Smart Irrigation System

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IoT Based Agriculture Monitoring System

Course Title: Micro Controller Lab

Nusrat Jahan Akhi T. M. Mehrab Hasan

ID-1901040 ID-1901049
Department of ICT Department of ICT
Faculty of Engineering Faculty of Engineering
Program:Internet of Things Program:Internet of Things
kaliakoir,Gazipur kaliakoir,Gazipur

Abstract—Smart Irrigation systems are helpful, particularly Aim is to develop a wireless three level controlled smart ir-
for the individuals who travel. Whenever introduced and modified rigation system to provide irrigation system which is automatic
legitimately, they can even spare our cash and help in water pro- for the plants which help in saving water and money. The main
tection. Dead yard grass and plants should be removed and that
can be costly however the investment funds from programmed objective is to apply the system for improvement of health of
water system frameworks can go past that. Watering with a the soil and hence the plant via multiple sensors. Appropriate
hose or with oscillator squanders water. Programmed water soil water level is a necessary pre-requisite for optimum plant
systems frameworks can be customized to release increasingly growth. Also, water being an essential element for life suste-
exact measures of water in a focused zone, which advances nance, there is the necessity to avoid its undue usage. Irrigation
water protection since the sending and utilization of wired
frameworks in remote zones is generally unfeasible because of is a dominant consumer of water. This calls for the need to
mind-boggling expenses, remote is the best arrangement. In regulate water supply for irrigation purposes. Fields should
this study,a solution to demonstrate the feasibility of Automatic neither be over-irrigated nor under-irrigated. The objective of
Irrigation and continuous monitoring system especially for cash this thesis is to design a simple, easy to install methodology to
crops is proposed. We have connected the field sensors to the monitor and indicate the level of soil moisture that is contin-
Internet through Wi-Fi or Ethernet or Modem and controlled
via a web page which is accessed using the Static IP address. uously controlled in order to achieve maximum plant growth
The Field side irrigation controller node is composed of a Node and simultaneously optimize the available irrigation resources
MCU, sensors and solenoid valves. The sensing parameters can be on monitoring software Lab-VIEW and the sensor data can
displayed as values in the web server and continuous monitoring be seen on Internet. In order to replace expensive controllers
can be done through PC, Laptops and Android Phone. in current available systems, the Arduino Uno will be used in
Index Terms—Arduino, Motor, Water Pump, Temperature
Sensor, Potentiometer, NodeMCU, Soil Moisture Sensor. this project as it is an affordable micro-controller. The Arduino
Uno can be programmed to analyze some signals from sensors
such as moisture, temperature, and rain. A pump is used to
pump the fertilizer and water into the irrigation system. The
A smart irrigation system is unlike traditional irrigation use of easily available components reduces the manufacturing
controllers that operate on a preset programmed schedule and maintenance costs. This makes the proposed system to be
and timers, smart irrigation controllers monitor weather, soil an economical, appropriate and a low maintenance solution
conditions, evaporation and plant water use to automatically for applications, specially in rural areas and for small scale
adjust the watering schedule to actual conditions of the site. agriculturists. This research work enhanced to help the small-
During dry periods, irrigation may be needed to preserve scale cultivators and will be increase the yield of the crops
landscape quality. Over- or under-irrigating a landscape can then will increase government economy.
possibly increase disease incidence, waste water and decrease Over time, systems have been implemented towards realiz-
overall landscape condition. Irrigation system efficiency is ing this objective of which automated processes are the most
dependent upon several factors including design, installation popular as they allow information to be collected at high fre-
and specific site conditions. Water applied to a landscape can quency with less labor requirements. Bulk of the existing sys-
account for a significant portion of a property’s water use. In tems employ micro-processor based systems. These systems
Oklahoma, outdoor water use accounts for approximately 30 offer several technological advantages but are unaffordable,
percent to 50 percent of household water use. A substantial bulky, difficult to maintain and less accepted by the techno-
amount of water is lost to evaporation, wind and runoff as logically unskilled workers in the rural scenario. The Internet
a consequence of improper watering methods. Reducing or of Things (IoT) is transforming the agriculture industry and
eliminating this loss decreases utility bills and creates a more enabling farmers to contend with the enormous challenges they
water efficient, healthy landscape. face. The industry must overcome increasing water shortages,
limited availability of lands, difficult to manage costs, while Minimize year to year yield fluctuations, leading to higher and
meeting the increasing consumption needs of a global pop- more stable farm income.
ulation that is expected to grow up to 70 percent by 2050.
India’s major supply of financial gain is from agriculture C. Aim
sector and seventieth of farmers and general folks rely upon This paper design a model of automatic irrigation system
the agriculture. In Republic of India most of the irrigation which is based on micro-controller and solar power was used
systems square measure are operated manually. These antique only for source of power supply. Various sensors are placed
techniques square measure replaced with semi-automated and in paddy field. Sensors sense water level continuously and
automatic techniques. The on the market ancient techniques give the information to farmer through cellular phone. Farmer
square measure like ditch irrigation, terraced irrigation, drip controls the motor using cellular phone without going in paddy
irrigation, system. The global irrigation situation is classified field. If the water level reaches at danger level, automatically
by redoubled demand for higher agricultural productivity, motor will be off without conformation of farmer.
poor performance and decreased accessibility of water for The aim of this paper is to modernize agriculture
agriculture. These issues are befittingly corrected if we have technology by programming components and built the
a tendency to use machine-controlled system for irrigation. necessary component for the system. The system is real time
Automating farm or nursery irrigation permits farmers to use based and extracts the exact condition of paddy field. There
the correct quantity of water at the correct time, regardless of is one central node used which to control other node. The
the provision of labor to show valves on and off. Additionally, main function of RF module is to pass the message to the
farmer’s mistreatment automation instrumentation is able to node and operate the system.
scale back runoff from over watering saturated soils, avoid
irrigating at the incorrect time of day, which will improve crop II. M ETHOD
performance by making certain adequate water and nutrients
Smart irrigation technology uses weather data or soil mois-
once required. Those valves are also simply automated by
ture data to determine the irrigation need of the landscape.
mistreatment controllers.
Smart irrigation technology includes: These products max-
Automating farm or nursery irrigation permits farmers
imize irrigation efficiency by reducing water waste, while
to use the correct quantity of water at the correct time, no
maintaining plant health and quality.
matter the provision of labor to show valves on and off. They
A smart irrigation system basically controls two systems.
lack in an exceedingly featured mobile application developed
They are, (a) Weather-based smart irrigation controllers; (b)
for users with acceptable user interface. It solely permits the
Soil moisture sensors used with smart irrigation controllers.
user to observe and maintain the wetness level remotely in no
matter of time. From the purpose of reading and performing
at remote places the developed micro-controller primarily
based irrigation system will work perpetually for indefinite
fundamental measure, even in sure abnormal circumstances.

A. Maintaining the Integrity of the Specifications

In regular irrigation system, it mainly includes increased risk
of plant disease due to wet foliage, although early morning
watering reduces that risk. Also, winds often blow overhead
sprays off target, wasting misdirected water and increasing
evaporation. Runoff due to over watering and nearby concrete
add to water loss.
On the contrary, smart irrigation helps in minimal wastage
of water. It allows to reinvest in new and improved technolo-
gies which ensure sustainable and responsible irrigation over
time. It also allows controlling the amount of water delivered
to the plants when it is needed.
Fig. 1. Method of a Smart Irrigation System

B. Objectives
To improve and stabilize the crop yields of smallholder olive
farmers through the implementation of sustainable irrigation
systems.To promote water management practices that opti-
mizes the volume and timing of water distribution. To generate
positive economic consequences for farmers and their families.
A. Smart Irrigation Methods: ii. Water on demand irrigation: It requires no
programming of irrigation duration (only start times and days
a) Weather-based smart irrigation controllers: Weather- of the week to water). It has a user-set lower and upper
based controllers, also referred to as evapotranspiration (ET) threshold, which initiates irrigation when the soil moisture
controllers, use local weather data to adjust irrigation sched- level fails to meet those levels.
ules. Evapotranspiration is the combination of evaporation
from the soil surface and transpiration by plant materials.
B. Components:
These controllers gather local weather information and make
irrigation run-time adjustments so the landscape receives the Total required components
appropriate amount of water.
Component’s Name Required Amount
ET weather data uses four weather parameters: temperature,
wind, solar radiation and humidity. It’s the most accurate way Arduino UNO R3 1
to calculate landscape water needs. 16x2 Display I2C Module 1
DC Motor 1
There are three basic forms of these weather-based ET Water Pump 1
controllers: Temperature Sensor [LM35] 1
i. Signal-based controllers use meteorological data from a Breadboard 1
publicly available source and the ET value is calculated for 9v Battery 2
a grass surface at the site. The ET data is then sent to the Led 2
controller by a wireless connection. Resistor 220 Ohm 2
ii. Historic ET controllers use a pre-programmed water Resistor 330 Ohm 1
use curve, based on historic water use in different regions. Resistor 200 Ohm 1
The curve can be adjusted for temperature and solar radiation. Potentiometer 10k 1
iii. On-site weather measurement controllers use weather Jumper Wires [Male-Female] 14
data collected on-site to calculate continuous ET measure- Jumper Wires [Female-Female] 14
ments and water accordingly.
C. Component Description:
a) Arduino Uno: The Arduino Uno is an open-source
microc-ontroller board based on the Microchip ATmega328P
microcontroller and developed by The board is
equipped with sets of digital and analog input/output (I/O)
pins that may be interfaced to various expansion boards
(shields) and other circuits. The board has 14 digital I/O
pins (six capable of PWM output), 6 analog I/O pins, and is
programmable with the Arduino IDE (Integrated Development
Environment), via a type B USB cable. It can be powered
by the USB cable or by an external 9-volt battery, though it
accepts voltages between 7 and 20 volts. It is similar to the
Fig. 2. Example of a Smart Irrigation System Arduino Nano and Leonardo. The hardware reference design is
distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike
b) Soil moisture sensors used with smart irrigation 2.5 license and is available on the Arduino website. Layout
controllers: Soil moisture sensor-based smart irrigation con- and production files for some versions of the hardware are
trollers use one of several well-established technologies to also available.
measure soil moisture content. When buried in the root zone The word ”uno” means ”one” in Italian and was chosen to
of turf, trees or shrubs, the sensors accurately determine the mark the initial release of Arduino Software. The Uno board
moisture level in the soil and transmit this reading to the is the first in a series of USB-based Arduino boards; it and
controller. version 1.0 of the Arduino IDE were the reference versions
There are two different soil moisture sensor-based systems of Arduino, which have now evolved to newer releases. The
available: ATmega328 on the board comes pre-programmed with a
i. Suspended cycle irrigation systems: These systems are bootloader that allows uploading new code to it without the
set like traditional timer controllers, with watering schedules, use of an external hardware programmer.
start times and duration. The difference is that the system While the Uno communicates using the original STK500
will stop the next scheduled irrigation when there is enough protocol, it differs from all preceding boards in that it does
moisture in the soil. not use the FTDI USB-to-serial driver chip. Instead, it uses
the Atmega16U2 (Atmega8U2 up to version R2) programmed
c) DC Motor: A DC motor is any of a class of rotary
electrical motors that converts direct current electrical energy
into mechanical energy. The most common types rely on
the forces produced by magnetic fields. Nearly all types of
DC motors have some internal mechanism, either electro-
mechanical or electronic, to periodically change the direction
of current in part of the motor.

Fig. 3. Arduino Uno R3

as a USB-to-serial converter.

b) 16x2 Display I2C Module: A classic arduino 16x2

Fig. 5. DC Motor
(1602) LCD display module with i2c interface. It is able to
display 16 white characters on 2 lines on blue background.
DC motors were the first form of motor widely used, as
they could be powered from existing direct-current lighting
power distribution systems. A DC motor’s speed can be
controlled over a wide range, using either a variable supply
voltage or by changing the strength of current in its field
win-dings. Small DC motors are used in tools, toys, and
appliances. The universal motor can operate on direct current
but is a lightweight brushed motor used for portable power
tools and appliances. Larger DC motors are currently used
in propulsion of electric vehicles, elevator and hoists, and in
drives for steel rolling mills. The advent of power electronics
has made replacement of DC motors with AC motors possible
in many applications.

d) Water Pump: Water pumps and de-watering sys-

tems are water control equipment that utilise pumping or
evaporation to remove or drain various forms of water from
construction sites, riverbeds, mine shafts, underground metro
networks, tunnels, caisson, and even residential buildings. For
many sites, these systems are critical during rainy season,
periods of heavy rain, or for site in flood zones, as groundwater
and rain can flood an entire site within just a few hours,
causing delays, surface erosion, structural damage, downtime
and more.
Fig. 4. 16x2 Display I2C Module There are a few sorts of water pumps, including positive
displacement pumps, centrifugal pumps, jet pumps, and sub-
Fig. 6. Water Pump Fig. 7. Temperature Sensor

mersible pumps. Some systems are installed to work contin- and resistors can be inserted. A typical breadboard is shown
uously as a long-term solution, where they are ready to kick below:
into action on notice, while others are utilised on and off or on
a short-term basis, typically after water penetration or damage
has occurred.
The main purpose of a water pumping system is to move
water from one area to another. They are often applied to
construction sites as a form of water extraction, assisting in
the removal of water when excavating, at sewage plants, in
flooded areas or when dealing with water wells and oil wells.

e) Temperature Sensor: A temperature sensor is a de- Fig. 8. Breadboard

vice, typically, a thermocouple or RTD, that provides for
temperature measurement through an electrical signal. A ther- The bread board has strips of metal which run underneath
mocouple (T/C) is made from two dissimilar metals that the board and connect the holes on the top of the board. The
generate electrical voltage in direct proportion to changes in metal strips are laid out as shown below. Note that the top
temperature. An RTD (Resistance Temperature Detector) is and bottom rows of holes are connected horizontally while
a variable resistor that will change its electrical resistance the remaining holes are connected vertically.
in direct proportion to changes in temperature in a precise,
repeatable and nearly linear manner.
Only two standard copper wires are necessary to connect
an RTD to an electrical circuit, however, these connecting
wires are also subject to small changes in resistance based
on surrounding temperature. For this reason an “extra” third
hookup wire is built into most RTDs as a compensation wire
to allow the controller or display unit to correct for these
Fig. 9. Vertical Breadboard
f) Breadboard: A breadboard is used to build and test
circuits quickly before finalizing any circuit design. The bread- To use the bread board, the legs of components are placed
board has many holes into which circuit components like ICs in the holes. Each set of holes connected by a metal strip
underneath forms a node. A node is a point in a circuit where a stack, enclosed in a moisture-resistant wrapper to prevent
two components are connected. Connections between different drying. Primary lithium types are made with three cells in
components are formed by putting their legs in a common series.
node. The long top and bottom row of holes are usually used h) LED: A light-emitting diode (LED) is a semiconduc-
for power supply connections. The rest of the circuit is built by tor light source that emits light when current flows through it.
placing components and connecting them together with jumper Electrons in the semiconductor recombine with electron holes,
wires. ICs are placed in the middle of the board so that half releasing energy in the form of photons. The color of the light
of the legs are on one side of the middle line and half on the (corresponding to the energy of the photons) is determined
other. by the energy required for electrons to cross the band gap of
g) 9v Battery: The nine-volt battery, or 9-volt battery, the semiconductor. White light is obtained by using multiple
is a common size of battery that was introduced for early semiconductors or a layer of light-emitting phosphor on the
transistor radios. It has a rectangular prism shape with rounded semiconductor device.
edges and a polarized snap connector at the top. This type
is commonly used in smoke detectors, gas detectors, clocks,
walkie-talkies, electric guitars and effects units.

Fig. 11. LED

LEDs have many advantages over incandescent light

Fig. 10. 9v Battery sources, including lower power consumption, longer lifetime,
improved physical robustness, smaller size, and faster switch-
The nine-volt battery format is commonly available in ing. In exchange for these generally favorable attributes, disad-
primary carbon-zinc and alkaline chemistry, in primary lithium vantages of LEDs include electrical limitations to low voltage
iron disulfide, and in rechargeable form in nickel-cadmium, and generally to DC (not AC) power, inability to provide
nickel-metal hydride and lithium-ion. Mercury-oxide batteries steady illumination from a pulsing DC or an AC electrical
of this format, once common, have not been manufactured in supply source, and lesser maximum operating temperature
many years due to their mercury content. Designations for this and storage temperature. In contrast to LEDs, incandescent
format include NEDA 1604 and IEC 6F22 (for zinc-carbon) or lamps can be made to intrinsically run at virtually any supply
MN1604 6LR61 (for alkaline). The size, regardless of chem- voltage, can utilize either AC or DC current interchangeably,
istry, is commonly designated PP3—a designation originally and will provide steady illumination when powered by AC
reserved solely for carbon-zinc, or in some countries, E or or pulsing DC even at a frequency as low as 50 Hz. LEDs
E-block. usually need electronic support components to function, while
Most nine-volt alkaline batteries are constructed of six an incandescent bulb can and usually does operate directly
individual 1.5 V LR61 cells enclosed in a wrapper. These cells from an unregulated DC or AC power source.
are slightly smaller than LR8D425 ’AAAA cells’ and can be i) Resistor: A resistor is a passive two-terminal electrical
used in their place for some devices, even though they are 3.5 component that implements electrical resistance as a circuit
mm shorter. Carbon-zinc types are made with six flat cells in element. In electronic circuits, resistors are used to reduce
current flow, adjust signal levels, to divide voltages, bias active
elements, and terminate transmission lines, among other uses.

Fig. 13. Potentiometer

Fig. 12. Resistors

High-power resistors that can dissipate many watts of elec-

trical power as heat may be used as part of motor controls,
in power distribution systems, or as test loads for generators.
Fixed resistors have resistances that only change slightly with
temperature, time or operating voltage. Variable resistors can
be used to adjust circuit elements (such as a volume control or
a lamp dimmer), or as sensing devices for heat, light, humidity,
force, or chemical activity.
j) Potentiometer: A potentiometer is a three-terminal re-
sistor with a sliding or rotating contact that forms an adjustable
voltage divider. If only two terminals are used, one end and
the wiper, it acts as a variable resistor or rheostat.
The measuring instrument called a potentiometer is essen-
tially a voltage divider used for measuring electric potential
Fig. 14. Jumper Wires
(voltage); the component is an implementation of the same
principle, hence its name.
Potentiometers are commonly used to control electrical as needed. Fairly simple. In fact, it doesn’t get much more
devices such as volume controls on audio equipment. Poten- basic than jumper wires.
tiometers operated by a mechanism can be used as position
transducers, for example, in a joystick. Potentiometers are D. Flow Chart:
rarely used to directly control significant power (more than A programmable irrigation system allows homeowners and
a watt), since the power dissipated in the potentiometer would property managers to set a timer which automatically turns
be comparable to the power in the controlled load. lawn sprinklers on and off. These systems have overrides
k) Jumper Wires: Jumper wires are simply wires that which can prevent the sprinklers from running when nature
have connector pins at each end, allowing them to be used to takes over the job of watering the lawn, but these overrides
connect two points to each other without soldering. must be operated manually.
Jumper wires are typically used with breadboards and other Smart irrigation advantages include the ability to monitor
prototyping tools in order to make it easy to change a circuit either local weather conditions or the actual ground moisture
with NodeMCU to collect data from different fields. A relay
module is used to control the motor status by node MCU.

A. Proposed Methodology:
This paper emphasizes on the fact that the technique which
is incorporated here to monitor the soil’s moisture content,
enables agriculturalists feasibility of humidity measurement
and a conventional automatic irrigation with the potential for
eliminating excessive irrigation cycles thereby saving water to
a significant extent. Besides the normal modes of measurement
and analysis, Lab VIEW stands unique as grooming software
in the field of Instrumentation and control engineering,
which facilitates engineers to work in one platform with
infinite possibilities along with a sophisticated control
system. Effective crop treatment and water management
is the major requisite in most of the cultivating estates in
semi-arid regions. Monitoring the soil’s nature, estimating
it’s moisture content and controlling it concurring to the
necessity, proposes a potential solution to endorse landsite
irrigation management and thus, to treat desiccated fields
and provide prominent yield to producers.In the field of
agriculture the most important part is, to get the information
Fig. 15. Flow Chart of a Smart Irrigation System
about the moisture content of soil. The paper is designed to
develop an automatic irrigation system which switches the
pump motor ON/OFF on sensing the moisture content of
level. Thus, smart irrigation systems automatically adjust wa- the soil. In the field of agriculture, use of proper method of
tering schedules according to the actual needs of the lawn. irrigation is important .This project is implemented in the Lab
In most cases, smart watering technology can be installed on VIEW environment by interfacing MyRio. Corresponding
existing irrigation systems and will cut water usage by 20 to the surface’s atmospheric conditions, transmission of the
to 40 percent. Although pricey, these systems can pay for sensed voltage signal from the hardware circuitry on the Rio
themselves in a few short years by lowering water bills. The interfaced to a PC with Lab VIEW , which uses a development
best part? Smart irrigation systems link to the home or office environment that is powerful and intuitive which could rapidly
WiFi and can be remotely controlled with a smart device. No develop a user interface for data visualization and automatic
more having to remember to turn the sprinkler system on or irrigation of the soil. The advantage of using this method is
off before leaving home in the morning. to reduce human intervention and still ensure proper irrigation.


B. Block Diagram:

Fig. 17. Basic block diagram of monitoring and controlling moisture content
in the soil.

This section elaborates the assessing and controlling of the

Fig. 16. Experimental Setup of a Smart Irrigation System moisture content in the soil using Lab VIEW. The hardware
and software implementation are discussed here below. The
The figure shows the practical implementation of a smart block diagram shows the flow of how the complete process is
irrigation system based on IoT. All the sensors are connected carried out.

The actual readings of this technique are taken at a specific

field for one day with a selected measure. Readings are taken
within the daybreak, afternoon time, and already dark that
are shown in Table 1, Table 2, and Table 3 severally. The
figures shown below depict the sensing element readings of
temperature, humidity, and soil wetness on the Cloud server.
Smart irrigation system can be installed on existing un-
derground irrigation systems by swapping out the current
controller for a smart one. In some cases, add-on weather or
moisture-based sensors can be used with existing controllers
and systems, thus saving the cost of purchasing a new con-
troller. Before using this technology, homeowners and property
managers are advised to do their homework to ensure smart
controllers and sensors are compatible with existing irrigation
systems as well as smart devices. Additionally, they will need
to decide between weather-based sensors or moisture-based
ones. Fig. 18. Recorded data in the morning (a) Temperature Vs Date/Time graph;
(b) Humidity Vs Date/Time; (c) Soil Moisture Vs Date/Time
Evapo-transpiration controllers (weather-based sensors) use
local weather data to regulate sprinkler run times. These types
of sensors either access publicly available local weather data
via WiFi or take on-site weather measurements. Temperature,
wind, solar radiation, and humidity readings are then used
to calculate watering needs. Soil-moisture technology uses
probes or sensors inserted into the yard to measure actual soil
moisture levels. Depending upon the type of sensor installed,
these systems can either suspend the next watering cycle when
readings indicate sufficient soil moisture or can be set as an on-
demand system. The latter type of sensor reads both upper and
lower moisture thresholds and the controller will automatically
turn on the sprinklers to maintain water levels between the two

A. At Morning
The variation of temperature with respect to time in the Fig. 19. Graph of Motor Status in the morning
morning of a particular day is shown in Fig. 18(a). The data
was monitored and recorded between 8:55 to 9:40 a.m. It is
seen that the temperature was varied between 23o to 24o C. B. At Afternoon
Fig. 18(b) depicts the variation of humidity of the environment The variation of temperature with respect to time in the
with time between 8:55 to 9:40 a.m of the same day in the afternoon of a particular day is shown in Fig. 20(a). The data
morning. At 08:55 a.m. the value of the humidity was 83 was monitored and recorded between 14:45 to 15:25 p.m. It
percent.Then it varied between 79 percent - 81 percent with is seen that the temperature was varied between 24o to 25o C.
time and finally set at 80 percent at 09:40 a.m. The recorded Fig. 20(b) depicts the variation of humidity of the environment
soil moisture versus time graph of that day between 8:55 to with time between 14:45 to 15:25 p.m of the same day in the
9:40 a.m is shown in Fig. 18(c). It is observed that the soil afternoon. At 14:45 p.m. the value of the humidity was 68
moisture value was varied over time in the morning. At 08:55 percent. Then it varied between 69 percent - 77 percent with
a.m. the value of soil moisture was 55 percent, which was time and finally set at 77 percent at 15:25 p.m. The recorded
decreased to 46 percent at 09:45 a.m. soil moisture versus time graph of that day between 14:45
The status of the water pump between 8:55 to 9:40 a.m in to 15:25 p.m is shown in Fig. 20(c). It is observed that the
the morning of that particular day is shown in Fig. 19. The soil moisture value was varied over time in the afternoon. At
value 0 means the water pump was in off state. The pump 14:45 p.m. the value of soil moisture was 39 percent, which
was in off condition throughout the observed time because the was initially decreased with time and going below the lower
values of soil moisture were higher than the lower threshold threshold value of 30 percent at 15:00 pm. After that, it was
(here 30 percent) value of the wetness of the soil. starts to increase at 15:09 p.m. after the water pump was turned
on and rapidly increased to 79 percent. Figure 21 shows the motor status. The motor was turned
on through the think speak server at 15:09 and turned off
automatically by the micro-controller at 15:18. The value of
soil moisture was below the lower threshold (here 30 percent)
at 15:00. The motor was then turned on (when motor status 1)
manually by the user using the designed HTML page at 15:09.
But when the value of soil moisture crosses the upper threshold
(here 85 percent) value, the water pump was automatically
turned off (when motor status 0) at 15:20 p.m.

Fig. 20. Recorded data in the afternoon (a) Temperature Vs Date/Time graph;
(b) Humidity Vs Date/Time; (c) Soil Moisture Vs Date/Time

Fig. 21. Graph of Motor Status in the afternoon

C. At Night
The variation of temperature with respect to time in the
night of a particular day is shown in Fig. 22(a). The data was
monitored and recorded between 22:15 to 22:45 p.m. It is seen
that the temperature was varied between 23o to 24o C. Fig.
22(b) depicts the variation of humidity of the environment
with time between 22:15 to 22:45 p.m of the same day in
the night. At 22:15 p.m. the value of the humidity was 81
percent. Then it varied between 81 percent - 82 percent with
time and finally set at 82 percent at 22:45 p.m. The recorded
soil moisture versus time graph of that day between 22:15 to
22:45 p.m is shown in Fig. 22(c). It is observed that the soil
moisture value was varied over time in the night. At 22:45 p.m.
the value of soil moisture was 76 percent and it was varied
between 75-82 percent during the observed time interval. As
the moisture level of the soil at night was below 85 percent
(Figure 22(c)), that is, below the higher threshold value, the
motor condition was within the off state. the user was no need
to turn on the motor.
monitoring and controlling of water usage in the agriculture
field using IoT. The system consists of a microcontroller (Node
MCU), sensors (soil moisture, DHT11), and irrigation of a
water pump with a decision-making system. Sensors are linked
to a Wi-Fi module (Node MCU) and are interdependent to
provide increased sensitivity to the irrigation system. The data
obtained has been uploaded to the cloud (ThingSpeak) and
presented in the form of graphs accessible via the website. A
web page is used to control the water pump for irrigation pur-
poses. This IoT based smart irrigation system uses minimum
human efforts and permits the user to monitor and control the
wet of the soil to the crop in an efficient and economic way. It
can also improve irrigation ways, increase productivity, ensure
effective uses of restricted resources,decrease implementation
and maintenance cost as compared to the available automatic
irrigation system. So this system is very useful for poor
farmers in their farming.
This paper involves establishing a contemporary design
technique of monitoring and controlling the moisture level
of soil using LabVIEW. Providing comprehensive tools that
need to build any measurement or control application in
dramatically less time. The project also includes rain sensor,
which is very important in the project to avoid unnecessary
power wastage. No longer only are farmers able to generally
use much less water to grow a crop, they’re able to increase
growth yields and the satisfactory of the crop by using better
management of soil moisture at some point of vital plant
Fig. 22. Recorded data in the night (a) Temperature Vs Date/Time graph; (b)
Humidity Vs Date/Time; (c) Soil Moisture Vs Date/Time growth degrees. Embedded system for computerized irrigation
of an agriculture subject gives an able solution to assist
web page- precise irrigation control that permits producers to
Figure 23 shows the motor status. In this case, water pump maximize their productivity whilst saving the water.
was also in off state (when motor status is 0) condition during
the time of observation, as the values of soil moisture were VI. F UTURE S COPE
above the lower threshold (here 30 percent) value. We can interface LCD screen in order to display the current
status of the soil moisture content levels, percentage of water
utilized to water the plant, duration of time for which the
water pump is ON, etc. We can also show the graphical
representation of the moisture content levels in the soil. To
improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the system, the
following recommendations can be put into consideration.
Option of controlling the water pump can be given to the
farmer. The farmer may choose to stop the growth of crops or
the crops may get damaged due to adverse weather conditions.
In such cases farmer may need to stop the system remotely.The
idea of using IOT for irrigation can be extended further to other
activities in farming such as cattle management, fire.

Fig. 23. Graph of Motor Status in the night

In this paper, we have successfully developed a sensor
based smart irrigation system with the capabilities of remote
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