Manual HIV1 2WesterBlot

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HIV 1&2 Western Blot

Western-Blot assay for the Detection of HIV Antibodies in Human Serum/Plasma

(Confirmatory Test for detection of antibodies to HIV-1 and indicative for HIV-2 antibodies)
1. INDICATIONS FOR USE Fig.2(b) Fig.2(c)
HIV 1&2 Western Blot is an in vitro qualitative immunoassay for the detection of antibodies to HIV-1
& HIV-2 in human serum / plasma. It is manufactured by J. Mitra & Co. Pvt. Ltd. based on lab
research at CRI, Mumbai, under sponsorship from DBT (Depar tment of Biotechnology) Govt. of India, ✚ ✚
New Delhi. It is intended to be used as a more specific & supplemental assay on samples found
initially reactive using ELISA and other screening tests and is a confirmatory test for detection of
antibodies to HIV-1 and indicative for HIV-2 antibodies.

2. INTRODUCTION 2nd Incubation

Alkaline phosphatase conjugated anti-human IgG Colour Reaction
Human lmmunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is the etiological agent of Acquired lmmunodeficiency Syndrome
Substrate solution (BCIP+NBT) is added and
(AIDS). HIV infection is now recognised worldwide as a major public health problem. Hence screening is added and is Incubated for 1 hour.
incubated for 0.5-15 minutes. Insoluble coloured
methods play an important role in disease detection. The most common immunoassay used for the Wash 4 times for 5 minutes each. bands develop at the sites on the test strip
detection of antibodies to HIV-1 & HIV-2 are the Enzyme-Linked lmmunosorbent Assay (ELISA), rapid occupied by antibodies. Strips are washed with
tests and the lmmunoblot or Western Blot assay which are easy to perform. distilled water.
The Western Blot test can be used as a more specific and supplemental assay on human serum or
plasma specimen found repeatedly reactive using ELISA. The HIV-1 viral antigens are separated by
gel electrophoresis, electrically transferred to nitrocellulose membrane strip which is impregnated
with a specific HIV-2 antigen band. Each strip also has an internal serum inbuilt quality control band.
Read Results
The serological events following HIV infection is represented graphically in fig. 1. In individuals
infected with HIV, antigen appears first before anti-HIV but due to sero conversion, the antigen is lost 5. ADVANTAGES OF HIV 1&2 WESTERN BLOT ASSAY
and antibody develops within 1-2 months after infection and thereby the level of the antibody increases.  Separate disposable trays with covers are provided so that each test can be run individually
However, p24 antibodies level decrease with time in advance stage of infection as shown in the graph without any cross contamination.
(pink colour line). Hence, in advance stages of the infection, the p24 band on the HIV Western Blot  Since one disposable tray is provided for one test therefore there is no need to store the
strip may either be light or absent. infectious tray after performing the test.
Concentration of Antibodies of
HIV-ENV (gp41/gp120) is always  Easy to run and available in convenient packsize: 5 Test Pack and 25 Test Pack.
more than of HIV Core (p24/p17) Anti-HIV ENV
(anti gp41 & anti gp120)  Easy & clear interpretation through easy-to-read bands.
Anti HIV-IgM
Antibody level remains constant throughout  No special equipment is required.
 Internal inbuilt control line is incorporated for the validity of the test.
Relative Concentration

Anti-HIV Core
(anti p24 & anti p17)
 No weighing of blotting powder is required.
 Substrate is ready to use.
HIV Ag Antibody level decreases with time
 5 Test Pack  25 Test Pack


Fig.1 5 Tests 25 Tests
The following are graphical symbols used in or found on J. Mitra diagnostic products and packing. Strips blotted with HIV-1 Viral Lysate and specific
These symbols are the most common ones appearing on medical devices and their packing. They HIV-2 antigen & Anti-human IgG as control line.
are explained in more detail in the European Standard EN ISO 15223-1:2016.
Wash Buffer Concentrate (20x) 10 ml. 50 ml.
Manufactured By In vitro diagnostic (1 Vial) (1 Vial)
medical device
Diluent Buffer Concentrate (10x) 3 ml. 15 ml.
No. of tests See Instruction for use (1 Vial) (1 Vial)
Lot Number Temperature Blotting Powder 0.5 gm. 0.5 gm.
Batch Number Limitation 5 Nos. 25 Nos.
Manufacturing Caution Enzyme Conjugate Concentrate (100x) 0.15 ml. 0.15 ml
Date See instruction for use Rabbit Anti-Human IgG conjugated with (1 Vial) (1 Vial)
Expiry Date Catalogue Number alkaline phosphatase.

Do not use if package Keep away from sunlight Substrate (Ready to use) 12 ml. 60 ml.
is damaged BCIP + NBT (5-Bromo, 4-chloro, 3-indolyl (1 Vial) (1 Vial)
phosphate+Nitroblue tetrazolium)
Keep Dry
Control – 0.1 ml. 0.1 ml.
The HIV 1&2 Western Blot is manufactured from HIV-1 cell line. The HIV-1 viral antigen is purified and Normal human serum containing sodium azide as (1 Vial) (1 Vial)
then separated by SDS gel electrophoresis. SDS denatures viral components and yields proteins preservative. Non reactive for HIV-1 & HIV-2, HCV and HBsAg.
which migrate in the gel according to their molecular weight to produce various bands. Low molecular Control + 0.1 ml. 0.1 ml.
weight components migrate faster and are found at the bottom of the gel, while high molecular weight
proteins remain near the top. They are then transferred from SDS-PAGE gel on to nitrocellulose Inactivated human serum with antibodies to HIV-1. (1 Vial) (1 Vial)
membrane which is also impregnated with HIV-2 antigen (gp 36) and a control band. The membrane Non reactive for HBsAg and HCV.
is cut and packaged as strips. To perform the assay, the strip is incubated with the patient serum/ Incubation Trays 5 Trays 25 Trays
plasma diluted in a buffer. Antibodies to HIV-1 & 2 if present, bind to viral antigens located on the One tray with lid cover for one strip
strip. Unbound material is washed off and then the strip is incubated with anti-human IgG conjugated
Forcep 1 No. 1 No.
to alkaline phosphatase.
After washing the unbound conjugate, substrate (BCIP/NBT) is added which results in the staining of Measuring Spoon for bloting powder 1 No. 1 No.
bands. If antibodies to HIV-1 antigens are present in the sera, any two ENVELOPE and more of the
Band Monitor Scale 1 No. 1 No.
following bands will be seen : p17, p24, p31, gp41, p51/p55, p66, gp120 & gpl60.
If antibodies to HIV-2 antigen is present, HIV-2 band is also observed along with some of the other Instruction Manual 1 No. 1 No.
bands. If HIV specific antibodies are not present, the band pattern does not meet the required criteria.
(i) Store the kit at 2-8oC in the driest and darkest area available. Do not freeze kit components.
✚ (ii) Do not use the kit beyond the expiry date mentioned on it.
(iii) Remove required number of strips from the container quickly and replace the rest with desiccant
1st Incubation
A test strip loaded with HIV antigens is incubated for (iv) Do not expose substrate to light.
1 hour / overnight with diluted serum or plasma. (v) Do not store the opened Blotting Powder Pouch. Discard the pouch after use as sufficient
Wash 3 times for 5 minutes each. Blotting Powder is provided with the kit i.e., one pouch/strip can be used.
(i) Rotary Shaker (60-70 r.p.m.) (ii) Pipette and tips TABLE-1
(iii) Timer (iv) Vor tex mixer/Magnetic stirrer
No.of Working Wash Buffer Working Diluent Buffer Working Conjugate Substrate
(v) Aspirator with Sodium Hypochlorite/suitable disinfectant
Strips ml.
10. SPECIMEN COLLECTION, PREPARATION & STORAGE Wash Distilled Total Diluent Distilled Total No.of Spoons Working 100x
Serum/ Plasma samples shall be used with this test. Collect blood in a clean dry sterlized vial and Buffer + Water = vol. Buffer Conc.+ Water = vol. of Blotting Diluent Conjugate
allow it to clot. Separate the serum by centrifugation at room temperature. It is recommended that Conc. (20x) ml. ml. (10x) ml ml. ml. Powder Buffer (ml) (µl)
FRESH samples should be used. If serum is not to be assayed immediately, it should be stored at 1 1 + 19 = 20 0.5 + 4.5 = 5 2 2 20 2
2-8oC or frozen at -20oC. Serum may be stored at 2-8 oC for upto 3 days and stored frozen at -20oC for 3 2 2 + 38 = 40 0.9 + 8.1 = 9 3 4 40 4
months. Bring specimen (serum/plasma) to room temperature (20-30 o C) and mix each specimen 3 3 + 57 = 60 1.5 + 13.5 = 15 5 6 60 6
thoroughly prior to use. DO NOT HEAT OR REPEATEDLY FREEZE/THAW SPECIMEN. 4 4 + 76 = 80 1.8 + 16.2 = 18 6 8 80 8
5 5 + 95 = 100 2.1 + 18.9 = 21 7 10 100 10
11. WARNING & PRECAUTION 10 10 + 190 = 200 4.2 + 37.8 = 42 14 20 200 20
NEGATIVE CONTROL, POSITIVE CONTROL & ALL THE SAMPLES TO BE TESTED SHOULD BE 25 25 + 475 = 500 10.5 + 94.5 = 105 35 50 500 50
1. The use of disposable gloves and proper biohazardous clothing is STRONGLY RECOMMENDED 15. PROCEDURAL NOTES
while running the test. (i) Bring the test kit to room temperature (20-30ºC) before use.
2. In case there is a cut or wound in hand, DO NOT PERFORM THE TEST. ( i i ) Strictly follow the protocol given in the Instruction manual.
3. Do not smoke, drink or eat in areas where specimens or kit reagents are being handled. (iii) Using forceps carefully remove required number of strips, place into individual trays and note
4. Tests are for in vitro diagnostic use only and should be run by competent person only. down the numbers printed on the strip.
5. Do not pipette by mouth. (iv) Ensure that the numbered side of the strips are facing up.
6. All materials used in the assay and samples should be decontaminated in 5% sodium (v) Proper and gentle shaking (60-70 rpm) of the trays is extremely impor tant. If shaking is not
hypochlorite solution for 30-60 min. before disposal or by autoclaving at 121ºC at 15psi for 60 proper, the sensitivity of the test may get affected.
min. Do not autoclave materials or solution containing sodium hypochlorite. They should be (vi) Add reagents and samples to ends of the trays and not directly onto strips.
disposed of in accordance with established safety procedures. (vii) While running the assay :
7. Wash hands thoroughly with soap or any suitable detergent, after the use of the kit. Consult a (a) For rapid method : Take out kit and kit components from 2-8 oC on the same day.
physician immediately in case of accident or contact with eyes, in the event that contaminated (b) For Over night method : Take out all components from 2-8oC except conjugate and substrate
material are ingested or come in contact with skin puncture or wounds. on the same day.
8. Spills should be decontaminated promptly with Sodium Hypochlorite or any other suitable (viii) Use separate tips for all reagents including serum/plasma.
disinfectant. (ix) The wash buffer conc. (20x) may crystalize or turn cloudy at 2-8oC. Allow it to reach room
9. Controls and other reagents contain Sodium Azide as a preservative. If these material are to be temperature and mix thoroughly and then dilute with deionized water to prepare working wash
disposed off through a sink or other common plumbing systems, flush with generous amounts buffer.
of water to prevent accumulation of potentially explosive compounds. In addition, consult the (x) Aspirate the solution from wells completely into the discarding container containing hypochlorite/
manual guideline "Safety Management No. CDC-22", Decontamination of Laboratory Sink Drains suitable disinfectant prior to next step of reagent addition.
to remove Azide salts" (Center for Disease Control, Atlanta, Georgia, April 30, 1976.) (xi) The time required for development of bands in substrate depends on the sample. For e.g.. the
10. All materials used in the assay and samples should be disposed off in the manner that will strong positive sample shows up all the bands within 0.5 minutes whereas the weak positives
inactivate virus. may require almost 15 minutes. Therefore, stopping the reaction of the strips is entirely on the
technician’s judgement. If the strip reacted with a strong serum is left in substrate for 15
minutes, a very dark background may develop making it difficult to read the result. Such over
Handle all patient samples, positive and negative controls as potentially infectious agents.
exposed strip with complete dark background will make the bands invisible. On the other hand, if
(i) Optimal assay performance requires strict adherence to the assay procedure described in
a strip reacted with a weak serum is taken out of the substrate within two minutes, the results
the insert.
may be erroneously interpreted as negative/indeterminate. Hence a careful decision has to be
(ii) Bring all kit components and samples to room temperature before use.
made while performing the last step. However none of the strips should be left in the substrate
(iii) Do not use kit components beyond the expiration date, which is printed on the kit.
for more than 15 minutes.
(iv) Do not combine reagents from different batches during the same series, as they are optimized
for individual batch to give best result. 16.A ASSAY PROCEDURE-RAPID ASSAY
(v) Due to interchange of caps of the vials, the reagents may get contaminated. Care should be NOTE : Bring the test kit and sample to Room Temperature (20-30ºC) before use and all incubations
taken while handling the reagent caps to avoid cross contamination of the reagents. are to be carried out on a Rotary shaker (60-70 r.p.m.) at Room Temperature.
(vi) Avoid microbial and cross contamination of reagents. (i) Remove required number of strips and trays from the kit. Place one strip in each tray with
(vii) Discard the incubation tray after each use. numbered side up. Note down the strip number with respect to samples & control on the worksheet
(viii) Use only the controls provided with the kit. for correct identification. Always include strips for positive and negative controls with each run.
(ix) Use only deionized/distilled water to dilute wash buffer and diluent buffer concentrate in order ( i i ) Prepare working wash buffer according to the number of tests to be run.
to get correct results. (iii) Add 2ml of working wash buffer to each tray and incubate the strips for at least 5 minutes at room
(x) After addition of substrate, the strips must be monitored closely and continuously. temperature. Remove buffer by aspiration.
(xi) All aspirated fluid (serum/plasma/wash buffer etc.) should be discarded in a container with (iv) Prepare working diluent buffer according to the no. of tests to be run.
sodium/calcium hypochlorite solution. (v) Add 2ml of working diluent buffer to each tray, add 20µl of patient sera and controls to appropriate
(xii) One blotting powder pouch should not be used for more than 2 tests. wells.
(xiii) The working Wash Buffer and working Diluent Buffer prepared during assay should be used (vi) Cover trays and incubate for 1 hr. at room temperature (25-30ºC) on a Rotary Shaker. Take care
within 24 hours when stored at 2-8ºC. to mark the cover also, to prevent interchange of covers which may lead to cross contamination.
(xiv) The cap of the plastic container should be tightly closed after removing the required no. of stips. (vii) Carefully remove covers, aspirate solution completely from tray and discard into sodium/calcium
(xv) Unused strips should be stored at 2-8oC, with dessicant in plastic container and seal the hypochlorite solution or any suitable disinfectant.
plastic container in an aluminium pouch with clamp & rod. Stips are stable for (viii) Wash each strip with 2ml working wash buffer 3 times for 5 minutes each with shaking.
90 days at 2-8ºC from the date of opening of sealed pouch, when stored with desicant along (ix) Prepare working conjugate solution according to the number of tests to be run.
with clamp & rod. (x) Add 2 ml. of working conjugate solution to each tray. Cover tray with corresponding cover and
(xvi) Always keep the substrate bottle tightly closed. incubate on Rotary Shaker for 1 hour. Never interchange the cover of trays to avoid contamination.
(xi) Aspirate conjugate, wash each strip with 2 ml working wash buffer 4 times for 5 minutes each
with shaking. Aspirate wash solution completely from the tray at the end of the last washing.
Bring all reagents to room temperature (20-30o C) before use.
(xii) Add 2 ml. substrate solution to each tray, cover tray and incubate for 0.5-15 minutes away from
A) Prepare the following reagents just before starting assay procedure and use within 24 hrs.
the light preferably in dark till bands develop. Make a careful decision to decide the time of
a. Preparation of Working Wash Buffer: For each strip 20ml working wash buffer is required.
incubation from 0.5 min. to 15 min.
Dilute 1ml, wash buffer concentrate (20X) to 20ml with distilled water and mix well. (Mix 1ml. of
(xiii) Continue to observe the reaction till gp160/gp120/gp41 appear and stop the reaction after their
Wash Buffer Concentrate (20x) with 19ml. of deionized/ distilled water)
appearances so as to avoid excessive background making the observation difficult.
b. Preparation of Sample and Conjugate Diluent Buffer: The working diluent buffer is used at
However, in case the above bands do not appear, then continue the reaction upto the point
sample and conjugate dilution step only. Please refer Table 1 given below for amount of reagent
(a) before strong background is formed on the strip
to be prepared for different number of strips. For the preparation of the working diluent buffer, take
(b) upto 15 minutes, whichever is earlier.
the required volume of diluent buffer concentrate (10X) and add required volume of distilled water
(xiv) Aspirate substrate, add distilled water and wash strips to stop the reaction. Remove the strips
to this concentrate. Then add required amount of blotting powder using the measuring spoon
on paper towels and mount on worksheet keeping numbered side up. Observe band pattern and
only given in the kit. Mix the working diluent buffer properly before use.
grade the results. For storage keep strips in dark.
B) Preparation of working conjugate: It should be prepared fresh just before use. Dilute enzyme
conjugate 1:100 with working diluent buffer. e.g. add 20µl of conjugate (100x) to 2ml of working 16.B. ASSAY PROCEDURE-OVERNIGHT ASSAY
diluent buffer. NOTE : Bring the test kit and sample to Room Temperature (20-30ºC) before use and all incubations
C) Substrate Solution: Substrate solution is ready to use. Pipette required volume directly from bottle are to be carried out on a Rotary Shaker (60-70 r.p.m.) at Room Temperature.
using a clean pipette and cap tightly after use.
Overnight assay procedure reduces number of indeterminate interpretations for detection of weak (d) Note down the bands visible on your strip in HIV 1&2 Western Blot report sheet. Interpret the
and early sero-conversion sample, as more time is available for antigen-antibody reaction. results as per Table 3.
(i) Remove required number of strips and trays from the kit. Place One strip in each tray with (e) Sometimes green colour tinge may be observed at p24 & p51/55 band with strong positive
number side up. Note down the strip number with respect to samples and control on the work samples or when strip is overexposed for longer period after addition of substrate. However
sheet for correct Identification. Always include strips for positive and negative controls with this does not interfere/affect the accuracy of results.
each run. (f) HIV-2 indicated band alongwith serum control band should be observed on the strip with HIV-2
( i i ) Prepare working wash buffer according to the number of tests to be run. sample as shown in in (Fig. 3-c)
(iii) Add 2ml of working wash buffer to each tray and incubate the strips for at least 5 minutes at (g) The results should be interpreted as positive, indeterminate, negative or invalid.
room temperature. Remove buffer by aspiration. TABLE-3
(iv) Prepare working diluent buffer according to the no. of tests to be run.
(v) Add 2ml of working diluent buffer to each tray, add 20µl of patient sera and controls to respective INTERPRETATION PATTERN
trays. POSITIVE : HIV-1 POSITIVE a). 2 ENV + 1GAG (p17, p24, p55)
(vi) Cover trays and incubate for overnight (16-20 hrs), at room temperature (25-30ºC) on a Rotary (either of 2 ENV; gp160, gp41, gp120 ) or 1POL (p31, p51, p66)
Shaker. Take care to mark the cover also to prevent interchange of covers which may lead to
HIV-1 POSITIVE b). 2 ENV + 1GAG (p17, p24, p55)
cross contamination. with HIV-2 (either of 2 ENV; gp160, gp41, gp120) or 1 POL (p31, p51, p66)
(vii) Follow step 16.A. (vii) to step (xiv) as mentioned above in RAPID ASSAY PROCEDURE. INDICATED + HIV-2 Band
HIV-1 NEGATIVE with Only Control band + HIV-2 BAND
The Western blot assay protocol is summarised in the flow chart below: INDETERMINATE a). 1 ENV + 1GAG + 1POL
Strip + 2ml working wash buffer per strip (either of 1 ENV; gp160, (p17, p24) (p31)
➪ ➪

gp41, gp120)
Incubate for 5 min. on rotary shaker & Aspirate wash buffer
Viral Specific bands present b). GAG (p17, p24) + POL (p31)

Strip+2ml of working diluent buffer per strip + 20µl but pattern does not meet c). Only GAG (p17, p24)
serum/plasma per strip the criteria for POSITIVE d). Only POL (p31)
➪ ➪

INDETERMINATE with Viral Specific bands present but pattern does not meet
Incubate for 1 hr./ Overnight (16-20 hrs.) on rotary shaker. HIV-2 Indicated the criteria for POSITIVE + HIV-2 BAND
NEGATIVE Only control band or control band with p51/ 55/ p66 band
Wash 3 times with 2 ml working
wash buffer per strip for 5 minutes each on rotary shaker. INVALID No Control band
➪ ➪ ➪

Important Note:
Add 2 ml of working conjugate per strip.
Please carefully read the ESSENTIAL POINTS TO CONSIDER FOR INTERPRETATION before declaring
the results.
Incubate for 1 hour on rotary shaker.
Wash 4 times with 2 ml working (i) If the sample shows indeterminate results with 1 hour procedure. Repeat the test with overnight
wash buffer per strip for 5 minutes each on rotary shaker. procedure.

(ii) Overexposed test strips.

Add 2ml ready to use substrate per strip. a. Dark colour background.
Incubate for 0.5-15 min. b. Greenish tinge on the bands as p24, p55/51 & p66 due to overexposure of strips to substrate

buffer. Repeat the test avoiding the over exposure.

Wash the strip with distilled water & Read Results
17. QUALITY CONTROL WITH EVERY RUN 1. The presence of gp160/gp120+p24 is a strong indication
Use of negative and positive controls is recommended with every run irrespective of the number of for sero conversion (Interpretative Western Blot criteria for
samples being tested. For the results to be considered valid, the following conditions must be met. HIV-WHO, 1999).
1. Negative control 2. Some serum samples (due to their specific characteristic) gp160
No HIV-1 & HIV-2 specific bands should be observed on the negative control strips. Only the band for may result INDETERMINATE using 1 hour testing procedure. gp120
serum control should be visible (Fig. 3-b). Such samples must be retested on overnight procedure to
2. Positive control know the exact status of the samples.
Almost all the virus specific bands at positions gp160, gp120, p66, p55/51, gp41, p31, p24 & p17 3. There is also a high molecular weight nonspecific band
specific band should be visible along with the serum control band as seen in (Fig. 3-a) (can be used above 160 KD that is presumed to be a GAG-POL precursor p66
as a guide for relative positioning of the bands). protein. This is seen with some high
18A. READING & INTERPRETATION OF RESULTS titered HIV-1/HIV-2 or indeterminate (GAG reactive only) p51/
The presence or absence of antibodies to HIV-1, in a serum sample is determined by comparing sera but the band pattern is a sharp discreet band which 55
each strip with the negative and positive control strips. The description of the various bands is given is different from the diffuse band of ENV gp160.
below: 4. Sometimes, reactivity of sera to bands that do not gp41
Description of bands observed on strip reacted with positive control correspond to HIV-l antigen may occur. This is due to
autoantibodies cross reactive with cellular proteins in the
Molecular Gene Antigen Description
molecular weight range of 70K, 51-55K, 43K (i.e. HLA,
Wt. (kDa.)
actin, myosin) found in the mammalian host cells used
gp160 ENV Polymeric form of gp 41 Broad diffused band
to propagate the HIV-1 virus.
gp120 ENV Outer membrane 5. Most positive sera will react to most of its protein bands, p31
p 66 POL Reverse Transcriptase Discreet band but at early and late stage of the infection, an HIV infected
p 55 GAG Precursor protein Fused person may lose reactivity to one or more of the bands.
p 51 POL Reverse Transcriptase Spread band/Single band 6. Low risk individuals may have indeterminate reactions on
gp 41 ENV Transmembrane Appears as 2-3 the blot in the regions corresponding to p24 & p55.
different bands/diffused band 7. Persons immediately after sero-conversion may display
p 31 POL Endonuclease Single band incomplete band patterns but when followed for a period
of two to six months, evolve a complete band pattern. p17
p 24 GAG Core Protein Broad Band
8. Antibodies to p24 are in excess during the early
p 17 GAG Core Protein Broad Band
asymptomatic stage. The onset and progression of the
18B. HOW TO INTERPRET disease is preceded by marked decrease in antibody.
(a) Align your strip with serum control band keeping the numbered end of the strip at the bottom 9. Antibodies to p31 could be low due to poor immunogenicity
shown in the figure. Validate that the serum control band is visible. of this antigen.
If the control band is not seen, the results should be considered invalid as this indicates 10. Some specimens might continue to show absence of gp41 HIV-2
technical error like not adding serum, conjugate or substrate. It could also be due to strip/kit band because antibodies to gp41 may react with gp120


deterioration not maintaining cold chain i.e. 2-8oC temperature. or gp160 instead of their own corresponding antigen. gp41
(b) Star t reading the strip above control band form high molecular weight bands downward. Locate also undergoes polymerisation, therefore, antibodies to Fig. (3-a) Fig. (3-b) Fig. (3-c)
gp160/gp120/gp41/p24 and other bands. these multimeric forms may not recognise the monomeric HIV -1 HIV HIV-2
(c) Align your developed strip with band monitor scale provided in the kit by matching the Control form i.e. gp41. Thus the presence or absence of any band POSITIVE NEGATIVE POSITIVE
Band on the scale with Control Band on the developed strip. This scale is intended as an aid in a typical patient depends upon the stage of infection,
for identification of protein bands. Protein bands are usually at a proportional distance similar the titre of individual antibodies and their intrinsic proper ties of polymerisation.
but not necessarily exact to that on the scale.
11. Infected patients with malignancies and patients receiving immunosuppressive drugs may fail 21. TROUBLE SHOOTING CHART
to develop a positive reaction. TROUBLE POSSIBLE REASONS SOLUTION
12. p24 antibodies level decrease with time in advance stage of infection as shown in the graph 1. Dark Spots develop on 1. Contamination of test samples by bacteria. Use fresh sample
(pink colour line) in fig. 1. Hence in advance stages of the infection, the p24 band on the HIV strips. 2. Immune complexes in aged test sample
Western Blot strip may either be light or absent. are precipitating out.
13. The cross reactivity of HIV-2 is variable but typically shows reactivity with GAG and/or POL 2. Bands do not develop or 1. Positive control may have degraded. 1. Test positive control by ELISA.
antigens. However the cross reactivity with envelope bands is rare. show up weak. O.D. should be above 1.0
14. The HIV-2 band on the strip is just an indicative band and its intensity will be less than serum 2. Conjugate may have degraded or improper 2. Check the conjugate & prepare
control band. conjugate dilution. the dilution carefully
15. Since reactivity of any degree with any of the virus-specific proteins identified on the strip is 3. Regents may not have mixed correctly. 3. Mix reagents thoroughly before use.
presumptive evidence of antibodies to HIV-1, any such results (Indeterminate) must be taken 4. Substrate may have oxidised. 4. Substrate bottle cap should be tightly
as suspicious and should trigger Repeat testing and Follow-up testing. The corrective evaluation closed after every use.
in such situations must be based on subsequent blot testing and clinical evaluation. 5. Sample may be too diluted/inactivated/ 5. Use fresh sample without dilution.
19. LIMITATIONS OF THE PROCEDURE 6. Test sample may have been ELISA “False” 6. Repeat ELISA
The test must be performed in strict adherence to the assay procedure and instructions to obtain positive.
reproducible results. 3. Non-specific bands 1. Sample has antibodies which cross-react See ESSENTIAL POINTS TO CONSIDER
1. Although a blot positive for antibodies to HIV-1 indicates infection with the virus but diagnosis of develop and not HIV-2 with non-specific proteins on the strip FOR INTERPRETATION.
AIDS can only be made clinically if a person meets the case definition of AIDS established by indicative 2. Sample cross reacts with other cellular
the World Health Organisation or other relevant authorities. proteins present in viral preparation.
2. It is recommended that all indeterminate blots be repeated using original specimen and sequential 4. Strong background 1. Overdeveloped strips. 1. Stop reaction sooner.
samples. Blood donors with an indeterminate blot should be retested using a fresh specimen develops on strip in the 2. Incomplete washing. 2. Wash thoroughly.
after two to six months. presence or absence of
3. It is also known that antibodies to p24 and p31 decrease during the course of AIDS, leading to a positive bands.
shift in blot interpretation from positive to indeterminate. Indetermination of results should then 5. Absence of serum 1. Serum sample or conjugate or substrate Test should be considered invalid and
be based on subsequent blot testing and clinical evaluations in such situations. control band not added. repeated taking all precautions.
4. gp41: Antibodies to gp41 may appear on the strip as (a) single band or may appear as (b) two separate 2. Omission of any step in test procedure Follow the procedure meticulously and
bands or may appear as (c) three separate bands, depending upon antibody concentration in the repeat assay.
sample. This is because gp41 antibodies are having tendency to aggregate. 3. Strips flipped over during assay. Ensure numbered side on the strip is
5. Due to its highly specific nature, non-reactivity of samples with HIV-2 specific antigen on an indeterminate up while performing washing and /
viral blot, does not exclude the possibility of infection with other strains of HIV-2. Samples that are or adding reagent into the tray.
indicated as HIV-2 infections should be further tested with a HIV-2 Western Blot Kit. 6. Bands other than the Tray wells or assay reagents may have 1. Change tips for every addition/
6. HIV-1 & HIV-2 viruses share, many morphological and biological characteristics. It is likely that due to serum control band been cross contaminated. aspiration to avoid cross contamination.
this, their antibodies have a cross reactivity of 30-70% develop with negative 2. Mark tray covers as well to avoid any
control. mix up.
Several known (ELISA positive sera /plasma samples as well as sera from known control subjects) and 22. REFERENCES
unknown sera/body fluids were tested on different batches of strips. 1. Towbin, H., T. Staehlin and J. Gordon (1979) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., USA, 76,4350-4354.
A total of 476 samples from different hospitals at Mumbai were tested initially at the Virology Laboratory, 2. Gallo, R.C. (1987) Scientific American, Jan,47.
Cancer Research Institute, Mumbai. These samples included mainly sera but also included milk from HIV 3. Samgadharan, M.G., F. Veronese, S. Lee, R.C. Gallo, (1985). Cancer Res., 45, 4574S- 4577S.
positive mothers, CSF from HIV positive children with neurological complications as well as sera from healthy 4. Tedder, R.S., A. Hughes, T. Corrah et al (1988) Lancet, 11, 927-930.
volunteers. However, finally 250 coded sera originating from five different national institutes (National Institute 5. Chiang, C.S., T. Grove, M. Cooper et al (1989). ClinIcal. Chem., 35, 946-952.
of Communicable Diseases, New Delhi; PGIMER, Chandigarh; Christian Medical College, Vellore; National 6. Aldovini, A. and B.D. Walker (EDS.) (1990). Techniques in HIV Research. Stockton Press, New York.
AIDS Research Institute, Pune and National Institute of Cholera and Enteric Diseases, Calcutta) were sent by 7. Bottiger, B., A, Karlsson, F. Andreasson et al (1990) J.Virol., 64, 3492-3499.
Dept of Biotechnology (DBT), Govt. of India, New Delhi. 8. Chattopadhyay, D. R. K. Aggarwal and S. Kumari (1996). Clinical and Diagnostic Virol., 7, 35-42.
Results were compared with those obtained by the source institutes and the sensitivity & specificity were
evaluated. The results showed 100% sensitivity & 100% specificity. This compares excellently with the major 23. HIV 1&2 WESTERN BLOT REPORT SHEET
Kit Lot No: ___________ Technician: _______________ Source: _____________ TABLE-5
commercially available kit performances.
The specificity of HIV 1&2 Western Blot was also checked with normal sera and sera with other viral infections. Run Sample Core Antigens Endonuclease Envelope Antigens Serum HIV-2 Comments
The results showed 100% Specificity. Date No. (GAG) Polymerase Antigens (ENV) Control Specific
(POL) Band Band
Specificity of HIV 1& 2 Western Blot with sera of normal donor & sera with other viral infections
p17 p24 p55 p31 p51 p66 gp41 gp120 gp160
Type of serum samples* Number HIV 1&2 Wester Blot
Positive Indeterminate Negative
Normal Donors 200 0 0 200
Rheumatoid Ar thritis (RA) 1 0 0 1
Antistreptolysin ‘O’ (ASO) 1 0 0 1
C-reactive protein (CRP) 1 0 0 1
Syphilis 3 0 0 3
Mycobacterium tuberculosis** 25 0 0 25
Herpes-simplex 1 0 0 1
Cytomegalo virus (CMV) 7 0 0 7
Rubella 2 0 0 2
Hepatitis B Virus 4 0 0 4
Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma (NHL) 7 0 0 7
Hodgkin’s Lymphoma (HL) 2 0 0 2
Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML) 4 0 0 4 This is a suggested specimen of the HIV 1&2 Western Blot REPORT SHEET which the user can prepare on their
Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) 3 0 0 3 own record sheets.
Multiple Myeloma 1 0 0 1

* Tested in Cancer Research Institute, Mumbai

** p55 band was detected in 12 tuberculosis serum samples.

2. The performance of HIV 1&2 Western Blot was also evaluated in clinical studies and compared to one
licenced Western Blot test. The results are as follows:
No. of ELISA HIV 1&2 Western Blot Licenced Western Blot

Samples +ve -ve +ve Id* -ve +ve Id* -ve

92 88 4 75 17 - 74 18 -

88 - 88 - 2 86 - 2 86 in vitro diagnostic Reagent, not for medicinal use

*Id : Indeterminate
J. Mitra & Co. Pvt. Ltd.
Rev. Date: Aug.-20

The HIV 1&2 Western Blot was positive in 74/74 of cases identified as positive by Licenced Western Blot test,
A 180-181, Okhla Ind. Area, Ph-1, New Delhi-110 020, INDIA

demonstrating 100% sensitivity. The HIV 1&2 Western Blot also showed 100% specificity when compared
with Licenced Western Blot test. Phone: +91-11-47130300, 500, 26818971-73
e-mail: Internet:

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