction, higher UTS values in the grafted samples could be expected. Fig. 4 shows similar values for both composites, which may indicate that the grafting was not effective enough to produce signicant differences from a mechanical point of view.

In the composites obtained by method I (Fig. 6(a) and (b)) a poor interaction between the polymer and the ller is visualized. In the composites obtained by method II (Figs. 6(c), 7(a) and (b)), the HA particles were covered with polymer, which is an indication of a good ller/matrix interface. The results seem to indicate that there is a chemical bound between the PCL chains and the HA particles. On the other hand, some HA agglomerates could be observed which might be an evidence that the HA particles were not homogeneously dispersed in the composite and so the UTS values would not be as high as expected. This could explain why there is no signicant difference in UTS values obtained in both methods.

Figs. 8 and 9 present respectively the water-uptake and the weight loss vs. time for composites obtained by both methods. PCL is a polymer with low values of water uptake and degradation rate. Only short-term data is shown but the observation of the curves allows us to conclude that grafted composites have less susceptibility for water-uptake and degrade slower than the blended composites. These results prove again that the grafting of PCL on HA particles leads to a better polymer/ceramic interface and consequently to more hydrolytically stable composites. The degradation rate is, as expected, growing faster for higher amounts of water absorbed and for greater content of HA due to a preferential attack at the polymer/ceramic interface. This effect has been observed previously [5] for starch based polymers reinforced with HA.

3.4. Degradation tests

Figure 4 Ultimate tensile strength (UTS) as function of HA amount (wt %).

For the composites obtained by both methods, an increase in the modulus for higher amounts of ller was observed. Furthermore, the modulus E0:3% of the materials in the wet state is considerably lower than those in the dry state. However, this difference is more signicant for the 105

4. Conclusions

Figure 7 (a) SEM micrograph of the surface of a compression molded sample of a composite (10%) obtained by the grafting method. Again, a better polymer/ceramic interaction is clear; (b) Magnication of (a) showing the polymer covering the HA particles.

Figure 6 SEM micrograph of the surface of a compression molded sample of a 30% composite obtained by (a) and (b) method I, (c) method II. It is visible a better interaction on (c).

Figure 8 Water up-take vs. immersion time for PCL blend, 10% HA method I, 30% HA method I, 10% HA method II, 30% HA method II.

composites obtained by conventional blending than for composites obtained by the grafting procedure. Degradation results are in line with this observation, as the grafted composites uptake less water and degrade at a slower rate. Although method II needs to be optimized and further experiments are needed to better characterize the grafting of PCL on the surface of the HA particles, it is possible to say that both methods, in particular, the one where a surface modication of the HA particles was performed, can be very promising routes for obtaining composites with enhanced properties to be used in orthopaedics. 106

Figure 9 Weight loss vs. immersion time for PCL blend, 10%HA method I, 30% HA method I, 10%HA method II, 30% HA method II.

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Received 1 February and accepted 25 July 2002


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