Polymers: Chitosan: An Overview of Its Properties and Applications
Polymers: Chitosan: An Overview of Its Properties and Applications
Polymers: Chitosan: An Overview of Its Properties and Applications
Chitosan: An Overview of Its Properties and Applications
Inmaculada Aranaz 1,2 , Andrés R. Alcántara 1 , Maria Concepción Civera 1 , Concepción Arias 1 ,
Begoña Elorza 1 , Angeles Heras Caballero 1,2 and Niuris Acosta 1,2, *
Abstract: Chitosan has garnered much interest due to its properties and possible applications. Every
year the number of publications and patents based on this polymer increase. Chitosan exhibits poor
solubility in neutral and basic media, limiting its use in such conditions. Another serious obstacle is
directly related to its natural origin. Chitosan is not a single polymer with a defined structure but a
family of molecules with differences in their composition, size, and monomer distribution. These
properties have a fundamental effect on the biological and technological performance of the polymer.
Moreover, some of the biological properties claimed are discrete. In this review, we discuss how
chitosan chemistry can solve the problems related to its poor solubility and can boost the polymer
properties. We focus on some of the main biological properties of chitosan and the relationship with
Citation: Aranaz, I.; Alcántara, A.R.;
the physicochemical properties of the polymer. Then, we review two polymer applications related to
Civera, M.C.; Arias, C.; Elorza, B.;
green processes: the use of chitosan in the green synthesis of metallic nanoparticles and its use as
Heras Caballero, A.; Acosta, N.
Chitosan: An Overview of Its
support for biocatalysts. Finally, we briefly describe how making use of the technological properties
Properties and Applications. Polymers of chitosan makes it possible to develop a variety of systems for drug delivery.
2021, 13, 3256. https://doi.org/
10.3390/polym13193256 Keywords: chitosan; chitin; biological activity; drug delivery; antioxidant; antimicrobial; metallic
nanoparticles; biocatalysis
Academic Editors: Rebeca
Hernandez Velasco,
David Mecerreyes, Rafael Antonio
Balart Gimeno, Ana 1. Introduction
María Díez-Pascual, Vicente
Chitin and its deacetylated derivative, chitosan, are a family of linear polysaccharides
Compañ Moreno and Angels Serra
composed of varying amounts of (β1→4) linked residues of N-acetyl-2 amino-2-deoxy-
D-glucose (glucosamine, GlcN) and 2-amino-2-deoxy-D-glucose (N-acetyl-glucosamine,
Received: 30 August 2021
Accepted: 22 September 2021
GlcNAc) residues. Chitosan is soluble in aqueous acidic media via primary amine protona-
Published: 24 September 2021
tion. In contrast, in chitin, the number of acetylated residues is high enough to prevent the
polymer for dissolving in aqueous acidic media.
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral
Chitin is a very abundant biopolymer that can be found in the exoskeleton of crustacea,
with regard to jurisdictional claims in
insect’s cuticles, algae and in the cell wall of fungi. Chitosan is less frequent in nature
published maps and institutional affil- occurring in some fungi (Mucoraceae). Historically, commercial chitosan samples were
iations. mainly produced from chemical deacetylation of chitin from crustacean sources. More
recently, chitosan from fungi is gaining interest in the market, driven by vegan demands.
Moreover, these samples are better controlled in terms of low viscosity and exhibit a very
high deacetylation degree [1]. Production from insect cuticles is also gaining interest,
Copyright: © 2021 by the authors.
driven by the increased interest in protein production from these sources.
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
The interest in chitin and chitosan relies on the myriad biological and technological
This article is an open access article
properties exhibited by these polymers (Table 1). However, these properties are tightly
distributed under the terms and related to the physicochemical properties of the polymers (mainly molecular weight and
conditions of the Creative Commons acetylation degree) [2]. Therefore, when working with chitin and chitosan a good and com-
Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// pleted polymer characterization is mandatory. Several methodologies have been described
creativecommons.org/licenses/by/ to characterize chitin, chitosan and chitooligosaccharides, a description of which is far from
4.0/). the objective of this paper—but for interested readers, we recommend publications [3,4].
Property/Activity Reference
Mucoadhesive [5,6]
Anti-inflammatory [7]
Antioxidant [8]
Antimicrobial [9]
Antifungal [10]
Antihyperglycemic [11]
Antitumoral [7–12]
Wound healing [13]
Chitosan is the only polycation in nature and its charge density depends on the degree
of acetylation and pH of the media. The solubility of the polymer depends on the acetylation
degree and molecular weight. Chitosan oligomers are soluble over a wide pH range, from
acidic to basic ones (i.e., physiological pH 7.4). On the contrary, chitosan samples with
higher Mw are only soluble in acidic aqueous media even at high deacetylation degrees.
This lack of solubility at neutral and basic pH has hindered the use of chitosan in some
applications under neutral physiological conditions (i.e., pH 7.4). This is the reason why a
great number of chitosan derivatives with enhanced solubility have been synthetized.
In 2019, the global chitosan market size was valued at USD 6.8 billion, and it is ex-
pected to expand at a revenue based CAGR of 24.7% between 2020 and 2027. The drivers for
the market’s growth are the increasing application of the polymer in water treatment and
several high-value industries such as the pharmaceutical, biomedical, cosmetics and food
industries [14]. Some of the interest areas identified include the modification of the poly-
mers to extend their applicability; knowledge of the mechanisms involved in the biological
activity of chitosan, chitosan derivatives and chitooligosaccharides; and the in-depth study
of chitosanolytic and chitinolytic enzymes presented in different microorganisms [15].
This review aims to provide readers with a general overview of the state of the art
of chitosan science, covering different aspects such as polymer chemistry, biological and
technological properties and applications in drug delivery and as a biocatalyst.
glucosamine moieties. On the contrary, a reduction in the crystallinity was observed in the
half-acetylated sample. The use of hydrogen bond disruptors such as urea or guanidine
hydrochloride also alters the solubility window of chitosan. In fact, by a combination of
chemical and physical disruption of the hydrogen bonds, broad solubility is achieved.
2.2. Viscosity
The viscosity of polymers is a parametre of great interest from the technological point
of view since highly viscous solutions are difficult to manage. Moreover, viscometry is
a powerful tool for determining chitosan’s molecular weight, as it is a simple and rapid
method even though it is not an absolute method, therefore requiring the determination of
constants that are specific to the solvent. The average molecular weight is determined by the
Mark–Houwink–Sakurada equation, which relates this parametre with the intrinsic viscosity:
η = KMv α (1)
where K and α are constants that must be determined experimentally. Several values
of K and α have been reported depending on the solvent composition, pH, and ionic
strength [20]. Chitosan viscosity depends on the molecular weight of the polymer and
deacetylation degree and decreases as the molecular weight of chitosan is reduced. In fact,
viscosity can be used to determine the stability of the polymer in solution, as a reduction
is observed during polymer storage due to polymer degradation [21]. Shear viscosity
increases with chitosan deacetylation degree. The shear viscosity at the same rate was
studied in two samples with different deacetylation degrees (91% vs. 75%) and represented
versus intrinsic viscosity [22]; it was reported that shear viscosity was larger for those
samples with the highest deacetylation degree; when the curves were evaluated, straight
lines were observed in both chitosan samples This is explained due to the nature of chitosan,
as this polymer is a cationic polyelectrolyte because of the amine protonation in acidic
media. Therefore, the higher the DD, the larger chain expansion is expected, as more
glucosamine units are found in the polymer chain, leading to a greater charge density in
this sample. In order to modulate chitosan viscosity, the addition of different co-solvents
has been evaluated; in this sense, Kassai et al. [20] studied the effect of the addition of
isopropanol and ethanol to a chitosan solution in 1% acetic acid, reporting that the presence
of the cosolvents decreased the intrinsic viscosity of the polymer.
3. Chemistry of Chitosan
As seen in Figure 1, the reactive groups found in chitosan are a primary amino
group (C2) and primary and secondary hydroxyl groups (C6, C3). Glycosidic bonds and
the acetamide group can also be considered functional groups. These functional groups
allow for a great number of modifications, producing polymers with new properties
and behaviours.
Chitosan derivatives have been produced, aiming to improve chitosan’s properties,
such as solubility or biodegradability, or to introduce new functions or properties. For
instance, solubility has been improved in water aqueous media by deacetylation, de-
polymerization, or quaternisation among other processes [23]. New chitosan activities
have been reported after its modification, for example, 6-O-sulphated chitosan promotes
neuronal differentiation while phosphorylated chitosan inhibits corrosion [24,25].
Polymers 2021, 13, 3256 4 of 27
Polymers 2021, 13, 3256 4 of 28
Figure 1. Functional groups in chitosan’s structure that are able to be chemically modified.
Figure 2.
Figure 2. Scheme
Scheme of
of phosphorylated
phosphorylated chitosan
chitosan derivative
derivative synthesis.
This N-methylene
This N-methylene phosphonic
phosphonic chitosan
chitosan isis soluble
soluble inin water
water and
and keeps
keeps the
properties of thethe parent
chitosan.With With a similar
a similar methodology,
methodology, a soluble
a soluble in water
in water N-
ylenephenyl phosphonicphosphonic chitosan
chitosan hashas been
been produced[27].
produced [27].Additionally,
Additionally, the surfactant
derivative N-lauryl-N-methylene
derivative N-lauryl-N-methylene phosphonic
phosphonic chitosan
chitosan waswas produced
produced via viaN-alkylation
N-alkylationof of
Figure 2. Scheme phosphonic
phosphonic chitosan
of phosphorylated [28]. This
[28]. This
chitosan derivative
derivative has a lower solubility in aqueous
has a lower solubility in aqueous
media compared to N-methylenephosphonic
to N-methylene phosphonicchitosan
chitosan butbut better
better solubility
solubility in organic
in organic me-
dia and and forms
N-methylene micelles. N-methylene
N-methylene chitosanphosphonic
is soluble
phosphonic N-methylene
in water and
N-methylene carboxylic
keeps the
carboxylic chitosan
chitosan has
properties obtained
of the
obtained in water-soluble
inparent chitosan.
water-soluble With
form form using
a similar
using N-methylene
N-methylene aphosphonic
phosphonicsoluble chitosan
in water
chitosan and and
ylenephenyl acid.
ylic acid. The The polymer
polymer maintains
maintains thehas the filmogenic
filmogenicproduced properties
properties[27]. ofchitosan
parent the
of parent chitosan
and, and,
derivative of the presence of
of the presence multidentate ligands,
of multidentate ligands, its use
its usechitosan as a bivalent
was produced
as a bivalent metal chelating agent
via N-alkylation
metal chelating agent is pro-of
is proposed
[29]. [29].
posed phosphonic chitosan [28]. This derivative has a lower solubility in aqueous
media Although
compared thetouse of chitosan
N-methylene as a gene chitosan
phosphonic carrier hasbutbeen
solubilitythe use of this
in organic me-
biopolymer for this application is limited due to a relatively low
dia and forms micelles. N-methylene phosphonic N-methylene carboxylic chitosan transgenic efficacy. Phos-
been obtained derivatives have shown
in water-soluble formbetter
N-methylene(transfection was improved
phosphonic chitosan 100-
and glyox-
fold) and The
ylic acid. therefore
polymer are maintains
more suitable than chitosan
the filmogenic to this end.
properties Moreover,
of parent phosphorylated
chitosan and, because
derivatives also exhibit and improve metal ion chelating activity when
of the presence of multidentate ligands, its use as a bivalent metal chelating agent is compared topro-
parent chitosan
posed [29]. [30,31].
Due to the presence of cleavage glycosidic bonds, it is possible to degrade chitosan,
thus reducing its molecular weight. As previously mentioned, the control of chitosan
Polymers 2021, 13, 3256 5 of 27
since no glucosamine was detected. It showed selectivity through A-A and A-D, resulting
in products having A monomers at the reducing end [41].
Neutral protease degraded chitosan in a manner dependent on the deacetylation
degree. The higher the DD, the higher the Km and the lower the Vmax. During degradation,
a reduction in the DD of the recovered LMW chitosans was observed. An analysis of the
partially hydrolysed chitosan revealed that the enzyme degraded D-D and A-D β-1,4-
glycosidic linkages, producing a mixture of hetero oligosaccharides carrying an A residue
at the reducing end [42]. The same authors have studied the effect of the chitosan molecular
weight in the enzymatic activity since this parametre affects its chain flexibility in solution,
which in turn may affect its affinity for the enzyme in hydrolysis reactions. Their results
showed a lower affinity of the enzyme with a slower degradation rate when high molecular
weight chitosan samples were tested [43].
Hemicellulase, an enzyme related to the degradation of hemicellulose, has proven its
ability to reduce chitosan molecular weight in a manner that depends on the deacetylation
degree of the chitosan, rendering lower molecular weight samples when a chitosan sample
with a DD of 85% was tested. Dimers, trimers, tetramers, pentamers and hexamers were
observed after 4 hours of reaction, and the enzyme was considered endo-acting since no
N-acetylglucosamine was detected [44].
Lipases have also proved their ability to hydrolysate chitosan, although the degra-
dation rates are slower than the ones reported by other enzymes such as proteases or
hemicellulose. Controlling reaction temperature, a commercial lipase rendered low molec-
ular weight samples or chitooligosaccharides [45,46]. This lipase acted following both exo
and endo cleavage mode. The presence of D end products indicates that it acted on chitosan
in an exo-type mode while the sharp reduction in viscosity during the hydrolysis indicates
that an endo splitting occurred in the initial hydrolysis stage. Therefore, by controlling the
reaction time the final products can be led to oligomers with high DP or monomers. The
polymer polydispersity depended on the used enzyme, lipase from wheat germ rendered
samples with very wide molecular weight while lipase from R. japonicus exhibited better
control over polydispersity [47].
The data previously showed that it is possible to somehow select the degradation
products (LMW chitosans or oligosaccharides) by selecting the appropriate methodology
(Table 2). As we can see in some sections of this review, specific biological and technological
behaviour of chitosan degradation products depends not only on the method (physical,
chemical, or enzymatic) selected to degrade the chitosan but also on the type of chemical
or enzyme used for these processes. This effect is more related to the degraded polymer
pattern rather than to the size or acetylation degree of the samples.
4. Biological Properties
Chitin, chitosan, oligosaccharides, and derivatives exert many biological activities
including antitumoral, antimicrobial, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory activities, which
could be used as therapeutic polymers. It is remarkable that up today chitosan and chitosan
hydrochloride are only accepted as excipients by the regulatory agencies and not as a drug
for the treatment of diseases.
Polymers 2021, 13, 3256 7 of 27
reduction in cell membrane permeability due to polymer coating on the surface of the cells
that blocks cell access to nutrients. This process occurs due to the interaction of -NH2 groups
from chitosan chains with -COO- groups on the external cell membranes of microorganisms.
Therefore, the antimicrobial activity depends on the acetylation degree. It has also been
hypothesized that chitosan can penetrate the cells and block RNA transcription as a result
of adsorption with bacterial DNA [9]. Most likely, these mechanisms are not mutually
exclusive, and several events are related to cell growth inhibition.
Intrinsic factors affecting the antimicrobial chitosan activity are due to the polymer
characteristics such as Mw, acetylation degree, polymer viscosity, or polymer concentration.
The solvent used to dissolve the polymer also affects its behaviour. We have observed that
typical solvents used to dissolve chitosan such as acetic acid, citric acid, or buffers such as
AcOH-NaAc exert some antimicrobial activity per se (unpublished results). Other factors
with great impact on the antimicrobial activity are related to the tested microorganism,
growth media, pH, temperature, ionic strength, or physiological state of the cells.
The effect of polymer size is controversial. Some studies claim that the antimicrobial
activity of chitosan improves with the polymer size and have found that oligosaccharides
have lower antimicrobial activity [67–69]. When comparing chitooligosaccharides, those
showing higher DP exhibited higher antimicrobial activity [70]. Moreover, Tokura and
co-workers reported that chemically produced chitooligosaccharides of 2200 Da not only
had no antimicrobial activity but also served as growth accelerators of E. coli, while a
sample with 9300 Da inhibited bacterial growth [71]. On the contrary, other studies showed
better antimicrobial activity for a lower molecular weight chitosan sample (55 kDa) than a
higher one (155 kDa); in the same study when a sample of 90 kDa was tested a promotion
of bacterial growth was observed [72]. In another study, different tendencies were observed
depending on the pH of the media. In acidic pH conditions, the antimicrobial activity
increased with increasing MW. However, at neutral pH, antimicrobial activity increased as
the MW decreased [73]. Even so, no trend on the effect of chitosan Mw on antimicrobial
activity has been reported [74]. Regarding acetylation degree, it seems that the lower the
acetylation degree, the better the antimicrobial activity [69,74,75].
After depolimerization of a chitosan sample (400 kDa, DD~85%) with hemicellulose,
a set of chitosan samples with similar DD and Mw ranging from 130 to 2.8 kDa and a
chitooligosacharide sample with Mw 1.4 were produced. Some of these samples were
also half-acetylated, furnishing two chitosan samples with Mw of 53 and 18 kDa, and
some chitoligosaccharides with Mw of 1.4 kDa. Both chitooligosacharides samples and the
half-acetylated samples were water soluble, while the others were not soluble in water. All
samples were tested against Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, and Candida albicans.
In this study, water soluble chitosans and oligosaccharides did not exhibit antimicrobial
activity; in fact, they promoted the growth of C. albicans. Insoluble chitosan samples
exhibited antimicrobial activity with the most pronounced effect when medium molecular
weight samples were tested (Mw 78–48 kDa) [76].
Our group has studied the antimicrobial activity of low molecular weight chitosans
and oligosaccharides produced by enzymatic degradation in order to determine if the poly-
mer pattern has some effect on this activity. Chitooligosaccharides were produced by two
different processes; thus, in process P1 chitosan was enzymatically depolymerized with
chitosanase, while in process P2 the sample was depolymerized in a two-step process with
HNO2 and chitosanase. The samples were tested against E coli and L. monocytogenes. COS
from P1 showed a higher capability to inhibit bacterial growth than COS from P2. In both
cases, COS were more effective at inhibiting E. coli (Gram-negative) than the Gram-positive
L. monocytogenes. Antimicrobial activity depended on the production process and com-
position and structure of COS. COS produced in a one-step enzymatic procedure showed
better antimicrobial activity than those produced in the two-step chemical–enzymatic
process even when the samples exhibited similar DA and MW [77].
P2. In both cases, COS were more effective at inhibiting E. coli (Gram-negative) than the
Gram-positive L. monocytogenes. Antimicrobial activity depended on the production
process and composition and structure of COS. COS produced in a one-step enzymatic
procedure showed better antimicrobial activity than those produced in the two-step
Polymers 2021, 13, 3256 chemical–enzymatic process even when the samples exhibited similar DA and MW [77]. 9 of 27
murine RAW 264.7 macrophages. Chitosan samples (parent, medium, and low) signifi-
cantly inhibited NO production. On the contrary, the opposite effect was observed with the
COS. The mechanism followed by the medium and low Mw chitosan to inhibited NF-κB
activation and iNOS expression differed. For medium chitosan (156 kDa) the process oc-
curred via the binding to CR3 while for low molecular weight chitosan the process occurred
via the binding to CR3 and TLR4 receptors. On the contrary, the lower molecular weight
chitosans activated NF-κB and enhanced iNOS expression by binding to CD14, TLR4, and
CR3 receptors to activate JNK signalling proteins [89]. In general, chitooligosaccharides
are studied in more detail for this application compared to chitosan, due to their better
solubility in aqueous media and better performance.
The effect of acetylation degree on the anti-inflammatory activities of COS has also
been studied. Chitooligosaccharides with MW between 0.2 and 1.2 kDa were enzymati-
cally depolymerized, depending on the enzyme, fully deacetylated (fdCOS, mainly GlcN,
(GlcN)2, (GlcN)3, and (GlcN)4), partially acetylated (paCOS: a mixture of at least 11 Cos
with different proportions of GlcNAc and GlcN), and fully acetylated (faCOS, mainly
GlcNAc, (GlcNAc)2 and (GlcNAc)3) were produced. The anti-inflammatory activity of the
three COS mixtures was studied by measuring their ability to reduce the level of TNF-α in
stimulated LPS murine macrophages (RAW 264.7). Only fdCOS and faCOS were able to
significantly reduce this factor [90,91]. The inhibition of NO secretion by COSs revealed
that 10% acetylated COS inhibited NO secretion significantly more than those with 50%
acetylation [92]. Citronellol grafted chitosan oligosaccharide derivatives have been pro-
duced to improve the anti-inflammatory activity of the oligosaccharides with degrees of
substitution of 0.165, 0.199 and 0.182, respectively. In all cases, the derivatives showed
better performance than the parent COS. These derivatives reduced the expression levels of
TNF-α by promoting the secretion of IL-4 and IL-10 and inactivated the NF-κB signalling
pathway via inhibiting the phosphorylation of p65, IKBα, and IKKβ [93].
Using the same chitosan as a starting material to produce chitooligosaccharides ren-
dered samples with different anti-inflammatory behaviour. Chitooligosaccharides (5–10 kDa,
DD: 87%) composed mainly of 42% fully deacetylated oligomers (A1-A3) plus 54% monoacety-
lated oligomers, produced by enzymatic degradation with chitosanase, attenuated the in-
flammation in lipopolysaccharide-induced mice and in RAW264.7 macrophages. On the
contrary, chitooligosaccharides (5–10 kDa, DD: 89%) from a two-step preparation (chemical
degradation followed by enzymatic degradation with chitosanase) were composed of 50%
fully deacetylated oligomers plus 27% monoacetylated oligomers (A1-A3) promoted the
inflammatory response in both in vivo and in vitro models [94]. This result shows how
small differences in the COS mixture have a strong effect on the mixture behaviour.
(Figure 4).
Data from Table 4 clearly show that the characteristics of the produced nanoparticles
depend on the method used to produce the nanoparticles and the characteristics of the
chitosan used to reduce and stabilize the metal ions. In general, due to the lack of a proper
characterization of the chitosan samples and the variety of reaction conditions used it
Polymers 2021, 13, 3256 12 of 27
is very difficult to relate chitosan properties with the characteristics of the nanoparticles.
Recently, the effect of chitosan Mw and acetylation degree on the preparation of AuNPs
both as reducing and stabilizing agents has been analysed in detail [117]. The authors
also took into consideration the effect of polymer and gold concentration, temperature,
and reaction time. Their results showed that the chitosan acetylation degree and polymer
concentration are the main parameters affecting the size and shape of the nanoparticles.
Polymer molecular weight is related to the reductive efficiency since the reduction of the
polymer size increases the amount of reducing sugars in the media. Our group has focused
its research on the production of AgNPs using low molecular weight chitosan samples.
As previously described in this review, the characteristics of these low molecular weight
chitosan samples depend on the enzyme used to produce the samples. We hypothesised
that samples with similar Mw and acetylation degrees may exhibit different behaviour
due to the monomer pattern. Our results showed that pattern is a key parameter in
the stabilization of the AgNPs, corroborating this hypothesis [123] A chitosan sample
(538 kDa, DD 52%) with little ability to stabilize AgNPs was depolymerized with lysozyme
(fraction L) and chitosanase (fraction Q) and the resulting reaction mixture was separated
into three fractions by tangential ultrafiltration (fraction F1 (Mw > 30 kDa), fraction F2
(Mw 30–10 kDa), and fraction F3 (Mw 10–5 kDa). After depolymerization, an increase in the
DD was observed with values between 62–74%). All fractions were able to reduce the silver
ion, but relevant differences were observed in terms of stabilization (Figure 5). AgNPs
produced with chitosan samples depolymerized with chitosanase (FQ2 and FQ3) were
larger, poorly stabilized, and tended to form large aggregates visible with the naked eye. On
the contrary, AgNPs produced with chitosan depolymerized with lysozyme were smaller
and more stable in all cases. As the Mw of the fraction was reduced, the polydispersity
was also lowered. After one month, the stability of the AgNPs was evaluated and results
Polymers 2021, 13, 3256 showed that AgNPs produced with the fractions F1Q and F1L were the most appropriate 13 of 28
for nanoparticle stabilization.
Figure 5.
evaluation of
of AgNP–polymer
AgNP–polymer solutions after 5 h at 90 °C.◦ C. (A)
(A) F1Q,
F1Q, (B)
(D) F1L, (E) F2L,
F1L, (E) F2L,(F)
(G) parent
parent chitosan.
chitosan. Arrows
Arrows indicate
indicate the the presence
presence of aggregates.
of aggregates. ©
© 2021
2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland (CC BY) license
by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland (CC BY) license [123]. [123].
The AgNPs
The AgNPs produced
produced with
with lysozyme
lysozyme fractions
fractions and
and the
the higher
higher Mw
Mw fraction
fraction of
of chi-
tosanase were
tosanase were tested
tested in
in the catalytic reduction of TBO [124]. AgNPs produced through
chitosan depolymerization with lysozyme showed better performance than the sample
produced using chitosanase. Moreover, AgNPs produced with fraction F1L exhibited the
best performance in the reaction. That is, the effect of the polymer pattern goes further
than affecting optical properties and stability and differences in the catalytical behaviour
Polymers 2021, 13, 3256 13 of 27
chitosan depolymerization with lysozyme showed better performance than the sample
produced using chitosanase. Moreover, AgNPs produced with fraction F1L exhibited the
best performance in the reaction. That is, the effect of the polymer pattern goes further than
affecting optical properties and stability and differences in the catalytical behaviour was
also observed. This difference is not due to the polymer, since control reactions showed
that the polymeric fractions were not able to catalyse the reduction in TBO and therefore
the effect is solely ascribed to the AgNPs.
6. Chitosan in Biocatalysis
The use of immobilized enzymes for catalysing chemo-, regio- and/or stereoselective
chemical reactions is a very useful and well-known technique [125–142]. In this sense, the
use of chitosan for immobilizing enzymes, either as a carrier for covalent linking or as an
encapsulation vehicle, is well reported [143–149]. Our group described the production
of enantiopure D-p-hydroxyphenylglycine (D-p-HPG, Figure 6) using a multi-enzyme
Polymers 2021, 13, 3256 system containing D-hydantoinase and D-carbamoylase encapsulated in chitosan-based 14 of 28
materials [150–153].
6. Schematic
Figure 6. representationofofthe
productionofof p-hydroxyphenylglycine
p-hydroxyphenylglycine (p-HPG)
(p-HPG) starting
starting from
from a racemic
a racemic mix-
of p-hydroxyphenyl
ture hydantoin
of p-hydroxyphenyl (HPH)(HPH)
hydantoin using using
a multi-enzyme systemsystem
a multi-enzyme containing immobilized
containing D-hydantoinase
immobilized and D-car-
D-hydantoinase and
D-p-HPG (or(or simply
simply D-HPG,
D-HPG, aa D-amino
D-amino acid)
acid) is
is aa very
very useful
useful chiral
chiral synthon,
synthon, mainly
used for the preparation of different semi-synthetic antibiotics, such as amoxicillin,
used for the preparation of different semi-synthetic antibiotics, such as amoxicillin, ce-
cefadroxil, cefprozil,ororcefoperazone
fadroxil, cefprozil, cefoperazone[154–156]
(Figure6), 6),but
but also
also anticancer
anticancer drugs
drugs [157]
and some
some heterocyclic
heterocyclic compounds
compounds [158–161].
For preparing D-HPG, one of the most efficient processes is the so-called “hydan‐
toinase process”, depicted in Figure 6. This cascade of enzymatic reactions, aiming to pro‐
duce optically pure amino acids [162,163], requires an initial step catalyzed by a D-specific
hydantoinase [E.C.] to transform D-p-hydroxyphenyl hydantoin (D-HPH) into N-
carbamoyl-D-p-hydroxyphenylglycine (C-p-HPG), which should be subsequently hydro-
lyzed by a second enzyme, a highly enantiospecific N-carbamoyl amino acid amidohy-
Polymers 2021, 13, 3256 14 of 27
For preparing D-HPG, one of the most efficient processes is the so-called “hydan-
toinase process”, depicted in Figure 6. This cascade of enzymatic reactions, aiming to
produce optically pure amino acids [162,163], requires an initial step catalyzed by a D-
specific hydantoinase [E.C.] to transform D-p-hydroxyphenyl hydantoin (D-HPH)
into N-carbamoyl-D-p-hydroxyphenylglycine (C-p-HPG), which should be subsequently
hydrolyzed by a second enzyme, a highly enantiospecific N-carbamoyl amino acid amido-
hydrolase (also termed D-carbamoylase; E.C., to furnish the free amino acid. One of
the main features of the hydantoinase process derives from the spontaneous racemization
of D-HPH at pH values higher than pH 8, caused by the acidic hydrogen at position 5 of
the imidazolidine-2,4-dione ring, which allows for oxo-enol-tautomerism. This leads to a
dynamic-kinetic resolution (DKR), allowing for the use of a mixture of L-and D-HPH as
the initial substrate and a theoretical 100% conversion and 100% optically pure D-amino
acid production (Figure 6).
Both enzymes have been reported to be present in different microorganisms, such
as Agrobacterium sp., Pseudomonas sp., Arthrobacter crystallopoites, or Sinorhizobium
morelense [151], and can be used either as whole cells, crude cell extracts, or purified
enzymes (see Aranaz et al. [151] and references therein). If using isolated enzymes, im-
mobilization is an excellent strategy for stabilizing the enzymatic cocktail due to the fact
that D-hydantoinases are quite stable but D-carbamoylases display low thermostability
and are prone to suffer oxidative degradations. In this sense, different protocols have
been described (see Aranaz et al. [151] and references therein), and our group described
how a multi-enzyme extract from Agrobacterium radiobacter rich in D-hydantoinase and
N-carbamoyl-D-amino acid amidohydrolase was easily immobilized via adsorption on
chitin and chitosan for its application in the synthesis of p-hydroxyphenylglycine [153]. In
fact, this adsorption derivative on chitin showed higher activity compared to the covalent
one, and much greater pH stability compared to the soluble multi-enzymatic extract; on
the other hand, the adsorption derivative exhibited greater pH-stability in the pH range
under study, showing higher activity at low temperatures. Anyhow, as the immobilized
derivatives could not be properly reused, we developed a new strategy based on the
encapsulation of a crude cell extract from the same microorganism, containing both en-
zymes, in alginate beads [164]. This biocatalyst could be reused six times in the presence of
solid HPH particles in a stirred batch reactor without losing any activity until the beads
started to burst. Anyhow, as these alginate-based catalysts showed low stability in calcium
chelating buffers (i.e. phosphate buffers) and easy microbial contamination during storage
at 4 ◦ C, another immobilization matrix, alginate–chitosan polyelectrolyte complexes, was
assessed [150,152]. Thus, alginate mixed chitosan capsules were prepared in one step (by
simply dropping an alginate solution containing the extract into a chitosan solution con-
taining calcium ions) or in a two-step process (preformed calcium–alginate capsules loaded
with the crude cell extract were subsequently coated with chitosan). The encapsulation
yields were around 60% and independent of the characteristics of the different chitosans
used. However, p-HPG production was indeed affected by chitosan acylation degree
D-D (the lower D-D, the lower p-HPG) but not by chitosan molecular weight. Generally
speaking, the best biocatalyst allowed for a p-HPG production yield of around 60% without
any significant protein release to the reaction media. Interestingly, this encapsulation pro-
cedure improved the stability of D-carbamoylase against oxidative damage during storage,
particularly after freeze-drying. In addition, the alginate coated chitosan capsules could be
reused eight times without enzymatic activity loss before D-carbamoylase started losing its
activity and alginate–chitosan beads suffered burst problems contaminating the reaction.
In a collaboration with the group of Dr. Fernández-Lucas, we described the covalent
immobilization of a recombinant nucleoside 20 -deoxyribosyltransferase from Lactobacil-
lus reuteri (LrNDT) on cross-linked magnetic chitosan beads via epichlorohydrin activa-
tion under alkaline conditions, and subsequent incubation with glutaraldehyde [165], as
schematized in Figure 7.
Polymers 2021, 13, 3256 15 of 27
Polymers 2021, 13, 3256 16 of 28
Figure 7.
Figure 7. Schematic representation of the immobilization
immobilization of aa recombinant
recombinant nucleoside 0 -deoxyribosyltransferase from
nucleoside 22’-deoxyribosyltransferase
Lactobacillus reuteri (LrNDT) on cross-linked magnetic chitosan beads. Adapted from Fernández-Lucas
Lactobacillus reuteri (LrNDT) on cross-linked magnetic chitosan beads. Adapted from Fernández-Lucas et et al. [165].
Figure 8.8.Synthesis
Figure of different
Synthesis natural and
of different non-natural
natural nucleosides nucleosides
and non-natural using a recombinant
using nucleoside nucleoside 20 -
a recombinant
ferase from Lactobacillus reuteri
deoxyribosyltransferase (LrNDT) immobilized
from Lactobacillus on cross-linked
reuteri (LrNDT) immobilizedmagnetic chitosan beads
on cross-linked [165]chitosan
magnetic . Commission
beads on Bi-
ochemical Nomenclature:
Commission on Biochemical adenine (Ade), uracil
Nomenclature: (Ura),
adenine cytosine
(Ade), (Cyt),
uracil thymine
(Ura), cytosine(Thy),
(Cyt),2,6-diaminopurine (2,6-DAP), 5-tri-
thymine (Thy), 2,6-diaminopurine
(2,6-DAP), (5-tFThy), 2’-deoxyuridine
5-trifluorothymine (5-tFThy), 2(dUrd), 2’-deoxyadenosine
0 -deoxyuridine (dAdo), 2’-deoxycytidine
(dUrd), 20 -deoxyadenosine (dAdo),(dCyd), thymidine(dCyd),
20 -deoxycytidine (dThd),
2,6-diaminopurine-2’-deoxyriboside (2,6-DAPdRib),
0 5-trifluorothymidine (5-tFdThd),2’-fluoro-20-deoxyuridine 0 (2’-
thymidine (dThd), 2,6-diaminopurine-2 -deoxyriboside (2,6-DAPdRib), 5-trifluorothymidine (5-tFdThd), 2 -fluoro-20-
FdUrd), 2’-fluoro-2’-deoxycitydine (2’-FdCyd), ara-uracil (ara-U), ara-adenine (ara-A).
deoxyuridine (20 -FdUrd), 20 -fluoro-20 -deoxycitydine (20 -FdCyd), ara-uracil (ara-U), ara-adenine (ara-A).
central nervous
Therefore, system
chitosan (CNS) used
is widely bio-medical
in drugimplementation hastechnological
delivery due to its increased because of its
ability to cross the blood brain barrier (BBB) [167].
ties, which allow us to process the polymer in different ways (Table 5).
Therefore, chitosan is widely used in drug delivery due to its technological properties,
Table 5. Someallow us to process
examples thepresentations
of chitosan polymer in different ways (Table 5).
in drug delivery.
Table 5.Presentation
Some examples of chitosan presentations in drug References
Films [168–171]
SpongesPresentation [172,173]References
Scaffolds Films [174,175] [168–171]
Nanoparticles [176] [172,173]
Scaffolds [174,175]
Microspheres [177–179]
Nanoparticles [176]
HydrogelsMicrospheres [180–182][177–179]
AerogelsHydrogels [183–185][180–182]
Fibers Aerogels [186,187] [183–185]
MicroneedlesFibers [188,189] [186,187]
Microneedles [188,189]
Coated Liposomes
Coated Liposomes [190,191] [190,191]
Nanocomposites [192,193] [192,193]
Composites [194] [194]
Initially, a chitosan
Initially, salt salt
a chitosan (chitosan hydrochloride)
(chitosan hydrochloride) waswasapproved
approved in 2002 by the
in 2002 by Phar-
the Phar-
macopeia. Chitosan was first introduced as an excipient into the European
macopeia. Chitosan was first introduced as an excipient into the European Pharmacopeia Pharmacopeia
6.0 and the the
6.0 and 29th29th
edition of the
edition United
of the States
United Pharmacopeia
States Pharmacopeia (USP) 34-NF
(USP) almost
34-NF ten ten
almost years
later. These monographs contain the assays and establish limits to be observed
later. These monographs contain the assays and establish limits to be observed when when the the
polymeris used as aaspharmaceutical
is used a pharmaceutical excipient
excipient[195,196]. TheThe
[195,196]. increase in the
increase number
in the numberof of
publicationsregarding the the
regarding use use
of this polymer
of this polymer in drug delivery
in drug is shown
delivery in Figure
is shown 9 and
in Figure 9 and
reveals a strong
reveals increase
a strong since
increase 20022002
since thatthat
is still maintained
is still maintainedtoday.
Chitosan films are easily produced by solvent-casting methodologies, but more com-
systems films
can beare produced by blending
easily produced the polymer with
by solvent-casting others suchbut
methodologies, as pectin
more com-[197]
or by
plex producing
systems can belayer-by-layer films with
produced by blending thenegatively
polymer with charged
otherspolymers like polyacid
such as pectin [197] or
by[198], poly (lactic-co-glycolic
producing layer-by-layer films acid)with
[199] or polylactic
negatively charged[200],polymers
among others. Besides[198],
like polyacid their
poly biocompatibility,
(lactic-co-glycolic and[199]
acid) biodegradability, biopolymer-based
or polylactic [200], among others. films havetheir
Besides beensafety,
ing increasing interest
biocompatibility, as excellent candidates
and biodegradability, not only films
biopolymer-based as controlled-drug
have been drawing delivery sys-
temsinterest as excellent
but also as materials candidates not only
to produce as controlled-drug
contact delivery systems
lenses, wound dressings, but engi-
and tissue also
as materials
neering to produce contact lenses, wound dressings, and tissue engineering matrices.
Particulate chitosan-based
chitosan-based systems (micro (microand andnano nanosystems)
systems)are are widely
widely used
used forfor
the encapsulation
encapsulation of aoflarge
a large variety
variety of molecules
of molecules suchsuch as growth
as growth factors
factors [178],
[178], antimicro-
[201],[201], painkillers
painkillers [202],[202], anti-tumoral
anti-tumoral [203][203] or anti-inflammatory
or anti-inflammatory drugs drugs [204].
Recently, chitosan has been used for the fabrication of microneedles (MNs)due
chitosan has been used for the fabrication of microneedles (MNs) duetotoitsits
film-forming ability, biodegradability, and biocompatibility, making it suitable fortopical
ability, biodegradability, and biocompatibility, making it suitable for topical
transdermaldrug drugdelivery
particular,the theuse
chitosanMNs MNsininvaccination
[205–207]. TheTheuse useof ofchitosan
chitosanMNs MNsininwound woundhealing
healingand and
point-of-care testing is revolutionary and gives hope of more useful
point-of-care testing is revolutionary and gives hope of more useful developments in developments in these
areas. However,
these areas. some some
However, drawbacks still need
drawbacks further
still need investigation.
further investigation.The The
development of
MNs devices with adequate mechanical strength to penetrate the skin
of MNs devices with adequate mechanical strength to penetrate the skin without causing without causing pain
anddamage and theand
skin damage development of efficient
the development methodsmethods
of efficient for theirforsterilization remain
their sterilization
challenging [208].
remain challenging [208].
comparisonof ofthe
numberof ofpublications
”Chitosan++drug drugdelivery”
Scopus andand patents
patents in in Lens portal (free,
Lens portal (free, open
patent,and andscholarly
in Figure 10. As observed, the number of patents is almost four
Figure 10. As observed, the number of patents is almost four times the number of publi- times the number of
publications, showing the increasing application of this polymer in the
cations, showing the increasing application of this polymer in the drug delivery field. An drug delivery field.
An interesting article by Kurakula and Raghavendra summarizes the chitosan biomedical
interesting article by Kurakula and Raghavendra summarizes the chitosan biomedical
trends and the related patents [209].
trends and the related patents [209].
Figure 10.Publications
derivatives have been
have used
been in ain
used myriad of applications
a myriad for a long
of applications for atime.
The potential
time. interest
The potential of these
interest polymers
of these is clear
polymers whenwhen
is clear observing the number
observing the numberof articles
of arti-
clespatents that appear
and patents every every
that appear year and
andgrowing marketmarket
the growing perspective. In some
perspective. Inof theseof
applications such assuch
these applications agriculture or the or
as agriculture food
theindustry, the use
food industry, ofuse
the chitosan in thein
of chitosan market
the mar-is
well established. The use of chitosan has extended to a large number of research
ket is well established. The use of chitosan has extended to a large number of research areas from
Materials Science
areas from to Arts
Materials and the
Science Humanities
to Arts (Figure 11). (Figure 11).
and the Humanities
Polymers 2021, 13, 3256 19 of 27
Polymers 2021, 13, 3256 20 of 28
Figure 11. Number
Number of
of publications
publications andanddistribution
areaininthe period
the 2011–2021.
period Search
2011–2021. of chi-
Search of
tosan word in Scopus (abstract, title, keywords).
chitosan word in Scopus (abstract, title, keywords).
However, chitosanpotentiality
hinderedby bythe
inconsistencyin inthe
search data and the lack of knowledge in the ultimate mechanism
search data and the lack of knowledge in the ultimate mechanism underlying the properties underlying the proper-
of of chitosan.
chitosan. Between
Between 2011–2020,
2011–2020, thethe number
number of of publications
publications onon chitosanhas
chitosan hasdisplayed
growth. In In 2021,
2021, aa drop
drop isis observed,
large number
of reviews
ber of reviews published
published in 2020,
in 2020, probably
probably duedueto to
COVID-19 pandemic,
pandemic, which
which hashas
fected normal
affected normallaboratory
laboratory work work worldwide.
worldwide. Regardless, we we consider
consider that
growthwill will
continue inthe
drivenby bythe
carriedout outbyby
the Chitin Science Scientific Community in the systematic research on this polymer. InIn
the Chitin Science Scientific Community in the systematic research on this polymer.
fact, itsapproval
approvalby bydifferent
agencieshas hasboosted
boostedthe theinterest
polymerboth bothby bythe
industrial andscientific
Chitosan specifications
Chitosan specifications are are ultimately
final application.
final application. Thus, highhigh
Thus, qual-
ity chitosans
quality withwith
chitosans low heavy
low heavymetalmetal
and lowandendotoxin contents
low endotoxin are required
contents for biomed-
are required for
biomedical and pharmaceutical
ical and pharmaceutical uses. Moreover,
uses. Moreover, strict of
strict control control of production
production is needed is needed
to avoid
to avoid uncontrollable
uncontrollable hydrolysis hydrolysis and chemical
and chemical modifications
modifications during during
polymer polymer
isolation. isolation.
Therefore, chitosan
fore, chitosan production
production is notisanot a trivial
trivial issue.issue. To date,
To date, chitosan
chitosan production
production cannot cannot be
be con-
sidered fully fully sustainable
sustainable duedue to the
to the large
large amount
amount of acid
of acid andand basic
basic reagents
reagents neededneeded
and the high
the high temperatures
temperatures required.
required. Unfortunately,
Unfortunately, biotechnological
biotechnological processes processes using
using biocata-
biocatalysts are currently
lysts are currently limitedlimited to the laboratory
to the laboratory scale soscale
that so that implementation
implementation of theseofgreener
greener processes at a large scale is certainly one of the milestones we
processes at a large scale is certainly one of the milestones we want to see being achieved want to see being
in the nextin decade.
the next decade.
Author Contributions:Conceptualization:
AuthorContributions: Conceptualization:I.A.
A.R.A., N.A., M.C.C., and C.A.; writing—review and editing, I.A., A.R.A., N.A., M.C.C.,C.A.
N.A., M.C.C. and C.A.; writing—review and editing, I.A., A.R.A., N.A., M.C.C., C.A.,and
fundingacquisition, A.H.C.,
acquisition, N.A.
A.H.C., andand
N.A., A.R.A. All authors
A.R.A. havehave
All authors read read
and agreed to the to
and agreed published
the pub-
version of the manuscript.
lished version of the manuscript.
Funding: This
Funding: This research
research was
was funded
funded by
by Spanish
Spanish Ministry
Ministry of
of Science
Science and
and Innovation
Innovation (PID2019-
105337RB-C22) and Banco de Santander-Complutense Research Projects (PR87/19-22676).
105337RB-C22) and Banco de Santander-Complutense Research Projects (PR87/19-22676).
ReviewBoard Statement:Not
BoardStatement: Notapplicable.
InformedConsent Statement:Not
ConsentStatement: Notapplicable.
DataAvailability Statement:Not
AvailabilityStatement: Notapplicable.
Conflicts Interest:The
ConflictsofofInterest: Theauthors
noconflict of of
conflicts interest.
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