Episodic Memory and Common Sense: How Far Apart?: Endel Tulving
Episodic Memory and Common Sense: How Far Apart?: Endel Tulving
Episodic Memory and Common Sense: How Far Apart?: Endel Tulving
Endel Tulving
Rotman Research Institute, Baycrest Centre for Geriatric Care, 3560 Bathurst Street,Toronto,
Ontario, Canada M6A 2E1 (tulving@psych.utotoronto.ca)
Research has revealed facts about human memory in general and episodic memory in particular that
deviate from both common sense and previously accepted ideas. This paper discusses some of these
deviations in light of the proceedings of The Royal Society's Discussion Meeting on episodic memory.
Retrieval processes play a more critical role in memory than commonly assumed; people can remember
events that never happened; and conscious thoughts about one's personal past can take two distinct
forms ö `autonoetic' remembering and `noetic' knowing. The serial ö dependent ö independent (SPI)
model of the relations among episodic, semantic and perceptual memory systems accounts for a number
of puzzling phenomena, such as some amnesic patients' preserved recognition memory and their ability
to learn new semantic facts, and holds that episodic remembering of perceptual information can occur
only by virtue of its mediation through semantic memory. Although common sense endows many animals
with the ability to remember their past experiences, as yet there is no evidence that humanlike episodic
memoryöde¢ned in terms of subjective time, self, and autonoetic awarenessöis present in any other
Keywords: autonoetic awareness; false memory; recognition memory; remembering and knowing;
retrieval; SPI model
Let us begin with the very theme of the meeting,`episodic Alan Baddeley, in his introductory paper in this issue,
memory'. Episodic memory, very roughly speaking, is the provides a pithy summary of how the idea of `unitary'
kind of memory that allows one to remember past memory was shattered. The ¢rst breach came with the
happenings from one's life. The de¢nition implies that revelation that the laws and principles governing primary
there are other `kinds' of memory that do not have the (`short-term') memory are not quite the same as those
Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. B (2001) 356, 1505^1515 1505 & 2001 The Royal Society
1506 E. Tulving Episodic memory and common sense
that apply to secondary (`long-term') memory (Waugh & features previously associated with episodic memory, but
Norman 1965; Atkinson & Shi¡rin 1968). Although the also includes some novel ideas ö such as the temporal
split between primary and secondary memory was initi- duration of episodic memory (short) and autobiogra-
ally vigorously resisted by Underwood and others, it was phical memory (long), and di¡erent kinds of recollective
not long before it was considered standard fare in all experience: recollection and familiarity in episodic, and
textbooks. Today, the break between primary memory, or feelings of `knowing' in autobiographical memory.
its more theoretically meaningful successor, `working Conway's proposal is wide in scope and rich in detail. It
memory' (Baddeley & Hitch 1974), on the one hand, and should generate a lively debate in the future.
secondary memory (`long-term memory') on the other, is
as sharp as one can ¢nd anywhere in nature.
The second breach took the form of the division of
secondary memory into `episodic' and `semantic' (Tulving Common sense and everyday thinking about memory,
1972). The division did not emerge out of the blue; similar honouring a long tradition that goes back all the way to
ideas had been proposed before. These earlier ideas about Plato's aviary metaphor of memory, conceptualize
di¡erent kinds of memory, however, were largely ignored. memory in terms of a single measurable capacity,
As pointed out by Baddeley, the idea of episodic memory frequently identi¢ed with memory `storage'. Thus, when a
stayed alive, grew, changed, matured and is now under lay person, or even an expert, speaks of encoding
intense scrutiny. It is one member of the family of information `into' memory, the `memory' in the expression
`multiple memory systems' (Foster & Jelicic 1998; designates the metaphorical `store' in which `memories' are
Schacter & Tulving 1994). It has traditionally been cate- held. `Good memory' is a store with a large capacity for
gorized as one of the two subsystems of `declarative' (or holding information. Once the remembered stu¡
`cognitive' or `explicit') memory, semantic memory being (`memories') has been e¡ectively acquired, or stored, it
the other one (Squire 1992; Tulving & Markowitsch 1998; can be used (`retrieved') at will.
Gri¤ths et al. 1999). In the science of memory too, there is, of course, a
Episodic memory is `memory for personally experienced great deal of interest in encoding and storage, but these
events' or `remembering what happened where and when', two concepts are only a part of the story. Another part,
whereas semantic memory is `memory for general facts of some go as far as to say a more important part (Roediger
the world.' A somewhat more elaborate de¢nition holds 2000), has to do with the problem of how the successfully
that episodic memory has to do with one's `autonoetic' encoded information can be used (`retrieved'). Retrieval
awareness of one's experiences in the continuity of subject- consists in a complex and elaborate set of processes; it is
ively apprehended time that extends both backward into not simply a matter of `reading the contents of memory
the past in the form of `remembering' and forward into store'. Every educated person, to give a homely example,
the future, in the form of `thinking about' or imagining or knows the names of two capital cities in Europe which
`planning for' the future. This de¢nition emphasizes the have two initial letters and three ¢nal letters in common.
conjunction of three ideas: self, autonoetic awareness, and Although the required memory information is clearly `in'
subjectively sensed time. The de¢nition of semantic the memory store, few people can produce the names thus
memory at the corresponding level would refer to `one's described. This kind of a retrieval failure points to the
``noetic'' awareness of the existence of the world and existence of the `problem' of retrieval in both semantic
objects, events, and other regularities in it', independently and episodic memory, which is independent of the
of self, autonoetic awareness and (subjective) time. In this `problem' of storage, and leads to experiments in which
case, the less familiar terms used ö such as autonoetic the two sets of processes can be examined and measured
awareness and subjective timeöthen need to be expli- separately (Brown & Craik 2000; Koriat 2000). The
cated, as has been done elsewhere (Tulving 1993; Wheeler earlier tradition, which still rules supreme in some
et al. 1997). quarters, consisted in measuring `memory' in memory
Critics have persistently questioned the concept of `tasks' and psychometric `tests' in which encoding, storage
episodic memory, for a variety of reasons (for a summary, and retrieval were thoroughly con£ated (Tulving 1983,
see Tulving 2002a). In this issue, Conway has taken the pp. 219^220).
more constructive step of re¢ning the concept by drawing Because of the historical tendency to identify memory
a substantial distinction between episodic and autobiogra- with information storage, the problem of retrieval
phical memory. Until now most students of memory have escaped the attention of memory researchers for a long
thought of autobiographical memory in the way that time. In some branches of the science of memory it still
Kopelman and Kapur do: does. But the concept of retrieval, and its relation to
storage (and encoding), played a central role in the
Autobiographical memory refers, characteristically, to a proceedings of the discussion meeting, and were espe-
person's recollection of past incidents and events, which cially prominent in the papers in this issue by Conway
occurred at a speci¢c time and place. Episodic memory is
2001; Gardiner 2001; Kopelman & Kapur 2001; Maguire
a somewhat broader term, encompassing autobiogra-
phical memories as well as performance on certain
2001; Mayes 2001; and Yonelinas 2001. Without the
learning tasks such as recall of a word-list. However, the distinction between storage and retrieval, many ideas that
terms ``autobiographical'' and ``episodic'' are often used one can have about episodic memory would not arise.
interchangeably. (Kopelman & Kapur 2001.) This simple even if surprising fact shows again how the
science of memory goes beyond common sense.
Conway's concept of autobiographical memory (see Consider two relevant examples. The ¢rst one is
also Conway & Pleydell-Pearce 2000) retains some provided by neuropsychological research on retrograde
amnesia ö severe impairment in the ability to remember numbers and passwords that we can recall (most of the
or make use of knowledge acquired before the onset of time). Nevertheless, a good part of the activity of memory
the brain damage that causes such amnesia. The topic is consists not in reproduction, or even in reconstruction, but
thoroughly aired in the papers by Kopelman & Kapur in sheer construction. And constructed memories do not
(2001) and elsewhere (Wheeler & McMillan 2001). In always correspond to reality. One need not su¡er from any
the absence of the concept of retrieval one would necessa- neurological or psychiatric dysfunction, nor need one be
rily have to conclude that retrograde amnesia stems from very young or very old, to have false memories and to
the loss of relevant information from the memory store. remember events that never happened. Thus, thanks to
Now an interesting and serious possibility is that we are research, we now know something that does not readily ¢t
dealing with a special kind of failure of retrieval, and the into common sense: sometimes people remember events,
existence of alternative explanations provides the kind of say the `miniature' event of a word or picture having
guidance for research that would not exist otherwise. appeared in a visually presented to-be-remembered list,
Second, in research designed to explore the similarities that in fact did not appear. This is a fact. The relevant
and di¡erences in functional neuroanatomy of episodic research is discussed in this issue at some length by
and semantic memory ö a topic of central concern in Schacter & Dodson (2001) and touched on by Gardiner
Maguire's paper (2001), and actively pursued in a number (2001).
of laboratories in a number of countries ö it turns out that Now, however, what about the situation where there is
it has been di¤cult to di¡erentiate between encoding and available completely objective veri¢cation of the fact that
storage processes in episodic and semantic memory but an event did happen, and the person being tested (the
relatively easy to do so with respect to retrieval. This whole `subject' participant in the experiment) correctly indicates
rich research area, which has contributed greatly to the his or her knowledge of the fact. Can we infer that the
neuroanatomical di¡erentiation of episodic from semantic subject now actually does remember seeing the word?
memory, either would not exist or would have been quite Again, for an outsider, it must be very di¤cult not to say
di¡erent in the world of `memory tests', i.e. in the absence `yes,' and imagine why anyone would want to even raise
of the concept of retrieval. the question. Yet research shows that the question is
appropriate and the answer to it more complex than what
was suspected in traditional thinking. Much of the rele-
vant data come from a widely used method of observing
Let us next consider another departure from conven- and measuring retrieval known as the yes ^ no recognition
tional wisdom, put in the form of a question: `If a person test.
clearly and vividly remembers a particular event, does
that mean that the event in fact happened ?' In other
words, can we make safe inferences about the past on the
basis of what people remember about it ? Common sense Recognition tests are no doubt the most frequently
says `yes', of course, and wonders how it could be other- used tests of memory today. The reason for their popu-
wise. Is it not self-evident ? Surely we make use of this larity lies in their apparent common-sense face value,
simple truth ö `I remember it, therefore it happened' ö assumed theoretical simplicity, ease of administration and
all the time. Much of our legal system operates on the employability across di¡erent kinds of stimulus materials
premise that eyewitness's testimony, if given in good faith, as well as subject populations. What is a more direct way
provides true evidence of what happened. Physicians take of testing someone's memory than presenting a stimulus
a patient's history and believe that the patient correctly item now for (intentional or casual) study or inspection
remembers when a symptom ¢rst appeared. People take and then later on asking the subject to indicate whether it
great delight in telling stories of what they did, saw or is an item that was previously encountered? The `re-
heard, and others take equal delight in listening to them. membered' item is responded to in one way, a `non-
Storytelling and listening are some of the oldest and most remembered' item in another. All sorts of items can be
common forms of entertainment. The listeners naturally used: words, pairs of words, line drawings, photographs
believe that the storyteller describes what actually of scenery or faces, actual three-dimensional objects. The
happened. The element of entertainment would be test subjects can be people ö infants, young, old, healthy,
marred if one had no idea whether the story was true or brain damaged or whatever ö as well as non-human
just so much imagination. animals of a great variety ö gold¢sh, rats, pigeons,
Scienti¢c research has clearly established that it is not monkeys and many others. Subjects in recognition tasks
always possible to determine what happened in the past on can be instructed about the rules of the game through
the basis of a person's recollection, regardless of whom the verbal instructions, if they possess language, or through
person is, and regardless of how stronglyöand genu- appropriate training procedures if they do not.
inely ö the person believes that he or she is telling the Common sense and traditional thought about yes ^ no
truth. This research shows that it is perfectly possible for recognition is that it measures memory, or, with the advent
even completely sane, intelligent and honest people to of the episodic ^ semantic distinction, that it measures
clearly remember and strongly believe something that episodic memory: `Did you see this item in the list that you
never happened. Such `false memories' or `memory studied earlier ?'. Again, it is a perfectly natural assumption
illusions' do not happen all the time, of course. Usually to make. How well the experimental subject can distin-
what we remember is true to a larger or smaller extent. guish between old and new test items clearly depends on,
Memory can also be absolutely veridical ö think of all the and hence re£ects, how well the subject remembers what
memorized poems, speeches, dates, addresses, phone she or he previously studied. As with much if not all
wisdom inherent in common sense, there seems nothing people, Jon relies largely if not wholly on his intact,
debatable about these kinds of thoughts. perhaps enhanced, ability to distinguish between novel
However, research suggests that the idea that `episodic' and familiar test items in performing the recognition
recognition tests assess episodic memory is only partially test.
correct. The relevant research has been carried out under A new idea about recognition memory is that, in addi-
the banner of the remember ^ know (RK) paradigm. It is tion to re£ecting `remembering' and `knowing,' it can also
of central concern in Gardiner's paper (2001; see also re£ect familiarity that is purely perceptual. Aggleton &
Gardiner & Richardson-Klavehn 2000; Knowlton & Pearce (2001) as well as Morris (2001), in their respective
Squire 1995; Rajaram & Roediger 1997). The RK para- papers in this issue, cogently argue in considerable detail
digm is also involved in the evaluation of Yonelinas's that recognition tests may, but need not, depend on
(2001) dual-signal detection model of recognition that he episodic memory. Many animals do perfectly well on a
discusses in his paper in this issue. variety of recognition tests and one need not assume that
In a typical application of the RK paradigm, experi- they have episodic memory.
mental subjects participate in a standard yes ^ no recogni- The idea that successful performance on recognition
tion test, with an additional twist: whenever they judge a tests can occur at di¡erent levels of memory ö episodic,
test item to be `old' (they think it was a member of the semantic, and perceptual ö may help to clarify
studied collection) they make a further judgement about outstanding issues and help understand a number of
whether they `remember' the event of the item's occur- memory phenomena.
rence in studied collection or whether they have some
other grounds (such as a feeling of `familiarity') for
`knowing' that the item did occur in the collection.
There is surprisingly good agreement between the
conclusions drawn by Gardiner and Yonelinas, despite In everyday thinking about memory it is often assumed
several di¡erences in their overall approach to the issue. that new facts about the world are learned through
Thus, Gardiner concentrates on the RK paradigm, experience, i.e. through observing happenings in
Yonelinas includes Jacoby's process-dissociation procedure everyday life, through being exposed to statements about
(Jacoby 1991) in his analyses. Gardiner is interested in the facts (as in learning from teachers or books), or obser-
the conscious aspects of recognition, whereas Yonelinas ving happenings in real life and drawing appropriate
keeps his focus on measurement of behaviour. Gardiner is conclusions about the `facts of the world' from them. This
very much in tune with the idea of multiple memory means that when we wonder which came ¢rst ö episodic
systems; Yonelinas concentrates on processes and can do memory (experiences) or semantic memory (facts)ö
without multiple systems. Gardiner roams over a wide common sense tells us that the answer is episodic
territory in his coverage of empirical evidence, Yonelinas memory. Information gets into semantic memory
sticks more closely to traditional cognitive psychology and `through' episodic memory: ¢rst an individual has a parti-
neuropsychological procedures. cular experience in the course of which he, say, learns a
Given all these di¡erences, it is most satisfying to see new fact, and later on he can use the knowledge thus
how well the conclusions drawn by the two converge on a acquired independently of any remembering of the
common bottom line: there are indeed two, rather original learning episode as such.
di¡erent components (modes of retrieval, processes, This is what many experts in the area of memory have
memory systems) that feed into performance on yes ^ no believed (and many still do) ever since the distinction
recognition tests. This means that the standard measures between episodic and semantic memory was drawn. The
of recognition memory that have served the ¢eld so well careful reader of papers in this issue will be able to spot
for a very long timeöhit rates, false alarm rates and statements to this e¡ect in various chapters. Nevertheless,
their derivatives ö can no more be regarded as su¤ciently although the jury is still out on this question, and
analytical. Anyone who wishes to study nature, rather although the ¢nal answer may turn out to be of a kind
than theories about nature, will have to start worrying that almost always is reached at the end of debates (`well,
about the meaning of old-fashioned recognition tests. it all depends'), I believe that the correct view is the
Additional convergent evidence for the existence of two reverse of common sense: information gets into episodic
component processes of recognition is provided by event memory through semantic memory.
related potential (ERP) studies (Du«zel et al. 1997; This belief has been formalized in a very simple model
Mangels et al. 2001) and functional magnetic resonance of the relations among memory systems. The central idea
imaging (fMRI) studies (Henson et al. 1999; Eldridge is that the relations among systems are process-speci¢c:
et al. 2000) that have revealed neural correlates of the encoding is serial (S), storage is parallel (P) and retrieval
two processes. Especially interesting converging evidence is independent (I); hence the model is referred to as SPI
is provided by the ERP ¢ndings on the young amnesic (Tulving 1995; Tulving & Markowitsch 1998). Figure 1
patient Jon, who has a severely impaired episodic presents a sketch of the SPI model, applied to three kinds
memory but performs quite normally on standard yes ^ no of memory or memory systems: perceptual, semantic and
recognition tests. These ¢ndings show that he has a episodic. The three memory systems are arranged hier-
normal N400 ERP e¡ect, which is known to be associated archically (or `monohierarchically'). The perceptual
with the familiarity component of recognition, whereas system is at the lowest level and episodic at the highest.
the late-positive e¡ect, known to re£ect episodic recollect- The perceptual system (also called `perceptual represent-
ion, is completely absent in Jon's ERP waveform (Du«zel ation system' or PRS; Tulving & Schacter 1990) receives,
et al. 1999). These ¢ndings suggest that, unlike healthy stores and makes available to other systems information
An especially striking demonstration of massive ions were o¡ered about its neural correlates. Some
semantic learning in the absence of episodic memory is recent developments, however, allow us to postulate
provided by cases of developmental amnesia, such as the parallels between the abstract SPI model and conclusions
young man Jon, described by Vargha-Khadem et al. 1997; drawn from neuropsychological studies of both humans
2001). Such cases present a serious challenge to conven- and animals. Aggleton & Brown (1999; see also Aggleton
tional theory (Squire & Zola 1998; Tulving & Marko- & Pearce, this issue) point out that, in animals, the
witsch 1998). The important point in the present context, brain structures involved in spatial memory are surpris-
however, is that all these cases illustrate how memory can ingly di¡erent from those involved in recognition
successfully work below the level of episodic, even in the memory. In Aggleton's model, two partially overlapping
human brain. medial ^ temporal and diencephalic systems mediate
Second, there is no provision in SPI for `direct' performance on di¡erent memory tasks. Recall, and
encoding of perceptual information into episodic episodic memory, depend on the hippocampus, the
memory: the information must ¢rst go `through' the fornix and several structures in the diencephalon,
semantic memory system. This proposal goes very much whereas non-episodic recognition and familiarity are
against common sense and against my own earlier highly dependent on the perirhinal cortex and the
thinking (Tulving 1972). Recently, the assumption that medial dorsal nucleus of the thalamus, and do not
there is `no direct line' from perceptual to episodic require the hippocampus. The logic of this model would
memory has been questioned by Simons and his collea- ¢t SPI if we assumed that the performance on recognition
gues in Cambridge (Graham et al. 2000; Simons et al. memory tests, in animals, is mediated by the perceptual
2001). The issue represents one of the central topics of the (PRS) systems whereas performance on spatial memory
paper by Hodges & Graham (this issue). I will return to tests is mediated by the declarative (`semantic' in Tulving
it later in this paper. & Markowitsch, 1998) system.
Third, the SPI model explicitly allows ö one might Mishkin and his colleagues (Mishkin et al. 1997;
even say `predicts' ö double dissociations between episodic Vargha-Khadem & Mishkin, this issue) have suggested a
and semantic memory in retrograde amnesia (RA). If an hierarchical model of the organization of medial ^
individual su¡ers brain damage that causes RA, it can temporal lobe structures in the service of episodic and
consist only (or at least primarily) in impairment of semantic memory that also agrees neatly with the
episodic memory (Kitchener et al. 1998; Kapur 1999; abstract SPI model. In Mishkin's model, the hippo-
Tulving et al. 1988; Wheeler & McMillan 2001), only (or campus operates at the highest level of the medial ^
primarily) in semantic memory (De Renzi et al. 1987; temporal lobe (MTL) hierarchy and is associated with
Grossi et al. 1988; Wheeler & McMillan 2001; Yasuda episodic memory, whereas the subjacent cortical regions
et al. 1997), or more or less evenly in both, as in the operate at lower levels and are associated with semantic
majority of reported cases of amnesia. This feature of SPI memory. The model is compatible with what is known
is directly contrary to the widely accepted views of about the psychology and neuroanatomy of the case of Jon
amnesia, advocated by Squire and Zola and their collea- and other perinatal amnesia patients (Vargha-Khadem
gues (Squire 1992; Squire & Zola 1998), which do not et al. 1997) who ¢t SPI.
readily allow for exceptions to the more-or-less even The idea that episodic recollection is not needed for
impairment of memory for facts (semantic memory) and recognition of `old' and `new' items is relevant to two
memory for events (episodic) memory. other issues discussed at the meeting. First, the test of one
Fourth, although double dissociations are allowed in of the most counter-intuitive features of the SPI model
RA or even `predicted' by SPI, because of the serial discussed earlier, namely the idea that there is no direct
encoding assumption they are strictly ruled out in antero- encoding of perceptual information into episodic memory
grade amnesia (AA). When a healthy individual su¡ers and that perceptual information can enter episodic
brain damage and develops AA, it can consist in impair- memory only through semantic memory. Second, the
ment of both semantic and episodic memory (the `stan- question of whether animals have episodic memory. I
dard' form of AA) or impairment in episodic memory discuss these two issues in the remainder of this paper.
alone. What cannot happen, according to SPI, is AA in
semantic memory alone. The matter is of considerable
interest because, according to a widely accepted alterna-
tive view, anterograde memory for facts (semantic
memory) and memory for events (episodic memory) are The SPI model, as already mentioned, rules out any
expected to be impaired more-or-less evenly (Squire direct encoding of perceptual information into episodic
1992; Squire & Zola 1998). memory. As shown in ¢gure 1, for perceptual information
Finally, SPI can be used to account for the many facts to be stored in episodic memory it needs to be processed
generated by the RK paradigm, which constitutes the not only in the perceptual system but also in the semantic
central theme of Gardiner's paper (this issue) and ¢gures system. The idea that it is not possible for people to recol-
prominently in Yonelinas's dual-process model of signal lect consciously what they have perceived unless it has
detection in recognition memory (this issue), as discussed been ¢rst `interpreted' by semantic memory sounds
in ½ 8. counter-intuitive, perhaps even strongly so. However, the
The SPI model, when ¢rst proposed, was meant to be matter is testable and therefore the model is capable of
a purely `psychological theory', an abstract model in being rejected in its present form. Surprisingly, the
keeping with the hypothetical, abstract nature of the demonstration of direct entry of perceptual information
concepts of episodic and semantic memory. No suggest- into episodic memory has turned out to be di¤cult.
Recently, Jon Simons and his colleagues in Cambridge ones ö and therefore any explicitly proposed revision
(Graham et al. 2000; Simons et al. 2001) have questioned of the crude SPI model represents a step in the right
the validity of the assumption of serial encoding in the direction.
SPI model. This assumption implies that individuals with (iii) The proposed MI model makes good common sense.
dysfunctional semantic memory should have di¤culty What could be more natural than to believe that a
storing information in episodic memory. Even if such person can remember `purely perceptual' events?
individuals have intact perceptual systems, their remem-
bering of recent experiences should be de¢cient because
there is no direct input from perceptual systems to It is to be hoped, therefore, that the MI model of the
episodic memory. Simons and his colleagues have tested Cambridge group will turn out to be a better idea about
this assumption with their semantic dementia patients the encoding relations of PRS, semantic memory and
who are selectively de¢cient in semantic memory, attrib- episodic memory than the SPI model. There are,
uted to (usually asymmetrical) temporal lobe atrophy however, a couple of problems that need attention before
(Graham et al. 1997, 1999, 2000). we can certify the MI as the current `front runner'.
In one experiment, Simons and his colleagues (2001, One problem has to do with the claimed critical
experiment 2) tested two such patients for their ability to ¢nding that patients with semantic dementia show equally
recognize recently seen faces. Two kinds of faces were good recognition memory for semantically familiar and
initially presented for inspection: celebrities that were unfamiliar faces (Simons et al. 2001), or recognition
known and celebrities who were not known to the memory comparable with that of healthy controls (Graham
patients. After study, the patients were given two kinds of et al. 2000), when test items have the same format as
yes ^ no episodic recognition tests. In one, the test faces studied items. The validity of the claim is uncertain
were identical with those seen initially; in the other, the because of the observed ceiling e¡ects in relevant condi-
test faces of the celebrities encountered at encoding were tions in both experiments. Thus, in the Simons et al.
presented in di¡erent orientations. (2001) study, it is simply not known whether the critical
The logic of the experiment rested on two assumptions: interaction between type of recognition test (identical
(i) the subjects' semantic memory would contribute to versus perceptually di¡erent test objects) and type of test
the recognition of known celebrities but not, or less so, to items (familiar versus unfamiliar faces) came about
the recognition of unknown faces, and (ii) the problem of because of the processes postulated in the MI model or
recognizing faces presented in the same orientation at because of ceiling e¡ects. The Cambridge group are aware
study and test could be solved by relying on perceptual of the problems caused by ceiling e¡ects but are willing to
features alone, whereas recognizing faces in changed overlook them and to assume that the interaction would
orientations would require, or at least would bene¢t from, occur even in the absence of the ceiling e¡ects. Neverthe-
semantic knowledge of the people whose faces were less, the matter requires attention especially because
shown. other experiments have shown that even healthy indivi-
In the experimental situation used by Simons et al. duals (young, old and very old) show better recognition
(2001), the SPI model implies that the patients' impaired memory for familiar than unfamiliar faces tested in their
semantic memory should make it impossible, or at least original form (Ba«ckman 1991; see also Ba«ckman &
more di¤cult, to remember the previous (virtual) Herlitz 1990). A clear demonstration of the absence of the
encounter with unknown individuals than the encounter same e¡ect in patients with semantic dementia, under
with known celebrities. The ¢ndings of this study agreed conditions where the patients' recognition performance is
with this implication in the test condition in which free to vary, would settle this particular matter con-
di¡erent views of faces were used, but not in the condition vincingly, leaving only the second problem.
in which test faces were changed. Simons and colleagues This second problem has to do with the discrepancy
claimed this latter ¢nding to be contrary to the SPI between the concepts of episodic memory in the SPI and
model, and proposed, therefore, that the SPI model, the MI models. In the formulation of the SPI model,
needs to be rejected and replaced with a more appropriate `episodic memory' refers to the episodic `system', which
model, one they call `multiple input' (MI) model or has a certain set of process-speci¢c relations to other
hypothesis. According to this revised model, episodic systems. The critical ¢ndings that Simons and his collea-
memory normally receives information from both the gues use to reject the SPI model were obtained in yes ^ no
perceptual and conceptual (semantic) systems of the recognition memory tests. Although such tests are
brain. These sentiments were echoed by Andrew Mayes frequently treated as `tests of episodic memory' ö I myself
and Neil Roberts (2001). have done it regularly ö as mentioned earlier, we now
The Cambridge group's suggested revision of the SPI is know that this is an oversimpli¢cation. The current
attractive for several reasons: understanding is that the extent to which episodic
memory in£uences performance on recognition tests can
(i) The SPI model is currently very crude. It is di¤cult vary, sometimes greatly, with conditions. In the absence
to imagine that as such it could capture the essence of corroborating evidence there is no need to assume that
of the encoding ^ retrieval relations of complex semantic dementia patients relied on their episodic
memory systems, such as PRS, semantic and memory in the recognition test for faces. It is conceivable
episodic. that they relied on their perceptual memory alone.
(ii) All good scientists know that all current models and The assumption is that it is quite possible for any kind
theories are wrong ö in the sense that sooner or later of subjects to do well on recognition memory tests in the
they all will be modi¢ed or replaced by better absence of episodic memory. The most glaring example is
provided by recognition memory tests in experiments animals. However, because interesting analogues of
with non-human animals as subjects. episodic memory exist in non-human animals (`episodic-
like' memories), future research may topple the current
received wisdom.
The ingenious and convincing demonstrations of the
Do animals, such as rats, cats, dogs and monkeys, have `what, where, when' memory in scrub jays by Clayton and
episodic memory? That is, do they remember their own her colleagues come very close to clinching the case for
life experiences the same way that humans do? Common the jays' episodic memory. The only thing missing is
sense would say `yes' and perhaps again be perplexed at evidence that they have human-like conscious recollec-
the questions. Surely there could be no doubt that they tions of their worm and nut caching activities. They may
do. Surely, all one needs to do is watch one's pet cat or just `know' what kind of food is where, and what state it is
dog to be convinced that the cat has excellent episodic in ö fresh or rotten ö without knowing how or why they
memory. Why even bother raising the question? know it; hence, most appropriately, the use of the term
Indeed, more often than not, the question has not been `episodic-like' memory. Clayton's scrub jay experiments
raised ö because the answer to it has been clear without clearly take us beyond what was known about non-
any need for thought. The earlier quote by Underwood human animals' ability to handle the `when?' part of
said it all. Besides, there have been literally thousands of episodic memory ö the `what' and `where' in animal
research reports on the close similarity of learning and learning and memory has been known for a long time
memory data for non-human animals and humans. So, (e.g. Shettleworth 1998). However, the nature of the infor-
what is the reason for wanting to raise the question about mationöis it `remembered' or just `known'öremains an
episodic memory in animals ? open question. Richard Morris, in his talk at the meeting,
The question about episodic memory in animals is a expressed his hope (conviction?) that this question will be
part of a larger issue ö the nature of continuity of forms answered through the ingenuity of comparative psycholo-
of learning and memory across the species. On the one gists who may be able to invent ways of communicating
hand, it is an unassailable fact that humans share a very with animals that are almost as good as Dr Doolittle's. A
large proportion of their genome with other animals, that wise scientist would not even dream of doubting the
their brains are built on the same basic plan as those of reality of the hope.
rats and monkeys and other mammals, and that, as far as It is interesting, as Clayton et al. (2001) point out, that
we know, the molecular mechanisms and synaptic scrub jays do have episodic memory by the standards of
changes assumed to underlie learning and memory are 1972: their performance in the various tasks that Clayton
the same across the species. These facts make thinking of and her team have posed for them clearly implies that
continuity natural and non-controversial. On the other they remember what happened where and when. In 1972,
hand, the fact that humans engage in many unique forms I (and I suspect just about everybody else) was convinced
of learned behaviour that are found in no other species ö that remembering particular events, such as occurrences
language and literature, art and music, religion and of words in a list, necessarily depended on remembering
philosophy, science and technology, to mention the most the general event of which the particular ones had been a
obvious ones ö should also encourage thoughts about part, namely the learning the list. For example, for a
di¡erences in learning and memory. It would be un- subject in a verbal learning experiment to be able to
reasonable to assume that these uniquely human forms of respond with the word `gallant' to the word `legend',
self-expression are based on features of the evolved which she had learned in a paired-associate learning task,
human brain that it shares with other animals. she had to remember that she had learned the list. I and
The issue of episodic memory in animals is discussed others thought it was impossible to remember that
thoroughly by three sets of authors: Aggleton & Pearce `legend' and `gallant' appeared together in the list if one
(2001; Aggleton & Brown 1999); Clayton and her collea- did not remember having learned the list. This is very
gues (2001; Clayton & Dickinson 1998; Gri¤ths et al. similar to the demonstrated capabilities of scrub jays.
1999); and Morris (2001; Morris & Frey 1997). All three The scrub jays' problem, therefore, is that our concept
come to the conclusion, put by Clayton et al. (2001), as of episodic memory has changed since 1972. Unlike then,
follows. In many of the tasks used in studies of animal the main emphasis is now on three concepts: subjectively
memory, presumably including various `recognition' apprehended time, self and autonoetic consciousness. The
tasks: combination of the three supports activities that can be
subsumed under the category of `mental time travel',
`. . . the animal does not need to recall the ``what, where activities such as remembering past experiences as such
and when'' of an event. Instead, the task may be solved by and imagining possible future personal happenings as
discriminating on the basis of relative familiarity, a
such. It is the uncertainty about the animals' possession of
process which is dissociable both psychologically
(Mandler 1980; Jacoby & Dallas 1981; Jacoby 1991) and these kinds of experiential capabilities that makes it di¤-
neurobiologically (Aggleton & Brown 1999) from episodic cult to attribute human-type episodic memory to them.
memory recall.' (Clayton et al. 2001, ½ 1). Another feature of episodic (as well as semantic)
memory that has been mentioned but has not been
More broadly, the common verdict is that the answer systematically explored, but which may turn out to be
to the question about episodic memory in animals is not relevant to the issue of episodic and episodic-like
obvious and it cannot be settled by common sense. At the memories in animals, is that retrieval of information
present time, all agree that the weight of evidence seems `from' episodic memory does not oblige the rememberer to
to lie with the absence of human-like episodic memory in any kind of overt behaviour. Any `conversion' (Tulving
1983) of retrieved (`ecphoric') information is optional Endel Tulving's research is supported by the Natural Sciences
rather than obligatory: there is no ¢xed relation between and Engineering Research Council of Canada, and by an
thought and action. This fact is sometimes said to illus- endowment by Anne and Max Tanenbaum in support of research
in cognitive neuroscience.
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